20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, August 14th, 2016 Mass


20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, August 14th, 2016 Mass
St. Louis Church
48 West Hollis Street
Nashua, N.H. 03060
Phone: 603-882-4362 * Fax: 603-886-8923
Rev. Marcos Gonzalez-Torres .....................
[email protected]
Richard Desmarais ......................................
[email protected]
Parish Council Members:
Linda Paradise, Carmel Pawlowski,
Jhoanny Marte, Karen Deoleo, Rolande Suchocki,
Eileen McInerney, Ivette Bisono & Julio Munguia
Finance Council Members:
Mrs. Rolande Suchocki - Chairperson,
Mr. Douglas Pratt, Mrs. Denise Barnett , Mr. Raúl Ramírez
Faith Formation Team:
Elia Lerma ....................................................
[email protected]
Mónica Quiñones .........................................
[email protected]
Wendy Ramírez .............................................
[email protected]
Carmen Dussault ..........................................
[email protected]
Office Staff:
Jennifer McInerney .......................................
[email protected]
Amy Buckmire ...............................................
[email protected]
Cemetery Office:
Elizabeth Klamka..........................................
[email protected]
Faith Formation
Youth Minister
Bulletin &
Social Media
Adult Ministry
Pastoral care
Business Manager
Monday – Thursday 9am – 4pm
Closed on Fridays
Monday- Friday: 8:30am (English)
Wednesday: 7:00pm (Español)
Saturday: 4:00pm (English) - 6:00pm (Español)
Sunday: 9:00am (Français & English) -11:00am (English)
In the Church
Saturday: 3:00pm (English & Spanish)
Wednesday: 6:00pm - 6:45pm & by appointment
Wednesdays at St. Aloysius Church
from 9a.m. to 7p.m. (If there is a Funeral Mass,
adoration will commence after Mass.)
Closed if no school
261 Lake St. Nashua, NH 03060 * 603-889-9431
St. Louis,
Old St. Louis,
St. Francis,
St. Stanislaus
Contact: Susan Dignan * 603-882-6372
Emergency Assistance: 603-598-1641
Welcome to our Church family! We’re glad you came to join with us in our worship time today. We hope you come again!
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20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, August 14th, 2016
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
"From now on a household of five will be divided, three
against two and two against three." What a sad image
Jesus paints in today's Gospel. Causing family strife-fathers against sons and mothers against daughters--is
not the effect we like to imagine Jesus having on people.
But as he says today, "Do you think that I have come to
establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather
division." The fact is, and always has been, that not
everyone chooses to follow Christ. This causes conflict.
Perhaps it is most tragic when this tension takes place
within families. When certain members of the family
desire to live a full Christian life, to follow the
commandments and worship God as he asks, this can be
irritating at best and infuriating at worst to other family
members who want nothing to do with Jesus or his
church. But faith must persist in spite of domestic
turmoil. Following Jesus is the ultimate good; preserving
peace is secondary. In a sense, today's Gospel gives
faithful Christians permission to move forward in their
faith even if it doesn't make everybody happy.
However, all of this needs to be understood in the light
of Jesus' desire to bring peace. He often used the
greeting, "Peace be with you," and clearly promised
peace to his disciples. Today's Gospel should not be
taken to mean that Jesus desires division. Rather, he is
acknowledging the fact that division will inevitably result
as people declare their differing allegiances. But
thankfully, when we align ourselves with Christ, we are
also uniting ourselves to the One who can restore peace
even in the midst of conflict. So when we see turmoil
arise, let's call upon the power of the true Prince of
Year of Mercy: Book Discussion
This year’s Book Discussion will be
September 8th 2016,
save the date and get your book now!
As we venture together through this Jubilee Year of Mercy,
why not let the Lord show you His great Love and Mercy
through Pope Francis’s inspiring book,
The Church of Mercy.
We will be sharing how God’s divine Mercy has shined
down upon us through the words of one of the greatest
spiritual teachers, Pope Francis. Book requests are still being
taken by the rectory office.
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20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday, August 14th, 2016
Diocesan policy states that the couple should contact the parish
priest at least six months prior to the wedding before making any
arrangements. Please call the rectory for further information.
For catechesis and preparation information please contact the
office by phone or by email at [email protected].
Confirmation Coordinator Needed
This is an exciting part-time opportunity to help prepare our high
school youth to receive the sacrament of Confirmation
Applicants must have strong knowledge of the Catholic faith,
excellent verbal and written communication skills and the
ability to lead and implement a program in a creative, inspiring
way. If you are interested in applying for this position, please
submit your resume and letter of interest to the business
[email protected].
Mass Intentions:
Monday, August 15th, 2016
8:30am - For all souls in purgatory and sinners of the
Tuesday, August 16th, 2016
8:30am - For all souls in purgatory and sinners of the
Wednesday, August 17th, 2016
8:30am - For all souls
7:00pm - Por todas las almas del purgatorio y los
pecadores del mundo entero
Thursday, August 18th, 2016
8:30am - For all souls in purgatory and sinners of the
Friday, August 19th, 2016
8:30am - For all souls in purgatory and sinners of the
Fred and Gernith Dobson by their
Saturday, August 20th, 2016
4:00pm - Melina Chiasson by Gerard and Doris
Dereck Chaput by the Chaput Family
Readings for the Week of August 14, 2016
Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Ps 40:2-4, 18/Heb 12:1-4/Lk
Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2/Ps 132:6-7, 9
-10, 13-14/1 Cor 15:54b-57/Lk 11:27-28
Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Ps 45:10-12,
16/1 Cor 15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56
Ez 28:1-10/Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35-36/Mt 19:2330
Ez 34:1-11/Ps 23:1-6/Mt 20:1-16
Ez 36:23-28/Ps 51:12-15, 18-19/Mt 22:1-14
Ez 37:1-14/Ps 107:2-9/Mt 22:34-40
Ez 43:1-7a/Ps 85:9-14/Mt 23:1-12
Next Sunday: Is 66:18-21/Ps 117:1-2/Heb 12:5-7, 11-13/Lk
©Liturgical Publications Inc.
6:00pm - Teodora Maria Santos Ferreira
Por todas las almas del purgatorio y los
pecadores del mundo entero
Sunday, August 21st, 2016
9:00am - Joseph Bourgeois by his son (12th
For all souls in purgatory and sinners of the
11:00am - Dora Pelletier by Claire Pelletier (11th
Vivian Guerrette by her loving husband
Sanctuary Lamp:
Church: Armand Farland by the Belanger
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St. Louis Church
The Week Ahead:
Monday, August 15th, 2016
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
9:00am– 6:00pm: Eucharistic Adoration in the Church
6:30pm- 8:30pm: Bible Study (Spanish) in Milette Manor
Tuesday, August 16th, 2016
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
6:00pm: Spanish Choir Practice (Pan Y Vino)
Wednesday, August 17th, 2016
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
Booster Club News
Last week’s winner was Debbie Howard. The
winner received $44.00 and the church received
$66.00. Thank you to those who participate each
week. This is a great fundraiser for our parish. There
are envelopes at each entrance of the church. Pick up
an envelope or two and take a chance. The winner
receives 40% of the amount collected and the parish
receives 60%.
Your Weekly Contributions
August 6th and 7th
Property Management
8:30am: Mass
9:00am– 6:20pm: Eucharistic Adoration in the Church
7:00pm: Mass in Spanish
8:00pm: CERs Meeting in Milette Manor
Thursday, August 18th, 2016
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
Friday, August 19th, 2016
**Cemetery & Rectory Offices Closed**
7:55am - 8:20am: Rosary for the unborn (Church)
8:30am: Mass
6:00pm- 7:30pm: Charismatic Group Meeting in the Church
6:30pm- 8:30pm: Bible Study in Spanish in Milette Manor
7:30pm: Spanish Choir Practice (Voces del Señor)
Saturday, August 20th, 2016
4:00pm- 5:00pm: Mass (English)
6:00pm: Mass (Spanish)
Sunday, August 21st, 2016
10:00am- 4:00pm: CERs Retreat in Milette Manor
9:00am: Mass (French/English Mass)
11:00am: Mass (English)
Thank you for all of the ways you so
generously support our parish! May you be
richly blessed for all that you do.
Annual Celebration for Our Lady
With the Golden Heart
(Our Lady of Beauraing)
August 22, 2016
Where: Immaculate
Conception Church
216 E. Dunstable Rd.,
Nashua, NH 03062
Time: 6:30-8:30
Rosary, Slide Show
Presentation on Our Lady of
Refreshments-Sales Table
(Cash & Checks only)
For information contact Irene
Tremblay, director @
You’re Invited…
…to a special information session for men, and their
wives, interested in the Permanent Diaconate:
Wednesday, August 31 at 7:30 PM at St. Aloysius of
Gonzaga Parish
48 West Hollis Street, Nashua.
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St. Aloysius Parish
Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary.
(Not a Holy Day of
Obligation this year.)
- Solemn Mass 8:30am.
From 9am to 6pm the
Blessed Sacrament will be
exposed ending with
benediction at 6pm.
- Bishop Libasci is urging
all Catholics to pray for
peace on this day.
“Mass will be celebrated with
highest solemnity. Because
the Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary falls on a
Monday this year, the
obligation to attend Mass is
abrogated. However, I urge
all Catholics to make every
attempt to attend Mass that
day regardless.”
- Bishop Libasci
Explaining the Assumption
In 1950, Pope Pius XII, in his encyclical Munificentissimus
Deus, dogmatically defined the Assumption of the Blessed
Virgin Mary. In his teaching he states that "at the end of her
earthly course, Mary was assumed into heavenly glory,
body and soul." He also wrote that it was not new doctrine
he was defining, but rather formalizing the revelation
given us through the Apostles. Interesting to note is that the
encyclical simply speaks of the end of her life and does not
talk about her death. The Church leaves it to pious opinion
and does not have a defined position on if or how Mary
Sponsor of the Week
Charlie’s Diner
“Charlie’s Diner” is named after Kevin Hadley’s son.
Located in beautiful Merrimack, NH, our
establishment serves breakfast and lunch. We also offer
customized catering as well. Open seven days per
week. Breakfast is served all day. Lunch begins at
11am. Fridays we serve fresh haddock. Sundays we
serve breakfast only. Come and enjoy of a delicious
meal. We are located at 600 D. W. Highway,
Merrimack, NH. For more information call us at
Annual Homeschool Mass with
Bishop Libasci
Bishop Peter A. Libasci invites all homeschool
students, parents, instructors and those interested in the
ever-popular, ever-growing homeschool system in
New Hampshire to attend the special annual Mass on
Thursday, September 8, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. at Saint
Joseph Cathedral, 145 Lowell Street, Manchester.
Questions are welcomed by Father Jason Jalbert at
663-0153 or e-mail [email protected].
Corpus Christi Food Pantry
Back to school time is almost here and preparations are
being made to help as many families as possible by
providing children (ages 5 - 18) with new socks and
underwear. The items will be distributed at the end of
August. If you would like to help, you may bring items
directly to the Food Pantry on 43 Franklin St. by
August 19th.. If you have questions, please call
598-1641. Thank you for your help!
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Parroquia San Luis de Gonzaga
La Asuncion de la
Virgen Maria
(La obligacion de asistir a
la misa se suprime)
- La santa misa se
realizara a las 8:30 de
la mañana
- De 9 de la mañana a 6
de la tarde, estara
expuesto en Santisimo
y al final se llevara a
cabo la benediction..
- Nuestro Obispo
Libasci nos pide que
rezemos por la paz este
“La Misa se celebrará con la mayor solemnidad. Debido
a que éste año la Fiesta de la Asunción de la Virgen
María cae en lunes, la obligación de asistir a la misa se
suprime. Sin embargo, insto a todos los católicos a hacer
todo lo posible para asistir a la misa de ese día
- Obispo Libasci
Explicación de la Asunción de la Virgen
En 1950, el Papa Pío XII, en su encíclica dogmática
Deus Munificentissimus, define la Asunción de la Virgen
María. En su enseñanza afirma que "al final de su vida
terrenal, María fue asunta a la gloria celeste, en cuerpo y
alma." También escribió que no era nueva la doctrina
que él estaba definiendo, sino más bien formalización de
la revelación nos han dado a través de los Apóstoles. Es
interesante señalar que la encíclica simplemente habla
del fin de su vida y no habla de su muerte. La Iglesia deja
a la opinión piadosa y no tiene una posición definida
sobre si o cómo María murió.
Favor de comunicarse a la oficina parroquial seis meses antes
de llevarse acabo el evento.
Las charlas pre-bautismales se ofrecen cada 3er sábado del
mes a la 1pm en Milette Manor. Los padres y padrinos deben
asistir. Los bautizos en español son el 2do y 4to domingo del
mes a las 12:30pm. La próxima charla se llevará a cabo el 20
de agosto. Por favor confirme las fechas deseadas antes de
hacer planes.
Radio Inmaculada
Radio Inmaculada te ofrece entrevistas, meditaciones, el
Santo Rosario y mucho más para que puedas adentrarte más
en tu fé. Puedes escuchar Radio Inmaculada a través de
www.radioinmaculada.org, en tu radio 101.9 FM o por
teléfono marcando el número 712-432-7206. También puedes
descargar nuestro app en tu teléfono inteligente.
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
El Movimiento Familiar Cristiano Católico
es un movimiento laico que agrupa familias
católicas, apoyada y con la dirección
espiritual del párroco. Si desea más
información acerca del movimiento, favor
de comunicarse con Ludis al 603-318-9118.
Cursos Bíblicos
¡Participa de los cursos Bíblicos! En ellos
encontrarás el amor de Dios revelado en su
Palabra y descubrirás la alegría de vivir
nuestra fe. Tenemos diferentes horarios
disponibles para poder acomodarnos a tu
Para obtener mas información, por favor comuníquese con
Saúl Lerma al (603) 882-0893.
Para recibir el Santo Rosario en tu hogar communicate con la
Sra. Angelina al 603-589-6079 o con Guadalupe Gómez al
603-598-9788. “María es la mano que nos lleva a su Hijo
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20º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
13 de agosto de 2016
Esta misa es ofrecida:
Por el eterno descanso de Sergio Leon y Migdalia.
En acción de gracias por un año mas de vida de Lucia Salas.
Por las almas del purgatorio y por los pecadores del mundo entero.
Enfermera del Centro Parroquial
Los siguientes eventos son patrocinados por el Hospital St.
Joseph y se llevarán a cabo en el Milette Manor :
Medición de la presión arterial gratis / Consejería de salud.
Todos los miércoles y viernes de 9am-12pm.
Nuestras enfermeras parroquiales están aquí para promover el
bienestar, la salud, la curación y la integridad del cuerpo,
mente y espíritu. Podemos ayudarle a controlar su presión
arterial, ofrecer apoyo en la toma de decisiones sobre la
atención sanitaria, y la presencia social, el conocimiento y la
Jubileo de la Misericordia:
Noche de Reflexión y Discusión
Mientras caminamos juntos por éste
Jubileo de la Misericordia, ¿porque no
deja que nuestro Señor le enseñe su
gran Amor y Misericordia a través de
las palabras del Papa Francisco en su
libro inspirador,
La Iglesia de la Misericordia?
Por favor, acompáñenos el 7 de septiembre del 2016, a una
noche de reflexión y discusión, donde podremos compartir
como la Misericordia Divina se ha derramado en nuestras
vidas por medio de las palabras de uno de los mejores
maestros espirituales, el Papa Francisco.
Si gusta participar en esta noche de reflexión y discusión,
puede comprar su copia de este libro en la oficina parroquial.
Grupo de Oración Carismático
Se les hace una cordial invitación a una
noche de alabanza y oración el 26 de Agosto
con nuestro invitado especial:
Angolino Russso!
El grupo de oración carismático de la
parroquia se reúne todos los viernes de 6pm a 7:30pm en la
Iglesia. Cada reunión comenzamos con el rezo del Santo Rosario y Adoración Eucarística. ¡No faltes! Dios tiene grandes
bendiciones para ti. Señor!
Lecturas para la semana del
14 de agosto de 2016
Jr 38, 4-6. 8-10/Sal 40, 2-4. 18/Heb
12, 1-4/Lc 12, 49-53
Vigilia: 1 Cr 15, 3-4. 15-16; 16, 1-2/
Sal 132, 6-7. 9-10. 13-14/1 Cor 15, 54
-57/Lc 11, 27-28
Misa del día: Ap 11, 19; 12, 1-6. 10/
Sal 45, 10-12. 16/1 Cor 15, 20-27/Lc
1, 39-56
Ez 28, 1-10/Dt 32, 26-28. 30. 35-36/
Mt 19, 23-30
Ez 34, 1-11/Sal 23, 1-6/Mt 20, 1-16
Ez 36, 23-28/Sal 51, 12-15. 18-19/Mt
22, 1-14
Ez 37, 1-14/Sal 107, 2-9/Mt 22, 34-40
Ez 43, 1-7/Sal 85, 9-14/Mt 23, 1-12
Domingo siguiente: Is 66, 18-21/Sal 117, 1-2/Heb 12, 5
-7. 11-13/Lc 13, 22-30
©Liturgical Publications Inc.
Estás invitado…
...A un período extraordinario de sesiones de
información para los hombres, y sus mujeres,
interesados en el Diaconado Permanente: la reunion
será el miércoles, 31 de agosto a las 7:30 pm aqui en
San Luis de Gonzaga
Éste taller le ayudará a obtener más información acerca
de esta vocación y el proceso de solicitud. Los
formularios de solicitud están disponibles en la página
web diocesana: www.catholicnh.org.
Cursos de Preparación para el
Sacramento de Confirmación
Si usted es un adulto que ya ha sido bautizado, recibido
su Primera Comunión, y practica su fe Católica pero
aún no ha recibido el Sacramento de Confirmación, le
hacemos una cordial invitación a nuestra primera clase
de preparación el Sabado 17 de Septiembre de 4pm a
6pm en Milette Manor. Para obtener más información
y registrarse por favor comuníquense con Wendy
Ramirez por teléfono al 603-882-4362 ext. 203 o por
correo electrónico [email protected].
Oremos que a través del Sacramento
de la Confirmación podamos crecer
en amor y en unión con nuestro Señor,
nuestra comunidad parroquial, y con
la Iglesia por medio de la infusión del
Espíritu Santo.
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