English Summary - Eisenhower International School


English Summary - Eisenhower International School
The Trilingual Newspaper of Eisenhower International School
Volume 3 -- 2008-2009
France, Mexico Exchange Trips
Make EIS Uniquely Global
Intercambio con Amiens
Los estudiantes de 5to grado de francés pueden ir a la L’Ecole de la Salle de les Baptist durante la primavera. Este año, diez
estudiantes van a viajar el 24 de abril y regresar el 16 de mayo. Muchos maestros, y la Sra. Emily Wood, tuvieron que escoger quien
podía ir o no. Entre ellos, entrevistamos a tres.
Grace Elbon quiere ir porque ella cree que va a ser una buena experiencia y ella no viaja mucho. Ella quiere conocer a nuevas
personas y también quiere ver a la escuela. Ella dice que para ser escogido tienes que ser respetuoso de todos los maestros y los otros
estudiantes, y tener buenas calificaciones.
Isabella Silberg dijo que quiere ir para conocer nuevas personas, nuevas culturas y comida nueva. Ella dijo que fueron escogidos
por buenas calificaciones y personalidad.
Sheridan Nolen quiere ir porque quiere conocer a nuevas personas, comer comidas diferentes, y para conocer una nueva cultura.
Estos son algunos de los estudiantes del Intercambio a Amiens en la primavera del 2009.
English Summary: Amiens Exchange
The Globe is a trilingual student
The French 5th grade students will be able to attend L’Ecole de la Salle de Les
Baptist. The people who selected them to go were the EIS teachers and Emily Wood. The
students who will be attending the exchange want to meet new people; and experience the
new culture, new food, and the new school. The people who were chosen have to be courteous to others, and they have to be respectful, responsible, and have good grades.
San Luís Potosí, Mexico
Durante el otoño, los estudiantes de 5to grado de español pueden participar en el
intercambio con los niños del Instituto Cervantes de San Luís Potosí, México.
Entrevistamos a los maestros que estuvieron allá.
A la Sra. Rivera le gustó la escuela, los estudiantes y maestros. También visitó a
Guanajuato, El Cerro de San Pedro y la Huasteca. Su familia era muy amable y servicial.
Al Sr. Frayser le gustó mucho el viaje a San Luís Potosí y ver los niños en la escuela.
El quería ir a México porque tiene experiencia allí y quería ayudar a los niños estar listos
para su experiencia.
A Monsieur Corbaz le gustó visitar la escuela y los edificios interesantes. El fue a
México porque la otra chaperona no podía ir y le ofrecieron el viaje. Los lugares que visitó
fueron el centro, las iglesias iluminadas, Media Luna y Puerto Vallarta.
También la directora de EIS, la Sra. Strow, fue a México. Ella se sintió como estaba
en casa cuando estaba en la escuela. Quería ir a San Luís porque quería ver la escuela,
conocer nuevas personas y ver la ciudad. También para ver una cultura diferente.
La Sra. Benavides tuvo una experiencia fantástica. Ella visitó San Miguel, León,
Guanajuato, Veracruz, Zacatecas y una ciudad pequeña donde compró un rebozo.
English Summary: San Luis Potosi Exchange
Last fall, 10 ambassadors from EIS went to San Luis Potosi, Mexico, from Sept. 27
to Nov. 22. Four teachers and our principal were our chaperones. The chaperones visited
many places such as Guanajuato, El Cerro de San Pedro, San Miguel, Media Luna, Puerto
Vallarta, León, Veracruz, and Zacatecas. The chaperones and the kids all had a great time!
newspaper project of Eisenhower
International School as the centerpiece of our third annual Media
Enrichment project. The goals of
the project include fostering media
literacy and critical thinking among
our students.
Each story in this year’s edition of
The Globe reflects the overarching
theme, “A Community of Cultures.”
Community Values
Arts Culture
Kids’ World
Scouting Culture
Technology Culture
Eisenhower Culture
American Culture
Social Studies Extra: Dolphins React to
Obama Inauguration
8 - 10
Mock Elections at EIS
A Trip to India
Sustainable Culture
EIS Teachers
Culture Boxes
Naturalization Ceremony
Les Valeurs de Communauté
Est-ce que vous savez ce que sont les valeurs de notre communauté? C’est notre mode de vie et on l’utilise beaucoup à
Eisenhower avec les respects mutuels et l’honnêteté. On n’accepte pas quelqu’un qui humilie une autre personne.
Mme. Covington, la conseillère, nous a dit que sa mère lui a appris ces valeurs à la maison. Elle voit que les enfants
d’Eisenhower ont ces mêmes valeurs dans les couloirs et dans les classes et que ca va les
aider dans leur vie plus tard.
Emma Blystone, une élève en quatrième année d’espagnol dit que les plus importants sont
l’honnêteté et le respect. Elle nous a dit que même dans les conflits on peut se défendre et être
Elisa Prieto, en quatrième année de français se sert de ces valeurs quand elle joue avec ses
amies. M. Corbaz, son professeur de troisième année avait renforcé ces valeurs en classe.
Eisenhower est une école où les enfants et les professeurs utilisent ces valeurs tous les jours.
Donc, viens nous rendre visite aujourd’hui.
Mrs. Covington and the Eisenhower books
in front of the school. Caption written by
Ambriel Ballard and Jacob Mojica (S3).
English Summary: Community Values
Community values help make Eisenhower a better place for everyone. These values are a way
of life here at Eisenhower International School. Everybody at Eisenhower demonstrates community
values including the staff and the student body. All of these values are very important so people
can live and learn in a peacful and safe enviroment. We use them in Tribes, counseling, daily procedures, and community service projects that are implemented by the Student U.N .
Eisenhower Community Values
Mutual Respect
Attentive Listening
Appreciation/no put downs
Right to pass
Personal best
Celebrating Eisenhower’s rich “Book Culture” is the Mrs. McCrary-endorsed theme of this year’s
student-created advertisements. Each team of 4th graders selected an award-winning or awardnominated book that is available for checkout in the Global Learning Center. The teams produced
their ads in the EIS Computer Lab using Microsoft Publisher.
2 – The Globe
Eisenhower International School
Arte y música
¿Por que el arte y la música son buenos para los niños? ¿Por
qué es importante?
1 Por que a los niños les gusta;
2 “Los niños que practican arte y música son más
inteligentes porque usan la imaginación”, dice la Sra. Wagner,
la maestra de música.
La música y el arte son muy importantes para la educación. No lo tienes que hacer mucho tiempo porque no tienen
mucho tiempo en el día, pero la Sra. Wagner quiere más tiempo.
P.E. se enfoca en educación física. Arte se enfoca en arte visual.
Música enfoca en arte rítmico.
La Sra. Patterson, la antigua directora de EIS, tenía la idea
de tener música, arte, y Educación Física. Por eso tenemos
Brienne Nelson, una estudiante, dijo que la música le alegra cuando está triste. Jordan Burton, un estudiante, cree que
necesitamos más tiempo en educación física, porque tienes que
ponerte en forma.
(Above) A French
kindergartener gets
creative with clay in
Mr. Frayser’s art class.
English Summary: Arts Culture
Why are art and music important for kids? Because they
like it and it helps them learn. Art and music are very important
to kids. The reason we can’t have more is because there is not
enough time in the day. Mrs. Patterson, the former principal,
started the art and music program.
(Left) Music teacher Mrs.
Wagner encourages her
students to experience
the fun of making joyful
“My Father’s Dragon”
This is the book of “My
Father’s Dragon.” It is
very cool because you have
adventures, meet lots of
wild animals, and meet
my father’s dragon.
Este es el libro “El
Dragón de mi Padre.”
Es muy chévere
porque hay aventuras,
conoces muchos
animales extraños y
simpáticos y también
al dragón de mi padre.
Author: Ruth S. Gannett
Award: 1949 Newbery Honor Book
This advertisement was designed by Kendall Sweet (F4), Jordy Paredes (F4), and Austin Welch (S4).
A Community of Cultures
The Globe – 3
Un Mundo de Niños
Emily Wood empezó Kids’ World para Eisenhower en 1998. Los niños de Kindergarten a 5to grado van a Kids’ World a bailar, pero
solo los grados de tercero exploran las diferentes culturas de Kids’ World. Eisenhower escogió Peru y Arabia Saudita para estudiar. Cada
año K-5 van a Kids’ World en el segundo viernes de noviembre.
En Kids’ World hay muchas culturas como Asia, Japón, México, Francia, Alemania y muchas más. La razón para ir a Kids’ World es
para estudiar las culturas.
“A mi me gusta todo” dijo Emma Blystone, una niña de cuarto grado. En los grados de español hacen el baile del festival hispano
y los de francés hacen el baile de Mardi Gras. David Johnson empezó Kids’ World en Oklahoma.
Cada persona que se queda allí tiene un pasaporte falso y en cada puesto que visitan les dan una estampa a los niños. A veces
ellos dan algo a las personas que están paseando. Ellos hablan a los niños sobre la cultura como ropa, comida, casas y el clima.
Si quieres ir a Kids’ World puedes ir al sitio web www.kidsworldtulsa.org. Kids’ World es una experiencia buena para los niños que
quieren aprender sobre culturas diferentes.
English Summary: Kids’ World
David Johnson started Kids’ World in Oklahoma. At Kids’ World they have booths where they show artifacts from a culture and tell
us about it. Every year the kids from kindergarten through 5th grade go to Kids’ World and do a dance. Only 3rd grade can explore Kids’
World. If you want to learn more about Kids’ World then you can go to www.kidsworldtulsa.org.
Les Scouts
Le but des scouts est d’aider chaque enfant à développer tout
son potentiel, dans toutes les composantes de sa personnalité. Chez
Les Scouts, de grands espaces de confiance s’ouvrent à lui. Il reçoit
une occasion unique de devenir un être équilibré et heureux. Il
apprend à vivre avec les autres. Il devient responsable, organisé et
découvre de nombreuses techniques. Et il apprend à aimer et à
respecter l’environnement.
Les scouts se rassemblent le premier Mardi de chaque mois
après l’école dans le gymnase. Ils font beaucoup de choses comme:
du camping, les arts, et des services de communauté. Quand ils
vont faire du camping, ils vont à Zink Ranch, Camp Garland et
Camp Keystone.
Zach Pfeifer aime beaucoup quand il va camper parce qu’il
utilise son couteau et fabrique des objets en bois, il grimpe sur les
roches, il fait du canoe et va à la pêche. Zach aimerait un jour être
Eagle Scout, maintenant il est en deuxième année de Webelo.
Les réunions de groupes sont très différentes des réunions
ordinaires de «den». Dans celles de groupes, on fait des choses
avec tous les scouts et on suit des rites de scouts, mais dans les
autres réunions de «den» on a des activités selon les grades ou
ages et c’est moins solennel.
Quand les étudiants veulent devenir scout, ils doivent signer
un contract et donner leur parole pour suivre le guide de bonnes
pratiques de scouts.
English Summary: Scouting Culture
The goal of scouts is to learn life skills and to help kids reach
their full potential. Scouts can also help build self-esteem. Scouts
help children learn how to live harmoniously with others and with
nature. They develop a sense of responsibility, become organized,
and learn many skills.
Scouts learn by going on campouts and using teamwork. They
meet once a month in the gym with their troop. Usually when they
go camping they go to Zink Ranch, Camp Garland, and Camp
Keystone. Scouts impact the students’ lives by teaching confidence
and how to work in the wilderness.
4 – The Globe
Thank you, EIS PTA,
for your support of
The Globe!
Eisenhower International School
La Technologie a Eisenhower
Mr. Corbaz aime bien être le prof de Technologie a Eisenhower. La technologie est utilisée pour tous les sujets à l’école. Il y a
beaucoup de sites web ont peux utilisée pour enseigner plusieurs sujets. Mr. Corbaz enseigne aux enfants comment se servir des
ordinateurs et des programmes différents. On a ces programmes a l’école : Power Point, Excel, Word, Type to
Learn et beaucoup d’autres.
La deuxième année utilise Fact Monster pour
les maths comme programme au laboratoire. La
cinquième année se sert des ordinateurs pour les
Sciences Humaines, les Maths et Type to Learn. Mme
Lewis avec sa classe de pré-maternelle aime emmener
les petits à la salle des ordinateurs car c’est très biens
pour leur agilité et pour apprendre leurs habiletés
de base.
Il y a aussi beaucoup de sites en français et en
espagnol. Cette technologie est très essentielle dans le
monde aujourd’hui et pour notre école.
English Summary: Technology Culture
The use of technology in our curriculum
will make for a better future. Mr. Corbaz is proud
to be the Eisenhower technolgy coordinator.
Technology is used to facilitate all learning. There
are many websites we can use to learn. These
websites can be both interactive or informational.
Mr.Corbaz teaches students how to use technology to prepare them for their future. Technology
has enhanced over the years and it is still
improving every day!
(Above) French third graders use one of
the classroom Smartboards in a language
arts activity. PTA funding made possible
the purchase of Smartboards for classrooms at EIS.
(Left) Mr.Corbaz is teaching a class how
to use a keyboard. Caption written by
Terry Shannon and Abby Falling (S3)
(Below) Using the electronic pen delights
this Spanish kindergartener, who wrote
her name on the Smartboard.
Are you interested in volunteering
to help with the 4th annual
EIS Media Enrichment project in
2009-10? If so, contact Allison
Geary, who is listed in the EIS
A Community of Cultures
The Globe – 5
En quoi EIS est-elle différente?
Pourquoi choisir Eisenhower comme école élémentaire pour vos enfants?
On a téléphoné à plusieurs parents d’élèves d’EIS et la maman de Maddie Meinen, une élève de maternelle en français nous a dit
qu’elle a choisi Eisenhower parce que l école a une bonne réputation. Un autre parent, la maman de Zachary Pfeifer nous a dit qu’il y a
quelque chose dans cette école qui n’existe pas, dans les autres écoles. Peut être c’est parce-que les professeurs aiment leur métier et les
étudiants et beaucoup de parents participent et ca c’est bien!
Eisenhower a gagné plusieurs plaques pour les sujets académiques. Dans notre école, on peut apprendre le français ou l’espagnol,
de la classe maternelle à la cinquième année. On est la seule école dans l’état avec un programme d’immersion française. On étudie
beaucoup mais le résultat est surprenant.
A la fin de notre cinquième année les élèves ont la chance d’aller en échange académique en France ou au Mexique et on reçoit
des jeunes de ces deux pays dans nos familles à Tulsa. Nous sommes la seule école élémentaire aux États-Unis avec un échange
académique pour les enfants de 10 à 11 ans.
Cette année les élèves qui sont allés au Mexique sont les suivants : Mackinlee Allen, Hannah Lewis, Raven Watkins, Mia Dickson,
Nathan Levit, Carly Fussell, Aiden Holtzscher, Lily Grant, et Kaili Hall. Les élèves qui vont aller en France cette année sont Isabella Silberg,
Vanessa Smith, Emily Bashaw, Adrienne Burgard, Will Spaeth, Grayson Glover, Taylor Potts, Sheridan Nolen, Grace Elbon, et Ellis Leblanc.
Pour avoir plus d’informations vous pouvez nous trouver sur le site internet www.tulsaschools.org.
EnglishSummary: What Makes EIS Different?
Eisenhower is a great, top choice school. Many parents have chosen this school because we have a reputation for excellence,
and we have won many awards such as Exemplary School and the Oklahoma Achievement Award for four years in a row.
One thing this school has that no other school has is that we teach French and Spanish. We are one of the only language immersion schools in the state of Oklahoma. When the students in Eisenhower are in 5th grade, the staff of our school will choose 10 students
to go to either France or Mexico on an academic exchange. The exchange has been in place for the past 15 years.
You can learn more about us at www.eisenhowerinternational.org.
Thanks to The M.e.t. for sponsoring The Globe.
The World According to Humphrey
his is the great adventure of the classroom
hamster. There is a good teacher who loves
Humphrey the hamster and there is a bad teacher
who hates Humphrey. The end of each chapter gives
you tips on how to take care of a hamster. He meets
new friends along the way. Every night one of the
students takes Humphrey home for the night.
as gran aventura de cochinito de Indias en un salón de
clases. Hay un maestro que quiere mucho Humphrey el cochinito de
indias y hay un maestro que no le gusta Humphrey para nada. Al
final de cada capitulo le da recomendaciones de cómo cuidar a su
cochinito de indias. Cada noche un niño lleva a Humphrey a su casa
para pasar la noche.
Author: Betty G. Birney
Award: 2007 Sequoyah Award Winner
This advertisement was designed by Thane Gehring (S4), Rustin Postier (S4), and Olivia Seely (S4).
6 – The Globe
Eisenhower International School
With the tremendous support of EIS’s 5th
grade teachers, Sr. DeAndrade and Mme.
Barnes, the students worked in teams to
gather information, conduct interviews, write
and edit their story in the target language,
and summarize their story in English.
Once the stories were written, the 5th graders
participated in an “A-1” session, simulating
what happens in a real newsroom to determine which story merits placement on the
front, or A-1, page
This year, 5th graders participated in Media
Enrichment sessions during which they
learned interviewing techniques and story
organization skills. Betty Casey, editor of
TulsaKids and an EIS alumni parent, was
one of our session presenters.
“La cultura es parte de todos. Determina lo que los niños
valen, que les gusta hacer en su tiempo libre y lo que quieren ser
cuando crezcan”, dice la Reina de kindergarten-Sra. Díaz.
La Adora-Libros Mme. Barnes dice “Vemos niños dándose
comentarios positivos sobre su ropa y hablando sobre música,
televisión, películas, y equipos deportivos. También tenemos
Niños y Niñas Exploradores, y el programa de Música Americana
de la Sra. Wagner”.
“Las canciones y deportes que son escogidas en la
escuela”. “¡No hay corridas de toros!” dice la Consejera Chévere.
“Nosotros saludamos la bandera y estudiamos Historia
Americana. Hace poco tuvimos la ceremonia de Naturalización
Americana. También aprendimos sobre la Constitución
Americana, Americanos Nativos, y la cultura de americanosafricanos” dice la Educativa Emily Wood.
La cultura es parte de todos si nacieron aquí o no. Es la
ropa que ponemos en la mañana y lo que comemos. Es la vida
real ¡para ti y para mí!
English Summary: American Culture
Culture is a part of everyone. But at our school, we mix
three cultures: Spanish, English and French. We show American
culture by the clothes we wear, the music we listen to, the TV
shows we watch, and the sports we play. Another way we show
American culture in our school is what we learn about. And if
you were born here or not, American culture is part of our
everyday life.
Three girl students from French 3rd at Eisenhower are posing with dolls from around the world.
Caption by Jade Belauste (S3).
A Community of Cultures
The Globe – 7
Dolphins React to Historic Inauguration
On January 20, 2009, students at Eisenhower viewed the inauguration of Barack Obama, the nation’s first AfricanAmerican president. After the inauguruation, students in S3, S4, S5, F3, and F4 took part in a “quick write” response
activity. Students were asked to describe their reaction to the inauguration to EIS Dolphins who might read this 50 years
from now, in 2059. Students in F5 wrote personal letters to President Obama’s daughters, Malia and Sasha. The volume
of writing was impressive: more than 8,700 words from the six classes. Unfortunately, space prevents us from printing
every response. The following are selected writing excerpts from each class. Photos by Barbara McCrary.
On this day 50 years ago, Barack Obama said his
inauguration. He was the first African-American
president. He is also the first president that was
born in Hawaii. Jonathan Barbee
Watching the inauguration of the very educated
Barack Obama filled my heart with joy. I was glad
I had the opportunity to watch and really get what
was going on. Barack Obama is a great addition
to the government. I will never forget his slogan,
“Yes we can!” Well now it is “Yes we did!”
Jordan Alford
It was a historical event. The crowd is chanting
“Yes we can,” most of everyone in tears of joy,
a crowd as big as Rhode Island. Imagine how
excited I was at the age of ten knowing that what
I’m witnessing is history. I will never forget that
day and the words that he said: “We can change.”
Jordan Burton
This was an incredible event. Especially since
Barack Obama was the first African-American
president. This event was very popular. Even
people in Kenya and Indonesia watched. One
thing that inspired me was President Obama’s
saying: “Yes we can.” It’s true. We can.
Carly Fussell
What I felt that day was happiness, curiosity, and
excitement. I was excited because he made it
possible for women, Hispanic Americans and
Native Americans…all Americans to run for
president in the future. The most important thing
was that he represented all of us. Lily Grant
It felt good to see something that would be talked,
written, and known about for many years. I
found it exciting to see our first African-American
president being sworn in. I thought McCain would
have made a great president, but I think Obama
will also do a fair job. Molly Inhofe
I was amazed. I was inspired. I was really, really,
really, really, really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really proud and excited.
Xavier Kelley
The thing that made me super happy was when
he made his speech. It talked about faith and how
we can make a better America. He also inspired
me by making me believe I can do whatever I set
my mind to. It was the best moment of my life.
Dakarai Willis
I hope the change will inspire other people to
run for president. A lot of people who were born
in the old days were so amazed that Obama was
elected president. Because African-Americans
were treated horrible. I’m so proud that we have
changed our history. Sadie Brasel
Everybody was going crazy. We were crying
because it was so beautiful and Obama’s speech
was well written. There were 10 inaugural balls.
The President went to all the balls. In the White
House, Obama’s girls were watching movies with
some friends. They watched “Bolt” and “High
School Musical 3 - Senior Year.” Joshua Corbaz
It is very important
because just a few years
I bet it was the most historic moment of every
ago people who were
African-American’s life, not to mention it was so
African-American were
historic. I almost started to cry, but I stayed strong separated from white
just like Obama did as he ran for president.
people in a lot of ways.
Obama is now considered my official idol and he They could not drink
should be very African-American’s idol because it out of the same water
helped us to believe that we can be anything we
fountain and many other bad things. Now there’s
want to be and go anywhere we want to go
an African-American president. Grace Geary
because we received a change. Raven Watkins
I think it is cool that we have an African-American
When he took the oath, he did it on President
president even though I wanted McCain to win
Lincoln’s Bible. Nobody has used Lincoln’s Bible
the election. I don’t think he would be a good
since Lincoln did. But on January 20, President
president for the United States because I don’t
Obama used it. Emily Russell
think he has any experience of being one.
Sam Moss
Now if a black kid wants to be president, it is not
a dream too big. It was a very exciting event. Black I felt excited to see an African-American person
and white people from around the globe came to become the president of the United States.
see the inauguration. Samuel Taylor
Brandon Balogh
We’ve come from Rosa Parks refusing to give up
her seat on the bus for a white man and Martin
Luther King Jr. and his
Oh, man. I remember the time we had our first
historical “I Have a
African-American president, Barack Obama. I
Dream” speech to our
was happy because now everyone could feel like
first African-American
nothing is too big. I felt like anything was possible.
president. Channing
I was just overjoyed. Aidan Holtzscher
I was happy because it was history. I am a
I think it is an honor to
Republican, but I think Barack Obama was a
have our first Africangood president. Barack Obama was the first
American president. Obama’s speech was very
African-American president. Jacob Howell
important and inspiring to me because we all
make the United States strong and this state can’t
I felt so happy that tears formed in my eyes.
Finally racism could be over and finally all people work without any of us. Christian Martin
will be equal. I clapped and cheered until I was
The inauguration was very long. Obama was the
too tired to clap anymore because now we have
44th president and ALL of the other first 43
a 44th president that knows what to do and will
presidents were white. Obama is the FIRST black
be the next Abraham Lincoln or the next John
Kennedy, but most of all the next American hero. president. He was from Hawaii. It was all crowded
in the Capital. Mrs. McCrary was there but we
Nathan Levit
couldn’t find her at all. Laurène Smith
8 – The Globe
We were in horrible times, we had been in a war
that we should not have been in for 8 years, we
had a horrible economy, oil was skyrocketing,
and America owed billions of dollars to other
countries, businesses were closing... It was horrible. And with him finally there, there was a sigh of
relief for America. Braden Patton
This is a dream come true. It was Martin Luther
King Jr.’s dream. Barack Obama has now become
the first African-American president. Barack
Obama has made the United States of America
happy. Jack Heil
Eisenhower International School
Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream was that someday
an African-American would be president and all
people were created equally and that was what
Barack Obama did: he proved that all people
were created equally and he was the first AfricanAmerican president. Olivia Seely
The presidential inauguration was amazing. I got
to see the first African-American president being
sworn in. I also saw Obama making a speech
about freedom is the progress of humanity. Also
about how we can solve problems with peace and
solving the economy crisis. Zane Wood
I do not like Barack Obama because in the war he
is letting the people against us come to America
rather than us going to their country. I also do not
like it that he is raising taxes. I think that it is cool
that Barack Obama is the first black president and
he is calm. Hannah Boswell
Today when Obama became president the mall
was filled with people who waited for this day for
a long time and it finally happened. There were
black, brown, white and tan, and they were all
proud. NO matter what color. It was a very important moment to Barack Obama. Maranda Harris
I was very happy about the first black president.
It was very exciting for our country and nation. He
had some great words that sounded like this: we
will remake America, and we are ready to lead
once more, and it’s what you can build not what
you can defeat. Avery Allen
Now. It was a great day. Barack Obama became
president on Tuesday, January 20, 2009. He was
an African-American, black and white. Everybody
cheered for him. Cameron Chippis
It was exciting to see the first African-American
president. He said that he would probably lower
our taxes for good. Barack made a wonderful
motto that everyone loves called “Yes we can”
and I say it to other people who think they should
give up. Cameron Douglas
He took an oath and put his hand on the Holy
Bible. Mrs. Michelle Obama had a red box. Inside
the box there was the Holy Bible that Mr. Obama
put his hand on the Bible and said an oath to
promise to keep his country safe. Greer Elbon
When he walked down the aisle, tears of joy and
love ran down my face. As the crowd chanted his
name, he walked to the platform. As he put his
hand on Abraham Lincoln’s Bible, my heart
pounded. After the oath and speech, the air was
filled with excitement. Flags flew across the air
and peace flew into everyone’s hearts.
Morgan Woolridge
It was an emotional day because Obama was the
first African-American president. Martin Luther
King Jr.’s dream came true that people would not
be judged by their color but by the context of their
heart, that tells us that if you try you can do it.
Ben Maloy
I was so excited. It is amazing that once they were
mistreated and now we have an African-American
president. Yes, we can! Brooklyn Benway
I was emotional and excited and Obama gave the
oath at 11:58 a.m. When he finished the oath, I
was wild. And then after that a violinist played a
song called “Air & Simple – Gifts.” And they had a
lunch and someone had a seizure. Will Wilkening
It was amazing to be a part of history and seeing
history be made! Mrs. Obama and her kids looked
darling! The prayers were long but we were talking Many people died for this day. One thing that
to God! Audrey Jones
Obama said is God has the whole wide world in
your hand. There were tears of excitement.
I feel proud of our country because we have
Ambriel Ballard
President Barack Obama has said that we can be
decided to choose someone different and an
strong and we will continue to make this country African-American person to be our president. I
I was very,
better. He said that people work to make our lives just imagine that I was there to see that happen.
very happy! I
better while they don’t have anything. His speech I was for McCain but I like Obama better. I feel
sure hope
told me to be more loving and caring and help
amazed of what our country has done.
Barack will
others. Grayson Warlick
Lauren Ketchum
be a good
In Barack’s speech he talked about giving back
Obama gets to become the real president and it’s Xander
and many other important things he wanted to
a big deal. Obama, Mrs. Obama, Sasha and Malia Siewert
do and change. “God bless the United States of
get to live in a house with 132 rooms. If I were
America” were his last words in his big, long
the president’s daughter I would get a lot of my
There were a lot of people there. Everybody was
speech. Emma Blystone
friends and play hide and go seek. Annika Ostrem yelling “Obama.” I saw other presidents there too.
I saw Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
Barack Obama is the very first black president. If In 1920-1945 the black people couldn’t run for
Terry Shannon
he were the 2nd president this wouldn’t be such a president, in fact they were treated like pushovers.
big deal, but he is the 44th. The reason why this is And then people were saying it was impossible
There were many people crying because they were
such a big deal is because each president before
for black people to be president. But then came
happy for Barack because he made it this far. I
Barack Obama had been the same. They were all Barack Obama. Now black kids can really live up
should be happy because he’s our first black
white men. There hadn’t ever been any women,
to their dream. Good for them!
president and he is setting good examples for
Asian, Mexican, or any other kind of person to be Jackson Spaeth
other kids like his daughters. Raielle Watkins
president. Peyton Kroh
You could barely hear anything. That’s why they
On the inauguration day, Barack Obama swore in
This is a day of dreams come true. Today I am
have very loud loudspeakers. If you were in the
to be president of the United States. And if Obama
happy for President Obama. I was watching the
back of the crowd you could not see anything.
is president he has to be responsible and respectwhole thing and my whole class. Everybody was so There were more than 1,000,000 people there!
ful. And at the end of Barack Obama’s speech he
happy. I remember when our librarian told us that Sophie Fears
said “God bless you” and “God bless America.”
she is going and I told her I was so happy for her.
Mateo Letona
I remember his words, “Yes We Can” he said
I am so glad Barack Obama is our president. Now
during the campaign. Hannah Hill
kids that are black have more faith they can be
This was an exciting day Barack Obama became
president one day or females could. Lily Raskin
president. He was a great guy. He was very kind.
Kennedy just went to the hospital. I think he’s
The inauguration is a very serious thing...and the going to be one of the best presidents.
On the inauguration I saw Obama and a lot of
best part of having this specific president is that
Jack Drummond
people. I saw a lot of security and a big building.
he is our first African-American president. They
The people were saying, “Obama, Obama.” They
played a lot of music at the inauguration. It was
F5 letters to the Obama girls
were waving flags. Katy Brooks
almost like a wedding, very perfectional. Chi Vo
A Community of Cultures
Mrs. McCrary’s D.C. experience
The Globe – 9
History First Hand
It isn’t often you have the opportunity to witness history, but on January 20, 2009,
my son Andrew (an EIS graduate) and I were among the millions of people in Washington,
D.C.,to see Barack Obama’s inauguration. No matter who you wanted to win the election,
I hope you are having a good time in the White
it was an amazing day to be in our nation’s capitol. There was a great spirit of brotherhood
House. You must have been really excited when
you opened the closet and saw the Jonas Brothers and hopefilling the city. The day was very cold, but everyone was so full of goodwill that no
were there. I hope you like the type of dog you get. one really minded the temperature. We just wore warm clothing and reminded ourselves
that we were very lucky to be a part of this special moment in our nation’s history.
Zach Pfeifer
I think you are a great role model. I know you and
your sister, Sasha, will be very successful just like
your parents. Please write back. I would LOVE to
be pen pals with you! Emily Bashaw
I bet the White House is big and spacey. Where is
your bedroom? Do you know if there’s a ghost in
the White House because I heard rumors about it.
Lisa Ratliff
I’m in a French immersion program. Well, that’s
enough about me. I hear you went on a scavenger
hunt and the Jonas Brothers were in the closet. I
know I would have accidentally hit one of them.
Sincerely, Zach Boulware
Is your room neat or do you have people come by
and clean it? I like asking random questions so
here goes. If you could choose out of these four
ice creams which one would you choose: rocky
road, mint chocolate chip, cappuccino chunky
chocolate, or lime sherbet? Adrienne Burgard
I know Oklahoma is a Republican state but my
family voted for your dad. Oh, and Malia, I’m 11
so we’re almost the same age, we could get along
great, I bet! Bye, bye. Come visit! Or write me
back! Taylor Potts
You have a great father, and he loves you guys.
When you are scared he will be in your heart.
Alyssa Tyre
Your dad gave a great speech. I thought it was well
thought out. I think it would be cool to live in the
White House. Your dad is a great man. Follow your
dreams. Ellis LeBlanc
1. Barbara and Andrew McCrary.
2. The McCrarys’ tickets to the
3. Cameras up: The moment of
Obama’s inauguration.
4. A hug between strangers.
5. Even Lincoln is tired when it’s
all over.
6. A bilingual greeting from the
Embassy of Canada.
7. Souvenirs, anyone?
I know you’re going through a lot of changes.
You’re probably having to make new friends. You
should always keep your old friends too! Have you
been to the Oval Office yet? Sheridan Nolen
You must be very proud of your father. You have
great parents. I can only hope you have a bright
and happy future. Grace Elbon
Someday, I want to be president, but there’s a
pretty small chance of that happening. It’s probably going to be pretty tough being the president’s
daughters sometimes. Good luck! Will Spaeth
10 – The Globe
Eisenhower International School
Elecciones de presidente
en Eisenhower
Muchos de los niños pensaron que las elecciones en EIS eran
fáciles y divertidas. Ellos también dijeron que se sentían como un adulto
mientras votaban. Muchos pensaron que las formas eran fáciles de
Hasta ahora, la escuela lleva 2 años haciendo esto. La primera
vez fue en noviembre de 2004, la segunda fue hecha en el mes de
noviembre de 2008.
Tulsa World hizo las elecciones escolares también ayudó a
Eisenhower a hacerlo dándoles lo necesario.
Hay 3 personas que ayudan con el voto; sus nombres son: juez,
inspector y oficinista. El trabajo del oficinista es dar los papeles de voto
y las estampas que muestran que la persona votó. El juez se asegura
que los papeles de voto estén cubiertos; por último, el inspector revisa
los papeles. Así es como las elecciones escolares funcionan.
En las elecciones de 2004, George W. Bush ganó y en las de este
año Barack Obama también ganó.
English Summary: Mock Elections
At Eisenhower we held a mock election. A lot of kids think
elections are fun and easy. Tulsa World helped EIS get what we
needed for the election. There are three people who help with the
elections, and their names are: judges, inspector and clerk. Up to
now the school has done this for two presidential elections. In the
election of 2004, George W. Bush won and in the election of 2008,
Barack Obama won.
Toys Go Out is a good book. It is an adventure book
about toys that come alive when their owner is not
around or is asleep. When a buffalo gets peanut butter
on him, he hides in a shoe so he doesn't have to get
washed. You should read this book.
“Los Juguetes Salen” es un buen libro. Es un libro de
aventuras sobre unos juguetes que se vuelven humanos
cuando su dueño no está o está dormido. Cuando un
búfalo se embarra con mantequilla de cacahuate, éste
se esconde en un zapato para no ser lavado. Deberías
leer este libro.
Author: Emily Jenkins
Award: 2008-2009 Sequoyah Masterlist
This advertisement was designed by Emma Rollinger (S4), Elijah Barnett
(S4), and Patrick Tillman (S4).
A Community of Cultures
The Globe – 11
Mme. McCrary, notre bibliothécaire a passé vingt jours en Inde l’été dernier. Elle est allée parce qu’elle a fait une demande via un
programme qui s’appelle « Fund for Teachers . » Elle a dû remplir une demande en expliquant les raisons pour lesquelles elle voulait
être candidate. Ensuite les gens on choisi les candidats qualifiés pour représenter l’Etat d’Oklahoma. A son retour, elle nous a donné
une présentation sur ce qu’elle a fait et vu. Elle nous a aussi parlé de la culture, des maisons où les gens vivent et des écoles. Mme.
McCrary n’est pas restée avec une famille mais elle dinait chez eux. La cuisine de l’Inde, c’est le riz, le pain, les légumes et les produits
locaux. Beaucoup de gens sont végétariens.
Il y a toutes sortes de moyens de transport : les voitures, les tuktuks(petites voiture de golf), les éléphants, les bicyclettes, les
chameaux, les bus, les trains et à pied. Mme. McCrary préfère les tuktuks et elle nous a raconté deux anecdotes qui lui sont arrivées en
ville, une avec un singe, l’autre avec un éléphant. On a tous bien rigolé.
Mme. McCrary a bien aimé le peuple de l’Inde et toutes les couleurs de leurs vêtements. Sur les bras des femmes, on peut voit
des dessins faits avec le henné (encre à base de plante). Elle a beaucoup aimé son expérience en Inde et souhaite pouvoir y retourner.
Mme McCrary exprime « It was a trip of a lifetime. »
English Summary:
A Trip to India
librarian traveled to
India on a “Funds for
Teachers Scholarship.”
Mrs. McCrary went to
India for two weeks. She
applied for a scholarship
and was selected from
many other teachers.
When she came back
she gave us a presenta(Above left) Mrs. McCrary brought a Barbie doll from India. Caption writtten by Audrey Elizabeth Jones and Cameron Douglas (F3).
(Above right) Mrs. McCrary wearing a bracelet from India. This caption written by Aidan Warlick. and Raielle Watkins (S3).
tion. She also told us
about the cultures, the houses, the schools and transportation. There are many different forms of transportation in India such as
tuktuks (like a little golf carts),elephants, camels, buy foot, and by car. Mrs. McCrary liked the tuktuks the best. She also had some
intersting encounters with a monkey and an elephant while in town. Everyone thought that was really funny.
12 – The Globe
Eisenhower International School
Cultura Sostenible
Corey Williams, directora de la organización “Sustainable Tulsa” piensa que si reciclamos podemos ayudar a salvar nuestro
planeta. La Sra. Williams ha estado tratando de salvar el planeta desde cuando estaba en tercer grado. Y su hija, Lily Raskin, ahora en tercer grado de francés sigue sus pasos. Una cultura sostenible significa usar lo que tenemos para proteger el planeta y cuidar a la gente. La
Sra. Williams dice que debemos llevar todo lo reciclable a un lugar que se llama “Metropolitan Environmental Trust” (Met) Depot o que
tengamos cajas de reciclaje del gobierno de la ciudad. Estas cajas las recogen dos veces por mes en tu vecindario.
Dakarai Willis, estudiante de 5to de español, dice que si reciclamos podemos ahorrar dinero y no contaminar el mundo. Willis está
tratando de salvar el planeta desde
tercer grado también. Willis usa el
sistema de reciclaje de la ciudad y
tiene cajas en su casa.
Jordan Alford, otra estudiante de
5to de español también piensa que
reciclar es muy importante que salvar el mundo.
English Summary:
Sustainable Culture
It is really important for children
to recycle because we are the
future. Sustainable culture means
to recycle, reduce, and reuse to
help save our animals and most of
our planet. As we went around, we
can tell that most of the kids in
Eisenhower know these things. If
you become part of sustainable culture you can help save the planet.
Recycling is an important part of the
culture at EIS. (Top) 5th graders take
pride in their service to the school by
modeling sustainable habits for their peers.
(Bottom) A French 3rd grader does his
part by recycling paper.
A Community of Cultures
The Globe – 13
Maestros en EIS
Nosotros entrevistamos a unos maestros para saber más de ellos. Este trabajo es sobre hace cuantos años empezaron a ser maestros y cuantos años han sido maestros. Este trabajo también es sobre sus orígenes y experiencias.
La maestra de 4to grado de Francés Mme. Kim dice que la cosa más buena de ser una maestro es ver los niños progresar y su
entusiasmo. Mme Kim es coreana y empezó a ser una
maestra en 1998 y ha sido maestra por 10 años, también fue maestra de 2do grado. Mme Kim dice que el
aspecto más importante de su origen son las enseñanzas
de sus dos culturas, su origen y viajes.
La maestra de 4to grado español, Sra. Carreño,
dice que lo que la inspiró a ella ser una maestra es
que le gustaba ayudar a niños a aprender y trabajar con
niños. Sra. Carreño dice que la mejor parte de ser una
maestra es interacción con los niños y ver como se
alegran cuando aprenden.
Nosotros aprendimos mucho de los maestros
de Eisenhower; espero que ustedes aprendan mucho
English Summary:
Cultures of our Teachers
Eisenhower has a lot of different teachers from
different cultures. Teachers love to see kids trying their
best and learning. Teachers also love the kids’ enthusiasm. We are so lucky to know two languages! We love to
learn; we hope you do too!
This is Madame Higginson in French third grade, standing by the door with the snowman. Max Megehee is
taking a picture of Madame Higginson in French third grade Caption written by EIS third graders.
Armed with a list of story topics, art teacher Mr.
Frayser worked with EIS 3rd graders to have
them shoot digital photographs throughout the
school. The photographs were downloaded in the
EIS computer lab where technology coordinator
M. Corbaz had 3rd graders write captions in
Microsoft Word.
Those three dolphins were from the class of 1993. Caption written by
Mateo Letona (S3).
14 –
Eisenhower International School
Les Boîtes Mondiales
Les boîtes de culture sont des boîtes avec beaucoup de choses, de vêtements, de livres, et même des jouets de tous les pays.
L ‘idée de faire des boîtes de culture vient de Madame Emily Wood après un voyage au Japon quand elle était professeur de sciences humaines. Depuis ce voyage et beaucoup d’autres,
Madame Emily Wood a crée 75 boîtes représentant 45
Mme. McCrary utilise ces boites depuis 12 ans pour
son travail avec les enfants de notre école. Mme. Kim se
sert des boites depuis 7 ans, avec élèves ainsi que
d’autres professeurs. Durant le programme Marketplace
Bazaar qui a lieu tous les deux ans, les profs se servent
des boîtes. Ils utilisent les boîtes de culture pour montrer des objets fabriqués dans des pays différents et pour
les aider avec l’instruction.
Les boîtes de culture peuvent aussi être prêtés par
d’autres écoles en ville et au public. Tous les ans, on
a des professeurs qui viennent de toutes les régions
d’Oklahoma et de tous les niveaux pour emprunter c’est
fameuses boîtes de culture.
Grace a Madame Wood, plus de 1000 étudiants ont
la chance de voir, toucher et apprendre les différents
modes de vie et de cultures de tous les pays. Les enfants
et les gens de la communauté vous disent : « MERCI
English Summary: Culture Boxes of the World
The Eisenhower culture box program exposes students to many cultural possibilities. EIS’s very own, Emily Wood (shown above)
created these fabulous culture boxes 17 years ago, and still works with them. It started in Japan, when she bought a culture box. She
realized that it was easier for kids to learn through a hands-on experience. There are 75 different boxes representing 45 different cultures. To keep these boxes alive people donate items on a regular basis. We the students of EIS thank Mrs. Wood for a job well done.
Read this: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
When Peter Hatcher wins a turtle in a contest it
starts a whole lot more trouble with his brother
Fudge. Fudge is constantly taking his family’s stuff
— from turtles to stamps to lost teeth. This is a
great book.
Leer esto: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing
Cuando Peter Hatcher gana una tortuga en una
competencia se empieza con mucho mas con
su hermano pequeño Fudge. Fudge esta constantemente tomando cosas del familia. De tortugas,
pasando por estampas hasta perder los dientes de
leche. Este libro es bueno.
Author: Judy Blume
Award: 1975 Sequoyah Award Winner
This advertisement was designed by Rain Wolff (S4), Maranda Harris (S4), and Will Duncan (S4).
A Community of Cultures
The Globe – 15
Cérémonie de Naturalisation
La naturalisation est une procédure par laquelle la nationalité américaine est offerte à tout étranger, à condition de remplir toutes les demandes
établies par INS. Premièrement il faut
vivre aux Etats-Unis et avoir une carte
verte. Après avoir obtenu une carte
verte, il faut 5 ou 7 ans pour demander
la nationalité. Il faut aussi être capable
de parler, lire et écrire l’anglais et il faut
connaître et comprendre les principes
de l’histoire américaine et la constitu- Members of the French 4th Grade class congratulate Murdi Mortadha
Issa (standing, center left) after his naturalization as a United States
tion du gouvernement américain.
citizen. Photos provided by the Mortadha family.
Environ 33 personnes de pays
variés sont devenus citoyens des Etats-Unis le 8 Octobre, 2008 à Eisenhower. La cérémonie a eu lieu dans le gymnase de notre école.
Il y avait des représentants de INS, Juge Eagan de Tulsa, Juge
Wilson un avocat de Tulsa qui est aussi le père de Morgan Wilson de
la quatrième année français, quelques superintendents du district
et des journalistes et des photographes du Tulsa World qui étaient
présents à la cérémonie.
Le grand père de Layla Mortadha était une des personnes qui fut
naturalisée ce jour là. Donc c’était une journée très émotionnelle
pour leur famille. L’année prochaine, la famille de M. Corbaz va
Murdi Mortadha Issa receives faire une demande pour changer leur nationalité. Bonne chance
citizenship papers at the
la famille Corbaz!
naturalization ceremony held
in the EIS gymnasium.
English Summary: Naturalization Ceremony
On October 8, 2008, Eisenhower International School hosted a
naturalization ceremony in the Gunning Activity Center. During this ceremony guests were
sworn in by a judge and were naturalized as United States citizens.
The process of being naturalized is when someone from a different country
becomes a citizen of
another country. There
were many people from
many different countries
like Mexico, Morocco, Iraq,
Canada, China, and many
We were fortunate to
have a relative of two of
our fellow students, Laith
and Layla Mortadha. Their
grandfather was naturalized during this ceremony.
Congratulations to
the Mortadha family!
The Globe newspaper is
published by
Eisenhower International
2819 S. New Haven
Tulsa, OK 74114.
Principal: Stacy Strow
© 2009 All RIghts Reserved.
and Writing:
EIS Class of 2009
Teachers: Sr. DeAndrade
and Mme. Barnes
EIS Class of 2010
Teachers: Mme. Kim,
Mme. Doty, and Sra Carreño
EIS Class of 2011
Teachers: Sra. Benavides
and Mme.Weller
Masthead Design:
Ben Maloy (S3)
Art/Photography Support:
Mr. Frayser
Computer Support:
M. Corbaz
Proofreading Support:
Mme. Rose
Project Sponsors:
The Eisenhower PTA
and The M.e.t.
Special Presenter in the
2008-2009 Media
Enrichment Program:
Ms. Betty Casey, Editor of
TulsaKids magazine and
EIS Parent-Alum
2008-09 Volunteers:
Anna America
Maureen Wilson
2008-09 Media
Enrichment Team:
M. Corbaz
Sr. DeAndrade
Mr. Frayser
Mme. Kim
Mrs. McCrary
Mrs. Strow
Allison Geary

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