January 17, 2016: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


January 17, 2016: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 23
4:00 pm
St. Rose Community Mass
January 24
8:00 am
January 24
10:00 am
24 Enero
12:00 pm
Altar Servers/
Ashanti Quezada
Ian Quezada
Katie Godin
Jacob Godin
Lars Menigoz
JB Rojo
Ricardo Valtierra
Albert Valladares
Neda Fernandez
Ricardo Cruz
Linda Kerness
Janet Hanson
Judy Smead
Isidoro Fernandez
Guadalupe Fernandez
de la
* Fran Power
* Cookie Peak
John Rogers
* Joanne Whitman
* Ron O’Connell
Mickey Kreissler
Donna Worth
* Nick Blanchette
* Nathan Blanchette
Marc Fisher
Kris Fisher
* Rosario Lira
* Emma Elvir
Kathy Griffiths
Rosa Chavez
Ma Neda Fernandez
Antonio Elvir
Alejandro Quezada
Bertha Aviles
Bob Pfeiffer
Ken Posing
Gary Pommier
Deborah Leach
Donnarae Hasik
Frank Hasik
Steve Kelley
Jerry Kuntz
Serafin Lopez
Patricia Martinez
Octavio Garcia
Norma Lopez
Altar Linens/
Lienzos Para el Altar
Sharon Jackson
Azzarelli Clinic:
Tuesday, Wednesday ,Thursday
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Martes, Miercoles, Jueves
 Registered Nurse
Clinic opens at 8:00am
Clinic opens at 12 noon
 Doctor Day
2-4:00 pm
Come no later than 12:30. No appointments, first come, first
Friday/Viernes—Jan. 15
 St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry 9:00 am—12 noon
Jackson Smith
Judi Buchholz
Ed Menigoz
Jose Gaytan
Donna Vela
Elias and Silvina Cortes
Catherine VanVoorhis
Cindy Jamnik
Rosalyn Szymborski
Annette Koerner
Juan Toledo
Rosa Toledo
Barb Soucie
Cecilia Morales
Pope Francis’
Prayer for the
Year of Mercy
Lord Jesus Christ,
You have taught us to
be merciful like the
heavenly Father,
and have told us that
whoever sees you,
sees him.
Show us your face
and we will be saved.
4:00 p.m.
Jan. 16, 2016 Community Mass at St. Rose
Gerald & Helene O’Malley (Parish Family)
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Jan. 17, 2016
† Tony Jamnik (Family)
For All the parishioners of St. Teresa,
St. Martin, & St. Rose
† Cornelio Garcia (Children)
Jan. 18, 2015—No Mass
Jan. 19, 2015—No Mass
8:00 a.m.
Jan. 20, 2015
† Walter “Bud” Fraser (Mrs. Barbara Azzarelli)
8:00 a.m.
Jan. 21, 2015
† Maria Arocha (George & Beth Arocha)
8:00 a.m.
Jan. 22, 2016
Barb Soucie (Parish Family)
4:00 p.m.
Jan. 23, 2016 Community Mass at St. Rose
For All the Parishioners of St. Teresa,
St. Martin, & St. Rose
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Jan. 24, 2016
† Bob Hisel (Francis & Bill Powers)
† David Suddick (Sharren Suddick)
Alicia & Rosa Cortes (Parish Family)
There is absolutely nothing ordinary about ordinary time
in the liturgical calendar, which began last weekend with
the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. We are graced
with about five weeks of this so-called ordinary season,
and then we will break into Lent again. The liturgical
calendar just flows and flows like a river, until it reaches
the sea of heavenly eternity. For me, these days of ordinary time
are like short breaths to regain momentum in the life of the church,
or perhaps, to keep the same idea, it is the shallow part of the river,
where the water can quiet down for a short while before the current
surges up into the next rapids and waterfalls again.
Absolutamente no hay nada ordinario en el calendario
litúrgico del tiempo ordinario, que principió el pasado fin
de semana con la Fiesta del Bautismo del Señor. Somos bendecidos con casi cinco semanas del tiempo
ordinario, y luego principiamos la cuaresma. El calendario litúrgico corre y corre como un río, hasta que llega
al mar del eterno celestial. Para mí, estos días del tiempo ordinario son como pequeños alientos para recobrar impulso en la
vida de la iglesia, o quizá, es cómo la parte baja del río, dónde el
agua está calmada por un tiempecito antes que la corriente se
agíte y caíga en la cascada del mar.
Meanwhile, here are some things happening around our churches
these days: Nicole Haller and Delynn Geistwhite of Saint Martin
are back from their very spirit-filled Joliet Mission to the Philippines.
I used to join those missions some ten years ago, and I know how
special they are, and how enriching it is to do God’s work for His
people in the other side of the planet. Thank you, Nicole and Delynn for blessing the Filipino people with you’re your faith and love.
Seminarian Michael Groth is finishing up his amazingly unforgettable semester in Rome. I am sure many of you have seen the news
about his experience of serving for Pope Francis on Christmas Eve
mass at the Vatican. How awesome is that! Michael Berger steps
in as the new music director of Saint Martin. We will be offering the
film “Do You Believe?” for our January year of mercy tri-parish activity at St. Teresa, and I am taking residence at Saint Rose rectory
for a couple of months, starting this weekend. I am also meeting
with two finance councils and the tri-parish council this month. It is
reassuring to know that our parishes are doing fine, amidst the
storms of the transition, and six months later, we are full of hope for
the year ahead. One step at a time, we are moving along toward
stabilizing our parish life, and continuing to clarify our vision towards the future of our Kankakee Churches.
Entre tanto, aquí hay unos acontecimientos en nuestras iglesias:
Nicole Haller y Delynn Geistwhite de San Martín ya han regresado
muy animosos de la Misión de Joliet a las Filipinas. Hace unos
diez años que yo iba a ésas misiones y sé que és algo muy especial cuando uno hace el trabajo de Dios para Su gente en el otro
lado del planeta. Gracias Nicole y Delynn por su fe y amor para la
gente Filipina. El seminarista Michael Groth está por terminar sus
estudios asombrosos en Roma que jamás olvidará. Estoy seguro
que todos saben de su experiencia al servir con el Papa Francisco
en la misa de Vísperas de Navidad en el Vaticano. ¡Que asombroso fué éso! Michael Berger se presentó como director de
música de San Martín. Presentarémos la película “Puedes Tú
Creér?” en enero año de la misericordia como actividad de las tres
parroquias en Santa Teresa, y yo tomaré residencia en la rectoría
en Santa Rosa por dos meses, principiando este fin de semana.
También tendré reunión financiera con dos concilios y con el concilio de las tres parroquias en éste mes. Es un consuelo saber
que van bién las tres parroquias, entre los trastornos de la transición, y seis meses después, estamos llenos de esperanza hacia el
futuro. Un paso tras otro, estámos por estabilisar la vida en las
tres parroquias, y clarificar nuestra visión hacia el futuro.
I want to take this opportunity to invite you then, dear parishioners,
to continue to take ownership of our ministries, and support our
parishes spiritually, socially, and financially. I am always on the
look out for more volunteers who can bring more vibrancy in the life
of our churches. Volunteering is an extra-ordinary expression of
one’s faith. It allows us to discover the way God works in our
church, and based on the feedback that I have received in my
years of ministry, it is indeed true that the little that we give to the
family of God is always multiplied and blessed by God’s generosity.
Tomo ésta oportunidad para invitarlos, mis queridos feligreses, a
continuar tomando responsibilidad en nuestros ministerios, y apoyando la espiritualidad, sociabilidad, y la financiabilidad en nuestras
Siempre estoy buscando voluntarios dispuestos a traer más vida a
nuestras parroquias. El ser voluntarios és una expresión extraordinaria de fé personal, nos permite descubrir cómo Dios trabaja en
Su iglesia, y basado en lo que me han dicho, és en realidad que lo
poco que damos a la familia de Dios, siempre és multiplicado y
bendecido por Dios generosamente.
Most of all, I want to say that I am privileged to be the priest of the
three churches, especially when I celebrate mass with you, I
cannot help but feel the extra-ordinary privilege of being your
priest. Our liturgies are gearing us up toward the fullness of celestial praise, and I pray that we never lose heart in our devotions,
prayers and good works, as we navigate the changing of seasons,
through the years. God bless us all!
Blessed to love and serve,
Fr. Sunny Castillo
Sobre todo, quiero decirles que soy privilegiado por ser el sacerdote para las tres iglesias, especialmente cuando celebro misa
con ustedes, me siento privilegiado de ser su sacerdote. Las
liturgias nos preparan hacia la plenitud de la alabanza celestial, y
oro que no perdámos ánimo en nuestras devociones, oraciones y
buenas obras, según vivimos las temporadas de los años. ¡Que
Dios nos bendiga!
Bendecido para amar y servir,
Padre Sunny Castillo
Mass Schedule
Weekend Saturday Community Mass at St. Rose 4:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 am
Misa en Español
Domingo 12:00 pm
Wednesday-Friday 8:00 am
Parish Staff Directory
Fr. Santos “Sunny” Castillo
Associate Pastor /Pastor Asociadio
Fr. Roy Jacob
Ronald Whitman & David Marlowe
Financial Director
Lilia Belka ext 226
Ministry Coordinator
Donna Worth ext 227
RCIA (Convert Preparation)
ext 227
Ministerio Hispano
Silvia Barajas ext 229
Sr. Elsie Gamez
Kathy Dummer & Sylvia Lane ext 221
Bulletin Information Please e-mail articles by Mon. @ 11am to
[email protected]
Youth Ministry
Ken & Michelle Barrie 427-8130
Music Ministry
Jane Veers 933-6058
Música Español
Ema Segura 592-4175
St Vincent de Paul Society
ext 212
Prayer Line
Barb Jepson 937-9260
Rita Kanosky 939-0319
Parish Media Links
Facebook Saint Teresa Church in Kankakee, IL
[email protected]
Lisieux Pastoral Center
Kathy Wade
[email protected]
Azzarelli Outreach Clinic
Parish Nurse & Director
Helen Chigaros RN
[email protected]
Aquinas Catholic Academy/
Academia Católica de Aquino
366 E. Hickory, Kankakee
School Principal
Mrs. Dana Berg
St. Patrick & Teresa Religious Education/
Educacion Religiosa y Doctrina
366 E. Hickory, Kankakee
Coordinator of Religious Ed
Marcia Brown-Medina
Time, Talent & Treasure
Fostering Stewardship as a way of life
In gratitude of God’s gifts of time and talent to us we
gratefully acknowledge and salute
Sister Elsie Gamez
Weekly Collections
Sunday Offering for Jan. 10, 2015
$ 6,315.63
Sunday Envelope Breakdown
$300 & higher (2) • $200-$299 (2)
$100-$199 (13) • $75-$99 (6) •$50-$74 (10)
$25-$49 (28) • $11-$24 (30) • $10 & under (47)
Our Goal each Week
to cover our expenses is $6, 650.00
Nuestra Meta por Semana
para cubrir los gastos es de $6, 650.00
Thank you for your kind generosity and your deep love of St. Teresa
¡Gracias por su Generosidad!
Welcome - Bienvenido
361 St. Joseph Ave • Kankakee IL 60901
Phone (815) 933-7683
Fax (815) 933-7692
EMERGENCY # (815) 216-6733
Parish Office Hours
Mon. - Thurs. 9am-3pm
Fri. 9-12noon
Horario de la Oficina Hispana
Martes a Jueves
Friday, January 22
6:30 pm
Admission: One non perishable food item
Proceeds from the concessions will also be
given to St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry
Lisieux Pastoral Center 371 N. St. Joseph St.
Sacrament Procedures
Confessions at St. Rose
Saturday 3:00-3:30 pm
Baptism Classes
Pre-baptism Class is required
before your date will be set.
Please register two to three
months in advance!
St. Teresa 1:15 pm
2nd Sunday of the month
St. Martin 7:00pm
2nd Monday of the month
Baptisms in English
2nd Sunday of Month 2:30 pm
Spiritual Preparation begins at
least SIX MONTHS in advance.
Please do not make your
reservations until you have met
with the pastor
Communion Visits
Call the Parish Office
Adoration at Night
9:30 pm - 5:00 am in Spanish
First Saturdays
Eucharist Adoration in English
1st Friday of month 8:30am
Procedimiento para
Confesiones en Santa Rosa
Sábados 3:00-3:30 pm
Platicas Pre-bautismales
Platicas son requeridas antes
de fijar su fecha. Favor de
inscribirse de 2 a 3 meses de
Sta. Teresa - 10 am-12 pm
3er Domingo del Mes
Sta. Rosa 4:00 pm
2 do Domingo de l Mes
Bautizos Espanol
1er Domingo del Mes 12:00
Preparación Espiritual empieza
mínimo SEIS MESES de
anticipo. No haga
preparaciones para su
celebración antes de reunirse
con el párroco.
Visitas de Comunión
Llame a la oficina.
Quince Años y Presentaciones
Llame a la oficina.
Adoración Nocturna
1er Sábado del mes 9:30 pm
Please join us for the
Aquinas Catholic Academy
This years theme:
13th Dinner Auction
“Chosen by God’s Grace”
What a wonderful thought!! The almighty
God of the Universe has chosen you,
His precious child. God has a destiny for
you. You have been uniquely created for
a purpose and God wants to see you
passionately live His plan out.
Saturday, February 6th, 2016
At Kankakee Knights of Columbus
$30 per person
Please contact the school office for tickets
How do we acknowledge God’s Grace and show Him our
gratitude? One way that we can show our gratitude is by
giving back to God the gifts He shared with us. We can support our parish, our diocese, and the church throughout
the world with gifts of time, talent, and treasure.
Do you have a bottle of wine at home that you are willing to donate? ACA is looking for bottles of wine to be
donated for a
“Wine Pull”;
part of the fun festivities at their
Annual Dinner/Auction of Friday, Feb. 6
You may drop off the wine at the school or the parish
office during regular office hours by FEB 1.
Our parish Goal is $27,960. With your financial support,
we can exceed this goal. When we exceed our goal in paid
pledges, we will receive 65% of the amount over goal for
use in our parish.
Please answer Bishop Conlon’s request and make a generous pledge. Thank you in advance for your support.
Call Denise Howard 815-370-4812 with questions. “It
doesn’t matter if it’s Three Buck Chuck or Dom Pérignon !!”
The Kankakee Married and Catholic committee will be presenting another series of date
nights in 2016.
The dates are as follows:
February 20, March 12, April 16
It’s not too late to attend the last three sessions. Call the
office at 815-933-7683 for registration form and information.
Invites you to
Sunday, Feb. 7, 2016
2-4 pm
Lisieux Pastoral Center
Bunco, hot cider, dessert, and prizes
Sign up sheets at both doors in church
Fit N’ Healthy Challenge
Sponsored by Presence St. Mary’s
Join us at Lisieux Pastoral Center
New Session started January 12, 2016
Tuesdays and Thursday
Fitness Instructor Joseph Begley
This is a FREE program for the community
Busy Person’s Lenten Retreat—Open to men and women
Obtain materials btwn. Feb. 1 and Feb. 9, 2016
Call Sister Anne Jaeger 815-715-1545 to register
Cost $40
Mary’s Way of The Cross—A Time of Prayer
Thursday, Feb. 11, 2016 9:00am to 12:00pm
Presented by Sister Mary Stella Schellenberger, SSCM
Register at 815-935-0800
Cost $5.00 if possible
Lenten Day Retreat—Open to men and women
Saturday, February 13, 2016 8:00am to 5:00pm
Call Sister Mary Stella for more details 815-935-0800
Registration Deadline Wed. February 10
Cost $20 Lunch provided
One Heart, One Soul Spirituality Center
2041 W. State Route 113, Kankakee
If the weekend mass intention is for your loved
one, please let the Ushers know so that you
can present the gifts for communion if you
Outreach Ministries benefitted
from the parishes
Christmas Giving Trees
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 17, 2016
“My Delight.” Not “Forsaken”. Not “Desolate”. God says
it long ago to Israel and says it still today to each of us: You
are my Delight! This is the endearing language of personal
relationship. This is the lasting language of covenantal love.
In the Gospel today, Jesus, in a first public act, has compassion on the bridal party and their guests at Cana. Good wine,
saved to last. No one is forsaken.
Who are the desolate ones?
Who are the forsaken ones who are near?
How can I act with compassion?
“Since everything is interrelated, concern for the protection of nature is also incompatible with the justification of abortion. How can we genuinely teach the importance of concern for other vulnerable beings...if we fail
to protect a human embryo, even when its presence is
uncomfortable and creates difficulties?”.”
Pope Francis, Landato Si, no. 120
“Dado que todo está relacionado, tampoco es compatible la defense
de la naturaleza con la justificación del aborto. No parece factible un
camino educativo para acoger a los seres débiles que nos rodean,
...si no se protégé a un embrión humano aunque su llegada sea
causa de molestias y dificultades”.
Papa Francisco, Laudato si, 120
Nurse Notes: Jan. 17, 2016 Take Steps to keep you
and your loved ones safe and healthy
St. Vincent de Paul received
Azzarelli Outreach Clinic received
Starfish Foster Families program
See insert for more details
Thank you for your generosity!!
Presence Kankakee Regional Volunteer Services invites you to
start the New Year as a Volunteer.
Looking for friendly, energetic men, women, and students, 15 year
and older that would like to make a difference in their community.
Positions are available at many locations. A variety of volunteer
opportunities are open; they will strive to find the perfect position
for you.
Call Volunteer Services at 815-937-2479 to learn more
Save These Dates
For The
2016 Annual
Lenten Series…
Praying and Sharing on the
Lenten Gospels
Tuesdays, February 16,23, & March 1,8
St. Anne Church-Mass Chapel 10-11 am OR
St. Patrick Church, Kankakee-Convent 7-8pm
Thursdays, February 11,18,25, & March 3
Maternity BVM Parish Library 10-11 am
Get exams and screenings. Ask your health care provider what exams you need and when to get them. Update your
personal and family history. Get insurance from the Health
Insurance Marketplace if you are not insured.
Desiring to have a closer relationship with
God in your life?
Deacon Greg Clodi is looking for a number of individuals
who may be interested in beginning Spiritual Direction, to
see the hand of God in their prayer and everyday working
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet
Seeking members for their
Board of Young Professionals
Are you a young professional between the ages of 21-40,
committed to helping the poor and vulnerable in your community,
meeting new colleagues in the diocese, networking with other
professionals and gaining board experience?
If so, this could be for you!!
If this is the year you want to grow deeper in a relationship
with God, Deacon would love to be on the journey with you.
Meetings are held throughout the diocese Bi-annually. In
addition to the meeting there is socialization, networking, and
dinner. A variety of optional social events and service projects
are also held frequently: members pick what fits their schedules.
Please contact him at
[email protected]
Interested? Contact Edith Avila OIlea,
815-724-1220 or [email protected]

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