Faith, Love, Community, Service


Faith, Love, Community, Service
Faith, Love, Community, Service
Third Sunday of Lent
February 28, 2016
Monsignor John Talesfore, Pastor
One Notre Dame Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94402
(650) 344-7622 Phone
(650) 344-4830 Fax
Daily Masses/Misas Diarias:
6:30am (except Saturday), 12:05pm
5:00pm, 7:00pm (Español)
8:45am (Español), 10:45am, 12:30pm,
3:00pm (Chinese in the small Chapel),
5:30pm (Español)
Lunes a Viernes
5:00pm-5:30pm in the Chapel
11:30am-12:00noon &
Misericordiae Vultus
15. In this Holy Year, we look forward to the experience of
opening our hearts to those living on the outermost fringes of
society: fringes which modern society itself creates. How many
uncertain and painful situations there are in the world today! How
many are the wounds borne by the flesh of those who have no
voice because their cry is muffled and drowned out by the
indifference of the rich! During this Jubilee, the Church will be
called even more to heal these wounds, to assuage them with the
oil of consolation, to bind them with mercy and cure them with
solidarity and vigilant care. Let us not fall into humiliating
indifference or a monotonous routine that prevents us from
discovering what is new! Let us ward off destructive cynicism! Let
us open our eyes and see the misery of the world, the wounds of
our brothers and sisters who are denied their dignity, and let us
recognize that we are compelled to heed their cry for help! May
we reach out to them and support them so they can feel the
warmth of our presence, our friendship, and our fraternity! May
their cry become our own, and together may we break down the
barriers of indifference that too often reign supreme and mask our
hypocrisy and egoism!
(Continued on page 2)
St. Matthew Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
Misericordiae Vultus (cont’d)
It is my burning desire that, during this Jubilee, the
Christian people may reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. It will be a way to reawaken our
conscience, too often grown dull in the face of poverty. And let us enter more deeply into the heart of
the Gospel where the poor have a special experience
of God’s mercy. Jesus introduces us to these works of
mercy in his preaching so that we can know whether
or not we are living as his disciples. Let us rediscover
these corporal works of mercy: to feed the hungry,
give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, welcome
the stranger, heal the sick, visit the imprisoned, and
bury the dead. And let us not forget the spiritual
works of mercy: to counsel the doubtful, instruct the
ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the afflicted, forgive offences, bear patiently those who do us ill, and
pray for the living and the dead.
We cannot escape the Lord’s words to us, and they
will serve as the criteria upon which we will be
judged: whether we have fed the hungry and given
drink to the thirsty, welcomed the stranger and
clothed the naked, or spent time with the sick and
those in prison (cf. Mt 25:31-45). Moreover, we will
be asked if we have helped others to escape the
doubt that causes them to fall into despair and which
is often a source of loneliness; if we have helped to
overcome the ignorance in which millions of people
live, especially children deprived of the necessary
means to free them from the bonds of poverty; if we
have been close to the lonely and afflicted; if we
have forgiven those who have offended us and have
rejected all forms of anger and hate that lead to violence; if we have had the kind of patience God
shows, who is so patient with us; and if we have commended our brothers and sisters to the Lord in prayer.
In each of these “little ones,” Christ himself is present.
His flesh becomes visible in the flesh of the tortured,
the crushed, the scourged, the malnourished, and the
exiled… to be acknowledged, touched, and cared
for by us. Let us not forget the words of Saint John of
the Cross: “as we prepare to leave this life, we will
be judged on the basis of love”.[12]
To be continued
Given in Rome, at Saint Peter’s, on 11 April, the
Vigil of the Second Sunday of Easter, or the Sunday
of Divine Mercy, in the year of our Lord 2015, the
third of my Pontificate.
Misericordiae Vultus
15. En este Año Santo, podremos realizar la experiencia de abrir el corazón a
cuantos viven en las más contradictorias periferias existenciales, que con
frecuencia el mundo moderno dramáticamente crea. ¡Cuántas situaciones de
precariedad y sufrimiento existen en el mundo hoy! Cuántas heridas sellan la
carne de muchos que no tienen voz porque su grito se ha debilitado y silenciado a causa de la indiferencia de los pueblos ricos. En este Jubileo la Iglesia
será llamada a curar aún más estas heridas, a aliviarlas con el óleo de la
consolación, a vendarlas con la misericordia y a curarlas con la solidaridad y
la debida atención. No caigamos en la indiferencia que humilla, en la habitualidad que anestesia el ánimo e impide descubrir la novedad, en el cinismo que
destruye. Abramos nuestros ojos para mirar las miserias del mundo, las
heridas de tantos hermanos y hermanas privados de la dignidad, y sintámonos provocados a escuchar su grito de auxilio. Nuestras manos estrechen sus
manos, y acerquémoslos a nosotros para que sientan el calor de nuestra
presencia, de nuestra amistad y de la fraternidad. Que su grito se vuelva el
nuestro y juntos podamos romper la barrera de la indiferencia que suele
reinar campante para esconder la hipocresía y el egoísmo.
Es mi vivo deseo que el pueblo cristiano reflexione durante el Jubileo sobre
las obras de misericordia corporales y espirituales. Será un modo para despertar nuestra conciencia, muchas veces aletargada ante el drama de la pobreza, y para entrar todavía más en el corazón del Evangelio, donde los pobres son los privilegiados de la misericordia divina. La predicación de Jesús
nos presenta estas obras de misericordia para que podamos darnos cuenta si
vivimos o no como discípulos suyos. Redescubramos las obras de misericordia
corporales: dar de comer al hambriento, dar de beber al sediento, vestir al
desnudo, acoger al forastero, asistir los enfermos, visitar a los presos, enterrar a los muertos. Y no olvidemos las obras de misericordia espirituales: dar
consejo al que lo necesita, enseñar al que no sabe, corregir al que yerra,
consolar al triste, perdonar las ofensas, soportar con paciencia las personas
molestas, rogar a Dios por los vivos y por los difuntos.
No podemos escapar a las palabras del Señor y en base a ellas seremos juzgados: si dimos de comer al hambriento y de beber al sediento. Si acogimos al
extranjero y vestimos al desnudo. Si dedicamos tiempo para acompañar al
que estaba enfermo o prisionero (cfr Mt 25,31-45). Igualmente se nos preguntará si ayudamos a superar la duda, que hace caer en el miedo y en ocasiones
es fuente de soledad; si fuimos capaces de vencer la ignorancia en la que
viven millones de personas, sobre todo los niños privados de la ayuda necesaria para ser rescatados de la pobreza; si fuimos capaces de ser cercanos a
quien estaba solo y afligido; si perdonamos a quien nos ofendió y rechazamos
cualquier forma de rencor o de odio que conduce a la violencia; si tuvimos
paciencia siguiendo el ejemplo de Dios que es tan paciente con nosotros;
finalmente, si encomendamos al Señor en la oración nuestros hermanos y
hermanas. En cada uno de estos “más pequeños” está presente Cristo mismo.
Su carne se hace de nuevo visible como cuerpo martirizado, llagado, flagelado, desnutrido, en fuga ... para que nosotros los reconozcamos, lo toquemos y
lo asistamos con cuidado. No olvidemos las palabras de san Juan de la Cruz: «
En el ocaso de nuestras vidas, seremos juzgados en el amor ».[12]
St. Matthew Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
Pastoral Staff & Parish Contacts
Monsignor John Talesfore,
650-344-7622 ext.102
[email protected]
Rev. Dominic S. Lee,
Parochial Vicar
650-344-7622 ext. 119
[email protected]
Rev. Tony Vallecillo,
Parochial Vicar
650-344-7622 ext. 162
[email protected]
In Residence
Property Manager
Mr. James Walsh
650-344-7622 ext. 105
[email protected]
Reyna Fernandez
650-344-7622 ext. 113
[email protected]
Chris Valencia-Rivers
650-344-7622 ext. 107
[email protected]
Music Director
Jim Dahlstrom
Most Rev. William Justice,
Auxiliary Bishop of San Francisco 650-344-7622 ext. 111
[email protected]
Religious Education Director
Teresita Contreras
650-344-7622 ext. 101
[email protected]
Chinese Adult Faith Formation
Rev. Dominic S. Lee (Chinese)
650-344-7622 ext. 119
[email protected]
Stewardship Development
Kathryn Cross
650-344-7622 ext. 104
[email protected]
Bulletin Editor
Rosalinda Ceja
650-344-7622 ext. 103
[email protected]
Rev. Thomas Parenti
St. Matthew Catholic School Contacts
910 S. El Camino Real,
San Mateo, CA 94402
FAX#: (650) 343-2046
Admissions Director
Nancy Arnett
650-343-1373 ext. 126
[email protected]
Mary Boland
650-343-1373 ext. 127
[email protected]
Ann Connelly
650-343-1373 ext. 139
[email protected]
St. Matthew Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
Chinese Community Chapel Masses
Thank you for your generosity in the Collection
Cantonese: 2nd, 4th, 5th Sunday @ 3:00pm.
Mandarin: 1st and 3rd Sunday @ 3:00pm.
Gracias por su generosidad en la Colecta
Sunday Collection
Electronic Collection
Mass Intentions
Jubilee Year of Mercy
Third Sunday of Lent
Pope Francis wants “Twenty
-four Hours for the Lord,”
around-the-clock availability of the sacrament of reconciliation, implemented
worldwide this Friday and
Saturday. Celebrated with
his oft-recommended
“tenderness,” the sacrament
is “a source of true interior
peace,” says Francis, enabling people “to touch the
grandeur of God’s mercy
with their own
hands” (Misericordiae Vultus, 17). In Luke’s Gospel,
Jesus warns us against
judging others. Focus instead, Jesus says, on deepening—or restoring—our
own relationship with God,
for during this Lenten
springtime that Master
Gardener can use even
Pray For The Departed
Denis Dineen
Mass Intentions
February 27– March 5
Saturday 27, 5:00
Sunday 28, 7:00
Monday 29, 6:30
Tuesday 1,
Wednesday 2, 6:30
Thursday 3, 12:05
Friday 4,
Saturday 5, 12:05
Luz Delia Leon †
Santiago Izquierdo †
Marland Carabana †
Rosa Toxcan †
Community / Pueblo
ICF Branch 163 Liv./ Dec.
Moises Martinez Rivera †
Magdalena Abesamis
Vicente & Paz Punsalang †
Portia Gallegos
Joel Senoran †
Mario Rodolfo Toledo †
Azucena Midem †
Judy Miller
Maria Delia Leon †
John Zirelli †
Renato Ghiozzi †
life’s manure (the parable’s
“fertilizer”) to coax fresh
fruit from a tree that seems
hopelessly barren—us!
Parishes preparing
catechumens may choose
John’s Gospel, which
likewise cautions against
judging. Imagine what the
Samaritan woman’s
lifelong neighbors thought
of her multiple
relationships. But by
discovering Jesus, then
sharing her good news—
and Jesus—with those very
neighbors, she whom they
had probably judged quite
sinful became instead their
evangelist and “missionary
of mercy.”
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright
© J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. Papal
quotes Copyright © 2015,
Libreria Editrice Vaticana.
Used with permission.
Pro-Life Oratory (speech) Contest
Thursday, March 10, 2016 @7:30pm,
St.Greg’s Worner Center,
138 28th Ave.,San Mateo.
Give a 5-7 min. original speech on a pro-life topic
of your choice
Cash prizes:
$100/1st place, $75/2nd place, $50/3rd place.
Bring your family and friends with you.
All are welcome
For more info: email [email protected]
St. Matthew Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
“I desire mercy, and not sacrifice” (Mt 9:13).
The works of mercy on the road of the Jubilee
2. God’s covenant with
humanity: a history of
The mystery of divine mercy is
revealed in the history of the
covenant between God and his
people Israel. God shows himself
ever rich in mercy, ever ready to
treat his people with deep
tenderness and compassion,
especially at those tragic moments
when infidelity ruptures the bond
of the covenant, which then needs
to be ratified more firmly in
justice and truth. Here is a true
love story, in which God plays the
role of the betrayed father and
husband, while Israel plays the
unfaithful child and bride. These
domestic images – as in the case
of Hosea (cf. Hos 1-2) – show to
what extent God wishes to bind
himself to his people.
This love story culminates in the
incarnation of God’s Son. In Christ,
the Father pours forth his
boundless mercy even to making
him “mercy
incarnate” (Misericordiae Vultus,
8). As a man, Jesus of Nazareth is
a true son of Israel; he embodies
that perfect hearing required of
every Jew by the Shema, which
today too is the heart of God’s
covenant with Israel: “Hear, O
Israel: The Lord our God is one
Lord; and you shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart, and
with all your soul, and with all
your might” (Dt 6:4-5). As the Son
of God, he is the Bridegroom who
does everything to win over the
love of his bride, to whom he is
bound by an unconditional love
which becomes visible in the
eternal wedding feast.
This is the very heart of the
apostolic kerygma, in which divine
mercy holds a central and
fundamental place. It is “the
beauty of the saving love of God
made manifest in Jesus Christ who
died and rose from the
dead” (Evangelii Gaudium, 36),
that first proclamation which “we
must hear again and again in
different ways, the one which we
must announce one way or
another throughout the process of
catechesis, at every level and
moment” (ibid., 164). Mercy
“expresses God’s way of reaching
out to the sinner, offering him a
new chance to look at himself,
convert, and
believe” (Misericordiae Vultus, 21),
thus restoring his relationship
with him. In Jesus crucified, God
shows his desire to draw near to
sinners, however far they may
have strayed from him. In this
way he hopes to soften the
hardened heart of his Bride.
© Copyright - Libreria
Editrice Vaticana
“Misericordia quiero y no sacrificio” (Mt 9,13).
Las obras de misericordia en el camino jubilar
2. La alianza de Dios con los hombres: una historia de
El misterio de la misericordia divina se revela a lo largo de la historia
de la alianza entre Dios y su pueblo Israel. Dios, en efecto, se muestra
siempre rico en misericordia, dispuesto a derramar en su pueblo, en
cada circunstancia, una ternura y una compasión visceral, especialmente en los momentos más dramáticos, cuando la infidelidad rompe el
vínculo del Pacto y es preciso ratificar la alianza de modo más estable
en la justicia y la verdad. Aquí estamos frente a un auténtico drama de
amor, en el cual Dios desempeña el papel de padre y de marido traicionado, mientras que Israel el de hijo/hija y el de esposa infiel. Son justamente las imágenes familiares —como en el caso de Oseas (cf. Os 12)— las que expresan hasta qué punto Dios desea unirse a su pueblo.
Este drama de amor alcanza su culmen en el Hijo hecho hombre. En él
Dios derrama su ilimitada misericordia hasta tal punto que hace de él la
«Misericordia encarnada» (Misericordiae vultus, 8). En efecto, como
hombre, Jesús de Nazaret es hijo de Israel a todos los efectos. Y lo es
hasta tal punto que encarna la escucha perfecta de Dios que el Shemà
requiere a todo judío, y que todavía hoy es el corazón de la alianza de
Dios con Israel: «Escucha, Israel: El Señor es nuestro Dios, el Señor es
uno solo. Amarás, pues, al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu corazón, con toda
tu alma y con todas tus fuerzas» (Dt 6,4-5). El Hijo de Dios es el Esposo
que hace cualquier cosa por ganarse el amor de su Esposa, con quien
está unido con un amor incondicional, que se hace visible en las nupcias
eternas con ella.
Es éste el corazón del kerygma apostólico, en el cual la misericordia
divina ocupa un lugar central y fundamental. Es «la belleza del amor
salvífico de Dios manifestado en Jesucristo muerto y resucitado» (Exh.
ap. Evangelii gaudium, 36), el primer anuncio que «siempre hay que
volver a escuchar de diversas maneras y siempre hay que volver a
anunciar de una forma o de otra a lo largo de la catequesis» (ibíd., 164).
La Misericordia entonces «expresa el comportamiento de Dios hacia el
pecador, ofreciéndole una ulterior posibilidad para examinarse, convertirse y creer» (Misericordiae vultus, 21), restableciendo de ese modo la
relación con él. Y, en Jesús crucificado, Dios quiere alcanzar al pecador
incluso en su lejanía más extrema, justamente allí donde se perdió y se
alejó de Él. Y esto lo hace con la esperanza de poder así, finalmente,
enternecer el corazón endurecido de su Esposa.
© Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vaticana
ESPANOL's diverse
dren's programming
and major Papal
programs include Daily events.
EWTN can be viewed
Mass, devotionals,
global Catholic news, locally on: Comcast
229, ATT 562, Astound
teaching series , live
80, San Bruno Cable
call-in-talk shows,
young adult and chil- 143, DISH Satellite 261
and Direct TV 370.
Schedules can be
found in the vestibules
or you can go on line
Notre Dame Belmont Annual Auction:
March 5, 2016, 6pm at the Hiller Aviation Museum
in San Carlos. Join us for an evening of vintage
travel fun in support of NDB's mission, programs
and students! Tickets and information available
at, 650.595.1913
St. Matthew Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
*Parish and Community*
GIVE – Sign up at to gift an
Easter Meal Basket to a designated
family in need from our St. Vincent
de Paul community.
JOIN – Bring your basket to church on
Palm Sunday (3/20) to the
10:45AM Family Mass to be
Saturday, March 5, 2016
6:00pm – 8:00pm
(Dinner served 6 – 6:30pm)
St. Matt's Auditorium
Prizes !!!
Seating limited so reserve soon!
Visit :
For more details
St. Matthew
Catholic School
2016 Auction
Dinner Dance
Mark Your Calendar Saturday,
April 16th
McGuire Gymnasium
Visit :
For more details
SHARE – Deliver your basket to your
assigned family at their home after
Mass on Palm Sunday. The
gratitude you will see on their faces
will fill your hearts with joy!
CELEBRATE – Enjoy your Easter
knowing you made it extra special
for another family in our
Share the Light benefits families of
St. Matthew Chapter of St. Vincent de
For more info & sign up, go to Or,
Contact: Bernadette Shu at
[email protected] or Kristen Childs
at [email protected]
St. Matthew Catholic Church
February 28, 2016
Película de la Vida del Arzobispo
Oscar Romero
Jueves 3 de Marzo a las 7:00pm en el auditorio
Con motivo del Año Jubilar de la Misericordia la
iglesia presentará la película titulada "Romero"
con Raúl Julia una película muy fuerte que nos
dará a conocer la vida y el sacrificio del Arzobispo salvadoreño Oscar Romero.
Todos están invitados!
¡Los niños de nuestra comunidad
necesitan tu ayuda!
Cada año en el condado de San Mateo alrededor de 400
niños entran a formar parte del sistema de corte juvenil
debido a abuso y maltrato En algunos casos, estos niños
son separados de sus padres mientras la familia recibe
servicios para solucionar su situación. Por medio del Programa CASA, tú puedes hacer la diferencia. Por favor
comunícate con Adriana al 650-517-5844 para obtener
más información sobre nuestro programa.
Le invitamos a vivir la experiencia del Fin de Semana del
Encuentro Matrimonial los días 15, 16 & 17 de Abril.
Para más información llama al: (650) 592-9719
►Ministerio para llevar la Comunión
a los Enfermos
Si Usted esta enfermo y no puede asistir a Misa
y le gustaría recibir la Santa Comunión llame a
Alejandra Ambriz al telefono 650-627-9251
►Si usted o alguien de su familia tiene un
problema con alcohol o drogas, favor de
llamar al 650-823-4468
► El grupo de la Legión de María se reúne todos
los Miércoles de 7:00pm a 9:00pm en el Crying
Room de la Iglesia.
Todos son bienvenidos.

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