Dear Jean, The National Latino Tobacco Control Network (NLTCN


Dear Jean, The National Latino Tobacco Control Network (NLTCN
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Dear Jean,
The National Latino Tobacco Control Network (NLTCN) is releasing a press release for
immediate distribution (english and spanish versions).
Please forward.
Latinos Saludables Sin Tabaco les envía este comunicado de prensa para distribución
inmediata (versión en español y en inglés).
Por favor de publicar.
National Latino Tobacco Control Network
445 N. Pennsylvania Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
September 2nd, 2009
Jeannette Noltenius,
NLTCN National
Tel. (202) 328-
[email protected]
Through a "Trojan Horse" the tobacco industry enters
Puerto Rico's School System
The National Latino Tobacco Control Network is very disappointed and concerned that
the Department of Education of Puerto Rico has accepted the offer from R.J. Reynolds
Tobacco company to use their program Right Decisions, Right Now in Spanish
Aprende - Vive Libre de Tabaco in Puerto Rican schools. On September 2nd, the first
teacher's workshop "Aprende" will be held at the Convention Center.
Dr. Jeannette Noltenius, National Director of the Network said today: "This 'education'
program is a Trojan Horse that the tobacco industry is using to get inside the Puerto
Rican schools in order to reach children and youth and promote their products."
While these colorful and brightly illustrated materials appear harmless, tobacco industry
documents show that these materials are part of a sleek marketing campaign to sell
their products and appear to be good citizens. In addition, by sponsoring education
campaigns while promoting their own interests, the Tabaco industry is undermining the
effective laws which have banned smoking in all work places.
According to several studies carried out by prominent researchers, NONE of the
tobacco industry's "youth smoking prevention" programs:
- state that nicotine is addictive
- discuss that smoking and second hand smoke causes serious diseases, or
- discuss that tobacco marketing has a role in promoting smoking
Dr. Noltenius stated: "With 33% of the school age youth in Puerto Rico already
smoking, it is unacceptable to allow R.J. Reynolds to prey upon them and get away
with it. Puerto Rican parents and teachers won't stand for letting tobacco companies
teach their children about tobacco."
On Monday this week, R.J. Reynolds and other tobacco manufacturers filed a lawsuit
to overturn parts of the FDA law that gives the Federal Government the authority to
regulate tobacco products. They are challenging the requirement of larger graphic
warning labels on cigarette packs, as well as restrictions on colorful advertising which
impacts children, advertising within 100 feet of playgrounds or schools and other
marketing and advertising restrictions as well as having to scientifically justify claims of
"reduced risk" for any tobacco products. Dr. Noltenius ended by saying "Families
cannot allow this industry to continue preying on their children and specially allow them
to come into the schools."
2 de Septiembre del 2009
Jeannette Noltenius,
Directora Nacional de NLTCN
Tel. (202) 3281313
[email protected]
Aprende- Vive Libre de Tabaco, es un Caballo de
Troya, no hay que dejarlo entrar en las Escuelas
Washington, DC - La red nacional Latinos Saludables Sin Tabaco
conocida en inglés como National Latino Tobacco Control Network
(NLTCN), está muy decepcionada y preocupada que el Departamento
de Educación de Puerto Rico, acepte de parte de la compañía
tabacalera R.J Reynolds el programa "gratis" Aprende -Vive Libre de
Tabaco - Mañana, 2 de septiembre en el Centro de Convenciones se
ofrecerá el Taller Aprende para los maestros de Puerto Rico.
La Dra. Jeannette Noltenius, Directora Nacional de la Red dijo este día:
"Este programa es un caballo de Troya. Es una forma más en la cual la
tabacalera RJ Reynolds se introduce en las escuelas para llegar a los
niños y a los jóvenes y una vez adentro, promueve sutilmente sus
productos. Aunque este programa parece un material llamativo e
inofensivo, es un producto de mercadeo de las tabacaleras que protege
a la industria pues aparecen ante el público como 'los buenos
ciudadanos que hacen programas para jóvenes' y tratan de erosionar el
impacto de las leyes existentes sobre el control del tabaquismo."
De acuerdo con estudios hechos por investigadores de renombre sobre
los programas "educativos" de la industria tabacalera:
- Ninguno de los programas de la industria discute que la nicotina es
- No indican que el fumar, o que el humo de segunda mano causan
enfermedades graves
- No indican que el mercadeo de sus productos tiene un efecto en que
los jóvenes comiencen a fumar
Además la Dra. Noltenius dijo: "El 33% de los jóvenes Puertorriqueños
fuman. Los maestros y padres de familia Puertorriqueños no van a
aceptar que la industria entre en las escuelas de la isla, y pretenda
enseñar a sus hijos sobre el tabaco cuando su negocio es el de
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National Latino Tobacco Control Network | 445 N. Pennsylvania Street | Suite 800 | Indianapolis | IN | 46204