August 16, 2015 - St. Vincent de Paul, Pampa


August 16, 2015 - St. Vincent de Paul, Pampa
August 15th & 16th, 2015
Mass Intentions for the Week
August 15th
Sat. 5:30 p.m.
+Sara Ontiveros
August 16th
Sun 9:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
+Mary & Aaron Anderwald
Parish Family
August 17th NO MASS
August 18th
Tues. 7:00 p.m.
+Rosaura G. Salazar, +Anita C.
Lopez, & +Hector C. Torres
August 19th
Wed 5:30 p.m.
Special Intention
August 20th
Thurs 7:00 a.m.
Special Intention
August 21st
Fri. 8:30 a.m.
+Nayely Rivas
August 22nd
Sat. 5:30 p.m.
+Bill Toten & +Felipe Martinez
August 23rd
9:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Parish Family
+Americo M. Rivera
Amount needed each week for
expenses 5500.00
Regular Collection 5148.03
Children's 98.35
Black & Native Americans 846.57
“All the tithe of the land,
whether in grain from the fields or
in fruit from the trees, belongs to
the Lord, as sacred to him.” Lv
August Second collections
Defalco Retreat Center
Mon-Fri. 9 a.m. –5p.m.
Closed for Lunch 12-1
Parish Secretary:
Director of Religious Education:
Finance Council President:
Parish Council President:
Parish Maintenance:
Youth Minister
Delma Sanchez
Marian Dawes
Adriana Villarreal
Michael Zemanek
Dan Morrison
Uriel Diaz
Patty Davis
Reconciliation (Confession)
Saturdays: 4:30 p.m. or by appointment
Anointing of the Sick ….contact office
Marriage: Please notify the office six months in
advance. No date will be confirmed until the couple
has met with the priests.
Baptism: Parents and Godparents are required to
attend a Baptismal class. Instructions every other
month. In Spanish call the parish office to register.
English Class call Joe & Edie Mechelay at 665-5601.
RCIA (Adults) is open to non Catholics who wish
to learn more about the Catholic Faith, and Catholics who have not celebrated the sacraments. Contact Aloise Martin at 883-4901 or Peggy Rodriguez
at 669-2683.
RCIC (Children) is offered during the school year.
Contact Marian Dawes on Thurs. or Fridays at 6658933.
We Celebrate the Eucharist
Weekday: Tuesday 7:00 p.m. (Spanish); Wednesday 5:30 p.m.; Thursday 7:00 a.m.; Friday 8:30
Weekend: Saturday Vigil at 5:30 p.m. Sunday Masses at 9:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. in Spanish
Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
(Blessing at 5:00 p.m.)
St. Vincent de Paul Parish Pampa Tx
Diocese of Amarillo Bishop Patrick J. Zurek
Pastor Rev. Francisco Pérez &
Parochial Vicar Rev. Roy Kafula
810 W. 23rd Pampa Texas 79065 Phone: 665-8933
Fax: 806-665-2840
Email: [email protected]
Sunday of
Ordinary time
August 16th, 2015
August 15th & 16th, 2015
PLEASE PRAY FOR….those who are sick or suffering in any
way, we especially remember at this time: Myra Jimenez, Odis
Qualls, Heraclia Gomez , Jim Eakin, Lou Ann Robertson, Martin
Moreno Jr., Myriam M. Moreno, Israel Martinez, Julia Leal,
Philipa Martinez, Rosie Garcia & family, Adrian & Oscar Rojas,
Carol Watkins, Cindy Lanier, Clara Cruz, Laura Mejia, Ana Quesada, Alva
Riojas, Clarabel Hernandez , B.J. Coats, Becci Crain, Rikki Earnest, Susan
Bromlow, Olivia Hernandez, Michel Wiley, Vicki Davis , Gabriela Foster,
Alberto Gonzales , Maribel Villarreal, Raul Zubia, Juanita Cruz, Joanna
Ruiz, Mary Ann Ebenkamp , Mary Ann Ball, Gonzalo Tarango, Jim Lummus, Bertha Velasquez , Brody Gilbert, Special Intention for people suffering with Heart Disease
Call the Parish office at 665-8933
Benefit Game Night for
Labor Day Weekend Picnic and Parish Fund
-Raiser Nazareth Community Hall and SurBritteny Huseman
rounding Area
Saturday, August 29th
The event will kick off with a Parade at 10:00
5:00 p.m.—11:00 p.m.
a.m. This year’s theme: “Holdin” On Hangin’
At St. Vincent de Paul PEC
In, Hand-in-Hand!”
Games and activities for all ages– entry
Parade entries will be judged, and prizes
fee per game
awarded to the 1st, 2nd & 3rd
Supper will be provided
place winners
Silent Auction and Raffle—donations
Bake Shoppe, Adult Raffle, Adult Bingo, and
are welcome!!
Cow Patty Bingo begin after the Parade
For questions or donations, please conRoast Beef Lunch, Children's Games and
Water Events run from 12:00 noon-4:00
Dawn Ramaekers—6796934 or Pamela p.m., as well as the Children's Raffle and
McDowell 662-0648
Children’s Bingo
Donations are also being accepted at
Happy State Bank. Ask for Andy and
Hamburger Supper may be enjoyed from
Britteny Huseman’s account ending in 5:00 p.m..—8:00 p.m. In the Community
Hall. 5.00 each double
Interested in Becoming Catholic?
We will begin a new year in RCIA on September 9th at 7:15 pm in the
conference room of the Church office.
We would like to invite you to attend this process if you are interested
in joining the Church or if you are already in communion with us and
have questions about things you may not fully understand. Perhaps
we can answer some of your questions. Please feel free to join us.
For information please call,
Aloise Martin 883-4901
Sherrie Nicolet 440-4175
Peggy Rodriguez 669-2683
Thursday August 20th, 7:00 a.m. Mass
5-6:30 p.m. Por Que Ser Católico—conf rm
6:30 p.m. Cursillos—chapel
6:30 p.m. Pacheco Children’s Choir
8:30 p.m. Wedding practice—church
Friday August 21st, 8:30 a.m. Mass
9 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Adoration
Saturday August 22nd, 5:30 p.m. Mass
4:30 p.m. Confessions
August 23rd 9:30 a.m. Mass &
12:00 p.m. Sp.
Registrations for Faith Formation
10:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study
Come and join us in some
St. Vincent’s Feast
September 27th, 2015
10:30 a.m. Bilingual
EVERYONE is invited to
help us in planning this
in honor of our Patron Saint, St. Vincent
de Paul. We will begin with a meeting
on Tuesday September 18th, at 6:00 p.m.
in the conference room. Spread the word
and bring a fellow parishioner to the
meeting. We need everyone’s ideas!
Let’s all get involved and make this day
August 16th 9:30 a.m. Mass &
12:00 p.m. Sp.
Registrations for Faith Formation after Both
10:30 a.m. Adult Bible Study
Monday August 17th , NO Mass
6:30 p.m. Prayer Group Choir -church
Tuesday August 18th, 7:00 p.m. Sp. Mass
6:00 p.m. St. Vincent’s Feast Day planning
meeting—conference room
7:30 p.m. Prayergroup—church
Wednesday August 19th 5:30 p.m. Mass
7-9 p.m. Waterpark Fun Night
7:30 p.m. Finance Council meeting
at the Aquatic H20
Waterpark on Wednesday
August 19th, from
7-9 pm.
Please join us, we look
forward to seeing you!!!
Reconciliation is every Saturday at
4:30 p.m. at the church or by
August 15th & 16th, 2015
MEAL TEAMS NEEDED! Please contact Patty Davis 806-662-1540 or
[email protected] if YOU OR
“Faith is strengthened when it is given away to others!” Pope St.
YOUR GROUP would be willing to
John the Great.
provide/help with the weekly meal! This MINISTRY
One of the greatest blessings that can occur in our lives comes after
is VERY important to our youth! Many
we ‘give away our faith’ by introducing or teaching someone about
of them come straight from school acthe Love of god given to us in and through Jesus Christ. The Faith
Formation department is looking for parishioners to fulfill the role
of Sunday morning catechists for our children. Please contact Marian Dawes at 440-3469 or via email at [email protected]
August 16th Through August 23h, 2015
Registration for Faith Formation
will begin on this weekend after Masses
If your child is in the second or seventh grades, we
will need their baptismal certificates along with
their registration form.
Registration fee is $20 for the first child and $15
for 2nd, etc.
We will NOT offer PK classes beginning this
year!!! Classes are Kindergarten thru 12th grade.
Marian Dawes is the director of Faith
Formation and can be contacted at
the parish office on Thursday’s.
Women's Council
Flea Market News
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who made this year's
Women's Council Flea Market a huge success.
We made $6,100.00. Plus we still have a little coming
in. A special thank you to the women and men who
worked all week setting up everything. Also thanks to
our Parish family and community who donated items
and shopped. Thanks to the ladies and the youth
who worked on the sale days. Thanks to the parishioners that made cash donations. Also, thanks to the
men who handled the heavy stuff for us. Thanks to
the Salvation Army for picking up what was left.
Thank the Lord for perfect weather. Thank ALL OF
YOU so much for helping to make this year's sale a
huge success.
Parish Office Hours
School will be starting , registration for Faith Formation is beginning, summer is ending soon.
The parish office will resume regular business
hours beginning on the week of the August 24th.
We will open at 9:00 a.m. until 5 p.m. Monday
thru Friday, with a lunch break from 12-1 p.m.
Sunday Prv 9:1‐6; Ps 34:2‐7; Eph 5:15‐20; Jn 6:51‐58
Monday Jgs 2:11‐19; Ps 106:34‐37,39‐40,43‐44;
Mt 19:16‐22
Tuesday Jgs 6:11‐24; Ps 85:9,11‐14; Mt 19:23‐30
Wednesday Jgs 9:6‐15; Ps 21:2‐7; Mt 20:1‐16
Thursday Jgs 11:29‐39; Ps 40:5,7‐10; Mt 22:1‐14
Friday Ru 1:1, 3‐6, 14‐16, 22; Ps 146:5‐10; Mt 22:34‐40
Saturday Ru 2:1‐3, 8‐11; 4:13‐17; Ps 128:1‐5;
Mt 23:1‐12
Sunday Jos 24:1‐2,15‐18; Ps 34:2‐3,16‐21;
Eph 5:21‐32; Jn 6:60‐69
How did Jesus deal with the Law of the Old Covenant?
"Do not think", says Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount, "that I
have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I
have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them" (Mt 5:17).
Jesus, being a faithful Jew, lived according to the ethical ideas
and requirements of his time. But on a series of issues he departed from a literal, merely formal interpretation of the Law.
How are we saved?
No man can save himself. Christians believe that they are
saved by God, who for this purpose sent his Son Jesus Christ
into the world. For us salvation means that we are freed by
the Holy Spirit from the power of sin and have been brought
back from the realm of death to a life without end, a life in
God's presence. Paul observes: "All have sinned and fall short
of the glory of God" (Rom 3:23). Sin cannot exist in the presence of God, who is justice and goodness through and
through. If sin is worth nothing, what about the sinner, then?
In his love, God found a way by which he destroys sin but
saves the sinner. He makes him "right" again, that is to say,
righteous or just. That is why from ancient times salvation has
also been called justification. We are not made just by our
own power. A man can neither forgive his own sins nor rescue
himself from death. For that, God has to act on our behalf out
of mercy, not because we could deserve or merit it. In Baptism, God grants us "the righteousness of God through faith in
Jesus Christ" (Rom 3:22). Through the Holy Spirit, who is
poured out into our hearts, we take part in the death and Resurrection of Christ we die to sin and are born to new life in
God. The divine gifts of faith, hope, and charity come over us
and make us able to live in the light and to obey God's will.
CCC section (1987-1995)
Registraciones para formación de Fe empezaran Agosto 16
después de Misa.
Si su hijo/a estén en los gradaos Segundo o Séptimo grado,
Necesitamos certificado de Bautismo junto con la forma de
Corta de registración es de $20 por el primer niños y $15 por
el segundo ect.
Ano nuevo para La Formación de Fe
No habrá clases de Pre-K este ano Las clases serán de Kínder
al Séptimo ano.
Visita de la imagen de Nuestra Señora de
Guadalupe a su casa.
El ministerio de guadalupanos ofrece el servicio de organizar a las diferentes casas que
desean la visita de la imagen de la virgen de
Guadalupe, por varios años esta imagen ha visitado las casas
en las que se le pone en un lugar con flores y se encienden
veladoras a la hora de rezar el Santo Rosario. Tenemos muchos testimonios de cómo esta visita atrae la presencia de la
madre de Cristo y viene armonía a nuestros hogares, paz a
nuestras almas y un sin número de testimonios en los que los
favores alcanzados por la santísima virgen nos dan el consuelo de Dios y la ayuda de su providencia. Si desea usted esta
visita no dude en contactar a las guadalupanas al entrada de la
iglesia a la salida de misa de 12 del día. Necesita algún favor
especial, se siente triste y desanimado, necesita esperanzas en
su vida, necesita salud bienestar y consuelo, no deje de acudir
a la santísima virgen María, que su intercesión y su amor
maternal alcanzarán todos los bienes y gracias que necesitamos de Dios.
Preparación Para Bautismo en Español
Las instrucciones para papas y padrinos serán el 5 de Sept. a las
7:00 p.m. en la oficina de la parroquia. Los padrinos ya deben haber
recibido los sacramentos de Confirmación y Primera Comunión, y si
son casados deben serlo en el Sacramento de la Iglesia Católica.
Este programa es obligatorio para quienes no lo hayan tobado antes.
Seria muy bueno tomarlo durante el embarazo. Para reservaciones
llamar a la oficina 665-8933.
Los niños no son admitidos a la clase porque distraen la sesion, por favor no los traiga.
16 de agosto al 23 agosto, 2015
Domingo Pr 9:1‐6; Sal 34:2‐7; Ef 5:15‐20; Jn 6:51‐58
Lune Jue 2:11‐19; Sal 106:34‐37,39‐40,43‐44;Mt 19:16‐22
Martes Jue 6:11‐24; Sal 85:9,11‐14; Mt 19:23‐30
Miércole Jue 9:6‐15; Sal 21:2‐7; Mt 20:1‐16
Jueves Jue 11:29‐39; Sal 40:5,7‐10; Mt 22:1‐14
Viernes Rt 1:1, 3‐6, 14‐16, 22; Sal 146:5‐10; Mt 22:34‐40
Sábado Rt 2:1‐3, 8‐11; 4:13‐17; Sal 128:1‐5; Mt 23:1‐12
Domingo Jos 24:1‐2,15‐18; Sal 34:2‐3,
¿Se viste usted adecuadamente
para la Misa?
Septiembre esta muy cerca y eso quiere decir que la Fiesta de San Vicente esta cerca. La
Celebración será Dios mediante el día Domingo 27 de Septiembre en honor a nuestro Patrón
San Vicente de Paul. Con esto en mente invitamos a todos los presidente o sus delegados de
los grupos parroquiales a una reunión para organizar la fiesta a 18 de Agosto a las de la tarde
en el salón de conferencias de la oficina. También a cualquier persona que este interesada en
participar en esta gran celebración es bienvenida y se le anima a asistir. Gracias por venir y
compartir sus ideas con todos. Mas información estará disponible en el boletín de la próxima
semana o por via flocknote.
Altar Servers
E. Ministros
August 22nd, Saturday 5:30 p.m.
Dan Morrison
Joe Martinez
Kenny Gerber
Doretta Gerber
August 23rd, Sunday 9:30 a.m. Mass
Veronica Arreola
Mark McVay
Ginger McVay
Brad Hadley
Aloise Martin
Jack Albracht
Mike Dunigan
Roger Davenport
Felipe Balderrama
Misael Balderrama
Kristopher Boyd
Rudy Munoz
Will Weiman
Brody Gilbert
Uriel Soto
Julia Soto
August 23rd, Sunday 12:00 p.m. Noon Spanish Mass
Cristina Hernandez
Maria Rivera
Rogerio Recendiz
Javier Gonzalez
Isabel Ortega
Jaime Mejia
Maria Brito
Jesus Santacruz
Jorge Brito
Martin Perez
Martina Miranda
Cynthia Davila
Cristobal Madrid
Esmeralda Madrid

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