7th Sea Nation Book Eight - Vendel Vesten


7th Sea Nation Book Eight - Vendel Vesten
La Sio
""""" P Joe, ... ~
....... Goodj••
See-. tt.,.,p
Addllional Writing
Interior An
..... ,......
D.na OreV...,
Cad fnW.
Full-Pale Titl...
Chaptn Two Who', Who Arl
o.m.:k \\' Grillo
OJ T,Ir&
An Direcllon
,... pinlo
Cover Design
"" .......
Une Developer
7th Sea Created by
John ....';d; '-JmmIrr Wid. and ""'.... \\'w.,
5"",.1 Th,"ks
l~f to ilfffll Grtfl'-h. tor hi> acMe. OIl \'t<WI po'&a' Itttl"tI,..
MOOS£. ~ WnIr.. 10 Atdrw MilUm, T..~ Xidom, and
IlM.wftI !han'" 10 AIrx
roo: b
T__ Pare Spread
LorN 0....
. . t.np and
oct...... OIl tbt I"«tt book. You'D
~l~ N..,£.
bf \'.....,."110 .... AJt,r.
no... bot.oI. II dotdit-.110 o.u Oe\nn ADd lllll:Md ""-"idI ~ CftlIO\~ IIUCIIICU tWdy -u M....,._~
proud) and 10 Sl<k t..t.oa.- n. n Ibt boalr. you"... t-a W>IIIIns b, NI<~ Now)'lll' ........... _
nruoa _ 10 pbo'
f.frN'url;"JI: tls £"1/9
CUp/If 0111: Ih&·/·lhfw
fk. Vcslenm.nn.vnlu
II< \\mid
O~pllr f)nk Hir"
11K \btenm.nn.vnj.r
The Vende1
The Guild Ch.lrs
(llllp/lI" aJ,rff: 'Drama
Th~ Destiny Spre.d
Nc-.. Rules
CJlapfa ']1.lIr: 1(;1'111
\'.. _ +
\ •...-1: "'
\\-. . . "'
•••••••• 108
poo ~ AioooI ••••••••.•...•••.•.•. 111
Came Master
~ ~ lor!-' ........••......•... 111
SI'C So<_ ..••.••.•..•..•••...•••• 114
,..,. I
R.o- T""
Hero Tempbtcs
The urdom Runes
\bltn Rune Dr.lI'lng
The V~ndel Horoscope
Nrw fL,ckgrounds ..........•...90
New Skill) ...•...............90
Nrw KlUcKs ..•...............93
Nrw Swordsm.n Schools ••.......93
Nrw Rlib {or ~rdom
N(W Adv.nl.gu .......•.......98
New Equiprnc-nt
--.- -,
flow- upon "Iu,b 10 perch. The
He fuulhcd llle hoi Ole'" and cold nlead 1II
sui!'" "pIKe
"l'll' ..
mil 10 the
lJe'osurr he had pilfl!l'ed Hi<
....P'Y >tomKh rutIlblrd iu impatil:nc~ II h~ "';lithe<! lhe
""'ltlJ me.>l being ""'"""" liom • lknlnl cauldron on lIw:
Sf.'" h.anh. K~ inl<I WOOIifon Ixw.ir For hUl1&'1 men
and wumen who ~ b.bo-rtd .n do). Tho Ionfhou.........
dim ond
buI he Lolli hi< hood ukly in pbct. No
0lIl' ht'l't
btJl he
not "1Ul1 IU M rK"llnizW.
Caulioutly. he app","dw:<i lhe crxkJing Morth, hi< he.d
inclinM ... IN. lhadm.. Iud hn f,"lWfl. A }'UWli JIrl. I""
b1Md IWr In dglll bnIds, Sa,,, him. "'Um "llllP. -An-)OU
hwtgf)' 'lNkrer? W. do nlJl !la,,, much. bul " .....1...1' ha,'t
. ..,
lIw> fi,..,
The p.herlng Ilongbed md [a' Ollie<!. tr.othng <ompllmenu
_ _J
Uld Illfad
Their " ...,rin3 lem~~lIIr'" tingled lhrnugh
Ill' eXllemitieo, and he aUO"'td hbn...,1f (0 ",lax fo.- ilie nn!
lirne In a1m<n.l si)l mond".
7ls £ong tls We
"l'lwo h~.d) :aroma of _
h<lodf<I mOll"' ....teI . .
'j- - - - - - - - - - - -
~hold ob>iowl)
(BJn/I1Ilfl phnuoe IImOII5 the Ve~,",,,"na'"TlJ'" but
ooe lhe hoo<kd nun haod .Imoot forgooen."", ku..
tJw, word< alllghl him off S'J:ud ""d Clluse<! .. lwlIf> 10 I,,"n
In 1\11 lhrm~ Al Lu. ht manotgm lO Ipnk, hi. ,~ older
!han hi< )"on. "I am Intk<:d hUllgt). huk OM•
For )'UIlf hoopita!u)·.. lit Jllluoed • momtnl ~ adding.
""(..... f"'"1l,~t c\ooln5- "May Grum[OlIu'r'1 1')" 00)'1 ""u,1I
and cherish you,"
'1'1>0 child'....,,11. S"- Lorge. and.he h.pplly prqwtd him
• nellir-fuU bowl and drlnldng horn. Tho bod was ."'S0'rl)'
...n.ed,.nd the hoo:ldr<IlIWl"''''chrd for. se<luckd ~
bl which 10 prr.'lllety ""'/0)' ber pll. The: gilllll b.aIl ""-ao
uO"·rkd. bUl "" flnall) found a lo""ty b.arrel of MOllWgne-
on<! In.ulu. Their "ok:eo rtI\l' ~nd feU bl.r • boal <lll
unptet!lctable "";OletS, n"e.: "Idnn)' <logo "mt nom IwId 10
Iw>d in ~...ch of "'napt. The hoo<J<,d """" ohoolc. hI< hnd
"llh lmusemelll. Thl! could ha'e brcn lIlJ' nighl amon, M
pc<>ple rlnce !hi! ~uw'g of tlme.
-More mr.d"- uled • ...wI 00)'. Execpt lOr .he .hone!
halr and DOWng rlO'lltC'<:lI~ he """ almolt ldMocal,o the
gtrIat lilt ,,"uldron.
hc.>OONI figure "';U about to ",ply ... htn • w.ouling
m,1(1I ""'pted from the lIppo'lIe cnd o' the room. A man
thc- me of " .",alI tnOIItlWn rot< from b!. "'''' and leaped
onto an<'4het. to.lung Ihem boIh to} tho g'Dw>d. '!l"" n.u
""n1><d inlo IlOlM, Ja..... and nIM, ~ or breaking
"1lh earh p""-.:,fuIwlh.
··nlrOnd .ntI
the buy explained <a1cnJ), "fhc)'"
The ICUffle b'Ollf,ht "'I' dlTl, ......... blood, and "flit. ll<uhtr
man \«mlng w lI"in an am-ul••,e. F"OlaLI)', a""",,,,, uood.
w!lfl' In .he hearth malching lIMo ang.) U>lur of ber f..,e,
Sh,. gr.lbbed a "-ooo:kn bomb a",l 'f'lilll.....,j ~ aerou the
knocking them out rokl
'~k" 'm.
hne aJI)'
buy "'rlrLod. "11...11 >iJl..... She ll<\ff l..u iliem
fun: II. rrg~,d,.d ,lie hood-d man &If a momet\l.
U)ing 10 mocem hl, relllot... btU 001) nlUlng OIIIlhe edgeo
of. lhkk beard. -Would you U'" more .....ad'·
·Th....k )ou: He held 0lIl hk
thinI)' born.
A sl<lJ)-lookinl man ,,"11 • crooked ""'" arod broad I''''
>tood OIl a lable, IIoJclu>.J up hI' hand. rOt the tuOn1 to ill'
ilIcnl. h dldn'l "mk, bot he lJXlu .Il}....., •. "SoKe Bore',
...... 1
dKldod ... <Uf1 dwo - . . . - for 1M
' - . - ..•
... ~ 6tatb "''=f tbr land""" ......... oad ok)
It .... "'
I" buppod &om IJw. lablo: and .....lkd aroond Lhr ~
................ p...I"I "H'" ~"U)OI'" In 1M hJn&Iw>o.'M: In
lUIn. -I .....u ll'U '<)I.!j;hl',
II.. " .....)' 01,11. G•• a' Wpm
..d l!lt ,xlOIl IJI' lhr twmI)-fh' 'bn f...wlt il. I will ..-..
fllllr p""' .. c( La-rdnm. and 1
110 ha,,,, bfo<omoo lllc:
1.0<.... kuIIft-•
~ \_~
n.1ooodod .... wpprd lib cIrW. \hn:IuPI tiP iIpt. "Uq
ill ... ob!d'. IIIlftFftl- d doe 0QDml 1M 10 bqIIL
.' CamiI)""" ~
'tM ......... _ 1lrOOII·
\ ...
~'l' Ionrd 0( C~ 1M
... bno... "car"'" ",'!lu made llII """
\... u.t hnrd """' Coamfallltr•
... Gm .... ~IIkD ....
_ plnwd ..... brr cWda
-'.~ 11ft "" boo 1m 11'10(1"-'
Slwn••bt 1lf>llUah No(
'In" dI)\"- man) ond .........nlOU\.
RIll III 1M l1mM bd'ort,
1Il ~ dor\; and .;u'~ <L),..r ...... a I"'<lflk d1wl d..
T_-fh....."" ,hr
rA our Iribn.
...-M" C,.._", rn..ru!......m..
<¥'ms _,od 111- r,","
..-.II DO dw-p lIMn dwllc\.....
........ k)and bad lflou&hto -...d ....
Tht Gmo \\\,,1\
dc-,,:o,,>dHI ~ ........,t....
and .c..... ,ho: nib ond fill') of. bl\u."t
III ongl1\ uan..·..'dtd Iimt,
...'!>n• .u ...11 Jla,,,,
.. hmo all 11k ~
h ,...0 _
..... p;tlh.
IU l<'f!lh
""Udi>I poeIlII
Lbr land.
how thr G~ WjTm Illfmenu.:lllJ,
bow 110 jar!. no matlrT how bm....
<'OIIld bopt IU doo'elll iL
0.. ~ ~ the ..... ollOl'TVOl'l,
5elIrd in and afIa Ibnd.
AI WI • ob1hr:ml iPIO 1M lljUnan ~1ounuIat.
DeIlinIID Lhr jag<'d roW and ~ jet ot Tim.
It ...ICM<:! lIMo ...vrid WIth. ~'. ~
[,'''') hrUllek ," tnotIpl".
-nw Ix...!> III !be fIrIw arid ftt<1,ts ~... Vtk ond died,
r~ .w. deq> InIo lllc: ~
1I~ pWIld m-d 10 ~_ ill hi"$.
n- .._ m.. Won! 0:1)....
~ WU1' bmU:n
loy lhr
W)nJI'• ..nIh.
h drmooPdod ~ knaU lhr Good WI)"I.
W ... ooub rnnIintd CllrI&~t\er......Jd ...... )'W1d:
T......ncy-fIo,oe m1ghcy)MU "'",lCO ~ lW,
• v.illq' on IN Hja1nwr MOUlllainJ.
Thb ... u Lhe lint AhhinI·
_ _ r;llhr
. . ~ opoU lIIIll» ........
Tht)" w
1ft r;lbhtor)'
...t ,loP bmob d
1lw) opoU lhr lo\ of OUI .-Pr,
and Lhe p""'.... of Lhe Good WI)....
All knew ...-h>It m~1I be .t.ooe..
8) Lhe
w.f' ofJ>801·
""l'IIl)' lhf mttnIf'I pili atide dllJmoncft.
l'ndfc 1M ~ d lwndrl ~
Only ~ madr ItAt &tpd M.
"id1 ........ DKh tnIed III bIaod.,
",u.,-fM al!ieo ..... eel tbt, !hn.
The Gn.M W)T1II -.Id be ",,,,,,H d
Our peap. -.Id be ~
tt. i t
lh1leftbet _
He IIUdio!d lhe G<tal W}T1ll" w~
lit bn5' tefld Wltu,
tIwpeo. ilnlnpr Ibm I lhousand optMl.
lie JIlW l\Ioc.o)e,;o del1eto o.nd amb.
IlWdy and ruhtant lille. ItOIlf: ohlokK,
bnnI the en. "'>T1II
L,...... V
tnIbinf: bU the illlS'Y - .
lbr ,~ 01. '......ed ...u.a.
tb 01. I.....··ed jorIo.
the e-il 01. oI.....mrd wnIno <10)"
rndeft In !he wamb ullbt wcdd.
-'Y AMDoa - -*r
Kyndlpet. __ and deu-be..w,
..-.eel deep In • 1IIr.
The _
"'f'PC'""IH tbe . . . -.to 01 Slell.
WlIbl the ~ 1"'_ tnlllu.
Vkwrr .ouId not be n-bed.
\'AInr <OllId not be Iwnied.
0nI!ny .ould not be denied..
Hk u-.wn, and akllb WOIlId lud them
lhrouAh the d..rkMu ahead.
~ belllly
..iIlrled oboul .."It I> !l<or ..... poru.
SIlt ......ied to rum ln,
WMm 110 IfW1
10 lunl( Info the
W)Tm'. donwn,
and ddtlll it W..".. illiepl.
H.. oltl... Iwd died by ill ICTrlbIe .-h
kebe . . prqwed lor the jowney.
U ....omnllO rnvd.
their ttOUl, I"ino:VIs tniIt
and htr ""8" dtmandtdlO be oacod..
wt.er. IIwre ~ DO nllo,
IIIIoklrlc palIoo ~ DO 5ed hod tI'9d.
Cold wn:b....,ella lbr lijaInwT M.......,
-'til _ ....,. h.ordthpo to name.
IYl eadllOlll _epecIlbe pom.
tbe "'~ __ ""Uk.
He kDew dIrir
·.01 ......
WOIIId Il(J( tlIrll aside !rom i.ht ,0»1.
They wne lib InOUrlWn p i .
Ieaplns !rom l'D<k II> mcll
lmliL at _ dMo)' ,e.bed IIIXItnt TAnl.
&ai il ..... SIer\l. who """'~ f.ll,
tIIM opob: for tbt twml)'-fM..
-.w &.:lib
The twmI)'-Clur dimbed up and up
the IIryn<Y 01 their ~ P'nIin&.
i1IOYlrI&o t~ them 10 JIffl<"~'
[,.... Tungunn. full of d<1p;W,
Ite knew Ito ~
He .-eel .... "'"'
-' W
He bdped
e-n In _
il II ow 110m... lha Jl',( III ~
Ii ..... M w\o Ww !he ern!
willl ill Illip 01 tbe wwtS,
IIelldlllf dot 6eld& - ' f.w-.
tbe ..-t.et.
rIl)"oUf)' WU 100
I.idtl>obp. ...... 'nO . .ad).
lit ..... 0Ifl..}· I i ..
• lDIO
wt- "'""" ........
oqwdIy ...,.....
He . . . btnon.
......... Slm.. wIoo llot'Wf W.
..'!lo told Lb. tIlhrn.
If lbt Cn. W)tlll'. talt,o
cou6d protKt oudo I brut,
\boy cotokl bl' ~ .. ~
W IIMIk opIM. ..
.... ktpllhnn at 1.)'
Ito k.w lbr
.... ill fonp oltft.
• . - olacr
Kt k.w .... -,....-.
b.- wnk .. II cktL
'hotft hid 10 bn pba.
wllrd III thb
"'>'"" ..... 0lr1lfl&.
E,_ KJ-II5. ......-bioodalc.
\"orwl dapprd lin IlandlIMOd
Br knew Ihr Gf"a Vi)'""
...... br bl&b 1ft lbt "fW".
on<! ~ 1O..-.ll'M' Iu
So .. TAm w,' relUd.
_ \thc-l rNIrd '- own lain.
""flMd -' ""''ttl - 8 -- propIr•
ca.anI land,
KId Ilick
bnll: otIl.
......Jd bdp him
plan dorol!Jlat<'d II)' aIII>tM "II.
IIr __ I ....ilth ol ~k",
SInk In>~ lho maWr • thr .......
..'bftr lht Crr'" W)Tm ....rlltd,
\\"Ilh IIII' aad 01 Sr)tkt and 5IorlIf'ti,
ilr what ohooId btl dortr.
lit n\Md I colbF'
"~made ...., rnotllh "".ur.,
... no born 011
8n"'1fl~ and KJIlI hlltkllrd 1O@:<11W'1,
~ ,n Vrhund'. "'Ol'tb..
......lhn& k "'....
A mlll1 could pal1 tllllllJ8h ..illo
b.1l IIOl JO I.ht Gltat W)TTII.
n.. wtn<h 01 !he! err... \\')1111
. - from ill ...''tTn hke trIl<Jke.
&cOW' it nnw! &0Il1 Ihr Iky<Jnd.
I ..-at bud Ul ~_ lw.b.
/It. o.-.b .... powrrful
buI, prrl>apt. ..........'t~
fu"u(, IIw
&IU. ......... hIo up
....,.Id JlllI
Vorwt and
aole <Wp inIidt:,
a ""'~ lOrCb bghcin& ,heir ..... y.
n.,. (..1: ""1$ ..-II.
..~ ... blue ....1nIn
and dolo'll Lbry --.
-r ....,...
l!ftpft inIo Tku than
1M lIllI>OlWai roft ollbot Grrill "'')_
~ thnr llI*'I - ' ryoo.
btbdd lbr GJnI Wpm.
....twd .....l1lhKI MOd tlnKk.
""'.., ..,.....
... Wa.
They Ioonllbot bl'MI Ir:l a _ 01 c.....-.
plio- IiIft
01 ill lIlIe- ,. . . . .
II . . Ihelll ....""•
. . . ." d6fmI p-" b ~ .....
h ..... ~"'iDb .......
..... rJw.n Kjore undrnlood
lht IUOdlr 'lIlht ntoh.
lifo whitptrfll Lb. toIuoon 10
~ ~
1M __ oouh mlWDfd .......
Vonr! <bnud ~ lho GrnI \\')nn,
LaomlIllC :w>d ~:asiII; -h ft'}' won!.
1<....... :w>d >a>/Iins ..ilh ~ ..........
AI 6nc. lho _
could IlOI ~ ~
TIw:a. M toUld IlOI .-lenwld.
1'bm, McauId tab no ""'"II> rOOIr ..~ ..'ilb lho >'Olc:e
0( • lhouo;u,d ..'Uc! and _ . anunalL
With ia>tinallrue be .......
and broughl V:anel1O '~ll.
The III""WII' ducked ood oIid,
_ip:ms tboe ~ mouth.
the brokm ...... oflho U\1l'.
1nIo!he """t11Bll!i', ~
i l l ill Tkll. I"adin& colon.
ih.,. brulhlelV)'...m"Cd.
Vand and <Aenwlln tan.
Ther nn ..ilh l!>e de<pcntIon
uf rahblll I",fore woh~
TI"'r tan "ill> l!>e ,,,;r!nl'ft
of.,.rowt from bowl,
n..y ran ..ill! the suength
of pie
In ".;h,
They nn lor !heir lives.
No _
bow r. lbrir fre(
!.bey could IlOI ~
1lw Gin! \\.)= t-d
and lho e:.- \\)= Ilr\>d.
u.- taUas thrm
wid:I eacb
01 ilJ dttppin&.
""""'" .......
The opeed of lbrir f1ishI
theP" f...."
lhe burning IOreh Iceeplng
tho d............ II
In lhe bla.rkn"""
\';uvl g'l'W ..."...;",i
If 1m Wt Irick bad
'-n pb).....
8ul Crrmrieo ..l>Uid aIwa)'l break ,-,
..... be.......&d IlOI be >uod,.
0DIy he bad eocaped the pil.
the CreM Keq> rJ ~
..... lw:nttdtd"" ...
10 ",,-.Ie the <;r.. ")TQl.
The """Wl)'-fow- lhen ..-.wed.
..'CaflOlll bungry fa ih.t fight.
When !he Gr..... W)TllI bfflu !hrpugll.
~ ..Tilhed Ii.Ju, • huge, ",hill: toogue,
III beb. and lu wirh
f/Chr.>ftl from Tim _\he 'Il'Ofld.
'l'1w: IllOlII1Iidm ohook 01 iIo rage
and all the un tmnbltd.
It rolled ItId ..1Iipped ilJ bod>,
duptl_ 10 IIJUHI'f paot.
"2) iom lbc othen.
lie rnched the GrnI Wpm finl.
~ hiI .....-d Wo ilJ_
Able be IItICbod. IW bIadr lrue.
pieTrins urxI.r • ......, .-.le,
"1th. 'iSPrllUl puoh.
t.. pried k .....y.
F.nJOmhet grabI>MIthe lome ....Je,
Ita p<""M rippling 1hroush him.
hke • II.OnO rou..d into the .....n.
Hil put: WII CUI. '''~',
""'<'<Y allin, fear. and oboeuion sane.
'~-UfUd the trW', ePdooonw....
and ..... the Gno: to """ tho: pI.
""" be cftw the Grnl \\)=', ire.
Bee-- be ....
the GrnI \\'>= dloooe Emomhtt fino.
thor .....m. Ia ill ..,w,
........... pooooa.
...... cP1Ill\o
g'~ drfiIIn&, droln»iD&[
........... _ be lbe bol.
, '.....
1lw 1M"'t'-'- -.e
SWd:.oIIo«ed II
rIloubrts urtlen b lbe "">I' ",oU..
AI thoy ~ !he Great WlTm·. onout,
l1Inas wlth lIalled.
rllNd rocu to 'umble &om lhe cl.rf above.
It ..;u IIrtje, with lhe ......rlIludt (If all.
..l>o ..... <lUY,l In their fall.
lint sbpptd from In.- face of Tlm.
pblpIs Lbt ItclP 01 ~ men,
old ...w elK! ....ow nod.
0.1)' dot .bd 1>nDchts
" a fnndy,
JI"'U"dulg lftot
.......... &am tbt rocb bNw..
. . "1iowIy IWioIftI .. !be ooiDd.
I\i- be.,.me one ..ith bb ~ fP.
ib poowrr inIo bill f\esh,
............. 11 .. hit buwL
II opob 10 bio iDDer d.
- ' - :oil Iaoc. be a-"lbe 1II)'I&nifI
of hoi -.. JOUi.
Iiio _ DoiP made him .........
lind hit......-d .... mc:n IJW.
lk>"'1"be and VIlV! ~e ntKt.
then Uvilmho!. Stana, and Vtl11and.
When t)tU lOOk hb,lhe G""al \')TlTl IInICk
'1M moml... otizt:d brave Krieg.
III fanl' oinking liM h!I middle.
h toat<l him to tl>e Ddt,
..tim he lay I>r-oUn and d)~
hit rod bfe ItaininI the _ .
1",.0 bdd ~ and po-L
~ ~ brnlh
lind pulilla hit .~
tk t<d a
II.e ....."""'" II inIo bill bnn.,
IIld kaew be bad tbt p0lO rnI<lrt Kriq'1
SlrrlIDOWed "'" bat warrlon.,
.sq., Stonzd, Kntg. Sinnt,
UcIrmbp. ~ and \'lIbkap.
10 1M kn.
btpIns 1M Great W)nn'llllltntlon..
II. ft>o.W>I by Ihtir 1klIr•
..'hile 1M <>Ih<:n m",'~ doJ"r,
...idy to .nICk 00 wrmnand.
The G••al \')TlTl snarled and mapped.
almoIt Uokins ~ 01 tl>e jarlo In tum.
~ Lbt kJurtb bIDe II extendotd ill bitt,
$Itrlr; p'" Iii Iipal
_ lilt odlef """-' jointd !be M:;irmiIh.
n- _
....no """ and lei.
I'fPllllIllldtr ~ llnd puIbc !hem OIl:
... . . - deep fnn lbe ...
b biInstIt
\ltllb 00 thooW"
he ruWd 10 Krq's aid.
The othn jariI UpI!be Great W)TlTl bIId,
.~II ..rely reached
man's life _ aIm.oo.I
hut F1'1I knew ...'1uI1 to do.
When he pla~ hit Iw>do on Krieg', WOWldo.
there ..... a briIliarn IWh.
bkt I1&hlnIns at mldnlgbt.
damar bealed like thunder,
Bul ..'hea one ...'OUnd Itft
it. btatd ...
lie ahoibod hio &ieIod's
.. Krvs muId caalinue lilt mugIt.
and _ IIDiIe rorm.d on his
Ht knew ..tIot tht Gl'tat .....yrm knew,
&II diu OIJtng!hs
and .oil of Iu wtakr>wts.
Krq howf..d with Krle( and ragt.
Ht pIchd up his :lll and aIIa(W,
the GrtaI ~)llll" jaw.
I idtm'1f' K;.ti&. Siano• ..d VtIbbp
jalr..d 10k ....... thdf ""'.......
I'UJSinIlI"\lIt on 1M ~illlIl't', oai)' bide.
The Grnc
Iw'llllld whk lib PrimWft't _
WlIt" tile
.. hoen
tllty did nOl IlCt .. one,
dtspl~ Sttrt.·• .ooulL
The Grt~ W)TJlI IocUItd III mighI.
and iLolIm IJdmobp, KR. and SWot,
buIq IbtIr bodiooo
t!wI ,.... .t.ltkk
became Rt.h,
carrot &om the Btyood.
b took the wordo 0( Gruml'.. htr
opoktn .. tht cn:I\lon nl tht world.
H. otagem:l bKk,
t,W}' oaIt __ wool.
an fttmtno. cl adllt'lx••
11 __ prrira t'I.J t" w"
In sbapt and foml.
mubd deep wiIh _ I)mboL
Thtte 1>lDdIn& l'\lIltI
lO't'l. tIM: Truth 0( tM world
and up! tho G.... t Wyrm htre.
H. -. MloulIO Of'"k,
lib • bouldrr
........... dwmwtde.
KritJ and ViBsbp rtlrt~ 10 Scm',
udI ~ ~ 'die d Ihrir 0'00'"
1Mn Gb nlta>ed anothtr .calc.
Iooklrtt: In _we'" hit prbr.
ohart hil ....... kDowIrdr,
wbm lor djppptond &om IlPE.- _ , 110 .... ~..-brft be-.
....bat his tyt:I \Mt btbtld.
\\'ht'll Ned look ~ 1ICAlt,
wao mltd "''Ith • burning Inttllllty,
Sbt ...w htr hUiband., Stant,
.... in tIM: calm of the 0Qle lor oloo llIIlIk.
Sbr ran put .... 10 Stm
ax! joined tile fr'IIIIlllne ollbe 6pI.
IJinding ..'Il!l au,
tIM: beach,
the Crt... ")"rlll _ _ 1It.-.,;
.... «JuId DOl be wuhtd 10 ....
a..a. lib _ bouIdrr•
ill I'tIiIUtnu could lit dipprd ""~,
Evtl')' oaIt taUn _ _ end.
_ r.....J I1lIw ..t.tre kt «101d It"OW
and brule it "pM!.
Kyndlp thand his knoow\cdr.
~ OUI 10 Stm and Ih.o othrn.
Tht pdt doeo:mi MId 0INd tbrw "t"PO''''
aIIIlintI !OIftbrr r.. • fn:tb .......
Tht F*h 10 victory wu dt.,
and hope P'~ thtm ....... 1IfmIIh.
!My aaacktd,
K)nd/sbtt'. "".... futltd his lhougbIt.
ghing him wbdom and oklill
previoully unI<no>o.... to moruh.
llio t)ti ~ brlfbt with 1nIiP.
nch to1lns • suit and ill bowl!)'.
........ .....
U._lhr ........
.,~ ..,.j
hi< woo:do thM had bound lhr GreM W)-.
ond he hi..., .d lhrra YE-' lhr jaris.
Nrwo . _ could thry be ..-d b oW!
n-. Ihal bad dIrd rrturlII!d.
"'"1 WlIrrior tabIc it W<lfd b
r...... H.. rKft>..... d.. .-.d.
f!nFn ...... Iftle dar hood, ..., iCbljj lhr ~
",uR lbr ITZl"'c .... __) from ..
lOok lhrra boaw•
... tMJ
could ~ tbnr ~
11wy Ixame lhr l.hiII& R-.
... our S/l:;jGm IllII un~ Ibrir IIilIl'IIel.
The. t""""'Y 1M- bit~ • plilee
Ilomrrm our lIIKaIa'1
Uod Gnaml'Mhrr.
...... lIwl two hlitldrftl )~... a&0' lhr i.J&rwb of
\'~'nj. hrkInothin« but _ . 10:•• :and primki>\'
<lIUUl raldrn ,"'1>0 U\M m""h tho .....y thrir ancim
Thry .... our so<h
.00 lhry .... our MlQrf,
uamplro lor UI to 1'oIluw.
Thry omllr whm lhrr .......
illld dlrif rwnet will nr>'l:r be f.:tI'goam.
llrICetton had.
hornet u. Thry
It daonoo of ~
_ hc w-.cI • low _
..u .... hc IOid loll .,
~ M 011
!My ....'it)"
'T'bO)'lMd pOlO'etl'ul runr IMp: to k«p I.....
lbr obld ..i1s hr 6ooi>hf.d,
b 10 Id Illlllboldt "11wy ....
:J... 1ib our mcMon. 0..III ~~ Ito Ions ......._mbrf.
__ .ilIf'PCI'Ud .. cba. _ lhr
The. ................ brft. pbnftllll
0I1brir ~ Hr could _
pk...L tit ... ...-.:1 lhr 6NI lip &- . . hon.
pol lhr
tIIbac • """ fn:!m Ircturins
. . dnday M~ thry -.6d Irt him " - • fuI
. . . . Wlte he had llraIly arprd 10 ,..,.,... heft.
r.vom:I .... Uod bo;w... 0\""" muduu UH!
flTrinm. IVh.M am,*, [ormlns or huntlng .Ollld not mt\'l
thrir .-ds, lhry bunchrd "'W .u..:k. opIrul bdp
lUllom, ~ ..~ lhqo nerdrd briore ~ 10
thrtr boIn6. ~ r.v.d Illrouchout 1'Wu.. dIrir ampIt
~"" hrkI • lOlI&h oorl of honor. uwl lhrIf [Iooel)"-Md
ndIciclno bound ihmo 10 • proud.oo nobk pMl.
Todly. ~.Ihal_ ...... bIb
h aIk ibdl" \/mdrl, ... bioi b f . ,...I
01 ............ P"'S'-' Clnminc
.... .-. -*ti; but """" . . - '
Mcrm-. ... lbr ....
They .,. tbnr
inIo .1IIOC!rl
ill lhr
,crC« t*'"" &onl ......., __
IIlfPIlIt. 110m.
..to- Ibm;
mal lira.
'" bMpin b dis
but _ b din
I f . . - . W.
0I...nn. - ' lndiaa kL Tboy ulhc ....
pitta of ~ \'rndrl .... .......,.0 - pIdrn - ..'!lid
-.d pmmi 10 nniJomo Thbh "",,,",
Yrt bryOlld
modo... ...-. w
<1wIr ..
ociII fftIIolli...
' ' 'i,
traditions h."" bml dbl"Upred
"'"".... and d,. Vo"dEl', ~w"'lKet""nlJ thttat"" In dewO)'
"''E<}UI!ng tbey hold tk..-. Wl~ tho VEn<lcl r:aIl pmgretl.
llw \'..em rail ....ro.se. WI~ the Vellm rail honor. tn.:
"......1 all OOl(ll<:ry. Ilooh oi<leo tll'QW Inrttaslngly biaer
oro:! men<ful, and the wi<ImInJ dniJlon bctwem thm1
dIrE_ 10 unJe.h • <h'il ......
land foJl of
bI.- that
powl' .... difkttnI oripos dEpeM'", ... ....... )'OU ..L
~ .w ..... ..m.. ,.. ....... oimlbo- thty tIilI ....., and
II •
........ 1iEo their tnribW ngedy. Thr)' '-~ the ~.
10 ,orvol all 01 Thhh II..",. dwy «lUld
n.. flnl cbapIft 01 ddo book ........ the nalian'. b600dy
....", !orr eo""8"'u from barbarism, and
__ .. an
It inch
dEuih on
and an ",,'COy.,. of imponanl
E«Ii..... P""'~
\'nInI Md VmdoI
Iomont ..lthin thrlr oIw-.d
l1>e _on<! chapctr
provide< d~t. on the most pow~,ful people I" the <OWIlry.
Including tn.: Influenriil
GulldnlaSl-m and the llen:o
VO)Ion warrion ...·00 llf'P"K lhm!. ",. thlrd .Mpr"" CO\......
now rule. unl9uo 10 Vondel,Neottn. lndudlng ""w
..........wna.: oc:bools, ""'" b ucroIosY and I new type of
DeW!)' Spread- Finally, 0Lapl.". tOur rontalm ..t.itt rnr
pb).... of VoKnl and \' dool Herott. .. ~Il .. GM ......r.
and a p<M....-fuI
mnnlolH "'ho temlOiJ:es tbc
bIooo"''''ll>le>. II ..00 bI<lucleo • lricl of tt<ld)4O-flIt>·
r~ ~ rnr ...... eltbft' Hrrueo .. ~l'Ca.
VmdoI and \'nlmnW1nro* ..... I..bd br . bondf. ..ilorh lnDIteod thnr
M""EDUS. Thry
and their muIlIII pridoE ___
that r\f:IlIwr ~ ..11 __ bid: -.... U-........ brIlh
.y.,lJOinU it", tPd lQ 'UO,..... Ibn< Ibd. J( )'OU ......
dooon J- _
.. ;a.....r lIIruush !orr It)' «UIIi)....
)'DU .-d lQ know how 10 """'...
who """~ ~w
tt:arb Ibm dndn_
bacb t-...
~ ~
In \'mdd,o\'~llj>r. ""-'. /l<I RIch lhlns'
nE'IllnIiI)~ and <........... Iideo ....... eM)'" illookI..
en e
The BeginnlnR
According to 17" '(J"'11l[QIAtr CJ'Ir, ~ COU",OOll of opi<
V..IC1lm"""",lljar poem', me world ...~ horn Out of tbt
~OmaJ .ttuggl. M~.... n fI... and Ie •. In. ""aim of f"" .......
call.d Musp"ll....·1011. th. domain of k. "';II call.d !'<Iflheim.
Th.... opp<>'ins fore... borderKI ~ SIUI .mply 'flU' namM
---(NOle: ~ Ilmeo in the follo..ing ltxl ...., use 1M nome
·Veo...",· .. a ohorll'nM form of ·VtitelllTlllnna,'njar." Thb
~ ..ure Iw bo,rn taken strkll)' LO Conxrve lJ'ae~. and no
a/fronI Is lnlmdcd to. the V"lmmann""'jar or tMir
O .." r lim., Glnung~ap Mgon 10 fill ...ith k" from l'MIh.im,
...hich m"llM ...'!>t:n It 1""'" d.,... 10 1>Iu.""Il. Many tIuogs
form.d "ul "r th. t1uwing Ie., ",m. good ond """. mI.
1n" mn>llmportanl " .... Grumf'lh<'r, 110. Grey WOJllk",r.•
being cl g"'.I"""..... and kno>.iedge. AI""",1>r n,.. l<-d tbt
...alel)· _
of Ginungagap, ..an:hlng fur somfllII. In
""""" his ...'iJdorn "ith. H. found no "n....orthy.
IIonor.d dud.)
Al \a.t, h. nested undoef 1 S,..II ~ 11011 'l'r.><:I III branc:hes
high ab<n... 1m h.ad. H....,.., almorI ~ ""Mn • floefU
giant n...,...,j Virld OlIa<;W him, In")' JInIgglr<l and
struggl.d. bUl GrwnI'ath.... finally sI....· th" crnuun:.
In rccml yean, many JCholan have a!lt'mpt"d [0 :I.Illl(b
dUM to "or\ouo hUtorkal .''ffiU of ~ Vtslenmann.,..,jar
and VmdeL UnforlWlatel)'. tlW Is ""arly i"'f'O"iblo:. un
Avalon, the VMlen bland.
a rtcl> or.<I tradition, and
until modem limeo had no usc for "Tilt.., records. lMlr
histllf}' fadeo mm nilily wgMHl. and It ofI,"" become>
Irnpoo<lble III winnow f•• u from the cfcadom of on
Imaglnodvc ,kald. 1M V,,"cn adopu-d no ~aJ cal.ndar
~ Ihe counting of"moons" or "urnmen" lUltillhc reM
Th. giant'. bod}' floolr<llif"lw In Lht cold. dark 1... of
Glnunppp.....hich sa.... Gromfath... on Id<.... H" f lonN:I
a world &om Vhld', ""mal"" using his 0""" for Lbt: liOil and
his lCelh and bon... for the rocu and mountains. 'n.. .....WI
...... mad. inLO du, elm". cl Lbt: ..... y. a barn", lu Lbt: Olio",
,,,aim,, Grumfath.r d..n pluckr<l uuI hi, 0'NJl lefl ")" and
<:a!I II InIO Lbt: ...011..... h tn.... lr<I Inl" lhe sky, t-"ming lhe
sun In lhe day and lhe muon at nigh~ .uo...ing him Iu
continually observ. his rn!atlon.
of !lit ,,'Ofld fowtd them. Even lhen, only. r....., sag... ,..,on!
any rNl daI.. and ocholan
little [aliI, in JU(h nWeNI
Ifforo. ""'nllan Vesten ddeFtain' U,ing
regard!"'" _ IIOI1l/:
tlInte anIuri.. or """"'.
In Avalon. 1\ II laid tJw kg."," art more important thal
hbtory. Among the Vestcnmanna'll}ar (and ~n oomc
Vtndf,lj. legmdt and h;slOr)' art one and the .al1le. or
• DUne. {here are l1I&IIy diffnml ......."'" of h!Jtory (0
~ &om, with uw ohld adding 1,1. ""'11 nourbh ..
cw aiIualion Warrants. What foUow. b.low arc lOme of the
"""'" popular ln~preUJjOfU of the Mdon',
In cllronolopcaJ orOO.
pas!. preomto'd
'In:U world ...... Thhh, and fOr many ."nturi.., II cristed
,.)011. wlth only th. G",y Wanderer 10 obser .... II. Al Ian.
Grumr.Lbt:r decided LO populat" lht ...mld. maJdng tho fIrS!
humlll!l &om the roots of the blooming UN. KnowIng ~'
""r<I.d a 'I""'d"l pia<;' LO !hoe, h. lOOk VII,-ld', f>rart and
1= it inln nin" pIc<'a. c...aling Lht nin" island, d,. V........
and V"nd.l ""'" <:aIJ hom".
The Order Of Thingl
After 1"..1nS lh"m f<>r a ,hnn time
Ihcir "",.. th. Gt..y
Wand....... decided 10 .-!<il the propl. 10" ~:ur<l. H.
dhgulRd him 1f .... young man Ind a1Icd hinuclf S...n.
lhen bogan
1Ing all acrou d>t "Pile" i<lM.
1lIr fir. houte he uri"~ 01 "'U lUloll. bulk from din and
f""" flt ask..! tJ>r. duldl".. CO\Jp~ ,"'110 ij,~ Ihtft' for
i:lOd.ond Mot. w!lkh th")' &Iadly 5'''''' In him. Tbe)' dined
• 'wd bind and "",atlns II..... fOf thrf't' nighll. \'lhffl It
"l;IlinIc 10 so.. he . d II>rit kindnHl 11)' gvtng t!>cm "
... lbt bo)' lOb namod 1Rnll and. In Iirfuo. he married"
__ ~ 1londnu.!d.1lv:)· he€amelhe lUIer.:!lOO of aU
..... dlllUI (..rll).
offeMel both fl'al and lmaglnltd, Th1J probably
..'OO1d boo,,,, pruceflltd una~ had t>Ol • (oI<J$~ tm.t
Ippr....-d, jeopardizing their ''CI')' niolmcc,
S- _ ,",~lM tn a ,Im,'lns (..-m. ""1l1Od by llnOth",
t4Up1t-. Tht')' ",,;tl"d him in"" thrir home' ....,~n
.m "" )~ folt th= n!&hll, e.otlng ..If-ileW ond oWr
Rill \\"Mn he WI, he ......'al'drd Ihrir Iclndr>e. by P',ng
. . . . I . . " , ~ Carl He. [no. ,,'tJUld 1TJ.lIT)' ...ud h,,,\,
A pot ~Ill called the GtNl W)TJll came from """ of
the .tranV land. 1w)'llIld the V.)', brinpnJl dtoath and
deotroedon ..'il.h it. lbe o:Ihi&d P"Ol'le of the kLandt we<1'
110I p,tpued and did 110I come tosethrr In lime tD MOp its
Initial OlI.d,. H~'t'f, tkty qulckly .eallud tho! \I" thq' ,
"'an1Cd to J\IfV1''', they had lD unif)', 10 each tribe ocnt an
"""'y to Sann!nll Dol, a lottlud<'d nDey at tM fCt1 of duo
HJalmarr Mountain.. Tbey qncd to cc... their hoolillllcs
and rOl'1l1 lin alli>.na! apinsl tM' <:ommDn cnmIics. !lound
1»' • mlllhl)' DatIl of alltJllilOO:, thc:). tnlCked lhc tnOOUl'l" to
<I:b.... bKnllllnglM lInCl!Olor of")l fun= r~.ts (l'arm<n).
Iu lou .."d
AI bM, s... n w-~""rcd to " g",~ hall, O\<llled b)' " ..'e:oJth)'
' . who had no fomily. lie ........ I'or food and .htk....,
"'-II m.y happl!)' "'l'pijtd. lie ..~ "'"ertaln.ed ",Ih lhe
!Jnl of eYtr)lt.lng rtt lhn:e nlJ/llS. P1e.oed. M pw wrn"
... IWI>fdJarl.Jorlgrt'W up It> he" 5killod warrlot and
..~ lllOI'e ,,'ullhy ,han I\U pamlll. II. 11""","( !he
_or of aD I'u!l.n J-m [warriors}.
In the prom"
lin Joum')' tomplt.tt. S\fll aaola .p~ .. Grumfathn.
/If P"" hit ~~ fll\lf virtuellO ell,,"'"
011 othm.:
rour.... Io)-aIt)'. hllnest)'. and Illfk. lie AId thOl lhesc .. m
d:oo II'<I'l'I til life and callM them Ihe Good Wa)... AI long
• hh ptaplt a<\h.e~ to thtm, h. ",'Ould Do': w.w:hing.
The Worsl Days
~ lhtr ktpllO ik Good \\'"y.. Ih. ptople of Ihe nine
lIlan<h had lUI)~ bulan
mOlence, Theyaurlbutltd
10 Gruntfw,l'I"" wUdom, howevn, '0 they wooId
11'1"nUI~ the: valllC of r>"CT)11llnr,: In bk, Th~' 1trU~
iIpIIlIlthe wnlhl'l", Land. a"d
to our""", Ihin& day to
dIy Itld IO<JItbow m.arugin& 10 popuIatr. 1M blandl. Then,
• if fl&Iulng 1M ekmenu "'Un't hud """"&It. Ihty Iqan
.. f,&N one another.
The)' OVI'ntu.ally dUltt,rel inIo llO·fIIl)·-lh.. tribM and
,,'ltml upon each 0100 W111lout mrn:y, They batded 0''',
"'f'I')lI11ng, from llood croplands and Iwnlinl!:
dcslru)'Cd iL
thtr dJKo.,-erctlthe Gtt:al Wynn',lCOlet had
prof""1lCl, ",alrel ..... h W Grey Wandtm"'• .......,;"
Df ctcadon, E.h of the tWC'lll)'-fh", "'lllTiDn took .. ooale,
becoming lhe tiving emloo<lilMnt of .... c of thete UrrrII.
detolh ol WI bottle con be fl>Ulld In the elOCupi from 77lt
G",..!~IA" CJClt In thr Introduction.) \\,n.,n If>co)' relWnrel
,,!<1lIrioo.IJ to tw people, they ......, wonhIpcd as godo.
ea1lffli''t!)', th~' became kMWll as the I!'.'InJl Runr...
Tint" or Th" Uvift( Run",
"lbOllJlh the jut. that became the U'ing Raneo .....tc now
dhine, tMy could IlllI lp>re the Inf1l1eIKe Df thtlr momI
origlru. lbel, new powe" exhibited thcm..lv.. In
o.U-too-human ""')'1, "ith boIh henign and <aIaIlrOphic
reoulu. Slaria aOOund Dr the
In ..'\,Ieb tl\e li'oing
Rw>eo uocd and ~ their alrilidC'l. M..... of 1/omI c""laIn
some SOf1 mmen!...,.d V...". cl'IiJm..n..,." JlilI bfou&hr. up
co '-d tho Icuoru they <onI&in.
Some Df the more .... U-kno..l1 IUlria in,vh.. KjoI ("'110
r<jcctnl ",i.liu.tion £or hit hl'l"tIIClic punuill), Vancl (•.
prank.......t.o teo/cd hi, foIIowon ., ""ff)' oppxtunIl)', Wllh
rWllo l'anginr; &om hUarlouIco Lethal). and K}ndlgh"!'oM
roamed from kI.md to l.land. ~ hit Itnowlcd~
,,'hc.~ It. tl>ou&bt II .........d do 1M. moor llond}. II~, ~
It ,he tf'a&ffl}' of Krteg thai truly uplUI"t'l "'" hcll1$ and
nlinds or the V....... people.
In 1M .crusgk ..1th the Grtll Wynn, KrltS bt<:amt lilt
f"'T1O"lflOltion of 'i<tory in ba~, 1M. apol/w:oJis of
e"O'f}thing • IIICctnfui jarl "......d ,,-ant ", be. 11It
lhat, din f\9lling thot Greal Wpm, dw: land
fmalJy kn p"...-... Th<'n' wete roo baultt Itfllo be ....aV'l
and Ktitg .Jo.,.iy wen! mad &om Iw oupprnoed bloodlwL
Ht allnoCItd • hordt of f1lWical di!odple. lhal bnndtd hb
~ InIG thtlr eager ntill. Together, tht)' "''1&td and
rama<ktd tl>t hlmdJ' coaJU. d~'ing all Iik thll ~
emu thtlf paih. Thty lounchtd thest rald. not for fllfWM
Of gl"'}', but for tbt primal wWacllon of dtwuclion and
1M thrlU of tht wr>cjUtti of lhe weak., Krieg 1M \\'mlof leU
from grace. bt<:omIng the mel'd1t:n "wlord Kn.. tl>t
The sow. of 1M falkll wing; RWlt' lmmtdl.ud)' pa>1td
IrrlCl the .plOl world. wlw:re Ih")' urnI...-n1 a ItJItS of 1Iia!.
and lribulalioru, 'I'hey could """" onI)' lnll'f1o<! "ith the
world of the U'iIl;; 1Il the WTll/ fubion II lhe oth..
anttslon, buc Ibt), wuId \IllI haI_ IMIf abilitin a:nor>&
lMU faithful.
AV 818: Cunner The Ravenhalred
Iii, bloody co"",, drew mhtd ",ae!iura from the Olhtr
lJ,'lnS Runes.. Somt {lI\duding t:n.omhef, Tunl"iM- and
II~} rdwed lei JId in,'Ohed. OIbm (liU KjnUg, Ned. and
l.l<Itmhp) ouppofled lhdr comrade with word< and ofI...
detck, dalming thai he unly acltd undt.- 1M GrunUalncr'.
command. But litt anpkh ewltd by Kr~S" wra1b did not
Aft.. the 1.Mlls RlInt!I d~d from moruJ tl-es, lbe
iIIand. Ipn fen I chaM. NOI cmllrnllo oimpJr ,,-age .....
"" cadi <llhcr, • f arnbillour tnoo ~l uplom1 and
raldcn U> other landi, TIm PJO'-ed to bo • !labitil)'. II no
ringle lribt had tIlOIIgh .trtn&!h U> punue •...,., extended
campalpu for any Itflgt/l Ilf limt. Wlw:n the f....· monIlu of
wvm .. eathn ended, 10 dld !>ooIiUtieo, only l<> thaw agaill
In limt fOf <pring. Many 11I'ott Wfft ...tped out. "Me 0l1>en
"'l!ft tt!Ied 10 <Ii"anl lamII. lnvarlably, a new tnbe would
arlit to replace them.
UMCIl:1<.o. Sc)m,
Slorw:d, Sinnt, and VIIItkap once
>pin loo/r; Ill' "'..... ''O\o'Ing to ItOp KricS and "" minlonr
at any clllt.
KneS 11 l.ulllad another w;u 10 waa;e, and he revtIM In
The bloody conflict ra~ O\Itr every WlIId Neilhtr Ji<k
coold gain a luting vlaory, but Krltg'. unmdlng /iIry k"J'l
him frorn oflarli>ing blr Me" the way the Olllto did. 1111
blind ~ ~ .....i)' lOOk iulOU on hir ...",y. "'uWIy, the flghl
~d back inlo Ihe IIj&1ma" Mountain<, ",hen: he
and hi. foIlowl/1\ made their bilU:r fbW -.d.
SfyrV WltI kiIltd righl ... the kgutning of the &>'y, wangltd
by Kri..', manl~l/ Iwlck. In lIlm, Slnnt llew Kjelig. and
"ilh Sio"..d'. !\tip, VUlJkap 10'" inlO I\.rl"J "iIh • wrlel of
Ugbtning bolla thlll thrtatentd u> rt<!\ICe lhe rnountalm to
tubb"'. AI VWtkap lenl the WI ~ bWt inIo Krieg.
lJdtnik.p', blar.Ir. Ilruck ll"Ue. VdlJkap', body joined the
g.......'lng pile, bul he ".. immedi.lt'Iy lVtfIIed by Iu, I""
remalning; a1llM. \Vhtn tht baule fina1Iy wdffi, the onCe
brilllanl Ir"I()W W1I .IUlne<l ted,
Whotll word of 1M confllct'. dltrmnh Mpn U> cin:ulatt,
moll of the '~lJIS IJ'Ii"ll Rune. went inl" 1tC1usioo. No
DM kfto,... b.....·lfWI)' Ilill ,un;'.. in pb)'ricallorm to thK
day, bur .. any ~ren ....111 ant<l, their pow.... """"'" ..
poltrll II
M1n)' dark )...ar. fono..'ed "....... .1 lui. • valianl and
clwimlalic Jan de\'eloped • new b.lttlt ,tf'W'gy. lIer narnt
"'U GUfIIltf the R..... nhaIred. • vislorIary leader ..,th
dreams 01 a might). kInprn. Insttad of hit-and-run ~ds.
W: conquered and 1tI1lc:d. tn.ltad of eon'''.~ 1m
prlsoncn rA war !nIo liIralJ., Iht Itt them rtWn their socW
\Wlding. - bur 0Ili)' If llley .,,~ ~ 10 her. E....,,·
Irlbt .he C<lnque.ed added U> h.. power, and dIt WII
rtlpccttd by lhoft IlM: defelded for btr c""'flllDlm and
trltm!eI could _
thaI IbdJ dffiInltr. Wfft
In her Iwodo. "Wtad nf chooaing 10 fight, lhty wlltly
dtddtd to rip' • funnal O'tal)' GllfU\tf mel wilh them in
the _"'ley of ~InS Dal lin tllf' Sround- rA whal woold
become 'l'hIng;>..u._-arn, Aft.r ~ do).. of animated
d!rcuulon. the KlI11erttl tnbtl joined l"&tthtr under
e-r. -.bDnly. The
"-lIJ-, mnm.s ._
01 d>t hlAndt _ _
_, MId e..-f onltcI tM pKt ..,. F"lIWm •
calloed Ihrm
,..,... __ ~. nw~. _1118, !be finl CGL......d
.............. V. _ _'tljIr·.ImIary.
• *'
r..-f knfw !hM 1"'-mdr!C at of ber ~ woukIlIh
~.ablo ....n. to oM oppoIIllI:d Illftt 01 boer _1oy.I
~.Ilolp Iwr rule. Eatll jarllw:ld jwt6dicliDa tl'1:r • •
iIIMI, whlth .. ouId b. .. ~ afin ill rnpKl!\. ruin In
.oo:knon. IlM- ~ cm..-. of l",11 Island ""WId ~ d~
JorV.. biac
II<t 0fI
Ibr) had
d. 1buo, Ibt f'nI jorI 01 ~ ..... Ii.n;k
EU,6. Ihl: fIN jul 01 0ddtn01llt ..,.
...... 01 tbo
pot'-.I) I
T'IlIMI. ~
by booar.",,'1w ....-. d. one-.
dw 1i .....arlr.1ar lho , , _
histuy • ~
ill Jor_
ol11Ilncv..n.'...... ~ blbt:W
'f'N'l& up. hdmg bullcllnS droru ond ""in& pn>pk 10
IW W~~ indoon. GuMd ~1I did IlOl roKl!..". 011'"
Ionghoum or hutl ~fon the WIll';' ",'"1"
quickly b«am~ ID>IIn the IWirIlJII 1nOW. Whm W Wl7z.mI
~ndtd. ~ teWrnro \(I lin ~ople... but ~ had clwl~.d.
H.. duk hair "'U J1Jeal.ed willi gr.t)' and her ItIt O')~ "'U
mlalng. SIw: U>f!mhl.d "'" j.lrIs ond mId lbnn lhal
CrumfOll..f ".u pl~iI>ed "ilh ..tw lttey ""'d IICcolllpUw,d.
To .......' hb ,ratitI>d~. M had made .... 1m Iivin& avalar
and Illid l""'~ .. Jon, as the Ve!I<'nmann;"lIj>l' l"P' hi<
fa,..... I.. ,,'OIl1d oIwa}'\ ~ thefP m &uIdo thom. W,th IfUI
solemnity. she dKlutd htntlf Hlsh KIn" CT\IIl'If'llh<=r"1
proxy In the mona! world.
CUlUIri IMn phrred all pf tilt lribol Iud..... tellln, them
thill Crumfothtr foIsnd If...l 1a!bf;K!ion in tM!r unlty ond
woWd blesl th.m In thot< emlu''Ofl. She <Ire'" ht! ",'OI"lI
and tOJJtd ~ hl&h \No tht air. Ii nughl th• ...Nlgfll and
'",ntd end <J\'t'f ."d in lllo d«tnl. Whtn It /andtd,
tht bWlt polnll!d ,,"tit. Gunntf 5ml1td aDd dffi.>Jod ..u
of tht ~ to thc W(Il to be tht mpmI.. of fill!
"ffirnrmnn.llvnjar. In. lew ,hon dl)~ ~boatt Ian<kd un
tht ......f i or th. Clamow Wts.
AV 820_1020: Raiding Abroad
findln, rho
hl:tl>d d*'id.d lIIIO<II !loun. nf klngo - .lmil.. m
"~~'1lJ>l' !>tfOlt tht comlnl of Gunnel. 'I~ '1IIh..
A\'lIlom Slood linJe chanc. "iaiNl tht lIfIIttd Itrtngth of tht
"MIen, bul DOlt klnl In paniculu. £lIIodd of the £.au. bad
1M retoUfUl w lalU>th a coumeraUlld. H. ptuhtd lht
.-.l<kn m the coaSI at ",,101 COlt of hr. to bolh f",,1Iom.
invade,.., ••aclttd
The trulh nf wbal h;\jlpent<! MXl tIM btJ,n lmt in <he miN
or lime. "I'M I'ft'Plt or AYaloa claim that E.hlodd ......"bltd
lhe Rnt No')' In lhelr CtlWlllf. hilior)'. uiIc:d aava the ."...
ond fought the \'tiImnwwo'lIju on lhrir ""n lWf. n..,.
Ill)' lhal hot dtftlltfll th. HIgh ~ on<! c:olltd kif ~
ollia"". bel....,n th. I"", "'aITin& peoples. With hb new
cOllll"ader, M rtturlltli W '\,'alDn and unlIed hiJ <0UlI1f)'
Drlt UO"'n..
NUl I\ffprlslnsJy. the
"MIm dtug=. Ac<ofllinp;
till! raldtn rt<ri\..d malon:ltfllmli
tht ohordiD<' and
rought f.liIodd lnIo • aaltlnalt- lmf'T"'""d w!Ih the lfWl'.
GWIfIl'f dr:<ided 1M: ""<lU!d u • 001.....u"
. . . I ~. SM
Iw:r hand in fr;" lup. prombIn~
,..ill him WI b«mnIng lM "Iligh king" 01' hi> O«n tOUnlr)',
b ~II, tho '"OIl1d letognlu him u on. of hM j&ll.. and
u.. \,fOltn (am ......... 1w: :Ul",,~ to ll1Idf, ..ilh the Avalon
P""I*" Eillodd qultk/)' agn-ed and lOOn (""itlllcla.~ thr
r.-. undtr hi> ruk
Il>o prrt..., fKu of thr nuouer 1lII,.., ~n lost m lu>1<I'Y;
. . h.ppt....l dq>md. """Iy on "bo you aU:. lb. Sidhe
... ,....UlnIy know ,,'Iw hap[M'notd, U 00 the U-'UlS
""""'" but 0".,.. of th<1ll fHllndln..d to darlfy the mue.
",nding ..... on her ronal ''Ol'W In _ MW b<w \oa~ with
the flnHl food. and ltcllUJel tbty could lind.
Alit. ber p;ouing. It ......,eel I I if the -nIn& ~Ie
WDU!<1 "8oin bceom.. dhidrd. A lew prom1nenI jull .......
rudy 10 make !hMI mo" .. wh.... &urn the north, nme •
...... ~g nllJl ..1th long gray h.>ir Md • ~ !>tan!.
HI. n&me wu Am OlJllnnnon, and "" ..... mlJIlns hi> left
q .... H. told of. rnyumnu. bl!>zard ..'hkh had "PflUI& up.
fotdng hlm 10 find IhelWT In • oKllllled ....... H• ..xl
G,umfatbcr had IllII forgrllll'll hb promlIe and made him
1M IltW Ifo,'ing "'lItar. the new Illsh Kini
pr<lple ..-= w,pIial. '" ,\UllurnrrtOlled tbe SltJl'm1
who had 1el''Cd I I Gunnef. per.....J amiJon. 'lhey made
it Ml)' ClI••. ",Iallo,," beN-"m ~ 1"'0 lWiom lOOn
...tdizrd. and wolfll into " Ions tndlllon of Ira<k and
Q/'I:IaI <J'OU-jlOlIin'lJon, Of 1M Ihr..r cullUrei among 1M
GIomour hie.. the IlJghlandro WClr lhe mall
",<m:llOdoling. ACtor • ~ InIUal ralds. 1M Vesv.n set up
IIIIt!IlTdnJI communilJ... Owr lime, ti""", wmmlll1ilJ..
hilh...L The Vrs'rn and 11181ll.mlt. pe<Jplr
i:vr-nwntd al>ll Mr'" r!wlgrd II... gCM pool of <:main
........ l~boall ufrmWuloi ,anit'<! ., !T\.ilIly Ulgh1and
'""" 10 dwllnlloml" .. Vaten arl•.
s.- \hltl\llUllna\njar ~ij\'t'fed IlighLand.... bridrf (.omI
poooibilky olllt.... WlUplored Iandi to tbe flU WMl. He JC(ll
longboaa of uplorm pill the ohoret of Avalon, some of
...-hmn fet up 0Ulp0IU In I d!mnI clllin ollllanda. One
loo,end 110ll!l that • parlku1lU gf'O\lp dbcOYft'ed • ne..·
CQrlO1\enl In lhclr tra,..,1., but I.... journey "'11 too Ion& and
anfuo... to lei "I' '~guW reluiom with itt 1InIIlf:. natl''"'
."' poo<nl) I""i to Ihrir isla!Kk. 111..... ~"J>&m.l .. four>d
• 1C1l\'f mIoo ill thffi I\O'W V",tm <uhure.
iIlm'II to hiot<ari&as Iw bc1:n 1M rcco-'t'fN journ<ll of t.<;J.
MKI>oo.lId. • lIighland """,an ..,th know1edse of !he
Thtan Langmgr. In ;~
,.fer.net'< to H,
e...!,I'" CJtlt. dalmlng ,,-as ..TilIng do...." lb• ...,lire
.,.. In TILt&l\. If WWld, It ..iU be tilt ~ cop) in
e:dolt_ .nd coold ylfld u.nUng Inlit,hts into
V..et1IItWInl\nj.or btlicf, that ha,~ &"l""" mmy WIth llfM.
/t.v 9OO-J.SOO, The Hi,h KinJl:'
~ ......tlopmmto 1000k C<'tlluliel, IAlrlnlllhu t1mf. lite
r~ lWlon had III h.lllls fuD. Attn _long. ~ hr.:-.
Gonoo! tho R.""nhan.d·, 'l'lfil J<>ln<'d ..... WlC",OO, Ne-..,.
bdtn b:a.d 1M Ve\.ItMl:o.nna''llJV ft:lr web ,rk! ~ the 100,
Ii • • hre. SbIds "'Y tMU"'D no ~8hl fof l~ daj.'l
Iwr de.th. and e-'tn the uy
-..nmg lie. people JI:'' ' ' ......
Itan in
!lim ""........ vriM of que<BOI'd and 'WI • battery of ltol$
thot on/)' the JiJ&h KinI could p.... In the md, they
.ndDrHd hI> c1aIm. and tbe reign of • new ~ K!n&
~""",, MIl ..... oot I ml\lIary
fOflunlt.ly, lie kaew Il, and left the mllllm of
lIrilllc. hi.
rmdin& Ind
apahle jariI. Wb~
InlCfC'tecl him the tI'>C»t ..... Ihe conlintnl of'IMah """ lhe
warfar. in the tw>dJ of the
Bccawe of A,h',
curlor.lty aboul dhlanl .Ihorea, the
Vl!ItmmIUIna,njIU karn«l much .houI the rnI of the world
and J"O"I"',.,f. To tht'tr credl~ ~, m<* kq>Ito thetr
""'ll ....).• and hebc£L Thclr ..-y of Iifr had bem good
tnOlIgh (Of their IUlCCOInn Iln<l U "'''" good enouah for
t!lem, To chang., ll"')' fek. would he dlIpJcums and
di,rnp«lI'ul 10 GrumfIlhH.
Grey W/UlOOH continued to kttp lui prombe by
plO'1dln, new. worth)· Hlsh KIng...adI UIIlquc and iii fur
lh. tim" of the!r tvIc. Under lllem, the VCII<'tl lM:d In
.elad,'. Iwmony ..illl ...11 Olhcr.
r~ b
!he ml • the
thtIr bumoay"
IlOl ~ ~ Ibo: V _ ..a-k. ...."hiIe tile A,. . . w..
~ !Mdt tbtir ptao:e .1lh \'~'.' Ibt
CO&IlaI klnjjdorm vi )IDnlalpt:, fum. md
10 lucky. 1'he j>IIt. ~ In ..arch of n..... ~ lO flAb.
launcM:! unUld_ nkb "l>.in\t Ilw! IO'<>TIO and vill"1ft
~, ~
tllrir faM.1lIO'itIg Jon&>bipo \Q ~
dKt. 'They .....k -.1m- ........ bwq Ilarnn
IIlot<q ...d ~ 011 ~ . -.... 01 booty ~
Lndom -Pc - ~ by I!w lip 01 dw Lnq
Rsmn - P'Y Ibrm palmt P""'ftI II> tum ...... din
.son--.. 1M uwlllit>tllbl kIaplmt .... oaIdion opn.
1M t'Iiclq panla. 1lw: p.m
lbrir mlIlwy skiIII.
.u<:mtd 1hem .... let! of
nldinfl JWtin Mm fdI
fi"rn rounlm.u.acU from EIoo:n or Monl.llp ..,\dIm. Bu:
jdtl u o/io:n, the ~h InI1ictod ~nbll" c....mes and
(QllIWItd Wv ~ ...w.-l. Thb C)dr vi MlKk
...d mnbuaua UlI1lIDUfd tluuusb- 1M Mlddl. "&'n\~ ~
obowod ~ ill ~
«In lando.. A iow Hlp Kmp IaIcd thtIr mfIIIo '"
.....'*'1 "" ~ c_iIf"1I' . - "'-mpr c.-
o-. WIly lo ~ .pdIy ...d Ibo::woIt;Nr ~ \ ttIN
bAaIe IKIir.I fr,"Oftd quick. ouddta IIriln; storY ""U II> t.
lOund in !he froI1t lIneo 01 banIt'. IlOI In W dn.odFr of
gurt"", dury, 10 woe wdt ....."ly rnu!l1lJd In along--imD
OCCllpllKln ollerrilofy. l'b" joarlo >0<10 t.,amilJd 10 bmillbn
_kJ. pInIna ... haI lbey cClUld ... hen lbey t.ouId .wi
ko,'in& tbdr .tt"""llU 10 plcl: up 1M piKn.
who UCIIIpIed II> IIrib tbr V _
~ ho.".",. WidllIw .._MW......p-"'Kq
f1!bSd, DO'-'" .... Ihr V..- .un IN. """" _-t.d.
A Ww )'-oip' 1IIIlatb ...", Illfind Ihr
V~a", NW IMpo who ~ 1he ia>..... lWo.
~ ......... ibry ";''4'<1. CouplIlJd .1Ib 1he \olaado'
irIiM.plW>lc ~ and ~hk.oI ""bam k aJIowf.d
1M Hlp
Ie> rule thrir IIld"" lands ""Iau,'dr
....... ,,",10M)' caunlry
In ..sdilion
raick by the juk.
w ft-mIIunI art C_
made _IIltClIdo.o.-i ~...-h l¥ Klnt Asb.
~ to
c1e"lop ~ rdallocM wilb
..... pono all'hb!L Thq' tot<\IRd ~ wilb . . . . .
~ .--. : ~ fun IIld ;-ny kit ~
............. \\'~ IIddbta __ ~ ~ .
... aoeo. Iior thqo Ilor)' learned -.lei ha>'" _ _
~ .. !lor MIn 01 dwsr «IUIll)l-
... _
r.. --. lUI: omMios.
tbIt panem toNi:Iutd. The juIo
,oidod, Ibo un. Ir8ded and flfftled, and ~ IhnIII Kf\'!d
1!w Ionlo. Tht v_ _TIjar b-' llW Jiw,o as !hey
L.....,.. Md, ~ III 1M HlAh KiqI and !he ndilloN
III thd onctllOn.
k "'11 IlOl 10 lOiL
tIw, _liKm to tbotf . . . . 110 btIp ~ ... ~
- ' ... ~ b donn .. s-i rWm Ih<Jald. ~ llIo
...... . - jW ipnd him. ~ .. tIoty wm' OIl
Ihdr 1IlOO'11 drnmo fIl P«7- 1\t bile *'I pc*- . . . III !lor
)'t'K ISOI. ~ .......
Ila'\'t'd 10 c1ee ~ dwtr jcl1lad takca dwtr .....
pWa ........ b _
M ftlCtip .... em--'
Inp! Halmslnxa - ..tlo Ud o:pml """'Y )"QR - . . . Iht
f\o:IIriIhins IOIAIwm I>IlICn - oabdlhc Hi&h Klnt; 10 .alI
)urIy 1Il-' llllmI&!Iy ","",-...I 0DIy for
the ,.n.. ~ P""'kM llW'f!ClnI; !lAd Iilin pb<f ooly • !no
wtf'k. belor-e, and mooI cl the Jarh "'""' ......y on rakh. In
"" Wlprt<:edmu,d mU'o", Elndrtdl "A1'teCl1o 1:lh ""'lunt.
•_ alti..,.•
from all ..- V ~...Ij'" 10 aumd tilt
plbffina;. 8bcbmIthl. farmrn. and craftsmm ol all !)'pet
am-! bI the Hlp K!a&', ~ 1II ~
HoiImIram opokl: mdully 1If tIw .-I 10 taU conlnli of
t1wUllan·'--..pypa...... p' [t Ifdleydld ...
.u.1hta ~ 'iIlvn WOJId __ Ilad tIw ~ .ouId
c . - - to sulIn. bI pm.......
111m . . . wlI.b IDe
ourado ....rid h:ad btm ~ II............ _ , htd
to n:f*Id .. He I .
drt.om 111 II" b1h ... die
111 R;o • muda • dIey tc.Id. _ to apply \boil
b.o..I..I.... me a-' 01 the ~. 1lw V_ .....
IIIId '"" coodo 10 no:'-F, 110.- Holuao_ npWnecIlhai
!he) didn't ..-I ~ . - . - . All dwJ lII:ed<d tbrir nUtanwl'.1l:illo oncI. wilIinpno 10 Ie
Mo-I by
hiI boIcI ~ the un. ...-110
""Y ...~S Inlfll'OU abroad.
AV 1501, Th, R,s< of V,ndd
'An !he
olTbWl_ ...dtlsolul Ia m"I:".., 01
aoIruft UId ~ Iloo \'~ wm! IllII k>'1nI
• ... PM'- TIx jotb -..: ~ wuh Ihrir li\ft of.
,..... ~ and bmillod
/u _ went .... llley
... _
and _
me. ilmp acuch,.1tA
_ odd.
« I!oe ..-II and 0IlAtml0 at tIR ..l. and
. . . DmrId:Illw. n.o. _ • ~ ....... Ufo on
dltltlando •
~onbI). h&nh. ~ ...IJc«d .....
clItd, .. m.,
'Z)'I IYd. ftoIIl
. _ and
""f"*1lt 10 the
The ,.... ralda prv>'i&:d _
.......orr.. in tIw Ionn 01 UflC'lI"d p*- lu 100 of\m,
wth muurtft went lDOowd d..:cnlln& lbo: 10al bel',
~ ........~ Ii
Il1o J""'lplt.
tan. kntw oonK1hIn& or the oulll<le worid &om Lboll
km11~ tnwllng ,,&Tf'eDltnIl. 'llle)' ...... tIw ~ brin&
"'OU&!'11lll the NIlll mainland. and _<he<! WlIb gflJWin,lj:
'""Y ...heIr mm:hant COWIlUfWb In otbrr lands sm'
..~a1lhy and a.-d. I:- 01 ,rlalr-. lmure. They __ bow
-.. and - . ill otIwr (Wwru wm' mp«1f'd IIOl IiIr
1M 0lrnIf;I" of tbdr ormt but Ibo . . . al chm ilk..
1bry _ dw -nd ....~ UU lhc odI J1O"'lIII
dlkbr b in..-.llley m- dial. 10 ....._.Ihry WOlIkI
""'" 10
~ • wei.
DlldndI t1_ _ Iho:
lMk _
HiP K!llc II 1M -.. I'K<ii'*<d
aBd Iricd 10 addrno It. H...~
'*' )IdI1!aII
..m.v .. lbo \I.laQd '" GIl ,add
l'hty tnvel.d on Iont:boall '0 MOIIl., r-a. and
Ava!on, COnlaalnll nM'rd,.,lls and oIIerint; them lhriI
Wf\'iI:ea. They IatCI 'htir knowIedp of lnIlthing. r""'r,
10 ~Ith the_h'n u rq>Iltable
uaI'amm. At the _
Iimf, Ilwy wdled the b.a"ontnc
~ of ........,iftU and ~ e>Dt_Iy ..........
They ~ dIllIlbrir obipo cauId Pmport carro ad
quidIy and eaaIy IiwI
ThDa.--ll. They
opmod . . . . which .............. to _ doe-,.lhl:y
IlWIdt 10 make 100ft - y , n.,. Ie""'" ...... to .ftdl
!heir lIICIlq by
draIa. and ....p
pokka' ...... oediolIo III Thh!I'....... a:utL They ...
...uz.c ........-
., lhrJ
....... .. 1ft nat ill
onpoaII) bO'Iir........ """"
mltxuba hoi' opn.p ..i*h _~ \'nwn bad ahro~ ..
UUto b pwMed P""'-..d.U ·010 10 boIp ~ 1 "
bO'pI ~ M~ - ' A.-'- _ _ 10 Ibm
If"'1rlp (lor ...... ft, of ,......). In •• ~-..I) oIMxt
llI'IW,IIDlrltom'. plaol bq;:IIII1O bnI fnDl.
Tho ,
natlc, tMl
II.... - ' RIbdO', At
"""'y of
nr.. thO' jaN dldn'
l!ret< ~ ~
me. 11rty
wmpIy -... aboul Lheb' h.... I I llrty Uw.)'\ Iud. n... HI&!'
Kln& kpI Illen~ I ..~g ,hal th.. "'UTIof-lottb IIJd
ohady h.d lhelr clwu:, 10 add,..... 1M Ilruadon. A, !be
yeaI' wenl by, the Jo.rl! conUll\led 10 focU> on Ihrir taldt
..1U1e Ihr .. arlI grew morr ""d fMfr wecenful In lhoir
~ ~...... They bec:ome lhr it jae" Iradrn of
hoi-. ond
buiIdi"A __
u- """Jbhon
no Irqn
ISle-U'J:I: fonu.tioft
,h. V.ad.. t ~.(U'
50 _cnalul Wft"1' Ibr- .....' db10 Iha Ilq ~ lD
~ .., ..oIDt ill ...... 10 kftp Ind; of u- ... In lil6.
HoIww_ fotax.d a « /«" rooardI .. Ihr dry of
KlrlJu~, Thr ,oundI had no ",oJ - . W.
both 11M: o:oth lind lht dvaIll.. II d.......d)
10 "'pnue lht 11'0'>1<11 n.... bft of Vnt....
nlefflwlu., bul u.o """''tel .. a "tb}"-Il>-day' p"tlllllltrll
b llw .. ounay: ~ ..........,n 10 needy ,'I1logn.
•".ol"nl dl'J1IIln In 1M abot'n", olllw jarb. o.nd 1M I;k,
Holnmrom """.. thaI lho flrh wtlI.lld Hdr. 10 dncr~' ou<h I
(ouocU a. IfIOll as ,Irty Iearm'd of II. Hft >nd 1M Dlher carll
rwlcl not hope 10 ""'llh ItKh armrd n~&!,1 01'1 thrir ""'"'"
_ . 11aImlll'\lm COf\I.OCled
lhr Eiotn Inopcnror. fraN Il and ol'fen:d him • balJoin:
p-..:lon &om Ihr jarIt III uc"""r fDr ...'"
,wadI. 1'. 1nlf"'RlC't, "'t»)' ol V......... laid> aad .......
• choop ill the air, "I"ftd 10 lheIr Itnm. lit om! • .....,
b .... 0( [bell bod)~ 10 f"llIC'U tilt COUI'ldI ond III
...,nba.......d . an -ofliuaI Eiom A.tt.""'-IO ltpr"'"
00 lhey ... ~ 10 JlII"~
J.n .. ~.' '""
A. II............ .....,..aed. bl> ...... fiaoIl". obaok
QUI of thrir campbtet>n The thglt ~ JIft''lDIM •
~~ of lht arII' _ _ ..... ,1 .~~ . . .
ol Ibr- C1lUIdI, """ .. d,,,.d II hi
lombI)'iI_ C}_e~'b-'do.""S :
jD; ......... tIiIIlC'MIrftd '*' nick. ond do. frw . . . , . , .
10 take _ _ Mft no maarh for tbr ~ ' .... A
brief, llnn fllho tool pia,.. j.... 00I'lIi<lt "
KJrk~ in
tiro rtld, Ilw ~......, ~ 1\0
tfi&h Kint; I"JdI!n&ly conuded tbr roundl', ~
I*"''ldrd thr) rtIII _nptrd hl< authority • Gnunfothr<'a
ch.ottn. De-.pltt llw. c:onditlon. tilt I_'ef haw m V_
had fundamtnc.u,· l/tifll'(/. In oIn..., IhI. UIllW....d WIIIld
.lndlJy guntd po~lkal I'O""t,
pr-no.....)' Vrr>&1 l.O'alut
hlfP atd.'tO) """I). and 1M _ pdu...... V_ "'1ft
....... 10 pock up on iL By 11k lime Ihq- &n.!)' rnIiz,rd .. b
had happtMd,1hq' ..""" fIOriouo _ fW1Ift ....,.... a .1oaI ....
10 1M pal and tbr 1""'.... 01 the I';'ing Rw>el. - bullhr
,lungP had olreadr l-.o nwk.
t:rnholdrncd by thl!ll ....CN, lhe earn wndn...... lhnr
tran>form.~Ofl of the «I\UlII'}'. 1~' ahandontd M
'btm",l_ -mmIlanu- ..
lhelr 'OIfIlinrnl.l1 'O\OlIIt.part> did.. M.ny of ,hrir
cOUlIO)men hcpn Oorklrlg 10 tbrm.. Ilted of the old WO)"
Md P"Ift" b a frnb un. Thr) btpa ...r~ dDt>
tult 1WnI:,
II Imamt 1Iw
llurina; dIh pmod. • CIIriooIo trmd tIe>'tloped """"" iIIr
cula. Thm fortlp , ...... 00Dn"I had • dIfficuh _
~ \'",", ..'Ofdo llnd .....,-. h P>adt ~
nauniaa 1Datllin&l) ~ and f'I'"'"l'ed tiro
&ooft ~ rfcovr ..... .,..q 'w .... ~ II
,apotllll!, lhe>:- btpa riool .. 1 t Ibrir _ _ -KlrWI'
boo;.,. -KJrl." "~" bee.... "HMer, &Dd .. _
1lwr btpa
tbo __ ol ptar............. .-.. tiro
~ btpa .. br aBCaed. AI*-"
piooatns 10 ill _ _ ~I"", iDopoli'\ondy. in Ii2&. doey .vwd
10 offldaJh' ~ IIw I\.MDt of W _
V_ _,.. .. VtDCld. TradodowaI \
iIlcl'P.-.sl> &wmud b) lhtx dtozl i
~ but rouId do '<:1) liDo "" rq> l!omL n. \'mdtI
'-l ..arnrd lhe powo' DC cur,""')', ..,d uoed Ihe1r ll<'W
~.a~ 10 proI~1 th~"u &'Oi'll thoir k!ntmen'. "'g•.
15M, The Diuppearanc. of Ihe HiSh Kin,
Thr jar" IliU had one poienl wupon ag?Jn1t these eh~n8ft'
.. llJgh King. Eindridi Ullorwom ,till "iHdfll dOOI
~ the \'<fIdel mw:tu.nu.. and lhtr IIonottd hi. tdlo:Ia
.lbrir ruler. In 15-17. ~T:f. UMntrum died. and ....
:.pbrod by >tI 1n101~ wurior n;oml'd UJ( HiJvIS".,rd.
IkMp.utI dtopiKd the V~ndtl and challmjjed Lhml 01
"8)' rum. t"",.. Marl)' ~'Y )"'an. an ",,~nded pollIlul
conI1>c:. t<lged between
n,""Iwl, council (now rdm'ft!
10 all W ·V.nd.1 l"t,'p'1 and the High King. In came to
on lbnlJlI end In 156S. durlna .., arsumcnt 0Vl7 milJW)'
mwn Tho Monl~ Ktngllilll harrfll the V8lm from ..
,n1lm1t pIIl1. and 1dud Je\~ l!ll'lglhlpJ ;wllhe!r en,,,,,
Tht KIng ~to<Ilo ..,nd hlI finnl Jarl. to burn th.o ell)' II>
l!If ground. Th. l.faglle ".Mod 10 ~nd In fJun
1IlrItnW......ti~ rould g.. ibt job done mon cleanly.
Etng-d. lhr HIgh King ..,Ill 011I hh .uack 'm:. without th.
,lUIdI'. prrrniulon. They
oIaughler..d lO .. man by
MlllIIal5"" lrOOpI. The <0",,<11 ~tly wnlnCled lht
t1ltoI. "'00 fadbtaled ,h. 'tIllffi of 1M \leslon ..ilhaul ..
..p. ..... brina fIrrd.
Dioptw and hwnJh<lto<l. the High KIn. '"lIl!sMd &om
~'"aUI. Sum. 5lIy lh:il "" fl'll'C..!!d In sJoom [0 u..
<l"'" Ol 1M ccnlff of llle "'OfId, ww M wltMrnl and
dittl, 1M mull mililanI V""en cWm dw !he ~ap lie..
blm In .. cnwa:dIy ~n, althwgh 'UclI.., acl ""uId
""I"'~ f'OW'O' [he Uka of "'hkh tM [A'"IIM' could not
1II>I<h. In any~, no one mo.", pr~"-Mn ~ ~d,
and "tiel' • . - kin& falled to emefJt &fltf M:'~ ytm,
tbt VtUm Looi: II U • tiS" of !he end limtL
.":IIl)' of Ihem l'efrealt'd Imm 1M gm..ing dlo intI' the
l>OI1htrn W&Ile.... ~ lhey lInIA3led to kHp tllrir 1I1<\.nt
"1)1 Il,,'~, Thrir f1IkU continued u thor 1Iw"'J had. bu1
"""'. u.e,. rlld nol limit thclr ~w:b to ioroW' ".1Iom.
Slowly, bk by bit, lhe V.ndd ~amc wgcu u ~8, SlIlpo
...... m~y sunk; ~'flin& mcrchanu "'CR caplUR<!
...d hanued. NO! "''t1)' V~cn tool: no<h brut'" muwret,
but thoJoo "'00 did ,.,dmed the IIOP bel»«n thernoth'", Ind
~ coun~
B)' the 1,.0 of lhe CflllUr)'. lhe Vendel lA'agtoe had lftlIed
m<n Of Ito. In'" Its p~nl form. l"1>t ...."'lwtu tfIo.ctl,.~
cnnunU..d 1M. n:ukm&J 1"''erl1m<:I11, and lhe 1~ilS'M". suc:cm
ffiI\lf1'd V~ 1 pW:e among the world', le.den. Many
V~1d hod embraced Objed!ool""" .l»ndunins lheupa,gln re~gion I t "OIluWtd wpentioon,' which Mlped
dbWl« them from th~ Veum', feanom~ ~uu"ion. While
the VQ<bcce MerelwlI Prlncn held far greal.,. ec<mnrnk
JlO"'"t.I, their lnlffnll tqIl.bb~ 1I1'"t. the Vcndel • pl'lf«:t
"PI"""unIl)' to pin ground "floimt thnn. By !he limt th~
War of the era... Vend~1 mtrehlll'* ~ • dofmohlc
p'ntrICt t!ortnJ&hnlll oonhtm Thhh. And thtiJ grellltSl
coup Ifl'a$ )'et to come,
1620-1666, Th, L<,~", Tr;"mph,ot
Bf th~ lith century, the V"Ildel. lUCCe... fIn.&Ily euned me
octenbon of lht Vnd¥.a: I'rirw:a Uke lho- YeMen jub. the)'
hod fal1td 10
d,e thJe~ Vendtl '*P"P1t1Ud, bul
'lie>' Ille.,1 hod \he '''''''''''''tlla fupood. Vmdelmtf'dww
ooon found lhtm",I",. huuotd In """'y lIuldious wap.
Shopo burnfli dm..... Ship' ....... oeiud on the high ",as.
RHOU'C"" .ubtl)' chlnged hands ,,'hlle tConomie
opponunll)' i1"",ly thIfled OOlOth,,"lfd. The Vndoue fOund
e"fln ll1hu in tho- rmWning \'~vnju. "'00 """'"'
dn,,"",tc to lWtlhl' V.ndel',I""lIf'CH.
bclw>d Ih.etc
lnclclcnts, II1d ~uicil)' ,..ponded in kind. llq' lqiUl
Iuonu.aing VOO_. lIltfclIanu :ond III unlpOkffi tram "'Of
"""'ly calclf...t bct>o.'CCfI the lWO >ides. The VtKlaa:.I'rlnc..
could noo 0I'gUlic0 mff'ldrfllly to b~ oil nf lheu p<>Wtf III
be.. ,,&-.lnot lhe V......l ol1owlng the "onllefllO'n to
c""",udlle Ihdr ~tlOIU. Thb UOlpok~1I " .... hi,
<:Onlinuecl f()f &\.".. four decades and cwtdnt>el 10 thI. <b)',
It might "".'e "''tfltuoll). lUmed ,,&;Ww the V~ndtl wtle k
001 for the growlng lunnoll In neMlly fJ.....
1M Vendol of count. borw fuU ..... U.. ha _
The Wu or tbe C..-
I6Jli. ... boob
out .....~~~<C~6
Doett'. VIlidlw IUjofiCy
.... III -1lInc IlI.Cbm 01 0bjKa0nI00. 11w WIlI'IOJ StII
inIu IU'1n6II. JlI6"IdinI VmdeI willi a pdm opportunlIy to
~ ill
'""'r ~",&edy tnded widl both *"to.
p d ' , "p""" foocl ItId IIIilur) ~ to lh.
.._ " " ...,jo,L AJ Ob"ulco"'oli, Ibty IIlClnlIy boom! tlw
ObJ:celllDlt but (it dido'
IbM .... Vodacce _
V~~ buI lufue policy diet-.! micl: -*y. ItId
pleMy ofVelldd oadtcI willi tlw \'~...-. wtI.
In 1637. a
• CJb;l<
II"'} -
1m iroo:I KP: .... no- ItcI by
s.8Iao ....'ul, 1lloup ......
oftkiaDy oaDC-.I by tlw ~. .....uIf a:Wady
suppon.ed I!le 0bjK__ c:a1lW. .".j had nlOfr lbul
e-.p miIIlary dptlkliCr 10 Iwn the Ilde 0Iws.. " ' " .
~ar VMicW ''\ctCIf}' toon
~, dwW 10 his keen
bogtd doooo1l
kIlO a bloody
mIItlar)' mind.
For thlny )"'&n, the ... dngrd on. ~ Doen In the
ptoeeM.. VendeL ..idk malnlaInlng ilJ 1II'IlIrabIy. ~""nntd
imm_bly &urn the chao> (For mot'l' 0fI1!le War. pl~_
• a
the f;iIt• .oolKtf:boo.k.)
The Guilder
10 1664. the War _ly ~IM 10 wind down, lI)mIrd by
exlIauotion &lid bomfk cuualty fair> the Vt'Ildlll ~
~pn 10 cItbaIe , . - idea ..-hie" ..1>UId chanp lhe faa
01 NaIL NaDonal cwm>c)'. JUdI u MllllUIlp Solo. .....
tbeorttIulIy bMtd fJll prKiuuI mcWo. ...
uchanpd b pdo and ...-eo. 8ul thDoe \'mdeI who
bad ~ the now ol-r thNtu:tellbll
.-clIO ~ made 01 po:! Ik Jllwr. "The) cocld ~ made 01
___ far all • ~ A c* .... juiI a t}-mbol.
uUIy bIchcI by !he _
Ik _
adwr IUIIabIy
P"'"ftful ellllly. If P'C'Pe bad ra.h ill .... IO"tl....llI
...... the coIIIa, thea Ihe cob wcuId rnaaIII ~ ..
...baIlbey ~ tude ci.
...iidl IbM iJI llmd. I!le l.elI(\'l' hMchttI • bold plm. Ibrir
baDU ....""ad ~ J-Pft' C\IITtftC) - plcIln - ..ilkh
add ~ ~ (b- a JlUII '=e) b
coin ID 'TlWab.
11 moceaWI, It -.Id r;M !hem a lW'ady '.........rd b1II of
~ &ad optn """'Y marVt ill !be ""Odd 10
VmdoA lnIluc:Dce. CMIInIy. dim! weft rbkl i&Mlh>ed •
OM bad n", rntd 1IIl)-dlIrl& lib thai ~ - bIc dw
lnpoe to. k ,cd u.. rew.-1Io wmh It. Thelr bMlb
e*••ly ~ -*'& !be ~, bKUd by liII
ltiO<lIUI 01 tbt lap 1M! t1lItbInr~ b wty officiII
b1II 01 Cl&'ftftCY III doe ....nL
It .... 11\ -mdmc oucaa. ~ -""" pti
boIocI III I'aIp the !J ,""'.0 h fII ... _ - y. . . . .
IllotfC!uIals Ie¥,- upoa • willi po. ~ ndt
e'f'" kocl, - . . .....rn- add _ boep lrXl 01 pries
KI'mI a ..>cit IWKII 01 Il'tT1AOl')' ~ illclCU,d
u ........-IIy. 1eadiD& 10 """ lIntia lAd b.......a..l
P"1"'ory.ln ""'.,.-u olJ-l!wIadec-' ille pkWr bad
bec:oiue Ibr do::minoclrlt: bu ill ille NM'I tcOllCliD)'_ ODd
ille ~ IftJl"d ~ berwf. . The nde .... WIlb Vodacc..
lIappec! In • ~ b dtcadto, boepn to II.nI u.~
Vmdtl, albo... Ibnn to darNnMe tho! "I'hba ~
Present Day
Tod.Iy, the rwulOfl 1I11><h.ol the heM! fII, ntW lolden ~
Vt'IIdM, a10Ili wiIh MOfIlalplt and AnIon, II ~ the
m..... P""""ful ~ Ikl lhhh - ' the plekr eOlllinlltl
to upand Vmdd lnf1llen<e ~ the worid. The
Vf1ltdd elly of Klri<;. vi\nnl.w:l d.~,. fIItOd,tl ol the .....
Thiah. r..Ncacion and Inmina "" _
10 I!>o ItIando. and
l:"ft}....·Mr., you Iln, Vendtl can ~ Io<Illd ~ thr
world Into lilt ~
Ike.llla OOI-a Tht V _.. tm>QI, Iwbrc ill
lhelr ~
aIn fII!IIn' ~ aad
Of( "mdol
IIIOll*'I J- ......1 $ III
apocoJ)~ The U.Wll R..... ebb and ,.ftktft • 1M oW
OB}"I -
....,. bgoac:o. ~"I
_.. . .,.
l""ttiy.1hrir -.deN 6 odllol.. \'meld o:fb1o 10 -dl1R'
dkIa _ . - wIlb IIlF' and hao*); whilP lin D0P-
......m .......
e_If III
VIIIldtI. 01 I' " &try~;
i: -....,., _ &dda• .-.. aDd
,. ~ lba
i: • only • _
olllll>t bebe eM
In.b - .
1be fwn ..._Ihb InmIormrd owIlIoa, bee i: lM)" _
• bnp ulbe ll'~ ~
over the l.aoI o:nlllr)', 1M JftrIIIDiIlIlI1ba
- ' ollra ~ oft!I .Kh . . IID<IOII
IIld V... ~n'f\I\.n;' ......., Sruw'll qlJll<, ditWll In
... 150 )1'an oc .. line. tIwIr opIIL To the ·..ysidn, II.
.,...... • If IWll c ~ "'JlM~ cukum WtI: sI<k by
tdr • l!w Wancb. Upoa cbn IIIspKIllXl, booo......-. m-.
."au quWy (ado., "'Pia«d by -uy IIimbr rrmds
. . ~ Vondd IDd V,..." clllbft ... IWlIWd
..o.c- of .ac.II oth«, nodi nhibItoot c _
o._1IIOU. 'l"*
~ lbft ID=
..... ndIl11!Mor
willi. 1o‫ס‬ii: 11m. ,,-.
Prominent Tribes
n...p tIwy 1Ia\.., be-M unIlitd ....... .,..,pIt b
• run, 1M
"~IllIYIllIM'IlJ- llllI ..s...pe lllmudvel.
.lWI'nl)'-fMo tribes, ~ ~rt.nd to u !be Norvil<
TribtI or.-flI lIM: Nonii: Naooo. 'Ira Is bolh for ~
.-.I f!'lp«l to In.it IlIlcntan, llIld ...b trlbt knows for
,ll101l:1 ..hic~ of the U'in& Rune. n:M &om th.rir \llld.
Oon limr, tbh oyoum haa '<l'IfJl"lu tribe! tplil. ~Iintd
_ ,l'h IIItcl. but nch Il:!II tw a c_!loa lO I Uvios
. , ....s
the Non.. Naliorl tCill rtfm 10 IUdf ..
=--:wIlbc , , _ won! b
_10 ~
f"Ml"U' (wMt .... \'acm . . . 10 .Iwminp). n. 'it
.n- III drdno: .. ,...... - '
iaIJw,rw:., oft!I <Wr ....
_ljI dp -'''''''nin& •
onnbWou tbrir I'onnn pory. B.1ow .... a liow
of It..
VestenmOlllla vlljar ,
opoud aut
'ie 01. fowodft-'.
""'10m. V_
Mr 1ribaI_ wlllI Mr 0"1l, tlw ~
... .-Ii al (1llntIIlI& 'or or ......" • ill Duda
••• L n_ II Unialk. B«...., oIlbftr "'" F ,"ibam
~ .oboIa nell one. (C~b IIld pla)'a1 ~
...~ to aale oWn \I tIwy -iIh. ........
I.aw a IJ\""C P.uM ~ 10 M In _
wry - ' ......, \I
&11)'........ 11M: IUII1lbm oc inJlwnct IIw Ibn. do.)
W'.a . .
E... n bl!lore tlw:o Wont
bdo<l: the (J\in& Rw1a ...""
l~. Pt 01 I~ the Aamld'olk wen: known for tlwir
m)-.dcal wa)L They t-. aIwa)' bad a1lrOn& cllftDtCllocJ ro
tIw Ifllrit world, abk to ... and pm:dYl' t*p bq'ODd the
rulm 01_ ptopIe. The ablbDn 01 the • • I'unruft ..,
01 thea' ~ FNI'l.
As a IftlIk. mmy <II the Vn&mm_",.-'" ..... pn.d
5Irj.tA . - !rom ~ fII"l'1tl. Iltauot oIlbft
10 the ~ tbcy b.w ~d
a ........
pII)*aI nIL no.. ~ p_'" ~ l!la:l lib, IIld
Ilt<o.w obIbr • lbo!y ~ ill ...... ,....... No
AanmWk ~bs&«'I"'" ofIftI fa hit briIIiaIll ~
,... ... r:n""'"
1M Btvl.ldolk .....~ lbt Donor 01 u>1nl; _
fiJ&b Klnp
corne fmm lbrir lIiht than any otM, l1wy '-" a
'~pUlallon r.....itdom and falrnnl, aM eneourase
undmlanding; lind m>patby In alIthetr ikalinp. 1M Uvinl
Runt Ik""S.be bl!~ to thc-m, and mna!nl a . _
lOUKe of inIplr.lliOn for ..... pwpIe,
In lbe aho.n« oIlht HJ&b KJns, ltpcewnuchoa of dk
Bodlblolk ~ 1Iw the annual aIthlof; occun ill
~'M\. Tlw)' 1M dw ..
pol'S .1 Illl!lorilr 01
lht VmdD, aad ~ IbM !hey _
IOOll ' - " . . . . .
.-w or pmr.a. 'I1lm kadm have ..ardwd nlaIy ..
Q)' 10 ~ Ibr 1.GfoM' while lliI pm. . . . . a-
10 ...
lMas Il..-...
The. Enhc:d.foUc lin 1M only lrib. which W )"eI 10 Iooe •
•ingle membe, to the WI)" of the Vendel. They ue • people
of \!tong WJlty IIld purpoot'. confodent in tM"""I-.'.. and
their role in Crwnfather', c..llion. !..ike !brio UlC... tOl
Sterk, the)" know that thdr <IteI1&'h ~ ... in tho:h wholenua.
'The tnffllben of thh tribe accept the ~ caole
')"SIem and lOUow 1\ without queslloo.. 1110)' ACl U an
...tended f'amil)', looking til _ Uloche. lor <upp<m In good
limeI and b&d. They _ the ocMr Veltenmmru.vnJu (and
....., Vmdeij I i pan of !hit romlly. and "'IIkome them Into
their hom....1th w:u-m bod and I p1Me b)' the he.>rth.
'The HIDlkIoIoIk is """ the omolJnltribn .emoill1n&- .\.1"",
Vendcllw.'ll wme from their line tlP.n ""). ocMr. They ....
nllUn! ",""fllmen, and nnd It d1lfKwt '0 fe:Dir the:
lMr'J'WlM of growing ....1Ith)" &om tI>c:ir worit. lie",.",....
thow- who TffllIIn exen I .... Influence "' ocher trit-,
.nd (ontnbu~ much ttl V"'lennl""n., j"r .odd)'.
K,..u!'glw:1. the rnosr. ,klUM of tho: LM,,& R~ loulhtW
ernl W)Tm on lheh bdIa1f.
Ibndeldtllk e.ped"U)' """'" ttl work with tl>l.'ir hand•. Tht)"
prod""...nndtrfuI jewelry and fabria, ilIId know h_ to
make • prenuum lnde for them. Sud, lnining IIulJ early.
A f.vnriIe II.ondotW"oIk chlldl>ond pw.wne iI to ttade '0)')
and In:'''' for the beN deal.
When the Cft)· Wand...., came to the lint JordIfolk. he
.nlNilCd them ..1th • I.Icl'1"d dnIy. They would Ix
....pom;bIe lOr ~ and nurtUring hi. cfellicln. f<lr their
.......-d. M "'ught tI>c:m haw 10 guhl1" bowl!)' from tho: .."
Ind .00. .nd to mili mead from honey. E
nlIghtielt )arlo: """"' I I hunt... and Iidler....... d ..,loplng
~ \Il:\X:I from obomring tho: w.Y' of ~. H<>It, the
celeOOIl!d Rune of lho IIIl'Vftl, I. their most loYo!d and
........ n~ If\Cnlor.
Uke the land they culti...... the Jord.wolk r.an be bach
pl.1>ilIII and f.anome. The)' dnpr.. thttr Vendcl ,.d.D.......,
-mg the exp.an<llng rltiel U • dead!)' funp thlt will IlIl
the world urn... prt>ptrl). eln.noed. The rank. of VtIlm',
nIder lhIpo
flIled ..ith Ulgry Jorckfollr.
Tht Vtltcnnwu\I''''Jar ha''II1 nr;ar-Irgond.vy reputation ..
.....".;(11"1, and the lM1folk aa the Itgendt modt fInh.
When nol .ngagN in • r~ th.,.. ue preparing for 011<.
KJil,g .xhlbited .vny '1l11h!)' thai mahs thtm oobIr. IIId
""cry flaw thaI coold dntto)t lhtm.
E,..n th.. cvb and thnIb """"'& the
know how to
hllldir thnn..h-eo In • Aght OUIdren /tlTn how 10 hold •
.....apon b)' the tImt they Man lO ....u... Thrir In'", If. rdird
witt. Cllm\lllt conl1kt. and their g... tnt desin! Is to die ill
glorlow baulr and be .ffMmbnnl In itOl1O's b)' tho
gmenlionf that foUow. Th.,.. ha,'II ~ttIt UIC' for the Vrndtl.
ocdng them .....,.. wyu upon ..-hom 10 hone thdr okilb.
known fa: I!' WIon. n.'15IlOr" and
e~p\cn-tn, the 5qtnwlalk No,.. produced JOm" of the btol.
fu)' claim the)' ...... the firM peopl.. Crumf.the, l.up
how 10 blllld .longboot and the lint thlllll.ldc contact with
tho: Olhn lrim Noc surprioinglr. ther claim the- 1J''inI
RUII'I' ki'lf II one of thtu- ""ll.
Among "
S¥rn;WoIk I\a>.. olotJ deYtolopo'li •• eput.1lon for .....cd....
mopmaldng. <$ptdolly m;>po of the JtIn. Thttr cam ~..
.-d Ih.... mlp' in IR<le for l"nerotIcno. amazing fordp
lrlIolar1 wIIh thtlr ICrtnC)·. OtMr Vnten "")' th.. tho
Sljrrnufolk ..... the ..vrld dilTermdy. Iikr III e~ oovin:s;
from the doudt. From the OlU1llng dtlIiIo they &eqt>tfllly
oupp/y &bout krnin and g'l'OgJllflhy, dli. A}infl, mo)' hold
r~bItuuth .
The Vtnde! he lO "r thai tho: V'I"lmmonna''IIF If.
"mxk In the pd" ..,d "unwilling l<) I(c'Pl change." Such
dwt.. <tf\IlnIy hold Il'II'I' Me the T1IIiWoIk. 'I'hq If.
AilUDch be~..... in the old WI),) and wnuId Wee IIllliunA;
I)IlIfe tlwl lor the .... of the Wl>Iid to fW1 them b)' lhe
IItt1lIfCk KJ'tl b.Utd from lllh lfibe, ond hb
Ii::o en/llplr of ...du.lon.
Tho Tilliufoll .re -elf-Iufflcienl ilol.d""i5u.
raclllioool~' ltll=le <lIMr VwenmannamJ.... bill ,hun all
""" to .he poIOl ol .l\lIre>oi'~ hOllwry.
~ goo<h. ,noI.. -J .upplJeI, ohm 'MOrWIg \I,l ""')
,....nr.~ .I'....... ~ •..,
(_II .. IU)ne Inwe.d fIl .. eo:~ In onler
lu"vlI't. To \h."e """"'II me "'dIiW'o!k I. to thy oul r>f lime.
\.......I1I1Wtn.lO.njor culture hu 1"t'f1Ulrl.d ,vtualI). unclwlgrd
.. "llWf\et.. II b me ,mer fIl "'''''f)1~ thoy hold <kat
&lid lhe epilorne ol .......l1hlnS Ihoy JtruSS'" It> p<eln'>"',
Iilr Iwndrods of ~",ars, VOl>lefU1W1Ra'nJ"' fOC~ eon"'t..!
o~arlj' d~r......l
ondlol Sroups. AI 1M lop of the
lieoilfthy t.lood lhe JllrU. <OfTIjIrI~ of ..... r1or:o -J
lImealh litem ..-= 1M freemen. "rls. ... ho
Nndkd!tade and agrarian malt.... Al the bonom ~ Ihe
thllIl, oJ..•.. -J II""", ...ho petfofmccl .ediOUI \Orf dnUel,
AI wee <utes ..... rt bound logetl>er In lhrir fealty 10 lhe
!d dI~ In die .....ory _lion (p.aV 2~). I1IC m.jor\!y
S"- 1"""'"'fu1 and Independenl of the jarh In the
1Uh <elllUI")'. \Oparating ""II ........ rua1l). becoming the
population ....... bwn.n u the Vcndt!. They ·ltbe,....,.j·
_ ol the ~ and l.rl beltino:l a brokm m....
I'lilhoul the _ , "'onomlc -J agncultur.ll eentrr ollM
.n. and labor lorn of the thnlh. the rail< 'plCm 1'.11 apart.
Sonh,.) bKarnr mon' ImportlDl than ood:ol ~din&o
~It. and proud j>tb .oo<>n lOund thtmWh~ ..",kins
I1Iwldrr to oIIouJ&r wllh lhrir "'lIWI1inll: ,'aYa1t. Hunbn&o
lilhin§, and
brc3JTle ro..... yo>rIl'•• concern and
.u.'mity, the VellCnmanna.njilr
uolled lli n.,..... beIon:.
The lhree- r;ul~ tiolo.I ,till ""ill lOobj', out ur ""f""t lor the
old "'al'" RlI~ unlW: In the ~ tM)' .oct nt<lr< .. job 1ltJoo,
tIw1 IOCi.aI tank..
<aI\ be • prl (.... ,1>01"), uri
{crafr.unan,farmerJ..... thaII (\abomJ, and It II 001 u",aual
f'or """eoM III bold alIlluN pooiliom ..jthl~ .lifct!me.
thiI new """oJ 1l'I<Joblliry, commwoll)'
hold lhe 'ank of J'd, and (rimin:d. and pri""",,"" ol ....,. we
Ili1I called thl2l1.. \\1tlIt thi. ~}' \tOm confloinj; to
ouWden., the V...cnmannavnjar ""'.. no lrOObl~ ~
tho:- dl.tlnclkln.
Th, High Kin.
Def"", tho:- e-lw ot'~.. VendeL the HlP. I\Jng' W;u the
ultlrnale powt, In the Vnlcnmannavnj... l.w.w. E"Hy jar\,
arl. and thnill wa!> beholdrn to hI< anlm\}. BUI !he His!'
I\lng did IlOI (bOOM! Ibb pot.ition: tht poIilion chooo: him.
\\ldIOUI fail .. hen....... the <lIlTtfIllligh King diod.. new
<mol ..mild arm.. 10 tah hit pIac<. and bb IIor)' ".,.. &I....)..
Tn.....hng alone, tile ""OUkl-l><' ",.on found llimM:1f loot In
'lU<!<kn, '101tnl ........"""m. lie look rtfl'A~ In. "".. in
which he dlocoo'eft<! a ~ In'l' In full bloom, III ...........
bnn,heo WC'lched hlP." 1Iw, he rould .... and III
p"" . rrfu! ruotI rt1Ichtd ... ound a"~ oI.parltIing watrr. A
.udden thIN &riPped hh roW, and he beg.... 10 dnnk lkep.
Afiu.....,.do, he hrard the "r.>Iceo cI hl.llO<:CI4OB, tl'IIinS hlm
that thoe Ii"'" had come 10 JC< and lITI<Irl"Oland lhe lrUo"
n"""" nr the ..'Odd. Guided by .... lln\CCQ lQf<e. he ptll<ked
OIIl hlI "'II "'''' and aIf it .w..n Into th~ wtlI. prornlllng to
ke<p and hOllOf hh ~ n.. ""'lO'd1 ofhll an<",,"'l g..quiet.., rept..t<l b)' the Jinille _vice 01 Grwnfalher.l<ing 01
all "eadon. He ..."" now Ihe Grt)· Wan"".....·• pbpkal
Incamalion, • new .."J.W mantftol Jnto the ...lIlid.
By \he Ilme "'" ""'"
Hit> King 'C'lurnrd to hlI people, hr
had .lIre'dr begun 10 edlibit physical IlgnI of the
Grumfaiher'. ~<t, H" hair grew longer and '!uldl)'
wmtd g....y, aIo<tg ..i\h hll ",mllnlng " ... lUI volce
""'pOllf:d, lMc:otrIlnt;
(ommandinlo and br
praiouoly F: IlnI.ll 'Tho
one! wa. _
lfi&h KIne «IUkI dnrIy '" dw oun
01 VaIboIt, ...1_110. .01 tbt rm.n.
In dn.m Mel _ d'uM'O lrarX"'fIWIlfnvd ..ftl&lh
110aup tbt
II<lr)' -
UibIot ...... -..or\d
alon).. dw - . '"""'Y Hlp
blanbllUld lilt rinh "I'Wl' 011 III ~f1' Me fOI'llln. ar-.l
"'llh ..~ ""'apoeI tbty two...
upoa. Thew .....
~ ..-IIy JauP: '" Ilot ""_ uod .... 100ft', ~. io
"lbIIY ..nppt<lln Ilot blanbt whm t -". lAo QD br
lbo Swoc Is y ' , Guild II. ... prnme:. - .
__ •. w,. pargcuLvfy ....~·I
lilt \'~*.
.so. .....oriw "f'K"Al
cIiflormc. Eadllud ~ quUtiet dYr IoWId ' " It.
v.... 1m...., . throup wtloIoo ..... ~ loy ..... Sot
...-..ry t¥ Kine _ bem nMI. - indM. tile Int H.p
KIne _ a _
-Iboo.p It. liIIo did _ dIanp _ 01
mpKt II> Ilot obipy Gt-ey W........ (IIw; ~ V _
Ift1JI II -.ally aftIdor ~
taR .... fIOCInI rapon IlblIllieo d Ibrir PfI"""!'
Wft}' .mau.I)' U _
f.ilo III dYr rnpcl"'tibibrv br
'" a ......,.,..... P"-"- Is ..........., ...a-i n.,.
IOfUf}" Islk.nl)' ~ """ bio body .. a _
1'be Iut 'KOpll«cl Hish KiIlI died oImool a Iumrhd)'lUl
r...... tbt ~ II Dipped oIlI!I ... ~
.... and h.. )'"" 10 be rqknL
01 bno.... )"lUIlI
men oad _ I f hr.oe tin« ~ lnIo she ncrtlw:m
WQle., IoDplnjj iii becoml' rIw: l.aMr rIw:lr ~ . - l few
~ M.. of .... ~ v_ """" """" "f' ~
thIII ....... Iilp KInf; ~
Ippear. I.iak do they know
thIII • 1ft'W Hlsb Kin«
bHn cl>osn. \\kn CjoMns
Asbjonuton I(cqlII hit deodny, the G"1 Wanelew' "ill
"loin rake 10 1(Ii..... ,010 In tho .Ifain of hi. J-!>k.
much iii she IftIWh cl theit- fnt'nUn.
Veolelff\InN...;or Iawr. newt aWy diIIn from tho. Ia
olhn pull III Thbh - !My OR. _
II> . . - P'f"lI*
IIIIId Ibrif P ...... ft) from harm try odwn. 1lM: noIicnb/.o
diIfnffIo:. _
IIIlbr mbu_ pr"'(.... l"be Cll'JmcWd
pIII"'Y pIM:n an iwpiW'lfCU PH'" a>omdl uIlaI
whom: he ............. ~ Ulbr lhIat.-. dtol.
lbr pony boo. '"Pan* conopb&rl. thor ~ prill.ion
10 _
Idnbutiorl. Thio.-.~
""" "1"1( _
01_ ...... 10 a
~ ~
SI<?r m _
01 ..
f<lr rnrn mun.w.. (ODaI"flI and dally pdant;., pooplt
CIfl olso look 10 Ilot r~ (F.... WonIo), U 1 _
01 ..«lIlKtnI into a lon& pon'Il lh¥ !be G«r
WVldomr n'l'fl'l""dly ~ 10 "'" fInr VnInl. Sarno: 01
lilt mon ~
• H_ ... cloy_
k. willi ~
pnI"'ftl. ... mnd .-I tbt nut . _ ..
• 'T'b£ bat dYr an be eorritd 10 ......
II _
don't ... ":liwly klI eocb other, \be
tU., Iayo 0Ul • luSt
omtl" _
tbt wonr:
IIIlIl:b dnnl.
• To havoe
If. publrofll bri:uuw:. I i*)1IicaI a.ftontIIIiCIo. II llllAAIIy
do<iro~. ~ the _
........ from a fm'. (),.... lilt COUf'W
blood 10 dnlMd from his iIIltIa UIC! .mOlt., (1IjlIlnd In ra..
wvodm baw!J, and bwnod In I pili fn ro ........ 1M
antH.On. He r«eivet lbrft opporlIlfIltift ro ~ Should
he ("'*"r. a Rrio\Io 111.t! b hi. Kdon.. "" ill mmifuIIy
put Ul flush Mer his fir" ",fuul. be b rIfu..uy ...al~
Aft..- w -:on<!. hi! Iosn hq riP hlfld. After w tItinI. ""
Iooeo his nsht um, Evm If "" 0\ll'W0"(l., Vnt.n _...,.
(onolden him a pui&h and nn .......... "'kid the power of
• A fool 10 dw
worria - In
moMd If*k!y - '
...." - r lbr ~ a-i 0-..11. u.. Cll'JmcWd part) ..."'"""'" lbr - . r hiIlt- OJ to.nelI'. 1M lhinc IIImpIy aril:f;~lOdo ....
"' ........
too ....... \If*' 1* bed uod
br .. "'""'Y md 6DIh
pod" 'lIlllllllld pori.....-..n .... 1M 1NIIb
T, .... ''Y.'' ~ ubi pIKe drIy rYcrJ' _ _ ..
"'lip Kuls'.
<curt .. " . . , .. . . . .
Jarlr &om ~~
..... IUkr IJw: ....... jaunoq' 10 \'Icldotnt.cb 10 - . ,
... ..--~ Iftd ...-..-ify thriI ~ Wr !hot .....
_ . Wah I!lo . . . . ut. Hl&b Kins,1!lbbtp _ ....
_ .. rnrnmon WIlb family mdoDo than 10'""'*'&
....1dlouI biL tbt jW IllII ...aet ~ bxo
\.,.w nan wilh II.. ~ hope lhIII Inckn l~ will
. - IOId joln 1Iw diKualolu. N- .....~ yet.
Th, Good W'ys
1lIr \'ttlenmaIUloIvnjar lib lO ltqlllfe AI pun' and tlmpk
• pc.lbk lbry bc~1tYI! In bit V!ftIM,o ..iIkh. ..hm
I""f"l1 bDowwed, btp a fW"""Ilrounded Iq ...haI. -lrUIr
t:IpIllUlll. ColI«tl\~Iy. thew vimIa an' knowD .. !hot
GoooI \\~...
Trwlilio"aIIy. obldI wm doe oNr ptopIo: r- of thot
Thew mpecwd podJ ucI tile k
~ III lbo ....td rr- MY bod:pund. 1M
IOdttyjudpd u..m 1Oldy ... thttr tklDl. of
a<IllMIy, lIDli ...... TodIy, Ibrir taImtI an' IID'e
VllIuabIt than eva- brien.They lIoCIu thot V~t:Il', monI
oupporI. ond thclr ItOrin mAIDWn the mtnIOriet of thoot
who ml&ht ocbefwbe be b!oMn.
A rttdval .. MId ~ I\IIrlmn cIurin( the _U&l aIlNnc
on \'Iddnlhelm. ..heft thole who wIIb '" bealoOl' obIcIo
redIoo IlarIn '" the pIlwnd " r f
MloII)' _
lbIdI. IIll.-I .. Wl'1I. _ m-ny \oW the GfPO"UI'iIy 10
doome .. . II . . - - k..-nJly LAka • Ieaot five
r-" .... ...,.10 . ,_ _ -.p d the aid .......
• JlrL -. QD
UnllI lbeft, Iw In\ft widl WI
-wrfp..... m:rat ......
no !n al dwtt \1I1lleI II ~ L Only _ _
, . . - . III _ bun (:Ill faa 1M Iwodohlpo ul daily
...,.1II, ~r _ aJ.o lmport.vIt Ia bdr= thot alliIl:)' kl
.... ..,. MND)' and _
bid do-. ),m nundy. lIao
llbiIiI}'lO""06cI.II,.¥ion. 'Ill !flo-Dr
Dr k ,...... ci aD uoy Ill.
dw Vmdd. k II
- . IbM UqIo • £amlIy
W> 1M 0fa)'1 d III
l101I\ 'Vl\loe '" ~.
..,~ 10 f&miIy mnnben
TI'IK!Id<lrIaIly, lhlt It'pll:ctC.....
nr. and l'oJema.c. If I ~ II
iI nublf:, t.. knq,... he- (.I./l coom on hi. r~ 10 bode him
\41 or ball him /lut. H""""""" 1Irna have c!wl&ed. famlllf.'
n ohtll dlvidftl POW. "'lI.h re)lll,I..... Iur.d 10lll t!Mo
pm:t!I'td quXlt ",qkh 01 V~I MlCld)'. M_ often lh&n
... Ib- days. V-.. IrnIIbdr communllitt AI family. and
f t .. 1u)'II 10 Win .. blood. With their dwtndIins
........ Ihry a- WI IDydy 10 nda cWr and tin
WAd WIIf of Ur It <heW 0llIy 1rW hope- "' __in!.
.....,. 10 ...... impGr1MlI_ the prniouI ¥inlIn.. It man
'OlIIl1~ and 1ot1Ul)" __
be !lc:wc, DOC jUlllO
.... ........t him bu. II> bImMt!. ia thot 1.on8 _ _ _ _
.. \'eIlftl call hor:w. oelf-dtlulioft _ be faraI. It lUll
'* -.
SbIdo _
= ...........
lar IboW --.~,
~ illlni&ed ......... 11 .............. tballw
... reaM _
tlDd d UliIlp( t
lOr .. 0-. AIIo.
'obIdo ~ • k& d Iftway . . - II ..... II) doltJb:i&.
no. __ ....~ ....r dIM tbef b.Ye pImIy d mead.
... II iI ~ dw " Iw ~ poptrtift thai briQp
10M tht bnt IlOritt.
~ ~
m... know hl1limit1 and ,ht IinW of thoof, around 111m II
bI! WInD 10 ~. Thlo dorm', .... an lIw tht Vtotta
nevt'l' boast Of ~ They jutt know tber ml1ll. lit aIM 10
"f' any OU!ra&r<llII daimI wiIh Ibn
1'hot INt _~' \ ' _ boIch cIttr .. 1ud. Lud iJoftftI
..-:110 ~ ~.hlo... bq'ODd ...,_', t-a. bodl
tood - bad. E-r
iI bora ..... I
~ _ _ d Iud. _
tood _ _ bId. . . dlIo
doNI't __ tbal cbry _
bbcty - . wm-n !ole
_lhm ~ 1bt
tbry can nn
pd hod. 1IIUd)'1b:wp "'P- ~ _ fM'+ '
no. Good
hardtr ...
.-b. ,.,. _
Iud: Il(fIIIIlulJ«,o. E,"ftY pxI dtH ..
~-.drd. Ilnd O'W)' M .. eYmI\WIy pon.bcd.
'" dw or,," be. . .
'Ihr VNI!fImIUlll",l1jM typkally p•.., ~ n~ ...born lIMo I'Wm'
Df ~ faYUril~ ,daun or I&I>C"IMI...., (<>IIUt>OIIly OM who !lao
'M"rOOy died Of
W, mUeo _
lWIIH (J(rur
n...... &oqlll'ftlly tIwI ocJ-a. To tclI PIt'l)...... apart. .......
bmiIoeo aloo _ a
no. fallon', _ (or
W "",,~'I if lbt IMhn iIA't bw-o) amply loa. 'OOQ. or
. ~. ~ 10 It (i'"- Olan fA_ and IbIcil:'olodool;w _lbt ..... and d.o~ '" Era}. I:ro&b orlorr
'l\nn c
'" .._
do _ ~ ~ lholr
-lM) Ift-.w.
p.c....,'" -.
Mooe VO\lm """" a nku.am., "' ...... poiDt In 'hdr ~u.
1"- caoo CllI!>e fmno ph)'Jlcai mu-n,IIU, """" dftds..
.. """" Iocaliaa. WMn....-..: ""'do..... <nmplImmwy
nkknam~. frlffids ,~,hef <rkbUI~, 5orIll' nl(lul>l~ 1uo'1'.
tkro,alO<y wnnot.tion, and 1 Vntnl ..ill '1>mIl )<1'"
II)'ins '0 <>Ill I _
\'aBv.IIa ....... 0U1UI~ """'" ......... !he
bor.cbr¥do and lbr _ _ '" tho bJOII<'l
"bmnlh 'ho ....'u. Wbm lbr oouIlaAII)· IrfMot. II tMa •
pla« ..... It> ~ If I ............ d..,. ill ~. 1m _""
.au! Irnmecbtdy JOt' 10 'M ~at Ball and join. IIlhm "
ft~ lrod tltmkmg W1llId... tnd oll!m< Thrn begln.tlIt
1'~11 b.1l1le 01 Ropwok. ,,1Io-n .... ani'}" C.~II \\'l""
'fWfn1 and an.o.l"IIf"I 10 dl.'VUW ,..., "1Ifkl 1'he 1IlllI. 11
VlO1IWLo ..'\II rio<' f<l toP! ,he .....)Tm. Mtd p"hapl allow I
bectft wOOd 10 . - from d>r aolltt <If "'" old,
1llM brIi<f loa. nuwd iiII<TlI' ....,... < ~ ...r ..
V<lldel brpn 10 .~ &lor - - . and ~ ..
bndnwlI ==¥nl wIl1I tbr tit.... no..do oal)' U) •
th<lt np!ilI pbo<r III VaIloaIIa ..-wr lhrir dew: '
"ukubo Ibm - . . .
dwlr idttllltih 00, .......,
to _
lolmpl) a F-XIlU ~ 1M
V~,It". 'SIC' tal fIWl oIldr lbooy ....
""'- I'fOl* and ..... W' < ofdoftr bzdo all ..-.d
""- no. ~ '" the Valni .-u-a • ~ IIU
pi. ~
lIrIdrJ ban '"' me,
a PY'amid. At the lOp oundo lbt tup<ftO<
W.ondMr. JIIlt
"'mf)<.fi"" L-int: Rwon, tho Innrnaao<l 01 ~' •
....d. of (~.orlo<\. N"" d~ 1.h'inJ RuM. tom<: I ''aridy cl
nilfW'1! o:puill, trratwn from th< OII~' ",olm. ,Not _ '
.<"Ilk In worldly <n'1f<l<\mCIlU, ,.MtIy to<nI> ,he WIll. of lhe
<:IIOn, 1M ford><...... cl ...... y V~tn aIivO' 'O<by.
~ ......,
o..bhrd ,
, ..... M)1bololY by 0UlJ0dm. thI'w tplriU aU
...mt In the lll'ritibl< 1fId ",alm of VaIWIa, • ndluIouo
......r that _.-.d1 -.d Inctnao ..1Ih tbr Ihq; ..'Orid.
On!) a dooorn '"'" t1lIIi pt«-. thio ~ but .......
duubI: .. rxiVelIt< Whtn 1 V.,..". die.. hoi. lO'IlI;-..o,l
Ialo d.r So. 01 ~adl
.....u b ~. E>'ft)-.au! loot 10 d.r \'...wl '0
II ODe fe,,'<f lOIlIlO tM\b.ol tho Grr", \\)TfIl
V... ~nmanna'""F ",~pou. P'''''lK< d&1 from tlwo ,... "
bocl_ It
l'rl$s to<T'W thc:..
~adm. 1herr art
IIomt:I ha,~
n..- that .... faoJ'aIwa 8hr< ...
«>If"'" of ir.MiduI1 wonhIp. Yppmu-
"fir! tathrr 1...... ~
chllrdot> or c... oplt... Ibc>up m&lll"
tar"\M llal1>t1
.mm, tlw famih
\\1otft a V_ rraIt' ......... 1O ,". opn', aal'TlCio>n, hI' ...
mak an ~ -.w. MOIl ....... 01 l!olI . . ~ • honr. but ,tor V.... mnaIn pnocwal f'\" •
tbrir ~ 1b<) ,..... 10 klll • ,~ old ......
...t.dI ....,.. tlwn .oak and ........-.dI.
___ .....~ , l!w wcnbopn -..pI) .... lWki . .
I:lUMI 1.0 d.r itutKled dely or 1f«1l upon WI drilllL.
Dally Life
fanW>' IiSo <~'m
around tho <onunoo
k+--. ,,'bocII gttt ill name from It> oblont; Wpo
~ .... ~ from b)'<f' " ' _• ..-l-'
don. ..1tII noolo oIthlldwd _ . meek. _ _ din.
no- .... ~ if:oll) .. 1ldtM....ildo ~ tbl' thof'- ,
"lI<1Tl but poorI)' tit.
no ..lOll
Ionpouw (Qmhl> of . - ~ room
. . tWf\.- .Irq:-. uu. 1Dd ..ub. n.. \.nlft'I (OWl'
fIooI wU \Cr_ IDd 1P...."ft - ' lIM: ..,pn1
_ _ 11_ _ olll.lll*-, U<>Oh. Ind I b ..'OI>dc.:I <brw
Irr IllnV Al th~ ,rrntr of thr ,nom lUnd!. I JllInl Maf,h
"Iod '"'"
U .....iIIn ltwo ... W)Ulre of
Swc~ l~ It no
....,.. ~ _
rdllhroush I tmII ",*, .. abc
-.: ~
II il lOldod up ...... thr da..
. . . . 1M
lIlh at mp. The mDIII unP0l'llni
...co.. nI ~ hou~hold.lffp r"'-' 10 , .... flr~
mnk dunnc lhI: da. - ...... abc
............ ....bn& b • lrw boun. :ond .... in Ibr e.t)
--S "'' '1IIAh'- food .. ellen on ..'OOdtn plain Of lrnm
"GjzvUlg" Jw, IWIrl1onaJ1y
t:-n OIW' ollht r~ Imn,
of ~ ~.. rwo V _ un.n.t wiIh
-,-_ 0rlpWty
_an,oc -bmhrr: II hM tUn
CIlI an ...._ brT '·r "".lla"r:t __ l!w )..,..... To cal
....- GJz"m1 iDdiuln ,hal you ..,.. him III be<
wilbolII qllo!Slla'l. II a1", _1111 th.... you romodn 'hrir
hoao< Impoadlablr. 00 Ibe utIe It RIll Slv~ ~dy.
' " - 81
\f"'OO'. knn'h. Of Iln&~"'" E~~l)l)ne
....... Iwnd> In tIw t;I./M bowl of ..~~ belrxe I"d
........ Doo.h "llh
" ' - of thr ooctu. fIl • .." 10 lhI: \'enMI .. ~ of kJr.lhI:
..nv \...............1IJ'" <lit!. rent"," IIwn .,PUA<I _ ..
-. .. lkt pa>L rnlo (Iwrrlng. .od.. .heUfi,n. Ind I'rft) wt"~
... unmlODt of n'ft}' _aL rilbn frtth 0< prtWO'fti.
no \_ ....,m'" Ibn meat Wh WI?!" ~
..-.. b1: II ....h ....... wclcinA II O\~ Iht lire....
lht oun ttl dry.
tumm IlL1I prod~~.~. <ropl.. thuu~ tw>I
<~ PC" ~'.­
..... 1NIrl1rl1hnw ... . - ..... and I lew ;oppW .-I
""" ..heft l!w ..Utllotr pmnIU- Mow brniIoH
_ llnlUI'Id lhnr IonShoulft LO add I 1uIk
........r 0N0m.. (MTfM
...wd ,.ont<) '" ,I,", mub.
\sanpl& m.-a<M Iw ~ Ibe lIIIndud 100 ~ lUld
motiI \'etu~n bnid thrir beards "'bnI the) b<o<:ome 100 ......
Wl'lrMn ..- . I
.unplt Nnk O\'I'r I
nn ol
lOUd> 10 uwa!y I ~ . . . . . .
\ _ -.en ~ pullheor kln&
lip bull.. IDlIIl\In'1IKI womm &Ie e~ 10 _ I ICIff
as • Iign of modnl). IkCllu~ olI VaiCn poople ......~ f"alr
okln. • palt <omplexlon is <on\llkud I tlJn 01 Maul)"
~Wk, ...hlk ..... lltf < ~ eopm..IIy ilfJ¥Uve,
f<lon<,'t" b bach -.. and .........0 is I *"l*' :aIbir. wilh
detism fro"UlllS t _ ollllippmlllw iImI OJI ar oil ....1InI
tn\'dm& 0\," _
II"Ki Ia. VNm lDUr ..~ .a. or
f.ultn anll\w-bonl' f t shtn 10 I.... bottom of tht1r Ira
1lam. 1'100
"*... -
1'hougb not iO <onct'lneO about pononal il)pae" ollbe Il<ht'I peopW ofThtah.. \'t*ll do e<!O) • sood bod>.
The ,..,... \Ilandt hokI all lIlII"lRft of ..... ..-nI IfP'5I..iIlc:h In \"'""~ rn.ab 11M' t:l. Vokadllt lilt dIootn da\' for
l»thinll. "Iloo11 tntlrt lamlb.. nlnlll~laII' ... dte uomrn,",.,;'Y
Thb.....a ~ uaWl) 1Iand. 0\"'" a natunl hoi
".....:; _*,lrilO'. _
It tbrow>,. upm btImins <GMt 10
-..,. .~ rd\Kto tIw unal'It<U'd bur.
fI"".l...:look IW) bald
ch Idf: \\.~ ..
..... t.Ia.. b thrtr fmulif.o on lIfltiBhl ~ \oomt.
~ • rlw rl\1ltftOl dlril houwhold ,.-I.. Men ..ur
~ .. _ . ",on tIgII-fGinI ~ be~;aroond
bello ... o..r_
-.I .........h IIrIp tJw.m ,rmaia fulened and Uorp
... hal MtUI\If\A lanVd A ..-eII-gTUCl(fte<! bel,d III
it _
Tk,. _
...t<n I"'"
1M \'~ ha\.., no -mI Il!Ct""' abouI
rntnlDll ..U1lftI buhlnc~.and 1llIdal) nrTWt ~ ol
the u.boot thal ~ holds In mllt'l <uhures.
hundn-ch .. Y".... ~ ~ ~ 10 .w-il)' p-lioM.
(wbtthtor ..>:<I Of .mp~ ¥Id _.
IDIIT) .. tUOk.t' t"'"'r pItaot. 11wy mI) ahro Inmin.aIc
_ ....... ltIwy
In dot ""-. w ..>It l:.ttpo Ibt kt)"I
10 • 0I1bt
r:beta Md,liln husbAnd t\'n pta iD&o
--........ 10 Qptnrd to *p III ard htIp ' - - .
IN) ""'"" P"0fI"")
\ ' . . - -..... \ted Iwd ~ but tIwy will ....._
~ CIff'W-- lor Itdurt_ MOIl \'nInI tpttwIlMir
r- ... ~ frpmS .c.u.. buo. dIdr _nor
ttndtau.s onaU anY . .lr.1l)' _
lib • prtpondon lor
<_1»0. Fno cl ph,-.iuI fonllUdt ~ popubr orwl
""'Pf1"'I'II <CW"t"'*'OT. Ccwna ....h ao IlftInc tat..,
00,..1> (llU
tnInk 01 • lift), """""Ao ~ ;and
~ m.y .<11\ OUI -mII)', but olu:n mel In
,1OIm<•. For ~, IwinlfnInS <OI'ItIU lift not ...... 11)'
...-hol:vf.r troI.>n ~ ~ nwk flr\l, but 11)' who can
WOftlIin& .. IDOlher IflOO ohat <an """Lh S" OUI 01
c-a.. All bourr. tab pIKe .. tit•. opm ..n. » 110M
aIInOII bonk ..,~ cl .-.Nt cw _ Iortlp
obftna os- nci:I othtf Owmrc opeaaton urdr
- . t .... fi&lun, ~ obtw bill 14.. In tlw aod. dot
. . . . . II owpIy dot Irut IaFtd ........_ - ......Dr lIw_ Il1II abIt to lUnd. W "
I pld 1m" B 10 . . . . .
I!oal _
ttbs t\ftI
..-...B to lIP lor IfIOrl. (fht
tft'dltr 'IidtI oJ <rrum \ 'nwItl t>DtI off" omnbr
, f f i t - - ' both human ..-wI amoaM.) No
tbr pbu
Of I\IQlI't of dw.-. ~ ... Ib tn....... ...., 10
pIAu htcs <WI oL
Daplt ..a tb, .... l"'t'I') \ tolt'ft _ _ "".........
bodII)' hIrm. Iloud pmtI lOt lOlM"Wbrd .. Ilw <okt _
rnontht. ~ 'wflMf/• • "'*Ir pmo' 'IilDlbt 10
Sci........ !>I..",· \,nlftI aho (....Of bont IlIld wood _.,'...
WWIIll- IIOf)' !filing. ..-wI mud """"UI& .. 'Q)"I I<l PH' lIw:
..~ ..
.4 ."
The Importance Of Wealth
dneo and becom", hard. a molten metal uf d.oke l< p"".ed
1br V...lell ,till ha'... Me trall In <ortU,,,,,, "'ilh Ihell'
Lhrou&h ,he 'OP hole. ""'lang "'~ ......... Th....... dripl nu'
of tbe booom hoi... and. once the mce.ol r""b, the mold it
l'>lralI!Ied Vendt! coLaln\: the). enjoy di.pla)ing Ihelt
WIllIe tht Vnl.flfII.llM",'IIJ"" mel00d, of "'owing
off hearl<tn back to urlie' lin,tf, lhe rnoIi>... remllinlthe
>KIle. Olbn than brule w-eng'h. rnaleriil1 I""-"on, are
die be¥ IndlUlot of <me'. JlO"''ef and .ffiuence.
\·l:lolmllWlfl.''llfu Jewelry hu :011011)'1 ~n Lhr nlOSl oiroiDU>
!bunl a f<)l'1Une. Doboraie neck1ac... and
r..,nrec! "''''y'o
i1rnvtnJ1 III'~ oIm.ud... are Intrla~ brooo:n.... 1lle Vetton
dlWin luge ring> and bn<eI&, ...hich an become a
Ianch;uxe ...hen f'llllling.
/1...& ... lOre W(IIn more of"'n 1»' ...onten than n..,,,; men
wWI}' 101'111' one as a kM! token bam their l...-hearL The
""'" r.....l)· ""'de IWno are.rafuod from sold.lilo."fl, bn:>nze,
r.xk <ry\lS!>. and OIher p..eb. Moso ...ddac.... J>ao;.'t'\er. 1110'
_plo colored ~\ ~w. adomed ..,'" jItIWIW 1I1nkru.
A"'UlIIS' ... aim"" oJ"",).. gold &rid IIh...r. and a wil"d
'"l"'J~ Is th"
conlmOn <letlgn. 'n....., otmmenll are
_II high on dl<' arm, u•.wJ:.' :uoond the bl«p. and ...
""""",,me< uvd to keep "ee''8 rolled boock. ~bny trloo
uc"'lIg"~. £or lood1 Io·h.n Olher!wrl1 of trade- are
AlA a''aibbk.
\'nltn n..... " ...ar broochel '0 r...l.n their cloak. 00 """
>houIder. ]u"opinll; ,hel, wupon arm free. 'lbew plM
<ommonIy rnemble the fK" of fmxlow. animal. and life
IIIJde r,om a .'antI). of m."erial•. Women UluiIlly ....at IWO
.,..-»..w~ broochn 10 w'en Ihelr aprrnn.. A brooch m.)·
Iu",' a Imall ,holn altathed, LO which the "Tater toll &Ila<h
kru.u, keys. .....lIlglOOl.. IUId 00.... ,,,duJ
lIeu_ of the rlt«e IIllI&llle \(I rt'lOlin lheir henu.ge. V~n
'orel)' ....'" any of tht U.uwn broughl boock bj nllding
parlin. wead. <nf, work... meh dO\\'\1 and 'e-<asl moot
inn.. uling ,he tn<hllon:ol ImI-w,"" method. Fir'" th~
tr..rwmn lotuJPII • pi",e of wax InIO llle shop" of the
olmred pie<~ of jo',,'elr), lie tloen plKn tloe wax bo!fween
'1'0 pi<'C" ofw"" do)' to n!t a nlll1d. L..aving a large hole
.. the top and unallM hoIa &I lhe bonom. Afll!f tloe clay
A, much as the Vnlen aJ>Pl'KUle fine ",",,,IJy. thqt
af'l'l'<'C1ate a grand "':All roo...., mOre. An)'Or\oI! ran orpnue a
re:All roo an) 1I'-'n<Ion. bIllt'" greal h.aIl. of the jaN hou the
moot <->:ll1I"aganL E,'efYO"" who Illtend. wean thea- bat
fnoTlry. n .....
cdeb",lIonI ran last lor
daY' on end and the 100&.... they Jau. lhe IJ'I<n LheIr hos!<'
ITputOlion. fo< Ioo>pitahly iml""".... Mldwlm... J. thmlCn
"'" molt imprel.1h'e lime of Lhe )"ar to hold a Ie&<!, linee
clo!lln and flnnt
foorIlI IC&rCC.
1lte ..aoog amlllg.m••ll lU a feall Can be a complkaled
affair _ .....,...........'11. the honor of ,;1lIIIg next 10 LhI' !lOll
The cu.comary
of g<'lting • rholc~ "'al II by drawln&
lU1ll'" or ewing loll. Some hoou hl.,... bttn 10 desjll'f:lto 10
improo important suo:oto lltat
ris (he 0\l!C0me of Lheoe
!IlJ'I'O""'Uy nndr.>m nltlho<h. Tloi. II a rilky pnctIce at bnl.
If tM auLh roo·... emers.... their repuutloru .uff... lITepauble
Th. bods ..,...,Td .t a feNt ll"nt'ra1I)' lnrludo: beet potk.
bor>e1neat, arnlwdd game. a _leome deputure &urn fllh.
Alcohol Is .......d III repe.. edJy refr<floed driniJng harm
I"hlrh, Iftt., 10 LheIJ wp". mIlA be emptied bef"", beIn(
put 00..",. Thi> pt...·em. opilb and al<o .void. InoIIlling t~
hoot by refm!ng 10 ..u"'" """Y drop. lker anrl m..d
dt.lrl\lnaLe _
1lh imported (i.... pill>ged) wine
Ier\'ed onl}' by tht we:oltloint hoou.
So mlJ(h dnnltinS lIlvarilobly lead. 10 all IUndi of r",,'Il:ineu
and 1lOI... To k....p ""try""" enterwned and (boperuny)
plarld. .dr.ald. come to teeU. po',"u. Since the)' "'''''
normally Iloool thrs<' poem> <;I\'er Ih. clamor of dOOrdmy
.........le... mOSt begm
the. cummand, ·lhten!" A wIo.e
obid ",111 ai... lnelUlk a """ ........ of pro.. for ,...
before Lht poem COlltludn.
QlIq; Tboy __
Vendel Sorcerers
s...... Vrndd tlIllllnIIIP 10 Jll1l"lXt I..aoftIom _C"), iu"
bke lhrir
""*"",,anna,-n1ar UJU>ins,
Mlltl bo~ 10
KoU.....•• W':un<IU$ lo/'1I<)Ol In Kirk, b.... ....",. Itam from
wrnolt Khool., 011 t"tl:! from V~tnmllULl,'nJM
IIIfUm'1I Ir)'lnIIO tducatt Ihtlr waywvd lntJwa In 1M
Old ~'.,... "meld -""'"' .... blply prto.d b thtIr
·12: ..... Qndr-.~alarylor~
a g.m ~ ),bay Vndtl m=hMM ohipo _ .~ d'Sla.nlitta. ... 1odp JIIUKl. "-""a*, IN..
n., ~ \0 IbM IirdunI ""P*ft ran Ia lht (.i\ins
Rl- and ocbtr Ilackii-... Old "'01)'" Me. Vtndtl
(IIQlt Objtt." 1
which bnw thtIr alIibIy 10 InIIy
I.ombn. MOO! Vtndtl ....mn ........ odnnct
btyond Appellii«' IUIt, II>aush I h M\I'l'.1Im 10 lht
~ l)/ Ado,pl, No Vendtl lInbn Maot.... ullt, aI It_
publkl): (olihougo you. IltrOf'I' ml&'>l l>OUibly boo an
txc'l'llollj, So<h • ~ wnuId hi"", an lnI:tlldbry tfka
an I'" wnflkl, Ind would r.pdly bn:llIlM !he ~ri l)/
QlrMIItU tal buh IIidtI. Of fOUnO', he or '"" mIpI aloo
"""" lht atUly 10 lind tllnlln<lD g-.d br,,"cm lbcm_
.... -.nllI pro6o."'lll III
bo, tilt I"f'M"
fV~ ofYilon t"... UI JI'.~ n.b!.', ..~ 1M ftlnbDd
ro.odI &IJlOIIg tilt '"e\lm iobnck .., .......) IlOIIAns ........
NIl broUn, mudd) nh. ~ lwd 11)- bo>IIIlbf. bsInl
oplIon. Na'1galion ~ Of around lbe j,~, orI<lom
p""tflU • plOblem. hilt tong.. dl.~" 1t:ljUll>' lhr ..."= 0(
..uodm bo,1l1"ll-db4 WI _ _ thr Iletghc of
aboYf, dlo horizon 11)- (om~ ~ la lJ ddhml poUlu.
\\'!ltD • ioboiek". i'I Ilhroucled 1II
a-mtn u.-~
I1atnonti .......... !he lobcn 10 bdp fmd bod.
w ,...
CaII.d ~ or ~ \~ ........ balk ...
01 ...'0 ~ .. ......t: ndr lit ....&no Thr ...
raoI dilftrnK. to IbK • ndr Iblp II. bn-irf _
....... Wp. cillOUUliat! .. ..tdlojc.nol ~k lor ......
Ql)G. 80th ~ are _ _ 10 b. D.iIrd llf .-~ ...llllf
<JPftl dKtu _ I l l :011)' Cia' mmlbft> <If ~ . . .
Iik"r bKome cold and ""fl brfar. tbt .""..e conrl~
o.~ dIidd.. mnultJ<enl of snlet, ""'" """"
pro!KtIon from lhr. drmenl,l.
_h, ..
T)plcalh', ohlpo U'I' comulKl<'d In 1M "''Ul~
II h too cold 10 hUlK. nob, or WDL Comcn.orlion \WI< Ill'
lI}'IIlI <1000" 1M l.wl .. lEh tIM- buiIdm brv 1lh_
..'OIlodet, OlO<b. 1'bq ~ Ildd m. ",",..-.I arid
UlrlS wM..",.. +>ptd plaaL b tho- ......
w' ....dlOdwkdrn....dwboa...up.oo~ .. dw
.... Woodosl ribo .... Ihm ...... III .... pbnI.. Ia kftpthr
~ ~. 1M tlupwrlpn. :add tilt Url - .
y....n .....
I " _ I I...... diIpLo) ol.<dIlI oaun at \ ........ ,..,.....
......... \~. dir. lilt) br!in't . . , noo am
..... lor d.nr ..,. . lIlIo lilt alirrllk.
To "'""_ tIwtr <I\an(ft <I
<aW! ....illllon 0\ ... tlw
\lI'ony ......oam 01 dn1lI. moot aIIhy jar"' .. <mII<1oIrd In a
Wp: Tho"t .. h.o riUVI<lt:olT«d lUCh tXlri\,~IIlCf' .... burim
~,p.... oullined ""'" ro<klln the pll~.n of .Iongt>o.t.
Jrwelry, lOoII, ..... ~pom. (klI ..... ;md OIhel Ilrrwnal .a""..
... bur..... or burird with thtIr "",,,..,., oJons ..,lb I lood
""PM 01 IOod and dnnk. ~ "i", it ..... "'"
nflt•• thnII r. d... ~ .. -u.
~ ollht Vt
'. d1O'in<IIiQs ~ • .-'ft, !hat
..a<:Dtt ...... but dI I,.alod.
............... 10
... """"
"p 10 lH ~
DOl 10 brn1 "p Ir> roop
Thousfl indr..d b1& I_Ul._ ,..........,
\ ..en .raft ""' IItxibk tnDIIgh
1o'101m. Thrtr rebll'~~ Rat boaOOli ako aUow lMm III
oh.11ow Cll'.'I'f ltond Th"en ..1lh 00 wtlfrw.. If 1M
~rr.kn bK"""" \tlO rou&h, die ""I" ..... lIgbt enoup to boo
pkl.td up and n.!Vd., Cannor\. .anl~ and OIhrr
llllldrnl ~ do _ I':Idtl aa \'eIlm ohIpo m..ad.
tbt """ rdIeo OIl tIwtr _
knuoo~t <11M _
pownful """" -&it 10 wan! elf ~ dltnvn.
• ..-. -- - '.---
_. ...--:::::!':":
aile Vel/oel
\\,. W "ft)" _ _ J\'mdri l-lIlfIi alfW ...... mabo
odwr _ . Ia~ •
~ dmiod !hal lhie l"OUll&
Cl\1lwIllOn 11M .. 0""11 , ..DIy E.ft)t!lms Ia Vl'Ildollftml.
lolIlr bmibr. lot _ and origlnal This .. "" a<ddmI. n..
\tndtlluden I\;Mo .crupul<.>ud) ~ 1M- .....,.Id-.uund
lbnn. bo"DWlng ekmtnu thai ",,",' to """" and m:'aQll8
_ .....,. roo- tllooe IhM do ROC. M • •eMlk, tho ""lion I••
....,,'1 "",,,,,un<'flt, ....'... In ,nooon :u>d an....).....·0Io.;n8.
'fIw. \'.....sft ha,.., Ilo:ww ."-1) "ilh JUdI priI) ..........
tOll"Ml CUl... ;ond"')*, Thor ~ WI;
~.JI) ...... and ohauId lor judjed on Iht _
Mf... ~ Jftlft"* ill bfe - es:prciai> rlmll(lal '11(('" U
• ~ Ir. ..nk"'. .,.. _
to.. ....xblA bard b il, &lOll
ilIdwf" WOIlId do ....,. 00 ~ lam ~ TIw) JUII •
.... -
n. " ..h) m., V...wl l"f"Tn' lbo- v"'P" and GuIIdo to
...IL n.. -n and ...........hoi fiI ~ lofty I
b.., h
p<fl' in
,11« ~ tnIi>. n..c,. ha•.., IU<Iwd
.. ,......... of ..-.-. and thtw ......do
nrI} •
Tho probIom ..ilb Lhb ' } _ ill IbM It bonds .-I
~ <0lT"fl'bl. ~ ~ do not
... p""''ft' ..1lh Iboo _
nabIr inImlions. ODd ,...,..-..
lOr dNmf l' WI bl: &me and _
.... '""""
_ _"""'" mJNin !lIddm, of caunr. dirt) IKI'fb
Iol of
.. ~ lalla tIo.
AI -'""
l&IIinwo/\ _
tilt \'nod.l
~. from Ol)" ph .CIO u
-..I .. -*<
.., I"" 10. ' - ' -..Iy
e-wy dIy 01 tboe ..ftk
Amordi. Iht
ndI _
M • dIfliem-. ConUm ~ on
Itsttm to
fi&kI1 dt6ntd from _
abins ....... ..1ft" _
10 1M,
chx ~ Tho Ofder ... IlOI
Wftk lO Iht - .
dt!IbnalH bdn petty COIXft'M,
M.-d in Iht Pi'}"" CaJt and
.'oI&S/m' c.M.lboIA'aIW «lnIlWl of ""'" "Cban" aIld 91 "'Stuo". 11>q mili
10"", ~t GuIld T\Ilet., and 8mt1'aIly ........ II ~ _ ' ,
8"''ft1lUII: bod) 11w OWn arc ~ ~llcm bMd
b) In.. Iwad!. of. 1M cWH ..- _ ~ Gtnlck F..<h
GulIdm.ulCf hold. lilt OIair IIIlbi M 1lI11lf: rttiJa (or dleo).
,",'hfn ~ fUll"tI '0 hk or "" A>CC..- i:llh~ Guild. Ilfaus,p
of lht:lr ~nloril)', tl\ry lll" .. tilt- If /-e.. Indetl of tilU&pI'. conuvllang w hod)", .gmda and ImmIJ l<nO< of
lhd: dt~. ~ • GUl1d ~ lis 0Wr w anotIw:r
Guild. but ...... an occUJml(e rtqulm .'bible proof u
oupttior lnfhlel'l<e (. ~ ... bjKa'~ <rilmoa) and •
IWO-ChInh "* In ouppon u the mr_. II h» 011I}
h"Pf llIed "'.... in ~ hbcary. aIllIoup _
U)' IbM
llw P-1Dfl InIhJentt <JI the Swonhman·. GuIld _
rtqUln'. _
'lICe _
n.e IIIialb a- • alIIDaI.. Irdd bv tile Do.... Impenlor••
Iuo earl)
~ (_
~ 26). Most ............... _ . "p_ :....~ 10 O<nIf"
\be . . Sbonfy bd:n _ dNdI ill 1fib6. Imp<nlar
Rollo: _' ..1Itd \be leal to bb buda.Jowph \,uIkt, ..
tI<t ..btdl sr-d tile Lnre doe I ...... ~ of
pa)_ b
M"'apu ICI W
Wllllot rM Chan ore _
'" lett per--. tbe Se_ ....
...., be brId b dne r- lenm. E....,. )'01'. . . thr
IlNd<t'Aiy ultllt- ~'. ~ all"-"Iwld ICI
f.lh. "P'" s.- no.lug>nI ~ nna 1M StaG 1m dor
nul ttwr yun. No
pmon (UI Idd men than .....
~.. aIIhaus" wt'dhy uagom t...,. t-n
"~" pItlX>f'O In tll(~
1m poIalluI doul. MDOI svtldJ
.poosor d..... ""'" I"""'tfful nltmb lOr ..au. tnlW1rl5 Liw
lilt LtOlg\lt .~ thtlr (OO<:tT Narnra1l)·. rOHUptlM
.....tun lhit .)"I.fn....... raIlIpanl. 1lIt uopt rt<:~.1It
..-l 1m rd>nn, bill II ~ Ia taU ~1 H'OOUI IItpl.
Ali.. II, .......,. ktcpo • pownful
\.".,-. pUomq '"""~ Ieto c~ Ibt men local II.
bot...... no. ........ dUoa 10M • direa U)" .. 1M
so:lu_ 01'- Of lit< b:al1eader: Ibt Lord ~I.a)w 01 nth
<It). n... oftiual nil... alfla 1»' po'IfIUW ,,,,... n'ft}' fh~
)'C;>I.. 'IlIoe"" 10 no limlI II) dor numbn 01 _
I l.orcl
Mayor ClUI ... ' ... In • bfcam.. bill lit cannot ......... mort
lhan rwo ~k-lO-~k ltrms.
Onct >KUft III hit posKIon. the Lord :'la).. appolnIs • ataIf
III IId>ltOf"', 1Iw.- imporual bta>& lht I.ool Shmfl .. ho
_ _ _ thO' ptXt and mIoruI
_h » IaIponarll p.n 01
b lad M.,.-
Ir.t... Thn ..... INalwt
--sY !bar e:tndirIaleo
......ay dodarf:
wbD Ilwy ....
lbrir "c:ab.wt"1on& btfon "". _
.... f;IIIl. Ai • f'C'OlIk.
........ ''''f'''I'''laZ ....yanl undidMa t.a... bc'C'n """'1O'd Ga
..... tl>ouIdrn olll'lOf'C' iav<ncI ~ All Lord :'la)'O"
n.... obty u.. tdltll oil"" \'mdI'Il.up. but hr.~ I .'tll
,!toll of ~..y In tilt lnI..-pnotlllon of ~ tdlu. 1lIt
[1"1"" .tllC'r&IIy Ita'
IocaJ ofIkitl•• 0 tet u thty ..,.. n~
1Il"l'P"'& In only dur
p..nods 01 .............!K"n<y
Cuild Structure
......,.",.. poooplt dI.,D WliW","
_ ~ ~ and CMleI Ibroufb dmlmowKt ol
bonk. W \·
I» 1""'" : I :'1011
VtndotI ClUI 1M
fItd b) wb..t G.:k! (SUl).....,. beIon&
lO,lIIId GWd dtWIlI<ln ali.., run'I ,... . . . Mron& .. "')" 1dnd
W"II.tRti 1M \'"".
01 ftmlIltIlo>t.
The Cuildt xl . . . nalural P""ll:l"ftOlon 01" ndtIiontl VnlftI
cnh and In<W tthlc.. Whm _
tlW:n iroul • lI1Wle.
lit lIllfU . . . . 'PP'_in (W..,l undn 1M ~ ol.
ttdisman (.....Jf). no. 1'f"tIiCICnbIp JXmlIfo
btptt In \all' dliIo:lhr-l and ..... throup Lbo- lDId-lo-.amMn
1 _ 5"1nJ ~ 10 lnru .he buln 01 dv cnfl ~'" II
'JlPf'C'llllU' to... lhrir prdt:tslon ,,~. but • conttarl '"
Ln<ltmurn t1..~)'. co.1lf'C'l tht ltplll)' of hll Of htT pooiIIoa.
\\'hen the nwltr rffiJ tilt .pprtMtt iIo Itad)". lit anI!J'l a
c~ a f'~IItr- Thit Ull boo air.- Mllbin&.
uuOO.. ol • ~ ptCf' 01 wulr. III !be
J""'llo-e ol ac_ duI) (1llOIl r;Wich ha-..... ~
f'l:p'd""1; ..... c. . .~ ..ilidt _
lot -J. If die
'PP'hlDCC ( , ,
lIM IlIk III tht • '
rI I p..t
rI clcoipMtd maoren. lot ...... Ia lht In rI jouI...,....
It'ull). and the IIppnl•.-a1 It doc..11lf1IIt'd III ....
jr:>IlJ'M)1lWI'. dlplorna pllMwtj.
In onltt '0 Itnprove III I crafwtwI ond pin morr
tXptrkiICt In the tradt, tM pur",,),mtO h nl'"cttd Ia
Ira'..... bath ..1lhIn \'mdtl \l'frilanf"l and lbfold (benet tho
_~ no. Vtodtl l'C'kt Ia Lhtot:
and ,.... lbcm .. II .nqur "f'PO"lKIII)' 10
<Iafftrtnl maoztn lllId *,..mp _ ltd r" a..u..... ..
!he _ ...... iitc)..... JIIWl'W)"OIlCfI 011 ... IlOn'ltII) llW1)
and ~ ltw III tht borlHbnirl r1 ..~'ft ~ ~
In'o'" ..
wen "....
In nrdcr 10 ...........wIf optra~ ...... 1tIdtprrxIt.. cPlUman
(and eam .h" .b,ll.)' Ia adm,t ... app'tnllft). \....
jourlll:)man IIIUII Wt thr flntI Sl"f'l 01" ba:omJll5 .. mall"'.
Flrll lor ptollom thr suJld llWI... lor lin opportunll)' Ia
1"0'.... bit IkiIlt. kclIIIt \litre ;>I" .........) jaurnt).......
wUInt; to be rIIoood 10 Ibt mallft b"C'I. tlw ptdIiOClllll) IlOI
bt IfCoptacI rar )....... rot laDy, the Gold aw.ttn ..<;I
oaady lht joumt)lDII>', m..-d. and tbtn· _ ...
.......... dotm and paR' _
<I ~ aOota doc: uaII.
If he ~ tlImo OIII!I£Ar.oonI)\ hi'
tllMfI, ItIUlD) ~ 01 W romplttlaa ol a tupnb porar
01 ""'Cd In • P"tIl amount rJ ~ Thio ld tnl 10 kfto,...
""* ..........
and .......,. II II diploma.
To kHp "·I)......ro IIItmbrn from r.~· pmtnlins th""
lIW\I1. _
Guild. .....~ Irnp.......... td • >ptrcltl coclr ol
wUqllr !ltndlhalr.t:s. ,rips. and pau.. ordl rar Wit
lIItIfIbm. Only thoot of appropoiaIr rank _oM doc: .....
.lwh Me iml'U'ffl ..,th h;.m. 0111". If a momber "'''eI"
...'..... lI"'tn LD any out<ldtf, ,fl<, punlmm~1ll b hanh
altnl. ()t'fKiall~, lhr- Guilds t,",pond b) twIl~ 1M
~ m~mlM!t, bul, 'lXn Il,,,, a ........ lran'Sf""," h.,l'
"""",. <h$op~;u"('tl........... t
tilt' of V~ndf,~ Guild< ha,... come '0 _ 'M
lIlfU1....e of h",,,,&. oirWe f'P""hood or pubUe bee. To
,nol-... thh nl:ll'.... the MMle" of rno<t Guilds Ilold
r'!f<.tlCi<IO, "odng me mr.oot ,ruoUod and ,e'l>C'Clffl mtmben
..... P"""OI" of .uthorllJl. 110000'e,l'I, 10<"" Gullrb (hke ,Ilt
8l>rl<m~1u ~l <n1l 1M ~ posiUOfU, "'!>e,eb)'"
_~ th~
ft'IirIng""'''''' r:l.:tlgnaleo a JU«euo<.
Prominent Cui Ids
AI WI rOUlll, Ih...e "'l'fe "'''e' .."enlr~f"'e GulIdi '''un
fht....... h .upported by huncl'redt of memben. ()(
>Om!' of ,hfow. are mor. 1"001"'toU. lh,n OIhen•• nd
..... Guild. of lne nl,.. Vend~1 Le"g~ ChaIn "1fld rOf m<lR
dWI 1h:In 1M OIl11'n. 1Ie1_ to • lamplu'l of 1M tnO'l
l:upoI'OllI Vendel GuM•. ~p In mind lII:d the V..ndd do
DOl lI>C>rIOpOlIu tr.dt in
h - ple"I)' uf I"dl'l"""loonc
....chon.. <""un.... \0 rirr bu.",", .. uoual. and V<>dacce',
1.-.dnn"", ;or" l'r:lCtiGlIll Vendd', equ:d Ru' Ih,,)' lIill
~ a JlOW".ful O'CO<lonll< iorro. and och... nltf"Chanl>
,...,.. li'm l<ole them Inl<! <ooo1<l.....linn bel<.te making ""l
",,"""'>Ill. OOc,........
Blatbmilh'. Guild
C.. pelll..•• Gulld. lne 81Kbmllh'. Guild ha, •
Ion& lr.><1'boo "" cnftinll qualll}' goodo. \\'orldng ,"-Iy
....h I.... 1>1"'..... Guild, lh") ha, .. deo.eloped llI'W .....,Itlng
- ' fuo-gmllle<hniql>C'S th.1 ar.......nl)"'... ahead of lhrir
_ . Th,,)' "'" ""'J""'Cted lI>d lheir ~,i<e. command a
c""",le,..bk I"'i<e.
Ilf!u.nd th~ ","nt'. 00.....'.,-. <he Gulld is • pohtial mt''.\ll""",. Sela CoIc &>turned her f!~.. onI} four month. '110'
It.. pTHIe<:"""" Ma\ltr I"" Johat"""", "'.... mUfUru,d
"'I"" pint...m",ked
Iu. p1euw. bo;ll. Though II"ar)'Ofl"
lJle,.. Cole <It>Od to inherit the f"""IlIun, 1M> ....... "'" "'a<?
u be. If) cO<lIl' to p""...r... lnll of all Cole ,""..,Ir AI.he
II the £In'
to hold tM poollIOn. the m>Je.r\oml1W..l
Guild I. det.ffiluned to let he< Imllle .. ......ry tum.
ForlUnalel), Selo I~ <onil<lerable "eel if. her IfIlne ..,d
do01n't ..il, in ,lie liace of ,.m·t.lIlJ1
FOT aim"", on. hundred l-u,,, the enlblem of the
Carpen":r'. Guild luo !:>ten. Ii»' of qu•.hlJl. Und~. MOIl...
Jo,1o B,u', 'lulef guldonee. if tw be<;........ wgn of
e~<eUffiC". n.. Carl"''"''''' Gulld .... ill cnA leu AI •
Iibor lha.n 1$ an:VI.. Thnr ,,'t>OIie1, buildlnv. vehi<le>.lI>d
funullll'f' 1>01 onI)' nl~ the 'lroll!"'t conllnlCtlon drnWl<u.
bUI on" a1", lIr.\tlltllnll} ple:......g.
Jenny', Guild
Guild " one 01 the )'llU"I"' but "lOW.
..idt-lp,ud Gwkh in Theoh. II II .1.., one of the mooI
prolilabk and IM!1",'ed. Mad..... I.... BInt Weu., Iw
7tf, 5ra
_unod Iwt llWlIlborn '" pubb< .~ ..... t.a. <Iorw:
10 chanv
pn-<qlIIOll> IlboM prooDculn lbla
;oQ) ........an lIll<~ J......). M..... i'fttIapI ho1 I'fotnt
lliumph ,,-a. maklnS brol~" pnrtetly Ilt~ plMn of
lcb......· ".1<1<101 <tUM ..ilh • kllk: at
I!keI to OllIIMm.
abo dHpIy <_Hned ..1tb II.....~lfm Ii ha
nwtnbm and ""'" ho1 , _ _• 10 1'""..0. IMm "ith
art' She t..-, ,1\;01 llWI\ of bft -pt," did II(It <hooot' tho
1IW of • jmD) :wI..- 10 hdp lhtuo _ ... oa 10 ~
cb/IrrffII ..~ tbry ~ tkr IIlftDbrn IJIll"'C'Ilt "'"
dr-"Oliaa IDd rOlUrtl • In kiIld..
M..n:bant'. Guild
Thfth. ,be lTIlddk rboa p<"","Ii lib ...... ft
hofor~ N_ m:lrktu and utKIe "Pl""llullU8 .pp<'ar a\mOIl
.... fiy dly. ml)Ol/y du.. 10 1M cOlUinu..d tffofll of tnc
M~'I Guild. Under tb- ,iHHmlMd ihlrgirt cJ
~I.i,," Vol MoItk. Ihb GWd lw qukkl)' ~omr 1M
1"""1""_ UI ""'~ -DId)'
..-', wr ..... _
_ilobu> buI tbetr di.mts.
Sho>uIcl poopIr
I..,......· NIlOIIWn) bM... InIUbIn wllb I
f.... IDO'IDbtf III hio
COUllIro 10 C"'Cf _
w v....
... dlc lnpIc'l 1M j«tf bflIJ'
minbtn. ~ 1fT-' OIl the utA"'" bebaII .....
ulp' He~" _
.... ""-
P,int",,'. Guild
1M Prln~" G<dId p".tltKeo KIltft of b<>ob ...
"""S:~" C""ft) dn. and dlc ....... llLIIJ>bcr .J. G-.l
.....,1 WId lbnr ~ Mil. mMt ' - ' ' oil wilh dIIIO
-r .dJ: 1M brad III tlw GulId • ~ A.-Jl ~
a ...lqo .... """' ......i)"
_ J1btOlhn ~
«peadmlOll1bt """,.,.. '" P'O".... Ai .......
be 0)" ..d ..........d about •....,.,.~
Sallo,'. G",ild
1M Sa!lor'j Cwld ran be " !n\-cl"r'. hnt friend Of .....
cncrn)', Mtlltr AIlcn TI1'I h&o meltIt-. VI "l1lnool ..'"
port. carfluIl> chKkint; c~ Wpt lor GIM
paper> tlld Inorp«:tIon documtcll:a. Any _-e"""'"P"
Vmdcl ,...... .,... be
OIl a whim, and ""T nil" •
P-"&'" _ ~ ~ tbc m' S: ... UIl be IOilcd . NtIWd ....... 10 local ~ Sao bowll)
of 1M MrrtII-l'. GuikI. dw) ....,
. .~ 10 hIor • compla.iPl wwh .... ......nI Guild
t-w If ~IKI ~ial1) ~ (or if ...~
ct>mplalnu 111...,.....,"fl!). I 'l>t<i&1 !tlllll ol lm-ndglton
ar,k-..s 10 look InICl 'M mall... funM1' If tho complalnu &rI!
dHmed kopnlll.... p....wur..,,~ ran failS'" fron, n".,. 10
imrrlnlwl.. upuhioa !rum .... Guild.
~~JwC\lld _ _ IlliLDUOlb..t.""'r-"
Icul of ..bKb II 1bt SaIk:.'. T.... t'lIl>d. A ...... t_
c(lIIlI1bu1t any part 01 "" "'aVO \(I dtilo 'NO'<', ..~ dw
Cutkl mM<bco with (1m fUlIoior lor tIo"f'r)' lWO in_eel. 1M
lJ>(lI"I(') (an be chlrnflI by drtiJ'l'led bcnclklar... upon lbr
membn', drrniM', and ,an alto be IACd for f\nt.no:1.ll old 10
M.inu'. Guild
~ cp* pooonflj, .... Minn', Gwlld Il.M ~ iha
Ddwr GlIlldo .....ft ~u 10 r.:~ Ii __ tilt dtedI 10
¥""'llIIl& lbcir 00011""'**'
" ...mbor or
____ ww.. in a-.. e-Ir. IDd ~-hnt
buI ...
dMICull)' maant.l!n,u6 good ~ ...'lI!I Ior~
1U"lMnmml.. Moo tukn don', lib 1M V~
"plllJldmn,C ,hdf rwunl ~~ and twt ,lOfrM
~ood, on: ol>o-ay. ~kome. I'IW IIIaI.. rtal. or
doffffl1ll mal , To (""'I"'I\IlII.. fa IhI.. tIM: Guild hu
....w ilWTlIwt .J. lof'tolgntn into lheIf nn4
ablll& <lI1wt _
10 Infltw:n<. llIelr dec.- 1lwlr
Gulld M~ .., Dadlo 1blIoN......
• mcmbcr'.laltcr)'t""' llw SiIb', 'I ......·urwllw p""'"
wiIdI) papular, _ .....,. CIlbu Gua1tI> M" <~
S_rcb........'. Guild
1'1lou&lt ban-I)" 1'0'0 ~ ok!, lhc s....dvrIan·1 Guokl ....
SIlDC'd S,..,.. P""""'" m••-cry ihoo Ilmc: It II» • ...-"
In 1I""f'r) nadon. and hoklt ........$ed ....." ..... I1w
Vtndel alict. Nowhere dw "'" III edicu. J11,"ding P"¥'
dlll'lInS foll",,-cd 10 tloolely. Vcndf'l'. dl)' guarm unIbtnI.
btlonS w w ClllId. and .1Icy M-C .. en ,onunlaloncd •
new SwonJt,nwI ..'-I _ Lanm - to mrfl lhc nHdo iii
Vcudcr'lliF' w¥c1lmcII.
lWtr Unn"" Km..... hin jll.l "p<'Md the GuUd', ,"'...
Ulin& .....It,Il). In Kirl and Ih" .....Iullg 1i0l for Iut p"''1le
Ull.ov 11;0, .. lrud~ 'W'I"''''''' .hree , ..;on. H. diU'" .0
w.".rudicd "'..... y mo..'11 flgl'wl& It)le In the ...urld, .. nd
ib Ill. _ [«hn"l"'" <'lin Mfn. IltI',n ..0. Oni>' lImr ..'!II
"'I bo ..
lrulh or n_.. ~'
T...·• Gulkl lin """ IIIOrion 10 .hank for iii n~ In
l""',,1IId !",...e.,.: MOOIIlgnt The Sunllowrn' fane"" f",
bIlooon ~ the Guild'. coffe.. lmed, In f.<t. Ihe Guild'.
"''''S'!II Moo••lgne ...... all1\O$l rrlple thco caile hom ll/l)'
. . nlIIlon. Mi,u.." Amity N",..u has lUong inIl""""e
.u "'" Mode dll Lac (MonIaignr·. F'UhIon Sodet}'l and
M lnoIn>rled M' mrmbtn III a'b...1) compr<r ~";II>1 o,,~
tflCClUnlpnS fe,", of o"....u~hlp III their <raft.
'" It DI cUI &""'.. 100 pOpIIW. lhe)' h
,tli<1 ord.....
I _br,.
·et, ~nri<>n
1D ........
",or.. exejllng /
s......\ 5....>tImothe,
la,... he, ,he twilU.", idea of tWog
fmpnMIl Leon In order 10 >tI f..hlon trend>, To h.n
ha, P""~ eu) 10 monipul",e \\;Ch lUI
"'''' """'n III'. the " of 1M <"""fl')' b en!/)' kept In
....,he<, .. a;u~ fot 1 1....... design. to opend ,h.1l forlunrJ
01 M.·.II .pprrcl>
toe< cOUIlu)mrn" CUrr"OC); and
b1k.).... &raudn""h..,. ~"'ry nl&!'. for _h • <Ir>..... Ide•.
It.. \'<1>t1tl loa,.. adcpred moot of their b".. from Ih"
M""""&II"'. a l\:lQ0II ...hose <uhW'1! they clearl}' ""P""L
llu..",... lhey pliK" Ipt<W ""'IllwlIlln f~ dtaJlng ",Ih
~ot11 and ptopell). "'"11 mo,e Ih,." other £acton wdo ..,
Qrdc< Of pubIK: ~. 1'h<: Vmdel ,,'O!k hard Ind "'Ull 10
"",I.t Illr. Ihell
r~tk at..
i""n !"",r1UlI"" and "",m",," of the s....".du"an·, Guild
h.t.. .... m<oIt a~u of Ia... ellforcemelll.. ~n b) lhe
hal Lord Slo•• ilf. Thr Guild !wpl iUl optn e)'" for
1l1lr;Kllom 1O&..... u itt 1.1.... for d~Il,,&o uS'" '0 <Oller:l fill.,
l# rtf ner:"""')l m.le cnr""..... of trooblem.u....... The
loloon 5\"'ftk lln lhe othe, Iw>d.
a nowriowl)'
......,..tw'} ""Iw" It 1< an open lofl'rtt ,h:o, an}"IJIIt in
ll'nuble an I'" """ of it by fl1linl ~ l'un<'I ,,·!I.b
guild<-n.. A. I re.ul~ VmdeJ'• ....,aJlhlm memben...., Dl'l<'n
lhe " ..... corrupt. 1M ~I ""'P~' ...MD1 afford 10 be..
Vmdel fa,'Or
i","",,,uQon. htltt:ld of k""l'ln, <rUl~ In
jail, !he)
Whm II wmn 10
punidunen~ lhe
prefer 10 make llItm IilmJ~'''urk off.htlr deb 10 oDtiel)'.
Vendf.1 c"""' "u both 10 delentune 1w11 and 10 n,,,OSW'f'
the m~gnltudt of .. Cnmt In guilder> .nd m~n-bour\. F"Ion,
lOI1ln lh" mlnn, ,...... on sltips, or pc-rfonn menW "w;,l'or
lhe c'I)' (lUch ... phage colle<:don or Ani•.." wort). 00<..
the) h.m· paid their ddll, d",) 01&)' rnUme Ihdr normal
Ih'"- H.,.....,.,."., [lbo:)' "-If)' III tICal'" durins an, p&rl of
WII ~nl"D<e, the)· ...... txKuled on I.ht >pOl.
to.. "'~In'me
like mW't1er or pln<.); cnnuna!l ....e I"'"
10 deW>. ~lwdtr"" are txtr.Uled bc-foo: a PI'",""" Ilring
>quad. btli ptr.ln are publici)' Iwlg..d; II", Vrndel ~IUC'
dear indulg I'OUln. 1M bodi or mOIl mwdmoro ......
di.pU)"ed oolllde of 1....'11
"nlln8 10 Olhm.. If I....
piral.. Io'U V......IIIJI"""""njar. the body will noc be ""
<ii.pla) It]Of'' th"" a Iin~ night.
The Good Ways Revisited
'lbe \'''''...,rn..'''II''1Ij''' IJU '0 u)' !hat \he Vel'ldtl loa,'"
fOrSOlttn Ih.. Good Wa,... The)' ha,,",'L Tht)· jusl
rr-lot"1'lrto<l them. I..IIC1< and 1o)1II1y od1I "litter to the
v.. ndd. I. ~ or.en hll:!< .. oppooed to >IalJ thai mak... a OWl
hli fOllu"". and 1o)'aity to ont', Guild ",'we\ llulu ..'ill
P"""P"" .lJ1rl <ontinllt to <are for kllllf'mbcn.. 1M Vmdd
'1'""k of 10)1111)' and lllrk ..'hen"'.... they <pO'ak of the
guUd"r ......U. l1lry mUll <.... OIe a Io)'ah) to the n.'"
currrnq if the) "'lIIIl 11 to kIOl'k.M IUld tlll')'l1 be )lICk}' if
Vodacce doe\n'c "at. a ...... "'.... IL
h.., be-en .upplanted II,
fOlo other ,1rtIIe< In Vtllde! phllowphy; <wming ontl
""""",tfuIneI'l. Courage b .. noWe Ide.. bur 11 doeJ [lOt g'"
a perwn far In bu<inHo. In fa<\. " <all ofl", <I..... a iM,fl/......
10 l'aJI. [,,,,,,od, the Vtndrl pref., to be (uMlng In lhelr
deilinr- which ltqulno a mn1lar arnotUIl of bold""", but
and honul)'.
donn'l 'e'....IDI..'. lnI"nllon. to 0""" ..""mieo. V.Ildr!'•
many )"""'C \'mdt.l ..., '«fXllll ... dot
wddn'_ IooiinflLO re-dalm Ilwor ~
Daily Life
V..aI. hal tbc bN-pl-.! dIIa in tho: worid. The_
0IMld ..1del"flOlllb 110 ac~ ptdt
M--..I lniIic ~..... _ ..fIidtu. ..'11ft _
.....w.a. In . - . of In. and IlIllb1aIIi buill
ThaI .. npcaaI)
b lhnr ~ aod ......... Vf'DIld
1CJ\I(ll.Il1:$ tl.and IaII and ''''''I''.awd. ..~ btcwoono
bu and .... IlClI'in "'lib larF ~ IlI'l .adllloof no...
.........lor..'Il'IlI oN) p" ..... ~ tWunJ ~ Ia
make mO"lng futninn much eaIi<t I'rtJa'uclms ~
and puII<)'I'" &om the ~ roof.. aIlowIns glllldo ..
be b.ahI~ lI'IlO ,he I'OOlnI .bo>~, C.(br, __ <00IIn0ll
1m"'}. but 1M ..~.u..r .. milll1t cool • ......g. ,J....._
an) pul of • building makes lor good "tlng.
hu It.,.e "
lorolgn malLMJ, ""'king ,""
"t.,oI">I ... nun In It><. wIlrid iii alii... inund 0/ II>
c""'l""roo .. A. Vtndool p;iCf'nlS ",U 'Iltv childmL. .~ sharp
to ""'"'
rffr<n,l' mu. • """p knife."
aU- •• 11l;1li ..1111 a linM- lei brcome _ man
wltb ..... II to
booo' 10 ~ tbco _
0Ul 0/ tho:
r<ooUrC,.. • .......t)..... ...ne..1O Iili ... ..., ..ilm 10 l.k
II .. booN .. ,lui It M"P'U'" tJ.. worid'
~ ...
IO malr tho: _
ol w..
m.p..~. ~ ....... h .. .......,..,_ 101M Vondft.
W... . - \'mdrL
dttomchar-.cd ..lib dww
parmb' IdNb. 11wy cIalm 10 WI _ df.qI "¥'_ .Ihnr
Su.r \mdt4
** 10 Ibnr .w- Velk
klDfoIl b
'"""''"'' .. flJXllns
1bc )out\V' F"'"- ol
\mdocI ftt _1''''''''& ~ 10 mum ID d... old ....,... lO
1r.T. WI- ttw,' ....... lid! ol '-ol ad-f'lIlUIc So. lUll)
)<lU'II Vnlm UICIJf" 10 \'mdcl cltin _l"" IOCll"'. and
oouk and
.,... . . .
The _-!MId floor of • buildmg 11 ll<llolly rmu.d 0\Il1O
"""C kind of bu.!Mu. ..-1tiJIo .n. L1jlpn !e>'cl. can M uvd
fot.lO)"thln& hom 'lOCklng .,..,. '0 h'V!gll\l.Ol'cn, V.ndft
10''-. 10 furnaIt thclr Ioonwt "'IIh the finnl good. pgowblo
and t..'1' e<iedic decotalUlg I\abk:I. A p.en ~ b
.umpIe, nu&ht InrurY chain ..... ),IIlrllOll"", , .........
w.In &om C&IuIk llw ..., '" ..'l!b diIheo frono A
, ......... It oficn loob ~ dattcI'. but Ibe \'cndcl
_ _ 10 lhdr VO"''Ul3 worid P""""
:o\'ftag. \'cadot hM _ ..........-icd cMt m... ..
c-.rpara .. aD)' odw< ~, \'nodd t.n.. '1cId
......W _.. <ropo but doc) 100\1' pIcN)' 01. .....
"f'DOI'" *' ...... Dolrint ..... II<De\ 01. lbt )c.. W, "".
eN) ' " " ' 10 ellIlCic mcatI, hils. ....... aIld 'f*'"
impatcd .... ->" ~,. ....... l1w \'mdcI .... ~ abo
dht",'CmI1he jo)'I and COIl\~. 01. ....... . - aIld of Kd. ' - mon fH~ per capt. mu. _
em, ,
d doocI)" II) V _ An) I)pe 01. <....,.. •
1•.wn· a,.. Uobl~, much 10 lhe "'mfof! of lOuri<ts ..'1>0 mi..
lU la".. of hom~.
Clolhing and Style
TIlI'lI)'leo of Mool:ai~ illong/)' inI1\M'nc~ Vm<kl faohlon.
huI ~ ",U nWlogCi to I..e<op 11> o...n ldenol) 1M Veoo.)
"'lIlI,kr lhem...hl'll 100 praclkol 10.. luch thing, ...
IUId &oalh<n, prclflTing a n>o<. digmOed
aM fl'nf<'l'lian>l 1001.:.
,1..eJoped a _1iII ,tr.:n WI is both
~1IlIn:l! and Olltr.actl." [",lad of ruDlug t.hf, bodice and
""'I .. "'f'&/'I. piI'<"" lhal",e l~......." logflh.. (.. I>~..
")1. In ~10lll.~ In.,· "" IMm in one lellgdl from
.houIdror 10 I>..om.. "In. <UI f>Jh In 1M &OOl and bad:; '\ld k
worll tl'ol:f I <oneI and <hemloe. For Qlual ....'" II '''}'I
1oc>I<', buI lor ~ fomW occ......... it "'" br pkaltd to
""""-t 1M 11<1)'1 b-m and bdlt"d to dUplat h....."lli>l.
SnWl J....keu ... e '"'Ol'II ov... Ihlo ..'hen IhI! ...,,;01.... l\IfnI cold.
\,...del \<l'\IrTICn fa_ (or>e!s, ~ "'orn "1lllou! I
bodIC' and ""~r a.unple ildrL SI--e.v. dlf",II) I:.ted on
1o,1.ntd 101M corte! for nlD<k>l)'. Tht mo>l ~1J'<Wd
1l<<WI<)' for "",,","" a coUaptlbl. p...asol, pM"'"n, ru"
polo- <omplt-xi"n fn>m ,h. lUll lnd her ha'" from Ih. rmn.
H"'\l}"1n """ fa, "y flom!he ofuon outland"h dnign' of
,be Momal5flr; lhe- haiJ is ",,,all}' bpc "'oultl... ~leogth In
apu <wl<. To mab 'ur' Ih. CUfR hold. fuhltlMbl. "'omtn
bnNl 011 egg ...·hlln, Ih." oIlow lMm 10 dl}'.;' ....a111w is
I..... fw,hl", (<lo<h 10 an)' "udil.
\'..,""1 men laU lUI ..·.n more ,.",lbI. 'pprnach III lhm
drllhto, 'l'he)' "'..... h"lh full IW'Il IUId ""....""" ....ith
Il",bn", bulh <ul (» ,I,.. 10 !he SIOmlCh Imlr.d of lht
""'U5t. ;, >lmpI. nmk ...-vu "" on und."hirt IU'Id it U'llaJly
<",,,,red wilh buth • ,'ell ond • jacltel "'Ih lollg, puffy
iItt\-n. In <w<wr n"",lh., IIWrcoat& wilh f\lt bnlnp ho'"
beco"," more pupulu Ih:tll lhe, lrlUfll>Onal doU., and a
,""Irt) of lup hall compl~e the look, Wher. . . . bd)'
conirI I' p<U"I>Ql, a I.n~.man llrOlli ",th • <IUIC'_ n.,.
<II art' oflen ..~"'lI'd for"", .. lUI imprompw .....pun.
n}' h;r,,, .....,..d> hidden Inlld~ IMm.
lklIgned fur (omfon. 1inc. _
V.ndel otlll'ld "" I....... k<'t 011 d... Tht CobbI..-', Guild .....
mad.o \OI1lf' I"-mltkable progrw In lhi, .... a, ",,~n ...
lining Ih. ,nl.rior> ..ith IOfI ..llI'II oc .....n ,"",,-.., -rn.,..t.o..
of V.o""l fmnm h.,... gaim'd I "".U amount ,,(fame: thry
u. u,,'nl from .."DOd, u,d bep the rw dr)' m mudd,
Shon I'oc both
~ ••
l.cloure lCli,illM I'oc 1M V.OO.I Of. Ie.. 'Urn"""" lIw,
those of llIelr V"I.nmmn.'"njar rOllWIJ While lht Vellen
prof.... <hallcng.. of !he bod)' In (M wlkI. or n.IUJ't, dw:
V~oo.1 ..../0)-. lOCializln, and impl'O'omg thcit mill,!, 1II ,he
<OmIOn of tMo bornn.
I'aruc>. both wge lnd .. nail fmrn ,he
of re<:r~llll>ll
tltn., TIt., V"",,"I ho", • kroKk for ...,lnlllli ntW and
,u<1I ... bobb!ug fBI If'lll...
hkkr>-4lld......,krn, and I ..ide \~' 01 JlI""ing
SqUIt'" Iw !>team. more p<>pulll lhan A"'[i14/f, but
gomel lJ,'-"";ni .ud, ha,.. 'urpbocd lhtm ooh bee.....
lbey 011""" I'm """e IN.n """ pla}'m,
Cuncm, and Lbealn<oI pradurli<ln. draw l:uv "",,"do, and
m\l$Wlll.l dl!plo)1n& lht "''Ofk. of f:un<.,.r, .. tiSll ha,,, lJIlO)
~ \ ..._
of "'''-'} Clf!bn& rorne 10 Kirk lnd Viol.....
In ,"""h of w,,'""1I) """,,f..non. and moot find g..ruur ..nrl
Public 'P"aklng \I «II'ltidelt"d ll\ .n funn. and IN bplor,.,.',
SociCl}' lClInCllmf:o Ilnlb bockrn fOl r:.u-lIr\IOI>I llmp!)' ",.
kcturing "" lhe lmporuoc. of tht:it Jar/'$! dJsc", ••in. MoM
......,00 or ..., .. ~ Importt"d &om MooOOp, ;"'0100, aDd
CasaDe, bull gl...."'S 1lKl\·..... ntln I\lri: hu brgun Iobb,inll
for lbc cn,uion or • "n.oIion.ol arll,llc ",,,,:,,,,,,,,1.' Thne
........ !un" besun expnim."ling wilh lrIdulon.aJ V<:>ten
rorm., .ddmll "modtm' flowiu... in an tffort to <pIl'k ,Ill
ln4~ In tMIr lI'tillic hmoge.
.n.. V.odel .n)O) lhelr quiellinl.. II .."n. '!"he}' ..~ oflen
nllCfII In l"'O Of " " " . IonguallCl, ,,'hleb &1'.... them ...id.
<holce ollmportt"d booI<.•• nd nt'o'l~pm 10 ••• d. lc1te<
wrlclnS lnd m..r;... ... quite common, WI murh 10 thai •
')'Ilem "f f:llq~ Iw d~... loped lO dicule '"'hat <an and
I'IMOI bt> ""ll1On .buUL M~n~' V.ndd ahu pr.oc.or.
.u..a.. .-l ~ ,,"""""
roc", on ~
ob,rt...... I n ...b;«u. IucroIog ... _md\ t-....... I
popuIIr ~ \'.....trI _ .....ll) • ~ I!II' btolln !he
woOd. and llIIlOlo>s opph t~ 1w'lI1<~" ~*
IO"~ bnnfuI
It w ..'d/ 10 <\0
..,.hoot I lew _'*,&><11 d ...... lIllhfU hocnr
11.....s" !he \"endel
\'~¥ tliII sped ltw.
..."., ~ . 1M \'mdd modaf)' lhew
to m&U
thorn . . - "'" <>Widen to l.'lIdmund. So.,l
..,.l' ...... 1ppII_
u.... iD thnr '*II ~
To ~ \'~"¥
WIO ...... HomIIIOUIIlld _
- . . . In
a lIair drIftIIIX..
troublo .a)lrIg Ihrio IWIle\ ...d.
W, dfptnd on
.....'r.-c:e .... h b~ 10 a,n;....., Iu\.. no problelm
"""'''nlng Ih.... tWlle, Inlo oomelhlng ,mMe elill)
IMOIlO\l,,,,uhle 'Ink JMatli<e ~nd, 10 th. nVile> of
IooohOru If, weD Ii It tI1On! fOll''1'nIenl l<>r • MoNJugll" '0
"') 01 "llU' '1Url<. thM ·Klrtju!>ll:Jlrldall'll....·l'lMo \,..ndfl
d...·1 b..1lM... lluol w,' lie ICtwllI)' 'f'-i\IrIIlll! WlJ~'
l1q at.. amp/) uNd
1M 0r1p1Il _
inl:o I .......
•0IIC1w lAd famiIur Ionn
adapIans II lather tbl
The Vendd I.t~ ~ ..... m....1in lu lip tOOll'Oi <l
the .....,h..m II'Ide ~ wtth "wd< and t<ll\lnf;lO alone.
.5ometimeo 0 mIM.. cIIr"",1 lw>d I> nHdtd to .0001enon
.unpetili\.. and plrallt.ol ~.w 10 Ihtu ~ The
1...'5"" ernpIort oped.ol ogtftII b aKII) thn J'U'1'OI"o
In\''"*lI''''''S Ind de.......10 ""1V1in& tlIollhJt_lhr
""'ope .. III r-h-
0... 0I1be
'-'"" ....... .t.l.. ,~. I
1lle \'.....trI_ m.
~. ~
L:ague Agents
mIMe ,
... .............
\ •...it!
IIMd-pkUd "" ~laMr \'.ol
hUode. llet ndy
blonde boar fnme, a Colt 100 cold
ill ........ 1M'
,.. It.ed prelI). hue ..... n.alll-1biIll) 10 f.uwr ~
and the CJl*k _ 10 ..,1 on them
Ibm mMn up
--t".... BJ-n.
all<<. _" ... Wt " - _
'" lin bd oll<l<:i.ol IIV". While
bruW. Ike """"
for dfM:imtJ. IIIInI nped!tnI .......,.lo Mhlc<." her ,,,,"II.
Har.t..menl., bnbofy, IIld bIacl<miil :lit ~ method!: of
.haire, but sloe
a&aid to ..... 'iolmre If OK"""')',
SmIlGItn III p.>rllQIlv .... ht-f b~ tal"'"
\tndd _ !he \'~ Oounh .. InIl,!"lled oaI
llItd:....1I'do., douIotod ill txlIn<_ juolltl.e dot \f"IIeIt tudt.
M"lIIOll dw
Tit 7'1n
Rdi ion
f:llpt_ _ 10 too....... lht
.....,. ~ed Objoononr>m .. IIlfp 10171' from
1'- popn ..... h
I ''IIbIe :o1lmIIlI,.. 10 1M pntnttIw
p w ... u thrv lU'lor
iUl:h thr) "II ..ere ~
1 1r _
to 6Wl<tlOfl. The 'modem" IIkllhll lhe wOOd
.. ~, ......,.... bt· I mpltriou••up<e.... tiel\} who ler. 1Un... of
tlull",lf In IIi. Wlltk _ qw~ oppul"'lI. and 1M mtoA~
U the I~optvt. "'U more .......-aN 10 ltw.lf __ It..... than
~ 01 th<1r lI1tetton. I>unn, the \\'. oJ the
C........ \'ettdool opeflf'd ... bowden to I\mng Obtt<ciOll'"
,dtopn. ....h .....IW !heir ......ben mnte~·
TotS.) tDt>W \'mdel pntl>Cf' ClbjKtionunl. Almoot ..
'""Odell dourdoet (uDocl _
dourc"," Iwt_ 01 doew
~I hI'e 'P""'fI lIf' .. \ 'nlftI Iaod..
.oom..d ",,11 1:o"'''lIf"lh· Ul"'ed ...,ptlll lIt.do and
I'",,,hell' ero...... t:'<en tho lnool ""' .... \"'tll ,,;onioo
lIrudsm&lJ. ~inIl1" Ibrir lpI""dcII
Iondom \
Ukto d... tnljooll) of lheir to\llUf}mtn. mt"n'lber. of Ibt
Vtnriel derJ)' thong.. lheu .......... hu tIlIl In the _
or ill lhe -.... ff'1ilM>l. """" oflm tioume the IWfM' ol
. - . . 00
II"" ihdr ooon _ I mlM1' ..... bpouo.1te!
.... 01 • ..,.." b Ihrir fgb. Tbn' do thio b) fincIons .... that
IICIUDdo _ _ ... doe aId"lltna ~ "'.IIl~.
Btodon Ilt<oduid. "'coo.. Iln>lhn a.-.
\ ir" \'......., uill bl-liI'.... In lh.- Sod. 01 1M V"t~n. but
.. Ilounl ,h'l. <0fl\'lClIOI'I'. It "''(Juldn't be pTOg.mive.
ltuw.,.., it is nol un<ll<Iltn(ln '0 ~ C""lm rwm-..... ~,ing
\md.l "."orlna.un.....nlw·d }t,,·d.}", button,. and <uffllnn
- J"'I for II1<k. of <I'W"'"
Relalions with Other Nations
1M V.nd.l anrl VHrtnmanna"nJa, n"."
.....IM "4.tiol,, with 1M
'e$l 0(
1h.-.1L BoIh cullWf\ h..."
t.p ''''001; If" to A''JIon, dadnS had <ftIturiC'S.. n,., TripI.,
bo,." ...... tn,"InM <>f"'ll ttad. ..........If both
\'t'l>drl •.lId lilt \'f\ltf, U"l1>n
undul} UI'W'lling
...00 £:oeM.., Nl'itl"" ..d. QfflI m""h for CaoD1lt _
OiJ:to'ttlOnllm and pagan 1><.11,,1. ,.......,. go "'"'" ...."U ",th lllto
!JIqnI"lIOO - "'hil, Umlf:' .u", a gua..ltd '""f'«1 from
KlIIr. and 1M lObo.! t('fn1O.;'" ~.l"" de>ttll(llon of F.bt=n
11.0> p'1»'ldood V.n<ltl Mth I p<~.m opportunilY. IflrI th.)
,,,...k d~j/;.m1) to fOl'g' I~"'" lie- "i!b than ""lion. The
r..l... ' ......... E..... a, a g,,11 II"I~)'. and lJ)' to aid it<
~t. f"'OPIt ,,·htnC"·,r tlw:}' an.
Tht "'.., nlaJO' dIff.w'",,,, '" intrnlOotkM,al .,blllom fIf.
~lo"'aIgnt and Vodl«•. V.ndel and M",,~ ha'"
infaed I bug. trading al1Wlc•• and V
I .mulltH man,
~u 01 Monl.olgn. rukurr.1lIn ... ~ tM \'btrn 10 no
HId. furtht,mOf" tb. Vtt"'n _ no'" I'EIIIfN"~1 U.IU Iu.
"'b)«lI., and lnd< blood 1\00;,1. l(I <OI.tel 'lI(n an inju<li(.
Moo'"'PI' IItiPl'i"i hI' becotm a fa'med ta:rgl!t or VN""
.0ldn1 wnkb In 1Wl1. jrr~at ,b. V.......I (.... ho hav, 110
",>II Ie> Jo'''IwdW' tMil nadlng
In VOOil<U, lh, po>ltlOOI art r.'·• .....t. 1
with 1M Vodu<"
ha. boon ,mbmil.d In a !tnglby <old
I'l,....... and "'ould Ilkr llQIhlng nlOre than to dnlro) thok
J-" ~ fOftvtf. ·1.... VtiI,n. Of) th. och.,. huId, _ 1M
\'odar(t a. p<lU:rIlIal alb.1. and tw..~ qw.d~ <ountd thdr
wpp<lll in lilt ongoing «rugglt to th..."n Vtnd.l prog""'\,
1boogh tlo~ V tn do no! ttu\l V~ndl'l (and .....)' r... """'Y
Iron, the ~n i.ltltng f.", ",tthel),!her krioIo' betltrlhan
k' tur" dIroo
uch ,-.Juab'" h«lp.
Th. \'tnd<\Nt'>I.nrlWInlIvnjar iIlaI\lh. !Ia,., IOITIt 0( tht
Iw1lIN gtographu; r"-"\DeI In tht "..,.Id. Hunwdjl rouId
llOl ha,., gained I lOthold In t Vtnl:kl thaln "ilhoot the
"'"nIMl} 1n<h thaI bIO'l> &nm ,\'
or tlv Tradr SIream,
" "....m t... <'UnftII I1\O>mg dift<tl} ~ 1M chain,
E,,,,, wd.-)". 1M V..."" l'fIdurt a bkIk ~, Itril>U<
oWl.elM to wmmunkoltlon, lind ~'·ff.lr 1t':IIJil:lcd
Farmlatllllt "'1IU (.. ,.~ on tilt latatilll>1) well}.
p",,-.nu pWu lrowth in lk <oIdrtt If ....
l<t block. much of tilt nonhtmmotllhJff hland:l for 'rnJ
"lOtIt'" of "'" ).... During 'l'''''g mlll\lM, dangtroUil
i<~brrgt floIl throu.ghoUl tho <Iwn. and tom< 0( In.w
mobiJ,. mt~,.,. la\1 IonS Into tilt IUIl\mtf. SaUing llot
Vt"dd chain """Ilo of C/ddino'UIf It not ru. tM timid. bul
ntilhrr the Vts"'" 01 ,n., VendtI ha,'o ...~ bet<> raJlod tin\ld.
Od<!i'wulf, bdng funht:r lOIllb. II ltu handic:apptd by tboo
"....Ihrr. Fum1f11d <all bo found in m<I<~ lbundan<. ~,
.. ",oU ... \.,.IIr)" .nd hiUuck< .....It<fed from 1M ..__
"''"'I'" of ....tIw". "Th< " ....din<: Q/" ........y Wand II 'o<k)
.nd f"'biddlng_ "'lIh /jont. ond lnIo11 pn>'iding ,,(It......
harbon "" 1M VtsI~n·. r~artd Iong<lnl'" Qddi....'Ulf Ind
O,..",kOlds'ik l i t domina'''"'' 1»' ,1>0 Vmrlel 0111>(.\1&11 thr)
tw." 01111""\1' on tho otho, w..."h .. "... n. M<>oI at tilt
nonMm iIWIck b<:1on3 to 1M Vett.... who ..... tho hlnh
ditlutt to kttp lhtlr "1'!'O&rtUi>'." rOllJl", .. ba~',
A brld d('$(f1priOf! of •• rb i.lalld foIloo,,-
~}-o.. -~,_=_-.!.7-:::'''...::'S.:::.,a~_T2,====,,;q~
EskJ/) lThe: Crc:at Sea Mound
O"I)'/wlf ofF.0ij6', j;mdma<> " nat ~nou5h 10 CIllm~l~. On
th., Iwf..m>Jl ..Uag
;oo<r"o.. hlIw d",
\lill cultivate th~lt lAnd !lit "'"\" ,h.k
• $on1l
p0l'ulolk.o., h~ no .ral In'hul1)", and e.~(epI fOf 1 f<ow
VerJ<!<.l _lOUon .pvcs, ,emalm tnlirt'l} ... If-mfTln<.nl. On
dM: \0;0>1, _..,-;01 .m11l Vendtl comm~ haw cros>Jl"'d
up. V.ntkl """d""... and poI,I;cu.n, ~metirne1 (orne ""'"_
III "gol ha<:k '" b;l.\lr.: ,.'ting and ITlulllj; in ,",:01.1
'..elilan cOll~eo m:Wll.......d
1»- dUpl;ttf'd
V"""hOnlng ..., t:.k)O I. W<)' ex",,",h... (for rC_m
doolincOlU.'<llw:Io",) and thu. CDlUi(k,rl'd. nwt (If -l,,< "lllt"i
amil", lhe IUprr.....kh.
'1m, oIf"., !loIf..r t:dJil (o",ln, of. hllg. meum.in. A, the
I.- of 11... mauoll2ln" lOutlltll>l £:lee Sland•• &lgalltlr
V!'Mcn chief can't'll dl,ertl)· from the .tOM of .he
mllUtllainlldc. No OM ,en_,bm ..-he" .... h"" " "'a'O
c.on"fll - ,.. For lllo lht VNCR lie <OIlCt,nt<\. It h:u ah-~)"'
~n 'MIT. The pluc (, ca!ltd KMk. and ~'n ,.. ~
IOUfC. of ,"" nlOlll>laln', n;uno" S<Jrn<, ""holm bellf'''' J("ll;
I. <I.. n~ oC'M chief,lhoogh u,.b:o.t t";,,, "'"M .. 1Itth...
1>I IlQl tht lmagt dtpku .he gre.. Khik of ,he "'ga•• or a
,bffer'<Il Ki,ik wllwnw In \'~en hIOl<>r}', or ""map" e"n
;0 "'l".... "'au"" of Grum("Mr hlmitlf lIt hold< Iu. lJ"'ar
ill a I".-lti<", of t_rn<II\W ~p«1, _ toml>al reld!nt:H.
No <lilt la, t\"t, c1lmbtd to MOUn! Khik's cloud ~ed
1""...... tnd-t. ,he dQl!d. It'lIn8 on II m<Ikt II ddlkllil .0
,ltierm,,,,, 'Ii MnW htigbL To lht \''''''nmlllna'njar of
E.kJli, Mow>! Ki"k SlUld. a> • lnsoo in hllmilil)~ II .. so
1"'W' iI Iwoln'ueolly ,cmlnd. lht Vtilen of thtu <mall pl&ce
In tbc "wkl. SkJ",ren (U1d Oilier V,-"tn) ]lIlg,lmage '0
Ki,ilt, mn.,dcril>g It;o hoI)' pIa.c.
Among ,valionlng V.... del, Mow>! Khik .-met f<:othngo or
dup pllliothm. Veooel "'00 IIg'" lhe grnl mountain ,,,...u
III' "iIh pride: IU,I!<'. exill:enc. p""'.... V.nd.l d.ar!) 1lJ.,
!he ~ of ",~'thJng. MOUn! KMk h afJUIhly t.... talltil
p".u: in the wOOd, I'tpedaUr ,,'h.n on. eonddon Ih•• It
besi... '" .I.e oceUl floor many mil.. bentollh 11..: surface.
Small Ve.i.n flloIung (onununl6t:o ,lIll .xl" on lh. ella>!. but
thtr opt,..t. on ....boJ".nc. Inofl. No \'et'l'll .. In" '0 h,..
(w to the \'c,KIt\, ., II", r....JIl fuhl'\ll
lite! "'mlin, '"'
....wI. The V...tn Ihhtrmen ••bomand,' ,,,(,,'" 'l> do>
buunnl Mlh !he Vm<lel <0 """"lionon nll'SI bnng .bn
0\011 me,", Th. \'~m r'llml''' of in.ffior .:.kJll af.;O wrlI,
g""'~ng bunch ...ho dNp~ dt\p.. 1M •.ililMI. rI
Vendel eommWlItito on Ihtlr ltland. 'J1H. VHltn lafmr" II'
)..... 111 un....illlng '0 $tll '" the Vendel ...... lhe\o- flohios
breth.en, lIlId lhu, .M co;,,,al ,..n.gl't mlN get Ibn
",pplies If"'" el_llete. Vetltn )...... lh. ,eguwl)' _;ok!rllO
,h. ,,jIAlI'" ICI n,ili nuw;lucf. and the VeDdtI ha,.. ~
begun t.DJn1l gulnt. .",h tt...m 011 ,'at_don... rllel mur~
btrooaned In the touncw. of lUrk.
Grimstadd (The Haven)
Gnm>l:wld i. _ forlotn pt:o<:•• b} I.. the eolde<l of thc
VCOlen hJand, l'bn:e-qU)'l." of lh. 1,100\ <<Mil: i. Ioclcd
in b) ice during tt... long: winton. and dan&,,"""" l<~l'
.urTOund the "'and the ffll of the l .... Vemlel n ... l)'.end!
lhlp. llllJ) Grim.,lodd', ",lien..
The Ie., 100».",."" 10 rIOI the 001) rtou.on Ih. \'cndc-J l\'Old
,lie tiland. G,llIutadd harbon th. noo.! dang.!"," of Ihr
VCOltn ,""dell. ~ (OmmtHl IOlk of Grlm.tI<!d ~".,.. tInhoipltlblt thcir ubnd ""». and put ot>I tt... nil to V......
pir1ll" evly on in Ih. Vendtl ..,hkm. No,,", .M itLtnd IIOIG
a m~-.lad of hidden ;ond It...lw..d pot\' uoabl. I') r:udM
mOft 0' Jt.l. al "ill. Run<' ma~", on Grimll:.dd ktoep '" ......
of vnal.l JlI'''''' clear
let, and
and fflhcfmtll
",llinll~ t(»l'raider dup' ,hrou&h It... let fIoet In ,he "llU"
mnnthi. n", commontn of Gnm..Add ~. the I(U<ltU ~
I du')' to their ......,Im, and readil) aid tn.
...·en flghUng 10 d.rend ,hem i( neee.W}.
,..n.g.. of Grtm,U1dd buu wllh :a<tMt)•• wOO-e noblc
V""tO (ren!om flghlen rub """'Id... ",lh bbckhu,lttl
foreigner. in the ".... loOk-I)' (ot lhw <non profll. A roup
tode of condlKt ..lUi on Gnm\ladd... hleh 1""'...... rht
raider. from fighting elch ocher. lbe H.,..n (I. lh. VtlUII
refc, to the bland) ..,v.........re port from lh. VendflllDd
om.,.. ....
TIll' Inu!JDn IIbrl..! RilllluU on Ihf Vntw mal' It not
(ull) a "bu, Of .. Il:~" 1\01 a pllcf thf Vmdfl can
JlUIlIOUll. It.Mull I. ""mall}' a Pf'~ - a ohlpbulldfr.
~} rank<:d In Ihf Vendfl Sailor', guUd brfUl'f drfHting
.. Ihr \ ~'Ir" Umr. Iii. Ql'f""el a \lI.Ip).... d In 1M rulm 01
• "okan!< H"f' un 1M <<Wol of G nUlal!d. Sfa floor
~"" ......"" W '''''If!'> of thf nar
,hw kN?",& ,hfm
" ....frH". All} rai<k, """'III >fl}1hlng know. abooc RaMulf.
.nJ ""'" of IMrn 0\<1." Rannulf f.,·o" fell' oomict<1 ,m<kr«!.
t".........xJ.:oI.", ha<. 'W'iflnnl popul:tliQn of Skjle.fO "'00
kItm ,I> pl"lnop.J dffrn.... Thrv: maga,. rnmtioafd.. kf'fp
mlbf le.. for ",kk. ships 10 roath 1M ,\land.
11>0:} Ira,." ,b" t-n lrnown I" 'UhmMgf Kfberg<. OOKlnj;
'" "-~'g II"'n, 11110 V.. mId .hlps.. lighll""l .",,1von ..y
"bId}' "111"''''''g; II) II) Olen e1fU of:o twf-mounwn 01
... "hnr lC bllall ('l>m Ill., .n and lIa," cha<inll
K1m'oolg l> a VMII!I' llroniholJ" ..11h a rkh l\1li0<)' and an
_frla", funllf. Arto"ling ,n IfAcAd. Ihl. lJlud "'Jo' oncf
>lnlOOl a. large •• Oddi,..",tf. Rut. h Iof...."fd as IIlf lire' of
"""l) uf 'M g«';U~1 oolu... r>f Ihr \"0", Days. and "'hft!
\',1111.:01' ~~1C'd Krwg II... Inhuman, lW cla>.h .hanf,fd 1M
....r.dy-d.,,'il>lalC'd 1.land. t:""r Jinc:f. I\l...bulg tw. bC'c1I
,OfI<id<,,.tl a "1<1nUJ11('rU to Ihf powrr. dillB"t. and prie. of
" .... fur). lInfollw""fl). 11.0 ,"'.. f<!. lnhabllal\b 1I.~c
lorll(lllfll lhc I<,bOIl. lmr ,h.. Irg"lld. '''Hh, In<! on.I)·....,k
II", J>O"'er gr..nerd br pur<' "'ge
MO\! \'.... rn 00' d", 1.land cunlinue 10 ~,... 1UI1pl)', f.. ming.
h-JIlUg. aod wlddlng I good >Xc f",. clllWlI 00-..... lfeu and
,....Im. 8llt :on Inc,.....'" nurnbrl of lOOsf comlng 10
IVuIbulg 11<I\'t a " trade - V..ndd I....... A.
\'~ndd blood 111<,.
,. rn,. " ... len kWcn h:J.,'t found 1h.>1
'Ilr o¥l f..hionfd form of profil lPo" ) l> .a>i<:l 10 corm
to} "'Ih a bulc "'oJI'k ., \loklng th" fir r>f hatr<:d. The') co1I
llu........ J>O""" the -ROM of chf Qn,.1
rrf<.rtoll<f 101M ber'1C1itf of old.
Bnr: ...
..w.d. llle><' hllrful
FOI" 1M mmt pll1. C"... n an hhnd Mid I"1Illffly by tho.- "COlfn
!>n't cnough lJJ p,otC<I them from u... "........1 Le"&",,',
.....U-l""ld mrn:flWlfI, "'hick Ir "'h)' lhty ba.'c 10 hide. Th.
anf cxccpliun I. S''3!<kn. Onrc 1M island" wgnt fiohing
'ilLogr, II Iw 'cr:cn.1!y bc<;llm<' • holy Jilt. mC'C1ing pU.tc,
o.nd !alEc lO"lI all III On«. On Ihf outslin. 0( lhl, cir)
>landJ a hlll; 0,"", nlghl ill Pfu
>U1Jck by;vl tncll'nlOUJ
bolo of ¥lninA:. The IIt'xt diy ....,. _ 01 dlf
kw" <lImbed ,he hlll In pra)'. Ill: found ill uroni.hing
>lghl. \'ill'bp·. rune, 1hr run(' of FUl"}. Iwl bfcn c.....-...J
h'110 thc lop of ,I... mounwn. Thf VC>tft! imn...diard)
proclaimed II :0 sign from ch. god. - I ')mbol of rhdT
Ippn:v.o:oJ of 1M bmo:rk.....' c• .....Ie. So f... ~''''' the
onl)' Skjzl1'n ollo......J l<l '1>illlu. ".. gn from th.. god....
t!lclK &hcrod)" lop.! in the be"men. Olher SkjzTft! ..--lcr
'lull. ¥OCa1Iy ju>< how holy thh <ign I. If Ih_ .ho>cn 1»' the
goch &rf "'" oJIo"....J to _ II.
KI0rbuig (The RaRinR Storm)
Al • """,be, of "",rf! r1\C't'ling pl;>(C" KallC'rcd
Leap and Ih..... 'f'''tngr 11"1"''' cfMo Leagur's olil<:t. On Ihf
DthfT hllld, Ihq qultc h;oppi/)' barpn wllh ;on) ..... m}· of
lh. V.ndcl. 1ll<luding \'odacCf prlnc:n and ""fI1 lhc
In'lululion. " number of mm:hanb and nobles f,om 1<<<Ja
'fhhh, In(ludinj; ..-.aI of Mgn~.·. _
klld.", h..," pLoc...d hiP I>ounlks on
'n...v "'"... brrocrke" 00,,'1 c..... Coontlcu dud 00..'1 for
1M blood of lh. Vl'ilrnmonnl\"I\jol people's n>cm\cl, .. OIl
by cfMo gods. cht)" sIWl h;o,'t ill
plot 1M do...n.foll of It... Vmdtl
M.ill,,'hllt:, S,."ldtn Ibrlfh.. b«o,"" hc.Jme l<l hundred. of
angry "C\lfn looldng 10 ""nl cJ...Ir "'!... So...... of the
Q<igIrW inhobillm. dilbJif lh..... hmllic;l, bu' Svald....••
fl&li\-c> >lC moody fbkcrm.......d rar","". un..iIling I<llUnd
up l<l biuC'r "..mon and WB<hful U'in& >lorm.. S.nc~ lhf
"""<Omcn fl(\'e, ,-enl Ihcit ...~ on Ih..... "own I<rntl."lh..
nall'-n puI up ..il/r chnn foe the mo,""n~ BUI thC'ir
muttering II grov.1ng Iou<k, - loud cnou&lr. 1"'",,",... 10
....odl KIrk and th. Vfodcll~.guf brf...... much Ion!...-
Ironln1l)'. lhc
inert.... in S,·a!drn'.
popubtion h... hccn
of It... lO"'n·. tnhab~aIW.
"cry good foe Iocaluw. Not
..'tf'! reluctanl "''''f 0.... blood. unhaJan,:fd Of IlOI,. and 1M
olfql) lIrt1c villag~ has bec<l"'" a IhriVlng pooL Some ollM
."lIIUI; V..... n r~", '"'P hn.. 10 rl.'lUppl). and a
mUIlt.., 01 \'"-'I.. n .m"&l!l..n bring lhm IU-gw~n ,ak"
11.... fur "lI.. ~h"",)'" .a,..l}.lf "'.... u... d ~ It.. r', ~ .pnbul
of lh~ Vtndcl _
p'of~ " profj~ and no
1M V..nd.. l"w.. nl..d ~~d..
<h.iou> changt fl. m.. '0"00"1>. and ",hOI 11\:000. II a
"'''' IllN'tlllS pia,.. (a.m.. f"'mlll.. Ih"ff numbt' of f~n."",
l"mg lM'r), II ,IMO .......,. of d..r.,n""" .""I.ding lh. t{f\'"I>.
SvaId.n hao a fOrllfl(:ollOO R.ting of L1, and "and, 10
""IK""" ..., ,h... '" ,h. ~at fun" •. 'I~ mOil' ,oUdt... • nd
'I",. ....'"
bo-o....,lr.. maL- lilt 11...."1> tht-ir .......... 1M morr ""'~ llt~,
ptII I'MO d..l't11.... of "'00II and .",." _ and d~ "'Oft
(01 ......,.... d tn. Vtndd I~'gut ooom... 11", m,not
"'llanOn (ould frsl.. In'o • dt.d1, di<r_ ['''0 man'
Vt'\tm ...... (OIK..med _
hot good "1U II dB tB cltu.""
11 of tnt" "",..-Inn " ) lJU ....1
V",,,J<.I and l'l"c tM
r........ 1f in balc a"'" rue )'<>U'
OiIJ\d ......,'
Odd is
",., iu."", bomrrl) In<,w.n •• Qdcfu..'Ul1 I. lh. Wvo' In tlw
frtgld flOflhem .....lm. It ma)' .1"" be th, moxI lmpOfllnl
""" klflufflllal piN. of land In tM ,,<>rid. 1"" <lOll) '1"'"
of th~ ~ll,t>d I. lb. inOOmillobl. I[;al......... M""nt,alll', Dn<'
brliMH1 '0 br thoo \if. of In. "J'l< bani. 'plnll lilt Crtat
W)1m. No.... thaI lhr V""del run ...,,,... «IKh ....ptNloo'u
ha......n til>! .,ideo. T"", pow.... Iirt In Kifk, and tilt
V.ndtllmtnd '0 kttp It
·n"". 1:0 ",d. on••~ on ..... ,d:md, """"",,lInll m...oll\irk at'ld V:t.l..... 10 lbe .lnppu'! f'O'l of F.lltikMuo Thr
I.... gut ,"..dull) mallllalm it at'ld hI/Xl. J'CIIII., ~nol .. IKK
.....11 <O<!.·tNellCe I...,', ',..... F.:ioN toU Ill'.a. <land along lhl'
lOUIe, .;w:1I <lIilfHing Ollt I"ilok. 10 p"' Ih:rCII,gh n.who t'll/l'. Plll ..... fond'ull) ......,..~ ba<k to.hr\r poi'" of
OI1gm and poIl/'~ lold 10 fom! llOOlhn 'CIUn<' of va.'rI.
,l>c !OOUfI':rlo. l1ld ckjl,l, ,h~ ~nd COlHt><I .... Iu'"
Loonl1.nd and flclth. \'...""'1 f~n raJl'ful'>' ,m<! 'll tiM'''
"lip> .,,,:lII\"l">IO< k. Ult orpon.ting gro...ing u,.. hnkjUf'O rr"",
l".....:l~ and Mout.l[g"e I(I"'~ """'" <If the heallhieol (and
IIIO>l proI"lf~bk:1 prodll'~ mcJ<lf1' can bulltirk
II"" kt""'ll a, Kirkjllbj"kloouSl...-, It.. lxmllng ell) of
~L .~I"'" ckf... dM<npllOl1. II k ltwo i, f.'~ Venn..1
full of f~h b....... and f,MIl id~ll.. ~ I'flmlln. of
~.... ,>1<1 IlJl~g~ ("'hleh lDtll"l\l) uc ,uk! II QtlCe twolongw to
Ibr lUgh "mAl h~,'e ~n buill "'... or cOInpl...c!}
dmIoIi.fM'd, moking loom I'tlr eOO",,"t llItI3,eo\. f.''eT}1hing
1o‫ס‬i<. lind "nell. nrw. wt.;~ on<! inunacu!>.l•. Abno<'
n= >lfur II (<obbl"tnne or bnck, lit b)' modern
.uL'rtlJghu and fn.1TM'd b) ihr>pi and u.>wnhou>c, A. ltwo
"'111'" of lhi. e''''I-g''''''''g munk1i""Lt) "anw lhe ~a,
ll.~ of II... Vendel League. 'wTO\lIKled b\ the Gmid Ilolk
lIId .mb;oiiiH &.lm of ,.,....) n.<-~n nalion. n.. l~'l'
"'JlLI'e In f.on' of ,he IhU b I;noo..·n •• 11""",..c..IOlen
:.q....,e. n.,,1t'd in hone< of ,wo of the Vmdool League',
luulld',,& IIlt''''b<,r\. A lO'I,rtlng Jl<'ndulum dock, built ll)
,..-'nt<! "'.I",IlI" a..,;..... M.<J~m
1·!Olk...ig, dUI1IM QI.ll
lhe hour from lilt CC'1l'CI of ,he Sqo.we.
lilt Unl•..,,,"} of "hL d.,rnin.>l.. d.. riOt,h...-n "Ill ol till'
,I' Bu,l, I.... 'ruo" ...,.m) }'." Igo. \l 11;0. lIt"~Clcd IU
m.u<'.... of ,ellO"'t>I.'d $(ho!an ,mh the prlltlll... of 8......<1)1I1
rll,lIlln!> 111UU~' it Can'IOl)'fi romprl~ wilh 1M un"·..>id..
.J C.'tille, ,to buill) ba, mad. ..,·.....1 .,anllng
llI"~l.1h",,,sh-" IU1han,pend ~ lhe l"'lw>iIlon. il h "'pldl)"
~.uli,,& gmllnd 00 In C;l.\lIUI:.n c0IU11"pm..
The In......"ork r... ~be<'l c......1...l "'"" Ibo,", all,...
UlMI building-. ullended :d ~ n",,"nu'g ",hl~"""""t of the
[lhr<'-';""" <:'1m«h. 111k mOOUlU<'nt hat b«n IlrIde.
,,,,,<I'U<,,,,,, f~, len )'''''''' and ..'1ll I;,L., "OllOlhM
,..."pk1c. II""'" fimlhed. Il ,,111 be ,he laUHllltUUUIt ...·er
't•• ,M, • ll">l..." ..... to the ltrt<tgth n{ !he Obj«ti<mi.,
"'''·,em..'' and" gtllrlt bl.... 10 "t"enm~nna"njl' tM-lld..
"'""'' I)'
,,,nwn •
<il)" ''' ....1)·-1'''"' hoi 'J"In8f
..".",Ik>l' for ,ilMon llwo .pr!n!' 11;"... a1wll') bef.n" .. ~pIto
or \'l'W'n hfc, bUl the \,..,del h..... turned I""," Into •
thrning bU>lnes,. t:"e')' >pring Iw been built 0\"Cf "",h •
comk",.bk bath ooWot. and t;oeh pool of dt.mlnll hoi
....'er•• llf'l'C'l#'ll>
a difftteN 1"'" of the. bcxl) or
Kirk.. l.ord Sheriff. ].'" nag.. priW-,lum...1f on haVlrlg thor
ll"IOlol emcle,,' ell)' suarownen lit the world. S,,·orthmeu
from aU 0\... Ih" ..."OIid comPromJie h" brt,... and he
WOtk. hlUld In-h;md ",Ih lhe SwonHman', Guild to tn",,'
lhat the OlrNn of Klrlr. It'""'" pe..noful and quiet. Rum"n
of CnnupliClff among hi, m<'n unuble him (he h.. bcsun an
internal in"""';!'~on to de... up d.. ramp
bribe')'). bill
Ilk ~rrorll h."e W'n! Kuk • rcplliadon U lh res. dl)';"
tilt- world.
111&, k., unll! IKent!) I">lane.. I'll <MI UN"" .", oloooiy
becoming m",t fleque", In "ilk, aflOn. publir
dUobcdie",e, ,,,,,,,, • f;".. -ma,l"" anem(lU. The nadlr
Came JU>l one ) "8t>, ...·hen MIlolt1 Gumne.. Soloman p(
tiM' UJUtl Guild " murdtred II • WU\IIfle haU. Dog. has
)'fi 10 find the 1dlIo.•• I {ailU,. "'hich "all at lum to !hi, do)".
m.... CI\min.IIaru to uMapI') Veil""
bul 011' ~,.... !hal 1hc)' .", mot" IIwt \lmple ""'1get.
MCl\l Ve"del:umbo:
Ht 'u.peHI lhOi • band of ... phi.liral.... polltkal
maleonlenlS arc "P"raung lD th~ til). and hu dedJraied •
learn of guatdlme" to lI1l~kln8 lhem down. r-;e.. th.
HI/om'" wurc~booL. P'S'" 26. 11, and 51 for mo,,,
qu:oinl and old-fa>hioned,
~xllCll)' II 1M eil)' p1annm wendetl "'M" 'M) dtiiplCd i,
fUlffi> }...an agn. Orlgtnall)' .....>11 n,llin, ,iU.,~. th.
Vo"del oll~d '10 ;nh,btl.n" and lUrn"" i, in'o •
(ombnable ... nlon of "hat the t"t'Sl of thto ......t<l nl'l'ClS
ll!'~ in the nonhe,n W.ndo to lie hke
I""t t(l\O" of t:.lnlJnma, k
A< tho ",am pori of tnt') for "lfilorl In Ibe cWnd, thto rll)'
II blleuded to caplW"l: th~ Iffl of tilt C1>UtIIIy in one
con,pacl Iocallon. 1M buildinr all ' ....mbl.. longhnul":l
and ltwo people
:0: dodlU1g oimdar to u-. of. the
\'C\lenn".",,.,,,,j.u ( 'Ih oofl.. f.lwk" of <",,",,).lh~ r,,_
"lr¥*toon.,- \'nIm di.hn,.non
chffi poop.
_iIt updwd . d . . . . of
no- w-f... C)f/L _
c......... ud _k .ombou _
• . . - - ofl(JOo1l.
bdd .......,. bow
b«oa>l a bYonIt
ill dw
i1.' IDd man)' ~ !lip ~
'" .'f'"'d • few lb)" "b'ln& ~ke W
'The Vnttn
ltaodrn. n;olur"'ly flIOtIAh, h<lle Eoklhull1, rand "'ould l\a"e
no:n-d ~ 10 lhe ,round ~ tlmtt <M' J 1>01 for tIM' '~le
mtf<raarln thai ~ ill ~ 1'buI W, Uw V<1ldtl
"'- ko? _h _odtnb q.....
I<JUWI .. ho
. . - III
&yood WI .ouriK atlrM-, ['k'lo",o- supparu •
,~ ...n....Nt 6sIq irMIuc)' \'flldd ..un ha-'e
'-n me",,","" 10 """ ~ . lon,.wp. 10 Ihh. u
fI"'Il of lhr ril)" HIlrrtalnmml, but 1M) ,,",.., flM-OUl
Idu...... \\'h:ll', 1M polnl ol ptoi,fU, !My ~k. if you oN)'
..""' II 10
A> tIM' popubr u..... boldo. "pIdrn •• .-It In Kn. ...
opt'IlIlIl \'IMmro.'
-n. ~ ... pi.o)lfCIUlld kif dlt ncb,-'
ollbo ....uhonI J-PIo In tlw ..'Of!d. Ant.
bm of _
call 1M' b.lnd hru, 1M onh Iia-.
br",& I P"f"OII'. lain p.... C""".,u. uWn<to.. Iftd
COUI'~" I./l' JUIl • "11005 palm fox lho.to Wllh llm~td
irNpn..oon.. roc ...."ff)- elw, ...111liot1
It """-'ld boo
~ tllou&h. thM \'Ioolmlo is ......-"'..... but
It • JUl'l • dtvl .00 ' ........... NIt. ~. _
~ 10 _ _
In .ddM_ 10 till' plt'Mlnf pto''ldtcI b\ Ill.
dieim. \'Deni - . \he t..a 01
"meld', .""....,.,
almost doll>.
w Iwbar .. fuU 10 bussen, ..ill> I'K~
The tlIlp"'Tiahu
U)' \U 11ffl"
dur ollho
dty"lQWhlllln<llo,u. pr~ llvlr ....n quiet 10'0:<0'10
!he"pIinU'd whIrh'J1S' ol "hlnu'. Olhft 1ncIU>ln'
Thrand.. rn~
Tbt f,nl pd and olhfl dopoau
"'l:ft dltt~ In
~, ~founuw al ~
of dX' mAlI) moutb. 10 lilt
.....to .. _
and lilt C1l)'
"bo Ita•.., lbo-
... tbt)
ail,... fln,cI
.....,_ bt .... """'. - - . IDOl1!
aa _ t ft...- ol !he. old
_ Tht
........... an _ n _ bInk _ a>'f'-lm
fa< _
1M _
In! lilt WlllIl lfWl" n-.<l'dIac Tht
- - . ol ""- ,,'bo J-i'h no I!M: jab . . fInannaIl)
.'...J. a tor bflln ~."w:... than tJw, "...t
.or......... 10 lwfon.
.\0..... an "sl) ,.-nIUlCItJ olw
10 l>odcrlJWl'':UlIWI 11l}1DOII'e.. h II
an opm
nbllom ~
It.. \'fl<llt.I ....J V.... nman...mjar. Sodcmwl.... man ....
_ •• "") .ornmWUl) ol Vt>r.... mm:hanu ."d Wmtr"l.
1M V~ WVlIW ,hi' larld "" an a1umali.,c 10 lhe porI of
VUlM.... buc the pcopJ<- l.fllW"d 10 Itaw:. UndC1tmG. Lhe
Vc,lIl.1 ,!rod'\rod 10 ,u.e k.
1lw tkhjnb,1I • dot Ionro.. II lm- II a ooId. """''C
wut..1qft thaa a1molt In) u:b hqlUjnS on tht .......>ncI
The "mdcl pa6d an
- " rar ill <_ _ boI
Ibc ........ .,..
~Ilh ill :JO..b:oI-d'*k ""'" ". . . .
__ II tloc .-.tho- •...,.. .•
• iMp - P It> pi..... tho< r1
0 lilt
nrp<>l'> to tupply Lbml b • ~. A
--... ~
wppon pmonnd. aaEumtn. aarI ~ ko at tbt
<......,. ~ tloc lllI&o wiIh ~ .....,. br,M...... ~
of Ei..... mM<crw1cI 1o .."'" ,he
t>e<"flUIl' lI\o'lI)', bul lilt
,",'.r. far-IOD lhorougt> in
IheIr "Ull 1b:) puc """l) man, " ...... an. and <hlJd lD lilt
_d \\'htn lhe) Idt, 1"'" bumtd n'n)thIn& behlnd
lbtm WM. InO'l Vf:Ildoo.I "fl. bo<riflCd b) lilt ~. lbe
"....n. fur) ....... no boundo. AlIa(b ... Vmdcl mtr<hant
<hip" doublfd In ,he IJIl>JIlM k1l1o.'lrlc lhc m.'oaotu To
w VcnMl haY. offiaaII\ IT1UmCd lhe land
III Ibt VC\lelI, bur noN' bI\.., <OInt ... da>m .. They U) Ihe
'1"'''' ... fa< 11IO ~'). and lhal .......doin& unnaIUnIIl 11''-''
OIIW b6k1.nwd
ol ..'htdwt It- rwoon
•• trw S,..I.""an ",
nmaillo a h. "'id pla<c. I Yd
and .... 1M
.10 tht tobnth· ............11 .........
l'bt) iUlC11 •
1'hc uland Iw 110 arabic Iaod. juII. w bard) onub bWln
..... wablnl-. Theft wWd be 110 mwe ""'*'dInf: place
10 bulId a btrtn; bur tloc V.-. h
dI- jIIlII ti>M.
....u ........s..
Inlmnr _........ <Ji .... walk.
pea<tt<aIl) a •
poK. 01 rod. and dot ......'Wh ,hat
"hlp .. rotI III bu mour. ,hat 110 looo.c d<poIla tU)' 1onJl.
Eiom boaII
(ht...1et ltw4I1/')Wns. doip <ould _ ) "'" Ibc
a lili........pn baIIrr) II ~ ....
u ..__ The <ompItx alto boaI ....... fklbDco.. on<! (1ft
100 feet, wah
.ohrJ>-i.u.e...1IM In -&0"9 ~ WIlh
nteflOl rlotk lfTUlI""""'" b- .. mM)' • • dotcn ~
The IloflJOkuU ".... buth 10 lmpml o:I)'OtOlI oat1ln& 10 Kill< shlpJ bound lOr the S'~a< dl)" n...." IWI WIlhIn Ii&'" of 1I1~
'owtTtntI mon>lmOlty. Mall) • wlllnn<al llI" mMrl>aJ~ Iw
~n dcrpl)' .,,'..1 by oM she« In''&7'ltI.odo <Jim,. lloltjokull
arxIlhrir IlOrito pUll the loo1JtM Ai .l»olutoJy Impt'qnabk.
Of cour....orin
aIwlr' • lDU<b O''trbkrwn, arw:l Ibc
IInUjokWl bas .....wal
",hkh !'Midi' cndle..
b dcbMt arn<Jn! .xpcritnc..l IOlcbm. The
au, of dot b1I.., ..f>ilo ~ 10 aho ~. III
sn- koblbr) Conununoo:aDoa from _ -110 O<bn
h diffio:uIa. a '}'\IftIl 01 wmaphcn Ib(I 10 iD place 0
nag..... III oed CDnIoOr aod ........ ~ mn.apo.. rbr
ctnll1ll--.* illhe btrcoo n'tf tamo Ill'do< Iwa»' allad
Ibc . . , . from Ibc
......ad IIUI)' oboo>no ad>
<_UP • ad
!all. Iosreb of
~ to d.Ioncl h
annoa <_ <.-: 10 be.- .. ..,. _
H""JnL,,,r, Iw&'c . - . tan ~ _
~ _ _ be«<- • doip ...-t brins • pm ....
Ornskoldsvik (The Rock)
Ormlbldl,1k h ........ -.l) ..bnd;-. kom Ibc _ i'*
>OUIb 01 0ddl.wIdf. SooI .. OQRe Me. w Iobnd iI
..-r .....
..... bur 6ft II thar rq• ......-:I bo
at bell. AI lIIlflo:aivc .. ~ II. Ibc IIof,..r.ua·, abolil)' 10
haIldIo I dire<1 ...... 10 '1"""'"".....
"" III qwJII\ 01 _ - . In \'mdd and A' ......
_1D1 ..1Ih a foof. aboaIult f.oilh ill his -.. iIIIId ....
' - - 1I~
e. IbM Ilw I iofIJobII "pu,,~ Ibr
......~ P""""'
Ibr T ndo: Sn. ........ V...wI ~
~ ....... Ilw "'""- 10 Iht . . . lit Thl-ab to mW-
- - . . lbt ~ tflKlI''d) ~ a _ , . . .
n . . I' t
Thr SfJr<-foIL. \ncm .t..lW
It. Aca<lmn. bul "" _
Tf'MOll ...., ....... tbe_h.... III
\lI(lllUR art IlUll:k . . . . In lion, __ o«Tf'd) ...... 10 ' .
and <~t " - sbIh 10 tboot <,11M _lIh -!hou&h
dove tomes ""'"' frum 1M \NftI', <-.pt'tItI'~~1Ilh.
1M upt;aon 01 W btrno, /10& La.- "
"I"'""r ..
aD)" ..........
1brr arP to . . . .
L - ....,
Ve><rn Idtoll. IWld ~ no po \'nIm
In I.hto ranb lit hoi mnulW} laniKln.
Soroya fTh( Navigator's Dr(aml
SoIlI)"'. populatloll" ,!mUOI trodftly "MIen, .nn""d InlO
lin) ["'mini {oml1l~nllle,lIu~the island. ~ ..in'er
k~ '(I"od> "ron ,be lKIf,hHn {~ l.>ul th~ ",.. of 1M
Iobnd enJo)'I plmciful fllhlng. """...-hWn of'en U~
... pmt........,lIiL
A peM ....:uxi kaooon .. UlIooI """ II1bnd lin W Itltnd\'til"" 1rW-'litlo brlIe\~ dw mound 10 ~ W pbo:t
"'hrno ~ lint ......Ni _
(.. fine I,",e men fltt.
.. a wide holt lit Olhtr kit .. do:po
symon ont """'.In) 1M
\'roata m'lft lbt
iIIIId till-
who M
tilt .....-I _
.11\. ,
VOlldei 0Ulp0M .. a
hooailr V..... wodd. lllt Vo!:tItfl lIlUfL Ihr <II) ........
bul no B>dt< poup hao e>?1 cmd III hold It. <hoosing
n.ctlod iii . . . , _L • tnd rlont Nil oIr "IiIIIn. lw.fll'dh....
karure< !hat Illo,.,. J\lf\""e<! aD dttIrll<lh~
fiII<itr, - iii li&h'houl<' U>d ,to .CMltn.). Man)'
an""'!M> 11)
l\lInt/red> of Jt"t high. rhe li&hrh<luMo (M hao no oo.htf name)
i'I on tnpwrinl 1fW'''ple<e of r\IM~nlwtced >lftl lUld
grt':II\ Ii&'" beacon llOjl M wr <an ~ IHfl lor
"""" ........ llUI 10 ...... 'n... uurWnu and IlJff cI 1M
baf,.,.dbuf A<:oo<Iem) 01 S.,'11:11\lon rend 10 It. and tmIoIJt
IiIlIl • """...."ft tbt ~ 01 \'NftI M'.r~' 1M ~
II Nn II) lilt S;,ab-'. GIIiId. and CuM" "l" T~ Oft
~ be ........ ~....-boa 1M e - i 1> ... 1II1tWclD.
,." UruntI< lfl<lQ'~
Tho p>n .. hafpdhw hoY> _ ani) r~ bu< Ill"" •
pttllrnam). pon-of-nll ror mDfI of 1M mm:lunt ualllr
(Ollung to \'tlldel from ,\,-.!.In. A ""lim (U/TI'n! null from
JUlI nonh ollni".IOI~ 'Q JUII IOlflh of Soro)·a. makinl'....
lfrp p>.li<u1u!) 1'1.1) MOIl A,·a!on mtn:iwIl> uti: ,hh tn<Ir
IU~III' (f1IIUI1nl by S<Jr1?a ......1 bet\....... KluIbuIs lOIld
Oddt....\llf. and lIlI1Ilnf out 01 tIIt~:>m :II E.""pl...iwb
uNalUlWm mnRIlhM It\.lIl\ ptr-. abo !*'.... "-.rcr\. III
..po. cI w ~,Iloloe\1'J, dw nutlnc >'l'\Wk ai lIIr
Ac-imn maint... a , ....... prneort. "Jllo.\ '"' ...
rudrn r"n 10 1M*! tbrm
F"""'" do wilb _ }
_ _ ..ilh booail)
IAfJllfdbl- 10 ScIru).........
,..,.. Aadnm bu
tbtn • ~
V""'-l and A,
but, fow M ,... and E.-. pupib
.. "'1'1). ond bao , ~ ''1"
in lI\OII taiImg ada
Thorshofn (The Farmlands)
1M ~ olThtnhtJn
del nat ..'tit...... OUlDdo:1L Hal......"". tbr\
-0WIdtn" itt " ' } _ ,,'!to doe. IlOl tomt ...... 1'iIonbol6I
_ ~n.. Ill,," \'"'tnmann.'-lljat lift nat .. tkOOIl'
1bonhclin Iw no relll p>n (lKlII1ltt, and no relll '1I1n Tho
pP<)pk ofThonbofn, Ulli,--U) TIlhl<fulk. RtlI and f...m ..
rM) >o,d\, <on'ml '0 Itt II........ of!lll' "",Id p." II)
Mudl of ,1IeiJ lmulanl) (DOl" from 11m, ml\U\tl1 of "'"
Vtl>lkl. 1bto "1l.<foP; "'. >Itocktd Of ,he \'endd blt;l(hft
01 trnbJion, and Iu\c~ "''OlD 10 1Ipl>uld ,he \ 'ttt,n n ~
.If Illl (....... The) <0Il~ u.- oIJ \tlldtl 1IImhaM.
IOd 'bou&h KIJ1< l.a <-WrM miIII.. xtlDrr."&_ lAo.
iIbnd. _
"f"Ddool be..... _b • COUIW oouuIcI brq 100
....,. Dtbn \'_ _ It. <aaIIi<l, ~ tIor _
11M full 0\;1 .....
At 1M
,to1tI 01 tht
Q!Iod lbr Tift rJ Uk. A
.-.. A....,.....
~ \I'toO
of ~n I\pt _
..~. ,boS""lt
i< I\JIJlhl)' 'tn fM
at IU b;uco, "nh •
,..""" dl~",l'l.r man} Urn'- llloL. ~1I"b... 'I"'<ul:o'~ Ihal
A"'Sr"u I. I~ ll'c<'
"'hlch lie1 Ill<' \\,.11 01 Kinp. bUI
";.. .
d", b~, n....... ~n I",,,-...,.nd """) "'ho I«k sIKh p<oof
!wI', d,.... Pl"':otM
In l><L. Ill' T,.... of W. n 1M Il,t of "'" eflll annual a<~ of
.....,,(,,. ,hal ,,"WId .........11) Ille" "If.bland \·...
l'lIl"""'1'd 'hal 0<11) ",.,llk•• IU'
,h. \'tndc-l dl!' .1d'l~
of ...... ,;01 nll.ogh on l1lor<lllJfn teltcl on¢ p"'0QIl' l .... to
lot Olonc.d 10 dco.th III 1M ~ of !he If...... >mlme. urri..l
" ... b\ Ill<- Ir,! of,.... 'i1lar;l"B. .... kmff) ckou:rmlll8 ,....
'KIln, ,,"h 1/... Id•• 11»1 Gnunf.u,.., rUn ,,00 he ".IlIa;
,"" P"OI,I. of ThonhoI"n '''1)1'0 long .So to do GfUI1lfa,h<oi.
,.~I >I .11 cO\t>. n,.. ,111.>5" lo:rrp !hi> ann~ dtIUglllff a
,,&hlJl-('''~lollC'd '«'fl. and ,..ill 'lUIfU) NltIlC. an)"""
,"" Ihulk '''''l d1'"IS" ,h. W'C'f<'l.
lb< ,>l.nd o[ \ 'kJd,p,ohnm I. 1M \«<>nd 1;.'1"" In ,n., rh4Jn
III nUl", and '" "nuw '" Oddu..'IIlf llut In. VOile"
""""""n,d ••r., to 'htm "" "the "'ino: V..whelm ~ .10'0'
OlMl In"l. pb... alnng ,t> r........ ,I... Ix-.l larn,bnd lh.
\'..leo,m.oJIrnO''''j'' un otill <t",n, ~. Wllo.l} lhelr ....."11. ,,,,,
J"'dofoilltfld 10 It.. arU Iikt I r""Ot~C d\~(!.
1111' rruddlt elf \~dd.nhclm i> dom!n.IM b} a ..-...n of
J• • ~n"" CII',.1'f'd mO""I.lm. al......, ldfnllral 10 Ih~
m<ltInUml on Od,l""...lf 'I'M) ..... n~:.a Ihc, ... ~ nnm.:
Ilplma'r, Of I """fl', 1110 rl!\idl'('l5 of Vlddoonhe"" tlllim ,h••
iho LJ.i"g Run. dor...,..! ,he G,nl \\'~nn In Ih", Uplm""
.\1",,,,1';,,, and &0 10 r., "" '" ,all 1M hlghN mounlJlln {an
1""'1;" 'u1cano} Titn '''il uotd '0 boo • poIn, "
rOtKl'(,li<H, ...ilh Odtli",...1f bUI
Ih. V.ndol ha...
lhe IT\;lnn hal be.n.ll buo fur&ot(cn
I""'.' ,....,•.
11... <ommUnll}'
Mjod... h Ih. <~ Ihlng ,he
....,... to a <1') Ii ..... pi; a.> 1M <t1I'el or
Ir.>tle on \'ldd..nbrim. tonnKltd lO
>m1I1 In.."" IU the
,t... ...a b) •
In Ihc, "ml",
II...... "",,,,,,,.,'. Woapp<'ar, hut nrurn In lh••plt"! .nd
..-n.1 01
1dl Ibe
- ' - Hi9l raaopirlIlOImlOmd
1M <bkor u boilduos' ~ oidn. ..1dl w cd) OF.....
~ dn<-dy IIOUh. T_1DU<IdY ..-. aao ill Ibe _
• Dnc tIw _~ 1M<> b.Ir f'CIIoal .."'....tL Carlo omlf)'
ftWl) fIl thor ~ )'~ar-.-.d.. wIlDt odwr 0lnI<fIIrn
- . - ........ IPdeo &om 1M odwr it.bnds IPd famlm
...hIt ..__ I plK., 10 bartrr thnr b'lJa ~ cluIinA
..-ofT ..
.... ~ttl 11IM.
natlf"'tla, thr bnd .. rith and l'rf1llf. :and
Ill'.. . .
tu.'r........w i lor u IonS at
an rr.mtmber.
'l>rlng. ,I<h n~lI from 1M IlJo1mm Moun\.llru"
,ut,...,/r ",rim;.""" Ihf .ail, .Uowtns farm<n to
""",,,,,, h,a""... Duringllnld 01 hf"') rrade ln1fk••'hlll,"
II> MJO"ha conmoonly ""'lUOllodstng unons tbeo f&l1lwn.
\\'hom • \'~* WI. 1IL 1M &ab sprlnp aI
~bbr_ ~ a 6lIal """" Thrir b'~ tImlII\.
tool ........ haYe bftn ~'Tl ID CWT an,' nubcI>', rolPft tIw
0'Wf' inlWkn u White Pbpt ..ilKb IflPl'If ... the hbnds.
~. tIw aIIJo<wd iDtlMtIu.al bMlId .. the I"nbu>f; pcdo
Idll .... al'fIiaioIl "''P'&n, but
and famity aim
..... In rll _rnbm '" 1M affIi<vd and lab Ibe <nlft . .
Uwm. 1ft tho- QIn, tIw) _
"''"'' CfIIidJ). Tho- .....,.
Iooro lIII lIWdo<inaI ~ aft.,. _ lull ~
Tho- \'1'Ildd u..., orQrd eonuol aI ~Idanm r..'l<r., onI)' lD
rlflll IhaI t..... loJIrinA> tbd nol e_ them or Ill)' fIl ,heir
.Uenu. DlJ<ouraged, they f1'trelled from the \'Mte'll
WlV-par~"" d<1nmln<rllo tWl tlwo ~l bal:k. H",,~"r.f,
1101' ~ nOl mean the)' will lUll 11')' ag""n in
Should thr.y m;W, the efbl "lain, the)' ..111 .1i1I be
~ The ""lrlS' on!)' """" '" thoot who lrUI)'
brliro.. in thm """1}'
r· II.... tD
'" the HjoImur .!>lowuinl f1CIftld "d'oo..d. lIwy «nil
inIo rollins klIk and valle)'- 'o\~1tll<n .... rdMIveIy tDiId
hffl-. Itld ample ,'","I'ioa IPd wdd pint n i l be bad
}'far .-..i AJ. Ibe WI'}' edJe ..... tIw pIc __ ''JlIlrY fIl
SomnJ o..t,!he~'
.......... ..
~ 1lb comk.n or pic...
wMbr.oa ., tnin<l It Ixpn • a IIimpI< dII'I ..d rod.
~.1IImU'IdI!d "" dftp 0' ",d... ancI tbarp ..'OOlB
'f'lb:o. The ,..an thal Io&oo"ed ..... tb< ao:ldilIon UIllQl'
buIIoMp and ......... (IfW<n. alons wlIh III inuIomof eoma
tu)[b<\Io and ~
HI&h ~ ~ hlI or ""
own penonal ll>uc ..... to tbe dnIp. ,,,,,,lung in •
tIronf,hold at r.<:k1:ti< .. ~ 10 fUlll'IlOlIll,
The nme'pie<e remauu the orlgut'll kmghou\C'. "+11<10 11M
t-n modd'ied lhrwgh ,be
~nH_ llUo tIw
iii< wb<re ,,",,"_'n udw
tnt:- lomloed an
dwKr. to ~ IhN
\'t'Olm IJUl !laII e'>"r.f COIIIlIII<U<I, II eOlllaUlS b.r burUw.
and • labIoo that <an _ommocbce ...... _
dnpoonu baak ....... dw GrUl \'\nn. lDoprtd b) ,In
" . - . . Gum<f the p...'f'TIbaud <IUbWwd tb< fortr...
0I.1bt 'lip Klnp~. dx r.-t ~. .__
S - ~ llDd tapeIWo IuIr Ib ~ -depkllllltbt
Ir1UIDf'b' aI !he V_ p<oplr - whitt. '-~ b«_
~ ..1<b vnob and . .
Allhr. ''"l bid. b<1nJ 1be buiklIns"1 thn-e doon. ~
the tloroa< aI w Hlp KlJII - ~ 1DMln....' '"
...vIs 01. pd aad "".... 1'Iw t...
01. !he u.
Rurdoop<lI'd olorl(l lIII JideI. ..d •
WID Oftb ""' :aIIII) If'TP"I'lL 11w ba<~ 01 the e"- 10
oIoaped IiU • bloonulg: ~. and !he profD< 01 the <MI
Wandera pHn CMr ia. IDIn) bnnmn. Wbm tbe HlP
KIJIt IoIla, ~ b II t Grlllllfatber ..__ lin
11k ohoW<\eI
Because mer. h.u t:-n 110 IfI&h Kin, 1Il 'f'I " ' " hundrM
)"nB, lilt forue.. bas f.lIm lnto dn,rp;Ur and MgIffi
\'oJ....,,'ft'J &nm the l ..·enl)'·fh~ tribe'> wi! 1,,01«1 ., buI
tho!!)' Im'e II suanls. IIOl a malnl<naM~ Uf<W DUling lilt
llWIal aIlhlng, !hoM- who uflld leave thing. U.Il1l) tilt
..-ry tlIC) bmd tb<1D. and 110 _ ......weI ro... obIe In . . . .
1"-' 'liP King) rhrone. 1'1w)' ta\' dle-.' . - . lIoW
~ '-" .. wei. detartUllilllll« ..·bat '" do .IbouI tilt
....ffWn W 01 thefr cIeK~
The Ninth Island
(The Wanderers Throne)
n... me
day, tb<o"Ibrom h a .)ml.rol of hope, P""'''' and ulIlly 10 the
Vtlte1lm~MI' 'lljar
Wando .. tb<olr
....n. Th
Ue only elghl llJan.u In I,", Vend.1 nlliM.
Onfril. ,h~ be'l .ffwu of lluo V.n.dtl l.ug..... (and I 100.000
p>ldt, ,....OI"d). oot IlKk Juning 001 ofth.t ~~ dud", d'N
V"'lffiI1WUl.I'Tljn cllimod
lho- un)' 1.Lmd 1M! 1sI"1 on 1Ul) ....p un ooJy be fQlllld
~...." il< onhlbll&nQ oJlow h '0 be fou"d Skjlm. hl".lhe
•......,. lime ol it, bUl If lhe't h I g"'l1 l....d. III) V.... ,.n (In
.... h Ibe Wlndtr.t", Th.ont In fl£t. 11.. \O.inds m1ghllud
""" "'ut' WlIgM 101M i.1011d ("""n agal1uI rht pllol'~
~l""'l"lld lotrltl. punuer In lhe llflp6'lile dir..,lloo. lOll. in
• lot:
Th. n"ooe -"'U\dl; KIffit\o'ooe
brn......, Od<L,wuIf. t:sltj6. Vldd""h.,m. KllHbulg. and
u.. ,....)
·lbbNlOfn. In
lht 'Vtr><kl" nation. B...
..VKl :.nd .."~"t 'm",e lhal ani)' thoI.e wloo
"""'" - to be thto: ......1
dee,,'. -
find tM ltserKI;v)' /liitllh Island.
G'e) Wand.r..·, ThroM Is ;k;luoJl)' • falrl)' n'IUI\d
,-1.,,<1 no more lhan I mlIc In dliIJ1~"', ,I>oped I1ke I enid.
pIale (h'ghel "' llle .hOft' lhan in ,he cemtrl, lbe Vnten
"') 11011 Ih~ gom Ir~"elillert 10 I>oId IhtU IA'II,\'I, and 100..
low who 1>0..... journ")'td Ih.", btll...... It. A,,},me .. h"
'''''''''''' Ih. ;,J,."d
",l(! mor~,
h"", 1M whl~ of • ,houwld
'l1le V.II<)Tk,
."pposMl}' boo fnund
hr,~ .. well _ ,..n..m w:lmrJr women "'00 ~td lhe
Illtl11rt UII~I lloe m'IlIng olin. md <11)'" A few 'f'I'1ll1 or
,b. land iwlf un be nll..d 00. bnngtng Ihe t1l:llIl'llU
1~1"1:' 10 Uf. "hm tK'tded. BUI
m"," ImporWltl)· 10
\'...e" and V""del .~, II b ... <1 Ih.IIM goch Ihem...I,....
IOlI<h It... ,,-.xld ..'lIC'f~ ebe \\'iIJKlMM'~ emp!)' thrnne
1he Throne hu iI/....p bun a plate for I~ flilhful. [,om
Iligh Krne- <ouk!n', So 10 lilt Nimh bland ,,'lIhou1 good
all 1M "'ir'g \,..l.n ...d Velldel only Gl1III'OO
Sug..,d<dourr tan <on... ,..,d So al ,,'lII. and \hi> ha.ul'1 l.ll
hor u'... Ol\ Odd"wutr for long..., 111,." &II)"ne CIII
,,,,,,,,mhn. On lhe od"", hand, ...."'" lhe 1""'~n1 thrall <,..,
,....h the ThroM if lhe Sods iIO ..111 I~ Ltle,\Ch ~
""lm"r) men ond wom.n "ilh dnpenI~ nee<! r...ding theu
""l lO Ih~ /li1"lh hb.nd, and I"",mtng U Ml1l6 To thJ.
To the Vendf:ll1 i> • 'lmbol 1OlIIf:lhl"i tbf. tmird)'. A•
IIIe mMthanl <UI. hu "'OR ~"M I .... alel cDnlrOlIl"tr bolh
bll.1\Ch and lIul Th~,." NOoom)', 11111 lmlgnd'l<1ftl nxk
in th~ m1dd/oe of tMir ""'11 nalioo launtl thetu. I'owoen thai
Ihl:)' rtf\lSol! to uknowledge dm)' rhtm .uu III II.
Supentitlou, _rue ~ . Ihoot coo ptuillenl 10 be
drI.... n .....). 1»' Fos or "in<!. fo1oc gods "ugh ,,'Iult l!KIoe
EailhfullOTheuo:ll"t _In SI. R,*,'. Locker. The lillmion
It' IlllUrtarinl. 11 h inloIer.I~.1l h UlIItt~p'lblr>,
ha,,,, begun 10 d",uIar. thr~ V~nd.1 Wllhe
lUpenll1lol, of 1IIe Sk).,
.1Ipedlllon - OIl. liIIl IlteI the
bo mUll be pt"INllI1g the
loland ogaln>t th~m. If n>.mtf
....Ugloo. Ihe" ""n"" WI! 1M' ito doo.1IfolL
lheir filit
A ~ery sp<<101.tdp, prottcled 11)' the wo,do and .)"ml>ol> of
Iht Church oIlh. f'lt>phte,ls IlIId 10 he uno:lM con>«uclloo.
b)' 1M E>:plom'. SorWl)' .. the behMl (and gulklml ole""
V.nd.1 Leoguc. Once COOIplete, i1 .haIl ICI .. I l1oall"a
tllhedral, Il..,ped I" the 'lmbok and 10l"t of 1M l'rot,llCU.
llot nlme:'l of 1M lI1K""on and pldo 1ft IlIppooed1y
10 impor'lanllO lhe V"""'MIilJUl'l'1Ijat, ...mIllie lilli)' hol)'
..web. ')"Il\hok and II1II,,, of rht au,rth of 111. I'ropheto
"ill .urel)" undo
lbe r...." Skjlt',r" who h.o..... h.atd of lhi, plan bur>! inlo
help1eu lrougllltt
A lllf1l<""baI In<lf. <)lIlcoJ rumor in1ilts lhat 1M V.ll1lo1
t.eagu.....8&11 the "fK>allng <athtdnJ" uory In ,he t.ope.
tha. someont eire woWd lry it, whlth wou1d I'~..... ne llIMn
IT"," haling 10 fund lllhellUtl,'ff, If II worh, lhoy'll gJ;odlj.'
poy the reward; if ntll, lhe League !lao InII nothln&.
Vtl1tl1 who Iurn of the Vondcl """"" "" debghltd; ~
lIItlll. rht Ninth l.tand h CftWlg new legends, and
dra"\IIg IIJ1!nglh &om Illtir 1"_ ."C........ Somr flirt...
thty Inll\(, (lll'l be defooated ,,"h <U1IIIInA: and gold. Somt.
1"""'"" Ju.c
and the Gre)' Wan<it-te.',1bront b Ol\t of
. A
Ai ba "" ..... 10 VWr». bmnt 10 _
Vestell malllla vllja r ,
GlzvlnR Asblornsson
AaIjor_ ..~ born Inlo lhe Jar1 d-. II.. I.... <:J
riFt dIiIdrm. ....'bm II ame lime kI lWnII' hun. blI p;or_
had nm 0IIl ol l6t-. So, ~ rww.. lwpn ~ him
CJft'"It rilrad"" ... ~"""""" IbM tht nri"a1w
~ wodd 1lIMiI .. pNil ~ • Ibt bot', Pnt...- it dod.
maup iI. "I1"'arnl 10 ~ _ ....., ...... IharI ...... irorl)
Iar ""'1 .,. or tin We.
....'bile his broWn and ~ Itamtd lQ be pal Ieadm.
Gjamnf; 1loMd hk Went lOr f»l-ullant; lu, "'II}' OIJ. ol
lIlJUbl.... While hi. siblings I'l'I(tknl lhtlr manil1 00l4, he
tIioawt:.td how 10 pkk loeb. AI he I ...... oIdn, the more
of .. dusrve he 1>«""", in hit lal.Mr'. ")"ft. AIit:f all
_batr-'nfj Kllnd.tl with .. lIfipl>ooiD& jurI only
cblJllur.~"" _ ~ ~
"'-e. HIs fatbor
......tdhlm aclUsnu 10 tal _
and oodt.cd hIm .....'IT
.."at,ducd £rum ....! ! d mmm"""r 10 tbe
.....L lbotlp 1M, had f.w U:illo 10 lnlIo lot rood IIlld ohtllcr.
he had .. JlIlIar _ ...Ind." Dlhrn lhIt be- _ .-fuL T'ime
and opln Iw WDIlId he !WI! Into .. sinn!""', hOOll', ooIy
III I••". under CO\'ff of dlo:knbl .. t:ew day. law "ill! ..
c~ of pLUe.od _
10 tratk. H. bounud from bland
10 Iobnd, artfr1!e and dftarbed &om 1M world &roulld
of cht ~
rwnon of dIIt
lbbh. H. hid hew
I~ 10 he found among w \'~ bw 0HllI& ...
tnIly he~t'o'ln&. lib moum almool .... wf:d "i\h dor
mm and
Wl3ll'll'lI . .
amund hbn and .... con<<W;to<l KhmIt. ofl..
K""- 10 ~berr.l ••'IIUlIbln &om lhooc \O'!Io dl:arly hod laO
much for Ihrir O'WII plw pIaDI worVd n'ft}' anw....
... could bur no 11M: -n.•. . - . ollhit _ .....w.
if oaIy Ia JO'I .... 10 ill ~ .... mbtn and .... !Dna ..iIo;
Iw Ilft'dNf _
- e Ibt \'nD1 ~ .... ...., u.p. tlw
_1nIpona<l1 bm& tIlII tbty wert mil)' QO difftrmt " !he V.-....wu>n...;.. The) .... ...ud]WI u IwtI In w.
H;o _
punm... 1M tmain/y hid '110ft 10 Jhow fOl it. Thr mart
w,' had. 1M)' mor~ Ihq wanlod. H~ !lad ....n dw '"""
heJl,.i<lr 1lI1l0l\5 me "'Wm of Ve.t~'''ju rWdq
p;u1leIllnd nom ahiblcod
in bU ""'"
bwJIu-. W~Mk.
no _
what III lortn. ..... ado:lio:Dng, :wi hi>
Aftef Ihfte
• ~ far lit ofta all.
)~ .....,. rrom \'....
_ .......
~ ~
Ii:IM lot' oDoW:I _
IIam< :wi l)' •
lllIIke -..dl.. Ii.. Jlotlmtr .... <1Il >bort, bor>~...t-.
,~ lIP hMi drhllded ~ bina. Ii< __ .....
hImIor dwod b) • ~ angry \'~njM will
'"", .twp wnporu. Mel Cjr\W18 U-pl lib hody dajl
Ilad flnall) COm~ 10 IItI .nd II. t1Il\ puc 1M potno: ...
.x!u.uMlDn UId, just .. k looUd .. II Ill. punum ~
O\"aIW him. • fnoM blinotd bloded l!lN PfUlInS. Tht
NtndintI ....,... and wind w-I bun, and ... pbrpI
badllnt lao • deep ~ bri:n br ttatu.-d \<lb bod
\\,11.. M could III I.tol _ . . M diotoowM • ood ...
1""'. ~ ..... thai oIb.""lIUled lbr U'>t., tllloOC6
.... Tho< ~ 01. ~ pnllJ'" urounded dot
...u bko • prol<'Cll\>t 1oo.w. but
p'" !he liCIWlIt
siP ~M lbuught A INnl lli h. hMI rIt'Wl" up.timud
dIOW IWn 10 tht ..·.1". ond b~ dBnl; handful afltr b.mdIut
Whtn he .... lI. lui ~ be. r<tol<d " ' _ tho Ute.
pIuxd and
t-l!dmd II hiI ttnpf"
tho IIbon.Ied orb mo tho _
poan-d InIo tho
b I10Med b . II"
• ...d
bb dtpchL Iu II
.......UdJ bmrd on Gpo\.... bpi. • pc
10 Uotp
and ~ hh ~ - t u---t'-
J" - . : I n btai,lt f.1lItlIed ..d J-d. \boy
proud oJ hm. iUld of tho p-tlll ~ 10 ....... he
.......kllnd hn people TI-lloey fd oilmt. ..,.I-d 1,' ...,
low ....... of . . .It tpt~ - Gnamf.wr. tho world',
u._. h .... wne roo- Grumfllhtr to ttRtW Ills promI.. 10
1M Vt1Unmanna,"Ilj.or and Ig.>IIl Iuo~ • prnmcr ~
.htm, GP"""I would be thal pmeno:t. Ht ..... lhe new
HlP. 1\108
WbMI Gj'"1lIC ,..aWd h!I _
tho pain of Ill. KIkIm
hit him filii btt. Nee only "711 lib ~"e ~ bLI. "'" bad
I nproc ..... blftd and • onrlnt !wodlc.... He u-Il II
had 10 be • Imbb.. Ht WJNd 10 mI, 10 Ilnlply lie ......
....t prrIupo do... &.I tho opIria ~ bdft him, FI
IlIrn 10 hlI k and ltd Illnl from tho uw. Thq' urpIlmi
oaward IDII ~ dO 1M waiIlnt; .... ol deIUy _
"' ......
lor ...
, ~ ....
..... be 0Cel and tho "OKa lit be ~ *P of thot WIlf.
Ht ' - ~ 110 pntt• ...,,,
mel oGa
tho world aromld bini ..1Cb _
dp. Ike ~ Iloe
\'~,~ DHcI • new 1r8dft. lit JU'l ""'""'"" II
Gja:ving Asb\orn.5Son
"'*" .:_y day. hk hait one! boeud bfeonlt
;.. ao Iw ..~ obuul,o drift 10 1Jo:q~ M btpn III hr...
.~, ... rMIl, buc npidly ~ mor. and mort
rlr.. They lOld Ium dlC')" ""m' lito! ,,/inb of hi. :once<tllf'l
.-I tbJIl>t .... III I.....-.eIy 10 liIltW Ilk drotiny. The """...
lnO mvther and e,;..""i rtIl w. At • child, Iw had he.d
mld.lrillhu '""Y around tho famIl)' '-rth. H. had aho..,~
. . It • • ,dt ol ..ttImoy.1OrMthInA III _ _ tho)~
.. tht IJUlliblt Now iI W3I happmInc 10 him.
!If nd 10 rNst. ~ 10 dtar hh oNnd, but
-hlnc IIl*ftl 0'I'ftt00k - . TTlf'P"I iD _ lIWll bod).
lor ..--.. III d;ol 100 , . lib: "-" hod. dagff lroao bio
""'" -J ~bd Cd bn Idi. ~
dida·, ......
.. bn,. '-lL....,.;pt. \,OXh ....t t1M:t vlllIO . . . be <:all
fP'f• • don
hi. rrmllinJlII ~ lit hldel lib l.lln.tw.doomt Uoce
UJld".. ~ l'~~ hood, makln& ourt thac no """ ~
lIle lealU.et of t.... Hijjh KlnS_ A tiny numher or
\'MltlVl\.llWll.\'lIjat know who he- 10, bill Liwy ba,~ moug.
Io)-.ky 1<I kftpll/.mt ..'hm be td. tIoc.... IIc ~ tIIM he
..'lII..- to.-e ro m~a1 blmo&. but he
in any
burry 10 do 00. He hat 110 idea wIoM WIll ~
M.gnus BrynJulHrsson .. £urs£olk
f ..... dot tndIr, Iobpol ~ ('brbvtnLkr-J
_ GSeio;d:. A fw.1nmtr - ' pIoj I .. ~ ; be ~
..'aIkod, Ind ITeW ra-r dWI _ dtiN ill . . ~ Nt
11M &Iw1o)" beflI b;gg..... ran.,., and ItrOngff lhan ilII)t>M
around hiz". Shon!>' afltf lib hlrth. a II'I)~ .ootluay~
mutd Magou.· p.lJ<'IllS. H. promiw'd to pr«lict thr tw,..•
l'unn In .xdwlgt' for a bo.....1 of.
Br)l1Julffr agrctd.
"I ~ a uown," ..1d lM wrlnkW ddt!, boldtng 1M bo}' but
IWins bJankIy Inlo thr <ky. ""
and glo<)'." 1'h..1l,
.."" "!UP' "I ~ lM Illgh King.'
~bgo,"' p....,lJ Wl". >lwu>cd. E~rr
C'OU""" hopei 10 ~
III' 1M High Kif>&, but. 10 blo told cmphIJ;~>Jly that h. ,,'OUk!
blo I.... •m
dd",. knoooing that a l'rrdi<tioo of Ihk
mogNtuclr ", lId ca..... IIP'"OU. rOlbode Bl)njulfl". and hi>....r. from ~r..dIng lh. nc:ws. 11Ic:}' obe)-.d..
.'1"5"11' gr • UfI .... Id III an .xlr.mcl~· lugh sllnd.lnl.
8r) np.lfTr kn
u.. ~.... and knew his 101'1 ,,'OUfd fa..
g'.OI triaJ~ H. ~rd lbe boy accordingly. A ....."'"
hIrmclf.llrynjulffr ..... " hard lead.. t, &nd Magnu> leofll.d
quick!)' \(I ~l OUC of the .....~' or lake lbr hit. 8')tIjulffr
Wlghl bit ..,n bow to dimb, run. JWim. and flghI. and
lkmandcd pftfec:don In .......y ...... Magnu. obIIlIc:d.
llui>ing on h1I ralb.,.', ditdpknc,
Al 19. Magn... h.1.d Mlab~1/w:d hiImclf .. an unblo.llb!c
.."al"liof, and his '''J'Ut.ooon.prnd \(I thr loral Jorl-" ,,\lri
"'lIrthlcr..w ..", a lelTiblc thrtalln the )'OUng I",). II. and
hi< mm O'O".ltd 10 the £amil)'. hcJmc. aDd ch~ lhe
bo) to a fight In ~ m.1o>'JJly. M"'!I'lU look the deal •
u.p l'urtIw:t-.
he be!Jo,.". hi. \'Cllr., CIrT)"lrrj; m lht
....mblcd CTcl"'c! bkc lhunclcr. "lf~"Oll win. r..'\11"1'\'. you.
If I wIn.)lIUI' hall 1. mine."
,.1JI fight )"Oll:
The jarl could not
In rroot of hli men, and ata<Ud
~l.gn\ll fcrodoully. '!be baltic !ailed n• .,.ly on boor. but
Mogn\IJ slo:w the jut and look control of. bu hall and Ia.ncb.
SIoc.. IMn. MagnUl Iw mm hli ~ known and It.. ~
Ihrou&'wul !he V.nd.] ....dupdago. .·rom his bur on
K1"'""4, b. hal d.darM war on tho h.rClkal V.ndol and
bcr.do hb .""'id.....b1.. m11l1Ar) Ik.iDI I""vd, ut>doingt.....
..icUdne... llil raid
Ji&htnlng .00 fCfO<ic>uI ill
Ihtmd.... Nu f...... (han fl Vcnd.lcxpedlliQl'lt ha.~ "" OUI
10 eltCb or kill hun. F • ,Ul'\ivon h"" rccurnm. II. Iuo
becom. a hem 10 tbc VC>lCmn.tnnavnfo' people,.oo thmI. talk of manholtng m1ny Jub behind him 10 dri>.. thr
Vmdrl oul for 1I00d. H. h... nol put oul any IOfI of ...n. bur
.!mct,· ..'>J'rlDn and ~ arc flockrnS In him.
a bear <>f • man. barrd eh",,'" .00 mighl)' 01
form, lin banlc uric it W1tDmprumllingly Q'..... .00 1m
band <>f /arQhc.ll foJkl,.'cn wlcld their w"pon. the ........
"'ay. Magnu. it a1", • na1\IrJ.l lcadn ..ilh • J>O"',du!
charlJma. NOlI. "'ho m.cr. him h.... ..... brcn
Wlimpr<!ftCCl, fur bctlcr (If
w ... Hc Iw )"ft lCl uil
an)....... of the pmphcc:y, but r........-no know him would b.
mr ..
Magnus BrynjuIffrsson af Larsfolk
wrpru;cd to hnr iL
Cunrud Sli andsdotlir
dolm IbM
vd 5at.,.~.d"'-""'''' Mo bml aJr,.,. b
cd and fifl)')'ftI'I. Of nIUr¥,
u_h, lIlU(h oldtr
.. t
tbrr- ........S
rtlKllna "liD, Gunnld """ • tau and MIUlifu1 ........ II....
""1nI blO<ld hair ~ Ido:.t 'un1I&b on 1M _n
J... "'" pamod II h/1Ot u the
<\Illlmtr •• y.
r.,"tfl' ""CIOIWl
IDUI ....-d be- !In'
b«&IM !DOland) tn<hl./l~ "ith her
.-e! '0 to. h.tf (,"'n<! and r\~'
liIobIncI. Sl'l'
uocd and • baJ.o mlba:r-d ~ d~
and ~.,.1GOk it........l). Thal
• 'fIRed ,....,... anlot nIImftI
.. ~-
"- • r
b boch ollhrm, .wid u- aa.n-
II _
......,...,."'" 1J, ... *"'e.
'"'-II', ~ ~ ... Gurnd. dw •......,- of ' ..... Ur dr... t... ~ from bt1-. and w rudtd ....
• _ IwIgblo 01 00.011'11)'
.. - - Un... WSothft-. 1M)·1I.d onI)' 01\0' "'l\'-..L
<Ir<itltd that she did
detcn,. IUCII fe,ud and thot
""nul, would do IlC'Im pllnllns 50melhing eu,., He uld
1Iw only lhl"l In 1Iw ......nd wonh hl. drvoIlon
• .t.iIl.. JIt< ha>t). ""fKI'I~ hid mr.. ~ "" bod.
ri.1hMn. ~ ,<lid blrn If ~ <OWd nol paiDI ",,)m... rIw.
lit .... 110 ~ arw. If ..... ....- 1M rdy thane In IIw -xl
ir .OUId ~ lhm Iw WoouId Iool '" tho: hn.,....... 5Iw
, . .... 10 Ilw _ and oal tha w ..-OUW oN) .. lor haA
... If 1M, <oulcI npIlft ill bnuty. II.., Ind ~
Fe...."" Iried 10 _
bn' dmnDd. He ~mrua!h'
••ffikd, bur. ..."'" blind from aJw t'fbt.
..... W
.!Mddt.lt'd b)' IhP unmlr\' 10 hKh htr Wl'llrdo hid n-m
f<rIlIlft. Gunrud ....... •
10 lhr ~ Gtn
\f~ Sbr l"'d~m .no "'<ItIId ;aJ..")' Ill' ber \00,,,,:,
btlptl and wooJd aid him WItII ho: Wed. Ull!e' did w lnow
tho full I1lmlficaboo, af lin 1'"""""'. 'n,.. I"... j"'"nlU:dI)'
_oed and, to "''ft)'UM'" 1Ut]lI'hr. fornuft coNlntll'd 1m
~ ~ he "" Iongcr iocI'Otd OIl Gunrud. lit
"tim:! an tpiplwm. ""'*b hot ",""Ed 10 ..
. . , . - . ' and Q'J./lt'd KeDn ol IJnl lwoeo and I
Iarib&t <rnQn rr- .. II ~ oo.ur ruln:a. M~ )ftn
.....tin! d.: Grnl ""',.... appo_ed, I-. JI"'1I'lI)~"~
Gunrud SUgandsdOllit
II pupb«) lle- ............
tmIIy 1't«IpUed,. lht
- > I'l .....
d.: n.
r'o ""&II
\,ntfn IrJbo:,o
\\'bm I'<rmuIi boamt __ II the Lh'"3 Rwv., Iw 1lM>fd.
.....»We II dI'inil)'. No Ionv< would be -s" and "".... '«*
I<llOOkI be I", lid. L'nfIlmnat..l)· for GUMKl, 1M WI'" dtd
no! hold lrUC' for hrr. 0...... t1>t )"'i"~ ...... pw old ..,.j
ftt.blr. bIil "" '"0"0 lrpr ~ -II,.,. .5M ..."OIIid """)"' "" III
.........·eJ·. htIptr..,.j "WId IIid him lnd hf.lW Ikco....
of d.nr bond. GlIIIOlId ..........d _
II fomuf... """' ...
SIw do..l optd the abilI) 10 _ • pmaa'o p-. and pmp1Idw.- Mon_ Othtr \~ _ _ opwd brr .... - '
on. ' - - • 11m - ' ~ for .. Mr p"""p<-
1\'1Im KrirR the Inh\UTWl and the other LJ.tn8 Runel "'ffl'
bJkd, I'ornufi. went (n1(J hldin8 and Gunrud wumed a _
role. fomuft eommunicawll(J he, lhIOIIf:h lbtolr >hand pf~
and .n. I>ecam.. ~ mouthplKe of the Roof>. Thi. hrouRht
I... ~ n>o<e aI1(lIIlon than her ablIll)' .. a Wrtune leD.....
At last, W l1!lrUIM &om her people. lUl"3 n-fug<l In •
ca.", 1Iw overlooked the mllli communll)' of her hirth. She
could -. iu futuR,lIlld tl'IoOroOO'Iy WIIclIed it ~ to ......
Finl. II
ll'~w Into In.. ""''' of KitkjubzJuklau"..... ~ II
,,,,.lIed and blDllLKl Into lhe mockm cky of KIrk.
'I'M )~In bmo'ftn ....... her ""'1' puo InlO popular IIog",!d.
l'«>pllo who &<M difficult dedslono or nttded omwm 10
tit... 1*"6' quesdo!u wuWd bn.ve her moWIlIiJU. 1T\.IIJl)'
t>e\I<'f If> 1<tUtn. She oa,w it 1l!I. n- who fotmd he. a ....
Wft'e uttWly 100 I!UrlnCd by hcor decrepll appe....... c.e III
vol« Ihl"lr concern>. Sbe would jwl lI!"" a "1tn..",,, ,mile
and Cl'Kkic oul tbelr needed ....wtJJ, oCItnn8 a bowl of
stew befoft' her <omp>.n)' left. She w;u ,,"" .... ourprt-' II
thrir n-tu.ah or lhrir d..dslono not to heed her ,,'ortU.
LJ.'ing Run"". She ...ilI cononuc to pia)' hel EWt w>UI tilt
JIOl')' rondudel and Ragrwt>k claim. thnn 1l!I.
On< <:J die mOIl mr"tl'iouo ngu<'" In Klric lOdlo)' IIlcnoo<u
only by the natTl> U'1leMtt. Of M)'IIK)'. Rumor1 ......k ""
'" • VeM"'! 'UM mage dediC2.led 10 lht oo..llfaU "dw
Vtndel Guild.. H" 11m publk 1<1 " ... I"'O)"9f> 'W' ".....
she poot<d a lttJ~r from • V...del merdllUll upon lhc door
nl Kitk', bw'gtorlillj5 whedral. It wao I $eI of Irwruclionlll
1M merchant', minion. \.0 m\lld.. I ~
VelltnmOflNl'lljlr cOlIflIt ,,'lllI ,rfwtd to ",U ib... landI.
.ou ",",!>eo tit< city below. Sbe knew th.. Vendel
would oend a I...... of men W <onfbm wMtJw:1 Of "'" ,he
uioled. She 1110 knew tltll the lfUlh W had for lhetn
would ,ender them deaf, blind. and mute......n..n die)'
appeared. she lold them ...m\ they wanted to know - and
her ucklinfI bughlel' 1olI000'ed them .. they fled in hnnw
b¥:k II> KI.k. She ....... it Il!I <onIUr"" bdOl'< and walt<d
dili&endy for the time W <Ottl<.
<:J hb
II <xp«Ung he. nut fI\IeJl. On.",,, by the lpirllO
eM"". GJie'ina: Asbjornuon will......, ~ lnlf>
her ~. Sht will dellvrr a ... eJl.l1!he&ned If'''<<:h and. ....nen
sl>c' u finhhtd, he will ag'~ ,,;th e"'tI'}1hlni W "')'1.
Unlike <VtryOne ebe. he WIll May and ohar~ , bowl of stew
willl her. llnfnnurw~ly. oh~ dots not be~~." I.. "ill foUnw
th< final bll of !let ,.a..'\t:t untilll illOO late.
Gunnxi appell'l .. an absolut<ly decrepll old <ron< ,,1th
,,;!bI:r<d okin aad .....ken bor>M. She lui lo.c Il!I of her ~th
and hai., and her wftluo 'Y"" liar< blindly &II"" ...orld. SIlt
<anlllill_. however. though r..w lfI()I'ta1I ....ould recop'izt
her .1""". She Iw lon& >in<:t renclut><ed he.. l1!rrWning
0(Y0N I<fVa only U
a mouthpl«:t for tht
Tht flII"It 01 Ml'llny ..v
Icllft In red nit;
_ bad VftI who had powd II upon !hi: dotlr ~ lht
~, ocrftt • btfll. 1M \'mdd llIel'ttw. .pud -aJ
bribn, and . . .....-w dwpd wllb-yen-.
St\ft\\l-..Q lour. :IlII inInldot- ~ "" t-Je - ' kiIrd
- . 1M lnIrudn ldi lbf. l:'~ ~
III bkood
..... tbr ..-..II _ 10 hlI body_ A Iem6o:d nwd c&e.mbed
-.6trm bIoncIt _ " -kim« P""""ftfuI nIM map<.
... P"ptto..... ~ . her daulfU:'llll:lllChrd bar
SiM~ 1M: -lUll)'
0Il0tr Itarn iua Illt ,""*,,, U ~
u.1' ~wrd • OWl' KIrk. llq' appt'_ In plIbk ~
IIICI dtuiI 11M: mmeo 01 Vcndd ~ A handful cl
__ ......,had> 10M", bHn dIarrl b ~ <71IIIIa ~b1
fIllbtm !un'" _ .;m", bffiou,e 1>0 «II ,ubcw Ili>lC <:Vidmer
ana .. boaw.f. dot mm:1wIb "-,,,, ..,.,.,p InfIuma! 10
dwS"" ~. M"" 01 Ibott who ~
;-<1' haw dwod in Ilnnp "acddmm:
Funhn. ohhoup It It "'" common knowkd&r. ""I';)d
OW.,.ioIur h~. ~O)',,"'" a nunlbn of s..n.n &om UYittnhet
d,uU"'ll .hIpping lIC:hl'duJ... &nd CIlio "W'uf~, III (uL
If," .h" >elll .tw: "nUt• • h,pplllg ""blMiult fOf 011('
l"'umlnmI. """,d'alll 10 OW...&xdr. !he \,CIlftl Rilldr..'
dtw'o)ed hi• ..,art hoIdinS- In rwo wet'lu by olnk!ns fl... 01
b ,_h, Funhn.lIkhoutlh the V"ndd c.:..w.e~ <loa 1>01
..'!b 10 'f'l'u of 1M lIWIft', lhe """' .... "'"'tfllIy bTm to
"l'fKM in Olhn placet U "",II. 1M Urpmkrl GUlId
d1'1«"'"'fd II c..-l ..... an ftllft I!~ 01 valualW
nupIr: all olllw .."00<1 ..__ .."Nptd brycnd UK. ""11m I
alSO fJl "~ . . dda)"ftI .. dod U 10 .......
aIon dN:ll''tf1!'d !hi: nlM pIlIUd Ioporl lilt
.-os bod. And -.-..I II<Obk ......marx. ...... bHs
luuod dud ill tlw ' - 01 dwt-pI.ub&t _
QJ, m.. rww
tlvIlmha • I . . . . . . 10 rally
bdIond. SM 1Irins' u.. <nrMS 01 1M pm~ ODd -akIIr
... lpl: Mol !Inns' juNK' wt..m 110
dw wiJ. AIdIoucb
dwy do 1>01 ~ her ~, Ihq an!' wiIIirl& 10 IIld .... in
lIIl) ..-.y In _ InoWlU ' " ' - • r\WIOe IflpeIftCl 011 tbe .or,
ofl ...~. \'nI~.,. oaikn III the __ ........
lht pia«. 11wy bnIlimbrr oblained from l!w ~
of. r-.c IKnd 10 !he \'~. nw,. UDOd
!he ~ - ' da>ber 10 tbt v-cL 1 M ~ _
~ ~ _ tho: fCllU'e dod. ~ In II oIlbnr
~ l I l I _ hal Well tho: penon Of ~ te'F
Sevtnl 01 tho: Goild', ~ ~ Il\oIlIlI . . . . I'ft""'"
could be 11'1'
fur .. runy __ 1"bey upe<1
down tM GIIIId 1"bey
_!he nDn III limply 1"'W5 rnnb_..1 t-..lIlI ruI
~ ....1--1 "'~lbeQle, dw \'mdellapebat
placed III c_ _ ff:WVll
do Ie...... III
~ . c~. So ru. no...., "'" c.bimed!be.-an:!.
orpnirMloo cIediwtd III blk
aIle VenJel
Boll KolIsson
To lIw: \'ftIIW. BoI K..a- it • .an..d t
In aDd
• pat...el. To !be \'~.Iw It dw WlII1l 01
niIlIn, • ~ III ~ ' , ~ BoI _
bon •
\'ftIIW. nMd by lcMr>s .....d_ parmII ill Kirt.. Allbe
01 pubn1). Iw aNd -!aI IDmp: impooaibIe
"f'p..... ;..
01 WI field 01 ..........loto>
.... I.- parnom. dory f.k k C1lIIIId ripaI • pat
IA:nloIa. ~ IIlIIdl ,Iw
!hey _~ bIn:l rn- dw
buod. ofllw cay III • "..,...,.
c. . . . . . boow of1llo
\'~.* podfM
Ywr- ~ .......d
Thnnd l1&on. The llkI
PadIf ~ lhor reub tol
the ....." of ~ and lbe ~ 01 hIo _ _
BoIi _ abt.1bk III hio _ _ k............ He)~ b
It. fI.op=l. dr-. hip . . .~, and ~ 01 It. 01)llwo wouds >offt d.ut and ~, and he aMmpled CO
T\UI."-.y w.wnJ lima H~ ntYn reaM It far ~
.00)'1 H'emed lO know whO'fC lie _ gainl'
A burTible utmo: fll\.llly graoltd Boli lib !rtfdom. He lwl
....... om! deorp lulo the bftlco ~ u.. ...m.r.
-'''' ~ beowloo • -* rod.. III • gtO'o't ulllallowtd
net. He _ .... b JI- -. alplo boa, ..'hoc he mumnl
lor blnd blo ~ _...,.ty murdmd. Desptnrr
bripado Iud bud lIw.- - , inIo the ~ ~ d>r
old -= _ ..... his hod _ . . . IIOlt IlolI ~
boa b...w thM tw cuuId del nIllhin& but n!llrlO hunot.
Thr '-"om ..... nw-t Iud uup ,*".....wd un _
10 bo 'ft}' profiaIW, bul Bali Iud ~ \IV lor the 'l*iruaI
. . dw ~ lhem. To the -P"'" and.an.
O\I~ of .... ~ "" ..... brtd ham.elf M 0bjK_.....
olalln& lhal [..,rOOm depcndw upon I ..'kid", ..-..lting widl
lnhertlll etur.cltrblkl and I\Ol any f&lte V",enmannavnpr
godI. At for the .... nton and p..- "" ~ !'"''lOUlIY
_ ... lor c",*,mllhat II>oy ~ notbanfI- than m.
produ<l ul an OH'lCtI~ lIl\.IPliOIloll.
!II lbe ~ . .~, BoIi P-l tar. - ' WVIIdI
P"""idIns d>r "mdd ~~ wIl1I ~ ....
"- he ~ t'- lcWaIo \hat ..""'- br II ' - Illbt. iItd
his podfIIbn-'.!IDlk, Iv nJI ......n It. boIy ....'" ullttl
to ~ lambet Sor "ffldtol IblpJ. and ~ dlr
0llCf0ld nICk for rOAd malmal. H~ ~ '''"' doom 1M old
(OIlll@,e Ind n.placf<! it with • "endrI hllrl""3 lodse,
clwJinlI admboion lor An)' ""'" w1t11ed 10
He re~
( ~ profib from hit acdollo, proIll* ridI ftlO\I8h III
buy hio ..-.y IuIO dw Mm:Iwtr.'. Guild .. a NII _ _ II.
iIlIIl bIJ: _ dq 10 oelllzr<bn.
'*' ...
lioii apnwd • .....JI odoDoI III Kirk _ _ Indoto ..
WUl'lI ul Nee m.>p b • _ . I ft. All are =t' _ .
aIIftId bu
and he "'"" f-<Mb:td _
fIIOllIIlolnI tIII.dmcl. AJ • ~ to tho. Vetdd le....
gnduann,;: IWdmD ""'It IIIICribo lIupl wuh ,he P""'" III
",lk1Wld anades (rom pl!'aU'O before !t'Cel\ing lbfto
diplomu. Thrtt! ~ • week, IloIi "aciln !pKl..I d....
on inIcTIbins wnpoPI and annof, Thete _ (~
mon upm.."" lhu lab dll)' (llUI'WS., but ,*.IlUdenb _
mmpPI" A Sew ocIlft ~ .1100/0 u.... 1fW"ll up.
"mdd dIIa, but.-.. u.... the ~ ...... 1hM Boli'. dna
I'Jft I<lWDrdo
~ .. Utbn'. CIIbechI _ pan 01 1m ~.' ....
efbt 1'1 ....... lhr ot.,H_lIlil Outb (otWm thM -.:ftln
are MIt b~"'E"d)' dmoned. IV ..... 1CYEflIl1IIiIumAI Pant
lllDfi" bar:king lllh pl, 0Uld !lor coundl <Jf Apootltt •
IWUng to Ihcm. [11IEy ha,... probabl)" ,uliud u.. number
ol JlO"'ibif' cOrt\"mI I\I(h. dedaradon ..wId)W'ld.)
A omb/.e porliOn 01 &oil',
Boll KolIsson
Boll aIw.).. WEan c~.... 5armen!l, ~- d..
....u.1o"f ~ l'Ilb II • INokr <Jf pnccioJa)- • GppIIOod
ID ony kind of r.Won lWeme..... Iloch of Boll', Ilrnu .port
.an, I"" liUllng mark. of iii. falI«i aunnl'lI I<l
a.odJ l..,rtIom m.»Ie1)', H~ hn tritd lime and again w
bt<~ 0"'" .. ith. runt, and kttp> ~ lhc bin... bee of
the l,Jrmom Mal..... M tr"lCO\lfllCltd last )l!01. 'JM Skfa'rM1
1ous'Un&!r mid him llw hot WIIlIld ,,""w acId",:" ll'Ue JIO"'~
boKllnI: h~ had no faUh in the god. ht ~. lIe
ll> r~t Iti.o Wm.anl btli.,{ In thr Obj«1IOniJt o,UKh
IlId I. dlOlfJffillel), >':ltching for lKlIne WI)' I<l p""'" the
Sk1"',tn \OTI)Ilg. He c"" cfim be iowId in OM of 1m ocl>ool's
wod>hopt. $flt'lklng to himM'tr and ....llfldog diligtlllly 10
rood • ooIudon.
Bcns Postma
Boll> l'ouma ....."" born ",,<I raiM:d V.,.wunanna''''Jar In •
'>!hgt on \~dd.nhcim. Iii. rl,her, • wIot, '1"'"1 leng
momhl ....,,) (ron, !>om".... hi. rnolMor Aw to illhu 1M
bo) g'rw up In lhc Ippo>prWt tndilklf", RMu lo\w1 lhc
Uonn and onnp of Lhe I;....... Runn, oft"" h~ of
.m;'lu;'y. lit 1w1.l<nKk for ffil'morizluon, and b)' tIwo age
.. l~ could ......kt m"")' "orin on hh In<on.
r.ther lent for the rarnily. ""d mO"«!
Soon ,~idiCi. Iklll'l
tboem (0 Kirl<. lit opob
famil)' "f th< Vendtl League,
the 1".';1)' the famil) wuuld
to 1M
ODd glo-.'lnlly de$al~
<'IlJ'lr as Vtndf,I.1kno hod no...,....., IOdoubl hh (all-, but
lu, moll,., Sr<:W ir\<.rt:iI.>l"&')' tomh.tt and wl!hdn".., lht
longcr (My b,w1 in 1M g1earn!n& capital. Ikm', father
<oollnucd lJ) 'l""'l'i ltme away ~I lea. so Bem nred for hiJ
"'Iins molller .lone. She """nllwly 1os1 all conlUl ..illl
.... ~ty. and .. ,~ InceNnlly .bout forgOll~n nam<:> and
d..",nOlion. WMn lhe llrWly \U,.,.~ htneIf 10 de~h. fIr.nJ
Idl home.
fl~ ~",~red
.. MaIlhWt mr>nw",y In Kirlc. _king the
ooIue of religlon. While there. he otudied both
and \'~nd~1 lheoIogIn uu.nsi~ly. ami
reodled iln intriguing (K\(11.I>lon. TIle Vetlen didn't h:I.,~ l<l
M nght .bt1u1 l/wo Vendel In ",der til fc, their "'.lloru. If
the Vesle" lJlIly klio!"ed lllal Ihe Velldel """ inod\-mmdy
killing ~Ie throllgh ,"" delrlion of tndttional cuJrure.
lIltn lhe Ve..en OO'Ould cOOMU~ to reUI, ll'gordleu of wlw
the v...de1 Wd.. Somtthlng nftded l<l lmn&: the two 1idel;
'0 :on \IIldentas1~. On<~ thai happened. IIem r~.........d.
Vf!!Ien ~e .."OUld ...... ~. Joinf., the Vtote" would be!
IllOI't comlortable "1\11 lht V~ndel'l KtlonL
bur )~..... IkM left lht ~tonhWu and beJlln
lr>I,~DinB lbe Vttlen vchlpeLogo. l>lO"ing through town
1IIl... ""'''. eoIIKllng mum" ibu of IWIIl:I. lie undmlood
both Jides of the Vtndel quttllOO - the ponkked horror
"ith ,,-hieh lht Vtllen .-lew !he VrndeL and the V...,.;k1'1
unquenchable de.ire flK ad''ILJ)(tnltfll and P"'IretL Hb
wallU '" hrid&~ the gap bet....,.., lh.em by cataJosu!ng the
nllkrn. Some ,il~ ,,~kom~ him., la~ hh
fl'......-vln& drum. Othm ",om 111m as tom. tori Df n.LlturaI
11."" iliII lTlI'"elt tXl~Iy. rithrr !wading for " \00011 III
<"laWs Dr ~nin& III KIrk whele !If dl:flO'IIu IliJ t..1d
ntItn with the monk. of lib ff>rm... ord.... "1M rnonkt r!'
copy and lndt" 1M rwn.. 1M- bnngs WI1\, compiling the
lIIOSl. uh.allllli,. Vt*nm""""''''jar g~a1og)' ~~. They
~ lh.al by domg WI th~· can hdp allay V~lm rean and
£odlilau. <on'l:nlon.. Be... Just Io'UlU 10 'F" an)" otlltt
rhiJdml &om "">IlChlng IMir PA"'"U U>r(l,l/l: tho:m,c""," l()
I\ro... aI.o colIN!> local
and folklou. lie
t!>t,.. 101M Explorer'. Soc,.,),_ and intm.n1O Cala!o& them
oom<!day. tfu ... l!.lmpotffl minion h.. Ih.. Soc:let)~.
rym~ (he b:M bun I dua-I"'y!ng Explc>ll" lOr n""rlr
[meo: )"""'). and tIw:y prvo;i<lI' hlm "ith eno..g. fund. to
Iu!qI him in food, dOllleJ, and Ink.
In iii> gathmnll of folklore, Ik"" mode " F&nWdc diM:",~
only " few .....ek. ~. H. carTW! Into p<>&VUlon nt. wpy of
11u er,..,j.tA" e,ch, "'fill..,, crntllriet "10 by lA!1Ia
MacDonald M"COl"~ fu1l)' ddlnnkd I.... U''inf: M)th
<>1 V~""jar. lJamlatlng it ...".d lOT "wd into
,bl:M. If Veottn ~ as Long .. IMIl nlmel ""re
rrmmIbrred. !Mil the txhlmce of M~·. book
could polmIlalIy II. the grellle<l boon th. Votm pwp'"
ewr ~ He It lll1I readinA and ~.nding the booIt:
00« he hu dignlM II fu1Iy hot Intends III Iilke it to the
f.xplom'. Sodtty, ",110 .... hopn will pIIblbh it.
lit... II .. ~uanl r..Ul;lW of~" hdshl ond bo.IIId. IUs
b.ard hal lle"W beotn full, and 1M- prcfm to SO cle_
W"..". H. hu I ConlaeOUS wit and I tudy chuck!.... Vue
q\lltlll~ of gcne.oJosJe.oJ Infoml&llon tnI<k in hb IRtITWrY.
and M n i l r«it!! ~I<. ag.. on tkmand ..ith all the
performing JkllI of. ~eran SbJd. IlmI h... , fondnl:M for
the 500da checae common to !\hi, and aho1l)" pacu tome
along ..ith him whnl he nvds.
me GuilJ Chairs ,
Master loris Brak
[.in the othtf Vtlldel O!ain, Most... Joris IlrukmJOf Iw
changed hb lWfIt co bcuer accommodal(' lhe l~ 0/
Olhet 1Wi<malilb. E,'Ctl if the rat had not tUtn th!I
lI"lditiooal Sltp, il iI likely Joril wollld h"·e. The last tb1nJ;
he WInI1 " for an)"One to be In In lIn<omforubk or
lroUblnomt mUllIon. \\~ pooalbl., Jorio a';<ljdl
connlcL II. I.IW mOlls" of thai ... a child.
Joe. inhmled hk pmldon .. !lead of tho! Carpmtc.-'. Gulld
from hls rather, Rig. Rig
so 1mW.,N wtth !he V.ndtl
politic.. """"'e',,,,, mll .... 1wI ~llle lime to ~ h1l
""" and tfltrtIllN bIm Into the Core of 1m Uncle Ai, I
~pe<IN tnl..kr, Rig f.k thaI it would do hb Jon .."U 10
go ou\ and see the world. bu' Iiltle did .... 1u>ow wllll youtlS
Joril wou1d behold.
Al ..... ~ • ltI'''kr, bul not of lhe merr.han' '"Il'\eq'
H. bved u a CIltIhrOll and lrOUbl.makcr•• man ...1.0
enjoyed ClU<lng dwll and dnordcr In <WrY port I>t
eRl ed.
coune, it wou!dn', do lor him \(llOll hI> IwKI.
In ch millen, so h. crnplnyed ruffWll 10 do hb dirty
WOf1t fof him. Nat only did he pro/ll from Ihell wanron Mil
ol c....lt); bul he d....lopcd .. rcputlllon .II .. Iuorolc man
..ho ..ooJd dClU'Oy them
oppommll)', H. It.<! ,
perfecl double hr. lU both Mrn and ''lI1ain. OnlyJoru \:new
I.' ewrr
doc boy'. tiicta. AI >ovuld __ ' - ~
FI tt'
Tho IIlllInIy ohydlilcl
MIl .. _
, ..d1ouDd ~. 'w!& t..1IIIIy IOOIlm'
d combt. No _
how bnaoed or t.a-d joIil ...... hio
lIdlfI.II kNIc cOllllnUaly produced &maZinfI; worlo iii an.
T. _
IIn.c"Jom wu burtccn.1u,1ik lOOk I fUm lor the ..........
Ai bad been wd)in8 llle conflict III Oocn,lll1d lc~ thai Iut
DqUt orndblhtlco wooJd be qllllt marbI.abIc thnc.. Soon
Ilo ODd hli r>cpl- lwnd t~ .. Lho! Ihl<:k iii 101II"
d !hot _
blnn and ~ ~ Ia ~ob'.
fadln', D. bit" ~ n<UMKY 10 -.by
Tocby J- il .........
Kquft biI
iii _
Coori iii Suw: • man iii ~al . . . .e IIld ~ p _
pIlIetlCe.""cope"'ben MtOlMl 10 Il1lIllcn dIal could dnw
bit country InU> a war. Then M bcc_ • paalonaIc
lpt'lUr. hi. vh'ld mcmorlellJVlll.ucd Into JXI"Inrui """do
01 warlll... He know. ll>c gvar cru.1ry and wtul&
hcUlbfeak -we 'fN"TIl, and It dcIamIDcd 10 do
...,1hInI be em 10 opart' <Jlhcn ruth paIIL
0 . III AI', b\uriIc ........... 10 hift I ...,.. III
I' .............. 10 "'-av a IOIloII _ ... lie ""OUkI Ibm
«ml' .. ...tIl lew oUwr "bm:lts- IDd (b !he ..... a),
nil Ihc am iii !he ~ If lhe ~ coWd llOt
lI&nl '- "",'icft, !he br1pld< ....wId _
and AI wwJd
ptf-..lIy bdp thctn"'PC Ihc,~ 0Ul. Ewa f pooper!)
tomptol>Iled. AI "'llUId tll1I ......dmn bcln)' lhow ..'ho
u\lllftl him. Jooio .... every lIfIpal!m& act.
-ns wllh!he Vcndfll.n.p.jom pmm 10
opmd hIll1111C ....... He ..... WI clDClli>rublc carpnoln".
HI. ~wnll pow <arne Ilfl", one IUCII mWU ..., SIoHu of
rain _Ie fal!ln& from .... ""'If)' uy ...1Ien AI dI.on..... hi<
bwhcTy bad _""'" mIsxd I Icrnflcd )'OWIfl woman,
She IliII won hcr weddinB
uadlias btl" dead buobaDd
10 hcr ~ arms. \\ilb I A<bm< yin. AlI'*l June 10
wau.h IDd learn how • brido: obouId be tabt. \\'!len he
lUmCd 1O'"I'f'"OICh hcr.jono leapt . . bit bad ItICI drew bit
noin& kOlifc ....,. .. ,....•• thr-.
iii the ..... and 101m) 01 !he falIoooInt )Un u.'C
bhon &om "101'1_, N. _
~June Ill&cIc "-Y
..... U
He boned bh ""OllCkan.... oIaIh CO'ftl !IlIthcr.
cIclpcIuc 10 block lbe 1toIri~ tIWn&> be bad ....... &non bit
lDUId'. e)1' til. c.....~ 1C~""'nt ...... winoIInI • Ilny
Ilokltn CM II lhe annual ~ c""'.... In Siev, and
U....,lhI, \'iClOly thllt 1l"\C him the to~ 10 <durn htlmC.
RIc baffly tt<opzed the paltid IbclI oflut 101\, and Jorio
could IIOl brin& himIdf ID td boo Whcr AI', we !ale,
\mI.cad, he daIoncd hio \IIlC1e dicd. hero', dcaIb. ~
a IamiIy iii Boca brmcn ""'" a band of .... mrmnak. No
_ clolbcd the -.y, .ad Jota quwdy look WI p- II bit
Master lOris Brak
71/' St'.
dodon .... _ In 1ItI r-n.
y""" lOft,
bh.,. ..... ~ ........
. . ~ ' - and
'l'*dY• ..,...._IO~
liiio pt> •
I/w wlDdro . . . .
beud.. He wbiaIn
Mist~ss Sela Cole
Stb c..a. WAf bc:wn in • fur&e and iron floo,.• In lie. blood.
Il~ f<athtr, • J>!OOIiaml bladJmlth 111"1Wld ColbJor II\fJoo,
.»cmulDod Ia haw • """ III lab """ the funily !orrlie ~ • ~ and Oft IIbout f'I'\'dudIla; aD heir.
lie """' WiJled thot b;, . . . Sdr:. ita)' M. '*- ill tbe
bat ..fwD tbe
b hrr 10 1I''e '*'h. Tho:
~If<l. buI her
r.I upwldml" nn. \\1Im bh 1OiIo
dlod PVlI bktb.1w <Ida, ~ Qt, wd At _IbM bb
~--.pl ~bo-.thrrSdru
.tt.r bn lIlOtber, but IrwMed IMt "'" bot IlalIttd
eoa"..- oo...r than tbe ndIclonaI c..u;o.odoIci.
Sola', rawr kMw nothina: .boul ~ • duld.. nptdalIy
• pl So 1M: ~ed !Iff .. boo WOIlIId • piea: of ltltt.oI: IuJh
pteuwe and h",,~ ~.led M1lIJlA'I, luddl'fl In~ In
enld ..om and dlodw.. She worl=l In d>e lor8" &om !he
I:imo! "'"' couJd ...'IlIl and h&ndIM 1M twnm.T .. -.. lOS
oM <OWd Il!t It. ~ _
.'110 (""''ltd " b hard III Uti
..,.. II... ~ tu.I DOl nrp.e.wd her
..... dhn. She <
clkuble prita - ' ~ ~
~.od CODa .... ill
of ~ and clnI ..lCh
C" .. Om '" ~ 10 !MY Ibrir td. tic> , ..... Md DO
&nl'" « QiaI ~ In lad. w ..,. FUft, taatwn. ....
. - , ond Nod _
- . . ..... or Irii: Klrt..
T1Ik .....,jd ~ IIfNl'l bn """nI)'flnI birthdo) She
confmnled hrr r.h.". lIld l~ hlm lMl hrr
apprmliusblp waf "''tf, sn.. chansed 11ft IWlII: lind ,..,."."j
nol 10 f~m unnJ W had ~ him. Sbto Ira''e!ed
much oClbbh for lhe ""'" n.... yru.. 'po:ndlnS lImC'
.1Ih mlnon, fMIa1JlUp..... orllolan. and merdwwo. She
lurntd tho! Ilich of lhrir ttades iUld the chfkrt.nt
le<1riq""" lIIed _ _ !be ,..-- nMoru. She blo.ouotd
Inlo. _ _ ..1fh paiw. cCWllldtnc. and ... eM)' _ _•
She opmI _ . . . wah kIaI bIacbrmtl.. J->.... ill- t...r
.....,. Ind boa'll ....a • h ...... of won. • .a.n ...
Jl'OtKta. Her Mar,,· smiW
of llivmpll and
...san..a- .bed odwr omllbl .... ~ ...modr. """"""
tbe ........ IlIUlbI ~ tift _11 ")'W ~ c~
• - n.tifti, ~ IIIllht ~ of an __ we
• minimum .. ""'~ And ............ tprnd .. a
b1xbmidl of lmCOJIlpItJg r.!flIl ond Wll.
lIrt fMhcor JUmIDOlIrd !Itt" back 10 Vrndd lor I ,,>f'CAI
commlMoIon. n.... Gm. of UlJUQ had drckJ"d 00 dooc off
""" 01 bU """" 10 brp lJUI rai<lm& pir.urs. Ilr IIC'edrd •
clWll O\'tf I _
Ions aod ~ ~ to bor all may
Into !he port 11)' pnre ,-,,- Colbjor _rpctcl UIt
COIrUllIloioA, bul <ould _ f\'ftl brp lbr P"'Jf'<I b«of hit poor beU:h. sm hlId 1""''11 tqound tbr b.rd. .....,
pi CoIIp hlIId cnf1ed and -.-110 dlr bmlk bp.
Itdp t-. "'itbia • ~ lht ebom ..... cuuplclftl ...
lroouW. sm ..-.lwei Wllh pnde •• ~ pIlrwI', bill
~od IlpCI'l btr clwal. Tbr ~ .... l'Itd b ...
Srlll rfl\Itnrd 10 lht bge and btr d}in« wiler. H.. '"'\lC"d.oo Iuor"ln tlw "'" WI1 hI! Ilnf'll cn:1Don. She IrlIIlj'
tk>.cd "II f).... and ..'hi>prt.... "I am mr 0"11 condon. n<ll
)'DUn.• "Ith pr>Dmlon oIlhe famlIy "'Sf and .... WIIIMII
"'lib lrIinert aod lUdlllWJIm. Srb Co/.t Ire'" ..
bDpomncr. 1'b", rlllell qu.obl>' mal aod Oft! I",t boor
~ 10 O f t i - br)uId I t - 01_ .....
In ~ ~ diKuotrrd teenII 01 __ ""'de [ i lln.,.r'lilI
t.med lor oa:n Ulpt,it.ed ......
~ her obi., ...., .... tIlIaDrd ...
lMniIed dw ~ 0w.I: _
four mlIIll!ot
brr ..,.,nor ...... k1D.d ....
Since tbm, iht h:II daK_ed .. hal • polIacaJ __ hrr
plcI h:II ~. W-~ ~ 1f'Il1or mrmben rtIil
filIIIlWII, and ltWlf w<aW "llI'lMtI"I" """Y JlIOIc ;oboQl
lhdr polllicol uII\di"lllbln pl'l(lking lhoil' craft &1. hod
open! olI ofllet"'"IY on
work. and hMln't rew.-d boo
>idouI !he Guikl°. 1UbIrrfusf "'tIUkI k lbu .... pedlrlo
..'by ....
dlow .... b "'" job; ......
Iia, obt could ~ ell'l ..
ouppon oIlhe ..are GulId and end • pelI)" ~ Se/II
IOllo .-.cod .... duoia ..;u, the ID<Chodk'" <nib ' I
w on<eo applied to Mr ""Un; on!)' I!mc will tdI haw ",.n
.... •U<trcth.
Sob I< .. otrikinS r>gurP. not beall1lful. but inle11lgenl and
,"fty mlKh in cufllJol of het..,IC, Sh. COntul...... 1lI "..,..k ~
rotgt "''''Y da). II., piKe• ..ontain httl<: (IfJl~'Iion.
bill fo<u. "" brwIl I:UJ\'~ and .. rmooth .I'lan! f1nbh. SM
p<lftion nf each day in C<IITl'Opondfnc. with
of ..... Guild 1.0 nuke .~ that 1M)" ",m:dn ..
ro.u 10 be m:koned ""Ill. Sht suII ..,,"" rough
rlolhmg in lh. fnorv.oo III mw~. but hu lahn 10
dMlling .. dfeu for formal Guild
,.It 1Rn,lormi llllil an u""'trtiln
""-emlote\ btl"'ffll ~lOUlI and ... hitpc
'Then 11"1'
hu ''<Ike
ThI.1w not helped her Guild', 0Ianding, allhough 1be b ..
«>mprltnl l.ao:kr In moot ocMr felI~ •
MaSlc:r Val Mokk
~lollio not> ~il
man. lie b .. palI'lot.a champion of
"'~ V.,oo.,! (Uld ('V<:1l V,....nmannavnju). H. wei
llw tht ..'Orid hu mlI", lQ ofl(,t than frenlo, p"'"ftl)" ""d
bloody raid. upon Wl'IIISfIe<I!nI illntllentl. H. 'nil!> on1y
,II.. bel Dr hiI COWllr)'. and If he ~ ... liIlhy lith In I.he
p<1Xet.!, thlll Is Ill. JUOl ,....ani He hu rted"td .. dwlu lor
grutnMa and Is lktntnlMd 10 taU It.
Of CllUrJC, lhal'lllOIlIS timpk .. k IllWICb.
II.. "... born SlIl''a1d Mjolkb. Iht: only child or two bitt..1y
poo< 1!mIl.b. (,...., though Ilk ClMI.m. . - . fIedn& 10 the
.Id... and ~ ~ ~" .. for lhmueh.... hit ~
..u...rM .<> the old )'\, ~ the bnd !of on ~
}In on Grtnulildd "'" lOOk Ubertlell WIth any fnnak
.ubordinat<: ...'flo .omKk hiJ fancy.
hlo mothfl" WOC'\r; ........If La
deW. In W frigid \o'lnlcf of his lenth )~ar. She _
chopJlin5 wood for he, family ...wn al>e IUlIi:o!d I />ellt
:dlack ODd coll.poed inIo I ...- drifL When he &nd hb
father told the jIri ...'hal had hopptned, the llWl "'Ill his
I>owthold ......'UlU to colIed the wood. lie IIld the pOW>d
..., .. frooll:rl too hard IQr I praper b..rtal. but he """'IlId lldmd
to tk .....ner In tM 'Pring, Ilnfortun.alel)' !he jarl did IIllI
ha,... I chance 10 Uep hb pmmI... The """"".. ......
eneplion.uy cold and hungry 1<10,-," CIJT\ed oil the body
long bdwe the flN thaw.
MISlfess Sela Cole:
Si&,..Jd ...... de",.ultCd by these evma. bUi e>'en '""'" 10
by IW fath",,'. fontinued devOOoo In the jarl. The boy cooId
nol lm.opne woding In the l>urtible mllfl" "'1';Ce any
longer, and p1e~ apIn and 1lfIail> wilh IW w~ to help
thetn Imn free. 1M old... llWl .efuwd. lIytng tbey had a
dol)' to stlY and work. II th<'lr IIICnton had donor kif
coontka g........tiord bd"on: lhmr. In thoe folluwing __ k..
Sl&,..ld g~"'lO de<p~ hiI flther', .... obM:u. IedJ\g him II
Unk ",we dan I Wldng heM! of burdm. On the Ilnt .......
rUsh\, the )'OUJl5 boy ran '''''''y.
AM a In1a '" ~ and doet ftI(~ ~
........t "p III !be df:, d,' .. ciI)' '" Kirk.. ~ ~ iIad
he -.. ...m ~aldl - ' CCIlIlfon. E_ lbt- Jar! .. fan>lly
bad ICi/ood b -Jd be • p.aupa - . lbc ..m_ •
~ lis ...-. His mind nud,
Veolm did nat !lYe thh ny, "'11)' IMll and......- liU hi.
parmll would cl\oooe 10 6lK In pkifIIl «I<>dsdoru JIlil
bta....e 'helt lUICes!On Iud dane to. The more he thou&ht
abouc It, the 1n/Ir1er he became. Wilb te... III hlI eyu.. ""
poollilot:d hImd!hal he would _
apIn find hlm<elf In
_"U'I . .
...m <1ft cirnunJbncH and thai be WOIIid """'"'- _
'- Pf"lPIt' &om ~
....'hrn 1M mlnrle wne. It 1J"l'!',"fl! In the fbmeI of ~edy.
A fino. olIel""ly _~ ~ VntUUlWlllll'''¥< fanallcs.
JIlDed the Me.dlalli'. GuiIdllouoe, AI,"," mk to IuI-...
Val noohed IDIIde and bdped _~ po-omiIltN.
l1li'_ ...... find lbciI' --rID WIofy. "'-f;lbcte _
Ka.iD '-"-.lbe bead '" 1bc P'd ""'" Inponaal au
'" 1Iw Veodd laJ- Tho: MIller _ • taba ....... !he
buy', toInF and :It 1M" IhaI he ftk\'f'd hlm .. bio
.....,.,. ....t ad him IDIier bH ~ ...-......
no. !o'- had btt:a IeIrC!IIn& for ...... brir, and Val
_ in w nP ~ at lbr riP - .
KNJIo lruomed Val Inoo IhI' muI he It loda)'. He tausf'K
him the flner powlU of dkclon and JTlCe, .00 helped hlm
erK:t an emollunal barnrr to .thut OUI 1M wurld. II<Jt 'M
811'llno I"""" tha' Val\eamed came difKtly &urn Kaar\o',
CaWll1te A>'lDs: "You doa't ha''<I to be hUd 10 be IIKCmfuL
but )'01' do ....'<1 10 be ~. II hao Iln<e bee""'" lib
lor Vol 10 _
lbr ChaIr '" lbe
MrrrlIoM'. Guild, be _ lDDll' thm jftpCed.. Ik _ •
Mokk _
lhe llIIOT 10 do II..
Val <_ _
To MViw. Sirakl cbaIIvd .... _
10 !he .npIer "Va!
MoU" aad appUilllCed bb.l1ll DwpII\akm, .......
defk wlIim !he Merd>aar', GWd. The ......tE ..... ~
aad laD1&. dloolp _bt", 0- 10 wbM lbc buy kMw
back home.. He dnw w.-JI" InIo bio W- ..d "'.... all
mttJt'llc- 1lUdy. His .kilo qukkl)' IIlOpuoed It- '" his
_00. buI .... kneIoo II. ........ad lab • mlr~ 10 rncb !he
tqhu hlo kart deIoind.
....llHt the
IIUIthy ~ ill . . ""' • ~ aho'a)'
manop!IlO pi !be beIC nocI of "''"1 dnI. lie '""'" .paid <anfli<a ....... all _ fill ""'" 100II f:RNd all . . . .
'" inl'luonu "'whm lbr Veroritl Leapt ~""
-... ""lh hlI pownfuI -a. and prono«. H< ""'iowlj
had a naourallalmc ..tIh poIldu. and hi. Illdma1e loa! ,,-:u
equally clear l'bt: nallon of VmdtI would dtlrwnal< tho
world «onomy and ew,y ~tIOIl In Ito .twrPo -..ld
P""f'rI' ...h<lh.. they ~ to or noL [ ..... ~"On< 'liTre<!
that If IU<b a lotI)' o!:;e<oh'<l <ould ........ be IU<Md. Vol
b '- drtam.lk......u
andw.,.noe-bap<t'lODlllllr. Toe.,
Y·.w ....
-.0IIilIh IumJr.If ..
th~ bnI 01 eoo"«)~ hu
bt<trv an bur Hr ~ ~W}.- br
- . . ...... dwm lip iii a pact aad doIto
1lM~...,tWns 10 olI"cr.lftllC) do ...... br
.,,_ 10
~ lui \-.IUal>W amc.. H_er. 'rl W, IIJIPCIf uocNI. "'"
... llOl I'tll IIiIIIl do<) IIl'l' -urd) In bk pocld
Wh... ~
10 Ilw \~1IJII'. Val II elp<'riaII)'
1Iftn.lk lnooo"lliw tiIClr dc\_ 10 thc\r bacb...rm "'a)"
• tho I,.MN thrut 10 IU pol He II&> IloO ~ W\lb
tho.< ..........;.ob ,HnI1D _ted. fa .... lnooo.. W)...'l1l
....lIlu;,Dy dlc out. 0Ny tilOM' few ulloli who wg
bIoorI~ !lll0 bl.lilMit 1iII1l..... ~ • Ital ranc:rrn. Afirr
1lIi"'>'lnI ...........-.ltWloo '"rmflll. ht hu C<m><' to I t _
!IIal ,hHt tl'lrtMlSU mlKl be dl.ab ..iIh .. 1w>hIy .. thry
dral ..ilh other•. The VCIlCllllli/lJ\l'f.jar halt him with III
lInd}..... paNnn. .uod hr knnow> tho) blame him b- all 0(
Ihc iII ..'hxh u.~ btbh lhcro. Ut ~'t arc.
ba::u_..- ~
"",....a1 lAQrion"> 1lnCO\"e, tbm:
Al br J"lI"'l ~, Val
IloDur;h ...
........ rn.apGc about ' - preonlC' IV ~ """ Ibc
IMnI fMhlor.. aho~"I
dlt _
ItO'"'" C\Il po..... Ik
• • c-..d)
..... bocIIlIO
0(.." """,,'. ~ -.I ~
lui .0.
III eo'tf)' 0f'P0"ldl)
iJlliIl:w, Rridu·. fallwr bfnllw • . . . - III
1.uwe,IIMf*'I tbr UIIllfIA") 10 eI[~"hn<h!:w .......
1ft Kd ..... V~ A IftnIIVd Rndor ......1 10 K.k.
..~ M ClIlbrr bznd hino • job III .... _
ol6tt ~
~ ...,.bd hard. faIlooo1rllllbo poM , . 01 .. bfto,,~
CMhn. He qwo:kI) ~ I ~ b- ~ .....
lhaf manip,l ...... tle.ouId p",lond campIo:
Ia hit hclld, keqlbt.s lnd 01 m~ .....J.aov
~ pri<~ 1nM.'II'L H~ qukkty I0OI. "" ~ Mld
1asJ" pro;t<U, and e001:nluall) !lad • ......nun, know~f 01
'I'''~ KWUDI tho ~ malnWrInI,
I'roI'rIIlCNll1ly, ROIidM lId,wlud ,tud!l)'. f'Ioo1OllrJl)., Iw
tnlI>ollll!d U Ill.!ll,f!d and qu!fl AI evrr II~ ~ only "hen
opeNlI 10, *0lnUlA animal", only ...+.t.n dioo:",~
...owlllng. H~ ~ palnfuII) .... ~ from mdle..
hoIIn bmI: ...'" \cdgm, and _ b'rl!d hi _ar spKlM...
10 ......~ aboul ~ Ilw c ~ .
Rttdar U,pICIlIIIgoen .....
<1M. ;11 W"WI.I. II.. ralhrr re<aJned ,ho- fallll/y',
Vf'\lflIl'WIJ11>'njIJ name.•IId !he other dnitImI ~UI!d
RrodIJ l\"'rc~rW) .boutll. Il~ I ....... up Ihon .lId pudgy.
"tIkh oni)...l<kod '0 hi< taPN'It)':ll. Iqfl r." m....krry. A
..id>d<o.... IIId dim child, he 'I"""" bnle and Iookrd up
Hu toWr W<ltkrd bard. n1ilA b- .....,n,1ICfon: do< .blldrm
WIlle. and vnn"l home only li'Iiluul bc';n tho eblIt:Imlo'
bcdIlmc- SoIl, tho
alwwI h:od Ilm< 10 I"" dw;r hndt
..til ~ Ink~
and JIIlIIc liwoupl bc-~. w
0I0ritI ~"«) rap' Rncbo did ... rnI) ~ iIII focbn.
buI 10\"«1 him lO<lOlCibtlcIt. and p .... lip dt<amuwd 10
01 2'l. Iw .-.. • - . . .......~ . . .
_unod hi!. ~ ",""""" 0.... 01 tbr omiDr paoUk." ""
n..-, .... nabcuk. from tbr •....1'1 "'Y. l'bnlmo, bad
AI. .... IF
biddm .. Wli ""'''8 ..uli npnt
Gozftr< 01
"""""I INXiCY
~ ~
On!) ftftda<.
..u ..
• iii
Iki -...
al tbr men
oIf'KC'1 "''Ol~ <uWd hr.~ bond lbo lbdl. til' lOOk . . .
kno>oic<l&:< 10 hit Whn, aDd hh fadlCt brouf;bl Fhrumc \lfI
01. dwV' l:ICfon, .... UJUf)' GIlIldmuI~ f!<n:,rM _
llfipprd of .....m'-t1l1p and ba,w1 from prw:dri"l
u.. oN} oon fA. <0UllUII&.1w:Juw,
.bon and ...._ . - ' "'"'" ~ bald. lie
mnalnfti • ' -........... .rv. hit ........vn bid IdIrf1ld.
Maslt:r Rt:d
me ........
kld.ar·. rawr ,t<~\-ed t!IC dWII of counl!n&'
hou,.... .. • mo"Ud. Inc..
lilt "flkh ~pnllClIliaIIy.
Ilrilbr hlmoclf wok ~ man,,&f/llffil fJi the Kirl< houIe.
Undtr lin gukbnce. w Kin. bnnch of
Aocc~ quick!) becallM' the mott ..... nW1 c"""""'l
houo£ III all al \'radd, mnchln& hit r.dloel' pad)' Itl ...,
R.eiclar'. fadICr ~ do< U..,. 0lIir ill 1Iw \'mcIrI
Lnpe. l'ftIIIiWI& bit r~·, p r _ _
t~, tbr old __ diN
Wr aIfIaaIIr Wins
bu SrK. md IIx 1"* irlllO 1tri<W. tbrll 11 )'"" old.
cbn 01 ~-hlMa. ....lidl bao 1 _ 10 lar:Mlo
oIl1cn III ~ my .. 0cIdIt.. I . - . . . , ill IAfjordI.
10 ~ !be .-do oIlI.. SIibn& Ac:.Inur, .... I -.J
branch .. £M:ill1O run F-'d aad -PPr ~
b 1M onaaII ~ choft. lie ba:awt I ~
. . . . . _ ..... - * I -suablY "'«1\" <m:la b lIo.
~ riw 01 r.Iw ~ and 1M ""l*aIIded IUUftI 0I1/ar
I..,~, for loknoII a.uy ~,,_ ht w .... II. htad 01 tilt
Usur,. Guild. suidIn& il ..itIll U"t, firm Iamd.
Sbonly aft.. 1M intl'J'lklll of 1M 1JIIlklef, Red ..... Iorcrd
Into =cmenr. Tht )'OWII'" Guild .... m~ had II'O\01l
("lInted In hiJ m.clow, IIlId wanted I chance 10 ohbIe. fit
re1ucund)' named Gumhn SoIonwa 10 rqlloce hlrn. and
IoIcpptd <10>0... to ~'" \he mMborln of hiJ Ii!e In pel':'
He ..~ mlarnble. ....iIlaouIlhe rnpondbdilies of tlae GIlllII.
Red could find rIO purpoae 10
~ and 100II wilt . .
Wa.er dcIpIIr lie pn>babIy W<lUld ,-" died Wnt' IIl101 ..
I !rap: ~ aboul I )"11( •
..... klILod Ily lID _
.. I - - . . - - I:Mll I.
qudIy pl'O'...d .ap'He. 01 b.nlIinI thr
__ . - u t . and \'aI ~1oa'&iAIy ~ U. ~
be rriMwd Tht aid _lOW. 1M job pdy, V1d_
IIllaIeh 10 hold _ 11liliiii
Master Red
kldar >a'" 1M ""acue I' t.ht: ,rell uppomuul)' 10
overronoe 10. peoonlIl obu!1comil'l.p. and ..~ 10 ITUI
kong'h, to II)' IUI<l impr..., 1m r..U"""I. H. !ldd porti.... H.
huoIrd dlnn...... II. claallged iii, t'IIrIW to "Kt'd.. btltning It
II>UnIlfd .d\"flM1ImUI and nombu)'I/1l. He lIVd 10 kotull 10
darKe For 011 ~ ~, he IoI1Il didn't qulIe fit ID..
.:~twII' WU ''er)' lOKe 10 hInI. buI no -1rilI) btfrIendrd
hom.. RK~ hb corMinllfd _gJ toll....." "lIN"
deudrd ~ 10 impraIlhe worid dw only ....... ht bww
bow b) heinJ abe bH. II
he did.
_Iudrd "'-&'"I the
Ca_iI"l pm'3le bid.. Ife
III etOefU, .. doorv 01
-Pllbo _ ..-m'. wnkh.11e did ~ ibroup ""
Red 10 far and "'"a)' \be oIdeM hlEl"'h 01 tbe e....xt
a..'In& AI .. il De iI:Ilncepdon. lie a " - - ' KId IlelIl.
and blind be)-ond 1m fe.rt. lie NIl • ~ lIfIn 0IIm.
of Kirk, Ibbby Inri -A!n....1lh m.d opecud.o.
on!) • "",. "Uf" of h.oir, Inri • (OOllellatiott of ~_ rpoa.
Ilu mind 10 sb;vp u ""', though, and he unlol1lll'ftlorlll
"..tMmallr.lIl computation' wIIh tla. tkUI 0(. g,"VIl. Other
t,,"'8\M' mem~ marvd at lib r - . l """!); and
prh_J,. job!balm.. old 1((0WllaIlI ..;D Qy IitmIlIll.
",,'n g.ain. l'hOllgh they 11\lty
Gwld, thriJ cnrt coo"n"",-
b<lollg t<> 1M
c..o.ge Sbrd cllm"" from l faowl) of bre........ c""lI,lri~ old.
H" iIl>C~on r\ombwed V~.m> bnolO'ing from W ~
In.... htgm, ond have ne-'" k>ot thelt poollion al W lop.
\I'h"" th. V~nd~ Guildl w...~ In rMtt Infancy, 1he
Shardah qulckl}' mO"cd III u.C lheir p<l'IU'ln lnd
"'putl\klrl lQ lab- 1M
offlces. 1lu~ <OJll!Jlucd
IpplKalloo of lhdr Ul1I and bu.In... ",n.., and e;"ecful
Ipp\loolllln of nc!"""'l', 1M Sknrd.h ha,~ malmalncd
lMr lcoMrVrip of the V""rlcl Bo-ewct', Guild 1.0 thll w,).
jo<pn Sb.... d;d t\C\~( ulI~ him.elf GMotge Skan:I. H~
;011.,.... li>fclgncn 1.0 addr... him ,,'tIh hb ~d name.
bolt Iu. (;urnj). naml: h too Import.... t 1.0 drop. 1M m....)· 01\
th~ Couttdl. 1M: lnhmtM! his ..al from hi. fOlhl'f. woo
""",.IIM! th~ It;>! from lUI fotkr I>!!f<>r~ him.
Sb;lnb!1s a k«n ~ "ith two Feltlo-"ft - "'''I>e)'
and liquor. He ,ir.wt t'- two as l/l('xonWly rolll"",lNl_ th.
fOOf~ rTIOIWY)'O\l ha'~,11M: III<ft liquor}"<IU ClIIl~, ,,'hlch
)'OU can Lhm.,U for m<lf~ monq. His
has gi'-m
him "","Ilmhlp 0( ~iM Lhroughow d.. lJ!lndf.. He Iw
begun bnnthlng the Guild', 0f<'T"'i0I1l1nI" D...n ~ and
llighbnd whbkey, and h.. f"U1Id)' n:le-.d a .Wb nJIM!
\'cndnov. "",,leh m>J'ty c~ COIIIldn equal l<> 1M
fIM VQdbs of llUllrll iucIf,
Hi! u-o'lrdr Dfbf"".. and Uquor ~., '"aU'" hh ("M\IM.
,\n epkuIclo1he bOII~, Skaard;d elOU and drink. "ith gl~11
",I:ilh. lie rDminl.leO 1.0 bn-w hh m'm IMam, "'hlch 111!
m.iOl'~ ., the pri'"II~ .l<>ek <.>f lhe Cow><~ ltoclf (,,'m
highly suceeuful mud ling. han pmOlM! by .. Uing li<joou
Counc~ Stock - 1M
IltCwt'1"J Gutld lakes • .11m view .... th~ arlivill6). He
malh1a1n. homn 1JI Kuk and ViJltfU, l mamm<lrh
lq'U1td 10
from SklWtll·.
apaounehl In hafJ<>Cdhur, and a cOllar (11\ FAJll, In .....""
1»' alOp-noo:h raff.ln,ila1loo.1O diM II the ~ hom~
;lit ,,'UTth ~ ,,-etghl In gold: JlQ 0IIt' drcbnet lmilallort.
to his duuuorr or pUl!ft.
Skutdal h • good &imd of AU"" T~l and d.. IWO Uuor"
"f'lIII<>'" on h",,' to rciloCh 0Ul 10 their V~";ar
Mastr:r Cr:orge Skard
bretMon, Whtr~ Tm ""lUlU to bui1d on th" >han-d taihng
hcorilagt lxno'ffll tm, 1\'1'0 ~ SUudal ,,·. .,u to punuc
P";>U through ~'1"""" II" krTooo'\ tht VNl'n ha\'" a proo.od
br...inJ IImlage arpb!}' mnr' P"""";"~ than Ading
:.nd M'("I tm,. .. the r..I"'1 "'a)' 10 CM"'''''''' t"," cullW'll1
their P"'Ol*, H~ h.. a haoo·pkkcd cadre
rJ hmtag~ mlllCT t>rcw... "hol1l he ...ndo out 11I10
Vnl"n temlor} on. Tl!guJu buiL SomI!UmH he C'·m g""
him...lf. TIll')' u..lIl1l}' In,..1 ICI a V~"" COlMll,'Mr ",,11
fC\m bam:lt of lMu- fill"'< pt'f1OOaJ br..... Theil JOb b
<imp!}' to st,'e II "'"11)' - OlJlaniu • grcill fU$l if <hey ClI.I~
IlIId 1ft I"," """old (or btft'. or "h"'..-) flow, So flJ, hr I...~ nlDle ",",cen than TrTl, who:!<> ~rJOrU t11g<'<ldcr 100
mu<h >U>pkJOn unong LJuo VCTIIIcI tbe...
SbanbI. an ........Iy l:IIl.,...,.,lu 1"_..... bio"'"
ooidIoul bNlr "'F "".. lDdeed, be 10 .~ pobuIy
pow. ..d \bouP _ NIl vaol q"
III .. _ . _ don
.. wllb the . - ill DW\lIOm and d«on-. H~ II ....mod
to .. ~ pftUoI! - - . . flIlIlfd J-' ("'bow
*'ks tllhtr coomln1 III hlo 1iIW}. Ind hIo
fIIlhf:rfd _
chllcIma. He 10 popular wMin . . pkl. and
.... lID Iiplt\cant .........
Ma5t~r Allen
N\I(Ir Troolom WlU born to .. ~ old topllWl \oith r....
ltfth IIld te-..rff Inhlbilions. Ilb b1h'"l" 'pont ~arly all 11II
lime II .... but wbrn he (1m. home he WlU .. m... llll'Om of
ld lIIeo lIld Ilqlllll. Lilllo Arvuf wu enchanted, and "'"'"
III _ II tho nrtlou oppo<llrily. Iytns Ibout hio .., ... he
coukl JOl .. 1"4!l!o -I ill .. abla bay.
fIfIlAl'l __ _
H. tItddcd Ihat the bett "lllll
WIIb the Vcodol.
nil Ibcm II
bnrls Iho V_ _ !Dr
__ III mpl'C! lbcrso. He....t.'fd 10
would .. ~ old gnndfadon, .....
pldt _ad of an cL ¥ic
Tm bccamt • ~ ,. . . "1ll*> Iho SalIIilti CuiId b
she V _ oaiIon.lk __ on ~ III
find Veun 1port ..ilo would rndl othrn thflt bund
01 the cnfL lie Ia",hl .,....-_ "" \'..... ..q
.cduliquo bued ... 1m opedillonl. II. Iftadc &lend. IIld
mcml.. on bod! oideo of the Vcndel,"CIlm ~idl! (11K! Iw
n....-a been a&.ld to IlfhI cllhor \lCIt .hould if. comt '0 thM).
but lom~ ot<:me In \Us 'bdltllha\ WIlnA -lhe ctlIIImOIl
t1uead of LheIr bcrilage - could bon& !iii people lllAClMt-
the 1aIdipnc. ill the lad., ancI
..,..a*'<d ...... to the ohlp'. _ ........
o.bo aItcl hImtd Tbarioa!b II 5;0' M'"'k "ThodIalIw
add ploc ...- IID,- bad
and bn:JuP. tho
CIflC'IlI CantIllic IUCcaJ Wllh bio ......... 1llnrWIlIt llIto
moe wdo IDUdro tawcibs:) from me pKo • 'M"'!)' \'mds!!
CftW. \Io'boa ...,..... II'
wed ...... TharhoIhor orn1\ocI
JrimIy mel ..... "11>oy
tlOCMCh IhIIl rl" bea..:
A1\ICIr boc:_ .. IOjHXlCrlo
navlc--. 1'bc>challw- abo IJlUlbc tho boy
the V..1Ofl. Armr drnmed ""'"" III"'" of f'I'O"'ofbla the "'..
IaneIIn .Ionpllp full of Blllof.. flshttnl hD,..1y and doing
g,ul tIIinp, AI he gr.... olokr h. mcI\"tCl from !hip '0 >hlp.
lmprO\ing hh na'13a1lOOl.l .klIIt and Ioaml"l "'~ Olhor
upecl oIl1ihng and Ihlpbllildln&. Hh rank In l!Io SailInfl
GuIld ...... {pl'omplinc him to adopt !be n&mI' AIJon Tid).
and by the limo he unod 3S he __ arIIOI'fi the lOp 1M
1lI..;p..n III Vmdel.
U.... ThlIrbaIb·.
H!I pe4kion ......... up .. IfNI dc.J '" limo..... be .......
loqat Ibooc- . . of ben. . . btlo'"I" told. _ tho Wcs '"
....- . . ..... p _ be hurd from ThomaDur H.
mow die
lbII. if
Vctlm I
d _,--.. WIll and _ _
bnlodty. could .-w......... \'codoI.lIIlliIls-
Muter AII~n lrd
hfl.aps because
0( hit
skills. and
f'O'IlIon ... talIlng
b«aIM of his
Lo tM Vw.... th...
Gulldma>lU Haalwn Vil. narn~ T rtl lIS the lIe1r 10 the
Suhn& Guild Clwr. Trd urumro the C1laIr Itn }'t'&n ago.
Tm IIu continued lib ",If·
mi>slon ,,1111 tht gulkl'J II'IOn<!)" l1w: <fO"'lIIn&
hit il«n»on to pown.
•d"..""...... t of thio .. rron h the new loaJ}ordlmr
N"';g~tion. Trtl COllstanlly!lin 10 rem.dI Vtsltn nl\'!&llIOr.
III I..xh ~L Lht Acad...>)"- lbough nIIm h~V1' "Brt«i lie b
""WlllCW IIa dl"Ofb .,.. oof\.ming their Jland agairnt 1M
Vrndd. lit dioIlkn Ilia Council dulin. and oft.." /*1 £00 nd
hi> lovnnIng ~l \ilI lUte rnttoengu (rom haljordhur.
No-.' in hk lif"..... T"l l't'I:alnl much of th.. ~rgy of h.lI
)""th. Ht wort., ~ln,,>'. 10mtdmn '" many .. twd\<e
boon ~ d~y, li.. I' • rtgUlM o-a,·.. lef uound lh.. Cl».'I
,1U;y;tJ 01 Suroya IIId K1ori>clg, ltarclling lor Vattn
lIl\igl1OB hf: can JPtu to - thb ~cli\'ltf ~ :Wo llIug/1t
him much .bouL M\'J.! combo.~ .. man)' V.....,.. M\ig:altn
,!looM t" .pt;ok 10 hlm >1. illUck. StlD, lie contlnuel hh
OUIJ1'ach 10 thow VOlt.. lie I"tds Iw: h;u lilt
common ",th, and look, for-vel to the day when hi.
.«oru fmollr htaJ fruiL.. "'hen V..attn and Vmdcl ohkt ..ill
'''''''' lO!<thH and f... th.. lot:» III
os~ph Volkn~r
OItph VolItntr b an a~.. OWl in an lnertdibk lillWlon,
Up until. ) , ago. h. had dt<llcaiM hu ~&e 10 th......,..
of lmptnu, Rel&emuhJ of f.btn. ... mog II th.. man',
ptnon.al bu~.... Th. potltion dmw>dtd much from hlm.,
bill lit met 1M ch;U)enge "ith Jl""'VI .kill. Kow the
Impemoc It dtad (having killtd humelf wr the \iDl of a
m)"tteriou, wang ) andJOI<ph Ia. become the rKlpltnt of
011 ~g Inh anc•. H. rc<ri'."K! the Imp......llot·. QIIir
in the Vend.] ~. inlwlIly bc<oming on< of 1M
......a1thiMt men In the worid.
The pfohl....... thar. J-ph h;oo il«tplo:d • Iif.. of M:nitltd...
rIOt on.. of Itadenhlp. Hil thIrt}'fhe yun hJ,,'t' cOlUhItd of
DOlhing bw foUm.ing ordt:n. IL b taking a wfillt for him 10
leun ""'" Kl slv. ell...... and tht Olhtf m<mbm of the
Vtndtl l..tagll< ItrI!II 10 kttp Lhdr pad..,....
Even though J""'1'h Iwi bem Rtlfemtahf't bIIll.. most of
hil W"~, he Iwi btll~ mo...iedg.. of tht lm/*moc', d...1inV
..ith tht l.~'gu<. H. nevtT really thought II ..... any of hlo
busln...... Onu: the liIIt w~ hh, hO"""""t. he <ombtd
R.. lftnIlahl·1 rKorW. ...,ching for a dll< '" Kl "tw lit .....
In fOf. tI.. dlK"'"I:I"td lhat lhe pooltlon hM! bem pan of tht
V.. t>dtll ague from III =tIl.. n« (.... pas' 26). U..wty,.
>-..I In the lmpmuor', J1~ which wOJ\td 0lIl
W(';!l all 'ing !he ImI*"'lOf Kl Kay In hil own cllUlllry and
ClUt hu >'Ole by <o<mpondtnce ...hen<\'t:f fIfl:dtd. Jottph,
hooo....."I:I". decided net Kl ~. Jl«"<Y. H.. 1\ad heard many
lntt:f<'tlin& lhinv .bout Vendtl and ,,"Inled Kl expni<nce
them flJ'l( hand.. Juu fottf wttkt aflt'r the ]mpeo-awr'. death,
he pa<W hil few beloopng'l and AIItd 10 the NOI"\ik We..
h wno:d out to be qui«' an advtnl\ll'<'
Th.. ""end morning of hb
the: winds dled and •
I!ud fog .JtllTOUIIdttl the Wp. The <!'<W IIepn 10 panlc II
Vellen ~ ltd by 1M Infamom SlogfId Bardep,
1lOrmt<l ~bOan:I and ..!ltd control SbgfId knt'w the
W>it1Xlfl«! lnp Ow: ..... a pauengcr and thrntenoed
Kl tortun: 'no:w .... mben utltll tho:y f<\~ hit kltntiry,
\\lth • lump In h.b throaI,J-ph ~ hlms<:lf known. II..
felt • ,hup blow to Iht back of h.b head and wben he ""'Oke
up. he ..... bound and sa.wd In a omoky Ionghouo<.
o.'t'r the ""XI few da~ SlagfLd "","riled hil pIam toJoaeph.
The F.i~ had becotl'lt. bolUlge btnlll< Sbgfld's brolhtr.
N}aI the Snili-t0Rgll«!..... bring hdd by the Vcndd
authOfilies. Sl"&fid __ nepating to trs<lt J-ph lOr Njal
and prorniitd lui akty if thiIw: went weII.l'be)' didn'l
In the middle of a m....y
~hed In
I......... Agents
.~ ..ktd.
tht Ktnt unfolded.
p-shooter befocc n. wuld rise
of hi< <mo' feU III a llIIlI.el' of
JOitfh uuly undt<1cood the
Ltrogut', $lance on ~ with p!raI<J.
Slagfoci ..... killtd 11)' a
from hk bedroll and the
mln~L'" It ..... then thol
n. flna1Iy madt It to
oJltnct III
Kuk, th.. flnt thlng lit did _
make an IppeU70nce Kl the ooh... 0taIn. Hb
rue .....
iDlo • b.............. -.:I liuw... I M _
~ 11II.O IUmIllll. 11m boo l>Ot WI welL nI lit h..o
~~ • li:w ----....
co pt ilIf KI ~
[ ~ . thII"'ld) .... hlftl ........ ~ ...
lht 0Ialn
alIlldfuI oI .. ba Iw II dcM.&
bt too to llbouobed -Iramlns do< mI ud _ of biI
pouaon. lor hu ~'lt 10 IrUIy njGy bh..- ~k.......... Ht
Iw. ptnbw:d • modnl "",,'I1bouw on W llUIJbu 01 Kn
and _"ll1b 10 II... ~&1 HoII n~' ~ ~ In lho
((lIKUnIJy chan&tnI ..ps. NationAl pridr krqK him ill
ncIJdonaI EMil <Iolhet. but 1M' I\.u. o.guro to al~ IIIJ dl-",
WIth Tuffled eolian and the 1,ke.lb. oharp "y" k>r f&>hlon
IN him IotCrnlIlIll! hi. lhon darlt IWt and slm&f btolId,
dnow!nK odmlringloob &un aImo.t eY""}' Wly "" putn.
He .~ tbftr _
aNi _rtdy Ioob forw;vd III
IIw da)' he an fND)
"PO<' IL
M.JIdame Lorr.JiJne Weller
I..orniDe _b ban and
Ihe dIinl d"'~ r;l A,....
- " r-rJ. Her &dan
1N)'Of d.1M:J ~ . .
tlw ...d bn ........ _
wkIrI) "-'" ..... wolIliW
~ pw iIlIo • fll")' )'OU'IC _
and !hcIr.lP Il
Illdor m<R lhuI tlw Dnl pany .... btIwr ......10:1 ...... - '
wbid boro would be In ~.
Joseph Volkner
brulW"d, hili <Iollles OClikd and l.ncM. and hb ..,.....
burnrd ra.... from tM bon<k SdII. "" IUItIITIIInM 1M ynn
of polK :and 8,.ce lhallwl mI.w him lin urrlknt bu~,
.pukUlll wortb olgrall!\ldf. In • Ihlck and broken .,;,tnl.
The OlMr ",",n~ could noc htolp hut be impreIwd.
baa IllKt Immomord !llmwlf In !he
ri II..
''''''P. Inmin.f; ~1blnlI be,
WI ""'
maU 1M r;pr dtdolooll ..;ch hio "* Tht aWr u......
atI ""
... mht .. _ XUId)' -... 01. hio Pnlb....- and fllth_
ow. ... ~. bIDllO Ihrir ...,... ollhiNlnJ. So far, hi, h»
po-.. "ft'}' ~ ~ \'al ~1Dl.k do2dy.cy!etL
H~. dw ....._ • .Je-pn JOmI!'IJIDO:t cau.. ....... banD
!han JDOId.. He Iw. ........." &om ....""" bo) ...", Iofkln&
CIa the- ~ 01 .... fifteft>lll birthcLay. wbllo taUls • .bonN
I>omr. <he and • InMIfI of ollwr)'OUlhl ~ 10 hftp.
5""'P of In\~ ~ whose eat! had \ool • ....twtl.
'l~ )1lWlfi men M't about ,,"ping lllt I)jd mnch.alll, • tbr
rwn8 ~ looUd on. Sud<knly. ~ old man ","ultd lIll
InN: JU.lur•• He w» th~ 11'1,01... cl a ITtlUP of ouda..... mool
cl w!lOOl had hkIdm l~ocl"" .... ~ thty '-'lid lilt
)llUnJ: InlUJI appn>Kh. The thkva r.U <Ill tht IfWP 01
~ '-" lla'1l&tly. '-'allnI bo)' and p1llhb. ucI
~., .-lbcet., ",... handUR-~and ~
..... 0... cl tht bcl).. fou&lM l-k. and ~ 10
~......... lM bdy AI. .... !be .-I'""'c ~ cl dIl:
oudaw a-I pw ~ 'rlwy klDed till! boys. oncl lrl
wl'l""Iladift ...... tbty had bHa kiW .. wei-
Thr pi< mad.: I!lelr ~. b.w:k inlo IOwtI and • ~ "..
~ 11M: iunlJ caup and bansrel w dIlewo. but 1M
pto would _
be u.., -.I~ and
othrn w!lo
- - Ibn. tboI da). worn dbs,.rd.:"o kInp:r &l tilt boJ'
Ila1 -ilb Ihna. No . . wrft Wy MUd 10 danr~ No
. . WKe dwy __'",reI ~ A >- afwr the
.... " ...iCO,• . - <II ~', frindJ lillie !wi' till!wI". p.oI
- . . ""-V nIIwr !ban ~ WlIb tIlt.wm... ~ _,.'.
~ I g~ , . . ... 1M oukidto """'"' eo_ IIllft
----.. SO_-...d ... ~.andiodoed._r>_
sDow.d lip <II MfP"- lhK..do • ~ pI.....ud
- ..... t........, 10....,· dot _ ' , sood--
L.ntiae pWrtd dw odIft' . - pto wbo h.od oharrd hro
fM.e. thai. aJwdr ciIy n... thrft agr-' !hal no _ ~
about dotm Ul)'IRUft, Ihd - . . NrUI Iot'llly 10 <lOt
anoxbef. Tbty r>oll --r lOp:Ilwr 10 C&rkon, >:>d norIt r,f
tilt thrH " ... IUl'prioed loWfItn no or.. f'U"$U't'l d>tm.
coundI ool.Iy lOt lhrir ....... ~ aboIKy, into •
~... \'Ilk.. b ..,.... ~. and ""llttflIac:t ~
0( dw
Loon.nr iI ~ ,~ aid _. and ...u quilt _ _....
Ihaup .lw ........ CGII..dueci htntIf t......u. .5ht bM
I'tCII'<ld) .-c..~ VI) Iloir. ud ....-en II ..1tb ~...
"''" !tom IolonAlpt and \'odwn Sbt Iwo I pbncl
~ ClIIm bo:w:Ie, wWch >Ia.
~ !wi' ..wlI"" ... 0(
penoaaI ~""ila}'- SlIt _ "'" d..... &lmdo (Ibavp Mr _
dliIIL>od c· ,
nmc 10 \mdd we her. theY . .
Oll Iotr .wJ). lu
~ ~ IWId ..d. I"'"
po!idraI . . can _II 1n)"GlW' OIl tbr c.,1p(i, and .....
.... fII'laIIy aclW-wI Iht IWUI ~ ... dnot) .nr.d. 11M:
COlt ... lltr -" ' - )'ft 1<I fully _
in Car\eon, !heir complott lack r:J YOC'II!.,.w skllI ljlhCkIy
If'Cl lMtn ~ the wmld', oldeM prnkmon. LortaW ....
dIoguttrd; oh~ Noe'" bc1n, I<'tn II • nundltll obj«t. lUId
,-"", eo hm..1( lhal oht would lOmtday be rkh and
powerful, .blt LD <onlJol the IC!lonI of 0I1xn "llbou!
havlnf: iii ....lbfy lheir inIlmal.. dnir", flnt. Sbt ilpp1ltd
henrI(, and quickly ~ net juJl lhr IiulcDonal
.ppIicaUnn.. but •
Ibt lI1lde and III lltlmdlUIt Iopdc
oI:iIlo.. In l1IIW, ..... btc:am. Iht- M~ <II A,..Jon'. Jenny',
Guild, Iht- )'lIIM\S':'t ~ II 2S.
....bdr In Mr P IlWu II bnd
on., _",wi •
pm..u ,'lUI &'Om KAIlJt Fanw. dot - . (A1Ild! 0IIrIr <II
dot \'ndt4Jtanf. G.dId.. M.d..... Fame ""Ioobl& b.
pn-.I IOI.IhtIAI, and had Man! 0( Lon_',
orpnirIllocIaI oblIity and pmuaal elm•. l..onaklt ... II
dot dwxe 10 l:XpMd. her pawn, -.I rndiJ}'1atf*'d •
~'t'I, OIl Mada:Iw t....',1IalJ.
l«nint ~ ~ 10 boW. chair on
CounaL She .... 100'1&1'" afler ... Slot .... jute II
IIIl Pi twd II r>~ ..... ""'- Macbmt F...... 1'tlirflCI, .....
lI.II<IWCI Madame WtIIor .. !wi' ouu........ I.anuw . . _
IrItId hn
1000& - .... lhan 1M ynn. in r.n. SciII. in IhII
!mOt .obt
forpd dot J""l)'I, once tUidid..",d .......ben
Madame Lorraine Weller
.. ...
-, .
we_'" .<_..
lb ..·.1ftUlI by ..... Thm roll.
_ II doa
... "pew oIdwr. and apiII. II" 10 II n>Ilftl II
o IDd
I 10.. Add ~ .......boor III tilt . . ilJal lliMo
aJle Vesfiny SpreaiJ
llnl,. 1ll
_ _ rukt . . 01 1M Vodoc<t [)o,aaay 5pmod.
w!IidI flit \\ldIn_lOdN,.W& 1M fIKIn_Ieawt"
the <IntrI ~ ..ilh VocI.aue, "'" Veoaen or \"-'d
r-._b ttehniqo.... 1bt
1D ......... 1Dt'lbod ..
~ 10 IUd the fulw..,. and the Veno:\d bI,.., I
,lIolldeu•• ~ . thai doto m\l<b the ....... 1hlntI.
far .... , •• II" ~ ... S IDII
lhN J dim doe rauk II S1.1Dd If )'OU fCIlI 0 IDd OJ doe ,.,.,.
11(9. A ... 010011 M' ~r...I too. I hipn ruB Wa • •
AftfoT lUI ""'.., obuined 1'- r-*. ~ the ~ aI
IlIIIft 10 woe wludl T\IIW )'011 ~ drawn. r.:h T\IIW Iw •
n-..Ul!r'f hued aa the qunllDn ukf'Ii
thallhty I"',b ..
"bta • chiIcI II born. A SIljInn .w bar 'I'
• ea<h
limt ~..... iaIo • bare thai: <0bCIillI ~ I I - ,
e..... of..tlidl ' - boom IaKi lbtd wah _ .. tho: brrdo. The
no. If' d .aobd 10 ·W" 10 INa!"" Tho- ...-d. '''1I.aI
ohaII be ' - Btp•• C!""l'M toni 'I
II "\\111I o!NI be
lID Jounwyr l'M 1NI qUQQaa 10 ·W1oaI .mtI be Ids
()ect : r Ahft" -=II epInllon II ..ud. tht SIcjlnm
~ •• _
1roaI Ibt '""" and ~ III
1llt'I<q> Tho SItjmm rflUmI the ..... 10 the bas; t..in
the _ '1utollon " IUktd.
roIlin& rut
lim '1~lion'. 1\llIt, lbe pll)'"'! lhwld
~kIr .... ~ he _
blo HI!'I'O 10 blvt I \!lmor ..
Hubi'll. If be bao I Hubris, be p1nI 10 HP and rnIIo on tho
11.""""" Tabk!<lln' "b hII runt iI, and wbldl Arnna he
__ bu. If be Iw • V1tlw, 1M: 'fItlldo 10 HP IUd cbt &he
_. n.. lRrdo tv.jt and UvlImbft br,." optm!
-antaso- wbicb ... ttplaIMd bftow
Vesfen :Rune V,mYiIlS
)'OUI' ~
Huje°' Hulorl...: [,,",...tIm: )"'U Po )"'l' ..... )ar
bDdo faa nlD ad>a.-y "''bta)'bl'l tllJ""ld 0.- Diu
b lIII)' ....-. II "'..,. dw
),boltr . . nn Dr()iIO, !<l wId.naa 10 ...,' Dnma IMt be ...,' onbariIy PI
i-onI thai ..... for lrIIlIrltt, .m'lllllt!: I \'!bu', n.p'1d w (j....., )Iiitn' _ Drama Doe. Sptacbuc • 0.Dlor !<l mlwKe the mula oll roll pvta1lllm 2 DnnIa on.
wbilr if"'nd!llfl ) Dnu:Ba Oke on I roll p'ti him ~ Drau.o
The Rune DrawinR In Hero Creation
PtifoLil' Ihh <t«mony iIpll alier aalpns Tra/lI and
NIlIurIaIiI)' to your hl!'l'O, buI bdure wIpinI a<I)~ tilt.
Runt dnwln( lIteI the lIbIe found to lhor riP to delmnlrw
w!lidI "'""" II .....'0 (aIttmKHy, )'OU an 1impI)' pldutopy
tho: runft In lIM: bKl 01 the baaIt and dnw tbtin !tom •
11M). The Iable .u.s .. ol pnnDlllt <11<10, "iIIdI _
UI"',1til<al pmm will he lImibr ""llb. buI wbidl 1:1-0..,
... ,.". boom -.I Ia 7d St•. t·OI' m.- WIfaraibr nil
1"'''''+ eke, --* tilt fDIotr,... n&ltc
For ..til ~ >'01_ die, w!udl doto _ np'o+. If
• 0 II f<IItd, II it (_Md",ed 10 be I 0 IDd ... I 10.
Herje'. Vinu" Nu """ \I 'lui'. IUrt l'l'h)., bul thiup
&!w1)1L IHIII to ID wronl rDr l'OUl" t<Il'mies. AI lhe
btp:n!nl fA each A<.. )'0\1 nord". a Herjr Dlr.. 'Tht Hnjr
I>lt loti"""" al tbro trill ofll\l! Acl ~ It Iw noI been uxd..
YDIl iIII)' tpmd die Herjt Dir III I(ll\~ I V\llllllu·, Flaw.
il' II ,,-ao • nnm. IM. or )'OU ma~ lptad II !<l ~ •
V.Daiu &om 1<t1,'aliD« ba Wilt YDIl bII)' Imtnd ~ tW
Hnjr DIr: 10 roll II (np<d!, If if II - . . • Dnroa lM)
by I NPC.
IDd IIlbntl tho, IuU:I fn:a rIl'f
Uritt-Ilh.,o, Hulorl...: Y
III II ~ 10 1ft 10 knuoo' t-- AD of 'f'NI m b -W
Id by·S
Uvitenhet'. Virtue: AI Ih~ ~ginnlng of ~ao:h Scme,
1111I 1'f'C~we an Uvl~f:t Die, The UYiI~nhfl [)j~ artI
tntlly hlu- • Dno~ Die ..ill. lh~ folIo,.,in& I.'l((~pd""" II
I'l" ....a)' ... tIl~ end or lh. Kelle if il Iw n<ll .hudy t-n
uted. 111W\'er be<omn an ""perimce pomI. and ~ doeI n<ll
liteom<' • [mma Oie for lhe Game M;utC1 Ir we<! 10
lugrnenl • roD.
• •
The Runes
wen: young and happU)'1n JcM., una! til"
One who a.ptwed )"Olif heal! died In • ~onfmnIllion ..i\h
tht Veooel.
Ill·pIli'" 1Mt 1.-ll«tpN.III'"I"',
Be... "S"....., You
r"" ,.-i.
V......1, Your birlh fulfIlJHI an old famUy propbecy. r.
11_ .. HII P*JIK,1 I"I~" IMJ 1fn'1IU JIll' I"'''' Id~ W
A/'I""'.' (Sln'IIII) .4JNaJIlgI, &oil JIll' 1";' 1M F.l
Will Ail'lll/qt I"" Iw,.
m·,w,Jut AJNI/qt lLoitlIDIu tOIl.
Eruomhel: You h.,." Ir.-...l alone lor many yean. &nd
ha,.. !>Komi' nu~""1y ...1f...,,!i.anL r"l"hlw fr<JOfIIilIlbil
Wh"")l>U ..-ere still. chi1d.)"OU klIIed /Ill ~
bear thll IllatUd you. r,.,m IAt W"'III.., StillI'" Iw"
1""" J""""llaS"
r... ,.-i. , Z'~IIJ r..... lJ"lJil] &tJ:cr-'" ftr
Uvil~nhet' You "W~ odop~ and )'01'1
"""""'" T_,
1"/1' l'~JIJ Idmtn., Adl'lllll~.
Kj.lI, YOIl""'. W<ilJHI h"aItr, r.,.hll4t fXKIM Still I_
~t..-'.Ileg\nninjl; is
1M stan ofhil ~ tIlrough
~ 11 rtpre<t!1U> bll youth and h.b ramil)·. The fUIII' dra.....
pv... tum IOO>r d<'tall and hll "","" "lJt(l on lhe
ch.uvtn'. f'lUL
"'" ' ' ' ' ' '
"What shall be his BeglnnlngT
'Sptclal, Ott dncr1pciDn.
Slam' YOIif )'olllh ".... open' In • very qulrl hom. In •
vnall ,illa," 0/1 one cl the small,... Wands. When you len.
)'Ou "'<:I!Md lin heirloom 10 remind you cl your hom.. r.
Slonaedl On" of your P&I"lIti II • M..\C1 in ooe cllht
r ~ Swordtman Schoo4: lla1!danuon. I..eepIra. ...
Skill i. tltl &Ji< Ctmi...11IIIt '1
Mill SdftJ I'" In" II JIll' dvJou ,. lllld] 41 tJw SdftJ, JH
1"/1 n txt.. Rut hi ,.d tf a, HaY K..da of l1Iu SfJ/1
I"'''-t. "'"
KyndiShel' You hove I:I'IlIIl'd 00r W1lf am""g tile It>c&I
j.v~ t... ,.-hlliu AlII/I"'} AiIN"q< fir I"',
Ste•• , YOIl.ve r.n iInpraIM! phpiaJ '.po<riimm.mn.
1M I...,.. Ad",.11Igf I'" fr",
r. ,.-i.
V..l.taad: You IOund • lrUI\Illl houd from an anc;"nl
VnlellllWlllaYlljU mdoet. ,'" I¥t~ ,j,
lL1/A I()() G
I.... , . . ~AffllJiJ, _Iii.
Fjell' WIlen )'OU w""' )'IlU1\i. )"00 ~ke your ann. II
....aled, bul now )tIU ~ Oftltll!"e to lllmOiIphtrlc ctw.gn.
roil"""m. lit, (.ztOj wAn 1lIn., tAt li....wr
H_, You g.ow IIp on • film\, wbleb Iw linee been lOll
\fl • Vcndd who forKlooc<i .... w mottg"'!e. Y.
M,rru.., Still...M R..t Z ill tA, c.NtrIP K..,t.
Gn:DMlI• ., Y"" ba'"1l a ~ ,t<Otd. and "',,",
imprisoned for JOme l!mf!.....'bile ynu lCI'Vf!f! your lime and
an: ll<>I currmlly W3l\u.d.. your tqluWlnn 1w .lIIJorcd. Y""
flill tA, S"...J"I AiNIIl,# j. jm.
IlritoC' When )"OIl were )"OUf1&. )'OU dc!calfd. an older boy
who _ buIIy\na: you and your friend>.
tJu Imt]
F\!'''ilo,\' Still fw jtt,.
s.a. Still pr jtt,.
SillD..: Your iIIIImoIiry wtth one 01 your Vendel cOUlinl
Iw ~cd Into. pcnooaI fcud. )... pm Il·;till Ha"i
&t4-.11 flit /rr,.
TlUlpinn: 1M Vl'ndd ....... uhn your land &om )'flU.
You Ilood IIp UI tbclT\, bill they beal you ,,1thln an Incb 01
your lire ond liu-.w )"I" out Into <he cold. Y.. fli<t I l·,wu
DtJttllli /JM~/'"
Herje: 10 CYCf)'OI'C', Ilk. there comet a poIrn ...bcre they
nccd '0 rely on tbc ...wana 01 ocIt.,.. You rnch.cd tW
polot, and had '0 accept. 10M from I Ycodel barIUr. )""
l·"'" Ddt &rJ:prN.II /" /m.
RePe: You lnI\'eled far and wid<: 10 your ynuth. and were
lhut expooed In maoy different ~e'lUId dl.alt<lJ" Y..
Fo 1M liapw AJI"II14(;f j" jm.
Fonutt. Ai ynu
Kj.1iC' You h.,.. a natunJ apl!tlodc for gttling iNn
confIku, and ba\'l' learned how CO 1\1f\'fo,.. chern. Y.. II'•
lA, If,UJ Ii-~.,.,.. Still/.. /tt,.
srcw lip. )'OIl1~ tbc old ~ of the
andenI V9Icnnwma.VIIjar. You llIf!IlIOTIltd all of them ehal
rou .... ud. lUId now. you .... ollcn aUeod upon to teD lhem
younclf. Y"" pia lA, SUIi Still/", I'''.
heart thai 1M
YnlCnmannavnjar ",ill def... Ibe Vcndd and retlOre thinp
l.O thriT I1p,tful orWr. "ou know Wt ulong u your pc<lple
do nat Ionili lIleir god.. ihcit' gods wiIJ nat forsake them.
Y"" flia IAt FlIlA A1N'/1Kf j" jFf'.
"What shall b< h;s
in )vW"
The clw-aac,'. JllUt1IC)' it the ro\1lC o(bi. path throulh Iiic.
Ie rcptetenll !he prime of his Ille. The rune dnwo wlll tJve
him MIme detail.
N.cl: You "..re born at. sea, and you keep ...turning to it.
MOil of your lire .... been 'pclIt aboanl a drip.
LidenJIilap: There It OOfIlC\hlng about you \h;o, IUlTXU
lIle oppotlte.ex. ''''8'la lA, D.ty;mIfU 1It.1lI) A""'.'III l-
tome efred on bI.
Kj.u, VOlI Yl1U tpend mlKh of)"'W" Journey alone_ with
no one clIO to rely upon. YOlI m\14C lurn how to 1\1f\'~
Y"" "ia 1M HW1lJ,. Still j .. /rr:,.
8e_l"'be, You __ mt:"fIod 10 lit -nod.
,.." R-w, B«Jtr-I/« 1'"~
Varwl' adam
1lIar. iI. .....
tbal you c.. .....ho- .....
.,.me Ina. no.
anNI allnlIiul
Y.,.... ,1·
IIUh .. WI 1"'" ...,.
)'OW ~ 110 )'011 "It
-..II)' Iht finllO ...-.. the np 011 tbt ~ CllIIlJII& Ia
""")'OlIr veatI ......... Yo.,..14t K,.,. Snm ~
fw I",·
row __ .....bcN
&om t!w:lR
:utlI.Uld you. Somtt!Iins m__ )'W rptdal. tbooJll ,..... do
noI quilt knoow ...hal II I\. Y", lI'" IN
Itt ~
MlltI.'''I', '" /jr T.." J"'" r.r, f..f ..r.
St yrkel Yow Ilrtngtl: II ..... didt'"b1t. Y", lI". IAr AlliIN
StJJI /« 1m.
Uvil"n.h"U For tlw 1M '"' ~ )'OIl !la,'e '-a
""""... III>Ilped Ioun ill .. IIDfamIlI:u hard. 1My It:II
of • JoumI1I1111dt. 1Itl tll<tJIWtI' '<01lb I mmba/lI. -t.
and .. IIl:uocI """'- 1M t-y _ lIiddta.. ro.,.... , !
,.." TIIl'''''''' ,Id., BJ,,_wJ t-~.
SlaDl' y...... brodltr
a.m-"....L fit .. "'
at lit&, bill )'OU bdIc>'t !hot lit III d
,..., 1.,.. ,.
RrtMr.lladJ-M /«/'"-
t.-. t.
Gf"'tlM'''', you ...... t ~ by. ~ S1IlIfI..d .........
otne oa • . , . but 7"" eonped ~ ~~
.sau. SJ;iJJ frIIlm.
Kritl' A-.htr V.
""+0 h. '-a ~
you !July. '" )'OIl b.lnd ......... 10 p;>t'd )'OW t.k and
prOC«I you -.iuIt ,... oltotp.
Baor" -
Ai-." /« I"',
N.d, You ",*". sood looe"liIlI oflllNd, oM olttn driPk
Ibooc around )'OIl undtr w talM.
lit Ali, DriaJ.n
A/!Jalll." far1m.
SillDfll You ohou&hl you bad Ualn your uld tntmy ~an
"flo. bul jut! lui "...ek )'OIl uw kim IJoonIlns I Ihip In I
atlll'by port. Whi1t bt III nat ..."., "5h1 _ . bt III lIUI th=.
tameWhtrt. ond he «lUlnIy hM not DJOCltn thaI)'OIl put
I sward Il>rwsb him and thrtW .... 10 !be ..... r. p
tW-su fJad'.lr-' /fit 1r-p-, You h.I\,. l'l<:tIldr Iaot your bomt, and b obt
DtaI" fI&n )'OU dtpmd .. tbt cblIrtIy of echtn 10 Motp I""l
r.,... ,1.,...,
0. dot sr,.. &dfr-' /« /_
""";.' y.... Iaavt ,... _ • Iarp btl, ODd &IOd ,..........
ItllOpouoi!y shon .. wb. r.
IndI -9 ...,..,.,..
f--"') t{,.. -Z - . . .ald.
happy ..w...
"ou ..... an dIi.ftM Iud.... r. ,.... I4t
ea...""" SUJI /« f"',
Kyndilh"t, y"" .... I IkiIkd bla<bmilh.
Jtfr,w,1II StJJI '" flu,.v:d 1 Ru,b" lAr BlotkJ...4 Kud.
III&r &om w...dnbt. You *"fly 1ft .....
)'OIl ow IIIl !be _
You ha\,. rntI "'allY
InItrnliz1t; ptOpJ.. III lht COIInt of ,..... In''th.
/"JII' ~ " IN
Aila ... fw 1- n;, _ ..
tf /j", r.flU"" rac* t/ ..... /i:Q ;.,.
iiff,wlll Iii).
St",k: yllll .... r1'nwbbIy r~ 10
T...,.~u AiNl'''I' '" I"',
V"I...mh YlIlI
,._ IriIJt u
rt<mtly _
~t. Y"'lI'il
llup btt. Y... SUln 1M
FjeUI You ~ 1'* """'" 0Cl1ht 'itlorioca lid.. of. ~
. - 1M Vtndoi
doli , 0 . . - It. . . . .
Fom"rl, YDY !la,,. had. slimpot: oflht 7th Sf... Uld it
hlll expondtd Iht bori7.OIu ol)'OW" m!Ild. y"" rtfl )'OIl mll't
find. way La rtWnllhtft.
8«lft-J fw 1'"-
t.,.. ,1.,.rdM_"..tlU'
,... n I R~,. . . ,..,u J- Irw.
UdQUlbp' Y.. hwt,... . - II>IIritd.. Y• .." I4t
, . . ... u _ 4k4 C
wiJJIc Ifb.
U..I' You ......., iabtriotd , p:u<d of1ond.. You w.., •
..... farwt lIom:. maiN.,,,,,,, by )'OW ~
you ....
IJ1W1lf 1M
10 C,"
KjlIli., y"" Iaavt ,... "",,t'N doAt ,.,.. kwtJ II
m.1lmtl ... JI"'- "I'IIt _ ofl'l* hwt ..... III wm., bill
)'OCl IIflII _
Dp'e tilt m.d pa--.
t-,.... •".,. .,
..,1aiJ ... _.
IJM4r-' fw I....
ViILok.pl III I
, .... m ~ you ..... fntnd.
lit .... Jl*lnI-..d -b blo 1uIik, ~ 10 ub.
)"lU. '-- ,.,... rdIoeI wnt _
qakk ..d )'lUI" miad _
duItd 10 rellW it bd:Ir. _ _ .-t.olIy _
• d. Y.
,... ., c..MI RiJU-!f.l ..,. fw /_, .., '- 11.1
,-.u ,,_ -I '" 1u.P) / _ ,.. ffJIn
Hi, .,_
aa.... Ilot ~
fit'lI: You w1II fiDd lhM your r.mI)". IIKft cpoNIll tel
you _
)Ool ....
10 tIwm.
IIr amuI, ..iIaaI )'OU
o&nd. Iieot you rap I '-wr
Gn!.DR."" Do no!
t!IIo ).... b>~ ~ ol)'IU _ ...
.xirt)'. lu law. apply 10 ) u wclI. (Vo'an!<'d 1)
ll1e clwac1rr', DnIInadon IJ 1M ~ ol his pwn.y
tlu'wflb 11ft. It rql..-!d. old lie IlD<l pm...ps his deMh
'In. runt dralon g1Yft >UII1e ll1dlcaliOll of ~11 lila! loom
In your Htro', futurt. Thry may ~ nuse<! by molt" be
.... made Ill' will lftIb,. no- predktIoN Ire lnlmdonIlly
~, Your C_ Mu.... wi!l-n.llIII tile ~olbow
they . - inIo play. f.odo ..... B.dpound .-IIlm with
I lhM you 1M)' pn wbra dw Af'P""f"lI" ..._ ocau
........ lbo aane 01 p:Ilol' pb),
It';'Ut Y_ .... wa iadI.R 'I~'- for t-Iedp 01
)'0lIl' own Itl. (A' •
~brriav wII ~ 'I~ impaa ""'" you.
V....I: A pell chanF ill )'OU .hall . _ 10 J*l.
Er....·betl You ..iII 001 dlI:
amonc 1rk1w:k. (ExlIed 2)
S1yrke: lMu Jh.aIl III....)" be """ """'" ~ to facr,
(H..... ~
UYiltnheh Tbe lI'~_lrUlh WJI ah."I)'" M Jull be)1l<Id
)'O\If r~acb, (Crilb ol faith 2)
S4&1U11 CowardXe If 1M 1'~lIto11I(JurU'
(l'la< 2)
Stol'lad' A \'~'. oMh .. 001 10 be tUm
Ilpdy. (\'- 2)
ItJ'Dclicbet, 1lw WIf:n/lI
"'. . . . )UI
'ok.. 1ft
will ~, (bb<uItd 2)
"""" -~ rhink
"What shall be his Destlnatlon?~
V~LoUQd, ~, l'"
rndllbt ..-..rrlDn ri Ibo
JUlU.... (OIJ,.. 2)
Stntu \\"hQ,o your bmIlI'.-wr. irua. to dooo your -..L
(Codo 01 Honar 2)
£,'"'" tht: lIIiJhdnl
" " _... L<.>
fall.. 'The
otand ,,&Iin oft~. (Dd"rmd 2)
NlHt' FWdi"i lhf llflIl lOU
thin& )'Ou dr>. (HWIlln& 2)
IookInlj for may bo lbr lui
Ati&... obaIl ~)WI"
1IIlI'y. (IlIoodrwarn 2)
Tunflinn.: rour Ial.lhaIIllOI be ~ kind - . (CurwcIl)
DeoprraIe an- uI b
a..,-- _ _ bo.I
Wf''llu<Ie • IlOI ~ liM .-cd 10 a
\'~.... (P.-.d lnIo s..--n 21
t-,. oriII opm
)QUI .,"'"
10 ..- bui.......
UdelllJr.ap: T.,... 100,. WI1I no! rDd wilb •
Kj_lil: A cunnlrls "'"' ..'\lI kql you afr ..tom
un>bIf III ddtond )"OInClf, (frul' IdrnuI)' 2J
Villalll.p: Sotnoonf mlllt do lIlat whi<n m\lJl be done
I""""" ~
aIle Venoel Horoscope
'I'M \'m<kl II",., ~Iopn:l a Iplrm of h<lfOl(~ '-tl on thO'if ad.~ ostrollOmioll U.iIIs -10 dec~
1M ootlnr or • penon. Vr:n<If,J horuot,opcs "',,"'erlhe I1>OloI
important ql't'llonlln I sl,,,,n ~'. "'" by cnmlnlns
!he arr;lngernem 0( tho: ctlMal bodies on the cla)' of 1M
pnsoo\ butb.. 'I1Ie mOIl Important
rK1.\>I't are the
Sun Sign, hi. Birth HOIIoe, ond his J,loon Sign. These ue
....,.j lD ~n inIDfm.~on .bout W ~, tho: general
,ourw of hil hie, and h!J Nlun.
The Horoscope in Hero Creation
.l>ouId crute Iili Dr hfr H....'. HllI'O\Cllp"
inunl"diaLely d\(!r &ulpting Tl'lllil .lllt! • Nationalll)' to the
II...... Roll and <<lIUl.I!t II>. Aurulop Sign. T.ble fer nth
of tile three Swu lb;r.l lnfI""""e h!J lill:. Thj. if I pereenllle
nwk us!n& lWO .hce Ul cued)' duo 0Mne w.o)' ... the
RIUle 1)r.,"ing rolIJ. (Ahnnatr.'dy. m>.ny hobby >IDI'''' ",0
'....,kHided diu. One of thae. m.ay be UM'd 10 lI<""laII!
Sip"; olmply wlgn <lOCh of tho: l1o"M possible Sipu •
num~r.l s..fD,e rolling lO delrrmln< 1M Sun Sign.
IUUlOwK< ... hdhtf )'OW Hero it s""'& 10
Vi:tue Dr'
Hubril. If you S" • Hubris. you lIiW1 10 HP. If )"OU gl.'l I
Virtue. ~nd l(\ Ill'.
Vcnd.r. lU!r<;»oSkal Iolgns "Ie b-.l un V..,un
<0fI1I<:1b1l...... ..-hkh difkr oornewluol from 1M ~ of
TIlf:oh', (...· h"'" c<>nucl!.ollon. are ~ on duolral N'unWl
Sun Sign
The Sun Sign I' lhe tQlllldJalloo olw l'.OdI"" that 1M 'lUll
rU.n In on the day )""U ,,'e~ born. Thia rom.. tho: bail Car
the pmoruolhy of)'OUr Hero. EaclI SI&n 19"" • bt-nd'1I 10
mel Is .00 usocWed ...ith IWtl VIl'tUn md lWO
Hul:rrises. You must pidt one of your !ii&n'. lW<l Arnna nl
1M Ill'" (\~IffiU'''''' tlubrio) IIw yoo lIInOUI>Ced ~"'e you
)"lW HfflI
Astrological Signs of Vendd and Their Heavenly Bodies
""" ...
""" ""
"..., EqUid
...,. .....
20 TmlUI - 20 Q.uartuo:
21 Quill'''''' • 21 QIW~\U
22 QuinlUl - 22 SrXIUJ
2.1 SUlU' - 2~ Julilb
Dn<ho> 25JuUUI - 2.) Ccnncine
I)"" 26 0>ranJIM - 26 SrpIimIll
'l1 SqldmUl - 26 0ttavuJ
2i Oct.VIII - 26 NOOlU
'11 Nonlll - 26 Declm...
27 OKlmUf - 20 f'limu..
21 PTlmlll - 20 SKwodllt
21 Src\In<lll'l - 19 TfttiWi
RDIl A&&in
"Curt drtl'tmlnn AI>Is' Sinh llmu;e lmt~ad nJ I.uno•• R.e dell't'mIru:s O<vhen'J Illnh HOUle 1n00tad or Solu.
Celutial Body
lJ&" or ~ .~ rKklMo,
aJI1If>ldlivt'. r~. impMlnK. ..... bac.wll""ed.
&wfrt: You -n quad and ftlt.peit:. On the I\rIl: Jl.cu,d of
C'kb oi )"lUI" )de., Ditt by l.
10 • !!IIf!!n"" 011.
Them boln IIndtr
.", man""'.
the toUtte ul pby. Al the md of roch SlDr)'. thoo
'-a/"" of the <olIf.ccioo JrOWI by f"" pmml.
H.-n., £.m.ioua. Gr-'Y
~-m-. [vmp!vy. I'm:pPCh't!
n..- bani . . . . !he lip of DracbnI an: m!py peopIo
Virf..r Foc.....d, Ad'publo
who "OW eMily boctd. lbtlr principal (ooctTn b
lI1IIIlIIolIIlnfi lhrif own digIl!y.
1kM{II: Your 1"0«,. Iw madt you r - Gain I die
(wt*h ... Illlt ~I ollVp-_ '" ..- "-' you
...... iI['14"pIWwd ~ "... ... • Hn'O. IF you buy the
St°"",", M>~, wlmd the roll inIleId <l..klanB it.
rnakinI you IDlR IliamoIa.
H,.},rUu: Arropm. o.m:onfkImt
born IlDd« the lip 01 U,.. an:
,*,w.ubco -.d .......... IIDbtMrD.
&w~ b 10 'tff'f had ID -"l .I•• ,.... mKIIIiouM. You
pill • F= R-. 10 -ur miot wry Ill=pt 10 oeduu.
dwm, lounl, or Inclmldate you.
HUtiJu: Loyal. Stubborn
Yirfw£ W~ WIIICul
born ..... !he ..,. ollYpl an: ~ -aI
p«JpIe who Wlrl wtl wlth otbm In • ~1l/lI,
&Il{rt: You fw>elIon _u by ygursrIf. but ..i>m )'011 wmlI;
....... Ie&m, you Ur tllCrUent. Wbal you bltloa& 10 • srouP
and lin willi Cllbcr ~ 01 IbM pvup pr-... you
• b..Io ....... 01. )'OW ...a. I'"" Round tqIaaI to !he hlPat
R.at.k WI «btr people III tbt IfOUP ~ IIlllw ~
Kmd.. Fu ......."... if ,.. and ,.,... ............ &tmd
wert 1lshUnI. Ilnu Squad. you """'*I rtduce !he r.; 10
hit the 8rutn by h!o AIIu (Fntcln3! Rank "t- .ltK~
.,.;ell • t~ Weapon.
HUrislr ~ T""*'I
V'_ AIrnaodc:. Friady
"""- ban> UIlC!ft thc sp ol
pt,,," Ii "... 'I'bef bU t!lInp doe&A,
Bt"'frt.: Ynur pmdI&nt for d"mIin... ud
~~. ~,
COYfl<IUI, peopl., who lmd 10 colk<.l ........ r1aI
""Ork very lnduocrioutIy.
1JnIfrt: You (elK. ~ IbIIlp in onkr 10 ....
~ .-n «JmIan.abIe. rOIl IUrt tbr , _ wlth •
mAect!m III lIlellllt,? 1, ~ .... Clllltf aaII 1w:wy
be ...,.u, Iw'Irr ,.....
you tolIId llnd • buyer. You
-wy - . If
iIn'nlln Ih!J coIIraion
Ii"i [ .~
ad)'. ud
OfJWntioo hat
led you 10 kffp co.n'liIl tnd. 01 your '"'--Y YOII r
free Rank In !be AuOWllirl& KDxk.
HMvn: C'MnuIola, Rash
1~O:wub~ "" ,_
Thooo: b<lm undn lhl: lip 01 f,,1is an: Itlllsb. e<l>UIion;d}y
impIiIslo".~, omI00m0.. hai lLly.
&wftl: YOIIIimply anaca help bu: be - . VOII pi' a
"'" R.uw 10 III ~ IlImlf*.
HIIinJts: t:--dIy, InortealM
ThoM: born under thc Iii", 01 Apb an:
..... WI
Thooo: born WIder llle oIpl ul Vlpen. o.n' )rolou&. ,~
per.,.pciw. and cbrlpcuus.
&.ilk ....'buM:"""
JOU ~Il. - . . YOlI ~.
u.e ~ s,- ....
)'OIl) ClI' iafIra rou~.e. k1I'lkco neoh or J>r-anwx W.-m~
a F_ R..iMo to youz _ Anxk ClI' Sonal roD
"8a1nrt liud J'""<'I'. f~h Incldcm II tumul.all\.." but tbf:
DumOO of fr.., RtJm )'OIl gllin In this maJlfICl" may no<
ellcet'd)"'\lf Rfiolo,....
Ilwhrilu: Judpntmal. R.Jghl~
nN.....l: 1'ffl;"P'!'''', I'tnpiadou.
1booe bum
Birth House
Your 8irth Houoe II the mdilItaI COl\lltIla.llon lhat your
Sign', cPletdol body ""&I In 00 the clay )"lU wwc born.
Vcndc] UlnIIosen ..y Wll! dctnmlna much 01 the ctlUl'M!
of your life. Each Ilinh HOUle VOto • beocfu thai your Hem
pin. <!urirIJ the cOUl"W or hl.a or her life.
r... '-;a
tJuo sign of Nauta. at" fun Ioo.'ing,
l.n......... lriondlr, C"""f, and low IQ IfIvft.
&"[Il.' Your 10\.., of .m-ml\ll'e IIId Invft lea"')"lU to tho!
...1I. You pin ehe S;uJo< SIdU lOr frft,
H.mm,' HedonUlk, l.ochcruw
Ory><' You ha•.., atplW"Cd tome oIOoyx', f1M!fJ)',
Ih, AtlIIfII Still/.. / ..,.
l'irt.....l: Il>IIglllfuJ, Woridly
Lupil You have bfoen Influenced by Lupl'. loOClaI
Infiul'll(tJ. rOIl F" tit Cwrritf Still ftt / .
Th.... born undn the Ilgn 01 EqUllJ arc
hanl·..",.ldng, and rClponsibie.
&.,{rt: YO\I have III uncanny illInlty f(>f yotU aslI'~
ICon. Gain the RIder Ski1l for ~hc, ,.,lh on addlllonll flu
Rank 0I1ho: R.Jdc Knack..
H.brim: Proud, Loj....J
ViNIlU' [,j"mplary, lcupnuonal
Url\ll: You ha.... gained lOlIle 01 Unut'
I!ftfI!lh. row I'd
IAt 1'lltilult/ Slj/J ftr ["I.
Apia: Y<>u embody Aplo' InduJtrIow,n,e- r
1& IAt Mnww Sbll., Rad Z /.. [rH,
t'n.. Xtwt
Dnchen' You Me .... example « the mI&!" of !be
Dnchcn. I... ,.ia IoIt c...lt/nJn Still [I< ["I.
Columba, Columha', prnelwlt for clnNll-lw made
iu mark upon you, lOll fIi& tAt $tnwll Skill [~[..."
Felil: You
ha,.., fallen Inm Fdlo' odl'''''''''''' rllW,.m IN
Cnllliul Still/. [ .....
lhMc born under eM IIgn of Boa an: cl","'r, mOIl)'.
clwiunatic people, h II !1U1= lor a Boca UI "...., a lood
Vipera, lJh: Vipna. you""" ~ colled ..-rpm!. Wllllna; lO
bitt. "'" ",fa IN Xai/t Still [I< [ ....
of time,
&01[11: Your agile mind b your gfeatC" lls:K'l. You pin a
rrff Rahc III all \\lu rolls. CltCcpt ror helM: l>efelU6.
Nauta: :\.U\.l', ~ of-ln& new pbcn llIld people Ilvto
within)"lU. r...
lilt c.nJ. still ftt [rH.
1I.1irW.l: AmbiliOUl, LedlefflW
1Ii,1.'t· CommandinS' In!Ulli....
YQ\If IlUllltA and hontll)" are minwI fI. tIlcIe of
tqu..... ).... t'iIt I," DlKIIJf Still [ ..[ ....,
Those born under thc Ii", of AnJUllla are idealiHk.
m.mcally Ialenred dreamen. They are ofu:n impf"Ktic:al and
I",.., quicl placet.
&OIfil: You ha.·c a noticeable musicallalm~ You get a t"m:
IWMo lor all rolb 1n.'OO'II\{I mulic.
If.mul: Illdeclslve. SW-c".,•...d
l'm.'1: Cualr..c, UllClUU1)'
Boca, Yow c[,c-,'er mind llIld Boca'. rogulIb Influmce It:ado
you 10 tab cataln rtW for men Infornwlan, r... twi. IN
SflJ Still[.[ ....
AnfUiIla: AnJUllla'. pull hal lured you Ioto a life on
YIIW I'l;' I,"
Ptt[_if Kud fa< [,.t.
Moon Sign
Yow ~lOc.
5iin n Ihe 1!Od;K.o! cORtldlali<xl dill the..-
row In ... !be day you "'"" bon>. Tho \'t'Plkl ~""
uy IhM !l ~ )'OUr ~ Each Moon ~ hal •
~ ~ with II, lh.. you 1M)' Salt> ..... m lhtapproprim ",-enll oc:cur ..ithln lbe WlII1e g( l;&me play.
lb. wllf1'llnlS F'm b udl Moon Sigl MlI inWlllolW/y
~ 10 allow yow- C..... hblur ID lit IhmI PO lib own
Orya' Y_" i - iIU will caM ,... pM lI'OIIbIe. IIIdl
-.Jwcbd. pu.-u:y 2)
UrRu: 1f)W do """ an em,......~..lIn you br....
!he dwxe, IOCntIUy you will fiDd dw II Is IDO l.le. (Loot
.... ph You mual make
m"P/K.... (L- 'l)
Bloodswom (Vesten Only)
"ou ha.... rwom • oaue<! oath to do lom.du1I1_ roo mUll
....... eilhet- tuCeeed Of dk lr)'ItI&. The IlI.II'llOO ol HI' >pt'lll
on ~ BM:~ IndicaIft ' - ' d:IIIlcuh it will be 10
.-..pIth )'OUr wi. C_'h ..1lh l!w Can. Mun 10
dtcmnint wbl you ha.... _
10 do.
H.ted Relative (Vendd or Vesten only)
You ha>...
«lUlU! ..\0
lUnd. on Ihr IPI~ Ie Ilde of tbt
Vmdtl,l\'estftUII.anIIa,"'" tdlkm. Tht
thol your
5~ Q not
A,u' Hud w«t II fhw. bUI be _. 10 !lOp ancI_ whM
• • bas 10 o&r wbiIo ' OU UI\, (ObIif;O!Xlll 'l)
Ofvbea. JI ~ othoer ~'. -.. dipIy
-.ld .... lhna 10 raped)Un- f.Ik:-* 'l)
Colwabal hdfIIm II lIM, boa do
i'1IOIl d-' d''t)'Ol"dJ. ~
at )'0"
~ )'OU
F.u,,: YOIl ~ bww ..iwn, how.......Uh "'hom you ..111
rail In \cnIt. (Romanu 7)
Vipen" AYllid Idtin& yow-lhInI for
your Ilc... (\'mdetu. 2)
Nallta: Y.... ....,. Inl'.ft, bUI
Nelv :Backgrolll/Js
De\~ ~
two of )'OlI ha>...
Ion& Mel g1\-m lip IJ}'\n& to make cd IIlbn _
and now feud with nch Ollw:t. 1M number of polnU 'pm!
DOl IhloI Bxkp>lUld ~ how ~fu1 and
he or lht It.
You ..."'...am ...... lID _
..... lIwy ba-.. _ aaIr
dmo&Ired.lIwy ha-", cIiNppo!lftd ..llh the IllUllOf You !Wed
10 VI )'OW - r bld, wlrb ~ ll. I".... bft of ~
)'II" 'jIftId on INs flKkpund IndIatn hoo.' much IIIIDDf)'
Iml and how dulStfOU'l k 00iII bt 10 ,'" II bad.
I 5
Equu..o' Do '* IKJrnl,.o ..me )'OIl . . . - ~. (Debt 2)
a-.: Yow nmd .... JIW4'-' Take Qt. ID nllllle th:ai
Skold (C;,tll
I"'"" ~
and • ~ cl hlol«y. n... ~
Uq> W \'~ lradlliono aIM 1lq' pasolhtlr
..iKIom on 10 Iht othm by.Mglng or rating tplc JI<ll'ru..
lMy uk riddlto, tilt Ufo 10 w~ ~ I'ound In lbt old
qmdI. They . , make _ Jevork by "TilinI pomol
and slnpn,; 00Il&I abcoIot lM ~1l1 dHdt of tllt1r
_INns happPno 10 It. (A"" 6 'l)
AD,wIIa: IIcwan! olm.- who ..e jnIouo of).",..,. Wmu.
A sbJd b. OIOl)uDef
Norrnall)'. oN)' VO!Ol~nnWlnr..nJar ""')'
lah I.... Skald Skl1I. H~ ...... £rom oth~ natlom thouId ha''e
a ''ff)' good r<'llJOII f", doing .....ucll .. 'p"nding timco WIth
• V~~nmann;r.nj;or lrlbr
HlJIfIr]-' M",~ III ... jill! knowing ...h;ll II.. roIII" boJor<',
hlstllty """ • St.~ lfW1)' It>oon. fur thuse ..1Illng to lbl~.
Tragic miIllary defeat. ",-,-" b!:ttI tmUforn>t:d InIO gIoriou.
'1clotiel by • 'KhooItd hlltOrian, and Il>Orfc III.... f<ow of
them ....ve leunt<! from railtd poIltical m.vJW\lm .. "d.
You know the way' orrhe put and how 10 Itam &om them
)'tlUr Hp'
.. whUp",t<! ..Wt!r of p<llMln. Qn.lllry 11110"" )'<1\1 to
ptlJuw. }l>UI H<tenm nl<II1: "Hi!)' of ilIl)' ugum.nl.
S'''l'''f A ,'<lice ... d"ar .. U)'1Ul It. only part of ynw
oecft't. Br<'Olh (llfluol and .nunrLalioa counl ro. JUiI '"
of rlddling and
"'=' ...todom ..'hicb ritldlel lmpuL l'hh " mort' llwt ju"
brinl: ahlt 10 an.... el thtm; II to realizing the mmage
bcblnd th...'llfIh ond itfIpl)inll1I10 )'OIIC"...11 hfc
Buk Knaclu
OmIIlrJo' s..'ffI ..web of p~ flo,.. . . .~ from
R,/i1'l: You undenland the
'nu. Krtatk g!"rI yuu th" lnililing to ullt )'VUt ,'Olc:f:
to the fuU....
W"Ji"t': Your quill flier acrou th" 1'"5" ,,1th the gUt of
1"""", stttinl): down word> 1....1 an enltl'laln the ",ad01',
outng. the nobility, or oolJ Ih. ptoplo 10 1U1m. YOlll wurtk
nn rruh brgg.... lolo kings Of topple the moot <:nlrmChed
l)nnl1 Thh Kn.at:k encompwer pottry. pb)'" "",<loth..
wrinon ...."u.
DipJ.1IIMJ' The arl or diplomacy if lho &1'1 of peac,,~ words
""'... p",,'mled more wan thlOIl I):\ll"d ""01' nnoed. Your
~ "'''''tnneet an calm all but th.e ln01t cnn.gw
d""HIl, and hep )'Our blood ,"'he1f: 1I belOO&' - 10 ynw
You an lmpIt. "",n 10 \"lclOry. 111ey lisl.n to
your ......m befon, and durin3 the banle, .nd they Ir.,rr.m,'
WIChe)' eannol be dcfellt<l. 1ltey know thol )'tIU ..-to rn.W!
lhe right dec;........ and llw thty woo'llay oo..n Ihclr ti,-..
lor I\lIIhlng. This Knacl< It ....,r\ (mwtl).) "ith d", m....
<Ontha. rulel, ,,-bloh)'OUr G~' Iw ace",," to in hiI Guido:,
R.., lAIr You h.,,,, • deq> undenlanding lhe m)1ho1og)'
of the V""'.nm'um....njll, and know tho ItlJrin behind each
of lhe IIIr>Cl. Wh..-1'\' yw need 10 know Iht rn)lItlllngic&l
'UlI)' of • \pl:clf>e rune, )'Ou mol' u.. l~ M..:k.
SI~ItIl,"l' Sf,~te<l
around • fUckring Ilrc. all lIlI.elll1Ol:l "
on )...... Your ,1111.. lind marmmwm lIrt clll~ 10
cruhr.ill )'tI111 auditne. <ornpltt.ly. Suls}1Cllt" <lUI, in
additlon. t<lrlIt'llmeI <olk<l mWl run", of mDDl')' b ~lIin&
lholr lal...
n,"'OU t>r.inc ..ill "
• difflCull 1Ubj«1 - c>'ef)"'''' fffiJ
tbal he'. rtgllL yOU, how",...., ha,... 1W<litd all the faithl
dbpMslonalely, I""klng fM clln1'liWon. and unsetn
<O<lIItCtion<. ~lM Or)'OlIr own beijtf.. You know ,,'bo
they all 1"")' 10, how th")' WIlrWp, and bow Ihl'ir dail), In..,.
....,'. chanjl;td bccau,," or IL
originally puulishod in the /'iffll, N.,.....
"""",,,book; It It I1'prlnttd ........ fOl' )""lU com1'fllmcc.) On
Th~ah, w!lalc.. h,,,,,, • much n,,,,. dllTl<uJt lim. p/)inJ thclr
~ The "tw.. are gu;m!ell by lilt ft...... mc but!oam,
..h" llUlek llOI 001) lII)WIC lhC)' ...... harntlna ...'halt,
1>u1 ...y "'IJ> tlul smdb 01 whalt·, blood. ~'halcn ll.
u.ualJ)' ft1l1OllU'l)' strong. wrnpltt.1y lUIahkI of an)thing.
1I\d .xptn ",irJIIIlcn,
(l'hi< Skill
Baaic Knulu
&In"': When the lhlp
IlIIlI I""
Capr.am ••Ia )'OU 10 e~mb the rij;ging and ....,"'. I m.... the
1lAmc. Knack ..ill ""'''' your life. Qull. rlmp/)'. it·, the
Knack of nol falling dO\Ooll, "''I'll WKIe, ad\... ~ <llflmaon..
Thh Is ....,r\ lU the Odm.. Knack £or lh060: 6ghtlng aboard
• lhlp II .... '" in 1I1ll'Otiom where the footing Is uncertain.
Th. G~l "ill
loUeI In
yau ~ TN. for pffiOnning certaln
arlioor On board a sailIng ",,,$('1, Of "ith mh01'
x.--t. With ~ K1Md,..,.. c:lIII De.u lhe ...., "'al knoo
a v-
Ilftdo 10
..,.;I UIl IdIlhe ~~ botooC~D
-' aIWDhYhd.... kDCIl.
\\,11... }_ u.-. (Of -.l. ..1lh) Ihb
....apooo. ,..,.. _ .-11-. KJlId. Tlw raace ... a furpooll
10 pI\al; _ ames )VoIr Brawn.
Advuw:1HI Knadu
than moll p«>pIe.
-t.m ~ dl.uq.' tomb> C'I"
~ l(~ rooflOpt. In oddldon. you II.., lhis Knadr. ..
o.rm. Knack "'!rile kapln&,
p"jua' WlIalrn QUI "" the hlllll lISe pobon-Ilpped Iwpoom
10 fend gft' blathans. Thlt Knkk leu )'01.1 know wILlI
pobotIlO ,.. and """" moxh 10 .wnInb.l1!f. 1I
~U U
L-: You
lhe ItpIdo MId.
SlIlon wi
- - . 1Iwuutk..... If • partiaIl&r nIlDd 10 rqJUWd to be
balaud.)'O" mlP ~ lhe tIoIe c~ III ..
no- (H..,..t
You QIljump brgIwt and brtMr
bandy ..
10 ~ II Wet). Y..... C~I hat .... for ..... tbio KAXk
In lhe C.Vs· Gf,iM.
If I'tO'ldttI}'OIl 1Iiml't _ ""a'1l) ~ dcoo1l.
)'0" do • DIU job III _ ~ (1lDnn) or. mil Wrb
~ Tho CM 1M> Nlet for ..."lIlUl\lnJ (and
drooo'lllllilin bb Gmit
It'fI/Mr: \\'haMr II', beau>e yow C.....M JIm ID hun, t'llll"
jomU beJin to acM, Of roo"? )nn~'o Identify !he tip
you know ..il... a IlQl'Tll b «llIIIlI1o and )tIIl nn quidly Jt1
an Idea jIlSllw-' bad .h~ Ilorm i> lolnJ 10 bo. Rukt rc.
~ tan bo.lOund in !he GJI.' r;...,
SM!".,rwAt Thh Kna<.k" uxd 10 build and modify ,hlpl.
NelY Knacks
WIg.dn: Thlo KnKk Is u.ed to ....w, ond rq>.iIIt ''is'.
M~rchanl SkIll (Civil)
The fo1lowinA Krw:k• .m <omIdtrtd • part of lhe Muc!wll
U and l'l\il)' 1lt' I'urdu$td .. nonnal. Kind GM. m.or
oUow pl'f:YlOUS!y ""ablished Il~ to ;&.dd lh.... ro. tree, or
exdang~ l~m 10, exbdng Knacu if the IItfO h... IDglul
'.&IOlI to h.~ K'lulrod thrm.
Buic Knadll
ApdlltW1: 1'1>11 Knack b u...d to mIke mbturel of
ong,fdi.nu for mtdicinal pUtJlO'".
84br. Thh Knxk Is """d for nuking ~d goods 'lI<h ..
bread and taka.
Advanced Knaclu
lidtr. "lltl. KnOtek ~ • pnt:tical knowledge of
repairing or (on\lrlll:ling ml'dl;onlcal obj«lo. Il n:I be ul«!
UI fIJI or imp""'" >mall ilcms IUCh u doc:kI or mlakal
bo~et, ;md ...ben (OrulrU(llng !l"W objet.. from abotraet
An1ti"tIMTt: You w.mnu,nd W >lnI<1W1: ofbuJJdkdgJ. fn:o;n
!he tAm! mud hm. to "'" grandeit Valldne calhedrab. A
,..,.",e..ful ,hed: al1cJo,,'. )OU to 1oalC' Wulallont, I1Je:a
point>, and Ol!oer ,tW parts or. gil~ building. It may
.uow you to delel"lmne if ther" II a hidden room or P....
In !he bwJding, though II tlWlOl teU you !low to ",em It.
Bmur.lbb Knack II IDed for mUlng btff and oJ••
nu. KnKk 15 useful WMII comtructmg wooden
furnltwe ond <11M• .a"\OtIllm. The Sltil''''righl Knack must
br uoed ...'hen building or rnodif)ing ohIps.
c.uln: Thh Knac:k Is used for mUlnll or repairing WIlleS
.... """".
Halfdansson Har~n School
e-jtrritJNr. Thk Kna<k II u-Ilor rnaklna: <-tin and JflXD.
Country of OriJinr \".!elU1WlJ\>.vnJar
DuIUl,r. Thh Knack b lISnl "'Mil dmiIling lpirils, lIleh aI
Innd)', ..ill';;)'_ and vodka.
DeJcriptiOD: Tht Vttltnm"WllVTIju lilt Iwpoont to
hlUll 11 ,ea, 'lbr.y at1' ~ [or dealing with 1[& _pnu.
and IU'tnI, U ,,'to fl5hllng .pins! people when one .hip
.Utmplf to bo.v1l annUler, The "udent> of !he Ilolfdanuon
ll)'1t of flgh~ UIt harpoon' In a vIdIJus manner, They
thru.. their wupom dtq>ly lIIlo their Yklinu and !hen gnb
an<lIher lwpoon. h Is diffl'uh ftlf lUI enemy UI f1gbI
e~ti'"l'I)' ...h.lle Impakd upon a long, ~ objt<:t.
Halfdannon', lludenlllttk UI moo a harpoon "ithln an
tnemy's body and then da)' hlm It thrir ltburt. The
...,alont.. of thb "hool II \hat lu .orucknu bcullOO mIlCh
on rnakinfI !he petftct flnt anark, .nm.ing • de_
opp<.><>enl to tm adl'aOlaJt (I[ !heir prl!OttUpadon,
FI/IrlJ/: ThlJ Knock
It uoed
10 grow n"",,,," and mili nora!
GWJl.s.itk n... Knack 15 ,...,.j to make or rqo.>ir flfnl'TN.
H,II,r.1l1U Knack I, used 10 make or repair hw.
MlUDII: 1lu. Knock Ii lI.dlll ..11m ronslrunlng ,lJU(tu,CI
from _ ,
bntk. <Dl>CU'le 01' cement.
ThI. lVI""k Is
-c in
of pkulng
/'not..: Thll Knxk to u.ed to operm I prinlllljl prell,
oUowInB you 10 m~ ~ ...ch .. boob and ~cu.
Bu;e Currieulum: £'okllrm, Wbaler
SWOMhm... Iln.ac.u,
If'o*iltlll). [qllcII:
Wnbno (HHfdan-m). ......... (Pelt.....). I'ommrI SaW
of 1 ~ . , . of ~
' - " Iha die ..... "--> Ill.,. • bKpooa .. 10 ponu cIHM
and Id the ~ _ ioef ClUl. Apprildcely!. m., IUbo:
wt.... ....... Iwpooa apntl aqIIIlk ~ .... b ..
......... ""udtam. whaln, ... trrpmIO .....d 10 bth. Abo,
..'hen ~ ... strike aplIllI • WI"" ~_ may ~ • Itabe
10 Ir) 10 imfWo your W!<:t. Should )..... infll<1 • Dnnwlc
WOUIll! WIlli an ~S _It, )'Otl ha,... In~ your
IllS"" ImpoJtd YICIizm h.,... · j 10 aIll/"'1I TN. and jy,...
11...11 TN In Ix hu r1!<lu<:td b)' .s. Furlhnmono, any
,ub\lanlPl dillllfb.1Jlce of the harpoon lrnp.a!Ina lhnn
cauon 21<1 .........dt. tf. Or-..mMic: Wnunc! b W:m in lhi,
- - . , Ihr hArpoon hu come looot and " no ~
lmpIW In IIwo \"ktim.
by the .sw..domao'. GuIld.
. . . _wben do .... pin lIltIIlbn1hlp m the GIaId b
m. l.-ad, tbry ..." ...., a ~ Jlolll ........ at thrir
Sa..d>.... Knocb.
Hll£h_ ..
IlIlt ~
Jour....,..an, ;-M)"""'
1.."...1 to .aib
Ian:riIaI) and ac....-ty_ lbry roll .. exn die (·1
~ "0 ""-l- 1M Of iU).
0- _ . .
tIIo: d
t, .. IrI:IpWcIIYrpoao. Yau no ....
-.110 elrod
Ra. .."'... ,""'110 imp.>.Ir .....
W.ner. M en of \he II&»_ SdoooI iJ>u I''OI)know ..Mr 10 strike b ~ ...wmwa r6rd. and lIw)
...dior ihdr IwpoaN cIerpI) III the boclia of tbelo- wp.
Yau ktep .... mtll die (-<1:11 of o:bmav ..itll • harpooa
4U). You
pn lIIl6'U ~ at~ (Iwpoan~
Th. may lna"Ut )"'" Rank lu • 6. If ~ d<>e hOI, )'OU Il\lIj
I.ltl" In<:r..... )"OW Rank from .s 10 6 by .pmdin&: 2>
1tXfl'"'1mu poIms. Whrl'l you Impale yow tall'" "1m I
h.... poon-. k mUt! InI1kI 2 IlrllJllOllic WOIl>I<k brb-t- _ romrl
Luscn Swordsm.n School
eou..u-y or Orip' VrndcI
Dftcripttoo: The Lanm Sdlool ... t w _ ~
J()io- lM'd by •
.....ma- III NIl. .... -n .........
m.iDaIo and """5Sft' .. thot dI)' Tho odtool Iud• • •
. . . . . . . 10 uot lbr clartaroo • \hew &vul. .>.nd 10 c-..
lhc;r ......_ by ~ and ~ a ....a .... brip
larvm Ill..,. oftta \Me • flthanA IanlmI lor l!lb pwpo.;
ttl" pav 1(3). The ouddtn. <b.nein« bnm oflrt;hl d i _
M <>ppOi....... aJIoo,ioI the IIUdmt 10 prroto..... hb Of twoclolrl'lltl. 1boo ,,-tW- PI Ill<- Lmtn
iI Jhal III
litU<ImtI ltfI<I to otrilto: "'Mre ,hr Ugh! from thttr Ian!...
ihlnel, nuking thtm IOIMWh.1 prt'di(U;blr,
Buic. Curriculu..' fencing. 5crf:tr,.,...
Swon....... KA.c.Iu, Ambu.<h. &:p!oM W.aknN
(lMwn). Ftlnr. (Fmdngl, Pury (I.-.rll)
New K...d ..
A...... y"" b.~ wamed how 10 tpol1lktly pbcn lar •
IIllbuib 10 oc.aar aod 10 ..-.rdl for ...... diK proplr ........
u-nltd~ .... ~ NauaIy, II. Knad CUll .....
'1 )"'1110 lilt ~ Ml WbM of yow _
for lhot
of cllII Knad .., IoaucI in ~ 'nn..... __
drfmd the School ... d your rellow uudenlJ (rom the
.sworo.m....•• GI6L
J~:~""" af ItIe P.a.nu-a Sd.d
InnI '-10 Ilre a pi>lOI ~ In. IF l 1M 10 a thre...
You may _ an ~ ..vllorl LD make an Illl..I/:k '<O'1lh
ready p1aal (you may open<! 3 klionl inlte.d or 1M llIUl1
, LD draw IlIld fin: U IlIl lnlm\lpt Attion). Alto. add left
yn. ... JO"I ~ raop wIlll • piMal
of doe P _
Sdloolo lIIIve 1nnood
. . tpeed " ftne. N IllXlnC)' 10 ...... Thtr -r ~
kllOal to aim their plMIlhat at • putkuW wp. EKh
c_ulit" Klion Ipm! almina; • pittoI Si- , Free Raise
10 ~ You_yad<! up Ia 3 UPkepl <Ike In dlII f'uhinn
\lib... )'IlIl art llrias: _ pWoIa, !he -.I -J k..l boola "'tlI
applJ'. raakq !he damac'e 6k., 7k1 or Ilk. deperAirIC OIl
dIe ......her u l . - - >pmI ........ you ... ' &ft RaIIk ul
Atud (Tnvrml. ThiI may Inc:rr_ your Rank 10 a 6. If It
00eI1lIll, Ibm you may laler lncre_ yoW' Rank &om a 5
10 I Ii by opendlnc: '2.5 txpnieace poInIL Add anatber left
yanlllO)'lU' e&ce-1! rqe wltb. pWol (-2l1OUl).
rip.t .rter the <>!Mr. You Ill..... ~ thaI.)'OOI .... Ooublr
A1u<:bnt brian: JOU _L tnd thrn roll IN _ ~
IIArrI u. K:Iad. The n: 10
r-.i "r
10 ~,.... are .... Double Auc:L
n... (11... AMi
\film )'llII !brow chi. "\'lipan U III
Inac!t. you mUJt lilt IhlI Knod Inuod 01 )wr AllI(k
Ko:ad;. Tllii " <onoidered • ibJic Knack "" ....... 01 tho
--- """"
If....' (HftIi ......,. WlId 10 I 1fWbi. . >Uclt de', d ID
taU llUI muklplt IlllIbIled elMm>r.o • once. Fe.- tK!I R.ot.I.
in 1IW K:wck. you may add , 10 )'OUr AtlaCk Roll "M
Jlruln. ThIll, • H~a -..ilh , Rank 3 In ....'hii
-.Id ~ ..
roll .. 19 10 I 25 .iwa aIlKkin& Ik-.
Apprtali«: The At¥£dIu It:amo to any.1noI dnt
~ The first _
will ~ tbrawa.. and lhe.t lilt tblrd thoo1I
to allow him tQ IO'tdd an ue In ..... bond. r"" '-e ""
pt'rWly for llIiDt; a hand IX<! wkh)'llll' off·hand. r"" gfll
F,ee Raiw "'!Ieo 1hfo,.'U'«:an ue.
Tht S/gIndoltlr SriIooI doeo -.
ill • d ... ""
IDnIlbtnbip III the ~'I GmId. btead, ..
Appeoocn 8d I free Rank in 0IIt . . tbriI
Siggursdotlir Axtman School
O-=riptioa.: The ~ Sc.bool " :a lip....
'f*k poimi UI! .ryle. ID ........... --.Dr InnlIO !brow ..
uc. dlell quicldy .... :a ~ ....1om combal ~ ill
dooe, !he Jl\Odo:M Iaund>n • dndI)' Y<IIIey 01 1IIadts,
Kfttmln& banle aiel 111 the ,,'Ilile. 'fhoIo main .....&knea or
tile sty\t II ill c/ewll;icm Ia ernoc>cm tnd .~ rather lh:aq
JOU.....ym.D: Jaumeym&Il .. I"" Slgwodocar School
Inrn 10 ll'Ikt I WtIlaI doubIt- .a1U. .. ,,-hich botllel "'"'
_1G'ib. an tf
N . . . . . + II'"' To ..... :a daubIt
oa-:b, _ die DaubIe Aud bAd. tu boIh __ .w •
oae. Roll 10 hit WId do 3U ~ lmIeod"2U The IN
10 UIe an ActIw Dtofeme 'IWulI double RJ1ko, " Increa.cd
by 10. rOlISain. rree Rank orThlow (IWod Axe). Uyow
Rank 10 "ody .;. II bec:~ • 6. Uil b - . lIwIo )1;11I lIllY
lain IIIrftue your Rmk 10 6 " - .s by Ipmd..., :lS
Bu:ic CunicuIl'IIl: AlbIde. Hand AM
exp:I.-:t pc*ll:l.
Sword_ID J[lIldm Doubk AItICk (lUnd ARt).
&pIoir Wewea (SlssundoWl, Throw (Hind AM), Whirl
(Hand Axe)
Muter, Maim of the ~ S<booI
CcNIIUy 01 Oripl
._ud.. . .
lWk AU«.t (HftIi NuT Wbm you WIt thiJ IWdt. you
ll'Ikt _ q*k Axe IIlICb :aplmI your "Pl""lC'IlI, ODe
wanion "'ho bwu:1l brult! nurria ofblcno.. W\lh lhcit utt.
....'ht:-.. you I\ICceosfuUy hll your taIJft WIth :a normal
AI1Id (Hand "-) n:>A. rr- no! AcI;IOII IN 10 ,
... I....
eqIIIllO !he c=mI pb&w.
:Rules for £mroom
Permanent Run.:: Items
of Izrdom ""'1 infcrlbe an itmI WIth ,unn ill _b
I "'Iy thal lhe wchantmenl II pmnant'0lI iNlud ollullng
only one )""U' 1M only reurktion II, lbl! tM ~tm may
""" p"rmill\mdy imcribe • lzrd !hilt M Iw not Ilc:come.
The proem II IImO..- to Imcliblng • f\II\f, except INl you
roU ~~ • RWW' Kna~k W'l'tUl thor runc', lkc<Ime TI
mh.... lhan its lnKribc TN and It laka len KIlonl, nol,I\..,.
Ourln& LM procen, the Skjlom> mlUt charz' lhe rune ..iIb
hit ""'n blood (which Is the blood of thr Lrrd .... has
IIo!come), lI.k1nJ 2Ia woundt. He !hen IW11eI the obj«L U
be .u««d.. !he runt UI1IIOI be de>lr~
the obj«.l
itorlf Is lkwoynl. If !he- c....mxmy ro.il.. Ibm lb. Skja=n
onll taW thr W<llllld<. and th<o objK! j, ruinM.
Whm W10g • perlllonendy tndulIled ob~ "ith • runt
that acid. dirt, W .lr.a .. acdvaled and dutliVattd by
opeUlnllht object'. nlUll...till. holdlng I\. lbt TUM c\oe$
(OlInl ag&\nll the normal Ilmll of <URn oJI<.cling )"Ou, but
does not <oun! ~ tho. IIl1mbe:< 01 rllII<:S you maintain.
WMII using. pemll.nl:ndy cnchanled object ,,'jib .....,..00
rulle. 'P'"Ulng the objKt', name whlk holding k K1lvatn
the efT""l Th. perlOn acd....1ini It !nunediilldy !UK 2k1
WO\IJlm In fIOW"I' 1M l'1lfIl'. No rolf ill made ...Me uMg Ill.
p"'m.al>I'ntly lnKrIbM rune, only "'Mn
run.. do
Inxrlbin& IL Thne
of mllrn.alned
rune<, and they ('all onlr be I.lIed 0IIld0In. The 0,*",,1',
<"nChantmml nil be ~ apIn In I numbn or l'baR. !hal
ill «jUaJ \tJ len mlnw th. numbM- of RWI ~. when
hw!'lb!ng I.... run~ (mlnlm\llll I). F.... vcampl<', if)
4 RaiHs ..""m Inomblng a ruM, and ute<! !he cnch lmtnl
on l'h_ 7 of I"" cur~nt RoWKl, )'OU would ~ d>le [0 . il ag.m In 6 Ph.- (10 - 4 • 6), J(l )'00 could me Ih~
~nclllUltm~"1 ag.m DfI M- 3 of !he next ROWld.
not COWll lowudt. OOIUrff',limll
Lerdom and the Vendd
The ~ gom of tho VHtmmOlVll.'njar gnnt Ilx m.gk
olla:rdom. As dbcuoHdln o,apla" ~ tl>e VmdeI M'l'
foroab,n ~ godl. and In III dcnng bo."t wnkmrd thrir
ablIit)' 10 lIJII! thio ton:ny. R~llChing !he IUlUI cI M_ of
u..rdom requlte1 aboolw f~lh., .00 tl>e Ven<kl do not
II."" It. No Vmd~l may ~ b«...,1t a M;utrr in l.zrdom.,
no matt... w\w hi. RlUlk. may ~ In \he indiloid\W
mtroll1 Knac:b. l'h~ only Malirry ~b ."IlIab!e to tlit
Vmo.l ~ Al'P'ftlw ...d Adept. Vntmrnann&,njar M\oll
no IlKh ro:Uridinn.
,\lkmotdy, • Vendeillero m.y bt upabl~ of ~odling th~
MiUtery rank, but lit m\RI tu.'1' ... exhordinary rulOII for
doing 10 - IOmtthillg ..'!Ikh forms • flllldamm.! pan ol
\hie lkro'. IlIUa
1M GM Iw th~ IinaIlly an 1M
rnaw.., .00 pta)'......'no wIlh w portny I putmIiaI Vmdel
l.lr.tdom Mamr shoukl «>MUit him bebre Htro cnlll:lon.
dicl, '- t6tcr. ukn ~t_ Ra.n -de 10 atmd dw
dInlion 01 aD AIlJ'*'!t". t6tcr. do IlOI COIft !of lbII
Bears.uk (15 Points, VC:Slen Only)
lou h- dimI>o<i UI II.. lap of dw. -'d. w!lefo, )'OU lIpOk
....-.h 1M North \\lnd
bKanv • irarin& ~ f'uw,
wt- you CIIII upoa ~ ph. il WDth )'011 inul • blood)'
.... thai no moruoIltWI CItl IUIp. It ~.~ )'l'U w!>e,"-......
"'" _.
ort trrun"""
If't'ld • DrarM I~
I'riof to. b.attlI:.)'l'U
10 10 btt-lnk. WMn lllU do 10,
II olIl1mts.
rage whlch luu ..
lon8 .. )Ul ...... ........un ~ a<:ll''e on tIM, fldd.
Yo..-lMUlh..,.\O &olh. and you fffi no pam. While,.,..
New 7lovantages
be<c>me overwhrimtd by •
bo<vrk, ,_ ~ imm.... 10 Ibr dIrClI 01 """
uijip&td. boa _II> bcq KDodtd QuI. y..... "'.. kri II
mIlKed 10 Q. YOII "";1In'l' • •,j bam. III 11III IlnwD ...
Astrologer (10 Points. Vc:nde1 Only)
You 1M an ~ ability .. obwoq tho! on .... p&-to
p£. . u- .,...- to) praIoa tM fuan
...t .-dmlaDcI the prnmt. By IOlIlnt: \'o~. .. Aoti........,.
Ill" • 'IN ~ 15, )'0"
-r'" J'lY F* 10 md ........
If )'Ull landoT _ . )'00 rllld _
~ &otIOr
~ llIalmt hlIn. Aay mllo the wrt makn ... lhr Man
Cambu Owt
rMuo:n1 by 2 (minimum II B !he
dlnllon of. banIt, and the TCfrt !'>um'-' 01 aU 01 hh
rolh are Ina.....,d by 3
the rmWndtr 01 tht Sc~£. for
fW1l Raba., fI'U (Ill rmke lhe ~illl)' Iut f« u.. Act.
1f)'Oll ald IOIT\fOftt, you flI'Id an ~ (Kia I!w II
~ for him.. Any ro1II .... makn ... tilt! MUI Combat
Owt ;ore lDmaoed by 2 b 1M dw-allon 01. !>;oak, llIld
tlw TNJot ~ ol all 01 hlo ro1II . t '-":od by 3 far
.... ITIZlIIndorr of !be XCfW. far _ Rahet. you QI1 -u
lhio bonut Iul ... the Ac..
Only _
..... WlorD . . .
IafhJr.:t _
Irin 10 W1umtc iOUiEOilOE
ah.dy.tfr,acd by ~ ~r ..... milo .. ~
aad Ill. ...us IDllft R-.. chaa Ihr ~ Ala ......'
W<Uld Owchj eli dim........ Fllnhtt_••
pin IIIl itIo::two: 10 )WI' m. Ilaan& (if all)1 ~ 110
... dwd of )"lUI" Pandor.,
~ ""hm .. _
rambIl, Ml tlupl ~ II ""'~
oWk..d '\no.,)y
FAiagN. \'ollilo bonM. it illYrd 10 ItlIrimd fnIm lor II
'"fUI"'I • Will ... . - • TI\ of .5 (,"","'~'" lilt
Nlet for Tr1IItr; of OlIO ~ IbM _
.. b I &irnd
In combIL Wnw. bnYrt. )'OIl ..'\I .IIlUICk atI)..... lhat )W
do IXll rtellpllu ill • £rimd. Upon soinJI bnserl<. l""" "8"
by • Wftk for """'Y R<>und 01 """,1M! UIIlIl tl.. bInW 'k>pL
tl.. 1I.1lk stopt.)........ Will ,ctwm to iu nnmaI Rank.
)'OIl Iotoe lhe bonUlon you ,tulV1'd III B........ ond ~
roIk, and )"OW" f<,.. ~ , .... bac:k 10 III I'ICm\II Ie\ti.
Tho efT«u 01 briIIfI mppltd abo ilJJe<l )'011, 1f)'OII bin
takm ~ dImIv 10 han them apply 10 ,......
Bodyguud (7 Points. 6 for VendeD
YllU ~ hhd. oklItd dIliet 10 11(I. a bodypard- H.
..;II mnaln 10).,,] 10 .'OU .. k"'f ill )'OU do ~ 10
wrioudy ........ _ and _ ba) aftrm a ropi6nrcly btIer
.....,. 10 woR b ....._
dw. n.. Bod)l""fIl II
a>noitltrl'd • HmdutwI and .. bu;Ir. u atMt Ilmo:hmm
)'OUi ........,.
It> ... ~...
one Sword.nwl Sdlool d
dw oormaI ij liP. HmduMn
Bought Weapon (Varies, Vc:ndd only)
Thr \~ 00 not " - Ul) lIpft>al - . , - u.. tIw,.
rcnplo) buad, tIwy buy. ~, .. lin! __ dw . . .
II&DIIm. Sirfw .. eapotd &om A...... purzIIP .......0. frum
M~, e-lh.. bIo<lot.. ......-d bbdeo frum \'codaue
and...- """'...
10 1bIP \'1Ptldel
ro- lIM' \'......m~"'...-'.. ""' aD
Is not ...-.Ilab6e,
....... Iht \'-""l had .......... III ~ An)'thlns optdaI
&om l:"L \'-""lIM)' obuin any '" d-, "'UflOtI' by
..ptndms 2 JIOlillt Il"Kn lhatI dw M~ would .....
&m &om itJ 1Wi>... [0IIiIIt')'. For oxamplr,. "<add 111m)
"'ha hu • SokIono> BbdIP muM PO)' 8 poblIJ lOt it
Drago (6 Points, 5 for VendeO
YCMl h.,... ~ \,,,,,<1<01 l>noJI;o (. pold guide and oetrttuy) in
your eltlflloy II dw !WI of the 5"UM. ~e< hll normll
du~ I>l' .. <killed Ii [1f"i)"\ll5 m",oas'" Ii )1ltIr I'IP<I"""The On.&o II <<In!ldlPrel • 1Imc:llIn"" and b built .. oUwr
Il....:htnen an' He _er.1!I • 3 In .u GuIdo: KnKb In
addIlioa 10 dw -....175 liP ~ Iknchm.l • ...",.......m.
larl (8 Points, Vesten Only)
......... .....,
Uld an' tbuo ~ 10
~ ~ <I _ pro&a. or [1IUnO', • Won - r 10 ....
...,., to dw prafIa smn-d b,- ~ -.diane do:P"_ oc
!boo _
.,.[ rnq-,. <I )'001' own ....
• The
..... &t,-saI)' you ...-. dw ......, ~ ,..,.. I"l
- r bid. 1M ItUI «Ill d dw MI....,. .. ~ '" dol,
..... <I dw poinD opnM: oc dw ........ <I dw Pn.fia mil Ibt
You Ila &I
Merchant Patron (Vules,
I less If Vendd, minimum I)
Mvuw;"I( ...... 4 polnlI If )_
bo,~ already
You an> • jotl ~ MUnG'" d dw lO'Vrior a.Illr d the
\ ' _. . You
u"b"do:d, \IIMIIIIPd mtmbn
fIll!In [_, and _Ii- &I.""!'P""" . . . . jatIL
uoc t"y ...
mlil« oIfJcIP'" In dw army fIlllllltber jori.
lu ,,1lb hIpn 1'"" Y... an the ptnIP ...... .1Oll G and
monthI). InctIaw fIl 100 G. Abo. )'tlll Idd I tri
10 ~ .... do _
m ......... lin)' un
~ &om II. You ~ LW Iht Thrall ~
~ pamlIl
10 ~
10 G
Ono:,. • ItIOnlh
Twice • motlIh
""" .....
Old Name (2 Points, Vesten Only)
. . . old ud ...... ood ...... - . Ibo
If you taU Ibo Scoo....nl ~
,..... ~ . .ricw II Rduted 10 -16.. 0I:I0m01w, you plII6
pointIl of RepI....
Rune Weapon (Varies, Veslen Only)
YDIl hwr a weapon or otMr objed tluol hal a rune lnKribcd
upon k. lllNy be any of the twenty-fo\ll' ~ IUIed In 1M
PI-:JIrr' c.ii•. y.... lIIU1lILllme the _apon. 1M toll olthis
Ac!YaMaF depmdt on tho! kbI ol NW bolbt<i OIl L
WUllwr I\Illel «Ill I tiP, pIuo I HP p« Raile Ihal. tbo!y
hao't _ thma. up III tine Il.MoeI. ~ Ihal. add dice toll
~ oIllIl)pe.
hII R.soM aptISl • TN of J). If he _cHd&. _ ~
or dnoe 01 poiIOlI n-.. III him &om hII paIltU. If be
wlIbn 10 WIla iajwtn upoa we ow, he ...... roI M
TN 01 lS.. ar he IIInHdt. be loan _
WIlIIlld mol inI'Iic. • M aud u.. _ .. If II
had bMl flmi &om • f'ft_ for ~ of ~
Sympathetic" Healer
(20 Points, Veslen only)
Thrall (I Point, Veslen only)
• tIP. A I"" I '
_ ~ a*> IWIU ...............
Ctrlaln V<:SltDmannIYnJar haYl! the ablllty III heal Pliler
people by t.oklns tllelr WOI.IIldo and l1ln.esRs InIo their ""'11
bodies. By t~ _all. and 1fItIIdinI. Drwna Die ..
.. ac-. you IN)' .umpt to cUe dleIr ...-dI &om them.
RaIl ~ . . . . . TN of 10. If p'("cnJul. you .mart>
.. of thM penaa.• flab Wounds., pM _ Dr..udc
WIlIIlld per R.Nw you m* OIl yvur roI. You _
IdI ,.,... Br-a III ... wtlr±- the ouddm
....*....,.01 fItoh
.... pIloo
W_ _
)1lII ..,.
S)~ hulen
""'Y . . . . . iI!nr:o- or ~ &um
.... body and Into tbrir owu. M roI II
lI«eNry to do i.hIt. The bealer mcreIy ll>IKheo hb paliml
and .pendo ".... Dnma 1)Ico, and ont dooe 01 pohan or one
l1lneoI lr1uI>1m from the padent to the healer, wha
~ly oufJen !to effe.:m.
In _
You "'ne • 'rhnU. • memher of the ~ile cla» of 1M
VWffill\U\lUvnjaI" _lety. rOUl" jarllall all of biI land and
money to the Vmdd, and hiI Idr: ended slloctIy them/ltt.
You bad ~ doe III IW1I, . .d br,.., Ill.... bec_ • he
....... You pin the
Skill b free.1DlI you ~ the
pM wiIh S G Ilw }'OIl ba>.., KJOIIIlSood up . . . the ..-.y.
You.- taU IMJari A<Mnup.
of dnperuloo. • ~ beAIrr may II}' to
cnmr..lnJUriea. polooft, or diwlSelO mocbtr penon. To do
.... be ...... IOUdo thIII: penaa and ~ • Dr- DIe. If
Joe ...w.e. 10 InllIiI:r • poi-. or • _ _, IbN be _ roll
Vendel League 5e.t
If V"dd)
Evorry )'tit, 1M Veadd ~ap WCli<InI oIf tome of ill
~ocue Still. Thew UlTY I h!5b prite, blI: Ihe). hnn& srell
_al!h III the peoplf ..i\O bold !hem. YDIl ..... e lbIe lO
IKUI't. ooelhb )"tiQ". YO\II !Upuwwalf>ae1HOl by 10 polnb
and you pin an Income of 100 C per ..... k.. The Ino:ome
and Rq>utalloo lained &om havlnfi • \'~l ~~ Seac
II bt when yaw 11 ~ up lor axliIln
In thrft
ynn. bul bodl
be rqllDed by ~
1Il III thM
ytar', "'....... Wbile l""" ha", your Seal. you -r all I
_ . the ltkelilW' olllw I~
An _..... ;, an
dlan<urioIit ill tJ.
~ ~
pn- ~ab u..e -.acMes br. &..... • JMrtltUIu lI1be.
0aIy .Itao lilIIy jOC..bllllD. sl-l ~ Dtlldmdfy
KU1llI; 1.llllS""F Ac'f',;-u-a ami ftdpls .~ ... ~
- ' dllIllt •
__ '-e
I n DOt
K«llL """"'" .., _
pnmary KUrlD
"ftIdti dunclft'l:
.."II!&bW to v _ '... or
Aa1e H' 1loo1"'+4 ~ H..... ! 'o'k Jordo'llk.
UnfoIk, ~ TlllrwkA. and "mdd. Hnoa ~
_ ollbew
~ ~ ~ ~ 10 Inm
bftp ~ An ....pI...._
tlw ~ dwl. below.
.a_.. . .
II ",,*UhW bf the...-ythoty
~ftl4. Au~mlollfl'u_
of ndo
the W!ln f .. If II -.e v.
&j,II/llk .",., pnm.y charv.!nUCltI ol lhe IIodi1do1k
.unt .,., tlw npid plU cI the .spc«b and
lmdtncy 10
oJ..... thm __'tiL
Ed~~JfMk: t~lk ihOl'~
1IW "",,'rI. and t.nd lVlI\(I
pronounce the letter g ",'hen ll.~,," .c !he end of • word.
Many 01 !hem 1fI'~ 10 E.... I ~ t'mb..&! in the
Iwlpn 01 fiDdlnJ ~ aplntl the \'mcld.
A .....
Co ~.
Hilb £iN.
v... •
u.' -...
10 Iw srowI!n&
oofd)' I t !hey opnl. n..y ,...ph.... \be \tum h, m. II, T,
.. 1Ild v Ia thoir pr""'IlWW,,"'
V(ndel or Vesten Accent (0 Points.
Vende! or Ventn only)
Samtbow, J1.~d
J-Isft4: 1M Jmdsl>l:
...... '" Iho Inlob ooioD
ba-", oided the \'~ iIllbrlr aucb .. "mdo:l
)la:ly _~ oIlbe Jwd0i6 ~ _ ~ •
...... frw pbnors ol A......
Unfr/J> ~Iem~ cllbt I..tnfDllI lI"lbe ~ ..-..b .....
bMw....... ruq dw pttb .ll>N' "lIbo ... s.,.1wr.irc
01 dle 5lteo
StjnMsftIJ: 1M _
'olt pcCf'Ie
by I!ldr prmo''''''' lh .. Il' II _
• d Ilf . . . . For
...amp. imlnd 01 aJ!'ll. ·"111 ~: !hoy WIdd ..y.
"I',. dirty:
01 1lIIild'olk hwt- ~ tIw:
ondmt pmnunNtion of the IanI"llL Thor do not dlen
I!ldr ~k and _pb'F1'" the ldtm " k. P. alId I "bm
tbtr .puk.
V.....l: 1'he Vrpdrl hove JOIltned the V.-nrnannovnjA:
lanpge, rnUln& IIIOWld man: Uke [Jftnlllln II h.od In the
puc. 111>1 b the \'(nd~ 1m,. ~bed In tho 1'I6Jm'
VenddlVeSlenm<lnn<lvnl<lr Accent
......... .......
,, ,, ,
, ,• ,,
,• , ,,
, ,
..... ,
, ,
VC:SIc:nmannavnjar Bought-Man
(] Points. 6 for Vc:slc:nmannavnlar)
)ou '-" !wed ~ WlItd v _
s-d ~ tv ..;II mnaiD q'al 10 )"" as ~ • )
IIOllq 10 -*Ny u,-e blm.lbr. 10)"11I)..... bftn I>oup
and hill qUy .......... M will Illll btln) )"'II ftO _
'-' In\I(b .......,. M • afirrftL The Boup...... II
~ ~ Ikllchman Mel ohould ~ bui). • oWf
Hn1chmtII. The
Bousht....... reuMo ~ \'ctlrmnallfY\nju
SwordIman Sdlool (H&I!dan-.ln~ or Slgw1dacarj
In addation 10 tbII uw.oJ 75 HP. H~nclm\.ln 10 bulk ..,lh.
\\~ Is •
pnm;a.t opa_' .. ThnIa,
cWlvr ......
..tlalrn _
m..b ... dw
tlR -,"lMlf. T)plQIIy•
~Whano in dw ........1lb
>'OlIt), and ~....
d 11II pouas. Illll .,....
~ or _ tlR aairIIaI". body .. do1lro)ed. '!"IltP lbo.J
"'" lhrown IwpoonlIO hIo_ tlR \no ~ bt,-.
lbrpoonl ~ • 3k2 ..tapoo 1'llrttId). buI aplntl brJe
~1lUIft (....11
lOS ....n.In ond ~~) ..'hoot f1nh ~
an 'lis det'M' inIo. dlty '"' (onoldomd • 3t3 weapoa. Ukt
OI~ Ihnwoll ..upans. thttr raflF 10 S - (2" B......) ya«h.
A ohitld 10 IImiW 10 • bIltkIor. bill mllCb bqtf ond
ht...1rf. The wieldoer ~1M:t oa III ..... lor pnlIKI>OR. ..-bllr- •
bl-:kkr 10 ~ 10 cldlKt Illtomln& blow\. Due 10 dw . .
oi, .tddcI, lhe 'rn 10 ~ hi! "1...,..(ft.1II ~ lIlKU
bowt or aoosbooooJ" toouuwd II) 10 wobm ViOiDJ-If. m.ane. babn :aroodwr ....... ohitld. • iI:I/IicCI Ikl
\ ,,,,.....1, .m, ,,~I,t>I~
~"I' l,~ Ill'
I,''', .n~ hL.<J<o h,tldtn In .. ,..,,,. fhl'
,h.. u,..•·• "",,,III', .,111,11(' " ..",."KIM <II
II. '."'" I.'''''' ..... ..1'1'.,11
"",... ,,'" "I h~\n~ " ..... IL.I1O>I1"" I....
11,1'0' l> ".\\;oll)
Ill<' "",,-d Imn,
".""'1: ""'''''' ,,10'111,,11\ II I,Il<'... \\,1.> ,nil "S~l"" .. T:'" ul'
II h. ," ... ,- ,lui" ,,, .... <1 .,,~ i. Ill..., "n~",,,~ '.,
,I, "".,t, .11'" .' .. ~'''''''I; ..."apor' "'III''' "irlllo.~l -W. MI'
• ""I"."' II> l... ~ '" .. 5":0<1 &I, .... "1"'''..1" ,,, III """ Cll
, ,r" .. U I N,~ .. u"'''~ 1'.,1> (FNlIlIIg) '" an A,,,,l' J)"len...
Throwing Axe
\ ,1"'''''''1: .I.V " " "",.It, " h."dN! ",I' h.llllrnll<.
'h'.Mi.,.'; \\'1"... 1I,,~1
"'e1 "'I"I"'n, " lnf\io h :Il.1
,I"",.S" Ifl.-n 11u"" 11 ha. a 'JllS(' ,i .i ' ,,,,, .. ,b"
,I"...", .. II,., .. " In ,.rd, ..'Ih ",,,,,,,,(,111" £or ~h,n I 1(,,,,1.1'
• I"""'~' I{~ I,,"l> R",,(,~
Flghtinll Lantern
\ h~"tu,); l::",l'l" " ~ ",.,,~Nl. 10,,11"....., r L"lIrm.....'" 1oI,on
"",II" I...· ""ck'm, of ,ll. 1,1f"'" :lo.l......l. \Cc} hldo light
,.., 'I"'" " "h<-" ", m,,'" " ,h.'n. an<.!
lh<- nwk u up.
I'~II' •.,,, I.' d"", 1...1In u"r <1""-,.,,, .. ,dl 11... b
Ur r.f
,I,,· 1.I1l"·1ll "~",,d.~I'I> '10 b.,L.•"d • lhuml>- m.,1'd
lr-r, .,110 ..., ,I> ,,"" ,I> fa,'" >,wl !MIl', Ih. m......
," Hnoh'r """ Vrndd ,h.r.... "'u".:' .\ '0 an) 1,...,,,1 ,II.
l'~..... d,,,,,~ AI.......d) V"'I~nnl'ln".'·nJ;u ''''",,''re,
In,,' pw,h:ur Ih., u..11~ Arl''''.ago I 111I·1........ <I,,(.i
Ill' \ 'c"dol ,h>,;u:t." do 1IU' g'" lhi. <I ""',,. I"",ad. ,....,
m" p""II." ,he [J,,&w>t Ad, .. ll."" r.... I Ill' ..... ~.OOJ 0( l
HI' I....",. ,ul... aro tJptlOr\.Al.
l3uyinj;! Reputation
A \'rnd~ m.) I.",I'OI"'U) ,nc:T~'''' Iili R~plltl<llun b,
'p,~:ad,ns ">01\0') "'ound. II) SI"lng a...-.) :t;(lG..... "'"l
&;u" • n..pul:uloo <11.. Ih.l ""') 001, 1>1' ......1,11 ,h.. h.l
...... r.... L1., ''''-'' "I'<'k. S~ll,l",& nlOR' ,,1<,,",) ..ill '"""",,,
Ih.. "'n~L11 ufIU"". ul' to" ",.,omum 01 onr ,ntJlllh (~ .. ""L.
",-(tJTdu'l: to lbO-.h·, (aI.n<1..j. Ea,h """k nnU 'l.5lK;
lIU)'''S JU,fllllallvn uol) "",h "iltun the rlN I"" .......,1I..
of 1M \·."d..•......,.,) It, ~ "C'. and ,,..) IK" .fIr<l m",'
,Iu" foo, "r lilt....:. ~'&!>I """h. Onl)" V.ndM rn.) nw... "..,
uf Ihi, abllil)
Skalds and Reputation
If. S'(>l,1' la•• stal<l I.Il >I...'''''.......<'1 11K-) ,......t, 01 """
1l.<-I'UI.,;'J/1 pulnl.\, ,.... '""l;Ilkudr ,,( the ,h"IlS" " "
b) l. I~'" 1 fr" e'"'"l It",,,, d,l' SbId "...u. Ot, • \'"• •
Or"'''} !I' \\,1< • S1II8'''S mil ..,Ih. TN "'lu;d lu:; un....
01 Kl'JIUl..1it><1 pol"" lruuall) &..",,0
A",I'm 1>:"<1.1,,,,"" "miw
""r"ll "" Kq>t>tatJon p""">
Merchant 5ta1us
\.ndrl Mecdw" Gwld> h", .. II
I>;o,k r.n>.,:
"PP'''''b<''. jIlum"pn..,.. ..,d III.1>I~r H
"'II... l~ '"
• G",kl.,r _umord II> "" juucf'lt')nwn (0I'I,r....cirrs ",....
..,) ~kn.r lu l....i, m."~" .. >d
h"r~ I," ... foo
",1"'"1,,,..). In .dd,lIo" It> lhl' brt>dil> ,oud"....1 in Ih.
I'IQ)UJ' C."" (p'S" Lib), ml'mhen I;n.r ... 1M *<'<1<1 c",1t- uf
lUld p........ 'orth 1m Ih<-n P""KuW Gudd. ..,<1 ..." u..
III,,,, 1<1 d,j(ff:O\Il ,onl.ll,unK..,...'lIh kIlo...' Il'W:mbert ,f
III") "ith.
Ilera Cr..:ation Rules
ll.· "'~" l",.....,..1'<1 '" '110' "b ~., 1''''1",' G~"', 10, 11,.
",',,1••' ..r
I \'mdrl tl~ ...... ,1<1 ,,,"
\"",.-m"'III"."'/,,' ",..
" I~." ,.... '1LI""r'
,b." h.", """"" l>M>oo"ffll Ih<-... "'"
1.'1·~·' '~·'I.,r Ihoi,
""".n ""1;1... II )"" ,,,>II. )~U m.)
" ... ,II.. ~,U'''''''l; 'ul••'.11 .I'.mall'~: in.lo",l,~ '......"n5
" IM"""'~ • I I.. \\ 11.. V""rnnl.""'" "l'"
g'" '1
A II..,,, ,.x"'" Muc..
1M" Iw .....
aualm " R."k
(Jj .j m lh. '1~"ul","I" 11: , k ("",unU), h<- '" .Itt, 1Il1'"
Mw lhc M~nhip: Merdulnl CvIId Acto. . . . . . . .
..1th~ HiI RqM-.... Iui:n=. by 10. _ be abo pmlhc
Kday .. taU .. ,... "+'fiI...... obou6d be wWo. ow.
Ul(mbell or !be GuIld will kook ~ biIoI wldl ~ ..xl
be .....,. be aIod IlfOl' ......~ ~ po'Mkal 6"1"....
II~, Otbtr bUkk ..m • 1ncR-.i ..Wh, _
up .. the GM.
Advanced Weather Rules
11K c... Mutm' GtM. sugtotl Uw""~ ClID do IIlOR'
tIw1lnf1lt1 doma,gt, built Ie~ 'l*lfk wtu.ht'r el1'«b up
II) the ioo;';du.al OM. Thffl! Ut mu'ly thinS' thM iI'l!
wtlltlltr WI do In Iddll!on 10 colK!n& dlttct bum.
P.a.ahiu 10 R.a.oled Atlaclu
M.any kindI 01 WUIber QI1 po;uecLoIy '.IUII! pI!NIIleo lO
Rqtd AIlKh. WlMIo wtlI QUIt I pn>dyof·~10 dw ~
10 biI '<riIh I bapd AlUld ... ndl row
the bca...
01. tIk W.Mbef Chan. 1bIo pmMly an be ..."'....... WIth
Ibr T
5honrin, Knad.
PYobI.._ with Gu..apowdet' uut BownrilloC'
\\'<1 _dIiom raID I""f»WcIo - ' auIl' boooo~ 10
iaubl« ..wlllollfnOW', me-. Wbm:olll!alfClrll
10 diKbarF.lftann or firp. boor rl<lClutllnJ "uootx-.)
ill ralrIy wtMber, roI I . . If tIk mull •
tbt tboI •
made lOIlCDUII)~ If !be rvlI 10 odd. tlw poo>Otf- b. b«omt
"'<I and.1Itdeoo. The I"" "'... bt ...Io.do:d befono IlW:in&
anothtr """'pI 10 r~ I{ uoitlI • bow or I Cl'OMbow iD tIk
nln. tile n; 10 Incrtued by 10. 1M Trkk SbOOIlJIg 1Wck
may nlll redUCt thb penaky,
f_ .
i th '''''Y wid mNI Iw •
cha.nce 01 frK<iI. to k, espKWIy If tIk ...... to __ If IUdl
a «IOlKl 10 made, Iht Came ~botet llA)' apmd I Dr....
Ole 10 1la.... 1be I1eth tad 10 Iht IIkUl \\1ltrl tbIo hipptnr..
the two DII)' boo .u:ty "'!N"'tI!'C! I»
Ibn: Rnb
te .....I_lW- waItt'
II: 100 • 0'U,..,......
lUke ~ diff'ocuk.
aa..aen ~ b'Iber .. \he IDIIp IhMI. Ih.ir I'anKM
kl IDchn III I Round _
IlYb flneow • B.al_~ roIh
. . . I ~ cliO'" _ ourfaceo ... 20 for ke. ~'lIibn& 10
do III ""'. . . thM dw dwaaet Iw fallen and ""'" Iieo
prone. RuIel. lOt bIlIns dunap ""'y "'PP'Y It tbe C~f.
Impeded Mov.......nl
Snow and mud olaw )'OIl do..'n. AU aIltmpll II) we the
Sprinllns IWd kftp ~ dlel!. dol*roduIjj on 1M dtpdl 01.
Ih. _
or moxL If iI 10 .ankJe.dotep, !be pendy 10 -I k L; If iI
"""" 10 the middIr: ol)'CQ c:alI; your ptMky. -2k2. IV-.
drqt muck II- • pmalIy of ...J.3.1Dd lI1Iddufh • f*l'IMy 01
-1114. W... ~ ... dftperpes.ptMllyol-5U.
fa&. dull ....... and pneiI*
YioibIiIy 1M _rlmom tvIft 01
~ I"'~ h4~ ..1Ih
be Iftiuced 10
wrII). ~ DO ~
10 wpa... 1lot llIotUol from tbt
t-ty 1»' bn_ da:lIoap will mull. Sucb an
1'n&cb",_ FO«UII
k .. aDd ~
• blt1II • a lew Rd. IamiIInt lhc r5orio.~ 01 Ranvd
Acxb md InIrocluciIl& lhc P"""'bhy 01 hrtoctq IDL
XI ",'II iaIloct
2k2 wounds (Ieoo If die . _ II maa.-dy amaII: G.\f,
n... VtDdI!I know llw I l l " /nOIW')' 10 make """"')' 1'Iwy
resuJ.orly InvftI In tompWet and CllJlfditlorn Ii> IUm I
ptolll. They obuln r.. oJ ftIllle and d"".lop lllO Imp"""" ko
value, 1ht Vtoo.1 abo know thai hl,sh rili.. can ~
Allbe bt~ cli Story, • PC OlD 10...... ...,. IRMlU/lt II
1rIOrW)' tbot "" lou .. haDd inIo an """'"1"-' Uyou etoc10 do .... )'0\1 .optafy tIk _
Im-..d, and !be dl!per
of rid< (law......_. or IolpJ Invo/Ytd. YOllIlla)' _ _ '"
opedl'y dw -... oIlbe
<II _ ......... ~
Volp. • ..., allalod. .... - ... wtl1 fd- drtalIt wldl dar
OM). RoI a .... dot (wbidl n:p!odr-) - ' add JOIII ~..
• ~ to the roI. VtDdd tifton add I 10 ~
mull. Thtn conlUhlM Im't>lmtrl( Tablt to "'" ..'hal lhll
Im...UIItIU i. WOflh II tht .,nd 01 tht Slory.
AI !he tud 01.
SI.ooy. )VU
mar u.b Irl _
all 01 )"M
""""'Y ""'tiled.. If you
b<op tht
tht IltXl Sooty wttb IIllll\'Ulmml o:qu.a! 10
~ lilt D"nIZrImI would ....'t bem wonb bad "'"
~ II in. You CllII abo lIl\.-1ll • _. mIefJ'I'Ilt II lilt
IWt oIlhat SIao} If "'" ..... In, )VU &.... pIldtn toqUal_
tht nlI'mlI "lIh.t of I!lt in\'Nmtflt. Y"", l I l \ _ In lhat
_ ' .. iot " """"'tel _ tht _11II )"'II n't In\'tI'td ill iI,
..... c.rlr:s..- 10 tbt _
SIaoy as dooibtd 1'ft''lOUII)
You _ del Ed 10 pill IllOR fIQW)' III .. t.lChc!nI
... • tbt ..., of. _ SIOIy RDI indh'ldual r - *
lor tad! i n \ _
or .lOG in • hlllh-risk vmtIft.. Yoo lleddt 10 put tbt 25G
uno ltOOIber hlgh-rldr. tllItrpNt, &!'in&)'OU. IOl>.I cl75G
1m_tel Irl 2 ~ Al tht tad cllhil Story. )'OU w'.D
roll OllCt lor tadI in~
.........,.. "'" \I.-t
l:u".u; You ...~ 100(; In • hlptN ,'trllln. At tilt tad
of tht Sooty.,... ... .-. •• s.
to......-. u..lIIt
b _ .... loot ~ of itJ..w.
.- wonb 7.sG.
'·ou dI'ddt 10 lab 2.sG out of lhat . . . - _ You •
lilt _ Suwy .... b 2.sG l<J .,,-nt iIIIlIi III tXhI>nfI bUlmtnt
Investment Table
Low IUak
No Wnr
),Iod ...... t.
No doaDp
No . . . .
• llI!\,
Hilb Riak
.' ••
- ...
0JI i
1 en
_ _.:.'7.;;;11....;'
-t. ftIIi< Iankh ~ ~ III dww dwrd
culIurr .. o.d. l'h.tdoan' IIlKDAnIy _ODIIWII.IId lobar,
... llw v~.".. Ila\'t' 110 roam for Udm. MId
lIdlllo!f do tbt \ftdd. M". II...... ~ ,t
~ 10 "'
it " lbty do. b<a Vmeld ..d
VrUn aIlh ~ lbIII It -bmfl- ""O<th dolrl&. IbN
II', wmb -lWlc ~ all 10 mW ~ .', d<rip. ....~ 1haII _ _ " , tl>e bnl......w.d ~
clew In Ibe Trade Sn. It. . - aJlnI'""U"
1M IllO!Il vtnalIk jad-of~ In '"
f.xpIOftf'. SocXIy te..... the _
dedicatillll l.!IlMo
- - ---
Two Worlds, One People
"''by " u. _ book~ At1ft' all, 10 look ... wbM tbf, ""'Ide!
buaik. ond ..ilac W \'~ d ....
I!wy'N p-acocaIy _ di&rnl.
What etA "mcIotl
...." v_ Iieroft poMIbly h.Ye
ill CWIKidi ""y 1IlOft?
UnfQrUlnlltl)', de<:IlQllon QIl We I1\IIlY lonna. Hopmilly,
your Hemn know ~ than CD ~t thm\...I,l'I 10
Iwln& ~ "'00 are diffc.omw &om lhmI.
Vestenmannavnlar: Spirit,
S."", .nd St<d
a.x. k _
10 be • "ulL
Innr..? h !boa'
5eft lUI UId half-ubd. ..ldIllll . . liar
_ III • bArn!. bud, ~ _ _ V ~ iii lhal.
~W~ol"'\'_"""""'II. 6nalpiw. it ~, _an ••ab-. Ialo . . . . .
W-...kaI kIIirlc lnIIChi. ...-d "nh .. "*'
IlOna men ,,1e-..lhaI-. ~ thai'. pe-'bIe_
ond ..-r ~f
BlIt thIl txbG lDlI<t 10 ~ tbdr
II doeon' _
bdac ~ IlIlf lhc IlnJe. i1 ....., _
(DeD" dwI ... ~ WJl'f 011&. An)- ..ilo 11\'" In •
cold. bwrrn bind had betm be preUy quid WI the uplaU. bctna; IlIIllftI 1»' ~ and jnIouI.y. and fl. dtflllildr c\on;n'
_..:I btoInrs: owpld. Then ~ VtoICfI ..i>o iii IU
VnIta ~ thIl ~ _ Lhills" 0Ul ~ in the cold and
dew:tipli<c.... lDO, bul lhey'rt I'Ol Ilf'fOa A few m1g.c 11)',
~ tWIt, Ihlngo Ihll no amounI llf Kfumin& and
b.... l!ley wen'l bit 1o‫ס‬i&.
au-wil'1dln8 <all ~ten. Vttten who ~ that die.
111m: are 00 truly Jlupld v,..mmannavnJ.... _ at ~llI, IlOOt
Uk" H""",, from 01""" nlliO<ll, Vettm I [croa <0ITKt III
tlw live -r 1<111&
""CrY 1b"P'" __, ..:Id mClho<lolosY, Th"re In _MY
VctIftI t.tw...... idc.Iboo: Vntm m-.Ien, ~ V_
or cowv, tho! VMdd Iw ~ ( _ of) lbt bbJd oul of Q'tcrtn,
and "illy VnlttI 'flIel. E""" w \'cstm wvrian
tlw bMtle 01 ...... They
~ and pd .. tbt;r
who fit the udoot).... III doc fNrino, ~ tCI'OIIC
.....,-.. and widd them WIth • okIII flfAI 10 !hal ollt..
WWTiDr tmd lO boo _
I'CICUtIfut ltun buIl-hndrd. 1llt
clue. v_ ••"IuIL 'J1olo VmGol who tail 10 luna .....aIlrd . ~ . ~ plcl dc..uy _ ... hi. and . . .
&boew ~ lIIJI)' _lalIlO • bnr-'. daoo.. « bK..... ___
up wilh _ -r dcwr IriW II> pa.y 1m tllmc
rn lIDdor llw In. boll U>ty t.!I by !bot ""}"Iide all
!be \'~...;w" bmm ~
llw - . s.w.y v.... bet
ridI md ~ "'-
Thty II "
by tIoQ - .
dtwr .-m'mell b.....Ud .,-..--.
IDUII . . . . _
"'11M .....,. tIoc V _ . . , . 10 Ibrir tpll1lUIIIIy t!
)OIl . ., ~ ill the ...... ar _ .... "
~... i:Ioflr
pow..., )O\I'~ not ~aIIy. Vemn - you'",. Veooelln fun.
A Veotl'n vall1~ 1m own 'eputM\on U • link to tho<t
IUll:nton.. To a VNen Htro, fune btmUly uandlla \nlll
immorlollty. Pt,[ormlns g,ul dtlMl", prnwortn& th~
InnoctTl~ :and caorinS dawn th.. .,UIInooui Is ceTUlnly Htrolc
in jt",IL BII' "'Ill'll th.. <bid. uU .ItOfIn II> tM clUldTffi of
Il>t peopk )'QU ...vIM!. )'0\111 urn. ploct wiIh W llIlCal<>n
""""" rwnn)'OO Iouglll lO pres.e,,'e, To tht VtJIm Horo.
nUIiM 1m" ICImI'Ihing '0 ding 10. It', I (OIlIpanloo tlw
""')'1 wiIh)'Oll oIwa)... IiU I trusltd frknd. Vesltn Hm>tt
fight &rid rlif: [or thai fr!lond u they wouJd lor ally other, alld
~ rqNr' tllal lrUll wiIh 11""'111._ eDun.gt. ond tvm ~
O\'tt the tkltU':1\IJ.. 'I'll" .puill Ntn'l I mint!' 01 f;lith to the
VaunmannlvnJu. Th"y Ire living lr\IIh. and lht
tmdtnllblt mllTife>lIllOM olthtlr Mrlllgi:.
Sl!I1, ;t oo.....'t hurt to bad lip """n th<: moll d""""t (alld
WKkniably p""'<"1'fuIl flith "ilh I bladlo. Though noI t"o'try
""sle Vtsto:n tw the muti.ll pl'O'A'al 01111 ongry Mu. moll
or thmllt L<.UI know 00..' 10 put.ltffi Inlo anotl'ttr mill"
body, The r"""linder ue IMtMr ""'lIM l'llOIlgh tlw. otbrrt
prolec:t the.... or have p""'trful moush magll: l!w 110 OM
'0 II')' ouac:king tMm with .tffi. We 1111~ the
VtllenmarmlvnJu II hlnh, and 'Mrt', hO tdllllg wIltD
raidcn w!II IUack from th" ntXI vtlL>.ge ow:r. 01' • mnNl"r
It't O\W from lhe Won! 0",)'1 II going to vhlt V....m
.......rlor•• naturally. hIve • legtnda.-y r~pu'"don £Or
~eD. ""'luIe DO l>nl' Vlpedll H ...... til chug" I ..
or muW.-to with • ,"""'" or fight. gi&nt Ruin MORItf:r WIth
hit bur hand<, nO} VtJIm HtrO would kO\'t tommlel
bthind or allow
\~dIain .0 eKlp" ..,th
The ...,.,.., IllillKlt applitlln the Vem," ",lllion to thdr
mor" oophhlicatlMl tolIIin.. \\'lult Vellen Hnoel If(fl't
Iluly to he u ... dnllle-mindlMl..... 10m" of their
collnlr}'TDcIl on the Vtnckl blUe. no V""tt> Hem wnuId
ItvId by .. tw. • teague VIIllin mUlllen innoctlll farm<'rt
and de$troyI \he names 50 'il.ll II> the opltitt Since rkll
V....o.[ tmd to IIt'ilu: from btlUnd the 1CMf't, VCiten
ll~ It)'lng II> lIop tJu. tIow tkOlh 0( lMir world m,,'t '0
fiSh! bock Intelligently. Los V-SUi wooJd TtCognW the
tlClla of ~ Vesttt>, Svike. &om the ibadowL N""", let
eomtla know ..ito they'"" ~aII)' dnling with. When
tht opportllnlt)' ~, In" lip lO tlttlr Tl'01'It fftr. and
become III lIwrumtnl of tkllnl<tlon. By the lime the
aoldim ;m;ve, make >UTI': )OU'It Ions gone. mislion
occomplid...d. 'ThM.'. noI cOlO'Mdi<t -thll" ef£\cltn(y,
0" Ih" oIh", hand. Vem<! H"""", ~ noc ~ tllev
1n'Ct fJsJIdng tv\I Vcndel Thhh b I big: piau, with pImly
of W1'''''ll' 10 right for an .... t""J'ridng V"SttI! Hem Iooklns
for w'elllure, Ltgffid. comt In all wpn and Ilzes, IIId
nameo can Jx, timed In • g"''''IlTIII)'''-.yo. U'ltImattir. illIy
\'est~n "ito becomes a f""""" Hem """'" w Vest""
ptop/t, bid all of '!'Mah, by addinS til tho! power ol the
IlIlCtJlOI'I and becoming an In.pil'Illon 10 othm. Wlwevtf
tllm «cupatiorl. Vt:sUn w'mlllr.n taU thdr Toln U
Ilffllel JeTloUlly,
Vendd: WIIS, Will and Wonder
Tht Avalon Parliament b the clotcst lhing 10 a corrunoner'l
T'Olu In ~t, Illd It'$ no _1haI Wr''''' fltmIy
under f.1&Iru:'$ thllmb. N lOr the rat, Molllli&nr oqulrmlln
tilt ~ Slip of /'E"'/Mfn'. Caaille hnId> the hellr'l ol
I black and 'IIth1... lnqllilldon. V~ce and Eisen In!
dMdIMl by oqulbbllng IM:t1ordI with dtlulloM of m1p~ •
and U....... Ila in tbt lbonluU' I""""" of an Inhuman sp/lit
and a Uler.UJ)· "It:rJlbk' despot. But dcspitt kinp boWlliU
hem and loIltCf'ffl' who could controlllDmll and ICJUiJ. the
pmplt now known .. tho! Vendel rough! fnr - IIId won _
the lisf\l1O conlJOl their aoon ~y. T~. VCfIdtoJ wmlder
thmuel...,. more nf I mf'riIlICI'IC)' than • lrU" dtmocnq the ~a1 p""'tr U", with ,he I""aguoe - but w rwion 0(
Veooelillhe fin< plau.mee the fall of ,he Old Empbc!hat
arT)""" can legally ,tach ""Y btlVr:o of !am", "'"""" .wi
I. ir iUI)' woodtr!hat the Veood U1: 50 roofldmt1
1.IR thrir more lndidoo-minded counttrpvu.. Vend.!
II....,... Ira""] ""uly 1II)·... ht"". doing JlI" about J.P)~.
CttUJn1y, there ..., dcveT IMfclwll HtI"On pl)'lng the
TBde Sc.. btlping the lw furtunat<, and raking In !hoe
But ~ ...., a100 Vendd ldmdslJ It thr. be&ont
or m...."kdr (nperially WIlh V~ runnln.& rampanlin
C&1lIJlo.~ Vendd ~kIen
&om ~
all . . . . Thobh, v.... AiIon llPinl b frftdorn ~
1M 1lrotIlemoocI, Vmdel JUl"<rm"I I"tICUin« mdanenood
th;p.. Vmdel <'Xplorm ~inf; Do ~TnM rIIW_ I
_ _ 10 ~ 1M I:imIII or Inuua poItl*OI •
kt~, you WI ~ OIl. Vmdd IndIaa; Ihc chwp,
....... IU:InfiVmdrl IInum, IJOGI'e tIwo uy ~ Idfw In hunwl
~ While oWn, moody ~. pHK,,", •
~ an .'ff wei) ponou. pi. Ihc \'encW dmoe
-.nil. wuodIiMK ""-. Tloour;b V-x.I ~ ~
III worbrc bard ..,.l t:anlinI lhelr bep. .-.y \'radd
lift'Oft ..... bnsb ..,.l impuioio..... 1M IIlOll redk
Musleu:n, They wmpn u.. wltb. ken. ~ or
IMnW \hey uU•• ~ ~ 10 do ..d,.wI
fu1I ~inW: or "-hy they'.. ~hcin& •
1m Irti ~
OIl ocme iIobnd no _', evtl' Joeud cl. lbey dtJn~ a<t ....
or ID)'U)' 10 • wWiIh kin&. •• hldfbound rriipoo. Ill'" ..,
Ibe ""lnC)' (tbo:Jup piIdrn maile • al<e bonuo~ ,'m<It\
H..- ....... wm lloe ~. kiiiQ ,.... (:IlIl bf&os. .wi
tIwy lip 10 briati m. kan ....nd 10 ,Joe Thnh 01. WKby
Ihc ..- COlO.Ol1F ...., Hen:Ja ..
Ibe , _ . Wloile V_ Hl'fOtt . . . cnvellO odoff I..odo.
II" u - M ..... b • \'md.! IItTo.. Pride ID UiwduQ -ad porcnu.tI __ 1Nl tIwy lbo' lefoI bcu>d ..
tbftr...a-..1IliI. no. Vendd ~ _, ~ ..... _
W &om ic. ~ ~QQ_ rn- ~ ~ ond
tht \'md.!1llltlId 10 lln6 it. "radd _doo.a• .,iJI~·
mi:o; AI<IuI.Imd \'--11)" • • duft,. Vmdd llakom
\'''lOdd . . . .
. . "'" Cujlk."
,e •
dnUlpftl br ... A..... colk...... .wi \ ....m! npb...
wtlllikd)' Iu.., ~~ al...,.ehins IrOIOI n.... bo.rt.rlaD
tIw W>~
l'rW:es mIp m.oU a "mdd rrd ~ in Vod.n.
\'rndd H~ can 10
aII)"'~ no. ..... ..., """'-l
",- _:.;_;;.......::.__
= __. ...;=.'-0:-;::
lust Cetting Along
rfto ... tIw Vocllo«r S.y_h
.......1)- arl)thln&.
)0 )UI
I!IIo 11ft! <Unntr _
Ilkr. a
\'rodd 1dmIltc...-ll. ph b 1a'1llI tIw u· ..;rh
~ bill CWO
a b.rIt~ aad a pun.,
player hao <raid a~' ......
thai w,', JI"I. bI.ol oL Now ...!IaI'
Game Master
tIw maP) ....u- ..... <h·'en.ges lwt..t1I ...._
• mock>n '""'MI. Ihtno to pn>bM>I)' 00 1""__ ...........,
!han thai hftooft>llhr v-.npr ..... tIw v",... If
Oft)' CWO -nMlom" '-" ..
low poopIr &an lhr
(Ilhn on oiPt. k k lhtv lWO. and mal»' \'eo!ea and Vmdd
Ml>lv. buI 001 all.
H-.. ", a rulr. v.wk!n', ~ IndiMd IQ hllr otbr>. rill
lhdr rrlLpous or pohll<.1l1 ~lLrf..
(lin crnaln!)
dl"'PfI.......... and Iol"r tbo:ic O\'Ion <onVl<li"'"
• Hrf'l)
,,1lhout torWlr.~ ........., clner.... tIw namr., But Vetlrn
IfId V....del ll~ "'"' undrr no obll&JJion IQ ~ raeh
0lhrJ. In bct, I/" lhr liMOn n-,·rt II> othrr lar..... llIn ~
lind IbM ,My ha.~ '""""' m common INn W, l"\'t'f
AI thrIr Ido.""""""" < _ ,
m.Iu.. tbIl Ibm OQ)"I amI'l
~. <I'm UImI'
.. ~ ....
If hoth ...... ~ b"£.¥nnr' eE_ and
do< I""
·• bnMiolm. b n'• . lIw) _ find lbr
._ IJOIIlld WOItb -=i. Thry Il\ol)' «_ IrU1l tbat
mr. -"odo ~ .-.-'Iimibrwxt.. frtllll lbrr.. iln'l
_h of • lop 10 ~ ..'hal a .-rd _
"(WI,! h All Ihry bo\1!' 10 do II ............ lIlXn 10 ....
what mr,..~ -.. - dIM "iliIt the Vmdd and tIw
v _ * ma)' ..., two - . . . ibI:)
_ tIiIl _
Is ..ml~ .w"il"blc
i,., thc ,,,",-'Stc,' 5\oti:>co

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