Parish Mission - St. Bartholomew Catholic Church


Parish Mission - St. Bartholomew Catholic Church
St. Bartholomew
3601 Altamesa Fort Worth, Texas 76133
Parish office is located in the building
on east side of church.
“My grace is
sufficient for you,
for power is
made perfect in
Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time (B)
July 5, 2015
Parish Mission:
Mass Schedule
Daily Schedule for July 6-10: Monday: Mass at 8:30a.m.
Tuesday: Liturgy of the Hours at 8:30a.m.
Wednesday : Liturgy of the Hours at 8:30a.m., Mass at 6:30p.m.
Thursday: Mass at 12:10p.m.
Friday: Mass at 8:30a.m.: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament following
Mass until 2:00p.m.
Weekend Masses: Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Mass—English
Sunday: 9 a.m. - English; 11 a.m. - English; 1 p.m. - Spanish ; 3p.m. - Spanish
A nursery is provided at the following Masses: 4:30 p.m. Saturday; 9 a.m., 11 a.m. & 1p.m. Sunday.
Weekly Calendar/Calendario Semanal
Sunday: 5th Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time~14 Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario /
Office Closed~ Oficina cerrada
Coffee and donuts in the church building, room 14 after 9a.m. and 11a.m. Masses
Vacation Bible School Registration in the Narthex after the Masses
Spanish Choir Practice
Monday: 6th Office Closed~ Oficina cerrada
Mass at 8:30a.m. in the church
.Tuesday: 7th
Sew Blessed, 11a.m. in the church building, room 14
Spanish 3p.m. Mass Choir practice , 6 p.m. in the church
Padres Orantes, 7p.m. in the chapel
Wednesday: 8th
Men’s Morning Prayer Group. All men are welcome to join us at 6:00 a.m. in the church. Doors open at 5:30 a.m.her
Hispanic Prayer Group Choir, 7p.m. in the church building, room 23
Spanish Men’s ACTS Share Groups, 7p.m. in the church building, room 14, 21
Music Rehearsal, 7p.m. in the church
Thursday: 9th
Spanish Choir Rehearsal, 7:00p.m. in the church
 Fr. John Robert’s Bible Study on the Book of Jonah at 7p.m. in the Great Hall
Young Adult Ministry, 7p.m. will attend Fr. John Robert’s Bible Study
English Baptism Class 7p.m. in the church building, room 14
Prayer Shawl Ministry, 7p.m in the church building, room 23
Friday: 10th
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, 9:15a.m-1:30p.m. in the church chapel
Fr. John Robert’s Bible Study at 9:30a.m. in the Great Hall. This is a repeat of the Thursday night class
Hispanic Prayer group, 7p.m. in the church building, room 14
Saturday: 11th
St. Augustine’s Group , email [email protected]
ACTS Meetings, 9p.m. in the Parish Life Center, room 1, 3, 11, 12, 13
Confessions/ Confesiones, 3p.m. in the chapel
Vacation Bible School Meeting, at 10a.m. in Parish Life Center, room 21
Couples for Christ, 1p.m. in the church building, room 14
Next Sunday: 12th Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time~15 Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario
Special Collection: Catholic Home Missions Appeal
Coffee and Donuts
Spanish Choir Practice
Daily Readings
Fourteenth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Next Sunday Fifteenth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
First Reading
Ez 2:2-5
Ps 123:1-4
Gn 28:10-22a
Gn 32:23-33
Gn 41:55-57;42:5-7a,17-24a
Gn 44:18-21,23b-29;45:1-5
Gn 46:1-7,28-30
Gn 49:29-32;50:15-26a
Ps 91:1-4,14-15b
Ps 17:1b,2-3,6-8b,15
Ps 33:2-3,10-11,18-19
Ps 105:16-21
Ps 37:3-4,18-19,27-28,39-40
Ps 105:1-4,6-7
Am 7:12-15
Ps 85:9-14
Second Reading
2 Cor 12:7-10
Mk 6:1-6a
Mt 9:18-26
Mt 9:32-38
Mt 10:1-7
Mt 10:7-15
Mt 10:16-23
Mt 10:24-33
Mk 6:7-13
Magnanimous Musings of Fr. John Robert Skeldon
For this 4th of July weekend, perhaps, as a nation of immigrants, it is best to be
reminded of that from the poetry of one of our own: Emma Lazarus. Her poem
The New Colossus is inscribed at the base of the Statue of Liberty in New York
City. The poetry is stirring, and just like the prophetic poetry of ancient Israel
and Judah, summons us to “the better angels of our nature.” On this 239th anniversary of the foundation
of the Republic, let us meditate again on where we came from and where we are going.
The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!"cries she
With silent lips. "
Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Reflexión Magnánima de Padre John Robert Skeldon
Para este fin de semana de 4 de julio, como una nación de inmigrantes, tal ve. lo mejor es que se nos
recuerde de eso, a partir de la poesía de alguien de los nuestros: Emma Lazarus. Su poema The New
Colossus (El Nuevo Coloso) que está inscrito en la base de la Estatua de la Libertad en la ciudad de
Nueva York. La poesía es conmovedora, y al igual que la poesía profética del antiguo Israel y de Judá,
nos convoca a "los mejores ángeles de nuestra naturaleza". En este aniversario 239 de la fundación de
la República, meditemos nuevamente de dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos.
El Nuevo Coloso por Emma Lazarus
No como el mítico gigante griego de bronce,
De miembros conquistadores a horcajadas de tierra a tierra;
Aquí en nuestras puertas del ocaso bañadas por el mar se erguirá
Una poderosa mujer con una antorcha, cuya llama
Es el relámpago aprisionado, y su nombre
Madre de los Desterrados. Desde el faro de su mano
Brilla la bienvenida para todo el mundo; sus templados ojos dominan
El puerto de aéreos puentes que las ciudades gemelas enmarcan.
¡Guárdense, tierras antiguas, su pompa legendaria!"grita ella
Con labios mudos. "
Denme a sus rendidos, a sus pobres,
Sus masas hacinadas anhelando respirar en libertad,
El desamparado desecho de sus rebosantes playas.
Envíenme a estos, los desamparados, sacudidos por las tempestades a mí,
¡Yo elevo mi faro detrás de la puerta dorada!"
Reflexión Magnánima de Padre John
Office Closed in observance of July 4th.
The office will be closed on Friday, July 3rd,
Sunday, July 5th and Monday , July 6th. It will
reopen at 9a.m. on Tuesday, July 7th.
Oficina Cerrada en conmemoración del 4 de
Los oficina estará cerrada el viernes, 3 de julio,
el Domingo, 05 de julio y el lunes, 6 de julio. Abriremos de
nuevo el martes 7 de julio a las 9a.m..
There is a basket in the back of the church with Lost
and Found, i.e. baby shoes, sweaters, glasses, etc.
Take a look if you are missing something. Valuables are taken to the office.
Liturgy of the Hours
On Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 8:30a.m., we will be
gathering in the chapel and praying with the universal Catholic Church the Liturgy of the Hours. Please plan on joining us
for this communal Morning Prayer service.
Don’t forget to Register your Kroger Plus Card.
Get a Kroger Plus Card at the store.
Then go to, sign into
your account or create one. Go to Community
Rewards, SVPD organization # 94395, then
SVPD– St. Bart’s Conference and save.
NO olviden de registrar su tarjeta de Kroger Plus Card.
Obtén una tarjeta de Kroger Plus Card en la tienda. Después
ve al, entra a tu cuenta o
crea una. Vete a Go to Community Rewards, SVPD organization
# 94395, then SVPD- St. Bart’s Conference y salvalo.
Special Collection next Sunday for
Catholic Home Missions Appeal
What is a "home mission?" If you have ever visited eastern
Kentucky or Tennessee, driven through rural Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, spent time on the Mexican border, or
passed through scattered small towns in Wyoming, Montana, or Oregon, you have been in mission territory. The little
brick or clapboard churches you see along the way, housing
pockets of Catholic faithful, are the home missions.
The Church is quite fragile in many parts of the United
States where Catholics are a small minority. Some 90
dioceses rely on the Catholic Home Missions Appeal for
support of poor parishes, work with growing populations of Hispanics and other minority Catholics, youth ministry, training for lay ministers, educating Seminarians, training Deacons, evangelization, and religious education.
Deacon John Coe’s sister passed away in May and
he had various family issues to deal with in North
Carolina. He has indicated that he may return in
the middle of August. Keep Deacon John and his
family in your prayers.
Saint Vincent de Paul Society (SVdP)
General meeting and welcome for the
new volunteers to our conference,
Tuesday, July 14, beginning at 6:30
PM in the Four Evangelists Room (Sunday Donuts) in the church hall. Spend an hour with us. Refreshments will be served.
Sacrament of Baptism (newborns - age 6): Parents requesting the Sacrament of Baptism should be either living within parish boundaries or be registered in the parish. Parents and godparents are expected to attend a baptism class for an infant to be baptized. Parents are required to bring a signed photocopy of the child’s state-registered birth certificate to the baptism class. Godparents who are not registered at St. Bartholomew must provide a letter from their parish which verifies that they meet the godparent
requirements. All paperwork must be turned into the office before scheduling your child’s baptism date. The next class will be 7 p.m.
on Thursday, July 9th in the church hall. Call the office to sign up for this class. Parents also need to call the office if you need to use
the nursery while attending this class. For more information, call Art and Cecilia Villa 817-292-3897. The next English Baptism ceremony will be Saturday, August 1st at 10 a.m. in the church for those who have attended the class.
Sacramento del Bautismo (Recién nacidos hasta 6 años): Los padres que soliciten el bautismo deben vivir dentro de los
límites de la parroquia o ser miembros registrados. Los papas y los padrinos deben asistir a una clase pre-bautismales. Por favor
pase a la oficina parroquial para obtener el paquete con la información y formas necesarias antes de asistir a la clase pre-bautismal.
Los padrinos que no estén registrados en San Bartolomé deben proporcionar una carta de su parroquia en donde verifique que están registrados y que cumplen con los requisitos para ser padrinos. Necesita entregar una fotocopia del certificado de nacimiento del
bebe emitido por el estado. La próxima clase de bautismo en español será en el edificio de la iglesia, el jueves 16 de julio a las 7
p.m. Si no trae todos los documentos necesarios no podrá tomar la clase. Habrá cuidado de niños disponible. Los bautismos en
español se realizan el primer sábado de cada mes a las 11 a.m. La próxima fecha para bautismo en español será sábado, agosto 1
a 11 a.m., en la iglesia.
Sacrament of Confirmation: Students wishing to prepare for this Sacrament must be in 11th grade and are expected to be
in religious education (i.e. YSN, bible study or religion class at school) for one year before registering for Confirmation. Anew class
will be starting in August. Para la Confirmación el próximo año, se va a requerir un año de educación religiosa (YSN)
antes de inscribirse para la Confirmación. Un adolescente que necesita recibir la Confirmación y las clases posteriores
debe inscribirse y asistir regularmente al programa YSN un año previo a las clases de Confirmación.
Sacrament of Matrimony: Please call Deacon Gary Brooks at least six months before you wish to marry.
Sacrament of Reconciliation/Confesiones: Saturday: 3-4 p.m. in the chapel.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Classes starting in August
Are you interested in being Baptized or coming into full
communion with the Catholic Church? Call the Church
office at 817-292-7703 for more information or to sign
Las Clases de RICA Inician en Agosto
¿Está usted interesado en ser Bautizado o entrar en
plena comunión con la Iglesia Católica? Llame a la
oficina de la Iglesia al 817-292-7703
Have you signed up for Faith Direct yet?
Faith Direct enables parishioners to make your Church
contributions through either direct debit from your checking/savings account or through your credit/debit card.
Please enroll by responding to the mailing you will received , or by visiting to enroll securely online. Our parish code is TX653. There are also
enrollment forms in the racks at the back of the church.
Upcoming Spanish Men’s Cursillo– September 17-20.
Contact Rafael Cuevas 817-291-4713
Pamela Stuntz Ph.D., LMFT-Associate is partnering with St. Bartholomew’s church to provide affordable counseling to children, adolescents,
adults, couples and families through sliding scale
counseling based on family household and income. .For more information, please call (817)
253-2013 or e-mail at [email protected]
The Young Adult Ministry will meet
Thursday, at 7p.m. in the Parish Life Center, room 11
Parishioners with Businesses
We are updating our advertising in the bulletin for the
new advertising year starting in August 1. This is an
excellent opportunity to advertise your business or
service. Parishioners do support the businesses advertised in the bulletin. Also we will be looking for advertisers for our yearly calendar. Call Cheryl Brooks in
the office (817-292-7703)for our reasonable rates.
Welcome Newcomers
Milton & Clauida Alfonso
Sandra Delgadillo
Eduardo & Claudia Ceron
Manuel Gomez
Manuel & Alejandra Lopez
Paul & Elizabeth Martinez
Leopoldo Nava
Joe & Carolina Pedroza
Guadalupe Rios
Douglas & Yasmin Shonkwiler
Classes will be held on Thursday evenings (7:00 pm – 9:00
pm) at St. Vincent de Paul and online beginning the week of
September 6th. Registrations are now being accepted. For more
information, check the website or call the
Catholic Biblical School at 972-721-4118.
SVdP National Vehicle Donation Program
Put your vehicle to work feeding those who are
in need. Donate it to SVdP National Vehicle Donation Program at or call
Your contribution is tied directly to your
location. That means your donation will help someone in your
immediate community. Used vehicles may be turned into money
to provide critical items such as food, shelter, housing, etc.
Coffee and Donuts after the 9a.m. and 11a.m.
Masses. If you would like to volunteer to help
with Coffee and Donuts call Shane Chubbs at
Holy Family Catholic School Alumni Directory
HFCS will be celebrating 70 years this summer. In preparation
for this special milestone the school is working to put together an
alumni directory. Are you an alum of St. Alice? Are you a
HFCS Alum? Please contact our Development Director, Alma
Hernandez-Blackwell at [email protected] if you are interested in being included in our alumni directory.
Coming: 2015-2016 School Year
It is our pleasure to announce a new Catholic UniversityModel Home School program for Jr. High and High School:
Our Lady of Good Counsel @ St.Patrick’s Cathedral.
OLGC offers ala carte, core classes for incoming 7th-10th grade students. Some are applicable for 11th and 12th as well. All will be taught
once per week by experienced, Catholic tutors with daily lessons assigned for the remaining weekdays. Limited parental volunteer time is
required. Visit the website for the upcoming Open House/ Registration
It is our pleasure to announce a new Catholic University
OLGC offers a
applicable for 11th and 12th as well. All will be taught once per
Fr. John Robert Skeldon, Pastor
Fr. Hector Medina, Parochial Vicar
SUMMER in the YOUTH ROOM this week, Wednesday, July
8th, from 6:30-8:45p.m., all youth grades 7-12 are invited to
come hangout in the Youth Room. Bring games, game systems, music, and snacks to share.
Faith Flicks this Sunday, July the Youth Room
at 4p.m.. This is our Youth Bible Study based on popular movies. Super Cool! See Facebook Group “St. Bart’s
Youth Group” for any changes.
Overnight Mystery trip—July 16-17. Adult Volunteers needed .
See Eric for info and forms.
Need Youth Volunteers for VBS, July 20-24 to
run the games
Disciples Assemble
Calling all Disciples! Come join us
Thursdays this summer for Mass at Noon
(it is a shorter Mass than the ones on Sunday) then followed by lunch and
hangout time. * Please bring money for lunch, however each time you come your name
will be entered into a drawing for that day for a chance to win a free lunch paid by Youth
Ministry. ** Please arrive at the Church at 11:45 so that we can sit together. See you
Coed Softball practice - Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 (call Eric or
Jeremy Lopez "Coach" for more info) Jeremy Lopez cell # 817-3449275
Camp Fort Worth
Only One Camp left: July 19-24 at St. Vincent de Paul in
Arlington. . The cost is $101 and as always don’t let cost keep you from
coming, scholarship money is available. See Eric for more info and
forms. W e only have 8 slots for this camp. They are filling up fast. Sign
Up Soon!
NEED Adult Volunteers for Freshman YSN and
Discovery for the Fall. Call Eric for more info
Gary Brooks, Deacon
Pastoral Associate, [email protected]
Reyes Tello Jr, Deacon
John Coe, Deacon
Sister Yolanda Pineda, MCSH
Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry
Parish Office: 817-292-7703
FAX Number: 817-292-2568
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.-8:00p.m.
Friday: 9a.m.-2p.m.
Sunday: 9a.m.-3p.m.
E-mail: [email protected]
Deacon Brooks’ Residence:
Office Staff: 817-292-7703
Olivia DeLeon, Bookkeeper (Bilingual)
Karen Amaya , Secretary (Bilingual)
Bertha Olmos, Secretary (Bilingual)
Maria Keña Rivera, Secretary (Bilingual)
Marie Tamulevicz, Secretary
Lenora Thompson, Secretary/Data Entry
Communications Director &
Facilities Coordinator:
Cheryl Brooks: 817-292-7703
e-mail: [email protected]
Director of Religious Education
Charlie Gappa: 817-966-2378
CCD Office: 817-288-4005
CCD E-mail: [email protected]
Dan Patterson: 817-361-8720
Minister of Music
Michael Sawey: 817-292-7703
e-mail: [email protected]
Nursery Director
Teri Kolodechik: 817-292-8748
Youth Minister
Eric Hernandez: 817-480-5471
e-mail: [email protected]
Deacon Gary Brooks
Ministry to the Sick
Pat Ward: 817-690-1402
Call Pat or the parish office for hospital
or home visits. On Sundays the Eucharist
will be brought to those who desire it.
Prison Ministry
Ed Brady: 817-309-3302
Service Committee:
Call Cheryl Brooks at the Office
Spanish Marriage Enrichment:
Abel & Bertha Olmos: 817-201-6336
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Food Pantry: 817-361-8420
Hours: MWF, 1-4 p.m.; Th,6:00-8:00p.m.
Sat, 9-11 a.m.; Tues & Sun--closed
Thank you to all who are making electronic contributions through Faith Dire
your banking institution. Please be advised that you will no longer be receivi
envelopes through the mail from Cathedral Corporation after May. Be assur
that you are still an active registered member of the parish.

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