Diego Laínez (1512-1565) and his Generalate


Diego Laínez (1512-1565) and his Generalate
Diego Laínez (1512-1565)
and his Generalate
Jesuit with Jewish Roots,
Close Confidant of Ignatius of Loyola,
Preeminent Theologian of the Council of Trent
Paul Oberholzer S.J. (ed.)
Diego Laínez (1512-1565) came from a Castilian family of Jewish origins. His studies at
the renowned universities of Alcalá de Henares and Paris prepared him for an outstanding academic career. In 1533 he joined Ignatius of Loyola and became one of the first
Jesuits. He was valued for his intellectual gifts both within and outside the Society of
Right after his arrival in Rome at the end of 1537 Pope Paul III commissioned him to
teach at the Roman La Sapienza University. An acknowledged expert on Reformation
and Catholic doctrines, he participated in all three periods of the Council of Trent as
well as in the Colloquy at Poissy. He was also a popular preacher. Autocratic rulers and
the councils of Italian city states sought his help in church reform and the foundation
of Jesuit residences. During his generalate
Ignatius increasingly sought his counsel
and prepared him as his successor. No Jesuit stood closer to Ignatius than Diego Laínez. His influence can be found in elements
of Ignatius’s way of governance.
Thus the generalate of Laínez can be seen
as a development of Ignatian intentions.
Laínez published nothing during his lifetime. Many sermon manuscripts and letters
lie unread in the Archives of the Society of
Jesus in Rome. The task of this book is to
assemble current knowledge and scholarship about Diego Laínez and to encourage
new and deeper studies of his life and his
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ISBN 978-88-7041-376-2
Colored Illustrations
Pp. 1.074 + XX
euro 60,00
e-mail: [email protected]
Table of Contents
Some thoughts of the Present General, Adolfo Nicolas S.J.
Repaso al tiempo fundacional de la Compañía de Jesús, Paul Oberholzer S.J.
El círculo de los primeros compañeros y las competencias
en el establecimiento de la nueva Orden, Paul Oberholzer S.J.
Itinerario biográfico, Javier Cia Blasco S.J.
Desafíos y exigencias frente a un nuevo descubrimiento de Diego Laínez, Paul Oberholzer S.J.
Diego Laínez in Porträt und Allegorie, Sibylle Appuhn-Radtke
Diego Laínez nella storiografia gesuitica antica e recente:
alcune osservazioni, Robert Danieluk S.J.
„... todos los males y perturbaciones de la Compañía han venido de ellos“.
Reflexiones acerca del giro anti-converso en la Compañía de Jesús, Mariano Delgado
Italien um die Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts. Ein historischer Überblick, Volker Reinhardt
Waiting on the Shore: The Society of Jesus in the British Isles and Ireland (1556-1565),
Thomas McCoog S.J.
The Jesuits in the Netherlands during the generalate of Diego Laínez, Paul Begheyn S.J.
Diego Laínez e Carlo Borromeo, Flavio Rurale
Diego Laínez y Francisco de Borja. Éxitos y fracasos de una relación difícil,
Enrique García Hernán
Relaciones entre Diego Laínez y Felipe II, Ignacio Vila S.J.
“La scuola del mondo, dove l’uomo impara”. Le lettere di Antonio Possevino inviate
a Giacomo Laínez dal Piemonte (1560-1561), Alberto Castaldini
“A true Israelite in whom there is nothing false”. The controversy over the Jewish ancestry
of Diego Laínez, Robert A. Maryks
Gesuiti a Milano. Strategie urbanistiche, scelte architettoniche e confronti politici nell’etá
di Diego Laínez, Andrea Spiriti
Laínez und das Konzil von Trient. Ein Überblick, Niccolo Steiner S.J.
Das Konzil von Trient im Spiegel der ordensinternen Korrespondenz, Paul Oberholzer S.J.
Laínez e l’arte. All’origine della concezione dell’arte nella Compagnia di Gesù, Lydia Salviucci Insolera
Die Gesellschaft Jesu in den frühen Quellen des franziskanischen Reformordens der Kapuziner,
Niklaus Kuster O.F.M.Cap.
Laínez and the Schools in Europe, Paul Grendler
Il teatro dei Gesuiti dal 1548 al 1565, Mirella Saulini
Un catechismo per li todeschi. Per un’archeologia della Summa doctrinae christianae,
Patrizio Foresta
Arte y jesuitismo en España en época de Diego Laínez. Problemas y reflexiones sobre su figura,
Borja Franco
Die Pflege des kanonischen Rechts im Collegium Romanum, Georg Schmidt S.J.
Briefkultur als integratives Element vor der Herausforderung eines globalen Sendungsauftrages
im Kontext sich wandelnder Herrschaftskonzepte im spanischen Weltreich, Paul Oberholzer S.J.
Diego Laínez, das Collegium Germanicum und die Priesterausbildung zur Zeit des Trienter
Konzils, Urban Fink
Diego Lainez und das Heilige Römische Reich deutscher Nation, Franz Brendle
Les missions d’Afrique sous le généralat de Diego Laínez. Entre pragmatisme et adaptation,
Hervé Pennec
Les jésuites et la Chine à l’époque de Diego Laínez, Matthieu Bernhardt
Laínez and Missionary activity through the Province of the Indies, Christopher Shelke S.J.

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