P : Fr. Thomas J. Anastasia P V : Fr. Eugene Gancarz Fr. Rafael Martos MASS SCHEDULE/ HORARIO DE MISAS Saturday Vigil Mass/Misa Vigilia: 4:00pm in English St. Clement Catholic Church [email protected] Strawberry Sunday Sunday Masses/Misas del Domingo: 7:00am and 10:30am in English 8:15am y 6:00pm en Español Morning Prayer/Oración por la mañana: Monday - Friday 7:30am (Chapel) Lunes - Viernes a las 7:30am (Capilla) Daily Masses/Misa diaria: 8:00am (Mon.- Fri. / lunes-viernes) 6:30pm - Todos los Miércoles en Español First Saturday Mass/ Primer Sábado del mes: 9:00am followed by Adoration 9:30am-2:00pm/ Misa a las 9:00am seguida por Adoración de 9:30am-2:00pm Holy Day Masses/Misas de Día Santo: Please call parish office for schedule/ Favor de llamar a la oficina para el horario Sacrament of Reconciliation/ Sacramento de Reconciliación: 2:45pm - 3:30pm Saturday/Sábado Rosary/Rosario: 5:30pm Wednesday evening/ Miércoles por la tarde Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena/ Novena a Nuestra Madre de Perpetuo: Every Wednesday at 6:00pm/ Cada miércoles a las 6:00pm Novena of Sacred Heart of Jesus/ Novena al Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Following 8:00am Mass every Friday/ Después de la Misa de 8am cada viernes 1104 North Alexander Street Plant City, Florida 33563 Phone: (813) 752-8251 Fax: (813) 759-2721 Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8am-4:30pm San Jose Mission: 3224 San Jose Mission Drive Dover, FL 33527 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time January 30, 2011 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” — Ma hew 5:3 Scripture and Reading . . . Week of January 31, 2011 Monday St. John Bosco Heb 11:32-40; Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday Heb 12:1-4; Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday The Presenta on of the Lord Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:2240 [22-32] Thursday St. Blasé; St. Ansgar; Blessing of Throats Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Mk 6:7-13 Friday First Friday Heb 13:1-8; Mk 6:14-29 Saturday St. Agatha; First Saturday Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mk 6:30-34 Sunday Fi h Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 58:7-10; Ps 112; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt 5:13-16 New Parishioners.. We welcome new parishioners and winter visitors. St. Clement Parish believes in Stewardship the giving to God, a share of our Time, Talent and Treasure. Please register at the office when you first come to the Parish. FROM THE PASTOR Dear Friends in Christ, I began my homily last weekend by confessing to you that I did very li le to bring about Chris an unity during the week of prayer for Chris an unity. Before I concluded the homily with the introduc on of Dave & Lucy Snyder, I announced the forma on of a new group in the parish called the Apostles of the Blessed Sacrament. While our spiritual unity is the true presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament as Catholic Chris ans, the reality of our parish life here at St. Clement is that we achieve a fraternal unity when we work together on the Make Your Own Strawberry Shortcake Project. I have a tremendous admira on for the dedicated volunteers who come to par cipate in a labor of love every year that builds up the community spirit of our parish not to men on the financial health of our parish. This weekend is Strawberry Sunday and I am so humbled by the amazing dedica on of Barbara Caccamisi and the heroic efforts she puts forth for this project every year. While she is the incredibly talented leader of the project, she is always quick to give the credit to the volunteers that surround her. She is a volunteer herself and I am inspired by her dedica on. The volunteers around her likewise feed off her enthusiasm for the project and end up going beyond what they thought they were capable of doing. While this project seems like a well-oiled machine at this point in our history, it only runs well because we have the dedicated people who make it happen. Whether you are a seasoned expert used to the system or a newcomer that is a li le overwhelmed at the number of hours that it takes to work a shi , I want to encourage you to take part in this year’s Make Your Own Strawberry Shortcake Project. PLEASE make your commitment of me and talent to this year’s MYOSS project. It does my heart good to see the hall filled with people stemming berries in the morning. Many of the folks gathered in the hall have told me of their days when they were younger and could stand for the long hours of working at the fes val grounds. They would speak fondly of how much they enjoyed doing it and how much they appreciate s ll being able to par cipate in the project with a “sit down” job now. I give thanks to God when I see the enthusiasm and joy of the uniformed workers on the bus before they leave for the fes val and the red but sa sfied looks on their faces when they return. While the teenagers are restricted from working at the fes val grounds we are in need of their help here at Cronin Hall for bucket washing every night during the fes val. Although our parish is broken down a bit by age groups, the focus of our efforts is clear and the eleven days of the FL Strawberry Fes val is a true blessing and source of unity to our parish. We are united in a way in March that is truly frui ul, no pun intended, in that it brings us together in a manner that is like no other that I have found in any other parish. We are truly blessed here at St. Clement to have this opportunity to be enriched as a parish family. Don’t be le out, sign up today! Next weekend we will have our Ministries fair where there will be an opportunity for you to see a display of the 42 different ministries and organiza ons that we have in the parish during our breakfast at Cronin Hall following the Sunday morning Masses. Peace in Christ, Fr. Tom J. Anastasia, Pastor Page 2 Pray For . . . MASS SCHEDULE & INTENTIONS Monday, January 31 8:00am †Manny Joaquin by Kay Daffara Tuesday, February 1 8:00am Flake & Courmier Families by Sandra Flake Wed., February 2 8:00am Voca ons 6:30pm †Octavio Espinoza †Modesta Vences by Maria Espinoza (Misa en Español) Thursday, February 3 8:00am †Carol Sluga by Mike Sluga Friday, February 4 8:00am Muench Family by M/M Goldbach Saturday, February 5 9:00am †Paul Stechschulte by Karl Miller 4:00pm †Ron Carter by Bingo crew Fr. Tom Sunday, February 6 7:00am Members of the Parish Fr. Tom 8:15am †Gonzalo Munera by Cecilia Munera Fr. Rafael - (Misa en Español) 10:30am †Bernard Fullenkamp by Mrs. Fullenkamp Fr. Tom 6:00pm †Carmen Reyes by Piedad Mendoza Fr. Eugene - (Misa en Español) January 23, 2011 Children’s Offertory / Ofrendo de los niños 11,650.58 327.00 Candles/Velas 48.45 My Brother’s Keeper/El Guardián de mi Hermano 70.00 Special Collec on(s)/ Colectas Especiales: Land/Building Fund Renova on Debt Church in La n America 7.00 62.00 13.00 687.00 TOTAL FOR January 23rd 12,944.03 Average weekly expenses for January 13,342.00 BINGO for January 19, 2011 822.70 Thank you for your Generosity! / ¡Gracias por su Generosidad! Charles DiMaggio, Jr. Marcella Harter Trinidad Conde Maggi Patrick Dan Ward Cathy, Jared and children Be y Townsend Capt. James R. “Robbie” Jones Julian Mathew Delgado Joyce Ragan Floyd Hall Tom Stewart Monica Garcia Wilda Norris Robert Campbell Melissa Dearing Marion Louise Heckerman Frank Romano Claudia Davis Cindy Parker and Diane Ode e Flo Be y Ketchersid, Alyssa Dick Pitman Pray for the Repose of the Souls of: STEWARDSHIP REPORT Offertory for January 23, 2011 (Loose & Envelope) Pray the Rosary daily, for Voca ons to the Priesthood, and for the Sick of our Parish, especially for: Juan Pablo Cas llo Mario Garza Roland Chasse Frank Piccuci Barbara Eckenrod Tom Salvato Please pray for the safe return of all the brave men and women serving our country, especially the parishioners of St. Clement, for those who have died for their country in me of war. If you would like to add a name to the Prayer list, please call the parish office at 752-8251 or email to: stclementprayerchain1 Page 3 WE WELCOME THE FOLLOWING NEW PARISHIONERS: Eddy and Beatrice Acosta Cecilia Avilia Francisco Castro Merced and Maria Chavez Manuel Dominguez Victor Felipa A J Harber Paula D Nunnery Garry and P R Plante Jose and Magda Sanchez Edwin Sause Brian and Nancy Schrum Peter St.Clair Elena Trujillo Arthur Weaver END OF YEAR CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE If you would like a Tax Statement of your contribu ons for the year 2010, please call Erin at the parish office at 752-8251 and one will be mailed to you. **Please note: All contribu on statements will be mailed at the end of the week. “MAKE YOUR OWN” Strawberry Shortcake Project PROJECT COORDINATOR: Barbara Caccamisi The “Make Your Own” Strawberry Shortcake Project began in 1974. A group of parishioners met with the Florida Strawberry Fes val Associa on with plans for us to obtain a booth in the annual fes val. Our selling point was to be…“Make Your Own”, using only the “berry” best product available. Strawberry Fes val Dates: March 3 - 13, 2011 PARISH NURSING Janet Maze, R.N. LOOKING… LOOKING… LOOKING… 2011 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE!!! The St. Clement Catholic Church 2011 Scholarship applica ons are now available in the narthex of the church or in the church office. Applica ons must be submi ed to Carol Rodriguez or Mary Ann Fontaine c/o Church Office no later than Thursday, March 31st. If you have any ques ons, please contact Carol at (813)727-5214 or Mary Ann at (813) 717-3294 . We are looking for anyone interested in joining parish nursing. Whether you are a registered nurse or just interested in helping others please plan on coming to the ministry fair here at St. Clement. Check out the parish nurse table… FREE Blood pressure checks, and small giveaways, plus the chance to sign up and be helpful to those in need! Parish nursing is also looking for ANYONE who has experience with passive range of mo on/ exercise and counseling for a young male. If you have TIME and TALENT you want to give… Please, we need you! Ministry Fair February 6th, 2011 in Cronin Hall Star ng post 7am Mass Page 4 Saturday, February 5, 2011 from 9:00am to 3:30pm St. Clement Cronin Hall • Strengthen and enrich your rela onship through shared experiences and private couple me • • Registra on Fee is $35.00 PER COUPLE Learn posi ve, prac cal ways to enhance your rela onship, family life and friendships with other Catholic couples and includes: Renew your dreams, increase the passion ∗ Childcare Register by Thursday, February 3rd at the Parish office. ∗ Material ∗ Meals Ch provid ild care ed on c ampus “This program put new light on our marriage–we are so grateful that we had some time alone, and that we met some other Catholic couples who have our same priorities.” Nelson & Gloria, 20 years IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN!! Join us at the 12th Annual St. Clement Youth Ministries Golf Classic Saturday, February 12th at Walden Lake Golf & Country Club ——————————————————————— The Golf Classic event supports our youth ministry and enables us to provide scholarships to gradua ng high school seniors. Flyers are available in the Narthex of the church. Sunday, February 6th after the 7:00am 8:15am and 10:30am Masses in Cronin Hall The Ministry Fair is a wonderful way to meet and get informa on about the various ministries, commi ees, organiza ons, and educa onal opportunies that are available within our parish community. The Ministry Fair will showcase all our parish ministries. Be A Part…. Not Apart Even if you don’t play, Green Sponsorship are available for $5.00 which will make you eligible for a Disney Basket Drawing on February 12th. For more informa on or sponsorship, please call Carol Rodriguez at (813) 727-5214 or Mary Ann Fontaine at (813) 717-3294 Page5 Page FOR MORE Youth Ministry Meetings are every Wednesday from 6:30pm – 7:45 pm in Cronin Hall (8th Grade and High School ) February 2nd — Shine Your Light Conf. I - Chapter 7 –The Catholic Church 12TH ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC Conf. II - Session 4 - The Oil of Salvation th - February 9 The Commandments The Seven Sacraments - Conf. I –Chapter 8 February 16 - More Like Christ th Saturday, Feb. 12 at Walden Lake Golf & Country Youth Mass 2nd Sunday of the month Conf. I - Chapter 9—Becoming Catholic Conf. II - Session 5 - More Like Christ 8:15am - Spanish INFORMATION CONTACT: Karen Hurst at (813) 752-8251 ext. 303 Keep up to date via our website: www.youth. 10:30am - English FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST & BLOOD DRIVE Sun., February 6th 8:00am-12:30pm Advance Strawberry Shortcakes Tickets ARE NOW AVAILABLE The Florida Blood Net Mobile will be in front of Cronin Hall. $3.25 per Ticket Sponsored by: Stop by the parish office to purchase your Knights of Columbus advance ckets….and skip the long lines!!! Page 6 Escritura y Lectura . . . Semana de 31 de enero, 2011 Lunes San Juan Bosco Heb 11:32-40; Mc 5:1-20 Martes Heb 12:1-4; Mc 5:21-43 Miércoles La Presentación del Señor Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lc 2:2240 [22-32] Jueves San Blas; San Óscar Bendición de las gargantas Heb 12:18-19, 21-24; Mc 6:7-13 Viernes Primer Viernes Heb 13:1-8; Mc 6:14-29 Sábado Santa Águeda; Primer Sábado Heb 13:15-17, 20-21; Mc 6:30-34 Domingo Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Is 58:7-10; Sal 112 (111); 1 Cor 2:1 -5; Mt 5:13-16 Nuevos Feligreses . . . Le damos la bienvenida a los nuevos feligreses y a los visitantes de invierno. La Parroquia de San Clemente cree en el Servicio El darle a Dios parte de nuestro Tiempo, Talento y Tesoro. Invitamos a los nuevos feligreses y visitantes de invierno a que se registren en nuestra parroquia. DE PARTE DEL PARROCO Queridos amigos en Cristo, En el úl mo fin de semana empecé la homilía del mes confesando que hice poco para llevar a cabo la unidad Cris ana durante la semana de oración por esta causa. Antes de concluir mi homilía con la introducción de Dave and Lucy Snyder, anuncié la formación de un nuevo grupo en la parroquia llamado los Apóstoles del San simo Sacramento. Mientras nuestra unidad espiritual es la presencia de Jesucristo en el San simo Sacramento como cris anos católicos, la realidad de nuestra parroquia, aquí en San Clemente, es que conseguimos una unidad fraternal cuando trabajamos juntos en el proyecto “Haga su propio Pastel de Fresa”. Tengo una gran admiración por todos los voluntarios dedicados que vienen a par cipar con amor cada año y que va construyendo el espíritu de comunidad en nuestra parroquia, sin mencionar la salud financiera de la misma. Este fin de semana es el Domingo de la Fresa y me siento humilde por la dedicación asombrosa de Bárbara Caccamisi y los esfuerzos heroicos que pone cada año en este proyecto. A la vez que ene un talento increíble como líder en este proyecto, ella es rápida en afirmar que todo el éxito es debido a los voluntarios que trabajan con ella. Ella también es voluntaria y estoy inspirado por su dedicación. Al mismo empo, los voluntarios llenan su entusiasmo por este proyecto y siempre sobrepasan las expecta vas. Aunque parezca que este proyecto trabaja como una maquina bien engrasada en el día de hoy, se desarrolla bien porque tenemos personas que trabajan para que sea así. Si usted es un experto que conoce el sistema o una persona nueva que se ve un poco abrumado por las largas horas de un día de trabajo en este proyecto, quiero animarles a que tomen parte este año. POR FAVOR, haga su compromiso de empo y talento para el proyecto de este año. Me hace sen r bien ver el salón lleno de personas quitando el tallo a las fresas. Muchas de estas personas me cuentan como cuando eran más jóvenes podían estar trabajando por largas horas en el fes val. Hablan de como disfrutaban haciéndolo y como se sienten bien de poder seguir ayudando. Doy gracias a Dios cuando veo el entusiasmo y la alegría de los trabajadores uniformados en el autobús antes de par r para el fes val y el cansancio, aunque sa sfechos, cuando vuelven al final de su turno. Aunque los jóvenes no trabajan en el fes val, necesitamos su ayuda en el Salón Cronin para lavar las cubetas cada noche. Aunque nuestra parroquia está repar da un poco por grupos de edades, el foco de nuestros esfuerzos en estos once días está claro y es una bendición y recurso de unidad en nuestra parroquia. Estamos unidos en una forma verdaderamente produc va que nos trae juntos en una manera que no he encontrado en ninguna otra parroquia. Verdaderamente estamos bendecidos en San Clemente al tener esta oportunidad de ser enriquecidos como familia parroquial. ¡No se quede fuera, firme hoy! El próximo fin de semana tendremos nuestra feria de ministerios donde tendrá la oportunidad de ver una exhibición de los 42 diferentes ministerios y organizaciones en el Salón Cronin durante el desayuno que sigue a las misas del domingo por la mañana. Sinceramente en Cristo, Padre Tom Anastasia, Párroco Page 7 CARTAS PARA DECLARACION DE IMPUESTOS YA ESTAN DISPONIBLES Servicios Sociales…. Si desea una Declaración de Impuestos de sus contribuciones para el año 2010, por favor llame a Erin en la oficina parroquial al (813) 752-8251 y una será enviada por correo. CONSULADO MOVIL EN TAMPA ** Nota: Todas las cartas de declaraciones de impuestos serán enviadas al final de la semana. LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA Los invitamos todos los domingos después de la Misa de las 8:15am (a las 9:30am) a un taller de una hora sobre como leer la Biblia. Los interesados deben traer su propia Biblia. El taller se reunirá en el salón 9 y 10 del Centro Educa vo. RENOVACION DE PROMESAS MATRIMONIALES El sábado, 12 de febrero, a las 6pm, con mo vo de la fiesta de San Valenn, tendremos la Renovación de Promesas Matrimoniales en nuestra parroquia. Invitamos a todas las parejas que deseen renovar sus promesas matrimoniales a unirse a nuestra celebración. Habrá una recepción y música bailable en amor y con amor a todos los par cipantes en la renovación. Para mas información o para registrarse, favor de comunicarse con Ramon De Jesus al (813) 719-1768 o con un miembro de MDS. FECHAS DE BAUTIZOS ATENCION: Registraciones para los bau zos son SOLAMENTE LOS MARTES Y VIERNES DE 6PM-8PM EN EL SALÓN 9 Y 10. FECHAS DE BAUTIZO FECHAS DE CLASES Febrero 12 - 10am Febrero 4 - 7pm Febrero 26 - 10am Febrero 18 - 7pm Mayo 7 - 9am Abril 29 - 7pm El Consulado de México ofrecerá sus servicios en Tampa quincenalmente con un horario de atención al publicó de 10:00am - 2:00pm. Haga cita para tramites de pasaporte y/o matricula consular en el servicio de MEXITEL al 1-877-639-4835 En la siguiente dirección: University Área Community Development Corpora on, Inc. 14013 North 22nd Street •Tampa, FL CARIDADES CATÓLICAS OFRECE SERVICIOS DE INMIGRACIÓN EL TERCER MIÉRCOLES DE CADA MES de 2:00pm - 5:00pm en la oficina de alado de salón social. Para más información, favor de llamar a Jose Fernandez al (813) 631-4397. EL GUARDIAN DE MI HERMANO Ayuda con comida todos los viernes de 9:00am-12:00pm Favor de traer iden ficación de cada miembro del hogar. Page 8 FERIA DE Únase a nosotros para el MINISTERIOS 12MO ANUAL GOLF CLÁSICO DE SAN CLEMENTE Domingo, 6 de febrero para el beneficio del Ministerio de Jóvenes el sábado, 12 de febrero, 2011 en el Walden Lake Golf & Country Club después de las Misas de las 7:00am, 8:15am y 10:30am ——————————————————————— ¿Dios te esta llamando para compar r tu fe, empo y talentos? Favor de pasar por el Salón Social después de las misas, el domingo, 6 de febrero, si usted está pensando en formas de compar r sus dones de empo y talento, o si simplemente desea obtener más información sobre lo que está pasando en la Iglesia de San Clemente. La Feria mostrara todos nuestros ministerios de la parroquia y usted podrá ver como su talento par cular puede ser usada para servir a otros. Algo para todas las edades-traer a los niños. El evento Golf Clásico apoya a nuestro Ministerio de Jóvenes y nos permite proveer becas escolares a los jóvenes graduados de la secundaria. Folletos están disponibles en la entrada de la iglesia. Para obtener más información o patrocinio, por favor llame a Carol Rodríguez al (813) 727-5214 o Mary Ann Fontaine al (813) 717-3294. SOLICITUDES PARA LAS BECAS 2011 YA ESTAN DISPONIBLES! Solicitudes para las becas de San Clemente 2011 ya están disponibles en la entrada de la iglesia o en la oficina parroquial. Las solicitudes deben ser entregadas a Carol Rodriguez o Mary Ann Fontaine a la Oficina de la Iglesia no más tarde del jueves, 31 de marzo. Si usted ene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con Carol al (813) 727-5214 o Mary Ann al (813) 717 -3294. PARA MAS Youth Ministry INFORMACION, CONTACTE A: Los jóvenes y jóvenes adultos se reúnen todos los viernes de 7:00pm-8:30pm en el salón social (Grado 8 y High School) February 4th Alcolicos: como affectan a la familia / Alcohol; How it affects the family February 11th 12TH ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC th Saturday, Feb. 12 at Walden Lake Golf & Country Depression/Depression Youth Mass February 18th 2nd Sunday of the month Lent & Ash Wednesday Overview/ 8:15am - Spanish Miercoles de Ceniza y Cuaresma 10:30am - English Myriam Reyna al (813) 752-8251 ext. 323 Keep up to date via our website: www.youth. Page 9 Parish Staff . . . Fr. Tom Anastasia, Pastor Fr. Eugene Gancarz, Parochial Vicar Fr. Rafael Martos, Parochial Vicar Deacons: Deacon Neil Legner Deacon Manuel San ago Deacon Kevin Orth Karen Hurst, Youth Group Coordinator [email protected] - ext. 303 Janet Maze , Parish Nurse [email protected] - ext. 311 Piedad Mendoza , Music Director [email protected] - ext. 315 Bill Muench, Pastoral Care Coordinator [email protected] - ext. 304 Janice Putvin, Migrant Ministry Coor. [email protected] - ext. 305 Myriam Reyna, Sp. Youth Group Coor. [email protected] - ext. 323 Maureen Ringley, ECC Director Carol Rodriguez Volunteer Coordinator/Hall rental [email protected] Ray Rosado, Maintenance Cathy Rosales, Faith Forma on Coor. [email protected] - ext. 306 Gary Runkles, Business Manager [email protected] - ext. 318 Judy Smith, Housekeeper Erin Stone, Parish Secretary [email protected] - ext. 301 Page 10 St. Clement Ministry Directory D PASTORAL CARE/ CUIDADO PASTORAL Hospital, Homebound & Nursing Home Visits Bill Muench...................... 752-8251 Parish Nurse Janet Maze, RN ............. 752-8251 Respite Care Mary Kay Fullenkamp.. 707-6449 LITURGICAL LIFE/ VIDA LITURGICA Altar Linen Care Fran Aton ........................ 759-0848 Altar Servers Deacon Neil Legner ...... 412-2250 Edel Stephens-Eng. ....... 754-8528 Blanca Caudillo-Sp. ...... 967-6497 Choirs Piedad Mendoza ............335-1908 Extraordinary Ministers of Comm. Bill Parolini...................... 986-2059 Greeters Claire Schoonover ....... 754-2255 SPIRITUAL LIFE/ VIDA ESPIRITUAL Liturgy ............................... 752-8251 Readers Michaelyn Moscinski ..... 752-9312 Teresa Hernandez-Sp .. 659-2819 Sacristans Janice Putvin................... 752-8251 Ushers Joe Moore ...................... 754-5889 Cursillistas Fernando Guerrero ...... 545-5374 Heart of Jesus Prayer Group Bill Muench...................... 752-8251 Juan XXIII Efren Salmeron .............. 486-7620 Marian Movement of Priests Jean Parr ........................ 752-8251 Prayer Chain Gayle Iacovino .............. 719-8408 Grupo de Oración “Cristo Vive” Santiago Madrigal ....... 759-9436 St. Elizabeth Prayer Group Lorraine Renaud ............ 707-1004 St. Patrick Bible Study Wendy Hetrick .............. 757-6398 (20 member small community) St. Michael Bible Study Bill Muench...................... 752-8251 M FORMATION/ FORMACION Adult Formation Ministry/ RCIA Judy Zink .......................... 659-0956 RICA en Español Ramon De Jesus ............. 719-1768 Coming Home Ministry Deacon Neil Legner ....... 659-0956 PARISH LIFE/ VIDA PARROQUIAL Auction & Gala Carol Rodriguez….……757-6234 Mary Ann Fontaine…….717-3294 Bingo Frank Romano.................. 986-3348 Council of Catholic Women Ceil Heermann................. 659-0068 Dialogo Matrimonial (Spanish) Estela Cruz ....................... 719-8526 Elix y Lucy Castro ........... 468-0144 Golf Classic Carol Rodriguez ............. 757-6234 Gardening Mary Ann Fontaine........ 717-3294 Grupo de Jóvenes Mario y Miriam Reyna. . 752-8251 Knights of Columbus Joe Moore ........................ 754-5889 Migrant Ministry Janice Putvin .................... 752-8251 Multicultural Ministry Mary Fisher ...................... 763-0642 My Brother’s Keeper (Food Pantry) Fr. Rafael Martos............ 752-8251 Our Lady of Guadalupe Committee Maria Chavez ................. 478-1752 Religious Article Store Judy Zaring...................... 754-3777 Sew & Sew’s Marsha Szymanski.......... 754-1089 Scholarship Committee Mary Ann Fontaine ......... 717-3294 Carol Rodriguez ............. 757-6234 Strawberry Shortcake Project Barbara Caccamisi......... 754-3102 Quinceañera Preparation (Spanish) Angelina Arroyo ............. 541-8456 Teresa Cienfuegos…863-370-7014 Welcome Carol Rodriguez ............. 757-6234 Page 10 Page 10 Bulletin # 514027 St. Clement Church 1104 N. Alexander St. Plant City, Fl. 33563 Contact: Erin Stone 813-752-8251 Dell Computer XP Professional Publisher 2003 KM 5530—Kyocera all in one COMMENTS: