Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - our lady of lourdes


Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - our lady of lourdes
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 6th-7th
10 ASH Wednesday Mass at 8 am, 3:30 pm and 6:30 pm bilingual
11 Anniversary of the Apparitions of OLL. Misa 7 pm
12 Stations of the Cross (Fridays of Lent)
13: Baptismal classes in the church at 12:10 pm
14 Rite of Election, Holy Family –Yakima.
20-21 Catholic Relief Service Collection
21 Children’s Mass
23 Mass of lawyers and legal Professionals (Red Mass), St Paul
Cathedral –Yakima
9 Finance Council 12:30 pm
9 Pastoral Council 6:30 pm
12 Lenten Friday Soup Suppers start.
13 Visioning committee meeting at 6:30
23 YLI Meeting at 7:00PM
6 KC Breakfast
Feb 10
Feb 17
Feb 24
Mar 2
Mar 9
Grades 1—5:
3:30pm—5:00 pm
Classes Ash Wednesday / Mass-3:30
Feb 10
Feb 17
Feb 24
Grades 6—8 6:30pm—8:00 pm
Classes Ash Wednesday / Mass-6:30pm
Classes River Canyon Yogurt
Classes River Canyon Yogurt
Wednesday, February 3 – Visit from REACH
Sunday, February 14 – Youth Mass at 10:00 A.M.
Wednesday, February 24 Class.
Wednesday, March 2
Saturday, March 5 – Rummage Sale for Mission Trip
NEW BULLETIN EDITOR We submit our bulletin a week
in advance. Please be aware that the deadline to submit your
news for the bulletin is at noon the previous Saturday. (7 days
before), with the exception of Christmas when the bulletin is
printed three weeks in advance. Please send all of your bulletin
news to Maddy Hoppis at [email protected] .
William & Sue Gillespie
Feb 6 Madelyn Quigley, Martina Villafan
Feb 7 John Raymond Zambito, Maria Correa
Feb 8 Adalcita D. Sabater, Eduardo Duarte, Eileen King, Hollis Imrie
Feb 9 Rosemary DeJong
Feb 10 Guadalupe Garcia, Guillermo Valdovinos
Feb 11 Bill Fromherz, Hudson Sager
Feb 12 Demetrio Cardenas
Please call the Parish Office to remove or add a
name: 697-4633 Thank You
Why did Jesus perform the miracle of the great catch of fish? No
doubt the great crowd of people who had pressed upon Jesus had
something to do with this miracle. They were very hungry for
God and were eager to hear his word. Jesus wanted to use this
occasion to teach his disciples an important lesson. Although
Simon was wearied from a night of fruitless toil, he nonetheless
pressed upon Jesus for his word of command: “At your word I
will let down the nets.” When you meet disappointment and failure, do you press upon the Lord, like Simon, to hear his word and
to receive his command? This incident tells us an important truth
about how God works in and through us for his glory. God expects of us greater things than we can do by ourselves. When we
cooperate in His works, we accomplish far beyond what we can
do on our own. When people respond to God's word with faith
and obedience they are changed and made "a new creation" in
Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).
God chooses ordinary people, like you
and me, as his ambassadors and he uses
the ordinary circumstances of our daily
lives and work situations to draw others
into his kingdom. Jesus speaks the
same message to us today: we will
"catch people" for the kingdom of God
if we allow the light of Jesus Christ to
shine through us. God wants others to
see the light of Christ in us in the way we live, speak, and witness the joy of the gospel. Paul the Apostles says, “But thanks be
to God, who in Christ Jesus always leads us in triumph, and
through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who
are being saved and among those who are perishing.” (2 Cor.
2:15). Do you witness to those around you the joy of the gospel
and do you pray for your neighbors, co-workers, and relatives
that they may come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and grow in
the knowledge of his love?
(From a reflection on the Gospel by Don Schwager, founder of the Daily
Scripture Readings and Meditations website)
LENT is ear ly this year and help will be needed to decor ate
the church on February 6th at 10:00. If you are able to help just
show up! Again, newbies are welcome! -Eileen Hunt.
Feb 6
5:30 PM
Feb 7
8:00 AM
Lindsay Conger (New)
Kristin & Maggie Ballew
Mattson or
Michelle Busey
10:00 AM Desmarais/Hunt
5:30 PM
Feb 14 8:00 AM
Feb 13
10:00 AM Stewarts
Shea & Kieryann Mattson
Mannie, Didi,
Arnie & Ruth/
Anda, Jesús te espera
In today’s Gospel, Jesus calls His first Apostles. Luke tells us of
the miracle that occurred for St. Peter and the others in their fishing boat. At the Lord’s command, they cast their nets after a time
of catching nothing, and “they caught a great number of fish.”
Note Peter’s reaction, however. He falls to his knees and implores Jesus, “Depart from me Lord, for I am sinful man.” St.
Peter is astonished and amazed, and he is, quite frankly, afraid of
what he has just experienced. We may sometimes react to the
Lord’s calling in a similar way. It is a bit overwhelming and
frightening to come to the realization that we, too, are called, and
that the Lord has expectations of us. Yet, this is how what we
know as the Church began. It commenced with Jesus calling simple fishermen according to our Gospel. These, of course, then
developed into twelve, then hundreds, then thousands, and now
millions upon millions of those called to be disciples. We are
among that throng. When Luke speaks of “following,” he is talking about discipleship. We are called to be stewards and disciples, but are we willing to “leave everything and follow
Him?” (from
Mother Josephine Bakhita was born in Sudan in
1869 and died in Schio (Vicenza) in 1947. This African flower, who knew the anguish of kidnapping and
slavery, bloomed marvelously in Italy, in response to
God's grace, with the Daughters of Charity. In Schio
(Vicenza), where she spent many years of her life, everyone still calls
her “our Black Mother.” The process for the cause of Canonization
began 12 years after her death and on December 1st, 1978 the Church
proclaimed the Decree of the heroic practice of all virtues. Divine Providence which “cares for the flowers of the fields and the birds of the
air”, guided the Sudanese slave through innumerable and unspeakable
sufferings to human freedom and to the freedom of faith and finally to
the consecration of her whole life to God for the coming of his Kingdom. Bakhita was not the name she received from her parents at birth.
The fright and the terrible experiences she went through made her forget the name she was given by her parents. Bakhita, which means
“fortunate, ”was the name given to her by her kidnappers. Sold and
resold in the markets of El Obeid and of Khartoum, she experienced the
humiliations and sufferings of slavery, both physical and moral. In
Khartoum , Bakhita was bought by an Italian consul, Callisto Legnani .
For the first time since the day she was kidnapped, she realized with
pleasant surprise, that no one used the lash when giving her orders;
instead, she was treated in a loving and cordial way. In the consul's
residence, Bakhita experienced peace, warmth and moments of joy,
even though veiled by nostalgia for her own family, whom, perhaps,
she had lost forever. When political situations forced the consul to leave
for Italy, Bakhita asked for and obtained permission to go with him and
with a friend of his, a certain Mr. Augusto Michieli. It was while there
that she became a Christian, was given the new name of Josephine and
eventually, took her vows as a religious sister.
Feb 7 12 pm
Feb 14
12 pm
Yaritza M., Ceci(David & Rosa) Berenice Y
lia .C, Jose .Luis M Luz .R, Lidia .I
Jose Luis .P, Laura (Jaime & Yolanda) BlanPalacios, Lorenzo ca .S, Maria H.
Por Claudio de Castro
Hace algunos meses recibí una llamada telefónica inesperada.
“¿Usted es Claudio de Castro? Me llamo Rosario Araúz. Le
hablo porque debe publicar un nuevo libro y se llamará EL SAGRARIO”. “Tengo otros similares”, le repliqué amablemente.
No logré cambiar su opinión. “Éste será diferente”. “¿Y por qué
lo quiere?”, pregunté, sin poder ocultar mi curiosidad. “Suelo ir a
una capilla cercana a mi casa y a menudo encuentro solo a Jesús.
Las personas no van a verle porque no saben quién los espera
allí. Con su libro usted les dirá que Jesús Sacramentado se
encuentra en el Sagrario”. No me pude negar a la petición de
una dama tan gentil. Asentí y le hice tres promesas que al tiempo
pude cumplir: “Escribiré su libro, lo voy a publicar y viajaré al
interior del país para conocerla”. Una mañana de junio me encontraba frente a la puerta de su casa, tocando el timbre. Estaba
en Penonomé, a 149 kilómetros de la ciudad de Panamá. Me
abrió la puerta una dulce abuelita y me invitó a pasar. Me mostró
las fotos familiares y me indicó: “Siéntese que le voy a contar
una historia…” Nunca imaginé lo que estaba por escuchar.
“Siempre visitó a Jesús en un pequeño oratorio. Se encuentra
solo y me duele verlo así. Una mañana fui con mi hija y escuché
claramente estas palabras salidas del sagrario: “Rosario, quiero
que te encargues de ayudar a las detenidas en la cárcel de
mujeres. Las pobres. Les falta de todo. Ve. Yo te envío”.
Apenas podía creer esto. ¿Era una ilusión? Le conté a mi hija, y
me regañó: “Deje de imaginar tonterías madre.”
Era algo de no creer y no la culpo. Regresamos a la casa y cuando nos estacionamos mi otra hija, sale al estacionamiento y
empieza a decirnos muy molesta: “¿Cómo es posible? ¿Qué
clase de católicos somos? Las pobres detenidas, nadie las visita
en la cárcel, les falta de todo. DEBEMOS AYUDARLAS. Es
nuestra obligación”. Mi otra hija, la que estuvo conmigo en el
sagrario se sonrió, agitó la cabeza como diciendo: “esto es increíble” y comentó: “Ay mamá, ¿quién comprende las cosas de
Dios? Perdóneme. Ahora le creo”. Llama a un alto functionaries
del gobierno y éste le respondió: “Nos parece estupendo. Dígale
a su madre que lo que ella desee la apoyamos”.
“¿Y qué ocurrió?”, le pregunte intrigado.
“Han pasado 10 años de ese día. Armamos un grupo de voluntarias y tres veces a la semana estuvimos visitando a las
detenidas, cambiando sus colchones, haciéndoles la vida más
digna, enseñándoles un oficio. Yo ya estoy vieja y no puedo ir.
Me canso. Pero el grupo continúa. ¿Ahora comprende?”
“Ahora comprendo”, le respondí. “Qué maravillosa historia”.
Le entregué algunos ejemplares del libro y me marché profundamente impresionado. Mi libro el sagrario, el que casi no escribo
es ahora el que más me piden. Se ha traducido en dos idiomas:inglés y portugués. He visto cómo una pequeña visita al
sagrario ha cambiado vidas. Hace poco me encontré una joven
saliendo de una capilla. Se me acercó amable y me dijo: “Vengo
de ver a Jesús… Gracias a su libro EL SAGRARIO”. “No… Yo
sólo escribo. Dale las gracias al buen Jesús”, le respondí. “Fue
Él quien te llamó”. ¡Qué bueno eres Jesús! (Tomado de h p://
Miércoles de Ceniza Feb 10 misa a las 6:30 pm bilingue
Feb 13 Classes , Feb 20 Classes,
Feb 27 Classes
PROXIMOS BAUTISMOS: 26 de mar zo y 3 de Abr il.
Elisa S, Samantha .G,
Kevin .G
Elisa .S,Samantha .G,
Michelle .P
Noe y Gloria V, Petronila .V ,Lidia C
Jose luis Y Laura Palacios, Antonio .S, Petronila .V

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