Publications of PROEVAL RAXMU Bird Monitoring Program


Publications of PROEVAL RAXMU Bird Monitoring Program
List of publications with participation of PROEVAL RAXMU Bird Monitoring Program
December 2012
Publications in journals
Books and book chapters
Enríquez, P. L., K. Eisermann & H. Mikkola (2012) Los búhos de México y
Centroamérica: necesidades en investigación y conservación.
Ornitología Neotropical 23, Suppl.: 251-264.
Schulz, U. & K. Eisermann (2012) Morphologische Unterscheidung von
Guatemala-Quetzal Pharomachrus mocinno und Costa-RicaQuetzal P. costaricensis anhand der Schmuckfedern.
Ornithologischer Anzeiger 51: 70-74.
Eisermann, K. & S. N. G. Howell (2011). Vocalizations of the Guatemalan
Pygmy-Owl (Glaucidium cobanense). Journal of Raptor
Research 45: 304-314.
Eisermann, K., S. Arbeiter, G. López, C. Avendaño & J. d. León Lux
(2011) Distribution, habitat use, and implications for the
conservation of the globally threatened Azure-rumped Tanager
Tangara cabanisi in Guatemala. Bird Conservation
International 21: 423-437.
Eisermann, K., S. Arbeiter, G. López, C. Avendaño, J. de León Lux, A.
Burge, A. de León Lux & E. Buchán (2011). Nesting ecology of
the Endangered Azure-rumped Tanager (Tangara cabanisi) in
Guatemala. Ornitología Neotropical 22: 39-57.
Eisermann, K., G. López, J. Berry, J. de León Lux & A. Burge (2011)
Vocalisations and juvenile plumage of the Azure-rumped
Tanager. Cotinga 33: 23-26.
Eisermann, K. & C. Avendaño (2009) Conservation priority-setting in
Guatemala through the identification of Important Bird Areas.
Proceedings of the Fourth International Partners in Flight
Conference, Tundra to Tropics: 315-327.
Eitniear, J. C. & K. Eisermann (2009) Status and recent sightings of
Ocellated Quail. International Journal of Galliformes
Conservation 1: 85-93.
Eisermann, K. (2009) Abundance of shorebirds on the Caribbean coast of
Guatemala. Waterbirds 32: 337-344. Abstract
Eisermann, K. & K. Omland (2007) Coloration anomaly of a male Collared
Trogon (Trogon collaris). Acta Zoológica Mexicana (n.s.) 23(2):
Eisermann, K., A. Burge & G. López (2007) Nesting records of Horned
Guan (Oreophasis derbianus) on Atitlán volcano, Guatemala.
Bulletin of the IUCN / BIRDLIFE / WPA Cracid Specialist
Group 23: 13-24.
Eisermann, K. & D. M. Brooks (2006) Unusual and noteworthy nesting
records for Guatemala. Cotinga 26: 48-51.
Grijalva, B. & K. Eisermann (2006) Observación de un inmaduro de
Morphnus guianensis en Tikal, Petén, Guatemala. Pato-Poc 3:
Heinrichs, N., K. Eisermann & C. Avendaño (2006) Conteo de aves
rapaces migratorias en la vertiente pacífica de Guatemala en
octubre y noviembre 2005. Pato-Poc 3: 10-17.
Eisermann, K. (2005) An observation of foliage-bathing by an Orangebreasted Falcon (Falco deiroleucus) in Tikal, Guatemala.
Wilson Bulletin 117: 415-418.
Eisermann, K. & U. Schulz (2005) Birds of a high-altitude cloud forest in
Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Revista de Biología Tropical 53:
Eisermann, K. (2005) Noteworthy bird observations in Alta Verapaz,
Guatemala. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 125: 311.
Eisermann, K. & C. Avendaño (2004) American White Pelican Pelecanus
erythrorhynchos in interior Guatemala. Cotinga 22: 98-99.
Eisermann, K. & U. Schulz (2002) Ermittlung von Vogel-Zielarten für ein
Regenwaldschutzprojekt. (Bird target species for a rain forest
conservation project.) Beiträge für Forstwirtschaft und
Landschaftsökologie 36: 14-17.
Schulz, U. & K. Eisermann (2001) Significant Resplendent Quetzal
Pharomachrus mocinno population found in an unprotected
forest in Guatemala. Cotinga 15: 4.
Eisermann, K. & C. Avendaño (2009) Guatemala. Pp. 235-242 In: C.
Devenish, D. F. Diaz Fernández, R. P. Clay, I. Davidson & I. Y.
Zabala (eds.) Important Bird Areas Americas, priority sites for
biodiversity conservation. BirdLife Conservation Series 16.
Birdlife International, Quito, Ecuador.
Eisermann, K. & C. Avendaño (2007) Lista comentada de las aves de
Guatemala - Annotated checklist of the birds of Guatemala.
Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, Spain.
Eisermann, K. & C. Avendaño (2006) Diversidad de aves en Guatemala,
con una lista bibliográfica. Pp. 525-623 In: E. Cano (ed.)
Biodiversidad de Guatemala, Vol. 1. Universidad del Valle de
Guatemala, Guatemala.
Eisermann, K., N. Herrera & O. Komar (2006) Highland Guan (Penelopina
nigra). Pp. 85-90 In: D. M. Brooks (ed.) Conserving Cracids:
the most threatened family of birds in the Americas.
Miscellaneous Publications of the Houston Museum of Natural
Science 6.
Popular scientific publications
Eisermann, K. (2011) Azure-rumped Tanager Tangara cabanisi: from
ornithological enigma to conservation flagship. Neotropical
Birding 9: 44-50.
Howell, S. N. G. & K. Eisermann (2011) Guatemalan Pygmy-Owl
Glaucidium cobanense is a good species. Neotropical Birding
9: 74-76.
Eisermann, K. (2011) Citizen science in the ornithology of a developing
country: Christmas Bird Counts in Guatemala. Birding 43: 3847.
Eisermann, K. (2010) Citizen Science: Bestandserfassungen in
Guatemala. Falke 57: 202-207.
Eisermann, K. & C. Avendaño (2009) Important Bird Areas of the
Neotropics: Guatemala. Neotropical Birding 5: 4-11.
Eisermann, K. (2008) Zerstörung der Natur aufhalten - nicht nur vor der
eigenen Haustür: NABU-Regionalverband Erzgebirge
unterstützt Schutz des Nebelwaldes in den Yalijux Bergen.
NABU-Report Sachsen 2008: 35-36.
Eisermann, K. (2007) Important Bird Areas in Guatemala. Winging It 19,
no.5: 11.
Eisermann, K. (2007) Vogelreichtum in Guatemala: endemische Arten,
IBAs und nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung. Falke 54: 385-391.
Eisermann, K. (2005) Bericht über das Vogelmonitoring in Guatemala.
Rundschreiben des Vereins Sächsischer Ornithologen 24: 1517.
Eisermann, K. (2003) Vom Aussterben bedroht: Die Große
Gelbkopfamazone in Guatemala. Gefiederte Welt 127: 206207.
Schulz, U. & K. Eisermann (2001) Kolibri-Beobachtungen in einer
Nebelwaldregion Guatemalas. Gefiederte Welt 125: 340-342.
Online publications
Eisermann, K. (2012) Highland Guan (Penelopina nigra), Neotropical Birds
Online (T. S. Schulenberg, Editor). Cornell Lab of Ornithology,
Ithaca, NY. Online:
Eisermann, K. (2011) Azure-rumped Tanager (Tangara cabanisi),
Neotropical Birds Online (T. S. Schulenberg, Editor). Cornell
Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY. Online:

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