Laptops for loan


Laptops for loan
Print settings: Laptops for loan
Print settings:
Laptops for loan
Before sending jobs to print it is necessary to set up the print profile that will allow to identify the print jobs sent by
each user.
To do this, go to the “Dispositivos e impresoras” option on the start menu:
Dispositivos e
Start menu
Once you have opened the panel with the list of available printers, go to the printing preferences to set up the
printer (RICOH CRAI PLANTA 1 en impresioncrai, RICOH CRAI PLANTA 2 en impresioncrai, RICOH CRAI PLANTA 3 en
1º- Place the mouse cursor over the printer to be configured and click with the right mouse button. On the
displayed options, click on “Establecer como impresora predeterminada”:
Print settings: Laptops for loan
2º- Again, place the mouse cursor over the printer that you select previously and click with the right mouse
button. On the displayed options, click on “Preferencias de impresión”:
3º- Click on “Detalles” on the displayed window:
Print settings: Laptops for loan
4º- A new window will open, where you must change the default user and password for
those of your choice (at the "Photocopying / Printing" service, the "username" entered will be used to
identify the print job sent and "password" to unlock the job and print it).
5º- Once you have changed the username and password, click on “Accept”.
6º- On the “Preferencias de impresión” window:
First: click on “Aplicar”.
Second: click “Aceptar”
Now the printer is set up to print properly.
Print settings: Laptops for loan
IMPORTANT: You must successfully complete these steps before sending a job to print; otherwise, you will not be
able to retrieve the sent print job.
If you find that the buttons on the copier (“copiadora”) or the printer (“impresora”) at
the “Photocopying/Printing Service” have a red light, follow these steps:
Press the button on the copier or printer, depending on where red light is.
Cancelar todos los trabajos
Sí - salir

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