Holy Cross Catholic Church


Holy Cross Catholic Church
Holy Cross
Baptismof the Lord
January 26 2014
Catholic Church
Holy Cross Catholic Community Members,
Nourished By Christ Through Scripture And Sacrament, Are
Called To Share Our Faith, Knowing That Our Lives “May Be
The Only Gospel Some People Ever See.”
E-MAIL: :[email protected]
† 303-289-2259 FAX
Parish Staff
Reverend Tom Coyte
Deacon Russell Halpine
& Patricia Halpine
Deacon Joe Benedetto
Deacon Ruben Estrada
Ron Marinelli
Sharlene Wolf
Amy Vigil
Josie Duran
Carmen Silva
Pat Aerne
Ken Shoopman
Phone Extension
Directors of
Religious Education
Deaf Ministry
Permanent Deacon
Director of
Music & Youth Ministry
Office Manager
Business Manager
Building/ Grounds
6KDU:ROI ext. 25
ext. 28
ext. 28
ext. 22
ext. 29
ext. 45
ext. 44
Grief Ministry Group 7:00pm room 2.
Liturgy Commission mtg. 7:16pm room 6.
Great Adventure Bible Study 7:00pm Ave
Maria Hall.
Musicians practice 6:30pm Church.
Prayer Gathering 7:00pm room 6.
Spanish Prayer Workshop—Taller de
Oración 7:00pm Room 1-2.
Great Adventure Bible Study 9:30am Ave
Maria Hall.
Spanish RCIA 5:00pm room 6.
RCIA 7:00pm room 7.
Spanish Choir 1 7:00pm Church.
Charismatic Prayer Group 7:00pm room 6.
Spanish Bible Study 6:30pm room 1.
Chaplet of Divine Mercy 7:00pm room 6.
Spanish Family Prayer Group 7:00pm Ave
Maria Hall.
Religious Education Classes 9:00am
Religious Education Classes 10:15am .
Mustard Seed Group 10:15am
Adult Education Classes 10:15am room 7.
Senior High Youth Group 6:00pm Room 4.
8:30 Mass
8:30 Mass
Parish Advisory Council Members ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱNorthwest United Federal Credit Union
8:30 Mass
8:30 Mass
Mass Schedule
8:30 a.m.
Friday Communion Service
8:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m.
Spanish Mass
7:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Prayer Intention Request
Please call Denise Brigham at 303-657-5977 with your request.
Sacrament of Baptism
Parents requesting Baptism should be registered and active
in the parish. Preparation for the sacrament requires an
interview and attendance at two classes prior to the
Baptism. Call the parish to make arrangements at least two
months in advance.
$P\9LJLO Sacrament of Marriage
Engaged couples should contact the parish office to make
arrangements for preparations and marriage at least 6
MONTHS PRIOR to the proposed wedding date.
Stewardship of Treasure
Stewardship (Corresponsabilidad) del Tesoro
Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation -Saturdays at 4:00 p.m. or
by personal appointment.
St. Vincent de Paul Emergency Assistance
303.289.2258 Ext. 46
Minister of Care
Please call Cathie Roberts at 720-939-6443 to request a
Minister of Care to visit & bring Communion to a person
who is homebound or in a nursing home.
Holy Cross - This Week - Jan. 27 - Feb. 2, 2014
ext. 26
Donna Lopez, Katie Hageman, Leroy Wydra,
Michelle Leyva and Miguel Torres-Ponce
My Dear Holy Cross Family,
Mi Querida Familia de Holy Cross,
Today's readings give us a clear example of
how important the Old Testament is to
understanding the New Testament. We will see
this especially this year as we follow Matthew's
gospel as it is written to people who were
deeply immersed in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Many of Matthew's quotes are from the Old
Testament and he portrays many of the events in Jesus' life as
fulfilling Old Testament prophesies.
Las lecturas de hoy nos dan un claro ejemplo de la
importancia que el Antiguo Testamento es para entender
el Nuevo Testamento. Veremos esto especialmente este
año a medida que seguimos el Evangelio de Mateo ,
como está escrito a las personas que estaban
profundamente inmersos en las Escrituras Hebreas.
Muchas de las citas de Mateo son del Antiguo
Testamento y que retrata a muchos de los eventos en la vida de
Jesús como cumpliendo de las profecías del Antiguo Testamento.
If you are like me, you tend to pay close attention to the
gospel story and mostly ignore the other readings. But, the
first reading is always chosen to correspond to the gospel.
Sometimes, as today, it is a direct quote. Other times it is the
same image, theme or life situation. In any case, the gospel
writer was depending on our knowing the Old Testament in
order to grasp the full meaning of the New.
Si usted es como yo , que cuidan a prestar mucha atención a la
historia del evangelio y en su mayoría ignoran las otras lecturas .
Pero , la primera lectura siempre es elegida para corresponder al
Evangelio. A veces, como hoy, es una cita directa . Otras veces es la
misma imagen , tema o situación de la vida . En cualquier caso, el
escritor del evangelio estaba dependiendo de nuestro conocimiento
del Antiguo Testamento con el fin de captar el significado completo
de la Nueva .
While the second reading, often from Paul, is a continuous
reading from one letter or another, by paying attention each
Sunday, we can follow a letter from beginning to end and
thus grasp the full meaning of what Paul is sharing.
Mientras que la segunda lectura , a menudo de Pablo , es una
lectura continua de una carta u otro, prestando atención a cada
domingo, podemos seguir una carta de principio a fin y así captar el
significado completo de lo que está compartiendo Pablo .
Bottom line, pay attention during the readings. Prepare
during the week prior to coming to Mass. Listen, learn, grow
closer to Him. As John said last week, "He is the one!"
With love,
Fr. Tom
Readings for the Week of January 26, 2014
Sunday: Is 8:23--9:3/1 Cor 1:10-13, 17/Mt 4:12-23 or 4:12-17
2 Sm 5:1-7, 10/Mk 3:22-30
2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19/Mk 3:31-35
2 Sm 7:4-17/Mk 4:1-20
2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29/Mk 4:21-25
Friday: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17/Mk 4:26-34
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17/Mk 4:35-41
Next Sunday: Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:2232
En pocas palabras , prestar atención durante las lecturas. Preparar
durante la semana antes de venir a misa, escuchar , aprender, crecer
más cerca a El . Como Juan dijo la semana pasada : "Él es el unico!’
Con amor ,
Fr. Tom
For The Week of /, 2014
The following Intentions have been arranged.
Days will not be listed if arrangements
for Mass Intentions have not been made
through the Parish Office.
7:00 Mass
9:00 Mass
11:30 Mass
8:30 Mass
Gigi Sardokowski
Barbara Jewart
Mary Lou & Louis Sailas
Melissa Martinez
Bingo Workers Urgently Needed
During 2013bingo gave our Parish $79,469.
We have had several loyal workers move
out of our parish. We will have to close our
bingo very soon if we can’t get enough
workers ro properly run bingo. Our Bingo
is located at Turn II bingo 7139 N. Pecos on
Tuesday’s at 7:30pm. Please call the parish office at
303.289.2258 or Delcie at 303-289.6835 if you can help.
5:00pm Mass
7:00pm Mass
Moses Trujillo & John Gallegos
Dolores Thelma Quintana
Marvin Pelster
Mark McLeod
Adan Quintana
Ismael Diaz
Next Sunday
7:00 Mass
9:00 Mass
11:30 Mass
Parishioners of Holy Cross
Kristy Edwards-Urban
“We go with joy because He accompanies us, He is with us...and the Lord Jesus, even in our personal lives, accompanies us with
the Sacraments. The Sacraments is not a magic rite: it is an encounter with Jesus Christ: we encounter the Lord—it is He who is
beside us and accompanies us.
Faith Formation Through Adult Education
Learn. Grow. Support. Friendship.
Join us as we continue with January
Room 7 from 10:15—11:20
January 26—No Class
February 2— Secrets to Participation in
the Mass. Join together with Father Tom
to take a closer look at the Mass and
explore ways to increase your participation.
February 9— Jonah. Was he an entertaining non-hero? A
prophet who became depressed because he succeeded on
leading people to turn to the Lord? Come to review the
story of Jonah which is as humorous as it is serious.
What’s Your Catholic IQ?
There will be no Religious Education
Classes on This weekend January 25-26.
Our Catechists will be on RETREAT.
Classes will resume on February 1 and 2.
Sacramental Preparation (Grades 2-5)
First Eucharist/Communion
(Pope Francis, Sept. 24, 2013)
RCIA Every Wednesday
Red Tent
February 11: The Book Thief by Zusak. Read
the book; see the movie. Set in 1939
March 11: The Gentle Tamers: Women of the
Old West by Dee Brown. An authentic history of the women
and the hardships they endured.
April 8: Mrs. Lincoln’s Seamstress
Revelations Bible Study—Still Room For You!
We have ordered 5 more study notebooks for this great biblical experience. There’s always time to catch up on what you
missed and each lesson is complete so you could start at any
time. We don’t want these books to just gather dust, so think
about it, pray about it and callus to say you’ll be coming.
Adults Needing Confirmation
Those adults who have been living out their faith but still
need to be confirmed my join classes starting Wednesday,
March 12. Registration is necessary so sign up now. Please
bring a copy of you baptismal certificate when you register.
The classes will continue until Easter and include a required
retreat on Saturday, April 12 from 9am through lunch. Call Pat
Halpine for information & registration as soon as possible.
Preparacion Sacramental (Grados 2-5)
Primera Comunion
Youth Group-Senior High-Grupo de Jóvenes
We had such a great time last week! Based on Sunday’s Gospel, Ron and Dana shared about our mission to go out and spread
the Good news. How can we let people know that we are Catholic … or how strong to we show that we are Catholic. Our discussion exemplified that most of us don’t do a very good job with this. Ron and Dana gave us two challenges for the next 3
weeks. 1) Pray at lunch: make the sign of the cross and pray a blessing prayer before you eat—whether at school, home or
McDonalds! 2) Listen at least 15 minutes to Christian Music. For those who already do this, you are to listen with friends present.
Both challenges have the opportunity present to share with others why you are doing this and to let them know that you are
proud to be a Catholic.
WE WILL NOT MEET ON FEBRUARY 2ND, BUT WILL RETURN ON FEBRUARY 16TH AT 6PM. We will celebrate all February birthdays and talk
about LOVE! Tuvimos un gran tiempo la semana pasada! Basado en el Evangelio del Domingo, Ron y Dana compartieron acerca
de nuestra misión para salir y difundir las buenas nuevas. ¿Cómo podemos dejar que la gente sepa que somos Católicos ... o lo fuerte que mostramos que somos Católicos. Nuestra discusión ejemplifica que la mayoría de nosotros no
hacemos muy buen trabajo con esto. Ron y Dana nos dieron dos desafíos para las próximas 3 semanas. 1) Orar en el
almuerzo: hacer la Señal de la Cruz y rezar una oración de bendición antes de comer, ya sea en la escuela, el hogar o
McDonalds! 2) Escuchar al menos 15 minutos de música cristiana. Para aquellos que ya lo hace, usted debe escuchar
con los amigos presentes. Ambos retos tienen la oportunidad presente para compartir con los demás por qué usted
h a c i e nd o
h a c e rl es
q ue
es t á
or g u l l o s o
NO se reunirá el 2 de Febrero, pero volverá el 16 de Febrero a las 6pm. Vamos a celebrar todos los cumpleaños de Febrero y hablar de AMOR!
Undie Sunday is coming!
¡Domingo de Ropa Interior (Undie Sunday) se
Confirmation Prep. & RCIY
We are now beginning the phase of weekly meetings between
the Sponsor and the Candidate. Work through your materials
remembering to be honest and trusting. Sharing your faith may
not be easy at first, but it becomes an awesome experience.
Confirmation Prep.
Remember to stay current in your attendance
of Mustard Seed groups (grades 7-8) and the
Youth Group (grades 9-12). Also, be sure to
finish your activities and the write-ups.
We are beginning to study the Sacraments of Healing. This
will prepare us to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Our up-coming dates:
Jan. 29th NO SESSION
Feb. 5th 7pm Session with Parents
Prep. de Confirmación y RCIY
Ahora estamos empezando la fase de reuniones
semanales entre el Padrino y el Candidato. Trabajar a
través de su materiales y recordar ser honesto y de
confianza. Compartir su fe tal vez no es fácil al principio,
pero se convierte en una experiencia impresionante.
Prep. de Confirmación
Recuerde que debe estar al día en su asistencia de
grupos Mustard Seed (grados 7-8) y Youth GroupGrupo de Jóvenes (grados 9-12).
También, este seguro de terminar las actividades y
Esta mos empezando a estudiar los
Sacramentos de la Curación. Esto nos preparará
para recibir el Sacramento de la Reconciliación.
Nuestras fechas prometidas:
05 de Febrero 7pm Sesión con los Padres
'LUHFWRU5RQ0DULQHOOL Anointing of the Sick and
the Blessing of Throats
will take place after
All Masses on
Feb. 1 & 2.
Unción de los Enfermos y
la Bendición de las Gargantas
se llevará a cabo después de
todas las Misas
01 y 02 de Febrero.
Liturgy Commission - Comisión de Liturgia
We evaluated our liturgies and related gatherings for the seasons of Advent and Christmas, at our last meeting. What valuable
comments and discussions! The decorations through both seasons were awesome. We will consider next year moving the Advent
Penance service to Tuesday instead of Monday. Many priests informed us this year that they would not help on a Monday.
Many thanks to Rosalina Sandoval who coordinated the Guadalupe Novena. Even though the weather kept some people home, it
was coordinated very well. A highlight for Advent was Las Posadas, coordinated by Maria Venegas. It
was marvelous. New families were involved and even one night was offered bi-lingual. We will discuss
offering 2-3 nights next year bi-lingual. The Feast of the Holy Family is always special when the lectors
bring their families with them to stand at the ambo.
On Monday, Jan. 27th we will discuss our plans for Lent and the Triduum. A busy month!
We gather at 7pm to socialize and at 7:16pm for the meeting. If you are interested in learning more,
… come join us!
Evaluamos nuestras liturgias y reuniones relacionadas para los tiempos de Adviento y Navidad,
en nuestra última sesión. ¡Qué comentarios y discusiones valioso! La decoración a través de
ambas estaciones eran impresionantes. Tendremos en cuenta el año que viene cambien el servicio Penitencia de Adviento
para el martes en lugar del lunes. Muchos sacerdotes nos informaron que este año no pueden ayudar los lunes.
Muchas gracias a Rosalina Sandoval que coordino la Novena de Guadalupe. Aunque el tiempo mantuvo algunas personas
en casa, fue coordinado muy bien. Un punto culminante para el Adviento era Las Posadas, coordinado por María Venegas.
Fue maravilloso. Las familias nuevas se involucraron incluso una noche se ofreció bilingüe. Vamos a discutir ofreciendo 23 noches bilingüe el próximo año. La Fiesta de la Sagrada Familia, es siempre especial cuando los lectores traen a
sus familias con ellos, hasta situarse en el ambón.
El Lunes, 27 de Enero vamos a discutir nuestros planes para la Cuaresma y el Triduo. ¡Un mes muy ocupado!
Nos reunimos a las 7:00pm. Si usted está interesado en aprender más , ... ven y únete a nosotros!
New Eucharistic Minister Training
We will have a training for those who are interested in becoming
a Eucharistic Minister. This ministry is open to parishioners who
are of High School age and older. Men as well as women can
be involved. The training will be on Sunday, January 26th
from 4-6pm (English) and Friday, Jan. 31st from 7-9pm
(Spanish). Please register with Ron or call the Parish Office.
All Masses are in need of volunteers, but the biggest need is at
7pm and 11:30am Masses.
Formación de Nueva Ministros de Eucaristía
Vamos a tener un entrenamiento para aquellos que estén
interesados en convertirse en un Ministro de la Eucaristía.
Este ministerio está abierto a los feligreses que están en
edad de escuela secundaria o más. Tanto los hombres
como las mujeres pueden estar involucrados. El entrenamiento
será el domingo 26 de Enero a partir de 4-6pm (Inglés) y
Viernes, 31 de Enero a partir de 7-9pm (Español). Por favor
regístrese con Ron o llame a la Oficina Parroquial. Todas
las misas están en necesidad de voluntarios, pero la necesidad
más grande es a las 7 p.m. y 11:30 am Misas.
Prayer Workshop—Taller de Oración
Join us for a special workshop on Prayer. It will be lead by
members from the Archdiocese, here at Holy Cross. It is
planned to begin on Tuesday, January 28th, from 7pm-9pm.
The workshop will last for 15 weeks. It will be done in Spanish
and English: there will be a classroom for the Spanish
speaking and one for the English. Please call
the parish Office to register or ask for more
information … or … Join us on Tuesday,
January 28th at 7pm.
Únase a nosotros para un taller especial
sobre la oración. Estará dirigido por
miembros de la Arquidiócesis, aquí en
Holy Cross. Esta previsto comenzar el
martes 28 de Enero, desde las 7pm-9pm. El taller
tendrá una duración de 15 semanas. Esto se realizara
en Español y en Ingles: habrá una clase para el que
habla Español y otro para el Ingles. Por favor, llame a la
oficina parroquial para inscribirse o solicitar mas
información … o … Unase a nosotros el Martes, 28 de
Enero a las 7pm.
Legislative Committee
House Bill 1048—Religious Freedom
The bill achieves freedom of association for religious student
organizations and protects the right of those campus groups
to choose leaders who share their core beliefs. All college
students merit the right to freely organize around shared and
sincerely held religious beliefs without fear that the
institution of higher education they are attending will
require the religious students group at accept all students as
leaders, regardless of whether or not they agree with the
group’s mission and core beliefs. As Catholics and Americans
we believe that at the heart of a democratic society lies
religious freedom, the nation’s first constitutional freedom—
granted by God and guaranteed as an inalienable right by
the Founding Fathers and we must work together to make
sure that freedom thrives and is protected.
Please call the members of the House Education Committee
and ask them to SUPPORT House Bill 1048.
Thoughts on Evangelization …
Like A Beggar
Someone described evangelization very simply:
Evangelization is one beggar showing another beggar
where the bread is. This description says a lot about
attitude. I am just a beggar—not the owner of the bakery
who out of the goodness of my heart will give to the
beggars something from my surplus. I am a beggar like
everyone else, but I’ve been shown the bread that gives life.
Having discovered where the Bread of Life is, will you now
reach out to fellow beggars and help them find this Living
Bread who is Jesus?
Thank you for your support! In 2012 we
helped 1,957 families. This number
increased to 2,352 in 2013.
A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Father Tom
We are putting together a pilgrimage to the Holy Land for
the Fall. We plan to visit the various
religious sites to pray, to learn and to
experience the footsteps of Christ. We
leave Denver on September 9, 2014 and
return on September 19, 2014. As this trip is
spiritual in nature, we will have Mass
everyday, two priests offering spiritual direction, a local
Catholic guide and we plan to meet prior to departure to
study the Scriptures and the sites we will be visiting. The
total cost is now estimated between $3750 and $4000. So
reserve your calendar, save your pennies and let me (Fr.
Tom) know if you are thinking of joining us. We will be
limited to 35 participants.
Our next meeting, Sunday February 16 (our 10th
anniversary!) we will be celebrating
with dinner at Mickey’s Top Sirloin at
4:00. On that same day, we are
invited to attend the annual Senior’s
Tea sponsored by the Holy Cross
Mustard Seed Youth right after the 9:00
a.m. Mass (10:15). This is always a very
nice, tasteful and enjoyable
event. Hope every senior in the parish attends. Our youth
do a wonderful tea.
Ages 20-45 8pm Feb. 2
Old Spaghetti Fact. Cost $50; Age
20-45 7pm Feb 12 Paris on the Platte, $50;
Age 45 & up 1pm Feb. 8 Gaetano’s $40
7/309-5321, [email protected].
Info: DenverCatholicSpeedDate.com.
Nativity of Our Lord Catholic School
Thursday, January 30th & Friday, January 31st
The open house, which is for parents interested in the
schools Kindergarten – 8th. grades,
showcases the school’s program of strong faith
formation, high academic standards, sense of
community and service, and Catholic family
Join us for refreshments and a tour celebrating our 50th
Seniors (50+) Valentine Party
The Middle School Mustard Seed Groups are having a Valentine
Tea/Coffee for our Parish Senior Citizens. We invite you to
attend our celebration on Sunday, February 16th at 10:30am,
in Ave Maria Hall. We will share a short program and enjoy
time visiting. No need to RSVP … we look forward to seeing
you there.
Personas mayores (50 +) Fiesta de Valentine
Los grupos de Mustard Seed están teniendo un té/café
de San Valentín para nuestros ciudadanos mayores
parroquiales. Te invitamos a asistir a nuestra fiesta el
Domingo, 16 de Febrero a las 10:30am, en el Salón de Ave
Maria. Vamos a compartir un programa corto y disfrutar
del tiempo de visita. No es necesario confirmar su
asistencia ... esperamos verlos allí.
Catholic IQ Answers
All of the Above
2. a red burning lamp
3. Paul