Unit 1: Hola Amigos/ Hello Friends - Pulaski Community School District


Unit 1: Hola Amigos/ Hello Friends - Pulaski Community School District
Unit 3: Mis comunidades/My Communities
Theme 1: Ser un buen ciudadano/Being a Good Citizen
Learning Targets:
Students will be able to:
*understand that they are part of many communities.
*understand how the local community connects with other places.
*tell what it means to be a good citizen.
la comunidad (LAH koh-moo-nee-DAHD): community
la cultura (LAH kool-TOO-rah): culture
el mundo (EHL MOON-doh): world
el estado (EHL eh-STAH-doh): state
Being a Good Citizen
el ciudadano (EHL see-yoo-dahd-DAHnoh): citizen
la ciudad (LAH see-yoo-DAHD): city
reciclar (reh-see-KLAHR) to recycle
la familia (LAH fah-MEE-lyah): family
votar (boh-TAHR): to vote
los amigos (LOHS ah-MEE-gohs): friends
ayudar (ah-yoo-DAHR): to help
la escuela (LAH eh-SWEH-lah): school
tener respeto (teh-NEHR reh-SPEHtoh): to have respect
el país (EHL pah-EES): country
el barrio (EHL BAHR-ryoh): neighborhood
trabajar (trah-bah-HAHR): to work
seguir reglas (seh-GEER reh-GLAHS): to
follow rules
donar (doh-NAHR): to donate

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