Saint Mary`s Santa Maria - St. Mary`s Catholic Church


Saint Mary`s Santa Maria - St. Mary`s Catholic Church
Saint Mary’s
Catholic Church
Iglesia Católica
Santa Maria
May 8, 2011
“Feliz Día de lasMadres”
“Let’s Feed Our Children Summer Program”
We are participating in the annual collection for “Feed the Children Free Lunch Program,” this summer. We are
asking you to bring a donation of smooth peanut butter or jelly (only) to the Parish Center anytime during our office
hours, 9:00a.m. to 4:00p.m., Monday through Friday or to the Church when you come to Mass, marked “Children”.
Third Sunday of Easter
St. Mary’s Church, Sterling, Illinois
Office Hours-Staff
Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Phone: 815-625-0640
Parish Pastor: Fr. Don Ahles
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Juan Ayala
Parish Secretary: Donna Blum
Hispanic Secretary: Janie Atilano
Shut-in Ministry: Sally Kellen
Pastoral Associate: Jane Olson
Business Manager: Marilyn McBride
Deacon: John Kellen
Deacon: Jim Lopez
Deacon: Larry Zitkus
St. Mary School/Phone/ (815) 625-2253
Principal: Tom DePasquale
Religious Education/Phone/625-6688
Director: Gerry Williamson
Secretary: Dianne Williamson
Weekend Mass Schedule:
English: Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 am
Spanish: Sunday 11:30 am
St. Mary’s Website
Mass Intentions
Monday, May 9
8:30 am Margery Gray
Tuesday, May 10
7:15 am Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am Dorothy Kelly
Wednesday, May 11
7:15 am Pat & Sue Farley
8:30 am Ruth McKee
Thursday, May 12
7:15 am Gene Ewbank
8:30 am Edna & Francis Clinton
Friday, May 13
8:30 am Paul Miller
Saturday, May 14
8:30 am James Bruno
5:00pm Franco & Theresa Alvarez
Sunday, May 15
7:00 am Rosemary Harms
8:30 am St. Mary Parishioners
10:00 am Ben, Mary, Joel Francque
11:30 am Lina Solis Flores
For Your Information
Altar & Rosary News
Our recent luncheon was a success. We
would like extend our deepest thanks to
Beth Summers for help in preparing our
meal. She continues to support our
organization. “Thank You Beth”.
All women of the parish are invited to the
installation of new officers for 2011-2012,
on Tuesday, May 10 at 7:30 p.m., in the
Religious Education
Class Schedule
Wednesday, May 11: All classes meet
Wednesday, May 18: Closing Mass,
6:15pm., in St. Mary Church
St. Vincent DePaul
Our pantry is in need of your help in
refilling our shelves. Every 3rd weekend
of the month is designated for collecting
contributions of non-perishable food ítems
or paper products of any kind. This
month the date is May 14/15 at all
If it’s easier to bring your donation to the
Parish Center, you may drop off a
donation to the parish office, 9am4:00pm, Monday thru Friday. Monetary
contributions are also appreciated. Thank
you for your support.
Keep Us Informed!
Have you changed your name, address, or
phone number? Are you or someone you
know in the hospital or homebound?
If you answer yes to any one of these
questions, then please call our parish
office at 815-625-0640. It is vital that we
keep the census updated and minister to
your spiritual needs.
Helpers of God’s
Most Precious
This is a weekly prayer
group that meets after 8:30
Mass every Thursday, in the
chapel to pray for the end of
abortions and those sick.
Letter Carriers Food
In conjunction with
U.S. Postal Service
and United Way, will
be collecting nonperishable food and/or
paper products on
Sat., May 14. Donations will be picked
up when they deliver your mail and
distribute the donations to the food
pantries. Please help your community.
Volunteering Brightens Lives
St. Vincent DePaul, represents St.
Andrews, St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart
parishes. Volunteers are needed to
assist the Food Pantry and also visit the
needy of our community. Please call
Paul Hess 815-625-9260 or 815-4413886.
An informative meeting will be held at
St. Mary’s Parish Center next weekend
on May 15, 2011 at 2:00p.m. Helping
the needy is a spiritual reward. Hope to
see you.
May Wedding
Pedro & Maricruz Uscanga
Jonah & Abby Celestino
Bert & Sally Davis
Daniel/Angelica Estrada
Jim & Carol Nieman
Bob & Billie Ebersole
Jose & Josefina Camacho
Juan & Esthela Luna
Manuel & Jean Gonzalez
Carlos & Teresa Ortiz
Joe & Ann Conway
Javier & Rosy Olivas
Lino & Mary L. Carrillo
Martin & Leticia Olivo
John & Gail Carrillo
Steve & Jan Moser
Thomas & Renee Davis
Mike & Jan Seidel
Steve & Mary Ramos
Ralph & Marianne Griesbach
Alex & Dee Rios
May 1
May 2
May 3
May 4
May 5
May 7
May 8
May 9
May 18
May 11
May 11
May 13
May 16
May 16
May 17
May 17
May 20
May 23
May 25
May 26
May 29
Collection Report-Fiscal Year
April 30-May 1, 2011
Required Amount
Envelope Collection
Loose Collection
$ 1,120.60
Children's Collection
Total Collection
Over (Short) of Required
$( 624.65)
Required Amount
Envelope Collection
Loose Collection
Children's Collection
Total Collection
Over (Short) of Required
Year To Date
$ 36,739.99
Members Contributing
New Consolidated Loan Total $141,947.06
Observer Bill:
Tithe: Our 8% tithe of $1,193.74, for May 1 has
been given to Gianna’s House. This week’s 8%
tithe will be given to Let’s Feed Our Children.
Next week’s tithe will be given to the Firehouse
of God.
Liturgical Schedules
Saturday, May 14
5:00 pm Alex Rios, Jean McCue
Sunday, May 15
7:00 am Helen Musyl
8:30 am Kelly Keaschall, Nancy Rajnowski
10:00 am Jane Olson, Steve Randall
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday, May 14
5:00 pm Deacon, Dorothy Miller,
Julie D.Gowers, Howard
Craft, Joan Kreps
Sunday, May 15
7:00 am Melinda Guentert, Alice Ports,
Laura Everson
8:30 am Deacon, Terri Lawrence, Gladys
Hannan, Beth Summers, Alyssa
10:00 am Judy Valdez, Barb Murphy, Liz
Moreno, Jeannie Ramos, Brianna
Altar Servers
Saturday, May 14
5:00 pm Amy Ryan, Kate Ryan,
Teagan McKenna
Sunday, May 15
7:00 am Dennis DeLanghe
8:30 am Jacob Rude, Ryan Rude, Michael
10:00 am Victoria Pineda, Tomas Valdez,
Samantha Valdez
Jesus Continues to Live in our Lives
Life sometimes gives us great disappointments and failures. To star again could create
a certain excitement but also a certain fear of the unknown. Or what is worse, the fear
that the experience of failure might be repeated. Continuing to walk could be a decision
demanding great courage. Where can we find security, strength and joy to continue
walking or start on a new adventure? The disciples and friends of Jesus had the same
experience. They kept on following and listening to Jesus and in the end, they thought
the story had a bad ending, with the crucifixion and death of the Lord Jesus. What can
provide them with strength to continue?
Like us, only the certainty that the promises of God had been fulfilled and only the
experience of the risen Lord can give them strength. Peter stand up and speaks with such
conviction and power that he didn’t seem himself. The disciples of Emmaus returned to
Jerusalem, where they had departed sadden and fearful. How about us? What gives us
the courage to continue on with our lives? On the one hand, knowing that life is more
powerful than death; although Jesus’ story seems to end in failure and death; the truth is
that the end is the resurrection. Jesus continues to live in our lives and in the lives of all
his followers who defend life over death. Even if the words of Jesus seem to have gone
with the wind, there are many people who s till follow and practice them through their
actions of love, compassion, service, and generosity toward others. That Jesus, just as he
did for the disciples, continues breaking his bread for us. It is the bread of his Body that
gives us strength, energy, and the courage to continue striving to defend the risen life of
Jesus in our world. How can we bring the risen life of Jesus to the world? How can we
be sure that life is stronger than death? When we see around us that failures do not overcome those who fight for a just immigration reform; when we see that there are people
who see joy and hope among those who suffer; when opposition, rejection, and ridicule
do not stop us and we continue forward. When the bread of the Eucharist gives us the
certainty that Christ is with us and in us, and gives us the strength to share what we hve
and what we are with others. When, like those Emmaus, we are able to return to what
made us fearful and continue to work for the good of the world.
For reflection
What fears do find harder to face? When have I felt disappointment and the feeling of
failure? Who are the people around me that are defending life against the forces of
A Mother’s love, is
sure to find
a way to comfort,
ease your mind
She knows just
how, to build you
up when you’re so
down, and can’t
look up
You love the way, she makes you feel
like you’re so special, her ideal
Her thought must start, with God above
to bring such caring, with such love
And as it flows, like gentle rain
it surely helps, when troubles pain
Mass Intentions
What is a Mass Intention? A Mass
Intention is when you have a Mass said
for someone who has passed away or for
something that is very important example: wedding anniversary, birthday.
Please call or stop by the Parish Office to
have a Mass said. Weekday Masses are
available as well as some weekend masses
for the remainder of the year.
Third Sunday of Easter
May 8, 2011
And it happened that, while he was with
them at table, he took bread, said the
blessing, broke it, and gave it to them.
With that their eyes were opened and they
recognized him, but he vanished from
their sight.
- Luke 24:30-31
Office Hours
Our office hours are Monday through
Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tercer Domingo del Pascua
Teléfonos 626- 5735 / 625- 0640
Página de Internet:
Ministros para el fin de semana del
15 de Mayo
Lectores: Javier Olivas, Catalina Carrizales
Ministro de Eucaristia: Janie Atilano, Dora
Brooks, Carmen Serrano, Martha Cavazos,
Linda Balderas
Monaguillos: Jose L. Hernandez, Vanessa
Hernandez, Alex Gallardo
Acomodadores: . Pedro Ocamo, Sallmon
Ocampo, Juan Trujillo, Luis Romo
Clases de Preparación Para Bautismo
Las platicas serán el 4 de Junio de las 2:00
pm a las 4:00 pm, en el
Centro Parroquial. Por
favor de no traer sus niños.
Unicamente para los papas
y padrinos.
Los Bautismos:
Para los papas y padrinos
es obligatorio asistir a las clases. No habra
bautismos si no recibe la preparacion
Por favor programe su bautismo llamano al
Centro Parroquial con Janie.
Presentaciones de niños
en la Iglesia
Si usted quiere presenter su niño o niña en el
templo, unicamente las presentaciones serán
el cuarto domingo del mes durante la misa o
despues de misa.
Matrimonios y Quinceañeras:
Hacer cita con el sacerdote por lo menos 6
meses antes de la fecha deseada. Favor de
no hacer planes antes de tener la fecha
confirmada con el sacerdote.
Sábados de 4:00 a 4:30 pm, o por cita en la
oficina del Padre Juan.
Bendita Sea Tu Pureza
Bendita sea tu pureza y
eternamente lo sea, pues todo
un Dios se rec recrea, en tan
graciosa belleza.
A Ti celestial princesa, Virgen
Sagrada Maria, te ofrezco en
este día, alma vida y corazón.
Mírame con compassion, no me dejes,
Madre mía.
Jesús Sigue Vivo en Nuestras Vidas
La vida a veces proporciona grandes desilusiones y fracasos. Comenzar de nuevo
puede producir una cierta ilusión, pero también bastante temor a lo desconocido. O, lo
que es peor, a que se repita una experiencia de fracaso o de dolor. El seguir caminando
puede ser una decisión que exige una gran valentía. ¿Dónde podemos encontrar seguridad, fuerza y alegría para seguir caminando o para lanzarnos a una nueva aventura? Los
discípulos y amigos de Jesús tuvieron la misma experiencia. Tanto seguir al Señor y
escucharle, y al final la historia termina mal, con la crucifixión y muerte del Señor Jesús.
¿Qué les puede dar valor para seguir caminando?
Como a nosotros, sólo la seguridad de que las promesas de Dios se han cumplido, sólo
la experiencia del Jesús resucitado les puede dar la fuerza. Pedro se levanta y habla con
una convicción y una fuerza que no parecía de él. Los discípulos de Emús regresan animosos a Jerusalén, de donde habían salido tristes y con miedo. ¿Y nosotros? ¿Qué nos
puede dar ese valor para continuar nuestras vidas? Por un lado, el saber que la vida puede más que la muerte: que, aunque la historia de Jesús parece terminar en muerte, la
verdad es que no termina ahí sino en la resurrección. Y que Jesús sigue vivo en nuestras
vidas y en las vidas de todos sus seguidores que defienden la vida sobre la muerte. Que
aunque las palabras de Jesús parecen haberse ido con el viento, hay muchas personas
que las siguen aún y las practican en sus acciones de amor, compasión, servicio y generosidad hacia los demás. Que ese Jesús, como con los discípulos, sigue partiéndonos el
pan de su Cuerpo que nos da fuerza, energía y valor para continuar luchando por la vida
resucitada de Jesús en nuestro mundo. ¿Cómo se lleva al mundo la vida de Jesús resucitado? ¿Cómo sabemos que la vida puede más? Cuando vemos que, a nuestro alrededor,
los aparentes fracasos no vencen a los que luchan por una ley de inmigración más justa;
cuando vemos que hay personas que siguen entregándose a los demás, cuando nos encontramos con personas que siembran alegría y esperanza entre quienes sufren; cuando
la oposición, el rechazo, el ridículo, no nos arredran y seguimos adelante. Cuando el pan
de la Eucaristía nos da la seguridad de que Cristo está con nosotros y en nosotros y nos
da fuerza para compartir lo que somos y tenemos con los demás. Cuando, como los de
Emús, somos capaces de regresar a lo que nos asustaba y seguir trabajando por el bien en
el mundo.
Para La Reflexión
¿Qué temores me cuesta más enfrentar? En qué momentos he sentido la desilusión y el
fracaso? ¿A qué personas de mí alrededor veo defender la vida por encima de las fuerzas de la muerte?
Calendario Semanal
Miércoles, 11 de Mayo: Hay clases
Miércoles, 18 de Mayo: Misa para estudantes
y los papas 6:15pm., en la
Acompáñenos en la oración al Santísimo
Sacramento todos los martes de 9:00 a.m. a
7:00 p.m. en la capilla.
Cacahuete y Uva
Si gusta podría donar frascos de crema de
cacahuete y de uva, para los niños que
reciben lonches gratis durante el verano.
Puede traer sus frascos al Centro
Horario De Oficinas
Nuestro horario para el centro parroquial
es 9:00 a.m.-4:00p.m., lunes a viernes.
dario Semanal
Sólo el Amor de
Una Madre
Sólo el amor de una Madre
apoyará, cuando todo el
mundo deja de hacerlo.
Sólo el amor de una Madre confiará,
cuando nadie otro cree.
Sólo el amor de una Madre perdonará,
cuando ninguno otro entenderá.
Sólo el amor de una Madre honrará,
no importa en qué pruebas haz es estado.
Sólo el amor de una Madre resistirá,
por cualquier tiempo de prueba.
No hay ningún otro amor terrenal,
más grande que el de una Madre.
P a r i s h
D i r e c t o r y
Directorio Parroquial
Office Hours/Horario de Oficina
Monday-Friday 9am-4pm/Lunes-Viernes 9am-4pm
Phone/Teléfono: 815-625-0640 • Fax: 815-625-1684
Phone/Teléfono ..............................................................815-625-0640
Pastoral Staff/Personal Parroquial
Pastor/Párroco, Fr. Don Ahles .................................................. ext. 11
Associate Pastor/Párroco Asociado, Fr. Juan Ayala ……..…ext. 12
Deacons/Diaconos: John Kellen, James Lopez, Larry Zitkus .. ext. 26
Parish Secretary/Secretaria Parroquial, Donna Blum ............ ext. 13
Business Manager/Contador, Marilyn McBride ....................... ext. 25
Pastoral Associate, Jane Olson ............................................... ext. 20
Ministry to the Sick and Shut-in/Visitas a Enfermos, Sally Kellen
Hispanic Ministry/Ministerio Hispano, Janie Atilano . 626-5735/625-0640 ext. 43
Religious Education/Educación Religiosa
Office Hours/Horario de Oficina
Monday-Friday/Lunes a Viernes 9:00am-4:00 pm
Phone/Teléfono ..............................................................815-625-6688
Director/Directora, Gerry Williamson………...…………………...ext.44
Secretary/Secretaria, Dianne Williamson…...……………………ext.14
Two (2) years of religious education are required before a child can receive
Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. / Para recibir la Primera Comunión
o Confirmación, los niños deben completar 2 años de doctrina.
St. Mary School/Escuela Santa Maria
Phone/Teléfono ........................................................... (815) 625-2253
Principal/Director: Mr. Tom DePasquale
Weekend Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas
Saturday/Sábado 5:00 pm • Sunday/Domingo 7:00, 8:30 & 10:00 am
Sunday/Domingo (En la Iglesia) 11:30 am
Weekday Mass Schedule/Horario de Misas—Capilla
Monday - Friday 8:30-chapel/Lunes y Viernes 8:30 am -Capilla
All the masses are in English./Todos las Misas son en Ingles.
The Sacraments/Los Sacramentos
Saturday/Sábado 4:00-4:30pm
Communal Penance Services in Advent & Lent.
Please call the parish office for the arrangements. Held on the First
Sunday of the month. Please call the Parish Center four months prior to
the birth. / Los bautismos son el tercer Domingo de cada mes. Llama al
Centro Parroquial cuatro meses antes de nacimiento.
Couples should contact the parish priest at least 6 months in advance.
Arrangements can not be made on the phone. Persons must be at least
19 years old. / Las parejas deben comunicarse con el sacerdote, al
menos con 6 meses de anticipación. Las fechas no se arreglan por
teléfono. Las personas deben tener al menos 19 años de edad.
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Parish Member
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04-26-2011 11:20:53

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