Novedades generales


Novedades generales
Boletín de novedades
Marzo - Abril 2015
Sector Autopartes
Innovaciones tecnológicas
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Efecto de la temperatura del gas de entrada previamente enfriado y su tasa de flujo de mas...
Rendimiento de la comunicación instantánea de redes vehiculares
Potencial de aplicación de aceros de alto rendimiento para la reducción del peso y aumento...
Grafeno soluble en agua como aditivo de electrolito en sistema de baterías de magnesio-air...
Reseña sobre faros para automóviles a base de diodos emisores de luz
Modelo térmico transitorio para cámara climática de vehículo
Materiales de li-ion resistente al envejecimiento para almacenamiento de energía en vehícu...
Aparato a baterías portátil para arranque del vehículo con protección de seguridad
Dispositivo de control de apertura en puertas de vehículos
Monitoreo de frenos en vehículo autónomo
Dispositivo cooperativo de control de freno para regeneración
Dispositivo y método para control de vehículo híbrido
Plástico ABS para decoraciones interiores de automóviles
Automóvil con piezas especiales de acero-aluminio para la conexión entre secciones
Publirreportaje: Los centros de mecanizado Mazak dan la talla en todas las situaciones
Toyota anunció recientemente la reanudación de su expansión con la construcción de dos nue...
Industria abre “Encuesta 2015” para impulsar la integración nacional de autopartes
HRL desarrolla nuevo material para vehículos hipersónicos
Giorgi aseguró que hay más de $ 11 mil millones a disposición de las PyMEs para financiami...
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Investigadores de POSTECH desarrollan un nuevo tipo de acero ligero de alta resistencia
Ricardo desarrolla motor para vehículo eléctrico de próxima generación
Vehículo eléctrico Nissan LEAF con tecnología de nano-pintura autolimpiante será exhibido ...
Hella brinda sentido del tacto a los vehículos
Batería JCI acciona sistemas Stop-Start en vehículos
ISO/DIS 15082 - Vehículos de carretera - Ensayos de materiales plásticos rígidos para acr...
ISO 7628:2010 - Vehículos de carretera - Tubería de termoplástico para sistemas de frenos...
Aprobado el Plan PIVE 7 para impulsar la adquisición de vehículos más eficientes
Informe Industria Febrero 2015
SERNAUTO lanza su Plan de Internacionalización 2015
OJ:JOL_2015_087_R_0001: Reglamento n° 100 de la Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas ...
11º Conferencia internacional CTI: Sistemas SCR
Foro internacional SAE sobre trenes de potencia de vehículos eléctricos
Foro de nuevas energías para vehículos SAE 2015
Cimac Cascades 2015: Motores de combustible dual y gas - Su impacto en aplicaciones, dise...
Pág. 2
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Efecto de la temperatura del gas de entrada previamente
enfriado y su tasa de flujo de masa en el estado final de carga
durante el repostaje de vehículos de hidrógeno
Publicada el 13/04/2015
Publication date: 13 April 2015. Source: International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy, Volume 40, Issue 13. Author(s): R. Ortiz Cebolla , B. Acosta , N.
de Miguel , P. Moretto. Short refueling time and high final state of charge
are among the main hydrogen car user's requirements. To meet these
requirements, without exceeding the tank materials safety limits, hydrogen
precooling is needed. Filling experiments with different inlet gas
temperatures and mass flow rates have been executed using two different
types of on-board tanks (type 3 and 4). State of charge has a strong
dependency on the inlet gas temperature. This dependency is more visible
for type 4 tanks. Lowest precooling temperature (40 °C) is not always
required in order to meet user's requirements, so energy savings can be
achieved if the initial conditions of the tank are correctly identified. The
results of the experiments performed have been compared with the SAE
J2601 look-up tables for non-communication fillings. A big safety margin
has been observed in these tables. Refueling could be performed faster
and with less demanding precooling requirements if the initial conditions
and the configuration of the hydrogen storage system are well known.
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Pág. 3
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Rendimiento de la comunicación instantánea de redes
Publicada el 01/04/2015
Publication date: April 2015. Source: Transportation Research. Part C:
Emerging Technologies. Author(s): Hao Yang , Wen-Long Jin. Vehicular
ad hoc networks (VANETs) formed by connected vehicles in a traffic
stream could be applied to improve safety, mobility, and environmental
impacts of a transportation system. In this paper, we present analytical
models for the instantaneous communication throughputs of VANETs to
measure the efficiency of information propagation under various traffic
conditions at a time instant. In particular, we define broadcast and unicast
communication throughputs by the wireless channel bandwith multiplied by
the average probabilities that one vehicle is a successful receiver and
sender in a VAENT, respectively. With a protocol communication model,
we derive formulas to determine the probabilities for an equipped vehicle
to be a successful broadcast receiver and a successful unicast
receiver/sender, and obtain broadcast and unicast throughputs along
discrete and continuous traffic streams. We further examine the impacts on
communication throughputs of the transmission range and the interference
range of dedicated short range communication devices as well as the
market penetration rate of equipped vehicles and the percentage of
senders. Finally, we investigate the influence of shock waves on
communication throughputs.
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Pág. 4
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Potencial de aplicación de aceros de alto rendimiento para la
reducción del peso y aumento de la eficiencia en vehículos
Publicada el 02/03/2015
Abstract The fast-growing economy and the gradually established highway
system have boosted the road transportation for both passenger and cargo
over the last decade in China. From 2000 to 2010 Chinese GDP increased
by around 10.15% annually and the sales of medium and heavy trucks by
around 18.87% (sales increased from 0.2 million in 2000 to 1.3 million in
2010) according to the National Bureau of Statistics of People’s Republic
of China. Today commercial vehicles consume almost the same amount of
fuel as passenger cars in China although the number of commercial
vehicles is only about one fourth of passenger cars. It is estimated that
around 50% of imported fuel to China each year will be consumed by
vehicle transportation. This situation will worsen fuel shortage problems in
the long run and at the same time it is partially responsible for the everworsening air pollution in China. Due to the widespread overloading in
China, lightweight development in commercial vehicles has fallen far
behind that of passenger cars with the consequences that Chinese
commercial vehicles consume in average about 20% more fuel, especially
the heavy trucks, compared to European models. Under these
circumstances it is essential to reduce the vehicle fuel consumption and
increase the transport efficiency. The key solution thereby is to implement
lightweight design in commercial vehicles as it has been successfully
practiced over the last decade in the passenger cars. This paper
summarizes highlights given in presentations during the “International
seminar on the application of high strength steels in light weight
commercial vehicles” with the focus on the development and application of
Nb alloyed high performance steels made for lightweight commercial
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Pág. 5
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Grafeno soluble en agua como aditivo de electrolito en sistema
de baterías de magnesio-aire
Publicada el 15/02/2015
Publication date: 15 February 2015. Source: Journal of Power Sources,
Volume 276. Author(s): K. Saminathan , M. Mayilvel Dinesh , M. Selvam ,
S.R. Srither , V. Rajendran , Karan V.I.S. Kaler. Magnesium-air (Mg-air)
batteries are an important energy source used to power electronic
equipment and automobiles. Metal-air batteries give more energy density
due to surplus air involved in reduction reaction at air cathode. In this
study, the scope of improvements in the efficiency of Metal-air batteries is
investigated through addition of water soluble graphene (WSG) as inhibitor
in NaCl electrolyte. The discharge performance, corrosion behaviour and
electrochemical impedance are studied for (i) the conventional Mg-air
battery using 3.5% NaCl and (ii) Mg-air battery with WSG-based 3.5%
NaCl electrolyte. X-ray diffraction analysis for WSG is carried out and it
shows the crystalline nature of WSG by an intense sharp peak at 26.3°.
Scanning electron microscope study is also performed and shows the
flake-like structure of WSG denoted by thin layers of carbon. The
immersion of WSG in 3.5% NaCl electrolyte increased the current density
from 13.24 to 19.33 mA cm2. Meanwhile, the WSG-based Mg-air battery
was found to hold specific discharge capacity of 1030.71 mAh g1, which
was higher than that obtained in 3.5% NaCl electrolyte (i.e.,
822.85 mAh g1). The WSG-based Mg-air battery shows good selfdischarge capacity and higher electrochemical activity during discharge.
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Pág. 6
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Reseña sobre faros para automóviles a base de diodos
emisores de luz
Publicada el 01/01/2015
Publication date: January 2015. Source :Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews, Volume 41. Author(s): Xingming Long , Jugang He , Jing
Zhou , Liang Fang , Xia Zhou , Fan Ren , Tao Xu. Benefited from the
fruitful results of general light-emitting diode (LED) lighting, the LED is
utilized in the automotive forward lighting recently, the LED headlamp, due
to its ability of improving the efficiency, durability and comfort of the
automobile. Both the rough operating environments and rigorous safety
standards make the design and verification of the LED headlamp face
more challenges than that of the general LED lighting. Although there are
some concerns about the status of the LED headlamp, these efforts mostly
focused on a single issue, and little knowledge has been established from
a system-level aspect. To obtain an up-to-date and systematical summary
of the progress of the LED headlamp, in this review, after a description of
the fundamentals of the LED headlamp, its design methods are scanned
firstly following the categorized components: the LED array module, the
heat management, optics control as well as the driver electronics; then, the
verifications of the LED headlamp are explored according to the plug-in
efficiency, cost, lifetime and reliability; next, the trends of the LED
headlamp with the additional function of data transmission and integration
of human factors are illustrated; and a conclusion is given finally. The
results show that the LED headlamp is a complex
electrical–optical–thermal–mechanical system, involved human factors;
currently it reaches the state-of-the-art on the efficiency, while the cost is
about 350% more than that of the halogen headlamps; additionally, the
lifetime and reliability issues, which are closely related with the junction
temperature and the moisture diffusion, least understands in human
response to LED light as well as immature regulations do challenge the
development of LED headlamp. However, the system-level, functional and
human factors based solutions cast a light on the future LED headlamp.
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Pág. 7
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Modelo térmico transitorio para cámara climática de vehículo
Publicada el 01/12/2014
Publication date: December 2014. Source: Energy and Buildings, Volume
85. Author(s): Y.Y. Liang , J.C. Hu , J.P. Chen , Y.G. Shen , J. Du. A model
for full-size vehicle climate chamber was established based on
Matlab/Simulink to study the transient thermal performance and to improve
the heating/cooling rate. The model consists of the chilled water system
model, chamber air model, building envelope model, and the control
system model. Finite difference approach was employed. The model has
been verified by experiments conducted in the full-size vehicle climate
chamber. Thermal analyses were conducted for both heating and cooling
tests, and several main factors that affect energy consumption were
considered. It is concluded that the heat loss through building envelope
accounted for only 4%, which is much less than the heat loss caused by air
tightness and improper control strategy, which accounted for more than
10% and 60%. For zero air leakage case, the average heating and cooling
rates improved by 15.1% and 7.7%, respectively compared to the case
with air leakage. In the end, a new control strategy was developed for the
heating test based on the analysis results and this new control strategy
reduced the total heating time by 27%.
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Pág. 8
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Materiales de li-ion resistente al envejecimiento para
almacenamiento de energía en vehículos eléctricos
Publicada el 13/04/2015
MARS-EV aims to overcome the ageing phenomenon in Li-ion cells by focusing on the development of highenergy electrode materials (250 Wh/kg at cell level) via sustainable scaled-up synthesis and safe electrolyte
systems with improved cycle life (> 3000 cycles at 100%DOD). Through industrial prototype cell assembly and
testing coupled with modelling MARS-EV will improve the understanding of the ageing behaviour at the
electrode and system levels.
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Pág. 9
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Aparato a baterías portátil para arranque del vehículo con
protección de seguridad
Publicada el 13/04/2015
A handheld device for jump starting a vehicle engine includes a
rechargeable lithium ion battery pack and a microcontroller. The lithium ion
battery is coupled to a power output port of the device through a FET
smart switch actuated by the microcontroller. A vehicle battery isolation
sensor connected in circuit with positive and negative polarity outputs
detects the presence of a vehicle battery connected between the positive
and negative polarity outputs. A reverse polarity sensor connected in
circuit with the positive and negative polarity outputs detects the polarity of
a vehicle battery connected between the positive and negative polarity
outputs, such that the microcontroller will enable power to be delivered
from the lithium ion power pack to the output port only when a good battery
is connected to the output port and only when the battery is connected with
proper polarity of positive and negative terminals.
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Pág. 10
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Dispositivo de control de apertura en puertas de vehículos
Publicada el 08/04/2015
In an opening control device in a vehicle door, in order to stop the door at a
desired position, a control unit stops power supply to a motor, and a short
circuit is made in an electric circuit between a first terminal and a second
terminal of the motor. In the electric circuit, there is formed a regenerative
brake circuit in which regenerative braking can be applied to rotation of the
motor. When the door is positioned within a fully-open-position-adjacent
range that is adjacent to a fully-open position of the door, regenerative
braking is applied to normal rotation of the motor for opening the door and
is not applied to reverse rotation of the motor for closing the door.
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Monitoreo de frenos en vehículo autónomo
Publicada el 08/04/2015
Instructions are provided to a vehicle braking mechanism for autonomous
operation of the braking mechanism. At least one first parameter is
retrieved for governing control of the braking mechanism. The first
parameter is applied to operation of the braking mechanism. Data is
collected relating to operation of the vehicle. At least one second
parameter is determined for governing control of the braking mechanism.
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Pág. 11
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Dispositivo cooperativo de control de freno para regeneración
Publicada el 01/04/2015
A regeneration cooperative brake control device (10) implements control
such that a sum of regenerative braking force generated by a motor (108)
which is a regenerative braking force generation device of a vehicle and
friction braking force generated by a brake mechanism (122) which is a
friction braking force generation device of the vehicle becomes a target
braking force. A target braking force determination unit (1010) determines
the target braking force on the basis of an amount of operation of a brake
pedal (102) and, if the vehicle speed of the vehicle (20) is smaller than a
predetermined vehicle speed, implements braking force suppression
control such that the target braking force relative to the amount of
operation of the brake pedal (102) is determined to be a smaller value than
the target braking force relative to the amount of operation when the
vehicle speed is not smaller than the predetermined vehicle speed.
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Dispositivo y método para control de vehículo híbrido
Publicada el 18/03/2015
A regenerative control unit performs regenerative control to perform
electric power regeneration. When regenerative control is performed, a
valve control unit controls a VVL device to limit an upper limit of at least
one of an amount of lifting an intake valve and a working angle on the
intake valve to be lower than when regenerative control is not performed.
As a result, a hybrid vehicle allowing a power storage device to be charged
in regenerative braking, can ensure engine braking force and also
minimize degradation of the power storage device.
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Pág. 12
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Plástico ABS para decoraciones interiores de automóviles
Publicada el 23/12/2014
The invention relates to an ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene) plastic for automobile interior decorations,
which is composed of the following raw materials in parts by weight: 6-10 parts of natural plant fiber composite,
3-6 parts of toughener, 2-6 parts of polypropylene, 3-7 parts of anti-yellowing agent, 10-20 parts of ABS resin,
4-9 parts of polytetrafluoroethylene, 2-8 parts of epoxy resin, 4-6 parts of zinc borate, 1-5 parts of ammonium
octamolybdate and 3-7 parts of molybdenum trioxide. The ABS plastic for automobile interior decorations has
the advantages of favorable corrosion resistance, favorable oxidation resistance and elegant appearance, and
can be widely used for automobile interior decorations.
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Automóvil con piezas especiales de acero-aluminio para la
conexión entre secciones
Publicada el 23/12/2014
The invention discloses an automobile with special steel-aluminum section
connecting pieces, especially connecting pieces for a frame and a body.
The connecting pieces disclosed by the invention are aluminum sections,
certain ends of the connecting pieces are connected with an aluminum
section frame structure through welding, and the other ends of the
connecting pieces are fixedly connected with a steel section body through
bolts. The automobile with the special steel-aluminum section connecting
pieces has the beneficial effects that the process principle is universal, the
connecting pieces can be applied to connection of materials of different
kinds and the application scope is wide; since an open design is adopted,
on the premise that product manufacturing is not influenced, the shapes of
the connecting pieces can be optimized; the connecting method is simple,
the strength is high and the cost is low.
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Pág. 13
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Publirreportaje: Los centros de mecanizado Mazak dan la talla
en todas las situaciones
Publicada el 15/04/2015
Entre su amplia gama de centros de mecanizado Mazak destaca el
modelo de 5 ejes Variaxis i-700 - Matrix 2, un modelo de altas
prestaciones, diseñado con una robustez extraordinaria para proporcionar
las más altas precisiones y las mayores velocidades de trabajo,
conseguidas solamente a base de emplear las más modernas tecnologías
tanto en fabricación mecánica como en equipos electrónicos de control.
Tiene una gran capacidad de mecanizado de diámetro 850 x500 mm,
gracias al cabezal de 12.000/18.000 rpm y sus 60.000 mm/min (2362
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Toyota anunció recientemente la reanudación de su expansión
con la construcción de dos nuevas plantas en China y México
Publicada el 15/04/2015
Toyota a récemment annoncé la reprise de son expansion avec les construction de deux nouvelles usines, en
Chine et au Mexique. S’agissant de l’usine mexicaine, l’investissement porterait sur 1 milliard de dollars.
L’usine serait située dans l’Etat de Guanajuato au centre du Mexique et devrait produire 200 000 voitures par
an. Elle permettrait par ailleurs la création d’environ 2 400 emplois directs. Des informations publiées
récemment dans la presse indiquaient que le site assemblerait à partir de l’été 2019 des Corolla destinées au
marché nord-américain.
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Pág. 14
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Industria abre “Encuesta 2015” para impulsar la integración
nacional de autopartes
Publicada el 06/04/2015
Con el objetivo de continuar con las mesas de trabajo de desarrollo de
proveedores nacionales e integración de autopartes, la cartera que dirige
Débora Giorgi, está realizando una nueva encuesta, de la cual podrán
participar todas las empresas interesadas, ingresando a la página del
Ministerio de Industria.
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HRL desarrolla nuevo material para vehículos hipersónicos
Publicada el 03/04/2015
HRL Laboratories, LLC (formerly Hughes Research Labs) will be developing new materials for hypersonic
vehicles under the Materials Development for Platforms (MDP) program through the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA-BAA-14-52). These new materials aim to reduce the weight and cost of
vehicle aeroshells while withstanding the extreme environment encountered during hypersonic flight.
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Pág. 15
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Giorgi aseguró que hay más de $ 11 mil millones a disposición
de las PyMEs para financiamiento y capacitación
Publicada el 01/04/2015
La ministra de Industria, Débora Giorgi, anunció que los comercios
adheridos al Programa Ahora 12 podrán acceder a herramientas
crediticias y de capacitación. Las pymes representan el 40% del PBI del
país, el 98% de la cantidad total de empresas y el 50% del empleo.
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Investigadores de POSTECH desarrollan un nuevo tipo de acero
ligero de alta resistencia
Publicada el 27/02/2015
Researchers at Pohang University of Science and Technology
(POSTECH) in South Korea have developed a new type of steel with
improved tensile strength and lightness. In their approach, they effectively
utilized a brittle intermetallic compound (B2) that metallurgists usually try to
suppress by modifying B2 morphology and dispersion in the steel matrix.
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Pág. 16
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Ricardo desarrolla motor para vehículo eléctrico de próxima
Publicada el 23/02/2015
The new electric vehicle (EV) motor has been designed and built in
prototype form by Ricardo as part of a collaborative research and
development project, RapidSR (Rapid Design and Development of a
Switched Reluctance Traction Motor). Using a conventional distributed
stator winding, the Ricardo synchronous reluctance electric machine is a
highly innovative design that makes use of low-cost materials, simple
manufacturing processes and uncomplicated construction.
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Vehículo eléctrico Nissan LEAF con tecnología de nano-pintura
autolimpiante será exhibido en el Auto Show de Chicago
Publicada el 13/02/2015
Created to demonstrate its potential use in future vehicles, this Nissan
LEAF's exterior is treated with a specially engineered “superhydrophobic”
and “oleophobic” paint that repels water and oils. This "self-cleaning" paint,
called Ultra-Ever Dry®, creates a protective layer of air between the paint
and environment, effectively stopping water and road spray from leaving
dirty marks on LEAF's surface. Nissan is one of the first carmakers to
apply this technology to a vehicle.
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Pág. 17
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Hella brinda sentido del tacto a los vehículos
Publicada el 02/02/2015
Hella unveils its Intelligent Damage Detection System, which uses piezobased sensors to detect whenever a body panel sustains a scratch, dent or
worse. Think of the implications for rental fleets, car-sharing companies
and personal vehicles.
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Batería JCI acciona sistemas Stop-Start en vehículos
Publicada el 12/01/2015
Johnson Controls Inc. has developed a small lithium ion battery that boosts
the efficiency of vehicle stop-start systems. The battery is about the size of
a tissue box and weighs around 9 pounds.
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Pág. 18
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
ISO/DIS 15082 - Vehículos de carretera - Ensayos de materiales
plásticos rígidos para acristalamiento de seguridad
Publicada el 03/02/2015
This document reached stage 40.99 on 2015-02-04 , TC/SC: ISO/TC 22/SC 35, ICS: 43.040.65; 83.140.01
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ISO 7628:2010 - Vehículos de carretera - Tubería de
termoplástico para sistemas de frenos de aire
Publicada el 14/01/2015
This document reached stage 90.20 on 2015-01-15 , TC/SC: ISO/TC 22/SC 33, ICS: 43.040.40; 83.140.30
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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Aprobado el Plan PIVE 7 para impulsar la adquisición de
vehículos más eficientes
Publicada el 09/03/2015
El Consejo de Ministros aprobaba el pasado 27 de febrero el Real Decreto
que daba luz verde al Programa de Incentivos al Vehículo Eficiente, Plan
PIVE 7, con una dotación de 175 millones de euros. Podrán beneficiarse
de las ayudas particulares, profesionales autónomos, microempresas y
PYMES, incluyendo entre los vehículos subvencionables aquellos
adaptados para los discapacitados.
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Informe Industria Febrero 2015
Publicada el 04/03/2015
La producción nacional de vehículos fue de 45.605 unidades y registró en
febrero un aumento de 78 % respecto de enero y una baja de 13,9 % con
relación a igual mes del año pasado.
Las exportaciones se ubicaron en 24.223 unidades y tuvieron un
crecimiento de 217,9 % con relación enero y baja de 6,8 % con relación a
febrero 2014.
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Pág. 20
Marzo - Abril 2015
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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
SERNAUTO lanza su Plan de Internacionalización 2015
Publicada el 23/02/2015
El Plan de Acciones de Internacionalización SERNAUTO 2015, elaborado
conforme al plan sectorial ICEX, contempla la organización de misiones
comerciales directas y presencia en ferias que tendrán lugar en países de
interés estratégico para las empresas fabricantes de equipos y
componentes para automoción.
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OJ:JOL_2015_087_R_0001: Reglamento n° 100 de la Comisión
Económica de las Naciones Unidas para Europa (CEPE/ONU) —
Disposiciones uniformes relativas a la homologación de
vehículos en relación con los requisitos específicos del grupo
motopropulsor eléctrico [2015/505]
Publicada el 30/03/2015
Regulation No 100 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (UNECE) — Uniform
provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to specific requirements for the electric power train
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Pág. 22
Marzo - Abril 2015
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Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
11º Conferencia internacional CTI: Sistemas SCR
Publicada el 06/04/2015
7-9 July 2015. Stuttgart, Germany. HIGHLIGHTS. INNOVATION:
Promoted NOx Decomposition by Electro-Catalytic Honeycomb. DeNOx
Control System for Future RDE Standards. VECTO Tool / PEMS Testing.
Blue Sticker for Environmental Zone. Control and OBD-Monitoring of SCR
Novel Titania / Vanadate SCR Catalyst-Powder. SCR on Filter Systems.
Different Approaches for Urea Quality Sensors. Optical Visualization for
Efficient Catalyst Layout
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Foro internacional SAE sobre trenes de potencia de vehículos
Publicada el 16/03/2015
December 3-4, 2015. Shanghai, China. The SAE International Vehicle
Electric Powertrain Forum will provide an open technical forum for
engineers in advanced automotive powertrain design, hybrid electric
vehicle design, xEV component suppliers, transportation authorities,
automobile design consultants and automobile maintainers/sustainers, to
get an overview of automobile design processes from concept to
production, including power electronics design, motor design, battery
management, 48V applications, fuel cells, modeling and simulation, and
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Pág. 23
Marzo - Abril 2015
Boletín de novedades
Autopartes - Novedades del Sector
Foro de nuevas energías para vehículos SAE 2015
Publicada el 02/02/2015
September 3-4, 2015. Shanghai, China. International expertise comes
together at the SAE 2015 New Energy Vehicle Forum to provide a rigorous
examination of both the Technology and Technology Business
Development of Electric Vehicles, Plug-In Hybrids and Fuel Cell Vehicles.
The primary focus will be on the key vehicle systems and sub-systems.
This will be addressed in association with a second track examining the
processes of finance and applied technologies, including technology
transfer and commercialization.
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Cimac Cascades 2015: Motores de combustible dual y gas - Su
impacto en aplicaciones, diseño y componentes
Publicada el 26/01/2015
February 26-27, 2015. Graz, Austria. The event will offer students and
engineers the opportunity to meet and exchange information with leading
industry experts. Young engineers from university and industry will present
their work and provide inspiration to students and recent graduates. The
CIMAC CASCADES award for the best presentation will be handed over
by the Austrian CIMAC NMA, which along with Graz University of
Technology is looking forward to hosting the seminar.
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Para más información:
Programa Nacional de Vigilancia Tecnológica e Inteligencia Competitiva · VINTEC
Dirección Nacional de Estudios (DNE) · Subsecretaría de Estudios y Prospectiva
Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación
Godoy Cruz 2320 3 piso (entre Guatemala y Paraguay) · (C1425FQD) · Buenos Aires · Argentina
Tel: 4899-5300 int. 3004 · [email protected] ·
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