Liturgical Ministers WEEKLY READINGS He is Risen! Ha resucitado!


Liturgical Ministers WEEKLY READINGS He is Risen! Ha resucitado!
328-B Woodsway Lane NW
Lenoir, NC 28645-4356
Rev. Julio Dominguez
Rev. Gabriel Meehan, (828) 757-9174
Rev. Mr. Stephen Pickett
Sat, Apr 2
Sun, Apr 3
Church Office & Fax.................. (828) 754-5281
Website: .............
E-Mail: [email protected]
the alienated, the unchurched, unemployed,
single parents, sick, those separated, divorced
or in hurting situations, our MINISTERS, our
BENEFACTORS and those on our prayer list.
Mar 28: Acts 2:14,22-33/ Ps 16:1-2a&5,7-8,9-10,11/ Mt 28:8-15
Mar 29: Acts 2:36-41/ Ps 33:4-5,18-19,20&22/Jn 20:11-18
Mar 30: Acts 3:1-10/ Ps 105:1-2,3-4,6-7,8-9/ Lk 24:13-35
Mar 31: Acts 3:11-26/ Ps 8:2ab&5,6-7,8-9/ Lk 24:35-48
Apr 1: Acts 4:1-12/ Ps 118:1-2&4,22-24,25-27a/ Jn 21:1-14
Apr 2: Acts 4:13-21/ Ps 118:1&14-15ab,16-18,19-21/ Mk 16:9-15
Apr 3: (Second Sunday of Easter—Divine Mercy Sunday)
Acts 5:12-16/ Ps 118:2-4,13-15,22-24/
Rev 1:9-11a,12-13,17-19/ Jn 20:19-31
Sundays from 7:30 AM until 8:30 AM in the church is a Holy
Hour for Reparations. Please, come and pray with us.
Easter Sunday
of the Resurrection
of the Lord
"But Peter got up and ran to the
tomb." Peter was unique in this response to the news of Jesus' resurrection. The other apostles disregarded the reports from the
women who had seen the empty tomb and heard the angels because "their story seemed like nonsense and they did
not believe them." But Peter took action. He got up and ran
to see the evidence and "went home amazed at what had
On this Easter day, we have a choice to make. We too
have heard a remarkable report. We have been told that
two thousand years ago, a man named Jesus defeated
death and rose from the grave. To many people in today's
world, this sounds like nonsense, just like it did when it first
happened. Some would like to dismiss the story entirely as a
myth at best, or an outright lie at worst. Others try to spiritualize the miracle, suggesting that the Resurrection narrative is
a story that is meant to symbolize the power of God, but
whether or not Jesus actually rose from the dead is irrelevant. Finally, there are those who simply believe--those who,
with Peter, make an act of faith and choose to take the
Gospel literally.
This of course is the Christian way. It was not the Crucifixion that brought confidence to the early followers of Christ; it
was the Resurrection. This momentous event has always
made all the difference! We will only water down our faith if
we reduce Easter to anything other than a true miracle. But
to accept it as such will bolster our faith. As St. Paul wrote in
the Epistle to the Romans, "Just as Christ was raised from the
dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life." This Easter, may we experience the great joy of
new life in the risen Christ.
© Liturgical Publications Inc
5:00 pm
9:00 am
11:30 am
+ Frank Lembo
+ Steve Fekete, Sr.
+ Maria Guzman y
Benigno Nunez
Liturgical Ministers
Apr 2– Saturday 5:00 pm
Linda Cowart
Peter Stone — Joy Stone
Sara Triplett — Bob Stofko
Apr 2 – Sabado 7:00 pm
Miguel y Benita Rodriguez y Alicia Martinez
Gilberto— David Martinez
Felipe – Miguel Angel Quintero
Apr 3– Sunday 9:00 am
Bill Sproul
Charles Stephenson — Don Bourdon
Gloria Barlowe — Ward Rummell
April 3 - Domingo 11:30 am
Johanna Nava - Jose Lopez
Miguel y Benita Rodriguez y Alicia Martinez
Alberto de la Riva
Angel — Jackeline - Thilia
Fredy – David Urbina
Altar Care for April
Fran Pursley — Amy Tarr
Collection Counters for March 27 & Apr 3
G. Zaniewski - J. Babachicos – M. Green – M. Maheux - K. Maheux
Tuesday through Saturday—Eucharistic Adoration starts after
the Mass Tuesday at noon and ends at 9:00 pm Friday in the
church. It continues Friday evening through 4:30 PM Saturday in
the chapel
RCIA Do you have any family or friends interested in learning more about our Catholic faith?
Classes are Wednesday evenings at 5:30 PM in
the counter’s room off the fellowship hall.
Contact: Regina Clark at 828-850-0525
Linda Cowart at 828-754-2093
Run, Walk or Roll Your Way to Room at the Inn!
Join our nonprofit team online to race and raise!
The Human Race will take place on Saturday, April 16th at 10:00
am at the Greensboro Coliseum. There is a competitive 5K race
route and a non-competitive short distance walking route.
Friendly pets and strollers are welcome. Can’t make the race
on April 16th but still want to support Room at the Inn? Sponsor
our team by donating pennies, nickels, dimes or dollars!
To register or donate, visit our team webpage at
Please contact Kathleen at 336-207-3785 with any questions or
if you have a cash donation/
Community Dementia Education Series at Caldwell Senior Center, 650-A Pennton Ave SW, Lenoir NC.
Free Event—For more info or to RSVP (828) 758-2883
April 8, Friday: Seminar is from 12:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.
Legal & Financial Planning for Alzheimer’s Disease
He is Risen!
Ha resucitado!
Easter Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection
Una Mejor Comprension de la Verdadera Generosidad
Pascua de Resurrección
En la segunda lectura de hoy, San Pablo recuerda a los
Colosenses que ellos han sido resucitados con Cristo, exhortándolos a que “piensen en las cosas del cielo no en las
de la tierra.” También nosotros hemos sido resucitados con
Cristo. Regocijémonos y alegrémonos!
Noticias en Español
Le damos la bienvenida a todas las personas que asistan a
nuestra misa en español, por primera vez.
1. Adoración Eucaristica y confesiones son todos los sabados de 3:30-4:45 pm en la iglesia.
2. El rezo del Rosario se lleva a cabo todos los Domingos a
las 11:00 am en la Iglesia.
3. Les recordamos que la misa de Quinceañera se debe
apartar con seis meses de anticipación y la quinceañera
deberá de asistir al grupo de jóvenes de la iglesia.
4. El grupo de oración se reune los dias Sábados de 7 a 9:30
pm en la iglesia. Se inicia la reunión con la misa y después tenemos la oración.
5. Horario de Oficina: Los días miércoles se atenderá todo lo
concerniente a Bautismos, quinceañeras y sacramentos
en general, asi como también los pagos de inscripción
del catecismo y otros. En español de 5 a 6 pm y 7 a 8 pm.
Si el bautismo va a ser en otra parroquia (fuera del estado o
nación) tiene que venir antes de la preparación bautismal
para registrar al niño en la parroquia y poder mandar la
carta al párroco correspondiente.
Domingo de Pascua
de la Resurreción del Señor
Al entrar hoy a la Iglesia notaremos un ambiente litúrgico
diferente. La alegría del Resucitado
se siente en el ambiente. Las personas se saludan deseándose
"¡Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!" Los recién bautizados
esparcen el perfume y la luz de Cristo a los que los rodean.
Los símbolos de la celebración están ahí como testigos mudos para continuar iluminando nuestra vida. La luz de Cristo
por medio del cirio pascual está al centro de la Iglesia, la
palabra de Dios es proclamada con alegría desde el
ambón, la pila bautismal nos recuerda que somos hijos e
hijas de Dios y la Eucaristía alimento para la jornada pascual
nos espera.
Este domingo es un buen momento para orar tranquilamente para enseguida salir a decirles a los demás que
Cristo ha resucitado, además de acompañar a los amigos
de Jesús que viven esta experiencia nueva. ¿En qué momento buscarás el silencio interior? Si no hacemos silencio
interior corremos el riesgo de no captar la presencia de
Jesús resucitado que nos ofrece un nuevo horizonte en
nuestra vida. Hay que contar la historia de Jesús tal y como
lo hicieron las mujeres. "Cuando regresaron del sepulcro, las
mujeres anunciaron todas estas cosas a los Once y a todos
los demás" (Lc 24, 9). Pidamos al Señor que nos ayude a celebrar nuestra Pascua de una forma distinta. El Papa Francisco también nos dice: "Invito a cada cristiano, en cualquier
lugar y situación en que se encuentre, a renovar ahora mismo su encuentro personal con Jesucristo o, al menos, a
tomar la decisión de dejarse encontrar por Él, de intentarlo
cada día sin descanso" (Evangelii Gaudium, número 3).
March 27, 2016
Stewardship Thoughts
“What shall I return to the Lord for all the Lord has given to
me?” (Psalms 116:12)
Your Gifts to God and Parish
Income received thru 3/20/16
Ingreso recibido el fin de semana ................ $5,843.43
Income Needed each week
Ingreso necesitado cada semana………….…. .. ....$5,688.46
Year To Date received/
hasta la fecha recibido ............................ $217,337.79
Year To Date needed/
hasta la fecha necesitado ........................ $216,161.48
Diocesan Support Appeal received/Colecta ....... $8,219.31
Total Pledges/Promesa de ayuda .................. $20,214.56
2016 Our assessment/nuestra evaluación ...... $26,198.00
Our Yokefellow Food Donations Feb 2016 .......... 336.3lbs
As of today we are at 77% of our goal through
pledges , one time gifts and our second collections at our Masses in Spanish. We need each
of you to help us reach our goal of $26,198.
Seminary and Priests’ Continuing Education Collection
The diocese sponsors workshops and programs to help keep
our priests informed of developments in theology and pastoral
practices, thereby enabling them to better serve the faithful.
Our Seminarian Education Program is primarily funded through
the DSA, the Friend to Seminarians Program, and the Second
Collection held on Easter Sunday. Your generosity to this collection is an important part of educating our 15 seminarians.
30th Annual Spring Fling for Seniors
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Catholic Conference Center, Hickory, NC
Check-in 9:00 am
Program: 9:45 am - 2:30 pm with Closing Mass at 2:40 pm
Cost: $15 per person, includes lunch
Registration Deadline is Thursday, April 14th. Contact church
office or Sandra Breakfield at 704-370-3220 or Sherill Beason
at 704-370-3228 at Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte.
All women of St Francis of Assisi are invited to
attend a Women’s Emmaus Retreat to be held
May 13, 14 & 15, 2016. This is a wonderful opportunity to be renewed spiritually and to
spend time with other women of our parish.
Look for registration forms on the table in the vestibule.
Church office will be closed
Thursday, March 24 at 12:30 pm
through Thursday, March 31.
La Oficina de la Iglesia sera cerrada
Jueves, 24 de marzo a las 12:30 pm
hasta el Jueves, 31 de marzo.
La diócesis patrocina talleres y programas que mantienen a
los sacerdotes informados sobre los desarrollos teológicos y las
prácticas pastorales para que ellos puedan servir mejor a los
fieles. Nuestro Programa de Educación Seminarista se financia principalmente a través de la DSA, el programa Friend to
Seminarians, y la segunda colección el Domingo de Pascua.
Su generosidad a esta colección es una parte importante de
la educación de nuestros 15 seminaristas.
La campaña de la Campaña Diocesana de
Apoyo ya lleva un mes. Necesitamos la
ayuda de todos para poder llegar a nuestra
meta de $26,198.

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