

Published by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union
Vol 71, NO 8 • SEPTEMBER 2013
Our decision to leave the
national AFL-CIO 2
Artículos en Español
Important notice
Good jobs not junk jobs: Alameda County recycling workers staged a one-day strike on July 30th. They converged
on Oakland City Hall for a rally and day of political action. Workers met with local and state elected officials in the afternoon.
That evening, accompanied by community allies, they filled the City Council Chambers and addressed the City Council.
ILWU recycling workers
fight for justice
Postmaster: Send address changes to The Dispatcher, 1188 Franklin St., San Francisco, CA 94109-6800.
ILWU Walk the Coast raises
over $100,000 page 7
ver 200 Oakland recycling workers staged
a powerful show of
unity and action by striking on
Tuesday, July 30. Employees
from the City’s two recycling
contractors – Waste Management and California Waste
Solutions (CWS) – walked off
their jobs midway through the
morning shift.
Strike ’n roll
Instead of picketing in remote
industrial areas where the recycling plants are located, workers
formed caravans that converged
downtown at Oakland’s City Hall.
The result was a full day of political
action and solidarity that included
marches, “human billboards” along
Broadway and 14th Streets, visits
with local and state elected officials,
and a spirited rally. The day ended
when rally participants – including
many community allies – filled the
upper seats of the City Council
chambers and addressed the City
Council that evening.
Dirty dangerous work
Recycling worker Emanuel San
Gabriel is one of CWS workers
who left his dusty and noisy workplace behind to join the protest. He
wasn’t alone, with 100% of his CWS
co-workers joining the effort. San
Gabriel spoke at the rally, explaining
that the work they do is valuable for
the community and environment –
but not respected because of low pay
and a lack of benefits.
Death caused by company
Last year, Waste Management
was charged by Cal-OSHA with
violating safety rules that led to the
death of a landfill worker, employed
at the Davis Street facility in San
Leandro where recycling also takes
place. Waste Management refused
to pay any fines and continues to
deny responsibility for causing the
worker’s death.
Dramatic display of hazards
Other workers, including many
from Waste Management, used the
strike as an opportunity to detail the
hazards that they face each day. The
dangers were made obvious with
a 30’ display of typical items found
on a recycling line. Mixed with the
paper, plastic and glass were used
hypodermic syringes, animal feces,
hazardous wastes and solvents, and
building materials that often contain
asbestos and lead.
Strong message & media coverage
The hazard display was one of
many ways that workers used to
send a strong message that resonated
with the public. Interviews, in most
cases, were done by workers – not
union officials. Signs were clear with
simple messages calling for “justice”
and “respect.” Workers felt comfortable talking about “corporate greed.”
The result was good coverage from
television, radio and newspapers –
continued on page 5
DISPATCHER • September 2013
Our decision to leave the national AFL-CIO
In late August, I sent a letter to President Richard Trumka that explained why we were
discontinuing our membership in the national AFL-CIO. I encourage you to read my letter so
you can understand why I made this difficult decision. We took this action after delegates
to the 2012 ILWU International Convention authorized us to leave the AFL-CIO – if and
when the ILWU International President felt it was in the best interest of the union to do
so. Our longstanding commitment to solidarity- helping workers who need a hand – will
continue. “An injury to one is an injury to all.”
August 29, 2013
President Richard Trumka
815 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
ILWU International President Bob McEllrath.
Re: ILWU Disaffiliation
Brother Trumka:
It is with regret but resolve that we have come to the point where the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) must cut formal ties with the AFL-CIO.
As you know, the ILWU has a long and proud history of militant independence inside and outside the House of Labor. With roots from the old Wobblies (IWW), our Union
arose from industrial-based organizing, against the tradition of craft-based unionism, to become a founding member of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). This
affiliation itself, however, did not last long. During the anti-labor, McCarthy period, the ILWU was kicked out of the CIO for being “too red” and too independent, and we did not
join the merged AFL-CIO until 1988. In short, the ILWU has been independent and unaffiliated for most of its history. Today, the ILWU returns to that tradition.
I do wish to note that during our affiliation, the Federation’s national office did, on occasion, provide some support to the ILWU. One particular high mark was your personal
involvement in longshore contract negotiations in 2002, which we gratefully acknowledge. But even in those negotiations, we had to fend off attacks from other national affiliates,
who actively tried to undermine our contract struggle by filing legal claims and walking through our picket lines protesting the ten-day employer lockout. And this was at a time
when the Bush Administration had openly threatened to militarize the ports and even shoot some of us to secure the ports for the coming war in Iraq. Even after this passed, six
years later, when the longshore contract reopened in 2008, one of these national affiliates filed ULP charges against the ILWU to try again to sabotage our bargaining.
Since then, we have seen a growing surge of attacks from various affiliates. A particularly outrageous raid occurred in 2011, when one affiliate slipped in to longshore jobs
at the new EGT grain facility in the Port of Longview, Washington, and then walked through ILWU picket lines for six months until we were able to secure this critical longshore
jurisdiction. Your office added insult to injury by issuing a directive to the Oregon State Federation to rescind its support of the ILWU fight at EGT, which threatened to be the
first marine terminal on the West Coast to go non-ILWU.
The attacks by affiliates against the ILWU have only increased. One affiliate has filed a string of ULP charges as well as an Article XX charge that not only interfere with
ILWU contractual rights at specific ports; the ULP charges also are attempting to dismantle core jurisdictional provisions in our Longshore Contract for the entire West Coast.
In Los Angeles and Oakland, another affiliate is imposing internal union fines against dual union members for the “crime” of taking a job as a longshoreman — the stated
purpose of the fines being to prevent the ILWU from filling new waterfront jobs that replace traditional longshore work due to new technologies. In Oakland and Tacoma, another
affiliate is trying to use a recent NLRB ruling against one of our employers to take over ILWU jobs with some of our other employers. Throughout the Pacific Northwest, we are
daily seeing still other affiliates blatantly cross the picket lines of ILWU members who have been locked out for months by the regional grain industry. And just this week, some
of the Building Trades affiliates have displaced ILWU workers in the loading of barges at Terminal 46 in Seattle where longshoremen have done this work for generations. They
also had the gall to file several ULP charges against us for picketing at our own marine terminal. These multi-state attacks against the ILWU are being coordinated in large part by
a law firm with close ties to the Federation.
We see this situation only getting worse as the ILWU is about to start West Coast longshore negotiations and face the challenge of the ports soon being run by robotics and
computer-operated machinery over the next five to ten years. The survival of the ILWU and the job security of our members depend on our having these remaining jobs, which
will mostly involve the servicing and maintenance of the robotics and other machinery. These are jobs that directly replace longshoremen, jobs that ILWU employers control and
jobs that fall under jurisdictional provisions of our Contract. We will not let other affiliates jeopardize our survival and block our future as the primary waterfront workforce.
The ILWU has also become increasingly frustrated with the Federation’s moderate, overly compromising policy positions on such important matters as immigration, labor
law reform, health care reform, and international labor issues. We feel the Federation has done a great disservice to the labor movement and all working people by going along
to get along. The Federation has not stood its ground on issues that are most important to our members. President Obama ran on a platform that he would not tax medical
plans and at the 2009 AFL-CIO Convention, you stated that labor would not stand for a tax on our benefits. Yet the Federation later lobbied affiliates to support a bill that
taxed our health care plans. Similarly, the AFL-CIO and the ILWU have historically supported comprehensive immigration reform with a clear path to citizenship that protects undocumented workers from firings, deportations, and the denial of their rights. However, the immigration bill you recently asked us to support imposes extremely long
waiting periods on the path to citizenship and favors workers with higher education and profitability to corporations, as opposed to the undocumented workers such as
janitors and farm workers who would greatly benefit from the protections granted by legalization. As a labor movement, we need to stand up and be the voice for our members
and working people. We cannot continue to compromise on the issues that benefit and protect the working men and women of America.
Disaffiliation does not mean that the ILWU intends to go it alone. Not by a long shot. The ILWU has and will continue to provide whatever aid and support we can for our
fellow trade unionists and workers everywhere. We are committed to working in solidarity with all unions and labor groups, including the Federation and its affiliates, for the
advancement of workers, worker rights, and progressive issues everywhere.
In Solidarity,
Robert McEllrath
International President
ILWU Titled Officers
ILWU International Executive Board
ILWU Longshore Division Coast Committee
ILWU Affiliates
AFL-CIO Executive Council
Craig Merrilees
Communications Director and Managing Editor
Roy San Filippo
DISPATCHER • September 2013
Robert McEllrath, President
Ray A. Familathe, Vice President, Mainland
Wesley Furtado, Vice President, Hawaii
William E. Adams, Secretary-Treasurer
The Dispatcher (ISSN 0012-3765) is published monthly except for a combined September issue, for
$5.00 a year and $10.00 a year for non-members by the ILWU, 1188 Franklin St., San Francisco,
CA 94109. Periodical postage paid at San Francisco, CA. The Dispatcher welcomes letters,
photos and other submissions to the above address © ILWU, 2012. Postmaster: Send address
changes to The Dispatcher, 1188 Franklin St., San Francisco, CA 94109-6800.
Nuestra decisión de salirnos del AFL-CIO
A finales de agosto, yo le escribí una carta al presidente Richard Trumka explicando por qué estábamos suspendiendo nuestra afiliación al
AFL-CIO nacional. Les animo a que lean mi carta para que entiendan por qué tomé esta decisión difícil. Tomamos esta medida después de
que nuestros delegados en la Convención Internacional de ILWU en 2012 autorizaron que nos saliéramos del AFL-CIO – en el momento y si el
Presidente Internacional de ILWU consideraba que era lo más indicado para nuestro sindicato. Continuará la firme adhesión a la solidaridad
que hemos demostrado por mucho tiempo, es decir, seguiremos echándole la mano a los trabajadores que la necesitan. “El daño a uno es
un daño a todos.”
President Richard Trumka
815 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Re: Desafiliación de ILWU
Compañero Trumka:
Lamentamos mucho que ha llegado el momento en que el Sindicato Internacional de Trabajadores Portuarios y de Almacenes (ILWU) ha tomado la decisión firme de romper los
vínculos formales con el AFL-CIO.
Usted bien sabe que nosotros, el ILWU, por mucho tiempo hemos demostrado y nos enorgullecemos de nuestra independencia combativa, tanto dentro como fuera del movimiento
sindical. Con sus raíces en los antiguos “Wobblies” (IWW), nuestro sindicato surgió cuando se organizaban los trabajadores por sector industrial, dejando atrás la tradición de la agremiación por oficios, para convertirse en miembro fundador del Congreso de Organizaciones Industriales (CIO). Sin embargo, esta afiliación no perduró. Durante el período antisindical
del macartismo, el ILWU fue expulsado del CIO por ser “demasiado rojo” e independiente, y no volvimos a asociarnos al AFL-CIO ya consolidado sino hasta 1988. En pocas palabras, el
ILWU ha permanecido independiente sin asociarse durante la mayor parte de su existencia. Hoy, el ILWU vuelve a retomar esa tradición.
Quiero señalar que durante nuestra afiliación, la oficina nacional de la Federación prestó su apoyo en algunas ocasiones al ILWU. Una ocasión que se destaca fue aquella en que
usted personalmente participó en las negociaciones contractuales en 2002, que reconocemos con agradecimiento. Pero aún en esas negociaciones, tuvimos que defendernos de los
ataques de otros afiliados nacionales de la Federación, que se afanaron por debilitar nuestra lucha contractual, presentando demandas legales y no respetando nuestros piqueteos cuando
protestamos el cierre patronal que duró diez días. Además esto sucedió cuando la administración del Presidente Bush había amenazado abiertamente con militarizar los puertos y hasta
darnos de balazos para que siguieran operando, puesto que estaba inminente la guerra en Irak. Aún después de que ya había pasado todo esto, seis años después, cuando se volvió a
negociar el contrato de trabajadores portuarios en 2008, uno de esos afiliados nacionales antepuso denuncias de prácticas laborales ilícitas contra nuestro sindicato para tratar de sabotear
nuestras negociaciones.
Desde entonces hemos visto una creciente ola de ataques por parte de varias organizaciones afiliadas a la Federación. Una incursión especialmente descarada ocurrió en 2011,
cuando una de ellas se apropió de los empleos de los trabajadores portuarios en las nuevas instalaciones de granos de EGT en el puerto de Longview, Washington, y luego sus miembros
se negaron a respetar la línea de piqueteo por seis meses hasta que pudimos sacarlos de ese centro de trabajo importante que correspondía por derecho a los estibadores. Por si fuera poco,
su oficina ordenó que la Federación Estatal de Oregon retirara su apoyo a la lucha de ILWU en EGT, la cual estuvo a punto de convertirse en la primera terminal portuaria en la costa
occidental que no fuese sindicalizada por ILWU.
Los ataques contra ILWU por parte de las organizaciones afiliadas a la Federación sólo han ido en aumento. Uno de estas afiliadas ha presentado una serie de cargos de prácticas
laborales ilícitas, al igual que un cargo según el Artículo 20, que no solo interfiere con los derechos contractuales de ILWU en puertos específicos, sino que con estos cargos se pretende
demoler disposiciones fundamentales que protegen la jurisdicción de nuestro contrato portuario en toda la litoral del Pacífico. En Los Ángeles y Oakland, otra organización afiliada está
imponiendo cuotas sindicales a trabajadores que sean miembros de dos sindicatos para “castigarlos” por aceptar empleo como estibadores – según esto, se imponen estas multas para
impedir que el ILWU represente a los que ocupen nuevos puestos de trabajo portuarios que han tomado el lugar de los puestos tradicionales, debido al uso de nuevas tecnologías. En
Oakland y Tacoma, otra afiliada está aprovechando un reciente fallo de la NLRB contra uno de nuestros empleadores para imponerse como representante de los empleados que trabajan
para otros de nuestros empleadores. Por todo el noroeste de la costa del Pacífico, estamos viendo a diario como otros sindicatos rompen nuestras huelgas cuando las empresas regionales de granos han hecho un cierre patronal por meses contra los miembros del ILWU. Solo en esta semana algunos sindicatos afiliados de los Oficios de la Construcción desplazaron a
trabajadores afiliados al ILWU en la carga de barcazas en la Terminal 46 en Seattle, no obstante que los que han hecho ese trabajo por generaciones han sido nuestros miembros. Además
tuvieron el descaro de presentar cargos por prácticas laborales ilícitas contra nosotros por hacer el piqueteo en nuestra propia terminal portuaria. Estos ataques en varios estados contra
el ILWU son coordinados en su mayor parte por un bufete de abogados que tiene vínculos estrechos con la Federación.
Consideramos que esta situación sólo empeorará a medida que el ILWU empiece las negociaciones a nombre de los trabajadores portuarios de la costa occidental, mientras que
al mismo tiempo debemos enfrentar una mayor operación de los puertos con robots y maquinaria computarizada en los próximos cinco a diez años. La supervivencia del ILWU y el
tener empleos para nuestros miembros depende de que podamos preservar los empleos que queden, lo cual implica darle servicio y mantener los aparatos robóticos y otra maquinaria.
Los empleos de los trabajadores portuarios quedarán reemplazados por estos nuevos empleos, los cuales serán controlados por los empleadores de los miembros del ILWU y son puestos
de trabajo que están sujetos a las disposiciones de nuestro contrato que establece nuestra jurisdicción. No dejaremos que otras organizaciones afiliadas a la Federación arriesguen nuestra
supervivencia y obstaculicen nuestro futuro como la principal fuerza de trabajo en los puertos.
El ILWU también ha quedado cada vez más frustrado con las posturas moderadas y acomodaticias de la Federación en asuntos de política, tales como de inmigración, reforma de
las leyes laborales, reforma del sistema de salud y asuntos laborales internacionales. Consideramos que la Federación ha perjudicado mucho al movimiento sindical y a todos los trabajadores al quedar de acuerdo sólo para quedar bien. La Federación no ha tomado una posición firme en los asuntos que son importantes para nuestros miembros. El Presidente Obama
prometió en su campaña electoral que no se cobrarían impuestos a los que tenían beneficios médicos. Sin embargo, la Federación posteriormente presionó a sus organizaciones afiliadas
a que apoyaran un proyecto de ley que terminaría por gravar nuestros planes de salud. Asimismo, la AFL-CIO y el ILWU han apoyado históricamente las reformas amplias a las leyes
de inmigración que incluyen una vía directa a la ciudadanía, y protegen a los trabajadores indocumentados de los despidos, deportaciones y negación de sus derechos. Sin embargo, el
proyecto de ley de inmigración que usted recientemente nos pidió que apoyemos establece períodos de espera extremadamente largos para lograr la ciudadanía y da preferencia a los
trabajadores con mayores niveles educativos que aumentan la rentabilidad de las corporaciones, en lugar de trabajadores indocumentados como los conserjes y trabajadores agrícolas que
serían los que más pueden aprovechar las protecciones que conlleva la legalización. Como movimiento sindical, necesitamos tomar posiciones fuertes y defender a nuestros miembros y
a los trabajadores en general. No podemos seguir haciendo concesiones en aquellos asuntos que benefician y protegen a los asalariados, tanto hombres como mujeres, en este país.
La desafiliación no significa que el ILWU piensa actuar solo, ni mucho menos. El ILWU ha prestado y seguirá prestando todo el apoyo y respaldo que podamos a nuestros compañeros
de otros sindicatos y trabajadores en todas partes. Prometemos solidarizarnos con todos los gremios y grupos laborales, incluso la Federación y sus afiliados, para promover el progreso
de los trabajadores, los derechos laborales y los asuntos progresistas en todas partes.
Con solidaridad,
Robert McEllrath
Presidente Internacional
Dirigentes de ILWU
Junta ejecutiva de ILWU Internacional
Comité del Litoral de la División Portuaria de ILWU
Organizaciones afiliadas a ILWU
Consejo ejecutivo de AFL-CIO
DISPATCHER • September 2013
Trabajadores del reciclaje luchan por la justicia
ás de 200 trabajadores del reciclaje
de Oakland, en una
gran manifestación de unidad
hicieron la huelga el martes, 30
de julio contra Waste Management y California Waste Solutions (CWS) – dos compañías
de reciclaje contratadas por la
Ciudad de Oakland que pagan
salarios bajos en sus instalaciones
en las que a menudo se trabaja
en condiciones peligrosas. El
primer grupo de afiliados del
Local 6 de ILWU empezó el paro
de labores a la mitad del turno de
la mañana, y a mediodía los trabajadores de los otros turnos se
unieron a ellos. El Local facilitó
choferes para los minibuses que
trasladaron a los trabajadores
entre sus centros de trabajo, el
salón del sindicato y la Alcaldía
de Oakland.
Huelga móvil
En lugar de hacer el piqueteo en
zonas industriales remotas y aisladas
en las que se encuentran las plantas
de reciclaje, los trabajadores formaron
caravanas que partieron de la instalación de Waste Management por la
mañana y se concentraron en dos plantas cercanas de CWS. Luego todo el
grupo viajó junto a la Alcaldía en el
centro de Oakland. El resultado fue
un día repleto de acción política y solidaridad que incluyó marchas, “carteleras humanas”, visitas con funcionarios
electos locales y estatales, y un mitin
animoso. La jornada llegó a su punto
culminante cuando los participantes
del mitin, incluyendo muchos aliados
de la comunidad, llenaron los asientos de la cámara de la Alcaldía y pidieron con insistencia a los miembros del
Consejo Municipal que respondieran a
las injusticias que enfrentan los trabajadores del reciclaje.
Trabajo sucio y peligroso
Emanuel San Gabriel es uno de
los trabajadores de reciclaje de CWS
Luchando por las familias:
Los trabajadores del reciclaje en el
condado de Alameda están luchando
por un contrato justo, que incluya un
salario que le permita sostener a su
familia con dignidad.
que abandonó su trabajo polvoriento y
ruidoso para unirse a la protesta. Pero
no lo hizo solo: un 100% de sus compañeros de trabajo de CWS se unieron
al esfuerzo. San Gabriel habló en el
mitin, explicando que el trabajo que
hacen es valioso para la comunidad y
el medioambiente – pero no se valora,
tal como lo muestran los bajos salarios, condiciones de trabajo peligrosas
y beneficios de salud limitados que no
cubren a los familiares.
Muerte causado por negligencia de
la compañía
El año pasado, Cal-OSHA le
imputó cargos a Waste Management
por violar las reglas de seguridad,
llevando a la muerte de un trabajador
de recolección de basura que trabajaba en la instalación de Davis Street
en San Leandro donde se hace el reciclaje. Waste Management hasta la fecha
se niega a responsabilizarse y a pagar
más de $50,000 en multas impuestas por OSHA por haber causado el
Hace ocho años en 2005, un trabajador de CWS, Douglas Espinoza,
murió aplastado mientras trabajaba en
Oakland. Cal-OSHA también investigó ese accidente y expidió citatorios
debido a que la compañía no acató
las leyes de seguridad. [note –need to
confirm OSHA citations)
Muestra impresionante de peligros
Los trabajadores del reciclaje, en la
protesta realizada en la Alcaldía, dieron
detalles al público y a los medios de
algunos de los peligros que afrontan
todos los días. En un despliegue de 20
pies mostraron algunos de los típicos
artículos peligrosos que con frecuencia encuentran en la correa de reciclaje. Además de los artículos de papel,
plástico y vidrio vienen jeringas hipodérmicas, heces de animales, desechos
peligrosos, solventes volátiles y materiales de construcción que a menudo
contienen asbesto y plomo.
Un mensaje fuerte y cobertura de
los medios de comunicación
El despliegue de peligros fue una
de muchas maneras en que los trabajadores comunicaron un mensaje
fuerte con el que el público se identificó. Ellos dieron principalmente las
entrevistas conducidas por los medios–
no los dirigentes sindicales. Las pancartas contenían mensajes claros y
sencillos exigiendo justicia y respeto.
Los trabajadores no tuvieron problemas para hablar de los peligros que
enfrentan en el trabajo, la necesidad de
luchar contra la avaricia empresarial y
el hecho de que ganan 40% menos que
los trabajadores de reciclaje de San José
y San Francisco. El resultado fue una
buena cobertura por parte de la televisión, radio y prensa – en la que se
destacaron a los trabajadores hablando
con sus propias voces.
Violaciones de las leyes laborales
El paro laboral fue provocado por
violaciones de las leyes laborales conocidas como “prácticas laborales injustas” (las ULP) cometidas por Waste
Management y CWS, incluso las represalias ilegales, la negociación en mala
fe y otras ULP. Casi todos mencionaron el problema de la falta de respeto,
que se ha convertido en un llamado
DISPATCHER • September 2013
a la acción para la fuerza laboral predominantemente inmigrante. A finales de 2012, Waste Management tomó
represalias contra los trabajadores
inmigrantes que estaban planeando
una protesta. La compañía sometió
indebidamente a los trabajadores a una
revisión por medio de “E-verify”. Esta
represalia por parte de la compañía
suscitó una queja contra Waste Management por parte de la Junta Nacional
de Relaciones Laborales por no negociar con el Local 6 antes de implementar el programa “E-verify”.
Bajos salarios
Entre todas las ofensas, los trabajadores se han centrado en los bajos
salarios, ya que se les paga en promedio $12.67 o menos por hora en Waste
Management. CWS paga hasta menos:
$10.87 por las primeras 780 horas,
luego $11.97. Pero CWS paga $20 por
hora a sus empleados de reciclaje en
San José y la empresa de “recología”
en San Francisco también paga $20
por hora a los trabajadores de reciclaje.
En Oakland, los salarios son pagados
por empresas de reciclaje particulares,
pero ambas compañías dependen de
contratos lucrativos con la Ciudad de
Oakland que establece las condiciones
de dichos contratos. Tanto Waste Management como California Waste Solutions están cabildeando ahora para que
la Ciudad les renueve los contratos por
otros 20 años – pero sin pagar salarios
dignos a los trabajadores del reciclaje.
“Queremos una mejor vida para
nuestras familias,” dice Alejandra
León, trabajadora del reciclaje. “Hacemos trabajo valioso para el medioambiente y estas compañías disponen
de los medios para tratarnos mejor,”
dice ella.
Todos los trabajadores llevaban el
mismo botón: “$20 para 2016!” – lo
cual se refería a su meta de igualdad
con las otras ciudades de la Bahía que
pagan salarios más justos a los trabajadores del reciclaje.
Mismas tarifas, salarios más bajos
Las tarifas que pagan los residentes de San José y San Francisco para la
recolección de basura y reciclaje son
parecidas a las que pagan los residentes
de Oakland – pero los salarios pagados
a los trabajadores de reciclaje en esta
ciudad son inferiores a los normales. El
Sierra Club, GAIA, Coalición de Salud
Ambiental y otros grupos ecológicos
están apoyando la lucha por aumentar los salarios de los trabajadores
del reciclaje porque quieren que
los “empleos verdes” sean buenos
empleos – no empleos basura.
Ensayo de protesta
En las semanas anteriores a la
huelga, los trabajadores mismos organizaron protestas semanales en frente
de la sede de Waste Management en
98th Street en Oakland, las cuales contaron con un apoyo impresionante por
parte de los compañeros de trabajo que
dedicaron cientos de horas voluntariamente a la causa. Los trabajadores pidieron – y recibieron – un fuerte apoyo
del público que sonaba las bocinas de
sus carros y hacía señas de aprobación
al pasar frente a la protesta. La buena
cobertura mediática de las actividades
dieron oportunidad a los trabajadores
de comunicar al público información
acerca de las ganancias de $800 millones obtenidas por Waste Management el año pasado, y la remuneración
total de $7 millones para el Director
General de la empresa, comparándola
con los salarios inferiores a los normales que se pagan a los trabajadores
en Oakland.
Apoyo de la coalición
La acción y organización de los trabajadores es la esencia de la campaña,
pero se está recibiendo un fuerte apoyo
de los aliados de la comunidad. Estos
incluyen la East Bay Alliance for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE), Faith Alliance for a Moral Economy (FAME),
el Sierra Club, Environmental Health
Coalition, Worksafe!, la Global Alliance
for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA),
Alliance of Californians for Community
Empowerment (ACCE), Mujeres Unidas y Activas y muchos otros.
Bilingüe es mejor
La mayoría de los trabajadores
hablan español, así que los eventos y
materiales relacionados con la huelga
son bilingües, para asegurar que todos
entiendan y se sientan incluidos. Esto
se convirtió en una ventaja ya que
los medios en español llegaron a los
ensayos de protesta previos a la huelga.
La traducción y variedad de idiomas
fue evidente durante toda la jornada,
fortaleciendo la unidad al superar las
Solidaridad de los acereros
El 30 de julio, los trabajadores del
reciclaje en la instalación de Waste
Management en San Leandro tuvieron
una manifestación y mitin. Los acompañaron la caravana de Solidaridad
Veraniega del Sindicato de Siderúrgicos (SoS), activistas de dicho Sindicato
y aliados de todo el país que hacían
una gira de 17 días por 13 ciudades de
costa a costa. Durante su gira la caravana ha apoyado las luchas de los trabajadores, y ha participado en protestas, talleres y conciertos.
A la manifestación en Waste Management asistieron más de 60 personas, incluso trabajadores de reciclaje,
aliados de la comunidad y una delegación de trabajadores de restaurantes
de comidas rápidas del aeropuerto de
Oakland que estaban haciendo un paro
de un día.
Anne Feeney, la cantante y letrista
legendaria de música laboral, y el
artista y activista canadiense Michael
O’Brien que viajaban con la gira de SoS
actuaron en el evento.
Después del mitin, la carvana SoS
y una delegación de trabajadores del
reciclaje fueron al aeropuerto de Oakland para apoyar a los empleados que
estaban en huelga allí.
¿Empleos verdes o empleos basura?
El Consejo Municipal de Oakland
finalmente decidirá si los trabajadores
de reciclaje que trabajan en esta
ciudad tendrán puestos de trabajo dignos como los que se tienen en San José
y otras ciudades, o si seguirán recibiendo salarios de pobreza. La decisión
será tomada por dicho Consejo en los
próximos meses, y los trabajadores
del Local 6 sin duda insistirán en
hacerse escuchar.
Oakland recycling
workers raise hell over
corporate greed
continued from page 1
all featuring workers speaking in their
own voices.
Labor violations
The job action was triggered by
labor law violations committed by
Waste Management and CWS, resulting in an “unfair labor practices strike.”
But the concerns raised by workers
went beyond the unlawful retaliation,
bad faith bargaining and other violations by the companies. Nearly everyone raised the problem of disrespect
– which became the common rallying
cry among the predominantly immigrant workforce.
Low wages
Among the many signs of disrespect, they say, are the low wages,
which amount to just $12.67 and
less per hour – while recycling workers in San Jose and San Francisco are
paid $20. While the low paychecks are
issued by private companies (Waste
Management and CWS) the City of
Oakland sets the terms and conditions
for lucrative contracts – which both
companies are now lobbying to extend
for another 10-20 years.
“We want a better life for our families,” said recycling worker Alejandra
León. “We do important work for the
environment and this community, and
these companies can afford to treat us
better,” she said.
Every worker wore the same
button: “$20 by 2016!” – referring to
their goal of parity with other Bay Area
cities who already pay recycling
workers more fairly.
Practice protests
In the weeks leading up to the
strike, workers organized weekly
protests in front of the Waste Management’s corporate headquarters on
98th Street in Oakland, near the airport. The effort – planned by workers
themselves – attracted impressive
support from co-workers who volunteered hundreds of hours of time
to the cause. Good media coverage
at those actions allowed workers to
practice talking about Waste Management’s $800 million dollar profit last
year, and the $7 million compensa-
Getting the message out:
Waste Management worker Manuel Christy
talks with a reporter from a local radio station about corporate greed. He said workers were fed up with the lack of respect from the company.
Standing with workers: Oakland City Councilwoman Libby Schaaf signs a
statement of support for Alameda County recycling workers. Other elected officials
who have signed the statement include by Assembly woman Nancy Skinner, Oakland
Mayor Jean Quan, Fremont Mayor Bill Harrison, Alameda County Supervisor Richard
Valle and Oakland City Councilwoman Rebecca Kaplan.
tion awarded to their CEO. The theme
of “corporate greed” used by workers
at these “practice protests” became a
key theme in the public messaging for
the strike.
Workers united: Over 200 workers from Waste Management and California
Waste Solutions gathered together for a day-long action at Oakland’s City Hall.
November 3-7
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Seattle, WA 98121
For more info contact Robin Walker
or Russ Bargmann at 415-775-0533
Coalition support
While workers and organizing in
the workplace remains the heart of
the campaign, important support from
allies in the community was evident
at the action. The East Bay Alliance
for a Sustainable Economy (EBASE)
that includes the Faith Alliance for a
Moral Economy (FAME), the Sierra
Club, Center for Environmental Health
Coalition, Worksafe!, and the Global
Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
(GAIA), Alliance of Californians for
Community Empowerment (ACCE),
Mujeres Unidas y Activas, and many
others. The recycling workers at Waste
Management and CWS belong to
ILWU Local 6 which is helping the
workers organize their campaign.
Bi-lingual is better
While most recycling workers
speak Spanish, the strike events and
materials were bi-lingual, to make
sure everyone understood and felt
included. This became an advantage
with media coverage, that attracted
Spanish-language stations to both
“practice protests” that led up to
the strike. Translation and a mix of
languages were noticeable throughout
the day – building unity by reducing
Steelworker solidarity
On July 30th recycling workers
at the Waste Management’s recycling
facility in San Leandro held a rally and
demonstration. They were joined by
the Steelworker’s Summer of Solidarity
(SoS) caravan—a 17-day, 13-city coastto-coast tour of Steelworker union activists and allies from across the country.
The SoS caravan has been supporting
local labor struggles along its tour and
participating in street actions, workshops and concerts.
The Waste Management demonstration was attended by over 60
people including recycling workers,
community allies, and a delegation of
fast food workers from the Oakland
airport who were on a one-day strike.
Legendary labor singer/songwriter
Anne Feeney and Canadian hip-hop
artist and union activist Michael
O’Brien who were travelling with the
SoS tour performed at the event.
After the rally, the SoS caravan and
a delegation of recycling workers went
to the Oakland airport to support the
striking airport workers.
Good green jobs or more junk jobs?
Oakland’s City Council will ultimately decide whether their recycling
workers join the better-pay that
San Jose and other cities provide, or
continue to stagnate with low-wage
“junk jobs” instead of the good green
jobs that Oakland and other cities
so desperately need.
DISPATCHER • September 2013
Solidarity down-under: ILWU SecretaryTreasurer Willie Adams (left) attended a rally in
Newcastle, Australia, on August 9 with members of
the Maritime Union of Australia’s (MUA) Newcastle
Branch who are fighting for justice at a coal mine
operated by Rio Tinto – one of the world’s largest
mining companies. Adams said he came to deliver
an important message for both workers and the company: “The global maritime community is now taking
on this fight.”
MUA Newcastle Branch Secretary Glen Williams
(right)explained that the MUA and three other unions
have been negotiating together with Rio Tinto for
more than a year – but the company still wants to
cut job security and weaken the dispute resolution
process – despite more than 50 contract changes
that workers offered to boost productivity at the
coal mine.
Two months ago, workers organized job actions over
a four-day period.
MUA Assistant National Secretary Ian Bray said, “We
want an agreement and are building alliances around
the world to show suppliers and the maritime industry
that we will continue taking action for a fair deal.”
September 2013
This notice applies to all ILWU-represented employees, ILWU members, nonmembers and new hires working in an ILWU bargaining unit, including members and individuals
who happen at any time to become financial core members by any means, including by choice, suspension or expulsion from union membership in any local or division affiliated with the ILWU, for the one year period following the date of this notice or until such time covered by a later notice of similar kind.
The information contained herein applies to ILWU International per capita and, for those working in the Longshore Division, the ILWU Coast Longshore Division Pro Rata
fees or payments of any kind under a union security clause. This notice also applies to local dues and fees paid to any affiliated ILWU locals or divisions, except those affiliates
who have chosen not to be covered by this notice and have issued their own separate notice under their own separate policies and procedures. (Accordingly, this notice shall
be superseded by any other notice issued by any affiliated ILWU local or division with respect to its dues and fees.)
Please be advised that individuals working under a union security clause contained in a collective bargaining agreement, notwithstanding the specific provisions of such
clause, are only required as a condition of employment under such clause to pay uniform dues and any required initiation fees and may, by writing to the ILWU SecretaryTreasurer, or to their local ILWU secretary-treasurer, resign or decline union membership and choose to become a “financial core member” at any time. Such “financial core
members” are deemed to be in compliance with any union security clause, regardless of any specific wording to the contrary, so long as they timely pay all regular and periodic
financial core dues or fees properly charged by their bargaining representative as explained herein.
Please be advised, however, that financial core members deprive themselves of the valuable rights of union membership in the ILWU and their ILWU local or division. A
financial core member does not have the right to vote, nominate for office, hold office, or be a candidate for office in the ILWU; nor may he/she participate in or even attend
ILWU meetings or any functions of the union that are limited to union members. In addition, a financial core member has no right to vote on dues increases or on contracts
submitted to the membership for ratification. These rights and privileges of union membership are accorded only to union members in good standing.
Nevertheless, financial core members are still legally required under a valid union security clause to pay to their union for the costs related to collective bargaining, contract administration, grievance adjustment, and union organizing of establishments within competitive markets of ILWU-unionized employers, and other activities reasonably
related to the effectuation of the union’s representational duties (hereinafter called “chargeable activities”). However, union expenditures for non-representational activities
such as political activities, lobbying (hereinafter called “nonchargeable activities”) - activities which most workers know help build a better climate for us all in bargaining with
employers and in securing fundamental worker rights - may not be charged to financial core members who file timely objections.
For calendar year 2012 (which is the most recent audited year), the financial review has confirmed that no more than 12% of all ILWU International’s expenditures were
for nonchargeable activities. While each ILWU local and division may have different percentages of nonchargeable expenditures, financial reviews and practical experience
confirm that the nonchargeable percentage for ILWU locals is significantly lower than that for the ILWU International. Nevertheless, those ILWU locals and divisions covered
by this notice will not collect or seek to collect financial core fees greater than that based on the nonchargeable percentage of 12% stated above for the ILWU International
for the applicable collection period herein or until such time as such local issues a separate notice.
For those individuals employed in the ILWU Longshore Division and work for PMA-member companies under the Pacific Coast Longshore and Clerks Agreement or other
longshore industry employers, please also note that with respect to Coast Pro Rata Fees (including “Fighting Fund” fees), for calendar year 2012 (which is the most recent
audited year), the financial review has confirmed that no more than 10% of all ILWU Coast Longshore Division’s expenditures were for nonchargeable activities.
The ILWU International Executive Board and the ILWU Coast Longshore Division have adopted the following Procedures on Financial Core Members Objecting to Nonchargeable Expenditures (hereinafter called the “Procedures”). Under the Procedures, a financial core member of any affiliated ILWU local and division has the right within
an applicable 30 day period of time to object to expenditure for nonchargeable activities of his or her local dues paid to the ILWU local and the per capita paid to the ILWU
International, as well as any Coast Pro Rata fees paid to the ILWU Coast Longshore Division. In the event a financial core member perfects such objection, he or she shall receive
either the appropriate monthly reduction or an advance rebate of a portion of local dues and per capita reflecting the ILWU International’s nonchargeable percentage of 12%
stated above and, additionally for those working in the ILWU Longshore Division, an appropriate monthly reduction or an advance rebate of a portion of the coast pro rata
fees reflecting the ILWU Coast Pro Rata Committee’s nonchargeable percentage of 10% stated above.
Under the Procedures, an objection by a financial core member must be made in writing and post-marked within 30 days from the date of this notice or the date of becoming
a new hire or a financial core member under an ILWU union security clause and receipt of this notice, whichever is later, and addressed to the ILWU International SecretaryTreasurer, 1188 Franklin Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94109. To be valid, the written objection must specify the objector’s name, address, social security number, current
wage rate, the name of his or her employer and the name of the local union or division which represents the objector. A written objection must be timely in order to be valid.
Without waiving the 30-day filing period with respect to other notices of this type, please be advised that under this notice only, objections filed by current financial core
members will be deemed timely if postmarked on or before November 1, 2013. Individuals who after the date of this notice become new hires or financial core members may
file an objection within 30 days of the date they become a new hire or financial core member or receive this notice, whichever is later.
Unless changed by a later notice, those financial core members and new hires who file timely objections will not be charged from the date they file a timely objection
through November 1, 2014 for expenditures related to nonchargeable activities based on the applicable percentages noted above and also will be provided detailed, independently verified financial information concerning the breakdown between chargeable and nonchargeable expenditures of the ILWU International, the ILWU Coast Longshore
Division (if the objector works in the Longshore Division) and of their ILWU local (if covered by this notice as explained herein). Objectors will also be given an opportunity to
file, within 30 days of receipt of such financial information, a challenge to the amount and calculation of any such nonchargeable expenditures and percentages, as well as an
opportunity to have such a challenge resolved, if not voluntarily settled, through expeditious arbitration before a neutral arbitrator selected by the American Arbitration Association (AAA) in proceedings conducted under AAA Rules applicable to objections to agency fees. Please also note that the amount or portion of financial core fees pending
the period for filing any objection and challenge as well as the amount reasonably in dispute pursuant to any challenges will be kept in an interest bearing escrow account
pending resolution of such challenges. Objectors who file challenges will receive any amount that may be determined to be owed them, plus accrued interest, pursuant to
these Procedures.
It is important to know that the vast majority of ILWU represented workers believe that the little extra in dues for maintaining union membership and enjoying all the valuable benefits of full participation in the governing of the ILWU, and the negotiation of working conditions is quite a bargain. For a few cents more each week, union members
enjoy all the benefits of membership in the ILWU. We sincerely believe that after careful consideration, new hires and financial core members too will agree that becoming
and remaining a union member makes the most sense. If you are not a union member already but are eligible for membership under your Local’s constitution and rules, please
contact your ILWU local to join the ILWU.
This notice may be superseded or amended by later notices as issued by the ILWU, the Coast Pro Rata Committee or affiliated locals and divisions of the ILWU.
(rev. Aug 2013)
DISPATCHER • September 2013
Second annual ILWU “Walk the Coast” events raise
over $100,000 for cancer charities
LWU Walk the Coast organizers had two goals for this year’s
event: get more locals to participate and raise more money
than last year. Both of those goals
were achieved. Walk the Coast
is an ILWU, coastwise event
dedicated to three principles – to
raise awareness and funds for
cancer charities, unite the union
and work with the community.
This year over $100,000 was
raised by ILWU members in Los
Angeles, Seattle/Tacoma, San
Francisco/Oakland, Port Hueneme, Vancouver and San Diego.
The Los Angeles, San Francisco/
Oakland, Port Hueneme, and San
Diego locals raised money for Alex’s
Lemonade Stand, which fights childhood cancers; the Seattle/Tacoma
events raised money for the Pancreatic
Cancer Action Network (PanCAN) and
Vancouver Walk the Coast, chaired
by Rod O’Hearn raised money for the
Ovarian Cancer National Alliance. The
Coast Longshore Division donated
a total of $7,500 to ILWU Walk the
Coast--$2,500 to each of the charities.
“This was another fantastic event
with the ILWU working with the community for a great cause. What was
great about this year’s event was that
we had more locals organizing events
in their community,” said Coast Event
Chairman Dan Imbagliazzo. “What is
important is not how big or small the
events are but that our union—up and
down the coast—is working together
to do something good for people in
our community.”
The Los Angeles event was held
on August 10th at Outer Harbor 54/55
in San Pedro. The event affair featured
a full day of entertainment. The program started with a performance by the
San Pedro High School Marching Band
and the “Walk a Mile for Alex” tribute.
Family entertainment included games,
face painting, a fire department hook
and adder, a fire boat water show, six
fighter plane flyover, a special op helicopter and police patrol car on exhibition,
live bands, a magician and juggler. The
Master of Ceremonies this year was local
NBC weathercaster Fritz Coleman and
the event was opened up by LA City
Councilman Joe Buscaino.
A silent auction featured a hot air
balloon ride at the 2013 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta and hotel stays in
San Francisco. Also helpful to fundraising efforts this year were the funds
raised by Los Angeles/Long Beach
Casuals who raised $3,000 and a TriLocal Poker Tournament organized by
members Sidro Felix (13) and Richard Harriet (94) with 108 players from
Locals 13, 63, 94, and the community
that raised $5,660.
Port Hueneme and San Francisco/
Oakland organized fundraising walks.
The Bay Area event was hosted at
Local 34 and also featured a car show
and raffle.
The Seattle/Tacoma’s fundraiser
was held at the Foss Waterway Seaport.
The day-long event featured carnival games, great food, a silent auction, a
bouncy house and live music from the
band Stay Grounded. The Tacoma Fire
department and Foss Tugs—which
is staffed with deck hands from the
Inlandboatmen’s Union (IBU) entertained the crowd with a water show.
Fighting childhood cancer: From left to right: Coast Dan Imbagliazzo,
Coast Event Coordinator Robert Maynez, Congresswoman Janice Hahn, Master of
Ceremony NBC Weathercaster Fritz Coleman, Event Director Judith Blahnik.
Walking for Alex: The Bay Area event, organized by Mike Villeggiante, Frank
Cresci, Ed Ferris, Jerry Gatine, and Frank Gaskin, featured a walk, raffle and a car show.
Volunteers in Tacoma: Over 30 volunteers from locals 19, 23 and 52 pitched
in to make the Seattle/Tacoma area event a great success in raising funds and
awareness to fight pancreatic cancer.
“Longshoremen are very generous
people,” said Local 23 President Scott
Mason. “This is a great event because
it gives ILWU members the opportunity to embrace their own cause, coast
wide. We need to get the younger people used to giving back to the community through charitable contributions—that’s a part of our culture and
we need to pass that tradition along.”
The ILWU volunteers who have
been organizing these events the past
two years have faced a sharp learning
curve in running a coastwise fundraising event, however, Walk the Coast
has been a great success. Walk the
Coast has raised tens of thousands of
dollars for PanCAN and thousands for
the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance.
“The ILWU joined the $100,000-plus
level sponsorship club for Alex’s Lemonade Stand which places the ILWU
logo next to the logo of Fortune 500
companies like Kohl’s, Omni Hotels,
and Walgreen’s on the charity’s
website” said Coast Event Coordinator Robert Maynez. “That is pretty
impressive for a labor union. That
is in addition to last year’s accomplishment of reaching the ‘Top 100
fundraisers list’ nationwide for all
fundraising efforts for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation.”
In just two years, ILWU Walk the
Coast has raised over $200,000 for
cancer charities. Imbagliazzo said that
the ILWU Walk the Coast event will
continue to gather momentum and
build on the experience and success.
“This is just the beginning,” he said.
Local 63 first annual scholarship: At the August 1, 2013 ILWU Local 63
membership meeting, Local 63 President Michael Podue and Day Business Agent/
Committee Chair Michael Ponce awarded the local’s first annual scholarship awards
to Dennis Bark, Jr., Baylee Mitsuhashi, Catalina Traylor, Lionel Miller, Ivan Rendon,
Marcus Carreon, Evan Clark, William Clark, and Paul Mitre.
This past Spring, Local 63 formed a committee to review and administer a scholarship fund which would benefit the dependents within the local. The committee
is made up of executive board and rank-and-file members: Michael Ponce, Chair;
Julie Brown; Mike “Big Daddy” Carranza; Maureen Gutierrez; Thomas Marsee; and
Melinda Gould. The new Local 63 Scholarship Fund is in addition to the local’s
continuing support to the annual Local 13, 63, and 94 Scholarship Fund which
provides scholarships to dependents of the three Locals as well as from within
the community.
DISPATCHER • September 2013
Dear Editor,
I would like to note the passing of my friend
and former Local 34 member, Elmer Rush, who
died last January 13th. He was born in Ann Arbor,
Michigan, where he became an outstanding
athlete who played some college football before
joining the Army and serving as a paratrooper.
By the time he started working with us on the
waterfront, Elmer “The Crush” Rush was training
to become a professional heavyweight boxer.
In 1966, he was rated as the #8 contender for the
world heavyweight title – and he did it while
serving as a member of the Local 10 Drill Team. I
remember him marching with us up San Francisco’s
Market Street in 1967 to support the United
Farmworkers Union. He finished his years on the
waterfront working as a Clerk at Local 34. Thank
you for allowing me to share some of these details
about my friend and union brother.
Josh Williams, Local 10 Pensioner
& Drill Team Captain
San Francisco, CA
Send your letters to the editor to: The Dispatcher, 1188 Franklin St.,
San Francisco, CA 94109-6800 or email to [email protected]
Standing for solidarity: Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) workers approached
Local 10 after their four-day strike in early July failed to win a new contract. On July
18, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 1555 President Antonette Bryant addressed Local 10 members who unanimously adopted a solidarity resolution, as did
members of the Inlandboatmen’s Union (IBU) San Francisco Region. Several ILWU
members attended a march and rally on August 1 where actor Danny Glover was a
featured speaker. Like longshore workers, BART employees have won excellent pay
and benefits, but the public-employee unions now face a growing challenge as public support has eroded (polls show BART riders favoring management over unions by
a margin of 2 to 1), and the gap widening between union and non-union pay and benefits. When BART workers announced plans for a second strike on August 4, Governor
Jerry Brown imposed a 60-day strike injunction. Talks have deadlocked over raises, pensions and health insurance – plus safety issues. Negotiations are set to continue during
the summer months.
Local 8: Dave L. Pfaff; Local 13:
Henry L. Uranga; Albert L. Green;
Stanley G. Maness; Earl Rayson;
Local 19: Charles M. Feely; Local
23: James W. Sinclair; Local 34:
Joseph C. Abruzzo; Local 40:
James B. Race; Gregory L. Mosher;
Local 52: David B. Chaddock;
Local 63: Shirley F. Simmons;
Anita L. Uranga; Richard C. Clark;
Pete M. Naluai; Lori J. Wheeler;
Local 8: Charles E. Moore; Shelton
Harrison; Local 10: Osborne W.
Hills; Melvin C. Richardson (Clara);
Robert Sanders; David R. Ellison;
Alfredo Rosas Moreno; Local 13:
James F. Muths; Local 19: James
E. Turner (Felicia); Local 21: Roy
F. Mc Crady; Martin L. Benson;
Local 21: George E. Zdilar; Local
23: Garth T. Wilhelm; Thomas L.
Bredeson (Malinda); Local 24:
David L. Proctor (Florence); Local
26: Fred A. Contreras; Local 27:
Daniel M. Hilt; Richard L Parkhurst;
Local 29: Alfred Pacheco; Local
32: Robert Dawson; Local 34:
Arthur Bither (Shirley); Local 34Allied Workers Division:
Avelino Moreira; Local 46: Peter
V. Maria; Local 52: Russell W.
Rousseau (Sheryl); Thomas Barry;
Local 63: James B. Seixas (Astrid
B. Thangen); Local 91: Charles
Mickens; Local 94: Carl S. Lent
Deceased Survivors:
Local 8: Doris Sweider; Juanita
Holmes; Joyce E. Piltz; Local 10:
Edna L. Brown; Mae L. Ford;
Local 13: Irene La Franco; Gloria
Lee; Local 19: Georgia M. Griffey;
Marge K. Holler; Local 21: Selma
C. Johnson; Marie Fitzpatrick;
Local 34: Ella Vera Williams;
Barbara C. Ramet; Margaret R.
Estrada; Local 40: Elsie Skoog;
Local 52: Marion Marciel; Local
63: Ada Oreb; Local 91: Ozella
Keys-Fuller; Local 94: Vera Trujillo;
RSVP to [email protected] or 310-650-9286
8 DISPATCHER • September 2013

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