Boletín Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio


Boletín Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio
November 2011
La Conferencia General admite a
Palestina como Estado Miembro de la
Universidad Politécnica de
Valencia (UPV) España
Alessandro Malpasso
Clare Canning
Irene Fornes
Jose Joaquín Lorente
Lupe Navarro
Luz Campos
Marielle Richon
Montse Martínez
Jose Luis Montalvá
Manuel Jesús Ramírez
Concha de Soto
I.S.S.N. 1887 - 1372
Universidad Politécnica de
Camino de Vera s/n. 46022
Valencia. España
Tlf. 96 387 77 80
Fax. 96 387 77 89
E-mail: f o r u m @ f u u h.u pv.e s
© UNESCO/Dou Matar
Isabel Tort Ausina
La Conferencia General de la UNESCO votó hoy a favor de la admisión de
Palestina como Estado Miembro de la Organización.
Para que esta decisión entre en vigor, Palestina debe firmar y ratificar la Constitución
de la UNESCO (Artículo XV de la Constitución de la UNESCO), depositada en los
archivos del Gobierno del Reino Unido, en Londres.
El ingreso de Palestina elevará a 195 el número de Estados Miembros de la UNESCO.
La votación se resolvió por 107 votos a favor y 14 votos en contra, con 52 abstenciones.
La admisión en la UNESCO de Estados que no son miembros de Naciones Unidas
requiere una recomendación favorable del Consejo Ejecutivo de la Organización y
un voto con una mayoría de dos tercios de los Estados Miembros de la Conferencia
General presentes y votantes (los miembros que se abstienen de votar se consideran
“no votantes”).
La Conferencia General está formada por representantes de los Estados Miembros de
la Organización. Se reúne cada dos años y a ella acuden Estados Miembros y Miembros Asociados junto con observadores de los Estados no Miembros, organizaciones
intergubernamentales y no gubernamentales (ONG). Cada Estado Miembro tiene un
voto independientemente de su tamaño o de su contribución al presupuesto.
La Conferencia General determina las políticas y las principales líneas de trabajo de la
Organización. Su labor consiste en determinar los programas y fijar el presupuesto de
la UNESCO. También elige a los miembros del Consejo Ejecutivo y elige, cada cuatro
años, al Director General.
31 octubre 2011
Discurso de la Sra. Irina Bokova con motivo del examen del punto
relativo a la admisión de Palestina como Estado Miembro de la UNESCO
2 noviembre 2011
Declaración de la Directora General de la UNESCO sobre la suspensión
de fondos por parte de Estados Unidos.
VIDEO: Mensaje de la Directora General de la UNESCO sobre la suspensión
de los fondos estadounidenses
© UNESCO / Eric Bouttier
10 noviembre 2011
Donar a la UNESCO en un clic
La Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, presentó hoy un mecanismo que permite a todos
los públicos (Estados Miembros, instituciones públicas, fundaciones e individuos) hacer donaciones en
línea en favor de la UNESCO.
Esta herramienta forma parte de las medidas de urgencia anunciadas hoy para compensar la pérdida
inmediata de 65 millones de dólares consecutiva al anuncio de Estados Unidos de suspender sus contribuciones a la Organización.
Las donaciones pueden hacerse en línea en la siguiente dirección:
Estados Unidos suspendió su contribución tras la admisión de Palestina en la UNESCO, el 31 de octubre, como se lo exigen leyes estadounidenses de los años noventa. Los 65 millones de dólares corresponden a la suma que debe Estados Unidos para el año 2011.
El anuncio provocó una oleada de apoyos sin precedentes en favor de la UNESCO por parte de individuos, asociaciones y empresas de todas las regiones del mundo.
“Veo en estas manifestaciones de apoyo un claro reconocimiento del bien que la UNESCO hace en
el mundo. Son pruebas muy concretas de éxito”, declaró la Directora General, que se expresaba en el
marco de la 36ª reunión de la Conferencia General de la UNESCO, que finalizó hoy.
“No se trata simplemente de otro fondo extrapresupuestario, lo utilizaremos para apoyar nuestras actividades fundamentales de modo que no se vean afectadas por la difícil situación financiera”, agregó.
10 noviembre 2011
La Directora General de la UNESCO lanza un Fondo de Emergencia en
la clausura de la Conferencia General
Boletín FUUP -
© UNESCO/D. Bijeljac - Sudán del Sur, 194º Estado Miembro de la UNESCO
La República de Sudán del Sur se convierte en el
194º Estado Miembro de la UNESCO
La República de Sudán del Sur se convirtió en el 194º Estado Miembro de la UNESCO tras completar
el proceso de ratificación de la Constitución de la UNESCO en Londres, el pasado 27 de octubre. La
bandera de Sudán del Sur ondea ya junto a las otras 193 enseñas que representan a los países miembros
de la UNESCO.
Con motivo de la ceremonia de izado de bandera en el marco de la 36ª reunión de la Conferencia General, el
ministro de Cultura, Juventud y Deportes de Sudán del Sur, Cirino Hiteng Ofuho, declaró: “Pedimos a los
Estados Miembros de la UNESCO que continúen apoyando nuestros esfuerzos de manera que nuestra joven
nación pueda preparar a sus ciudadanos a ponerse al nivel de los resto del mundo en los ámbitos de gestión del
patrimonio, la educación y la investigación científica”. “La nueva República de Sudán del Sur quiere convertirse en un miembro activo de la UNESCO y de la familia global de naciones”, agregó.
En su discurso de bienvenida al nuevo Estado Miembro, la Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova,
recordó que “los ocho millones de habitantes de la República de Sudán del Sur se enfrentan a inmensos desafíos”. Irina Bokova aseguró a continuación que “la UNESCO acompañará a la población de Sudán del Sur
para reforzar su sistema educativo y apoyar la formación de docentes y profesionales de la educación”.
Según el Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación para Todos en el Mundo 2011, presentado en Juba en junio
pasado, más de un millón de niños en edad de acudir a la escuela primaria no están escolarizados, es decir,
casi la mitad de los niños. El país presenta además la tasa más baja de escolarización secundaria del mundo y
sólo 8% de las mujeres saben leer y escribir.
A pedido del ministerio de Educación del país, el Instituto Internacional de Planificación de la Educación de la
UNESCO (IIEP) y UNICEF ayudaron al nuevo país a diseñar un plan para cubrir las necesidades educativas.
El 14 de julio de 2011, la Asamblea General de la ONU autorizó por aclamación el ingreso de la República de
Sudán del Sur como Estado Miembro de la Organización.
Boletín FUUP -
La UNESCO da el pistoletazo de salida a la
celebración del 40 aniversario de la Convención
del Patrimonio Mundial
La Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova,
ha lanzado hoy las celebraciones del 40 aniversario
de la Convención para la Protección del Patrimonio
Mundial Cultural y Natural, aprobada por los Estados miembros de la UNESCO el 16 de noviembre 1972.
En su discurso, la Directora General apeló a un año de
renovación para el Patrimonio Mundial. “El patrimonio se encuentra en medio del cambio climático, las
transformaciones sociales y entre la reconciliación
entre los pueblos. El Patrimonio tiene entre sus manos
temas importantes -. para la identidad y pertenencia
Irina Bokova, Directora Gerneral de la UNESCO dirigiéndose a la
de la gente, para el desarrollo económico y social de
Asamblea General © UNESCO / Dou Matar Gueye Copyright
la población “
Irina Bokova señaló que la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible, Río+20, que se
celebrará en junio de 2012, dará a la UNESCO una nueva oportunidad para establecer un vínculo entre cultura
y desarrollo. Explicó que “el patrimonio no es un lujo, es esencial para el futuro. Es la base sólida, sin la que
nada puede ser construido”.
En la inauguración de la Asamblea General de la Convención de los 187 Estados Partes, la Directora General
puntualizó la necesidad de involucrar a las comunidades en la conservación del patrimonio. Recomendó reflexionar asi como celebrar este aniversario cuyo tema es : Patrimonio Mundial y el desarrollo sostenible, el
papel de las comunidades locales.
La Asamblea General de los Estados Partes de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial se celebra cada dos
años en París, coincidiendo con las sesiones de la Conferencia General de la UNESCO, el órgano más alto de
la Organización.
El Comité del Patrimonio Mundial se reúne una vez al año. Se trata de un órgano independiente encargado de
la aplicación de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial y el mantenimiento de los Sitios Inscritos en la Lista de
del Patrimonio Mundial, que actualmente cuenta con 936 sitios de valor universal excepcional de 153 países.
El lanzamiento oficial de las celebraciones del 40 aniversario se realizará en la sede central de la UNESCO
en París el 30 de enero del 2012 en presencia de Herbie Hancock, leyenda del jazz y el Embajador de Buena
Voluntad de la UNESCO. Muchos eventos están programados durante todo el año para conmemorar este aniversario. Un evento especial se llevará a cabo en Kyoto por el Gobierno de Japón a finales de año del 6 al 8 de
noviembre de 2012.
40 aniversario de la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial
Nueve miembros ya electos para el Comité del
Patrimonio Mundial
Boletín FUUP -
Forum UNESCO Universidad y Patrimonio
Camino de Vera s/n
46022 Valencia, SPAIN
tel: (+34) 96 387 77 80
fax: (+34) 96 387 77 89
e-mail: [email protected] [23/11/2011 17:14:11]
Patrimonio arqueológico
Patrimonio arqueológico
Mexican archaeologists find Aztec temple platform at Mexico City's Templo Mayor
ruin - Mexico
MEXICO CITY (AP).- Archaeologists found a round Aztec ceremonial platform studded with
stone carvings of serpent heads at Mexico City's Templo Mayor ruin, raising hopes in the
search for an emperor's tomb, authorities said Thursday.
No Aztec ruler's tomb has ever been located and researchers have been on a five-year quest
to find a royal tomb in the area of the Templo Mayor, a complex of two huge pyramids and
numerous smaller structures that contained the ceremonial and spiritual heart of the pre-
Hispanic Aztec empire.
Mexico's National Institute of History and Anthropology said the stone platform is about 15 yards (meters) in diameter and
probably built around A.D. 1469. The site lies in downtown Mexico City, which was built by Spanish conquerors atop the
Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan.
"The historical records say that the rulers were cremated at the foot of the Templo Mayor, and it is believed to be on this
same structure — the 'cuauhxicalco' — that the rulers were cremated," said archaeologist Raul Barrera.
+ info:
Göbekli Tepe: El templo más antiguo del mundo bajo conservación por el Global
Heritage Fund (GHF)
Tienen ante sí decenas de enormes columnas de piedra dispuestas en una serie de círculos,
apiladas unas encima de otras. El lugar, llamado Göbekli Tepe, recuerda vagamente
Stonehenge, pero es mucho más antiguo y no está hecho de toscos bloques sino de pilares de
piedra caliza finamente tallados y adornados con bajorrelieves de animales: un desfile de
gacelas, serpientes, zorros, escorpiones y feroces jabalíes. El conjunto fue construido hace
unos 11.600 años, siete milenios antes que la Gran Pirámide de Keops, y contiene el templo
más antiguo conocido hasta ahora. De hecho, Göbekli Tepe es el ejemplo más antiguo conocido de arquitectura
monumental, la primera estructura levantada por el ser humano con una envergadura y complejidad mayores que las de
una choza. Hasta donde alcanzan nuestros conocimientos, cuando se erigieron esas columnas no había en el mundo
ninguna otra construcción de tamaño comparable…
+ info:
The World in Between: 5,000 years ago, a long-buried society in the Iranian desert
helped shape the first urban age
Even local archaeologists with the benefit of airconditioned cars and paved roads think twice
about crossing eastern Iran’s rugged terrain. “It’s a tough place,” says Mehdi Mortazavi from
the University of Sistan-Baluchistan in the far eastern end of Iran, near the Afghan border.
At the center of this region is the Dasht-e Lut, Persian for the “Empty Desert.” This
treacherous landscape, 300 miles long and 200 miles wide, is covered with sinkholes, steep
ravines, and sand dunes, some topping 1,000 feet. It also has the hottest average surface
temperature of any place on Earth. The forbidding territory in and around this desert seems like the last place to seek
clues to the emergence of the first cities and states 5,000 years ago.
+ info:
National Archaeology Day Proclamation read into the United States Congressional
Record - USA (1 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:14:20]
Patrimonio arqueológico
Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to support the designation of October 22, 2011, as
National Archaeology Day. Throughout the month of October, but particularly on the 22nd,
archaeological societies across the country will celebrate the thousands of years of history that
have been unlocked through artifacts and discoveries.
The Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), headquartered at Boston University and
comprised of over 235,000 members, will lead 108 of its local societies in a host of public
educational activities to demonstrate the value of archaeological pursuits. AIA will also join
with the American Anthropological Association, Society for American Archaeology, Society for Historical Archaeology, and
American Schools of Oriental Research in collaborative efforts to reach out to over 100 cities across the United States
through online events.
+ info:
The Pre-Motor City: As Detroit paves a new economic road forward, an archaeologist
investigates its industrial beginnings - Detroit - Michigan - USA
On a Wednesday afternoon in early June, a white bus with the navy blue logo "Indian Trails"
emblazoned on its side turns off Michigan Avenue onto 16th Street and heads south. At Dalzelle
Street it takes a left and comes to a stop in front of the gutted husk of Michigan Central Station, the
former railway hub for Detroit, once the fourth largest city in the United States. A gaggle of tourists
hops out of the coach and gawks at the 230-foot-tall building, pointing cameras at it and capturing
what has come to be referred to as "ruin porn."
+ info:
Does the Natural Gas Boom Endanger Archaeology? - Friedenshuetten - Pennsylvania - USA
On the North Branch of Pennsylvania's Susquehanna River, roughly an hour northwest of Scranton, sits
Friedenshuetten. Meaning "tents of peace," the village was an eighteenth-century utopia founded by a
Moravian missionary. There, both expats from what is now the eastern Czech Republic and Native
Americans of the Eastern Delaware Nation coexisted in log cabins and wigwams from 1763 until 1772
when simmering distrust dissolved the settlement.
Archaeologists from Kings College in Wilkes-Barre began excavating the site in 1972, finding pieces of
pipes, flints, and remains of a hearth, among other artifacts. The following year they uncovered the
village's main core.
+ info:
From the President: Eurozone Catch-22 - Archaeological Institute of America President Elizabeth Bartman
voices concern with archaeologically rich countries experiencing financial woes
For many months this year the sovereign debt crisis in Europe dominated the news. While we readers of ARCHAEOLOGY no
doubt share many of the concerns outlined in leading business publications, we have our own pressing concern: How will
the financial woes of archaeologically rich countries such as Greece and Italy affect their ability to maintain their cultural
patrimony? Reports from the field have not been encouraging.
+ info:
Australopithecus' Best Foot Forward - Laetoli - United Republic of Tanzania
The 3.6-million-year-old footprints at Laetoli, have fascinated archaeologists since they were discovered in 1976. These
prints preserve, in volcanic ash, that most characteristic of behaviors—the act of walking—among early humans.
Understanding how early humans moved is important because efficient, upright locomotion was one of the first
evolutionary traits that set them apart from other ape species. A team led by Robin Crompton of the University of Liverpool
recently published a study of the Laetoli footprints that used 3-D laser scans to show that whoever left them—perhaps
Australopithecus afarensis—had anatomically modern feet, approximately 2 million years before they were thought to have
+ info:
Mosaics from Where East Met West - Sofia - Bulgaria
Emergency excavation work in the Bulgarian capital of Sofia, carried out for just over a year
before the construction of a new metro line, has uncovered a large section of the center of the
ancient Roman city of Ulpia Serdica. The discoveries include streets, a public bath with pools for
cold and heated water, sewage canals, and spacious residences, many of which are decorated
with colorful mosaics. Ulpia Serdica was strategically sited by the Romans in the first century A.
D. halfway between the Roman cities of Singidunum (modern-day Belgrade) and
Constantinople, and thus between Europe and Asia.
+ info:
El Instituto Arqueológico de América (AIA) celebra su 5ª Feria Anual de Arqueología
– Museo de Ciencias de Boston – Massachusetts – EEUU- (7-8 de octubre 2011)
El Mes de la Arqueología está en marcha en Massachusetts y por quinto año consecutivo la
Feria de Arqueología AIA-MOS llenó el Museo de Ciencia de Boston con grupos de escolares,
niños y familias. El 7 y 8 de octubre los asistentes a la feria exploraron el fascinante mundo de
la arqueología gracias a una variedad de juegos y actividades de carácter interactivo.
Cerca de 20 arqueólogos, especialistas en museos y otros expertos estuvieron disponibles para
debatir los varios aspectos de su trabajo arqueológico con los asistentes. Los organizadores de
la feria de este año involucraron a los asistentes con demostraciones en directo de habilidades primitivas como la talla
lítica y de lanzamiento de átlatl, vidrio soplado y de las responsabilidades diarias de un soldado romano. Los asistentes (2 de 8) [28/11/2011 10:18:43]
Patrimonio arqueológico
pudieron también probar su mano en la escritura cuneiforme, llevar a cabo excavaciones de prueba, o excavaciones bajo
tierra simuladas, y probar tecnologías de procesamiento del grano y ¡mucho más! Esta feria anual ofrece una gran
oportunidad para que los entusiastas de todas las edades de la arqueología de Nueva Inglaterra se reúnan, descubran,
aprendan y compartan su pasión por el pasado.
+ info:
Escanear en 3D más barato - University of California - San Diego - California - USA
Un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad de California, San Diego, utilizará Kinect en excavaciones
arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en Jordania, gracias a un hack de la unidad. El dispositivo será usado a
modo de escáner tridimensional para mapear el terreno y localizar sitios importantes, en lugar del
sistema de uso profesional LIDAR que se despliega habitualmente en estos estudios. El grupo podrá
realizar mapeados 3D de los sitios de excavación, lo que ayudará a guardar de manera precisa los
detalles posicionales de los restos y las zonas calientes de la prospección.
El sistema usado ha sido desarrollado por el Instituto de Telecomunicaciones y ciencias de la
información de California —Calit2— y es capaz de introducirse en el flujo de datos que Kinect produce, que es una mezcla
de información posicional 3D adquirida al proyectar muchos puntos de luz infrarroja sobre objectos, y desde el feed de
video en color de la cámara del dispositivo. Tras absorber esta información, el sistema renderiza una escena completa en
3D que puede ser guardada para su posterior visionado.
+ info:
Adequacy of Archaeological Site Structure - a3gm - 2007 - Clunia - Burgos - Spain
The interventions are part of the Master Plan developed by the scientific team that leads the
Archaeological Site and focus on two specific elements, the covering of the mosaic of the
“craterae” and the consolidation of the basement of the Temple of Jupiter.
It is also intended to evoke that next to the mosaic room was a garden-room and that these
two rooms were separated from the street by the house walls. A new enclosure, light and
partially opaque, now defines the outer wall of the house and leads the visitor to the
entrance. The material used for both structures and fencing to mark the routes, is laminated
wood treated according to the different levels of exposure. The covering is made with crimping copper plates. The wooden
box, light and permeable, transparent and capable of protecting, lets in natural light and ventilation as required by the
conservation and enhancement of these elements.
+ info:
Ancient Etruscan childbirth image is first for western art - Mugello Valley Archaeological Project - Italy
An archaeological excavation at Poggio Colla, the site of a 2,700-year-old Etruscan settlement in Italy’s Mugello Valley, has
turned up a surprising and unique find: two images of a woman giving birth to a child.
Researchers from the Mugello Valley Archaeological Project, which oversees the Poggio Colla excavation site some 20 miles
northeast of Florence, discovered the images on a small fragment from a ceramic vessel that is more than 2,600 years old.
+ info:
Update from Ciudad Perdida Global Heritage Fund Field Mapping Mission (May / June,
2011) - Colombia
In late May and early June of 2011, a GHF team comprised of Santiago Giraldo, Adam Dunbar
and Dan Thompson conducted a field mapping mission to Ciudad Perdida, an ancient Tayrona
archaeological site deep in the jungles of northern Colombia's Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
mountain range. In preparation for the drafting of a site Master Conservation Plan by the
Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH) for this GHF Current Project, the
team set out to map the archaeological sites that surround Ciudad Perdida in the Upper
Buritaca River Valley using precision Ashtech GPS units. Mapping these sites, some of which hadn't been visited since they
were first discovered over 30 years ago, was an essential endeavor in order to set up a long-term, sustainable heritage
management plan for the area. The team worked jointly with the ICANH conservation team at the site, led by Catalina
Bateman, discussing further conservation measures and protection needed for the site. The project is a joint enterprise
with ICANH, which has managed and preserved the site since 1976.
+ info: Earth's New Layer: Archaeological Sites in the United States and Canada
As part of the first National Archaeology Day celebration held on Saturday, October 22,
2011, the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), in partnership with Google Earth,
unveiled a new Google Earth layer displaying popular archaeological sites located
throughout the United States and Canada. The map includes an image and a brief
description for each site, and links to the featured site’s main website and the AIA website.
To create the map, AIA staff, contacted state archaeologists in all U.S. states and
Canadian provinces, and asked them for lists of the most popular, publicly-accessible
archaeological sites in their region. The response to the request was overwhelming, and the result is the map that we
encourage you to examine and use.
The project was envisioned as a two-stage process. The first stage was the creation of the map and unveiling it on National
Archaeology Day.
+ info:
Restored citadel, dating back to the days of Alexander the Great, is symbol of hope
in Afghanistan (3 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:14:20]
Patrimonio arqueológico
HERAT (AP).- In the 1970s, tourists traveled to western Afghanistan to climb on the ruins of
an ancient citadel, a fortress resembling a sandcastle that has stood overlooking the city of
Herat for thousands of years.
The citadel was crumbling then, but today the newly restored structure, dating back to the
days of Alexander the Great, is a hopeful sign of progress in a country beset by war.
Hundreds of Afghan craftsmen worked to restore the ruins' past glory with help from the Aga
Khan Trust for Culture and about $2.4 million from the U.S. and German governments.
The U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, was among the tourists drawn to Herat decades ago, and on Sunday
he celebrated the citadel's restoration and the opening of a new museum of Afghan artifacts at the site.
+ info:
Viking boat burial find is United Kingdom mainland first - Ardnamurchan
Transitions Project - Scotland - United Kingdom
The 5m-long grave contained the remains of a high status Viking, who was buried with an
axe, a sword with a beautifully decorated hilt, a spear, shield boss and bronze ring-pin.
The Viking had been buried in a ship, whose 200 or so metal rivets were also found by the
The 1,000-year-old find, on the remote Ardnamurchan Peninsula, was made by the
Ardnamurchan Transitions Project (ATP) which is a team led by experts from the Universities
of Manchester, Leicester, CFA Archaeology Ltd and Archaeology Scotland
Funded this season by The University of Manchester, Newcastle University and The Leverhulme Trust, the project brings
together students and academics at what may be one of Britain’s most significant Viking sites.
+ info:
PRIZES - La remise du prix Clio 2011 pour la recherche archéologique - 4 November 2011
Fondé en 1997 pour encourager la recherche archéologique française à l’étranger le Prix Clio pour la recherche
archéologique est décerné chaque année par un jury d’universitaires indépendant. Il est ouvert à toutes les équipes
françaises ou francophones qui souhaitent présenter, pour concourir, les résultats de leurs travaux. Pour la treizième
année, quatre lauréats seront récompensés à l’occasion du Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel le jeudi 3 novembre
à 15h.
+ info:
A 100,000-Year-Old Ochre-Processing Workshop at Blombos Cave - South Africa
The conceptual ability to source, combine, and store substances that enhance technology or social practices represents a
benchmark in the evolution of complex human cognition. Excavations in 2008 at Blombos Cave, South Africa, revealed a
processing workshop where a liquefied ochre-rich mixture was produced and stored in two Haliotis midae (abalone) shells
100,000 years ago. Ochre, bone, charcoal, grindstones, and hammerstones form a composite part of this production
toolkit. The application of the mixture is unknown, but possibilities include decoration and skin protection.
+ info:
Göbekli Tepe Conservation Starts - Global Heritage Fund Turkey
The site and its extant remains are threatened by looting, exposure and
insufficient management of the site and its resources. GHF’s goals at
Göbekli Tepe are to support the preparation of a comprehensive Site
Management and Conservation Plan, construction of a shelter over the
exposed archaeological features, training local community members in
guiding and conservation and aiding Turkish authorities in securing
World Heritage Site inscription.
+ info:
Escavaciones en Pompeya - Declaración del Ministro para los Bienes y las Actividades Culturales, Giancarlo
Galan - Pompeya - Italia
He mas veces publicamente expresado - declara el Ministro para los Bienes y las Actividades Culturales, Giancarlo Galan toda mi preocupación para los efectos que hubieran podido provocar las primeras violentas juvias en Pompeya…
+ info:
African Archaeology Group (John Alexander Seminar Series) - 'The Archaeology of Ritual Context in Northern
Ghana' - Cambridge - United Kingdom
Prof Tim Insoll (University of Manchester) author of "The Archaeology of Islam", "Archaeology and World Religion" and
"Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of Ritual and Religion" will speak on "The Archaeology of Ritual Context in Northern
+ info:
Lowland-upland migration of sauropod dinosaurs during the Late Jurassic epoch
By Henry C. Fricke, Justin Hencecroth & Marie E. Hoerner
Sauropod dinosaurs were the largest vertebrates ever to walk the Earth, and as mega-herbivores they were important
parts of terrestrial ecosystems. In the Late Jurassic-aged Morrison depositional basin of western North America, these
animals occupied lowland river- floodplain settings characterized by a seasonally dry climate. Massive herbivores with high (4 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:14:20]
Patrimonio arqueológico
nutritional and water needs could periodically experience nutritional and water stress under these conditions, and thus the
common occurrence of sauropods in this basin has remained a paradox. Energetic arguments and mammalian analogues
have been used to suggest that migration allowed sauropods access to food and water resources over a wide region or
during times of drought or both, but there has been no direct support for these hypotheses. Here we compare oxygen
isotope ratios (δ18O) of tooth-enamel carbonate from the sauropod Camarasaurus with those of ancient soil, lake and
wetland (that is, ‘authigenic’) carbonates that formed in lowland settings. We demonstrate that certain populations of
these animals did in fact undertake seasonal migrations of several hundred kilometres from lowland to upland
environments. This ability to describe patterns of sauropod movement will help to elucidate the role that migration played
in the ecology and evolution of gigantism of these and associated dinosaurs.
+ info:
Ein elfter Kronzeuge für die Abstammungslehre von Charles Darwin wird Deutsches
Kulturgut - An eleventh key witness for the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin
becomes German Cultural Heritage - Munich - Germany
Nur eine Woche nach dem Dinosaurierfund aus Kelheim und just im "Archaeopteryx-Jubiläumsjahr"
ist nun ein 11. noch unbekanntes Exemplar des berühmten Zeitzeugen der Evolution aufgetaucht
und von seinem Besitzer als Deutsches Kulturgut angemeldet worden. Experten sprechen bereits
von einer bedeutenden Signalwirkung innerhalb der Fossilien-Szene. Erstmals wird dieser neue
Archaeopteryx exklusiv neben dem Aufsehen erregenden Theropoden und den bedeutendsten
Original-Dinosaurierfunden Europas wie dem Europasaurus, Compsognatus und Balaur vereint auf der Munich Show Mineralientage München vom 28. bis zum 30. Oktober zu sehen sein.
+ info:
Cambridge University's Personal Histories series - The Bone Room's Past: `Revolution' in palaeoeconomics Cambridge - United Kingdom - 2 November 2011
With Geoff Bailey, Graeme Barker, Iain Davidson, Robin Dennell, Andy Garrard, Annie Grant, Charles Higham, Tony Legge,
Derek Sturdy, Ruth Whitehouse speaking briefly either as a panellist or from the floor.
A seminar organised by Pamela Jane Smith. We are delighted to invite you to our new `mini' Personal Histories, an oral
history of The Bone Room's Past: `Revolution' in palaeoeconomics on the 2nd of November, a Wednesday, at 1pm in the
Biffen Lecture Theatre, Downing Site. No tickets but it might be wise to reserve a seat by sending an e- mail to
[email protected]
+ info:
Archeologie - Universités des Pays de la Loire - France
Les Universités de Pays de la Loire vous invitent à découvrir la diversité des métiers et la richesse des parcours de
formation de lènseignement supérieur.
+ info:
American Journal of Archaeology - e-Update - October 2011
The American Journal of Archaeology publishes quarterly open access book and museum reviews. These reviews are listed
in the table of contents of the respective printed issue of the Journal and are available for free download on the Journal's
website (
There is a list of book reviews published in tandem with their printed October 2011 issue (volume 115, number 4). See the
Current Table of Contents or click the link below to access the free PDFs. We hope you enjoy.
+ info:
Egypte : le tombeau de Saqqara comme si vous y étiez - Une visite commentée
du site et l'évocation de la vie égyptienne voici 4 500 ans
En 1903, la chapelle décorée du tombeau du dignitaire égyptien Akhethétep était
extraite de son monument d’origine et transportée au Musée du Louvre.
Près d’un siècle plus tard, les fouilles conduites par le Département des antiquités
égyptiennes du Musée du Louvre à Saqqara permettent de mieux connaître ce
monument funéraire.
La superbe visite commentée en ligne propose des images de synthèse de
l’architecture, le panoramique de la chapelle avec son décor sculpté, une traduction interactive des hiéroglyphes,
évocations vivantes et émouvantes de la vie quotidienne des Égyptiens d’il y a 4500 ans.
+ info:
A suite of 40 Introductions to Heritage Assets are now available offering more detailed overviews of different
categories of archaeological asset - English Heritage - United Kingdom
The 40 Introductions to Heritage Assets are a range of guidance documents for archaeological assets. They provide a
slightly more detailed overview of archaeological assets and will complement the scheduling selection guides when these
are available.
Knowledge of England's rich and varied archaeological past - from rock art to early artillery fortifications - has developed
rapidly over the last 30 years. The illustrated Introductions to Heritage Assets set out our current understanding, and
describe the character, distribution and date, as well as current interpretations of use and function. A further reading list
provides guidance to the key literature of the subject.
+ info: (5 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:14:20]
Patrimonio arqueológico
Los holandeses tienen pasión por los etruscos
Una instalación realizada por el Instituto para las tecnologías aplicadas a los bienes culturales del Consejo Nacional de
investigación (Itabc-Cnr) permite visitar la tumba Regolini Galassi, como era en el momento de su descubrimiento. La
reconstrucción, financiada por un proyecto europeo, se presentó en Amsterdam en la inauguración de dos exposiciones
dedicadas a la cultura etrusca.
+ info:
A Ritual Bath (Miqve) dating to the Second Temple Period was Discovered near
Kibbutz Zor'a - Israel
A plastered building, probably a ritual bath (miqve), dating to the Second Temple period (first
century BCE-first century CE) was exposed in an archaeological excavation the Israel
Antiquities Authority conducted prior to the installation of a water line by the Mekorot Company
at an antiquities site, c. 2 kilometers north of Kibbutz Zor'a…
+ info:
Découvertes archéologiques en Moravie - République Tchèque
Des scientifiques, parmi lesquels Filip Stehlik, de l'Institut de Géologie de l'Académie des Sciences de République tchèque,
s'intéressent à des troncs d'arbres âgés de plusieurs centaines de milliers d'années enfouis dans les sédiments de la rivière
morave Straznice. Les morceaux de bois et les grains de pollen qu'ils y ont découverts leur ont permis de dresser un
tableau des environs : il y a 7000 ans, la région ressemblait à la toundra sibérienne d'aujourd'hui. Plus tard, la toundra a
été remplacée par une taïga. A la fin de l'âge de glace se sont formés des lacs alpins. La rivière a ensuite subi des
fluctuations climatiques importantes, qui ont fortement influencé son évolution. Au XIIème siècle, on trouvait des chênes
et des pins sur ses rivages, et, au XVIème siècle, on a commencé à pratiquer la viticulture.
+ info:
Pre-Clovis Mastodon Hunting 13,800 Years Ago at the Manis Site, Washington - Washington State (USA)
By Michael R. Waters, Thomas W. Stafford Jr., H. Gregory McDonald, Carl Gustafson, Morten Rasmussen, Enrico Cappellini,
Jesper V. Olsen, Damian Szklarczyk, Lars Juhl Jensen, M. Thomas P. Gilbert and Eske Willerslev
The tip of a projectile point made of mastodon bone is embedded in a rib of a single disarticulated mastodon at the Manis
site in the state of Washington. Radiocarbon dating and DNA analysis show that the rib is associated with the other
remains and dates to 13,800 years ago. Thus, osseous projectile points, common to the Beringian Upper Paleolithic and
Clovis, were made and used during pre-Clovis times in North America. The Manis site, combined with evidence of
mammoth hunting at sites in Wisconsin, provides evidence that people were hunting proboscideans at least two millennia
before Clovis.
+ info:
Historic conservation project by Global Heritage Fund begins at "Machu Picchu of the North" Marcahuamachuco - Peru
Built on top of an isolated plateau 5 kilometers long and 500 meters wide with a vast view of its surroundings,
Marcahuamachuco contains several major compounds surrounded by curved stone walls as high as 12 meters, with inner
galleries, rooms and plazas which suggest administrative and ceremonial functions.
Global Heritage Fund is working with the Unidad Ejecutivo Marcahuamachuco (UEM) to prepare a program of planning,
conservation and community development to enable longterm site sustainability.
+ info:
Heritage Research Group Autumn Seminars - University of Cambridge
13 octubre - 08 diciembre 2011 Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: University of Cambridge. Department of Archaeology
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - In the kingdom of Alexander the Great - Ancient Macedonia - Le Louvre
13 octubre 2011 - 16 enero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Musée du Louvre and the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Culture
+ info:;jsessionid
EXHIBITION - Gaulois, une Expo Renversante - Cité des sciences et de l'industrie
19 octubre 2011 - 02 septiembre 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Cité des sciences et de l'industrie
+ info:
Community Consultation on the Nan Madol Archaeological Site of Pohnpei
23 noviembre - 26 noviembre 2011 Ponhpei. Micronesia (Estados Federados de)
Organizadores: UNESCO Apia
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:[showUid]
=4810&cHash=79e74bc4b4 (6 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:14:20]
Patrimonio arqueológico
28 enero - 29 enero 2012 Prato. Italia
Organizadores: L’associazione culturale “Archeologia Sperimentale”
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Primer Congreso Internacional de Buenas Prácticas en el Patrimonio Mundial: Arqueología
09 abril - 13 abril 2012 Menorca, Islas Baleares. España
Organizadores: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, bajo el patrocinio del Consell Insular de Menorca
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
LLAMADA DE PONENCIAS - V Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica (JIA2012): 'arqueología para
el s.XXI'
09 mayo - 11 mayo 2012 Santiago de Compostela, Galicia. España
Organizadores: Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio (Incipit)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 dic 2011
+ info:
Report of the Committee appointed by the Philomathean Society of the University of
Pennsylvania to translate the inscription on the Rosetta Stone
John Davis Batchelder Collection (Library of Congress); Philomathean Society (University of
[Philadelphia: s.n., 1859]
Includes the hieroglyphic, demotic, and Greek inscriptions, with translations of each text. An amazing
example of early American printing technology, "The Report" was one of the first books printed in
America using the chromolithographic colour printing process. Printed by Philadelphia lithographer Louis
Rosenthal, based on sumptuous designs by Henry Morton, the book is one of very few ever printed in America entirely by
lithography, ie. all text as well as illustration is lithographed rather than letter-pressed. The stones were destroyed after
the first edition of 400 was printed, and entirely new ones were made for the second edition in order to correct pagination
errors. Also of interest, Morton states at the end of the book that the pages were "folded into their present form, not by
human hands, as one would suppose they must be, but by the iron fingers of a machine, and that too with a rapidity and
accuracy which defies the most expert human manipulation." Fewer than 30 of these machines, recently invented by Cyrus
Chambers, were in use across the country at the time. Chromolithography, invented in 1796 but not seen in America until
1840, was the first printing process able to mass-produce coloured art. Using a chemical process of grease on limestone,
the image was transferred to paper one colour at a time, sometimes passing through the press up to 25 times to compose
one print. Registration of the image was key, and in good quality images the colours line up perfectly, while in lesser
quality, mass produced items such as the greeting cards and advertisements which were so popular, the uneven
registration is visible around the edges.
+ info:
Apollo's Island: A first look at a previously unknown Aegean sanctuary - Despotiko - Greece
© 2011 by the Archaeological Institute of America
The islands of the Aegean Sea, and particularly the Cyclades, are known not only for their exceptional
beauty, but also for the richness of their archaeological heritage. Despite its small size, the island of
Despotiko, which the ancient geographer Strabo called Prepesinthos, was well known because it had a
protected harbor that was a safe stop for ships trading between mainland Greece, the Mediterranean, and
North Africa. It also had an important Archaic period (ca. 700–480 B.C.) sanctuary dedicated to the god
Apollo and his sister Artemis.
+ info:
Adapting to Conquest: The ruins of a sixteenth century Peruvian town reveal a
resilient native culture - Magdalena de Cao Viejo - Peru
The Spanish conquest of Peru remains one of the most dramatic examples, in history, of
civilizations colliding. In just a few years in the early sixteenth century, a few hundred
Spanish soldiers and their local allies toppled an empire of 16 million people covering an area
one-fifth the size of Europe. The result was a fusion of European and indigenous cultures
that, with some later input from Africa and Asia, makes up Peruvian society today…
+ info:
Pompéi. Un art de vivre
Eva Cantarella, Luciana Jacobelli
Imprimerie Nationale/Actes Sud
Paris. 2011
Luciana Jacobelli, spécialiste des antiquités pompéiennes, et Eva Cantarella – professeur à l'université
de Milan, qui s'est plus spécialement penchée sur la famille antique et le droit dans les cités grecques (7 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:14:20]
Patrimonio arqueológico
et romaines - se sont associées pour réaliser le texte de ce superbe ouvrage. Une invitation au voyage,
dont la somptueuse iconographie met en valeur aussi bien les monuments arrachés aux cendres du
Vésuve que les fresques conservées au Musée Archéologique de Naples ou les simples objets qui témoignent de ce qu'était
la vie quotidienne des Pompéiens à la veille de la catastrophe survenue en 79, sous le règne de l'empereur Titus…
+ info:
Systematic blade production at late Lower Paleolithic (400-200 kyr) Qesem Cave, Israel
By Ron Shimelmitza, Ran Barkaia and Avi Gophera
Qesem Cave is assigned to the Acheulo-Yabrudian cultural complex of the late Lower Paleolithic period. The 7.5 m deep
stratigraphic sequence is dated to 400–200 ka (thousands of years ago). It is mostly attributed to the Amudian bladedominated industry, one of the earliest blade production technologies in the world. In this paper, we present the results of
a detailed study of five Amudian assemblages from Qesem Cave and suggest two trajectories for the production of blades
at the site. We argue that the reduction sequences of blades at Qesem Cave represent an innovative and straightforward
technology aimed at the systemic and serial production of predetermined blanks. We suggest that this predetermined
blank technology shows planning and intensity that is not significantly different from Middle Paleolithic Mousterian
technological systems. Furthermore, this well-organized serial manufacture of cutting implements mainly for butchering
might indicates that a significant change in human behavior had taken place by the late Lower Paleolithic period.
+ info:
A Didactic Case Study of Jarash Archaeological Site, Jordan: Stakeholders and Heritage
Values in Site Management
By David Myers, Stacie Nicole Smith, and May Shaer
ISBN: 978-0-9827668-6-6 (online resource)
The Getty Conservation Institute
The publication has been designed as a didactic tool for use in academic programs, short courses, and
workshops in heritage conservation, management, and planning. It is also relevant to educational and
training programs in urban and regional planning, development studies, and dispute resolution…
+ info:
Environmental Archaeology: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Methods, from Sampling and
Recovery to Post-excavation - English Heritage
This document provides guidance for good practice in environmental archaeology. It gives practical advice
on the applications and methods of environmental archaeology within archaeological projects. It should not
replace advice given by specialists on specific projects, nor is it intended that these guidelines should
inhibit future development of methodologies or recommended procedures.
+ info:
A new species of Pachyrhinosaurus from the North Slope - (Prince Creek Formation: Maastrichtian) of Alaska USA
The Cretaceous rocks of the Prince Creek Formation contain the richest record of polar dinosaurs found anywhere in the
world. Here we describe a new species of horned dinosaur, Pachyrhinosaurus perotorum that exhibits an apomorphic
character in the frill, as well as a unique combination of other characters. Phylogenetic analysis of 16 taxa of ceratopsians
failed to resolve relationships between P. perotorum and other Pachyrhinosaurus species (P. canadensis and P. lakustai). P.
perotorum shares characters with each of the previously known species that are not present in the other, including very
large nasal and supraorbital bosses that are nearly in contact and separated only by a narrow groove as in P. canadensis,
and a rostral comb formed by the nasals and premaxillae as in P. lakustai. P. perotorum is the youngest centrosaurine
known (70-69 Ma), and the locality that produced the taxon, the Kikak-Tegoseak Quarry, is close to the highest latitude for
recovery of ceratopsid remains.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (8 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:14:20]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
COMPETITION - Parks for the People: A Student Competition to Reimagine America's National Parks - Deadline
for proposals 1 November 2011
Parks for the People is a design competition that will reimagine America's most spectacular public places — its national
parks — by using design as a catalyst to creatively rethink their connections to people and their role as revered natural,
social, and cultural destinations.
As a culminating project of Designing the Parks — a partnership to promote well-designed public parks in America — Parks
for the People invites student and faculty teams to help build a common foundation of design principles for these
extraordinary sites as the U.S. National Park Service embarks upon a new century of park design.
Participating schools will work with park administrators to create model solutions for seven park sites in each geographic
region of the U.S., and use these design paradigms to create a stronger national identity for our open space ideals.
Throughout the competition, schools will have an opportunity to engage with the Park Service and its rich cultural and
historic assets, including access to park leadership, in-depth encounters with park sites, and the chance to build long-term
relationships with park staff and resources.
+ info:
JOB OFFER - Expressions of Interest invited for appointment to Tasmanian Heritage Council - Tasmania Australia
Australia ICOMOS has been formally notified by Heritage Tasmania of a call for Expressions of Interest for appointments to
the Tasmanian Heritage Council. Fact Sheets and other further information are available from the Heritage Tasmania
We have been asked to encourage suitable, eligible Australia ICOMOS members to apply by supporting up to three
nominations for Heritage Council members.
Intending applicants must lodge their own Expression of Interest in accordance with the instructions on the heritage
website by 14 October 2011.
If you have an interest in Australia ICOMOS supporting your nomination, please email the Australia ICOMOS Secretariat
([email protected]) by no later than 10 October with the details of your EOI. The AI Executive Committee will
appoint a small sub- committee to assess these EOIs, and must write a letter of recommendation before the 14 October
Please note that all members of Heritage Council serve as individuals and that endorsement or support by Australia
ICOMOS does not imply representation of Australia ICOMOS.
+ info:
INTERNSHIPS - Graduate Internships with the Getty Foundation - Los Angeles California - USA - Deadline for applications: 1 December 2011
Getty Graduate Internships are offered in the four programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust—the J.
Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Research Institute, the Getty Conservation Institute, and the
Getty Foundation—to students who intend to pursue careers in fields related to the visual
arts. Training and work experience are available in areas such as curatorial, education,
conservation, research, information management, public programs, and grantmaking.
+ info:
CONCURSOS - El programa LIFE celebra su 20 aniversario en mayo de 2012. Convoca
concurso fotográfico. Fecha límite: 15 diciembre 2011
Para conmemorareste importante hito en la historia del instrumento financiero de la UE para el
medio ambiente, la Unidad LIFE te invita a tomar parte en dos pruebas especiales.
El concurso fotográfico de LIFE: Ver detalles y presentar sus fotos en el sitio web de 20 años de vida (1 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:26]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
(fecha límite 15 de diciembre).
La vida útil de 20 Competencia palabras: envía tu 20 palabras o menos de lo que su proyecto de
vida significa que en la presente página 20 palabras (fecha límite 15 de diciembre).
Por último, con motivo de cumplir 20 años de LIFE, los eventos se llevarán a cabo en toda Europa. Subir los detalles de su
evento y ser parte del calendario de toda la vida del 20 º aniversario.
+ info:
AWARDS - Transboundary Protected Area Award 2011 - Krkonoše National Park
(Czech Republic) and Karkonosze National Park (Poland)
At the EUROPARC Conference 2011 two transboundary protected area complexes were
awarded their transboundary parks certificate after five years successful work with the
programme. Dr Arnold Boer member of the STEC (steering group of the transboundary
evaulation committee) very kindly conducted the award certificate with them being given my
new President Thomas Hansson.
Krkonoše National Park (CZ) and Karkonosze National Park (PL) were the first complex to be
rewarded the Transboudary “Following Natures design” certificate this year, after a successful re-revaluation of their
Transboundary co-operation. Both parks share a common commitment to visitor management across their fragile central
European mountain range, have shared planning and staff collaboration and exemplify the international cooperation upon
which the EUROPAR Federation was founded…
+ info:
Third Prix Pictet commission, a series of over 30 photographs by Chris Jordans,
LONDON.- The Commission, a series of over 30 photographs, documents Chris Jordan’s field
trip to Northern Kenya where Pictet & Cie is contributing to the establishment of the
Nakuprat-Gotu Conservancy, a new community-led initiative, supported by the Tusk Trust
and overseen by the Northern Rangelands Trust.
Chris Jordan’s photographs draw attention to the issues that face the politically and socially
marginalised communities in the region: climate change; drought; conflict caused by
competition for scarce resources – livestock, pasture and water; and an increase in pressure from expanding human
populations – exemplifying the theme of this third cycle of the Prix Pictet: “Growth”. Violence between competing
communities in the area, known as “bandit country”, has had a disastrous impact on tourism. The area also suffers from
chronic game-meat and elephant poaching and a visceral group of images documenting the horror of elephant poaching
lies at the heart of the series.
Ushirikiano also illustrates a more hopeful future, with photographs portraying new security provision, water tanks,
biodiversity conservation, schools, women’s enterprise projects and the different tribes, Borana, Turkana and Samburu,
encouraged to live and work alongside each other in a spirit of collaboration. The Nakuprat-Gotu Conservancy aims to
improve human, habitat and wildlife security, and establish income-generating activities including tourism ventures and
livestock marketing, and so create a sustainable model for future economic development.
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - Third Annual National Cultural Heritage Law Moot Court Competition is now open - Deadline
for applications 11 November 2011
The Competition Board is pleased to announce that Judge Diane P. Wood of the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit will be a member of the esteemed panel judging the final round of the Competition!
Registration for the Third Annual National Cultural Heritage Law Moot Court Competition is now open! The 2012 Moot Court
Competition problem will address two issues concerning the Theft of Major Artwork Act (18 U.S.C. § 668). The first focuses
on Congress’ Article I, Section 8 authority to regulate interstate commerce and the second on statutory interpretation of
the Act. Oral arguments for the 2012 Competition will be held on February 24th and 25th at the Everett McKinley Dirksen
U.S. Courthouse in Chicago.
+ info:
AWARDS - Aleksander Brkić is the winner of the 2011 Cultural Policy Research Award
- Helsinki (Finland) 12 October 2011
Aleksandar Brkić (Serbian, aged 31, University of Arts in Belgrade) is the winner of the 2011
CPRA. Aleksander's project proposal is entitled "Cultural Policy Frameworks (Re)constructing
National and Supranational Identities: Balkans and European Union".
The final decision was announced on 12 October at the 2011 Cultural Policy Research Award
ceremony in Helsinki, Finland. The 2011 CPRA Ceremony took place in the framework of the 5th
Young Cultural Policy Researchers Forum and the ENCATC 2011 Annual Conference: "Culture
+ info:
AWARDS - Canada World Youth Leadership Awards - Nomination deadline 12 December 2011
The Canada World Youth (CWY) Leadership Awards recognize the outstanding achievements of young Canadians and youth
from around the world who are engaged in innovative initiatives that promote peace, intercultural understanding, and
community and international Development.
+ info:
CONCURSOS - UNESCO / Concurso fotográfico "De donde viene uno" - Fecha Limite: 30 de
Octubre de 2011 - Exposición: 30 de Noviembre - 31 de Diciembre de 2011 (2 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:26]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
Como parte de la campaña Mucho Chile, promovida por distintas agencias de Naciones Unidas en
este país y liderada por la OREALC/UNESCO Santiago, se ha lanzado el concurso de fotografía “DE
DONDE VIENE UNO” para realzar los lazos que existen entre todas las comunidades presentes en
El concurso espera contribuir a que se reconozca la pluralidad de las etnias que dan origen al pueblo
chileno, valorándolas con respeto, así como generar un espacio de reflexión acerca de la realidad de
los pueblos originarios existentes en Chile, y su vínculo con la sociedad chilena en su conjunto.
+ info:
AWARDS - Felicia A. Holton Book Award - Deadline for nominations 1 February
The Felicia A. Holton Book Award will be given annually to a writer who, through a major
work of non-fiction, represented the importance and excitement of archaeology to the
general public. Submissions should focus on archaeology but may also delve into literary and
historical topics. The work must have been published in English and bear a date of
publication within three calendar years prior to (not including) the year of the Annual
Meeting at which the award is given. From time to time, the Holton Award may be given for
lifetime achievement in non- fiction popular writing. Books written by current members of the Governing Board of the AIA
or the CAA or by the Committee are not eligible.
+ info:
JOB OFFER - American Journal of Archaeology Editor in Chief - Review of application materials begins
November 15, 2011, and continues until the position is filled
General Description: The Editor in Chief (EIC) of the American Journal of Archaeology is responsible for developing a vision
and soliciting manuscripts consonant with that vision. As the primary editor, he/she reads initial submissions, assigns peer
reviewers, and determines whether the final product is publishable in consultation with the Director of Publishing.
The EIC appoints review editors and members of the AJA Editorial Advisory Board, raises funds in support of the Journal,
and provides an annual written report on the status of the Journal.
The EIC serves at the pleasure of the Governing Board of the Archaeological Institute of America for a term of three years,
renewable. Compensation is normally in the form of release time from the EIC’s home institution; appropriate adjustments
will be made in the case of independent scholars.
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) Photo Contest Winners
In the AIA’s first online photo contest, nearly 100 photos were submitted in August and
September for a chance to win a year long AIA membership and placement on the cover of the
AIA 2012 calendar. Photos were divided into 8 categories: Calendar Cover Finalists,
Archaeology is Teamwork, Tools of the Trade, Fabulous Finds, Architecture, Archaeological
Landscapes, Sunsational, and Life of an Archaeologist.
In 10 days of voting over 12,000 votes were cast—the winner of each category will receive a
complimentary year’s membership to the AIA, which includes a subscription to Archaeology magazine. The AIA would like
to thank everyone that entered the contest and encourage everyone to keep taking great field photos—they could be next
year’s winners!
+ info:
PRIZES - La remise du prix Clio 2011 pour la recherche archéologique - 4 November 2011
Fondé en 1997 pour encourager la recherche archéologique française à l’étranger le Prix Clio pour la recherche
archéologique est décerné chaque année par un jury d’universitaires indépendant. Il est ouvert à toutes les équipes
françaises ou francophones qui souhaitent présenter, pour concourir, les résultats de leurs travaux. Pour la treizième
année, quatre lauréats seront récompensés à l’occasion du Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel le jeudi 3 novembre
à 15h.
+ info:
AWARDS - Call for Entries: 2012 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation - Deadline 31
March 2012
Entries are now being accepted for the 2012 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. The Awards
recognize the achievement of the private sector and public-private initiatives in successfully conserving or restoring
structures, places and properties of heritage value in the region. The deadline for receipt of materials is 31 March 2012.
Since the Awards were established in 2000, UNESCO has received 426 entries from 24 countries. A total of 140 projects
have received Awards for high achievement in conservation, while 5 projects have received the Jury Commendation for
The 2012 Awards cycle marks a milestone for the programme, after successful implementation over the first twelve years.
With support from the Macau Foundation, the Awards programme is now being enhanced to have even greater impact in
raising awareness about exemplary practices in conserving heritage sites around the region.
+ info:
AWARDS - Botanic Gardens Plan wins National Planning Excellence Award - City of Greater Bendigo - Victoria Australia
The City of Greater Bendigo’s Botanic Gardens Master Plan has taken out a national planning excellence award at the Parks
and Leisure Australia (PLA) National Awards in Fremantle. The City recently won the Victoria/Tasmania Region Awards in (3 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:26]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
Melbourne which put it in the running for the national award.
City of Greater Bendigo CEO Craig Niemann said he was delighted that the hard work and effort that has gone into
producing the Botanic Gardens Master Plan has been recognised.
+ info:
BOLSA DE ESTUDIO - 7,000 euros por la realización de un proyecto relacionado con el
mundo Mediterráneo - Fecha límite: 31 diciembre 2011
Beca de 7000 euros otorgada a un investigador de menos de 30 años por un proyecto sobre la
diversidad y la riqueza de las culturas del Mediterráneo.
Fundación Marc de Montalembert y el Instituto Nacional de Historia del Arte se han unido para la
adjudicación del Montalembert Marc de la cantidad de 7000 euros. Este premio está destinado a
apoyar la realización de una investigación que contribuyan a una mejor comprensión de las artes y la
cultura en el Mediterráneo, este premio apoya un proyecto por un período de seis a nueve meses. El
INHA tareas es el desarrollo de la actividad científica y contribuir a la cooperación internacional en ciencia y en el campo de
la historia del arte y el patrimonio. Es por esta razón que la Fundación Marc de Montalembert, que trabaja para la apertura
cultural en la región mediterránea, se dirigió al INHA y el precio de Marc de Montalembert ha creado
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - Global Heritage Fund: Preservation Fellowship
Program - Proposal submission deadline 30 April 2012
The purpose of the Global Heritage Preservation Fellowship Program is
to support cultural heritage conservation and community development
work with the potential for significant contributions to the long-term
preservation of endangered cultural heritage sites in developing
countries by international and in-country scholars and students. We feel
strongly that by supporting this generation in their preservation efforts
and education we can help to secure endangered sites for future generations.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - The Foundation of the
American Institute for Conservation
(FAIC) Grants and Scholarships
The Foundation of the American Institute for
Conservation (FAIC) offers several grants and
scholarships to individuals and organizations
to promote professional development,
outreach to the public, publications, and
conservation projects.
In addition, we have assembled several resources for outside funding.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - The Clothworkers' Foundation supporting conservation Research Fellowship - United Kingdom
- Deadline 2 March 2012
A grant of up to 80,000 pounds is available to a UK public institution to enable an experienced conservator (employed by
that institution) to pursue a research project for two years. During the sabbatical the post will be covered by an externally
recrited junior conservator. The grant will meet teh salary and on-cost of the junir conservatir, and the project costs of the
work undertaken by the senir fellow.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - Research Fellowships in the Humanities - Harry Ransom Center - Austin Texas - USA - Deadline 1 February 2012
The Harry Ransom Center annually awards over 50 fellowships to support projects that require
substantial on-site use of its collections. The fellowships support research in all areas of the humanities,
including literature, photography, film, art, the performing arts, music, and cultural history.
The fellowships range from one to three months, with stipends of $3,000 per month. Also available are
$1,200 to $1,700 travel stipends and dissertation fellowships with a $1,500 stipend. The stipends are
funded by individual donors and organizations, including the Ransom Center, the Andrew W. Mellon
Foundation, the Hobby Family Foundation, the Dorot Foundation, the Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies at The
University of Texas at Austin, the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies, and The University of Texas at Austin
Office of Graduate Studies.
+ info:
PRIZES - UNESCO-IHE (Institute for Water Education) Rector awarded Prince
Albert II of Monaco Foundation Prize - Monte Carlo - Monaco - 7 October 2011
Prof. András Szöllösi-Nagy, Rector of UNESCO-IHE, was awarded the Water Prize of the
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation for his contribution to the Sciences and creating a
better understanding of the environment. Particularly for being instrumental in reforming the
teaching of multidisciplinary water resources for the benefit of developing countries. Over
the past 17 years, as Governor of the World Water Council, he drew attention to the issue of
water in the world and educated both the general public and policy makers on the subject.
The event took place at an official awarding ceremony in Monte Carlo on 7 October, in the presence of 1500 guests from all (4 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:26]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
over the world.
+ info:
PRIZES - PRIX DU PATRIMOINE CULTUREL IMMATERIEL - Maison des cultures du monde - Paris - France - (712 novembre 2011)
Devenu en 2008 Festival International du Film Ethnographique Jean Rouch, le Bilan du film ethnographique fêtera en 2011
les trente ans de son existence par l’organisation d’événements exceptionnels en province et à l’étranger, à la rencontre
d’un public toujours plus enthousiaste et curieux. La Maison des Cultures du Monde est heureuse de vous convier à ces
projections dans ses murs, en plein cœur de Paris dans le 6e arrondissement.
Cinq prix seront décernés par un jury international :
- Grand Prix Nanook - Jean Rouch (CNRS Images)
- Prix "Anthropologie et développement durable" (Suez Environnement)
- Prix Mario Ruspoli (Service du livre et de la lecture, Direction générale des médias et des industries culturelles, Ministère
de la Culture)
- Prix du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel (Département du pilotage de la recherche et de la politique scientifique, Direction
générale des patrimoines, Ministère de la Culture)
- Prix Bartok (Société française d’ethnomusicologie)
+ info:
JOB OFFERS - Director, Division for Cultural Expressions and Heritage - UNESCO - Paris - France - Deadline 15
November 2011
Under the authority of the Assistant Director-General for Culture (ADG/CLT), the incumbent shall be responsible for the
overall formulation, planning, execution and evaluation of the Division’s programme. He/she shall assist the ADG/CLT and
shall formulate guidelines on the programme, administration and staff issues.
+ info:
JOB OFFERS - CONCURSO para Professor ADJUNTO no Departamento de Políticas Públicas da UFRN
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande del Norte) - Brazil - 7 November - 2 December 2011
Departamento de Políticas Públicas
Área: Políticas Territoriais e Ambientais
Classe/RT: Adjunto/DE
Requisitos: Graduação em Ciências Sociais ou em Economia ou em Geografia ou em Administração Pública ou em
Arquitetura e/ou Urbanismo e Doutorado
Inscrições: de 7 de novembro a 2 de dezembro
+ info:
(SNCF - empresa nacional de ferrocarriles franceses)
Nueva identidad, nuevas categorías, votación pública en línea: la edición 2011 está
decididamente orientada hacia los viajeros. ¿Nuestra voluntad? Ser un verdadero "revelador
de viajes" y demostrar al público que el viaje responsable está al alcance de todos, para
todos los deseos y todos los presupuestos.
Esta quinta edición, presidida por la cantante y actriz Claire Keim, está marcada por el boom
de candidaturas (50% más que en 2010). El éxito de la votación en línea (80.000 votos –
125.000 visitantes únicos en 6 semanas), una operación organizada por primera vez este año para desempatar los
candidatos de 5 categorías, son buena muestra del entusiasmo de los franceses por el turismo responsable. Esta edición
también revela que el desarrollo sostenible es un eje de innovación motor en el turismo, con casi el 50% de las estructuras
candidatas que se crearon hace menos de 3 años.
+ info:
AWARDS - Charles Mervyn Ruggles Award & Emerging Conservator Award - Canadian
Association for Conservation (CAC) - Deadline for applications 14 February & 31 January
This award commemorates the distinguished achievements of Charles Mervyn Ruggles (1912-2001) in
the development of the art conservation profession in Canada. As CAC’s first honorary member, it is
appropriate that our first award for outstanding contribution to the field carry his name. Recipients of
this award will be celebrated for their contribution and achievement in fine art conservation science,
treatment, training and/or education, for their development work in a field of fine art conservation in
Canada, and for promoting the ethics and ideals expressed in the CAC/CAPC Code of Ethics and Guidance for Practice.
Goal: To encourage the pursuit of excellence in fine art conservation.
+ info:
PUESTO DE TRABAJO - Convocatoria internacional de candidaturas para misiones de
asistencia técnica de UNESCO - UNESCO Montevideo (Uruguay) - Fecha límite: 24
noviembre 2011
La UNESCO pone en marcha una nueva convocatoria internacional de candidaturas para
misiones de asistencia técnica en el marco del Proyecto de asistencia técnica financiado por la
Unión Europea (UE) destinado a consolidar el sistema de gobernanza de la cultura en los países
en desarrollo.
Dichas misiones se programarán en respuesta a las necesidades y prioridades de los países (5 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:26]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
beneficiarios y las conducirán destacados expertos en políticas culturales. Las misiones reforzarán a los países beneficiarios
en sus esfuerzos para establecer marcos jurídicos, reguladores y/o institucionales, y/o introducir políticas culturales que
incluyan la actuación de la cultura en el desarrollo socio-económico, particularmente a través de las industrias culturales.
+ info:
AWARDS - The 14th Annual L'ORÉAL-UNESCO Awards For Prof. Jill Farrant, South
Africa "For discovering how plants survive under dry conditions."
The L’ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science partnership announced today the five exceptional
women scientists from around the world who will receive the 2012 L’ORÉAL-UNESCO Awards in
Life Sciences.
An international network of nearly 1,000 scientists nominates the candidates for each year’s
Awards. The five Laureates are then selected by an independent, international Jury presided by
Professor Günter Blobel, Nobel Prize in Medicine 1999.
+ info:
JOB OFFERS - APPEL D'OFFRES - Sélection de projets d'échanges de chercheurs entre l'Etat de São Paulo et la
France - 2012-2013 - Date limite de soumission: 16 décembre 2011
La FAPESP et le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) lancent un appel d'offres pour la sélection de projets
d'échanges de chercheurs entre l'Etat de São Paulo et la France qui auront lieu les deux prochaines années (2012-2013),
dans le cadre de l'accord de coopération scientifiques entre ces institutions…
+ info:
Appel à projet pour la collaboration franco-suédoise pour la recherche climatique - Date limite de soumission:
1er février 2012
La collaboration franco-suédoise dans le domaine du climat se renforce. Un premier appel à projets a été lancé à la rentrée
et sera renouvelé l'année prochaine si les résultats sont satisfaisants. Les projets retenus seront d'une durée maximale de
3 ans avec un budget de 200.000 euros par an…
+ info:
AWARDS - Victoria and Albert Museum Ceramics Study Galleries announced winner of
the display category at the Inside Awards - London - United Kingdom
On June 8, the British public can again visit the extraordinary, completely renovated and newly
installed ceramics galleries at the Victoria & Albert Museum. The London collection, one of the
premier collections in the world, is known not only for its quality, but also for its magnitude and
scientific importance. The collection has been off-view at the museum since 2004…
+ info:
ICE et LASERS, un projet ERC pour l’étude du climat et de l’atmosphère passés
Le projet ICE&LASERS porté par Jérôme Chappellaz, chercheur au Laboratoire de glaciologie et
géophysique de l’environnement (LGGE/OSUG, CNRS / UJF), a été sélectionné par le Conseil européen de la
recherche ("European research council" ou ERC) pour bénéficier d’une bourse "Advanced Grant" d’un
montant de 3 millions d'euros. Lancé pour cinq ans (2012-2017), ce projet vise à développer, en
s’appuyant sur de nouvelles technologies laser brevetées par le Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de physique
(LIPhy, CNRS / UJF), une nouvelle génération d’instruments d’analyse in situ et en laboratoire de la glace
polaire ancienne pour reconstruire l’évolution du climat et des gaz à effet de serre dans le passé.
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - 18ème édition du concours "Les Rubans du patrimoine" - Date limite de soumission: 31
janvier 2012
Ce concours distingue et récompense, par des prix nationaux et départementaux, des communes ayant entrepris des
opérations de rénovation ou de mise en valeur de leur patrimoine bâti. Il est organisé en partenariat par la Fédération
Française du Bâtiment, l'Association des Maires de France, la Fondation du Patrimoine et Dexia. La Gazette des Communes
a souhaité s'associer à cette démarche en 2010.
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - La Société pour la Protection des Paysages et de l'Esthétique de la France lance le 23ème
concours pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine.- Date limite de soumission: 31 décembre 2011
Ce concours national a pour objet d'encourager les initiatives locales qui ont contribué à garder le caractère particulier de
leur commune ou à assurer la mise en valeur du patrimoine dans toute sa diversité.
Restauration, réutilisation ou mise en valeur de votre patrimoine en respectant le caractère historique et architectural des
lieux, extension et restructuration en prenant en considération les bâtiments existants. Ces actions favoriseront
éventuellement l'animation, le tourisme, l'emploi, le maintien ou le renouveau du savoir-faire ancien dans le respect de
l'esprit des lieux.
+ info: (6 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:26]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
Ir a arriba (7 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:26]
Descubrimiento de una nueva especie de plantas: Spigelia genuflexa - Brasil
Unos científicos han descubierto en la región de Bahia una nueva especie de planta perteneciente a la familia Loganiaceae
y al género Spigelia: la Spigelia genuflexa. Esta planta ha sido descrita por un grupo de botánicos, y algunos análisis
moleculares en sus fragmentos ITS (regiones altamente polimórficas de ADN ribosómico) han confirmado que se trata de
una nueva especie.
+ info:
Un armadillo gigante fotografiado en plena naturaleza - Brasil
Gracias a equipos instalados en un bosque (región del Pantanal), un grupo de científicos ha logrado tomar una foto de un
armadillo gigante extremadamente raro.
El armadillo es un mamífero extraño parecido a animales prehistóricos. El armadillo es fácilmente identificable por su gran
caparazón que lo cubre todo el lomo y sus cuatro miembros que son en gran medida ocultos bajo esta concha. Estos
mamíferos pueden alcanzar 1,5 m de longitud y pesar hasta 50 kilos. Hay 20 especies de armadillos. Activo durante la
noche y solitario, es por tanto difícil de estudiar.
+ info:
Conference: Planning for biodiversity - General Directorate for Environmental Protection, Ministry of the
07 noviembre - 09 noviembre 2011 Warsaw. Polonia
Organizadores: General Diractorate for Environmental Protection, Ministry of the Environment
Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info:
Qui sème des pissenlits récolte... du caoutchouc ! - République Tchèque
A l'Institut de Botanique de l'Académie des Sciences de République tchèque, localisé à Pruhonice, ont fleuri les premiers
spécimens de plusieurs espèces de pissenlits hybrides destinés à donner du caoutchouc. Les scientifiques espèrent que la
nouvelle plante sera à même de remplacer des arbres comme le gommier ou l'hévéa dans la production de ce matériau
A l'heure actuelle, un partie très importante de la production mondiale de caoutchouc naturel provient de l'hévéa ou du
gommier, arbres principalement cultivés dans le Sud de l'Asie, en Amérique du Sud, et, dans une moindre mesure, en
Afrique. Les plantations sud-américaines ont subi l'attaque massive d'une maladie fongique, et, même si celles d'Asie du
Sud n'ont pour l'heure pas été touchées, le risque de propagation de l'infection est grand. Par ailleurs, l'exploitation de ces
arbres est en partie remplacée par d'autres cultures nécessaires à la fabrication de biocarburants, alors même que les
économies indienne et chinoise connaissent une augmentation de la demande en caoutchouc. En conséquence, une pénurie
de caoutchouc naturel aurait des conséquences sévères pour l'industrie.
+ info:
Creating a new platform for biodiversity: Results of the 1st
Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
(IPBES) plenary - Nairobi - Kenya - 3-7 October 2011
In the face of its continuous and alarming erosion and unsustainable use,
biodiversity and ecosystem services are gaining increasing attention in the
international arena, including in the context of climate change, global food security, (1 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:43]
development and poverty reduction, and the UN Conference on Sustainable
Development (UNCSD also known as Rio+20) dialogue on the green economy.
+ info:
Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil - Promoting the Growth and Use of Sustainable Palm Oil
NOTICE is hereby given that the 8th General Assembly (GA8) of members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
(RSPO) will be held at: Ballroom 2, Sutera Habour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia, on Thursday, 24 November
2011 at 15:00 hrs
+ info:
A la découverte des crocodiles cavernicoles oranges au Gabon
L’Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD) et la Fondation Liambissi
ont organisé, du 4 au 16 août, l’expédition Abanda 2011, dans les réseaux de
grottes gabonaises de la région d’Omboué. Une première mission, initiée en
2010, avait permis aux scientifiques de découvrir la présence exceptionnelle
d’une population de crocodiles nains, certains de couleur orange. Lors de cette
seconde mission, les chercheurs ont poursuivi leurs observations sur les plans
géologique, spéléologique, biologique et écologique.
+ info:
Los viajeros alterarían involuntariamente el ecosistema del archipiélago de Svalbard, Noruega
Recientes trabajos de investigación han demostrado que los viajeros involuntariamente podrían introducir especies
vegetales exóticas en el archipiélago de Svalbard. El aumento global de la temperatura y de la actividad turística permitiría
a estas especies desarrollarse en el frágil ecosistema del archipiélago. Esta situación exige un examen más detenido de la
política de desplazamientos…
+ info:
New York State Museum study suggest wolves migrating East - New York - New
York State - USA
KUNZELSAU.- The fascinations of the forest! Hardly another subject in art history can match
the forest for expressive potential and a concomitant multiplicity of meanings. As a favourite
setting for fairy tales, forests formed an essential projection screen during childhood. The
mostly young heroes and heroines went astray there, encountered unusual creatures, were
transformed, enchanted, or gobbled up, only to prevail in the end. The phantasmagorical
ideas of Romantic painters, writers, and composers still move us in the twenty-first century
and have become embedded in our feeling and thinking. Doesn't a stroll in the woods still hold the promise of time to think
and recuperate from humdrum life?
In the course of the nineteenth century, Romantic ideas spread so rapidly and widely that something known as the
"scientific forest aesthetic" emerged. Woods developed from "untamed wilderness" to sites for an enjoyment of nature and
finally into "suburban recreation areas" or even city parks designed to soothe the eye with subtle gradations of green, in
foliage, water, and mosses.
+ info:
El calentamiento global reducirá las poblaciones de comedores de plantas
Según un biólogo de la Universidad de Colombie-Britannique en Vancouver (UBC), el aumento de las temperaturas va a
conllevar una disminución de la mayoría de las poblaciones de herbívoros, incluyendo los peces que comen plantas.
+ info:
Rare Moss Collection Donated to Canadian Museum of Nature - Ottawa - Ontario - Canada
The Canadian Museum of Nature has received a donation of more than 1500 plant specimens that
includes rare and endangered species of mosses.
The additions to Canada's national plant collection come from Frank Cook, an amateur naturalist and
retired biology professor from the University of Western Ontario. Cook, aged 90, now lives in Barrie,
Ontario. He had amassed his collection over more than 35 years of fieldwork, starting around 1970.
+ info:
Changes in plant community composition lag behind climate warming in lowland forests
By Romain Bertrand, Jonathan Lenoir, Christian Piedallu, Gabriela Riofrío-Dillon, Patrice de Ruffray, Claude Vidal, JeanClaude Pierrat & Jean-Claude Gégout
Climate change is driving latitudinal and altitudinal shifts in species distribution worldwide, leading to novel species
assemblages. Lags between these biotic responses and contemporary climate changes have been reported for plants and
animals. Theoretically, the magnitude of these lags should be greatest in lowland areas, where the velocity of climate
change is expected to be much greater than that in highland areas. We compared temperature trends to temperatures
reconstructed from plant assemblages (observed in 76,634 surveys) over a 44-year period in France (1965–2008). Here
we report that forest plant communities had responded to 0.54 °C of the effective increase of 1.07 °C in highland areas
(500–2,600 m above sea level), while they had responded to only 0.02 °C of the 1.11 °C warming trend in lowland areas…
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Statement by Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Minister Edna Molewa on rhino poaching after
engaging provinces - Republic of South Africa
A recently held meeting of the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs and the provincial MECs responsible for
environment (MINMEC) has recommended that a moratorium on hunting of rhinoceros be considered as a last resort after
all options have been explored.
It should however be noted that , the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs reserves the right to institute a
moratorium if there is a clear abuse or absolute collapse in any of the provincial permitting systems.
+ info:
2011: Colloque des 20 ans de la conservation des ressources génétiques
En cette année internationale des forêts, la Commission des Ressources Génétiques
Forestières ou CRGF (1) fête ses 20 ans. Cette commission rassemble des
représentants des pouvoirs publics, de la recherche, de la gestion des forêts publiques
et privées, des associations environnementales et de conservation de la nature.
+ info:
New beetle species discovered in Palawan - Palawan - Philippines
By Hendrik Freitag & Michael Balke
Scientists have discovered a new species of beetle that dwells in the mountain rivers of Southern Palawan and said the find
indicated that the Philippines was the world's "centre of diversity" for beetles.
Dr. Henrick Freitag and and Dr. Michael Balke of the Senckenberg Museum of Zoology Dresden and the Bavarian State
Collections of Zoology in Munich described the new species of the Spider Water Beetles (Ancyronyx) as having "extremely
long legs, often accompanied by an eye-catching cross-like elytral colour pattern, so that they remind of spiders."
The discovery was disclosed in a news release posted on Oct. 18 by EurekAlert!, an online global news service operated by
the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), an international non-profit organization dedicated to
advancing science around the world.
+ info:
Leaving oil in the ground - Ecuador
In the heart of the Amazonian forest, oil companies, scientists, environmentalists and
indigenous communities are holding their breath. President Rafael Correa of Ecuador has made
perhaps the most ambitious proposal yet to fight climate change, conserve a biodiversity
hotspot and protect indigenous rights.
He is appealing to the international community to provide US$3.6 billion over 13 years in
partial compensation for the loss in revenue if Ecuador undertakes not to exploit just under 1
billion barrels of oil lying beneath Yasuni Biosphere Reserve. The reserve is home to the
Huaorani people, as well as to the Tagaeri and the Taromenani who are both living in voluntary isolation.
+ info:
UN MUNDO DE CIENCIA, Vol. 9, No. 4, Octubre-Diciembre 2011
En este número celebramos el 40 aniversario del programa de la UNESCO el Hombre y la Biosfera (MAB),
cuya primera reunión tuvo lugar, en 1971, en un contexto de tensiones de la Guerra Fría, la Revolución
Cultural en China y la edificación de las naciones africanas independientes luego de su liberación de las
potencias coloniales…
+ info:
From bamboo to tea: sustainable development in biosphere reserves
Established in 1987, Wuyishan Biosphere Reserve is also a World Heritage site. The site is
exceptional for Mount Wuyi’s unique sub-tropical forests and the mountain’s status as the
birthplace of Confucianism.
In 1994, the biosphere reserve set up the Joint Protection Committee for Fujian Wuyishan
National Nature Reserve to involve all the villages in environmental protection schemes. In
parallel, it supported the development of alternative livelihoods in the transition area like the
planting of bamboo. In recent years, beekeeping, eco-tourism, catering, transportation and
other industries have also begun to bring good returns.
+ info:
La Liste rouge des espèces menacées en France
Depuis 2007, le Comité français de l’UICN et le Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle se sont associés pour
réaliser la Liste rouge des espèces menacées en France, en collaboration avec les organismes de référence
sur les espèces en métropole et en outre-mer.
+ info:
La France signe le protocole de Nagoya (22 septembre 2011)
La France a signé le 22 septembre 2011 le protocole de Nagoya, adopté l’année dernière lors de la 10ème conférence de la (3 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:43]
Convention sur la Diversité Biologique. Ce protocole a pour but de réglementer l’accès aux ressources génétiques et de
promouvoir le partage juste et équitable des avantages issus de leur utilisation.
+ info:
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Ramsar Sign Memorandum of Cooperation
Ramsar and WWT have signed a three-year Memorandum of Cooperation promoting the
commitment of both organisations to the conservation and wise use of wetlands. The purpose of
this Memorandum of Cooperation is to provide a flexible framework for collaboration between the
Parties, mobilizing WWT’s technical and capacity-building expertise for an improved
implementation of the Ramsar Convention.
+ info:
Las comunidades indígenas y locales se reúnen con los gobiernos para discutir el conocimiento tradicional y la
implementación del Plan Estratégico Mundial para la Diversidad Biológica 2011-2020 - Montreal - Quábec Canadá
Representantes de las comunidades indígenas y locales de todo el mundo están reunidas lado a lado con delegados de los
gobiernos esta semana en Montreal para discutir la manera de integrar los conocimientos tradicionales relacionados con la
protección de la diversidad biológica en el Plan Estratégico Mundial para la Diversidad Biológica 2011-2020 adoptado por
las Partes en el Convenio en Nagoya, Japón, en octubre del año pasado.
La séptima reunión del Grupo especial de trabajo de composición abierta entre períodos de sesiones sobre el Artículo 8(j)
del Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica (CDB) se inauguró ayer con un saludo y una oración de los líderes Mohawk, un
pueblo indígena de América del Norte. "La Tierra es su madre. . . y se le debe de tratar de buena manera", los ciudadanos
Mohawk exhortaron a más de 400 participantes en la reunión.
+ info:
International Day for Biosphere Reserves - Man and Biosphere programme (MAB) and
the World Network of Biosphere Reserves - 3 November 2011
On the occasion of its 40th birthday, the Man and Biosphere programme (MAB) and the World
Network of Biosphere Reserves are happy to celebrate 3 November 2011 as the International
Day for Biosphere Reserves!
Many events are planned all over the world, including an art exhibition, a film projection and a
special session on “Messages for the sustainable futures” in UNESCO at 6 pm, in Room XII. A
live webcast of this event will be accessible on the website (see links below).
The MAB Programme has reached its age of maturity but it is still characterized as a young and dynamic programme that
constantly keeps pace with emerging environmental scientific and societal issues!
+ info:
Mensajes del 40º aniversario de Ramsar: noviembre 2011
Humedales sanos implica gente sana. Y al contrario, unos humedales degradados por las actividades
humanas, especialmente las que hacen que disminuya la calidad y disponibilidad del agua, generalmente
ven mermadas sus capacidades para prestar los servicios de los ecosistemas que, tanto de forma directa
como indirecta, afectan a la salud humana al repercutir, entre otros, en la pérdida de producción de
alimentos y en los medios de vida locales. Los humedales degradados también pueden provocar la
aparición de enfermedades infecciosas y el resurgimiento de enfermedades relacionadas con el agua,
comprometiendo igualmente la salud humana, y pueden hacer que disminuya la disponibilidad de plantas
y animales de los humedales con valores medicinales de particular importancia para las poblaciones indígenas y las
comunidades locales…
+ info:
31 octobre 2011 - Parc national de La Réunion - Des impacts multiples et graves après 5 jours d'incendie - La
Réunion - France
L’incendie qui ravage les hauts du massif de la côte ouest de l’île depuis le 25 octobre 2011 a gagné en intensité sur le
Piton des Orangers. Le feu, descendant le long des remparts du cirque de Mafate, peut destabiliser des roches. Une
quarantaine d’habitants des îlets de Roche Plate et des Orangers, dont les cases sont situées sous le rempart du Maïdo, ont
du être évacués. Le Parc national suit avec la plus grande attention la situation. Les médiateurs du Parc affectés dans le
cirque de Mafate assurent au mieux un relais avec la population. Ils les informent sur la situation des sentiers et recueillent
toutes les informations sur d’éventuelles chutes de pierre.
+ info:
La Ville de Paris lance son plan biodiversité - Paris - France
En 2010, déclarée année internationale de la diversité biologique par l’ONU, la ville de Paris lance une démarche innovante,
avec les citadins, pour relever le défi de la préservation de la biodiversité.
Démarche innovante, le Plan Biodiversité sera élaboré en étroite collaboration avec les habitants, appelés à participer à un
inventaire de la faune et de la flore, en partenariat avec les chercheurs et les associations naturalistes.
+ info:
Des plantes d'autrefois remises au goût du jour - République Tchèque
Associer recherche scientifique, solidarité et développement durable : tel est l'objectif d'une équipe de la faculté (4 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:43]
d'agronomie de l'Université Mendel de Brno [1], avec son projet de promotion des plantes comestibles traditionnelles en
voie d'extinction.
+ info:
Un répertoire de 1620 papillons en ligne - INPA- Instituto Nacional de recherche d'Amazonie - Institut
national de recherche d'Amazonie - Brésil
Au Musée National à Rio de Janeiro, une collection de papillons accessible en ligne intéresse les scientifiques. Elle a été
constituée par des naturalistes au cours d'une expédition au début du XXe siècle, dans la région de la rivière Juruá (Etat
d'Acre). Cette collection montre que la région de Juruá offre la plus grande biodiversité d'Amazonie. Une étude menée
dirigée des chercheurs de cinq universités brésiliennes a permis de prouver son authenticité, mais aussi de découvrir
qu'elle ne représentait qu'une partie de la biodiversité de cette zone…
+ info:
Le zoo de Prague oeuvre en faveur des chevaux de Przewalski- République Tchèque
Une étape importante vient d'être franchie envue de la réintroduction des chevaux de Przewalski dans leur habitat naturel.
Le zoo de Prague a envoyé en Mongolie quatre spécimens, nés et élevés en République tchèque. Les trois juments et
l'entier ont été intégrés à une horde protégée, afin d'enrichir son patrimoine génétique. Les chevaux, s'ils sont nés en
captivité, ont été élevés de façon à ne jamais être en contact direct avec les êtres humains ; l'établissement possède en
effet, en plus des quatre sujets présents dans son enceinte, onze femelles et huit mâles localisés à Dolni Dobrejov. Ils y
vivent en autonomie et dans un evironnement proche de celui existant en Mongolie…
+ info:
Rinocerontes en peligro por demanda de sus cuernos para tratar el cáncer - WWF
(República de Sudáfrica)
Fuente: EFE | 03/11/2011
Los rinocerontes están en grave peligro por la demanda de sus cuernos, a los que en partes
de Asia se atribuyen propiedades para tratar el cáncer, aunque esto no ha sido probado por
lo que incluso han dejado de ser utilizados como ingrediente en la medicina tradicional
El Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza (WWF) denunció esta situación tras comprobar que en
los diez primeros meses del año fueron abatidos más rinocerontes en Sudáfrica que durante todo el año pasado.
+ info:
Pêche illégale : une fois de plus, la justice donne raison aux associations
Lundi, le TGI de Marseille a rendu son délibéré dans deux affaires de pêche illégale de
thon rouge. La culpabilité des deux pêcheurs professionnels impliqués a été reconnue et
ils ont été condamnés respectivement à 5000 et 3000 euros d’amende. France Nature
Environnement et l’URVN-FNE PACA, sa fédération régionale en région PACA, parties
civiles dans ces deux affaires, sont satisfaites de constater que le juge ait retenu la
gravité des faits.
+ info:
Joint Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Biennial
Conference - Valuing ecosystems: policy, economic and management interactions
03 abril - 04 abril 2012 Edinburgh. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Joint Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info:
Species on the Edge of Survival – The ultimate guide to nature in need
Published by Collins
ISBN-10: 978-0-00-741914-2
ISBN-13: 978-0007419142
Why is the Javan Rhino one of the world’s most threatened large mammals? What efforts are underway
to help conserve the 47 remaining Floreana Mockingbirds of Ecuador? Why is there a dramatic decline
in the Globosa Mangrove? You can find answers to these and many more questions in a unique
anthology, Species on the Edge of Survival, published by Collins.
The book, inspired by IUCN’s Species of the Day initiative, features a selection of 365 plants, animals and fungi listed on
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™. Each profile includes a description of the species, its conservation status,
geographical range and the conservation action that is needed to protect it. All of this is accompanied by a striking
photograph of the species, making the book a must-read for nature lovers, young and old. Environmental enthusiasts and
anyone who is concerned about the state of the world’s wildlife will find it a useful guide to our planet’s biodiversity, the
threats it faces and methods to conserve it.
+ info: (5 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:43]
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - Scaling Up: Global
Business and Biodiversity Programme. Annual Report 2010
Published by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 2011
Contributing authors: Deviah Aiama, Juan Marco Alvarez, Rachel Asante-Owusu, Maria
Ana Borges, Giulia Carbone, Evelyne Clarke, Dennis Hosack, Nadine McCormick and Deric
Editing: Tiina Rajamets
Coordination: Rachel Asante-Owusu
This report reflects the progress made by BBP in 2010. The stories are selected to present a fair and balanced
representation of BBP’s results in terms of delivering the planned programme activities. The current programme of IUCN
runs from 2009–2012.
Conserving biodiversity – stopping the extinction of animal and plant species, and stopping the destruction of natural
places – is the core of IUCN’s work. Profoundly linked to biodiversity are four of humankind’s greatest challenges: climate
change, energy, livelihoods and economic. The structure of the report reflects these five areas: (1) Conserving the
Diversity of Life, (2) Changing the Climate Forecast, (3) Naturally Energizing the Future, (4) Managing Ecosystems for
Human Well-Being, and (5) Greening the World Economy. Although BBP contributed to all the five key areas, the focus of
the work has been on Thematic Programme Areas (TPA) 3 and 5.
+ info:
Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group eNews 4 - October 2011
Edited and prepared by IUCN WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group (TBC SG).
The TB eNEWS contains information on your activities related to enhancement of transboundary
conservation and cooperation.
You are welcome to send us news about relevant projects and initiatives, to review any past event on
transboundary conservation, and announce a future workshop, seminar, or a conference. We shall include
any new publications, websites or funding opportunities that you send us.
+ info:
EUROPARC 2011 Conference Report: Quality Counts - Benefits for Nature and People - Schwabian Alb
Biosphere Reserve - Bad Urach - Germany - 21-25 September 2011
EUROPARC General Assembly 2011
EUROPARC 2011 took place from 21st - 25th September in the Schwabian Alb Biosphere Reserve, Bad Urach, Germany.
During the four day conference participants had the chance to exchange their experiences and expand their networks with
European colleagues. They discussed and developed solutions for an effective protected area management throughout the
four day programme.
The conference was hosted by the German state of Baden-Württemberg and organised together with EUROPARC Germany.
320 international experts from across the field of nature conservation attended the conference under the motto Quality
counts - Benefits for Nature and People.
+ info:
Digital Version of the Central Asia Atlas of Natural Resources
This Atlas brings to readers a sense of the beauty and wealth of Central Asia's natural resources, some issues its peoples
face in using and conserving them, and the progress being made toward sustainable development.
The Atlas is an output of the Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management (CACILM) Program, a 10-year
partnership between the Central Asian countries and the international donor community that began in 2006. Its aim is to
restore, maintain, and improve the productive functions of land in Central Asia, leading to better economic and social wellbeing, while preserving the ecological functions of the land. The initiative has set in motion an integrated approach to
sustainable land management that will have local, national, and global benefits.
+ info:
La situation s’améliore pour une majorité d’oiseaux bénéficiant de mesures de protection, à la
différence des espèces communes
Commissariat general au developpement durable
Le point sur - Numéro 100 - Octobre 2011
ISSN 2100-1634
Les oiseaux utilisent une grande variété d’habitats naturels et sont directement affectés par les
perturbations des écosystèmes. Les effectifs d’un grand nombre d’espèces ont décliné tout au long du XXe
siècle ; plus du quart de celles nichant en France métropolitaine sont actuellement considérées comme
menacées. À partir de la fin des années 1980, les effectifs de certaines espèces bénéficiant de mesures de conservation et
de protection se sont améliorés. À l’inverse, un grand nombre d’espèces dites « communes » continuent de régresser.
+ info:
Une première encyclopédie sur la biodiversité de Singapour publiée durant l'été 2011
La première encyclopédie sur la biodiversité et l'histoire naturelle de Singapour sur les 200 dernières années vient d'être
finalisée. L'étude s'intitule "Singapore Biodiversity - An Encyclopedia of the Natural Environment and Sustainable
Development" et a été conduite par le département de sciences biologiques de la National University of Singapore (NUS).
Ce livre met en évidence le travail de la cité-état pour conserver son héritage naturel riche malgré la faible taille de son
territoire et sa densité urbaine très forte. Ce travail a impliqué plus de 60 contributeurs du milieu académique, des agences
gouvernementales et de groupes environnementaux. (6 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:43]
+ info:
Evidence of cellulose metabolism by the giant panda gut microbiome
Lifeng Zhua, Qi Wua, Jiayin Daia, Shanning Zhangb and Fuwen Weia
The giant panda genome codes for all necessary enzymes associated with a carnivorous digestive system but lacks genes
for enzymes needed to digest cellulose, the principal component of their bamboo diet. It has been posited that this iconic
species must therefore possess microbial symbionts capable of metabolizing cellulose, but these symbionts have remained
undetected. Here we examined 5,522 prokaryotic ribosomal RNA gene sequences in wild and captive giant panda fecal
samples. We found lower species richness of the panda microbiome than of mammalian microbiomes for herbivores and
nonherbivorous carnivores. We detected 13 operational taxonomic units closely related to Clostridium groups I and XIVa,
both of which contain taxa known to digest cellulose. Seven of these 13 operational taxonomic units were unique to pandas
compared with other mammals…
+ info:
Review of the World Heritage Network: Biogeography, Habitats and Biodiversity
Author: Magin, C., Chape, S.
Date Published: January 2004
The aim of the World Heritage Convention is to ensure the protection for all time of the world’s natural and
cultural heritage of Outstanding Universal Value. In 1994, to assist in meeting this aim, the World Heritage
Committee adopted a Global Strategy for achieving a balanced, representative and credible World Heritage
List that reflects the world’s diverse heritage. Over the past 10 years a number of studies and consultations
have been carried out to develop and refine the Global Strategy. This review is an important addition to
that process, focusing on the inter-related elements of biogeography, habitats and biological diversity that underpin much
of what we consider ‘natural heritage’.
+ info:
Entreprises et biodiversité: Premiers résultats d'enquête - Commissariat Général au Développement Durable
no. 72 Février 2011 - France
Le Ministère a mené en 2010 une enquête auprès de 3 600 entreprises afin de mesurer la prise de conscience de leurs
interactions avec les écosystèmes et l’intégration de la biodiversité dans leurs stratégies. Les entreprises interrogées se
sont déclarées très majoritairement (deux tiers) conscientes de leurs impacts négatifs sur la biodiversité et, dans une
moindre mesure (un tiers), de leur dépendance vis-à-vis des services fournis par les écosystèmes. Les principales
pressions qu’elles exercent portent sur la qualité de l’air, de l’eau et du sol, un important service écologique dont elles
dépendent aussi. 40 % des entreprises anticipent que la perte de biodiversité représente un risque pour leurs activités à
l’avenir, contre 20 % aujourd’hui. Les entreprises incluent encore peu la biodiversité dans leurs politiques
environnementales. Les grandes sont deux tiers à déclarer agir en faveur de la biodiversité ou envisager de le faire. Elles
sont alors davantage motivées par la gestion des risques financiers et réglementaires associés à la perte de biodiversité
que par une intégration de la biodiversité dans leurs stratégies et activités.
+ info:
Entreprises et Biodiversité - EBEvie et Prix : deux actions phares pour sensibiliser et inciter à l'action Commissariat Général au Développement Durable no. 90 Juin 2011 - France
Afin de favoriser la prise en compte de la biodiversité par les entreprises, le ministère a mis en place un outil de
sensibilisation leur proposant des pistes d’actions en vue de limiter leurs impacts sur la biodiversité. Cet outil, baptisé
EBEvie, vise à aider les entreprises à comprendre les enjeux que la biodiversité représente pour elles. Il les guide pour
évaluer leurs impacts ainsi que leurs liens de dépendance vis-à-vis de la biodiversité. Il leur propose des actions pour
mieux intégrer la biodiversité dans leur stratégie de développement. Le ministère décerne aussi, depuis 2010, Année
Internationale de la Biodiversité, des prix récompensant les produits ou démarches particulièrement innovants en faveur de
la biodiversité.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (7 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:14:43]
Patrimonio construido
Patrimonio construido
State's love for old bridges rekindled by storm - Vermont - USA
BARTONSVILLE (AP).- By the time Susan Hammond came downstairs at 9 a.m. the rain was
falling hard. Standing on the back deck with Sunday coffee in hand, she looked down the hill
and through the trees to where the usually lazy Williams River powered over rocks, loud
enough to compete with the din of Tropical Storm Irene's downpour.
Inside, Hammond pulled up a chair to her computer to check the water level at a gauge just
downriver: 4 1/2 feet, nearly doubled from the night before, but well below flood stage. For
peace of mind, though, Hammond reached for an umbrella and headed down the road to pay
her hamlet's 141-year-old covered bridge a call.
Even by Vermont standards, Bartonsville's bridge was out of the ordinary, a 159-foot expanse of brown boards weathered
to a distinguished gray, with rectangular windows revealing a thick skeleton of criss-cross latticework. Standing under
umbrellas just beyond the bridge's portal, Hammond and her neighbors traded talk of the storm, before she headed back
to the house.
Around 11, she checked the river gauge again: 8 feet. Flood stage. When she went down to check on the bridge, just a few
feet separated its boards from the water. And the distance between the two was narrowing fast.
+ info:
Architetture e Paesaggi d'acqua. Strumenti retorici, immagine costruita
15 octubre - 28 octubre 2011 Reggio Emilia. Italia
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
780 Brewster - Lemay associés - 2007 - Montreal - Quebec - Canada
Erected at the beginning of the XXth century, 780 Brewster is a five-storey multi-tenant
industrial building with a total surface area of 12,000 sqm. This brick and timber building was
transformed into an office building housing, among others, the City of Montréal’s Southwest
Borough Hall as well as our firm’s offices.
Completed according to a “fast track” schedule, the structure meets the most rigorous
sustainable development standards and is certified LEED Silver. The main features of this
innovative green project are:
The reclamation of 75 % of an industrial heritage building’s structure (existing walls, floors et roofs);
Air conditioning and ventilation systems offering an energy efficiency rate that is 50 % greater than traditional new
Large windows that open, allowing occupants to benefit from natural light and ventilation;
The reuse of nearly 80 % of materials such as the metal plates and grillwork adorning the reception areas;
The use of new materials (adhesives, paints, carpeting, composites, plaster) and furnishings that contain recycled
materials, are recyclable, non-toxic and emit no volatile organic compound;
Building located near a metro station and bus stops and equipped with a secured bicycle hangar and locker rooms, allowing
users to take advantage of alternate means of transportation;
The recovery of recyclable and compostable materials;
Plumbing fixtures offering a 30 % reduction in water consumption;
Landscaping that does not require irrigation.
+ info: (1 de 5) [23/11/2011 17:14:48]
Patrimonio construido
Happy Birthday Le Corbusier!
Today marks the Swiss-born French architect Le Corbusier’s birthday. Noted as one of the pioneers of
modern architecture, Le Corbusier’s architecture career spanned some five decades. Born in 1887, which
would make him 124 today, Charles-Édouard Jeanneret adopted the pseudonym Le Corbusier in the
1920s. Known for both his architecture and furniture design you can visit the Galerie Anton Meier where
some of Le Corbusier & Pierre Jeanneret furniture is currently on a special exhibit. More of ArchDaily’s
coverage on Le Corbusier, books, buildings, and articles can be found here.
+ info:
UNESCO to assess flood-affected Ayutthaya World Heritage site - Bangkok Thailand
UNESCO Bangkok has been requested by the Thai government to undertake a mission to
the Ancient City of Ayutthaya in Thailand to assess the impact to the World Heritage
property from heavy flooding.
The World Heritage property of Ayutthaya, which occupies the western half of the inner
island of Ayutthaya, has been flooded for more than a week. Monuments and temples on
the outside perimeter of the site (technically not part of the World Heritage property), such
as Wat Chaiwattanaram on the opposite bank of the river, have also been inundated.
+ info:
Museum Folkwang - David Chipperfield - Essen - Germany
“Ruhr.2010 – European Capital of Culture” is the name of the project with which Essen and the
Ruhr are confronting changing times. The “Pott”, as the area is affectionately known in Germany,
is shaking off its coal-and-steel-producing past and mutating into a “new-style polycentric
cultural metropolis”. A high-flying objective. But one that nevertheless appears to be achievable
– certainly as long as the route is paved with milestones like the new Museum Folkwang building
inaugurated at the beginning of 2010.
The source of this particular milestone is British star architect David Chipperfield, who has
achieved great familiarity – not only within the architectural world – with projects such as his recent restoration of the New
Museum in Berlin. His speciality: “feeling his way into” existing structures that invariably enjoy his deepest respect. He has
again been able to put this speciality through its paces with the new Folkwang Museum building. The period museum built
in 1960, which is now linked to the new structure by means of two glass crossovers, was the point of departure for the
entire planning procedure; the extension built in 1983 and so unloved locally had to go.
+ info:
Buenas noticias para la mansión “Happy Retreat”: El actor Richard Dreyfuss ayudará
a salvar la mansión familiar Washington – West Virgina- EEUU
El mes pasado, tras años de esfuerzo para salvar la mansión de 1780 donde vivieron el
hermano de George Washington y su familia, el actor ganador de un galardón por la Academia
Richard Dreyfuss afirmó que su iniciativa Dreyfuss ayudará a proteger la propiedad que lleva
por nombre Happy Retreat. En un anuncio hecho el 17 de septiembre Dreyfuss se
comprometió a colaborar con los Amigos de Happy Retreat, un grupo sin ánimo de lucro
formado en 2006 para comprar la casa y los 12,3 acres que la rodean. Su iniciativa, un
programa de educación para la ciudadanía, poco a poco ocupará la parte superior de la casa.
+ info:
VIDEO - Building the Moroccan Court in the New Galleries for the Art of the Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central
Asia, and Later South Asia - Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York - New York State - USA
The court was made possible by the Patti and Everett B. Birch Foundation.
+ info:
VIDEO - Sacred Spaces: A celebration of the wonderfully varied architecture in Melbourne - Victoria - Australia
Melbourne's finest architects will be talking about thier favorite spots in the city. Their sacred spaces.
This season the emphasis is on women architects, designers and urban planners but not exclusively. The guys also get
their say!
+ info:
Planning Alerts: Find out for free what is being built and knocked down in your area and receive email alerts
when something new is planned - Open Australia Foundation Project is a free service which searches as many planning authority websites as it can find and emails you
details of applications near you. The aim of this to enable shared scrutiny of what is being built (and knocked down) in
peoples' communities.
+ info:
Cursos avanzados de formación en el máster Análisis Estructural de Monumentos y Construcciones Históricas
(SAHC) – Curso de máster universitario Erasmus Mundus SAHC
Para más información, por favor contactar con: [email protected].
Ahora se puede asistir a los cursos que forman parte del máster universitario Erasmus Mundus SAHC (
sin que sea por ello necesario matricularse en el máster. (2 de 5) [23/11/2011 17:14:48]
Patrimonio construido
Los cursos son de interés para todos aquellos con un interés por la conservación, la reparación y el refuerzo del patrimonio
construido, ya sean monumentos, otros edificios del patrimonio cultural o edificios ya existentes en general. Esto incluye
fundamentalmente a ingenieros de caminos y arquitectos, pero también, en el caso de algunos cursos, a historiadores,
arqueólogos y otras personas interesadas en los edificios del patrimonio cultural, y con un deseo de complementar o
actualizar su conocimiento con las aproximaciones y técnicas científicas y profesionales más recientes. Los asistentes
pueden ser profesionales tales como asesores, empleados de empresas de construcción, productores de materiales de
construcción y distribuidores, autoridades del patrimonio y otros, así como estudiantes de grado (licenciados en Ciencias o
con un doctorado que ya estén matriculados en otros programas.
+ info:
World Monuments Fund 2012 Endangered Monuments Watch includes two iconic New
York buildings - New York State - USA
The World Monuments Fund calls for international awareness to the 2012 list of endangered
monuments. The watch encompasses 67 threatened cultural-heritage sites worldwide. These
influential landmarks include the iconic Manufacturers Trust Company Building in New York City
designed by Gordon Bunshaft of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill and Paul Rudolph’s Orange County
Government Center in Goshen, New York.
The former 1950’s Manufactures Trust Bank exemplifies mid-century modern architecture
situated on one of the busiest streets of Manhattan. The glass and aluminum façade abandoned the traditional “fortress”
approach and confidently displayed the interiors of the bank, exposing the 30-ton steel vault serving as a metaphor for
transparency in banking. In 1997, the building was designated a New York City landmark and in early 2011 received
protection for the modern interiors designed by Eleanor H. Le Maire. The current owners are adapting the building for reuse
and altering the interior features, endangering the iconic bond between the exterior and interior.
+ info:
English Heritage Guidance Note: Theft of Metal from Church Buildings
This guidance note sets out English Heritage’s1 response to the epidemic of lead theft2 which is affecting historic buildings
and, in particular, parish churches3. We recognise that any theft brings frustration, expense and inconvenience to
congregations. Preventing future thefts is paramount, but dealing with the unfortunate aftermath in an appropriate way is
also very important.
This guidance is in two parts: the first outlines English Heritage’s approach and our advice for congregations on the
significance of lead, how to protect it, and how to respond to thefts; the second offers detailed practical information about
selecting the material to be used for historic church roofs and making it secure.
+ info:
Successful School Refurbishment Case Studies - English Heritage
Wider economic circumstances and reducing public sector budgets clearly have implications for capital investment in school
buildings. Together with the recommendations from the James review, this background is likely to mean that over the
short to medium term future local education authorities will need to focus on managing their existing school estate to
ensure it offers the best possible educational environment…
+ info:
Revised and illustrated versions of Selection guides for buildings and structures are
now available - United Kingdom
Selection guides for buildings and structures were first published in 2007 and are an important
step towards a more transparent designation system. They have proved themselves to be
essential tools in assessing candidates for designation. Revised and illustrated selection guides
for listing have now been published (May 2011) and build on the original documents without
departing from their essential messages.
The wide range of buildings and structures is divided into 20 categories ranging from Agricultural
Buildings to Utilities and Communications. In each guide, an historical introduction is followed by a consideration of
designation issues, together with sources of further information.
+ info:
Library of Congress Acquires American Institute of Architects and American Architectural Foundation
Collection of Rare Architectural Drawings, Photographs and Illustrated Publications - Washington, DC. - USA
The Library of Congress announced today the acquisition of the American Institute of Architects and American Architectural
Foundation Collection, consisting of rare and significant architectural drawings, photographs and illustrated publications.
The materials will be housed in the Library’s Prints and Photographs Division.
The new acquisition adds an estimated 160,000 drawings, 30,000 photographs and rare illustrated books to the Library’s
rich holdings of millions of architectural documents. Included in the acquisition are original works of art, detailed technical
materials, information-rich business files, ephemera and sourcebooks.
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - 18ème édition du concours "Les Rubans du patrimoine" - Date limite de soumission: 31
janvier 2012
Ce concours distingue et récompense, par des prix nationaux et départementaux, des communes ayant entrepris des
opérations de rénovation ou de mise en valeur de leur patrimoine bâti. Il est organisé en partenariat par la Fédération
Française du Bâtiment, l'Association des Maires de France, la Fondation du Patrimoine et Dexia. La Gazette des Communes
a souhaité s'associer à cette démarche en 2010.
+ info: (3 de 5) [23/11/2011 17:14:48]
Patrimonio construido
El Presidente Obama crea un nuevo Parque Nacional - Hampton, Virginia (USA)
Es la primera vez que el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Barak Obama, utiliza sus poderes
para crear un parque nacional en su gobierno. El nuevo monumento que se suma a la lista de
parques nacionales y sitios de importancia patrimonial de los Estados Unidos se encuentra en
Fort Monroe, en Hampton, Virginia, ha sido recientemente denominado monumento nacional,
título otorgado dada su larga historia que comienza allí por el 1600 cuando fueron los
conquistadores holandeses los que se asentaron en esta isla que forma, naturalmente, un
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Esprit(s) des Lieux - Du Trocadéro au palais de Chaillot - Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine
17 septiembre 2011 - 17 enero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine/ musée des Monuments français en partenariat avec les Archives
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - L'Hôtel particulier, une ambition parisienne - Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine
05 octubre 2011 - 19 febrero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine / musée des Monuments français, avec le concours de la Bibliothèque
nationale de France et du Musée Carnavalet.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXPOSICIÓN - Richard Meier: Retrospectiva - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey (MARCO)
20 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Nuevo León. México
Organizadores: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey (MARCO) y Richard Meier & Partners Architects
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Journée de rencontre - "La restauration du patrimoine bâti"
18 noviembre 2011 Salarbous, Hautes Pyrénées. Francia
Organizadores: Association Patrimoine des Hautes-Pyrénées
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Journée d'étude - Patrimoine bâti et maîtrise de l'énergie : le futur en construction
21 noviembre 2011 Lyon, Rhône. Francia
Organizadores: Patrimoine Rhônalpin en collaboration avec le Conseil régional Rhône-Alpes
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Stage de formation financé par la Région Languedoc-Roussillon : maçon - restauration Patrimoine & Bâti
28 noviembre 2011 - 06 julio 2012 Pézenas. Francia
Organizadores: Lycée agricole
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
First International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design - Epoka University
19 abril - 21 abril 2012 Tirana. Albania
Organizadores: Department of Architecture, Epoka University & Department of Architecture and Urban Planning,
Polytechnic University of Tirana
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 ene 2012
+ info:
International Congress: Frontpage Planning: Before and After Major Events, Disasters, and Social Unrest SCUPAD (Salzburg Congress on Urban Planning & Development)
05 mayo - 08 mayo 2012 Salzburg. Austria
Organizadores: Salzburg Congress on Urban Planning & Development
Contacto: events@)
+ info:
Publicaciones (4 de 5) [23/11/2011 17:14:48]
Patrimonio construido
Interior of the mausoleum of Itimad-al-Daula, Agra 1800
Creator: Artist : Latif (fl..1820s)
Date: [1820] 1820 - 1822
Data provider: The British Library
Provider: The European Library
Watercolour of the interior of the mausoleum of I'timad al-Daula, Agra by Latif in c. 1820.
I'timad al-Daula (Emperor's Pillar) was the title bestowed upon Mirza Ghiyas Beg by Emperor
Jehangir. Of Persian descent, Mirza Ghiyas Beg became the first treasurer and then the prime
minister (wazir) under Emperor Jehangir. His daughter, Nur Jahan, later married the Emperor and commissioned the
mausoleum to honour the memory of her father upon his death in 1622.
+ info:
Site Seeing: A Dozen Historic Sites that Dazzle - USA
By Magazine Editors | From Preservation | November/December 2011
Each year, the editors of Preservation set off across the United States to explore extraordinary,
surprising, and evocative National Trust Historic Sites . In 2010, we chronicled 16 sites from New Mexico
to New York. This year, we visited 12 more—from the home of one of the Founding Fathers, to an adobe
in a coastal California town, to a Frank Lloyd Wright house that was saved from the wrecking ball. See
what we discovered. Read the stories of the women and men who cherished and saved these places. And
plan your own voyage of discovery, soon.
+ info:
Emanuele Walter Angelico
Giuseppe De Giovanni, Emanuele Walter Angelico
ISBN 978-88-548-3837-6
Gli articoli, raccolti in questo volume, si rivolgono essenzialmente a quell’aspetto del “senso del
passato” (sense of past) che tende alla valorizzazione e alla conservazione del Patrimonio Culturale
(Heritage), tramandato dalle civiltà e dalle culture del passato, attraverso l’attivazione di processi
innovativi per la sua salvaguardia, la sua protezione e fruizione e, infine, per la sua conoscenza. La
collettività deve considerare lo Heritage, la cui natura è materiale e immateriale, non come oggetto di culto ma come
promotore di nuovi artifici e di nuove attività, ovvero d’innovazione.
+ info:
Stopping the Rot: A Guide to Enforcement Action to Save Historic Buildings - English Heritage
Keeping historic buildings in good repair and, where possible, in use, is the key to their preservation.
Owners of listed buildings are under no statutory obligation to maintain their property in a good state of
repair, although it is in their interests to do so. Local authorities can, however, take action to secure repair
when it becomes evident that a building is being allowed to deteriorate.
Urgent Works Notices, Repairs Notices and Section 215 Notices can be very effective tools to help secure
the preservation of historic buildings.
This guidance, which supersedes the first edition published in 1999, is designed to help local authorities
make effective use of these powers. It provides step-by-step advice on the use of the main procedures and includes case
studies and a selection of specimen letters, notices, schedules and agreements.
+ info:
Vacant Historic Buildings: An owner's guide to temporary uses, maintenance and mothballing English Heritage
English Heritage has produced this guidance to help owners to reduce the risks facing empty buildings, by
undertaking a range of precautionary measures and adopting an active management approach. It applies
to all types of heritage buildings, whether or not they have statutory protection.
It explains how to de-commission buildings that are about to be vacated, as well as how to look after
buildings that have already been vacant for some time. By adopting this approach, owners can prevent
unnecessary damage, dereliction and loss of significance to these buildings. They will also benefit by
maintaining the market value of their assets and increasing the chances of bringing them back into permanent use.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (5 de 5) [23/11/2011 17:14:48]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
El cambio climático afecta a plantas y animales de todo el planeta
El cambio climático entraña riesgos para los ecosistemas en todos los continentes. Recientemente, los científicos del
Instituto de investigación climática de Potsdam (PIK - Brandeburgo) han identificado el alcance del peligro para los
animales y las plantas a través de análisis realizados a nivel mundial. Para ello, los científicos han desarrollado un nuevo
sistema de medición que, por primera vez, cuantifica sistemáticamente el impacto en los ecosistemas de las variaciones de
temperatura, precipitaciones y la concentración de CO2 en el aire. Las previsiones actuales prevén un aumento de 2 ° C.
Sin embargo, si la temperatura media mundial se eleva más de 2 ° C, el impacto en muchas áreas podría verse
amplificado considerablemente.
+ info:
Conférence tripartite Afrique-Brésil-France sur la lutte contre la désertification en
Afrique - Niamey - Niger (24-25 octobre 2011)
En dépit des progrès politiques réalisés en faveur du développement durable, les efforts dédiés à la
lutte contre le réchauffement climatique (pour en ralentir ses effets), et à son adaptation (pour en
atténuer les conséquences) restent insuffisants. Les conférences de Rio+20 (UNCDS) et du 6e
Forum de l’eau en 2012 constituent la meilleure opportunité pour saisir et renforcer l’intérêt de la
communauté internationale sur ce sujet et, pour ce qui concerne cette conférence, le
développement des zones arides…
+ info:
Record de fusión de los glaciares austriacos en el verano de 2011
Un estudio del Instituto Central de Meteorología y Geodinámica (ZAMG) demuestra que los glaciares se han reducido
durante el verano de 2011 de manera tan espectacular que durante el verano de 2003, que fue sin embargo especialmente
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Rivers of Ice: Vanishing Glaciers of the Greater Himalaya - Royal Geographical Society
03 octubre - 11 noviembre 2011 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Royal Geographical Society with IBG
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Readies New Type Of Earth-Observing Satellite For
Launch - USA
NASA is planning an Oct. 27 launch of the first Earth-observing satellite to measure both global climate changes and key
weather variables.
The National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System Preparatory Project (NPP) is the first mission
designed to collect critical data to improve weather forecasts in the short-term and increase our understanding of longterm climate change. NPP continues observations of Earth from space that NASA has pioneered for more than 40 years.
NPP's five science instruments, including four new state-of-the-art sensors, will provide scientists with data to extend more
than 30 key long-term datasets. These records, which range from the ozone layer and land cover to atmospheric
temperatures and ice cover, are critical for global change science. (1 de 6) [23/11/2011 17:14:57]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
+ info:
Coopération franco-allemande pour la recherche en Méditerranée
Le Cemagref, le CNRS, l'INRA et l'IRD, membres d'AllEnvi, l'UFZ et le FZJ, membres du groupe "terre et environnement"
des Helmholtz, conjuguent leurs efforts de coopération scientifique pour lutter contre le changement global en zone
L'ensemble des pays du pourtour de la Méditerranée sera particulièrement concerné par les effets du changement global.
Associées aux développements politiques, démographiques et économiques qui interviennent dans la région, ces évolutions
vont induire des modifications importantes dans la gestion des territoires et l'exploitation des ressources naturelles. Les
transformations à venir ne seront pas sans incidence sur l'ensemble des pays européens et appellent à des avancées
collectives dans les connaissances scientifiques et les modèles de prévision, comme dans la décision et l'action.
+ info:
7.000 millones de personas en la Tierra - Es hora de ACTUAR - WWF
Desde el pasado lunes, el Planeta ya cuenta con 7.000 millones de personas. La humanidad está consumiendo actualmente
los recursos naturales a una velocidad mayor de la que pueden regenerar los ecosistemas y continúa liberando más CO2
del que puede absorber la naturaleza.
Además, aunque la ONU afirma que el Planeta es capaz de cubrir las necesidades de todos, la realidad es que esto es
imposible si continúa el ritmo de consumo de los países del hemisferio norte. Y es que no se trata sólo de alimentar a una
población creciente, sino también de transportar mercancías, utilizar medicinas, facilitar las comunicaciones y consumir
energía. En estos momentos, WWF recuerda que la huella ecológica es mayor que la biocapacidad (capacidad regenerativa)
del planeta y esta es la ruta más clara hacia la insostenibilidad.
+ info:
El calentamiento global reducirá las poblaciones de comedores de plantas
Según un biólogo de la Universidad de Colombie-Britannique en Vancouver (UBC), el aumento de las temperaturas va a
conllevar una disminución de la mayoría de las poblaciones de herbívoros, incluyendo los peces que comen plantas.
+ info:
Redrawing the Arctic map: The new north
Getting to grips with a changing polar landscape.
The Arctic covers around 5% of the planet's surface, but it is capturing a disproportionate amount of attention. With
temperatures rising at twice the global rate, the region's summer sea ice is shrinking rapidly, making access easier than
ever before. At the same time, countries are racing to claim parts of the Arctic's sea floor and the vast deposits of
hydrocarbons that lie beneath it.
+ info:
Changes in plant community composition lag behind climate warming in lowland forests
By Romain Bertrand, Jonathan Lenoir, Christian Piedallu, Gabriela Riofrío-Dillon, Patrice de Ruffray, Claude Vidal, JeanClaude Pierrat & Jean-Claude Gégout
Climate change is driving latitudinal and altitudinal shifts in species distribution worldwide, leading to novel species
assemblages. Lags between these biotic responses and contemporary climate changes have been reported for plants and
animals. Theoretically, the magnitude of these lags should be greatest in lowland areas, where the velocity of climate
change is expected to be much greater than that in highland areas. We compared temperature trends to temperatures
reconstructed from plant assemblages (observed in 76,634 surveys) over a 44-year period in France (1965–2008). Here
we report that forest plant communities had responded to 0.54 °C of the effective increase of 1.07 °C in highland areas
(500–2,600 m above sea level), while they had responded to only 0.02 °C of the 1.11 °C warming trend in lowland areas…
+ info:
The Exploration of Subglacial Lake Ellsworth - Antarctica
More than one hundred and forty five subglacial lakes have been discovered beneath the Antarctic
ice sheet. These lakes have been isolated from the surface for considerable periods of time and each
represents a unique environment. Life in subglacial lakes must adapt to total darkness, low nutrient
levels, high water pressures and isolation from the atmosphere. Subglacial lakes thus represent
unique biological habitats…
+ info:
La protección marina en el Ártico no puede esperar
La economía global, no el descenso del hielo del mar, está llevando a los barcos al océano Ártico. Solo una
regulación internacional protegerá la región, afirma Lawson Brigham.
La mayoría de la gente sabe que un cambio profundo está teniendo lugar en el océano Ártico. La mayoría
de la gente así lo diría porque el hielo del mar está en proceso de retroceso. Pero la mayoría de la gente se
equivocaría. Los cambios en el hielo del mar son solo parte de una historia que, de hecho, debe su
existencia a las economías y la geopolítica. A pesar de los titulares, los hacedores de políticas,
planificadores y encargados de la regulación necesitan mirar más allá del hielo que se desvanece y mirar a
los motores de la economía para entender que se necesita de forma urgente una regulación para hacer frente al
crecimiento desmesurado de la región.
+ info: (2 de 6) [23/11/2011 17:14:57]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
Retos científicos en el Ártico: agua al aire libre
El pasado mes, los investigadores americanos apostaron 4.000 toneladas cuando
condujeron el Marcus G Langseth a través del estrecho de Bering hacia el océano
Ártico. El navío de 72 metros y destinado a la investigación no se construyó para
surcar el hielo, por lo que nunca antes se había aventurado a ir tan lejos hacia el
Pero las reglas están rápidamente cambiando en el nuevo norte. Los encargados
de la National Science Foundation (NSF), que posee el barco, decidieron enviar al
Langseth al Ártico después de revisar las imágenes por satélite que mostraron que el área de reconocimiento establecida
en el mar Chukchi había estado libre de hielo en los últimos cinco veranos…
+ info:
Leaving oil in the ground - Ecuador
In the heart of the Amazonian forest, oil companies, scientists, environmentalists and
indigenous communities are holding their breath. President Rafael Correa of Ecuador has made
perhaps the most ambitious proposal yet to fight climate change, conserve a biodiversity
hotspot and protect indigenous rights.
He is appealing to the international community to provide US$3.6 billion over 13 years in
partial compensation for the loss in revenue if Ecuador undertakes not to exploit just under 1
billion barrels of oil lying beneath Yasuni Biosphere Reserve. The reserve is home to the
Huaorani people, as well as to the Tagaeri and the Taromenani who are both living in voluntary isolation.
+ info:
Conclusion of Pre-COP (Conference of Parties) Ministerial Meeting - Stellenbosch, Western Cape Province
(South Africa) 21 October 2011
… We just concluded the traditional Pre-COP Ministerial consultations, hosted here at Spier, Stellenbosch, on 20 and 21
October 2011. The meeting was attended by representatives from 42 countries.
Participants also included the Chair of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation, as well as the Chairs of the two Ad Hoc
Working Groups.
The Chairs made presentations on the status of the work under their responsibility and their assessment of what can be
achieved in Durban…
+ info:
ACCC (Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques et Côtiers en Afrique de l'Ouest)
Le projet Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques et Côtiers (ACCC) entend répondre au changement du litoral et à ses
dimensions humaines en Afrique de l'Ouest par le biais notamment de la gestion intégrée du littoral.
+ info:
Le SEI (Stockholm Environment Institute) lance un rapport sur la résilience de l'Arctique - Suède
En mai dernier, pendant la réunion ministérielle du Conseil Arctique à Nuuk (Groenland), la Présidence suédoise avait
proposé aux acteurs du Conseil concernés de se réunir en automne afin d'évaluer les besoins relatifs à une analyse
multicritères des changements affectant la région…
+ info:
Appel à projet pour la collaboration franco-suédoise pour la recherche climatique - Date limite de soumission:
1er février 2012
La collaboration franco-suédoise dans le domaine du climat se renforce. Un premier appel à projets a été lancé à la rentrée
et sera renouvelé l'année prochaine si les résultats sont satisfaisants. Les projets retenus seront d'une durée maximale de
3 ans avec un budget de 200.000 euros par an…
+ info:
Quemar arboles para producir energía, dañará a la población, el clima y los bosques. (Sólo en
inglés): Greenpeace - Canada
Greenpeace publicó un informe basado en la ciencia actual que pone de relieve los peligros de la
utilización a gran escala de la madera y la tala de árboles para la generación eléctrica de calefacción, o
biocombustibles líquidos. El informe, titulado "Alimentando un BioDesastre", sostiene que la quema de
biomasa de madera a escala industrial podría perjudicar gravemente los bosques públicos de Canadá y
seguir contribuyendo a la crisis climática global.
+ info:
ICE et LASERS, un projet ERC pour l’étude du climat et de l’atmosphère passés
Le projet ICE&LASERS porté par Jérôme Chappellaz, chercheur au Laboratoire de glaciologie et
géophysique de l’environnement (LGGE/OSUG, CNRS / UJF), a été sélectionné par le Conseil européen de la
recherche ("European research council" ou ERC) pour bénéficier d’une bourse "Advanced Grant" d’un
montant de 3 millions d'euros. Lancé pour cinq ans (2012-2017), ce projet vise à développer, en
s’appuyant sur de nouvelles technologies laser brevetées par le Laboratoire interdisciplinaire de physique
(LIPhy, CNRS / UJF), une nouvelle génération d’instruments d’analyse in situ et en laboratoire de la glace
polaire ancienne pour reconstruire l’évolution du climat et des gaz à effet de serre dans le passé.
+ info: (3 de 6) [23/11/2011 17:14:57]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
COP17 (Conference of Parties) - UNFCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) - Working
Together - Saving Tomorrow Today
28 noviembre - 09 diciembre 2011 Durban. Sudáfrica
Organizadores: The University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Contacto: Bryan Ashe: [email protected]
+ info:
Human dimensions of adaptive forest management and climate change: A review of
international experience
Anna Lawrence and Sarah Gillett
Forestry Commission: Edinburgh, 2011.
ISBN 978-0-85538-848-5
This is a review of the literature about the concept and application of adaptive management (AM), in
forests and other environments. It aims to understand the social and institutional requirements of adaptive
forest management (AFM), and identify areas that require further study in order to better understand its
relevance for forest management in Great Britain.
+ info:$FILE/FCRP016.pdf
Museums and a common world: climate change, cosmopolitics, museum practice
Ben Dibley (University of Western Sydney)
In Museum and society, Jul 2011. 9(2) 154-165, 2011.
ISSN 1479-8360
At stake in this paper is the nature of the relationship between the institution of the museum and the common world. It is
contended that such relations are regularly asserted through cosmopolitan appeals, which are premised on the assumption
that a cosmos, a world, a universal, pre-exists its articulation, and, that it is the task of reason and of science to adjust the
citizen-subject to this already-present condition. This paper argues that this is a flawed position because it assumes, in
fact, what is required to be built: a world in common.
In defence of this proposition, two recent declarations of museum cosmopolitanism are explored: ICOM’s declaration on the
‘universal museum’, which focuses on the unity of the cultural heritage of humankind; and the Buffon Declaration, which
concerns institutions of natural history and the imperilment of humanity’s biospheric inheritance. Subsequently, the paper
turns to what might be called the empirics of the cosmopolitanism of the museum visitor.
This examines the qualitative investigation of banal or everyday cosmopolitanism, which is largely ignored by such
museum declarations.
These different museological articulations of a common world are, in turn, reviewed through the juxtaposition of two
sociologies: Ulrich Beck’s cosmopolitanism and Bruno Latour’s compositionism. It is in contrasting these various
mobilizations of the cosmopolitan – the museological, the empirical and the sociological – that the paper advances its
namely, that these cosmopolitan claims are based on the assumption that a common world exists prior to its assemblage
as such.
+ info:
Museums and science centres as sites for deliberative democracy on climate change
Fiona Cameron (University of Western Sydney); Ann Deslandes ( Sydney)
In Museum and society, Jul 2011. 9(2) 136-153, 2011.
ISSN 1479-8360
This paper addresses the position of the museum sector in relation to public policy-making about climate change. It is
informed by the perspectives of museum and science centre visitors and leaders canvassed as part of the Australian
Research Council Linkage project, ‘Hot Science, Global Citizens: the agency of the museum sector in climate change
interventions’. We apply complexity theory to evaluate the claim that museums are a site for the enaction of deliberative
democracy. In doing so, we reveal a cultural opportunity for cultural institutions to play a more expansive and explicit role
in brokering social futures for communities confronted by climate change.
+ info:
From mitigation to creativity: the agency of museums and science centres and the means to govern climate
Fiona Cameron (University of Western Sydney)
In Museum and society, Jul 2011. 9(2) 90-106, 2011
ISSN 1479-8360
Climate change as a complex, scientific, cultural, ideological, and transnational issue poses a new set of challenges for
museums and science centres as places to inform, and as information sources in debates and decision processes.
In this paper, I draw on quantitative and qualitative research from the Australian Research Council funded Linkage project,
Hot Science, Global Citizens: the agency of the museum sector in climate change interventions, to interrogate the
potentialities for institutions to operate meaningfully and in new ways in complex media ecologies and dense mediations of
political, social, scientific discourses, and expertize. In developing the concepts liquid governmentalities and liquid
museums, I pose new leverage points for institutions to operate within these pluralistic and complex governmental (4 de 6) [23/11/2011 17:14:57]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
assemblages from one of the production of science statements to reform behaviour, to systems of open peer review and as
places for facilitating complex reflexivity and creative dispositions for the future in the present.
+ info:
The Mediations of climate change: museums as citizens’ media
Juan Francisco Salazar (University of Western Sydney)
In Museum and society, Jul 2011. 9(2) 123-135, 2011
ISSN 1479-8360
Social research underlines how the mass media frames and presents environmental change and risk in ways that become
contested cultural constructs embedded in deep ideological structures. While significant attention has concentrated on the
mass media, less consideration has been given to examining the role of museums and science centres in communicating
the science of climate change. The article looks at museums as cultural brokers in collaborative efforts around public
understandings of climate change.
Engaging with recent conceptualizations around citizens and public media practices, it proposes participatory design
mechanisms through which the museum sector can act as change-agents in fostering a new form of public pedagogy that
incorporates differing civic epistemologies around climate change education and action.
+ info:
La economía del cambio climático en Centroamérica - Reporte técnico 2011
Copyright © Naciones Unidas, julio de 2011. Todos los derechos reservados
El cambio climático presenta una serie de desafíos que tienen que enfrentarse a través del aporte de
diversos actores, incluyendo el sector público, el sector privado, la ciudadanía y sus organizaciones
civiles, el sector académico, las instituciones de integración y la comunidad internacional. Para estos
efectos, el fortalecimiento de capacidades nacionales y regionales ha sido identificado como prioridad por
los socios del proyecto. El presente Reporte técnico tiene la finalidad de contribuir a las actividades de
capacitación y discusión técnica requeridas. Las instituciones socias del proyecto reiteran su compromiso
de seguir profundizando este trabajo conjunto para desarrollar el conocimiento y las capacidades necesarias para que
todos los actores puedan tomar decisiones más informadas para reducir vulnerabilidades, mejorar la adaptación al cambio
climático y encaminar las economías a sendas sostenibles y bajas en carbono.
+ info:
What influences climate and glacier change in southwestern China?
By Teppei J Yasunari
The subject of climate change in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and Himalayas has taken on increasing importance because of
the availability of water resources from their mountain glaciers (Immerzeel et al 2010). Many of the glaciers over these
regions have been retreating, while some are advancing and stable (Yao et al 2004, Scherler et al 2011). Other studies
report that some glaciers in the Himalayas show acceleration of their shrinkage (e.g., Fujita and Nuimura 2011). However,
the causes of glacier melting are still difficult to grasp because of the complexity of climatic change and its influence on
glacier issues. Despite this, it is vital that we pursue further study to enable future predictions of glacier changes…
+ info:
Nature Magazine : Special issue on the Arctic: After the ice
The Arctic is changing fast. In September 2011, the extent of summer sea ice was either a
new record low or tied with the low of 2007, depending on how you crunch the data. Ships
are plying the newly opened waters, oil companies are increasing their exploration, locals are
developing their mineable resources, and scientists are scrambling to study the changing
environment and promote its sustainable development. Nature investigates the state of
science at the new northern frontier.
+ info:
Report - Keeping Track of our changing environment - From Rio to Rio + 20 (1992-2012)
UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
This publication helps to tell the story of where the world was 20 years ago and where we
collectively stand today, and to show the direction in which we need to move in a post-Rio+20 world.
It also highlights the missing pieces in our knowledge about the state of environment— such as
those related to freshwater quality and quantity, ground water depletion, ecosystem services, loss of
natural habitat, land degradation, chemicals and waste—due to lack of regular monitoring, collection
and compilation of data. Scientifically-credible data for environmental monitoring remains
inadequate and the challenge of building in-country capacity to produce better policy-relevant data needs urgent attention.
+ info:
YouthXchange guidebook series: climate change and lifestyles
Year of Publication: 2011
Author: UNEP
ISBN No: 978-92-807-3211-5
The UNEP/UNESCO YouthXchange Initiative, which aims to promote sustainable lifestyles among youth
(15-24 year-olds) around the world through education, dialogue, awareness-raising and capacitybuilding, will release a publication in late August 2011 titled "YouthXchange guidebook on climate
change and lifestyles". This guidebook is geared directly to youth and educators, trainers and youth
leaders, and it is written in youth-friendly language; therefore, it is rather a toolkit for young people. This leaflet contains
information about the guidebook and the themes addressed. (5 de 6) [23/11/2011 17:14:57]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
+ info:
Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation ( SRREN) - Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
The Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN), agreed and released by the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on May 9th in Abu Dhabi, assesses existing literature on the future
potential of renewable energy for the mitigation of climate change. It covers the six most important renewable energy
technologies, as well as their integration into present and future energy systems. It also takes into consideration the
environmental and social consequences associated with these technologies, the cost and strategies to overcome technical
as well as non-technical obstacles to their application and diffusion.
+ info:
Informe sobre Desarrollo Humano 2011 - Sostenibilidad y Equidad: Un mejor futuro para todos
Según el informe, es necesaria una acción decidida en ambos frentes para lograr mantener los avances
en desarrollo humano obtenidos recientemente por la mayoría de los países más pobres del mundo, tanto
para el bien de futuras generaciones como para las actuales. Informes anteriores han demostrado que los
estándares de vida de la mayoría de países han mejorado y que, de hecho, desde hace décadas tienden
hacia la convergencia. Sin embargo, el Informe 2011 prevé un retroceso alarmante de dichas tendencias
en caso de que el deterioro medioambiental y las desigualdades sociales sigan intensificándose, con una
previsión de que los países menos desarrollados invertirán esta tendencia y se alejarán de nuevo de los
patrones globales antes de 2050. El Informe muestra cómo los más desfavorecidos del mundo son los que más sufren la
degradación medioambiental, también en su entorno personal más inmediato, y la desproporcionada falta de poder
político, dificultando aún más que la comunidad internacional llegue a un consenso sobre los cambios de políticas globales
+ info:
Ir a arriba (6 de 6) [23/11/2011 17:14:57]
Patrimonio Cultural
Patrimonio Cultural
State's love for old bridges rekindled by storm - Vermont - USA
BARTONSVILLE (AP).- By the time Susan Hammond came downstairs at 9 a.m. the rain was
falling hard. Standing on the back deck with Sunday coffee in hand, she looked down the hill
and through the trees to where the usually lazy Williams River powered over rocks, loud
enough to compete with the din of Tropical Storm Irene's downpour.
Inside, Hammond pulled up a chair to her computer to check the water level at a gauge just
downriver: 4 1/2 feet, nearly doubled from the night before, but well below flood stage. For
peace of mind, though, Hammond reached for an umbrella and headed down the road to pay
her hamlet's 141-year-old covered bridge a call.
Even by Vermont standards, Bartonsville's bridge was out of the ordinary, a 159-foot expanse of brown boards weathered
to a distinguished gray, with rectangular windows revealing a thick skeleton of criss-cross latticework. Standing under
umbrellas just beyond the bridge's portal, Hammond and her neighbors traded talk of the storm, before she headed back
to the house.
Around 11, she checked the river gauge again: 8 feet. Flood stage. When she went down to check on the bridge, just a few
feet separated its boards from the water. And the distance between the two was narrowing fast.
+ info:
La UNESCO convoca a expertos libios e internacionales a una reunión sobre la
salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural de Libia - Sede Central de la UNESCO. París
(Francia) 21 octubre 2011
La UNESCO ha invitado a expertos de dentro y fuera de Libia a examinar el estado del
patrimonio cultural del país y las medidas que pueden tomarse para salvaguardar los sitios
culturales, impedir el tráfico ilícito, proteger los museos y fortalecer las instituciones culturales
tras el conflicto civil y la caída del régimen del coronel Gaddafi. La reunión, primera desde el
cambio de régimen, tendrá lugar el 21 de octubre en París en la Sede de la Organización.
+ info:
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 16 | Le 17/10/2011 - France
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - Third Annual National Cultural Heritage Law Moot Court Competition is now open - Deadline
for applications 11 November 2011
The Competition Board is pleased to announce that Judge Diane P. Wood of the United States Court of Appeals for the
Seventh Circuit will be a member of the esteemed panel judging the final round of the Competition!
Registration for the Third Annual National Cultural Heritage Law Moot Court Competition is now open! The 2012 Moot Court
Competition problem will address two issues concerning the Theft of Major Artwork Act (18 U.S.C. § 668). The first focuses
on Congress’ Article I, Section 8 authority to regulate interstate commerce and the second on statutory interpretation of
the Act. Oral arguments for the 2012 Competition will be held on February 24th and 25th at the Everett McKinley Dirksen
U.S. Courthouse in Chicago. (1 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:15:03]
Patrimonio Cultural
+ info:
Buffalo Unscripted: Documentary Project - Buffalo - New York State - USA
Filmed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Buffalo Unscripted is an interactive project dedicated to the Nickel
City and the historic places that define it. You can stream the documentary in its entirety on our Vimeo channel.
Buffalo is the City of No Illusions, but that doesn’t mean people know the truth about it. In the summer of 2011, a film
crew from the National Trust for Historic Preservation hit the streets of the Nickel City with one goal: Let Buffalonians tell
the story of their city, its past, and its future like only they can.
+ info:
Corso di formazione "Il volontariato nella salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale dai rischi naturali - Beni
04 noviembre - 20 noviembre 2011 Aquila, Regione Abruzzo. Italia
Organizadores: Legambiente Abruzzo Beni Culturali & Regione Abruzzo
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
ELAICH (Educational Linkage Approach in Cultural Heritage) - Workshop for Public Officials
07 noviembre - 09 noviembre 2011 Venice. Italia
Organizadores: ELAICH Project - the Euromed 4 Cultural Heritage Programme (European Union) and Ca’ Foscari University
of Venice (Italia)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
PATRIMOINE ET PATRIMONIALISATION - Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture Paris Val de eEine
08 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture Paris Val de eEine
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Premier Forum International de l'économie mauve - Paris - France - (11-13 octobre 2011)
Pour la première édition du forum international de l’économie mauve, Paris a accueilli du 11 au 13 octobre 2011 des
témoins venus d’horizons très variés pour s’exprimer sur la question d’un rapprochement entre culture, économie et
développement durable.
En reprenant les mots de Valérie Pécresse, prononcés à cette occasion, la culture souffre en France d’un cloisonnement par
rapport à l’économie, de même que pour l’enseignement et la recherche « on a trop "bunkerisé" les spécialités en
ressources humaines et sociales, on les a trop sorties du champ de l’économie et de la sphère de la science ». « Il faut
refaire des mariages », a poursuivi la ministre, venue apporter son entier soutien et celui du gouvernement français au
concept d’économie mauve. Du fait de la mondialisation notamment « dans toute notre recherche sur l’économie et
l’innovation, a-t-elle précisé, l’investissement ne sera vraiment rentable que si nous mettons au coeur la question de la
diversité culturelle ». Au-delà des opportunités tirées de l’adaptation à la diversité, pour Valérie Pécresse « la culture est
un élément clé sur lequel on bâtit une grande économie ».
+ info:
A Background to the Armenian Heritage Centre - Valence - France
Since the 1920s, Valence and the surrounding area have welcomed an important population of Armenian origin, marked by
the tragic events of genocide and exile, as well as the difficulties of immigration. This exceptionally dynamic population has
integrated perfectly into the life of the town to which it has added its particularity thanks to the presence of a number of
associations and the maintain of strong traditions. The reference of identities, traditions and memories form the heritage of
the Armenians of Valence.
It is for this reason that the town of Valence created the Armenian Heritage Centre in 2005, included in the Valence Agglo
Sud Rhône-Alpes since January 1rst 2010.
+ info:
II Encuentro Nacional del Patrimonio Cultural de Colombia - Santa Marta - Colombia - (27-29 de
Septiembre de 2011)
Entre los días 27 y 29 de septiembre de 2011, la Dirección de Patrimonio del Ministerio de Cultura de
Colombia organiza en Santa Marta (Colombia) el Encuentro Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural, que en el
2011 llega a su segunda edición. El mismo constituye un espacio ideal para tender puentes hacia la
apropiación del patrimonio cultural por parte de la ciudadanía y de todos los demás actores del Sistema
Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural (SNPC) reuniendo a expertos nacionales e internacionales.
En este contexto, el Sector Cultura de la Oficina de UNESCO en Montevideo colaborará fomentando la
cooperación sur- sur, a través de la participación y el aporte del especialista del Sector.
+ info:
UNESCO/ Chile, Foro sobre pueblos originarios y redes de comunicación - Santiago de
Chile - Chile - 24 de Octubre de 2011
Como parte de las actividades de la Campaña “Mucho Chile”, encabezada por la UNESCO, le
invitamos cordialmente a acompañarnos en este foro. Conversaremos con destacados expertos
internacionales acerca de la importancia de las comunicaciones, y en especial de los nuevos (2 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:15:03]
Patrimonio Cultural
medios, en la preservación y difusión del legado cultural de nuestros Pueblos Originarios en
+ info:
(en italiano) Corso gratuito di dottorato “Virtual Cultural Heritage” - 3-5 November 2011
Il Corso di dottorato “Virtual Cultural Heritage. Strategie multi-canale per la comunicazione 3.0″ è erogato dal Politecnico
di Torino (SCUDO), presieduto dalla Prof.ssa Anna Marotta, con il supporto di MIMOS e del CNR-ITABC ed il patrocinio della
Direzione regionale per i beni culturali e paesaggistici del Piemonte-Soprintendenza dei Beni Archeologici del Piemonte e
del Museo Antichità Egizie.
Il corso continua la serie di incontri didattici sul tema del virtuale quale strumento della rappresentazione per le discipline
conformative e con figurative dello spazio ed in particolare per l’Architettura ed i Beni Culturali, che da qualche anno segna
puntualmente l’attività del gruppo di ricerca sulla Rappresentazione Digitale Interattiva dello stesso ateneo…
+ info:
Expression sonore & Atelier de Description ASA (Atelier de sémiotique audiovisuelle)
Que sont ces sons? Quelles typologies ? Comment les décrire ? Comment les localiser et indexer pour leur réutilisation?
Existe-t-il une modélisation d’organisation de ces informations ?…
Ces problématiques sont au centre de notre projet de recherche. En effet, l’Atelier de description du Studio ASA, prévoit
une fonctionnalité pour la description des plans sonores des documents audiovisuels. Nous allons le démontrer par une
simulation de l’usage de cette fonctionnalité dans notre Atelier de Description.
En choisissant l’onglet « Plan acoustique », l’analyste accède à la fonctionnalité pour décrire ce type d’information à la fois
au niveau de la vidéo et au niveau des segments de vidéo (Illustration A).
+ info:
The Best in Heritage: Excellence Club - EXPONATEC
16 noviembre - 18 noviembre 2011 Cologne. Alemania
Organizadores: The Best in Heritage and Europa NOSTRA
Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info:
Colloque - Ces patrimoines qui font territoire - Service Patrimoines et Inventaire de la Région Île-de-France
24 noviembre - 25 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Colloque organisé par le service Patrimoines et Inventaire de la Région Île-de-France
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ecole du Patrimoine Africain (EPA): at the service of development - Porto Novo (Benin)
From its inception in 1998, Ecole du Patrimoine Africain (EPA) has sought to become a centre of reference and cultural
information at the service of institutions, heritage professionals, communities and cultural personnel throughout the African
continent. In the context of sustainable development, EPA has always been poised to regularly adapt its vision and mission
to the changing needs in the field. In its 13 years of activities, EPA has become a platform for consultation and a reference
point for people of culture and the African communities.
+ info:
PATRIMONIO SIN FRONTERAS – Anuncio de prensa en Sarajevo – Intento empresarial para abordar las
deficiencias en cuanto a habilidades de patrimonio en los Balcanes.
En septiembre 2011, Heritage Without Borders (HWB) pondrá en marcha uno de sus primeros proyectos internacionales en
Sarajevo con la cooperación de la organización no-gubernamental sueca Cultural Heritage Without Borders (CHwB – http:// Un equipo de 3 voluntarios, dirigidos por uno de los co-directores de HWB, Dominica D’Arcangelo pondrá
en marcha un curso gratuito de una semana en el Museo Nacional de Bosnia y Herzegovina para formar a profesionales del
museo de todos los Balcanes en los principios de conservación terapéutica básica y preventiva. D’Arcangelo es miembro
fundador de Conservators Without Borders. Los otros dos miembros del equipo son estudiantes de conservación cursando
un máster en el Instituto de Arqueología de la University College London (UCL). Se trata de Carmen María Vida y Nicola
+ info:
Informe Mery Press. – Primer proyecto de Heritage Without Borders en Tukmenistan incluye a conservadores
de Colchester, York y Londres.
Stefanie White, una conservadora en los museos de Colchester e Ipswich será una de los tres voluntarios que trabajarán
en el sito de la antigua ciudad de Mery en Tukmenistan del 27 de agosto al 17 de septiembre. Margreth Felter, una
conservadora en el York Archaeological Trust (YAT) liderará el equipo. El tercer miembro del equipo es Kelly Caldwell que
trabaja en el Museo Británico. El proyecto está siendo coordinado por una nueva empresa social llamada Heritage Without
Borders (HWB- Se trata de la primera colaboracíon de HWB a nivel internacional.
+ info:
Une histoire filmée des Noirs au Canada (video in English)
Dans cet entretien, réalisé à Paris en 2009 au cours du colloque "The Trudeau Foundation
Audiovisual Archives", la cinéaste Sylvia D. HAMILTON nous parle de sa passion pour l'histoire
des Noirs-Africains du Canada, passion grâce à laquelle elle a pu déjà réaliser de nombreux films. (3 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:15:03]
Patrimonio Cultural
Le dernier d'entre eux : "The little black schoolhouse" porte sur la ségrégation des élèves noirs
dans les écoles canadiennes à l’époque de son enfance. Elle raconte l'accueil du film au Canada,
et souligne qu'une des premières réactions des Canadiens est d'affirmer leur ignorance du
phénomène historique de ségrégation des Noirs au Canada. Son prochain projet : l'histoire des
femmes noires canadiennes qui militent pour les droits de tous.
+ info:
Primera tribuna internacional de la Economía malva - París - Francia - (21 de
octubre de 2011)
El Centro del patrimonio mundial participó en una mesa redonda sobre “Poder de atracción
de los territorios: creación y regionalización de los valores añadidos” en la primera tribuna
internacional de la Economía malva que se celebró en París, Francia, del 11 al 13 de octubre
de 2011 en colaboración con Carlo Petrini (Presidente-fundador de Slow Food) y Daniel
Maximin (Comisario del año francés de ultramar). El acontecimiento lanzó un debate
inclusivo internacional sobre los enfoques diferentes de la economía y colocar la cultura en
el centro del desarrollo sostenible, en las seis lenguas oficiales de Naciones Unidas. El Foro fue dirigido también por
Francesco Bandarin, subdirector general para la Cultura el 11 de octubre de 2011.
+ info:
Tras la muerte de Gadafi, la UNESCO se preocupa por el patrimonio cultural
de Libia
La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura
(Unesco) ha solicitado a la comunidad internacional y al nuevo gobierno libio que
proteja los tesoros del patrimonio cultural de ese país, del expolio y el comercio
ilegal, después de "sobrevivir" a la guerra civil.
La directora de la Unesco, Irina Bokova, ha advertido a los delegados de que la
muerte del ex líder libio, Muamar Gadafi, podría suponer un riesgo para los tesoros
libios como lo supuso para las miles de piezas arqueológicas que desaparecieron tras la caída del gobierno de Saddam
Hussein en Irak.
+ info:
Newsletter - Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel - Paris - France (3-6 novembre 2011)
Le 17ème Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel, qui a fermé ses portes ce dimanche 6 novembre 2011, a accueilli 260
exposants et plus de 20 000 visiteurs. Il note une nette augmentation de sa fréquentation.
Les professionnels et le grand public ont été conquis par les nouvelles orientations du salon : l’espace de démonstrations
“Métiers d’Art en scène” ainsi que l’exposition photographique sur les passages couverts d’Europe ont particulièrement
attiré l’attention.
+ info:
TERRITORI DELLA CULTURA - Newsletter - Centro Universitario Europeo per I Beni Culturali - Ravello - Italy
It's on line the fifth issue of the journal «Territori della Cultura», published by Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni
Culturali and disseminated by «Quotidiano Arte, il Giornale del Patrimonio Culturale».
On the inside articles by A. Andria, P. Graziani, A. Filippelli & G. Cici, W. Dobrowolski, O. Niglio, M. Pistacchi, S. La Rocca,
L. De Siena, P. Pierotti, M.C. Sorrentino and G. Tilkin.
+ info:
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 17 | - 2 novembre 2011
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info:
BOLETÍN DEL ISPAN (Institut de sauvegarde du patrimoine national) N. 29 - Haití
El Instituto de Conservación del Patrimonio Nacional (ISPAN) es un organismo técnico autónomo del Ministerio de cultura y
comunicación. Tiene como misión realizar el inventario y la clasificación de sitios, monumentos y conjuntos históricos de la
República de Haití, llevar a cabo proyectos de protección, restauración y puesta en valor de monumentos, sitios y
conjuntos históricos, asegurar la dirección y el control de los trabajos de ejecución de dichos proyectos, ayudar a la
promoción y el desarrollo de actividades públicas o privadas destinadas a preservar el patrimonio nacional y, por último,
recopilar, organizar y difundir toda la información y documentación relativa al patrimonio arquitectónico y monumental,
nacional e internacional. Les agradecemos que animen a sus amigos a abonarse al BOLETIN DE ISPAN en la siguiente
dirección: [email protected]
+ info:
BULLETIN DE L'ISPAN (Institut de sauvegarde du patrimoine national) # 29 - Haïti
Merci d'encourager vos ami(e)s à s'inscrire à l'abonnement du BULLETIN DE L'ISPAN à l'adresse suivante :ispan.
[email protected] L’Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN) est un organisme technique autonome du
Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. Il a pour mission de dresser l’inventaire et de procéder au classement des (4 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:15:03]
Patrimonio Cultural
monuments, de sites et d’ensembles historiques de la République d’Haïti, de réaliser des études de projets de protection,
de restauration et de mise en valeur de monuments, de sites et d’ensemble historiques, d’assurer la direction et le contrôle
des travaux d’exécution de tels projets, d’aider à la promotion et au développement d’activités publiques ou privées visant
à sauvegarder le Patrimoine National et, enfin, de recueillir, organiser et diffuser toutes informations et documentations
relatives au Patrimoine architectural et monumental, national et international.
+ info:
Historic Environment Local Management (HELM) Local Authority Guidance Library - English Heritage (United
Guidance is listed alphabetically by TITLE. Please contact the relevant local authority to receive hard copies of their
guidance. We hope the guidance documents will provide a valuable resource, however English Heritage cannot accept
responsibility for their content.
You may also carry out a search for guidance by Local Authority and region.
+ info:
Identidad y conflicto: patrimonio cultural y la reconstrucción de identidades tras conflicto - Universidad de
Cambridge. Cambridge (Reino Unido)
Los conflictos recientes de Europa, y de otros lugares, han puesto de relieve la destrucción deliberada del patrimonio de
“los otros” como una manera de infligir dolor. A través de esta situación, se ha puesto de manifiesto que aun no
entendemos los procesos involucrados y, por lo tanto, tampoco las repercusiones a largo plazo. La reconstrucción del
patrimonio no se trata únicamente de diseño y recursos, lo que está en juego es la revisión y reconstrucción de la
+ info:
VIDEO - Cultural Heritage and the Reconstruction of Identities after Conflict: Case Studies - Cambridge
University. Cambridge (United Kingdom)
CRIC is a European research project directed from the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research at the University of
Cambridge studying the impact of the destruction and reconstruction of cultural heritage on societies after war. CRIC
( Cultural Heritage and the Reconstruction of Identities after Conflict) has case studies in Spain, Bosnia, France, Germany
and Cyprus. This four-year project is funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme.
+ info:
Appel à contribution : patrimoine et risques majeurs - Association nationale des architectes des bâtiments de
France (ANABF) - France
A l'occasion d'un partenariat passé avec le Ministère du Développement Durable (MEDDTL) à propos de la mémoire
collective des catastrophes majeures, l'Association nationale des architectes des bâtiments de France (ANABF) s'est
engagée à contribuer au projet de recensement des "marqueurs patrimoniaux sinistrés" organisé par la direction générale
de la prévention des risques.
Cette action a pour objet d'établir un recensement des sites sinistrés et des monuments "marqueurs" des catastrophes
naturelles et technologiques ou catastrophes majeures, qu'ils fassent déjà l'objet d'une procédure de protection ou non.
+ info:
Bilan du 17ème Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel - 2011
Le Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel a fermé ses portes dimanche 6 novembre au soir après quatre
jours de rencontres et d'échanges fructueux sur le stand commun de Patrimoine-Environnement et de la Ligue
Urbaine et Rurale, sur le pôle associatif à l'entrée du Salon.
La Ligue Urbaine et Rurale et la Fédération Patrimoine-Environnement habituées à travailler en relation étroite
dans le cadre du G8 Patrimoine ont proposé cette année un stand plus vaste qui témoigne de leur volonté de
+ info:
Save Our Culture Launched: International collaborative project aims to save cultural heritage damaged by
Great East Japan Earthquake
The Foundation for Cultural Heritage and Art Research (Ueno, Taito Ward, Tokyo/ President: Ryohei Miyata) announced
today that a project entitled “Save Our Culture (SOC)” has been launched in international collaboration with World
Monuments Fund (NY, U.S.A/ President: Bonnie Burnham) and with cooperation from the Agency for Cultural Affairs and
Tokyo University of the Arts…
+ info:
Agenda (5 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:15:03]
Patrimonio Cultural
Masters in Historic Environment - University of Cambridge - Institute of Continuing Education
Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: University of Cambridge
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 mar 2012
+ info:
Heritage Research Group Autumn Seminars - University of Cambridge
13 octubre - 08 diciembre 2011 Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: University of Cambridge. Department of Archaeology
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Significance Assessment Workshop 2011 - Australian National University. Canberra - Australian Capital
Territory (Australia)
28 noviembre - 29 noviembre 2011 Canberra. Australia
Organizadores: Australian National University
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Journées des acteurs culturels du Centre Ouest Bretagne
01 diciembre - 03 diciembre 2011 Le Saint et Rostrenen, Bretagne. Francia
Organizadores: Centre Ouest Bretagne
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Les récits peints, l'autre histoire - Ex Votos mexicains
09 diciembre 2011 - 06 abril 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: l’Instituto Cultural de México à Paris
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Simposio Internazionale "Vasari e l'Arte del Rinascimento Italiano"
10 diciembre 2011 Kyoto. Japón
Organizadores: Museum Kyoto University
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Registration for European Association of History Educators (EUROCLIO) Yad Vashem Partnership Seminar is
open now!
15 diciembre - 18 diciembre 2011 Jerusalem
Organizadores: EUROCLIO and Yad Vashem Institute with the support of Adelson Family Foundation
Contacto: Jonathan Even-Zohar ([email protected]), trainee Aysel Gojayeva ([email protected])
+ info:
Colloque "AU-DELÀ DES TÉMOIGNAGES ET DES TRAUMATISMES: l'histoire orale au lendemain de la violence de
22 marzo 2012 - 25 marzo 2015 Montréal. Canadá
Organizadores: Centre d'histoire orale et de récits numérisés Centre for Oral History and Digital Storytelling Université
Concordia University
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
The International University Festival for Cultural Heritage and Folk Arts (2nd edition)
25 abril - 28 abril 2012 Agadir. Marruecos
Organizadores: Research Team at Ibn Zohr University
Contacto: Dr. Abdelouahed OUMLIL - [email protected]
+ info:
Publicaciones (6 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:15:03]
Patrimonio Cultural
ICOMOS Documentation Centre e-news - 3 March 2011
Documentation Centre
ICOMOS. International Council on Monuments and Sites, 2011
- Database – Online catalog
- What’s new in our collections?
- Publications
+ info:
Exit Europe - New Geographies of Culture
International conference, 12-15 November 2009, Zagreb
Published by the Clubture Network, Zagreb
Katarina Pavić and Milica Pekić (eds.)
ISBN 978-953-95994-2-1
ISBN 978-86-84977-07-8
Exit Europe is an international conference focusing on European cultural polices,
with a particular emphasis on new cultural practices in the former Yugoslav
countries and a critical reassessment of the EU enlargement process from the perspective of emerging political and social
The aim of the conference is to provide critical reassessment of these developments and understanding how cultural and
foreign policies of the European Union can be steered to support emerging cultural practices and to enhance cooperation,
rather than to reinforce the barriers in the region.
+ info:
Protecting and Safeguarding Cultural Heritage: Systems of Management of Cultural Heritage in
the Visegrad Countries
Heritage Forum of Central Europe (1º. International Cultural Centre, Krakow, Poland. 7-9 July, 2011)
Organizer: Visegrad Group; International Cultural Centre in Cracow
Praca zbiorowa; Jacek Purchla (red. naukowy)
ISBN 978-83-89273-87-1
The International Cultural Centre in Krakow organises the first Heritage Forum of Central Europe, bringing
together specialists from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia and other experts from the
wider region.
+ info:
Interior of the mausoleum of Itimad-al-Daula, Agra 1800
Creator: Artist : Latif (fl..1820s)
Date: [1820] 1820 - 1822
Data provider: The British Library
Provider: The European Library
Watercolour of the interior of the mausoleum of I'timad al-Daula, Agra by Latif in c. 1820.
I'timad al-Daula (Emperor's Pillar) was the title bestowed upon Mirza Ghiyas Beg by Emperor
Jehangir. Of Persian descent, Mirza Ghiyas Beg became the first treasurer and then the prime
minister (wazir) under Emperor Jehangir. His daughter, Nur Jahan, later married the Emperor and commissioned the
mausoleum to honour the memory of her father upon his death in 1622.
+ info:
"La Ruta del Esclavo en el Río de la Plata: aportes para el diálogo intercultural"
En el marco de la Feria del Libro Córdoba 2011 (Argentina) y el Año Internacional de los Afrodescendientes,
el viernes 2 de septiembre a las 18 hs se realizó la presentación del libro "La Ruta del Esclavo en el Río de la
Plata: aportes para el diálogo intercultural", que resume las memorias del primer seminario organizado por
la Universidad de Tres de Febrero y la Cátedra UNESCO de Turismo Cultural, con el apoyo de UNESCO
La presentación tuvo lugar en la Sala de Conciertos del Cabildo de Córdoba, con un panel debate sobre
Afrodescendientes Argentinos. Luego de la presentación se hizo un recorrido por la "Córdoba Negra", a
cargo de las guías Municipales de Turismo.
+ info:
Fotografías de Roberto Chile
El destacado cineasta cubano Roberto Chile acaba de publicar su libro Afrodescendientes,
Guanabacoa-Cuba, material que recoge 40 fotos de su autoría, acompañadas de textos firmados
por el Sr. Herman van Hooff, Director de la Oficina Regional de Cultura para América Latina y el
Caribe de la UNESCO, el Dr. Eusebio Leal, Historiador de La Habana, el Sr. Juan Carlos Moya,
curador de la muestra, y el Sr. Gabriel Navarrete, Presidente de la Asociación Cultura y
Cooperación Internacional, de España.
Con una elegante edición, la obra revela a través de impactantes imágenes en blanco y negro "pequeñas historias de vida
de los habitantes de ese singular poblado habanero, otrora destino de negros esclavos en la isla y hoy asentamiento de
sucesivas generaciones de afrodescendientes que trabajan, estudian, aman, sufren y sueñan con pasión y denuedo en la
Cuba actual." Así la describió el Sr. van Hooff, quien también afirmó que es un "hermoso homenaje a la diversidad cultural,
regalo memorable de este gran artista cubano en este Año Internacional de los Afrodescendientes". (7 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:15:03]
Patrimonio Cultural
+ info:
Le monde byzantin: Tome 3
Cécile Morrisson, Angeliki Laiou
Presses Universitaires de France - PUF
Paris. 2011
Ce sont les élèves de Paul Lemerle, disparu en 1989, qui ont mis en œuvre au cours de ces dernières
années le projet qu'avait imaginé le maître d'offrir aux spécialistes universitaires, en même temps qu'au
grand public cultivé, une synthèse de l'Histoire byzantine rendant compte des dernières avancées de la
recherche. Deux premiers volumes sont parus en 2004 et 2006, sous la direction de Jean-Claude Cheynet
et c'est le troisième et dernier que nous proposent aujourd'hui les Presses Universitaires de France, dans la ligne de ce que
fut - dès son origine, il y a un demi-siècle - une collection « Nouvelle Clio » combinant une information bibliographique très
complète, un exposé des événements et d'ambitieuses synthèses consacrées aux divers aspects de la vie économique et
sociale, de l'évolution religieuse ou des productions culturelles…
+ info:
Memorial functions: Intent, impact and the right to remember
By Dacia Viejo-Rose. University of Cambridge, UK
Studying memorial practice offers a revealing vantage point into changes in attitudes towards the past and with observers
referring to ‘memorial mania’ it is an opportune moment to do so. Two main lines of questioning regarding contemporary
memorial practices are addressed here. The first looks at memorial functions and intentions. The second examines some of
their social and political impacts. The final part of the article analyses some of the consequences of these impacts for
citizenship: notions of victimhood and silencing. The main case study is the evolution of memorial practice in Spain since
the Civil War (1936–39) this is set off against examples from other places. The conclusion that emerges is that
predominant memorial practices are far more despotic than democratic in their injunction to recall a specific narrative of
events and trying to steer a paradigm shift towards democratic memorial practices raises questions about civic rights and
duties towards the past.
+ info:
Zoos humains et exhibitions coloniales - Groupe de recherche Achac (13)
En amont de l'exposition Exhibitions. L'invention du sauvage qui se tiendra du 29 novembre 2011 au 3 juin
2012 au musée du quai Branly, parait l'ouvrage Zoos humains et exhibitions coloniales. 150 ans
d'inventions de l'Autre, véritable synthèse et ouvrage de référence sur la question, rassemblant les
meilleurs spécialistes internationaux, sous la direction de Pascal Blanchard, Nicolas Bancel, Gilles Boëtsch,
Eric Deroo et Sandrine Lemaire aux éditions La Découverte. Cet ouvrage rassemble plus de 40 contributions.
Les « zoos humains », symboles oubliés de l’histoire contemporaine, ont été totalement refoulés de notre
mémoire collective. Ces exhibitions des « sauvages », aussi bien des « exotiques » que des « monstres »,
ont pourtant été, en Europe, aux États-Unis et au Japon, une étape majeure du passage progressif d’un racisme
scientifique à un racisme populaire. Au carrefour du discours savant, des cultures de masse et de l’intérêt des puissances
coloniales, ces exhibitions ont touché plus d’un milliard quatre cent millions de visiteurs depuis l’exhibition en Europe de la
Vénus hottentote, au début du XIXe siècle. Ces exhibitions, peuplées d’êtres difformes et de personnes en provenance des
espaces coloniaux d’Afrique, d’Amérique, d’Océanie ou d’Asie, comme appartenant à un univers de l’anormalité,
disparaîtront progressivement avec les années 1930, mais elles avaient fait alors leur œuvre : bâtir deux humanités.
+ info:
Heritage Counts 2011: the historic environment and Big Society - English Heritage (United Kingdom)
'Heritage Counts 2011' is the tenth annual survey of the state of England’s historic environment. Each year Heritage
Counts explores the role of the historic environment in wider social and economic agendas. This year the theme is the
historic environment and Big Society.
It is produced on behalf of the Historic Environment Forum.
+ info:
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Paisajes Culturales
Paisajes Culturales
Modern Masters Shine During What's Out There Weekend - San Francisco - California
- USA - 17-18 September 2011
More than 1,000 people explored San Francisco’s wealth of designed landscapes, particularly
Modernist ones, September 17-18 during What’s Out There Weekend. As with similar previous
events in Washington, D.C. and Chicago, the weekend provided visitors with free, expert- led
tours through 25 area parks, gardens, public plazas, and neighborhoods spanning over 100
years of design, though the focus, in keeping with the weekend’s Mostly Modern theme, looked
at masterworks by Lawrence Halprin, Robert Royston and other practitioners…
+ info:
2 tifones causan serios daños a los arrozales en terrazas de las cordilleras de Filipinas.
La isla de Nord-Luzon, situada en el archipiélago de Filipinas, fue afectada severamente por el tifón Pedrin (Denominación
común internacional: Nesat) que cruzó la región el martes 27 de septiembre. Su trayectoria afectó a la provincia de Ifugao,
provocando según los informes preliminares vertidos de lodo y deslizamientos de terreno dentro del sitio del patrimonio
mundial de los arrozales en terrazas de las cordilleras de Filipinas. Un segundo tifón afectó la zona el fin de semana pasado.
Mientras que el sistema de comunicación no está aún completamente en funcionamiento en la región y que numerosas
carreteras permanecen bloqueadas, la amplitud de los daños y el número de pérdidas humanas están aún por determinar.
Las autoridades filipinas informaron a la UNESCO que van a pedir una ayuda de urgencia mediante el Fondo urgente del
patrimonio mundial con el fin de responder a esta situación. La conservación de los Arrozales en terrazas exigirá esfuerzos
considerables y concertados. El centro del patrimonio mundial va a analizar y a examinar todos los medios posibles para
responder a esta situación lo más rápidamente posible.
+ info:
Architetture e Paesaggi d'acqua. Strumenti retorici, immagine costruita
15 octubre - 28 octubre 2011 Reggio Emilia. Italia
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Mostra_Gli "strumenti" di Emilio Sereni_Biblioteca Palatina : STORIA DEL PAESAGGIO AGRARIO ITALIANO
15 octubre - 13 noviembre 2011 Parma. Italia
Organizadores: Istituto Alcide Cervi - Biblioteca Archivio Emilio Sereni (Gattatico)
Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info:
El Pond Landscape de la histórica universidad de
Massachusetts amenazado por la construcción – AmherstMassachusetts- EEUU
En 1866 los Trustees del Massachusetts Agricultural College
pidieron que Frederick Law Olmsted, diera recomendaciones acerca
de la recientemente creada institución. Olmsted, en su informe
recomendó que se construyera un espacio verde en el centro del
campus. Construido en 1892, el Campus Pond y las extensas tierras (1 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:15:05]
Paisajes Culturales
que lo rodean son un ejemplo del uso temprano de los principios ecológicos en la arquitectura paisajística así como un
lugar de reuniones central y un punto importante del campus Amherst de la Universidad de Massachusetts. La
conservación del paisaje había sido recomendada por una serie de planificadores de paisaje conocidos a nivel nacional,
pero los administradores actuales del campus la consideraron tierra “vacía” y necesitada de “ser puesta en marcha” – un
lugar para construir nuevos edificios y puentes.
+ info:
L'observatoire photographique national du paysage - France
Le ministère chargé de l’écologie a engagé la création de l’Observatoire photographique du paysage en 1991. L’objectif de
cet observatoire est de constituer un fond de séries photographiques pour analyser les transformations des espaces ainsi
que le rôle des différents acteurs qui en sont la cause, de façon à orienter favorablement l’évolution du paysage. Ils
peuvent être initiés par les services services déconcentrés du ministère de l’écologie et de l’équipement,, mais aussi par les
collectivités territoriales (Conseil généraux et régionaux, les Parcs naturels régionaux, les communautés de communes…).
+ info:
Les chartes et les plans de paysage - France
Depuis la loi dite « paysage » du 08 janvier 1993 et la circulaire du 21 mars 1995, les groupements de communes sont
encouragés à élaborer des projets de gestion des paysages sous la forme de chartes paysagères et de plans de paysages.
En 2005 une enquête commanditée par le ministère de l’écologie a recensé les plans et les chartes de paysage élaborés en
France. Au final, 167 plans de paysage ont pu être recensés. Cet outil a été utilisé dans 14 régions, mais l’Auvergne avec
66 plans et la Lorraine avec 18, sont les régions dans lesquelles ces outils sont les plus utilisés.
+ info:
Sunnylands Center and Gardens - The Office of James Burnett, Frederick Fisher &
Partners - Rancho Mirage - California - USA
An extension of the 200-acre desert retreat of publisher, diplomat and philanthropist Walter
Annenberg, the Sunnylands Center and Gardens is an interpretive center that celebrates the
architectural and cultural legacy of the historic estate. Inspired by the Annenberg’s
extensive collection of impressionist artwork, the landscape architect painted a living
landscape that respects the character of the Sonoran Desert and demonstrates a new
ecological aesthetic for landscapes in the arid southwest.
+ info:
Celebrazioni Sereniane 2011 - Convegno Internazionale Biblioteca Emilio Sereni - Gattatico Reggio Emilia - Italy - 11-13 November 2011
E' con grande piacere che inviamo i materiali definitivi delle Celebrazioni sereniane 2011, a cinquant'anni
dall'uscita della Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano di Emilio Sereni (Bari 1961) L'invito alla
partecipazione è rivolto a tutti gli interessati.
Le celebrazioni sereniane, sotto l 'Alto Patronato della Presidenza della Repubblica, sono un'iniziativa
dell'Istituto Alcide Cervi di Gattatico (R.E.), che conserva l'importante e prestigiosa Biblioteca Archivio di
Emilio Sereni, e della Società Geografica Italiana.
+ info:
Exhibition - William Delafield Cook. A Survey - Tarrawarra Museum of Art
15 octubre 2011 - 12 febrero 2012 Healesville, Victoria. Australia
Organizadores: Tarrawarra Museum of Art
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Perception of Plants in Ancient Times and Their Use as Motifs Revealing Aspects of the Cultural
Landscape in Side, Turkey - Journal of Landscape Research
By Meryem Atik, Hacer Mutlu Danaci & Reyhan Erdoğan
Landscape can be defined as a complex of human and natural interactions through time. Therefore,
landscape identification requires a complete understanding of social, natural, economic, aesthetic and
cultural values. Contributing to the aesthetic-visual integrity of the landscape, plants are a valuable
indicator, recording the type and degree of the human – nature relationship over time. Our feelings,
imagination and perception often contribute to the cultural dimension of the landscape and the role of
plants in mythology can be used as a kind of linguistic code for helping to understand some aspects of cultural landscapes.
The aim of this study is to demonstrate how a number of key plants were perceived in ancient cultures using some
examples from the Mediterranean landscape and to use them to help to evaluate different dimensions of archaeological
landscapes using the case of the ancient city of Side in Turkey. Multi-dimensional approaches in landscape evaluation
which use symbolic meaning can generate valuable knowledge about cultural landscapes. This is precisely because cultural
landscapes are the sum of biological, physical and cultural components, while plants as natural elements have bridged the
biological and cultural dimensions.
+ info: (2 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:15:05]
Paisajes Culturales
The Setting of Heritage Assets: English Heritage Guidance
This document sets out English Heritage guidance on managing change within the settings of
heritage assets, including archaeological remains and historic buildings, sites, areas, and
It provides the basis for advice by English Heritage on the setting of heritage assets when we
respond to consultations and when we assess the implications of development proposals on
the historic estate that we manage. It is also intended to assist others involved with managing
development that may affect the setting of heritage assets.
+ info:
Parks and Gardens Designation Criteria - Selection Guide - English Heritage
English Heritage registers only those sites which it considers to be of special historic interest.
As a guide to the level of historic interest required to make a site 'special' nine criteria have been drawn up to asses
whether to register a site. The application of these criteria, however, must be accompanied by expert and extensive
knowledge of the country's historic parks and gardens as a whole, to ensure that decisions are consistent.
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Ir a arriba (3 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:15:05]
Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales, vías férreas, ríos, etc.)
Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales, vías férreas, ríos, etc.)
Preliminary plan for the Callowhill Reading Viaduct neighbourhood improvement district - Philadelphia Pennsylvania - USA
The mission is to transform the public space between Vine and Spring Garden Streets, 8th
Street and Broad Street (excluding properties fronting on Broad Street) into a cleaner,
safer, greener neighborhood.
+ info:
The UNESCO Silk Road Platform for Dialogue, Diversity and Development - UNESCO
Headquarters - Paris - France - 3 November 2011
Following its ten years project entitled “The integral study of the Silk Roads, Roads of Dialogue”
and following its consultation with member state, UNESCO is going to establish an on-line platform
on the Silk Road in order to promote the outcomes of the former project developed by UNESCO
and its network of partners.
The platform will assume the coordination between different academic, cultural and artistic
institutions that work on the Silk Road throughout the world for sharing their outcomes through
this platform and in view of promotion of intercultural dialogue as well. In this respect a draft of resolution with support of
more than 30 countries has been delivered to the 36th General Conference in order to integrate the platform’s project into
the 36/C5.
+ info:[showUid]
EXHIBITION - The Heart of the Great Alone: Scott, Shackleton and Antarctic Photography - The Queen's
Gallery - Buckingham Palace
21 octubre 2011 - 15 abril 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: The Queen's Gallery
Contacto: [email protected].
+ info:
Coloquio Internacional "RUTAS TURÍSTICAS E ITINERARIOS CULTURALES: Entre la memoria y el desarrollo"
13 junio - 15 junio 2012 Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: Universidad Laval, la Universidad de Quebec en Trois-Rivières, la Universidad de Paris 1 PanthéonSorbonne y el Centro de Turismo y Cambio Cultural de la Universidad de Leeds, Reino Unido).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 5 ene 2012
+ info:
Publicaciones (1 de 2) [23/11/2011 17:15:06]
Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales, vías férreas, ríos, etc.)
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [23/11/2011 17:15:06]
Conférence tripartite Afrique-Brésil-France sur la lutte contre la désertification en
Afrique - Niamey - Niger (24-25 octobre 2011)
En dépit des progrès politiques réalisés en faveur du développement durable, les efforts dédiés à la
lutte contre le réchauffement climatique (pour en ralentir ses effets), et à son adaptation (pour en
atténuer les conséquences) restent insuffisants. Les conférences de Rio+20 (UNCDS) et du 6e
Forum de l’eau en 2012 constituent la meilleure opportunité pour saisir et renforcer l’intérêt de la
communauté internationale sur ce sujet et, pour ce qui concerne cette conférence, le
développement des zones arides…
+ info:
Desertificación: el próximo recipient de polvo
¿Qué impacto del calentamiento antropogénico global hará más daño a la gente en las décadas
venideras? Creo que la respuesta es una sequía extendida o permanente en extensas partes de
tierra habitable o arable en la actualidad – un cambio drástico en el clima que amenazará la
seguridad alimentaria y que podría ser irreversible durante siglos.
Una predicción básica de la ciencia climática es que muchas partes del planeta experimentarán
sequías más prolongadas y profundas, gracias a los efectos sinérgicos de la sequía, del
calentamiento y del deshielo de la nieve y el hielo…
+ info:
Ir a arriba [23/11/2011 17:15:07]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
EXPOSICIÓN VIRTUAL - Reading Europe: European Culture Through the Book - EUROPEANA
Con las 100 obras más destacadas que la Biblioteca Nacional custodia entre sus fondos. La idea de esta
exposición, coordinada por el Grupo Editorial TEL, es dar a conocer a través de la biblioteca digital
Europeana los 100 libros más destacados de cada país de la Unión Europea. Entre las obras que hemos
incluido hay verdaderos tesoros, como el Cancionero de Stúñiga, el Libro de horas de Carlos V, el Beato de
Liébana, las Cantigas de Santa María...
Si quieres disfrutar de estas joyas de las grandes bibliotecas nacionales europeas, puedes acceder a la
exposición siguiendo este enlace de aquí abajo.
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Eugène Atget. Select Works - James Hyman Photography
12 octubre - 12 noviembre 2011 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: James Hyman Photography
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
ONLINE EXHIBITION - Travelling Through History - EUROPEANA
"Travelling Through History" is your ticket to Europe's travel heritage. Join a 1930s car trip, journey
to the North Pole or explore diaries, maps and travel memorabilia dating back to the 12th century,
as selected by major European libraries. "Travelling Through History" is an exhibition featured by
The European Library.
+ info:
Archives of American Art Contributes Photo Collection to Wikimedia Commons - USA
The Archives of American Art has contributed 285 digitized photographs from the Federal Art Project's Photographic
Division Collection to Wikimedia Commons. Most of the photographs date between 1935 and 1942, the active years of the
Federal Art Project, which was part of the Work Progress Administration's Federal Project Number One. Digitized images
from the Federal Art Project's Photographic Division Collection have been made previously available on the Archives'
website, but this is the first time that high-resolution scans have been made available for unrestricted use by the public.
+ info:
Estados Unidos: Los escritores denuncian a la Universidad a causa de un plan de digitalización de libros
Por Alison Moodie
Un plan controvertido que implica la digitalización de miles de libros con copy right por parte de universidades americanas
sufrió un revés el mes pasado cuando un número de organizaciones que representan a autores intentaron detener los
esfuerzos de digitalización y la iniciativa de “trabajos huérfanos”.
En una denuncia puesta el 12 de septiembre el gremio de autores, un grupo de apoyo a los escritores y varios autores a
título personal acusaron a las universidades – incluyendo la de Wisconsin, Michigan y la de California –de realizar
fotocopias sin permiso de alrededor de siete millones de libros y de colgarlas en un repositorio llamado Hathitrust, quien
está también acusado en el caso.
+ info:
New Look Europeana launches (1 de 5) [23/11/2011 17:15:10]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
Europeana, Europe’s digital library, museum and archive, today launches a redesign with new functionality. The new
interface has more visual appeal and has been adapted for iPads and Android touchscreens, bringing all the benefits of
touch to Europe’s online treasury.
Europeana’s makeover has been shaped by users, who have helped to create the services they wanted around their
cultural heritage. One request was made above all: the right to download for free and re-use the cultural highlights they
find on the site. For the first time, Europeana makes it possible to narrow searches ‘by copyright’ so that public domain –
out of copyright – content can be precisely targeted.
+ info:
European Commissioners promote digitalisation of Europe's heritage at Informal Meeting of Ministers for
Culture and Audiovisual Affairs - Warsaw - Poland
’Making audiovisual resources accessible undoubtedly poses a huge challenge, but also an opportunity for a new
Renaissance,’said Bogusław Zdrojewski, Minister of Culture and National Heritage, in his opening address. The minister
stressed that digitalisation and bringing culture online can generate unprecedented benefits in the spheres of culture,
economy, and science.
+ info:
Buffalo Unscripted: Documentary Project - Buffalo - New York State - USA
Filmed by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Buffalo Unscripted is an interactive project dedicated to the Nickel
City and the historic places that define it. You can stream the documentary in its entirety on our Vimeo channel.
Buffalo is the City of No Illusions, but that doesn’t mean people know the truth about it. In the summer of 2011, a film
crew from the National Trust for Historic Preservation hit the streets of the Nickel City with one goal: Let Buffalonians tell
the story of their city, its past, and its future like only they can.
+ info:
Los museos de arte de Menil, Whiteny y Harvard ponen en marcha su
programa en línea de archivo de documentos – EEUU
Los conservadores del arte contemporáneo se enfrentan a retos singulares. Frente a
sus antiguos maestros, las obras de arte contemporáneas son con frecuencia efímeras
desde el punto de vista material, basadas en el tiempo, interactivas o conceptuales. Al
restaurar estas obras, los conservadores confían el gran manera en la documentación
existente de los materiales, técnicas e intenciones de un artista, con frecuencia siendo
necesario consultar al artista directamente. Cuando los artistas no vieven, la
información que hay disponible puede ser bastante escasa.
Para afrontar este problema, la conservadora Carol Mancusi-Ungaro tuvo la idea de formar el Artists Documentation
Program (ADP), en el cual los conservadores entrevistan a los artistas en presencia de sus obras de arte para entender sus
materiales y técnicas. El ADP crea un informe perenne de las actitudes de un artista respecto a la restauración y exhibición
de su propia obra – “un testimonio en vida” para su trabajo.
+ info:
Become a 'Certified Londoner': Unlock our capital's turbulent past with a new HiddenCity
mobile phone trail through the colourful galleries of the Museum of London - London United Kingdom
For the first time ever, families will be able to explore a museum in the UK with an interactive text
message trail.
The Museum of London Discovery trail - a trail of clues by text message exploring the museum’s
galleries - launches on Thursday 20 October 2011, just in time for the autumn half-term school
holiday. The trail has been created by HiddenCity, the trails-by-text company, for families, or anyone
game for an indoor adventure.
The Discovery Trail takes families on a journey of exploration through London’s turbulent history. Using text messages and
a map of the museum, players are guided through a trail of clues, each leading them to a new location within the Museum
where they use their ingenuity to deduce answers from their surroundings. Players who successfully complete the trail win
a coveted ‘Certified Londoner’ badge by showing the Museum hosts their final congratulatory text message.
+ info:
El Centro Harry Ransom adquiere el archivo del escritor ganador del premio nobel J.M. Coetzee – La
Universidad de Texas en Austin – Texas – EEUU
El centro Harry Ransom, una biblioteca de humanidades para la investigación y el museo de la Universidad de Tejas en
Austin, han adquirido el archivo del escritor ganador de un premio Nobel y alumno de la Universidad de Texas J.M.
Coetzee. Abarcando más de 50 años, el archivo recorre la vida y carrera del autor desde 1956 hasta el presente.
“Mi asociación con la Universidad de Tejas se remonta a caso medio siglo”, dijo Coetzee. “Es una gran satisfacción saber
que mis ensayos encontrarán un hogar en el Centro Ranson, una de las colecciones más importantes del mundo”.
+ info:
Una nueva herramienta de investigación incluye libros
Por Jacquie Withers
Thomson Reuters lanzó la semana pasada un Book Citation Index, un nuevo recurso que incluye libros académicos dentro
de la búsqueda en la Web of Knowledge y una plataforma de descubrimiento y permitirá que las bibliotecas universitarias
aumenten la visibilidad de sus colecciones de libros, afirma la compañía. Comenzando con 25.000 libros, el número de
ejemplares se duplicará para finales del año 2013. (2 de 5) [23/11/2011 17:15:10]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
El índice del libro completará la visión investigadora para los científicos e investigadores, habilitando a los usuarios a
navegar por los enlaces en citas en revistas con evaluación por pares, en las actas de congresos y también ahora en libros.
+ info:
New sites added to the Victorian Heritage Register - Victoria - Australia
The Victorian Heritage Register lists the State’s most significant heritage places and objects. These can be searched on the
Victorian Heritage Database.
Note that the Victorian Heritage Database includes places which are not on the Victorian Heritage Register but are
classified by the National Trust, are included in the Victorian War Heritage inventory or are covered by a local government
Heritage Overlay. (This HO information is only available for areas where the local council has made this information
available through the VHD.) The right- hand column in the results defines the Listing Authority.
+ info:
George Eastman House taps Clickworker for iconic global crowdsourcing project - Rochester - New York State
Clickworker utilizes its workforce in the cloud to catalog and tag more than 400,000 photos — bringing to life yet-unseen
collections from the world’s oldest photography museum
George Eastman House the world’s oldest photography museum founded in 1947 on the estate of Kodak founder George
Eastman, and Clickworker, an innovator in the global crowdsourcing and workforce solutions space, announce the kick-off
of a large-scale, iconic crowdsourcing project. The project involves photo-tagging of more than 400,000 images from
George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film.
+ info:
Apostles edition of the Saint John's Bible gifted to The Morgan Library & Museum - New York New York State - USA
In 1998 Saint John’s University commissioned the calligrapher Donald Jackson to produce fully illuminated
luxury manuscript of the Bible, a monumental task completed in May 2011. The University has
documented this achievement by publishing several facsimiles of the manuscript, the most elaborate of
which is the Apostles Edition, issued in twelve copies. The full set will comprise seven double folio
volumes in designer bindings by Lester Capon accompanied by original artwork by Jackson. Set no. 1 is at
the Vatican; this is set no. 2.
+ info:
65 nuevos manuscritos añadidos a la biblioteca virtual e-codices (Suiza)
El objetivo del proyecto e-códices es hacer accesible a todos los manuscritos medievales de Suiza, así como una selección
de manuscritos de la época moderna, mediante la creación de una biblioteca virtual.
Por el momento, se han añadido 833 manuscritos procedentes de 34 bibliotecas diferentes. La biblioteca virtual se irá
+ info:
Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual
El tema de la celebración del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual de 2011 es: “Patrimonio audiovisual:
Ver, oir y aprender.”
Las grabaciones de sonido y las imágenes en movimiento son documentos extremadamente vulnerables, ya
que se pueden destruir fácilmente y de forma deliberada. El patrimonio audiovisual, emblemático del siglo
XX, se puede perder definitivamente a consecuencia del abandono, el deterioro natural y la obsolescencia
tecnológica. El público ha de ser consciente de la importancia de salvaguardar estas grabaciones. Con la
proclamación del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual se intenta crear una plataforma para sensibilizar al
mundo sobre este tema.
+ info:
El archivo del editor, autor y artista Fleur Cowles donado al Centro Harry Ransom – La
Universidad de Texas – Austin – Texas – EEUU
El archivo personal del editor, autor y artista Fleur Cowles ha sido donado al Centro Harry
Ransom, una biblioteca de humanidades para la investigación y museo en la Universidad de
Texas en Austin.
En 1950, Cowles publicó la revista Flair, un trabajo conocido por su diseño provocativo, sus
artículos cultos y sus páginas de publicidad sofisticadas. Publicada de febrero de 1950 a enero de
1951, la revista de un año de tirada dejó una impronta imborrable en la historia de la publicidad.
+ info:
TERRITORI DELLA CULTURA - Newsletter - Centro Universitario Europeo per I Beni Culturali - Ravello - Italy
It's on line the fifth issue of the journal «Territori della Cultura», published by Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni
Culturali and disseminated by «Quotidiano Arte, il Giornale del Patrimonio Culturale».
On the inside articles by A. Andria, P. Graziani, A. Filippelli & G. Cici, W. Dobrowolski, O. Niglio, M. Pistacchi, S. La Rocca,
L. De Siena, P. Pierotti, M.C. Sorrentino and G. Tilkin.
+ info:
Symposium: Challenges and future of documenting Nepal's musical heritage - Kathmandu - Nepal - 28 (3 de 5) [23/11/2011 17:15:10]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
November 2011
A symposium will be held on the occasion of International Folk Music Film Festival in Kathmandu. The symposium aims at
discussing the existing challenges and future of documenting the Nepal's rich musical heritage.
The symposium will gather international senior ethnomusicologists, Nepalese experts in safeguarding the folk musical
tradition, culture experts, emerging talents in traditional music and relevant government representatives. It aims to tackle
present issues, both national and international, related to the music heritage documentation and find solutions on how this
rich Nepal’s folk musical traditions can be better safeguarded and transmitted.
+ info:[showUid]=4771&cHash=1a81ea9014
Library of Congress Acquires American Institute of Architects and American Architectural Foundation
Collection of Rare Architectural Drawings, Photographs and Illustrated Publications - Washington, DC. - USA
The Library of Congress announced today the acquisition of the American Institute of Architects and American Architectural
Foundation Collection, consisting of rare and significant architectural drawings, photographs and illustrated publications.
The materials will be housed in the Library’s Prints and Photographs Division.
The new acquisition adds an estimated 160,000 drawings, 30,000 photographs and rare illustrated books to the Library’s
rich holdings of millions of architectural documents. Included in the acquisition are original works of art, detailed technical
materials, information-rich business files, ephemera and sourcebooks.
+ info:
Université de Sherbrooke - Services des bibliothèques et archives (Canada) Services pour mobiles (iPod
Touch, iPhone, BlackBerry, etc.)
Catalogue Crésus, Banques de données et Sites pour mobiles.
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Le Peuple de Paris au XIXe Siècle: Des guinguettes aux barricades - Musée Carnavalet
05 octubre 2011 - 26 febrero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Musée Carnavalet
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Adapting the Eye: An Archive of the British in India, 1770-1830 - Yale Center for British Art
11 octubre - 31 diciembre 2011 Connecticut. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Yale Center for British Art, organized to complement the Center’s major exhibition on Johan Zoffany
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Seeing Gertrude Stein: Five Stories - National Portrait Gallery - Smithsonian Institution
14 octubre 2011 - 22 febrero 2012 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: National Portrait Gallery - Smithsonian Institution
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Shadow and Substance: African American Images from The Burns Archive - New York State
15 octubre 2011 - 31 marzo 2012 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: New York State Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Three Graces - The Art Institute of Chicago
29 octubre 2011 - 22 febrero 2012 Illinois. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Art Institute of Chicago and is supported by the Saul and Devorah Sherman Foundation
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Magnum Contact Sheets - Magnum Print Room
09 noviembre 2011 - 27 enero 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Magnum Print Room
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition: Casanova, la passion de la liberté - Bibliothèque nationale de France
15 noviembre 2011 - 19 febrero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Bibliothèque nationale de France, en partenariat avec Le Monde, Le Point, Le Magazine littéraire , France 5
et France Culture.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conference - Le patrimoine cartographique à l'heure du géoweb : usages et réactivation (4 de 5) [23/11/2011 17:15:10]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
23 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: BnF - Bibliothèque nationale de France
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Symposium: Challenges and future of documenting Nepal's musical heritage
28 noviembre 2011 Lalitpur. Nepal
Organizadores: On the occasion of International Folk Music Film Festival in Kathmandu
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:[showUid]
Exhibition - « La Mongolie, entre deux ères. 1912-1913 » - Musée Albert-Kahn
29 noviembre 2011 - 16 septiembre 2012 Boulogne-Billancourt. Francia
Organizadores: Musée Albert-Kahn et le Conseil général des Hauts-de-Seine
+ info: [email protected]
COLLOQUIUM - Les archives audiovisuelles - nouveaux usages, nouveaux enjeux pour la recherche et
l'éducation - L'Atelier de Sémiotique Audiovisuelle
05 diciembre - 06 diciembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: L'Atelier de Sémiotique Audiovisuelle
+ info:
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) International Newspaper
Conference 2012
11 abril - 13 abril 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
CALL FOR PAPERS - Second Annual International Heritage Conference - HIGH-TECH HERITAGE: How are Digital
Technologies Changing Our Views of the Past? - The University of Massachusetts
02 mayo - 04 mayo 2012 Amherst, Massachusetts. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Heritage and Society
Contacto: Angela Labrador ([email protected])
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 dic 2011
+ info:
Culture, knowledge and understanding: great museums and libraries for everyone
Arts Council England, September 2011
ISBN: 978-0-7287-1504-2
A companion to our 10-year strategic framework for the arts Achieving great art for everyone, this
publication is our first attempt to integrate museums and libraries into this framework. It is designed to
provide certainty as to the programmes the Arts Council will run from 2011-15 while soliciting further
debate about the directions we should take in the longer term.
+ info:
Archives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche
Par Elisabeth de PABLO
ISBN : 978-2-7-462-3219-8
Ce livre propose une introduction méthodologique, pratique et technique à l’analyse de corpus audiovisuels
dans le cadre d’un projet de numérisation/diffusion d’un patrimoine de connaissances. Il présente, plus
particulièrement un environnement de travail composé d’une part d’outils informatiques pour la
segmentation, la description/indexation et la publication en ligne de corpus audiovisuels et d’autre part, un
métalangage (une ontologie de domaine) pour segmenter, décrire et publier des ressources audiovisuelles.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (5 de 5) [23/11/2011 17:15:10]
Arquitectura de tierra
Arquitectura de tierra
Taller sobre conservación de arquitectura de tierra
02 diciembre - 04 diciembre 2011 Villa de Leyva, Boyacá. Colombia
Organizadores: Fundación Habit Tierra - Fundación para el fomento e investigación del Patrimonio Cultural Barichara
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
IV Taller de construcción y conservación de arquitectura de tierra
07 diciembre - 09 diciembre 2011 Colima. México
Organizadores: Facultad de Arquitectua y Diseño
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Congreso Internacional sobre Restauración de Tapia
21 junio - 23 junio 2012 Valencia. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politécnica de València y el Insituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 nov 2011
+ info:
Ir a arriba [23/11/2011 17:15:11]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
IBEROAMERICA: Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) - Portal of journals goes online
By María Elena Hurtado
A portal that boasts nearly a million scientific articles journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
will now be available online for free. The service, which will provide access to full texts, was launched at the Autonomous
University of Mexico (UNAM) on Tuesday.
+ info:
Cooperación científica y tecnológica de Alemania con México
La oficina internacional (IB) del Ministerio de Educación, Investigación y Ciencia (BMBF) está apoyando varios proyectos de
investigación entre científicos alemanes y mexicanos. La cooperación científica obtuvo un volumen de aprox. 250,000
Euros en 2002 y está manejado por varias facultades y varias entidades académicas en ambos países. Las visitas de
estudio conjunto se financiarán de acuerdo al siguiente esquema: la parte que envía cubre el pasaje internacional y la
parte que recibe gestiona el pago de los gastos de estancia y transportación local al investigador visitante. Las áreas
principales de investigación son tecnologías para la protección ambiental, la biotecnología, Informática, Ciencias del Mar y
Ciencias de la Tierra.
+ info:
La USP (Universidad de Sao Paulo) sube 84 puestos y se coloca en el puesto 169 de las mejores universidades
del mundo - Brasil
El QS World University Rankings 2011/2012 ha sido publicado el 5 de septiembre de 2011. La clasificación QS de las
mejores universidades del mundo coloca una vez más a la Universidad de Cambridge en primer lugar; Harvard y MIT
ocupan el segundo y tercer lugar en el ranking. La Universidad de Sao Paulo (USP) subió 84 puestos desde el año pasado.
Otras dos universidades brasileñas aparecen en el ranking de las 400 mejores: la Universidad Federal de Campinas
(UNICAMP) en el puesto 235 y la Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) en el puesto 381.
+ info:
De la géocache sur le campus de l'Université Laval - Québec - Canada
À l’occasion des Journées de la culture, le public est invité à participer à deux activités
piétonnières sur le thème de la découverte de l’art public sur le campus
Les 30 septembre, 1er et 2 octobre, à l’occasion des Journées de la culture, le public est
invité à participer à deux activités piétonnières sur le thème de la découverte de l’art public
sur le campus de l’Université. Inspiré du géocaching, la chasse au trésor du 21e siècle, le
GéoParcours est un rallye réalisé à l’aide de GPS où les participants partiront à la recherche
de caches dissimulées sur le campus. Plus traditionnel est le Parcours, un rallye pédestre.
+ info:
Gestión voluntaria en los parques Europeos – GRUNDTVIG Acuerdo
para el Aprendizaje Permanente
Los espacios protegidos necesitan que las comunidades locales y sus
accionistas se involucren más en su gestión. Una gran forma de hacer esto
es mediante el voluntariado. Este proyecto ofrece una oportunidad de valor
incalculable para avanzar en las aproximaciones existentes para el
Aprendizaje Permanente a través del voluntariado en la conservación a (1 de 9) [23/11/2011 17:15:51]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
nivel europeo y para encontrar formas de consolidar éstas aproximaciones como parte integral de la gestión voluntaria de
los espacios protegidos.
El nivel de gestión voluntaria en los parques europeos varía dependiendo de los países y los parques. Por ello, los socios
del proyecto pretenden diseminar la innovación y las buenas prácticas en el ámbito de gestión voluntaria y desarrollar de
forma colectiva medidas innovadoras que aumenten las oportunidades de aprendizaje en el contexto del voluntariado.
+ info:
Estados Unidos: Los escritores denuncian a la Universidad a causa de un plan de digitalización de libros
Por Alison Moodie
Un plan controvertido que implica la digitalización de miles de libros con copy right por parte de universidades americanas
sufrió un revés el mes pasado cuando un número de organizaciones que representan a autores intentaron detener los
esfuerzos de digitalización y la iniciativa de “trabajos huérfanos”.
En una denuncia puesta el 12 de septiembre el gremio de autores, un grupo de apoyo a los escritores y varios autores a
título personal acusaron a las universidades – incluyendo la de Wisconsin, Michigan y la de California –de realizar
fotocopias sin permiso de alrededor de siete millones de libros y de colgarlas en un repositorio llamado Hathitrust, quien
está también acusado en el caso.
+ info:
Seleção 2011 - Mestrado em Estudos Urbanos e Regionais da UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
26 septiembre - 18 noviembre 2011 Natal, Estado del Rio Grande do Norte. Brasil
Organizadores: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
+ info:
Corso di formazione "Il volontariato nella salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale dai rischi naturali - Beni
04 noviembre - 20 noviembre 2011 Aquila, Regione Abruzzo. Italia
Organizadores: Legambiente Abruzzo Beni Culturali & Regione Abruzzo
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
CONFERENCE - Association REMPART: Des chantiers de bénévoles pour la restauration du patrimoine urbain en
Chine et en Israël
05 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: l’Union REMPART
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Children's play - Mission Explore - It's Adventure But Not As You Know It!
MISSION:EXPLORE is a new book, website and free iPhone app that are packed with challenges to complete. Are you ready
to make an Earth sandwich, cross a wood without touching the ground or create a performance for a CCTV controller?
Visit the MISSION:EXPLORE website to discover and attempt missions.
+ info:
Shelburne Museum Announces Center for Art and Education - Shelburne - Vermont
Shelburne Museum Chairman James Pizzagalli announced plans for a new center for art and
education at Shelburne Museum that will expand the museum’s educational programs,
bring new and exciting exhibits to visitors and, for the first time, open the museum yearround.
The announcement opens the public phase of the Campaign for Shelburne Museum, a $14
million capital campaign with the center for art and education as its centerpiece. To date
the campaign has raised $10.75 million.
+ info:
Canada World Youth celebrates it's 40th anniversary - 19 October 2011
Founded in 1971 by the late Honourable Jacques Hébert (1923-2007), Canada World Youth’s mission has
remained constant: to increase the ability of people, and especially youth, to participate actively in the
development of just, harmonious, and sustainable societies. Our action- oriented and innovative approach
has allowed CWY to remain an influential organisation in youth leadership development. Over the years,
34,000 young volunteers have participated in CWY programs, hosted by 11,000 host families located in more
than 600 Canadian communities as well as in 67 countries around the world.
+ info:
MÁSTER en Espacios Naturales Protegidos, título propio, Edición 2012 - Fundación Interuniversitaria Fernando
Gonzalez Bernaldez - España
* Tres universidades españolas con amplia experiencia en el campo medioambiental convocan conjuntamente, a través de
la Fundación F. G. Bernáldez y en colaboración con EUROPARC-España, el MÁSTER EN ESPACIOS NATURALES
* Único programa de máster dedicado monográficamente a los espacios protegidos, está dirigido a profesionales y gestores (2 de 9) [23/11/2011 17:15:51]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
que quieran completar su formación específica, así como a jóvenes titulados interesados en trabajar en este ámbito.
* Duodécima edición de un programa propio de posgrado, iniciado en 2001, que se estructura en módulos temáticos
impartidos de enero a diciembre de 2011, en un horario concentrado hacia el fin de semana, y que incluyen clases
teóricas, talleres, un viaje de estudios y un trabajo práctico individual.
* Profesorado formado por especialistas universitarios, investigadores, consultores y gestores de reconocido prestigio,
procedentes de los distintos ámbitos profesionales relacionados con los espacios protegidos.
* Los alumnos obtendrán el título de Máster en Espacios Naturales Protegidos por las universidades Autónoma de Madrid,
Complutense y de Alcalá.
+ info:
Día Mundial de los Docentes de 2011: ¡Participe en el debate en línea! 17-20 octubre 2011
Usted puede aportar sus opiniones y experiencias en lo tocante al equilibrio entre hombres y mujeres en el
magisterio, la igualdad de género en la educación y la función de los docentes.
Este foro de Internet, que estará abierto a todos, contribuirá a los debates que se realizarán el 5 de
octubre, Día Mundial de los Docentes, en la Sede de la UNESCO en París, uno de los múltiples actos que se
celebrarán en 2011 para honrar a los profesores. Este año, el tema de la efeméride es "Docentes para la
igualdad de género".
+ info:
ELAICH (Educational Linkage Approach in Cultural Heritage) - Workshop for Public Officials
07 noviembre - 09 noviembre 2011 Venice. Italia
Organizadores: ELAICH Project - the Euromed 4 Cultural Heritage Programme (European Union) and Ca’ Foscari University
of Venice (Italia)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Corso “Strategie di Fund Raising per la cultura”
24 noviembre - 25 noviembre 2011 Forli. Italia
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
AWARDS - Canada World Youth Leadership Awards - Nomination deadline 12 December 2011
The Canada World Youth (CWY) Leadership Awards recognize the outstanding achievements of young Canadians and youth
from around the world who are engaged in innovative initiatives that promote peace, intercultural understanding, and
community and international Development.
+ info:
Magíster en Arte y Patrimonio - Universidad de Concepción - Concepción - Chile
Contactos: Prof. Javier Ramírez Hinrichsen. Director Magíster en Arte y Patrimonio - [email protected]
El Programa de Magíster en Arte y Patrimonio tiene por objetivo entregar una visión integral entre arte y patrimonio. El
logro y la visión propuesta se basa en la definición del patrimonio cultural contemporáneo integrado en la Convención de
Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO de 1972, específicamente de los criterios de implementación de la convención ocupados
desde la década de 1990, donde se establece que el hombre produce en la sociedad, por medio de las interacciones
humanas, bienes culturales, espirituales y de expresión creativa. El desarrollo del objetivo y la visión del programa de
Magíster en Arte y Patrimonio de la Facultad de Humanidades y Arte se estructura sobre la base de una malla curricular
que integra áreas de investigación, tales como: Artes Visuales, Historia, Antropología, Estética, Literatura, Geografía y
Arquitectura. La integración de las áreas mencionadas tiene por finalidad permitir un campo de estudio donde lo tangible e
intangible del patrimonio cultural se analice en conjunto. Consecuentemente, se definen dos grandes líneas de
investigación: a) patrimonio urbano y arte contemporáneo y b) patrimonio inmaterial y prácticas artísticas.
+ info:
El Instituto Arqueológico de América (AIA) celebra su 5ª Feria Anual de Arqueología
– Museo de Ciencias de Boston – Massachusetts – EEUU- (7-8 de octubre 2011)
El Mes de la Arqueología está en marcha en Massachusetts y por quinto año consecutivo la
Feria de Arqueología AIA-MOS llenó el Museo de Ciencia de Boston con grupos de escolares,
niños y familias. El 7 y 8 de octubre los asistentes a la feria exploraron el fascinante mundo de
la arqueología gracias a una variedad de juegos y actividades de carácter interactivo.
Cerca de 20 arqueólogos, especialistas en museos y otros expertos estuvieron disponibles para
debatir los varios aspectos de su trabajo arqueológico con los asistentes. Los organizadores de
la feria de este año involucraron a los asistentes con demostraciones en directo de habilidades primitivas como la talla
lítica y de lanzamiento de átlatl, vidrio soplado y de las responsabilidades diarias de un soldado romano. Los asistentes
pudieron también probar su mano en la escritura cuneiforme, llevar a cabo excavaciones de prueba, o excavaciones bajo
tierra simuladas, y probar tecnologías de procesamiento del grano y ¡mucho más! Esta feria anual ofrece una gran
oportunidad para que los entusiastas de todas las edades de la arqueología de Nueva Inglaterra se reúnan, descubran,
aprendan y compartan su pasión por el pasado.
+ info:
Proyecto "Salva la spongada" - Valle Camonica - Italia
¡Hemos empezado con este proyecto hace unos meses, con la intención de hacer conocer nuestro territorio y acercar las (3 de 9) [23/11/2011 17:15:51]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
personas a un producto bueno, tradicional y simpatico!
+ info:
(en italiano) Corso gratuito di dottorato “Virtual Cultural Heritage” - 3-5 November 2011
Il Corso di dottorato “Virtual Cultural Heritage. Strategie multi-canale per la comunicazione 3.0″ è erogato dal Politecnico
di Torino (SCUDO), presieduto dalla Prof.ssa Anna Marotta, con il supporto di MIMOS e del CNR-ITABC ed il patrocinio della
Direzione regionale per i beni culturali e paesaggistici del Piemonte-Soprintendenza dei Beni Archeologici del Piemonte e
del Museo Antichità Egizie.
Il corso continua la serie di incontri didattici sul tema del virtuale quale strumento della rappresentazione per le discipline
conformative e con figurative dello spazio ed in particolare per l’Architettura ed i Beni Culturali, che da qualche anno segna
puntualmente l’attività del gruppo di ricerca sulla Rappresentazione Digitale Interattiva dello stesso ateneo…
+ info:
Formación en planificación espacial marina de sitios marinos del patrimonio
mundial - Baja California (México)
Del 28 de septiembre al 5 de octubre de 2011, el Programa Marino del Patrimonio Mundial
organizó durante 2 días una formación de planificación espacial de los ecosistemas marinos
para el personal de gestión de dos sitios del Patrimonio Mundial: el santuario de las ballenas
de El Vizcaíno y las islas y superficies protegidas del Golfo de California (ambos situados en
Baja California, en México).
El Santuario de las ballenas de El Vizcaíno está inscrito en el Patrimonio Mundial desde
1993. Se trata de la única zona de parición y repoblación de ballenas grises del Pacífico-Este, que efectúan cada temporada
un viaje de millares de millas, desde el mar de Bering y de los Chukches en el Ártico. De todas las poblaciones de ballenas
grises del mundo, ésta es la última que está aún en buenas condiciones.
+ info:
Accord tripartite entre l'UMONS (Belgique) et les universités d'Amiens et de Reims (France)
L'UMONS vient de signer des nouvelles conventions de coopération avec des institutions universitaires situées de l'autre
côté de la frontière, dans les régions de la Champagne et de la Picardie.
Dans les locaux de l'Ambassade de France, à Bruxelles, ce mardi 11 octobre 2011, l'UMONS s'est liée jusqu'au 31
décembre 2017 avec deux universités françaises : l'Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens) et l'Université de Reims
Champagne-Ardenne. Ensemble, les trois nouveaux partenaires coopéreront dans les domaines de l'enseignement et la
formation continue, la recherche, les services à la communauté et la culture.
+ info:
Encouraging higher education modernisation: Erasmus, Eurydice and EU (European
Union) policy join forces
The modernisation of higher education is a burning issue in many European countries,
particularly in the current economic climate. The Erasmus programme, best known for
providing grants to students, also plays an important role in higher education reform by
financing transnational projects that support the modernisation of educational systems.
+ info:
Cursos avanzados de formación en el máster Análisis Estructural de Monumentos y Construcciones Históricas
(SAHC) – Curso de máster universitario Erasmus Mundus SAHC
Para más información, por favor contactar con: [email protected].
Ahora se puede asistir a los cursos que forman parte del máster universitario Erasmus Mundus SAHC (
sin que sea por ello necesario matricularse en el máster.
Los cursos son de interés para todos aquellos con un interés por la conservación, la reparación y el refuerzo del patrimonio
construido, ya sean monumentos, otros edificios del patrimonio cultural o edificios ya existentes en general. Esto incluye
fundamentalmente a ingenieros de caminos y arquitectos, pero también, en el caso de algunos cursos, a historiadores,
arqueólogos y otras personas interesadas en los edificios del patrimonio cultural, y con un deseo de complementar o
actualizar su conocimiento con las aproximaciones y técnicas científicas y profesionales más recientes. Los asistentes
pueden ser profesionales tales como asesores, empleados de empresas de construcción, productores de materiales de
construcción y distribuidores, autoridades del patrimonio y otros, así como estudiantes de grado (licenciados en Ciencias o
con un doctorado que ya estén matriculados en otros programas.
+ info:
Triche et plagiat à l'université : Le Cameroun aussi
Le phénomène du plagiat, courant en littérature, a atteint l'Enseignement supérieur. Dans tous les pays, il sévit et fait
l'objet de sanctions sévères. Dans les pays du Sud, il s'amplifie à l'Université où quelques enseignants s'approprient le
travail de leurs étudiants. L'installation d'outils anti-plagiat électronique, associée à une véritable formation de tous, profs
et étudiants, à la culture de la recherche, pourraient stopper cette épidémie.
+ info:
Comment utiliser un logiciel anti-plagiat ?
Anne Hamel est responsable marketing et communication chez Compilatio, la société qui édite le logiciel anti-plagiat du
même nom. Cet outil est utilisé dans de nombreuses écoles et universités de plusieurs pays. Anne Hamel nous explique
comment fonctionne Compilatio, et comment il est utilisé pour décourager les pratiques de plagiat chez les étudiants. (4 de 9) [23/11/2011 17:15:51]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
+ info:
Ecole du Patrimoine Africain (EPA): at the service of development - Porto Novo (Benin)
From its inception in 1998, Ecole du Patrimoine Africain (EPA) has sought to become a centre of reference and cultural
information at the service of institutions, heritage professionals, communities and cultural personnel throughout the African
continent. In the context of sustainable development, EPA has always been poised to regularly adapt its vision and mission
to the changing needs in the field. In its 13 years of activities, EPA has become a platform for consultation and a reference
point for people of culture and the African communities.
+ info:
Discover Eurypedia - a new easy to use online tool providing information on
education in Europe
Eurypedia is a new Eurydice product and aims at presenting the most accurate picture of
national education systems across Europe. Whether you are looking for understanding a
specific education system or for analysing an education issue at European level, Eurypedia will
provide you with the most exhaustive information on 38 school and university systems.
This first version is currently under completion. All articles will be finalised in December 2011.
Please let us know what you think by sending an email to the Eurypedia team. We are very
interested in your feedback.
+ info:
3era edición: Día Internacional de Limpieza de Costas 2011 - Uruguay - 12 de Noviembre de 2011
Bolsas de supermercado… colillas de cigarro… papeles de caramelos. No caen del cielo, caen de nuestras manos. Y lo que
el mar arrastra a la costa es solamente una fracción de lo que termina en el agua, amenazando la vida marina y dañando
los ecosistemas, día a día, todos los días.
El Día Internacional de Limpieza de Costas es un evento que se realiza desde 1986 que tiene lugar en más de cien países
alrededor del mundo. Cada año, cientos de miles de voluntarios pasan un día recolectando basura en sus playas locales
como una demostración de su compromiso con la limpieza de la línea de costa y océano adyacente. El Programa EcoPlata
trae por tercer año consecutivo este evento a Uruguay, sirviendo como coordinador nacional para el Día Internacional de
Limpieza de Costas.
+ info:
PATRIMONIO SIN FRONTERAS – Anuncio de prensa en Sarajevo – Intento empresarial para abordar las
deficiencias en cuanto a habilidades de patrimonio en los Balcanes.
En septiembre 2011, Heritage Without Borders (HWB) pondrá en marcha uno de sus primeros proyectos internacionales en
Sarajevo con la cooperación de la organización no-gubernamental sueca Cultural Heritage Without Borders (CHwB – http:// Un equipo de 3 voluntarios, dirigidos por uno de los co-directores de HWB, Dominica D’Arcangelo pondrá
en marcha un curso gratuito de una semana en el Museo Nacional de Bosnia y Herzegovina para formar a profesionales del
museo de todos los Balcanes en los principios de conservación terapéutica básica y preventiva. D’Arcangelo es miembro
fundador de Conservators Without Borders. Los otros dos miembros del equipo son estudiantes de conservación cursando
un máster en el Instituto de Arqueología de la University College London (UCL). Se trata de Carmen María Vida y Nicola
+ info:
Informe Mery Press. – Primer proyecto de Heritage Without Borders en Tukmenistan incluye a conservadores
de Colchester, York y Londres.
Stefanie White, una conservadora en los museos de Colchester e Ipswich será una de los tres voluntarios que trabajarán
en el sito de la antigua ciudad de Mery en Tukmenistan del 27 de agosto al 17 de septiembre. Margreth Felter, una
conservadora en el York Archaeological Trust (YAT) liderará el equipo. El tercer miembro del equipo es Kelly Caldwell que
trabaja en el Museo Británico. El proyecto está siendo coordinado por una nueva empresa social llamada Heritage Without
Borders (HWB- Se trata de la primera colaboracíon de HWB a nivel internacional.
+ info:
Calls for quotas for foreign students - The Netherlands
By Jan Petter Myklebust and Robert Visscher
A 54% increase in foreign students in Dutch higher education over the past four years has prompted calls from political
parties on the right and left for the introduction of quotas, and specifically for the allocation of places through a
government lottery.
The number of foreign students has risen by 19,000 since 2006 to 54,500. Over the same period, the share of allotted
lottery places in medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine going to foreign students rose from 9.3% to 18.3%.
+ info:
América Latina podría convertirse en “el próximo ganador en educación”
Por Paul Rigg
América Latina podría convertirse en el próximo campeón mundial en materia de educación, según predicen los expertos,
debido al rápido crecimiento económico en países como Brasil, a un incremento de universidades privadas, a la expansión
de investigación y a la masificación en la demanda para educación secundaria por toda la región.
Así lo afirmaron profesionales de la educación superior y académicos de Brasil, Méjico, el Reino Unido y España en la
segunda edición de la conferencia internacional “Reinventando la Educación Superior: el papel de la universidad en una (5 de 9) [23/11/2011 17:15:51]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
sociedad global” celebrada el 17-18 en Madrid. Los co-anfitriiones fueron IE University y The Chronicle of Higher Education.
+ info:
Médiateur du patrimoine - Universités des Pays de Loire - FRance
Les Universités de Pays de la Loire vous invitent à découvrir la diversité des métiers et la richesse des parcours de
formation de lènseignement supérieur.
+ info:
Archeologie - Universités des Pays de la Loire - France
Les Universités de Pays de la Loire vous invitent à découvrir la diversité des métiers et la richesse des parcours de
formation de lènseignement supérieur.
+ info:
Régisseur de collections - Universités des Pays de la Loire (France)
Les Universités de Pays de la Loire vous invitent à découvrir la diversité des métiers et la richesse des parcours de
formation de lènseignement supérieur.
+ info:
EDUCACIÓN & SOSTENIBILIDAD – Investigación- Comunidad de Desarrollo de África Austral
(SADC), Programa de Educación Medioambiental Regional
En 1993, la Comunidad de Desarrollo de África Austral (SADC) en el sector para el Medioambiente y la
Gestión del Suelo (ELMS) puso en marcha un programa para apoyar los procesos de educación
medioambiental en la región africana meridional. La fase inicial de este programa incluía una serie de
talleres que involucraban a profesionales de la educación medioambiental en la región. El primer taller
fue celebrado en Windhoek, Namibia en 1984 y el segundo en Howick, Sudáfrica en 1996. Estos talleres
se vieron complementados con otros procesos de investigación diseñados para evaluar el estado de la
educación medioambiental en la región. Basados en la información recogido durante esta fase inicial un programa formal
se desarrolló y se envió al Consejo de Ministros del SADC para su aprobación.
Aunque la investigación ha sido parte fundamental de SADC REEP, como una actividad trasversal en las actividades del
programa, su importante papel a la hora de informar sobre esta práctica llevó a tomar la decisión de que se convirtiera en
un componente independiente.
+ info:
Educación & Sostenibilidad – Networking – Comunidad de Desarrollo de África Austral (SADC)
Plan Regional de Educación Ambiental (REEP)
El objetivo de este componente es apoyar los procesos de educación ambiental mediante la capacitación
de una red descentralizada de profesionales en la educación ambiental en la región del SADC. El
Programa Regional de Educación Ambiental de la SADC ha creado una amplia red de educación
ambiental regional descentralizada que incluye a la dirección de Alimentación, Agricultura y Recursos
Naturales de la SADC, a los representantes de la Red Nacional EE, al Centro Regional EE y a otros
profesionales en educación ambiental en la región. Muchos países de la SADC están poniendo en marcha
o ya lo han hecho comités para la educación ambiental nacional con un papel de coordinación a nivel nacional (por ejemplo
Botswana, Namibia y Zambia). El SADC REEP también apoya el desarrollo de las redes de educación ambiental en la región
+ info:
VIDEO - ELAICH: Educational Toolkit for Cultural Heritage - YouTube
ELAICH is an EU-funded project aimed at contributing to raising awareness of cultural heritage. This video presents the
ELAICH set of modern and innovative tools for teaching its essence to the general public, especially youth.
+ info:
Programme Fulbright : les financements étrangers au secours d'un avenir budgétaire incertain ? - Etats-Unis
Dans un monde incertain qui sortait tout juste de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, "le programme Fulbright", affirmait son
promoteur éponyme, "a pour but [...] que les nations apprennent enfin à vivre en paix et avec amitié". Doit-on conclure
que la baisse, deux ans de suite, du budget américain de ce programme d'échanges de chercheurs et d'étudiants est le
signe que le monde a enfin appris à vivre en paix ? Rien n'est moins sûr.
+ info:
Exhibition at the International Heritage Show - Students Travel to learn Arts & Crafts
Students who participated in the programme “Travel to learn Arts and Crafts” in 2010-2011 present the results of this
This programme organized by UNESCO and the Foundation for Culture & Diversity, allows students of Arts and Crafts
majors with a scholarship and/or from a modest background to complete an internship with an expert artisan abroad. One
of the goals of the program is to allow students to present their work at international fairs and exhibitions in order to
facilitate their access to the professional market.
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Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Vers un nouveau système de bourses pour les étudiants étrangers en Suède
Depuis le 1er juillet 2011, les étudiants étrangers doivent payer des frais de scolarité pour effectuer leurs études en Suède.
Le gouvernement suédois souhaite augmenter la qualité des programmes en évitant de proposer des formations gratuites
pour les étudiants étrangers…
+ info:
L'inertie intellectuelle menace la recherche et l'innovation en Suède
Deux professeurs d'Université ont lancé un débat sur l'état de la recherche en Suède dans l'édition du Dagens Nyheter du
28 août 2011. Mats Alvesson, professeur en économie d'entreprise à l'Université de Lund et Bo Rothstein, professeur de
science politique à l'Université de Göteborg, remettent en cause les structures actuelles de la recherche en Suède…
+ info:
Proposer un projet à Les Offices de jeunesse internationaux du Québec (LOJIQ)
Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: LOJIQ - Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 16 ene 2012
+ info:
Cours publics de l'Ecole de Chaillot sur le patrimoine industriel
2011-2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Fédération Patrimoine-Environnement (FNASSEM)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Lifelong Learning Program Call for Proposals 2012 - Deadlines in February & March 2012
This page provides access to all the documentation needed to make an application under the Lifelong Learning Programme
(LLP) actions listed above. Applicants who would like to be notified of updates to the documentation for this Call should
register for News feeds (RSS) at the foot of this page.
Organizadores: Executive Agency - Education, Audiovisual & Culture (EACEA)
+ info:
Masters in Historic Environment - University of Cambridge - Institute of Continuing Education
Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: University of Cambridge
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 30 mar 2012
+ info:
MACLANDS Master of Cultural Landscapes 2012-2014 - Erasmus Mundus
Organizadores: Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2012
+ info:
Master specialistico in Museologia Europea - IULM Libera Universita di Lingue e Communicazione
Milano. Italia
Organizadores: Università IULM
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 9 dic 2011
+ info:
Curso de Formação: Serviços Educativos em Organizações Culturais
21 noviembre - 29 noviembre 2011 Almada. Portugal
Organizadores: CultIdeias - Desenvolvimento, Cultura, Cidadania
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 14 nov 2011
+ info:
Stage de formation financé par la Région Languedoc-Roussillon : maçon - restauration Patrimoine & Bâti
28 noviembre 2011 - 06 julio 2012 Pézenas. Francia
Organizadores: Lycée agricole
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info: (7 de 9) [23/11/2011 17:15:51]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
08 diciembre - 10 diciembre 2011 KRAKOW. Polonia
Organizadores: AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow and UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology and
Engineering Education at the AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
28 enero - 29 enero 2012 Prato. Italia
Organizadores: L’associazione culturale “Archeologia Sperimentale”
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Questionnaire 2012: Looking at History through a Variety of Lenses - 19th European Association of History
Educators (EUROCLIO) Annual Conference Professional Training and Development Course
01 abril - 07 abril 2012 Antalya. Turquía
Organizadores: EUROCLIO - European Association Of History Educators in cooperation with Association of History
Educators in Turkey
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Playing with fire: struggling with ‘experience’ and ‘play’ in war tourism
Mads Daugbjerg
In Museum and society, Mar 2011. 9(1) 17-33 © 2011.
ISSN 1479-8360
This paper takes up the ambiguities of embracing ‘experiential’ and ‘playful’ ways of learning at war sites. It takes as its
point of departure the widespread tendencies in the heritage industry to align communication to new emotional and playful
ways of learning about the past and goes on to demonstrate and discuss how these assert themselves at a specific Danish
war site. The links between the concepts of heritage, experience, romanticism and nationalism are investigated with
historical reference to the Scandinavian open air museology and theoretical inspiration drawn from Scott Lash and his
notion of a ‘second’ modernity. It is argued that the current obsession with ‘experience’ in the heritage sector displays a
range of neo-romantic traits. At the Danish centre, staff and visitors are shown to negotiate and struggle to ‘balance off’
their playful and romantic engagements
against more distanced, non-involved stances towards the war past.
+ info:
Optimising Learning, Education and Publishing in Africa: The Language Factor - A Review and
Analysis of Theory and Practice in Mother-Tongue and Bilingual Education in sub-Saharan Africa
Edited by Adama Ouane and Christine Glanz
© June 2011 UIL/ADEA
ISBN 978-92-820-1170-6
This publication presents the results of comprehensive research that assesses the experiences of mothertongue and bilingual education programmes in 25 sub-Saharan African countries in recent years.1 Its
overall conclusion is encapsulated in the statement Language is not everything in education, but without
language, everything is nothing in education (Wolff, Chapter 1).
+ info:
Archives Audiovisuelles de la Recherche
Par Elisabeth de PABLO
ISBN : 978-2-7-462-3219-8
Ce livre propose une introduction méthodologique, pratique et technique à l’analyse de corpus audiovisuels
dans le cadre d’un projet de numérisation/diffusion d’un patrimoine de connaissances. Il présente, plus
particulièrement un environnement de travail composé d’une part d’outils informatiques pour la
segmentation, la description/indexation et la publication en ligne de corpus audiovisuels et d’autre part, un
métalangage (une ontologie de domaine) pour segmenter, décrire et publier des ressources audiovisuelles.
+ info:
Heritage Counts 2011: the historic environment and Big Society - English Heritage (United Kingdom)
'Heritage Counts 2011' is the tenth annual survey of the state of England’s historic environment. Each year Heritage
Counts explores the role of the historic environment in wider social and economic agendas. This year the theme is the
historic environment and Big Society.
It is produced on behalf of the Historic Environment Forum.
+ info:
YouthXchange guidebook series: climate change and lifestyles
Year of Publication: 2011
Author: UNEP (8 de 9) [23/11/2011 17:15:51]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
ISBN No: 978-92-807-3211-5
The UNEP/UNESCO YouthXchange Initiative, which aims to promote sustainable lifestyles among youth
(15-24 year-olds) around the world through education, dialogue, awareness-raising and capacitybuilding, will release a publication in late August 2011 titled "YouthXchange guidebook on climate
change and lifestyles". This guidebook is geared directly to youth and educators, trainers and youth leaders, and it is
written in youth-friendly language; therefore, it is rather a toolkit for young people. This leaflet contains information about
the guidebook and the themes addressed.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (9 de 9) [23/11/2011 17:15:51]
Ouverture des journées internationales de la forêt à Bonn - Allemagne - (6 octobre 2011)
"La forêt a la capacité d'apporter, par une gestion durable adequate, une diversité inimaginable en termes de produits et
de services, non seulement en Allemagne, mais aussi plus largement dans le monde entier. Les forêts ne sont pas de
simples fournisseurs de matière première, elles contribuent également de manière essentielle à la protection du climat et
de l'environnement, elles sont d'une grande importance pour la chasse et l'alimentation et sont notamment pour la
population d'une grande valeur récréative et un bien culturel significatif".
+ info:
Woodland for Water: Woodland measures for meeting Water Framework Directive
objectives - The Forestry Commission - United Kingdom
The Water Framework Directive 2000 (WFD) is a European Directive that seeks to protect,
enhance and restore the condition of all water in the natural environment: including rivers,
lochs, estuaries and coastal waters, as well as water under the ground.
It provides a common framework for addressing human activities that exert “pressures” on
the water environment and has set an objective that all “water bodies” should be restored
to “good status” by 2015.
The majority of water bodies in the UK and in other EU countries currently fail to meet this target status due to a range of
pressures such as diffuse pollution and water abstraction.
+ info:
Assessing the cultural and spiritual values of European forests - The Forestry Commission United Kingdom
The Social and Economic Research Group at Forest Research was invited to contribute to the 2011 State of
Europe’s Forests report by preparing a data collection protocol, and analysing and reporting on Indicator
6.11 ‘Cultural and spiritual values’, one of 35 Pan-European Indicators of sustainable forest management.
A range of cultural and spiritual values are associated with forested landscapes in Europe, although many
are intangible and difficult to define and assess. Indicator 6.11 seeks to quantify one aspect of these
diverse benefits by reporting the number of sites within forest and other wooded land that are officially
recognised for their cultural or spiritual values. In total, around one million sites were reported across 45 countries, of
which around three-quarters were classed as ‘Cultural heritage’.
+ info:
Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil - Promoting the Growth and Use of Sustainable Palm Oil
NOTICE is hereby given that the 8th General Assembly (GA8) of members of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
(RSPO) will be held at: Ballroom 2, Sutera Habour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah Malaysia, on Thursday, 24 November
2011 at 15:00 hrs
+ info:
Reforestación de manglar en áreas críticas del corredor del Mangle Golfo de
Fonseca - El Salvador
Dos jornadas participativas de reforestación de bosque de manglar en áreas críticas
prioritarias para el desarrollo de acciones de conservación y recuperación de esos
ecosistemas en el Golfo de Fonseca se han realizado recientemente. Estas áreas son parte de (1 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:15:57]
los ecosistemas prioritarios El Icacal y Bahía La Unión, El Salvador, en las cuales se
desarrollaron las jornadas.
Estas actividades han sido propiciadas por el Proyecto Trinacional Corredor del Mangle Golfo de Fonseca de la Comisión
Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD), órgano ambiental del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana
(SICA), ejecutado con el auspicio financiero del Fondo España-SICA (FES).
+ info:
Nuevo programa de investigación Europa - Sudamérica sobre la deforestación de la selva del Amazonas
La deforestación en la selva del Amazonas ha disminuido en los últimos seis años, pero parece que la tendencia ya no es a
la baja desde este año. Aparte de la deforestación, las selvas tropicales amazónicas también figuran como susceptibles al
cambio climático. Sin embargo las selvas desempeñan un papel importante en la regulación del clima, la pluviometría y el
suministro de agua de América del Sur. Las selvas amazónicas, sus aguas, su clima y sus sociedades ¿están bajo la
amenaza de un deterioro de su situación en las próximas décadas debido al cambio climático global y la deforestación
+ info:
by Throstur Eysteinsson, division chief
Among the first things that visitors to Iceland usually notice are that it is not as warm as where they came from and there
is a lack of forests in the landscape. Logically, they connect these two facts and come to the conclusion that Iceland is too
cold for forests. This impression is often reinforced when they see the “forests” of low-growing and crooked native birch.
However, over a century of forestry activity has proven that this is not the case, that it is past land-use and not climate
that explains the treeless landscape. In fact, forests grow as well in Iceland as they do in parts of the world where forestry
is a major industry.
+ info:
Venez discuter de l'avenir de la forêt bourguignonne - Bourgogne - France - 6 November 2011
La Confédération des Associations pour l'Environnement et la Nature en Saône-et-Loire (CAPEN 71) organise le 6
novembre les Assises Régionales pour l'Environnement en Bourgogne. A l'occasion de l'année internationale des forêts,
cette rencontre permettra d'échanger sur l'avenir de la forêt dans la région. Thierry Grosjean, président de la CAPEN 71,
nous présente cette journée.
+ info:
Comment concilier les activités humaines avec la protection des forêts de montagne en Haute-Garonne?
L'année internationale des forêts est l'occasion de mettre en lumière ceux qui agissent au quotidien pour la gestion durable
et la conservation des forêts. Guillaume Castaing, président de Nature Comminges, nous présente les actions de son
association pour préserver la diversité biologique remarquable des forêts haut-garonnaises.
+ info:
Etat des lieux des politiques forestières européennes
Le Parlement Européen a voté le 9 mai 2011 la mise en place de critères juridiquement contraignants pour la gestion des
forêts au niveau de l'Union Européenne. La suite à donner à ces propositions est désormais entre les mains de la
Commission Européenne. Lors de sa participation à la réunion du 5 octobre du groupe consultatif de la Commission
Européenne " forêt et liège " à Bruxelles, FNE a pu en savoir plus. Ce groupe a en effet été mis en place afin d'orienter les
politiques forestières de l'Union Européenne. Explications.
+ info:
Reconocer los derechos de la naturaleza: una nueva herramienta legislativa
para los bosques tropicales en Ecuador
La legislación ambiental en Ecuador presenta una evolución que se ha reflejado en
ordenanzas municipales, decretos ejecutivos y en la Constitución de la República.
Un primer paso fue en 1983. Con una reforma a la Constitución de 1978 se
establecieron derechos del medioambiente en la Carta Magna. Así lo explica Hugo
Echeverría, especialista en Derecho Ambiental.
Esta legislación señalaba que el hombre tiene derecho a vivir en un entorno sano. Es
decir, a gozar de buena calidad de aire, agua, suelo...
+ info:
Changes in plant community composition lag behind climate warming in lowland forests
By Romain Bertrand, Jonathan Lenoir, Christian Piedallu, Gabriela Riofrío-Dillon, Patrice de Ruffray, Claude Vidal, JeanClaude Pierrat & Jean-Claude Gégout
Climate change is driving latitudinal and altitudinal shifts in species distribution worldwide, leading to novel species
assemblages. Lags between these biotic responses and contemporary climate changes have been reported for plants and
animals. Theoretically, the magnitude of these lags should be greatest in lowland areas, where the velocity of climate
change is expected to be much greater than that in highland areas. We compared temperature trends to temperatures
reconstructed from plant assemblages (observed in 76,634 surveys) over a 44-year period in France (1965–2008). Here (2 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:15:57]
we report that forest plant communities had responded to 0.54 °C of the effective increase of 1.07 °C in highland areas
(500–2,600 m above sea level), while they had responded to only 0.02 °C of the 1.11 °C warming trend in lowland areas…
+ info:
2011: Colloque des 20 ans de la conservation des ressources génétiques
En cette année internationale des forêts, la Commission des Ressources Génétiques
Forestières ou CRGF (1) fête ses 20 ans. Cette commission rassemble des
représentants des pouvoirs publics, de la recherche, de la gestion des forêts publiques
et privées, des associations environnementales et de conservation de la nature.
+ info:
Quemar arboles para producir energía, dañará a la población, el clima y los bosques. (Sólo en
inglés): Greenpeace - Canada
Greenpeace publicó un informe basado en la ciencia actual que pone de relieve los peligros de la
utilización a gran escala de la madera y la tala de árboles para la generación eléctrica de calefacción, o
biocombustibles líquidos. El informe, titulado "Alimentando un BioDesastre", sostiene que la quema de
biomasa de madera a escala industrial podría perjudicar gravemente los bosques públicos de Canadá y
seguir contribuyendo a la crisis climática global.
+ info:
Un simulateur de propagation à grande échelle des feux de
Des chercheurs du Laboratoire d’aérologie (LA/OMP, CNRS /
Université Paul Sabatier) et du laboratoire Sciences pour
l'environnement (SPE, CNRS / Université de Corte) se sont
associés pour développer le premier simulateur européen de
propagation à grande échelle des feux de forêt dont ils souhaitent
qu’il puisse à terme être utilisé pour la prévision de l’évolution des
feux. Ce simulateur tient notamment compte des effets induits par les feux sur l’atmosphère et de l’impact en retour de
ces effets sur la propagation des feux.
+ info:
Joint Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) Biennial
Conference - Valuing ecosystems: policy, economic and management interactions
03 abril - 04 abril 2012 Edinburgh. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Joint Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)
Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info:
Human dimensions of adaptive forest management and climate change: A review of
international experience
Anna Lawrence and Sarah Gillett
Forestry Commission: Edinburgh, 2011.
ISBN 978-0-85538-848-5
This is a review of the literature about the concept and application of adaptive management (AM), in
forests and other environments. It aims to understand the social and institutional requirements of adaptive
forest management (AFM), and identify areas that require further study in order to better understand its
relevance for forest management in Great Britain.
+ info:$FILE/FCRP016.pdf
'The forgotten forest’. The story of Whitelee Forest in the 20th century
Ruth Tittensor
Published by Forestry Commission Scotland, 2011
ISBN: 978-0-85538-798-3
This is the story of forestry in and around Whitelee Forest, based on the memory of
those who lived and work in forestry, knitted together from personal recollections.
This is the fourth book in the series of Touchwood History publications.
The other three are: ‘Smell of the rosin noise of the saw’; The story of forestry in Mid-Argyll in the 20th century, ‘The
forest is a beautiful place to be’; The story of forestry in the Great Glen in the 20th century and ‘No rivalry but different’;
Glenmore and Rothiemurchus in the 20th century.
+ info:$FILE/FCMS118.pdf (3 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:15:57]
Adapting to change: the state of conservation of World Heritage forests in 2011
Publisher: UNESCO - World Heritage Centre
Number Edition: 30
Beyond providing an overview of the state of conservation of World Heritage forests in general, this
publication attempts to provide some welcome thoughts on the relationship between World Heritage
forests and their surrounding landscapes, and on mechanisms that could be applied to ensure that this
relationship is mutually beneficial alongside social, economic and environmental criteria. I am convinced
that the World Heritage Convention can be effectively leveraged to bring about such positive
contributions, and I look forward to seeing tangible results on the ground.
+ info:
United Kingdom - India Forest Landscape Restoration
Edited by Mike Smith and Sandeep Tripathi
Published by Forest Researc, September 2011
This summary report shows how Forest Landscape Restoration can safeguard biodiversity by taking a
landscape approach using appropriate technologies and practical applications and produce real benefi ts for
communities by working in partnership with them. This project has resulted in India becoming more
engaged in the Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration.
+ info:$FILE/UK-India-FLR-09-11.pdf
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:15:57]
Genealogía y Heráldica
Genealogía y Heráldica
Ir a arriba [23/11/2011 17:15:57]
Patrimonio Geológico
Patrimonio Geológico
Des cristaux qui augmentent de l'épaisseur d'un cheveu tous les cents ans
Une étude internationale dirigée par le Centre Supérieur de la Recherche Scientifique espagnol (CSIC) a permis de
déterminer la vitesse de croissance des cristaux géants de Naica, dans l'état mexicain de Chihuahua. La croissance de ces
formations est tellement lente qu'elle était presque impossible à mesurer. C'est grâce à un microscope spécial, mis au
point par les espagnols en coopération avec un groupe de recherche de l'université de Sendai au Japon qu'il a été possible
d'estimer que certains cristaux de la grotte se sont formés durant plus d'un million d'années. Ce qui revient à conclure que
ces cristaux de gypse ont grandi au rythme le plus lent jamais connu, soit l'épaisseur d'un cheveu tous les cents ans. Cette
recherche a fait la première page du dernier numéro de la revue Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)…
+ info:
Projet WOVOdat à NTU : accès au comportement des volcans au niveau mondial
C'est un projet ambitieux que celui de WOVOdat. Le but : regrouper dans une base de données mondiale et publique les
mesures de surveillance passées et présentes des volcans de la planète. Imaginez un volcan qui montre un regain
d'activité : comment prédire son évolution ? Une réponse précise se base en partie sur les éruptions similaires antérieures.
WOVOdat se propose de mettre à disposition les informations pertinentes concernant des volcans dont les mesures sont
Actuellement, si un volcan semble menaçant, il faut chercher dans la littérature pour trouver les informations nécessaires.
Souvent ce travail se révèle trop lent et complexe de part la disparité de l'information et des formats de mesures.
+ info:
Un chercheur de l'université de Liège a découvert deux fossiles de plantes - Liège - Belgique
Le bois a pris un coup de vieux. Philippe Gerrienne, chercheur en paléobotanique à l'Université de Liège, a découvert deux
fossiles de plantes datant respectivement de 407 et 397 millions d'années et contenant des traces de bois. Les plus
anciennes jamais mises à jour ! Cette découverte fait ainsi reculer l'apparition du bois sur Terre d'une dizaine de millions
d'années. Elle permet également de confirmer une hypothèse : le bois n'aurait pas été fabriqué par les plantes afin
d'augmenter leur résistance et devenir des arbres, mais d'abord pour permettre une meilleure circulation de la sève. Les
résultats de cette recherche ont été publiés dans la revue Science.
+ info:
La Tierra "bola de nieve": una hipótesis a reconsiderar
La hipótesis según la cual hace 635 millones de años la Tierra habría estado completamente cubierta de
hielo, acaba de dar un giro. La concentración atmosférica de CO2 durante este período es mucho menor
de lo previsto, es lo que revela un equipo de investigadores franceses del Instituto de física del globo de
París (IPGP/CNRS/Universidad París Diderot), en colaboración con científicos brasileños y americanos. Su
estudio, publicado en la revista Nature del 6 de octubre de 2011, pone en cuestión una parte de esta
hipótesis llamada de la Tierra "Bola de nieve" y reactiva el debate sobre el origen del mecanismo de
+ info:
¿Una cuna de la vida primitiva en la Tierra?
Una posible cuna de la vida en la Tierra acaba de ser identificada por un equipo
internacional dirigido por investigadores del laboratorio de geología de Lyon: Tierra,
planetas y medio ambiente (CNRS / Universidad Claude Bernard Lyon 1/ENS de Lyon). Se (1 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:16:01]
Patrimonio Geológico
trata de los volcanes de lodo de Isua, al suroeste de Groenlandia. Estos volcanes liberaron,
hace casi cuatro mil millones de años, elementos químicos esenciales para la formación de
las primeras biomoléculas, en las condiciones propicias para la vida. Esta es la primera vez
que un entorno como este, que reúne todos los elementos necesarios para el surgimiento de la vida, es identificado por los
científicos en unos terrenos con una antigüedad de 3.800 millones de años. Estos trabajos se publican esta semana en el
+ info:
Un geólogo afirma haber descubierto habla en el desierto en la frontera entre Egipto-Libia
Por Ashraf Khaled
El geólogo egipcio Khaled Ouda ha anunciado el descubrimiento de un “mar de agua subterránea” en el amplio desierto
occidental en la frontera egipcio-libia. Al parecer inspirado por el levantamiento popular que destituyó al antiguo presidente
Hosni Mubarak a principios de este año, él puso a alguno de los oasis el nombre de “revolución” y “mártires” gracias a la
plaza Tahrir
“Esta reserva de agua dulce es suficiente para recuperar y regar alrededor de 3,7 millones de acres,” según contó Ouda,
un profesor en geología en la universidad Assiut que pertenece al estado en el sur de Egipcio, en una conferencia de
prensa en Cairo la semana pasada.
+ info:
El Parque Geologico, Historico y Ambiental de Cerdeña: ¿una ocasión perdida? Italia
La historia del Parque Geologico Historico y Ambiental de Cerdeña es larga y compleja. Todo
empezó en el lejano 1996, cuando el proyecto tomó forma, pero después del reconocimiento
de la UNESCO y la introducción del lugar en la Red de Geoparques, a quice años de
distancia, la entidad se encuentra ahora bajo control de la entidad, y riesga de perder su
titulo. La ciudadanía no entiende renunciar a su Parque…
+ info:
Lowland-upland migration of sauropod dinosaurs during the Late Jurassic epoch
By Henry C. Fricke, Justin Hencecroth & Marie E. Hoerner
Sauropod dinosaurs were the largest vertebrates ever to walk the Earth, and as mega-herbivores they were important
parts of terrestrial ecosystems. In the Late Jurassic-aged Morrison depositional basin of western North America, these
animals occupied lowland river- floodplain settings characterized by a seasonally dry climate. Massive herbivores with high
nutritional and water needs could periodically experience nutritional and water stress under these conditions, and thus the
common occurrence of sauropods in this basin has remained a paradox. Energetic arguments and mammalian analogues
have been used to suggest that migration allowed sauropods access to food and water resources over a wide region or
during times of drought or both, but there has been no direct support for these hypotheses. Here we compare oxygen
isotope ratios (δ18O) of tooth-enamel carbonate from the sauropod Camarasaurus with those of ancient soil, lake and
wetland (that is, ‘authigenic’) carbonates that formed in lowland settings. We demonstrate that certain populations of
these animals did in fact undertake seasonal migrations of several hundred kilometres from lowland to upland
environments. This ability to describe patterns of sauropod movement will help to elucidate the role that migration played
in the ecology and evolution of gigantism of these and associated dinosaurs.
+ info:
Ein elfter Kronzeuge für die Abstammungslehre von Charles Darwin wird Deutsches
Kulturgut - An eleventh key witness for the theory of evolution by Charles Darwin
becomes German Cultural Heritage - Munich - Germany
Nur eine Woche nach dem Dinosaurierfund aus Kelheim und just im "Archaeopteryx-Jubiläumsjahr"
ist nun ein 11. noch unbekanntes Exemplar des berühmten Zeitzeugen der Evolution aufgetaucht
und von seinem Besitzer als Deutsches Kulturgut angemeldet worden. Experten sprechen bereits
von einer bedeutenden Signalwirkung innerhalb der Fossilien-Szene. Erstmals wird dieser neue
Archaeopteryx exklusiv neben dem Aufsehen erregenden Theropoden und den bedeutendsten
Original-Dinosaurierfunden Europas wie dem Europasaurus, Compsognatus und Balaur vereint auf der Munich Show Mineralientage München vom 28. bis zum 30. Oktober zu sehen sein.
+ info:
Pourquoi la terre tremble ? Un module interactif sur les séismes, par Curiosphere.
Curiosphè propose un module intitulé "Pourquoi la terre tremble ?", composé
d'animations commentées et interactives.
Le module comprend 4 chapitres :
La dérive des continents;
Au coeur du globe;
Mouvements et failles;
Séismes et tsunamis.
+ info:
Origine des mammifères placentaires : de nouvelles découvertes de fossiles en Inde posent
de nouvelles questions
Une équipe internationale de paléontologues1, dont Emmanuel Gheerbrant du Centre de recherche sur (2 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:16:01]
Patrimonio Geológico
la paléobiodiversité et les paléoenvironnements (Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle/CNRS/UPMC),
vient de découvrir en Inde de nouveaux restes d’adapisoriculidés datant de la fin du Crétacé (entre - 70
et - 65 millions d’années). Jusqu’alors, ces mammifères arboricoles énigmatiques n’étaient connus
qu’au début du Tertiaire (entre - 65 et - 55 millions d'années) en Afrique et en Europe. Récemment,
leurs traits arboricoles avaient conduit les scientifiques à les rapprocher d’un grand groupe de
mammifères actuels2 comprenant les primates, ce qui en faisait les seuls placentaires modernes connus avant le Tertiaire.
Mais suite à une analyse phylogénétique, les scientifiques viennent de montrer que les adapisoriculidés ne sont pas des
mammifères placentaires modernes mais appartiennent à une branche primitive bien antérieure à la naissance de ceux-ci.
+ info:
Pre-Clovis Mastodon Hunting 13,800 Years Ago at the Manis Site, Washington - Washington State (USA)
By Michael R. Waters, Thomas W. Stafford Jr., H. Gregory McDonald, Carl Gustafson, Morten Rasmussen, Enrico Cappellini,
Jesper V. Olsen, Damian Szklarczyk, Lars Juhl Jensen, M. Thomas P. Gilbert and Eske Willerslev
The tip of a projectile point made of mastodon bone is embedded in a rib of a single disarticulated mastodon at the Manis
site in the state of Washington. Radiocarbon dating and DNA analysis show that the rib is associated with the other
remains and dates to 13,800 years ago. Thus, osseous projectile points, common to the Beringian Upper Paleolithic and
Clovis, were made and used during pre-Clovis times in North America. The Manis site, combined with evidence of
mammoth hunting at sites in Wisconsin, provides evidence that people were hunting proboscideans at least two millennia
before Clovis.
+ info:
02 diciembre 2011 Milan. Italia
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Les géosciences au service de l'Homme - Comprendre l'avenir
Auteurs: Jean-Claude Samama , Bernard Marty , Jean Dercourt, Collectif
Editeur : Hirlé (Editions)
ISBN : 978-2-914729-55-0
Cet ouvrage est édité à l'occasion de l'Année Internationale de la Planète Terre et du centenaire de la
création de l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie de Nancy.
II aborde des sujets de société dans les domaines relatifs aux matières premières minérales et
énergétiques, aux ressources en eau, au génie civil et à l'aménagement du territoire.Jean-Paul Tisot
+ info:
Géopedia : les sciences de la terre à la portée de tous - Une splendide encyclopédie francophone des
Les géologues, le vulcanologues, voire les géographes d’Afrique et du Tiers-monde disposant de connexions Internet
n’auront plus à se déplacer pour consulter à très fort prix les données indispensables pour leurs recherches. Un site
exceptionnel apporte une solution toute faite pour faciliter la recherche.
Geopedia est en effet une Encyclopédie des sciences de la terre et du monde souterrain. Elle concerne plusieurs disciplines
annexes traitées dans des articles simples et très clairs.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (3 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:16:01]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
Legislación (nacional e internacional), Convenciones, Cartas y
Turismo sostenible y áreas protegidas: una unión exitosa – Carta Europea de
Turismo Sostenible en Espacios Protegidos.
La red de espacios protegidos que participa en la Carta Europa de Turismo Sostenible
en Espacios Protegidos sigue creciendo a un ritmo alarmante. Hoy 89 espacios
protegidos a lo largo de nueve países diferentes están activamente involucrados en el
proceso de la Carta.
Durante el Congreso de EUROPARC 2011 celebrado este año en Bad Urach, 12 espacios
protegidos de Finlandia, Francia, Italia, España, y Reino Unido recibieron la Carta
Europea de Turismo Sostenible después de obtener una evaluación positiva. Además se volvieron a evaluar cinco parques
este año tras sus primeros cinco años de trabajo con la Carta.
El amplio número de espacios que están solicitando la Carta cada año muestra de forma clara el creciente interés por parte
de los espacios protegidos de toda Europa en las acciones de la Carta. Además casi todos los parques galardonados están
solicitando una re-evaluación tras los primeros cinco años de mejoras, y siguen reconociendo la función estratégica de la
Carta para la gestión y el desarrollo de estrategias de turismo sostenible y de acciones en los espacios protegidos.
+ info:
Actividades extraídas del mundo de la arqueología subacuática
Con motivo del próximo X Aniversario de la Convención para la Protección del Patrimonio
Cultural Subacuático (2001) el mundo de la arqueología subacuática se está viendo animado
por importantes eventos.
Herramientas de aprendizaje
Por una parte, la UNESCO ha preparado un nuevo manual de referencia obligada sobre las
Reglas concernientes a las actividades dirigidas sobre el patrimonio cultural subacuático. Sus 14
capítulos explican el Anexo de la Convención dirigiéndose a gestores de yacimientos y autoridades nacionales. Estará
disponible tanto en versión impresa como en Internet. Su apéndice, que contiene útiles herramientas de aprendizaje así
como material gráfico, está en preparación. Por otro lado, el mundo del buceo apreciará especialmente el Código de Ética
para Buceo en Sitios Arqueológicos Sumergidos que acaba de ser adoptado y publicado por la UNESCO, el cual asegura el
respeto por el patrimonio sumergido por parte de cada buceador del Mundo.
+ info:
EE.UU. devuelve a Francia cuadro robado en la I Guerra Mundial - EE.UU
Autoridades aduaneras de Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) devolvieron al Gobierno francés, de manera
oficial, un cuadro del siglo XIX realizado por el pintor galo Jules Breton (1827-1906), que fue
plagiado hace un siglo por un soldado alemán mientras se exhibía en un museo de Douai en el
norte del país, informó este viernes la prensa internacional.
John Morton, director del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas de Estados Unidos (ICE
por sus siglas en inglés), fue el encargado de entregar al embajador de Francia en EE.UU.,
François Delattre, el oleo que data de 1876 y que mide 1876 de 100 x 66 centímetros, lo que se
realizó en una ceremonia en Washington este jueves en la noche.
+ info:
La UNESCO convoca a expertos libios e internacionales a una reunión sobre la
salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural de Libia - Sede Central de la UNESCO. París (1 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:16:03]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
(Francia) 21 octubre 2011
La UNESCO ha invitado a expertos de dentro y fuera de Libia a examinar el estado del
patrimonio cultural del país y las medidas que pueden tomarse para salvaguardar los sitios
culturales, impedir el tráfico ilícito, proteger los museos y fortalecer las instituciones culturales
tras el conflicto civil y la caída del régimen del coronel Gaddafi. La reunión, primera desde el
cambio de régimen, tendrá lugar el 21 de octubre en París en la Sede de la Organización.
+ info:
Expression sonore & Atelier de Description ASA (Atelier de sémiotique audiovisuelle)
Que sont ces sons? Quelles typologies ? Comment les décrire ? Comment les localiser et indexer pour leur réutilisation?
Existe-t-il une modélisation d’organisation de ces informations ?…
Ces problématiques sont au centre de notre projet de recherche. En effet, l’Atelier de description du Studio ASA, prévoit
une fonctionnalité pour la description des plans sonores des documents audiovisuels. Nous allons le démontrer par une
simulation de l’usage de cette fonctionnalité dans notre Atelier de Description.
En choisissant l’onglet « Plan acoustique », l’analyste accède à la fonctionnalité pour décrire ce type d’information à la fois
au niveau de la vidéo et au niveau des segments de vidéo (Illustration A).
+ info:
Celebración del 10° aniversario de la Declaración Universal sobre la Diversidad Cultural en Argentina y
Uruguay (Octubre de 2011)
El Sector de Cultura de la Oficina de la UNESCO en Montevideo conmemora el décimo aniversario de la adopción de la
Declaración Universal de la UNESCO sobre la Diversidad Cultural, la cual representó un punto de inflexión en el modo en el
que la comunidad internacional piensa la cultura, la cooperación y el desarrollo, refutando la teoría del choque de
civilizaciones, y proponiendo una visión alternativa que percibe la diversidad como una fortaleza positiva.
Esta Declaración ha sentado las bases conceptuales para el desarrollo de diversos instrumentos normativos como la
Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (2003) y la Convención para la Protección y Promoción
de la Diversidad de Expresiones Culturales (2005).
+ info:
Statement by Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Minister Edna Molewa on rhino poaching after
engaging provinces - Republic of South Africa
A recently held meeting of the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs and the provincial MECs responsible for
environment (MINMEC) has recommended that a moratorium on hunting of rhinoceros be considered as a last resort after
all options have been explored.
It should however be noted that , the Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs reserves the right to institute a
moratorium if there is a clear abuse or absolute collapse in any of the provincial permitting systems.
+ info:
Ratification of the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR)
carbon capture and storage measures
At its meeting this week, the strategic Coordination Group of the OSPAR Commission welcomed further progress towards
the legal storage of carbon dioxide in subsea geological formations.
Amendments to the OSPAR Convention for this purpose, agreed in 2007, have been ratified and entered into force for
those Contracting Parties to the OSPAR Convention which have ratified (Norway, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain,
European Union, Luxembourg and Denmark) on 23 July 2011. Today the amendments also entered into force for The
Netherlands and additional Contracting Parties to the OSPAR Convention will continue the process of ratification,
acceptance or approval through their official national channels.
Following up the conclusions and recommendations of the Quality Status Report 2010, the OSPAR Commission is giving
further consideration to how to take forward the development of monitoring and assessment capacities for climate change
and ocean acidification at the regional scale, including tools to assess the rate of change.
+ info:
La France signe le protocole de Nagoya (22 septembre 2011)
La France a signé le 22 septembre 2011 le protocole de Nagoya, adopté l’année dernière lors de la 10ème conférence de la
Convention sur la Diversité Biologique. Ce protocole a pour but de réglementer l’accès aux ressources génétiques et de
promouvoir le partage juste et équitable des avantages issus de leur utilisation.
+ info:
English Heritage and the National Planning Policy Framework - United Kingdom
English Heritage believes that if a small number of changes and additions to the National Planning Policy Framework
(NPPF) are introduced, the protection of the historic environment can be maintained at the existing level, which is the
stated aim of Government.
+ info:
English Heritage report progress on the implementation of the National Heritage
Protection Plan (NHPP) - United Kingdom
The documents on this page provide details of why and how English Heritage is
implementing the National Heritage Protection Plan (NHPP), and report on progress.
+ info: (2 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:16:03]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
Mensajes del 40º aniversario de Ramsar: noviembre 2011
Humedales sanos implica gente sana. Y al contrario, unos humedales degradados por las actividades
humanas, especialmente las que hacen que disminuya la calidad y disponibilidad del agua, generalmente
ven mermadas sus capacidades para prestar los servicios de los ecosistemas que, tanto de forma directa
como indirecta, afectan a la salud humana al repercutir, entre otros, en la pérdida de producción de
alimentos y en los medios de vida locales. Los humedales degradados también pueden provocar la
aparición de enfermedades infecciosas y el resurgimiento de enfermedades relacionadas con el agua,
comprometiendo igualmente la salud humana, y pueden hacer que disminuya la disponibilidad de plantas
y animales de los humedales con valores medicinales de particular importancia para las poblaciones indígenas y las
comunidades locales…
+ info:
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Ramsar Sign Memorandum of Cooperation
Ramsar and WWT have signed a three-year Memorandum of Cooperation promoting the
commitment of both organisations to the conservation and wise use of wetlands. The purpose of
this Memorandum of Cooperation is to provide a flexible framework for collaboration between the
Parties, mobilizing WWT’s technical and capacity-building expertise for an improved
implementation of the Ramsar Convention.
+ info:
Alianza para reducir los crímenes contra el Patrimonio – Boletín – Reino Unido
La Alianza para reducir los crímenes contra el Patrimonio (ARCH, en sus siglas en inglés)
es una nueva red nacional que llevará adelante iniciativas para abordar el crimen del
patrimonio e impulsar acciones de ámbito local como parte de la Iniciativa para el
Crimen contra el Patrimonio. El objetivo primordial de este grupo es reducir el volumen
de crímenes que causan daño o que interfieren con el disfrute de las posesiones
patrimoniales en Inglaterra.
+ info:
Rinocerontes en peligro por demanda de sus cuernos para tratar el cáncer - WWF
(República de Sudáfrica)
Fuente: EFE | 03/11/2011
Los rinocerontes están en grave peligro por la demanda de sus cuernos, a los que en partes
de Asia se atribuyen propiedades para tratar el cáncer, aunque esto no ha sido probado por
lo que incluso han dejado de ser utilizados como ingrediente en la medicina tradicional
El Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza (WWF) denunció esta situación tras comprobar que en
los diez primeros meses del año fueron abatidos más rinocerontes en Sudáfrica que durante todo el año pasado.
+ info:
Review of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 - Review Submission
Review Submission Victoria. Australia
Organizadores: State Government of Victoria
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 25 nov 2011
+ info:
Consultation Document on Enabling Legislation for National Parks. August 2011
DOE. Department of Environment
Northern Ireland - United Kingdom
In October 2004, the Department published a consultation paper about national parks and other protected landscape
areas. The debate has moved on since then, and the political landscape has changed with the restoration of devolution and
a locally-elected Assembly.
In March 2011, the Department published a White Paper as a first step towards bringing forward enabling legislation to
allow for the creation of national parks in Northern Ireland. At the time the Department said that further material would be
published for consideration during the consultation period.
Accordingly, a new consultation document has now been published. This looks in more detail at the governance options for
a national park and seek answers to a number of specific questions on national park issues with a view to developing policy
proposals for enabling legislation to be brought before the Assembly. For ease of reference, the White Paper has been
included as an appendix.
The consultation document and accompanying letter to consultees are available below. This new document subsumes the
consultation on the White Paper, and the consultation period has been extended to reflect this. Responses are invited by
31st October 2011 (3 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:16:03]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
+ info:
Stopping the Rot: A Guide to Enforcement Action to Save Historic Buildings - English Heritage
Keeping historic buildings in good repair and, where possible, in use, is the key to their preservation.
Owners of listed buildings are under no statutory obligation to maintain their property in a good state of
repair, although it is in their interests to do so. Local authorities can, however, take action to secure repair
when it becomes evident that a building is being allowed to deteriorate.
Urgent Works Notices, Repairs Notices and Section 215 Notices can be very effective tools to help secure
the preservation of historic buildings.
This guidance, which supersedes the first edition published in 1999, is designed to help local authorities
make effective use of these powers. It provides step-by-step advice on the use of the main procedures and includes case
studies and a selection of specimen letters, notices, schedules and agreements.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:16:03]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
Architecture City Guide: Tel Aviv - Israel
This week our Architecture City Guide is headed to Tel Aviv. Justin Kliger, a local urban
planner and designer and friend of ArchDaily, graciously put together the material for
this week’s guide. As the founder of Architec.tour.a, an architecture tour company in Tel
Aviv , Kliger offered us great insights into the architecture of his city. “Tel Aviv is
covered by a UNESCO world heritage listing as the ‘White City’, the single largest
collection of International Style buildings in one city. In addition, there is a vast amount
of development and construction going on in Tel Aviv. There are a range of interesting
buildings, including many examples of Brutalist buildings, post modernist structures and new cutting edge designs,” says
Kliger. The 12 buildings we feature here only scratch the surface of what Tel Aviv has to offer. We will be adding to the list
in the near future so leave more suggestions in the comment section below.
To check out other cities visit our world map or our Architecture City Guide page.
The Architecture City Guide: Tel Aviv list and corresponding map after the break.
+ info:
Seleção 2011 - Mestrado em Estudos Urbanos e Regionais da UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
26 septiembre - 18 noviembre 2011 Natal, Estado del Rio Grande do Norte. Brasil
Organizadores: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
+ info:
CONFERENCE - Association REMPART: Des chantiers de bénévoles pour la restauration du patrimoine urbain en
Chine et en Israël
05 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: l’Union REMPART
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
The Pre-Motor City: As Detroit paves a new economic road forward, an archaeologist
investigates its industrial beginnings - Detroit - Michigan - USA
On a Wednesday afternoon in early June, a white bus with the navy blue logo "Indian Trails"
emblazoned on its side turns off Michigan Avenue onto 16th Street and heads south. At Dalzelle
Street it takes a left and comes to a stop in front of the gutted husk of Michigan Central Station, the
former railway hub for Detroit, once the fourth largest city in the United States. A gaggle of tourists
hops out of the coach and gawks at the 230-foot-tall building, pointing cameras at it and capturing
what has come to be referred to as "ruin porn."
+ info:
Update from Pingyao, China: Global Heritage Fund Senior Advisory Board
Chair Tracks Progress at Pingyao
Authentic preservation at Pingyao reflects definition of sustainable development:
development that provides equally for current and future generations in economic,
social and environmental terms. (1 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:16:11]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
In 1997, UNESCO added Pinyao to its World Heritage list, calling it “an exceptionally
well-preserved example of a traditional Han Chinese city.” Ten years later, GHF
began working there to preserve the vernacular architecture, revitalize and stimulate traditional arts, and establish special
historic areas…
+ info:
'Il patrimonio delle cascine di milano' - Milan - Italy (23-24 October 2011)
Siamo lieti di invitarvi alle manifestazioni in corso relative, fra l'altro, alle due iniziative di presentazione e restituzione del
progetto Il patrimonio rurale immateriale delle cascine di Milano, un archivio aperto e partecipato della memoria della vita
delle cascine, che raccoglie le video- testimonianze degli agricoltori e degli abitanti delle cascine milanesi, prodotto da
Comitato Cascine Milano 2015, Storie Digitali srl, UNIMI Facoltà di Agraria–DI.P.S.A, in collaborazione col Distretto Agricolo
Milanese e con il contributo di Regione Lombardia, Direzione Cultura- R.E.I.L..
+ info:
Preliminary plan for the Callowhill Reading Viaduct neighbourhood improvement district - Philadelphia Pennsylvania - USA
The mission is to transform the public space between Vine and Spring Garden Streets, 8th
Street and Broad Street (excluding properties fronting on Broad Street) into a cleaner,
safer, greener neighborhood.
+ info:
VIDEO - Sacred Spaces: A celebration of the wonderfully varied architecture in Melbourne - Victoria - Australia
Melbourne's finest architects will be talking about thier favorite spots in the city. Their sacred spaces.
This season the emphasis is on women architects, designers and urban planners but not exclusively. The guys also get
their say!
+ info:
1ère diffusion du film de la série Cités culturelles "CONFLUENCES : LE REVE METROPOLITAIN"
03 noviembre 2011 Lyon. Francia
Organizadores: Musée Gadagne
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Morceau de Ville: Le Grand Lyon - Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine
09 noviembre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine / Ifa et la Communauté urbaine du Grand Lyon
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Atelier - Patrimoine & Urbanisme
02 diciembre - 03 diciembre 2011 Vivonne. Francia
Organizadores: Fédération Patrimoine-Environnement (FNASSEM)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 25 nov 2011
+ info:
International Congress - "THE HERITAGE OF THE CITY - Europe's Future, New Opportunities through
Integrated Urban Development"
08 diciembre - 09 diciembre 2011 Berlin. Alemania
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
First International Conference on Architecture and Urban Design - Epoka University
19 abril - 21 abril 2012 Tirana. Albania
Organizadores: Department of Architecture, Epoka University & Department of Architecture and Urban Planning,
Polytechnic University of Tirana
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 ene 2012
+ info:
International Congress: Frontpage Planning: Before and After Major Events, Disasters, and Social Unrest SCUPAD (Salzburg Congress on Urban Planning & Development)
05 mayo - 08 mayo 2012 Salzburg. Austria
Organizadores: Salzburg Congress on Urban Planning & Development
Contacto: events@)
+ info: (2 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:16:11]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
World Heritage Papers No. 27: Managing Historic Cities
World Heritage Centre
Paris, UNESCO, 2010
World heritage series: papers (N. 27)
English, French
243 p., illus., plans
ISBN 978-92-3-004175-5
This publication contains a selection of papers written for the regional expert meetings organized in the
context of UNESCO's initiative on the conservation of the Historic Urban Landscape. They contain forward-looking ideas
and some propose innovative strategies for inclusion into urban conservation practice, while others promote specific tools
for particular issues arising from historic urban landscape management.
+ info:
Common Ground in a Liquid City: Essays in Defense of an Urban Future
Author: Matt Hern
ISBN: 9781849350105
Publisher: AK Pres
If we want to preserve what's still left of the natural world, we need to stop using so much of it. And cities
are the best chance we have left for a sustainable future ... but only if they remain vibrant, dynamic spaces
that are unfolded by millions of people working together—and not by master plans and planners. What will
it take to make our cities truly sustainable?
+ info:
The Setting of Heritage Assets: English Heritage Guidance
This document sets out English Heritage guidance on managing change within the settings of
heritage assets, including archaeological remains and historic buildings, sites, areas, and
It provides the basis for advice by English Heritage on the setting of heritage assets when we
respond to consultations and when we assess the implications of development proposals on
the historic estate that we manage. It is also intended to assist others involved with managing
development that may affect the setting of heritage assets.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (3 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:16:11]
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
World's oldest known underground carriage to be restored - Heritage Lottery Fund United Kingdom
The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has awarded just over £422,000* to restore the world’s
oldest surviving known example of an underground carriage – Metropolitan Railway Carriage
Number 353.
The project will mark the 150th anniversary of London’s Underground – the oldest metro
system in the world – and enable London Transport Museum to restore the carriage to full
working order to become a key feature of the anniversary celebrations in 2013. The
restoration of the historic carriage has been awarded to the Ffestiniog Railway, who are specialists in heritage railway
carriage restorations. HLF will also help fund an apprentice to gain an NVQ Level 2 in Carpentry as part of the project, and
a further 159 participants will be offered the opportunity to work towards a heritage and transport qualification via the
National Open College Network.
+ info:
Se abre el Museo Médico Nacional en Silver Spring – Maryland – EEUU
Tras más de 30 años en el centro médico Walter Reed ARmy en el distrito de Columbia, el Museo Nacional de la Salud y la
Medicina acaba de terminar su reubicación en su nuevo emplazamiento en Fort Detrick – en el bosque Glen Annex en
Silver Pring, Md. El museo abrirá sus primeras exposiciones itinerantes al público el 15 de septiembre de 2011.
+ info:
Rénovation du Musée de l'Air & de l'Espace: partenariat avec le
Ministère de la Défense et le Groupement des Industries Françaises
Aéronautiques et Spatiales (GIFAS) - Le Bourget - France
Le 27 septembre 2011, Gérard Longuet, ministre de la Défense, Jean-Paul
Herteman, président du GIFAS (Groupement des Industries Françaises
Aéronautiques et Spatiales) et Catherine Maunoury, directrice du musée de l’Air
et de l’Espace, ont signé un accord portant sur un mécénat global de 26,5
millions d’euros.
Dans le cadre de la politique de rénovation, de préservation des collections et de mise en valeur de l’industrie aéronautique
française, le ministère de la Défense et des anciens combattants contribue de façon exceptionnelle à la rénovation du
musée à hauteur de 21,5 millions d’euros. Les entreprises aéronautiques du GIFAS s’engagent quant à elles à verser sur
l’année 2011 une contribution d’un montant de 5 millions d’euros.
+ info:
Bouncing Back to Life: Restoring the Florida laboratory where Thomas Edison
sought a substitute for rubber - Fort Myers - Florida - USA
In the final years of his life, Thomas Edison searched for an alternative source of rubber with
the same burning intensity he'd demonstrated in pursuit of a reliable light bulb. The locus of
his efforts was a site he called his "jungle," a lush waterfront corner of southwest Florida
where he wintered with his wife, Mina, and eventually grew thousands of plants that played a
crucial role in his experiments.
+ info: (1 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:16:14]
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
Large numbers of visitors flocked to view Murtoa Stick Shed - Victoria - Australia - 2
October 2011
With a huge restoration project all but complete, the Shed drew a huge crowd during the Murtoa
Big Weekend. More than 1250 people visited the Stick Shed on 2 October with visitors coming
from across Victoria and even interstate to view this unusual structure.
Dubbed the 'Cathedral of the Wimmera', the 1941 Murtoa Stick Shed spans the length of five
Olympic swimming pools. It is the last remaining of the sheds constructed in Australia as a
solution for grain storage during the World War II wheat glut.
+ info:
150 years of the completion of the transcontinental telegraph, a primitive Internet
united the USA
LOS ANGELES (AP).- Long before there was an Internet or an iPad, before people were social
networking and instant messaging, Americans had already gotten wired.
Monday marks the 150th anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental telegraph.
From sea to sea, it electronically knitted together a nation that was simultaneously tearing
itself apart, North and South, in the Civil War.
Americans soon saw that a breakthrough in the spread of technology could enhance national
identity and, just as today, that it could vastly change lives.
"It was huge," says Amy Fischer, archivist for Western Union, which strung the line across mountains, canyons and tribal
lands to make the final connection. "... With the Civil War just a few months old, the idea that California, the growing cities
of California, could talk to Washington and the East Coast in real time was huge. It's hard to overstate the impact of that."
On Oct. 24, 1861, with the push of a button, California's chief justice, Stephen J. Field, wired a message from San
Francisco to President Abraham Lincoln in Washington, congratulating him on the transcontinental telegraph's completion
that day. He added the wish that it would be a "means of strengthening the attachment which binds both the East and the
West to the Union."
+ info:
El Museo curie, donde la historia y la memoria se encuentran - Instituto Curie.
París (Francia)
El Museo Curie está situado en uno de los edificios más antiguos del Instituto Curie. Este
laboratorio fue construido entre 1911 y 1914 por Marie Curie para la Universidad de París y
el Instituto Pasteur. Es en este lugar que los esposos Curie descubrieron el polonio y el radio
en 1898.
Durante casi 20 años, Marie Curie continuó con su trabajo en este laboratorio y fué
igualmente en este lugar que Irene y Frédéric Joliot-Curie, su hija y su yerno, ganaron el
Premio Nobel de Química en 1935 por el descubrimiento de la radiactividad artificial.
El Museo Curie es a la vez un museo de historia de la ciencia y un lugar de memoria. Se compone de un espacio de
exposición permanente y tiene registros históricos tales como la documentación sobre la historia de los Curie y Joliot-Curie
y también sobre la historia de la radiactividad y el cáncer.
+ info:
English Heritage launches Industrial Heritage at Risk project - United Kingdom
Listed industrial buildings are more at risk than almost any other kind of heritage, according to a
major research project carried out by English Heritage. You can find out more about the threats to
our industrial heritage in this section, as well as how to get involved in rescuing it, re- using it and
caring for it. So, whether you are an owner or a developer, whether you are involved in a local trust
or whether you just want to find out about industrial buildings with a connection to your family, we
hope you find something relevant and inspiring.
+ info:
La "piedra de sol", el secreto de los vikingos para guiar su nave
La legendaria "piedra de sol" que habría permitido, según las sagas nórdicas, a los navegantes vikingos
orientarse incluso en tiempo nublado no es una simple leyenda, aseguran investigadores en un estudio
publicado hoy.
Los vikingos eran conocidos por ser navegantes consumados, capaces de navegar miles de kilómetros
en el mar en dirección de Islandia y Groenlandia. Incluso descubrieron sin duda América del Norte
alrededor del año 1000, mucho antes que Cristóbal Colón. Pero su capacidad para navegar sin brújula
en tan largas distancias e incluso en condiciones climáticas muy adversas (noche polar, nieve, etc.),
sigue siendo un misterio.
+ info:
Agenda (2 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:16:14]
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
Cours publics de l'Ecole de Chaillot sur le patrimoine industriel
2011-2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Fédération Patrimoine-Environnement (FNASSEM)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba (3 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:16:14]
Patrimonio Intangible
Patrimonio Intangible
Taller regional de fortalecimiento de capacidades sobre el papel de las ONG en la aplicación de la Convención
para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (2003) - Quito - Ecuador - 19-21 octubre 2011
Concluye exitosamente el taller regional de fortalecimiento de capacidades sobre el papel de las ONGs en la aplicación de
la Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, celebrado en Quito, Ecuador, del 19 al 21 de
octubre de 2011.
El sector de Cultura de la Oficina UNESCO Quito, en colaboración con la Oficina Regional de Cultura para America Latina y
el Caribe UNESCO La Habana y la sección de Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la UNESCO organizaron un taller regional de
fortalecimiento de capacidades sobre el papel de las ONGs en la aplicación de la Convención para la Salvaguardia del
Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial.
El evento contó con la presencia del Vice Ministro del Ministerio Coordinador de Patrimonio del Ecuador y de la
Coordinadora Técnica a nivel nacional del Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural del Ecuador, quienes inauguraron la
+ info:
Les savoir-faire d'excellence au cours du Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel
03 noviembre - 06 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Carrousel du Louvre. Musée du Luvre
+ info:
MONTAGNA DI BENESSERE - Piante officinali e termalismo"- Universita Degli Studi di Milano - Edolo - Premia
(VB) - Italy 28 ottobre 2011
Un settore che localmente vede protagonisti insieme al centro termale antigoriano il Consorzio di produttori locali di erbe
officinali Erba Bona, che attraverso questo progetto ha ottenuto finanziamenti per l'acquisto di attrezzature al servizio del
proprio laboratorio di Verampio.
Tra gli interventi del convegno di venerdì 28 a Premia quelli di Roberto Maffei Facino della Facoltà di Farmacia
dell'Università degli Studi di Milano su 'Oli essenziali e termalismo', del Presidente delle Unità di Endocrinochirurgia Italiane
Rinaldo Lampugnani su 'termalismo e flebologia moderna', del dermatologo dell'ASL San Martino di Genova Alberto
Cavalchini su 'fangoterapia e termalismo e di Silvia Alberti Violetti del dipartimento di dermatologia dell'Università degli
Studi di Milano sull'efficacia delle acque termali, segnatamente quelle di Premia, nella cura della psoriasi.
+ info:
Seminario de presentación de la Cocina Tradicional Mexicana - Montevideo Uruguay - (5-6 de Septiembre de 2011)
Los días 5 y 6 de septiembre de 2011 tuvo lugar en Montevideo, Uruguay, el
Seminario de presentación de la Cocina Tradicional Mexicana, reconocida como
Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad por la UNESCO en 2010.
El evento, que se desarrolló en el Centro Cultural Teatro Solís, Restaurante "Rara
Avis", y en la Escuela de Gastronomía, Hotelería y Turismo de la UTU, contó con el
auspicio del Sector Cultura de la Oficina de UNESCO en Montevideo.
+ info: (1 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:16:17]
Patrimonio Intangible
Argentina: Presentación "Identidad y Diversidad Cultural en la Música" Buenos Aires - Argentina - (15 de Septiembre de 2011)
El programa "La Voz de los Sin Voz" de UNESCO y la Licenciatura en Musicología de la
Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) realizaron la
presentación "Identidad y Diversidad Cultural en la Música".
El evento tuvo lugar el jueves 15 de septiembre de 9 a 12h en el Auditorio
Independencia de la Facultad de Psicología de la UBA.
+ info:
Segundo Taller UNESCO sobre Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial - Santiago de Chile Chile - 2 - 3 de noviembre de 2011
Enfatizar la relación con las comunidades locales y compartir técnicas para el rescate,
recopilación, reapropiación y usos del patrimonio cultural inmaterial (PCI), fueron algunos de
los principales temas discutidos en el segundo taller de la UNESCO sobre este tema
realizado en Santiago de Chile el 2 y 3 de noviembre de 2011.
En el evento participaron estudiantes de diversas áreas, investigadores y académicos,
representantes gubernamentales y recopiladores de tradiciones orales, quienes tuvieron
como norte de su discusión la puesta en marcha de la Convención para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial,
aprobada por la Conferencia General de la UNESCO en 2003 y que busca salvaguardar este patrimonio; respetar este
herencia de comunidades, grupos e individuos, sensibilizar sobre su importancia en el plano local, nacional e internacional
y ayudar en la cooperación y asistencia internacionales en este tópico.
+ info:
Expression sonore & Atelier de Description ASA (Atelier de sémiotique audiovisuelle)
Que sont ces sons? Quelles typologies ? Comment les décrire ? Comment les localiser et indexer pour leur réutilisation?
Existe-t-il une modélisation d’organisation de ces informations ?…
Ces problématiques sont au centre de notre projet de recherche. En effet, l’Atelier de description du Studio ASA, prévoit
une fonctionnalité pour la description des plans sonores des documents audiovisuels. Nous allons le démontrer par une
simulation de l’usage de cette fonctionnalité dans notre Atelier de Description.
En choisissant l’onglet « Plan acoustique », l’analyste accède à la fonctionnalité pour décrire ce type d’information à la fois
au niveau de la vidéo et au niveau des segments de vidéo (Illustration A).
+ info:
Día Europeo de las Lenguas 2011: X Aniversario - Bruselas (Bélgica) 25-26 septiembre
«Por cada idioma que hablas, vives una vida diferente; si solo sabes un idioma, solo vivirás una
vez». Este proverbio checo es uno de los lemas del X Día Europeo de las Lenguas, que se celebrará
el 26 de septiembre con eventos que incluyen conferencias, concursos, lectura de poesía y juegos
en la calle (lista completa aquí). El objetivo es fomentar el aprendizaje de lenguas y celebrar la
diversidad lingüística de Europa, desde las veintitrés lenguas oficiales de la UE hasta sus muchas
lenguas cooficiales, regionales y minoritarias, y todos sus dialectos. La Comisaria europea de
Educación, Cultura, Multilingüismo y Juventud, Androulla Vassilliou, firmará una declaración conjunta con el Secretario
General del Consejo de Europa, Thorbjørn Jagland, para reafirmar su compromiso con el multilingüismo. La Presidencia
polaca de la Unión Europea tiene entre sus prioridades más destacadas el aprendizaje de idiomas y está alentando a los
jóvenes a que aprendan dos idiomas, además de su lengua materna, para ampliar sus metas personales y profesionales.
+ info:
PRIZES - PRIX DU PATRIMOINE CULTUREL IMMATERIEL - Maison des cultures du monde - Paris - France - (712 novembre 2011)
Devenu en 2008 Festival International du Film Ethnographique Jean Rouch, le Bilan du film ethnographique fêtera en 2011
les trente ans de son existence par l’organisation d’événements exceptionnels en province et à l’étranger, à la rencontre
d’un public toujours plus enthousiaste et curieux. La Maison des Cultures du Monde est heureuse de vous convier à ces
projections dans ses murs, en plein cœur de Paris dans le 6e arrondissement.
Cinq prix seront décernés par un jury international :
- Grand Prix Nanook - Jean Rouch (CNRS Images)
- Prix "Anthropologie et développement durable" (Suez Environnement)
- Prix Mario Ruspoli (Service du livre et de la lecture, Direction générale des médias et des industries culturelles, Ministère
de la Culture)
- Prix du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel (Département du pilotage de la recherche et de la politique scientifique, Direction
générale des patrimoines, Ministère de la Culture)
- Prix Bartok (Société française d’ethnomusicologie)
+ info:
Boletin Nº 13 del Centro Regional para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de America Latina CRESPIAL
CRESPIAL was created on February 2006, after the signing of the agreement of Constitution in Paris between UNESCO and
the Peruvian government with the aim of promoting and supporting actions for the safeguard and protection of the vast
cultural intangible heritage of the peoples of Latin America. It is a category II centre, under the auspices of the UNESCO.
CRESPIAL mainly aims to contribute to the creation of public policies in the countries of the region, starting from the
identification, valuing and the spreading of its culture, actions which will result in the enrichment of the cultural diversity of (2 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:16:17]
Patrimonio Intangible
Latin America, and which abide by the spirit of the Convention for the Safeguard of Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003).
+ info:
ICHCAP (Intangible Cultural Heritage Centre of Asia & the Pacific): ICH (Intangible Cultural
Heritage) Courier Vol.9 - The Republic of Korea
The ninth issue of the ICH Courier opens with a recap of the July 2011 Expert Meeting for establishing an
ICH safeguarding system in Lao DPR that was held in Seoul, Korea. This meeting resulted in a joint project
agreement between ICHCAP and the Ministry of Information and Culture of the Lao People’s Democratic
Republic. According to the agreement, the two parties will work in tandem to establish an ICH
safeguarding system in Laos.
+ info:
CONVOCATORIA PARA ENVIAR ARTÍCULOS: REVISTA Oráfrica: - fecha límite: 31 de diciembre de 2011
El Centro de estudios internacionales de biología y antropología (CEIBA), especializado en la cultura oral de Guinea
Ecuatorial, Camerún y Santo Tomé y Príncipe, invita a profesores, investigadores y los interesados en escribir un artículo o
una revisión bibliográfica sobre un aspecto de la cultura oral africana. La idea es que estos textos enriquezcan el contenido
de la revista Oráfrica, que publica la entidad de Barcelona del mismo nombre. Las contribuciones deben ser enviadas por
vía telemática antes del 31 de diciembre de 2011. Los textos y las consultas sobre el formato de presentación deben
enviarse a [email protected].
+ info:
Symposium: Challenges and future of documenting Nepal's musical heritage - Kathmandu - Nepal - 28
November 2011
A symposium will be held on the occasion of International Folk Music Film Festival in Kathmandu. The symposium aims at
discussing the existing challenges and future of documenting the Nepal's rich musical heritage.
The symposium will gather international senior ethnomusicologists, Nepalese experts in safeguarding the folk musical
tradition, culture experts, emerging talents in traditional music and relevant government representatives. It aims to tackle
present issues, both national and international, related to the music heritage documentation and find solutions on how this
rich Nepal’s folk musical traditions can be better safeguarded and transmitted.
+ info:[showUid]=4771&cHash=1a81ea9014
VIe Festival Larachi Flamenca - Maison des Cultures du Monde
25 noviembre - 27 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Maison des Cultures du Monde
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Symposium: Challenges and future of documenting Nepal's musical heritage
28 noviembre 2011 Lalitpur. Nepal
Organizadores: On the occasion of International Folk Music Film Festival in Kathmandu
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:[showUid]
Journées des acteurs culturels du Centre Ouest Bretagne
01 diciembre - 03 diciembre 2011 Le Saint et Rostrenen, Bretagne. Francia
Organizadores: Centre Ouest Bretagne
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Lecture: The Last Words: Documenting Endangered Languages of the Andaman Islands - CRASSH (The Centre
for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities)
01 diciembre 2011 Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: CRASSH (The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities) and Jawaharlal Nehru
Contacto: Catherine Hurley: [email protected]
+ info:
CALL FOR PAPERS - Language Endangerment: Methodologies and New Challenges - The Centre for Research in
the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH)
06 junio 2012 Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: University of Cambridge
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 mar 2012
+ info:
CRASSH (The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities) Charting Vanishing Voices: A (3 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:16:17]
Patrimonio Intangible
Collaborative Workshop to Map Endangered Oral Cultures
29 junio - 30 junio 2012 Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: CRASSH (The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
50 Aniversario: Casa de las Américas - Cuba
Por la Casa de las Américas han pasado, como concursantes o jurados, importantes personalidades de nuestras letras en
español, portugués, inglés, francés, créole, quechua, aymara, guaraní, y otras lenguas que ilustran la diversidad cultural
de la región, dentro de su unidad geográfica e histórica, y su común destino promisorio. Desde mediados de la década del
70, la atención a la presencia e influencia latinas en los Estados Unidos, también ha encontrado nuevos cauces para su
expresión y divulgación en los diferentes espacios de la Casa.
+ info:
ORALIDAD - Revista para el Rescate de la Tradición Oral de América Latina y el Caribe
La revista Oralidad, publicada desde 1988 por la Oficina Regional de Cultura para América Latina y el
Caribe de la UNESCO, está dedicada a la promoción y la salvaguardia de la tradición oral de América
Latina y el Caribe como vehículo del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la región.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:16:17]
Lenguas y Toponimia
Lenguas y Toponimia
La UNESCO apoya el Congreso Voces e Imágenes de las Lenguas en Peligro Quito - Ecuador - (7-9 septiembre 2011)
La Oficina de UNESCO en Quito apoyó a la Escuela de Lingüística de la Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Ecuador y la Foundation for Endangered Languages (Fundación
para las Lenguas en Peligro) en la organización del Congreso Voces e Imágenes de las
Lenguas en Peligro que se realizó los días 7 a 9 de septiembre de 2011 en los locales del
Centro Cultural de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (Quito).
El Congreso incluyó actividades académicas como conferencia magistrales, ponencias y
mesas redonda facilitadas por expertos internacionales.
+ info:
Dire, Ne pas dire - L'Académie française - Paris - France
Voici la suite de cette nouvelle rubrique, Dire, Ne pas dire, qui donne le sentiment de l’Académie française sur les fautes,
les tics de langage et les ridicules qui s’observent le plus fréquemment dans le français contemporain.
+ info:
Día Europeo de las Lenguas 2011: X Aniversario - Bruselas (Bélgica) 25-26 septiembre
«Por cada idioma que hablas, vives una vida diferente; si solo sabes un idioma, solo vivirás una
vez». Este proverbio checo es uno de los lemas del X Día Europeo de las Lenguas, que se celebrará
el 26 de septiembre con eventos que incluyen conferencias, concursos, lectura de poesía y juegos
en la calle (lista completa aquí). El objetivo es fomentar el aprendizaje de lenguas y celebrar la
diversidad lingüística de Europa, desde las veintitrés lenguas oficiales de la UE hasta sus muchas
lenguas cooficiales, regionales y minoritarias, y todos sus dialectos. La Comisaria europea de
Educación, Cultura, Multilingüismo y Juventud, Androulla Vassilliou, firmará una declaración conjunta con el Secretario
General del Consejo de Europa, Thorbjørn Jagland, para reafirmar su compromiso con el multilingüismo. La Presidencia
polaca de la Unión Europea tiene entre sus prioridades más destacadas el aprendizaje de idiomas y está alentando a los
jóvenes a que aprendan dos idiomas, además de su lengua materna, para ampliar sus metas personales y profesionales.
+ info:
Agenda (1 de 2) [23/11/2011 17:16:18]
Lenguas y Toponimia
Lecture: The Last Words: Documenting Endangered Languages of the Andaman Islands - CRASSH (The Centre
for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities)
01 diciembre 2011 Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: CRASSH (The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities) and Jawaharlal Nehru
Contacto: Catherine Hurley: [email protected]
+ info:
CALL FOR PAPERS - Language Endangerment: Methodologies and New Challenges - The Centre for Research in
the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH)
06 junio 2012 Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: University of Cambridge
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 mar 2012
+ info:
CRASSH (The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities) Charting Vanishing Voices: A
Collaborative Workshop to Map Endangered Oral Cultures
29 junio - 30 junio 2012 Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: CRASSH (The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Optimising Learning, Education and Publishing in Africa: The Language Factor - A Review and
Analysis of Theory and Practice in Mother-Tongue and Bilingual Education in sub-Saharan Africa
Edited by Adama Ouane and Christine Glanz
© June 2011 UIL/ADEA
ISBN 978-92-820-1170-6
This publication presents the results of comprehensive research that assesses the experiences of mothertongue and bilingual education programmes in 25 sub-Saharan African countries in recent years.1 Its
overall conclusion is encapsulated in the statement Language is not everything in education, but without
language, everything is nothing in education (Wolff, Chapter 1).
+ info:
50 Aniversario: Casa de las Américas - Cuba
Por la Casa de las Américas han pasado, como concursantes o jurados, importantes personalidades de nuestras letras en
español, portugués, inglés, francés, créole, quechua, aymara, guaraní, y otras lenguas que ilustran la diversidad cultural
de la región, dentro de su unidad geográfica e histórica, y su común destino promisorio. Desde mediados de la década del
70, la atención a la presencia e influencia latinas en los Estados Unidos, también ha encontrado nuevos cauces para su
expresión y divulgación en los diferentes espacios de la Casa.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [23/11/2011 17:16:18]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Alors que les nappes de carburant échappées d'un porte-conteneurs libérien
échoué dans une des baies les plus réputées de Nouvelle-Zélande ont atteint
lundi la côte, les équipes du WWF Nouvelle-Zélande sont arrivés ce matin à
Tauranga pour offrir leur soutien avant l'arrivée annoncée d'une tempête.
+ info:
WWF lanza campaña para proteger el Triángulo de Coral del Sudeste de Asia
El Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza (WWF) lanzó una campaña en el Sudeste Asiático para proteger el Triángulo de Coral,
un ecosistema marino de gran diversidad situado entre Filipinas, Indonesia, Malasia y algunas islas del Pacífico.
El dinero recaudado irá destinado a iniciativas del WWF para conservar esta área marítima de 5,7 millones cuadrados en la
que habitan delfines, ballenas, tortugas y más de 3.000 especies de peces.
+ info:
New Zealand oil spill reaches shore - Bay of Plenty - New Zealand
Members of the public have been out helping with the beach clean up. People who want to
help are urged to go through the official volunteer programme. There are now more than
6,000 registered volunteers.
Locals have also been offering support in other ways. National On Scene Commander Nick
Quinn said members of the local community had been delivering baking and food to hardworking clean-up crews on the beach.
+ info:
Décret portant création du parc naturel marin du golfe du Lion - France
Le décret crée et délimite à l'est des départements des Pyrénées-Orientales et de l'Aude le parc naturel marin dénommé «
parc naturel marin du golfe du Lion ». Cet espace maritime comprend le sol, le sous-sol et la masse d'eau qui les recouvre.
Le décret fixe la composition du conseil de gestion du parc qui comprend principalement des représentants de l'Etat, des
collectivités territoriales, des professionnels, des usagers, des associations de protection de l'environnement et des
personnalités qualifiées. Il détermine les orientations de gestion du parc que doivent respecter l'Etat, les collectivités
territoriales et les organismes qui s'associent à la gestion du parc naturel marin.
+ info:
Tara Oceans: Entrevista a Etienne Bourgois
Después de más de dos años, ¿en qué punto se encuentra la expedición Tara Oceans?
Hemos llegado al punto más lejano de la expedición, a partir de ahora emprendemos el
“regreso a casa”, la ruta hacia Bretaña y Lorient.
Con los científicos del consorcio Oceans hemos establecido una expedición muy profesional.
Puede darse una sensación de rutina para los que nos siguen, pero eso es lo mejor de lo que
se pueda desear a una misión oceanográfica (1 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:16:21]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Me siento siempre feliz de hablar con los científicos que están sorprendidos por la aventura
que es Tara Oceans. La gran mayoría del tesoro les pertenece ahora, les espera un trabajo considerable para obtener
resultados. Lo que nos anima es la expectativa del público en general para aprender aún más y su disposición a aprender
de los científicos. Aprovecho esta oportunidad para agradecer a la tripulación que ha trabajado incansablemente durante
más de dos años y a los científicos a bordo y en tierra.
+ info:
Estudio del riesgo tiburones en la Isla de La Reunión - Francia
En la isla de La Reunión acaba de iniciarse una operación de marcado de tiburones. Se produce en el marco
del proyecto "CHARC - Conocimiento de la ecología y del hábitat de dos especies de tiburones costeros en
la costa oeste de La Reunión".
Este proyecto se propone estudiar la ecología de dos especies de tiburones costeros de la reunión, el
tiburón Tigre y el tiburón Bulldog (probablemente las especies más abundantes), a partir de marcadores
electrónicos, para definir las características de sus respectivos hábitats (micro-hábitats) y su distribución
espacial y temporal en estos micro-hábitats.
+ info:
Nouvelle campagne de mesure : la mer de Barents serait propre et riche
Les dernières données environnementales mesurées dans la Mer de Barents montrent que ses eaux seraient riches et
relativement peu polluées.
La campagne de mesure de cette année a été conduite par un groupe de surveillance environnementale composé d'experts
et dirigé par l'IMR (institut de recherche marine). Les résultats sont diffusés par miljøstatus (portail gouvernemental de
diffusion de l'information environnementale). Des campagnes de mesure de la pollution sont menées dans la mer de
Norvège et la mer de Barents depuis plus de 30 ans. "Nous suivons de près l'évolution des éléments polluants dans la mer
de Barents. Certains restent très longtemps dans l'écosystème et peuvent ainsi s'accumuler dans la chaîne alimentaire et
remonter jusqu'aux grands animaux et à l'être humain. Nous travaillons pour une règlementation internationale plus
stricte.", explique Ellen Hambro, directrice de KLIF (agence norvégienne de contrôle du climat et de la pollution).
+ info:
Conférence internationale "Abysses, Voyage dans un monde méconnu" - Institut
océanographique - Paris - France (13octobre 2011)
Depuis la découverte des premiers nodules polymétalliques en 1868 dans la mer de Kara ou celle
du premier oasis sous-marin en 1977 sur la crête de la dorsale des Galápagos, les scientifiques
n'ont cessé de faire avancer les connaissances sur les grands fonds marins. Grâce aux campagnes
d'exploration, tel le recensement de la vie marine « Census of Marine Life », puis aux prospections
menées ces dernières décennies, les avancées scientifiques et technologiques laissent entrevoir la
diversité de la vie et tout le potentiel des ressources biologiques, minérales ou énergétiques du
fond des océans.
+ info:
Oceana propone 25 hábitats atlánticos de España y Portugal para su protección
La creación de áreas marinas protegidas en la montaña submarina del Gorringe, el Cabo San Vicente, el Golfo de Cádiz y
algunas zonas de la costa cantábrica supondría un gran avance hacia la protección de hábitats de gran importancia y el
cumplimiento de los acuerdos internacionales.
Científicos de Noruega, Reino Unido, Francia, Suecia, Alemania y España se han dado cita en Bergen (Noruega) ayer y hoy
para debatir sobre la existencia en aguas del Atlántico Noreste de hábitats marinos de gran importancia que se encuentran
en peligro de desaparecer o en grave retroceso. En este encuentro, organizado por el Convenio OSPAR, Oceana ha
presentado hallazgos realizados durante sus expediciones que demuestran la existencia en aguas atlánticas de España y
Portugal de 25 hábitats marinos que deben ser protegidos, más 3 en el Kattegat (Báltico).
+ info:
Deep water coral found in unexplored canyons off the South West continental shelf of
A team of Irish and UK Marine scientists discovered the cold water coral, Lophelia pertusa, in
unexplored deep sea canyons 400km south of Cork on the edge of the European continental shelf
during a recent MESH (Mapping European Seabed Habitats) survey on the Irish national RV Celtic
Explorer. Deep water camera equipment was used to capture images of the seafloor in water up
to 1km deep, where pressure is 100 times greater than surface pressure. Cameras also captured
evidence of the impact of fishing on the mound forming coral, as trawl marks in the seabed and
discarded fishing nets and ropes were encountered on a number of occasions.
+ info:
Formación en planificación espacial marina de sitios marinos del patrimonio
mundial - Baja California (México)
Del 28 de septiembre al 5 de octubre de 2011, el Programa Marino del Patrimonio Mundial
organizó durante 2 días una formación de planificación espacial de los ecosistemas marinos
para el personal de gestión de dos sitios del Patrimonio Mundial: el santuario de las ballenas
de El Vizcaíno y las islas y superficies protegidas del Golfo de California (ambos situados en
Baja California, en México).
El Santuario de las ballenas de El Vizcaíno está inscrito en el Patrimonio Mundial desde (2 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:16:21]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
1993. Se trata de la única zona de parición y repoblación de ballenas grises del Pacífico-Este, que efectúan cada temporada
un viaje de millares de millas, desde el mar de Bering y de los Chukches en el Ártico. De todas las poblaciones de ballenas
grises del mundo, ésta es la última que está aún en buenas condiciones.
+ info:
Maud Fontenoy Foundation launches new kit on ocean biodiversity - Cité des sciences et de
l'industrie - Paris - France
The kit was developed by the Maud Fontenoy Foundation in partnership with the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and will be distributed to 8,000 middle schools to focus on environmental
issues in science classes. The students will also have the option of participating in a biodiversity projects
The speakers, during this event, include Dr. Mitrasen Bhikajee, Deputy Executive Secretary of the
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC/UNESCO), Foundation sponsor Marion Cotillard and
Universcience president Claudie Haigneré.
+ info:
3era edición: Día Internacional de Limpieza de Costas 2011 - Uruguay - 12 de Noviembre de 2011
Bolsas de supermercado… colillas de cigarro… papeles de caramelos. No caen del cielo, caen de nuestras manos. Y lo que
el mar arrastra a la costa es solamente una fracción de lo que termina en el agua, amenazando la vida marina y dañando
los ecosistemas, día a día, todos los días.
El Día Internacional de Limpieza de Costas es un evento que se realiza desde 1986 que tiene lugar en más de cien países
alrededor del mundo. Cada año, cientos de miles de voluntarios pasan un día recolectando basura en sus playas locales
como una demostración de su compromiso con la limpieza de la línea de costa y océano adyacente. El Programa EcoPlata
trae por tercer año consecutivo este evento a Uruguay, sirviendo como coordinador nacional para el Día Internacional de
Limpieza de Costas.
+ info:
The Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR) Commission
E-Newsletter Issue 6
The OSPAR Convention entered into force on 25 March 1998. It replaces the Oslo and Paris Conventions but Decisions,
Recommendations and all other agreements adopted under those Conventions will continue to be applicable, unaltered in
their legal nature, unless they are terminated by new measures adopted under the 1992 OSPAR Convention. Working
languages of the Convention are English and French.
+ info:
The Exploration of Subglacial Lake Ellsworth - Antarctica
More than one hundred and forty five subglacial lakes have been discovered beneath the Antarctic
ice sheet. These lakes have been isolated from the surface for considerable periods of time and each
represents a unique environment. Life in subglacial lakes must adapt to total darkness, low nutrient
levels, high water pressures and isolation from the atmosphere. Subglacial lakes thus represent
unique biological habitats…
+ info:
Four United Nations agencies launch ocean preservation plan
Overfishing, degradation of coastal areas, pollution and declining biodiversity are seriously affecting the
health of the ocean. To address these problems, four United Nations agencies have prepared a plan to
improve the governance of oceans and limit their degradation. The Blueprint for Ocean and Coastal
Sustainability will be presented on 1 November at an event devoted to the oceans at UNESCO
Headquarters (1 to 3 p.m., Room IX).
+ info:
Ratification of the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR)
carbon capture and storage measures
At its meeting this week, the strategic Coordination Group of the OSPAR Commission welcomed further progress towards
the legal storage of carbon dioxide in subsea geological formations.
Amendments to the OSPAR Convention for this purpose, agreed in 2007, have been ratified and entered into force for
those Contracting Parties to the OSPAR Convention which have ratified (Norway, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain,
European Union, Luxembourg and Denmark) on 23 July 2011. Today the amendments also entered into force for The
Netherlands and additional Contracting Parties to the OSPAR Convention will continue the process of ratification,
acceptance or approval through their official national channels.
Following up the conclusions and recommendations of the Quality Status Report 2010, the OSPAR Commission is giving
further consideration to how to take forward the development of monitoring and assessment capacities for climate change
and ocean acidification at the regional scale, including tools to assess the rate of change.
+ info:
Un grupo de organismos de las Naciones Unidas presenta diez propuestas para la salvaguarda
de los océanos (3 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:16:21]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Ese plan, expuesto en un informe titulado Blueprint for Ocean and Coastal Sustainability, alerta sobre el
peligro que corre el estado de salud de los océanos y explica la influencia que éstos tienen en nuestra vida
diaria como reguladores del clima, suministradores de alimentos altamente nutritivos, proveedores de
medios de subsistencia y sostenes de la economía. Este informe recuerda que los océanos cubren el 70%
de la faz de la Tierra, pero solamente el 1% de su superficie goza de protección.
Presentado en la sede de la UNESCO durante la 36ª reunión de su Conferencia General, el Blueprint se ha
preparado para someterlo al examen de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo (Río
+ 20) que tendrá lugar en junio de 2012.
+ info:
Rio+20 : un cambio por la biodiversidad marina
La próxima Cumbre de la Tierra Río+20 -llamada oficialmente Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Desarrollo
Sustentable- se celebrará del 4 al 6 de junio de 2012 en Río de Janeiro, Brasil. Esta cumbre es un nuevo intento de
Naciones Unidas en el comienzo de milenio para avanzar sobre el compromiso de los Estados y la comunidad mundial en
los grandes cambios de este siglo XXI. Tendrá lugar veinte años después de la primera cumbre histórica de Río de Janeiro
en 1992 y diez años después de la de Johannesburgo en 2002.
+ info:
La mission Tara Océans passe à la phase scientifique
Après deux ans de collecte de toutes sortes de micro-organismes peuplant les mers et les océans de la
Terre, l’expédition Tara Océans passe maintenant à la phase scientifique. Selon les chercheurs,
l’exploitation de toutes les données rapportées prendra plusieurs années.
La goélette Tara aura passé 630 jours en mer, depuis septembre 2009, à prélever des microorganismes dans 133 zones des océans du monde, sélectionnées grâce à des informations satellitaires
qui ont répertoriées les zones de brassage d'eaux chaudes et froides et d’autres sites d'intérêt en
fonction de la salinité ou de la température des océans.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:16:21]
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
Dresden's Museum of Military History redesigned by Architect Daniel Libeskind Bundeswehr - Dresden - Germany
Seit dem 15. Oktober 2011 ist die neu konzipierte Dauerausstellung des Militärhistorischen
Museums der Bundeswehr (MHM) für ihre Besucher geöffnet.
Über zwei Zugänge wird das MHM seinen Besucherinnen und Besuchern sowohl inhaltlich als
auch architektonisch neu präsentiert. Thematische Querschnitte zur Kultur- und
Sozialgeschichte von Militär und Gewalt sind im von Daniel Libeskind entworfenen Neubau
ausgestellt. Im sanierten Altbau führt ein chronologischer Rundgang durch die Epochen der
Militärgeschichte vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.
+ info:
Se abre el Museo Médico Nacional en Silver Spring – Maryland – EEUU
Tras más de 30 años en el centro médico Walter Reed ARmy en el distrito de Columbia, el Museo Nacional de la Salud y la
Medicina acaba de terminar su reubicación en su nuevo emplazamiento en Fort Detrick – en el bosque Glen Annex en
Silver Pring, Md. El museo abrirá sus primeras exposiciones itinerantes al público el 15 de septiembre de 2011.
+ info:
Museum of the Fromelles Fight - SERERO Architectes - Fromelles - Nord France
The architecture of the Museum of Fromelles, designed by SERERO Architectes, is aiming
at establishing a link between sky and earth, between visitors and the “burial” of
soldiers. This is a building with a low profile, which is half-sunk on its northeast facade.
The work on natural topography has helped to improve the natural slope of the site and
cover, partially, the technical space of the museum. More images and architects’
description after the break.
Only the volume containing the exhibition spaces emerges from the landscape, indicating the trace of a burial. This
emergence is in concrete, which evokes the stacking of successive geological stratifications and different types of soil in the
basement. The museum is gradually revealed to people accessing the site, with its low profile, which is respectful of the
presence of the adjacent cemetery.
+ info:
Le Minahouet et l'association Voiles d'Iroise vous accueillent - Pont-Aven - Bretagne France
A l'occasion des Journées européennes du Patrimoine, les 17 et 18 septembre, le Minahouet
sera amarré à Pont Aven.
Des visites commentées du navire, unes exposition photos et des films sur son histoire et sa
restauration vous seront présentés.
Un stand de Barbe à Papa, une animation de dessin et de maquillage su rle thème de "Naviguer
sur la mer" pour les enfants sont organisé.
Nous souhaitons vous voir nombreaux pour découvrir ce pur joyau des mers.
Des articles parus dans "Le Pèlerin" et "Télé-Loisirs" de la semaine à venir sont à votre disposition dans la presse publique.
+ info: (1 de 3) [23/11/2011 17:16:25]
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
Nearly four decades after, landmark Hanoi Hotel
unearths Vietnam War bunker
HANOI (AP).- The siren's wail at the historic Metropole Hotel
sent American folk singer Joan Baez and other guests
scampering across a garden and into an underground bunker.
Even through five feet of concrete, they could still hear the
roar of American bombs raining on parts of Hanoi.
Nearly four decades have passed since the so-called
Christmas Bombings rocked parts of Vietnam's capital in December 1972. After the war ended three years later, the
bunker was sealed and all but forgotten.
Its exact location remained a mystery until this summer, when a worker's drill pierced its thick concrete roof during
renovations of a poolside bar. Since then, workers have been excavating the flooded and low-ceilinged space. Not much
has been found in the seven rooms: a wine bottle, a rusty paint can and a light bulb still in a socket. But a few tales
remain, some involving famous guests.
"If these walls could talk, they would tell a lot of stories," says hotel general manager Kai Speth, while giving The
Associated Press an exclusive first glimpse. The bomb shelter "needs to be brought back into the life of the hotel as a
reminder of what this hotel and this town went through."
+ info:
Viking boat burial find is United Kingdom mainland first - Ardnamurchan
Transitions Project - Scotland - United Kingdom
The 5m-long grave contained the remains of a high status Viking, who was buried with an
axe, a sword with a beautifully decorated hilt, a spear, shield boss and bronze ring-pin.
The Viking had been buried in a ship, whose 200 or so metal rivets were also found by the
The 1,000-year-old find, on the remote Ardnamurchan Peninsula, was made by the
Ardnamurchan Transitions Project (ATP) which is a team led by experts from the Universities
of Manchester, Leicester, CFA Archaeology Ltd and Archaeology Scotland
Funded this season by The University of Manchester, Newcastle University and The Leverhulme Trust, the project brings
together students and academics at what may be one of Britain’s most significant Viking sites.
+ info:
Maritime Experiential Museum & Aquarium Opens - Resorts World Sentosa - Singapore
Embark on an exciting journey to discover Southeast Asia’s maritime trade history during 9th to 19th century. Featuring
more than 400 rare objects, the Maritime Experiential Museum and Aquarium is the first and only museum to showcase the
Asian maritime history.
Marvel at Admiral Zheng He's massive Treasure Ship (Bao Chuan) and learn about his epic voyages from China to the
‘Western Ocean’. Check out the ports of call, the exotic bazaars (Souks) and cultural emporium which Admiral Zheng He
and other Asian explorers visited along the Maritime Silk Route.
+ info:
Museo Marítimo Nacional de Ámsterdam reabre sus puertas - Países Bajos
El Museo Marítimo Nacional de Ámsterdam ha reabierto sus puertas después de cuatro años de renovación. El museo, que
tenía una imagen anticuada y decadente, ahora se presenta fresco y moderno, diseñado para público de muy diversa
“Está construido para atraer no solamente a los amantes de la navegación”, dice el director Willem Bijleveld, “pero también
para families, niños de colegios, y gente que nunca visitó un museo anteriormente.” Hay varias muestras interactivas y los
visitantes pueden sentir, literalmente, el glorioso pasado marítimo de Holanda.
La renovación del musero costó 58 millones de euros y fue sufragada por dos ministerios. El diseño del interior, que costó
17,5 millones, fue financiado exclusivamente con capitales privados y mecenas individuales.
+ info:
VIDEO - Cultural Heritage and the Reconstruction of Identities after Conflict: Case Studies - Cambridge
University. Cambridge (United Kingdom)
CRIC is a European research project directed from the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research at the University of
Cambridge studying the impact of the destruction and reconstruction of cultural heritage on societies after war. CRIC
( Cultural Heritage and the Reconstruction of Identities after Conflict) has case studies in Spain, Bosnia, France, Germany
and Cyprus. This four-year project is funded by the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme.
+ info:
El Presidente Obama crea un nuevo Parque Nacional - Hampton, Virginia (USA)
Es la primera vez que el presidente de los Estados Unidos, Barak Obama, utiliza sus poderes
para crear un parque nacional en su gobierno. El nuevo monumento que se suma a la lista de
parques nacionales y sitios de importancia patrimonial de los Estados Unidos se encuentra en
Fort Monroe, en Hampton, Virginia, ha sido recientemente denominado monumento nacional,
título otorgado dada su larga historia que comienza allí por el 1600 cuando fueron los
conquistadores holandeses los que se asentaron en esta isla que forma, naturalmente, un
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Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
EXHIBITION - Admiral Cochrane, The Real Master and Commander - National Museum Scotland
07 octubre 2011 - 12 febrero 2012 Edinburgh. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: National Museum Scotland and is delivered in partnership with National Records of Scotland
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Arctic Convoys 1941-45 - National Maritime Museum
21 octubre 2011 - 28 febrero 2012 Greenwich. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: National Maritime Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - War Horse: Fact & Fiction - National Army Museum
Until August 2012 16 noviembre 2011 - 01 agosto 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: National Army Museum
+ info:
Playing with fire: struggling with ‘experience’ and ‘play’ in war tourism
Mads Daugbjerg
In Museum and society, Mar 2011. 9(1) 17-33 © 2011.
ISSN 1479-8360
This paper takes up the ambiguities of embracing ‘experiential’ and ‘playful’ ways of learning at war sites. It takes as its
point of departure the widespread tendencies in the heritage industry to align communication to new emotional and playful
ways of learning about the past and goes on to demonstrate and discuss how these assert themselves at a specific Danish
war site. The links between the concepts of heritage, experience, romanticism and nationalism are investigated with
historical reference to the Scandinavian open air museology and theoretical inspiration drawn from Scott Lash and his
notion of a ‘second’ modernity. It is argued that the current obsession with ‘experience’ in the heritage sector displays a
range of neo-romantic traits. At the Danish centre, staff and visitors are shown to negotiate and struggle to ‘balance off’
their playful and romantic engagements
against more distanced, non-involved stances towards the war past.
+ info:
Letter from Bermuda: Secrets of a Civil War Shipwreck
by James P. Delgado
Bermuda is an island nation famous for its shipwrecks. Discovered in 1505 by Spanish mariner
Juan de Bermudez, the tiny territory is made up of 181 small islands ringed by reefs that have
claimed hundreds of vessels. It was a shipwreck, in fact, that led to the settlement of the
islands. Today, Bermuda is home to more than 62,000 people, and some 150 to 300 wrecks
are said to be submerged off its beaches and in its maze of reefs…
+ info:
Registered Battlefields Designation - Selection Guide - English Heritage
The English Heritage Register of Historic Battlefields identifies 43 important English battlefields. Its purpose is to offer them
protection and to promote a better understanding of their significance.
+ info:
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Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
Happy Birthday Le Corbusier!
Today marks the Swiss-born French architect Le Corbusier’s birthday. Noted as one of the pioneers of
modern architecture, Le Corbusier’s architecture career spanned some five decades. Born in 1887, which
would make him 124 today, Charles-Édouard Jeanneret adopted the pseudonym Le Corbusier in the
1920s. Known for both his architecture and furniture design you can visit the Galerie Anton Meier where
some of Le Corbusier & Pierre Jeanneret furniture is currently on a special exhibit. More of ArchDaily’s
coverage on Le Corbusier, books, buildings, and articles can be found here.
+ info:
White Cube announces the opening of a third major space in London - United Kingdom
White Cube announces the opening of a third major space in London. The building, located on Bermondsey Street in south
London, will open to the public during Frieze on 12 October 2011. This will be the largest of the gallery’s three London
sites, providing more than 5440 m 2 (58,000 sq ft) of interior space on a site of 1.7 acres (74,300 sq ft). The building
dates from the 1970s and was primarily used as a warehouse before the current refurbishment.
+ info:
Modern Masters Shine During What's Out There Weekend - San Francisco - California
- USA - 17-18 September 2011
More than 1,000 people explored San Francisco’s wealth of designed landscapes, particularly
Modernist ones, September 17-18 during What’s Out There Weekend. As with similar previous
events in Washington, D.C. and Chicago, the weekend provided visitors with free, expert- led
tours through 25 area parks, gardens, public plazas, and neighborhoods spanning over 100
years of design, though the focus, in keeping with the weekend’s Mostly Modern theme, looked
at masterworks by Lawrence Halprin, Robert Royston and other practitioners…
+ info:
Sunnylands Center and Gardens - The Office of James Burnett, Frederick Fisher &
Partners - Rancho Mirage - California - USA
An extension of the 200-acre desert retreat of publisher, diplomat and philanthropist Walter
Annenberg, the Sunnylands Center and Gardens is an interpretive center that celebrates the
architectural and cultural legacy of the historic estate. Inspired by the Annenberg’s
extensive collection of impressionist artwork, the landscape architect painted a living
landscape that respects the character of the Sonoran Desert and demonstrates a new
ecological aesthetic for landscapes in the arid southwest.
+ info:
Architecture City Guide: Tel Aviv - Israel
This week our Architecture City Guide is headed to Tel Aviv. Justin Kliger, a local urban
planner and designer and friend of ArchDaily, graciously put together the material for
this week’s guide. As the founder of Architec.tour.a, an architecture tour company in Tel
Aviv , Kliger offered us great insights into the architecture of his city. “Tel Aviv is
covered by a UNESCO world heritage listing as the ‘White City’, the single largest
collection of International Style buildings in one city. In addition, there is a vast amount (1 de 2) [23/11/2011 17:16:26]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
of development and construction going on in Tel Aviv. There are a range of interesting buildings, including many examples
of Brutalist buildings, post modernist structures and new cutting edge designs,” says Kliger. The 12 buildings we feature
here only scratch the surface of what Tel Aviv has to offer. We will be adding to the list in the near future so leave more
suggestions in the comment section below.
To check out other cities visit our world map or our Architecture City Guide page.
The Architecture City Guide: Tel Aviv list and corresponding map after the break.
+ info:
World Monuments Fund 2012 Endangered Monuments Watch includes two iconic New
York buildings - New York State - USA
The World Monuments Fund calls for international awareness to the 2012 list of endangered
monuments. The watch encompasses 67 threatened cultural-heritage sites worldwide. These
influential landmarks include the iconic Manufacturers Trust Company Building in New York City
designed by Gordon Bunshaft of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill and Paul Rudolph’s Orange County
Government Center in Goshen, New York.
The former 1950’s Manufactures Trust Bank exemplifies mid-century modern architecture
situated on one of the busiest streets of Manhattan. The glass and aluminum façade abandoned the traditional “fortress”
approach and confidently displayed the interiors of the bank, exposing the 30-ton steel vault serving as a metaphor for
transparency in banking. In 1997, the building was designated a New York City landmark and in early 2011 received
protection for the modern interiors designed by Eleanor H. Le Maire. The current owners are adapting the building for reuse
and altering the interior features, endangering the iconic bond between the exterior and interior.
+ info:
Le cabanon Le Corbusier - Roquebrune - France
Réalisé en 1952 le Cabanon occupe une place à part dans l’œuvre de Le Corbusier. Une historiographie classique en a
rarement fait état, ou très succinctement. Et bien qu’il soit devenu une sorte de lieu de pèlerinage, régulièrement
fréquenté par quelques admirateurs du Maître, ses caractéristiques demeurent méconnues.
Sans doute, cela tient-il à la modestie du projet. C’est une petite baraque, dont le bardage en croûte de pin fait davantage
penser aux représentations de la ”cabane au Canada” qu’à une approche moderne du projet architectural. L’intérieur
regroupe quand à lui, dans une quinzaine de mètres carrés, deux lits, une table, quelques rangements, un lavabo et un
WC. Par l’une des deux fenêtres on aperçoit la plage où Le Corbusier se noya au mois d’août 1965.
+ info:
EXHIBITION - From Start to Finish: De Wain Valentine's Gray Column - J. Paul Getty Museum
13 septiembre 2011 - 11 marzo 2012 Los Angeles, California. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Getty Conservation Institute in collaboration with the J. Paul Getty Museum.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXPOSICIÓN - Richard Meier: Retrospectiva - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey (MARCO)
20 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Nuevo León. México
Organizadores: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey (MARCO) y Richard Meier & Partners Architects
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
12th International Docomomo Conference - THE SURVIVAL OF MODERN, FROM COFFEE CUP TO GENERAL PLAN
07 agosto - 10 agosto 2012 Espoo. Finlandia
Organizadores: Docomomo Suomi/Finland and Espoo City Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
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AWARDS - Transboundary Protected Area Award 2011 - Krkonoše National Park
(Czech Republic) and Karkonosze National Park (Poland)
At the EUROPARC Conference 2011 two transboundary protected area complexes were
awarded their transboundary parks certificate after five years successful work with the
programme. Dr Arnold Boer member of the STEC (steering group of the transboundary
evaulation committee) very kindly conducted the award certificate with them being given my
new President Thomas Hansson.
Krkonoše National Park (CZ) and Karkonosze National Park (PL) were the first complex to be
rewarded the Transboudary “Following Natures design” certificate this year, after a successful re-revaluation of their
Transboundary co-operation. Both parks share a common commitment to visitor management across their fragile central
European mountain range, have shared planning and staff collaboration and exemplify the international cooperation upon
which the EUROPAR Federation was founded…
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Rivers of Ice: Vanishing Glaciers of the Greater Himalaya - Royal Geographical Society
03 octubre - 11 noviembre 2011 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Royal Geographical Society with IBG
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
MONTAGNA DI BENESSERE - Piante officinali e termalismo"- Universita Degli Studi di Milano - Edolo - Premia
(VB) - Italy 28 ottobre 2011
Un settore che localmente vede protagonisti insieme al centro termale antigoriano il Consorzio di produttori locali di erbe
officinali Erba Bona, che attraverso questo progetto ha ottenuto finanziamenti per l'acquisto di attrezzature al servizio del
proprio laboratorio di Verampio.
Tra gli interventi del convegno di venerdì 28 a Premia quelli di Roberto Maffei Facino della Facoltà di Farmacia
dell'Università degli Studi di Milano su 'Oli essenziali e termalismo', del Presidente delle Unità di Endocrinochirurgia Italiane
Rinaldo Lampugnani su 'termalismo e flebologia moderna', del dermatologo dell'ASL San Martino di Genova Alberto
Cavalchini su 'fangoterapia e termalismo e di Silvia Alberti Violetti del dipartimento di dermatologia dell'Università degli
Studi di Milano sull'efficacia delle acque termali, segnatamente quelle di Premia, nella cura della psoriasi.
+ info:
Proyecto "Salva la spongada" - Valle Camonica - Italia
¡Hemos empezado con este proyecto hace unos meses, con la intención de hacer conocer nuestro territorio y acercar las
personas a un producto bueno, tradicional y simpatico!
+ info:
Seminario "Il dissesto idrogeologico: dinamiche fluviali e movimenti franosi nelle valli alpine" - Edolo - Italy (26 ottobre 2011 )
Mercoledì 26 ottobre 2011 dalle ore 13.30 alle ore 17.30, presso l’Aula Magna della Facoltà di Agraria Sede di Edolo (BS),
tenuto dal dott. Enrico Casati (Pedologo)
Nel corso del seminario si tratteranno le principali dinamiche morfogenetiche dei corsi d’acqua e dei movimenti di massa
lungo i versanti con particolare riferimento agli eventi che maggiormente modificano il paesaggio (alluvioni, frane, erosione
del suolo).
Alcuni esempi consentiranno di evidenziare le relazioni di causa effetto con le attività antropiche e apprezzare il rischio ad
esse connesso.
La partecipazione è libera e gratuita.
Il seminario è accreditabile per il riconoscimento dei Crediti Formativi Professionali.
+ info:
Record de fusión de los glaciares austriacos en el verano de 2011
Un estudio del Instituto Central de Meteorología y Geodinámica (ZAMG) demuestra que los glaciares se han reducido
durante el verano de 2011 de manera tan espectacular que durante el verano de 2003, que fue sin embargo especialmente
+ info:
Seminar in English "A practical approach to the development of tourism in the mountainous areas of Italy" Edolo - Italy - 27 October 2011
Ricordiamo che giovedì 27 ottobre 2011 alle ore 15.30, presso l’Aula Magna della Facoltà di Agraria Sede di Edolo, si terrà
tenuto da Alexander Reed.
Il seminario sarà tenuto in lingua inglese.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati. La partecipazione è libera e gratuita.
+ info:
Comment concilier les activités humaines avec la protection des forêts de montagne en Haute-Garonne?
L'année internationale des forêts est l'occasion de mettre en lumière ceux qui agissent au quotidien pour la gestion durable
et la conservation des forêts. Guillaume Castaing, président de Nature Comminges, nous présente les actions de son
association pour préserver la diversité biologique remarquable des forêts haut-garonnaises.
+ info:
Día Internacional de las Montañas 2011
11 diciembre 2011
Organizadores: Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alilmentación y la Agricultura (FAO)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
What influences climate and glacier change in southwestern China?
By Teppei J Yasunari
The subject of climate change in the Tibetan Plateau (TP) and Himalayas has taken on increasing importance because of
the availability of water resources from their mountain glaciers (Immerzeel et al 2010). Many of the glaciers over these
regions have been retreating, while some are advancing and stable (Yao et al 2004, Scherler et al 2011). Other studies
report that some glaciers in the Himalayas show acceleration of their shrinkage (e.g., Fujita and Nuimura 2011). However,
the causes of glacier melting are still difficult to grasp because of the complexity of climatic change and its influence on
glacier issues. Despite this, it is vital that we pursue further study to enable future predictions of glacier changes…
+ info:
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Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Lanzamiento del portal del patrimonio de Gatineau realizado en colaboración con el
programa de cibermuseología de la UQO (Universidad de Quebec en Ouataouais) Canadá
En el marco de las Jornadas de la cultura,la Red del patrimonio de Gatineau (RPG) lanzó el Portal del
patrimonio de Gatineau. La creación de esta plataforma común para presentar y exhibir el patrimonio
local es el tesultado de la colaboración entre el RPG, la ciudad de Gatineau y la Universidad de
Québece en Outaouais (UQO).
Bajo la dirección del profesor de la UQO, Eric Langlois, tres estudiantes en cibermuseología France
Boudria, Fauve Laforest y Jessica Leblond, participaron en este proyecto. Esta ciberplataforma
comunicativa y unificadora contiene la información sobre los miembros de la red (RPG), las noticias de patrimonio y las
publicaciones en línea. Una ciberexposición titulada Los tesoros del patrimonio presenta este patrimonio aún poco
conocido. Las opciones interactivas permiten a los internautas participar en intercambios y debates sobre cuestiones de
+ info:
White Cube announces the opening of a third major space in London - United Kingdom
White Cube announces the opening of a third major space in London. The building, located on Bermondsey Street in south
London, will open to the public during Frieze on 12 October 2011. This will be the largest of the gallery’s three London
sites, providing more than 5440 m 2 (58,000 sq ft) of interior space on a site of 1.7 acres (74,300 sq ft). The building
dates from the 1970s and was primarily used as a warehouse before the current refurbishment.
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Eugène Atget. Select Works - James Hyman Photography
12 octubre - 12 noviembre 2011 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: James Hyman Photography
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
ONLINE EXHIBITION - Travelling Through History - EUROPEANA
"Travelling Through History" is your ticket to Europe's travel heritage. Join a 1930s car trip, journey
to the North Pole or explore diaries, maps and travel memorabilia dating back to the 12th century,
as selected by major European libraries. "Travelling Through History" is an exhibition featured by
The European Library.
+ info:
Johnson Museum New Wing - Pei Cobb Freed & Partners - 2011 - Cornell University - Ithaca New York - USA
Perched atop a slope overlooking Cayuga Lake in Ithaca, New York, the Herbert F. Johnson Museum of
Art, designed by I.M. Pei in 1973, is a landmark of modern architecture as well as an iconic presence on
the campus of Cornell University. On October 15, 2011, the museum unveils a sympathetic expansion
and renovation program designed to more comprehensively showcase the museum’s permanent
collection, which has grown nearly four-fold since the early ‘70s, and accommodate further growth.
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Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
New Galleries for the Art of the Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central Asia, and Later South Asia The Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York - New York State - USA - Opening 1 November
More than one thousand works from the preeminent collection of the Museum's Department of Islamic Art
—one of the most comprehensive gatherings of this material in the world—have returned to view in a
completely renovated, expanded, and reinstalled suite of fifteen galleries. The organization of the galleries
by geographical area emphasizes the rich diversity of the Islamic world, over a span of thirteen hundred
years, by underscoring the many distinct cultures within its fold.
+ info:
EXPOSICIÓN VIRTUAL - Reading Europe: European Culture Through the Book - EUROPEANA
Con las 100 obras más destacadas que la Biblioteca Nacional custodia entre sus fondos. La idea de esta
exposición, coordinada por el Grupo Editorial TEL, es dar a conocer a través de la biblioteca digital
Europeana los 100 libros más destacados de cada país de la Unión Europea. Entre las obras que hemos
incluido hay verdaderos tesoros, como el Cancionero de Stúñiga, el Libro de horas de Carlos V, el Beato de
Liébana, las Cantigas de Santa María...
Si quieres disfrutar de estas joyas de las grandes bibliotecas nacionales europeas, puedes acceder a la
exposición siguiendo este enlace de aquí abajo.
+ info:
Actividades extraídas del mundo de la arqueología subacuática
Con motivo del próximo X Aniversario de la Convención para la Protección del Patrimonio
Cultural Subacuático (2001) el mundo de la arqueología subacuática se está viendo animado
por importantes eventos.
Herramientas de aprendizaje
Por una parte, la UNESCO ha preparado un nuevo manual de referencia obligada sobre las
Reglas concernientes a las actividades dirigidas sobre el patrimonio cultural subacuático. Sus 14
capítulos explican el Anexo de la Convención dirigiéndose a gestores de yacimientos y autoridades nacionales. Estará
disponible tanto en versión impresa como en Internet. Su apéndice, que contiene útiles herramientas de aprendizaje así
como material gráfico, está en preparación. Por otro lado, el mundo del buceo apreciará especialmente el Código de Ética
para Buceo en Sitios Arqueológicos Sumergidos que acaba de ser adoptado y publicado por la UNESCO, el cual asegura el
respeto por el patrimonio sumergido por parte de cada buceador del Mundo.
+ info:
Update: Museum der Kulturen Basel - Herzog & de Meuron - 2011 - Basel - Switzerland
In early September we reported that the Museum der Kulturen Basel reopened its doors after two
years of reconstruction, refurbishment and expansion. Now we are providing you with some more
images of this exciting design.
Among the updates was a Herzog & de Meuron design described as a ‘stunning crown for the
historical walls: the beautiful rooftop of irregular folds fits harmoniously into the rooftops surrounding
the cathedral’.
+ info:
Dresden's Museum of Military History redesigned by Architect Daniel Libeskind Bundeswehr - Dresden - Germany
Seit dem 15. Oktober 2011 ist die neu konzipierte Dauerausstellung des Militärhistorischen
Museums der Bundeswehr (MHM) für ihre Besucher geöffnet.
Über zwei Zugänge wird das MHM seinen Besucherinnen und Besuchern sowohl inhaltlich als
auch architektonisch neu präsentiert. Thematische Querschnitte zur Kultur- und
Sozialgeschichte von Militär und Gewalt sind im von Daniel Libeskind entworfenen Neubau
ausgestellt. Im sanierten Altbau führt ein chronologischer Rundgang durch die Epochen der
Militärgeschichte vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Gegenwart.
+ info:
EE.UU. devuelve a Francia cuadro robado en la I Guerra Mundial - EE.UU
Autoridades aduaneras de Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) devolvieron al Gobierno francés, de manera
oficial, un cuadro del siglo XIX realizado por el pintor galo Jules Breton (1827-1906), que fue
plagiado hace un siglo por un soldado alemán mientras se exhibía en un museo de Douai en el
norte del país, informó este viernes la prensa internacional.
John Morton, director del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas de Estados Unidos (ICE
por sus siglas en inglés), fue el encargado de entregar al embajador de Francia en EE.UU.,
François Delattre, el oleo que data de 1876 y que mide 1876 de 100 x 66 centímetros, lo que se
realizó en una ceremonia en Washington este jueves en la noche.
+ info:
Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum - Ricardo Carvalho & Joana Vilhena Arquitectos
- Lisbon - Portugal
The project for the Design and Fashion Museum provisional premises provides an (2 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
intervention in the old Banco Nacional Ultramarino building on Rua Augusta, situated at the
heart of Lisbon’s historic city center.
The building was designed by the architect Cristino da Silva (initiated in 1952) and was
characterised by a ground floor, entirely dedicated to client service with a strong urban
relationship to the streets surrounding the building and, most importantly, an atmosphere
distinguished by the solid nature of the materials used and the sophistication of the construction undertaken. This was the
most Viennese of Lisbon banks, with a stone counter capable of defining the design of the entire space in itself and an
interrupted interior that reveals the proportions of the building block from the inside.
+ info:
La UNESCO convoca a expertos libios e internacionales a una reunión sobre la
salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural de Libia - Sede Central de la UNESCO. París
(Francia) 21 octubre 2011
La UNESCO ha invitado a expertos de dentro y fuera de Libia a examinar el estado del
patrimonio cultural del país y las medidas que pueden tomarse para salvaguardar los sitios
culturales, impedir el tráfico ilícito, proteger los museos y fortalecer las instituciones culturales
tras el conflicto civil y la caída del régimen del coronel Gaddafi. La reunión, primera desde el
cambio de régimen, tendrá lugar el 21 de octubre en París en la Sede de la Organización.
+ info:
Workshop on Management, Exhibition and Storage for the UNESCO/Norway FIT (Funds-InTrust) Project in the Open Air Museum of Georgia - Tbilisi - Georgia - 6-12 October 2011
Following the successful workshop on Preventive Conservation of textiles, which took place in May 2011,
UNESCO organizes another workshop in the Georgian National Museum in close cooperation with
Maihaugen Museum of Lillehammer, Norway, on issues concerning museum management, preventive
conservation of wooden objects and training on security and storage management, in addition to the
preparation for the permanent exhibition in the Giorgi Chitaia Open Air Museum’s traditional vernacular
+ info:
Shelburne Museum Announces Center for Art and Education - Shelburne - Vermont
Shelburne Museum Chairman James Pizzagalli announced plans for a new center for art and
education at Shelburne Museum that will expand the museum’s educational programs,
bring new and exciting exhibits to visitors and, for the first time, open the museum yearround.
The announcement opens the public phase of the Campaign for Shelburne Museum, a $14
million capital campaign with the center for art and education as its centerpiece. To date
the campaign has raised $10.75 million.
+ info:
Se abre el Museo Médico Nacional en Silver Spring – Maryland – EEUU
Tras más de 30 años en el centro médico Walter Reed ARmy en el distrito de Columbia, el Museo Nacional de la Salud y la
Medicina acaba de terminar su reubicación en su nuevo emplazamiento en Fort Detrick – en el bosque Glen Annex en
Silver Pring, Md. El museo abrirá sus primeras exposiciones itinerantes al público el 15 de septiembre de 2011.
+ info:
Museum of the Fromelles Fight - SERERO Architectes - Fromelles - Nord France
The architecture of the Museum of Fromelles, designed by SERERO Architectes, is aiming
at establishing a link between sky and earth, between visitors and the “burial” of
soldiers. This is a building with a low profile, which is half-sunk on its northeast facade.
The work on natural topography has helped to improve the natural slope of the site and
cover, partially, the technical space of the museum. More images and architects’
description after the break.
Only the volume containing the exhibition spaces emerges from the landscape, indicating the trace of a burial. This
emergence is in concrete, which evokes the stacking of successive geological stratifications and different types of soil in the
basement. The museum is gradually revealed to people accessing the site, with its low profile, which is respectful of the
presence of the adjacent cemetery.
+ info:
ISMOF - International School Museum of Flamenco - Made Up Space
(MUS) Architects - Andalusia - Spain
Movements and gestures of dancers are full of expression and tension. Dancers
bring the fascinated viewer into an internal world of experience and emotion
through the swinging movement of their hips, decorative arrangement of their
fingers and smooth vibration of the ornamental frills. Rhythmic and dynamic
music transmits the spectator into a world of incredible aesthetic feelings
awakening all senses and inflaming the imagination. This is how architecture
dedicated to the culture of feisty flamenco should look like as demonstrated in the proposal by MUS Architects. More (3 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
images and architects’ description after the break.
Site management and building form reflect the flamenco spirit. Interior and exterior spaces of ISMOF building were created
through the sculptural interpretation of the theme. Building solid responds to diverse height of the terrain – it rises and
falls like a sinusoidal diagram of dynamic sound waves. On the ground floor which is canopied by sails vaults an extensive
square is located – a foreground for internal building program. Space areas are divided only by glass sheets. As a result
internal and external spaces penetrate themselves flowing under vaults of expressive canopies.
+ info:
Dallas Museum of Art Reunites a Pair of Vernet Masterpieces After 200 Years - Dallas - Texas - USA
Two landscape paintings by eighteenth-century French master Claude-Joseph Vernet have been reunited for the first time
in more than 200 years at the Dallas Museum of Art. Commissioned in 1774 at the height of Vernet’s career by famous
English collector Lord Lansdowne, the two large-scale paintings depict the complementary scenes of unruly rustic
landscape and tranquil seaport. The duo, A Mountain Landscape with an Approaching Storm and A Grand View of the Sea
Shore, hung together in the collector’s home, Lansdowne House, Berkeley Square, London, until his death, when the
paintings were sold to separate private collections in 1806.
+ info:
Exposición "Afrodescendientes / Huellas e Identidades" de Ricardo Preve en
el Museo de Alta Gracia - Museo Nacional Estancia Jesuítica de Alta Gracia Córdoba - Argentina (23 de Septiembre - 23 de Octubre de 2011)
Entre el viernes 23 de septiembre y el domingo 23 de octubre de 2011 tendrá lugar en
el Museo Nacional Estancia Jesuítica de Alta Gracia (Córdoba, Argentina), la reedición
de la muestra del fotógrafo argentino Ricardo Preve "Afrodescendientes / Huellas e
Identidades", organizada en el ámbito de 2011, Año Internacional de los
La exposición, concebida con el apoyo del Sector Cultura de UNESCO en Montevideo, reúne fotografías de Iemanjá en
Brasil, Cuba, Haití y Uruguay e imágenes del Carnaval de Artigas y del Desfile de Llamadas de Uruguay. Las mismas
constituyen una pequeña muestra del enorme legado cultural africano en América Latina y el Caribe, fruto del diálogo que
comenzó de forma forzada con la trata transatlántica hace quinientos años y cuyas interacciones y contribuciones fundan la
singularidad cultural del presente.
La muestra también se pudo visitar entre los meses de agosto y septiembre pasados en Villa Ocampo (San Isidro-Buenos
Aires, Argentina).
+ info:
Museum Folkwang - David Chipperfield - Essen - Germany
“Ruhr.2010 – European Capital of Culture” is the name of the project with which Essen and the
Ruhr are confronting changing times. The “Pott”, as the area is affectionately known in Germany,
is shaking off its coal-and-steel-producing past and mutating into a “new-style polycentric
cultural metropolis”. A high-flying objective. But one that nevertheless appears to be achievable
– certainly as long as the route is paved with milestones like the new Museum Folkwang building
inaugurated at the beginning of 2010.
The source of this particular milestone is British star architect David Chipperfield, who has
achieved great familiarity – not only within the architectural world – with projects such as his recent restoration of the New
Museum in Berlin. His speciality: “feeling his way into” existing structures that invariably enjoy his deepest respect. He has
again been able to put this speciality through its paces with the new Folkwang Museum building. The period museum built
in 1960, which is now linked to the new structure by means of two glass crossovers, was the point of departure for the
entire planning procedure; the extension built in 1983 and so unloved locally had to go.
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Histoire du Musée Schœlcher - Pointe-à-Pitre - Guadeloupe - France
En 1883, Victor Schœlcher, désireux de promouvoir la culture sous toutes ses formes auprès d’une
population libérée 40 ans plus tôt de l’esclavage, offre à la Guadeloupe une collection hétéroclite
regroupant des originaux et des copies d’œuvres d’art célèbres de l’Antiquité au XIXe siècle, des objets
personnels et des souvenirs de voyage.
+ info:
New York State Museum study suggest wolves migrating East - New York - New
York State - USA
KUNZELSAU.- The fascinations of the forest! Hardly another subject in art history can match
the forest for expressive potential and a concomitant multiplicity of meanings. As a favourite
setting for fairy tales, forests formed an essential projection screen during childhood. The
mostly young heroes and heroines went astray there, encountered unusual creatures, were
transformed, enchanted, or gobbled up, only to prevail in the end. The phantasmagorical
ideas of Romantic painters, writers, and composers still move us in the twenty-first century
and have become embedded in our feeling and thinking. Doesn't a stroll in the woods still hold the promise of time to think
and recuperate from humdrum life?
In the course of the nineteenth century, Romantic ideas spread so rapidly and widely that something known as the
"scientific forest aesthetic" emerged. Woods developed from "untamed wilderness" to sites for an enjoyment of nature and
finally into "suburban recreation areas" or even city parks designed to soothe the eye with subtle gradations of green, in (4 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
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foliage, water, and mosses.
+ info:
Art Gallery of South Australia to host major Turner exhibition in 2013 - Adelaide - South Australia - Australia
The Hon Mike Rann MP today announced that the Art Gallery of South Australia will host a significant exhibition of the work
of iconic British artist J. M. W. Turner. The exhibition, scheduled for February 2013, is being jointly curated by Tate and the
Art Gallery of South Australia and includes many of the artist’s most familiar oil paintings and watercolours as well as
works that have never been previously exhibited.
Turner – the Makings of a Master draws from the finest and most comprehensive collection of the artist’s work - the Turner
Bequest. There is arguably no greater insight into the working techniques of a great artist than this unique collection,
bequeathed to the people of Britain after Turner’s death in 1851 and held by the Tate.
Art Gallery of South Australia Director, Nick Mitzevich said “This spectacular exhibition reveals why Turner is regarded as
one of the greatest landscape painters of all time.”
+ info:
El museo conservará un kayak único del guerrero Alutiiq en una
Exposición – Peabody – Museo de Arqueología y EtnologíaUniversidad de Harvard – Massachusetts - EEUU
Por primera vez los visitantes del museo Peabody podrán ver a los
conservadores en activo en un espacio habilitado como galería.
El único kayak de guerrero Alutiiq que se conoce en América es la pieza
central de un nuevo esfuerzo por la conservación. Los comisarios del
museo Peabody y los conservadores colaborarán con el museo Alutiiq de
Alaska y con Alfred Naumoff el último creador de kayaks con entrenamiento tradicional en el estudio y conservación de las
colecciones en los dos próximos años.
+ info:
Rénovation du Musée de l'Air & de l'Espace: partenariat avec le
Ministère de la Défense et le Groupement des Industries Françaises
Aéronautiques et Spatiales (GIFAS) - Le Bourget - France
Le 27 septembre 2011, Gérard Longuet, ministre de la Défense, Jean-Paul
Herteman, président du GIFAS (Groupement des Industries Françaises
Aéronautiques et Spatiales) et Catherine Maunoury, directrice du musée de l’Air
et de l’Espace, ont signé un accord portant sur un mécénat global de 26,5
millions d’euros.
Dans le cadre de la politique de rénovation, de préservation des collections et de mise en valeur de l’industrie aéronautique
française, le ministère de la Défense et des anciens combattants contribue de façon exceptionnelle à la rénovation du
musée à hauteur de 21,5 millions d’euros. Les entreprises aéronautiques du GIFAS s’engagent quant à elles à verser sur
l’année 2011 une contribution d’un montant de 5 millions d’euros.
+ info:
VIDEO - Building the Moroccan Court in the New Galleries for the Art of the Arab Lands, Turkey, Iran, Central
Asia, and Later South Asia - Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York - New York State - USA
The court was made possible by the Patti and Everett B. Birch Foundation.
+ info:
A Background to the Armenian Heritage Centre - Valence - France
Since the 1920s, Valence and the surrounding area have welcomed an important population of Armenian origin, marked by
the tragic events of genocide and exile, as well as the difficulties of immigration. This exceptionally dynamic population has
integrated perfectly into the life of the town to which it has added its particularity thanks to the presence of a number of
associations and the maintain of strong traditions. The reference of identities, traditions and memories form the heritage of
the Armenians of Valence.
It is for this reason that the town of Valence created the Armenian Heritage Centre in 2005, included in the Valence Agglo
Sud Rhône-Alpes since January 1rst 2010.
+ info:
Become a 'Certified Londoner': Unlock our capital's turbulent past with a new HiddenCity
mobile phone trail through the colourful galleries of the Museum of London - London United Kingdom
For the first time ever, families will be able to explore a museum in the UK with an interactive text
message trail.
The Museum of London Discovery trail - a trail of clues by text message exploring the museum’s
galleries - launches on Thursday 20 October 2011, just in time for the autumn half-term school
holiday. The trail has been created by HiddenCity, the trails-by-text company, for families, or anyone
game for an indoor adventure.
The Discovery Trail takes families on a journey of exploration through London’s turbulent history. Using text messages and
a map of the museum, players are guided through a trail of clues, each leading them to a new location within the Museum
where they use their ingenuity to deduce answers from their surroundings. Players who successfully complete the trail win (5 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
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a coveted ‘Certified Londoner’ badge by showing the Museum hosts their final congratulatory text message.
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Pierre de Cortone frescos at Quirinal Palace - Rome - Italy - November 2011 - March 2012
The sumptuous baroque frescos from Quirinal Palace in Rome, were restored after a long and patient process. Thus,
Alexander III Gallery’s visitors will be able to admire the baroque frescos by Pierre de Cortone (1596-1669). These frescos
had been discovered during electricity works ten years ago.
In these frescos there were 18 biblical scenes represented, such as The creation of Adam or the Adoration of the Magi,
painted columns emerged in the garden of luxurious vegetation. These original restoration of these frescos’, painted
between 1655 – 56, was possible due to a generous €500,000 sponsorship.
+ info:
Picasso on Display in Shanghai - Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall - China
The largest-ever exhibition in Asia of artworks by Pablo Picasso is now open in Shanghai.
The large collection of artworks by Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) now on display in Shanghai -- a total of 265 prints -- is
miniscule compared with his prolific output during his long career as one of the world's most famous artists.
As part of the Year of France in China, all the works in the exhibition are on loan from the France-based Picasso
+ info:
National Gallery of Art to Reopen Newly Renovated 19th-Century French Galleries in
West Building on January 29, 2012 - Washington D.C. - USA
Following a two-year renovation, the galleries devoted to impressionism and post-impressionism
in the West Building of the National Gallery of Art will reopen to the public on January 29, 2012.
Among the greatest collections in the world of paintings by Manet, Monet, Renoir, Cézanne, Van
Gogh, and Gauguin, the Gallery's later 19th-century French paintings will return to public view in
a freshly conceived installation design.
+ info:
New Cassatt Painting on View - Amon Carter Museum of American Art - Fort Worth - Texas - USA
Today a new masterpiece is hanging in our galleries—Woman Standing, Holding a Fan by Mary Cassatt. The
work, created in 1878–79, is one of only two known canvases painted by the artist almost entirely in the
medium of distemper and represents a key moment in her transformation into an Impressionist.
+ info:
Abu Dhabi firm backtracks on Guggenheim contract, raising questions about the
future - United Arab Emirates
DUBAI (AP).- The Abu Dhabi company building a branch of the Guggenheim museum in the
Emirati capital said Sunday it has temporarily dropped plans to award a major construction
contract, raising questions about the future of the high profile project.
The state-run Tourism Development and Investment Co. said it recalled the tender for
concrete work on the Frank Gehry-designed museum because it is reviewing its strategy for
handing out jobs to contractors. It didn't say when it would again seek bids.
The Guggenheim is one of the showcase museums TDIC is building on Abu Dhabi's Saadiyat Island, a planned cultural
district overlooking the Persian Gulf. The island is also slated to contain a national museum, performing arts center and a
branch of the Louvre.
A spokeswoman insisted Sunday that the Guggenheim project is still moving ahead, but didn't provide details.
+ info:
Apostles edition of the Saint John's Bible gifted to The Morgan Library & Museum - New York New York State - USA
In 1998 Saint John’s University commissioned the calligrapher Donald Jackson to produce fully illuminated
luxury manuscript of the Bible, a monumental task completed in May 2011. The University has
documented this achievement by publishing several facsimiles of the manuscript, the most elaborate of
which is the Apostles Edition, issued in twelve copies. The full set will comprise seven double folio
volumes in designer bindings by Lester Capon accompanied by original artwork by Jackson. Set no. 1 is at
the Vatican; this is set no. 2.
+ info:
Philadelphia Museum of Art Acquires Exceptionally Rare Early 19th Century Portrait of an African-American by
Charles Willson Peale - Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - USA
The Philadelphia Museum of Art has acquired the painting Yarrow Mamout, 1819, an exceptionally rare portrait of an
African-American by Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827), one of the most renowned American artists of the late 18th and
early 19th centuries. Depicting an aged man who had been born in Guinea in western Africa, taken into slavery in the
American colonies and later manumitted, or freed by his owner, it is one of the very earliest known works to depict a freed
slave in the United States and the earliest known painting of a Muslim in America. Upon its completion, Yarrow Mamout
was exhibited at Peale’s Museum, in Independence Hall in Philadelphia, where it could be seen alongside other works by (6 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
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the artist and his son Rembrandt that represented George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Lewis and
Clark, David Rittenhouse, and many other accomplished individuals. Measuring 24 x 20 inches, this new acquisition has
today been placed on view at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, just off the Great Stair Hall in the first gallery toward the
American Wing. It has been purchased from the Philadelphia History Museum at the Atwater Kent.
+ info:
Frick acquires unique Sevres porcelain vase and an important Renaissance drawing - The Frick
Collection - New York - New York State - USA
The Frick’s Board of Trustees announces the acquisition of two objects that will enhance the museum’s
holdings in areas that interested founder Henry Clay Frick at the end of his life: eighteenth-century French
porcelain and Italian Renaissance drawings. A rare and beautiful vase created at the Royal Manufactory of
Sèvres has been acquired in honor of Anne L. Poulet, who retired at the end of September after serving as
Director for eight years. The vase, a partial purchase by the Frick and a partial gift from Alexis and Nicolas
Kugel, is the first piece of hard-paste porcelain from the Royal Manufactory of Sèvres to enter the
+ info:
Rare Moss Collection Donated to Canadian Museum of Nature - Ottawa - Ontario - Canada
The Canadian Museum of Nature has received a donation of more than 1500 plant specimens that
includes rare and endangered species of mosses.
The additions to Canada's national plant collection come from Frank Cook, an amateur naturalist and
retired biology professor from the University of Western Ontario. Cook, aged 90, now lives in Barrie,
Ontario. He had amassed his collection over more than 35 years of fieldwork, starting around 1970.
+ info:
The Yuendumu School Doors on Display at the South Australian Museum - Adelaide - South Australia Australia
Rediscover the newly reopened gallery today and explore this amazing wealth of boomerangs, bark paintings, shields,
maps, early recordings, photographs, field notebooks, and the return of the Yuendumu School Doors. These magnificent
Doors represent one of the earliest examples of Aboriginal artists successfully transferring their ancient ground paintings to
a large-scale modern medium.
+ info:
Museum of Liverpool to open more galleries in December 2011 as it announces record visitor figures Liverpool - United Kingdom
The new Museum of Liverpool will open even more galleries and an entire new floor before the end of the year.
The news comes as it is announced that it has received a record half a million visitors in the first three months since
opening in July.
Galleries including The Great Port and much awaited Liverpool Overhead Railway will open on Friday 2 December, along
with a 38 metre time traveller’s timeline, and a gallery dedicated to Liverpool’s King’s Regiment.
+ info:
Maritime Experiential Museum & Aquarium Opens - Resorts World Sentosa - Singapore
Embark on an exciting journey to discover Southeast Asia’s maritime trade history during 9th to 19th century. Featuring
more than 400 rare objects, the Maritime Experiential Museum and Aquarium is the first and only museum to showcase the
Asian maritime history.
Marvel at Admiral Zheng He's massive Treasure Ship (Bao Chuan) and learn about his epic voyages from China to the
‘Western Ocean’. Check out the ports of call, the exotic bazaars (Souks) and cultural emporium which Admiral Zheng He
and other Asian explorers visited along the Maritime Silk Route.
+ info:
“VAL.TE.MO. ad ARTE” visita alla mostra di dipinti “Dai volti all'anima" - Edolo - Italy - 10 novembre 2011
In occasione del 10° anniversario della sua costituzione, l’Associazione Val.Te.Mo., in collaborazione con il Museo Mu.S.A.
di Edolo organizza “VAL.TE.MO. ad ARTE”.
L'iniziativa si svolgerà giovedì 10 novembre 2011 alle 17.30 e prevede la visita alla mostra di dipinti “DAI VOLTI
ALL’ANIMA” allestita presso l’Oratorio dei Disciplini di Edolo.
La partecipazione è gratuita.
+ info:
Abu Dhabi developer vows to open Louvre Museum branch designed by Jean
Nouvel in late 2013 - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
DUBAI (AP).- The Abu Dhabi developer building a vast cultural district in the Emirati capital
said Monday a branch of the famed Louvre museum will open there in late 2013, despite
questions about the timetable for another part of the project.
The Tourism Development and Investment Co. told The Associated Press that a branch of
the Parisian art institution will be the first museum to open in the Saadiyat Island cultural
district, a year behind schedule. Plans originally called for a 2012 opening date.
TDIC's comments came a day after the state-run developer disclosed it had dropped a tender seeking bids for major
construction work on a branch of the Guggenheim Museum, raising questions about that project's future. (7 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
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The developer insisted that all projects on the island will be completed, however.
"TDIC continuously monitors the delivery of its projects to ensure they remain on schedule, within budget and that TDIC's
high standards are upheld throughout the process. TDIC is moving forward as planned with all of its announced projects
including all the projects on Saadiyat," the company said in response to questions from the AP.
TDIC said work on the Louvre is "progressing as planned," with initial ground preparation and design work already
Officials at the Louvre in Paris referred questions about the project to the Agence France- Museums, or the French
Museums Agency, which was set up to coordinate to coordinate France's involvement with the project. No one there could
be reached for comment.
+ info:
Museo Marítimo Nacional de Ámsterdam reabre sus puertas - Países Bajos
El Museo Marítimo Nacional de Ámsterdam ha reabierto sus puertas después de cuatro años de renovación. El museo, que
tenía una imagen anticuada y decadente, ahora se presenta fresco y moderno, diseñado para público de muy diversa
“Está construido para atraer no solamente a los amantes de la navegación”, dice el director Willem Bijleveld, “pero también
para families, niños de colegios, y gente que nunca visitó un museo anteriormente.” Hay varias muestras interactivas y los
visitantes pueden sentir, literalmente, el glorioso pasado marítimo de Holanda.
La renovación del musero costó 58 millones de euros y fue sufragada por dos ministerios. El diseño del interior, que costó
17,5 millones, fue financiado exclusivamente con capitales privados y mecenas individuales.
+ info:
Philips sheds new light on Night Watch - Rijksmuseum - Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Starting on October 26, one of the world’s most renowned paintings will be bathed in a new light.
Philips, Founder of the renovated Amsterdam Rijksmuseum, presents Rembrandt van Rijn’s Night
Watch in innovative LED light, bringing out the best of the painting’s color palette while offering
increased sustainability and energy efficiency. Through the project, the two Masters of Light are
reinforcing their intensive collaboration aimed at joint innovation in the area of LED lighting,
setting the new standard for museum lighting.
+ info:
Musée Marcel Proust-Maison de Tante Léonie - Illiers Combray - France
Marcel Proust, enfant et futur écrivain, passa ses vacances, dans cette maison au charme provincial, agrémenté d'une
touche orientaliste. Le musée rassemble tous les souvenirs liés à l'écrivain : Portrait du professeur Adrien Proust par Jules
Lecomte du Noüy, Portrait de Madame Adrien Proust par Anaïs Beauvais, mobilier Proust-Weil du boulevard Haussmann,
photographies, correspondances, manuscrits et documents familiaux. Deux émouvantes vitrines, l'une dédiée à Céleste
Albaret, l'autre à la famille Amiot complètent l'ensemble.
+ info:
El Museo curie, donde la historia y la memoria se encuentran - Instituto Curie.
París (Francia)
El Museo Curie está situado en uno de los edificios más antiguos del Instituto Curie. Este
laboratorio fue construido entre 1911 y 1914 por Marie Curie para la Universidad de París y
el Instituto Pasteur. Es en este lugar que los esposos Curie descubrieron el polonio y el radio
en 1898.
Durante casi 20 años, Marie Curie continuó con su trabajo en este laboratorio y fué
igualmente en este lugar que Irene y Frédéric Joliot-Curie, su hija y su yerno, ganaron el
Premio Nobel de Química en 1935 por el descubrimiento de la radiactividad artificial.
El Museo Curie es a la vez un museo de historia de la ciencia y un lugar de memoria. Se compone de un espacio de
exposición permanente y tiene registros históricos tales como la documentación sobre la historia de los Curie y Joliot-Curie
y también sobre la historia de la radiactividad y el cáncer.
+ info:
Musée Escoffier de l'art culinaire à Villeneuve-Loubet - Alpes Maritimes - France
Trente-sept ans après sa création, le musée avait besoin d’une sérieuse remise aux normes.Le
Conseil d‘Administration y a vu l’occasion de rajeunir le musée et de mettre en valeur ses
collections. Le cabinet Remion-Magnan, aux ramifications niçoises et parisiennes, a été chargé
de l’ensemble du chantier.
En raison de l’importance des sommes nécessaires, plusieurs tranches de travaux ont été
programmées. Le Conseil Général et le Conseil Régional ont été partenaires.
+ info:
The J. Paul Getty Museum Announces Acquisition of Rare Bronze Sculpture by
Francesco Primaticcio - Los Angeles - California - USA
The J. Paul Getty Museum has acquired a rare bronze female double head attributed to
Francesco Primaticcio (Bologna, 1504–Paris, 1570). Created in France in about 1543,
Double Head is closely related to the head of the so-called Cesi Juno, one of the most
famous antique marble statues in 16th-century Rome, a work that Michelangelo
considered the most beautiful object in Rome.
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Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
New acquisition: An armchair, table, and candelabra from the Paris Exhibition of 1925 Nationalmuseum - Stockholm (Sweden)
The Nationalmuseum’s collection of applied art and modern design has gained an armchair, a table
and candelabra from the International Exposition of Modern Industrial and Decorative Arts in Paris
in 1925. The Swedish pavilion was designed by Carl Bergsten and furnished with objects that can
be categorised as “Art Deco”, a style that took its name from the event’s French title Exposition
internationale des Arts décoratifs et industriels modernes. The exhibition was instrumental in
launching Swedish art and design onto the international stage.
+ info:
La construcción del Guggenheim en Abu Dhabi se suspende - Emiratos Árabes
Unidos (EAU)
La compañía de Desarrollo Turístico e Inversión (TDIC) ha cancelado la construcción del
Guggenheim Abu Dhabi. Sin embargo, prometió que esta decisión no pone en duda el
proyecto del arquitecto Frank Gehry. La terminación del edificio, prevista originalmente en
2013 junto a la del Louvre, se retrasan hasta el 2015.
+ info:
Museo del Prado: abierto siete días a la semana. Madrid (España)
Por IKER SEISDEDOS - Madrid - 28/10/2011
Se acabó lo de encontrar un hueco el lunes para acudir por fin a esa exposición pendiente en el
Prado y recordar de golpe en la puerta que... el museo cierra los lunes. La pinacoteca abrirá
todos los días de la semana a partir del 16 de enero. Tal fue el anuncio que sus responsables
envolvieron ayer con el aroma y el secreto del acontecimiento. Más allá de las consecuencias
puramente organizativas, la decisión "busca homologar al museo con los grandes centros
holandeses, estadounidenses o británicos", según el director del Prado, Miguel Zugaza.
+ info:
The Worlds First Pop-Up Scent Museum Opens in New York City - New York State - USA
Production and design firm, The Department of the 4th Dimension (The D4D), created the world’s
first pop-up scent museum for Sephora & Firmenich. The Sensorium: Lucid Dreams from the Sensory
World is an interactive exhibition exploring the emotions and instincts behind scent.
For more information, continue reading after the break.
The Sensorium features two interconnected installations, First Scent and Lucid Dreams.
First Scent surrounds visitors by motion picture media, stimulating emotion and memory with images
of cutting the grass and a summer vacation on the beach. Lucid Dreams features interactive, high
tech flower sculptures that transform suspended images based on the unique sound transmitted by an individuals sniff. All
imagery and digital media is inspired by the custom fragrances and master perfumers of Firmenich.
+ info:
Médiateur du patrimoine - Universités des Pays de Loire - FRance
Les Universités de Pays de la Loire vous invitent à découvrir la diversité des métiers et la richesse des parcours de
formation de lènseignement supérieur.
+ info:
Régisseur de collections - Universités des Pays de la Loire (France)
Les Universités de Pays de la Loire vous invitent à découvrir la diversité des métiers et la richesse des parcours de
formation de lènseignement supérieur.
+ info:
Newsletter - Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel - Paris - France (3-6 novembre 2011)
Le 17ème Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel, qui a fermé ses portes ce dimanche 6 novembre 2011, a accueilli 260
exposants et plus de 20 000 visiteurs. Il note une nette augmentation de sa fréquentation.
Les professionnels et le grand public ont été conquis par les nouvelles orientations du salon : l’espace de démonstrations
“Métiers d’Art en scène” ainsi que l’exposition photographique sur les passages couverts d’Europe ont particulièrement
attiré l’attention.
+ info:
Shelburne Museum - Ann Beha Architects - Shelburne - Vermont - USA
Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, Vermont is one of North America’s finest, most
diverse and unconventional museums of art, design and Americana. Over 150,000
works are exhibited in a remarkable setting of 39 exhibition buildings, 25 of which are
historic and were relocated to the Museum grounds.
Ann Beha Architects’ design for Shelburne’s new center for art and education
establishes a striking presence along Vermont’s Route 7. This project is part of the
Museum’s $14M capital campaign. Construction is tentatively planned to start next
year with the center opening in 2013. (9 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
+ info:
Branches of the Louvre and Guggenheim Museums at Abu Dhabi Island hit by more
delays - United Arab Emirates
DUBAI (AP).- Branches of the Louvre and Guggenheim art museums being built as part of an
ambitious cultural district in Abu Dhabi could now open at least a year later than planned,
the developer and an official with knowledge of the projects said Saturday.
Questions about the future of the Saadiyat Island cultural district have swirled among
contractors in the Gulf for months. They came into sharper focus this week when the
project's government-backed developer disclosed that it was temporarily dropping plans to
award a major construction contract.
+ info:
El museo Ashmolean adquiere un modelo en terracota de Clodion – Museo Ashmolean de Arte y
Arqueología – Universidad de Oxford – Oxford- Reino Unido
El Ashmolean se complace en anunciar la adquisición de un modelo en terracota diseñado por el escultor
francés Clodion (Claude Michel, 1738-1814). La Crucifixión con la Virgen María y San Juan fue donada por
Clodion a la Capilla de la catedral de Rouen en agosto de 1785, como parte de un encargo a gran escala
para la pantalla del coro.
+ info:
WORKSHOP - Revitalising World Heritage site museums in Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic and
Viet Nam - Hanoi - Viet Nam - 14 November - 3 December 2011
Following the brainstorming session held in July in Siem Reap, Cambodia, the first experimental workshop will be organised
at the Thang Long Citadel Site Museum in Hanoi, Viet Nam, with the participation of 9 museums relating to cultural sites of
the three countries. This project is funded by the UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust for the Preservation of World’s Cultural
The First Workshop will deal with five distinct but interconnected fields of study and produce mini exhibits as a practice for
the future joint project, which will be developed in 2012 and 2013. The team of trainers is composed of leading specialists
of heritage conservation, museums, history of Southeast Asia, and participatory cultural industry.
+ info:[showUid]
Egypte : le tombeau de Saqqara comme si vous y étiez - Une visite commentée
du site et l'évocation de la vie égyptienne voici 4 500 ans
En 1903, la chapelle décorée du tombeau du dignitaire égyptien Akhethétep était
extraite de son monument d’origine et transportée au Musée du Louvre.
Près d’un siècle plus tard, les fouilles conduites par le Département des antiquités
égyptiennes du Musée du Louvre à Saqqara permettent de mieux connaître ce
monument funéraire.
La superbe visite commentée en ligne propose des images de synthèse de
l’architecture, le panoramique de la chapelle avec son décor sculpté, une traduction interactive des hiéroglyphes,
évocations vivantes et émouvantes de la vie quotidienne des Égyptiens d’il y a 4500 ans.
+ info:
La renaissance du Musée Picasso - Paris (France)
Fermé en août 2009, le Musée Picasso, à Paris, prépare sa renaissance. Le chantier a pris du
retard, son budget a plus que doublé, aussi la réouverture a-t-elle été repoussée au 1er mai
2013. Outre le réaménagement de l’hôtel Salé, une nouvelle aile est projetée dans le parc du
musée pour l’automne 2013.
+ info:
New Scottish and French Acquisitions for the Scottish National Gallery - Edinburgh - Scotland - United
The Scottish National Gallery is delighted to announce two important acquisitions to the national collection. Entrance to the
Cuiraing, Skye (1873) by Waller Hugh Paton (1828-1895) has been purchased for the collection by the Patrons of the
National Galleries of Scotland and Portrait of Jean-François Regnault (1815) by Jean-Baptiste, baron Regnault (1754-1829)
has been acquired for the nation thanks to the generosity of a private donor.
Michael Clarke, Director of the Scottish National Gallery, said; ‘It is vitally important that we continue to add significant
works, both Scottish and European, to this wonderful and very distinctive collection.
Paton’s landscape is our first Scottish landscape of the world-famous Isle of Skye,and Regnault’s portrait of his son is our
first ‘Romantic’ French portrait. We are deeply grateful to our Patrons and to a private donor for their magnificent support.”
+ info:
AWARDS - Victoria and Albert Museum Ceramics Study Galleries announced winner of
the display category at the Inside Awards - London - United Kingdom
On June 8, the British public can again visit the extraordinary, completely renovated and newly
installed ceramics galleries at the Victoria & Albert Museum. The London collection, one of the (10 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
premier collections in the world, is known not only for its quality, but also for its magnitude and
scientific importance. The collection has been off-view at the museum since 2004…
+ info:
In Progress: Tate Modern Expansion - Herzog & de Meuron - London - United
Currently under construction, it has been announced that the Herzog & de Meuron designed
first phase of the new development of Tate Modern will open in the summer of 2012. The
launch will be part of the London 2012 Festival which will be the culmination of the Cultural
+ info:
New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) Celebrates 100th Anniversary with 110 New
Acquisitions - New Orleans - Louisiana - USA
On November 12th the New Orleans Museum of Art will celebrate its 100th anniversary with the
Centennial Odyssey Ball, 2011... A NOMA Odyssey, generously underwritten by the Lupin
Foundation and Peoples Health.
Since 1911, the Museum has expanded a world-class collection, the facility, and gained
recognition as the finest art museum in the mid-South. This year's Odyssey Ball, co-chaired by
Brenda and Michael Moffitt, will mark the opening of NOMA 100: Gifts for the Second Century,
an exhibition of extraordinary additions to NOMA's permanent collection, given in celebration of the Museum's first century
and the commencement of the Museum's future.
+ info:
occasionally apply for temporary exhibitions.
+ info:
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art opens 11 November
2011 - Bentonville - Arkansas - USA
Whether you are a first-time Museum guest or a Member of Crystal
Bridges Museum of American Art, welcome and thank you for visiting.
We invite guests of all ages to explore the Museum galleries and
grounds, socialize, relax and enjoy all that Crystal Bridges has to offer.
Admission to Crystal Bridges is sponsored by Walmart. There is no cost
to view Museum permanent collections. Admission fees may
Tel Aviv Museum of Art doubles size with addition by Preston Scott Cohen - Tel Aviv Israel
Forty years after the architectural competition that preceded the construction of the present
abode of the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, the Museum announced, in 2002, a competition for the
planning of a new building of about 19,000 m2, enabled by a donation from Herta and Paul
Amir, Los Angeles.
Preston Scott Cohen's horizontal "radiator" model came a long way since its first presentation
to the judges of the competition. The need to orchestrate programmatic necessities with the
site brought Cohen to create an object combined of a complex array of spaces…
+ info:
Le Musée Jean Cocteau Collection Séverin Wunderman Ouvre ses Portes à Menton - Menton France
Grâce à l’exceptionnelle donation de Séverin Wunderman, et trois ans après la pose de la première pierre,
le Musée Jean Cocteau Collection Séverin Wunderman, projet culturel d’envergure porté par la ville de
Menton, sera inauguré cet automne.
Le futur musée deviendra ainsi la première et la plus importante ressource publique mondiale de l’œuvre
de Jean Cocteau.
+ info:
Center for Chinese Studies at University of Michigan rediscovers rare Chinese art
collection - Ann Arbor - Michigan - USA
Propaganda pieces produced in China four decades ago during the Cultural Revolution have
been unearthed in a storage room at the University of Michigan — a rare find in either the U.
S. or its country of origin, experts said.
The rediscovery of the 15 poster-sized papercut images illustrating the political upheaval of
the era is a pleasant surprise to scholars studying a society that was largely closed off from
the West. The images are cut out of red paper in the same way that artists customarily
create decorations for Chinese New Year celebrations and other festivities. They include glowing portrayals of late Chinese
leader Mao Zedong and Red Guards burning books and trampling on a Buddhist statute.
+ info:
Library of Congress Acquires American Institute of Architects and American Architectural Foundation (11 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Collection of Rare Architectural Drawings, Photographs and Illustrated Publications - Washington, DC. - USA
The Library of Congress announced today the acquisition of the American Institute of Architects and American Architectural
Foundation Collection, consisting of rare and significant architectural drawings, photographs and illustrated publications.
The materials will be housed in the Library’s Prints and Photographs Division.
The new acquisition adds an estimated 160,000 drawings, 30,000 photographs and rare illustrated books to the Library’s
rich holdings of millions of architectural documents. Included in the acquisition are original works of art, detailed technical
materials, information-rich business files, ephemera and sourcebooks.
+ info:
Police recover 2 stolen paintings by Dutch masters and return them to Hofje van
Mevrouw van Aerden museum - Leerdam - The Netherlands
Police recovered two stolen paintings by Dutch masters and handed them back Thursday to
the provincial museum they were stolen from five months ago. Three suspects are in
custody, police said.
The 17th-century paintings, a depiction of two laughing boys by Frans Hals and a forest
landscape by Jacob van Ruisdael, were snatched from the Hofje van Mevrouw van Aerden
museum in the central town of Leerdam in late May.
The thieves triggered a burglar alarm, but had fled the building before police arrived. A search of the area immediately
after the theft turned up only the frame of one of the paintings that had been dumped in a hedge.
A new tip about the paintings' whereabouts led to their discovery on Oct. 28, police said in a statement. A fourth suspect is
on the run, police said.
Police have not estimated the value of the paintings, but called them valuable parts of the country's "cultural heritage."
+ info:
Diálogo sobre el sistema del arte italiano con Ivan Quaroni, Critico de Arte - Italia
Las galerías de arte contemporaneo en Italia. ¿Cómo vienen gestionadas? ¿Cuales son sus principales
actividades, y sobretodo, cuales son los consejos que se pueden dar, para empezar el actividad de
gelerista? Tafter propone, con Lorenzo Madaro, un mapa de espacios expositivos italianos entrevistando
sus fundadores, curadores y directores, en la búsqueda de lineas comunes o de extrategias opuestas de
+ info:
Exposition - « L'Âge roman, au temps des comtes-ducs d'Aquitaine » - Le roman de l'art roman pictavien Musée Sainte Croix
- 16 enero 2012 Poitiers. Francia
Organizadores: Musée Sainte Croix, résulte d’un projet collectif
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Master specialistico in Museologia Europea - IULM Libera Universita di Lingue e Communicazione
Milano. Italia
Organizadores: Università IULM
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 9 dic 2011
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Emakimono and Bayeux Tapestry "animated cartoons from the middle ages" - The Bayeux
Tapestry Museum
31 marzo - 30 diciembre 2011 Bayeux, Normandy. Francia
Organizadores: The Bayeux Tapestry Museum In collaboration with the Ghibli Studio and the Idemitsu Museum, Tokyo.
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Par Avion : Destination Outre-Mer - Le Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace
20 junio - 31 diciembre 2011 Le Bourget. Francia
Organizadores: Le Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace en collaboration avec Air France-KLM et l’amicale UTA
+ info:
EXHIBITION - From Start to Finish: De Wain Valentine's Gray Column - J. Paul Getty Museum
13 septiembre 2011 - 11 marzo 2012 Los Angeles, California. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Getty Conservation Institute in collaboration with the J. Paul Getty Museum.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Le musée Nobel de Stockholm inaugure l'exposition 'Marie Sklodowska / Madame Curie' Suède
17 septiembre 2011 - 01 enero 2012 Stockholm. Suecia (12 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Organizadores: Le musée Nobel de Stockholm
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Magnificent Vision: Two Centuries of European Masterworks from the Speed Art Museum Philbrook Museum of Art
18 septiembre - 18 diciembre 2011 Oklahoma. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Philbrook Museum of Art and The Speed Art Museum in Louisville
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - 5,000 Years of Chinese Jade - San Antonio Museum of Art
01 octubre 2011 - 19 febrero 2012 Texas. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Les Halles de Baltard, Métiers du Jour et de la Nuit
05 octubre 2011 - 26 febrero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Musée Carnavalet
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Le Peuple de Paris au XIXe Siècle: Des guinguettes aux barricades - Musée Carnavalet
05 octubre 2011 - 26 febrero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Musée Carnavalet
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Admiral Cochrane, The Real Master and Commander - National Museum Scotland
07 octubre 2011 - 12 febrero 2012 Edinburgh. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: National Museum Scotland and is delivered in partnership with National Records of Scotland
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum - Frist Center for the Visual Arts
07 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Nashville, Tennessee. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Brooklyn Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Recently unpacked: How art ages - MARTa Herford
08 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Herford. Alemania
Organizadores: MARTa Herford
+ info:
Exposición - La Europa de los espíritus o la fascinación por lo oculto, 1750-1950
08 octubre 2011 - 12 febrero 2012 Estrasburgo. Francia
Organizadores: Museo de Arte Moderno y Contemporáneo, la National University Library of Strasbourg (BNU) y el Garden
of Science de la Universidad de Estrasburgo,
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Daumier: Art for the Masses - Birmingham Museum of Art
09 octubre - 31 diciembre 2011 Alabama. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Birmingham Museum of Art.
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Degas and the Nude - Museum of Fine Arts
09 octubre 2011 - 05 febrero 2012 Boston, Massachusetts. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and the Musée d’Orsay in Paris
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Adapting the Eye: An Archive of the British in India, 1770-1830 - Yale Center for British Art
11 octubre - 31 diciembre 2011 Connecticut. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Yale Center for British Art, organized to complement the Center’s major exhibition on Johan Zoffany
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info: (13 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
EXHIBITION - In the kingdom of Alexander the Great - Ancient Macedonia - Le Louvre
13 octubre 2011 - 16 enero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Musée du Louvre and the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Culture
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Luminous: The Art of Asia - Seattle Art Museum
13 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Seattle, Washington State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Seattle Art Museum
Contacto: [email protected].
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Spanish Line: Drawings from Ribera to Picasso - The Courtauld Institute
13 octubre 2011 - 15 enero 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: IMAF Centre for Drawings at The Courtauld Gallery. The Courtauld Institute of Art. Somerset House
Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Pietro Perugino: Raphael's Master - Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen
13 octubre 2011 - 15 enero 2012 Munich. Alemania
Organizadores: Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Alte Pinakothek. The exhibition is being funded by the Ernst von
Siemens Kunststiftung..
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Seeing Gertrude Stein: Five Stories - National Portrait Gallery - Smithsonian Institution
14 octubre 2011 - 22 febrero 2012 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: National Portrait Gallery - Smithsonian Institution
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Impressionism: Masterworks on Paper - Milwaukee Art Museum
14 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Wisconsin. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Milwaukee Art Museum and in conjunction with the Albertina in Vienna,
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - William Delafield Cook. A Survey - Tarrawarra Museum of Art
15 octubre 2011 - 12 febrero 2012 Healesville, Victoria. Australia
Organizadores: Tarrawarra Museum of Art
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Shadow and Substance: African American Images from The Burns Archive - New York State
15 octubre 2011 - 31 marzo 2012 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: New York State Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Vaults of Heaven: Visions of Byzantium - University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology
and Anthropology
15 octubre 2011 - 12 febrero 2012 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Penn Museum. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and with generous
support from Sarah Zimmerman, the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Ancient Studies, and the Turkish Cultural
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Lost and Found: The Secrets of Archimedes - The Walters Art Museum
16 octubre 2011 - 01 enero 2012 Baltimore, Maryland. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Walters Art Museum and the generously supported by an anonymous donor and by leadership gifts
from the Selz Foundation and the Stockman Family Foundation.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Caravaggio and his Followers in Rome - Kimbell Art Museum
16 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Fort Worth, Texas. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Kimbell Art Museum
Contacto: [email protected] (14 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
+ info:
EXHIBITION - American Portraits: Treasures from the Parrish Art Museum
16 octubre - 27 noviembre 2011 Southampton, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Parrish Art Museum, by Alicia G. Longwell, Lewis B. and Dorothy Cullman Chief Curator, Art and Education,
and will bring together some 45 works from the museum’s collection.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXPOSICIÓN - Delacroix (1798-1863) - CaixaForum
19 octubre 2011 - 15 enero 2012 Madrid. España
Organizadores: ”La Caixa” Obra Social y el Museo del Louvre
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Gaulois, une Expo Renversante - Cité des sciences et de l'industrie
19 octubre 2011 - 02 septiembre 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Cité des sciences et de l'industrie
+ info:
EXPOSICIÓN - Richard Meier: Retrospectiva - Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey (MARCO)
20 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Nuevo León. México
Organizadores: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey (MARCO) y Richard Meier & Partners Architects
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The First Actresses: Nell Gwyn to Sarah Siddons - The National Portrait Gallery
20 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: The National Portrait Gallery
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Panopticon - The Secret Treasures of the Wallraf - Wallraf das Museum
21 octubre 2011 - 22 enero 2012 Cologne. Alemania
Organizadores: Wallraf das Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Treasures of Islamic Manuscript Painting from the Morgan - The Morgan Library and Museum
21 octubre 2011 - 29 enero 2012 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: By William Voelkle, curator and head of the Department of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, of the
Morgan Library and Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Imprinting the Divine: Byzantine and Russian Icons from the Menil Collection
21 octubre 2011 - 18 marzo 2012 Houston, Texas. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Menil Collection. Fayez Sarofim, the John P. McGovern Foundation, The Levant Foundation, the Linbeck
Family Charitable Trust, an anonymous donor, Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P., and the City of Houston
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Heart of the Great Alone: Scott, Shackleton and Antarctic Photography - The Queen's
Gallery - Buckingham Palace
21 octubre 2011 - 15 abril 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: The Queen's Gallery
Contacto: [email protected].
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Maharaja: The Splendor of India's Royal Courts - Asian Art Museum
21 octubre 2011 - 08 abril 2012 San Francisco, California. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Asian Art Museum in collaboration with the Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Caravaggio: Behold the Man! The Impact of a Revolutionary Realist - Columbus Museum of Art
21 octubre 2011 - 05 febrero 2012 Columbus, Ohio. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Columbus Museum of Art (15 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Mathematics: A Beautiful Elsewhere - Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain
21 octubre 2011 - 18 marzo 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Arctic Convoys 1941-45 - National Maritime Museum
21 octubre 2011 - 28 febrero 2012 Greenwich. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: National Maritime Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Crowdsourcing a Collection: The Concord Museum's 125th Anniversary Exhibition - The Concord
22 octubre 2011 - 18 marzo 2012 Concord, Massachusetts. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Concord Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Art of Collecting - The Royal Ontario Museum
22 octubre 2011 - 03 septiembre 2012 Toronto, Ontario. Canadá
Organizadores: The Royal Ontario Museum and the many generous donors
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Visions of the American West: Masterworks from the Buffalo Bill Historical Center - Cheekwood
Botanical Garden and Museum of Art
22 octubre 2011 - 04 marzo 2012 Nashville, Tennessee. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Cheekwood Botanical Garden and Museum of Art
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Pissarro's People - Legion of Honor
22 octubre 2011 - 22 enero 2012 San Francisco, California. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco and the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Charles Dickens: Life & Legacy - National Portrait Gallery
25 octubre 2011 - 22 abril 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: National Portrait Gallery
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Renaissance in Rome: A Token to Michelangelo and Raphael - Fondazione Roma
25 octubre 2011 - 12 febrero 2012 Roma. Italia
Organizadores: Fondazione Roma Museo
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - El Greco to Rippl-Rónai: Marcell Nemes, Art Patron and Collector - Museum of Fine Arts
26 octubre 2011 - 19 febrero 2012 Budapest. Hungría
Organizadores: Museum of Fine Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Dreams and Reality: Masterpieces of Painting, Drawing and Photography from the Musée
d'Orsay, Paris - National Museum of Singapore
26 octubre 2011 - 05 febrero 2012 Singapur
Organizadores: Musée d'Orsay, Paris and the National Museum of Singapore
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Dutch Golden Age-The Kremer Collection - Pinacothèque de Paris
27 octubre 2011 - 25 marzo 2012 Paris. Francia (16 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Organizadores: Pinacothèque de Paris
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Johan Zoffany RA (Royal Academician): Society Observed - Yale Center for British Art
27 octubre 2011 - 12 febrero 2012 Connecticut. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Yale Center for British Art and the Royal Academy of Arts, London
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Gather Up the Fragments: The Andrews Shaker Collection - Portland Museum of Art
27 octubre 2011 - 05 febrero 2012 Portland, Maine. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Portland Museum of Art, Hancock Shaker Village, Pittsfield, MA and toured by International Arts & Artists,
Washington, D.C. Funded in part by the National Endowment for the Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - First Decade Celebration: Tenth Anniversary of the Joel and Lila Harnett Print Study Center Joel and Lila Harnett Museum of Art - University of Richmond
28 octubre - 09 diciembre 2011 Virginia. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: University of Richmond Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Spirit of jang-in: Treasures of Korean metal craft - Powerhouse Museum
28 octubre 2011 - 12 febrero 2012 Sydney, New South Wales. Australia
Organizadores: Powerhouse Museum and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea, the
Australian Government through the Australia-Korea Foundation of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the
National Museum of Korea
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Three Graces - The Art Institute of Chicago
29 octubre 2011 - 22 febrero 2012 Illinois. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Art Institute of Chicago and is supported by the Saul and Devorah Sherman Foundation
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Divided Light and Color: American Impressionist Landscapes - Bruce Museum
29 octubre 2011 - 29 enero 2012 Greenwich, Connecticut. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Bruce Museum and others sponsors
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - A Song for the Horse Nation: Horses in Native American Cultures - National Museum of the
American Indian
29 octubre 2011 - 07 enero 2012 Washington, DC. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: National Museum of the American Indian
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Shore, Forest and Beyond: Art From the Audain Collection - Vancouver Art Gallery
29 octubre 2011 - 29 enero 2012 British Columbia. Canadá
Organizadores: Vancouver Art Gallery and curated by Ian Thom, senior curator-historical, and Grant Arnold, Audain
Curator of British Columbia Art.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism - Akron Art Museum
29 octubre 2011 - 05 febrero 2012 Akron, Ohio. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Brooklyn Museum. Its presentation in Akron is made possible by a major gift from The Lehner Family
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Rembrandt in America - North Carolina Museum of Art
30 octubre 2011 - 22 febrero 2012 Raleigh, North Carolina. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: North Carolina Museum of Art and the Cleveland Museum of Art, and the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
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Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
XHIBITION - Threads of Heaven: Silken Legacy of China's Last Dynasty - Denver Art Museum
30 octubre 2011 - 29 enero 2012 Denver, Colorado. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Denver Art Museum
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Ivory & Painting: Indian Goods for the Luxury Market - Francesca Galloway
03 noviembre - 08 diciembre 2011 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Francesca Galloway Ltd
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Flamboyant Mr Chinnery (1774-1852): An English Artist in India and China 04 noviembre 2011 - 21 enero 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Asia House
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Alice in Wonderland - Tate Liverpool
04 noviembre 2011 - 29 enero 2012 Liverpool. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Tate Liverpool
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Lanckoroński Collection: Rembrandt's Paintings - The Royal Castle
04 noviembre 2011 Warsaw. Polonia
Organizadores: The Royal Castle in Warsaw - A Monument of Polish History and Culture
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - George Inness: Private Treasures - Montclair Art Museum
06 noviembre 2011 - 01 abril 2012 New Jersey. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Montclair Art Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Antico: The Golden Age of Renaissance Bronzes - National Gallery of Art
06 noviembre 2011 - 08 abril 2012 Washington D.C.. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: National Gallery of Art
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Art in Renaissance Venice, 1400-1515: Paintings and Drawings from the Museum's Collections
08 noviembre 2011 - 05 febrero 2012 New York, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan - The National Gallery
09 noviembre 2011 - 05 febrero 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: The National Gallery
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition: Casanova, la passion de la liberté - Bibliothèque nationale de France
15 noviembre 2011 - 19 febrero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Bibliothèque nationale de France, en partenariat avec Le Monde, Le Point, Le Magazine littéraire , France 5
et France Culture.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - War Horse: Fact & Fiction - National Army Museum
Until August 2012 16 noviembre 2011 - 01 agosto 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: National Army Museum
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Lisbon's Hebrew Bible: Medieval Jewish Art in Context (18 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
22 noviembre 2011 - 16 enero 2012 New York, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Metropolitan Museum of Art
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Significance Assessment Workshop 2011 - Australian National University. Canberra - Australian Capital
Territory (Australia)
28 noviembre - 29 noviembre 2011 Canberra. Australia
Organizadores: Australian National University
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Journées des acteurs culturels du Centre Ouest Bretagne
01 diciembre - 03 diciembre 2011 Le Saint et Rostrenen, Bretagne. Francia
Organizadores: Centre Ouest Bretagne
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition The Uffizi by Giorgio Vasari moves to Yokohama, Kyoto and Osaka
08 diciembre 2011 - 05 febrero 2012 Yokohama. Japón
Organizadores: Italian Institute of Culture Tokyo with Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Embassy of Italy in Japan.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Les récits peints, l'autre histoire - Ex Votos mexicains
09 diciembre 2011 - 06 abril 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: l’Instituto Cultural de México à Paris
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Risk Management for Collecting Organisations Workshop 2012. Australian National University - Canberra Australian Capital Territory (Australia)
09 febrero - 10 febrero 2012 Canberra. Australia
Organizadores: Australian National University
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Gauguin & Polynesia - Seattle Art Museum
09 febrero - 29 abril 2012 Seattle, Washington State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Seattle Art Museum (SAM)
+ info:
"New Spaces for Negotiating Art (and) History in African Cities" International Workshop
Papers can be given in English or French. 14 marzo - 17 marzo 2012 Bamako. Malí
Organizadores: Free University Berlin & University of Cologne
Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected].
+ info:
10th Biennial International Conference of the Infrared and Raman Users' Group (IRUG)
28 marzo - 31 marzo 2012 Barcelona. España
Organizadores: The Infrared and Raman Users' Group (IRUG)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
LLAMADA DE PONENCIAS - Museum Next: Conferencia líder en Europa sobre tecnología y museos
23 mayo - 25 mayo 2012 Barcelona. España
Organizadores: MuseumNext, en colaboración con el Centre de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (CCCB), el Museu
d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) y el Museu Picasso de Barcelona.
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 dic 2011
+ info:
Publicaciones (19 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Museum and Society - University of Leicester - United Kingdom - Volume 9 - March 2011
Here is the latest issue of Museum & Society. Museum and Society is an interdisciplinary journal with a wide ranging
interest in all issues associated with museums and other places of public culture concerned with collecting, exhibiting and
display. The journal is a successor to the series New Research in Museum Studies which was published by Athlone Press
from 1990 to 1997.
+ info:
The Mediations of climate change: museums as citizens’ media
Juan Francisco Salazar (University of Western Sydney)
In Museum and society, Jul 2011. 9(2) 123-135, 2011
ISSN 1479-8360
Social research underlines how the mass media frames and presents environmental change and risk in ways that become
contested cultural constructs embedded in deep ideological structures. While significant attention has concentrated on the
mass media, less consideration has been given to examining the role of museums and science centres in communicating
the science of climate change. The article looks at museums as cultural brokers in collaborative efforts around public
understandings of climate change.
Engaging with recent conceptualizations around citizens and public media practices, it proposes participatory design
mechanisms through which the museum sector can act as change-agents in fostering a new form of public pedagogy that
incorporates differing civic epistemologies around climate change education and action.
+ info:
New Report: Arts Philanthropy Not Doing Enough to Reach Poor and Minority Populations
Fusing Arts, Culture & Social Change
By Holly Sidford
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy: October, 2011
America’s dynamic arts and culture landscape continues to evolve along with the changing needs and
demographics of our communities. Yet, findings from a new report show that a majority of U.S.
foundations that provide financial support to arts and cultural institutions have largely ignored these
changes in their giving, according to the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP)
+ info:
Museums and science centres as sites for deliberative democracy on climate change
Fiona Cameron (University of Western Sydney); Ann Deslandes ( Sydney)
In Museum and society, Jul 2011. 9(2) 136-153, 2011.
ISSN 1479-8360
This paper addresses the position of the museum sector in relation to public policy-making about climate change. It is
informed by the perspectives of museum and science centre visitors and leaders canvassed as part of the Australian
Research Council Linkage project, ‘Hot Science, Global Citizens: the agency of the museum sector in climate change
interventions’. We apply complexity theory to evaluate the claim that museums are a site for the enaction of deliberative
democracy. In doing so, we reveal a cultural opportunity for cultural institutions to play a more expansive and explicit role
in brokering social futures for communities confronted by climate change.
+ info:
Museums and attacks from cyberspace: Non-linear communication in a postmodern world
Bob Hodge (University of Western Sydney)
In Museum and society, Jul 2011. 9(2) 107-122, 2011
ISSN 1479-8360
This article examines a single virtual incident, a hostile review by climatechange sceptic journalist Andrew Bolt of an
Australian Museum exhibition on climate change, to explore its implications for contemporary museums curating
controversial topics. It takes both topic and attack as aspects of new conditions which science and museums alike must
cope with, which include new concepts of science and society, and new communication technologies. It uses the concept of
the ‘postmodern condition’ as a framework for understanding some crucial features of these new conditions. It sees
traditional linear models of communication as dangerously limited ways for museums to operate effectively in this new
highly complex and unpredictable environment. It finds that some aspects of this Exhibition had an underlying linearity
that left it especially open to the attack it received, while other aspects incorporated an effective complexity that better
fulfilled its aims. Yet the analysis does not offer complete safety against such attacks. On the contrary, part of the danger
exposed in this analysis comes from new ‘postmodern’ levels of irrationality and lack of respect for science legitimated by
the claims of these critics to be defenders of reason and science.
+ info:
From mitigation to creativity: the agency of museums and science centres and the means to govern climate
Fiona Cameron (University of Western Sydney)
In Museum and society, Jul 2011. 9(2) 90-106, 2011
ISSN 1479-8360
Climate change as a complex, scientific, cultural, ideological, and transnational issue poses a new set of challenges for
museums and science centres as places to inform, and as information sources in debates and decision processes.
In this paper, I draw on quantitative and qualitative research from the Australian Research Council funded Linkage project,
Hot Science, Global Citizens: the agency of the museum sector in climate change interventions, to interrogate the
potentialities for institutions to operate meaningfully and in new ways in complex media ecologies and dense mediations of
political, social, scientific discourses, and expertize. In developing the concepts liquid governmentalities and liquid
museums, I pose new leverage points for institutions to operate within these pluralistic and complex governmental (20 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
assemblages from one of the production of science statements to reform behaviour, to systems of open peer review and as
places for facilitating complex reflexivity and creative dispositions for the future in the present.
+ info:
Looking from above: saying and doing in the history museums of Latin America
Marisa González de Oleaga (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain); María Silvia Di Liscia (Universidad
Nacional de La Pampa, Argentina); Ernesto Bohoslavsky (Universidad Nacional General Sarmiento, Argentina)
In Museum and society, Mar 2011. 9(1) 49-76 © 2011
ISSN 1479-8360
What functions might the history museum fulfill in the twenty-first century? How could this powerful ideological device, so
closely linked in its origins to the nationstate and neo-colonial expansion, be changed into an instrument of multicultural
citizenship? In some Latin American museums, new historical subjects and audio-visual media have been incorporated into
the exhibits. But, is that enough?
We do not believe so, because things are said in a museum, but things are also done while speaking: reality is ordered,
evaluated and hierarchized, so that a certain way of conceiving and being in the world is conveyed. Therefore, making the
museum suitable to the new needs of the community demands changes not only in what is said, but also in the way it is
said. It serves little to incorporate new social subjects (the native peoples of Latin America, for example) if this inclusion
results from a pejorative conception of these communities, which is just what happens in the Museum of America in
Madrid, where the Spanish appear as masters of the word while the indigenous people are represented by ceramic vessels.
If, in the accounts of the museums, the part continues to be taken for the whole by essentializing and naturalizing the
difference, then those other social subjects must appear to be merely a historical afterthought. It seems to us that the
performative dimension of the discourse in the museum is a very important aspect at the moment its function in the new
global society is evaluated. We propose two objectives for new museums: serving the purposes of multicultural
coexistence, and being spaces where the subjects may examine their social situation. In order to do this, we have analyzed
the setup of three museums: a
colonial museum (the Museum of America in Madrid), a national museum (the National Historical Museum in Buenos Aires),
and an ethnic museum (the Mennonite Jacob Unger Museum in the Paraguayan Chaco).
+ info:
Miniatures of the nation: ethnic minority figurines, mannequins and dioramas in Chinese museums
By Marzia Varutti
In Museum and society, Mar 2011. 9(1) 1-16 © 2011
ISSN 1479-836
This paper uses Chinese ethnic minority museums as case study to reflect on the significance of the use of figurines,
mannequins and dioramas as modes of representation of individuals and collectivities in museums. By proposing the
concept of miniature and exploring its diverse facets and conceptual implications in the context of specific examples of
museum displays of Chinese ethnic minorities, the analysis reveals how specific museological practices and display
supports – such as mannequins, dioramas, figurines and maps – enable the reduction and containment of cultural
+ info:
Museums and a common world: climate change, cosmopolitics, museum practice
Ben Dibley (University of Western Sydney)
In Museum and society, Jul 2011. 9(2) 154-165, 2011.
ISSN 1479-8360
At stake in this paper is the nature of the relationship between the institution of the museum and the common world. It is
contended that such relations are regularly asserted through cosmopolitan appeals, which are premised on the assumption
that a cosmos, a world, a universal, pre-exists its articulation, and, that it is the task of reason and of science to adjust the
citizen-subject to this already-present condition. This paper argues that this is a flawed position because it assumes, in
fact, what is required to be built: a world in common.
In defence of this proposition, two recent declarations of museum cosmopolitanism are explored: ICOM’s declaration on the
‘universal museum’, which focuses on the unity of the cultural heritage of humankind; and the Buffon Declaration, which
concerns institutions of natural history and the imperilment of humanity’s biospheric inheritance. Subsequently, the paper
turns to what might be called the empirics of the cosmopolitanism of the museum visitor.
This examines the qualitative investigation of banal or everyday cosmopolitanism, which is largely ignored by such
museum declarations.
These different museological articulations of a common world are, in turn, reviewed through the juxtaposition of two
sociologies: Ulrich Beck’s cosmopolitanism and Bruno Latour’s compositionism. It is in contrasting these various
mobilizations of the cosmopolitan – the museological, the empirical and the sociological – that the paper advances its
namely, that these cosmopolitan claims are based on the assumption that a common world exists prior to its assemblage
as such.
+ info:
Culture, knowledge and understanding: great museums and libraries for everyone
Arts Council England, September 2011
ISBN: 978-0-7287-1504-2
A companion to our 10-year strategic framework for the arts Achieving great art for everyone, this
publication is our first attempt to integrate museums and libraries into this framework. It is designed to
provide certainty as to the programmes the Arts Council will run from 2011-15 while soliciting further
debate about the directions we should take in the longer term.
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Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Musées et développement durable - La Documentation française
ISBN : 978-2-11-008335-7
Musées et développement durable : comment s'emparer de cette problématique ? Quelles sont ses actions
dans ce domaine ? A quels niveaux se situent-elles ?
Issu d'une collaboration entre la France et le Québec, ouvert sur l'international, cet ouvrage rassemble des
études de cas et les soumet aux analyses croisées de professionnels des musées et de chercheurs en
muséologie. Il aborde de manière pragmatique les questions d'architecture et de conception des expositions, au travers de
l'ecodesign ; il interroge les modes de sensibilisation des publics et les dispositifs de médiation ; il tire les conséquences de
l'application du développement durable aux modes de gestion des établissements. En situant les initiatives contemporaines
dans une généalogie des actions passées, ce recueil rend compte des démarches entreprises en la matière, et fournit des
clefs pour (ré)inventer les pratiques muséales à l'aune du développement durable. Photos et schémas viennent illustrer ces
+ info:
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) &
UNESCO International Survey on Museum Storage 2011: Summary of results
This survey provides a snapshot of the situation in 1490 museums worldwide. As a little over 25% of the replies came from
North America, these results were analyzed individually and compared to the rest of the world. There was found to be no
significant difference in the numbers. This confirms that the results shown here represent the situation of the museums
surveyed in all countries.
+ info:
Ce que le parc fait au musée : ambivalence des formes de l'exposition
Auteurs : Serge CHAUMIER
ISBN : 978-2-351-20034-6
Editeur : Paris : Complicités
Ce recueil de points de vue théoriques pour mieux comprendre les spécificités du musée traite également
de façon pragmatique du choix qu’un professionnel peut effectuer entre musée et parc d’attraction.
Approche marketing, techniques de mises en espaces, prestataires, pratiques des publics, industrialisation
culturelle des musées : autant de similarités qui peuvent «justifier» un amalgame entre musées et parcs.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (22 de 22) [23/11/2011 17:16:43]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Pesticidas ecológicos y de origen local - República Checa
Un gran número de plantas son capaces de soportar ciertas molestias sin tener que utilizar repelentes. Esta capacidad es la
base de un proyecto llevado a cabo por químicos y botánicos checos. Si bien es cierto que ya se encuentran en el mercado
insecticidas basados en extractos de plantas, en general están hechos a partir de plantas tropicales. Los científicos checos
pretenden desarrollar productos obtenidos a partir de plantas que crecen en sus latitudes. "Los colinabos necesitan la
ayuda que puede proporcionarles la lavanda, los pimientos la de la ajedrea".
+ info:
Una ciudad polar de ensueño
El proyecto de una ciudad única en el Extremo Oriente ha sido diseñado por los arquitectos rusos. El clima es artificial y un
sistema de circuito cerrado deberá reciclar todos los elementos necesarios para la vida como en una estación espacial. El
uso de tecnologías avanzadas permitirá construir esta magnífica ciudad en cualquier superficie sólida, incluyendo la Luna.
La ciudad polar ha recibido ya el nombre de Oumka, que se traduce del chukchi como " un oso blanco". Fue creada
especialmente para la vida de los investigadores, exploradores del Polo para trabajar en condiciones difíciles del Ártico.
Esta ciudad tendrá una importancia estratégica como una avanzadilla de Rusia en el norte.
+ info:
Eurosite & EUROPARC European Efficiency & Innovation Seminar: Integrated Site Management
16 noviembre - 17 noviembre 2011 Hertfordshire. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Eurosite, EUROPARC and Landmarc
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 oct 2011
+ info:
Gestión voluntaria en los parques Europeos – GRUNDTVIG Acuerdo
para el Aprendizaje Permanente
Los espacios protegidos necesitan que las comunidades locales y sus
accionistas se involucren más en su gestión. Una gran forma de hacer esto
es mediante el voluntariado. Este proyecto ofrece una oportunidad de valor
incalculable para avanzar en las aproximaciones existentes para el
Aprendizaje Permanente a través del voluntariado en la conservación a
nivel europeo y para encontrar formas de consolidar éstas aproximaciones
como parte integral de la gestión voluntaria de los espacios protegidos.
El nivel de gestión voluntaria en los parques europeos varía dependiendo de los países y los parques. Por ello, los socios
del proyecto pretenden diseminar la innovación y las buenas prácticas en el ámbito de gestión voluntaria y desarrollar de
forma colectiva medidas innovadoras que aumenten las oportunidades de aprendizaje en el contexto del voluntariado.
+ info:
AWARDS - Hans Biebelriether wins the Alfred Toepfer Medal 2011
The Alfred Toepfer Medal, named after the founder of the EUROPARC Federation, Dr h.c. Alfred Toepfer
(1894-1993) is awarded annually in recognition of a particular individual who has made a significant
contribution to nature protection in Europe. The medal is presented at the annual EUROPARC conference.
This is a great opportunity to honour those who work in our protected areas, who have a European vision (1 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:16:52]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
yet make a difference in their home country or region! Nominations will be considered by the EUROPARC
Council and the winner announced at the annual EUROPARC conference in September.
+ info:
Turismo sostenible y áreas protegidas: una unión exitosa – Carta Europea de
Turismo Sostenible en Espacios Protegidos.
La red de espacios protegidos que participa en la Carta Europa de Turismo Sostenible
en Espacios Protegidos sigue creciendo a un ritmo alarmante. Hoy 89 espacios
protegidos a lo largo de nueve países diferentes están activamente involucrados en el
proceso de la Carta.
Durante el Congreso de EUROPARC 2011 celebrado este año en Bad Urach, 12 espacios
protegidos de Finlandia, Francia, Italia, España, y Reino Unido recibieron la Carta
Europea de Turismo Sostenible después de obtener una evaluación positiva. Además se volvieron a evaluar cinco parques
este año tras sus primeros cinco años de trabajo con la Carta.
El amplio número de espacios que están solicitando la Carta cada año muestra de forma clara el creciente interés por parte
de los espacios protegidos de toda Europa en las acciones de la Carta. Además casi todos los parques galardonados están
solicitando una re-evaluación tras los primeros cinco años de mejoras, y siguen reconociendo la función estratégica de la
Carta para la gestión y el desarrollo de estrategias de turismo sostenible y de acciones en los espacios protegidos.
+ info:
Introducing Europe's Protected Natural Areas - German-Luxemburgian Nature Park Luxemburg/Germany
In this section we give you a more in depth look at our members and how they manage Europe's natural
heritage. Each month we will upload information about a different EUROPARC member. This month
(November 2011) we take a closer look at Il- Majjistral Nature and History Park/Malta. Information on
protected areas who have previously been featured on this page can be downloaded below.
+ info:
COMPETITION - Parks for the People: A Student Competition to Reimagine America's National Parks - Deadline
for proposals 1 November 2011
Parks for the People is a design competition that will reimagine America's most spectacular public places — its national
parks — by using design as a catalyst to creatively rethink their connections to people and their role as revered natural,
social, and cultural destinations.
As a culminating project of Designing the Parks — a partnership to promote well-designed public parks in America — Parks
for the People invites student and faculty teams to help build a common foundation of design principles for these
extraordinary sites as the U.S. National Park Service embarks upon a new century of park design.
Participating schools will work with park administrators to create model solutions for seven park sites in each geographic
region of the U.S., and use these design paradigms to create a stronger national identity for our open space ideals.
Throughout the competition, schools will have an opportunity to engage with the Park Service and its rich cultural and
historic assets, including access to park leadership, in-depth encounters with park sites, and the chance to build long-term
relationships with park staff and resources.
+ info:
AWARDS - Transboundary Protected Area Award 2011 - Krkonoše National Park
(Czech Republic) and Karkonosze National Park (Poland)
At the EUROPARC Conference 2011 two transboundary protected area complexes were
awarded their transboundary parks certificate after five years successful work with the
programme. Dr Arnold Boer member of the STEC (steering group of the transboundary
evaulation committee) very kindly conducted the award certificate with them being given my
new President Thomas Hansson.
Krkonoše National Park (CZ) and Karkonosze National Park (PL) were the first complex to be
rewarded the Transboudary “Following Natures design” certificate this year, after a successful re-revaluation of their
Transboundary co-operation. Both parks share a common commitment to visitor management across their fragile central
European mountain range, have shared planning and staff collaboration and exemplify the international cooperation upon
which the EUROPAR Federation was founded…
+ info:
Pose de la première pierre du Pôle des Espaces Naturels du Marais poitevin - France
La commune de Saint-Denis-du-Payré, la communauté de communes du Pays né de la mer, la Ligue pour la Protection des
Oiseaux (LPO) et l'Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage (ONCFS) se sont fédérés autour du Parc
interrégional du Marais poitevin pour créer le Pôle des Espaces Naturels.
En ce mardi 11 octobre 2011, Yann Hélary, Président du Parc, Jean Etienne, Maire de Saint-Denis-du-Payré, Hugues
Fourage, Maire de Fontenay-le-Comte, Dominique Souchet, Vice-président du Conseil général de la Vendée et Michel
Métais, Directeur national de la Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux ont posé la première pierre.
+ info:
Témoignages de Louis-Marie Papin, Ulysse Gaignet et du père Gabriel Ribreau- Parc naturel
régional du Marais Poitevin (France)
Un nouveau montage sonore est disponible dans la rubrique "Sur un coin de table".
A travers ces différents témoignages, on en apprend un peu plus sur les plainots (gens de la plaine) et sur (2 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:16:52]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
la Jeunesse Agricole Catholique.
Au Gué-de-Velluire et à Saint-Michel-en-l'Herm, trois témoins racontent : Louis-Marie Papin, Ulysse
Gaignet (son beau-frère) et le père Gabriel Ribreau.
+ info:
Parc national des Calanques : L'enquête publique est lancée : donnez votre avis ! - France
C’est une immense satisfaction pour moi et pour tous ceux qui m’accompagnent depuis près de douze années, de voir
s’ouvrir pour un mois l’enquête publique pour le Parc national des Calanques.
Cette séquence déterminante est le point d’orgue d’une procédure de création certes complexe et longue, mais nécessaire,
puisque garante d’une réelle démocratie de proximité, d’une transparence constante et du souci de l’intérêt général.
+ info:
MÁSTER en Espacios Naturales Protegidos, título propio, Edición 2012 - Fundación Interuniversitaria Fernando
Gonzalez Bernaldez - España
* Tres universidades españolas con amplia experiencia en el campo medioambiental convocan conjuntamente, a través de
la Fundación F. G. Bernáldez y en colaboración con EUROPARC-España, el MÁSTER EN ESPACIOS NATURALES
* Único programa de máster dedicado monográficamente a los espacios protegidos, está dirigido a profesionales y gestores
que quieran completar su formación específica, así como a jóvenes titulados interesados en trabajar en este ámbito.
* Duodécima edición de un programa propio de posgrado, iniciado en 2001, que se estructura en módulos temáticos
impartidos de enero a diciembre de 2011, en un horario concentrado hacia el fin de semana, y que incluyen clases
teóricas, talleres, un viaje de estudios y un trabajo práctico individual.
* Profesorado formado por especialistas universitarios, investigadores, consultores y gestores de reconocido prestigio,
procedentes de los distintos ámbitos profesionales relacionados con los espacios protegidos.
* Los alumnos obtendrán el título de Máster en Espacios Naturales Protegidos por las universidades Autónoma de Madrid,
Complutense y de Alcalá.
+ info:
Misurare e comunicare il valore dei parchi, ottimo successo del seminario di Federparchi a Pisa (14-16
September 2011)
Oggi, ancor più che in passato, è sempre più pressante la necessità di rendere il lavoro dei parchi tanto più possibile
trasparente sul piano politico e amministrativo quanto misurabile secondo criteri uniformi di efficacia gestionale.
Sull’importanza di ribadire non solo il valore delle aree naturali protette, ma avere anche le capacità per comunicarlo in
modo efficace, si è basato il seminario dal titolo “Misurare e comunicare il valore prodotto dal Sistema parchi in Italia”
organizzato da Federparchi – Europarc Italia con la collaborazione di Refe – Strategie di sviluppo responsabile, che si è
tenuto dal 14 al 16 settembre 2011, presso il Centro Studi Valerio Giacomini nel parco regionale Migliarino San Rossore
Massaciuccoli (Pisa)…
+ info:
Projet (d'ordonnance) portant clarification et simplification des dispositions relatives aux réserves naturelles France (11 octobre 2011)
Le projet d'ordonnance portant clarification et simplification des dispositions relatives aux réserves naturelles est en
consultation publique sur le site du ministère de l'Ecologie jusqu'au 3 novembre 2011.
Ce texte vise à clarifier les dispositions législatives du Code de l'environnement relatives aux réserves naturelles. En
revanche, il ne touche pas les dispositions pénales propres à ces réserves dont la modification est prévue dans le projet
d'ordonnance portant simplification et harmonisation des polices de l'environnement, qui est en cours d'élaboration.
+ info:
Eight new nature parks in Switzerland
The first national park in the Alps was established in the Engadine in 1914. Since then there
have been very few efforts in Switzerland to create other protected areas.
But following the establishment in 2007 of a legal basis for the creation of new parks, the
Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) recognised eight regional nature parks at
the beginning of September.
Switzerland now has all together twelve parks of national significance as well as the Swiss
National Park on the border with Italy. Five other nature parks are now being set up. While
the parks satisfy the requirements for a nature park in terms of natural territory and landscape, local residents still need to
give their approval. There is also a project for a new national park in Ticino. The Parco nazionale del Locarnese has been
recognised as a candidate by the FOEN.
+ info:
Las superficies protegidas de la región floral del Cabo gozan del apoyo de un socio
del Centro del patrimonio mundial
Fauna and Flora International (FI), un viejo socio del Centro del patrimonio mundial, ha
hecho un llamamiento mundial esta semana con el objetivo de ayudar a proteger más de
50.000 hectáreas de un ecosistema único en el mundo, el “fynbos”, situado en la región
floral del Cabo, en Sudáfrica. Las tierras a las que se refiere están en las zonas tampones
del sitio del patrimonio mundial, y su conservación contribuye a la integridad a largo plazo
de este sitio.
La biodiversidad vegetal del fynbos es superior a la de la Amazonia. Desgraciadamente, según la Lista Roja de la UICN de (3 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:16:52]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
las especies amenazadas, el bioma de fynbos contiene también el mayor número de plantas amenazadas en el mundo,
haciendo que la conservación de esta zona sea de una importancia vital.
+ info:
Análisis preliminares de las Inundaciones en El Salvador y Guatemala
El Sistema Regional de Visualización y Monitoreo (SERVIR), implementado conjunto con la Agencia para el Desarrollo
Internacional de Estados Unidos (USAID) y la Agencia Espacial de los Estados Unidos (NASA), ha trabajado análisis
preliminares de las recientes inundaciones en El Salvador y Guatemala.
La imagen satelital utilizada para este análisis cubre la mayoría de 3 Departamentos en El Salvador y 8 Departamentos en
Guatemala, la superficie de área que cubre la imagen equivale a 41,000 km2 y fue capturada el día de ayer 17 de octubre
del 2011 por el satélite RADARSAT-2, los resultados del análisis de estas imágenes indican que el área afectada por
inundaciones es de aproximadamente 169.5 km2.
+ info:
Un geólogo afirma haber descubierto habla en el desierto en la frontera entre Egipto-Libia
Por Ashraf Khaled
El geólogo egipcio Khaled Ouda ha anunciado el descubrimiento de un “mar de agua subterránea” en el amplio desierto
occidental en la frontera egipcio-libia. Al parecer inspirado por el levantamiento popular que destituyó al antiguo presidente
Hosni Mubarak a principios de este año, él puso a alguno de los oasis el nombre de “revolución” y “mártires” gracias a la
plaza Tahrir
“Esta reserva de agua dulce es suficiente para recuperar y regar alrededor de 3,7 millones de acres,” según contó Ouda,
un profesor en geología en la universidad Assiut que pertenece al estado en el sur de Egipcio, en una conferencia de
prensa en Cairo la semana pasada.
+ info:
Coopération franco-allemande pour la recherche en Méditerranée
Le Cemagref, le CNRS, l'INRA et l'IRD, membres d'AllEnvi, l'UFZ et le FZJ, membres du groupe "terre et environnement"
des Helmholtz, conjuguent leurs efforts de coopération scientifique pour lutter contre le changement global en zone
L'ensemble des pays du pourtour de la Méditerranée sera particulièrement concerné par les effets du changement global.
Associées aux développements politiques, démographiques et économiques qui interviennent dans la région, ces évolutions
vont induire des modifications importantes dans la gestion des territoires et l'exploitation des ressources naturelles. Les
transformations à venir ne seront pas sans incidence sur l'ensemble des pays européens et appellent à des avancées
collectives dans les connaissances scientifiques et les modèles de prévision, comme dans la décision et l'action.
+ info:
Forum Global de la OCDE sobre Medio Ambiente: Haciendo Realidad la Reforma sobre los Recursos Hídricos.
París (Francia) 25-26 octubre 2011
The objective of the Global Forum on Water is to gather a broad range of senior policy makers and leaders in the water
sector to debate and discuss the key messages emerging from the recent OECD work on water. This work focuses on the
policy issues related to pricing and financing, multilevel governance, public-private partnerships, and managing water
resources in agriculture.
The focus on “Making Water Reform Happen” will provide an opportunity to share experiences and explore how countries
can overcome the challenges in implementing water policy reform.
The Forum's discussions will help to shape the OECD’s key messages for the 6th World Water Forum in Marseille on 12-17
March 2012.
+ info:
Gobierno e indígenas del oriente lograron acuerdos en los 16 puntos de las
demandas - La Paz - Bolivia
El presidente Evo Morales y las dirigencias de los pueblos indígenas del oriente lograron
acuerdos sobre los 16 puntos de las demandas tras dialogar este domingo más de 16 horas
en el palacio de Gobierno.
El ministro de Comunicación, Iván Canelas, manifestó que "han sido resueltos los 16 puntos
del pliego de demandas de la VIII marcha de los pueblos indígenas del oriente".
Dijo que los acuerdos se lograron en una "reunión cordial y dinámica".
+ info:
Agricultural success from Africa: the case of fertilizer tree systems in southern Africa (Malawi,
United Republic of Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe)
In response to the declining soil fertility in southern Africa and the negative effects that this leads to, such
as food insecurity besides other developmental challenges, fertilizer tree systems (FTS) were developed as
technological innovation to help smallholder farmers to build soil organic matter and fertility in a
sustainable manner. In this paper, we trace the historical background and highlight the developmental
phases and outcomes of the technology. The synthesis shows that FTS are inexpensive technologies that
significantly raise crop yields, reduce food insecurity and enhance environmental services and resilience of
agro-ecologies. Many of the achievements recorded with FTS can be traced to some key factors: the availability of a suite
of technological options that are appropriate in a range of different household and ecological circumstances, partnership
between multiple institutions and disciplines in the development of the technology, active encouragement of farmer
innovations in the adaptation process and proactive engagement of several consortia of partner institutions to scale up the
technology in farming communities. It is recommended that smallholder farmers would benefit if rural development (4 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:16:52]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
planners emphasize the merits of different fertility replenishment approaches and taking advantage of the synergy
between FTS and mineral fertilizers rather than focusing on `organic vs. inorganic' debates.
+ info:
The Exploration of Subglacial Lake Ellsworth - Antarctica
More than one hundred and forty five subglacial lakes have been discovered beneath the Antarctic
ice sheet. These lakes have been isolated from the surface for considerable periods of time and each
represents a unique environment. Life in subglacial lakes must adapt to total darkness, low nutrient
levels, high water pressures and isolation from the atmosphere. Subglacial lakes thus represent
unique biological habitats…
+ info:
Conclusion of Pre-COP (Conference of Parties) Ministerial Meeting - Stellenbosch, Western Cape Province
(South Africa) 21 October 2011
… We just concluded the traditional Pre-COP Ministerial consultations, hosted here at Spier, Stellenbosch, on 20 and 21
October 2011. The meeting was attended by representatives from 42 countries.
Participants also included the Chair of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation, as well as the Chairs of the two Ad Hoc
Working Groups.
The Chairs made presentations on the status of the work under their responsibility and their assessment of what can be
achieved in Durban…
+ info:
Petites initiatives, tout un programme ! - UICN (Union internationale pour la conservation de la
nature) France
L’UICN France assure la gestion du Programme de Petites Initiatives du Fonds Français pour
l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM) dont l’objectif est de contribuer à renforcer les capacités de la société
civile africaine sur les enjeux environnementaux.
+ info:
Les espaces protégés français : un réseau crucial pour la sauvegarde de nos richesses
naturelles - France
A l’occasion de l’année internationale de la biodiversité, le Comité français de l’UICN édite une nouvelle
brochure de présentation des espaces protégés français, réalisée en collaboration avec l’ensemble des
réseaux gestionnaires d’aires protégées et le soutien du Ministère de l’écologie.
+ info:
Hundreds Occupy Belo Monte Dam Site in Brazilian
Amazon - Altamira - Brazil
Yesterday the Belo Monte Dam construction site was occupied
by 400 indigenous people, fishermen and riverine community
members who oppose the project due to its severe
environmental impacts and human rights violations. The
occupation was a collective decision from 700 representatives
from local communities who attended a seminar against the
Belo Monte Dam held this week in Altamira, and proved an important step forward in the continuing struggle to halt the
+ info:
Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Ramsar Sign Memorandum of Cooperation
Ramsar and WWT have signed a three-year Memorandum of Cooperation promoting the
commitment of both organisations to the conservation and wise use of wetlands. The purpose of
this Memorandum of Cooperation is to provide a flexible framework for collaboration between the
Parties, mobilizing WWT’s technical and capacity-building expertise for an improved
implementation of the Ramsar Convention.
+ info:
Mensajes del 40º aniversario de Ramsar: noviembre 2011
Humedales sanos implica gente sana. Y al contrario, unos humedales degradados por las actividades
humanas, especialmente las que hacen que disminuya la calidad y disponibilidad del agua, generalmente
ven mermadas sus capacidades para prestar los servicios de los ecosistemas que, tanto de forma directa
como indirecta, afectan a la salud humana al repercutir, entre otros, en la pérdida de producción de
alimentos y en los medios de vida locales. Los humedales degradados también pueden provocar la
aparición de enfermedades infecciosas y el resurgimiento de enfermedades relacionadas con el agua,
comprometiendo igualmente la salud humana, y pueden hacer que disminuya la disponibilidad de plantas (5 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:16:52]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
y animales de los humedales con valores medicinales de particular importancia para las poblaciones indígenas y las
comunidades locales…
+ info:
31 octobre 2011 - Parc national de La Réunion - Des impacts multiples et graves après 5 jours d'incendie - La
Réunion - France
L’incendie qui ravage les hauts du massif de la côte ouest de l’île depuis le 25 octobre 2011 a gagné en intensité sur le
Piton des Orangers. Le feu, descendant le long des remparts du cirque de Mafate, peut destabiliser des roches. Une
quarantaine d’habitants des îlets de Roche Plate et des Orangers, dont les cases sont situées sous le rempart du Maïdo, ont
du être évacués. Le Parc national suit avec la plus grande attention la situation. Les médiateurs du Parc affectés dans le
cirque de Mafate assurent au mieux un relais avec la population. Ils les informent sur la situation des sentiers et recueillent
toutes les informations sur d’éventuelles chutes de pierre.
+ info:
Settimana UNESCO di Educazione allo Sviluppo Sostenibile - A Come Acqua -Club UNESCO Caserta - Castel
Volturno - Italy - 7-13 November 2011
“A come Acqua”: questo il titolo della sesta edizione della Settimana di Educazione allo Sviluppo Sostenibile, che si terrà
dal 7 al 13 novembre 2011 sotto l’egida della Commissione Nazionale Italiana per l’UNESCO.
Centinaia di iniziative animeranno le piazze, le scuole, i teatri, i parchi di tutta Italia per ricordare la più importante fonte di
vita e di benessere del pianeta e i fattori che la minacciano, dai cambiamenti climatici ai modelli di consumo, dagli sprechi
alla cattiva gestione.
Anche quest’anno gli enti, le scuole e le organizzazioni interessate ai temi della sostenibilità sono invitate a partecipare e a
organizzare iniziative.
L’iniziativa centrale si tiene a Firenze sabato 12 novembre in sinergia con la premiazione "Eco & the city" della Fondazione
Giovanni Spadolini Nuova Antologia ed Energeo Magazine.
La Settimana UNESCO di Educazione allo Sviluppo Sostenibile 2011 si svolge sotto l’Alto Patronato del Presidente della
+ info:
AWARDS - The 14th Annual L'ORÉAL-UNESCO Awards For Prof. Jill Farrant, South
Africa "For discovering how plants survive under dry conditions."
The L’ORÉAL-UNESCO For Women in Science partnership announced today the five exceptional
women scientists from around the world who will receive the 2012 L’ORÉAL-UNESCO Awards in
Life Sciences.
An international network of nearly 1,000 scientists nominates the candidates for each year’s
Awards. The five Laureates are then selected by an independent, international Jury presided by
Professor Günter Blobel, Nobel Prize in Medicine 1999.
+ info:
Vídeo del nacimiento de un iceberg - NASA (National American Space Agency)
IceBridge - Antártida
Los científicos esperan que del glaciar Pine Island, en el Antártico, libere pronto un iceberg
al mar
Cuando el iceberg se libere, cubrirá cerca de 880 kilómetros cuadrados de superficie
Después de descubrir una grieta emergente que atraviesa la plataforma de hielo flotante del
glaciar Pine Island en la Antártida, la operación IceBridge de la NASA ha volado en una
misión de seguimiento e hizo por primera vez medidas detalladas en el aire del nacimiento
en curso de uno de los principales iceberg.
+ info:
2ème FORUM DU GRENELLE DE L'ESTUAIRE - L'Estuaire et la Vallée de la Seine
01 diciembre 2011 Deauville. Francia
Organizadores: Agence d’Urbanisme de la Région du Havre et de l’Estuaire de la Seine
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Colloque ' Chimie et Nature'
25 enero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Fondation internationale de la Maison de la Chimie
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Publicaciones (6 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:16:52]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Sostenibilidad es negocio: Evidencia de que las empresas turísticas en áreas protegidas
funcionan mejor cuando son más sostenibles
Federación EUROPARC, Septiembre 2011
Esta publicación está financiada por el Programa Marco para la Competitividad y la Innovación (CIP) que
intenta promocionar la competitividad de empresas Europeas
+ info:
Consultation Document on Enabling Legislation for National Parks. August 2011
DOE. Department of Environment
Northern Ireland - United Kingdom
In October 2004, the Department published a consultation paper about national parks and other protected landscape
areas. The debate has moved on since then, and the political landscape has changed with the restoration of devolution and
a locally-elected Assembly.
In March 2011, the Department published a White Paper as a first step towards bringing forward enabling legislation to
allow for the creation of national parks in Northern Ireland. At the time the Department said that further material would be
published for consideration during the consultation period.
Accordingly, a new consultation document has now been published. This looks in more detail at the governance options for
a national park and seek answers to a number of specific questions on national park issues with a view to developing policy
proposals for enabling legislation to be brought before the Assembly. For ease of reference, the White Paper has been
included as an appendix.
The consultation document and accompanying letter to consultees are available below. This new document subsumes the
consultation on the White Paper, and the consultation period has been extended to reflect this. Responses are invited by
31st October 2011
+ info:
Landscape fragmentation in Europe - European Environment Agency (EEA) report
European Environment Agency (EEA) / Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), 2011. - 92 p.
(EEA Report, 2/2011)
ISBN 978-92-9213-215-6
ISSN 1725-9177
This report is the result of a collaboration between the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN)
and the European Environment Agency (EEA). Switzerland became a member of the European
Environment Agency in 2006, and this report is one of the first publications from the collaboration. The
Swiss FOEN provided funding for the work on this report, with contributions from the EEA. The report takes the method of
fragmentation analysis that has previously been applied to Switzerland, where the results are used
in various monitoring systems, and applies it to 28 countries in Europe.
This report was prepared by Jochen A. G. Jaeger (Concordia University Montreal), Tomáš
Soukup (EEA/European Topic Centre on Spatial Information and Analysis), Luis F. Madriñán
(Concordia University Montreal), Christian Schwick (Die Geographen), and Felix Kienast
(Swiss Federal Research Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape).
+ info:
Best LIFE (The Financial Instrument for the Environment) Environment: Projects 2010
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2011.
ISBN 978-92-79-21086-0
ISSN 1725-5619
LIFE (“The Financial Instrument for the Environment”) is a programme launched by the European
Commission and coordinated by the Environment Directorate-General (LIFE Units - E.3. and E.4.).
The contents of the publication “Best LIFE Environment Projects 2010” do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of the institutions of the European Union.
+ info:
Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group eNews 4 - October 2011
Edited and prepared by IUCN WCPA Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group (TBC SG).
The TB eNEWS contains information on your activities related to enhancement of transboundary
conservation and cooperation.
You are welcome to send us news about relevant projects and initiatives, to review any past event on
transboundary conservation, and announce a future workshop, seminar, or a conference. We shall include
any new publications, websites or funding opportunities that you send us.
+ info:
EUROPARC 2011 Conference Report: Quality Counts - Benefits for Nature and People - Schwabian Alb
Biosphere Reserve - Bad Urach - Germany - 21-25 September 2011
EUROPARC General Assembly 2011
EUROPARC 2011 took place from 21st - 25th September in the Schwabian Alb Biosphere Reserve, Bad Urach, Germany.
During the four day conference participants had the chance to exchange their experiences and expand their networks with
European colleagues. They discussed and developed solutions for an effective protected area management throughout the
four day programme. (7 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:16:52]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
The conference was hosted by the German state of Baden-Württemberg and organised together with EUROPARC Germany.
320 international experts from across the field of nature conservation attended the conference under the motto Quality
counts - Benefits for Nature and People.
+ info:
Digital Version of the Central Asia Atlas of Natural Resources
This Atlas brings to readers a sense of the beauty and wealth of Central Asia's natural resources, some issues its peoples
face in using and conserving them, and the progress being made toward sustainable development.
The Atlas is an output of the Central Asian Countries Initiative for Land Management (CACILM) Program, a 10-year
partnership between the Central Asian countries and the international donor community that began in 2006. Its aim is to
restore, maintain, and improve the productive functions of land in Central Asia, leading to better economic and social wellbeing, while preserving the ecological functions of the land. The initiative has set in motion an integrated approach to
sustainable land management that will have local, national, and global benefits.
+ info:
Guide des vertébrés envahissants en outre-mer - Comité français de l'UICN (Union
internationale pour la conservation de la nature)
En raison de leurs impacts écologiques et socio-économiques multiples, ces espèces posent des problèmes
majeurs à tous ceux qui en outre-mer ont en charge la préservation d’un patrimoine naturel unique :
associations, établissements publics, services de l’Etat et des collectivités locales. Cet ouvrage leur est
destiné, ainsi qu’au grand public intéressé par ce sujet.
Son objectif est de sensibiliser et d’informer sur les vertébrés exotiques envahissants et leurs impacts.
Trente neuf espèces introduites parmi les plus envahissantes ou potentiellement envahissantes font l’objet
d’une monographie résumant leur écologie, leur distribution dans l’outre-mer français, leurs impacts avérés ou potentiels,
la réglementation les concernant, etc.
+ info:
Entreprises et Biodiversité - EBEvie et Prix : deux actions phares pour sensibiliser et inciter à l'action Commissariat Général au Développement Durable no. 90 Juin 2011 - France
Afin de favoriser la prise en compte de la biodiversité par les entreprises, le ministère a mis en place un outil de
sensibilisation leur proposant des pistes d’actions en vue de limiter leurs impacts sur la biodiversité. Cet outil, baptisé
EBEvie, vise à aider les entreprises à comprendre les enjeux que la biodiversité représente pour elles. Il les guide pour
évaluer leurs impacts ainsi que leurs liens de dépendance vis-à-vis de la biodiversité. Il leur propose des actions pour
mieux intégrer la biodiversité dans leur stratégie de développement. Le ministère décerne aussi, depuis 2010, Année
Internationale de la Biodiversité, des prix récompensant les produits ou démarches particulièrement innovants en faveur de
la biodiversité.
+ info:
Entreprises et biodiversité: Premiers résultats d'enquête - Commissariat Général au Développement Durable
no. 72 Février 2011 - France
Le Ministère a mené en 2010 une enquête auprès de 3 600 entreprises afin de mesurer la prise de conscience de leurs
interactions avec les écosystèmes et l’intégration de la biodiversité dans leurs stratégies. Les entreprises interrogées se
sont déclarées très majoritairement (deux tiers) conscientes de leurs impacts négatifs sur la biodiversité et, dans une
moindre mesure (un tiers), de leur dépendance vis-à-vis des services fournis par les écosystèmes. Les principales
pressions qu’elles exercent portent sur la qualité de l’air, de l’eau et du sol, un important service écologique dont elles
dépendent aussi. 40 % des entreprises anticipent que la perte de biodiversité représente un risque pour leurs activités à
l’avenir, contre 20 % aujourd’hui. Les entreprises incluent encore peu la biodiversité dans leurs politiques
environnementales. Les grandes sont deux tiers à déclarer agir en faveur de la biodiversité ou envisager de le faire. Elles
sont alors davantage motivées par la gestion des risques financiers et réglementaires associés à la perte de biodiversité
que par une intégration de la biodiversité dans leurs stratégies et activités.
+ info:
Report - Keeping Track of our changing environment - From Rio to Rio + 20 (1992-2012)
UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
This publication helps to tell the story of where the world was 20 years ago and where we
collectively stand today, and to show the direction in which we need to move in a post-Rio+20 world.
It also highlights the missing pieces in our knowledge about the state of environment— such as
those related to freshwater quality and quantity, ground water depletion, ecosystem services, loss of
natural habitat, land degradation, chemicals and waste—due to lack of regular monitoring, collection
and compilation of data. Scientifically-credible data for environmental monitoring remains
inadequate and the challenge of building in-country capacity to produce better policy-relevant data needs urgent attention.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (8 de 8) [23/11/2011 17:16:52]
Investigación sobre física y química de materiales
Investigación sobre física y química de materiales
Pesticidas ecológicos y de origen local - República Checa
Un gran número de plantas son capaces de soportar ciertas molestias sin tener que utilizar repelentes. Esta capacidad es la
base de un proyecto llevado a cabo por químicos y botánicos checos. Si bien es cierto que ya se encuentran en el mercado
insecticidas basados en extractos de plantas, en general están hechos a partir de plantas tropicales. Los científicos checos
pretenden desarrollar productos obtenidos a partir de plantas que crecen en sus latitudes. "Los colinabos necesitan la
ayuda que puede proporcionarles la lavanda, los pimientos la de la ajedrea".
+ info:
VIDEO - ELAICH: Educational Toolkit for Cultural Heritage - YouTube
ELAICH is an EU-funded project aimed at contributing to raising awareness of cultural heritage. This video presents the
ELAICH set of modern and innovative tools for teaching its essence to the general public, especially youth.
+ info:
10th Biennial International Conference of the Infrared and Raman Users' Group (IRUG)
28 marzo - 31 marzo 2012 Barcelona. España
Organizadores: The Infrared and Raman Users' Group (IRUG)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
French Bronzes: history, materials and techniques of bronze sculpture in France (16th - 18th C.) Symposium
09 junio - 12 junio 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Musée du Louvre and Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF), Paris,
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba [23/11/2011 17:16:53]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
780 Brewster - Lemay associés - 2007 - Montreal - Quebec - Canada
Erected at the beginning of the XXth century, 780 Brewster is a five-storey multi-tenant
industrial building with a total surface area of 12,000 sqm. This brick and timber building was
transformed into an office building housing, among others, the City of Montréal’s Southwest
Borough Hall as well as our firm’s offices.
Completed according to a “fast track” schedule, the structure meets the most rigorous
sustainable development standards and is certified LEED Silver.
+ info:
CONFERENCE - Association REMPART: Des chantiers de bénévoles pour la restauration du patrimoine urbain en
Chine et en Israël
05 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: l’Union REMPART
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Lanzamiento de la segunda fase de las obras de rehabilitación de la fábrica de
ladrillos de La Grève-sur-Mignon – Francia
Este lunes 17 de octubre de 2011, con un sol radiante, 80 personas se desplazaron al sitio de la
antigua fábrica de ladrillos de La Grève-sur-Mignon para la inauguración del final de las obras
de restauración de los edificios, previa de manera indispensable a la apertura del sitio al público.
Todos los socios financieros fueron invitados a este importante evento para el municipio y el
Parque interregional del Marais poitevin que siempre le acompañó en esta aventura…
+ info:
World's oldest known underground carriage to be restored - Heritage Lottery Fund United Kingdom
The Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) has awarded just over £422,000* to restore the world’s
oldest surviving known example of an underground carriage – Metropolitan Railway Carriage
Number 353.
The project will mark the 150th anniversary of London’s Underground – the oldest metro
system in the world – and enable London Transport Museum to restore the carriage to full
working order to become a key feature of the anniversary celebrations in 2013. The
restoration of the historic carriage has been awarded to the Ffestiniog Railway, who are specialists in heritage railway
carriage restorations. HLF will also help fund an apprentice to gain an NVQ Level 2 in Carpentry as part of the project, and
a further 159 participants will be offered the opportunity to work towards a heritage and transport qualification via the
National Open College Network.
+ info:
Buenas noticias para la mansión “Happy Retreat”: El actor Richard Dreyfuss ayudará
a salvar la mansión familiar Washington – West Virgina- EEUU (1 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:16:56]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
El mes pasado, tras años de esfuerzo para salvar la mansión de 1780 donde vivieron el
hermano de George Washington y su familia, el actor ganador de un galardón por la Academia
Richard Dreyfuss afirmó que su iniciativa Dreyfuss ayudará a proteger la propiedad que lleva
por nombre Happy Retreat. En un anuncio hecho el 17 de septiembre Dreyfuss se
comprometió a colaborar con los Amigos de Happy Retreat, un grupo sin ánimo de lucro
formado en 2006 para comprar la casa y los 12,3 acres que la rodean. Su iniciativa, un
programa de educación para la ciudadanía, poco a poco ocupará la parte superior de la casa.
+ info:
El museo conservará un kayak único del guerrero Alutiiq en una
Exposición – Peabody – Museo de Arqueología y EtnologíaUniversidad de Harvard – Massachusetts - EEUU
Por primera vez los visitantes del museo Peabody podrán ver a los
conservadores en activo en un espacio habilitado como galería.
El único kayak de guerrero Alutiiq que se conoce en América es la pieza
central de un nuevo esfuerzo por la conservación. Los comisarios del
museo Peabody y los conservadores colaborarán con el museo Alutiiq de
Alaska y con Alfred Naumoff el último creador de kayaks con entrenamiento tradicional en el estudio y conservación de las
colecciones en los dos próximos años.
+ info:
Bouncing Back to Life: Restoring the Florida laboratory where Thomas Edison
sought a substitute for rubber - Fort Myers - Florida - USA
In the final years of his life, Thomas Edison searched for an alternative source of rubber with
the same burning intensity he'd demonstrated in pursuit of a reliable light bulb. The locus of
his efforts was a site he called his "jungle," a lush waterfront corner of southwest Florida
where he wintered with his wife, Mina, and eventually grew thousands of plants that played a
crucial role in his experiments.
+ info:
Göbekli Tepe Conservation Starts - Global Heritage Fund Turkey
The site and its extant remains are threatened by looting, exposure and
insufficient management of the site and its resources. GHF’s goals at
Göbekli Tepe are to support the preparation of a comprehensive Site
Management and Conservation Plan, construction of a shelter over the
exposed archaeological features, training local community members in
guiding and conservation and aiding Turkish authorities in securing
World Heritage Site inscription.
+ info:
Preliminary plan for the Callowhill Reading Viaduct neighbourhood improvement district - Philadelphia Pennsylvania - USA
The mission is to transform the public space between Vine and Spring Garden Streets, 8th
Street and Broad Street (excluding properties fronting on Broad Street) into a cleaner,
safer, greener neighborhood.
+ info:
Large numbers of visitors flocked to view Murtoa Stick Shed - Victoria - Australia - 2
October 2011
With a huge restoration project all but complete, the Shed drew a huge crowd during the Murtoa
Big Weekend. More than 1250 people visited the Stick Shed on 2 October with visitors coming
from across Victoria and even interstate to view this unusual structure.
Dubbed the 'Cathedral of the Wimmera', the 1941 Murtoa Stick Shed spans the length of five
Olympic swimming pools. It is the last remaining of the sheds constructed in Australia as a
solution for grain storage during the World War II wheat glut.
+ info:
Update from Pingyao, China: Global Heritage Fund Senior Advisory Board
Chair Tracks Progress at Pingyao
Authentic preservation at Pingyao reflects definition of sustainable development:
development that provides equally for current and future generations in economic,
social and environmental terms.
In 1997, UNESCO added Pinyao to its World Heritage list, calling it “an exceptionally
well-preserved example of a traditional Han Chinese city.” Ten years later, GHF
began working there to preserve the vernacular architecture, revitalize and stimulate
traditional arts, and establish special historic areas…
+ info: (2 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:16:56]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
Restored citadel, dating back to the days of Alexander
the Great, is symbol of hope in Afghanistan
HERAT (AP).- In the 1970s, tourists traveled to western
Afghanistan to climb on the ruins of an ancient citadel, a
fortress resembling a sandcastle that has stood overlooking
the city of Herat for thousands of years.
The citadel was crumbling then, but today the newly restored
structure, dating back to the days of Alexander the Great, is a
hopeful sign of progress in a country beset by war.
Hundreds of Afghan craftsmen worked to restore the ruins' past glory with help from the Aga Khan Trust for Culture and
about $2.4 million from the U.S. and German governments.
The U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Ryan Crocker, was among the tourists drawn to Herat decades ago, and on Sunday
he celebrated the citadel's restoration and the opening of a new museum of Afghan artifacts at the site.
+ info:
Update from Ciudad Perdida Global Heritage Fund Field Mapping Mission (May / June,
2011) - Colombia
In late May and early June of 2011, a GHF team comprised of Santiago Giraldo, Adam Dunbar
and Dan Thompson conducted a field mapping mission to Ciudad Perdida, an ancient Tayrona
archaeological site deep in the jungles of northern Colombia's Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
mountain range. In preparation for the drafting of a site Master Conservation Plan by the
Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History (ICANH) for this GHF Current Project, the
team set out to map the archaeological sites that surround Ciudad Perdida in the Upper
Buritaca River Valley using precision Ashtech GPS units. Mapping these sites, some of which hadn't been visited since they
were first discovered over 30 years ago, was an essential endeavor in order to set up a long-term, sustainable heritage
management plan for the area. The team worked jointly with the ICANH conservation team at the site, led by Catalina
Bateman, discussing further conservation measures and protection needed for the site. The project is a joint enterprise
with ICANH, which has managed and preserved the site since 1976.
+ info: - Call for Entries: 2012 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation - Deadline 31
March 2012
Entries are now being accepted for the 2012 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. The Awards
recognize the achievement of the private sector and public-private initiatives in successfully conserving or restoring
structures, places and properties of heritage value in the region. The deadline for receipt of materials is 31 March 2012.
Since the Awards were established in 2000, UNESCO has received 426 entries from 24 countries. A total of 140 projects
have received Awards for high achievement in conservation, while 5 projects have received the Jury Commendation for
The 2012 Awards cycle marks a milestone for the programme, after successful implementation over the first twelve years.
With support from the Macau Foundation, the Awards programme is now being enhanced to have even greater impact in
raising awareness about exemplary practices in conserving heritage sites around the region.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - The Foundation of the
American Institute for Conservation
(FAIC) Grants and Scholarships
The Foundation of the American Institute for
Conservation (FAIC) offers several grants and
scholarships to individuals and organizations
to promote professional development,
outreach to the public, publications, and
conservation projects.
In addition, we have assembled several resources for outside funding.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - The Clothworkers' Foundation supporting conservation Research Fellowship - United Kingdom
- Deadline 2 March 2012
A grant of up to 80,000 pounds is available to a UK public institution to enable an experienced conservator (employed by
that institution) to pursue a research project for two years. During the sabbatical the post will be covered by an externally
recrited junior conservator. The grant will meet teh salary and on-cost of the junir conservatir, and the project costs of the
work undertaken by the senir fellow.
+ info:
Patrimonio y Desarrollo, Boletín Digital No. 10 - 2011 - Centro Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y
Museología (CENCREM) - Cuba
El Centro Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museología (CENCREM), fundado en 1980, y ubicado en el antiguo
Convento de Santa Clara de Asís, es una institución especializada, dirigida al desarrollo científico–técnico y docente–
metodológico de los especialistas que laboran en la Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural Tangible, mueble e inmueble, y
del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial, adscripta desde 1995 al Consejo Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural de Cuba (CNPC).
El CENCREM es Centro Autorizado para Impartir Estudios de Postgrado desde su propia fundación, ratificándose como tal
en el año 1989, cuando pasó a formar parte del Sistema de Superación para la Cultura en el campo del Patrimonio
Cultural, como miembro pleno del Consejo Asesor del Centro Nacional de Superación para la Cultura (CNSC) y como (3 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:16:56]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
institución docente.
+ info:
Philips sheds new light on Night Watch - Rijksmuseum - Amsterdam - The Netherlands
Starting on October 26, one of the world’s most renowned paintings will be bathed in a new light.
Philips, Founder of the renovated Amsterdam Rijksmuseum, presents Rembrandt van Rijn’s Night
Watch in innovative LED light, bringing out the best of the painting’s color palette while offering
increased sustainability and energy efficiency. Through the project, the two Masters of Light are
reinforcing their intensive collaboration aimed at joint innovation in the area of LED lighting,
setting the new standard for museum lighting.
+ info:
El legendario Bolshói reabre sus puertas tras seis años de reconstrucción. Moscú,
Federación Rusa
El legendario teatro Bolshói, la catedral mundial del ballet, reabre mañana, viernes, sus
puertas, tras más de seis años de obras faraónicas y de escándalos artísticos, en el que
promete ser uno de los eventos culturales del año.
"Cuando cerramos el teatro para su renovación había un 70 por ciento de posibilidades de
que el edificio se derrumbara", reconoció Anatoli Ixánov, director general del teatro, cuya
famosa compañía comenzó a funcionar en 1776.
+ info:
Newsletter - Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel - Paris - France (3-6 novembre 2011)
Le 17ème Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel, qui a fermé ses portes ce dimanche 6 novembre 2011, a accueilli 260
exposants et plus de 20 000 visiteurs. Il note une nette augmentation de sa fréquentation.
Les professionnels et le grand public ont été conquis par les nouvelles orientations du salon : l’espace de démonstrations
“Métiers d’Art en scène” ainsi que l’exposition photographique sur les passages couverts d’Europe ont particulièrement
attiré l’attention.
+ info:
VIDEO - ELAICH: Educational Toolkit for Cultural Heritage - YouTube
ELAICH is an EU-funded project aimed at contributing to raising awareness of cultural heritage. This video presents the
ELAICH set of modern and innovative tools for teaching its essence to the general public, especially youth.
+ info:
BULLETIN DE L'ISPAN (Institut de sauvegarde du patrimoine national) # 29 - Haïti
Merci d'encourager vos ami(e)s à s'inscrire à l'abonnement du BULLETIN DE L'ISPAN à l'adresse suivante :ispan.
[email protected] L’Institut de Sauvegarde du Patrimoine National (ISPAN) est un organisme technique autonome du
Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. Il a pour mission de dresser l’inventaire et de procéder au classement des
monuments, de sites et d’ensembles historiques de la République d’Haïti, de réaliser des études de projets de protection,
de restauration et de mise en valeur de monuments, de sites et d’ensemble historiques, d’assurer la direction et le contrôle
des travaux d’exécution de tels projets, d’aider à la promotion et au développement d’activités publiques ou privées visant
à sauvegarder le Patrimoine National et, enfin, de recueillir, organiser et diffuser toutes informations et documentations
relatives au Patrimoine architectural et monumental, national et international.
+ info:
English Heritage Guidance Note: Theft of Metal from Church Buildings
This guidance note sets out English Heritage’s1 response to the epidemic of lead theft2 which is affecting historic buildings
and, in particular, parish churches3. We recognise that any theft brings frustration, expense and inconvenience to
congregations. Preventing future thefts is paramount, but dealing with the unfortunate aftermath in an appropriate way is
also very important.
This guidance is in two parts: the first outlines English Heritage’s approach and our advice for congregations on the
significance of lead, how to protect it, and how to respond to thefts; the second offers detailed practical information about
selecting the material to be used for historic church roofs and making it secure.
+ info:
Successful School Refurbishment Case Studies - English Heritage
Wider economic circumstances and reducing public sector budgets clearly have implications for capital investment in school
buildings. Together with the recommendations from the James review, this background is likely to mean that over the
short to medium term future local education authorities will need to focus on managing their existing school estate to
ensure it offers the best possible educational environment…
+ info:
BOLETÍN DEL ISPAN (Institut de sauvegarde du patrimoine national) N. 29 - Haití
El Instituto de Conservación del Patrimonio Nacional (ISPAN) es un organismo técnico autónomo del Ministerio de cultura y
comunicación. Tiene como misión realizar el inventario y la clasificación de sitios, monumentos y conjuntos históricos de la
República de Haití, llevar a cabo proyectos de protección, restauración y puesta en valor de monumentos, sitios y
conjuntos históricos, asegurar la dirección y el control de los trabajos de ejecución de dichos proyectos, ayudar a la
promoción y el desarrollo de actividades públicas o privadas destinadas a preservar el patrimonio nacional y, por último,
recopilar, organizar y difundir toda la información y documentación relativa al patrimonio arquitectónico y monumental, (4 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:16:56]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
nacional e internacional. Les agradecemos que animen a sus amigos a abonarse al BOLETIN DE ISPAN en la siguiente
dirección: [email protected]
+ info:
AWARDS - Charles Mervyn Ruggles Award & Emerging Conservator Award - Canadian
Association for Conservation (CAC) - Deadline for applications 14 February & 31 January
This award commemorates the distinguished achievements of Charles Mervyn Ruggles (1912-2001) in
the development of the art conservation profession in Canada. As CAC’s first honorary member, it is
appropriate that our first award for outstanding contribution to the field carry his name. Recipients of
this award will be celebrated for their contribution and achievement in fine art conservation science,
treatment, training and/or education, for their development work in a field of fine art conservation in
Canada, and for promoting the ethics and ideals expressed in the CAC/CAPC Code of Ethics and Guidance for Practice.
Goal: To encourage the pursuit of excellence in fine art conservation.
+ info:
The American Institute for Conservation Offers New Conservation Resources for
Collecting Institutions - Washington, DC. - USA
The American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) has published the
long-awaited second edition of the AIC Guide to Digital Photography and Conservation
Documentation. This book is a comprehensive guide to digital photographic equipment,
software, and processing tailored to the needs of conservation professionals. The book was
created to further educate conservators in the use of digital photographic equipment for
conservation documentation, while also addressing concerns about long-term accessibility and
preservation of electronic records. It is an essential reference for all collecting institutions in the digital age.
+ info:
In Progress: Tate Modern Expansion - Herzog & de Meuron - London - United
Currently under construction, it has been announced that the Herzog & de Meuron designed
first phase of the new development of Tate Modern will open in the summer of 2012. The
launch will be part of the London 2012 Festival which will be the culmination of the Cultural
+ info:
Residential Complex Le Lorrain - MDW Architecture - Brussels - Belgium
This project is the renovation of the former Brumétal dealer of old iron into a social housing complex
composed of a 4-flat building connected by a large common open space to 3 maisonettes at the rear of the
This residential beacon project for the district contract « Maritime » consists in clearing and opening up the
interior of the plot that was entirely built and making this portion of the street “breathe” thanks to a wide
opening. It aims at giving the neighborhood a new spring through a both strong and suitable contemporary
architectural and urban intervention that benefits the community, while keeping a trace of the industrial
past of the neighborhood.
+ info:
Save Our Culture Launched: International collaborative project aims to save cultural heritage damaged by
Great East Japan Earthquake
The Foundation for Cultural Heritage and Art Research (Ueno, Taito Ward, Tokyo/ President: Ryohei Miyata) announced
today that a project entitled “Save Our Culture (SOC)” has been launched in international collaboration with World
Monuments Fund (NY, U.S.A/ President: Bonnie Burnham) and with cooperation from the Agency for Cultural Affairs and
Tokyo University of the Arts…
+ info:
Historic conservation project by Global Heritage Fund begins at "Machu Picchu of the North" Marcahuamachuco - Peru
Built on top of an isolated plateau 5 kilometers long and 500 meters wide with a vast view of its surroundings,
Marcahuamachuco contains several major compounds surrounded by curved stone walls as high as 12 meters, with inner
galleries, rooms and plazas which suggest administrative and ceremonial functions.
Global Heritage Fund is working with the Unidad Ejecutivo Marcahuamachuco (UEM) to prepare a program of planning,
conservation and community development to enable longterm site sustainability.
+ info:
Agenda (5 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:16:56]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
EXHIBITION - From Start to Finish: De Wain Valentine's Gray Column - J. Paul Getty Museum
13 septiembre 2011 - 11 marzo 2012 Los Angeles, California. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Getty Conservation Institute in collaboration with the J. Paul Getty Museum.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Recently unpacked: How art ages - MARTa Herford
08 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Herford. Alemania
Organizadores: MARTa Herford
+ info:
French Bronzes: history, materials and techniques of bronze sculpture in France (16th - 18th C.) Symposium
09 junio - 12 junio 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Musée du Louvre and Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des Musées de France (C2RMF), Paris,
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Facing the Challenges of Panel Painting Conservation: Trends, Treatments and Training:
Proceedings of a Symposium at the Getty Center, May 2009
Edited by Alan Phenix and Sue Ann Chui
Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute, 2011
ISBN 978-0-9834922-2-1 (online resource)
On May 17-18, 2009 the Getty Conservation Institute, the Getty Foundation, and the J. Paul Getty Museum
hosted the symposium "Facing the Challenges of Panel Painting Conservation: Trends, Treatments and
Training" at the Getty Center in Los Angeles. The symposium highlighted recent developments in panel
paintings research and conservation and included panel discussions in which speakers reflected on their own formative
experiences as panel conservators, and discussed training possibilities for the next generation of conservators.
+ info:
Protecting and Safeguarding Cultural Heritage: Systems of Management of Cultural Heritage in
the Visegrad Countries
Heritage Forum of Central Europe (1º. International Cultural Centre, Krakow, Poland. 7-9 July, 2011)
Organizer: Visegrad Group; International Cultural Centre in Cracow
Praca zbiorowa; Jacek Purchla (red. naukowy)
ISBN 978-83-89273-87-1
The International Cultural Centre in Krakow organises the first Heritage Forum of Central Europe, bringing
together specialists from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia and other experts from the
wider region.
+ info:
A Didactic Case Study of Jarash Archaeological Site, Jordan: Stakeholders and Heritage
Values in Site Management
By David Myers, Stacie Nicole Smith, and May Shaer
ISBN: 978-0-9827668-6-6 (online resource)
The Getty Conservation Institute
The publication has been designed as a didactic tool for use in academic programs, short courses, and
workshops in heritage conservation, management, and planning. It is also relevant to educational and
training programs in urban and regional planning, development studies, and dispute resolution…
+ info:
The Maintenance and Repair of Traditional Farm Buildings: A Guide to Good Practice - English
This publication gives practical advice to farmers, land managers and others involved with the
maintenance and repair of traditional farm buildings.
The guidance is primarily directed to buildings in active farming related uses. However, it is also relevant
for buildings that have uncertain futures or need urgent works to prevent further deterioration of their
structure and fabric.
+ info:
Adapting to change: the state of conservation of World Heritage forests in 2011
Publisher: UNESCO - World Heritage Centre
Number Edition: 30
Beyond providing an overview of the state of conservation of World Heritage forests in general, this
publication attempts to provide some welcome thoughts on the relationship between World Heritage
forests and their surrounding landscapes, and on mechanisms that could be applied to ensure that this
relationship is mutually beneficial alongside social, economic and environmental criteria. I am convinced
that the World Heritage Convention can be effectively leveraged to bring about such positive (6 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:16:56]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
contributions, and I look forward to seeing tangible results on the ground.
+ info:
Vacant Historic Buildings: An owner's guide to temporary uses, maintenance and mothballing English Heritage
English Heritage has produced this guidance to help owners to reduce the risks facing empty buildings, by
undertaking a range of precautionary measures and adopting an active management approach. It applies
to all types of heritage buildings, whether or not they have statutory protection.
It explains how to de-commission buildings that are about to be vacated, as well as how to look after
buildings that have already been vacant for some time. By adopting this approach, owners can prevent
unnecessary damage, dereliction and loss of significance to these buildings. They will also benefit by
maintaining the market value of their assets and increasing the chances of bringing them back into permanent use.
+ info:
The Setting of Heritage Assets: English Heritage Guidance
This document sets out English Heritage guidance on managing change within the settings of
heritage assets, including archaeological remains and historic buildings, sites, areas, and
It provides the basis for advice by English Heritage on the setting of heritage assets when we
respond to consultations and when we assess the implications of development proposals on
the historic estate that we manage. It is also intended to assist others involved with managing
development that may affect the setting of heritage assets.
+ info:
Stopping the Rot: A Guide to Enforcement Action to Save Historic Buildings - English Heritage
Keeping historic buildings in good repair and, where possible, in use, is the key to their preservation.
Owners of listed buildings are under no statutory obligation to maintain their property in a good state of
repair, although it is in their interests to do so. Local authorities can, however, take action to secure repair
when it becomes evident that a building is being allowed to deteriorate.
Urgent Works Notices, Repairs Notices and Section 215 Notices can be very effective tools to help secure
the preservation of historic buildings.
This guidance, which supersedes the first edition published in 1999, is designed to help local authorities
make effective use of these powers. It provides step-by-step advice on the use of the main procedures and includes case
studies and a selection of specimen letters, notices, schedules and agreements.
+ info:
United Kingdom - India Forest Landscape Restoration
Edited by Mike Smith and Sandeep Tripathi
Published by Forest Researc, September 2011
This summary report shows how Forest Landscape Restoration can safeguard biodiversity by taking a
landscape approach using appropriate technologies and practical applications and produce real benefi ts for
communities by working in partnership with them. This project has resulted in India becoming more
engaged in the Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration.
+ info:$FILE/UK-India-FLR-09-11.pdf
Ir a arriba (7 de 7) [23/11/2011 17:16:56]
Pintura Rupestre
Pintura Rupestre
La Cour européenne des droits de l'homme déboute les anciens propriétaires des
terrains au-dessus de la grotte Chauvet - France
La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH) a déclaré irrecevable, le 24 octobre
2011, la requête des anciens propriétaires de la grotte Chauvet. Expropriés de leurs terrains
de Vallon-Pont-d’Arc en 1995, après la découverte du site rupestre, ils demandaient
davantage d’indemnités de la part de l’Etat français. La CEDH a jugé que les 767 065 euros
qu’ils avaient déjà reçus étaient suffisants, au regard du préjudice qu’ils avaient subi.
+ info:
Evolución Humana: Adaptaciones, Migraciones y Desarrollos Sociales. Programa Temático de
Patrimonio Mundial
Nuria Sanz y Penelope Keenan (eds.)
UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2011
World Heritage papers (N. 29, 2011)
The World Heritage Thematic Programme ‘Human Evolution: Adaptations, Dispersals and Social
Developments’ (HEADS) comes at a pertinent time in the history of the World Heritage Convention, when
there is a call for a broader, more multidimensional concept of heritage. These challenges, which the World
Heritage Committee has underlined in recent years, bring to the forefront the significant steps to be taken in the future
evolution of the Convention. The HEADS Programme was launched in the context of the Global Strategy for a
Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List, initiated by the World Heritage Committee in 1994 to broaden
the definition of World Heritage as well as the framework and implementation of the Convention.
This publication offers an overview of the developments of the HEADS Programme since its inception in 2008,
substantiated by scientific contributions from experts in the related fields of study: human evolution and sites related to
early human origins, early archaeological sites and the beginning of cultural diversity, and rock art.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (1 de 2) [23/11/2011 17:17:00]
Pintura Rupestre (2 de 2) [23/11/2011 17:17:00]
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
Comment intégrer le tourisme dans les plans de gestion des sites du patrimoine mondial ?
Dans le cadre de la journée d’étude « Villes françaises du patrimoine mondial et tourisme : protection, gestion, valorisation
» organisée par la Chaire UNESCO « culture, tourisme et développement », l’IREST, Université Paris 1 Panthéon –
Sorbonne, la Convention France UNESCO et ICOMOS France le 27 mai 2010 à l’UNESCO.
+ info:
South Africa's New Minimum Standard for Responsible Tourism
Tourism Minister Marthinus van Schalkwyk confirmed at the launch – on a ferry boat outside the southern Cape town of
Knysna on 12 September – that responsible tourism has been a guiding principle for the industry in South Africa since an
important policy paper on the subject was published in 1996.
However, he said, 'One of the key challenges that we faced was that South Africa did not have a single, unified national
responsible tourism standard and accreditation system.'
+ info:
Turismo sostenible y áreas protegidas: una unión exitosa – Carta Europea de
Turismo Sostenible en Espacios Protegidos.
La red de espacios protegidos que participa en la Carta Europa de Turismo Sostenible
en Espacios Protegidos sigue creciendo a un ritmo alarmante. Hoy 89 espacios
protegidos a lo largo de nueve países diferentes están activamente involucrados en el
proceso de la Carta.
Durante el Congreso de EUROPARC 2011 celebrado este año en Bad Urach, 12 espacios
protegidos de Finlandia, Francia, Italia, España, y Reino Unido recibieron la Carta
Europea de Turismo Sostenible después de obtener una evaluación positiva. Además se volvieron a evaluar cinco parques
este año tras sus primeros cinco años de trabajo con la Carta.
El amplio número de espacios que están solicitando la Carta cada año muestra de forma clara el creciente interés por parte
de los espacios protegidos de toda Europa en las acciones de la Carta. Además casi todos los parques galardonados están
solicitando una re-evaluación tras los primeros cinco años de mejoras, y siguen reconociendo la función estratégica de la
Carta para la gestión y el desarrollo de estrategias de turismo sostenible y de acciones en los espacios protegidos.
+ info:
Can Eco-Tourism Help Underdeveloped Countries?
Article from Mother Nature Network. By Josh Lew.
Tourism might not be the ultimate answer to poverty and economic woes, but it is a
major boon for places around the world that suffer from a lack of natural resources or
industry. For instance, tourism is a hugely important industry in the Caribbean. Without
flocks of resort- goers, nations in this part of the world would have to rely more heavily
on agriculture, leaving their economies at the mercy of the fluctuating prices of
commodities like coffee, sugar and bananas.
There are plenty of valid concerns about the environmental impact of hotel construction, excessive tourist traffic and cruise
ships, but it isn't fair to leave the positive economic impact out of the mass-tourism discussion. Large resorts employ
hundreds of local people, and local entrepreneurs, from taxi drivers to guides to souvenir shop owners, benefit from the
tourism trade.
+ info: (1 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:17:03]
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
Transparency & Accountability: UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization) Raises Industry
Standards to New Level
The UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) ended its 19th biennial General Assembly in Seoul last week by setting new
standards of transparency and accountability for the global travel industry as well as its many membership-based
associations, both public and private.
Fulfilling one of the key pledges made by the Secretary-General Dr Taleb Rifai (a former tourism minister of Jordan) upon
his election to the post two years ago, the UNWTO posted its entire set of meeting documents online. The public now has
unrestricted access to complete information on the world’s apex tourism body, including its detailed finances, membership
status, projects, activities, staffing structure and much more.
+ info:
Voyageur responsable : plateforme de la SNCF (Société nationale des chemins
de fer français) pour un tourisme éthique - France
L'attrait du voyage est inné chez l'humain qui a toujours été un grand nomade. Ce désir
perpétuel de mouvement fait peut-être du bien à une industrie touristique milliardaire,
mais peut faire mal à l'environnement et aux populations locales qui souvent ne voient
pas la lueur des profits économiques du tourisme.
C'est pourquoi, de plus en plus, la tendance est au voyage responsable où l’on tente de
minimiser l'empreinte écologique et d'encourager les populations locales.
+ info:
New Online Platform to Spur Sustainable Tourism Development
The Global Partnership for Sustainable Tourism, a recently-founded United Nations- backed
membership organization, announced today the launch of a new website (http://www.
This partnership has the mission of transforming tourism around the world by integrating the
concepts of resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production, biodiversity, cultural
preservation and socio-economic fairness into the development and operations of the tourism
+ info:
Los viajeros alterarían involuntariamente el ecosistema del archipiélago de Svalbard, Noruega
Recientes trabajos de investigación han demostrado que los viajeros involuntariamente podrían introducir especies
vegetales exóticas en el archipiélago de Svalbard. El aumento global de la temperatura y de la actividad turística permitiría
a estas especies desarrollarse en el frágil ecosistema del archipiélago. Esta situación exige un examen más detenido de la
política de desplazamientos…
+ info:
Leti 360 - Studio Mumbai - 2007 - Leti - Uttaranchal - India
Located at 2350 m (7700 ft.) above sea level, Leti 360 resort is perched on a promontory
in the foothills of the Indian Himalayas. The site is a two hour walk [9 km] from the
nearest motorable road and is accessed by a narrow footpath carved into the
mountainside, part of a network of trails used by local villagers for daily travel and
transport. The trail culminates at the central dining structure built on a plateau, around
which four guest dwellings are discreetly set into existing agricultural terraces. Hiramony
glacier and the peak of Nanda Kot (6,861 m / 22510 ft.) are visible to the north; the peaks
of Nepal line the eastern horizon; and to the south, the Ram Ganga River carves its way through steep terraced valleys
and mountain passes.
The design of the resort was influenced by the inherent constraints of building in the area, concerns of environmental
impact and cultural sensitivity, and careful observation of indigenous materials, climate and landscape. The architecture is
both timeless and contemporary.
+ info:
PRIZES - La remise du prix Clio 2011 pour la recherche archéologique - 4 November 2011
Fondé en 1997 pour encourager la recherche archéologique française à l’étranger le Prix Clio pour la recherche
archéologique est décerné chaque année par un jury d’universitaires indépendant. Il est ouvert à toutes les équipes
françaises ou francophones qui souhaitent présenter, pour concourir, les résultats de leurs travaux. Pour la treizième
année, quatre lauréats seront récompensés à l’occasion du Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel le jeudi 3 novembre
à 15h.
+ info:
Seminar in English "A practical approach to the development of tourism in the mountainous areas of Italy" Edolo - Italy - 27 October 2011
Ricordiamo che giovedì 27 ottobre 2011 alle ore 15.30, presso l’Aula Magna della Facoltà di Agraria Sede di Edolo, si terrà
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
tenuto da Alexander Reed.
Il seminario sarà tenuto in lingua inglese.
Tutti gli interessati sono invitati. La partecipazione è libera e gratuita.
+ info:
El Parque Geologico, Historico y Ambiental de Cerdeña: ¿una ocasión perdida? Italia
La historia del Parque Geologico Historico y Ambiental de Cerdeña es larga y compleja. Todo
empezó en el lejano 1996, cuando el proyecto tomó forma, pero después del reconocimiento
de la UNESCO y la introducción del lugar en la Red de Geoparques, a quice años de
distancia, la entidad se encuentra ahora bajo control de la entidad, y riesga de perder su
titulo. La ciudadanía no entiende renunciar a su Parque…
+ info:
WORKSHOP - Tourism as Colonial Policy?: The History of Heritage Tourism in British Mandate Palestine and
Transjordan - University College London Institute of Jewish Studies. London, United Kingdom - (9 November
This one day workshop, free and open to the public, will feature presentations by scholars and archivists on the history of
heritage tourism in British Mandate Palestine and Transjordan. Papers will cover guidebooks and tours, archaeological
sites, museums and hotels to reveal stories behind the public consumption of the past in the Holy Land in the early 20th
century. The workshop is funded by a UCL Grand Challenges Collaborative Pioneer Award. Followed by a reception in the
Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology.
+ info:
El Centro del patrimonio mundial y Turismo de Portugal cooperan en el ámbito de la
gestión del turismo sobre los sitios del patrimonio mundial
En junio de 2011, el Centro del patrimonio mundial de la UNESCO y Turismo de Portugal, la
autoridad portuguesa encargada del turismo, firmaron un acuerdo para poner en marcha un
proyecto de cooperación sobre la mejora de las capacidades para la gestión del turismo sobre
los sitios del patrimonio mundial de origen portugués. Este proyecto es parte integrante de una
cooperación continua entre el Centro del patrimonio mundial y Portugal, representado en este
proyecto por su Comisión nacional.
+ info:
(SNCF - empresa nacional de ferrocarriles franceses)
Nueva identidad, nuevas categorías, votación pública en línea: la edición 2011 está
decididamente orientada hacia los viajeros. ¿Nuestra voluntad? Ser un verdadero "revelador
de viajes" y demostrar al público que el viaje responsable está al alcance de todos, para
todos los deseos y todos los presupuestos.
Esta quinta edición, presidida por la cantante y actriz Claire Keim, está marcada por el boom
de candidaturas (50% más que en 2010). El éxito de la votación en línea (80.000 votos –
125.000 visitantes únicos en 6 semanas), una operación organizada por primera vez este año para desempatar los
candidatos de 5 categorías, son buena muestra del entusiasmo de los franceses por el turismo responsable. Esta edición
también revela que el desarrollo sostenible es un eje de innovación motor en el turismo, con casi el 50% de las estructuras
candidatas que se crearon hace menos de 3 años.
+ info:
TERRITORI DELLA CULTURA - Newsletter - Centro Universitario Europeo per I Beni Culturali - Ravello - Italy
It's on line the fifth issue of the journal «Territori della Cultura», published by Centro Universitario Europeo per i Beni
Culturali and disseminated by «Quotidiano Arte, il Giornale del Patrimonio Culturale».
On the inside articles by A. Andria, P. Graziani, A. Filippelli & G. Cici, W. Dobrowolski, O. Niglio, M. Pistacchi, S. La Rocca,
L. De Siena, P. Pierotti, M.C. Sorrentino and G. Tilkin.
+ info:
ICTP (International Council of Tourism Partners) - Quality destinations committed to green growth
The International Council of Tourism Partners (ICTP) is a new grassroots travel & tourism coalition of global destinations
committed to Quality Service & Green Growth
The ICTP logo represents the strength in collaboration (the block) of many small communities (the lines) committed to
sustainable oceans (blue) and land (green)
ICTP helps member destinations and their stakeholders share quality an green opportunities including tools and resources,
access to funding, education and marketing support
+ info:
Agenda (3 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:17:03]
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
Workshop - World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism
05 diciembre - 09 diciembre 2011 Maun. Botswana
Organizadores: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Coloquio Internacional "RUTAS TURÍSTICAS E ITINERARIOS CULTURALES: Entre la memoria y el desarrollo"
13 junio - 15 junio 2012 Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: Universidad Laval, la Universidad de Quebec en Trois-Rivières, la Universidad de Paris 1 PanthéonSorbonne y el Centro de Turismo y Cambio Cultural de la Universidad de Leeds, Reino Unido).
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 5 ene 2012
+ info:
Call for Papers - International Conference "The Influence of Tourism on Global Activity: Central or
27 junio - 29 junio 2012 Putteridge Bury, Luton. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Institute for Tourism Research (INTOUR) and the Division of Tourism and Leisure, University of Bedfordshire
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2012
+ info:
Sostenibilidad es negocio: Evidencia de que las empresas turísticas en áreas protegidas
funcionan mejor cuando son más sostenibles
Federación EUROPARC, Septiembre 2011
Esta publicación está financiada por el Programa Marco para la Competitividad y la Innovación (CIP) que
intenta promocionar la competitividad de empresas Europeas
+ info:
Playing with fire: struggling with ‘experience’ and ‘play’ in war tourism
Mads Daugbjerg
In Museum and society, Mar 2011. 9(1) 17-33 © 2011.
ISSN 1479-8360
This paper takes up the ambiguities of embracing ‘experiential’ and ‘playful’ ways of learning at war sites. It takes as its
point of departure the widespread tendencies in the heritage industry to align communication to new emotional and playful
ways of learning about the past and goes on to demonstrate and discuss how these assert themselves at a specific Danish
war site. The links between the concepts of heritage, experience, romanticism and nationalism are investigated with
historical reference to the Scandinavian open air museology and theoretical inspiration drawn from Scott Lash and his
notion of a ‘second’ modernity. It is argued that the current obsession with ‘experience’ in the heritage sector displays a
range of neo-romantic traits. At the Danish centre, staff and visitors are shown to negotiate and struggle to ‘balance off’
their playful and romantic engagements
against more distanced, non-involved stances towards the war past.
+ info:
Le Routard, un voyageur responsable
Posté par L'équipe voyageur-responsable le Mardi 29 mars, 2011
Voyager responsable est accessible à tous, c’est ce que démontre une nouvelle fois la quatrième édition du
guide du Routard du Tourisme responsable, réalisé comme toujours en partenariat avec et
le Comité 21. Cette nouvelle version propose encore plus d’adresses en France, dans toutes les régions et
pour tous les budgets.
Les initiatives sélectionnées par Le guide du Routard du Tourisme responsable sont retenues pour leur
orientation en faveur d’un tourisme responsable, ainsi que pour leur volonté de partager leur engagement en
faveur de notre planète. Sa rédaction a été coordonnée par Pascal Languillon qui dirige l’Association française
d’écotourisme. Sillonnant la France depuis plusieurs années en quête de propositions exemplaires et innovantes, il a
considéré l’originalité et la qualité des offres, couvert toutes les gammes de confort et veillé à une répartition géographique
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [23/11/2011 17:17:03]
Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática
Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática
"Secretos Culturales Bajo las Olas" - Montevideo - Uruguay - (26-30 de Septiembre de 2011 )
Del 26 al 30 de septiembre de 2011 se realiza en Maldonado y Punta del Este, Uruguay, el Encuentro iberoamericano
"Patrimonio en Movimiento". En este marco, el 28 de septiembre se inaugura una nueva edición de la exposición
fotográfica y audiovisual "Secretos Culturales Bajo las Olas" (Patrimonio Subacuático) que estará abierta al público en la
Casa de la Cultura de Maldonado.
En el contexto de la programación del encuentro, abierto a todo público, se dictará la conferencia "Testimonios del hombre
y las fronteras marítimas: El Patrimonio Cultural Subacuático en Uruguay" a cargo de representantes de la Comisión del
Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación y con el apoyo del Sector Cultura de la Oficina de UNESCO en Montevideo.
+ info:
Seminario internacional Hacia la generación de capacidades locales para la
investigación y la gestión del Patrimonio Cultural Subacuático - Universidad de Los
Andes - Bogota - Colombia (7-9 de Septiembre de 2011)
El Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia, ICANH, en colaboración con la Oficina
Regional de Cultura para América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO, y con el apoyo de la
Universidad de la Andes y la Fundación Terra Firme, organizó el Seminario internacional
Hacia la generación de capacidades locales para la investigación y la gestión del Patrimonio
Cultural Subacuático. Este evento hace parte de las acciones en torno a la promoción de
mecanismos de integración y apoyo nacional e internacional para la investigación y protección del patrimonio arqueológico
subacuático en la región de América Latina y el Caribe. Este encuentro se logró gracias al apoyo financiero de España y
contó con la participación de representantes de reconocidas instituciones académicas e investigativas que cuentan con
programas de arqueología subacuática como la Universidad de Flinders de Australia, el INA (Institute of Nautical
Archaeology) de la Universidad de Texas A&M en los Estados Unidos, la Universidad del Sur de Dinamarca y el Museo
Nacional de Arqueología Subacuática de España (ARQUA) Participaron igualmente expertos de Chile, Argentina y México y
la organización no- gubernamental de Inglaterra NAS (Nautical Archaeological Society).
+ info:
Sunken Guinness Ship Revealed Off the Coast of Dublin - Ireland
HIGH RESOLUTION images of a merchant ship which was sunk ninety-four years ago today
(October 12th) off the coast of Dublin have been revealed by the INFOMAR (INtegrated Mapping
FOr the Sustainable Development of Ireland’s MARine Resource) Programme. The images were
obtained during a mission on the national research vessel the RV Celtic Voyager earlier this year
which surveyed the wreck of the first Guinness merchant vessel, the W.M. Barkley.
The detailed seabed images, which include deck features and complex sand wave structures,
were recorded by towed sidescan sonar provided by the Moore Marine Group, and give a visual
insight into the defensively armed ship that was sunk by a German torpedo in 1917, seven miles east of the Kish Bank off
+ info:
Expression sonore & Atelier de Description ASA (Atelier de sémiotique audiovisuelle)
Que sont ces sons? Quelles typologies ? Comment les décrire ? Comment les localiser et indexer pour leur réutilisation?
Existe-t-il une modélisation d’organisation de ces informations ?…
Ces problématiques sont au centre de notre projet de recherche. En effet, l’Atelier de description du Studio ASA, prévoit
une fonctionnalité pour la description des plans sonores des documents audiovisuels. Nous allons le démontrer par une (1 de 2) [23/11/2011 17:17:05]
Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática
simulation de l’usage de cette fonctionnalité dans notre Atelier de Description.
En choisissant l’onglet « Plan acoustique », l’analyste accède à la fonctionnalité pour décrire ce type d’information à la fois
au niveau de la vidéo et au niveau des segments de vidéo (Illustration A).
+ info:
Convención de la UNESCO para la Protección del Patrimonio Cultural Subacuático
celebra su X Aniversario. París (Francia) 2 noviembre 2011
Hay una riqueza de información histórica increíble escondida en los yacimientos arqueológicos
subacuáticos que quedan por descubrir. Mientras algunos de ellos son ya bastante conocidos, la
mayoría todavía esperan a ser investigados. Con el propósito de otorgarles una adecuada
protección y un debido reconocimiento público, la UNESCO adoptó la Convención para la
Protección del Patrimonio Cultural Subacuático el 2 de noviembre de 2001. A lo largo de sus 10
años de existencia, este tratado se ha convertido en la herramienta legal internacional más
importante para la protección del patrimonio mundial sumergido. Los arqueólogos subacuáticos de todo el mundo han
declarado su ferviente apoyo a la Convención y 40 estados han pasado ya a engrosar la lista de Estados Parte. La caza de
tesoros se vuelva así cada vez más estigmatizada a los ojos no sólo de los profesionales, sino también del público en
general. Gracias a esta Convención, el patrimonio sumergido tiene ahora la misma protección que el patrimonio hallado en
tierra firme.
+ info:
CONFERENCE - Fin de Semana ARQUA - El Museo Nacional de Arqueología Subacuática
03 diciembre - 04 diciembre 2011 Cartagena, Murcia. España
Organizadores: Museo Nacional de Arqueología Subacuática
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ya se encuentra disponible en la web de ARQUA la bibliografía de Arqueología nautica y subacuática española.
La bibliografía española aquí presentada estará siempre en crecimiento y abierta a aquellas sugerencias y mejoras que los
usuarios nos faciliten. Agradeceremos su colaboración para subsanar errores y para completar el listado.
+ info:
Letter from Bermuda: Secrets of a Civil War Shipwreck
by James P. Delgado
Bermuda is an island nation famous for its shipwrecks. Discovered in 1505 by Spanish mariner
Juan de Bermudez, the tiny territory is made up of 181 small islands ringed by reefs that have
claimed hundreds of vessels. It was a shipwreck, in fact, that led to the settlement of the
islands. Today, Bermuda is home to more than 62,000 people, and some 150 to 300 wrecks
are said to be submerged off its beaches and in its maze of reefs…
+ info:
Protected Wreck Sites designation - Selection Guidelines - English Heritage
If you would like this document in a different format, please contact our Customer Services department: Email: [email protected]
Leaflet describing the Protected Wreck Sites and its function with a selection of case studies.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [23/11/2011 17:17:05]
Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio
Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio
Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual
El tema de la celebración del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual de 2011 es: “Patrimonio audiovisual:
Ver, oir y aprender.”
Las grabaciones de sonido y las imágenes en movimiento son documentos extremadamente vulnerables, ya
que se pueden destruir fácilmente y de forma deliberada. El patrimonio audiovisual, emblemático del siglo
XX, se puede perder definitivamente a consecuencia del abandono, el deterioro natural y la obsolescencia
tecnológica. El público ha de ser consciente de la importancia de salvaguardar estas grabaciones. Con la
proclamación del Día Mundial del Patrimonio Audiovisual se intenta crear una plataforma para sensibilizar al
mundo sobre este tema.
+ info:
Ir a arriba [23/11/2011 17:17:06]
Patrimonio Vernáculo
Patrimonio Vernáculo
'Il patrimonio delle cascine di milano' - Milan - Italy (23-24 October 2011)
Siamo lieti di invitarvi alle manifestazioni in corso relative, fra l'altro, alle due iniziative di presentazione e restituzione del
progetto Il patrimonio rurale immateriale delle cascine di Milano, un archivio aperto e partecipato della memoria della vita
delle cascine, che raccoglie le video- testimonianze degli agricoltori e degli abitanti delle cascine milanesi, prodotto da
Comitato Cascine Milano 2015, Storie Digitali srl, UNIMI Facoltà di Agraria–DI.P.S.A, in collaborazione col Distretto Agricolo
Milanese e con il contributo di Regione Lombardia, Direzione Cultura- R.E.I.L..
+ info:
New Website on Rural Vernacular Heritage - Registro delle Eredità Immateriali della Lombardia - Lombardy Italy
Progetto prodotto da Comitato Cascine Milano 2015, Storie Digitali e Università degli Studi di Milano Di.P.S.A-Facoltà di
Agraria promosso da Regione Lombardia all’interno del “Registro delle Eredità Immateriali della Lombardia – R.E.I.L.“. Con
la collaborazione del Distretto Agricolo Milanese.
Riportiamo qui alcune panoramiche in esterno realizzate nel 2011 tratte dal progetto di raccolta della memoria della vita
delle cascine grazie alle testimonianze dei protagonisti che restituiscono al territorio la storia locale di questi insediamenti e
la rete di relazioni – sociali, culturali, produttive, ambientali – che intorno ad essi si sono sviluppate.
Le cascine di Milano sono il deposito di memorie e tradizioni che esprimono l’evoluzione della storia e della cultura agricola
del nostro territorio. Un patrimonio fatto di persone, luoghi, riti e modi di produrre, trasformare i prodotti e costruire gli
ambienti e le relazioni di lavoro e di vita. Riscoprire oggi il valore e la complessità di questo patrimonio può servire a
ripensare in modi nuovi e dinamici le relazioni tra vita rurale e vita urbana.
+ info:
Taller sobre conservación de arquitectura de tierra
02 diciembre - 04 diciembre 2011 Villa de Leyva, Boyacá. Colombia
Organizadores: Fundación Habit Tierra - Fundación para el fomento e investigación del Patrimonio Cultural Barichara
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Publicaciones (1 de 2) [23/11/2011 17:17:07]
Patrimonio Vernáculo
Agricultural Buildings Designation - Selection Guide - English Heritage
A guide to outline the selection criteria used when designating agricultural buildings.
This is one of a series of guides which set out some of our approaches to designating buildings. Covering
twenty broad categories of building types, they including historical overviews and special considerations for
listing, plus select bibliographies. They are primarily intended to develop understanding of designated
buildings and structures, and to offer insight into designation decision making.
+ info:
Domestic 1: Vernacular Houses - Selection Guide - English Heritage
A guide to outline the selection criteria used when designating vernacular houses.
This is one of a series of guides which set out some of our approaches to designating buildings. Covering
twenty broad categories of building types, they including historical overviews and special considerations for
listing, plus select bibliographies. They are primarily intended to develop understanding of designated
buildings and structures, and to offer insight into designation decision making.
+ info:
The Maintenance and Repair of Traditional Farm Buildings: A Guide to Good Practice - English
This publication gives practical advice to farmers, land managers and others involved with the
maintenance and repair of traditional farm buildings.
The guidance is primarily directed to buildings in active farming related uses. However, it is also relevant
for buildings that have uncertain futures or need urgent works to prevent further deterioration of their
structure and fabric.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [23/11/2011 17:17:07]
Patrimonio mundial
Patrimonio mundial
Comment intégrer le tourisme dans les plans de gestion des sites du patrimoine mondial ?
Dans le cadre de la journée d’étude « Villes françaises du patrimoine mondial et tourisme : protection, gestion, valorisation
» organisée par la Chaire UNESCO « culture, tourisme et développement », l’IREST, Université Paris 1 Panthéon –
Sorbonne, la Convention France UNESCO et ICOMOS France le 27 mai 2010 à l’UNESCO.
+ info:
2 tifones causan serios daños a los arrozales en terrazas de las cordilleras de Filipinas.
La isla de Nord-Luzon, situada en el archipiélago de Filipinas, fue afectada severamente por el tifón Pedrin (Denominación
común internacional: Nesat) que cruzó la región el martes 27 de septiembre. Su trayectoria afectó a la provincia de Ifugao,
provocando según los informes preliminares vertidos de lodo y deslizamientos de terreno dentro del sitio del patrimonio
mundial de los arrozales en terrazas de las cordilleras de Filipinas. Un segundo tifón afectó la zona el fin de semana pasado.
Mientras que el sistema de comunicación no está aún completamente en funcionamiento en la región y que numerosas
carreteras permanecen bloqueadas, la amplitud de los daños y el número de pérdidas humanas están aún por determinar.
Las autoridades filipinas informaron a la UNESCO que van a pedir una ayuda de urgencia mediante el Fondo urgente del
patrimonio mundial con el fin de responder a esta situación. La conservación de los Arrozales en terrazas exigirá esfuerzos
considerables y concertados. El centro del patrimonio mundial va a analizar y a examinar todos los medios posibles para
responder a esta situación lo más rápidamente posible.
+ info:
XVIII reunión de la Asamblea General de los Estados Partes en la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial y la
presentación de candidaturas para la elección de los miembros del Comité
07 noviembre - 09 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Sede Central de la UNESCO
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
UNESCO to assess flood-affected Ayutthaya World Heritage site - Bangkok Thailand
UNESCO Bangkok has been requested by the Thai government to undertake a mission to
the Ancient City of Ayutthaya in Thailand to assess the impact to the World Heritage
property from heavy flooding.
The World Heritage property of Ayutthaya, which occupies the western half of the inner
island of Ayutthaya, has been flooded for more than a week. Monuments and temples on
the outside perimeter of the site (technically not part of the World Heritage property), such
as Wat Chaiwattanaram on the opposite bank of the river, have also been inundated.
+ info:
La UNESCO convoca a expertos libios e internacionales a una reunión sobre la
salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural de Libia - Sede Central de la UNESCO. París
(Francia) 21 octubre 2011
La UNESCO ha invitado a expertos de dentro y fuera de Libia a examinar el estado del
patrimonio cultural del país y las medidas que pueden tomarse para salvaguardar los sitios
culturales, impedir el tráfico ilícito, proteger los museos y fortalecer las instituciones culturales (1 de 6) [23/11/2011 17:17:12]
Patrimonio mundial
tras el conflicto civil y la caída del régimen del coronel Gaddafi. La reunión, primera desde el
cambio de régimen, tendrá lugar el 21 de octubre en París en la Sede de la Organización.
+ info:
Architecture City Guide: Tel Aviv - Israel
This week our Architecture City Guide is headed to Tel Aviv. Justin Kliger, a local urban
planner and designer and friend of ArchDaily, graciously put together the material for
this week’s guide. As the founder of Architec.tour.a, an architecture tour company in Tel
Aviv , Kliger offered us great insights into the architecture of his city. “Tel Aviv is
covered by a UNESCO world heritage listing as the ‘White City’, the single largest
collection of International Style buildings in one city. In addition, there is a vast amount
of development and construction going on in Tel Aviv. There are a range of interesting
buildings, including many examples of Brutalist buildings, post modernist structures and new cutting edge designs,” says
Kliger. The 12 buildings we feature here only scratch the surface of what Tel Aviv has to offer. We will be adding to the list
in the near future so leave more suggestions in the comment section below.
To check out other cities visit our world map or our Architecture City Guide page.
The Architecture City Guide: Tel Aviv list and corresponding map after the break.
+ info:
Proyecto "Salva la spongada" - Valle Camonica - Italia
¡Hemos empezado con este proyecto hace unos meses, con la intención de hacer conocer nuestro territorio y acercar las
personas a un producto bueno, tradicional y simpatico!
+ info:
Formación en planificación espacial marina de sitios marinos del patrimonio
mundial - Baja California (México)
Del 28 de septiembre al 5 de octubre de 2011, el Programa Marino del Patrimonio Mundial
organizó durante 2 días una formación de planificación espacial de los ecosistemas marinos
para el personal de gestión de dos sitios del Patrimonio Mundial: el santuario de las ballenas
de El Vizcaíno y las islas y superficies protegidas del Golfo de California (ambos situados en
Baja California, en México).
El Santuario de las ballenas de El Vizcaíno está inscrito en el Patrimonio Mundial desde
1993. Se trata de la única zona de parición y repoblación de ballenas grises del Pacífico-Este, que efectúan cada temporada
un viaje de millares de millas, desde el mar de Bering y de los Chukches en el Ártico. De todas las poblaciones de ballenas
grises del mundo, ésta es la última que está aún en buenas condiciones.
+ info:
Cuatro nuevas galerías de imágenes en la Colección del Our Place World Heritage
- Ópera de Sydney, Australia
- Ciudad de Antigua, Guatemala
- Zonas arqueológicas de Pompeya, Herculano y la Torre Annunziate, Italia
- Palacio Real de Caserta, Italia
+ info:
Update from Pingyao, China: Global Heritage Fund Senior Advisory Board
Chair Tracks Progress at Pingyao
Authentic preservation at Pingyao reflects definition of sustainable development:
development that provides equally for current and future generations in economic,
social and environmental terms.
In 1997, UNESCO added Pinyao to its World Heritage list, calling it “an exceptionally
well-preserved example of a traditional Han Chinese city.” Ten years later, GHF
began working there to preserve the vernacular architecture, revitalize and stimulate
traditional arts, and establish special historic areas…
+ info:
Las superficies protegidas de la región floral del Cabo gozan del apoyo de un socio
del Centro del patrimonio mundial
Fauna and Flora International (FI), un viejo socio del Centro del patrimonio mundial, ha
hecho un llamamiento mundial esta semana con el objetivo de ayudar a proteger más de
50.000 hectáreas de un ecosistema único en el mundo, el “fynbos”, situado en la región
floral del Cabo, en Sudáfrica. Las tierras a las que se refiere están en las zonas tampones
del sitio del patrimonio mundial, y su conservación contribuye a la integridad a largo plazo
de este sitio.
La biodiversidad vegetal del fynbos es superior a la de la Amazonia. Desgraciadamente, según la Lista Roja de la UICN de
las especies amenazadas, el bioma de fynbos contiene también el mayor número de plantas amenazadas en el mundo,
haciendo que la conservación de esta zona sea de una importancia vital.
+ info: (2 de 6) [23/11/2011 17:17:12]
Patrimonio mundial
Escavaciones en Pompeya - Declaración del Ministro para los Bienes y las Actividades Culturales, Giancarlo
Galan - Pompeya - Italia
He mas veces publicamente expresado - declara el Ministro para los Bienes y las Actividades Culturales, Giancarlo Galan toda mi preocupación para los efectos que hubieran podido provocar las primeras violentas juvias en Pompeya…
+ info:
Google Maps viaja en tren por los Alpes suizos
Google Maps ha viajado en tren hasta los Alpes suizos para capturar algunas imágenes
de este paisaje. Street View se ha montado en un triciclo de tres ruedas con un sistema
de cámaras incorporado, el cual ha permitido a la compañía captar instantáneas de éste
y de otros lugares significativos del planeta.
La compañía que recientemente ha comprado Motorola Mobile amplía ‘Street View’ para
que los usuarios puedan disfrutar de los recorridos que siguen trenes por parajes tan
espectaculares como las montañas de Suiza. Anteriormente, ya ha inmortalizado
lugares como el Amazonas.
+ info:
El Centro del patrimonio mundial y Turismo de Portugal cooperan en el ámbito de la
gestión del turismo sobre los sitios del patrimonio mundial
En junio de 2011, el Centro del patrimonio mundial de la UNESCO y Turismo de Portugal, la
autoridad portuguesa encargada del turismo, firmaron un acuerdo para poner en marcha un
proyecto de cooperación sobre la mejora de las capacidades para la gestión del turismo sobre
los sitios del patrimonio mundial de origen portugués. Este proyecto es parte integrante de una
cooperación continua entre el Centro del patrimonio mundial y Portugal, representado en este
proyecto por su Comisión nacional.
+ info:
Inundaciones en Tailandia
Las inundaciones que afectan a Tailandia desde hace dos meses y medio han puesto en
peligro monumentos como el templo de Chai Wattanaram, inscrito en el patrimonio mundial
de la UNESCO. Su construcción se remonta a 1629.
El vicegobernador de la región de Ayuttahaya, Narong Onsaard reconoce que les sorprendió
la fuerza de las últimas lluvias: “La situación es grave, porque en años anteriores siempre
hemos podido controlarlo, pero ahora la situación es peor. No esperábamos que la fuerza del
agua rompiera los diques. Lo hemos intentado todo porque es un monumento histórico y
patrimonio mundial”.
Casi la mitad del medio millar de templos de la región se han visto dañados por el agua, en un país que depende
esencialmente del turismo. Las autoridades tailandesas calculan que han muerto cerca de 230 personas en las peores
inundaciones en décadas, que comenzaron en julio con una tormenta tropical y se agravaron con la llegada de la
temporada de monzones.
+ info:
La Unión Europea contribuirá a la restauración de Pompeya
La Unión Europea (UE) quiere evitar la segunda caída de la antigua ciudad romana de
Pompeya, y para ello liberará un fondo dirigido a la restauración y conservación del sitio
arqueológico declarado patrimonio mundial de la humanidad.
Así lo anunció hoy en Roma el comisario europeo de Política Regional, Johannes Hahn.
Además, la Comisión tiene previsto acompañar y controlar permanentemente los
trabajos de mantenimiento en Pompeya.
+ info:
La Estatua de la Libertad celebra su 125 aniversario. Nueva York (EE.UU.) 28
octubre 2011
Nueva York celebró hoy el 125 aniversario de la Estatua de la Libertad, el gran
monumento ubicado a las puertas de la ciudad que simboliza la libertad de los
inmigrantes que ingresan a Estados Unidos.
Funcionarios franceses y estadounidenses se reunieron en la isla Libertad Island, en el
puerto de Nueva York, para inaugurar las celebraciones de este día, que incluyen la
naturalización de 125 nuevos ciudadanos estadounidenses de 40 países -entre ellos
Albania, Senegal, China, Italia, Haití, Honduras, Croacia y República Dominicana-, y el bautismo de una pequeña flota de
barcos. Asimismo, se celebró un concierto al pie de la estatua.
+ info:
WORKSHOP - Revitalising World Heritage site museums in Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic and
Viet Nam - Hanoi - Viet Nam - 14 November - 3 December 2011
Following the brainstorming session held in July in Siem Reap, Cambodia, the first experimental workshop will be organised
at the Thang Long Citadel Site Museum in Hanoi, Viet Nam, with the participation of 9 museums relating to cultural sites of
the three countries. This project is funded by the UNESCO/Japanese Funds-in-Trust for the Preservation of World’s Cultural (3 de 6) [23/11/2011 17:17:12]
Patrimonio mundial
The First Workshop will deal with five distinct but interconnected fields of study and produce mini exhibits as a practice for
the future joint project, which will be developed in 2012 and 2013. The team of trainers is composed of leading specialists
of heritage conservation, museums, history of Southeast Asia, and participatory cultural industry.
+ info:[showUid]
31 octobre 2011 - Parc national de La Réunion - Des impacts multiples et graves après 5 jours d'incendie - La
Réunion - France
L’incendie qui ravage les hauts du massif de la côte ouest de l’île depuis le 25 octobre 2011 a gagné en intensité sur le
Piton des Orangers. Le feu, descendant le long des remparts du cirque de Mafate, peut destabiliser des roches. Une
quarantaine d’habitants des îlets de Roche Plate et des Orangers, dont les cases sont situées sous le rempart du Maïdo, ont
du être évacués. Le Parc national suit avec la plus grande attention la situation. Les médiateurs du Parc affectés dans le
cirque de Mafate assurent au mieux un relais avec la population. Ils les informent sur la situation des sentiers et recueillent
toutes les informations sur d’éventuelles chutes de pierre.
+ info:
Workshop - World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism
05 diciembre - 09 diciembre 2011 Maun. Botswana
Organizadores: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Primer Congreso Internacional de Buenas Prácticas en el Patrimonio Mundial: Arqueología
09 abril - 13 abril 2012 Menorca, Islas Baleares. España
Organizadores: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, bajo el patrocinio del Consell Insular de Menorca
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
International Day for Monuments and Sites: "World Heritage and Sustainable Development: the Role of Local
18 abril 2012 Worldwide
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
LLAMADA DE PONENCIAS - V Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica (JIA2012): 'arqueología para
el s.XXI'
09 mayo - 11 mayo 2012 Santiago de Compostela, Galicia. España
Organizadores: Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio (Incipit)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 dic 2011
+ info:
ICOMOS Documentation Centre e-news - 3 March 2011
Documentation Centre
ICOMOS. International Council on Monuments and Sites, 2011
- Database – Online catalog
- What’s new in our collections?
- Publications
+ info:
World Heritage Papers No. 27: Managing Historic Cities
World Heritage Centre
Paris, UNESCO, 2010
World heritage series: papers (N. 27)
English, French
243 p., illus., plans
ISBN 978-92-3-004175-5
This publication contains a selection of papers written for the regional expert meetings organized in the
context of UNESCO's initiative on the conservation of the Historic Urban Landscape. They contain forward-looking ideas
and some propose innovative strategies for inclusion into urban conservation practice, while others promote specific tools
for particular issues arising from historic urban landscape management.
+ info: (4 de 6) [23/11/2011 17:17:12]
Patrimonio mundial
The Treasures of Kotayk Marz in Armenia in the UNESCO World Heritage List
M. Grigoryan (coord.)
Ministry of Economy of RA, 2011, 32 p.
This brouchure was published within the framework of the UNESCO Project "Roads of Cuture and Tourism
for Development and Dialogue in Armenia", implemented by the Ministry of Ministry of Economy of RA and
the National Commission of the RA for UNESCO in Abovyan Region of Kotayk Marz, where UNESCO World
Heritage Sites - the monastery complex of Geghard and Upper Azat Valley are situated. The Project was
aimed at involving the local population in activities of conservation, restoration and delegation of historical
and cultural heritage.
This brouchure is a source of information about tourism attractions in Kotayk Marz and particularly in Abovyan Region of
Kotayk Marz.
+ info:
Management of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Poland and Norway
Praca zbiorowa, prof. Jacek Purchla (red.)
Date of issue: 2011
ISBN: 978-83-89273-82-6
The publication is the result of two-year-long (2009–2011) research project entitled "Management of
UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Poland and Norway” intended as a platform enabling exchange of
experience between Polish and Norwegian experts working in the field of heritage management. The
project also created an opportunity to initiate direct cooperation between relevant teams and institutions
from both countries.
The Norwegian partner of the International Cultural Centre in this project is Riksantikvaren, Directorat for Culture Heritage
in Oslo.
The following criteria have been used in the selection of sites: substantial similarities between the given Polish and
Norwegian sites (as defined in the UNESCO Heritage List in both countries) and similar preservation challenges and issues
faced by selected representatives. The primary objective of the project was to compare analogous places in Poland and
Norway in four thematic groups: 1) urban layouts of big cities, 2) post-industrial heritage: case studies of mining towns, 3)
wooden churches, 4) cultural landscapes.
The publication boasts rich illustrative materials.
+ info:
Evolución Humana: Adaptaciones, Migraciones y Desarrollos Sociales. Programa Temático de
Patrimonio Mundial
Nuria Sanz y Penelope Keenan (eds.)
UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2011
World Heritage papers (N. 29, 2011)
The World Heritage Thematic Programme ‘Human Evolution: Adaptations, Dispersals and Social
Developments’ (HEADS) comes at a pertinent time in the history of the World Heritage Convention, when
there is a call for a broader, more multidimensional concept of heritage. These challenges, which the World
Heritage Committee has underlined in recent years, bring to the forefront the significant steps to be taken in the future
evolution of the Convention. The HEADS Programme was launched in the context of the Global Strategy for a
Representative, Balanced and Credible World Heritage List, initiated by the World Heritage Committee in 1994 to broaden
the definition of World Heritage as well as the framework and implementation of the Convention.
This publication offers an overview of the developments of the HEADS Programme since its inception in 2008,
substantiated by scientific contributions from experts in the related fields of study: human evolution and sites related to
early human origins, early archaeological sites and the beginning of cultural diversity, and rock art.
+ info:
Pompéi. Un art de vivre
Eva Cantarella, Luciana Jacobelli
Imprimerie Nationale/Actes Sud
Paris. 2011
Luciana Jacobelli, spécialiste des antiquités pompéiennes, et Eva Cantarella – professeur à l'université
de Milan, qui s'est plus spécialement penchée sur la famille antique et le droit dans les cités grecques
et romaines - se sont associées pour réaliser le texte de ce superbe ouvrage. Une invitation au voyage,
dont la somptueuse iconographie met en valeur aussi bien les monuments arrachés aux cendres du
Vésuve que les fresques conservées au Musée Archéologique de Naples ou les simples objets qui témoignent de ce qu'était
la vie quotidienne des Pompéiens à la veille de la catastrophe survenue en 79, sous le règne de l'empereur Titus…
+ info:
Review of the World Heritage Network: Biogeography, Habitats and Biodiversity
Author: Magin, C., Chape, S.
Date Published: January 2004
The aim of the World Heritage Convention is to ensure the protection for all time of the world’s natural and
cultural heritage of Outstanding Universal Value. In 1994, to assist in meeting this aim, the World Heritage
Committee adopted a Global Strategy for achieving a balanced, representative and credible World Heritage
List that reflects the world’s diverse heritage. Over the past 10 years a number of studies and consultations
have been carried out to develop and refine the Global Strategy. This review is an important addition to
that process, focusing on the inter-related elements of biogeography, habitats and biological diversity that underpin much
of what we consider ‘natural heritage’.
+ info: (5 de 6) [23/11/2011 17:17:12]
Patrimonio mundial
Agenda UNESCO du Patrimoine mondial 2012
Ediciones UNESCO
Colección Patrimonio mundial
2011, 978-92-3-004208-0
Una página para cada semana con una fotografía en color de un sitio del Patrimonio Mundial
acompañada de un breve texto explicativo.
Además, la agenda incluye una presentación de la Convención sobre la protección del patrimonio
mundial, cultural y natural, de su vocación, de los criterios de selección de sitios y de las
instituciones encargadas de su aplicación diaria así como la lista completa de los sitios inscritos y de los Estados Partes en
la Convención.
+ info:
Adapting to change: the state of conservation of World Heritage forests in 2011
Publisher: UNESCO - World Heritage Centre
Number Edition: 30
Beyond providing an overview of the state of conservation of World Heritage forests in general, this
publication attempts to provide some welcome thoughts on the relationship between World Heritage
forests and their surrounding landscapes, and on mechanisms that could be applied to ensure that this
relationship is mutually beneficial alongside social, economic and environmental criteria. I am convinced
that the World Heritage Convention can be effectively leveraged to bring about such positive
contributions, and I look forward to seeing tangible results on the ground.
+ info:
Endangered heritage seen from space - From Space to Place, An Image Atlas of World
Heritage Sites on the "In Danger" List of UNESCO
The Atlas was produced by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) in cooperation with
UNESCO. It presents detailed satellite photos of the 31 sites on the List of World Heritage in
Danger. These sites face a range of threats from pillaging to natural disasters, pollution, mass
tourism, and armed conflict.
Satellite imaging has become an important tool for World Heritage site managers, providing
invaluable information about the development of sites, evolution of wildlife habitats, human
encroachment and agricultural activity, as well as damages caused by climate change.
To help developing countries share the benefits of space technology, UNESCO has established partnerships with leading
space agencies including NASA (U.S.A.), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the space agencies of France and
Germany, all of which help UNESCO preserve World Heritage.
+ info:
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