July 24, 2016 - St. Thomas Catholic Church


July 24, 2016 - St. Thomas Catholic Church
APOYAR A LA PARROQUIA: Visita www.thomas-oll.org y
haga clic en donación para donar en línea – es seguro, te
ahorras empo, y conveniente. O usted puede llenar el
formulario para donar en línea dando localizado en la
parte de atrás de la Iglesia y regresar a la
GRACIAS a todos los que han hecho una donación a la
Iglesia del techo. Su generosidad nos ayudará a lograr el
objetivo de arreglar el techo de la parroquia. ¡No es
demasiado tarde para hacer una donación! Por favor use
el sobre “TECHO DE LA IGLESIA” para ser reconocido por
su contribución.
Felipe y Maria Cazares
Communion Service, 9:00 a.m., OLL
Misa en español, 7:00 p.m., StT
Confesiones, 6:00 a 6:45 p.m.
Wed. Mass, 9:00 a.m., StT - Theresa Gorjance (t)
Thurs. Mass, 9:00 a.m., StT - Joseph Van Van (Int)
Friday Mass, 9:00am, StT - Augus ne Mawi (Int)
Feast of St. Martha
Confession, 4:30 p.m. • Mass, 5:00 p.m., StT
Misa en español, 8:30 a.m., StT
Confesiones,- 7:30 a 8:00 a.m.
Mass in English: 8:30 a.m. at OLL, & 10:30 a.m., StT
18th Sunday Ordinary—XVIII Domingo Ordinario
Aurora Perez
PLEASE PRAY FOR: Vee Nguyen, Mary Lollino, Ron
Malaspino, Archbishop Alex Brune , Bud Trout, Victoria
Roberto Santillan
Marco Antonio Lopez
Szyperski, Mitsuyo Kawano, Gene Smith, Ben Strano, Than
BAUTIZOS: Si gusta bautizar a su niño/a el Sabado, 6 de Nguyen, My-anh Nguyen, Joseph Riley, David and Joan
agosto o 3 de septiembre a las 10:00 am, favor de hablar a King, Evelyn Nelson, Archbishop Peter Sartain,
la oficina con Maggie. El espacio es limitado.
SUPPORT THE PARISH : Visit www.thomas-oll.org and click
PREPARACIÓN PRE-BAUTISMAL:Sábado, 27 de agosto, on DONATION to donate online for convenience, secure,
10:30 am a 1:30 pm en el Salón O’Connell. Los padres y and me saving. OR you can fill out the ONLINE GIVING
form in the back of the Church and return to
padrinos necesitan asis r a clase antes de bau zar.
CAMPAMENTO PARA FAMILIAS: El campamento inicia el
BAPTISM CLASS for parents and grandparents who wants
viernes 26 de Agosto a las 5:30pm y concluye el domingo
their children to be bap zed, please see Rose Benedicto
28 a las 2:00pm. Para la familia entera y completamente
a er Mass to pick up a Bap sm registra on packet. Our
en español, este es ya una tradición para muchas familias
next classes will be on September 18 & 25 and our next
hispanas del Oeste de Washington. Durante este fin de
bap sm will be on October 16. Please return the
semana tendrá la oportunidad de: Pasar empo juntos
registra on packet back to Rose as soon as possible. Precomo familia • Conocer otras familias • Celebrar la
registra on is required.
Eucarís ca dominical con nuestro Sr. Obispo Eusebio
Elizondo • Diver rse con su familia y mucho mas…
know someone interested in the Catholic Faith or
FORMACIÓN DE FE: Las registraciones para la Primera interested in becoming Catholic? Have you been bap zed
Comunión, Confirmación y Grupo de Jóvenes serán a Catholic but have not received your First Communion
distribuidos el 7 de
agosto después de la misa. and/or the Sacrament of Confirma on yet? Perhaps you
Inscripciones para Confirmación será para alumnos en el have been away from the Church for awhile and would
grado 10 al 12. Necesitan tener 16 años antes de mayo like to return but feel uncomfortable doing so. If so, the
2017. Clases de formación para jóvenes en el grado 7, 8, Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults (RCIA) is the place to
o 9 que aun no han recibido el sacramento de bau zo o be! The class will start in September. Please contact Fr.
primera comunión serán disponibles este año. Las clases Duc at 206-242-5501, or Paul Harding at 206-948-6065 for
de Confirmación y Grupo de Jóvenes inician en octubre more informa on.
2016. Espacio es limitado, favor de inscribir a su hijo (a) lo
mas pronto posible.
takes place Thursdays of the month, open to all men (ages
ADORACIÓN AL SANTISIMO todos los martes de 3:00 a 15 to 40) discerning a call to diocesan priesthood. The
evening will include mass, brief presenta on, small group
6:00 p.m. Acompáñenos
discussion and refreshments. Please RSVP & Direct Your
Ques ons To: Fr. Bryan Dolejsi, Director of Voca ons,
(206) 382-4880 or bryan.dolejsi@sea learch.org
Thanks to our advertisers! Please support those listed on the back of the bulletin
¡Gracias a nuestros anunciantes! Por favor apoye a los negocios en la parte posterior del boletín.
WORLD YOUTH DAY (WYD). This year’s interna onal World
Youth Day celebra on will take place in Kraków, Poland,
from July 26-31. Take me to pray for World Youth Day
with the official prayers developed by the WYD 2016
interna onal organizing commi ee and the United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops:
“God, merciful Father, in your Son, Jesus Christ, you
have revealed your love and poured it out upon us in the
Holy Spirit, the Comforter. We entrust to you today the
des ny of the world and of every man and woman. We
entrust to you, in a special way young people of every
language, people and na on: Guide and protect them as
they walk the complex paths of the world today and give
them the grace to reap abundant fruits from their
experience of the Krakow World Youth Day.
Heavenly Father, grant that we may bear witness to your
mercy. Teach us how to convey the faith to those in doubt,
hope to those who are discouraged, love to those who feel
indifferent, forgiveness to those who have done wrong and
joy to those who are unhappy. Allow the spark of merciful
love that you have enkindled within us become a fire that
can transform hearts and renew the face of the earth.
Amen. Mary, Mother of Mercy, pray for us. St. John Paul II,
pray for us.
Please check out the website for daily informa on about
World Youth Day: www.wydusa.org OR www.wyd2016.us
SAVE THE DATE: August 7, 2016 for a special
fi h Sunday coffee hour. The Interna onal Friendship
Commi ee will sponsor a lunch plate for $5.00. It will be
great food at a great price for a great cause—a new roof on
the church to keep us dry this fall and winter.
CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING." The abor on conflict has
never simply been about repealing Roe v. Wade. And the
many pro-lifers I know live a much deeper kind of
discipleship than “single issue” poli cs. But they do
understand that the cornerstone of Catholic social
teaching is protec ng human life from concep on to
natural death. They do understand that every other
human right depends on the right to life. They did not and
do not and will not give up – and they won’t be lied to."
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput O.F.M
LIGHTS FOR THE PARKING LOT We are hoping to add
more lightning to our parking lot. Did you know anyone
who can help cut the pavement, dig the trench, lay the
conduit, pour the concrete bases, erect the poles and do
the wiring? Please contact Fr. Duc or Oren Hadaller for
further ques ons. Thank you.
KoC Rosary: there will be no rosary on July 28th or August
25th. Rosary will resume in September.
THANK YOU: On behalf of my family, I would like to
express our hear elt thank you to Kay and Jim Duffy,
Kathy and Oren Hadaller, Pat Clarke, Pho Vina Restaurant,
Judy Lund, Pat Clark, Mark Anthony & Bobbie Daligcon
and the members of Interna onal Friendship group,
Burmese; Samoan & Filipino Tinikling Dance Groups;
Yolanda Garcia and Family; Mary Jo Haugen; Florence
Zuca ; Carmen Douglas and many more behind the scene
who helped organize my 10th anniversary celebra on last
Sunday so warm and fun. Thank you all of you for your
presence, your love and generous gi . It was a great event
and I look forward to celebrate again on my 25th
anniversary !!!!
MARRIAGE HELP – Conflict in your marriage? Not sure how
to move forward? Retrouvaille can help. For confiden al
PARISH DIRECTORY We are so deeply sorry for the
informa on, visit the website: www.HelpOurMarriage.com mistakes in the directory. The Company pu ng
or call 206-706-2608
the directory out was very hard to work with and
communica ons with the LifeTouch group pu ng
FAITH FORMATION REGISTRATION New school year will the directory together was very much lacking. We tried
begin October 3, 2016. Therefore, beginning this week, we our best to get everyone’s input to get the informa on
will start collec ng the registra on form from Kindergarten accurate. Please accept our deepest apologies for the
thru 6 grades; youth group (7 thru 9 grades) and errors.
Confirma on Class (from 10 thru 12 grades). Please pick up
the form from your catechist or in the back of the Church WEBSITE: please check out the parish website:
www.thomas-oll.org for the Roof Project pictures.
and return it as soon as possible to secure your space.
Saint Thomas
Dona on at Mass/Donación en la Misa
Dona on Online/Donación en línea
Total Dona on/Donación Total
Maintenance Fund/Fondo de Mantenimiento
Children’s Dona on/Donación de los niños
Debt Reduc on/Reducción de Deuda
for the week ending July 17, 2016
Our Lady of Lourdes
Weekly Dona on at Mass
Weekly Dona on Online
Total Dona on
Maintenance Fund Dona on
Children’s Dona on/Donación de los niños
Debt Reduc on

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