Saint Matthew Catholic Church Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Saint Matthew Catholic Church Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saint Matthew Catholic Church
215 Kirkley Road Tyrone, GA 30290
770.964.5804(Office) 770.964.1228(Fax)
Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Our help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
Psalm 121
October 16, 2016
October 16— The Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Rev. Kevin Hargaden, Pastor
Rev. Mr. Jim Weeks
Rev. Mr. Gayle Peters
Rev. Mr. Bill Hampton
Rev. Mr. King Cooper
Religious Education
Clare O’Malley, Dir.
Leila Wathen, Dir.
Office Staff
Mass Schedule
Susana Ikhwan, Operations/Hispanic Ministry
Rennie Todd, Secretary
Monday & Wednesday 7am
Tuesday & Thursday 9am
Saturday 5pm
Sunday 8:30 am & 11:00 am & 2:00 pm Spanish
Parish Office Hours
Monday –Thursday (9am to 3pm)
Daily and Weekend Readings can be found at
Anointing of the Sick—Anyone facing surgery or dealing with a serious illness should contact the parish office or Fr.
Kevin for the celebration of this sacrament. Anointing before surgery can be done prior to or after Mass on the weekends.
Please call the parish office to inform us if you are in need of this sacrament.
Reconciliation—Saturday at 4:15pm or by appointment. Communal penance services are also held twice yearly.
Sacrament of Marriage—Please contact Fr. Kevin at least six months in advance to insure ample time for planning,
preparation, and scheduling your wedding.
Communion to the Sick and Homebound—If you or someone you know is ill, in the hospital, or homebound, please
notify the parish office so a visit can be arranged. Fr. Kevin, one of our deacons, or an Extraordinary Minister of the
Eucharist will be glad to bring Holy Communion.
Facebook link
Rosary Group—Meets on Thursday morning after the 9:00am Mass. Join us in body or spirit as we pray.
Eucharistic Adoration—First Thursday of each month devotion will commence immediately after the 9:00am Mass and
continue until Benediction at 12:00pm.
Membership—Registration forms may be found at the back of the church or by coming to the church office. Please
complete the form and give it to a minister of hospitality or a deacon.
Bulletin Deadline—Announcements and notices for the bulletin must be submitted by 10:00am on Monday for the
following Sunday bulletin. They will run for two weeks only. Email them to [email protected]. Announcements
received after the deadline will need to be modified to run in the bulletin on subsequent weeks.
Request for Mass Intentions—In our Church tradition no better gift can be given our beloved departed than a Mass
offered in their memory on the anniversary of their death, birth, or wedding anniversary. There are forms for scheduling
Mass intentions in memory of the departed and special intentions for the living in the pamphlet racks in the
administration building.
Stephen Ministry—Are you going through a difficult time? Stephen Ministers are members of the congregation here to
help you. We listen, care, encourage and provide spiritual support to people facing a crisis or going through tough times.
The care you receive is free, confidential and helpful. To learn how you - or a friend, neighbor or family member - can
receive care, please contact Julie - 734-560-9512
Offertory 10/2/2016
St. Vincent de Paul
Online Giving
SVDP $406.00
Parish Tithing
Covenant House
Georgia $1380.00
Page 3
Please Pray For…Jon Danner, Ed Craig, Lillian Matthias, Hervey, Emily & Bob Daniel, , Julie & Tom Digby, Kathleen Stein, Vanessa
McCarrey, Darlene Nollman, Tim & Rita Maharry, Eleanor Ryan, Cecilia Richards & family, Pat Giesy, Chris Cudd, Mary Clark, Cliff, Joe, &
Pat Craddock, Mickie Ledbetter, Nicole & Cassie Semple, Russ family, Spencer, Matthew, Doug Strickland, Katherine Stein, Our Military
and their families, Herschel Coker, Sarah Snider, Mary Jo Shones, Mike & Michael Robson, Teresa Catron, Mary Osborn, Marian Hansen,
Doris Cooper, Michael, Frances James, Kathleen Rekau, Marty Yarborough, Janet Cox, Jacob Rago, Alye Copelan, Chris & family, Sunni &
family, Patrick, Tom Wood, Mary Platt, Lillian Matthias, Jon Danner, Chyly, Eleanor Ryan, Marge Cebula, Jessi Bones, Teresa Couch,
Shirley Gonzalez, Jim and Janie Mathis Heather, Dawn, Donna McClung, Washington Family, Bert & Harry T, Mary & Kevin Noe, Elsie
Cruz, Dennis Alicea, Crean family, Shelly Mendez, Mary Whittaker, Imoter Mngerem, Susan Lawton, Jenny Essien, Pat Moser, A J & David
Garner, Modesto Samaniego, Carson Bird, Nancy Milani, Maureen Lennon, Rosemary Harding, Elmer Hacker Rennie Todd, Dorothy Todd,
the Ogbannu family, Bob, Judy Doan, Lisa Wynn, Sionisia de Franco, Van Brock, Jerry Petterson.
Liturgical Ministry Schedule October 22-23
Saturday October 22
5:00 PM
Sunday October 23
8:30 AM
Sunday October 23
11:00 AM
Lisa Lowther
Jimmy Derichsweiler
Henry Mngerem
Scott Whittaker
Cameron McCune
Corrine McCune
Bill Bohach
Gregg Plese
Shelby Sheehan
Tom Sheehan
Jack Warber
Cliff Craddock
Dwight Hallock
Laurie Hallock
Donna Norris
Claudette Roberts
Dennis Norris
Rick Sauer
Rhonda Sauer
Joyce Strength
Vernesa Britt
Shiela Carreon
Nancy Hammill
Ministers of
David Long
Diane Long
Lawanda Wideman
Nailah Wideman
Ken Miller
Chukwudi Osanu
Ken McCarrey
John Strength
Olly Larson
Angela Prado
Jamie Tennessee
Altar Servers
Mary Katherine Garger
Collin Sheehan
Connor Sheehan
Fiona Fombutu
Mason Fombutu
Avery Fuller
David Soberano
Joshua Soberano
Alex Wathen
Weekday Mass Intentions for October 17th through 20th
Oct. 17
Requested by
Oct. 18
Requested by
David Gantu Sr.
Sat. Oct. 22 Tom Gresham & the Bell Family
Anna Baio
Requested by Bill & Carol Thornton
Richard Warber
the Money Counters
Oct. 19
Sun. 23 8:30 St. Matthew Parish Family
Anita Navarres
Requested by
Maria Hixon
Thursday Oct. 20
Maire Hargaden
Requested by
Fr. Kevin Hargaden
Sun. 23 11:00 Hugh Weaver
Requested by: Suzanne Weaver
Page 4
Our b
The Crafters Guild of Saint Matthew will
be having a SALE in the narthex, this
weekend, October 15 & 16 after all the
Masses. They will have hand made
items, Christmas items as well as baked
LifeTeen is still collecting toilet paper and paper
towel tubes.
We’re making these snowflakes
for Christian City at Christmas.
Give them to Clare, Todd Wilmore, or Melissa Parente.
The Prison Ministry of St. Matthew is collecting
unused all occasion greeting cards (with envelopes)
and postage stamps for our imprisoned brothers and
sisters in Christ. The collection will take place Oct.
22nd through November 6th. Containers will be in the
Virtus training (Protecting God’s Children)
For all grade levels will take place on Sunday October 16th.
Those participating must come with signed form in hand. Thank you.
October is the month of the Holy Rosary
Please join us n praying the Rosary every
Thursday morning after the 9 AM Mass.
We pray in English and in Spanish.
Friendly Reminder!
Turn in your Steward
Commitment Cards!
Thank you! There is a saying “better late than never”...I would very
much like to thank my St. Matthew family for having considered me
for the Noonan Scholarship. This generous gift purchased my textbooks!
I hope to make everyone proud as I seek the path where God is directing
me. Thanks for your generosity and I DO miss my parish family,!
Sincerely, Victor Holness
The Way for Women is a 3 day retreat for adult female survivors of abuse offered by the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s Victim
Assistance Program on December 9-11 2016 at the Carmel Retreat Center in Hoschton GA. Registration deadline is December 2,
2016. Please contact Sue Stubbs at 404-920-7554 or sstubbs@atchatl,com for more information.
Page 5
First Reconciliation classes take place in the Conference room on Wednesday evenings from 6:30
PM to 8:00 PM. Please be prompt. These classes are in ADDITION to the regular PSR classes that your
child is enrolled in. RECONCILIATION CLASS DATES:
October 12
October 19, 26
November 2, 9
First Reconciliation will be Saturday, NOVEMBER 19th at 10:00 AM
Students who are in their 2nd year of LifeTeen are eligible for Confirmation classes, as well as students from Our Lady
of Mercy who are parishioners and are at least in the 10th grade, having completed 2 years of formation at Mercy.
Our first session will be Sunday night October 23rd from 5:30 to 8:30 PM. Four families of these students will
prepare dinner for the students. If you are a parent willing to cook, call Clare in the office. Students coming to the first
class should bring a Xerox copy of their Baptismal and First Communion certificate. Bring a notebook to take notes.
Due to Confirmation class, those not eligible this year and Teen CORE members of LifeTeen have no class that evening.
Continuing Conversion:
We’re beginning our new Study DOORS OF MERCY on Oct. 16 with a new session
each week. Please join us Sunday mornings at 9:45 in the conference room. For
more info, please contact Bonnie Kaplan @ 770-460-9816 or [email protected]
You are invited to attend the St. Peregrine Cancer Support Group at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Peachtree City. They convene
on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in Room #103 from 10-11 AM The next meeting is October 18.
For more info email: [email protected] 770-823-9213 OR [email protected] 770-487-2752
Our Mission Statement: Lend Spiritual support to anyone affected by cancer at any phase of their journey.
This program will help you work through the emotions that occur at the varying stages of this disease though prayer and discussion
in the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Save the Date! —— Trunk or Treat is coming! Oct. 30
Fr. Kevin’s Bible Study
7 PM Wednesdays
In the Chapel
The Letter to the
October 16:
Gifts of IRA’s: IRAs are not the best asset to leave your children due to the amount of
taxes they might have to pay. A better option is to name the parish endowment fund as a
beneficiary on your IRA. Also if you are over 70 ½ you can make a direct transfer from
your IRA to the parish endowment fund and this would not be taxed or counted in any
way as taxable income. For more information, contact Juliet Greco at
The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia: 404-497-9440 or [email protected]
Anuncios de la Parroquia
Servidores de Santa Misa
Lunes a Jueves 9:00am - 3:00pm.
Domingos: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Teléfono: (770) 964-5804
2:00 pm
Octubre 23
Víctor Rodríguez
BAUTIZOS: Si desea bautizar a su niño/niña favor
Eugenio Jiménez
acérquese a la oficina para llenar el formulario y regístrese en
clases pre-bautismales. Las clases se llevan a cabo el
2ºdomingo de cada mes a las 12:30pm. Los bautizos se
celebran el 3er domingo de cada mes.
Los sábados de 4:00-4:45 pm
Favor reservar la Parroquia mínimo con 6 meses de
Pláticas: Luz Moreno 678-830-6978
Reservaciones: en la oficina
verde o blanca, ubicada frente el baño de damas y entrégala en
la oficina por anticipado!
Picnic Otoñal
El domingo, 30 de Octubre habrá un Picnic Otoñal
en el estacionamiento de la parroquia después de la
misa de 11 am. Invitamos a todos a que participen en
este evento. Habrá comida, regalos por los mejores
disfraces, y juegos para los niños.
Ese dia
A LAS 2:00 PM
Cecilia Cortez
Gildardo Martínez
Ministros de la Euca- Julia Fermin
Elida Hernández
Martha López
Jonatán Cruz
Fátima Campos
Cynthia Campos
Sabinne García
Cynthia González
Stephanie González
Sacramento de Reconciliación
Las clases de preparación para los niños que van
a recibir el sacramento de reconciliación durante
este año tomaran lugar de 6:30-8:00 pm en el
salón de la Iglesia durante los siguiente miércoles:
Octubre 12, 19, y 26
Noviembre 2 y 9
Las primeras confesiones tomaran lugar:
Sabado, 19 de noviembre a la 10am
Ministerio de Prisión
Donación de Sangre
El Ministerio de Prisión esta colectando tarjetas de felicitación (sin usar) y sellos para nuestros hermanos y
hermanas en Cristo que están en prisión. Habrá un
contendor en el atrio desde el 22 de octubre hasta el 6
de noviembre para depositar la colección.
El 6 de noviembre estaremos auspiciando
donación de sangre en la parroquia de 9-2pm.
Si alguien esta interesado en ayuda con este
ministerio puede apuntarse después de la Misas
octubre 23 y 30.
Reflexiones para la Homilía
En esta sociedad, la estabilidad en todo parece algo poco común. Falta la paciencia de esperar a que las cosas maduren o de lidiar con la frustración. En cuanto algo no gusta o molesta un poco, se trata de evitar. Cuando algo resulta un poco difícil, se abandona. Así puede pasar también
con la oración, si no se ve una respuesta como y cuando la esperamos
Hoy se nos exhorta a la paciencia. No porque la insistencia “obligue” a Dios a hacer lo que queremos, sino porque es la paciencia,
precisamente, la que nos forma como discípulos y seguidores de Cristo. Es la perseverancia en la fe la que puede abrir caminos a la salvación del
mundo. No es fácil. Moisés se cansaba y alguien tenia que sostenerle los brazos y probablemente nosotros también necesitemos esa ayuda de la
comunidad y esos recuerdos de las personas que tenemos cerca, de que no debemos abandonar las empresas que comenzamos, ni los compromisos que adquirimos ante las dificultades, los obstáculos o las frustraciones.
No dependemos de nosotros mismos ni nuestras decisiones tienen consecuencias para nosotros mismos solamente, sino para muchos otros. Solo hay que pensar un poco en como afectan nuestras decisiones diarias a los demás; por ejemplo, si abandonamos un trabajo
porque no nos gusta el jefe, nos encontraremos con dificultades para apoyar a nuestra familia; si abandonamos una relación por aburrimiento,
nos encontraremos con muchas heridas y con el sentimiento de fracaso y el sufrimiento de niños, familiares y amigos; si abandonamos los estudios, las consecuencias para el futuro propio y de nuestra familia pueden ser una cadena de problemas; y así podríamos seguir. No es que Dios
vaya a cambiar de idea porque oremos. Los que cambiamos somos nosotros cuando perseveramos, cuando la paciencia produce fortaleza en
nosotros y la fortaleza nos da confianza y la confianza nos asegura la gracia y la presencia de Dios con nosotros.
Estudio de Biblia para los Adultos
El estudio de Biblia para los adultos toma
lugar cada domingo de 12:30-1:45 pm. Los
invitamos a todos a que participen en esta
Grupo Carismático de Oración
Comienza cada Viernes con el Santo Rosario a
7 pm, alabanza y predicación. Sesión de
Jóvenes, pre-teens y guardería con actividades
para niños pequeños.
Las clases para aquellos adultos que estén necesitados de algún sacramento comenzaron el miércoles 21
de septiembre a las 7 pm. Por favor comuníquese con
la oficina de la parroquia para inscribirse.
Formación de Fe—Catequesis
Las clases de catequesis ya han comenzado. Para inscribir a
su hijo(a) por favor contacte a Susana o Clare en la oficina
de la parroquia.
Virgen Peregrina
Octubre 23
La Familia Paredes Cortez
Octubre 16:
Regalos de Cuentas Individuales de retiro (IRA):
Cuentas Individuales de Retiro no son las mejores
herencias para dejarles a sus hijos por los descuentos
de impuestos que ellos tuvieran que pagar como
resultado. Una mejor opción es nombrar beneficiario
de su Cuenta de Ahorro Individual (IRA) a su fondo de
donaciones de su Parroquia, Si Ud. tiene 70 1/2 años de
edad, puede hacer una transferencia directa de su
Cuenta Individual de Ahorro (IRA) a su Fondo de
Donaciones de su Parroquia y esta cantidad no sería
sujeta a ningún impuesto, ni considerado
como ingreso tributable. Ud. puede leer
más sobre los diferentes tipos de regalos
planeados en la red de la Fundación del
Norte de Georgia llamando a Juliet Greco
al 404-497-9440
o a través de la red [email protected].

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