files/December 16 2012


files/December 16 2012
Church & School
December 16, 2012
Parochial Vicar/Vicario Parroquial: Fr. T. Ramirez
Mon-Th: 7:00am
Deacons/Diaconos: Carlos Terrazas
Friday: 8:30am
Pastor/Párroco: Fr. Alonso Saenz
Church: 6200 S. Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona, 85042
Office: 6401 S. Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85042
Phone: (602) 276.5581
(602) 276.2119
E-mail: [email protected]
Domingo: 12:00pm
Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 6:30am & 10:00am
Mon, Wed, Fri./Lun, Mier, Vier.: 5:30pm (Spanish Sermon)
Sunday: 8:00am (Spanish sermon)
10:00am (English sermon) @ St. John Bosco Chapel
Mon, Wed, Fri, & Sat/Lun, Mier, Vier, & Sab.:
Office Hours / Horario de Oficina
Monday - Thursday/Lunes - Jueves
9 am - 4 pm
Closed for lunch /Cerrado para Almuerzo
12 noon to 1 pm
St. Vincent de Paul/San Vicente de Paul
Leave message on recorder (602) 243-9057
St. John Bosco Chapel/Teen Center:
6600 S. Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85042
School: 6413 S. Central Avenue,
Phoenix, Arizona 85042
Principal: Mr. Rob Rogers
Phone: (602) 276-2241
Fax: (602) 268-7886
December 9, 2012– Not available at time of
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Baptism Requirements
Here are the requirements to have your child
baptized at St. Catherine of Siena:
1. Parents are asked to attend Mass regularly and
participate in the life of the church.
2. Attend a scheduled registration class.
3. Donation of $75.00 for one child or $100.00 for
two or more children, per family.
4. Attend a preparation class for the Sacrament of
5. Choose appropriate Godparent(s) who is practicing the faith and is in communion with the
Catholic Church.
 Must be 16 years of age or older
 Have all Sacraments: Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.
 If the Godparent(s) is married, their Marriage must have been celebrated in the Catholic Church.
 If single, the Godparent(s) must be living a life of Chastity and goodness.
6. Parents must be committed to raising your child in our Catholic Faith.
Baptisms take place on Saturday’s at the parish.
For class dates and times, please call the parish office at (602) 276-5581.
Estos son los requisitos para bautizar en Santa Catalina deSiena:
Se les pide a los Padres que asistan a Misa regularmente y que participen en
la vida de la Iglesia.
Requisitos Para Bautizar
Thinking about getting
Please contact the Parish office for information on Marriage Preparation classes at
least, 9 month s prior .
Asistir a la registración Bautismal.
Asistir a la clase de preparación para el Sacramento de Bautismo en St. Catherine/otra Iglesia Catolica.
Escoger Padrinos apropiados. Tiene que estar practicando la Fe Católica.
 Padrinos necesitan ser mayores de 16 años.
 Tener todos sus sacramentos: Bautizo, Primera Comunión, y Confirmación.
 Si los Padrinos son pareja, necesitan estar casados en la Iglesia
 Sin son solteros, no pueden estar viviendo en unión libre con nadie
y vivir una vida casta.
Los padres necesitan prometer que su hijo será educado en la Fe Católca.
Para registrar a sus hijos necesitan:
Donación de $75.00 por un niño(a) o $100.00 por dos niños o más
por familia (no-reembolsable).
2. Estar registrados en la Iglesia a donde asisten a Misa y traer una
carta de permiso para bautizar en otra Iglesia.
Pensando en casarse?
3. Acta de nacimiento.
Por favor, póngase en contacto con la oficina
parroquial para obtener información sobre las
clases de Preparación Matrimonional, al
menos, 9 meses antes.
4. Documentos Sacramentales de los padrinos.
NOTA: Si no traen todos los documentos necesarios, no podemos registrar a sus hijos.
Los Bautizos se llevan a cabo los Sábados por el Diacono Carlos Terrazas.
Para más información favor de llamar la oficina al (602) 276-5581.
Welcome to St. Catherine of Siena · Phoenix AZ
“For Jesus Christ reigns over the minds of individuals by his teachings, in their hearts by his love, in
each one’s life by the living according to his law and the imitating of his example.” - Pope Pius XI
Luke 3:1-6: In the fifteenth year of Tiberius Caesar’s reign, when Pontius Pilate was governor of
Judaea, Herod tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of the lands of Ituraea and Trachonitis,
Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene, during the pontificate of Annas and Caiaphas the word of God came to
John son of Zechariah, in the wilderness. He went through the whole Jordan district proclaiming a
baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, as it is written in the book of the sayings of the
prophet Isaiah: A voice cries in the wilderness: Prepare a way for the Lord, make his paths straight.
Every valley will be filled in, every mountain and hill be laid low, winding ways will be straightened and
rough roads made smooth. And all mankind shall see the salvation of God.
Christ the Lord Great personages announce their official visits ahead of time. This provides people
with an opportunity to prepare for the visit, so as to be able to take be ready for it. John the Baptist is
Christ’s precursor, the one sent to announce his coming and get people ready to welcome him. He
plays a central role in the liturgy of Advent, the season during which the Church recalls Christ’s first
coming, readies itself to welcome him at his new, spiritual coming each Christmas, and looks forward to his definitive, second coming at the end of
history (“Advent” derives from the Latin for “coming towards”). Luke emphasizes the incomparable importance of Christ’s coming by pointing out how
Isaiah had prophesied not only the arrival of Jesus but even the appearance of the precursor, John. God had long been preparing this pivotal moment
in the world’s history, and wanted to do everything possible to alert his people of its imminence.
Although Christ has come to the earth, and although he has come to dwell in many human hearts and societies, many more have still not heard of him
or welcomed him. The Lord has his eye on those and is planning advents for each one of them. With each person, he continues to use this same methodology: he sends his heralds ahead of him. We are those heralds. Every Christian is another John the Baptist, boldly drawing others’ attention to the
truth and grace of Christ with his words, deeds and example. Among the many responsibilities each of us has, none is greater or more rewarding than
teaming up with the Holy Spirit to prepare hearts for the Lord.
Christ the Teacher Isaiah’s prophecy, which summarizes John’s message, offers us two lessons. First it tells us what to do in order to get ready for
Christ’s comings in our lives and those around us. We are to “prepare the way,” filling in valleys, leveling hills, straightening crooked roads, and
smoothing out rough paths. The imagery comes from a typical scene in the ancient world (before concrete and asphalt highways). Roads were notoriously unreliable in Isaiah’s time, long before the establishment and spread of the Roman Empire. When a king or emperor made the rounds of his territories, his officials would travel ahead of him, making sure that the roads were safe and in good condition so that he wouldn’t be delayed and would be
less vulnerable to enemy ambushes. Likewise, we are called to examine our own souls on a regular basis, especially in the penitential seasons of Advent and Lent, to see where selfishness has encroached upon our relationships with God and with other people, and where laziness and selfindulgence have worn away our self-discipline. We may need to fill in some spiritual potholes or clear away some unwelcome debris, so that the graces
God has in store for us during each season of our lives will be able to stream unhindered into our hearts.
Second, Isaiah tells us why we should prepare our hearts for Christ’s comings: “All flesh shall see the salvation of God.” He reminds us that we (the
entire human family, as well as each of us individually) need God’s grace. The peace, meaning, and joy that we thirst for above all else is out of our
sinful reach; we need someone to bring it us, to search us out in this desert of our earthly exile and give us the waters of eternal life. Christ is the one to
do this. He always wants to bring us closer to God, closer to the fullness of life that we long for. But he won’t force his way in; we need to ready ourselves to welcome him.
Christ the Friend St. Luke begins this chapter of his Gospel curiously: with a list of names and places that seem irrelevant at first glance. Twenty centuries after the fact, we are interested in Jesus, not in tetrarchs and obsolete geography. But these details reveal something crucial about Jesus: he is
not an abstract God. He weaves his action and presence into the fabric of our day-to-day lives; he takes up his stance on the crossroads of everyone’s
personal history and addresses us there. And he does it because he wants to. Jesus Christ is a God who is our friend, not a faceless, aloof divine architect.
Jesus: I know where you were born and when. I remember every moment of your childhood, every one of your experiences growing up. I have been
with you through it all. I will continue to be with you. Nothing about you is indifferent to me; all the circumstances of your life matter, and I am using
them all to draw you closer to me, to show you your mission and guide you to its fulfillment. If you look for me, you will always find me, right there beside you.
Christ in My Life Am I a good messenger, Lord? Do my words stir up noble sentiments? Do my actions clear the way for your grace? Does my manner point people to the goodness of Christ? Do I even try to help bring others a step closer to you? Life is so busy, Lord. Can I be your ambassador in
the midst of my busy-ness? Of course I can, if you will show me the way…
I know that my fears and self-centered habits obstruct your action in my life. I want to be free of them. Thank you for always being ready to forgive me
and supply me with your grace. I want to take advantage of your generosity, to make use of confession and all the other ways you give me to grow,
little by little but surely and constantly, into the saint you created me to be…
You teach me so clearly that the drama of salvation history is played out in the mundane reality of my life and the lives of those around me. Tune me in
to this drama. Open my eyes. I want to see you in every event and every person. I want to detect and seize every opportunity to love you and make
you known. You are my hope, my light, my Lord…
December 16, 2012
(Pequeño pero sustancioso librito sobre el purgatorio)
San Alfonso María Liguori decía que, aunque las santas Almas no pueden ya lograr méritos para sí mísmas, pueden obtener para nosotros grandes gracias. No son, formalmente
hablando, intercesores, como lo son los Santos, pero a través de la dulce Providencia de
Dios, pueden obtener para nosotros asombrosos favores y librarnos de los demonios,
enfermedades y peligros de toda clase.
Está más allá de toda duda, como ya hemos dicho, que nos devuelven miles de veces
cada cosa que hagamos por ellos.
Los siguientes hechos, unos pocos de todos los que podríamos mencionar, son suficientes
para mostrar cuán poderosas y generosas amigas son estas Almas.
Una pobre niña sirvienta en Francia llamada Jeanne Marie escuchó una vez un sermón sobre las Santas Almas, el cual dejó una impresión indeleble en
su mente. Fue profundamente movida por el pensamiento del intenso e incesante sufrimiento que soportaban las pobres Almas, y se horrorizaba al ver
cuán cruelmente eran olvidadas y dejadas de lado por sus amigos de la Tierra.
Otra cosa que la impresionó profundamente es oír que hay muchas almas que están tan cerca de su liberación, que una sola Misa sería suficiente para
ellas; pero que son retenidas largo tiempo, hasta años, sólo porque este último y necesario sufragio fue olvidado o negado!
Con una fe simple, Jeanne Marie resolvió que, costara lo que costara, ella tendría una Misa por las Pobres Almas cada mes, especialmente por las más
cercanas al Cielo. Ella ahorraba un poquito, y a veces con dificultad, pero nunca falló en su promesa.
En una ocasión fue a París con su patrona, y la niña cayó enferma. por lo cual se vio obligada a ir al Hospital. Desafortunadamente, la enfermedad resultó ser de largo tratamiento, y su patrona tuvo que regresar a casa, deseando que su mucama pronto se reuniera con ella. Cuando al final la pobre sirvienta pudo dejar el hospital, y allí había dejado todos sus ahorros, de manera que sólo le quedaba en la mano un franco.
¿Qué hizo? ¿A dónde ir? De repente, un pensamiento cruzó su mente y se acordó que no había ofrecido ese mes una Misa en favor de las Pobres Almas.
Pero tenía sólo un franco! Apenas le alcanzaría para comer. Como tenía confianza que las Almas del Purgatorio le ayudarían, fue hasta una Iglesia y
pidió hablar con un sacerdote, para que ofrezca una Misa, en favor de las Almas del Purgatorio. El aceptó, aunque jamás imaginó que la modesta suma
que la niña ofreció era el único dinero que la pobre niña poseía. Al terminar el Santo Sacrificio, nuestra heroína dejó la Iglesia. Una cierta tristeza nubló
su rostro, y se sintió totalmente perpleja.
Un joven caballero, tocado por su evidente decepción, le preguntó si tenía algún problema y si podía ayudarla. Ella le contó su historia brevemente, y
finalizó diciendo cuanto deseaba trabajar.
De alguna manera se sintió consolada por la forma en que el joven la escuchaba, y recobró la confianza.
"Será un placer ayudarte" dijo." Conozco una dama que en este momento está buscando una sirvienta. Ven conmigo". Y dicho esto le guió hasta una
casa no muy lejos de allí y le pidió que ella tocara el timbre, asegurándole que encontraría trabajo.
En respuesta al toque de timbre, la dama de la casa abrió ella misma la puerta y preguntó a Jeanne Marie que quería. "madam" dijo ella, "Me dijeron
que usted está buscando una mucama. No tengo trabajo y me agradaría tener el puesto".
La dama estaba perpleja y replicó: "Quién pudo haberte dicho que necesitaba una mucama? Hace sólo un par de minutos que acabo de despedir a la que
tenía, acaso te has encontrado con ella?"
"No, Madam. La persona que me informó que usted necesitaba una mucama fue un joven caballero".
"Imposible!, exclamó la señora, "Ningún joven, de hecho nadie, pudo haberse enterado que necesitaba una mucama".
"Pero madam", dijo la niña, apuntando un cuadro en la pared" ése es el hombre que me lo dijo".
"No, mi niña, ese es mi único hijo, que ha muerto hace ya más de un año!
"Muerto o no" aseguró la niña," el fue el que me trajo hasta aquí, y aún me guió hasta la puerta. Vea la cicatriz en la frente. Lo reconocería donde fuera". Luego, le contó toda la historia, con su último franco, y de cómo ella obtenía Misas por las Santas Almas, especialmente por las más cercanas al
Convencida al final de la veracidad de la historia de Jeanne Marie, la dama la recibió con los brazos abiertos. "Ven, pero no como mi sirvienta, sino
como mi querida hija. Tú has enviado a mi queridísimo hijo al Cielo. No tengo duda que él fue el que te trajo a mí".
Article taken from : Catolicidad/
Welcome to St. Catherine of Siena · Phoenix AZ
Monday, December 17, 2012
4:00pm - 5:00pm - Rosario Grupo de Hora Santa (Chapel)
6:30pm - 8:00pm - Posadas (Nazareth)
6:30pm - 8:30pm - Al Anon (Esperanza)
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
10:00am - 12:00pm - Grieving Group (Nazareth)
4:00pm - 9:00pm - School Christmas Play (Hall)
4:00pm - 5:00pm - Rosario Grupo de Hora Santa (Chapel)
5:00pm - 8:30pm - Grupo de Oracion (St. John Bosco/Teen Center)
5:30pm 6:30pm - Misa de Adviento (Church)
6:30pm - 8:30pm - Posadas (Nazareth)
6:30pm - 8:00pm - Legion of Mary Mtg. (Nazareth)
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm-Rosary Mision Cristo Joven (Chapel)
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Lunes, 17 de diciembre, 2012
7:00am - Asia Bibi
8:30am - Fr. Saenz & Fr. Ramirez
5:30pm - Anahi Gonzalez
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Martes 18 de diciembre, 2012
7:00 am - †Gilbert Salaiz Jr. & Antonio Ortega Bebera
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Miercoles, 19 de diciembre, 2012
7:00 am - †Joan Collins
5:30pm - Anthony Motta
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Jueves, 20 de diciembre, 2012
7:00am - Sr. Evelyn O’Boyle
4:00pm - 5:00pm - Rosario Grupo de Hora Santa (Chapel)
5:30pm - 7:00pm - Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Chapel)
6:00pm - 9:00pm - School Christmas Play (Hall)
6:30pm - 8:30pm - Posadas (Nazareth)
Friday, December 21, 2012
Viernes, 21 de diciembre, 2012
8:15 am - †Rita Keogh
5:30 pm - †Socorro Echeverria
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Sábado, 22 de diciembre, 2012
5:30pm - †Angelita & Ezequiel Aragon
9:00am - 5:00pm - Exposition Blessed Sacrament (Chapel)
4:00pm - 5:00pm - Holy Hour (Chapel)
5:30pm - 6:30pm - Misa de Adviento (Church)
6:00pm - 8:00pm - Guadalupana Board Mtg. (Hall)
6:30pm - 8:30pm - Posadas (Nazareth)
6:30pm - 8:30pm - EMM Sepulveda Grp.(Esperanza)
6:30pm - 7:30pm - Mision Cristo Joven (San Francisco)
Friday, December 21, 2012
4:00pm - 5:00pm - Divine Mercy Rosary, Grupo de Hora Santa (Chapel)
4:00pm - 10:00pm - KofC Spaghetti Social (Hall)
6:00pm - 7:30pm - Latin Altar Servers (Church)
6:00pm - 9:00pm - RE Set up (Hall)
6:30pm - 8:30pm - Posadas (Nazareth)
6:30pm - 8:30pm - EMM Melchor (Esperanza)
Saturday, December 22, 2012
3:00pm - 5:00pm - Rosary, Dcn. Carlos (Chapel)
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm - Rosario, Spanish (Chapel)
5:30pm - 6:30pm - Misa de Adviento (Church)
5:30pm - 6:30pm - Rosario (Chapel)
6:30pm - 8:30pm - Posadas (Nazareth)
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Domingo, 23 de diciembre, 2012
6:30 am - †Alberto Peralta
8:00 am - †Panfilo & Petra Quintero
English 10:00 am - Edward Ortiz Sr. & Garrett Currie
Latin 10:00am - Alejandra Oregel
12:00 pm - †Mayra de Leon
2:00 pm - Familia Lopez Merida
Readings for the Week of December 16, 2012
Zep 3:14-18a/Phil 4:4-7/Lk 3:10-18
Gn 49:2, 8-10/Mt 1:1-17
Jer 23:5-8/Mt 1:18-25
Wednesday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a/Lk 1:5-25
Is 7:10-14/Lk 1:26-38
Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a/Lk 1:39-45
1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1:46-56
Mi 5:1-4a/Heb 10:5-10/Lk 1:39-45
Sunday, December 23, 2012
6:00am - 3:00pm - Templarios Breakfast Sale (Hall)
1:00pm - 2:00pm - Rosario Grupo de Hora Santa (Chapel)
4:00pm - 6:00pm - Grupo de Jovenes (St. John Bosco Chapel)
5:30pm - 6:30pm - Misa de Adviento (Church)
6:30pm - 8:30pm - Posadas (Nazareth)
******* Events Subject to Change*****
Lecturas para la semana del 16 de diciembre de 2012
Sof 3, 14-18/Flp 4, 4-7/Lc 3, 10-18
Gn 49, 2. 8-10/Mt 1, 1-17
Jr 23, 5-8/Mt 1, 18-24
Jue 13, 2-7. 24-25/Lc 1, 5-25
Is 7, 10-14/Lc 1, 26-38
Cant 2, 8-14 o Sof 3, 14-18/Lc 1, 39-45
1 Sm 1, 24-28/Lc 1, 46-56
Miq 5, 1-4/Heb 10, 5-10/Lc 1, 39-45
©Liturgical Publications Inc
December 16, 2012
We are looking for a Volunteer interested in teaching Art and Computers. If you are interested please call Mr. Rogers at 276-2241.
The Christmas Program grades performing will be:
Starting at 6:00 pm
 Tuesday, December 18th -Kindergarten, First, Second and their Buddies Sixth, Seventh
and Eighth Grades
 Wednesday, December 19th – Pre-K, Third, Fourth and Fifth Grades
Felicia Chavez, Brianna Norris, Michael Galloway , Joe Rangel, Carol Hooley, Veronica
Velasquez, Brenda Overa , Kailah Franco, Elsa
Trejo, Marlene & Jesse Carter, Mariah Perez,
Malia Tuipulotu, Pegge Morse, Martha Hart,
Teresa Cordova, Anissa Sisneros, Winona Elliott, Manuel
Cabrera, III, Jeremiah Guillen, Francisca Rodriguez , Liliana
Lopez, Carlos Sanchez, Jose and Sandra Barajas, Elva Alicia
Valle, Ramiro Valle, Colin Matthew Dugall, Teresa Morales,
Ben Piercy, Jose Sotello, Joanna Little, Dan Castillo, Gwen
Meyers, Alma Cano, Rafael Huandurraga, Dianne Schlung,
Robert & Theresa Bejarano, Harold Paddraza, David Sanchez,
Ralph Abalos, Cruz Robles, Matthew Peter Johnson, Monica
Valle, Eleanor Rivera, Sergio &Karina Gonzalez, Melanie
Morales, Yolanda Escobar, Linda Everett, Vern Meyer, Nancy
& Skip Garrett, Annie Gerhardt, Fernando Ruiz Sr, Juancarlos
Mendoza, Giovanni Avila, Jesse Luna, Ronald Piercy, Erika
Gonzalez, Larry Arthur Beltran, Emmi-ellees Mason.
Dynamic Presentations/The heart of Christ
Eucharistic Adoration/Confessions/Vigil Mass
For more information please contact:
Armando Banda
St Catherine's Men's Group
[email protected]
Welcome to St. Catherine of Siena · Phoenix AZ
El 16 de diciembre daremos
inicio a las Posadas. Empiezan diariamente con Misa a
las 5:30pm y se concluyen con
un convivio en el cuarto Nazaret. Todos están invitados.
Favor de traer un platillo de
comida o postre para compartir con todos.
Las Posadas se
terminaran el
23 de diciembre.

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