January 4 - The Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus of Mary


January 4 - The Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus of Mary
The Epiphany of the Lord
January 4, 2015
They prostrated themselves and did him homage.
Then they opened their treasures
and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and
The Basilica Parish of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Southampton, NY
Welcome to the Basilica Parish of the
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
Daily Mass
Mon. Wed. Thurs. Fri. at 12 noon
Tue. at 8:00 am
First Saturday 8:00 am
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5 PM
Sunday: 8 AM, 9:30 AM,
11 AM, 12:30 PM (in Spanish)
and 5 PM
Saturday: 4 PM - 4:45 PM
Ministry to the Sick
For communion at home or Anointing
please contact the Parish Office.
Please contact the Parish Office
to schedule an appointment.
Pastoral Team:
Rev. Michael A. Vetrano, Pastor
In Residence: Rev. Msgr. William J. Gill
Carl Sanfilippo, Deacon
Jennifer Ferrantino, Director, Religious Education
Suzanne Marchisella, Parish & Cemetery Secretary
Jo Ann Morse, Director of Music
Bill Kunzer, Plant and Facilities Manager
Parish Leadership:
Contact Us
Finance Committee
Fred Weinfurt (trustee)
Pat Jordan (trustee)
Jay Diesing
Charlene Kagel
John Neknez
Parish Office
168 Hill Street Southampton, NY
Pastoral Council
In formation
Deacon Carl Sanfilippo
Jack Hanlon
P: 631-283-0097, option 0
F: 631-283-3836
W: www.shjmbasilica.org
E: [email protected]
M-F 9 AM - 4:00 PM
Weekend by appointment
Fr. Mike Vetrano
E: [email protected]
Religious Education Office
Sr. Barbara McKenna, RSM
P: 631-283-0508
E: [email protected]
Arranged at least six months in
advance, please call the Parish Office.
Adult Faith Formation
Our Lady of Hamptons School
Becoming A Catholic
We welcome those who would like to
become Catholic and adult Catholics
who have never received formal
religious education and/or sacraments.
Contact the Parish Office.
Human Resources of the Hamptons — Help for those in Need
The Human Resources Program volunteers reach out to meet the temporal needs of the
elderly, the housebound, and the poor of our parish and community. Our parish Care for
the Caregiver Program delivers hot meals to families in need of this kind of help on
Wednesday evenings. Call the Human Resources Office for information and assistance.
Sister Kathy Schlueter, CSJ
160 North Main Street
Southampton, New York 11968
P: 631-283-9140
E: [email protected]
Human Resources of the
Kerry Lewendoski, Director
P: 631-283-6415
Apostolado Hispano
Rev. Steve Grozio
631-283-4379 Cell: 631-375-1001
Vincentian Fathers
The Epiphany of the Lord :: January 4, 2015
Readings: Is 60:1-6; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-2
Mission Statement: We are a Eucharistic centered people, who by following Christ’s teaching,
join together to love and serve those in spiritual and physical need in our community.
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
Jan 10 5 PM Father Bill Gill
C & L Yastrzemski
M. Adamczyk, A. Fiore, M. Lynch
H. Reister, S. Wilson
Jan 11 8 AM Father Ed Kiernan
B. Ambrose, L. Martin
K. Duggan, J & C Mottern, P. Mackey
M. King
K. King-Bush, M. Mackey
K. Moffa
9:30 AM Father Mike Vetrano
Malone Bros., O. Valle, M. Terry, Bellucci
T. Alegria, M. McDonald, N. McCulley,
D. Valle
Sr. M. Assunta, C. Muller
J. McCulley
11 AM Father Bill Gill
May Family
S. Adelante, G. Bauer, J. Cleary
J. Hanlon
R. Essay, C. Brown, C. Butler
5 PM Father Joe Finnerty
H. Reyes
K. Maple
O. Mahoney
ALTARS: J. Ripalone
HAND LINENS - January 4—10—S. Wesnofske
January 4—TBA
January 11-TBA
Mass Intentions for the Week of Jan 5—11
Eileen Essay
8 AM Mary Sydlowski
Wednesday 12:00 Marie Johnson
12:00 Michael Nadurak
12:00 Ted Rosko, Jr.
5 PM Charles Arthur Mottern
(60th Anniversary)
8:00 Mary “Queenie” Gilmartin
People of the Parish
Emil Norsic, Joseph
Gosiewski, Karin Zebrowski,
Thomas Souhrada, Marie
12:30 Mass in Spanish
5 PM Irene Muller
Financial Realities and Stewardship
The December 22nd collection was $7804.00. Thank
you for your generosity.
January 2—Sr. M. Assunta, Sr. B. McKenna
January 4—J. McCarthy
January 11—J & C Mottern
Rosary—January 8—S. Raynor
Memorial donations
To donate the flowers on the altar or bread and wine and/
or candles offered at Mass each week, please contact the
parish office.
Pastor’s Letter
January 3/4
All I want for Christmas...
Dear Parish Family,
My grandparents Tony and Margaret, my mom’s parents, had a simpler approach to Christmas than
anyone I have ever known. My grandfather’s idea of decorating was to take his old bubble lamp tree
out of the garage, dust it off, check the lights, and plant all three feet of it on a corner table in their
home. That took all of about 10 minutes and after stringing big colored lights around the front door of
their apartment, he and Margaret were set for the holidays. Their idea of Christmas shopping was
equally simple. They would take a box of Christmas cards which they had bought during the afterChristmas sale the year before, write a short note and enclose a few bucks. All done.
They were equally sparse in the receiving gifts department. No matter what you gave my
grandmother, she would announce that she didn’t need it and was taking it right back to the store. It
drove us crazy but in the end I think the great truth was that it was not things they wanted. The real
gift was being a family and spending lots of time together. They were always there and not a week
went by that we did not share a meal together. That’s what holidays and weekends were for.
In the gospel for Epiphany, we see the three kings bringing symbolically meaningful gifts to the
newborn king. Gold, myrrh, and frankincense showed that the visitors understood the dignity and
royal nature of the child they were searching for. They were giving and doing their best for this child
who was born. In the world of giving, there is really only one gift – the gift of ourselves. At
Christmas, the gifts we give may be the answer to a need or desire – the what-I-want-for-Christmas –
but the real gift is the love of the giver.
In many Eastern Rite churches, the feast of Epiphany is a kind of Christmas and New Year rolled
into one. It marks a promise to search for Jesus and reveal him to the world. Many Orthodox families
will mark the door of their home with the year, the letters of the wise men’s names, and four crosses
for the points of the compass. It reminds the family that like the three kings, I go out from this home
this year to bring Christ to the ends of the earth.
If there really is a gift that keeps on giving, it is that special love of Christmas. Tony and Margaret
knew that it was not about “stuff” but about us. Perhaps this year you will find a way to more fully
share the gift of yourself. Our church is a perfect place to begin. We have so many ministries, so
many opportunities to share the gift of you. My job, more than any other, is to invite. All I want for
Christmas is you!
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. Michael A. Vetrano
A Note from Religious Education
Jennifer Ferrantino
Blessed and Happy New Year to all!! May the joy and love of
Christmas, the birth of our Savior be in your hearts and in your
families! Today we celebrate the Epiphany the visit of the three
Kings to the Baby Jesus and his parents. A special prayer for
families this time of year as we celebrate the joy of the Holy Family!
Our Religious Ed Families will be busy this month as well.
First Holy Communion families will be receiving First Reconciliation Saturday, January 24th in our
Basilica at 10 AM.
Please pray for all of our Religious Ed Families and especially those receiving sacraments this year.
Thank you!
Religious Ed classes will resume Wednesday, January 7th or Sunday, January
In case of inclement weather please check WLNG radio. If Southampton
Schools are closed due to weather Religious Ed will be closed also. Thank
Confirmation Date: May 14, 2014 4:30 PM
Bishop Robert Brennan, Celebrant
Join us for ice skating at Southampton
Ice Rink on County Road 39 — Sunday,
January 11th at 6—7:30 PM. More details to follow.
Religious Education
Confirmation Families will be gathering for the Enrollment Mass for all Confirmation Candidates on
Sunday, January 25th at 5 PM Mass and Pasta dinner to follow.
Thanks to all those who made Christmas Beautiful!
Christmas was so especially beautiful here at SHJM and I want to say a special word of thanks to all
who made it so.
To Pam Culver who decorated our church and altar, and who along with Bill and Jose in our
maintenance department made everything so perfect
this year.
To Jim Frankenbach who once again lit our beautiful
trees and made our church so welcoming with their
Faith & Prayer
To all of you who gave so generously to our
Christmas Flower collection.
And, of course, to all in our music ministry under the direction of Jo Ann Morse.
A special thanks to all who responded to the invitation to be holiday Ushers and Greeters!
Thank you to our lectors, Eucharistic ministers, Altar Servers, Ushers, Cantors, Singers, Presiders, and
Deacons — you brought such great joy to all God’s people!
Grief: Coping with reminders after a loss ::
Bereavement Group meets on Wednesdays at noon.
Grief doesn’t magically end at a certain point after a loved one’s death. Reminders often bring
back the pain of loss. Here’s help coping – and healing. To continue on the path toward
healing, know what to expect – and how to cope with reminders of loss, a 6 week Bereavement
Group meets on Wednesdays with Deacon Carl Sanfilippo. Anyone interested please call the parish office at
283-0097 Ext 0.
Adult Faith Opportunities for Prayer & Study
Bible Study :: meets every Tuesday at 1 PM in the upper meeting room of the Parish Center. New members
are always welcome!
Spiritual Book Group :: meeting every Tuesday at 1 PM in the dining room of the Parish Center. New
members are always welcome!
Secular Franciscans :: meet on the second Sunday of the month in the dining room of the Parish Center.
Would you like to know more about us? Please come to our meeting. Bring a bag lunch and we will supply the
Resurrection Prayer Group meets on Thursdays at 7 PM in the Parish Center. Come share your healing gifts
with us. All are welcome.
Lenten Mission 2015
Meeting Jesus
This Lent our parish will welcome Fr. Pat
Kelly for a three night mission, March 9, 10,
11. A native of Ireland and a member of the
African Mission Society, Father Pat’s whole
priesthood has been devoted to mission
work. He has served the poorest of God’s
poor and will share with us in wit and song
how he has met Jesus along the way. Please
Real Food!
A Telecare Event featuring some people you know.
This fall Father Mike, Chef
Rudy Gambino of La
Parmigiana, daughter, Faith
and friends, were guests of
Msgr. Jim Vlaun on his
Telecare TV show: Real Food.
See the schedule below for
the air times of this program
Episode Dates and Times
Sun Jan 25 – 9:30 pm
Mon Jan 26 – 6:30 am, 1 pm and 8:00 pm
Tue Jan 27 – 6:30 am and 9:30 pm
Wed Jan 30 – 6:30 am, 1 pm and 10:00 pm
Thu Jan 31 – 6:30 am
Fri Feb 1 – 6:30 am, 1 pm and 9:30 pm
Sat Feb 2 – 6:30 am, 1pm and 9:30 pm
Cablevision Channel 29
Verizon FiOS - Channel 296
Time Warner – 471
Upcoming Events
set aside these three evenings of faith and
Parish Christmas Pageant
Christmas Flower Memorial Donations
Given by
Vincent & Marjorie Rodelli
Members of the Warner & Denis Families
Sheerin & Ahearn Families
Margaret Stevens
Msgr. Edmond Trench, Frank & Helen Navratil, John & Anne O’Donnell,
& Martha “Babcie” Walczak
Carol Zuhusky, Matthew Coleman, T.A. Wise, Cerin Routh
Bill Calvert
Hohmann, Pagano, Vigliarolo, & Radioli Families
Henry Coniglio
Gulija & Zorko Families
The Slodki & Kehl Families
The Dwyer & Beatty Families
Margaret Z. & Lloyd C. Taylor
Daniel & Agatha Cumby
William McMahon
William & Douglas Borucke
Andrew Reister
Thomas & Gene Dwyer
Cicero & Aglio Families
The Knoebel Family
Stephen O’Neill
Francis & Elizabeth Malone & Family
Edna, Roy & Ron Peterson, Flora & Stan Murn
Mary & Oliver Welsh
Albert Essay, Jr.
D’Aiuto & Purrazella Families
Stubelek, Kupidloski & Gallagher Families
Anne Manley & Margaret Taylor
David J. McCann
Delia & Michael Loughlin
Anthony & Anna Ianacone
Michael & Pat Nadurak
John F. & Arlene Cuccia, Phillip Masi
Joseph Bumbly
Mr. & Mrs. Theo Howard and Mr. & Mrs. Howard Fanning
Deceased members of the Smrcka and Wagenseil families
Nicholas J. Kinsch
Ethel & Fred Weinfurt
Jean A. Brown & Bruno Mackey
Neknez, Alloro and Auci Families
Charles A. Mottern, Frances Mottern Lokay, Anthony & Bridget Vinci
Louis “Doc” & Frances Arresta
Balserus Family
William T. Mahoney
Deceased members of the Herbert, Hull & Frankenbach Families
Eleanor Kagel, Lillian & Henry Turco
Kathlynne Pike
William & Mary King & Josephine King
Louise Siemer
James Worrell & James & Elsie McCulley
Tony DeVivo, Sr.
Ha;rold Pierce
Charles A. Enne, Marie & Gordon Williams & Richard Fitzgerald
Laura Gilmartin
Tony Stark
Angelina & Vincent Taranto
John A., Ann P, & John S. Markovich
Ernie Wilson & Molly Piccirillo
Sisters & brothers
Deceased Members of the DeSantis & Azzorelli Families
Deceased members of the Enne, Tietjen, Moloney, Ryan, Ferrara, Brun Families
& Deceased Memberof the Bourquin, Bauer, Bjerring, & Lustalow families
John A. Fox
Thomas & Corinne Heim
Ellen Gunn
Virginia Booth
Joseph Moffa & Carroll Jiras
Harry Baskin
Anita & Michael Walsh
Mr & Mrs. Donald Denis
Daniel & Patricia Sheerin
Madeleine Halsey
Kathleen Ambrose & Sons
Wendy Wise Routh
Nancy Calvert
Robert Hohmann
Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Blanco
George & Mitzie Gulija
Mary Slodki
Audrey & Paul Beatty
Doris M. Taylor
Mark & Linda McClain
Mrs. W. F. McMahon
The Borucke Family
Halina & George Reister
Denis J. Dwyer
Carmela Cicero
Charles & Karen Knoebel
Mr. & Mrs. William Caulfield
Robert & Nora Brown
Barbara Peterson
Ellen & Maribeth Welsh
Virginia Essay
Mr & Mrs. J. Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Giuseppe Purrazzella
Tina & John Kupidloski
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Manley
Shannon McCann
Mary B. Loughlin
Margaret A. Ianacone
Mary Nadurak
Ann & John Cuccia & Family
Mrs. Joseph Bumbly
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Fanning
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smrcka
Kathleen Kinsch
Fred J. Weinfurt
Barbara Soyars
E. A. Schildknecht
Mr. & Mrs. John Neknez & family
Charles B. & Giovanna Mottern
Louis & Gina Arresta
Mary Ann Guyer
The Mahoney Family
Ann & Boo Frankenbach
Charlene Kagel
Elsa Soyars
Michael King & Katherine King-Bush
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Unger
Tim & Susan McCulley
DeVivo Family
Carol Laffey
Patricia Anne Enne
Kathleen & Tim Gilmartin
Polly Stark
Joseph Taranto
Joseph B. Markovich
Barbara Wilson
Rose Mauriello
Patricia Anne Enne
Sandra Fox and family
Meredith Johnson
Judith Joyce
Doug Booth
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Moffa
Miriam Baskin
Christmas Flower Donations
In Loving Memory
Flower Donations Continued
In Loving Memory
Given by
Anthony R., Barton A., Steven J. Gelormino
Brian F. X. Fitzgerald
Barnaby, Gasparri, & Boracci Families
Charles J. Decker
St. Rose Taranto & Barbara J. Adams
Margaret Johnson
Barbara Murray
Louis Parillo
The Cavallaro Family
Nicki Keszler
Ann & Jack Robertson
Phil Cancellieri
Keith Bernard Chisholm
Charles Conigliaro
Jill Gelormino
Brendan & Lyn Fitzgerald
Elizabeth Decker
Joseph Taranto
Meredith Johnson
Robert Murray
Marisa Parillo
Turid Cavallaro
Phyllis & Bart Dixon
Bruce W. Robertson
Americo & Bam Cancellieri
John & Cara Chisholm
Mrs. Fran Conigliaro
The Faith that Does Justice
The Duggan Family
Intentions of Capt. Mark Enne, his sons, Charlie & Theodore Thomas Patricia Anne Enne
Life Corner :: SHJM Respect Life Ministry
Rockville Centre Diocese, 516-678-5800, ext.626, www.drvc.org/respectlife
Priests for Life, 888-735-3448, www.priestsforlife.org
Birthright, 631-728-8900, 800-550-4900
Healing post-abortion: Rachel's Vineyard, 877-467-3463, www.rachelsvineyard.org
Life Issues discussed for young adults: www.loveandfidelity.org
Did you Know... there is a completely Catholic-based approach to the reproductive health
issues of women, called NaProTechnology ( Natural Procreative Technology). This has been developed
over the last thirty years by Thomas Hilgers, MD, founder of the Pope Paul VI Institute
for the Study of Human Reproduction, located in Omaha, Nebraska. All aspects of reproductive issues are
addressed, including methods for avoiding pregnancy by a form of natural family planning (NFP)
called the Creighton Model Fertility Care System; methods for addressing infertility are also a major part of the
program. This approach is presented for the layperson in a recent book entitled the NaProTechnology Revolution,
published by Beaufort Books, NY, NY, www.beaufortbooks.com.-- For more information see www.popepaulvi.com. &
Knights of Columbus
Southampton Council #1967
Are sponsoring a free bus to
St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York City
January 18, 2015 Annual Pro Life Mass
Archbishop Timothy Dolan
Mass 10:15 AM
Mass begins at 10:15 and busses will leave SHJM at 6:45 AM and St. Rosalie at 7:15 AM
Contact: Ken 283-3943 or Bob at 728-3025 for more information or to register.
Monday January 12 at 7:30
Divorce and Remarriage:
Where Do I Stand with the Church?
Sacred Heart Singles :: Thursday January 22 at 6:30 PM
Good Food : Good Conversation : Good Friends
Announcing a new group. Sacred Heart Singles is not a dating
group and it is not a lonely hearts club. It is an opportunity for
mature singles to get together with nothing more on the agenda than
some good food, good conversation and a good talk. Our first event
is dinner and a talk at The Plaza Café. Prix Fixe Dinner is $35 per
person and includes a complimentary glass of wine. Our speaker for
the evening is Fr. Mike and the topic is: Some good things about
being single from someone with a lot of practice!
If you would like to be part of organizing this event or would like to
attend please contact Fr. Mike at [email protected]
Couple Communication : A Valentines Event
Dinner and a Talk on Thursday February 12 at 6:30 pm
What could be better than a wonderful meal and a
opportunity to grow in your relationship to that
someone special. Join us at the Plaza Café for dinner
and a talk by Fr. Mike: How to talk so your spouse
will listen — how to listen so your spouse will talk!
Couples young and old will enjoy this event. Prix Fixe
Dinner is $35 per person and includes a complimentary
glass of wine.
If you would like to be part of organizing this event or
would like to attend please contact Fr. Mike at
[email protected]
New Programs at the Basilica
This evening will be given by Fr. Mike Vetrano. He
is our pastor and also an advocate at the tribunal in
our diocese. Advocates help those seeking
annulments to bring their case before the tribunal in a
pastorally sensitive and compassionate manner. This
evening is geared for those who wonder about where
they or a friend or a family member stand with the
church and will explain the various options open to those who were married in the church and now
wish to begin a new relationship with the full blessing of the church.
In Sympathy
Thomas Souhrada
We mourn the passing of Tom Souhrada on December 21, 2014. A mass
of Christian burial was celebrated at the Basilica Parish of Sacred Hearts
of Jesus & Mary on December 23, 2014. Burial followed at Calverton
National Cemetery. Tom was a member of the Bay Shore Fire
Department for many years and a proud veteran of the U.S. Navy where
he served four years as a medic. He was the owner of the Southampton 7-11. Our sympathies go out
to his wife, Mary, children, Sandy, Thomas, Susan, William, Michael and Christopher, his
stepdaughters, Lorraine & Donna, his fifteen grandchildren and five great-grandchildren, family and
Karin Zebrowski
We mourn the passing of Karin Zebrowski on December 11, 2014. A massof Christian burial was
celebrated at the Basilica Parish of Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary on December 20th, 2014. Karin
was a devoted nurse and a lifetime member of the Hampton Bays Volunteer Ambulance . She was
predeceased by her mother, Beverly (Brandt) Zebrowski. Our sympathies go out to her father,
Edmond Walter Zebrowski ; two brothers, Gregory B. Zebrowski and wife Stephanie , and Jeffrey
E. Zebrowski and wife Ellen ; a sister, Jill E. Zebrowski and husband Alfredo Salazar ; and two
Reflections On the Gospel from Pax Christi
January 4, 2015
What a remarkable story we hear this Sunday! Three Magi follow a star from some distant place to
find a newborn king in a remote town. They bring gifts that are both extraordinary and symbolic. And
they have to avoid a violently jealous sitting king. What do we learn from this story? A common
theme is that Jesus came for all, gentiles and Jews. An important message for us in this time of
divisiveness and conflict, but how else could we think about it? For whom would we be willing to
travel great distance guided by nothing more than a star? What gifts would we bring? How would we
handle a suspicious authority figure? Do we recognize that we, like the Magi, have both the
responsibility to recognize God-with-us and to reveal God-with-us to all we encounter? Let this be the
message we take with us this Feast of the Epiphany.
We pray for the sick of our Parish and Community
Winnie Chin
John Bishop
Robert O’Shea
Suzanne Parillo
Gwendolyn Porter
Eileen Finlay
Roger Williams
Robert Melter
Daniel Sheerin
Stan Witkowski
Anne O’Brien
Anna Norsic
Joseph Lyons
J T Welker
Marcelle Enne
Peg Jordan
Paul Beatty, Sr.
Philip Masi
Patricia Kahl
Dorothy Higgins
Michael Kelley
Aubrie Press Rodecker
Drew Bodin
Ann Blackmore
Perry DeLalio
Dottie Brown
Eileen Birnholz
Bobby & Caroline Parillo
Christina Haag
Susan Katzer
Macario Yat de Leon
Taller para la Protección de los Niños - El sábado, 10
de enero, a las 9:00 AM habrá un taller sobre la
protección de los niños en el Apostolado Hispano en
Southampton. El taller enseña sobre la realidad del
abuso sexual a menores. Es muy informativo y además
nos capacita para prevenir el abuso. Uno puede
inscribirse para el taller por el internet en la página
www.drvc.org o allí en la puerta. Pedimos que no
traigan niños menores de 18 años al taller.
El Señor de Esquipulas - Celebraremos la fiesta del
Señor de Esquipulas, patrón de Guatemala, aquí en
nuestra Basílica en la Misa del domingo, 18 de enero.
Todos están invitados.
Hoy estamos celebrando una de las fiestas más
importantes del Año Litúrgico, la Epifanía.
"Manifestación". Hoy se manifiesta ese Niño que vino,
que nació en Belén. Se manifiesta como la salvación de
Dios que viene en Él; y el hombre, que durante el
Adviento vivió suspirando; ¡Ven Señor!, hoy lo
encuentra en la figura de los Magos de Oriente: la
humanidad encuentra a Dios en ese Niño que lo adoran
y le ofrecen dones. Epifanía, palabra griega de tipo
religioso, porque con eso expresaban los paganos una
aparición inesperada, bienhechora, de una virilidad que
aportaba salud, salvación.
Epifanía, es simultáneamente aquella otra palabra:
"parusía". La visita oficial de un personaje,
generalmente de una autoridad suprema que llega a una
ciudad, pero en este caso, esa autoridad es divina, es
Dios que visita, que viene a este mundo con
intenciones salvíficas. En sentido cristiano... De ahí
toma la Sagrada Escritura en el Nuevo Testamento sobre todo San Pablo- el sentido de la Epifanía: "... en
Cristo Dios ha aparecido a los hombres como su
verdadero salvador". Significa también la segunda
venida de Cristo, se le llama Epifanía cuando aparecerá
en una nueva venida para juzgar a la historia. Tomado de
la Homilía de Mons. Oscar Romero, 7 de enero de 1979.
Seguro de Salud para Niños - La representante de
Fidelis Care, Konny Tapias, estará en el Apostolado
Hispano los miércoles de las 10 AM hasta la 1:00 PM,
para ayudar con seguro de salud para los niños.
Curso Pre-Bautismal
Domingo, 25 de enero, a la 1:30 PM en el Apostolado
o las 5 PM en la iglesia en East Hampton. Favor de
llevar la copia del acta de nacimiento del niño.
Bautizos en Southampton serán el 4 de enero, el 1º de
febrero y el 1º de marzo.
El Asesor de Inmigración de Caridades Católicas
En el Apostolado Hispano el 8 de enero, de las 2:00 a
las 5:00 PM.
Comunidad de Oración para Adultos y Familias
Los martes a las 7:30 PM en la el salón parroquial. El
tercer martes de cada mes se reúne en la iglesia para la
hora santa.
Divina Misericordia - Misa en la Basílica el cuarto
miércoles de cada mes a las 8:00 PM.
Preparación Pre Matrimonial – Para casarse por la
iglesia, haga una cita para una entrevista con el P.
Marvin o el P. Esteban. El curso pre-matrimonial se da
por seis domingos, de las 9 AM al mediodía
comenzando el primer domingo de junio, octubre o
Requisitos para el Bautismo de un Niño
Curso: Para bautizar a su hijo, es necesario que los
padres y padrinos asistan al curso pre-bautismal.
Padrinos: Debe escoger a los padrinos conscientes de
los requisitos. Los padrinos tienen que ser católicos
bautizados, confirmados y que han hecho su Primera
Comunión y deben poder comulgar. El padrino
(madrina) debe ser un(a) soltero(a) o debe ser casado
por la iglesia.
Permisos: Si viven afuera de la zona servida por el
Apostolado Hispano, necesitan una carta de su párroco
dándonos permiso para bautizar su hijo.
Cursillo Prematrimonial - A los interesados en
contraer matrimonio por la iglesia católica, les estamos
informando que el Cursillo Prematrimonial si iniciará
el 1º de febrero. Las reuniones serán los domingos de
las 9:00 AM hasta las 12 de mediodía en Southampton. Padre Esteban: Cel: 631-375-1001; Fax: 631-287-0986
Apostolado Hispano: 631-283-4379; Fax: 631-287-7123
Horas del Apostolado: Miércoles, Jueves y Viernes - 2-4 PM
Rincón de Información
La Epifanía del Señor, Año B. Ilustración © 1997 V. Schuck. All rights reserved. Printed from
Kid’s Page The Epiphany of the Lord January 4, 2015