EADA Spirit 04.pmd - EADA Alumni Website


EADA Spirit 04.pmd - EADA Alumni Website
Núm. 04
Diciembre 2008
No. 04
December 2008
International Challenging
We reach the end of 2008 with mixed feelings.
On one hand, the global crisis is affecting our
corporate clients and on the other, EADA is
receiving remarkable recognition at the
institutional level.
A few days ago, The Financial Times
published the 2008 European Business
Schools Ranking. EADA was ranked 39th out
of 65 European schools, moving up six
positions with respect to the 2007 ranking.
It’s very interesting to see Spain in third place
for its high concentration of excellent
institutions, just behind 20 UK and 18 French
schools. Only Belgium and the Netherlands
with four schools appearing in the table match
the “Spanish Cluster”. In other important
members of the European Union, such as
Germany (2) or Italy (1), there is a minor presence of first
league institutions.
At the same time, the two most important professional
associations in the world for Management Education (AACSB
and EFMD), partners in the Global Foundation for
Management Education (GFME), presented in a conference
in Barcelona. Their presentations included very interesting
numbers about the geographical distribution of business
schools around the world as well as the concept of quality in
Business Education as it relates to accreditations and
Today, EADA’s position at the
international level is the result of 51
years of hard work, dedication and
integrity. Hundreds of faculty
members and staff as well as nearly
120.000 participants in all sorts of
programmes, from short seminars to
MBAs or in-company corporate
programmes, provide strong pillars for
EADA’s future.
When world economies suffer from
unethical financial approaches,
personal development based on good
practices, strong ethical principles
and values for a sustainable world will
be necessary to successfully navigate
the economic storm.
David Parcerisas
President of Fundación EADA (Escuela de Alta
Dirección y Administración)
Barcelona, Spain
Noticias EADA
EADA quiere compartir con vosotros este
nuevo reconocimiento por parte del Financial
Times: está en el ranking 6 posiciones por
delante con respecto al año anterior 2007,
actualmente se encuentra en la posición 39
de Europa.
EADA would like to announce its position in
the newest Financial Times rankings. EADA
is now 6 positions higher up the ranking with
respect to 2007 and currently ranks 39th in
EADA renueva su calidad internacional
EADA renews its international quality
Ibercampus 23 de septiembre de 2008
EADA ha renovado recientemente las dos acreditaciones
de mayor prestigio internacional en el ámbito de la
formación de directivos. Por un lado, las europeas
EQUIS y por otro la AMBA, que conjuntamente con la
norteamericana AACSB pertenecen al selecto grupo
denominado “las tres coronas”. Estos estándares de calidad
marcan el punto de inflexión cualitativo en el entorno de las
escuelas de negocios.
Los criterios básicos que tiene en cuenta EQUIS (European
Quality Improvement System) para otorgar su distinción
es que la escuela de negocios sea miembro de la EFMD
(European Foundation for Management Develop-ment),
tenga autonomía en el diseño y dirección de los programas, cumpla los parámetros para diferenciarlo de otras unidades
dentro de la estructura universitaria o haber graduado al menos
a tres promociones de un programa, entre otros factores.
En España, hasta el momento se han acreditado 4
escuelas y un total de 113 en todo el mundo.
La otra certificación importante renovada por EADA es
la concedida por la británica AMBA (Asociación de
MBA´s), que ha acreditado hasta ahora unas 152 escuelas donde
se imparten estos programas. Otorga al centro que la posea un
alto nivel de calidad de los equipos docentes de sus masteres.
Conferencia Shangai
El pasado 5 y 6 de noviembre, Giulio Toscani Director del MBA,
participó en la conferencia «Chinese Companies Going Global»
en la Europe International Business School, CEIBS de Shangai
durante la Shangai Management Development Week. CEIBS
es además la escuela donde se realizará la tercera «Week
abroad» de los programas «International, Full Time y Part Time
MBA» en Julio 2010.
In October, Giulio Toscani reached an agreement with Korea
University, the most prestigious institution in the country,
promoting professor and student exchange.
Recently, EADA has renewed the two most
internationally prestigious accreditations in business
education. A select group of business schools
worldwide possess the “triple crown”: the EQUIS (from
Europe), AMBA, and AACSB (from North America)
accreditations. These accreditations create the standards that
determine the quality of business schools.
The EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System)
accreditation requires schools to be EFMD (European
Foundation for Management Development)
members and have completed at least three
editions of one programme in order to apply. Other
factors taken into account include the school’s
autonomy to design and manage programmes and its ability to
distinguish its programmes and structure from those of a
In Spain, a total of 4 schools have been awarded the
EQUIS accreditation, and worldwide there are 113
accredited schools.
AMBA (Association of MBAs) is the other important
accreditation recently renewed at EADA. This accreditation is
based on the quality of the teaching staff and 152 business
schools worldwide have received it.
Seminar Week
Entre el 10 y el 14 de Noviembre ha tenido lugar la
Semana de Seminarios en el International, Full Time
y Part Time MBA donde han participado 12 profesores
asociados y antiguos alumnos de EADA. En la foto
Emma Hooper y Theresa Desuyo que han dictado
los seminarios de: «3 M’s Mullah: Military and the
Market dynamics of growth in an emerging economy»
and «Presentation Skills» respectivamente.
From November 10 to 14, we had the chance to
welcome EADA alumni as lecturers for the second
time. In the picture, from left to right:
Nausica Riccio (España)
MBA Part Time 2006-2007
La Venta emocional: cómo vender un objeto de cuatro
ruedas usando el corazón
Alessandro Quintavalle (Italy)
International MBA 2006-2007
Marketing & Communication of Luxury Goods
Ferran Nuñez (España)
MBA Part Time 2007-2008
Creación de Empresas; de la idea a la PYME
Daniele Palmier (Italy)
International MBA 2004-2005
(Daniele does not appear in the picture, but taught
the following seminar): Strategy: From Global Strategy
Definition to Marketing Mix development: Unilever’s
Magnum Ice Cream Example.
Si eres antiguo alumno de EADA y estás
interesado en participar como profesor, entra
en este link.
If you are an EADA alumnus interested in
participating as a professor, please click on this
Conferencia Franc Ponti en Colombia
El profesor de EADA Franc Ponti, estuvo invitado como ponente
internacional al «Festival Emprendedor» realizado del 20 al 24
de noviembre e invitado por «Bogotá Emprende» centro creado
por el Ayuntamiento de la ciudad y la Cámara de Comercio. La
conferencia plenaria que dictó el profesor Ponti fue titulada: «7
movimientos para construir una organización innovadora». El
profesor Franc Ponti es un experto en los campos de innovación
y negociación, ha publicado varios libros sobre estos temas y a
participado en innumerables conferencias. En el evento estuvo
presente nuestro representante para Colombia Juan Aníbal
Giraldo al que véis en la fotografía junto al profesor Ponti.
Novedades en EADA
Jordi Díaz nuevo miembro del Comité de
Dirección de EADA
What’s new at EADA?
Jordi Díaz appointed to the Management
Committee of EADA
El pasado 20 de octubre se comunicó que
Jordi Díaz pasa a formar parte del Comité
de Dirección de EADA como Director de
On October 20, Jordi Díaz joined EADA’s
Management Committee as Director of
The director of programmes will be
responsible for coordinating the various
consistency in institutional design,
launching new products nationally and
internationally, creating coherence within
the programme portfolio and coordinating
between EADA’s Academic and Marketing
Management teams.
La Dirección de Programas tiene por
objetivo coordinar a todos los Directores
de Programas, asegurar un diseño
institucional, liderar el lanzamiento de
productos a escala nacional e internacional, dar coherencia al portafolio de
programas y coordinarse estrechamente
con la Dirección Académica y con la
Dirección de Marketing de EADA.
Departamento de Relaciones Alumni y Empresas
Alumni & Corporate Relations Department
Carreras Profesionales amplia sus servicios
a nivel internacional
EADA’s Careers Department extends its
services at the international level
Además del creciente número de ofertas de índole internacional
que se publican en nuestra bolsa de empleo online, los alumnos
y exalumnos de EADA pueden acceder a recursos como EGold,
Going Global, Top MBA Careers que les facilitarán la búsqueda
de empleo en cualquier país del mundo.
In addition to the growing international offers from a wide range
of fields in the online job bank, participants and alumni can
now access resources such as EGold, Going Global and Top
MBA Careers to help them search for a job in any country in
the world.
EADA es una de las 11 Escuelas de Negocios europeas fundadoras de Carnet, la red europea de Carreras Profesionales apoyada
por EFMD y AMBA. A través de Carnet promovemos sinergias
en beneficio de nuestros alumnos y exalumnos, incrementando
las oportunidades laborales, workshops y networking.
EADA is also one of 11 European business schools to found
Carnet, a European employment network endorsed by EFMD
and AMBA. Through Carnet, EADA can offer workshops and
networking events to our participants and alumni, as well as
increasing the professional opportunities available.
Noviembre / November 2008:
IAE Corporate Fair en Aix an Provence, Francia. Online Carnet Event: Careers
in Fast Moving Consuming Goods. Careers in Europe Event en Busapest.
Diciembre / December 2008:
Careers in Europe Event en Bruselas.
Enero / January 2009:
Online Carnet Event: Careers in Consulting dirigido por Top Consultants UK.
Febrero / February 2009:
Scottish MBA Fair. Online Carnet Event: Working in CSR Companies.
Abril / April 2009:
Online Carnet Event: Entrepreneurship.
Junio / June 2009:
Online Carnet Event: Careers in Supply Chain.
Las empresas también pueden beneficiarse de Carnet ya que
ofrece la oportunidad de ampliar el alcance de sus ofertas de
empleo y prácticas profesionales y contactar con candidatos de
perfiles variados que se forman en reconocidas escuelas de
negocios de Europa (www.carnet-alliance.org)
Algunos de los eventos en los que EADA ha participado a nivel
internacional han sido ACE YOUR CASE, workshop dirigido por
Top Consultants del Reino Unido así como foros internacionales
tales como India Online, Careers in Europe con sede en Berlín,
el Foro de Empleo de EDHEC en Francia etc.
Carreras Profesionales seguirá apoyando a los alumnos y ex
alumnos en el desarrollo de su carrera profesional en el
extranjero con más eventos y recursos internacionales.
Moreover, companies can use Carnet to announce employment
and internship opportunities, contacting candidates with a wide
range of profiles from prestigious European business schools
EADA has participated in a variety of international events such
as ACE YOUR CASE, a workshop given by UK Top Consultants,
as well as international forums such as India Online, Careers in
Europe with offices in Berlin and the EDHEC Career Fair in
The Careers Department will continue helping participants and
alumni to develop their professional careers abroad with more
international events and resources in the future.
Para más información: [email protected]
For more information: [email protected]
Centrum y EADA han presentado Global MBA
Quienes deseen realizar este programa, dirigido a ejecutivos
que cuenten con un mínimo de 10 años de experiencia
profesional, podrán conjugar aspectos de gestión administrativa
con las diferentes áreas del conocimiento.
América Economía 15 de octubre de 2008
El programa, que comenzará en abril de 2009, tendrá una
duración de 18 meses (658 horas académicas) y se dictará en
las ciudades de Lima, Barcelona, Miami y Guatemala.
Para más información: Centrum Católica,
[email protected]
New seminar in Berkeley
El MBA ofrecerá el doble grado académico de Magíster de
Administración de Negocios Globales, otorgado por la Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Perú, y el Master in Business
Administration MBA, que entregará EADA. Asimismo, se
otorgarán cuatro diplomas internacionales en iniciativas de
negocios en Latinoamérica, Norteamérica, Europa y Asia.
As previously mentioned on the last magazine, EADA has
organised a seminar at UC Berkeley in July 2009 focused on
Corporate Social Responsibility. During this week participants
will attend classes and visit companies in Silicon Valley such as
HP, Gap and Apple.
Martin Rahe: Research Dean
El pasado 1 de diciembre, el Dr. Martin Rahe pasó
a ser Director de Investigación de EADA y su papel
es clave para esta nueva etapa en que la escuela
quiere impulsar activamente la investigación desde
los diferentes departamentos académicos. El Dr.
Martin Rahe es también miembro del Comité
Académico de EADA.
Centro de Documentación
Como os mencionamos en el
número anterior, el Centro de
Documentación (CdD) pasaba a tener una nueva ubicación en la 7ª planta de EADA,
este septiembre quedó
inaugurado. Os mostramos
un par de fotos para que veáis
lo bien que ha quedado.
On December 1, Dr. Martin Rahe became Research
Dean of EADA. His role is key to actively fostering
research in a wide variety of academic departments.
Dr. Martin Rahe is also a member of the Academic
Committee of EADA.
Documentation Centre
As we told you on the
last magazine, the
Documentation Centre
moved to a new location,
on the 7 th floor, last
September was held the
opening ceremony. We
send you two pictures to
show you how nice it is.
Nuevos representantes
New representatives
EADA tiene dos nuevos presentantes para Australia/Nueva
Zelanda y Beijing, ellos también son antiguos alumnos. Aquí
tenéis unas palabras para que sepáis quienes son.
EADA has two new representatives for Australia / New Zealand
and China, and they are both alumni. Below you can read a
short introduction about each of them.
David Yates
Elena Han
International MBA 2006-2007
Australia/New Zealand Representative
[email protected]
Phone: +61 418 861 047
MBA Full Time 2007-2008
[email protected]
Representante en Beijing
Tel: + 86 10 81119932
Fax: + 86 10 64733205
Mobil: + 86 13439800653
Was it a dream?… some
days I think about it (as
time flies by) and think it
EADA gave me a lifetime
experience – one which I
will never forget. If it were
not for the International
MBA course I would have
never have left the
comforts of my life in
Australia and learnt more
about business and
myself. I would never
have met the amazing
people that made the course such a rewarding experience and
I would never have experienced living life in the most beautiful
city of the world, where time does goes slower….. Barcelona.
From thinking about the wonderful experience I had and
contemplating the decisions I went through to ultimately enrol in
the course, I decided in 2008 to become a representative for
EADA in Australia and New Zealand.
As a representative, potential candidates have the opportunity
to ask questions about the business school, the teaching
methods and the overall experience itself. I know that this solves
the challenge of time zone differences and allows for almost
instantaneous communication with potential candidates in both
of these countries.
The EADA experience ignited my dream of starting a business.
This has not been forgotten and the fire still burns…
Since arriving back in Sydney in September 2007, I have been
working for one of Australia’s largest fund managers, leading
the investor relations function and managing the relationships
and information flow to the investment community for three listed
funds. I provide investor relations advice to the Fund Managers
helping to enhance the reputation and profiles of the funds. I
also ensure consistent messaging and proactive and transparent
continuous disclosure, which is increasingly important in today’s
global market. I have recently become a part of the management
team and am actively involved in determining the strategic
direction of the funds I work with from an investor relations
La riqueza espiritual que
he conseguido de EADA
consiste en “estar bien
preparada siempre para
enfrentarme a los
nuevos retos”. En el año
2008, la economía
mundial está afectada
por la crisis financiera.
Creo que esto no
solamente es una
catástrofe sino también una oportunidad, sobre todo para las
escuelas de negocios como EADA. Tal vez haya más jóvenes
profesionales que prefieren elegir una educación privilegiada
de posgraduado para escaparse de esta situación difícil. Estudiar
el MBA en EADA fue para mi una elección correcta. Espero que
trabajar para EADA en China lo será también. Ya tengo claro
mis nuevos retos y estoy preparada. ¿Y tú?
EADA en Puerto Rico
Juan Aníbal Giraldo Gaviria
Programa de Dirección de Ventas 2005-2006
[email protected]
Representante en Colombia y Puerto Rico
Tel: + 57.3176381408
Aunque Juan Aníbal ya
lleva tiempo siendo
nuestro representante en
Colombia, recientemente
ha sido nombrado
representante de Puerto
Rico también. Hace poco
estuvo visitando el país
para hacer los primeros
universidades más importantes de Puerto Rico como son: Universidad del Sagrado
Corazón, Universidad de Puerto Rico, Universidad
Interamericana y Universidad Metropolitana. En primer lugar tuvo
una visita con el Cónsul de Colombia en Puerto Rico, el cual le
ayudó en la gestión para contactar a las personas de cada
Noticias antiguos Alumnos
Alumni News
Please briefly introduce the two of you.
Rafael Mier (México)
Adriana Rodrigo (Venezuela)
International MBA 2006-2007
[email protected]
International MBA 2006-2007
[email protected]
I was born in Mexico City, where I studied a
bachelor degree in Business Administration. In
my professional experience, I had the
opportunity to work in several businesses’ startups on the retail industry. In 2003, I joined an
organic agriculture project in which I was able
to become partner and director of one of the first
businesses of its kind in Mexico. I decided to study an
International MBA from EADA to consolidate my experience and
gain the knowledge needed to expand my professional career.
I am 28 and I was born in Venezuela. After
studying a bachelor degree in Communications,
I worked as an Account Director and partner at
DLB Group, a marketing and advertising agency.
In 2007, I graduated from the International MBA
program in EADA. After changing my
professional focus to Corporate Social
Responsibility and studing some courses related to it, I decided
to move to Mexico City and start my own business with a
colleague and friend from EADA.
What is your company about?
Grupo Axius is a consulting firm which offers integrated services
in Corporate Social Responsibility. We develop innovative
business projects to promote sustainable development and
generate a positive impact on society. We achieve our mission
by creating synergies between companies, government and the
Third Sector.
Responsibility could be an answer to this problem, so I decided
to delve into this trend and focus my career on this subject.
We divided CSR implementation into three stages: Strategic
Planning, Action and Communication. First of all, we recommend
that our clients develop and implement a CSR culture from top
management to the bottom line and establish clear objectives
within their strategic plan.
We finally found the opportunity and the right moment and place
to bring our dreamed project to reality. In June 2008, Grupo
Axius was incorporated as a legal entity in Mexico City.
Secondly, we create tailor-made programs, campaigns and
actions that involve their key stakeholders (Employees, Clients,
Suppliers, Shareholders, Non-profit organizations, Communities
and the Environment).
After measuring the impact and results of their investment with
the use of key indicators, we finally create a communication
strategy to inform the stakeholders about the company’s actions
and improvements.
How did you come up with the idea?
Adriana: The first thought about changing my career focus was
during a Collbató Module. We needed to write a letter about our
vision and where we wanted to be after the MBA. I wrote I wanted
to start my own business and help people through it. By that
time, I already knew about CSR and became truly interested
about the concept. We had some classes where the topic came
up and I took an elective called Social Entrepreneurship.
Rafael: While working in the organic and agricultural sector in
Mexico, I was able to realize the great disparity from life in the
cities and that in rural areas. Since then I started developing
ideas to merge these two worlds. I found that Social
Both: While studying at EADA, we worked together on our final
project which was closely related to CSR. After graduation, both
of us continued to be interested in this topic and developed the
business idea.
How useful was the MBA?
Now that we are running the business we realize how useful the
knowledge and experience gained through our MBA program at
EADA is. We apply most of the concepts learnt in our everyday
Strategic thinking is the base of our decision-making process.
We developed our business plan, forecasted the financials and
analyzed the market opportunity for CSR consulting in Mexico
Although we planned different scenarios, our start up was caught
in the middle of a global crisis. We faced the challenge to adapt
and reinvent our company in the search of new business
opportunities needed for our business to succeed.
It is amazing how often we deal with situations similar to those
discussed in our business cases, and how the knowledge gained
simply comes to our minds as a useful tool to face and solve
How useful has EADA networking been when doing business?
EADA networking is the reason that Grupo Axius actually exists.
We met while studying our MBA and now we are partners in a
real business.
Most of our friends and classmates from EADA offered us their
support in our start up and introduced us to very useful contacts.
Friends working in multinational companies have recommended
Grupo Axius to their colleagues in Mexico, opening new doors
to potential clients.
What could you do for EADA now?
We believe Social Responsibility is not just a trend, but an
approach to solve the ethical crisis that the world is facing. EADA
as a business school needs to include and enhance the
importance of CSR in its programs.
We are interested in working along with EADA to provide courses
and cases for the new generations and prepare them to become
socially responsible business managers.
EADA Regional Chapter en México
EADA Regional Chapter en Guatemala
11 de octubre, Hacienda Santa Cruz (México)
12 de octubre, Ciudad de Guatemala (Guatemala)
El pasado 11 de octubre tuvo lugar el Regional Chapter México
en la Hacienda Santa Cruz, para toda la comunidad de antiguos
alumnos de México. Al evento asistieron Giulio Toscani Director
del MBA y nuestro representante para México y Centroamérica
Eduardo Salinas. Como siempre asistieron muchos antiguos
alumnos de diferentes promociones.
El día 12 de este mismo mes también estuvieron Giulio Toscani
y Eduardo Salinas en Guatemala para el Regional Chapter.
Festejaron el encuentro con una cena en un conocido
restaurante de la ciudad.
15th of November, Berlin (Germany)
EADA Regional Chapter Meeting in Berlin
This year’s EADA Regional Chapter meeting in Germany took
place on November 15 and16 in Berlin. Approximately 20
participants experienced a diversified, intense, but also
entertaining program. There was at least one alumnus from each
of the last 5 years present, demonstrating the meeting’s appeal
to diverse alumni.
The meeting started with an exclusive guided tour through the
German parliament, the so-called “Reichstag”. In addition to facts
and details of the building’s history and architecture, several
amusing and interesting insights and stories about the
Parliament’s work were part of the tour.
After the visit the Reichstag, the group went on to the NH Hotel
directly in the city-center of Berlin, where there was a joint dinner.
Since it is one of the objectives of the Regional Chapter meetings
to maintain ties with the institution, Giulio Toscani, Director of
MBA Programs, explained ongoing changes and developments
within EADA before dinner.
After the dinner, an impressive lecture on “communications in
times of crisis” was held by Richard Schütze, one of Germany’s
leading experts in the field of communications. Schütze works
as a consultant to several Ministers and Top-Managers of leading
German companies.
The meeting was closed by a joint brunch on November 16. All
in all, the Regional Chapter meeting was not only an excellent
chance to meet well-known people from different programmes,
graduation years and regions, but also to refresh knowledge in
a specific field of interest and – last but not least – to spend a
comfortable and pleasant weekend in the German capital.
Next year’s meeting will presumably be held in Munich – details
will follow as soon as they are available.
Volker Proffen, EADA Representative in Germany
Antonia Bozhkova (Bulgaria)
International MBA 2006-2007
[email protected]
As to work, in December last year I started working for a Bulgarian
software company, named Telerik (http://www.telerik.com) in the
position of brand manager. The company has been voted one of
the fastest developing start ups in the hi-tech sector in Central
and Eastern Europe by Deloitte. I’m quite happy since the
colleagues are really nice and helpful and it’s lots of fun working
there. At the same time, all the things I learned at EADA are of
great help now.
Joanne Hwa (U.S.)
International MBA 2005-2006
[email protected]
Tel. +1 802 222 1602
Company Name: Tuck School of
Business at Dartmouth College
Job position: Assistant Director,
Career Development Office
Description: Certified Professional
Coach for MBA students assisting
in self-assessment, career
transition, job search skills
training, Career Coaching and
Leadership Development Coaching. Specializes in working with
international students and building international careers.
Location: Hanover, New Hampshire, USA
Web: http://www.tuck.dartmouth.edu
El pasado 13 de septiembre de 2008 tuvo lugar la boda de
nuestra representante en Brasil Paola Gomes (Master en
Gestión de Centros Gerontológicos, Sociales y Socio sanitarios
2001-2002) y su marido Luciano Madalozzo. Se casaron en
Curitiba - Paraná - Sur de Brasil. A la fiesta asistieron 260
personas entre amigos y familia. El evento tuvo lugar en un
café llamado Joker’s Pub Café y el enlace lo celebró un juez de
paz. ¡Muchas felicidades a la pareja!
Queremos animaros a seguir
participando en esta sección.
Enviadnos vuestras fotos con el
merchandising de EADA.
We would like to encourage you to
continue participating in this
section. Send us your photos with
the EADA logo.
Enero 2009 January 2009
Mayo 2009 May 2009
27/01 Santo Domingo (República Dominicana)
Istanbul (Turkey)
México D.F.
Febrero 2009 February 2009
18/02 La Paz (Bolivia)
20/02 y 21/02 Lima (Perú)
Para cualquier información contactar a:
[email protected]
Abril 2009 April 2009
São Paulo (Brasil)
For any information contact at:
[email protected]
Bogotá (Colombia)
¡Desde E una Feliz
From EADA we wis
you a happy
Querido antiguo alumno, por favor mantén tus datos
actualizados tanto laborales como personales,
empresa, cargo, teléfono, país. Puedes mandarlos
a: [email protected]
Dear Alumni, please keep us updated on your career
moves a well as your e-mail changes, company,
post, phone and country which can be sent to:
[email protected]
Gracias por tu colaboración.
Thanks for your collaboration.
Participar es fácil
Participate is easy
Participar en EADA Spirit es muy fácil. Si has empezado
un nuevo negocio, si ha habido algún cambio
profesional, (promoción reciente o traslado) te
agradeceremos que nos mantengas al día enviando un
email a: [email protected], explicando tu nuevo trabajo
y facilitándonos tu nuevo cargo, empresa, país y email
de contacto. También puedes participar en el apartado
de Bodas y Nacimiento: envíanos una foto y incluyendo
el lugar, fecha y nombre del esposo/a. Para los
nacimientos debes facilitarnos una foto, nombre
completo del bebé, lugar y fecha de nacimiento.
Participating in the EADA Spirit is very easy. If you have
started your own business on, if there are any career
changes (recently promoted or relocated), I would be
grateful if you can update us by sending an e-mail to:
[email protected]. Please send details of your new job
and include new position title, company, country and a
contact e-mail. Moreover, you can participate in the
section Weddings & Births by sending a picture including
the place, date and your partner’s name for weddings
or sending a picture of your baby, including the baby’s
full name and date and place of birth.
Queremos dar las gracias a todos los que han contribuido
y esperamos vuestras futuras participaciones.
We would like to thank everybody who contributed and we
are looking forward to your future participation.
Fundación Privada Universitaria EADA
CIF ESG08902645
C/ Aragó 204
Barcelona (Spain)
CP 08011
Telf: (+34) 934 520 844
Fax: (+34) 933 237 317
e-mail: [email protected]

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