Excerpts from Anne Aparicio`s review published


Excerpts from Anne Aparicio`s review published
Carlos D. Pulido
All Carlos D. Pulido
Within my interest to capture reality, in getting the viewer to face the object in the picture, my
major current obsession is to capture the perfect reflex. To find the street outside through the
crome of the motorcyle, the building through the car glass, the pedestrians through the bus
windows ... In a nutschell, reality reflexed in different surfaces which distort and transform it to
adapt it to strange shapes.
About the Artist:
Excerpts from Anne Aparicio's review published in the seventh edition of the
yearbook of artists "Art and Freedom". 2012
"It is almost unbelievable that somebody like myself, hardly in contact with the world of art, is so
impacted by the excelence and capacity of atraction of Carlos Pulidos's work. There are many
things that, at firts contact, draw one's attention. His mazing technical skills, his virtuous
execution, his pursuit of perfection, his atention to detail and his perseverance. They are, in
short, features which, make one feel inmediately drawn to his work when beholding it."
"Carlos had nobody to teach him to mix colours and apply glazes. He is a natural talent which
has evolved and keeps evolving as an artist in his own right, with no other schooling that long
working hours and dedication in his study in calle Hermosilla in Madrid."
"His work includes abundant urban landscapes which connect intensely with the sensibility of
those who are familiar with them, who thus feel transported to them in a true and magic fashion.
Our attention is thus drawn even further to his technical virtuosism when beholding his
"Cadillac" series (Reflex on a Cadillac, II and III), clealry present in cromes and reflexes in the
glasses and bodies of automobiles. Or, when beholding work such as his amazing "Motos in
Callao", we inevitably wonder how somebody with hardly any artistic education can reach this
level of perfectionism in shining and details."
Val de Santo Domingo (Toledo).1967,lives and works in Madrid.
Solo Exhibitions
2010 Galería de Arte Trueno, Colmenar Viejo, Madrid
2002 Caja Madrid de Aranjuez, Madrid
2000 Espais d´art Acea´s, Barcelona
Galería Santiago Rusiñol, Sitges, Barcelona
1999 Galería Paul Klee, Saélices, Cuenca
1996 Centro cultural Julio Cortázar, Madrid
Espacio de Arte Contemporáneo, Vía 59, Madrid
Galería Catarsis, Madrid
1995 Galería Catarsis, Madrid
1994 Centro cultural Julio Cortázar, Madrid
Casa de la Cultura de Cullera, Valencia
Galería José Cataluña, Santander
1993 Centro Cultural de la Caja Rural de Toledo, (Toledo)
1988 Casa de la Cultura, Torrijos, Toledo
Group Exhibitions
2012 Once pintores realistas + 1, Galería Jorge Alcolea,Madrid
2011 Diez pintores realistas, Galería Jorge Alcolea, Madrid
KIAF/2011 Korea International Art Fair, Seúl
2010 Colectiva Grupo Pí, Galería Eiffel, Tarancon, Cuenca
2003 Arcanos Contemporáneos, Galería Clave, Murcia
2002 Gran Coleccionable, Galería Catarsis, Madrid
2001 La Boheme Art Galeri, Mataró, Barcelona
2000 Galería Clave, Murcia
Sala Vergara, BBVA, Barcelona
Galeria Santiago Rusiñol, Sitges, Barcelona
Exposición-viaje, Universidad Cristóbal Colón, México D. F.
Sala Gótica de la Fundació Pública Institut d´Estudis Illerdencs, Lleida
1999 Circolo Ferrari, Acqui-terme, Itália
1ª exposició d´Art Oniric, Espais d´Art Cinc d´Ors, Barcelona
Artistas Madrileños en Barcelona, Espais d´Art Acea´s, Barcelona
Capella de Jesús, Centelles,Barcelona
Europ Art Group, Lido Degli Extensi, Itália
1998 Salón Internacional des Art Busieres Les Mines, Francia
Galería Valenzuela, Granada
Artistes Tercer Mileni, Palau Marc, Barcelona
Galería Paul Klee, Saélices, Cuenca
Espais d´Art Acea´s, Barcelona
Colectiva – subasta, Galería Infantas, Madrid
Circolo Ferrari, Acqui-terme, Itália
1997 La Gran Coleccionable 97/98, Galería Catarsis, Madrid
1996 El desnudo en el Arte, Galería Catarsis, Madrid
Expocatálogo del Arte,1995/96 Galería Catarsis, Madrid
1995 Centro cultural Conde Duque, Madrid
Gran coleccionable, Galería Catarsis, Madrid
1986 Casa de la Cultura de Torrijos, Toledo
Art fairs
2011 KIAF/2011 Korea International Art Fair, Seúl.
2000 Artisti in fiera III mostra mercato di arte contemporáneo, Bolonia, Itália
1999 Quinta das cruzadas, Centro de exposiciones arte y multimedia, Sintra Portugal
1997 Feria internacional de arte contemporáneo Arte+Sur, stand galería Siena de burgos,
1996 Feria internacional de arte contemporáneo Arte+Sur, stand galería Catarsis de Madrid,

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