
Nombre ___________________________________________
This is a list of the vocabulary for the second half of Chapter 2. Write the definitions of the words you know, and
look up the rest in the back of the book. You may work in small groups. Use the class set of texts to look up
definitions in class, but if you do not finish in class, you will need to finish looking up the vocabulary in your own
text at home tonight. STUDY THE VOCABULARY FOR YOUR HOMEWORK TONIGHT. A good strategy is to
pick the hardest words and study those first and continue studying/reviewing the tough words each night, while
adding less difficult words each night and finally adding the cognates.
1. bonito, -a ________________________________
20. ¿Qué te parece? __________________________
2. buscar __________________________________
21. alto (not tall) ______________________________
3. comprar _________________________________
22. apretado, -a ______________________________
4. el número de zapato _______________________
23. bajo (not short) ____________________________
5. encontrar ________________________________
24. barato, –a ________________________________
6. feo, -a __________________________________
25. caro, -a __________________________________
7. gastar __________________________________
26. claro ____________________________________
8. ir de compras _____________________________
27. el algodón _______________________________
9. la joyería_________________________________
28. el almacén _______________________________
10. la tienda de ropa __________________________
29. el bolsillo _________________________________
11. los anteojos de sol _________________________
30. el bolso __________________________________
12. nuevo, -a ________________________________
31. el centro commercial ________________________
13. pagar ___________________________________
32. el cheque de viajero ________________________
14. pequeño, -a ______________________________
33. el color vivo ______________________________
15. un regalo ________________________________
34. el cuero _________________________________
16. un videojuego _____________________________
35. el letrero _________________________________
17. una revista _______________________________
36. el oro ___________________________________
18. vender __________________________________
37. el precio _________________________________
19. viejo, -a _________________________________
38. en efectivo _______________________________
39. escoger (irreg yo-form) ______________________
40. estar de moda ____________________________
62. la zapatería ______________________________
41. estar hecho de ____________________________
63. oscuro __________________________________
42. flojo, -a (not lazy) __________________________
64. quedar __________________________________
43. importar _________________________________
65. un llavero ________________________________
44. la bolsa __________________________________
66. un mercado ______________________________
45. la caja __________________________________
67. una cartera _______________________________
46. la cajera _________________________________
47. la entrada _______________________________
68. anunciar _________________________________
48. la ganga ________________________________
69. costar (oue)_____________________________
49. la lana __________________________________
70. el cheque personal _________________________
50. la librería ________________________________
71. el cupón _________________________________
51. la liquidación _____________________________
72. el descuento ______________________________
52. la marca ________________________________
73. el estilo __________________________________
53. la plata __________________________________
74. el software _______________________________
54. la salida _________________________________
75. en realidad _______________________________
55. la seda __________________________________
76. exagerado, -a _____________________________
56. la talla __________________________________
77. impaciente _______________________________
57. la tarjeta de crédito ________________________
78. inmediatamente ___________________________
58. la tela ___________________________________
79. los colores pastel __________________________
59. la tela sintética
80. mediano, -a ______________________________
81. por ciento ________________________________
60. la tienda de descuentos ____________________
82. recientemente ____________________________
61. la tienda de electrodomésticos
83. un disco compacto _________________________

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