new weekend mass schedule new weekend mass schedule


new weekend mass schedule new weekend mass schedule
SATURDAY: Vigil Mass at 4:30 p.m. SUNDAY: 7:15 a.m., 8:45 a.m., 10:30 a.m., (Interpreted for the Deaf) & 5:00 p.m.
DOMINGO: Misa en Español 12:30 p.m.
9999 N. Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 EE-MAIL: [email protected]
WEB: PHONE: 561561-622622-2565 FAX: 561561-624624-9489
Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola - Parish Social Ministries Office
9999 North Military Trail - Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
Office: (561) 622-2565 or (561) 627-7478
Dear Friends of the Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Social Ministries,
Our Cathedral Parish Social Ministries has a tremendous impact upon the thousands of individuals and families
that come to our door for assistance. The various services that are offered enable our parish family, as the
people of God, to help fulfill the Church’s mission of love, justice, freedom and peace by communally
responding in love to a wide variety of needs. This past year, the ministry was blessed with an increase in
parish support through canned food donations. We continue to seek ways to improve the lives of these in our
parish and local community.
Parish Social Ministry is a vibrant growing part of our faith community here at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius
Loyola. This Ministry is staffed by the Coordinator of Parish Social Ministry, Deacon Miguel Munoz and many
generous parish volunteers who are committed to helping the people of our community. Volunteer ministers
give freely of their time and talent providing assistance to those with basic needs, ministering with
compassion, sensitivity and confidentiality while striving to treat each person with the dignity they deserve in
The Cathedral’s Parish Social Ministry provides: Direct Service: food, clothing, shelter needs, transportation, at
home or telephone visits, financial assistance and special services, support groups, bereavement, and
advocacy for and visitation to the elderly and vulnerable. Every time our Parish Social Ministry Office, through
your support, meets an individual’s basic needs, advocates for social change to reduce poverty, or creates a
partnership to improve the community, YOU are doing Parish Social Ministry and being a living witness to the
Gospel imperative to respond to the needs of our brothers and sisters. As supporters of this ministry, you
provide hope, joy, and love. Thank You!
We invite you to join us on Wednesday, December 4th, 2013 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for our Annual Parish
Social Ministries Christmas Celebration in our Parish Hall in support of those who will benefit from your
generosity. We hope that you will be as generous as your means allow. Thanks again helping us to assist
these families and individuals who have so little. Please help our Cathedral Parish to make this year brighter
for the families in our community who are most in need.
May God Bless You and Your Loved Ones,
Very Reverend Thomas E. Barrett
Deacon Miguel Munoz
Parish Social Ministries Director
$ 120.00 Individual Attendee
Silver Sponsor
$ 225.00 Attendee and Guest
Bronze Sponsor
$ 500.00 Attendee and 2 Guests
Gold Sponsor
$ 1,000.00 Attendee and 3 Guests
$ 5,000.00 Attendee and 4 Guests
November 23rd & 24th
Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. &
Sunday 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish Hall
9999 N. Military Trail , Palm Beach Gardens
Handmade, unique arts and crafts items sold
Baked goods
Holiday decorations
Kid Craft Corner - Fun for the Whole Family!
Snack bar food available all weekend for a
nominal charge
Free Admission
Vendor Special: set up the day before!
Find gifts for the holidays & for other occasions
For more information or to be a vendor, please contact the Cathedral’s
Youth Ministry Office (Dee Aitken) at 561-622-2565. This event is a fundraiser for the Youth Ministry
Program & will help pay for youth mission trips.
An Invitation to be a “Christmas Angel” on Television
Bishop Barbarito invites you to the taping of the
Diocese of Palm Beach's televised Christmas Mass on
Wednesday, December 18th at 4:00 p.m.
at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius in Palm Beach Gardens.
Bishop Barbarito will be the celebrant of this Mass that will be on Christmas Day
morning on local television for the benefit of the sick, homebound and many others in
our community so they can celebrate this Holy Mass. There will great music performed
by the choir.
Please consider being a "Christmas Angel" and attending this Mass. It means so much to our viewers to see a large faith family of
individuals and families sitting in the pews together in the Church.
Please come dressed in your holiday finest attire and join us for this special celebration! Light holiday refreshments will be served
afterward. We hope you will join us. For more information, contact the diocesan Office of Communications at 561-775-9529.
Bishop Barbarito’s Statement Regarding Typhoon Haiyan
The disaster that struck the Philippines on November 7 affects the entire human family. Our hearts and prayers go out to the
countless affected by the scope of the unprecedented devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan. We pray for those who have lost their
lives as well as for those, far and near, affected by the loss of loved ones. We pray for the survivors and those who are assisting in the
immediate relief efforts as well as the long term process of restoration.
Thanks to on-going and extensive preparations, Catholic Relief Services is already in the Philippines responding to the immense needs as best they can. Unfortunately, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck the region just a month ago, leaving the region devastated and with a shortage of supplies. Battered with two major disasters, the Filipino people need your help to survive and recover.
Every parish has been asked to take up a collection to assist our brothers and sisters in the Philippines. The collection will be forwarded to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to be given to Catholic Relief Services so that their work may continue. I
know our people will be as generous as possible.
May our prayers and sacrifices at this time join us in compassionate solidarity with our suffering brothers and sisters and assist them in their dire need.
Due to the previously scheduled Missionary Collection, the Cathedral’s Typhoon collection will be scheduled soon.
1300 US Highway One, North Palm Beach 561-626-1300
Dec. 4: Day of Reflection. Presenter: Sr. Roberta Popara, O.P.
“Advent: A Season for Everyday Mystics” 10:00am2:30pm $30.00. Reservations required.
Dec. 21: Special Advent Day of Refection led by retreat reteam
beginning at 10:00am and concluding with Mass for Fourth
Sunday of Advent at 4:00pm. $30.00. Reservations required.
Dec. 31: New Year’s Eve Reflection & Celebration led by
retreat team. Registration begins at 6:00pm. Dinner promptly at
7:00pm. Include Reconciliation, Mass and Midnight Party.
$80.00 per person for overnight - $60.00 per person for evening
only. Reservations required.
Workshops for Extraordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion
Saturday, December 7, 2013 Holy Family Church,
Port. St Lucie, 2330 SE Mariposa Ave, Port St. Lucie (772) 335
-2385 Last day for registration; Tuesday December 3rd
These are for new and experienced EMOC’s. Topics
include: background theology, spiritual preparation,
principles of good liturgy, ministry to the sick and
procedures for EMOC’s. New ministers will get
hands on on practice with unconsecrated altar breads
and wine. If you are interested please contact Bettina
Fiessinger at 844-2522.
Most Reverend Gerald M. Barbarito, D.D., J.C.L.
Bishop of Palm Beach
Very Reverend Thomas E. Barrett
St. Ignatius Loyola Women’s Guild
Potluck Dinner
The Women’s Club will meet in the Social
Hall on Monday, December 2nd, promptly at
6 PM, for a potluck dinner. Bring your
favorite dish. We must start early because at
7 PM Sharon, from Flower Kingdom, will
be creating a Christmas floral arrangement.
Come for a fun time, and bring a friend.
Reverend Edgar Mazariegos
Director of Hispanic Ministry/Parochial Vicar
Reverend Harold Buckley
Reverend Dan Devore
Reverend Brian Horgan
Assisting Priests
Deacon John Beaudoin
Deacon Jaime Zapata
Deacon Miguel Muñoz
Permanent Deacons
Monday through Friday
6:45 a.m. & 8:30 a.m.
Saturday - 8:30 a.m. Liturgy for the Day
Saturday, 3:00 p.m.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Friday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1st & 2nd Friday of the Month
9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
A Note from Our Parish Music
Director and Organist:
The Church celebrates the patroness of
music, St. Cecilia in November. The National Pastoral
Musicians Association requests that each parish celebrate
the fact that Music is alive and well in the Catholic
Church. In other words don’t believe that Catholics do
not sing! We will celebrate with a free twenty five
minute concert titled “St. Cecilia Sings!” before the
10:30 am Mass on November 24th featuring our
Children and Adult Choirs, Organ, Piano and
Instruments. Plan to arrive early that day to show your
support for our volunteer parish musicians as we end our
Liturgical Year and celebrate Christ Our King through
the gift of music.
We, the People of God, as members of the Body of Christ
at St. Ignatius Loyola Cathedral Parish, are conscious that
by our Baptism we are called to carry out Jesus' mission to
establish the Kingdom of God by:
· Nurturing our faith through celebrating the
Sacraments, especially the Eucharist, and learning
from Sacred Scripture and Church teaching;
· Discerning God's will in satisfying the spiritual needs
of our faith community and committing our time,
talent and treasure;
· Evangelizing by living, proclaiming and teaching the
message of the Gospel;
· Setting a climate for openness, and acceptance for all.
Offertory Report for November 17, 2013
Number of Checks & Envelopes…………………….591
From Checks & Envelopes…………………………..$13,236
Loose Cash ...................... ……………………...…..$3,479
Total Offertory .......................................................$16,715
Campaign Human Development..........……….......$3,705
Parish Social Ministries ........................................$377
Poor Box Monies..................................................$65.43
9/30/2013 School Debt Principal Balance.………..$1,208,227.13
Monthly Contributions for debt:
(All Saints School Collection)
OPE h Gift S
to 1
2 PM
to 5
38 shopping days ‘til Christmas! Check our Parish
Gift Shop for the perfect gift!
And as always, our pantry shelves are bare:
Currently, we are in desperate need for all types of
pantry food: Canned meat and tuna, canned fruits
and sweet corn, macaroni & cheese and cereal.
Also, quart and gallon-sized plastic zip-bags are in need.
Social Ministries also asks for special food items
such as yams, stuffing and canned
cranberry sauce to help with
Thanksgiving food baskets.
Thank you!
Parish Social Ministries is collecting grocery store
gift cards for turkeys. $15 gift cards to Publix, WalMart or Winn-Dixie can help a needy family purchase
a turkey this Thanksgiving season. Cards may be
dropped off at Social Ministries Office, MondayThursday 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. or at the
Parish office, Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. We thank you in advance for
your generosity.
The Parish Social Ministries now has the 2014 “Enjoy The
City” coupon books. The money raised helps to support
those in need through our food program. Save money while
saving a family! The cost of the book is $20 and are for sale
on the patio after masses, or stop by the PSM office,
Monday-Thursday, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Thank you from Deacon Miguel and our team of volunteers!
Readings for the Week of November 17, 2013
Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mal 3:19-20a; Ps 98; 2 Thes 3:7-12; Lk 21:5-19
The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter
and Paul, Apostles; Saint Rose Philippine
Duchesne, Virgin
1 Mc 1:10-15, 41-43, 54-57, 62-63; Ps 119;
Lk 18:35-43
2 Mc 6:18-31; Ps 3; Lk 19:1-10
Wednesday 2 Mc 7:1, 20-31; Ps 17; Lk 19:11-28
The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
1 Mc 2:15-29; Ps 50; Lk 19:41-44
Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr
1 Mc 4:36-37, 52-59; 1 Chr 29; Lk 19:45-48
Saint Clement I, Saint Columban, Abbot; Blessed
Miguel Agustín Pro, 1 Mc 6:1-13; Ps 9; Lk 20:27-40
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
2 Sm 5:1-3; Ps 122; Col 1:12-20; Lk 23:35-43
You can find our donation box on the
Welcome Table. Proceeds from box
tops goes to All Saints Catholic School!
Dee Aitken, Youth Minister/D.R.E. Parish Office: 561-622-2565
E-mail: [email protected] Web:
Life Nights begin after the 5:00 p.m. Mass with dinner in
the parish hall. All High School Teens are welcome!!
November 17th Life Night
Love Defined: Giving vs. Using
EDGE Middle School
November 20th Class:
6:30 p.m.– 7:45 p.m.
Faith Night & Social
“Birthday Bash”
Our Lifeteen program now has open
nights for teens on WEDNESDAY
EVENING from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. These
evenings are social not structured, open
for teens to play volleyball, ping-pong,
pool, foosball, help each other with
homework or just hang out. Bring a
Serve the larger community with service projects
as well as serving the Parish community at Mass:
Ushers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers, Lifeteen
Music Ministry, or perhaps Religious Education to
assist with smaller children.
Religious Education is in need of
teachers & assistants for Tuesday &
Wednesday evenings from 5 pm to 6:15 pm.
Please contact Dee Aitken or Beth Zanotelli at
the parish office. 561-622-2565.
Little Flowers Girl Club
Our Little Flowers Girls Club is hosting
a Book Drive and is asking for
donations of gently used children’s
books for area needy children. There
will be a box near the welcome table for
your donations. Thank you!
IMPORTANT: Lifeteen Covecrest Camp!
Deadline to sign up for Lifeteen Covecrest Camp!
Camp has changed the way they are registering
this year. Please note that I will need
commitments ASAP. Deposits ($100) for this
commitment are now due. This IS by far an
experience that will bless you for a life time!
Contact Dee Aitken:
Religious Education Classes have begun!
K-4th meet on Tuesdays from 5:30 p.m.- 6:45 p.m.
Grades 2, 5, and Special Sacraments meet on
Wednesdays from 5:00 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
(6, 7, & 8th grades)
Meet Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
Classes will meet on: November 19/20
Grades 2 - 5 are invited to participate in
this year’s Nativity Pageant at the
Family Christmas Eve Mass, at
4:00 p.m. on Monday, December 24th.
Please sign up with Mrs. Rabideau at
[email protected] or call the parish
office ASAP, rehearsal schedule to
Annual Children’s
Christmas Party
The Knights of Columbus will host
our Parish Christmas party on
Monday, December 9th
5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
in the Parish Hall
Saint Nick will be there for pictures
with the children, gift bags, Christmas
Carols etc. Bring a plate of cookies or
your favorite Christmas treat to share!
RCIA meets on
at 7:15 p.m. in the
Parish Hall
The “Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults” is a weekly session for anyone
who may be interested in becoming
Catholic, for those who have not
completed their Sacraments of Initiation,
or for someone who just may want to
refresh their faith journey. Our doors are
open and we gladly welcome you! For
further information and to register please
contact Deacon John in the Parish Office.
Invites all children in
Grades 2 through 6 to
be a member of the children’s choir.
When: Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
One 10:30 Sunday Mass per month and special
occasions; a schedule will be given
Where: In the Cathedral
Directed by: Mr. Tom Wilcoxson, Cathedral Director
of Music, assisted by Mrs. Rosemarie Gondek
Confirmation II
Class meets Sundays @
3:45 p.m. includes the 5 p.m. Mass
Next Class is November 17th
December 1st, Theology of the Body
December 8th The Sacrament of
Confirmation II Retreats
End of the year Retreat: Our Lady of
Florida in North Palm Beach,
February 23, 2014
Rev. Thomas E. Barrett, Rector
Rev. Edgar Mazariegos Tel.: 561-622-2565
E-mail: [email protected]
• Hoy, después de misa, las Damas
Católicas tienen reunión de
orientación para aspirantes a Damas
Católicas en el salón AB. Para más
información llame al 624-6312.
• Intención de la misa: por el
descanso eterno de Ligia Zambrano,
a petición de Oscar e Inés Figueroa.
CONFESIONES: Sábados de 3 a 4 P.M.
Lecturas de hoy
El profeta vaticina la venida del Señor (primera lectura
Malaquías 3, 19-20), como una hoguera para los perversos
y un sol de justicia para los buenos. Jesús anuncia la ruina de
Jerusalén (evangelio Lucas 21, 5-19), advierte a sus
discípulos que se cuiden de los falsos profetas y les previene
que será mucho lo que tendrán que sufrir por causa de su
San Pablo (segunda lectura segunda carta a los
Tesalonicenses 3, 7-12) recomienda a los cristianos que no
dejen sus tareas cotidianas ni su trabajo.
• y llamarán a la puerta de ustedes y tratarán de
• o escucharán pláticas en
las que se habla de Cristo,
pero no del Cristo que
padeció y murió por
nosotros, sino del Cristo
cósmico, que se encarnó
en Buda, en Jesús,
en Mahoma...
venderles revistas (o se las regalarán) y los
invitarán a leer y estudiar la Biblia, primero en casa
y después en un lugar especial...
• se les acercarán en las terminales de autobuses o
en las estaciones del tren y les repartirán folletos en
los cuales, al final, se los invita a tal o cual reunión
para saber más sobre el tema del folleto...
• o los abordarán en cualquier lugar y les preguntarán si
están seguros de su salvación, y les dirán que la única
forma de estarlo es aceptar a Cristo en su vida... y ya.
Está en tus manos
Cuentan que cuando Jesucristo
estaba en la tierra, un joven decidió
atrapar al Señor exponiéndolo a
vergüenza, y pensó para sí mismo:
"Atraparé una pequeña ave que
quepa en el hueco de mis manos y
me presentaré a Jesús y le diré:
Maestro tú que todo lo sabes dime
¿qué tengo en mis manos?, Él me
contestará que tengo un pequeño
pajarillo, yo contestaré dices bien,
ahora dime si está vivo, o si está
muerto, si el me contesta que está
vivo solo tengo que hacer un pequeño movimiento en mis manos para
torcerle el cuello al ave y presentarla
muerta, si por el contrario me dice
que está muerto sólo tengo que abrir
• Ustedes respétenlos, generalmente son personas de
buena voluntad,
mis manos para que el pajarillo salga
volando, y así de esa manera lo pondré
en ridículo y será una vergüenza que
vuelva a hablar".
Así a sus pensamientos malvados puso
acción y con el pajarillo en sus manos se
presentó al Maestro quien tenía su mirada
puesta en el suelo, y le dijo:
Maestro: —tú que todo lo sabes dime:
¿Qué tengo aprisionado entre mis manos?
El Señor sin levantar la mirada le contestó:
—"Tienes un pequeño pajarillo" —Dices
bien contesto el muchacho, ahora dime:
¿está vivo? o ¿está muerto?
El Señor levantó su mirada y buscó los
ojos del atrevido joven y le contestó:
—"Esa decisión está en tus manos"
Autor Desconocido
Uno puede ofrecerle sus ideas a otro
como balas o como semillas.
Puede dispararlas, o sembrarlas;
pegarle en la cabeza a la gente con
ellas, o plantarlas en sus corazones.
Las ideas usadas como balas matarán
la inspiración y neutralizarán la
motivación. Usadas como semillas,
echarán raíces, crecerán y se volverán
realidad en las vidas de quienes
fueron plantadas.
El único riesgo de usarlas como
semillas es que una vez que crecen y
se convierten en parte de aquellos en
quienes fueron plantadas, es probable
que nunca te reconozcan el mérito de
haberlas ideado.
Pero quién está dispuesto a darlo
todo, recogerá una rica cosecha.
Parish Directory
Parish Prayer List
Please pray for those in need, especially those who have
died recently and their families who mourn them…
Sunday, November 17
Parish Office…...561-622-2565 7:15 a.m. All Souls †/Maria Tran
Email: [email protected] 8:45 a.m. Frederick Bernat †/Rachel Pennacchia
Altar Servers…………. Dee Aitken
Bookkeeper …....……..Barbara Puglisi
Bulletin Editor ................ Jeanne Hogan
Children's Liturgy .......... Patty Rabideau
Facility Manager……..…....Dn. John Beaudoin
Director of Music…….Tom Wilcoxson
Lectors ............................ Parish Office
Life Teen Music ........... Glen Aitken
Liturgy ............................ Monet Murray
Marriage Preparation ..... Parish Office
Youth Ministry/D.R.E. .. Dee Aitken
Parish School
All Saints Catholic School ....... 748-8994
Parish School Liaison ............... 385-1659
Parish Social Ministries. …......627-7478
Coordinator .................. Dn. Miguel Muñoz
Prayer Line ....………………..627-7478
Respect Life .............................. 694-8953
Substance Abuse ....................... 846-1904
Stewards of Worship Ministries
Ministers of Holy Communion....844-2522
Ushers ........................................ 622-0855
Stewards of Prayer Ministries
Agua Viva……......................... 745-4482
Contemplative Prayer ............... 694-8953
Divine Mercy ............................ 691-1775
Eucharistic Adoration ............... 691-1775
Legion de María........................ 248-1798
10:30 a.m. Lynn Mahoney †/her family
12:30 p.m. Ligia Zambrano †/Ines & Oscar Figueroa
5:00 p.m. Dominic DePaola †/Bill & Michele Ryan
Monday, November 18
Ted Houk SI/Ginny Sigler
6:45 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
6:45 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Stewards of Ministries for Men
Catholic Men’s Fellowship…..775-9409
Knights of Columbus............... 248-4098
November 17
November 18
3:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Primera comunion
3:45 p.m.
Confirmaon II
6:00 p.m.
Women of Grace
6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Agua Viva
Glenna Faye Rorke †/Jeanne Larsen
Bernadette Leaming †/Jim Gallagher
Wednesday, November 20
6:45 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Jerome Schwaed †/Anita Fredricks
Virgina Horn †/Ed & Chris
Thursday, November 21
6:45 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Jerome Schwaed †/Anita Fredricks
Bernadette Leaming †/Jim Gallagher
Friday, November 22
6:45 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
Jerome Schwaed †/Anita Fredricks
Rick Reynolds †/Tam Luallen
Saturday, November 23
8:30 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
The Blessed Mother †/Guy Josephine Carrubba
Henry Wisniewski †/Margaret
Sunday, November 24
7:15 a.m.
8:45 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Stewards of Ministries for Women
Damas Católicas en Acción ..... 624-6312
Women's Guild ......................... 622-6420
Lillian McDermott †/Ro & Pat Zamberletti
Tuesday, November 19
People of the Parish
Catarina & Joseph †
School Sisters of Christ the King SI/ Joan Lawlor
Maria Lopez †/Family
Gertrude & Rudy Zisko †/Ruth Zisko
Substance Addiction Ministry
Are you or a loved one effected by addicons? YOU ARE NOT
ALONE. This support group is held at St. Patrick Church in Palm
Beach Gardens the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of every month from
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Contact Greg Gast 561-846-1904
November 19
7:00 a.m.
Men’s Fellowship
Little Flowers
5:30 p.m.
K-4 Religious Ed
7:15 p.m.
November 20
9:00 a.m.
Cards & Games
10:00 a.m.
November 21
5:00 p.m.
Grades 2 & 5 Rel. Ed.
6:00 p.m.
Contemplative Prayer
6:30 p.m.
Teen Drop In
6:30 p.m.
Grades 6, 7, & 8 EDGE
6:30 p.m.
Children’s Choir
7:00 p.m.
Adult Choir
7:30 p.m.
Legion de María
7:00 p.m.
Liturgical Meeting
Butch Anderson, Brandon Archer, Josh Archer, Leticia
Arévalo, Sonia Aurora, Inga Bagrationi, Dorothy Becker,
Joseph Beninato, Jr., Eleanor Beresky, Angie Bertolini,
Susan Beyersdorf, Natalie Bezout, Terry Biadasz, Sandra
Brady, Violet Boulter, Sean Burke, Harold Bouchard, Al
Capizzi, Salvatore Carrubba, Ricky Carver, George
Cavaliere, Karen Cernak, Stephanie Chavez, Colleen
Christman, Charlotte Cimino, Adrienne Cole, Beverly
Cole, Penni Conroy, Michael Cordani, Tyler Creech, John
Cushman, Richard Daniels, Dawson Family, Susan Davis,
Deeb Family, Thomas Deeb, Rocky DePalma, Kathleen
DeWoody, Mrs. Dion, Marianne Donavan, Timothy
Donegan Family, Donna Dore, Estelle Dubin, Jules
Ducarme, Barbara Dudash, Sean Durkin, Bret Dutton,
Deborah Duxbury, Marie Emmerich, Anthony V. Errice,
Ed Errice, Andrew Espinosa, Quentin Fabiano, David
Feliciano, Lillian Fischer, Cindy Fitting, Gino Forcino,
Marie Alice Fougy, Crissy Fox, Sophie Gagnon, Bertha
Gallagher, Estefania Garcia, Preston Garling, Glen
George, Mary Gibran, Andrew Glesson, Barry Hallett,
Dianne Hannan, Janice Harvey, Colin Harrington, Harrington Family, Evan Hartstock, Dolores Hernandez,
Siena Hernandez, James Hogan, Mildred Horn, Frances
Ryan Hutchinson, Dorothy & Steve Hydro, Maritza
Cuervo Ibanez, Salvatore Izzo, Vincent Izzo, Carol L.
Johnson, Frank & Jennifer Katina, Peggy & John Katona,
Grace Keating, CJ Kelley, Adrienne & Michael Keiderling, Betty Kerwin, Katie Kobold, Ronald Kratfel, Lynn
Kunz, Mary Lou LaComb, Judy Lamia, Eileen Lang, Kim
& Steven Lang, Tony Langer, Patricia Lashon, Penny
Lashon, Troy Lashon, Terri Latino, Don Laubert,
Teresita Leonard, Alana Lester, Kelly Locke, Stella
Londoño, Frank Loomis, John Luzi, Lorraine Macey,
Jeannine Mangan, Arlene Mark, Felix Martinez, Hilda V.
Marquez, Joan Masco, Angel Mazariegos, Letty
Mazariegos, Wendy McBride, Charles McCarthy, Hank &
Jane McGann, Marge McManus, Brandon McNaughton,
Jr., Jeff Mc Quigg, Judy Meetze, Elvia Mendez, Michaelowski Family, Miller Family, Ron Miller, Santiago
Miranda, Rosa Morales, Sean Moran, Wendy Morrill,
Monica Moss, Ashley Munsinger, Jean Murphy, Pam
Perry, Marlo Peterson, Kathy Petner, Michael Peiderling,
Tom Piccolo, Natalie Piescik, Frank Petrera & sons, Harry
Michael Pompiean, Jack Proverb, Betty Previty, Maryanne Puglisi, Michael Puglisi, Paula Pungello, Pat
Quinlan, Susan Rahner, Allison J. Reid, Frank Repici,
Marsha Rewak, The Reynolds Family, Hernan Reynolds,
Ruby Reynolds, Mary Ellen Rice, John Rieger, Letizia
Mancuso Riggi, Chris Robinson, Beverly Rogers, Christian Russell, Maureen Setaro, Santos Family, Alice &
Joseph Santos, Ron Santos, Madalyn Sarafeen, Thomas
Sarofen, Emily & Julia Schuts, Maureen Setaro, Joyce
Sheriff, Karen Shirley, David Slimboch, Bob Somerville,
Jessie & Carol Snelgrove, Ken Snyder, Michael Snyder
Angela Soriano, Ann & Basil Spitale, Gary Lee Struder,
Joan Sucher, Mike Tassone, Jean Tucker, Melisssa Tripp,
MacKenzie Vanderpool, Dorothy Verfaillie, Connie
Vitucci, Ron Weber, Audrey Wega, Roberta Weiner,
David Weir, David Werill, Bernard West, Ray & Ruth
Whealin, Christopher White, Mary Wilkenson, Melissa
Wohlust, Marcie Worrell, & Louise Zantuhos.
Please contact the parish office to have a loved one
placed on the prayer list. Names appear for
approximately one month.
November 22
November 23
8:00 a.m.
Cra? Show Set up
Whole Hall
8:00 a.m.
Cra? Show

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