Important Dates and Announcements EIGHTH GRADE TEAM NEWS


Important Dates and Announcements EIGHTH GRADE TEAM NEWS
November 14, 2016
st Quarter
Important Dates and Announcements
November 15– Food Drive Dress Down Day
November 19– Florida State Junior Thespian District 5 Festival. Blake High School in Tampa. Students need to be at SSAS at
November 22– 8th Grade Field Trip to the Asolo Theatre to
see “Guys and Dolls.” Students must bring a bagged lunch for this
November 23-25– Thanksgiving Break
December 2– 8th Grade Semi-Formal Dance. 7:00pm-9:00pm at
SSAS. Tickets are $10 and proceeds benefit the American Cancer
December 5-9– School Book Fair. Students will go through
Language Arts classes.
This Week’s Tests / Projects
History Quiz
History Test
Math Test
History Test
Science Test
Test (Sutliff)
This Week’s Homework
Mrs. Garfield and Mr. Lear (Language Arts)- Students are now finished reading
To Kill a Mockingbird. The essay test is Wednesday, 11/16 for Pre-AICE classes and
the final test is Thursday, 11/17 for both Pre-AICE and regular classes. All work must
be turned in to be allowed to watch the film version Friday, 11/18 and Monday,
11/21. Please check the Parent Portal for missing assignments.
Mr. Miller (Math)- Pre-Algebra: Due Thursday: Pages 191-194: 4-8, 10, 12, 13, 16,
17 graph paper *. * = available online at There is a test this
Friday on sections 4-1 through 4-5. Pre-AICE Math 2 (Geometry Honors): Due
Wednesday: Pages 256-257: 1-4, 9-11, 13, 24, 26 *. * = available online at Due Friday: Pages 266-268: 3-10, 13-16. There is a quiz this
Friday on sections 5-1 through 5-5.
Mr. Matthews (Math)-Pre-AICE: Due Wednesday, Page 229: 4-14, 29-32. Due
Friday, Page 247: 7-15, 22-24. Chapter 5 Test Friday. Pre-Algebra: Due Tuesday,
Page 182: 3-8, 13-17. Due Friday, Page 188: 3-8, 15-19. Chapter 4 Test Friday.
Mr. Bailey and Mr. Gehndyu (Science)- All Science Fair Projects should have
been submitted last Wednesday please check online grade book for missing
assignments. Wednesday November 16th- Chapter 2 Newton's 3 Laws Test.
Ms. Lopes (Spanish 1)-Students continue working on Unit 4 this week. We will be
working with the verb Pedir and other verbs that are only irregular in the first person. Students should continue studying the new vocabulary words that have been introduced along with the new verb forms that we are covering. Taking just 10 minutes
a day to look over notes makes a huge difference!
Mr. Sutliff (History & Spanish)- US History (Advanced & Regular): Students need
to finish all of the reading for Chapter 5 and to review Power Point presentations and
corresponding notes on BlackBoard. There will be a quiz on the second half of
Chapter 5 on Monday November 14 and the test on "The Road to Revolution" will be
on Wednesday November 16. Cambridge IGCSE Global Perspectives: Students
need to finish all of their reading in Travels of a t-shirt in the Global Economy and
prepare for their assessment/test on Friday November 18.
Save the Date
Sarasota School of Arts
and Sciences turns 20!
April 29, 2017
The Francis
Sarasota, Florida
Go to www.SSAS.ORG
for more information.
2017-2018 Application Window
August 1st – December 1st, 2016
Do you have a younger sibling going into 5th grade in August 2016?
Friends, family, and / or neighbors who have a student going into the
5thgrade in August 2016? Get the word out!!!
Online applications are submitted through our website at ,
beginning August 1st, 2016 through December 1st, 2016, and found on our
Registration page. An emailed confirmation of receipt, will be sent, when
the application has been received, and submitted successfully. After
December 1st, 2016, a lottery will be conducted to fill all 2017-2018
vacancies, and to create the order of the waiting lists. Results of the lottery
will be mailed home, on or before the second week of January 2017. With
a completed application on file, Siblings (brothers / sisters) of currently
attending students do not participate in the lottery, and are considered for
enrollment. Please contact our Registrar, Kim Braun at extension 1458
or [email protected] with any questions. Go Tigers!
Plazos para aplicar para el 2017-2018
Del primero de agosto al primero de diciembre/16
¿Tiene un hermano que está en 5 º grado en agosto del 2016? ¿Amigos,
familia o vecinos que tienen un estudiante entrando a 5 º grado en agosto
de 2016? Pase la voz!!!
Las aplicaciones se pueden hacer por internet en nuestro sitio web , comenzando el primero de agosto del 2016 hasta el
primero de diciembre del 2016. Una confirmación será enviada por correo
electrónico, cuando la aplicación se ha recibido y procesado
correctamente. Después del primero de diciembre del 2016, se realizará
un sorteo para llenar todos los cupos disponibles para el año escolar
2017-2018 y para crear el orden de las listas de espera. Los resultados de
la lotería serán enviados, en o antes de la segunda semana de enero del
2017. Si tiene hermanos que asisten actualmente a la escuela, solo
necesita llenar la aplicación y no necesita participar del sorteo, su cupo
está garantizado. Por favor contacte a nuestra registradora, Kim Braun a la

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