July 17, 2016 - St. Pius V Catholic Church


July 17, 2016 - St. Pius V Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
824 Main St., Pasadena, Tx 77506—Phone 713-473-9484—Fax—713-473-2731—www.stpiusvchurch.com
Masses for Sunday: Saturday Vigil—5:30pm in English—7pm in Español;
Sunday 8 & 10:00am in English; 12:00 mediodia, 1:30 & 7pm en Español
Weekday Liturgy: Monday 8am thru Saturday 8am in English;
Tuesday, Wednesday & 1st Friday, 7pm en Español
Holy Day Liturgy: Vigil 7pm in English; Feast 8am in English; 7:00pm en Español
Sacrament of Penance: Wednesday 5:30 to 6:30pm; Saturday-3:30 to 5pm
Parish Office Hours: 9am to 5pm
School Office Hours: 8am to 3pm (713-472-5172)
Adoration: Friday from 8:30am until 10pm in the PLC Chapel
Pastoral Staff: Rev. Joseph Doran, Pastor
Rev. Ricardo Lazo, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Heath Hampton
Deacon Celestino Perez
Deacon Dan Seiler
This bulletin can be
viewed at:
Sheryl Calton, Principal
Mary Kay Wallace, DRE
Felicitas Palacios, Coordinator of Faith Formation (Spanish)
Chris Rubio, Director of Parish Social Ministry
Alice Layton, Business Manager
In case of an emergency needing a priest, please call 713-397-7451 (bi-lingual) or 832-651-7329 (English only).
Readings for the week of 7/18/16
Mi 6: 1-4, 6-8; Mt 12: 38-42
Mi 7: 14-15, 18-20; Mt 12: 46-50
Jer 1: 1, 4-10; Mt 13: 1-9
Jer 2: 1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Mt 13: 10-17
Jer 3: 14-17; Jn 20: 1-2, 11-18
Jer 7: 1-11; Mt 13: 24-30
Gn 18: 20-32; Co; : 12-14; Lk 11: 1-13
Scripture Study in English—meets on
the Parish Life Center Living
room...Join us any time.
Faith Commitment Contribution
Weekly Contributions for church Support
Weekend of 7/10/16
Mass time
Total Collection
2nd collection
$ 1,049.00
$ 1,764.00
$ 1,628.00
$ 1,884.00
$ 1,214.00
$ 600.00
$ 8,139.00
Our Parish Goal is $60,000.
Budgeted 1st Collection:
As of 7/13/16 we have:
Amount pledged: $36,986.00
Amount paid: $28,308.06
Please make your pledge today &
PLEASE make checks out to:
Upcoming 2nd Collections:
This weekend is the 3rd commitment weekend—if
you have not yet made a pledge—please consider
making on today.
July 17—DSF 3rd commitment weekend
July 24—Property Fund
July 31—Air conditioning
Aug 7—Parish Social Ministry
Aug 14—Infirm Priests
Aug 21—DSF
From the Youth Group
This Friday, July 22nd, we will have our weekly meeting in the gym from 7-9 p.m. We will be discussing the sacraments of
initiation. All high school students are invited to attend as we continue to grow in our faith. For more information, email
[email protected].
We are hosting an end of summer volleyball tournament on Saturday, July 23 in the gym. Registration is from 8-9a.m.,
and the tournament starts at 9am. All ages are welcome to come and join the fun! For more information, email
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Pius V Catholic Church
July 17, 2016
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Order of the Mass: We Pray in Song #150
XVI Domingo Ordinario
Ordinario de la Misa: Oramos Cantando #150
Penitential Act
Lord Jesus, you are the holy one of God, our lasting hope:
Lord, have mercy.
Lord Jesus, you are the Lord, our justice: Christ, have
Lord Jesus, you are the way that leads us to everlasting life:
Lord, have mercy.
Acto Penitencial
Señor Jesús, tú eres el Santo de Dios y nuestra esperanza
eterna: Señor, ten piedad.
Show favor, O Lord, to your servants and mercifully
increase the gifts of your grace, that, made fervent in hope,
faith and charity, they may be ever watchful in keeping your
First Reading Gen 18:1-10
The LORD appeared to Abraham by the terebinth of Mamre,
as he sat in the entrance of his tent, while the day was
growing hot. Looking up, Abraham saw three men standing
nearby. When he saw them, he ran from the entrance of the
tent to greet them; and bowing to the ground, he said: “Sir, if
I may ask you this favor, please do not go on past your
servant. Let some water be brought, that you may bathe
your feet, and then rest yourselves under the tree. Now that
you have come this close to your servant, let me bring you a
little food, that you may refresh yourselves; and afterward
you may go on your way.” The men replied, “Very well, do
as you have said.” Abraham hastened into the tent and told
Sarah, “Quick, three measures of fine flour! Knead it and
make rolls.” He ran to the herd, picked out a tender, choice
steer, and gave it to a servant, who quickly prepared it.
Then Abraham got some curds and milk, as well as the steer
that had been prepared, and set these before the three men;
and he waited on them under the tree while they ate. They
asked Abraham, “Where is your wife Sarah?” He replied,
“There in the tent.” One of them said, “I will surely return
to you about this time next year, and Sarah will then have a
Responsorial Psalm Ps 15
R. He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord.
Second Reading 2 COL 1:24-28
Brothers and sisters: Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your
sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in the
afflictions of Christ on behalf of his body, which is the
church, of which I am a minister in accordance with God’s
stewardship given to me to bring to completion for you the
word of God, the mystery hidden from ages and from
generations past. But now it has been manifested to his holy
ones, to whom God chose to make known the riches of the
glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; it is Christ in you,
the hope for glory. It is he whom we proclaim, admonishing
everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we
may present everyone perfect in Christ.
Señor Jesús, tú eres nuestra justicia:
Cristo, ten piedad.
Señor Jesús, tú eres el camino que nos conduce a la vida
eterna: Señor, ten piedad.
Oración Colecta
Míranos, Señor, con amor y multiplica en nosotros los dones
de tu gracia para que, llenos de fe, esperanza y caridad,
permanezcamos siempre fieles.
en el cumplimiento de tus, mandatos.
Primera lectura Gen 18, 1-10
Un día, el Señor se le apareció a Abraham en el encinar de
Mambré. Abraham estaba sentado en la entrada de su tienda, a
la hora del calor más fuerte. Levantando la vista, vio de pronto
a tres hombres que estaban de pie ante él. Al verlos, se dirigió a
ellos rápidamente desde la puerta de la tienda, y postrado en
tierra, dijo: "Señor mío, si he hallado gracia a tus ojos, te ruego
que no pases junto a mí sin detenerte. Haré que traigan un poco
de agua para que se laven los pies y descansen a la sombra de
estos árboles; traeré pan para que recobren las fuerzas y
después continuarán su camino, pues sin duda para eso han
pasado junto a su siervo". Ellos le contestaron: "Está bien. Haz
lo que dices". Abraham entró rápidamente en la tienda donde
estaba Sara y le dijo: "Date prisa, toma tres medidas de harina,
amásalas y cuece unos panes". Luego Abraham fue corriendo
al establo, escogió un ternero y se lo dio a un criado para que lo
matara y lo preparara. Cuando el ternero estuvo asado, tomó
requesón y leche y lo sirvió todo a los forasteros. Él
permaneció de pie junto a ellos, bajo el árbol, mientras comían.
Ellos le preguntaron: "¿Donde está Sara, tu mujer?" Él
respondió: "Allá, en la tienda". Uno de ellos le dijo: "Dentro de
un año volveré sin falta a visitarte por estas fechas; para
entonces, Sara, tu mujer, habrá tenido un hijo".
Salmo Responsorial Salmo 14
R. ¿Quién será grato a tus ojos, Señor?
Segunda lectura 2 Col 1, 24-28
Hermanos: Ahora me alegro de sufrir por ustedes, porque así
completo lo que falta a la pasión de Cristo en mí, por el bien
de su cuerpo, que es la Iglesia. Por disposición de Dios, yo
he sido constituido ministro de esta Iglesia para predicarles
por entero su mensaje, o sea el designio secreto que Dios ha
mantenido oculto desde siglos y generaciones y que ahora
ha revelado a su pueblo santo. Dios ha querido dar a
conocer a los suyos la gloria y riqueza que este designio
encierra para los paganos, es decir, que Cristo vive en
ustedes y es la esperanza de la gloria. Ese mismo Cristo es el
que nosotros predicamos cuando corregimos a los hombres y
los instruimos con todos los recursos de la sabiduría, a fin de
que todos sean cristianos perfectos.
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Pius V Catholic Church
July 17, 2016
Gospel LK 10:38-42
Jesus entered a village where a woman whose name
was Martha welcomed him. She had a sister named
Mary who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to
him speak. Martha, burdened with much serving, came
to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister
has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to
help me.” The Lord said to her in reply, “Martha,
Martha, you are anxious and worried about many
things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has
chosen the better part and it will not be taken from
her.” ."
Evangelio Lc 10, 38-42
En aquel tiempo, entró Jesús en un poblado, y una
mujer, llamada Marta, lo recibió en su casa. Ella tenía
una hermana, llamada María, la cual se sentó a los
pies de Jesús y se puso a escuchar su palabra. Marta,
entre tanto, se afanaba en diversos quehaceres, hasta
que, acercándose a Jesús, le dijo: "Señor, ¿no te has
dado cuenta de que mi hermana me ha dejado sola con
todo el quehacer? Dile que me ayude". El Señor le
respondió: "Marta, Marta, muchas cosas te preocupan
y te inquietan, siendo así que una sola es necesaria.
María escogió la mejor parte y nadie se la quitará".
Prayer over the Offerings
O God, who in the one perfect sacrifice brought to
completion varied offerings of the law, accept, we pray,
this sacrifice from your faithful servants and make it
holy, as you blessed the gifts of Abel, so that what each
has offered to the honor of your majesty may benefit
the salvation of all.
Oracion Sobre Las Ofrendas
Dios nuestro, que con la muerte de tu Hijo llevaste a
término y perfección los sacrificios de la antigua
alianza, acepta y bendice estos dones, como aceptaste
y bendijiste los de Abel, para que lo que cada uno te
ofrece, sea de provecho para la salvación de todos.
Por Jesucristo, nuestro Senor
It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
through Christ our Lord.
En verdad es justo y necesario es nuestro deber y
salvación darte gracias siempre y en todo lugar,
Señor, Padre santo, Dios todopoderoso y eterno,
por Cristo nuestro Señor.
For through his Paschal Mystery, he accomplished the
marvelous deed, by which he has freed us from the
yoke of sin and death, summoning us to the glory of
being now called a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a
holy nation, a people for your own possession, to
proclaim everywhere your mighty works, for you have
called us out of darkness
into your own wonderful light.
Quien, por su misterio pascual, realizó la obra
maravillosa de llamarnos del pecado y de la muerte al
honor de ser estirpe elegida, sacerdocio real, nación
consagrada, pueblo de su propiedad, para que,
trasladados de las tinieblas a tu luz admirable,
proclamemos ante el mundo tus maravillas.
And so, with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and
Dominions, and with all the hosts and Powers of
heaven, we sing the hymn of your glory, as without end
we acclaim:
Prayer after Communion
Graciously be present to your people, we pray, O Lord,
and lead those you have imbued with heavenly
mysteries to pass from former ways to newness of life.
Through Christ our Lord.
Por eso, con los ángeles y los arcángeles y con todos
los coros celestiales, cantamos sin cesar el himno de tu
Oracion Despues De La Comunion
Señor, tú que nos has concedido participar en esta
Eucaristía, míranos con bondad y ayúdanos a vencer
nuestra fragilidad humana para poder vivir como hijos
Por Jesucristo, nuestro Senor.
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Pius V Catholic Church
July 17, 2016
Mass Intention Schedule for this Week
Saturday, July 16—Weekday
8:00 a.m. — Presiders’ Intentions
6:00 p.m. — Al Harrison †
Sunday, July 17—16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00a.m. — Living & Deceased members of Catholic Life
Ins, Branch 150
10:00a.m. — Kevin Jennings †
12:00p.m. — Consuelo Flores †
1:30p.m. — Presiders’ Intention
7:00 p.m. — For the People of the Parish
Monday, July 18—Weekday
8:00 a.m. — James John †
Tuesday, July 19—Weekday
8:00 a.m. — Alvina Koutny †
7:00 p.m. — Presiders’ Intentions
Wednesday, July 20—Weekday
8:00 a.m. — Guadalupe, Mary & Jaclyn Jimenez
7:00 p.m. — Presiders’ Intentions
Thursday, July 21—Weekday
8:00 a.m. — Presiders’ Intentions
Friday, July 22—Weekday
8:00 a.m. — Presiders’ Intentions
Saturday, July 23—Weekday
8:00 a.m. — James Konieczny †
6:00 p.m. — Brenda Alcala †
From the Office of Parish Social Ministry
Please remember our brothers and sisters that need
assistance with groceries and finances. Please continue
to donate food and other materials to our food pantry.
We thank all of you who have donated.
Por favor recuerde a nuestros hermanos y hermanas
que necesitan asistencia con alimentos y las finanzas.
Por favor continue donando alimentos y otros
materiales para nuestra despensa alimentaria. Le damos
las gracias a todos ellos que han donado.
St. Pius V Young Adults: We will be meeting
every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in
room 13. We welcome young adults from the ages of
18 to 30 years old, single or married to join us. For
more info or questions you can follow the facebook
page St. Puis V Young Adult Ministry or contact 832339-7570 for more information."
RETIRO ESPIRITUAL (S.I.N.E.) — Agosto del 26 al 29, 2016 en St. Pius V
“Mira que estoy en la puerta y llamo: si uno escucha mi voz y me abre,
entraré en su casa y comeré con él y él conmigo.” (Apocalipsis 3:20)
Si eres mayor de 18 años y sientes que tu fe y tu vida Espiritual son
débiles y deseas tener o renovar una relación con Cristo Jesús estas invitado a participar de este Retiro.
Horario – Agosto 26 al 29 / 2016
Agosto 26
Agosto 27
Domingo Agosto 28
Agosto 29
de 7:00pm - 9:00 pm
de 7:40am - 5:30 pm
de 8:00am- 5:30 pm
de 7:00pm- 9:00pm
Knights of Columbus
Spaghetti Dinner—For
August 19th we will be
serving spaghetti Dinner
with salad, bread and tea
or coffee at the Knights
of Columbus hall at 3418
Preston, from 4pm to
7pm. Dine in or take out.
The cost is $6 per
plate...desserts $1.
Para más información llamar a Felicitas Palacios (713)4739484 de lunes a jueves 9am a 2pm “Habrá cuidado para niños
de meses hasta 10 años” ¡TE ESPERAMOS!
Pray for Peace ~ & Remember in your Prayers — Recuerda en sus oraciones
Irma Pedraza, Eva Olivarez, Nowmi Sanchez, Melissa Sisti, Celia Galvan, Mallory Garza, Jennifer Benton, Enrique Hinostroza, Jose Solis, Shirley
Tisdial, Quentin Blake, Debbie & Tommy Edwards, Raymond Romero, Juan & Dora Meraz, Marjorie Solley, Lupe Rivera, Anastacio Gutierrez,
Clarissa Arguellos, Angelo Alexander Torres, Mrs Arriaga, Kathryn Whitfiled, Lenora Rivera, Joyce Gholson, Al Clausen, Aurora Yanez, Kathy
Ballock, Laura Redford, Joe Wallace, Juan Ledesma, Beasley Family, Helen Segal, Gary Smith, Patty Jones, Heidi White, Mary Fleming, Terry Green,
Maria Balboa, Dr. David Morales, Donna Hawkins, Tristan E Dockoll, John Carnan, Baby Joel, Mary P Castillo, Manuel Tellez, Mike Wagner, Viola
Gonzalez, Terry Green, Daoud Forouzan, Mike Wagner, Maria Freeman, Diane Edwards, Lorraine Dow, Matt C Hammer, John Reitmeyer, James
Alexander Bentley, Alex Velasquez, Cindy Linares, John Reitmeyer.
For Repose of the soul of Mary Bartiniski
(Please notify the church office when someone can be removed from the list)
(The lower portion of names from this list have been have been printed out and placed in the book for prayers behind the Tabernacle.)
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Pius V Catholic Church
July 17, 2016
Faith Formation (FF) Office (CCE) – 713-473-9484 – Oficina de Formación de Fe (catecismo)
Mary Kay Wallace (x 317) –[email protected]; Felícitas Palacios (x 304) – [email protected]; Martin Rodriguez (x 318) – [email protected]
Office Hours: 9 am – 2 pm, Mon. – Thurs.
Registration of Students
For 2016-17
Place: Science Lab (Rm 7/8) St. Pius School
Fee: $65. for 1st child—$10 each additional
NOTE: 1. Your child is added to the class roster
when the entire fee is paid.
2. BRING your child’s Baptismal certificate to
enroll him/her for 1st Confession/Communion prep
Days, Dates, Times:
Mon. & Wed. 8/1/& 3
¡Registracion de Ninos
Para el Ano 2016-17!
Lugar: Lab. De Ciencia (Salon 7-8) de la Escuela
Cuota: $65 para 1 nino; $10/cada niño adicional
FAVOR DE NOTAR: 1. Su niño/a se agrega a la lista
de clase cuando se paga la cuota completa.
2. Trae el Acta de Bautismo de su niño para inscribirlo para 1ª Confesión/Comunión.
Días, Fechas, Horas:
Lunes & Mierc. 1 & 3 de Agosto: 7 & 8 pm
Catechist Formation: Catechist Modules will be taught Sat. 7/30 and Sat. 8/6, 9 am–1:30 pm. The topics will be “Spirituality
and Evangelization” & “The Catechetical Framework” on 7/30, and “The Role of the Family” & “Beginning as a Catechist” on
8/6. Please contact Martin or Mary Kay if you will attend.
Attention, Parents of Pre-K Children (age 4 by 9/1/2016): Last year, there was no Sun. Pre-K class in Faith formation because no one
was trained for this age level. If YOU are willing to be trained, we can offer a class this year. Please contact Mary Kay or Martin at the
office – extensions listed above.
Looking ahead … Next year catechists will be needed in the English classes for Grades 2, 3 & 8 (Sun. 8:30 am) – Grades
8 & 9 (Sun. 10:15 am) – Grades 5 & 6 (Mon. pm) – and Grades 9 & 10 (Wed. pm; 2 catechists, both grades). GOD IS
CALLING! Could YOU be the person whom God wants for this ministry?? — During the summer, please pray that
people will step forward to serve in these classes as catechists.
DEADLINES for students who have completed Level 2/Confirmation —
Please come to the cafeteria prepared to recite the following from memory on: Wed. 8-3 – Joyful and Sorrowful
Mysteries of the Rosary; Act of Faith
FECHAS LÍMITES para los estudiantes que han terminado el 2ª Nivel de Confirmación –En esta fecha, favor
de venir a la cafetería preparados para recitar el siguiente de memoria: Miérc. 3 de Agosto – Los Misterios Gozosos y Dolorosos
del Rosario; Acto de Fe
Do you care about the faith life of our young adults ages 17-18? Want to support them in their adult faith
journey? We would like to offer a class for high school seniors to strengthen them to live their faith as they
move into the wider world, and to offer more formation following their Confirmation.
This could be YOUR opportunity to show your love for them as you share your faith. Please contact Martin or Mary Kay at your earliest convenience for more information. Training is provided.
Prayers requested for Irma Pradraza,
Eva Olivarez, Noemi Sanchez
For repose of the soul of Allene Price †
Virtus—Please check your status and if you
are due or overdue to attend the 1st or the 2nd
session, please register now. We have sessions
scheduled here at St. Pius starting this week…
just go online www.virtus.org and see where
and when you can attend. If your are attending KPA and don’t remember your username
& password, call me at the church office and I
can email it to you...Alice
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Pius V Catholic Church
July 17, 2016
Dear friends,
Queridos amigos,
As I wrote last week, with regard to the Norms for Receiving
Holy Communion, it is good to remind ourselves once in
while about practices in the Church that we often take for
granted. One of those is the practice of offering a Mass for
some intention, a practice which I recommend to all.
Como escribí la semana pasada, en relación con las Normas
para la recepción de la Sagrada Comunión, es bueno recordar
de vez en cuando las prácticas de la Iglesia que a menudo
damos por sentado. Uno de ellos es la práctica de ofrecer una
misa por una intención, una práctica que recomiendo a todos.
Any Catholic may offer up the Mass in which he or she
participates for any good intention. This is a genuine exercise
of the royal priesthood of the faithful. However, the custom of
requesting a priest to offer the Mass for a specific intention,
even when one cannot be physically present at the Mass, is a
longstanding tradition in the Church.
Cualquier católico puede ofrecer la misa en la que él o ella
participa por cualquier buena intención. Se trata de un
verdadero ejercicio del sacerdocio real de los fieles. Sin
embargo, la costumbre de solicitar un sacerdote para ofrecer
la misa por una intención específica, aun cuando uno no puede
estar físicamente presente en la misa, es una tradición antigua
en la Iglesia.
This is because the Church considers the Mass as the greatest
possible prayer of intercession insofar as it is the perfect
offering of Christ to the Father by making present the
paschal mystery of his death and resurrection and because of
the particular role of the priest as mediator between God and
man, acting "in persona Christi" when offering the holy
sacrifice of the Mass.
The faithful may make an offering, called a stipend, in order
to apply the Mass to a specific intention. The priest's
intention is essentially a spiritual and internal act through
which he commends the intention to God in a particular way.
By making this offering, the faithful, by parting with
something that is their own, associate themselves more
intimately with Christ who offers himself as the Sacrifice, and
obtain thereby more abundant fruits.
The offering of a stipend is also a means whereby the faithful
may contribute to the mission of the Church. However, so as
to avoid even the appearance of commerce in sacred things,
the Church regulates the practice of offering and receiving
stipends in Canon Law. The usual amount for the stipend
offering (as determined by the bishops) is $5.00 in the United
States. The faithful are free to offer more if they desire, and
priests are encouraged to celebrate Mass for the intentions of
their faithful even if they are too poor to offer a stipend.
The Church, however, normally allows only one intention
with stipend united to each Mass.
If you would like offer a stipend for the intention of the Mass,
please call the parish office at 713-473-9484 and speak with
Gloria Guerra or Alice Layton. Intentions may be offered to
commend to God the soul of a deceased person or for the
personal intentions of the living. Mass Cards, by which you
can notify someone of the Mass being offered, are also
available in the office.
May God bless you.
Fr. Joe
Esto se debe a que la Iglesia considera la misa como la oración
de intercesión más grande posible porque es la ofrenda
perfecta de Cristo al Padre al hacer presente el misterio
pascual de su muerte y resurrección y debido a la función
especial del sacerdote como mediador entre Dios y el hombre,
que actúa "in persona Christi" al ofrecer el santo sacrificio de
la misa.
Los fieles pueden hacer una ofrenda, llamado un estipendio,
con el fin de aplicar la misa a una intención específica. La
intención del sacerdote es esencialmente un acto espiritual e
interno a través del cual él encomienda la intención a Dios de
una manera particular. Al hacer esta ofrenda, los fieles, por
desprenderse de algo que es propio, se asocian más
íntimamente con Cristo que se ofrece como el Sacrificio, y así
obtienen frutos más abundantes.
La ofrenda es también un medio por el cual los fieles pueden
contribuir a la misión de la Iglesia. Sin embargo, a fin de
evitar incluso la apariencia de comercio en las cosas sagradas,
la Iglesia regula la práctica de ofrecer y recibir estipendios en
el Derecho Canónico. La cantidad habitual para la ofrenda
(como se determina por los obispos) es $5.00 en los Estados
Unidos. Los fieles son libres de ofrecer más si así lo desean, y
se alienta a los sacerdotes para celebrar la misa por las
intenciones de sus fieles, incluso si son demasiado pobres para
ofrecer una ofrenda.
La Iglesia, sin embargo, normalmente sólo permite una
intención con estipendio unido a cada misa.
Si desea ofrecer un estipendio por la intención de la misa, por
favor llame a la oficina al 713-473-9484 y hable con Gloria
Guerra o Alice Layton. Las intenciones pueden ser ofrecidos a
encomendar a Dios el alma de un difunto o por las intenciones
personales de los vivos. Tarjetas, mediante el cual se puede
notificar a alguien de la misa que se ofrece, también están
disponibles en la oficina.
St. Pius V Parish/Parroquia San Pio V
We have opportunities for part-time work during the summer assisting with cleaning, repairs, painting, and landscaping. If
you would be interested, please come to the parish office 9:00AM-5:00PM Monday-Friday and fill out an application.
Tenemos oportunidades de trabajo medio tiempo durante el verano ayudando a la reparación, pintura y jardinería. Si está
interesado, por favor venga a la oficina parroquial 9:00-5:00 del lunes al viernes y llenar una solicitud.
16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

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