Parish of St. John the Evangelist


Parish of St. John the Evangelist
Parish of St. John the Evangelist - St. Rocco
250 - 21st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11215
216 - 27th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Parish Office at 250—21st Street
Phone: 718-768-3751
Fax: 718-768-4689
Mon. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-6:30pm
Tues. - Thurs. 9:30am-12pm & 1pm-7:30pm
Friday 9:00am-3:00pm
Sat. 9am-12pm
Rev. Kenneth J. Grande, Pastor
Saturday Vigil Mass:
5:30 p.m.
St. John the Evangelist
Sunday Masses:
8:45 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:45 a.m.
St. John the Evangelist
St. John the Evangelist
St. Rocco’s Church
Mon.-Fri. Masses:
8:30 a.m.
St. John the Evangelist
Friday Mass:
7:30 p.m.
St. John the Evangelist
Saturdays 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Sábado a las 4:30pm - 5:00pm
Please arrange at least 6 months in advance.
Por favor notificar al parroco 6 meses antes de la boda.
Please call the parish office for more information.
Por favor, llame la oficina de la Parroquia por más información.
Mass Intentions
July 4
Dorothy Reitz
Requested by M/M S. Sidoti
July 5
IMO Deceased Rosarians
Requested by Rosarians
FitzGerald & Sokoloski Families
Requested by Joseph Sokoloski
Artie & Rosemarie Milo
Requested by Grandchildren
Ana Muñiz
De parte de hijo John
Lilian Moreno
De parte de Gloria Restrepo
All Members of Our Parish Family
July 6
Dorothy Reitz
Requested by Children
July 7
The Children of our Parish Family
Wednesday July 8
The Sick of Our Parish Family
July 9
Increase in Religiuos Vocations
July 10
Francesco Calvelli
Requested by Maria & Laura Calvelli
Giuseppina Sansotta
Requested by Maria & Laura Calvelli
Lilian Moreno
De parte de Familia Velasquez
July 11
Dorothy Reitz
Requested by Donna Boliak
Herminia Sulivan
Requested by Rozanna Clamp
John DiBrienza & Karen
Requested by Dolly DiBrienza
Please pray for the sick of our parish:
Liza & Lisette Ferreiro, Amanda Lara, Teresa Zapata,
Emilio Alarcon & Esteban Gonzalez
If you know of someone who has not received
First Communion or Confirmation, or maybe even
some neighbors who talk about our parish and
have never been baptized, why don’t you come to
the rectory office during office hours and fill out
the information for us this week. We will contact
them in September or October to see if they are
interested in coming closer to Christ in the sacraments of the church.
Quizás tú conoces a alguien que necesita recibir
sus sacramentos. Quizás tienes un vecino que
habla de la iglesia y quisiera bautizarse. Quizás
tú serás el misionero de Cristo. De la información
en horas de oficina en la rectoría y cuando empezamos las clases durante Septiembre y Octubre, les mandaremos un recuerdo para que conozcan también Cristo en los sacramentos!
Memorial Candles: If you would like a candle to
burn in front of a statue in memory of a loved one
from July through December a donation of $50 can
be made at the rectory office along with the name
of your beloved. The candle will burn day and night
for your loved one or for a special intention.
Velas Memoriales: Si Ud. quiere mantener una
vela prendida en frente de una imagen en memoria de un ser querido durante los seís meses de
Julio hasta Diciembre, lo puede hacer en la rectoria
con una donación de $50.00. Se colocará el nombre de la persona memorializada en la vela, la cuál
quedará prendida día y noche de acuerdo con su
intención especial.
Take Care Of Yourself
Dr. Vincent Adamo, a member of our parish family,
would like to help us live and remain healthy. So,
he is offering every member of our parish an entire
first exam for free. This exam includes x-rays, a
nerve scan, and a consultation. Dr. Adamo is a very
caring and friendly holistic doctor and puts his
faith into action by helping anyone who is suffering
or in pain. Also, he offers advice to anyone seeking
a healthier life style. He is helping many people in
our diocese to live a better life. His office is located at 446 Bay Ridge Parkway in Brooklyn and is
phone number is 718-921-5483. You can find more
or Call him today
to schedule your appointment.
Our Parish “End of Summer Festival – Get Together”
Sunday, September 13, 2015, at 12noon
Parish Parking Lot on 27th Street near Saint Rocco Church
Hot Food, Refreshments, Entertainment for Children and Adults
Donation: $10.00 (Free for Children 12 years old and younger)
Plan to spend a relaxing afternoon with us on at our parish “Get-Together”.
It is open to everyone in our parish and your family and friends.
So that all of us can spend an enjoyable afternoon together,
we will only have one parish Mass on Sunday, September 13th at 10:30am
in our parish church, Saint John the Evangelist.
There will be no 8:45am, 10:00am or 11:45am Mass on Sunday, September 13th.
Please plan to be with us.
Fourteenth Ordinary Sunday
When children are very young, say around two or three years of age, their entire world exists within the walls of
their home. And all that they are, all they believe, comes from their parents. In fact, in those young eyes, their parents are perfect; they believe everything Mom and Dad tell them is the truth, and they will do anything they ask
(usually!). But as they grow older, and the world outside of those walls grows louder, the perfections of Mom and
Dad seem to begin to falter. They are looked at through doubtful eyes, their wisdom challenged at nearly every
turn. Often it is not until years later that we realize they were the same wise parents all along. When Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time before his crucifixion, he cried. Not for his fate, but because those around him did
not realize of their impending salvation. In today's Gospel, Jesus has returned to Nazareth to teach in the synagogue, yet his own people doubt his truth, remembering him as a boy and as the son of a carpenter. He remarks
that prophets such as him are always scorned by those who know them best, the people of their hometown. As
children, our innocent faith and belief in God is unwavering. As we grow older, we sometimes question our beliefs
and put aside our faith, rather than grow even closer to Christ. This is because "Faith seeks understanding" (CCC
158). Everything else in this world is explained visually through tangible facts; only faith can come from our hearts.
Perhaps Jesus cried not only for those who saw his miracles yet did not believe, but also for us who did not see.
Our challenge is to be as children in our faith, unwavering, open and believing with all our hearts.
Decimocuarto Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario
No sé si le habrá sucedido alguna vez que al ir de vacaciones a su lugar de origen, después de haber pasado
mucho tiempo fuera y aunque haya nacido, crecido, jugado, y estudiado con sus familiares y amigos de su pueblo
natal, usted es para ellos un perfecto desconocido. Por más que se empeñe en mostrar sus buenas intenciones,
siempre le buscan hasta encontrar lo que no les gusta de su persona. El Evangelio de hoy nos narra la escena
de cuando Jesús visitó a su pueblo. Llama la atención la forma de su predicación. Todos se quedaron maravillados de él y se preguntaban: "¿Dónde aprendió este hombre tantas cosas? ¿De dónde le viene esa sabiduría y
ese poder para hacer milagros?" El Jesús que había crecido con ellos no era el mismo que estaban viendo ahora.
Por miedo, consideraron necesario quitarlo del camino. ¿Por qué fracasó Jesús ante la gente de su pueblo? La
respuesta es sencilla: tenían un pobre concepto de sí mismos y se lo aplicaron a Jesús. Sólo veían la apariencia;
no escucharon sus palabras. Querían ver milagros y hechos extraordinarios, pero se las pasó por alto la verdad
extraordinaria de Jesús y su buena noticia. Analicemos pues, ¿qué concepto tenemos de nosotros mismos? Si
es pobre debemos de mejorarlo, y si es rico debemos de compartirlo. Sólo así podremos ver que los milagros de
Jesús son signos externos que nos ayudan a comprender la verdad más profunda: cuando Jesús le devuelve la
vista al ciego nos indica que él es la luz del mundo; cuando resucita a Lázaro nos indica que él es la vida. Entonces, no seamos desconocidos en nuestro pueblo: trabajemos para dar testimonio de nuestra fe.
People in his hometown did not believe that Jesus could be smart enough to teach in their temples. They did not
believe he could heal. So he went to other towns to teach and heal. If someone says that you are not smart enough
or skilled enough, Jesus understands. He will help you. Tell them, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens
me." Have you ever felt left out? Jesus did. In today's Gospel, Jesus visited his relatives and old friends. These
were the people he grew up with, the people who knew him the best. All of a sudden Jesus was not acting like he
used to. They heard that Jesus was healing people, raising people from the dead, and telling evil spirits to leave.
Jesus was even teaching about God's kingdom, like he really knew what he was talking about! Well, Jesus' old
friends and neighbors did not like it one bit. How sad for them. God's own Son wanted to help them, but they didn't
want it. Prayer: Dear Jesus, help me to listen to you and to accept the help that you want to give me. Amen.

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