April 15, 2012 - St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Parish


April 15, 2012 - St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Parish
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church
601 N. 4th, St. Charles, MO 63301
Parish Office:
School Office:
Religious Education Office:
Latino Ministry:
St. Vincent DePaul Society:
Founded 1791
email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
leave a message after the recording
Pastoral Staff:
Father John Reiker, Pastor: [email protected]
Father Don Schramm, Associate Pastor: [email protected]
Father Urban Knoll, Senior Priest in Service
Deacon Don McElroy, Deacon
Deacon Fred Haehnel, Deacon
Sister Raquel Ortez, Latino Ministry
Mrs. Becca McCullough, Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Peggy Dupree, Office Manager
Mrs. Gerry Lanigan, Office Secretary
Mrs. Ann Hoffman, School Principal
Mrs. Mary Birk, School Secretary
Mrs. Mary Kutchback, Organist, Pastoral Associate for Seniors
Mrs. Beth Duello, Children’s Choir
Mrs. Lisa Delicath, Contemporary Youth Choir
Mr. Ron Weisar, Parish Council Chairperson
Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation:
Saturdays 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. or by appointment
Schedule of Holy Mass
Sacrament of Baptism:
Arrangements made after parental instruction.
Call the parish office for more information.
8:00 a.m., 5:00 p.m. vigil for Sunday
7:00, 8:30, 10:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m. in Spanish
6:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Sacrament of Matrimony:
Contact the parish office six months prior to
wedding to begin preparations
Holy Days of Obligation: watch the bulletin
Prayer Requests:
email: [email protected] or 636-940-2128
National Holidays: 9:00 a.m.
Eucharistic Adoration
Perpetual Help Devotions:
Tuesdays following the 8:00 a.m. Mass
Third Mondays, 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Daily (except Sunday) after 8:00 a.m. Mass and
Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. at the outdoor shrine
Parish Office Business Hours
Monday thru Friday, 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Bulletin deadline: Monday 10:00 a.m.
Wedding Receptions:
Please call Special Events Coordinator for rates
and availability: Neil Burton 636-949-9722
[email protected]
We welcome all who come and worship with us. If you wish to join our parish faith family, or have a change in your contact information, kindly complete this form. You can return it to the Rectory, place in in the collection, or give it to a Priest or Deacon.
Cell/Phone Number_______________________________
Address/Zip______________________________________________________ Email____________________________________
___ Please make the above changes to my parish record
___ I wish to find out more about the Catholic faith
___ I would like to speak with a Priest/Deacon
___ I would like our Church Family to pray for:
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
Thank You, Jesus and Borromeo,
for an Awesome Holy Week!
A Stewardship Parish
Thank you, Jesus, for raising us up to Your new life
of love—changing us and helping us to grow through
our Church Family here at SCB. All the Holy Week celebrations and Sacraments were so moving and lifechanging. Thanks to so many who participated and
helped in many various ways to make them so beautiful
and spiritually growthful, especially all our ministers
and choir and decorators. We are all thankful to Jesus
for calling our newest members to our Church through
the RCIA and RCIC—your joy and love, enthusiasm and
commitment are a Witness to us all of Jesus, truly alive
and working in us. Please read their stories over the
next few weeks.
May parish is composed of people like me.
I help make it what it is.
It will be friendly, if I am.
It will be holy, if I am.
Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them.
It will do great work, if I work.
It will be prayerful, if I pray.
It will bring others into its worship,
if I invite and bring them.
Therefore, with the help of God,
I now dedicate myself to the task
of being all the things that
I want my parish to be.
A Warm Borromeo Welcome to our
Deacon-to-be Jorge and Karla Perez
Joke of the Week
We are so happy to be assigned another Deacon
(although his Ordination is two years away) and his
wife: Jorge and Karla Perez. Please read their bio later
in this bulletin (and I’m so sorry I did not get this in
sooner.) He is already helping us in so many ways with
prayerful enthusiasm. Our prayers and love and gratitude are with them.
Celebrate the Sacraments of
Confirmation and First Holy Communion
We welcome and congratulate our young people
and their families who are being filled with the grace of
the Holy Spirit and Presence of Jesus this week. All are
welcome this Tuesday, April 17 at 7:30pm for Confirmation. You are in our love and prayers and now fully in
our Church Family.
An optimist and a pessimist could never quite agree
on any topic of discussion. One day the optimist decided
he’d found a way to pull his friend out of his continually
pessimistic way of thinking. The optimist owned a hunting dog that could walk on water. He would take the
pessimist and the dog out duck hunting from a boat.
The men were in the middle of the lake when the
optimist shot a duck, and the dog immediately walked
across the water, retrieved the bird, and returned to the
boat. The optimist looked at his friend and asked,
“What do you think about that?”
The pessimist replied, “That dog can’t swim, can he?”
Spread the Gospel, the Good News
about Jesus and His Borromeo Family!
Your brother in Jesus,
Father John
We offer our prayerful sympathy to Anna Thelen on the death of her husband Erwin Thelen, and to the families
of Genevieve Schultz, Joe Poett, Linda Heath and Russell Droege. May they, and all the faithful departed, rest
in peace.
Please pray for our loved ones who are hospitalized or ill, including:
John Civili, Dee Launis, Barb Carosone, Greg Wies, Russell Droege, Madge Eisenbath, Ron Rattini
Second Sunday of Easter, April 15, 2012
Servers for 8:00am Weekday Masses
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday, April 16/17/18
Tyler Beerman, Nathan Logan, Tom Stewart, JJ Tubbs
Thursday/Friday, April 19/20
Karla Shelburne, Anna Johnson, Kristin Meyer,
Audrey Dickherber, Serena Yanez
Saturday, April 21
Nicole & Tyler Barteau
April 21
5:00 p.m.
L/C: Linda Beeson, Carrie Kremer
Youth Choir
EM: Tim Delicath, Rob Glosier, Trudi Heisohn, Larry Ohlms
(Host) Tom & Joyce Schneider
Serv: Tyler Beerman, Bryce & Amy Edmondson
Ush: Jim Lammert, Larry Ohlms, Dick & Elaine Rufkahr
GB: Mary Scheidegger, Ethel Nieweg
Gr: Jack Muehlenkamp, Dee Boggs
April 22
7:00 a.m.
L/C: Madge Eisenbath
Mary Baronovic
EM: Flo Williams, Bob Poeling, Jean Schaeffer
Serv: Ashley Norviel, JJ Tubbs
Ush: Mark Leonhard, Josey Page, Dave Schaeffer,
Joseph D. Weber
GB: Tom & Margie Pickering
Gr: Jim & Madge Eisenbath
Monday, April 16, Easter Weekday
6:30 a.m.
Communion Service
Catherine Zimmer
8:00 a.m.
Tuesday, April 17, Easter Weekday
6:30 a.m.
Helen Schneider—1st anniv.
8:00 a.m.
John Handley—1st anniv.
Wednesday, April 18, Easter Weekday
6:30 a.m.
Chuck Didion
8:00 a.m.
Alice Wilkins
Thursday, April 19, Easter Weekday
8:00 a.m.
Robert J. Glenn II
8:00 a.m.
Ausiel Cattoor—anniv.
Friday, April 20, Easter Weekday
6:30 a.m.
Barbara Muehlenkamp
8:00 a.m.
Dr. Paul Blessing
Saturday, April 21, St. Anselm, bishop/doctor
8:00 a.m.
Les Suchman—4th anniv.
5:00 p.m.
Our Parish Family
Sunday, April 22, Third Sunday of Easter
7:00 a.m.
Joe Hensley—3rd anniv.
8:30 a.m.
Martha Schimweg
10:00 a.m.
Bernice Burckhardt
11:30 a.m.
Clarence Boerding
SCB Catholic B
Ministry List: April 21/22
April 22
8:30 a.m.
L/C: Maureen Prinster, Rachel Kitzmann Colette Sebacher
EM: Julie Marsek, Lori Wiseman, Dolly Johannesman,
Lu McElroy (Host) Ken & Connie Kapeller
Serv: Alec Cosher, Jayme Bergman, Andrew Johnson
Ush: Elmer Dill, Ken Kapeller, Ken Stoltman,
Don Wappelhorst
GB: Jim & Carrie Weber
Gr: volunteers please
April 22
10:00 a.m.
L/C: Mary Glenn, Annie Zimpfer
EM: Roland Faubert, Colleen Harmon, Theresa Johnson,
Patti York (Host) Diane Medler, Rosa Lee Rodgers
Serv: Kristin Meyer, Chase Dent, Karie Schmitz
Ush: Mike Hogan, Francis Hogan, Ray Powers, Gregg Jost
GB: Gene & Lisa Carroll
Gr: Tom Oelklaus, Harriette Wayne
K Club
We’ll meet Tuesday, April 18 at 7pm in the church office
to discuss Tattoos on the Heart, the Power of Boundless
Compassion, written by Fr. Gregory Boyle, founder of
Homeboy Industries, about his ministry in the “gang
capital” of Los Angeles. For more info, call Fr. John at
946-1893 or Brenda Galloy at 636-219-6767.
April 22
11:30 a.m.
L/C: Maria & Rosa Martinez
el coro
EM: Ampelia V., Cathy Herrod, Richard Veit, Jorge Perez
(Host) Steve & Betty Cave
Serv: Luz, Carlos, Alma Quiroz
Ush: Ken Blume, Jeff Kozich, Diego Damian, Leobardo Aguilar
GB: Tim & Karen Bruening
Gr: Rafael & Antonia Hernandez
Pray-ers Needed!
Have you tried giving an hour of time to pray to our Lord Jesus during Eucharistic Adoration? It is truly more a gift and
grace of Jesus to you than you to Him.
Eucharistic Adoration at St. Charles Borromeo is held the 3rd Monday of each month (April 16) from 8:30am to 6:30pm,
and we especially need an individual or two for the 6:00 time slot, which includes closing Benediction.
Please call Carol Pappas at 928-6722 or [email protected].
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
Contributions: March 31/April 1
General contributions:
Matching Gifts:
Total Contributions
Capital Improvements:
Mission trip to Mexico:
Catholic Relief Services:
Regina Cleri:
Contributions: April 7/8
General contributions:
Matching Gifts:
Total Contributions
Capital Improvements:
Holy Land:
Regina Cleri:
St. Vincent dePaul donations:
10% dedicated to Birthright
March Matching Gifts
Corporate Matching Gifts:
Corporate Matching Gifts Year-to-Date:
THANK YOU for the great love you show to our Borromeo
Family carrying on the work of Jesus and to those in need by
the generosity you display when you share your Treasure, and
all God’s gifts to you, given for others.
“The community of believers was of one heart and mind
and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his
ACTS 4:32
Stewardship calls us to recognize, just as the early Christians did, that none of our possessions is our own. All
that we have—our health, our education, our skills, our
talents, and our livelihood—are gifts from God. The
natural reaction when someone gives you a gift is to
want to give something back. What do you give back to
We pray that we may learn to see all of our blessings as abundant gifts from God, placed in our hands so that we may use
them for the benefit of all God’s people.
Join us in praying the Rosary on Wednesday
evenings at 6:30pm at the Shrine to
Our Lady of Guadalupe.
~~ Activities This Week ~~
Monday, April 16
Eucharistic Adoration: 8:30am—6:30pm
School resumes
Natl. Jr. Honor Society, St. Charles Room, 3:00pm
Girl Scouts, St. Charles Room, 5:30pm
Cub Scouts, cafe, 6:00pm
W-CRHP1, Pope John XXIII Room, 6:00pm
St. Vincent dePaul, church office, 7:00pm
IT Committee, Bicentennial Room, 7:00pm
Tuesday, April 17
Girl Scouts, St. Charles Room, 3:00pm
RCIA, Bicentennial Room, 7:00pm
Sacrament of Confirmation, 7:30pm—All Welcome!
Café reserved from, 6:00—10:00pm
Wednesday, April 18
Quilting, rectory basement, 8:30am
Bridges, Bicentennial Room, 5:00pm
W-CRHP9, St. Charles Room, 6:30pm
Parent Support Network, Pope John XXIII, 7:00pm
SCB Book Club, church office, 7:00pm
Thursday, April 19
Cub Scouts, Bicentennial Room, 3:00pm
Youth 4 Christ, Band Room, 5:30pm
Boy Scouts, café, 7:00pm
Friday, April 20
St. Pat casseroles, deliver to church office by 8:30am
Grandparents Day at school
Noon dismissal
Event in gym this evening
Saturday, April 21
Men’s Fellowship, Bicentennial Room, 6:30am
Spiritual Renewal, church office, 9:00am
First Communion, 10:00am
Sunday, April 22
Ladies Sodality News
CONGRATULATIONS to Joann Bethmann, the winner
of the Quilt A Month for April. You can see a picture of
Joann with her quilt on the Sodality website. You can
still get tickets to be in the drawings for 8 more months.
Special thanks to the quilters for making this possible.
Ladies Sodality Annual Church Tour will be Wednesday,
April 25. We will be going to St. Joseph Shrine, McMurphy Grille for lunch, Soulard, and St. Stanislaus Church.
Cost will be $30 which will include lunch. This is open
to anyone (including men) who want to join us. Call
Barb at 636-947-3939 to make your reservation.
Daughters of Isabella meeting April 18, 2012 at 1:45pm,
St. Peter Daycare Building in St. Vincent dePaul office.
Second Sunday of Easter, April 15, 2012
Scholarship Program
This program is open to all families with new students entering the Kindergarten through 4th Grade, or Catholic
families with students currently attending a Catholic elementary school who are in the Kindergarten through 8th
The minimum award amount per child is $1,000 per year. The maximum award amount per child is $2,000 per
year. Please note: The scholarship will follow the family through the 8th grade as long as the family continues to
meet financial eligibility and the child(ren) remain a student in good standing in an Archdiocesan elementary school.
All figures represent maximum eligible income per household size.
Household Size
Household Income
100% of $2000
Household Income
75% of $2000
Household Income
50% of $2000
Less than $25,000
Less than $28,000
Less than $31,000
Less than $34,000
Less than $37,000
Less than $40,000
Less than $43,000
Up to $35,000
Up to $39,200
Up to $43,400
Up to $47,600
Up to $51,800
Up to $56,000
Up to $60,200
Up to $49,000
Up to $54,880
Up to $60,760
Up to $66,640
Up to $72,520
Up to $78,400
Up to $84,280
for each additional child
add $3,000
add $4,200
add $5,880
Household Size includes you, your spouse, if married, all children under 18, and any elderly parents that live
with you.
2. Household Income is the income of you AND your spouse, if you are married, plus payments from public assistance, social security, child support and unemployment compensation, if applicable, AND income of working
parents that live with you.
 Alive in Christ requires a copy of your 2011 Federal Tax Return (2011 income) and reviews line 37
Adjusted Gross Income. If you have not yet filed a 2011 Federal Tax Return, copies of your W-2’s
will suffice.
 Alive in Christ requires proof of public assistance, social security, child support, and unemployment
compensation, if applicable.
3. Look at the chart above and find your household size. Look to the right at the income column. If your total
household income (based on the explanation in item 2) falls within an income figure in one of the columns,
your family may qualify for the scholarship program.
Required Documents: Proof of Income (2011 Federal 1040 or W-2 plus income from any other sources)
must be submitted with your completed application.
Applications are available in either the school or church office
Scholarships will be awarded on a “first come, first served” basis, so you must act quickly to be considered.
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
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2012 Cinco de Mayo Celebration - MAY 5
Starts at 5:00pm with Mass outdoors
and continues with food, music and fun!!!
Steubenville Youth Conference:
July 13-15, 2012
Attention 8th-12th grade teens! A few spots are still available to attend Steubenville this summer. This high energy youth
conference held in Springfield, MO is filled with great speakers and non-stop music. A $30 deposit is required to hold
your spot. Contact Becca McCullough 636-946-2916 or Sam Plummer 636-328-2106 with any questions.
Find our Group on Facebook under “Saint Charles Borromeo Youth Ministry” to keep up with all of the Youth News!
Our Totally Catholic Vacation Bible School: June 4-8, 2012
Imagine kids trusting God forever . . . the sky’s the limit!
The Thrill! The Joy! The Freedom!
Every kid wishes they could fly . . . So imagine transforming our parish into the boundless blue sky! At Sky Totally Catholic VBS, kids discover that for God, all things are possible.
 No matter who you are…
 No matter how you feel…
 No matter what people do…
 No matter what happens…
No matter where you are…
The sky is the limit—kids can trust that for God, all things are possible.
Volunteers from 7th grade to 77 years young are needed! Are you interested
in taking this flight? Call Becca McCullough—946-2916—to volunteer today!
If you did not order any photos from Lifetouch for our Pictorial Directory, your free 8 x 10 is in the box in the Narthex.
Second Sunday of Easter, April 15, 2012
Readings for the Week
Is 2:1-5; Mt 8:5-11
Is 11:1-10; Lk 10:21-24
Rom 10:9-18; Mt 4:18-22
Is 26:1-6; Mt 7:21, 24-27
Is 29:17-24; Mt 9:27-31
Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Mt 9:35 -- 10:1, 5a, 6-8
Is 40:1-5, 9-11; Ps 85; 2 Pt 3:8-14; Mk 1:1-8
The Gospel for All Ages
Question from the Gospel:
When have you found new life in forgiving or being
Question for Older Teens:
What is valuable about Thomas’s questioning and
wanting firsthand experience of touching Jesus’
Question for Younger Teens
Why does Thomas refuse to believe Jesus is risen?
Question for Preschool
What did Jesus do that we celebrate on Easter?
New Wording in the Mass
Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life. So St. Paul
exhorts us: “Whatever you do, do everything for the
glory of God” (1 Cor 10: 31). So too he prays for his disciples in Thessalonica, that they may so live that “the
name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified” in them, and
they in Christ (2 Thes 1: 12). Every moment of our lives
is an opportunity to give God that glory; when we rejoice, when we mourn, when we leap with youth and
strength, and when we lay ourselves down to die. All
times, all places, before all people, and in all our deeds,
we may preach with our lives, proclaiming, “Not to us,
O Lord, not to us but to your name give glory because of
your kindness, because of your truth” (Ps 115: 1). It is a
glory of love that brims over, that blesses us, for it is as
Jesus says to his Apostles, praying and giving glory to the
Father: “I have given them the glory you gave me, so
that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you
in me, that they may be brought to perfection as one,
that the world may know that you sent me, and that you
loved them even as you loved me” (Jn 17: 22-23). To
God be the glory, now and for ever.
This Week’s Reflection
Jesus gives us joy in the Gospel. Many women and
men followed Jesus from the beginning of his ministry,
heard his teaching, and witnessed his healing actions.
Those who witness his resurrection experience their faith
in a new way.
The beloved disciple sees the empty tomb and believes
Jesus is risen. Mary Magdalene hears the risen Jesus
speak her name and believes. Peter and the whole
community of Jesus’ followers pray together in fear,
receive peace and forgiveness from the risen Jesus, and
believe. And Thomas doubts that Jesus is risen until he
sees Jesus for himself and believes. Jesus’ friends witnessed his death and resurrection and began to proclaim
that God raised up to new life the Jesus who was crucified. The resurrection reveals Jesus’ divinity and his
presence with us forever—our source of joy.
Attention High School and College
Our parish will be celebrating a special Mass in your
honor of SUNDAY, JUNE 3 at 10:00am to recognize
your achievements. Following Mass there will be a small
reception in the café. Please contact the parish office
with your name and address ASAP!
Parish Office: 946-1893
email: [email protected]
Marriage in Christ has been promised between:
Laura Courtois and Josh Schroeder
Hannah Grewach and Nicholas Stonebarger
Shopping list for April 14/15:
beef stew, pears, pancake mix,
syrup, mixed vegetables, laundry liquid,
paper grocery bags
April 15
11:30 a.m.
L/C: Arely Aragon, Rosa Alvarado
el coro
EM: Bernardo Silverio, Maria Ramirez, Dionisia Zamudio,
Guadalupe Damian
(Host) Antonia Hernandez, Judith O’Connor
Serv: Karen & Uriel Zamudio, Lilia Fuentes
Ush: Ken Blume, Jeff Kozich, Carlos Chica, Rafael Fuentes
GB: Jose Damian & Family
Gr: Rafael & Maria Fuentes
Please contact our Prayer Tree for your prayer intentions: 946-0993 or [email protected]
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
Oficina: Tel: (636)946-1893 Fax (636)946-5598
BAUTISMO: Se debe participar en 2 pláticas: La de Liturgia y la
de Sacramentos
Mes de Abril: El 1 La de Liturgia y Abril 8 Sacramentos. 9:30am
oficina parroquial.
No se aceptan llegadas tarde. Bautismos en Español 2doy4to domingo de mes, en Ingles 1doy3to.
Requisitos: traer identificación y acta de nacimiento del niño
(solo si el bautismo es en nuestra parroquia). La plática de Sacramentos es para adultos. Favor dejar los niños en casa. Traer un
Nota: La parroquia se reserva el derecho a hacer los cambios que
considere necesarios sin previo aviso. Favor siempre checar el
boletín actual para tener la información correcta de acuerdo a la
fecha en curso.
IMPUESTOS-TAXES: Solo los Martes 9am-1pm.
CATEQUESIS: Confesiones para todos los niños en catequesis con sus
padres en la iglesia el 12 de Mayo a las 5:45pm. 1ª Comunión Mayo
ADORACION NOCTURNA: sábado 21 de abril de 6pm-10pm.
Retiro de Hombres: Mayo 19 y de Mujeres: Junio 2. Inscríbete
ya! Dios esta llamándote…. Atenderás?
QUINCEANERA: Retiro: sábado 5 de mayo de 9am-4pm. Registrarse
con el Padre Donaldo
GRUPO DE JOVENES: Próximas reuniones: Abril: 12 y 26
VIAJE A MEXICO : Como ya se ha anunciado tenemos el viaje a
México en el mes de Julio (la primera semana). Todos están invitados a participar e ir a ayudar a nuestra gente. El viaje es para
compartir y departir con nuestros hermanos mexicanos y construir una casa para una familia pobre.
2DO ENCUENTRO DIOCESANO: Este 2012 se llevara a cabo en la
Iglesia Nuestra Sra. de Guadalupe. Sábado Abril 28 de 8:30-2p.
Te esperamos.
Este próximo cinco de mayo tendremos una fiesta aquí en nuestra parroquia. Tendremos venta de comida, postre, sodas, cervezas y margaritas. Música en vivo y por su puesto nuestro querido DJ Oscar Fuentes. El evento es para recaudar fondos para la misión en México donde
gente de nuestra parroquia ira para ayudar a construir una casa para
una familia pobre. Participa!
ANÚNCIESE: Quiere anunciarse en el calendario parroquial que se
reparte en Diciembre? El valor es $112 y se anunciara en 200 calendarios. También puede compartir el anuncio con alguien más que usted
conoce y solo pagan $56 cada uno.
LA CAFETERIA. (se aceptan donaciones…gracias)
Felicidades otra vez a todo/as por la gran
fiesta y su participación en la Semana Santa
y el Domingo de Resurrección de Jesús,
nuestro Dios y Salvador. Que Dios les siga
inspirando y fortaleciendo con el poder de
su Espíritu. El Señor nos ha renovado en su
gracia y amor a través de las celebraciones
y sacramentos de su Iglesia. Gracias por su
presencia y participación en la Misa de La
Última Cena, el Jueves Santo. El Lavatorio
de Los Pies, en imitación de Jesús con sus
Apóstoles, nos hizo apreciar el gran amor y
la humildad de Jesús hasta hoy en día con
nosotros. La recepción del Cuerpo y Sangre
de Jesús en la Misa nos unió a Él y a cada
hermano y hermana presente en la Misa.
La Procesión de los niños preparándose
para la Primera Comunión con el Santísimo
Sacramento, nos inspiró y nos afirmó en
nuestro gran aprecio de Jesús en su Cuerpo
y Sangre. Y el gran silencio después de la
Misa mostró recogimiento e intimidad con
nuestro Señor en nuestro medio.
El Vía Crucis viviente el Viernes Santo nos
conmovió a todos por la piedad y el respeto tan evidente en cada persona presente.
La participación de jóvenes, hombres y mujeres en el drama del sufrimiento y la muerte de Jesús nos ayudó mucho en identificarnos con lo que Jesús padeció para salvar el
mundo. Muchísimas gracias a todos por
tanto trabajo y práctica las semanas y días
anteriores. Se llevó acabo con tanto respeto y acogimiento. Fue un gran don a los
feligrés, tanto latino como anglo, de la parroquia.
El Sábado de Gloria en la Vigilia nos hizo
apreciar a Jesús como La Luz del Mundo; la
recepción de 20 personas a la Iglesia, con
Profesión de Fe, Bautismo, Confirmación y
Primera Comunión, culminó unos siete meses de preparación con clases cada Martes,
un retiro y aprendizaje de lo que nuestra
querida Iglesia Católica cree y vive.
Y luego, el Domingo de la Resurrección,
con la Renovación de Promesas Bautismales
y el bautismo de NUEVE niños durante la
Misa, nos llevó a la cumbre de todas las
celebraciones. Otra vez, gracias a toda/os
que se involucraron como lectores, el coro,
la Procesión, el Vía Crucis, los Bautismos y
la devota participación.
Viva Cristo Resucitado! Viva Cristo nuestro
P. Donaldo
Second Sunday of Easter, April 15, 2012
Meet our new Deacon to be (in 2014):
Jorge and Karla Perez!
Jorge is originally from Mexico City; Karla is from Coon
Rapids, Minnesota. They have been married for 27 yrs.
have two young adult children- Amanda and Monica and
a two year old Grandson- Omar.
They moved to the St Louis area 15 years ago and had
been parishioners at All Saints where they had been involved in different ministries.
Karla currently works for the St Charles City and County
Library System as manager of the Technical Operations
group. Karla has a Bachelors degree in Pastoral Ministry
from St Benedict University – Minnesota.
Jorge works for Diebold Inc. as an Analyst. Jorge has an
Electronics and Data Communications degree from DeVry
University in Chicago, IL.
As Jorge reflects back on his life since meeting Karla and
their life together, it has been centered on God and his
ministry.….”To continue with this year’s mission theme
of conversion, my real conversation started back in 2008,
after I attended a CRHP Retreat. Prior to then, I thought I
had my life all figured out and planned out. I had a successful carrier at Bank of America for 10 years, and then I
lost my job and there were other changes in our lives
which we had not planned for, it was a very difficult time
for us. You have heard it said: if you want to hear God
laugh tell him your plan: well that was us. During the
retreat, I realized how much I was missing, how much
Jorge es originario de la Ciudad de México, Karla es de
Coon Rapids, Minnesota. Han estado casados por 27
años y tienen dos hijas adultas; Amanda y Mónica. Y un
nieto- Omar de 2 años.
Ellos vinieron a St Louis hace aproximadamente 15 años y
han sido párrocos de All Saints, donde han participado en
distintos ministerios. Karla trabaja en las oficinas de la
Biblioteca del Condado y Ciudad de St Charles. Tiene su
bachillerato en Ministro Pastoral de la Universidad de St
Benedict - Minnesota y Jorge Trabaja en Diebold como
Analista. Tiene educación en Electrónica y Data Comunicaciones de la universidad de DeVry - Chicago.
Cuando Jorge reflexiona en su vida desde que conoció y
ha estado junto a Karla, esta vida a sido centrada en Dios
y en su ministerio. “En 2008 después de participar en un
retire de CRHP, mientras sufría de desempleo y otros
cambios en mi vida que yo no había planeado. Me di
cuenta que debería yo de enfocarme más en Dios y no
tanto en mi vida. Un día un sacerdote me pregunto si yo
había pensado en ser Diacono Permanente. Inmediatamente dije: “NO”. Después, una hermana religiosa tam-
more I could or should do for our Lord, I had been
blessed so much. I realized then, I had to give back, but
still didn’t know how. Then one day a priest asked me if I
had considered becoming a Deacon. I immediately answered: “No, not really”. A couple of days later, a religious Sister asked me the same thing. I again said: “No”, I
said I was waiting for God to tell me or to show me what
he wanted me to do, and then I remembered what my
wife had said some time before then. She told me that I
would make a good Deacon. Of course, at that time I
didn’t listen to her. However now I had more people
“tapping me in the shoulder” about it, I then had to stop,
pray and reflect on this. So then I attended the Permanent Diaconate Orientation Meeting in the spring of ‘09.
I kept praying and discerning and finally I said: God if
you really want me to do this, let it be your will, I am
here to serve you, do with me as you will. Well as they
say, “the rest is history”… I now have been in the Permanent Diaconate program in the Archdiocese of St Louis for
3 years and have two years left before ordination”.
In February of this year, I was assigned by the Diaconate
Office of the Archdiocese to Saint Charles Borromeo to
become part of this parish and continue my ministerial
training here. I am very excited to be part of this parish
and -God willing- be able to serve God and this parish as
an ordain Deacon”
Jorge & Karla Perez
bién me pregunto si estuviera interesado en ser Diacono.
Esto me recordó que un tiempo anterior, Karla me había
dicho que yo haría un buen Diacono. En ese tiempo no
preste atención a lo que Karla me había dicho entonces,
pero ahora ya había más personas hablando de esto, tal
vez era tiempo de ver que era lo que Dios me estaba tratando de decir o que era lo que Dios quería que yo hiciera. Atendí a una junta de orientación del programa de
Diacono Permanente y después de rezar y meditar bastante, le dije a Dios, si esto es lo que tú quieres que haga,
hágase tu voluntad y úsame como tú quieras y entre al
programa. Tengo ya tres años en el programa, me faltan
2 años más para terminar y ordenarme como Diacono
Permanente en la Archidiócesis de St Louis.
En Febrero de 2012, la archidiócesis me asigno a St Charles Borromeo para ser parte de esta parroquia y continuar
mi entrenamiento ministerial aquí. Estoy muy contento
de ser parte de esta parroquia y, si Dios quiere, servirle a
él y a esta comunidad como un Diacono.
Jorge y Karla Perez
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
Men’s Weekend:
May 19/20
Christ Renews His Parish
Women’s Weekend:
June 2/3
When I was called to make the CRHP Retreat, I didn’t know what to expect. As time went on I found myself being
drawn into the Holy Spirit. That feeling remains with me more each day. The bonding with my fellow sisters is unbelievable. The camaraderie we share with each other is so special. The Holy Spirit is so close to us. I will never get over the
feelings we have for each other.
God Bless,
~~Kathy Powers CRHP4
To register, you may sign up online, or by filling out the form in the Narthex of church.
To sign up online: Send an email to [email protected] and include your name and contact information.
19/20 mayo
Cristo Renueva a Su Parroquia
2/3 junio
Cuando fui llamada a participar en el retiro CRHP, No sabia que esperar. Cuando ya estaba en el me sentí atraída por el
Espíritu Santo. Ese sentimiento continua conmigo cada dia. La amistad y acercamiento con mis hermanas de CRHP es increíble. La camaradería que compartimos unas a otras es especial. El Espiritu Santo esta tan cerca de nosotras. Este sentimiento que compartimos entre nosotras no se terminara nunca.
Dios Bendiga,
~~Kathy Powers CRHP4
Para registrarse llene la aplicación en la mesa atrás iglesia. [email protected]
Borromeo Parish Library
Located in the Bicentennial Room
Open Sundays from 9:30am to noon
Please pray for our expectant moms:
Melissa, Christina, Amanda, Amy (April)
Kristin, Justine (May)
Claudet, Kori, Eruca (June)
Carin (July
Coree, Anita (August)
Jennifer (September)
Nery (November)
Heather (December)
IN THANKSGIVING for the blessings of new baby girls
for Elizabeth, Irene, Tracy and Arasely
Let us pray: for mothers and fathers who have lost a
child through abortion, that the Lord’s Divine Mercy may
fill their souls, bringing them healing and new life.
Duchesne High School
Dream Home Sweepstakes
Duchesne’s Dream Home Sweepstakes has the best odds
in town: No more than 3,500 tickets will be sold, and
one ticket gives you 20 chances to win BIG cash prizes.
The lucky grand prize winner will receive $135,000 toward a new construction or home renovation from
Schaeffer Homes and Associates, OR $120,000 CASH!
Second price is $10,000 cash, and 18 additional cash
prizes ranging from $250 to $2,500 will he awarded!
Dream Home tickets are just $100 each. You can purchase tickets by calling DHS at 636-946-2603 or visiting
www.duchesne-hs.lorg. The grand prize drawing is April
28, 2012 at Duchesne—you need not be present to win.
Second Sunday of Easter, April 15, 2012
MONDAY, MARCH 12, 2012
In attendance: Dee Barteau, Mike Dreyer, Tammy
Durso, Marion Engelhorn, Brenda Galloy, Toni Hernandez, Sister Raquel Ortez, Matt Poelker, Jeff Prinster, Lois
Van Boening, Ron Weisar, Father John Reiker
The February meeting was cancelled due to inclement
2012 Mission Trip Update
27 currently signed up
Fundraising and special collections have generated
$4550 to date
Future fundraising plans include a Cinco de Mayo
celebration and a car wash.
Festival of Ministries Wrap-Up
The pancake breakfast was successful.
Move set-up to Friday if possible.
Additional banner poles were made by Jason Norviel.
Carol Faubert inventoried and repaired banners so
that they will be ready for next time.
Stewardship Conference February , 2012
The Archdiocese of St. Louis is placing a special emphasis on stewardship and providing support to parishes through the Office of Stewardship with resources available on the Archdiocesan website.
Following an address by Archbishop Carlson, participants attended four breakout sessions, each hosted
by a different parish in the Archdiocese.
St. Peter in Kirkwood shared how their parish got
started with their own Stewardship Council and explained its purpose.
St. Alban Roe shared their vision of stewardship as a
personal invitation to each parishioner. They discussed how they got parishioners involved and how
they showed appreciation.
St. Monica’s presentation highlighted stewardship as
an ever-changing process that grows as the parish
does; as well as the importance of acting as a family.
All Saints in St. Peter, Immaculate Conception in Arnold, and St. Bernadette collaborated as they presented creative ways to evangelize.
Borromeo has many of the components that emphasize stewardship already in place. Members discussed
ways to make these components more cohesive.
The next Council meeting will be held on April 9.
The next E-Board meeting will be announced.
A special word of thanks and our
prayers to all who donated an Easter
lily this year in remembrance of a
loved one.
Given by….
V. Jack Muehlenkamp
Dr. & Mrs. Terry Gamache
The Hensley Family
Bramer Family
Helene Schuetz
Sharon Handley
Ethel Nieweg
In Memory of….
Barbara Muehlenkamp
Larkin Daniel and
Barbara Muehlenkamp
Joe Hensley
Frank H. Kempker Jr.
Alfred Schuetz and
Erich Schuetz
John Handley
Carl Nieweg and
Stephen Nieweg
Agnes & George Wolf
Michael McDermott
Edna Eberhard
Doris Wolf
Pat McDermott
Keubler Family
Skip & Claire Kaveler and
Elizabeth & Marvin Kriesmann
Irma Kaveler
Adriana, Andrew & Joey Weber
Our Daddy Chris
Kristina Weber
My husband Chris
Schimweg Family
Martha Schimweg and
Henry and Loretta Schimweg
McGeehan Family
Richard McGeehan
Bill & Joyce Mersman Francis (Bud) & Bernadine Vogt
Bill & Joyce Mersman
William & Marie Mersman
Margaret Kister
Hubert Kister and
Lambert & Marcella Grote
Pat Koenen
Glenn Koenen and
Genevieve Schultz
Millie Heckmann
Chris & Mary Heckmann
Mary Schaefer
Mel Schaefer
JoAnn Borgmeyer
Lou Borgmeyer
Nancy & Josey Page
Page & Thro Families
Jim & Mary Flanagan
Kathleen Flanagan Howard
Sandi Broeker
Michel Broeker
Rodney & Carol Narens
Rodney Jr. & Mark Narens
Theresa & Richard Schuppan
Bill & Jane Schrader
Gigi Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Griesenauer and
Dr. & Mrs. V.A. Schneider and
Vince Schneider
Darrell Fuse
Diane M. Fuse and
Dino Fuse
Becky Barrett
Richard Barrett and
Marjorie H. Boschert
John & Pat Walendy
Bernard & Marian Orf and
Ruth Anne Walendy
Martha & Amy Dyer
L.M. Dyer
George Weber
Francis Weber and
Josephine Weber
You may pick up your lilies after 1:30 next Sunday
or any day after in the church until 2:30pm.
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
Learn to “Stop” Inappropriate Activity before it happens. Child safety tip: Teach your child to respect the word
“stop!” Teach your preschooler that “stop” means “stop,” and that your child has the right to stop people from
touching his or her body. Obviously, exceptions will have to be made for doctors and parents, but even parents must
listen when a child doesn’t want to be tickled or hugged anymore. Reinforcing this excellent lesson gives your child
the power to recognize—and to stop—”bad touching” by others if it should happen. For particular help, you may
call Sandra Price, 314-792-7271, Safe Environment Program at the Archdiocese.
Weekend Retreat for Separated and Divorced Catholics
April 20-22, 2012 at Todd Retreat Hall, Columbia, IL (10 min. across the Jefferson Barracks Bridge). Call Leo 636-946
-7782 or Jean 314-7047-1870 for details.
Kenrick Glennon Seminary Trivia Night
To be held on April 21 at Mary, Queen of Peace Gymnasium, benefitting the seminarians of the Cardinal Glennon
College program. Cost is $20 per person, or $160 for a table of 8. Doors open at 6:30pm with trivia starting
promptly at 7pm. Mulligans, 50/50 raffle tickets and round sponsorships available. $240 prize for 1st place and
$160 for both 2nd place and best decorated table. Email Patrick Russel at prussel@my,kenrick.edu or call John
Schneier at 314-448-0215 to make reservations.
By the way, to see photos of how the Seminary Renovations are progressing, visit www.kenrick.edu.
Catholic Singles Dance
Sponsored by North County Divorced Catholics (NCDC) on April 28 from 7:30—11:30 pm at St. Robert’s Parish Hall,
1424 Highway 94 South. Admission $10 per person (includes snacks; cash bar). Must be over 21.
Summer Camps at Duchesne High School
What will your students discover this summer? The experience of performing onstage? Improved athletic skills? The
feeling of creative expression? Duchesne’s summer camps provide each student with the opportunity to discover his
or her unique potential. During June and July, Duchesne hosts athletic and academic camps for students entering kindergarten through eighth grade to explore sports, science and the performing arts. Families can visit www.duchesnehs.org/athletic-camps.html to see more detailed information about individual camps and register students. If you have
questions about Duchesne’s camps, please contact Mrs. Sandi Shymanski at 636-946-6767 ext. 6921 or
[email protected].
Spring Open House at Parkside
Parkside Retirement Living is holding their Annual Spring Open House on Sunday, April 22, from 12:30—3:00pm.
Parkside is located at 2150 W. Randolph, next to Blanchette Park in St. Charles. Come and learn what Parkside has to
offer, including information about our in-home support services, Home Sweet Home . . the “de-clutter” experts, our
preferred realtors, and SSM Homeward Bound Rehabilitation Therapy program. Also, Holy Mass is celebrated at
Parkside. Call Dee at 636-946-4966 ext. 1131 for more details.
Birthright Open House
Birthright of St. Charles Open House on April 22 from 2 to 4pm at 205 North Fifth, Suite 207. Come and see our
newly renovated office. For more information call 636-724-1200.
Catholic Charities Meeting with Local Parishes
In order to explore what how Catholic Charities can collaborate with the Parish Social Ministry in the St. Charles
Deanery, a meeting has been schedule for April 28 from 9 to noon in Borromeo’s café. We will discuss what we can
do to help each other, how to reach out to parishes, learn what is working and what challenges we face. This meeting will include several board members of Catholic Charities Community Services and Brian O’Malley, President of
Catholic Charities. Light refreshments will be available. The meeting will include exercises that will bring us to a few
decisions and directions to follow. Please rsvp to [email protected]. Thanks.
St. Gianna “All Ages Dance”
Saturday, April 21 at Immaculate Conception Dardenne Knights of Columbus Hall on Post Road in O’Fallon. Doors
open at 6. There will be concessions and a dance lesson. Cost is $5 per person or $20 per family. Please contact Joe
Hoeber at 636-357-4093 or Nick Bolte at 636-295-3492 for questions or to reserve your spot.
Second Sunday of Easter, April 15, 2012
Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Parish!
St Charles Borromeo
Contact: Peggy Dupree
Win Vista
Pub 2007
Transmit: Wed 5pm
Pages Sent: 1-14

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