Thirty-Third Sunday of ordinary Time


Thirty-Third Sunday of ordinary Time
S T .
Thirty-Third Sunday of
ordinary Time
November 15, 2015
Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have
the strength to stand before the Son of Man.
- Luke 21:36
293 H Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910 phone: (619) 427-0230 fax: (619) 427-5786 Web:
St. Rose of Lima
Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
ST. Rose of Lima
St. Rose Staff
Reverend Luke Jauregui
Pastor/ Párroco
Rev. Alexander De Paulis
Associate Pastor/ Vicario
Email: [email protected]
Deacons (619) 427 - 0230
Charlie Frice
(Ext. 117)
Greg Smyth
(Ext. 110)
John Gabbard
(Ext. 145)
Juan Buenrostro (Ext. 556)
Gerardo Márquez
Hispanic / Deaf Ministry
Jeff Saavedra
School Principal/ Principal de Escuela
(619) 422-1121
Sister Patricia Weldon OSF
Josie Advento, Jackie Carmona
Religious Education, K - 8th
(619) 426-6717
Vincent Dao
Confirmation & Youth Ministry
(619) 427-0230
Sister Patricia Weldon OSF
Sr. Dolores Social Outreach
(619) 427-7637
Rosy Vasquez
Social Outreach
(619) 427-0230
Joseph Advento
Music Dir. & I.T. Administrator
Patti Favela
Business Manager
(619) 427-0230
Cory Chavez, Adilene Trujillo,
Adrianna Ceja-Melvin
The world situation is an uneasy one with the rise of Islamic
fascism growing in ferocity against democratic societies. Radicals,
who push for violence on civilians, are relentless in their pursuit for
eventual world domination. The interesting aspect of Islamic fascism is that they know that a direct battle would be useless against
the greater democratic military might, so they seek to destroy democracy in a more subtle way by using tactics of fear, deception,
and political fraction. The Islamic fascist’s tactic is not to win by
right ideas but to manipulate the good will of free peoples into submission. Equivocation opens the door to their evil intent.
In the same way, evil attempts to manipulate us into submitting our lives over to the consumption of Sin because direct confrontation with the Lord would be useless. Evil’s tactic of terrorism
attempts to cause fear in us which will ultimately push us away
from God. For example, the sin of mistake becomes a source of
great guilt for many, and causes us to fear the judgment of God.
Some feelings of guilt are good for motivating us to improve; however, guilty feelings which result in a fear of sin cause us to reside
in an evil state. If one is focused on sin and the fear of judgment
then God is not your focus. On the other hand, the opposite can
happen where we are deceived in thinking that there should be no
guilt caused by the sins we do; or we think we have no sin. This
causes us to lose our humility and honesty resulting in a worship
of ourselves instead of the Father. The third terrorist tactic of evil
is to cause a fractioning of our Christian unity. This is the most
diabolical of Evil’s techniques, for when people of good intentions
disagree in excess about non-essential matters of worship, faith,
and doctrine then the focus is on something that may be important
but not essential to fight over or to hold grudges resulting in no
compromise. This is a fractioning the body of Christ, which results
in the doubt of God’s dependable Love and secretly destroys faith.
As a people of faith, waiting for the return of the Son of Man,
let us look for the signs of the times supporting each other in unity
against the true enemy of Evil. We need to commit ourselves to the
way of Christ’s freedom by fearing no evil, maintaining our eyes on
the reality of truth, and gathering each other into the Body of Christ.
Evil only divides and destroys; it is by our life with which we decide
to embrace the way of Evil’s destruction or the way of Christ’s glorious gathering.
Office Staff
Patti Favela
Capital Campaign
St. Rose of Lima Church
Trigésimo Tercero Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
La situación mundial actual es intranquila; aumenta la furia
del fascismo Islámico en contra de las sociedades democráticas.
Los extremistas que provocan la violencia contra los civiles, no se
dan por vencidos en su búsqueda por el dominio mundial. El aspecto
interesante del fascismo Islámico es que saben que una batalla
directa contra los poderes militares democráticos sería inútil, así que
buscan destruir a la democracia de una manera más sutil usando
sus tácticas de temor, engaño y fractura política. La táctica de los
fascistas Islámicos no es de ganar con ideas correctas sino manipular la buena voluntad de la gente libre hasta hacerlos sumisos. La
equivocación abre la puerta a dejar entrar sus intenciones malditas.
De la misma manera, la maldad intenta manipularnos para
entregar nuestras vidas al consumo del pecado, porque enfrentarse
directamente con Dios sería inútil. La maldad emplea la táctica del
terrorismo para causarnos temor, y eso a fin de cuentas nos aleja
de Dios. Por ejemplo, el pecado del error se convierte en una fuente
de culpabilidad para muchos, y causa que teman ser juzgados por
el Señor. Es bueno sentirse culpable hasta cierto grado porque eso
nos motiva a mejorar; sin embargo sentirse culpable a tal grado
que uno le teme al pecado nos causa permanecer en un estado de
maldad. Si uno se enfoca demasiado en el pecado y el temor del
castigo, entonces no puede uno enfocarse en Dios. Por otra parte, lo
opuesto ocurre cuando nos engañamos pensando que no debemos
sentirnos culpables por los pecados que cometemos, o creyendo
que no tenemos pecados. Esto causa que perdamos nuestra humildad y honestidad y comencemos a adorarnos a nosotros mismos en
lugar de al Padre. La tercera táctica de la maldad es de causar una
fractura en nuestra unidad Cristiana. Esta es la técnica más diabólica
del mal, porque cuando las personas de buenas intenciones discuten demasiado acerca de asuntos no esenciales de alabanza, fe, y
doctrina, entonces se enfocan en algo que, aunque importante, no
es esencial como para causar disputas o crear sentimientos que
impidan llegar a un acuerdo. Esto es fracturar al cuerpo de Cristo, y
causa que dudemos del amor de Dios y destruye silenciosamente la
Como personas fieles, esperando el regreso del Hijo del
Hombre, hay que estar pendientes de las señales de los tiempos y
apoyarnos mutuamente en unirnos en contra del verdadero enemigo
que es la maldad. Debemos comprometernos al camino de Cristo
que nos libera, y esto lo hacemos al no temer a la maldad, manteniendo nuestra vista fija en la realidad de la verdad, y apoyándonos
unos a los otros en el Cuerpo de Cristo. El mal divide y destruye. Es
por cómo llevamos nuestras vidas que decidimos tomar ya sea el
camino de la destrucción del mal, o el camino que conduce al pueblo
glorioso de Cristo.
St. Rose of Lima Church
As members of Christ’s Body, the
Church, we have a share in His prophetic, priestly & kingly
mission. “Sharing in His prophetic
mission, we come to know Christ and
make Him known.
Mass Times
Monday - Friday 6:15 am & 8 am
6:30 p.m. - (Español)
7:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m. (Vigil)
6:30 p.m. (Español)
7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m.
10:00 am. (sign language)
11:30 a.m.
1:15 p.m. - (Español)
5:00 p.m
Eucharistic Adoration
Fridays in pastoral center chapel:
8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baptisms & Weddings
Call the Parish Office
(619) 427-0230
Saturday: 8-9 am
(Or by appointment)
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Closed 12:30-1:30 for Lunch)
Ministries & Groups
Ministries & Groups
Marriage Vocation Ministry
Youth Ministry
Mass Intentions
7:30 a.m. - Neto Pierotti
5:00 p.m. - Joseph Paul Pangilinan
6:30 p.m. - Florenco Beltran
7:00 a.m. - Fred Sauber
8:30 a.m. - Angela Camerena
10:00 a.m. - Veneranda Amog
11:30 a.m. - Mary Edith Werner
1:15 a.m. - Desiderio Hernandez
5:00 a.m. - Leonora & Pablo
6:15 am - For the Parishioners
8:00 a.m - Herlindo Castro
6:15 a.m. - Oscar Leonor
8:00 a.m. - Vivencio Hivoral
6:15 a.m. - For the Parishioners
8:00 am - Desiderio Hernandez
6:15 am - For the Parishioners
8:00 am - Mercidita Jamero Plastiko
6:15 am - Georgina Castro
8:00 am - Abel Mendes
If you would like to offer a
Mass for a loved one that has
1st Year Class: Tuesday 6 pm - 8 pm (Hall)
Dec. 1
Dec. 1
2 Year class: Tuesday 6 pm - 8 pm (Hall)
Nov. 17
Dec. 8
2nd Year Parents Meeting: Tuesday 6 pm - 8 pm (Library)
Nov. 17
Dec. 8
Life Teen: Sunday Nights 6 pm - 8 pm (Hall)
Nov. 15
Dec. 13
Edge Night: 2nd & 4th Monday Nights 6 pm - 7:30 pm (Hall)
Nov. 23
Dec. 14
Bible Study – Gospel According to John
Father Luke leads this Bible Study with greater reflection and understanding on the Gospel according to John. Although this Gospel
is highly literary and symbolic, Father Luke’s
insights and explanations are an excellent
guide to better know our Lord Jesus Christ.
Come join us at the SRL Library (2nd Floor at the de Flores Center)
 - Saturday, 6:30 PM Nov 28, 2015
 - Saturday, 6:30 PM Dec 19, 2015
St. Rose Ornament Sales
The Knights of Columbus are offering St. Rose
Limited Edition Christmas Ornaments after all
Masses through Christmas or until sold out.
A different ornament is being offered each year
through our 100th anniversary. Each is a beautiful stand-alone ornament, but should you buy
one each year your collection will depict the
Nativity scene. Because these are limited edition, only 200 are available each year.
Each ornament is $10.00 and the optional
stand is $5.00. All donation money collected
comes back to our St Rose of Lima Church
and School.
In the event you have a student graduating this
year, this ornament can be a beautiful memento of this happy graduation milestone.
Our Sunday Commitment
Nuestro Compromiso Dominical
En lo que nos vamos acercando a la celebración de “Cristo Rey”
recordemos la práctica tradicional de “la genuflexión” delante del
tabernáculo, donde se hospeda la presencia de Jesús. Doblamos
nuestra rodilla delante de nuestro Rey Eterno para darle nuestro
respeto, confianza y fidelidad. Este acto simbólico debe reflejar lo
que es verdadero en El; ¿Es su fidelidad verdaderamente dirigida a Cristo Jesús y Su esposa la Iglesia? ¿Harán el Compromiso
Sister Patricia Weldon, OSF
Rosa Vasquez
Social Outreach
Homeless Sack Lunches
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
9:30 - 11:00 am
Food Commodities to
Chula Vista Residents
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
3:00 - 4:30 pm
Free Clothing
9:00 - 11:00am
Sister Dolores Thrift Store
“A Charitable Way to Shop”
Wednesday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Friday: 10 am - 2 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thrift store donations accepted
Wednesday, Friday & Saturday during store
Food & Clothing Donation
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Catholic Charities Outreach
Immigration Services
(619) 498-0722
Calfresh Applications & Medical
(619) 501-3259
passed away please contact the
parish office.
Sister Dolores Social
Outreach Program
Services Offered
As we approach the celebration of “Christ the King” we should be
reminded of the traditional practice of “genuflecting” before the tabernacle which houses the presence of Jesus. We bend the knee
before our eternal King to show our respect, trust, and allegiance.
The symbolic act should reflect what is true within; is your allegiance
truly directed towards Jesus Christ and His bride the Church? Are
you going to make a Sunday Commitment?
Youth Website:
Social Services
St. Rose of Lima Church
St. Rose of Lima Church
Ministries & Groups
Ministries & Groups
Call to Sainthood
A Special Evening with local Catholic Youth Speaker
Lisa Marie Hunt
Praise & Worship Band
led by Joseph Advento
November 16, 2015 - 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Parish
293 H St, Chula Vista, CA 91910
Open to all. Bring your family, bring your friends.
(A freewill offering will be collected to support Thy Kingdom Come Campaign.)
This concert and talk is brought to you by the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis, a parish committee at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Parish.
Grupo de Oracion de Santa Rosa de Lima
El Grupo de Oración de Santa Rosa de Lima los invita todos los jueves
a la Hora Santa y Bendición con el Santísimo Sacramento.
Iniciamos a las 6:00 pm con el Santo Rosario, seguido de la Eucaristía.
Habrá Alabanza, Exposición del Santísimo y Oración
Para mas información llama al: (619) 816-8361
Email: [email protected]
The Sister Dolores Thrift Store will be holding our
3rd Annual Ladies’ Night Event
“Eat, Pray, Love”
Saturday, November 21st in the Church Hall
7:00 -10:30pm $10 donation
Come and enjoy a great night of fellowship and sisterhood. Like years past, we will be having
a Fashion Show featuring parishioners, vendors selling products and services, appetizers and
drinks, and of course music and dancing! Tickets will be available at the door. Pre-sale tickets will
be sold at the Sister Dolores Thrift Store starting Saturday, October 24th.
Parishioners interested in participating in the vendor area please contact Rosy Vasquez at (619)
427-7637 or pick up a vendor application from the office. We are asking for a $30 per table donation to participate. Please reserve your vendor table before Saturday, October 31st.
St. Rose of Lima Church
St. Rose of Lima Church
Ministries & Groups
Pope Francis announced the year 2015/2016 as a
“Year of Divine Mercy”
Fr. Luke Jaurequi, Spiritual Director
March 29th to April 8th, 2016
$3159.00 Land & Air from San Diego
(per person/ double occupancy)
Additional information or brochures:
Best Catholic Pilgrimages
1-800-908-BEST (2378)
[email protected]
Therese More, group organizer
• Divine Mercy Feast Day Mass with His Emminence,
Cardinal Dzwisz
• Visit the Infant Jesus of Prague
• Visit Czestochowa - Shrine of the Black Madonna
• Mass Daily
• 4* hotels / 3* in Czestochowa
• Buffet Breakfast Daily (B) 7 Dinners (D)
• Sightseeing and Entrance Fees per Itinerary
• Private Deluxe Motor Coach
• Professional Tour Escort / Licensed Guides
• Luggage Handling / Transfers
Prayers and Squares
We meet the first and third Monday of the month in the first floor room of the old rectory. Come in
the side door adjacent to the school library. We make and gift prayer lap quilts to the sick. See the
church office for an application. Would you like to dust off the sewing
machine and help us? One small quilt a year is our
minimum possibility for sewers that can be done in-house or at home. There are also other tasks
to be done to help continue this “touch a prayer” ministry.
Seniors For the Fun of It
12:30-3 pm in the Parish Hall
All Seniors are invited to attend Seniors for the Fun of It on Wed Nov
18, 2015. We will meet in the Parish Hall at 12:30 till 3 pm. Time to get
back in the swing of things after a great Chula Vista summer. A small
number of us kept things going, and though there were only a few we
had a great time, talking about summer vacations, playing the long
time favorite Tripoli, and eating our favorite goodies.
Come on down! Bring a friend, your favorite snack, a game you are especially fond of or join in with
others to play scrabble, poker, Tripoli, phase ten and otehr favorites. Enjoy conversations about the
“olden days” meeting new friends or just getting out for a pleasant afternoon. See you there!
Ministries & Groups
St. Rose of Lima Church
Bulletin Submission Deadline
Deadline for bulletin submissions for the issue of November 29th is November 16th at noon. Keep in
mind that all announcement are to be half a page or smaller with the exception of parish sponsored
Fecha límite de entrega de anuncios del boletin para la edición del 29 de noviembre es el 16 de
noviembre a mediodía. Tenga en cuenta que todos los anuncios deben ser la mitad de una página o
más pequeño, con la excepción de los eventos de la parroquia patrocinado.
Lighting Work
During the next couple of weeks (November 16 - December 6) we will be having lighting work done
in all the buildings of our property, we are asking all groups that use our facilities to please be flexible and work with us while we work through this process. We will be having to close the office during some days as well as cancel some meeting times. You will be contacted promptly to notify you
if any changes need to be made with your group. We thank you for your support while we make
changes to our plant.
Trabajo de iluminación
Durante las próximas semanas (16 de noviembre - 06 de diciembre) estaremos haciendo trabajos
de de iluminación hace en todos los edificios de nuestra propiedad, estamos pidiendo a todos los
grupos que utilizan nuestras instalaciones ser flexible y trabajar con nosotros mientras trabajamos
a través de este proceso. Vamos a tener que cerrar la oficina durante unos días además de cancelar algunos horarios de reuniones de grupos. Le notificaremos si algún cambio tiene que ser hecho
con su grupo. Le agradecemos su apoyo mientras hacemos cambios en nuestra planta.
St. Rose of Lima Church

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