Unit 3: Mantenerse sano/


Unit 3: Mantenerse sano/
Unit 3: Mantenerse sano/
Staying Healthy
Theme 2: Comer sano/Healthy Eating
Learning Targets
Students will be able to:
*identify foods in each food group
*know that media affects our food choices
*recommend a healthy meal and activity
to a friend
*know that countries rely on each other
for various products
Mi Plato (MEE PLAH-toh): My Plate (nutritional guide)
el desayuno (EHL deh-sah-YOO-noh): breakfast
el almuerzo (EHL ahl-MWEHR-soh): lunch
la cena (LAH SEH-nah): dinner
la comida (LAH koh-MEE-dah): food
la bebida (LAH beh-BEE-dah): drink
el agua (EHL AH-gwah): water
Vocabulary-Useful Phrases
Es sano comer __. (EHS SAH-noh koh-MEHR): It is healthy to eat __.
No es sano comer __. (NOH EHS SAH-noh koh-MEHR): It is not
healthy to eat ___.
Yo necesito comer _. (YOH neh-seh-SEE-toh koh-MEHR) : I need to
eat _.
Yo quiero comer _. (YOH KYEH-roh koh-MEHR): I want to eat __.
la proteína (LAH proh-teh-EE-nah): protein
el pollo (EHL POH-yoh): chicken
el bistec (EHL bees-TEHK): steak
el puerco (EHL PWEHR-koh): pork
los frijoles (LOHS free-HOH-lehs): beans
el huevo (EHL WEH-boh): egg
la crema de cacahuate (LAH KREH-mah DEH kah-kah-WAH-teh):
peanut butter
el pescado (EHL pehs-KAH-doh): fish
los vegetales (LOHS beh-heh-TAH-lehs): vegetables
la lechuga (LAH leh-CHUH-gah): lettuce
la zanahoria (LAH sah-nah-HOH-ryah): carrot
el brócoli (EHL BROH-koh-lee): broccoli
la cebolla (LAH seh-BOH-yah): onion
la papa (LAH PAH-pah): potato
el tomate (EHL toh-MAH-teh): tomato
el chayote (EHL chah-YOH-teh): vegetable pear
in Puerto Rico
las frutas (LAHS FROO-tahs): fruits
la manzana (LAH mahn-ZAH-nah): apple
el plátano (EHL PLAH-tah-noh): banana
la naranja (LAH nah-RAHN-hah): orange
la sandía (LAH sahn-DEE-ah): watermelon
la piña (LAH PEE-nyah): pineapple
la fresa (LAH FREH-sah): strawberry
las uvas (LAHS OO-bahs): grapes
el jugo (EHL HOO-goh): juice
los granos (LOHS GRAH-nohs): grains
pan (EHL PAHN): bread
espagueti (EHL eh-spah-GEH-tee): spaghetti
arroz (EHL ahr-ROHS): rice
cerea l (EHL seh-reh-AHL): cereal
quinoa (LAH KEE-nwah): quinoa
los lácteos (LOHS LAHK-teh-ohs): dairy
leche (LAH LEH-cheh): milk
queso (EHL KEH-soh): cheese
yogur (EHL yoh-GOOR): yogurt
helado (EHL eh-LAH-doh): ice cream
pudín (EHL poo-DEEN): pudding

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