International Society for Cellular Therapy


International Society for Cellular Therapy
International Society for Cellular Therapy
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Terapia Celular
Latin American Society for Cellular Therapy
Miguel Soto Valdéz
Roberto Fernandez Viña
J. Ernesto Novoa Gregorio
International Commitee
Jorge Tuma
Gustavo Moriglia
Fernando Pérez Chavez
Antonio Carrasco Yalan
Julio Voltarelli
Mario Figueroa
Jorge Decaro
Lawyer Advisor
Oscar Brum de Mello
Universiad Autonoma
de Nuevo Leon,
Servicios Medicos
Gonzalitos & Haiti
Colonia Mitras Centro
Monterrey (NL), México
Tel 0052 181 1228 1869
Cellphone 0598 98 723 098
[email protected]
Montevideo May 26, 2008.
International Society for Cellular Therapy
Mary J. Laughlin, MD
Case School of Medicine
10900 Euclid Avenue,WRB-2129
Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7284
Ph: 216 368 5693
F 216 368 1166
E mail: [email protected]
Dear Dr. Laughlin,
Congratulations for your new position as President of the ISCT.
We are pleased to invite you to the First International Symposium of
the Latin American Society for Cellular Therapy (LASCT) in the next
month of november (6-8) in Montevideo, Uruguay.
This event will discuss the newest paradigms of cell therapy in the
fields of cardiology, endocrinology, neurology and other important
areas of the regenerative medicine.
It will be a pleassure to acount with your visit in order to develop de
First International Meeting of the LASCT.
Sincerely yours,
Ernesto Novoa MD, FACP