February 2015


February 2015
 We're Committed to You/Estamos comprometidos a Ud.
We love that you have chosen to live with us, and we're here to answer any questions. Contact us
during office hours, or leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible./Nos
encanta que usted ha elegido vivir con nosotros, y estamos aquí para responder a cualquier
pregunta. Póngase en contacto con nosotros en horario de oficina, o deje un mensaje y nos
pondremos en contacto con usted lo antes posible.
Your Community Team
Jackie Dillard
Property Manager
Lucy Garcia
Buena Vida CONNECT!: We Love Our Kids/Apreciamos A
Nuestros Niños
Assistant Manager
Blanca Tovar
Assistant Manager
The month of love has arrived! Join us Thursday, February 12th from 3-5pm in the Clubroom for
food, family & Valentine's day fun! /El mes del amor ha llegado! Acompáñenos el jueves, 12 de
febrero de 3-5 pm en el Clubroom para comida, familia y divertsión en el día de San Valentín.
Elizabeth Lopez
Leasing Agent
Melissa Hernandez
Keep your eyes open for lots of fun activities and projects for our children to participate in! We
look forward to continue serving you and your families through a prosperous 2015./Manténganse
alertos a un montón de actividades y proyectos de diversión para que nuestros niños participen!
Esperamos continuar a sirvirles a ustedes y sus familias durante un próspero 2015.
Leasing Agent
Monica Salinas
Resident Services
David Aguilar
How To Be a Good Neighbor/Cómo ser buen vecino
Lead Maintenance
It's Easy! Be polite when greeting your neighbors. This doesn't mean you have to chat for hours,
just a smile or a "hello" will suffice. Most importantly, try to be tolerant. We all have daily routines
to get through, some more noisy than others. Try to understand and be thankful for your own
home./¡Es fácil! Sea cortés al saludar a sus vecinos. Esto no significa que tenga que hablar
durante horas, sólo una sonrisa o un "hola" será suficiente. Lo más importante es tratar de ser
tolerantes. Todos tenemos rutinas diarias para pasar, algunas más ruidosas que otras. Trate de
entender y estar agradecidos por su propia casa.
Beto Gonzalez
Assistant Maintenance
Office Hours
Monday Thru
8:30am - 5:30pm
10:00am - 5:00pm
Towing Reminder!/¡Recordatorio sobre le Remolque!
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Towing is in effect. Your vehicle must be street legal and have a BLUE parking sticker in the front
windshield. Illegally parked vehicles will be towed at owner's expense./El servicio de remolque
está en vigor. Su vehículo debe ser legal en la calle y tener una pegatina azul de aparcamiento en
el parabrisas delantero. Los vehículos estacionados ilegalmente serán remolcados al costo de
sus dueños.
Contact Directory
Main Office
Maintenance Time Frames/Horario para mantenimiento
Office Fax
Work orders are addressed in order of priority. You may have a dripping faucet but someone else
may not have heat. All work orders will be addressed! Thank you for your patience./Las órdenes
de trabajo se abordan en orden de prioridad. Usted puede tener un llave que gotea, pero puede
ser que otra persona no tenga calefacción. Todas las órdenes de trabajo se abordarán! Gracias
por su paciencia.
Emergency Contact
Villas de Palmas Apartments | [email protected]
www.villasdepalmas.com | 8701 Town Park Dr. Houston, TX 77036
February Horoscope
Aries You’ll like February. The stars predict that the last
two weeks will have many opportunities to relax and have
fun. You’ve earned it so go ahead and enjoy it.
Libra You are assuming a low-key persona, but right now you want
Taurus The end can be a good place to start. Embrace
Scorpio Some look at situations & declare there’s little to be done
about it. You use innate charm & ability to win followers & tackle a
difficult situation.
closing a chapter but stay alert to loose ends & unanswered
questions. Open your eyes on Valentine’s Day.
Gemini Any event at any point of time has a downside,
so face it and don’t give up. Even negative outcomes aren’t
the worst thing that could happen to you.
Cancer In the past, you’ve adjusted well to surprises,
but one that is heading toward you is different. As you
accept it, stay grounded and set a pattern for others.
Leo Your worries dissipate as your strength &
flexibility of spirit develop. Having a positive outlook is
contagious & lightens the spirits of those around you.
Virgo At the start of the first 10-day period of this
month, you will realize you are standing at a crossroad.
Among your options, there is a positive one.
to learn more. When you say less, another person will reveal their
Sagittarius At times when we are ready for fun, we realize our
friends aren’t available. Inviting a new friend will bring surprising fun.
Capricorn Outside factors will challenge you & obstruct your
path. You have a talent for handling them, but be careful not to create
extra impediments.
Aquarius This month, you will feel compelled to create. Do it at
work and away. Your creativity is broader than professional. Consider
Pisces Getting along with the other gender is easier when you
stop expecting them all to have the same strengths, manners and
behaviors. Take a closer look at individuals.
Superbowl Sunday
is February 1
Every February the world seems to
stop and focus all of its attention on
the National Football League. This
year, the 49th annual battle between
the NFC and AFC champions is held at
the University of Phoenix Stadium in
Phoenix, Arizona.
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Love Quotes
Oh, if it be to choose and call thee
mine, love, thou art every day my
Thomas Hood, 19th Century British writer
All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and
then doesn’t hurt.
Charles M. Schulz, cartoonist
Love will find a way through paths where wolves fear to prey.
Lord Byron, 19th Century English poet
Screen Scene
by Stan Robinson
The ‘Best Picture’ category includes ‘Birdman’, ‘Boyhood’, ‘The Imitation Game’, and ‘The Theory
of Everything’, ‘Into the Woods’, and ‘Gone Girl’. Though my best picture choice is ‘The Theory of
Everything’, I think the win will go to ‘Boyhood’, where we watch a young boy (Ellar Coltrane) grow
into a young adult from age 5 to 18 years old, shot over 12 years.
‘Best Director’ should go to Richard Linklater as writer and director of ‘Boyhood’ for the concept
of story and the tenacity of shooting every two years for 12 years, showing a young boy growing
into manhood. It is n extraordinary accomplishment. Also director Rob Marshall for the style and
wonderment of ‘Into the Woods’, a fairytale delight for young and old alike and laced with an all star cast for a ‘feel
good’ film for the whole family.
‘Best Actor’ features Oscar© worthy performances by quite a few contenders. The ‘buzz’ surrounds Michael
Keaton in ‘Birdman’ for a truly inspiring portrayal of a once popular film actor going for a theater comeback
for egotistism and self gratification, Benedict Cumberbatch’s inspiring performance as the man who brought us
into the computer age in ‘The Imitation Game’, My choice for best actor is Eddie Redmayne for his remarkable
portrayal of famous physicist Stephen Hawking, from his early 20s to 90 years old with an ALS type disease, in ‘The
Theory of Everything’.
‘Best Actress’ nominee Rosamund Pike gives us a character portrayal totally against type that catches us all by
surprise in the suspense thriller ‘Gone Girl’, Keira Knightly’s stoically engaging performance as the assistant to
Alan Turing in the ‘The Imitation Game’ is noteworthy, and Meryl Streep just may get that nomination and win
for her role that ties the story together in the delightful fairly tale theme of ‘Into the Woods’.
‘Best Supporting Actor’ includes my standout choice of Edward Norton as the up and coming actor in the play
being presented in the film ‘Birdman’ and should get a nomination and perhaps a win. In close contention is
the outstanding Robert Duvall and a nomination caliber possible win performance in ‘The Judge’, and Mark
Ruffalo’s performance against type in ‘Foxcatcher’ should get a nomination but a long shot for a possible win.
‘Best Supporting Actress’ includes the outstanding performance by Renee Russo in the suspense thriller
‘Nightcrawler’. The ‘buzz’ is high for a nomination for Anna Kendrick in the delightful fairytale story of ‘Into the
Woods’, while Naomi Watts, just may get the Oscar® nomination and win for her performance in ‘Birdman’.
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Wave to your
neighbor day
Día de saludar
al vecino
Valenitne Party
in the Clubroom
Fiesta de San
14 Valentine's Day
Fat Tuesday
Happy Mardi
Ash Wednesday
de ceniza
Feliz Carnaval!
Be Humble Day
Día de ser
Pest Control
EVERY Monday!
todos los lunes!
Don't forget to
renew your lease.
No olvide de
renovar su
contrato de renta.

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