January 31, 2016 - Sacred Heart Church


January 31, 2016 - Sacred Heart Church
Photo by Debbie Stratford
Sacred Heart at OneLife LA
Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 6:45am, 8:00am, *9:30am
11:00am, 5:30pm *Signed for hearing impaired
Domingo: 12:45pm & 2:30pm (Español)
(Days of Obligation)
English - Vigil: 5:30pm
7:00am, 9:00am, 12noon, 5:30pm
Español: 7:30pm
Fr. Tom Baker
Fr. Gerald Osuagwu
Fr. Raymont Medina
Mon-Fri: 7:00am & 5:30pm
Weekdays: 6:30am & 5:00pm
(20 min. before Mass)
Saturday: 4:00pm - 5:00pm & 8:00pm
English: 3rd Saturday of each month.
Call 948-3011.
Spanish: El primer Sabado de cada mes.
By appointment, 6-month advance notice.
Pastors Corner
Jan. 31, 2016
Page 2
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
A man once told me about how in college he was failing his classes and
running with the wrong crowd. Then he met his future wife. Because of her love,
his whole life changed. He cleaned up his life, they were married and now have
three beautiful children. Love can and does change everything.
Our second reading today is from St. Paul to the Corinthians. He tells us
that love is the greatest of virtues, the one that lasts. St. Paul spends most of the
reading describing the qualities of love, qualities that can change your life. Jesus,
in the Gospel, shows what happens when love isn’t present. The world becomes a
place of mistrust and exile. Today, with the prophet Jeremiah, we ask God to deliver us from mistrust and lead us deeper into love.
During this Year of Mercy let us extend mercy to someone – even if they
don’t deserve it – reflecting the love and mercy of our God. Peace. Fr. Tom
Adult Education – Fr. Tom’s Adult Education series on the Year of Mercy is cancelled for this Tuesday, February
2 since Fr. Tom will be celebrating a Spanish Mass for the Presentation of the Lord at7:30pm in the Church. The adult
series of the Year of Mercy will continue next month.
Palms – We will begin the season of Lent soon. The ashes used on Ash Wednesday come from the burnt palms of the
previous year. Please bring in your blessed palms from last year and place them in the clay containers in the sanctuary
area of the Church. These palms will be burned for our use this Ash Wednesday, February 10. Thank you.
Together In Mission – The mailing for the 2016 Together in Mission Campaign has begun. This Campaign assists
needy parishes and schools in our Archdiocese (37 parishes and 56 Catholic schools). These funds help maintain a
meaningful Catholic presence in some of the most impoverished areas of our Archdiocese. Having been a pastor for
over 8 years in a parish that received financial assistance through this program I know first-hand how vital this campaign is. Please make some commitment for this Campaign. Envelopes are in the pews and brochures are in the back of
Un hombre una vez me dijo como el colegio estaba fallando en cuanto a sus programas de estudios y la forma
incorrecta de cómo lo estaba implementado. Luego conoció a su esposa. A causa de su amor, toda su vida cambió. El
organizó su vida, se casaron y ahora tienen tres hijos. Este hecho nos enseña que, el amor puede cambiarlo todo. En
nuestra segunda Lectura de hoy de la carta del apóstol San Pablo a los Corintios. Él dice que el amor es el mayor de las
virtudes, es decir, lo que permanece. San Pablo pasa la mayor parte de la lectura describiendo las cualidades del amor,
cualidades que pueden cambiar su vida. Por otro lado, Jesús en el Evangelio, muestra lo que sucede cuando el amor no
está presente. El mundo se convierte en un lugar de desconfianza y de exilio. Sin embargo, hoy junto con el profeta Jeremías, rogamos a Dios que nos libre de la desconfianza y que nos lleve a la profundidad del amor. Durante este año
dedicado a la Misericordia, extendamos la misericordia a alguien—incluso sino se la merece—que refleje el amor y la
misericordia de nuestro Dios. Paz. P. Tom.
Juntos En Misión—El correo para la Campana de Juntos en Misión 2016 ha comenzado. Esta Campaña ayuda las parroquias y colegios de nuestra Arquidiócesis más necesitadas (37 parroquias y 56 escuelas católicas). Estos fondos
ayudan a mantener una presencia católica muy significativa en algunas zonas más pobres de nuestra Arquidiócesis.
Habiendo sido pastor por 8 años en una parroquia que recibió asistencia financiera a través de este programa, el P. Tom
sabe de primera mano cómo esta Campaña es vital. Por favor, haga un compromiso a esta Campaña. La información se
encuentra en el vestíbulo de la Iglesia. Muchísimas gracias.
Palmas— Pronto comenzará el Tiempo de Cuaresma. La ceniza que se usa para el Miércoles de Ceniza viene de las
palmas quemadas del año pasado. Por favor traiga sus palmas que fueron bendecidas el año pasado y póngalas en el
contenedor que estará en el área del santuario de la Iglesia. Estas palmas serán quemadas y su ceniza se usará para el
Miércoles de Ceniza que será 10 de febrero. Gracias.
The Happenings
Jan. 31, 2016
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Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Second Year Confirmation Retreat
Thank You so much to all of our adults who helped make our year two retreats wonderful and spiritual experiences for our young people! Also, thank you to our peer ministers who shared their faith stories
and relationship Jesus with the teens. Thank you to the adults and teens who worked lovingly in the kitchen to
feed the hungry teens! We are blessed to have such a great youth ministry team! Shine the Light!
Welcome Mass and final witness talks
Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes!
We take up our cross and follow Jesus!
Ministry News
Page 4
Sacred Heart School
Catholic Schools Week : 1/31/16-2/6/16
Youth Day 2016
Registration for Youth Day 2016
#hopebound is now underway!
Tues., Feb. 2: Noon Dismissal; Chili Cook
-off 5:00PM-7:00PM (in the Kennedy Center for all families to attend). Open house –
6:30PM – 8:00PM: Visit the classrooms.
Book Fair – before school, recess, lunch,
and after school.
Fri., Feb. 5: School Mass for CSW at
11am; Noon Dismissal.
During Catholic Schools Week Student
council will be collecting new & used
(clean & in good condition) jackets, blankets, and sleeping bags. Please take to the
classroom and student council will come by
for pick-up.
*The 2016/2017 school applications are
available in the school office
Box tops & Labels: Sacred Heart School is
collecting labels from Campbell’s products
and box tops for education from General
Mills. If you would like to donate labels
and box tops bring them to the school office. Thank you.
Scrip Sold in the office during School
Come and join 15,000 teens as we worship, pray, hear dynamic speakers,
and attend Liturgy together! The fee is $75.00 per teen. (includes registration, bus fee, and t-shirt) A non-refundable deposit of $30.00 is required
to sign up.
Youth Nights
Youth Night: Monday, Feb. 1: Kennedy Center 6:30pm to 8:30pm. Mandatory
Teaching touching safety night for all year one and year two Confirming Disciples.
Sisters of Strength: Wednesday, Feb. 3 : 6:30 to 8:00. Youth House.
Band of Brothers: Thursday, Feb. 4: 6:30 to 8:00. Youth House .
Confirming Disciples
Mandatory Confirming Year One Retreat: Sat., Feb. 6. 1:30pm to 6:30pm. In
the Kennedy Center.
Sacred Heart School Book Sale
Sacred Heart School will be having their annual Catholic Schools
Week Scholastic Book Fair on Sunday, January 31stfrom 8:00 am
until 12:30 pm. It will be located in the Annex across from the
Kennedy Center. Proceeds from the book sale go towards the purchase of new books for the school library. Please come and visit!
Ministry News
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1st year Sacramental classes
(grade 2 and all Heritage I). Mandatory ―Whole Community Catechesis‖, Feb. 6, Parent and Child.
8:45am in the Kennedy Center,
Doors close at 9am. Bring your
Reconciliation purple Mass journal.
L.A. Religious Education Congress. "Boundless Mercy".
Feb. 25 (Youth Day) & Feb. 26-28
Held at the Anaheim Convention
Center. The R.E. Congress is the
largest annual gathering of its kind
in the world.
Register at:
In the Spotlight
OneLife LA 2016
By Debbie Stratford
January 23, 2016 was an amazing day. The morning started early as I
headed to the Palmdale train station to help hand out Metrolink train tickets to fellow
parishioners from Sacred Heart, St. Mary’s and Saint Junipero Serra. The Knights of
Columbus and Respect Life committee were able to provide 120 round trip tickets.
At each stop along the way to Union Station in Los Angeles more people of all ages
joined us on the ride to OneLife LA. By the time we reached Union Station the train
was almost full of people going to the rally.
Once we made it to La Placita Olvera, it began to dawn on me just how
many people were attending the event. The Plaza was packed full of joyful people
ready to celebrate life. We all eagerly anticipated the arrival of Archbishop Gomez
so we could begin our walk. After we prayed together with the archbishop, we set
off to conquer the streets of Los Angeles with love and mercy.
The weather was perfect, overcast and mild. We passed by Los Angeles
City Hall, the Federal Court Building and headed up the hill towards the Cathedral
where were greeted by the Los Angeles Catholic Schools Band. I looked around me
and saw that everyone was happy, with smiles on their faces. I tried, without success,
to see the tail end of the marchers. Nor could I see the beginning, I was smack dab in
the middle. It was hard to fathom just how many people were marching with me.
We made it to Grand Park, the finish of the walk, where we were greeted
with the smell of delicious food from vendors, booths offering Catholic and pro-life
information and musicians and speakers. The park was crowded, but there was room
for all. I enjoyed listening to the speakers, especially, Nick Vujicic and Mamma Hill.
Some of the experiences they shared touched me, as did the whole day. OneLife LA
will be a day I will remember for some time to come.
Our Parish Family
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Perpetual Adoration
ADORERS are needed for the following
1:00AM – 2:00 AM
11:00AM – 12:00 PM
2:00AM – 3:00 AM
2:00PM – 1:00 PM
THURS. 2:00AM – 3:00 AM
If you can serve, please call Jessica at 9484604. Thank You.
Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women, will host its quarterly Prayer Breakfast February 20th from 9:30 AM to 1:0
PM at the Hellenic Center, 43404 30th
Street West, Lancaster. Our speaker, Barbie DeFusco, will share how The Lord
had His hand on her, bringing her from
hardship to new life in the Eucharist. Your
check for $26.00, payable to Antelope
Valley Magnificat will confirm your reservation. Mail checks to Anne Trabold,
1767 West Avenue H-5, Lancaster, CA
93534 postmarked by February 12th. For
information or to receive a flyer contact
Rita at (661) 943 6402.
Volunteers Needed
for the Gift Shop
The Sacred Heart Church Gift Shop is in
need of Cash Register Volunteer help. If
you are interested, please contact the
Church office at 661 942-7122 X148.
Year of Mercy
Corporal Works of Mercy: are these
kind acts by which we help our neighbors
with their material and physical needs.
feed the hungry
give drink to the thirsty
clothe the naked
shelter the homeless
visit the sick
visit the imprisoned
bury the dead
Spiritual Works of Mercy: are acts of
compassion, by which we help our
neighbors with their emotional and spiritual needs.
counsel the doubtful
instruct the ignorant
admonish sinners
comfort the afflicted
forgive offenses
bear wrongs patiently
pray for the living and the dead
Masses for the Week
January 30—February 5, 2016
Saturday 5:30pm
Angelina Segreto, RIP
Michael Mcleod, RIP
James & Yae Humm, RIP
Phil Obarr, RIP
12:45pm For All Parishioners
La Santa Muerte
Chesley Atkinson, RIP
Marita Papa, RIP
Aristeo Perez, Liv
Fred & Vivian Tennison, Liv
Antonio Carrasco, Liv
Wednesday 7:00am
Jennifer Escobedo-Milk, RIP
Blaise Raffner, Liv
Readings for the Week
2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Ps 3:2-7; Mk 5:1-20
Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18;
Lk 2:22-40 [22-32]
Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 6:1-6
1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; 1 Chr 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13
Sir 47:2-11; Ps 18:31, 47, 50, 51; Mk 6:14-29
1 Kgs 3:4-13; Ps 119:9-14; Mk 6:30-34
Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; Ps 138:1-5, 7-8;
1 Cor 15:1-11 [3-8, 11]; Lk 5:1-11
Today’s Gospel
When Jesus claims his salvific mission is for all people, not just
the Jews, he is expelled by the enraged members of the Nazarean
(Luke 4:21-30).
Evangelio de Hoy
Thursday 7:00am
Thomas Lizama, Liv
Karen Ristuccia, RIP
Nora Crann, Liv
Rachelle Joyce Adrian, RIP
Page 9
11:00am James Forrest, RIP
For those among us who are sick, that they
know Christ’s comforting presence, in our
community’s care for them and their families, especially for: Normal Tierney, Odete
Morales, Jose Giron, Gary Bozley, Herb Duarte, Michael Doyle, John Thomas Diggins,
Lawrence Grabher .
Cuando Jesús reclama que su misión salvífica es para todos los
pueblos, los miembros de la sinagoga de Nazaret enfurecidos lo
echan fuera (Lucas 4:21-30).
Parish Information
Parish Office
Phone: (661) 942-7122 / 942-4830
Fax: (661) 945-4255
[email protected]
Website: sacredheartlancaster.org
Facebook: Sacred Heart Catholic
Church, Lancaster-CA
Hours: Mon- Sat 10:00am-5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm)
Religious Education
Phone: (661) 948-3011
Website: sacredheartore.weebly.com
Download the app: Sacred Heart ORE
Hours: Mon-Thurs 8:00am-5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm). Closed Friday.
Sacred Heart School
Phone: (661) 948-3613
Principal: Mr. David Schatz
Website: shsav.org
Hours: Mon - Thurs 7:30am- 3:30pm;
Fri: 7:30am - 2:00pm
Youth Ministries
Phone: (661) 945-8743
Catholics in Action
Confirming Disciples
Hispanic Ministry
Encargado: Heriberto Cayetano
Phone: (661) 942-7853
Hours: Mon - Fri 10:00am - 5:00pm
(closed 12 - 1pm)
Please call the parish office 942-7122
Building Campaign
Phone: (661) 947-7122
Website: buildsacredheartchurch.org
Facebook: Build Sacred Heart Church
Deacon Greg Halamicek
Deacon Fermin Herrera
Deacon Dale Reynolds
Deacon Ron Routolo
Deacon Jason Schalow
Pastoral Intern: Egren Gomez
Perpetual Adoration
Sunday 7:00pm– Saturday 9:00am
Saturday 7:00pm– Sunday 6:00am
Novena- Tuesday : 6:00pm
Liturgy of the Hours
Weekdays: 5:00pm
Gift Shop
Saturday: 4:00pm –7:00pm
Sunday:7:30am –7:30pm
Closed during Masses
Anointing of the sick/
Ministry to the sick
Please call the parish office to arrange for
anointing for someone who is seriously ill
or preparing for surgery. If ill, homebound
or hospitalized we can visit upon request.
Safeguard the Children
Linda Gonzalez: (661) 949-8890
Jan. 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Photos by Debbie Stratford

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