St. James Cathedral - St. James Catholic Cathedral


St. James Cathedral - St. James Catholic Cathedral
St. James Cathedral
215 N. Orange Avenue, Orlando FL 32801
Phone: 407-422-2005—Fax: 407-422-2009
May 29, 2016
Reverend John McCormick
Parochial Vicars:
Rev. Vilaire Philius
Rev. Serge Pardo
David Gray , Carlos Sola &
Patrick McAvoy
Pastoral Ministry:
Sr. Mary Katherine Palisin, SND
School Principal: Dawn Helwig
Bishop of Orlando
Most Reverend John Noonan
According to the BBC, Nicola Thorpe, a 27-year-old corporate receptionist at a firm in
the city of London, was sent home without pay because she refused to conform to the dress
code, which included wearing high heels. The heel has to be between two and four inches.
Nicola says that she cannot work a nine hour shift escorting clients to offices and meeting
rooms in heels. For the moment apparently, these requirements are legal in Britain. She did
inquire of her bosses if such expectations are held of male employees as well. Of course,
some claim the law is sexist and outdated. The college of podiatry chimed in with the
possibility that this demand can cause bunions, ankle sprains and tight calves. The Israeli
airline EL AL holds that female flight attendants must wear heels until all passengers are
seated. So what should Nicola do or expect? Why did she accept the job if she knew a dress
code was in place? Simple, actually: Go work somewhere else where you can dress as you
This attitude, where I want the privileges and benefits of belonging while ignoring the
rules, is not a new form of behavior, of course. The people of Israel, throughout the Old
Testament, claim to be the people of the Covenant, descendants of Moses and Jacob, while at
the same time embracing the pagan mores of Babylon and Egypt. They live entire generations
in exile, because they refuse to listen to the prophets or abide by the commandments given to
Moses. Parishes today have some claiming to be parishioners even though they are not
registered, do not attend Mass on a regular basis and do not read Fr. John’s column. This year,
as in earlier times, the people who contributed to our Catholic Appeal that allows us to meet
our assessment are less than 30% of the folks who claim to be members of our parish. But,
they will fly the flag if they want a letter to be signed to be a sponsor in another parish, receive
parish tuition rate at our school or prepare for the Sacrament
of Marriage. If a wide receiver in the NFL must complete the
catch with both feet inbounds, how come disciples of the Lord
do not believe they should conform their behavior to the
teachings and Commandments of the Savior? As to whether
the ladies who work here in the office of the parish are
expected to wear heels two to four inches, not likely! Eternity
will come soon enough; no need to hasten self-destruction.
God Bless,
Fr. John
Dubsdread Ballroom
The Parish Office will be closed on
Monday, May 30 in honor of Memorial Day.
Mass will be at 9 AM only. The property
will be shut down following the Mass.
Enjoy the long weekend!!
Please return your filled baby bottles next
weekend, June 4 & 5. Members of the
Knights of Columbus will be at the church
entrance ways prior to Mass to collect the
bottles. JMJ Pregnancy Center thanks you
in advance for your generosity.
June 27–July 1
Let’s travel to ancient Egypt! Come
explore Pharaoh’s
palace, experience
thrilling “real-life”
dramas, play highenergy games, sample
tasty snacks and hear
lively music. Plus,
you’ll meet lots of
new friends! Register
your children today. Forms are available
online or in the Parish Office. For more
information, contact Renee or Nancy at
407 422-2005.
Please remember in your prayers
our parishioners who are ill:
Rafael Martinez, Therese Merchant,
Mary Howard, Patricia Muldoon,
Mary Jane Ramsey
Doors open for registration at 5:30PM,
gaming runs from 6-8:30PM
Join us for a chance to win prizes, mingle with
incredible people and enjoy classic casino games like
Blackjack, Roulette, Craps and slot machines. Tickets:
Early bird tickets are $40 until May 15, $50 after and
at the door. Price includes $25,000 in casino chips,
two drink tickets (beer, wine, soda) along with hot
hors d'oeuvres. A cash bar is available. Email
[email protected] for tickets.
Journey Into Faith
Are you feeling called to
Christ? Are you interested
in becoming Catholic? Are
you in need of a sacrament?
Next class session begins
on Tuesday, July 26. For
more information, call Steve
at 407-422-2005 ext. 123 or e-mail
[email protected].
SOAR Youth Ministry
Sunday, June 5 VBS training in the
parish Council Room at 1 PM.
Being Confirmed next year? Join us
for Real World Orlando. This will
satisfy the service component for
WHO: All upcoming 6-8 grade students
WHERE: St. James
WHEN: July 7-9 from 8:30 AM-3 PM
WHY: As Catholics we are called to serve.
We will be serving those in the wider community
and will be introduced to the larger church. See
website for waivers.
COST: $40, includes t-shirt, food, speakers
and materials.
Email [email protected] or call 407422-2005 ext. 112.
Follow us on Instagram at SJCSOAR
LIGHTHOUSE CDs: Do you commute to
work or travel? Are you taking a summer
vacation by car this year? Lighthouse CDs are a
great way to increase your Catholic knowledge
and spirituality as you drive along. Stop in the
atrium after Mass, and see the great selections
that are available.
A Way Of Life For A Grateful Disciple
“They all ate and were satisfied. And when the leftover
fragments were picked up, they filled twelve wicker baskets.”
Luke 9:17
The story of the Loaves and Fishes shows us that
when we share what we have, even if it doesn’t seem
like that much, miracles can happen! Do not think
that your gift is too small or insignificant! God
blesses all the gifts we offer and makes them
Stewardship May 21 & 22
For your convenience, electronic funds transfer and credit
card giving is available at
Thank you for placing God first!
Vigil (Saturday) 4 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM (Spanish),
5 PM, 6:30 PM (Kreyole)
Weekdays: 7 AM, 12:10 PM Saturdays: 8 AM
Confessions: Monday-Friday: 11:30 AM Saturdays: 3 PM, Spanish: Sunday, 11:45 AM
Adoration and Exposition: Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM-noon Pro-life Holy Hour Wednesday 6 PM
If your marriage has become
troubled and stressed, unloving or
uncaring; if you have grown cold
and distant; even if you are divorced
or separated, or are thinking about it.
Reach for help. Retrouvaille can
help. It has helped thousands. The
next program is July 15-17. For
more information, call 352-2744614. This is not counseling or
group therapy. All calls and names are held in
strictest confidence. Please check the website at
Monday, May 30
9:00 AM Baltasar & Pilar Diaz †
Tuesday, May 31
7:00 AM Gregorio Leal †
12:10 PM Frank Sevick †
Wednesday, June 1
7:00 AM Vocations to the Priesthood
12:10 PM Betty Saville †
Thursday, June 2
7:00 AM Ana O’Loane †
12:10 PM Barbara Paulinski
Friday, June 3
7:00 AM Ishma & Crystel
12:10 PM Edward Chrupcala †
Saturday, June 4
8:00 AM
12:10 PM Pam & Tony Schiavo
Sunday, June 5
7:30 AM Pam Schiavo
9:00 AM Baltasar & Pilar Diaz †
10:30 AM Joseph J. Groom †
12:15 PM Raul Vega †
5:00 PM Tofic Nasrallah †
Congratulations to
newly ordained
Reverend Martin Nguyen
Reverend Luis Salazar
O Holy Mother of God, pray for the
priests your Son has chosen to
serve the Church. Help them, by
your intercession, to be holy,
zealous and chaste. Make them
models of virtue in the service of
God's people. Help them be pious
in meditation, efficacious in
preaching and zealous in the daily
offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass. Help them administer the
Sacraments with love and joy.
Las tribulaciones de Nicola Thorpe y los
diez mandamientos
De acuerdo con la BBC, Nicola Thorpe, 27 años, una
recepcionista en una firma en la cuidad de London fue
enviada a casa sin paga porque se rehusó a seguir el
código de vestimenta, que incluye zapatos de taco alto.
Los zapatos tenían que ser de tacones entre dos y
cuatro pulgadas de alto. Nicola dice que no puede
trabajar nueve horas escoltando a clientes a oficinas o
lugares de reuniones en tacones altos. Por un
momento, estos requisitos parecen legales en Gran
Bretaña. Ella le preguntó a sus jefes si las mismas
expectativas se imponían en los empleados varones
también. Por supuesto, algunos reclaman que la ley es
sexista y anticuada. El colegio de podiatras intervino
con la posibilidad de que esta demanda puede causar
juanetes y torceduras del tobillo. La aerolínea israelí EL
AL sostiene que las azafatas tienen que utilizar tacones
altos hasta que todos los pasajeros estén sentados.
¿Entonces que puede esperar o hacer Nicola? Simple,
que vaya a trabajar a otro lugar donde pueda vestir
como le parezca.
Esta actitud de querer los privilegios y beneficios de
pertenecer, a la vez que se ignoran las reglas, no es una
nueva forma de comportamiento, por supuesto. El
pueblo de Israel a través del Antiguo Testamento
reclamó ser el pueblo de la Alianza, descendientes de
Moisés y Jacob, a la vez que abrazaban las costumbres
paganas de Babilonia y Egipto. Vivieron por
generaciones en el exilio porque se reusaban escuchar a
los profetas o acatar los mandamientos dados por
Moisés. Las parroquias hoy tienen algunas personas
que dicen ser parroquianos aunque no estén
registrados, asistan a Misa regularmente o lean la
columna del Padre John. Este año, como en años
anteriores, las personas quienes contribuyeron a
Nuestro Llamado Católico, que nos permite cumplir
con nuestra evaluación, son menos del 30% de las
personas que dicen ser miembros de nuestra parroquia.
Pero alzan la bandera si quieren una carta firmada para
ser un auspiciador en otra parroquia, recibir la cuota de
parroquianos para la escuela o recibir la preparación
para el Sacramento del Matrimonio. Si un recibidor de
campo de la NFL debe completar la captura con los
dos pies en el piso, ¿como los discípulos del Señor no
creen que deben comportarse de acuerdo con las
enseñanzas de los mandamientos del Salvador? En
cuanto a si se espera que las señoras que trabajan aquí
en la catedral lleven tacones de dos pulgadas, ¡no es
probable! La eternidad vendrá pronto, no hay
necesidad de auto-destrucción.
Dios los bendiga,
Padre John
En anticipo al Día del Padre
Celebra y Alaba con Misión 13:23 el viernes, 10 de junio
de 7 a 9 PM. Admisión es $5.00. Boletos a la venta en St. John
Vianney. Para más información llame a Dc. Jose al 407-855-5391
ext. 304 o Edwin al 407-432-7193.
Sábado, 4 de junio
Centro Familiar
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
5900 Oleander Dr.
8 AM – 5 PM
Costo: $10 (incluye desayuno y almuerzo)
Contactos: Carmen-407-281-9457
Habrá cuido de niños de 3 a 10 años
Corresponsabilidad una forma de vida para un
discípulo agradecido
Colecta: 22 de mayo……$1,811.02
¡Gracias por colocar a Dios primero!

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