February 21, 2016 - St. Augustine Catholic Church and Student Center


February 21, 2016 - St. Augustine Catholic Church and Student Center
1738 W. University Ave, Gainesville, FL 32603-1839
catholicgators.org | (352) 372-3533 | Fax (352) 378-9010
Parish Office Hours : M-F 10am-5pm
Home of the
9:00am Family Mass
1:30pm (Spanish)
12:00pm | 5:30pm
5:30pm Vigil
M-F 5:00pm
Sun 4:45pm
M-F 4:30pm-5:20pm
5:30pm Mass of the Sacred Heart
and Eucharistic Adoration
Monday-Friday 11:25am
New Members:
To be a member of our parish requires registration and participation in worship, sacraments, the life
of the parish, and regular financial
support of the parish. This is a basic
consideration when requesting
marriage, baptism, or to act as a
godparent/sponsor. Register in the
front office or on-line.
The second Sunday of lent
February 21, 2016
FOR THE WEEK OF february 21, 2016
The Tabernacle Candle is being sponsored this week
is in thanksgiving by Emma Labrador.
The deceased are indicated by a cross in front of their names.
Masses said for the living are for their special intentions.
Sunday, February 21 - The Second Sunday of Lent
Gn 15:5-12, 17-18 | Phil 3:17—4:1 | Lk 9:28b-36
 William Dominie by Madeline Dominie
For the Parish
Monday, February 22 - The Chair of St. Peter, the Apostle
1 Pt 5:1-4 | Mt 16:13-19
 Harold Wise by Mary Wise
 Byron Giles by Mary, Christopher and Bryon
Tuesday, February 23 - St. Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr
Is 1:10, 16-20 | Mt 23:1-12
Wednesday, February 24 - Lenten Weekday
Jer 18:18-20 | Mt 20:17-28
For St. Augustine Parish and CSC, friends, alumni and benefactors
Thursday, February 25 - Lenten Weekday
Jer 17:5-10 | Lk 16:19-31
Friday, February 26 - Lenten Weekday
Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a | Mt 21:33-43, 45-46
Saturday, February 27 – Lenten Weekday
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20 | Lk 15:1-3, 11-32
St. Augustine Church
The Catholic
Student Center
Father Marek Dzien
Parochial Vicar
Father Anthony Eseke
Wilson Colmenares
Administrative Assistant to the Pastor
Gail Fitzsimmons
RCIA & Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
Sabrina Sy
Liturgy & Music Director
Doug Ghizzoni
Religious Education Coordinator
Anne Vieira
Hispanic RCIA Coordinator
Sr. Teresa Gomez, hmss
Facilities & Operations Manager
Mary T. Wise
Sara Geiser
Parish Secretary, Bulletin Editor
Julie Schilling
Rosa Nakamatsu
Director of the Catholic Student Center
Father David Ruchinski
Sunday, February 21 – Second Sunday of Lent
9:00am Children’s Liturgy of the Word
10:15am Religious Education classes
2:30pm Cafecito
3:00pm Spanish RCIA
3:00pm Hispanic Baptism preparation class
5:30pm RCIA
6:30pm St. John Paul II High School Ministry meeting
8:00pm Alpha Pizza party
February 22
Men’s Book Group
Exposition and Holy Hour
Sacramental prep class
Music Ministry Jam Session
Hispanic Charismatic Prayer
Coalition E-Board
Tuesday, February 23
4:30pm Student Choir rehearsal
6:15pm Newman Club dinner
7:30pm Marian Consecration meeting
9:00pm Mission Trip meeting
Wednesday, February 24
4:30pm Confession and Exposition
6:15pm Adult Confirmation class
7:00pm Via Crucis
7:00pm Middle School Religious Education class
7:00pm Choir rehearsal
7:00pm Cursillo
9:30pm Ministry Formation
Thursday, February 25
6:00pm Upper Room
6:00pm Open Mic Night
7:00pm Spanish Bible Study
7:30pm Spanish Choir rehearsal
Friday, February 26
8:15am Exposition and Holy Hour
6:15pm Stations of the Cross
7:00pm Soup and Bread Supper
Clergy & Staff Members
Saturday, February 27
10:00am Hispanic Faith Formation
5:30pm Vigil Mass
Contact Sabrina Sy at [email protected]
Call the office for information on First Reconciliation/First Communion, High School Confirmation, & Adult Confirmation preparation.
Campus Ministers
Couples should meet with a priest at least eight (8) months prior to the
wedding. We follow the requirements of the Diocese of St. Augustine in
our marriage preparation program. Contact Gail Fitzsimmons at
Ext. 113 or [email protected]
Ashley D’Emo | Sandra DeTeresa
Baptism Preparation is required and both parents should attend our
monthly preparation class and coordinate with the parish secretary.
Please call the parish office to arrange for Baptism and preparation,
preferably before the baby’s birth.
Daniel Conigliaro, Campus Ministry Assistant
FOCUS Missionaries (Fellowship of Catholic University Students}
Katelyn Miller | Ariadna Ruiz | Nolan Schmidt | Joseph West
Around the parish and
the diocese
February 21, 2016
From the liturgy team
As we enter the heart of Lent, maybe you have
been thinking about how you can deepen your relationship
with Christ as you walk this journey toward the Passion.
One sure fire way to grow in virtue is to find lots of small
sacrifices throughout the day. By this I mean doing things
that make us slightly uncomfortable: cold showers, kneeling on the floor, not drowning your fries in salt, etc. These
small discomforts remind us of the blessings that God has
given us and we sometimes take for granted.
Requirement to Publish Notices of How to Report Abuse
As part of the Charter for the Protection of Children and
Young People, approved by the U.S. Bishops in 6446, each
parish is required to publish notices in their bulletins that
explain how and where people can report allegations of
sexual child abuse. A Victim Assistance Program has been
established by the Diocese of St. Augustine and pamphlets
are currently available in the hallway outside the parish office and in the church vestibule. Please make a call to report
any suspicions of abuse.
But it is not enough to just suffer for the sake of
suffering. The purpose of sacrifice is not to make us miserable. Rather, we take these sacrifices, the large and small
ones alike, and offer them to the Lord as a prayer for ourselves and for others. By giving up small, simple things, and
offering them up to God, we will find ourselves walking
this desert road with more awareness of Christ’s sacrifice.
The Diocese of Saint Augustine treats all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with all allegations in a
prompt, confidential and thorough manner. To Report
Abuse, call: Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator (904)
262-3200, ext. 129, or the Department of Children and Families at 1-800-96-Abuse (800) 962-2873.
Chris Reuther
La Diocesis de San Agustín le da seria consideracion a toda
acusacion de mala conducta sexual y dispone de todos
dichos casos de manera pronta, completa y confidencial.
Para reportar tal abuso, llame a: Coordinador Diocesano de
Auxilio a Victimas (904) 262-3200, ext. 129 o Departamento
de Ninos y Familias del Estado de la Florida1-800-96Abuse
(800) 962-2873.
Join Fr. Michael Gaitley and the Marian
Fathers of the Immaculate Conception
in saving the world - we need your help
to share this consecration to Divine
Mercy with everyone you know. A
world-wide Divine Mercy Consecration
begins on March 1, 2016 with a consecration on Divine Mercy Sunday, April
3, 2016. Follow the Consecration live on
The Women’ Book Discussion Group will
meet on Sunday, February 28th in the
downstairs Conference Room at 9:15 a.m.
This month’s book is , “An Unquenchable
Thirst: Following Mother Teresa in Search
of Love, Service and an Authentic Life” by
Mary Johnson. All women are welcome.
To order your book use this special link:
http://www.marian.org/merciful/?em=mmdm or call
1.800.462.7426 and use promotional code “MMDM.”
Service committee collection
For the homeless
The homeless people in our community are
always in need of toiletries such as soap,
shampoo, deodorant, etc., as well as linens,
wash cloths and towels. The Service Committee will be collecting these items during the month
of February and through the first weekend of March. Look
for the bin in the church vestibule and thanks to all for your
support of this collection.
2016, 7:00PM,
Quarterly Financials
Parking Lot Updates
Renovation of the Sanctuary
second Sunday of lent
Masses on February 13-14, 2016
First Sunday of Lent
Offertory from baskets:
Offertory from Parish Pay:
Poor Box:
Catholic Student Center (CSC):
Sanctuary Renovation:
Specified Donations:
Catholic Schools:
Ash Wednesday Offertory:
Eastern European Churches Collection:
Graphic courtesy of: www.stlukespr.org
Today is the second Sunday of Lent - Transfiguration Sunday. Jesus reveals his glory as God to select apostles on
the mountain. I see relevance to us today in that we often need to be reminded of the divinity of Jesus. Our faith brings
him very close to us, both spiritually and physically; so close that familiarity may breed contempt. Maybe we see him
more as our friend or brother than Lord, Savior, and God. Maybe we don’t fully acknowledge that when we receive communion our God is with us and in us. What if during the consecration the bread and wine began to glow with almost
blinding light and continued to glow with the brilliance of God until we consumed the sacrament? What if the Blessed
Sacrament visibly glowed from within us? Wouldn’t our attitude be very different? I would guess that we would leave
church very changed people. Why don’t we live as if Jesus was glowing inside us? If people could see the glow, they
would be touched and moved, as well. Since the Blessed Sacrament doesn’t glow, let us live our lives so that Jesus shines
forth from our lives.
Last week I mentioned an excellent opportunity for almsgiving or donating saved funds from Lenten fasting – the
Catholic Relief Services Helping Hands project that will take place at St. Augustine’s on April 9. Please visit the web page:
crs.donordrive.com/event/staug. If you donate money that you save from fasting, you will directly help feed starving
people in Burkina Faso. It is rare that there can be such a direct relationship between our sacrifice and the benefit of others. We also need people to help package 10,000 meals that day. Sign up for that on the same web page.
I must say something about the parking situation. Fr. Marek has worked tirelessly to try to make this difficult
situation, which he inherited, work best for us. Unfortunately, time and time again, decent plans have fallen through, in
one case through the inappropriate actions of a parishioner. Please be patient, both with the parish and with others with
whom we work out solutions. Consider the hardship of parking a Lenten sacrifice. Before coming to mass, it would be a
good idea to check the parish web page catholicgators.org. There will be parking updates at the top. Also, we will send
out regular emails with parking updates. However, we can only send emails to people who have registered with the parish. Please do that at:www.catholicgators.org/parish-registration.
Paul Gulig, Chair
Stewardship Committee
Catholic student
center, diocese and
February 21, 2016
From the Office for Vocations
Are you a Catholic Gators alumnus or
alumna, either visiting or having returned to Gainesville? Welcome back!
Thank you for all you did for the Catholic Gators during your time here. Whether it was in a big or
small way, your presence made a difference to this community.
February 21, 2016 - Second Sunday of Lent
Are you listening to Jesus, the Chosen One? Be open to
what he reveals to you. Let his message dwell in your
heart. (Luke 9:28-36). If you have a question about a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, contact Father
David Ruchinski, Vocation Director, at (904) 262-3200
ext. 101, or email [email protected].
As you may know, our mission at St. Augustine’s is to bring
Christ to the community and the community to Christ. We
invite you to prayerfully consider joining our Mission and
supporting the Church and Catholic Student Center through
a financial contribution. Thank you for your generosity!
From the Justice and Peace Commission
“Look about you with Christ’s eyes, listen with his ears,
feel and think with his heart and mind. Are you ready to
give all as he did for truth and justice? We must respond
with a renewed social action that stems from the universal
love that knows no bounds, ensuring that our works of
mercy and justice become hope in action for others.”
- Pope Benedict XVI, Addressing Young People and Seminarians, 19 April 2008
To make a donation, please stop by the office or visit our
website: http://www.catholicgators.org/make-a-donation
"Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure,
packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be
poured into your lap. For the measure with which you
measure will in return be measured unto you."
- Luke 6:38
March 11-12, 2016
Join us for the Florida Eucharistic Congress at the
beautiful and newly renovated OMNI Jacksonville
hotel. Special rates are available from Thursday,
March 10, 2016 through Saturday, March 12, 2016.
Reserve your rooms by February 18, 2016 to take
advantage of the rate. For more hotel information
and/or reservations visit
Volunteers are needed for the Congress.
For more information and to register visit:
website (www.floridaeucharist.org/volunteers.
Thank you for your help!
Miinisterio hispano
Second Sunday of lent
Cursillo de Cristiandad
Cursillo, en espanol quiere decir “curso pequeno” o
“corto.” Es de tres días para hombres y mujeres de
cualquier edad. Deseas tener un encuentro real con
Cristo? Es una experiencia maravillosa. Deseas ser
parte de una comunidad Cristiana comenzando desde
tu propio hogar?
Equipo de liturgia
Serie Cuaresmal: Pequeño Sacrificios
Al entrar en el Corazon de la cuaresma, tal vez pensamos en como profundizar nuestra relacion con Cristo y
poder caminar esa jornada hacia Su pasion. Un modo rapido
de crecer en virtud son en los pequenos sacrificios durante
el día. Con esto quiero decir, las pequenas cosas que nos
sacan fuera del confort del vivir, por ejemplo, banarse con
agua fría, no ponerle salsa picante a la comida, hincarme en
el suelo, etc. Estos pequenos malestares nos recordaran las
bendiciones que Dios nos ha dado y lo tomamos por concedido.
Pero no es sufrir solo por sufrir, sino que el sacrificio tiene un proposito. El proposito del sacrificio, pequeno o
grande, es el de elevarlo como oracion de nosotros mismos
hacia Dios. Dando estos pequenos y sencillos sacrificios y
ofreciendolos a Dios, nos encontraremos caminando el camino del desierto mas consciente del sacrificio de Cristo.
Los cursillo seran en espanol.
HOMBRES: Febrero 11 al 14, 2016 #117
MUJERES: Febrero 18 al 21, 2016 #116
No olviden de Reservar en su calendario la fecha del
Encuentro Regional que es:
Abril 22 y 23 del 2016 y esta Diocesis es la coordinadora de este evento.
Y los proximos Cursillos de este ano son:
Octubre 13 al 16 Hombres 2016 #119
Octubre 20 al 23 Mujeres 2016 #118
Chris Reuther
Para mayor informacion comunicarse con: Awilda
Merced (787) 448-7968 o Angela Chiriboga (352) 331
Cantar es Orar Dos Veces
Nuestro coro - sigue creciendo y otorgando a la Misa
en espanol la musica que mas nos acerca a Dios. Siempre se buscan y desean nuevos miembros. Si quiere
unirse al coro, por favor comuníquese con Doug Ghizzoni. El coro ensaya a las 12:30 p.m. cada domingo en
la biblioteca de la iglesia.
Cafecito y dulces
Se les invita a pasar al salon de la iglesia cada domingo despues de la Misa de la 1:30 p.m. para compartir
amistad y cafecito. Vengan y conozcan mejor a sus
hermanos en Cristo. Si desean, pueden traer
donaciones de galletas o bebidas.
Círculo de Oración Carismática
El Círculo de Oracion Carismatica en espanol se reune
todos los lunes a las 7 p.m. en la iglesia para orar, leer
la biblia, y alabar al Senor con canticos. No necesitan
inscribirse. Los esperamos. Para mayor informacion,
llamen a Wilson Colmenares (561) 260-3422.
Adoración del Santisimo
Adoracion esta ofrecido el tercer jueves de cada mes
en la parroquía.
The parish, Catholic
Schools and greater
February 21, 2016
Save the date! On April 9th our parish will host a foodpackaging event called Helping Hands, a program sponsored
by Catholic Relief Services and Stop Hunger Now, to assist
people in the struggling West African nation of Burkina Faso.
Through our fund-raising efforts, we will send at
least 10,000 meals to Burkina Faso AND we will support job training and community-building programs in
that country.
At the website crs.donordrive.com/event/staug
learn how you can participate in two ways:
you will
Donate funds to pay for the food and the development
programs and/or
Volunteer to package the food on Saturday, April 9th
from 10 a.m. till noon, in the church lounge.
the St. Vincent de Paul Society
February 21 – Second Sunday of Lent
In today’s Gospel, Jesus overcomes the
temptations to wealth, power and esteem.
As we begin Lent, may we open our hearts
to the grace of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Your gift to the St. Vincent de Paul Society or to the Poor Box will help the poor to celebrate the
grace of God’s love this Easter. If someone needs assistance, call 352-222-0588. For more information or to volunteer, call Betty Spears at 352-378-3583.
You can also donate by dropping a check (payable to the
parish) at the office or in the collection during Mass. Write
Helping Hands on the memo line at the bottom of the
You will be hearing more about Helping Hands in the coming
weeks. See helpinghands.crs.org for more information.
Knight’s Corner
Knights of Columbus’ ‘40 Bucks for Lent’ Campaign
to Help Persecuted Middle Eastern Christians
NEW HAVEN, Conn. – The Knights of Columbus is asking those considering a Lenten sacrifice to give “40 Bucks for Lent” and
use the hashtag #40BucksForLent to help Middle Eastern Christians and other religious minorities suffering religious persecution there.
“Since many people give up something for Lent, we wanted to provide an opportunity for their sacrifice to make a difference
— not only in their own life, but in the lives of others,” said K of C Supreme Knight Carl Anderson. “During the Lenten season,
we recall Christ’s suffering and death. In turn, remembering and assisting those who are today suffering and dying for their
belief in Christ is an excellent way to do good where it is most needed and to enter more deeply into the spirit of this season.”
The Knights began its Christian Refugee Relief Fund in 2014. To date nearly $10 million has been raised to provide housing,
food, medical aid, education and general relief to persecuted Christians and other religious minorities especially from Iraq
and Syria, and to raise awareness about their plight. Those persecuted have suffered enormously at the hands of terrorists,
who target them simply for their faith. Lives have been turned upside down, friends and families killed, and homes seized.
Last fall, the Knights also brought a young Iraqi girl to the United States with her mother, so she could receive specialized
medical care.
[Excerpt from an official press release from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council]

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