catalogo - confederacion hipica de pr


catalogo - confederacion hipica de pr
23 DE ENERO DE 2016
11:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. en adelante
Norman H. Dávila
Joe Bruno
Información de Datos:
The Jockey Club Information Systems
Javier Velasco
Sonia N. Velázquez
Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
P.O. Box 801510
Coto Laurel, P.R. 00780-1510
Tels. (787) 647-8401
(787) 221-3682
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]
Los planes de financiamiento aplicarán solo a compras mayor es de
cinco mil dólares ($5,000.00). Cualquier compra de cinco mil dólares
($5,000) o menos tendrá que ser salda, sin descuento, en o antes del
lunes, 11 de febrero de 2016.
Opción I
CASH – 100% - (Aplica a toda venta mayor de $5,001 y menor
o igual a $10,000)
**Si el pago total se hace en o antes del 11 de febrero de 2016, el
comprador se podrá acoger a un 5% de descuento por ejemplar.
CASH – 100% - (Aplica a toda venta mayor de $10,001)
**Si el pago total se hace en o antes del 11 de febrero de 2016, el
comprador se podrá acoger a un 8% de descuento por ejemplar.
Opción II
25% Pronto Pago en o antes del lunes, 11 de febrero de 2016.
75% en Cuatro (4) pagos.
15 de Marzo de 2016 más 10% intereses devengados.
15 de Mayo de 2016 más 10% intereses devengados.
15 de Abril de 2016 más 10% intereses devengados.
15 de Junio de 2016 más 10% intereses devengados.
Todos los licitadores, compradores,
agentes o apoderados en esta subasta
estarán sujetos por las Condiciones
de Venta aquí establecidas. Todos los
ejemplares en este catálogo serán ofrecidos
en subasta y vendidos al mejor postor, de
conformidad con las Condiciones de Venta
aquí establecidas, sujeto a las leyes del
Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, y
las disposiciones aplicables del Código
Civil de Puerto Rico, de la Ley Hípica y el
Reglamento Hípico de Puerto Rico.
Todos los ejemplares ofrecidos en la
presente subasta aparecen debidamente
inscritos en los registros del Jockey Club
y la Administración de la Industria y el
Deporte Hípico.
Todos los ejemplares que se ofrecen en
la presente subasta fueron examinados
y debidamente vacunados dentro de
los pasados sesenta (60) días, según la
reglamentación de la Administración de la
Industria y el Deporte Hípico y certificados
libres de posibles enfermedades infecciosas
o contagiosas. Se recomienda a todos
los prospectivos compradores a examinar
detenidamente a los ejemplares en que estén
interesados, personalmente y/o mediante su
agente o veterinario de confianza, antes de
licitar, y según se establece en la Cláusula
Undécima, ya que estarán aceptando los
ejemplares que compren con todos los
defectos, incluyendo todas las condiciones
y defectos, excepto por las garantías
establecidas en la Cláusula Duodécima.
Todos los licitadores deberán tener por lo
menos veintiún (21) años de edad y deberán
llevar consigo identificación con fotografía
que evidencie su edad. Se establecerá un
precio mínimo inicial con respecto a cada
ejemplar ofrecido para subasta. La venta de
cada ejemplar subastado será adjudicada al
mejor postor reconocido por el subastador,
quien será considerado como el comprador
del ejemplar, y deberá presentarse e
identificarse con el subastador.
Vendedor, entiéndase Hacienda Los Nietos,
Inc. se reserva el derecho de retirar de la
subasta cualquier ejemplar por considerar
que la oferta por el ejemplar es insuficiente.
De así ocurrir, el ejemplar regresará a su
jaula y se considerará no vendido. En
la eventualidad de que el mejor postor
reconocido por el subastador no pueda
o se niegue a presentarse e identificarse
ante el subastador y pagar el precio total
o reconocer la deuda, el Vendedor podrá
elegir a su absoluta discreción re-entrar
el ejemplar en la próxima sesión de la
subasta, retirar el ejemplar de la subasta,
vender o re-vender el ejemplar en venta
pública o privada sin aviso, y dicho postor
será responsable por la cantidad del precio
adjudicado (o cualquier deficiencia si el
ejemplar es revendido) más cualquier
impuesto, arbitrio o daño.
El subastador decidirá toda disputa y
asuntos relacionados a la subasta, y la
decisión del subastador será final, firme y
vinculante. El Vendedor y el subastador
tendrán el derecho absoluto de rechazar
la participación de cualquier persona para
licitar, rehusar o rechazar cualquiera o
todas las ofertas. Toda oferta efectuada
luego de la adjudicación al mejor postor
será inválida.
El ejemplar se entenderá vendido y
será propiedad del comprador desde
el momento que el subastador haga la
adjudicación correspondiente, momento
en el cual el título del ejemplar pasará
inmediatamente al comprador.
ese momento, el comprador será el único
responsable del cuidado, custodia, control
y seguridad del ejemplar, y de todos los
gastos relacionados con el ejemplar, y
asume toda responsabilidad y riesgo de
lesión, enfermedad o muerte del ejemplar
adquirido. El comprador libera, renuncia y
exime de toda reclamación, responsabilidad,
daños o pérdida de cualquier naturaleza
que el comprador tenga o pueda tener
contra el Vendedor, sus oficiales, directores
y empleados, agentes y representantes,
de o que surjan de, cualquier descripción,
identificación, accidente, enfermedad, robo
o muerte de cualquier ejemplar (y cualquier
potro en el útero) comprado cuando y
dondequiera que pueda ocurrir, incluyendo
pero no limitado a sin embargo el mismo
puede ocurrir, inclusive pero no limitado
a, cualquier descripción, identificación,
lesión, accidente, enfermedad, robo o
muerte por motivo de o causado por, sea
total o en parte por cualquier alegado acto
negligente pasivo o activo o negligencia
crasa, omisión o conducta del Vendedor,
sus oficiales, directores y empleados,
agentes y representantes.
Una vez presentado e identificado, el
comprador deberá firmar y completar el
Reconocimiento de Compra y efectuará
el pago del precio total por el ejemplar, a
menos que, previo a la celebración de la
subasta, el comprador haya llegado a un
acuerdo de financiamiento con el Vendedor
suscribiendo un Pagaré a favor del
Vendedor. Este acuerdo deberá estar dentro
del sistema de financiamiento ofrecido, así
como el Reconocimiento de Compra y el
Pagaré, los cuales podrán ser examinados
solicitando los mismos a cualquiera de sus
oficiales, o en la oficina que se habilita
en el área de subasta. El comprador se
compromete a efectuar el pago del Pagaré
dentro de los términos establecidos por
Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc. en este mismo
En caso de que el comprador no cumpla
con los pagos requeridos objeto del
Reconocimiento de Compra, Pagaré o
Contrato de Venta, el comprador; sin ser
exhaustivos, cede, asigna y transfiere
a Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc. todos sus
derechos, títulos e intereses sobre su
participación en (1) 25% premios de
programa ganados por cualquier caballo
perteneciente al comprador que compita
en el Hipódromo Camarero; (2) 25%
premios suplementarios; (3) 100% pagos
por ejemplares reclamados. En atención
a lo anterior, el comprador autoriza y
ordena a Camarero Race Track, Corp., a
la Confederación Hípica de Puerto Rico,
Inc. o a la Puerto Rico Horse Owners
Association, Inc., a que requerimiento de
Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc., desembolsen a la
vendedora mensualmente, de cualesquiera
cantidades de dinero antes mencionadas
que dichas entidades tengan en su posesión
y que pertenezcan al comprador. Esto
con el propósito de que las cantidades
mensualmente retenidas, sean acreditadas
como pago hasta el saldo total de la deuda.
Los compradores que se acojan a la
Opción II deberán pagar como pronto,
un veinticinco por ciento (25%) del valor
del ejemplar adquirido en o antes del 11
de febrero de 2016. De incumplir con
tal obligación, Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.,
a su absoluta discreción, podrán declarar
vencida la totalidad de la deuda y proceder
aplicar esta cláusula octava. Es decir, hacer
el requerimiento de retención de premios
u otros haberes a Camarero Race Track,
Corp., la Confederación Hípica de Puerto
Rico, Inc. o a la Puerto Rico Horse Owners
Association, Inc.
En la eventualidad de que una persona distinta
al comprador firme la documentación oficial
de compra, tal acción no le concederá a dicha
persona ningún derecho, título o interés en
el ejemplar, y no alterará las obligaciones
del comprador bajo estas Condiciones de
Venta. Cualquier persona que licite, compre
o firme el Reconocimiento de Compra
a nombre de o en representación de una
corporación, sociedad, fideicomiso, establo,
o asociación, incluyendo como agente
autorizado, será solidariamente responsable
de cumplir con las obligaciones de dicha
corporación, sociedad, fideicomiso, establo,
o asociación, bajo estas Condiciones
de Venta. Cualquier persona que licite,
compre o firme un Reconocimiento de
Compra como agente o apoderado de un
comprador será solidariamente responsable
de cumplir con todas las obligaciones del
comprador bajo estas Condiciones de Venta,
a menos que el comprador nombrado en el
Reconocimiento de Compra haya otorgado
y entregado al Vendedor para la subasta el
formulario de Autorización para Agente
(o un poder otorgado ante notario público)
que sea aceptable para el Vendedor a su
absoluta discreción, en el cual se designe
a la persona que firma el Reconocimiento
de Compra como agente del comprador. El
comprador será responsable de todo acto u
omisión de cualquier agente designado por
el comprador.
El comprador deberá remover del lugar
de la subasta a los ejemplares por él
adquiridos en un período de 24 horas a
partir del momento de la adjudicación
del ejemplar. El comprador asumirá
toda la responsabilidad y costo por la
transportación del ejemplar adquirido.
Si el comprador no cumple con la cláusula
anterior (Décima), el Vendedor transportará
el ejemplar adquirido por el comprador a
una finca o establo de la conveniencia del
Vendedor. El comprador asumirá toda la
responsabilidad por cualquier daño que
sufra el caballo o por la muerte del ejemplar
durante el período que permanezca
el ejemplar en poder del Vendedor, y
compensará al Vendedor por los costos
de transportación más veinticinco dólares
($25) por día por concepto del cuido
del caballo por cada día que éste haya
permanecido en su poder.
El Vendedor colocará y mantendrá
disponibles para inspección en el
Repositorio radiografías de no más de dos
(2) semanas de tomadas antes de la fecha
de la subasta, de los ejemplares que sean
subastados por el Vendedor. El Vendedor
garantiza la exactitud, autenticidad y
validez de las radiografías. El Vendedor
garantiza que ningún ejemplar al cual no
se le haya efectuado radiografías, o hayan
sido tomadas hace más de dos (2) semanas
de la fecha de la subasta, será ofrecido en
Los compradores conocerán de cualquier
defecto que sea o deba ser revelado por una
inspección razonable, incluyendo cualquier
defecto que sea o deba ser revelado por una
revisión de la información del Repositorio.
Será la responsabilidad del comprador
inspeccionar por completo cada ejemplar
que consideren comprar. Los compradores
que no inspeccionen o se nieguen a
inspeccionar por cualquier motivo,
incluyendo no haber tenido la oportunidad
de evaluar el repositorio, estarán comprando
a su propio riesgo.
No se admitirá devolución por ningún
motivo luego de haberse adjudicado un
La preparación y redacción de este catálogo
y la información que contiene concuerda
con los usos y costumbres de la Industria
Hípica de Puerto Rico, y puede adolecer
errores u omisiones.
Foaled Sire
13 b./br. c.....2014
.......................................b. f.................2014
.......................................b. c................2014
.......................................b. f.................2014
.......................................b. c................2014
.......................................b. c................2014 f. ..............2014 c..............2014
.......................................b. f.................2014
.......................................b. f.................2014
.......................................b. f.................2014
.......................................b. c................2014
.......................................b. f.................2014
Albert the Gold ..........Creekside
Bargello......................Firehouse Waltz
Savu ...........................Huggins
Albert the Gold ..........Leonard's Winner
Mi Preferido................All Enchanting
Albert the Gold ..........Rising Tide
Indygo Shiner ............Safari Dream
Don Guido..................Twisted Humor
Savu ...........................Sandy Angle
Elshaan ......................Flying Peggy
Blustery ......................Bancada
Court Vision................Forest Red
Warrior's Reward .......Hekate
Albert the Gold ..........................1, 4, 6
Elshaan ............................................10
Blustery ............................................11
Indygo Shiner ....................................7
Court Vision .....................................12
Don Guido .........................................8
Mi Preferido........................................5
Savu ...............................................3, 9
Warrior's Reward .............................13
All Enchanting....................................5
Huggins .............................................3
Bancada ..........................................11
Leonard's Winner ..............................4
Rising Tide .........................................6
Firehouse Waltz .................................2
Flying Peggy....................................10
Forest Red .......................................12
Safari Dream......................................7
Sandy Angle ......................................9
Twisted Humor...................................8
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled March 8, 2014
Albert the Great ................
Albert the Gold..................
Crafty Tenderoni................
Cape Town ........................
Inlet Creek ........................
Hip No.
Go for Gin
Bright Feather
Crafty Prospector
Wonderous Steffie
Seeking the Gold
Seaside Attraction
Tricky Creek
Smiling and Speedy (GB)
By ALBERT THE GOLD (2004). Stakes winner of $75,838, Clasico Agustin
Mercado Reveron-G1. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 37 foals, 24 starters,
19 winners of 62 races and earning $392,102, including Diabetico (to 5,
2015, $80,486, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Finding Gold ($37,371, 2nd Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico S.-G3, etc.), La Fortaleza ($38,005), Samana ($32,575), Amanece ($27,809), Rechazada ($23,737), El
Gran Maestro ($20,255), El Tiguerito R. ($19,461), Walci ($16,634).
1st dam
CREEKSIDE, by Cape Town. Winner at 3, $6,629. Dam of 3 other foals, incl.-Unnamed (c. by Albert the Gold). Two-year-old of 2015.
2nd dam
INLET CREEK, by Tricky Creek. 5 wins at 4 and 5, $113,970, Vineland H.-L.
Dam of 4 other foals, 2 to race, including-Be the Glory. 3 wins at 3 and 7, $46,470.
3rd dam
SMILING AND SPEEDY (GB), by Hello Gorgeous. Unraced. Half-sister to
SWEETENED OFFER (GB). Dam of 6 winners, including-INLET CREEK. Stakes winner, above.
4th dam
SWEET MINT (IRE), by Meadow Mint. 6 wins, 2 to 4 in Ireland, champion older
mare, 2nd Gladness S.-G3, Airlie Coolmore Castle Hyde Championship
S., Youghal S., etc.; winner in England, Cork and Orrery S.-G3. Dam of-SWEETENED OFFER (GB). Winner at 2 in Ireland, 2nd Silken Glider S.G3; winner at 3 in Italy, Premio Buontalenta-G3. Dam of Thunderclap
(3rd Clasico Cuerpo de Bomberos-G3), Brief Reunion (Total: $20,384,
3rd Spring Hurdle). Granddam of HUNCA MUNCA (8 wins, $161,440).
Perils of Joy. Winner, €6,307, in Ireland. (Total: $7,947). Dam of HYMN OF LOVE
(IRE) (Total: $150,538, Ben Dunne Memorial Solonaway S., 2nd Carlesberg
Ruby S., 3rd Derrinstown Stud One Thousand Guineas Trial S.-G3, etc.).
Baby Boom (IRE). Winner at 2 in Ireland. Dam of SECRET ASSEMBLY
($149,610, Delaware Park Horsemen's Association S., 2nd Personal Ensign S., etc.), General Concorde (6 wins, $58,211, 2nd Juvenile S.-LR).
Risky Game. Winner at 2 in Ireland. Dam of SAFETY TACTIC (Total: $75,723), Beating the Buzz (IRE) (Total: $27,343, dam of Sleeping Weapon,
Total: $186,225; granddam of Rocky Policy, $65,080). Granddam of
GOLDEN BALLS (IRE) (Total: $148,135, La Puente S.-L, etc., sire).
Insider's View. 3 wins at 2 and 3, €14,289, in Ireland. (Total: $17,237). Dam
of Just an Illusion. Granddam of INVINCIBLE ASH (IRE) (9 wins, Total:
$665,888, hwt. twice in Ireland), Different Opinion (Total: $130,404).
Microchip 0A02451000
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled March 20, 2014
Devil's Bag........................
Bargello ............................
Bridal Tea..........................
Forestry ............................
Firehouse Waltz ................
Waltz On By ......................
Hip No.
Chapel of Dreams
Storm Cat
Shared Interest
Carson City
If Bald Music
By BARGELLO (1998). Winner of $58,397. Sire of 9 crops of racing age, 65
foals, 43 starters, 27 winners of 91 races and earning $768,731, including
Dinamita (12 wins, $181,376, Clasico Valores Hipicos-G3, etc.), El Buen
Pastor ($36,128, 3rd Copa San Juan), Mixta ($76,435), La Plena ($58,529),
Frenesi ($31,710), Dos Erre ($30,367), Rolando C. ($29,561), El Euro
($26,378), El Celular ($24,857), Baby Darel ($21,673). Son of champion
Devil's Bag, sire of 46 stakes winners, including champion Taiki Shuttle.
1st dam
FIREHOUSE WALTZ, by Forestry. Placed at 3, $11,020. Half-sister to Dixie
Waltz. Dam of 5 other foals, 4 to race, 2 winners-Mamas Kisses (f. by Bob and John). 4 wins at 3 and 4, 2015, $38,207.
Lucky Jones (g. by Value Plus). 3 wins at 4 and 5, $9,997.
2nd dam
Waltz On By, by Carson City. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $141,045, 2nd Demoiselle S.G2. Half-sister to MOVING VAN, Music Magic. Dam of 8 winners, incl.-Dixie Waltz (f. by Dixieland Band). 2 wins at 2, $81,941, 3rd Astoria S.-L.
3rd dam
IF BALD MUSIC, by Stop the Music. Unraced. Half-sister to GENERAL
ROYAL, FORTUNATE FACTS. Dam of 9 winners, including-MOVING VAN. 5 wins, 2 to 7, $209,265, Miller High Life Cradle S.-L, 2nd
Alysheba S.-G3, 3rd Old Ironsides H.
Waltz On By. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Music Magic. Winner at 2, $94,208, 2nd Torrey Pines S.-L.
4th dam
BALD FACTS, by In Reality. Winner. Sister to AMERICAN STANDARD, halfsister to CAPOTE ($714,470, champion), EXCELLER ($1,125,772, in
N.A./U.S.), VAGUELY HIDDEN, BALDSKI, My Song for You. Dam of-GENERAL ROYAL. 11 wins, $484,884, William P. Kyne H.-G3, etc. Sire.
FORTUNATE FACTS. 7 wins, $202,949, Lady Baltimore H.-L, etc. Dam of-ADMIRE MAMBO. 2 wins at 2, ¥70,400,000, in Japan, Zen-Nippon Sansai Yushun-G2, 2nd Grand Chariot Cup-G3, etc. (Total: $609,136).
Sharp Factor. Winner at 3, €12,729, in France. (Total: $15,581). Dam of-SHARPELA. 5 wins, 2 to 5, €115,937, in France; winner at 3 in Switzerland, Bankverein Swiss Derby-G3. (Total: $145,315). Sire.
SHARP CIEL. Winner in 2 starts at 2, $27,360, Hildene S.-R. Producer.
Brian's Rose. Winner at 2 and 4, $37,901, 3rd First Landing S.-R. Sire.
Slanderous Facts. Placed at 2, €7,165, in France. (Total: $7,938). Dam
of DOUBLE HEART (Total: $178,656, Grand Prix du Nord, etc., sire).
Eddie’s Star. Great-granddam of HOGY (14 wins to 6, 2015, Total: $687,412).
Microchip 0A02435641
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled February 1, 2014
Storm Cat..........................
Fiji (GB) ............................
Kissin Kris ........................
Huggins ............................
Wonderlan ........................
Hip No.
Storm Bird
Rainbow Quest
Island Jamboree
Kris S.
Toes Forward
Why Jan
By SAVU (2006). Winner at 3, $37,960. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2015.
Sire of 13 foals, 11 starters, 5 winners of 14 races and earning $87,472,
Seleccion (to 3, 2015, $38,127), Dictadora (at 3, 2015, $16,943), Baby
Genesis (at 3, 2015, $11,573), El Timbal (at 3, 2015, $6,131), Visitador (at
3, 2015, $5,463). Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire
of 181 stakes winners, 8 champions, including Giant's Causeway ($3,078,989), Storm Flag Flying ($1,951,828), Sweet Catomine ($1,059,600).
1st dam
HUGGINS, by Kissin Kris. Winner at 3, $5,490. Half-sister to CHARGE. Dam
of 6 other foals, 5 to race, 2 winners-Baby Darel (g. by Bargello). Winner at 2 and 3, $21,673.
Honor Kris (f. by Honor Glide). Winner at 3, $18,317.
Beers in the Sky (c. by Bargello). Placed, 2 to 4, 2015, $11,492.
Juanita and Lili (f. by Elshaan). Two-year-old of 2015.
2nd dam
Wonderlan, by Copelan. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $100,896, 2nd Bloomfield College
S., 3rd Forward Gal Breeders' Cup S.-G2. Half-sister to NORQUESTRESS,
Sno Connection. Dam of 7 other foals, 6 winners, including-CHARGE (g. by Dynaformer). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $105,083, Caltech H.-L.
Win Percival. 2 wins at 3, ¥7,373,000, in Japan. (Total: $68,004).
3rd dam
WHY JAN, by Noble Title. 28 wins, 3 to 7, $308,440, Pageant S. twice, Sadie
Hawkins H., Sadie Hawkins S., Raymond C. Kohlhepp Memorial S., Let'Em
Wonder S., Dainty Dotsie S., Albert J. Boyle Memorial S.-R, Annie's Dream
S.-R, Let'Em Wander H.-R, Let'Em Wander S.-R, HBPA Charles Funk Memorial S., 2nd Cape May County S., etc. Sister to Prince Host. Dam of-NORQUESTRESS. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $93,546, Blue Mountain Futurity-LR,
Wonders Delight S.-R, 3rd Sophomore Breeders' Cup S. Dam of-Shouldabeenaclown. 6 wins, 3 to 7, $204,768, 2nd Mr. Jenney H.-LR,
3rd Devil's Honor H.-LR, Mr. Jenney H.-LR.
Ali's Pride. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $49,462, 3rd Lamplighter S.
Wonderlan. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Sno Connection. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $71,746, 2nd Susan's Girl S. Dam of-VUELVE SULUM. 4 wins, 2 to 7 in Dominican Republic, Clasico Navidad-G2, Copa Felo Flores, 2nd Clasico Kalil Hache-G1, 3rd Clasico
Because a Bonnie. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $47,102. Dam of 1 foal-BECAUSEI'MWORTHIT. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $119,930, Cool Air S., 2nd
Minaret S., 3rd Cool Air S.
Microchip 0A02451563
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled January 29, 2014
Albert the Great ................
Albert the Gold..................
Crafty Tenderoni................
Bernstein ..........................
Leonard's Winner..............
Slipper ..............................
Hip No.
Go for Gin
Bright Feather
Crafty Prospector
Wonderous Steffie
Storm Cat
La Affirmed
Demons Begone
Champagne Please
By ALBERT THE GOLD (2004). Stakes winner of $75,838, Clasico Agustin
Mercado Reveron-G1. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 37 foals, 24 starters,
19 winners of 62 races and earning $392,102, including Diabetico (to 5,
2015, $80,486, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Finding Gold ($37,371, 2nd Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico S.-G3, etc.), La Fortaleza ($38,005), Samana ($32,575), Amanece ($27,809), Rechazada ($23,737), El
Gran Maestro ($20,255), El Tiguerito R. ($19,461), Walci ($16,634).
1st dam
LEONARD'S WINNER, by Bernstein. 18 wins, 3 to 9, $122,839. This is her second foal. Dam of-Unnamed (f. by Gold Gift). Two-year-old of 2015.
2nd dam
SLIPPER, by Demons Begone. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 1 foal, above.
3rd dam
CHAMPAGNE PLEASE, by Tom Rolfe. Half-sister to Invigorating. Dam of-Magnum. Winner at 3, $6,225.
4th dam
REALLY BOLD, by Bold Ruler. Winner at 3, $4,752. Sister to QUEEN EMPRESS ($431,428, champion 2-year-old filly), KING EMPEROR, halfsister to LAND OF EIRE. Dam of 10 foals to race, 7 winners, including-Invigorating. Winner at 3 and 4, $64,085, 2nd Golden Harvest H. Producer.
Tried by Fire. 3 wins at 3, $25,260. Producer. Granddam of DANCING SOLO
(10 wins, $295,667, Sefa's Beauty S.-L, Durazna S., Gowell S., etc., dam
of Rare Sortof Devil, $219,699, 2nd Winnipeg Futurity, etc.). Great-granddam of TATA PANTOJA (13 wins, Total: $94,940, Millarville Derby, etc.).
Upishness. Unraced. Dam of 11 foals, 9 winners, including-UP 'N BLUMIN. 13 wins in 20 starts, 3 to 6, $177,830, Al Swihart Memorial
H., Al Swihart Memorial S., Runza S., Bluegrass H.-ntr, 6 fur. in 1:09
4/5, Falls Amiss H.-R twice, Orphan Kist H.-R, Orphan Kist S.-R, Matchmaker H.-R twice, 2nd Al Swihart Memorial S., Runza S., Runza H., etc.
QUEEN OF SCREEN. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $90,573, Lenexa S., Nell's Briquette H., 2nd Bersid S., Plaza H., Lady's Secret H., Goldenrod S.-R,
3rd Al Swihart Memorial H., Hoist Her Flag S., Miss Kansas City H.,
Bold Accent H., Falls Amiss H.-R.
Power Puff. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $59,615, 2nd Spirea S.-R, etc. Producer.
Scenic Screen. Winner at 3, $3,490. Dam of Dynamic Affair ($224,649,
2nd Ralph Hayes S.-LR twice, etc.), Scenic Won (4 wins, $140,142,
3rd Donna Reed S.-LR, dam of Blumin Won, $82,429, 2nd Skunktail
S.-R, etc.), Silent Copy ($16,497, 3rd MTA Stallion Auction S.-R).
Microchip 0A02451003
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled February 13, 2014
Goldgalliano (IRE) ............
Mi Preferido......................
Princesa de Plata ..............
Cherokee Run ..................
All Enchanting ..................
Glory High ........................
Hip No.
Mr. Prospector
La Trebolilla
Runaway Groom
Cherokee Dame
Honour and Glory
Swazi's Moment
By MI PREFERIDO (2001). Stakes-placed winner of 27 races, 3 to 7, $198,141, 2nd Clasico Dia del Veterano-G1. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 9
foals, 9 starters, 7 winners of 24 races and earning $139,435, Empirica
Baja (to 5, 2015, $33,308), Hipocrates (to 4, 2015, $23,862), Ingrata (3
wins in 5 starts at 3, 2015, $20,748), Lupita Upr ($20,434), La Deprimida
(to 3, 2015, $16,619), Carlos Juan (2 wins, $11,159), Mr. Oyola ($6,153).
Son of Goldgalliano (IRE), sire of 6 stakes winners, 2 champions.
1st dam
ALL ENCHANTING, by Cherokee Run. Dam of 3 other foals, 1 to race-Enchanting Danna (f. by Showing Up). Winner at 2 and 3 in Mexico.
Unnamed (f. by Macho Uno). Two-year-old of 2015.
2nd dam
GLORY HIGH, by Honour and Glory. Unraced. Half-sister to KAFWAIN. Dam of-Justcallmetater. Placed at 3 in N.A./U.S.; 11 wins, 3 to 6, placed at 7, 2015,
$88,209, in Canada. (Total: $87,684).
Joyella. Winner at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2015, $79,265.
3rd dam
SWAZI'S MOMENT, by Moment of Hope. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $176,255, Palo Alto
H.-L, Gowell S.-L, 2nd Princess S.-G2. Dam of 5 winners, including-KAFWAIN. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $715,848, Norfolk S.-G2, San Vicente S.-G2,
Best Pal S.-G3, 2nd Breeders' Cup Juvenile-G1, Del Mar Futurity-G2, 3rd
Santa Anita Derby-G1. Sire.
Red Gem. 8 wins, 2 to 7, $159,525.
4th dam
SWAZI GIRL, by Hatchet Man. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $118,660, Fairway Fun S., 2nd
Jeanne d'Arc S.-L, Cleopatra H., Chou Croute S., 3rd Furl Sail H.-L, Process
Shot H. Half-sister to Duckling Park (Total; $184,906, 2nd Dubai Poule
d’Essai des Pouliches-French One Thousand Guineas-G1, etc.). Dam of-SWAZI'S MOMENT. Stakes winner, above.
Country Diamond. Winner at 3, $26,070. Dam of 5 winners, including-Shanty Hill Road. Winner at 3, 3rd Illinois Thoroughbred Breeders and
Owners Foundation Sales Graduate S.-R.
City Mouse. Producer. Granddam of GOT AN ITCH (7 wins, $196,400, Joanne Dye S.-R, Chandler S., Arizona Stallion S.-R, Cactus Flower S.-R,
2nd ATBA Fall Sales S.-LR, CARF Debutante S., Juan Gonzalez Memorial
S., Arizona Breeders' Futurity-R, 3rd Manhattan Beach S.), Gotta Skedaddle (2 wins, $67,225, 2nd ATBA Spring Sales S.-LR, Arizona Stallion
S.-R, 3rd Ann Owens Distaff H.-R, Joanne Dye S.-R), Oh to Be Lucky (6
wins, Total: $48,303, 2nd Alberta Bred S.-R).
Microchip 0A02452624
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled March 23, 2014
Albert the Great ................
Albert the Gold..................
Crafty Tenderoni................
Crafty Prospector ..............
Rising Tide........................
Hurricane Judy..................
Hip No.
Go for Gin
Bright Feather
Crafty Prospector
Wonderous Steffie
Mr. Prospector
Real Crafty Lady
Storm Cat
Dream Harder
By ALBERT THE GOLD (2004). Stakes winner of $75,838, Clasico Agustin
Mercado Reveron-G1. Sire of 5 crops of racing age, 37 foals, 24 starters,
19 winners of 62 races and earning $392,102, including Diabetico (to 5,
2015, $80,486, 3rd Derby Puertorriqueno S.-G1, etc.), Finding Gold ($37,371, 2nd Clasico Criadores de Puerto Rico S.-G3, etc.), La Fortaleza ($38,005), Samana ($32,575), Amanece ($27,809), Rechazada ($23,737), El
Gran Maestro ($20,255), El Tiguerito R. ($19,461), Walci ($16,634).
1st dam
RISING TIDE, by Crafty Prospector. Winner at 2 and 3, $40,125. Half-sister to
RONTON. Dam of 7 other foals, 6 to race, 4 winners, including-FOREVER FIXED (c. by Broken Vow). 8 wins in 13 starts at 3 and 4 in Panama, champion miler, champion imported older horse, champion stayer,
Clasico Presidente de la Republica-G1, Clasico Ano Nuevo-G1, 2nd Clasico APPUCAPA-G2, Clasico Laffit Pincay, Jr-G3.
Tiz Rising (f. by Tiznow). 6 wins, 3 to 5, $114,265.
Soul Crusher (g. by Johannesburg). 2 wins at 5, 2015, $45,770.
Lost Son (c. by Elshaan). Two-year-old of 2015.
2nd dam
HURRICANE JUDY, by Storm Cat. Placed at 4, $5,910. Half-sister to IMAGINARY LADY. Dam of 11 other foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-RONTON (c. by Cryptoclearance). 2 wins at 3, $105,068, Rushaway S.-L.
3rd dam
Dream Harder, by Hard Work. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $55,594, 2nd Distelfink H. twice,
White Rose S., Geisha S. Half-sister to INEABELLE ($59,196, champion
imported 2-year-old filly in Puerto Rico). Dam of 8 winners, including-IMAGINARY LADY. 7 wins, $574,720, Santa Anita Oaks-G1, etc. Producer.
Malibu Magic. 2 wins, $13,628. Dam of CALL HER MAGIC ($195,013, dam
of J P'S GUSTO, $811,760; Magic Appeal, $79,100; Kid Majic, $47,910;
granddam of MISS MISCHIEF, to 5, 2015, Total: $522,980). Granddam
of PROUD SPELL ($2,131,610, champion 3-year-old filly), Proud Pearl.
Hickory Hustler. 2 wins at 3, $30,379. Dam of HUSTLE NOW (3 wins,
$86,908), Stover (9 wins, $112,713), She Could Be Good ($82,449).
Dream Dream. 5 wins, $32,481. Dam of IMAGINARY DREAM, Dream Mary
($91,202, 2nd Arlington Heights Oaks-G3, etc., dam of SPIRIT OF LOVE,
Total: $239,737; Control Tower, $181,390; granddam of PRINCESA
GATA, champion twice in Panama; PHILLY BOUND, $519,943), Dream
a Bit ($102,845, dam of Dream Bling, to 4, 2015, $105,878; Title Princess), Dreams Count. Granddam of Don't Tell Dad (Total: $102,886).
Ascent. Producer. Granddam of Cajun Mistress (4 wins, $149,799).
Microchip 0A02463963
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled May 9, 2014
A.P. Indy............................
Indygo Shiner ..................
Navarra ............................
Cape Town ........................
Safari Dream ....................
Sun Luck ..........................
Hip No.
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
El Gran Senor
Image of Reality
Seeking the Gold
Seaside Attraction
Conquistador Cielo
Sun Lover
By INDYGO SHINER (1998). Stakes winner of $444,066, Jefferson Cup S.G3, etc. Leading sire in Argentina, sire of 10 crops of racing age, 985 foals,
609 starters, 25 stakes winners, 401 winners of 1043 races and earning
$17,524,272, including champions Indy Point (ARG) ($959,061, NacionalArgentine Derby-G1, etc.), Tecla Shiner (ARG) ($256,948, Nacional-Argentine Derby-G1, etc.), Light Cat ($90,013, Clasico Ano Nuevo S.-G1, etc.),
and of Miss Match (ARG) ($621,614, Seleccion-Argentine Oaks-G1, etc.).
1st dam
SAFARI DREAM, by Cape Town. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $28,721. Half-sister to TAHOE
CITY. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
SUN LUCK, by Conquistador Cielo. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $64,441, Old Hat S.,
3rd Florida Oaks-L. Half-sister to HAWKIN'S SPECIAL, CHATI, Sungull.
Dam of 10 other foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, including-TAHOE CITY (c. by Fast Play). 7 wins to 4, $185,170, Bay Meadows Express
H.-L, Royal Fols H., Sunnyvale H., 3rd Oakland H.-L, Cavonnier S. Sire.
Sunny Laugh. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $101,650. Dam of 6 winners, including-Funny Sunny (f. by Sharp Humor). Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $139,300, 2nd
Hurricane Bertie S.-G3, Lucy Scribner S.-L.
Awesome Launch (c. by Awesome Again). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $87,986, 3rd
Albuquerque Derby.
3rd dam
SUN LOVER, by Nasomo. 11 wins at 3 and 4, $87,535, Springtime S. Dam of-HAWKIN'S SPECIAL. 6 wins, $131,726, Los Angeles H.-G2, 2nd Native Diver
H.-G2, 3rd Sport Page H. Etr at Santa Anita Park, 6 fur. in 1:07 4/5. Sire.
CHATI. 18 wins, 2 to 6, $389,049, Riggs H.-G3, Lamplighter H.-G3, Walter
Haight H., Preston M. Burch H., Sunrise H.-ecr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:41 1/5, Japan
Racing Association H., etc. Set ncr at Penn National, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:40. Sire.
SUN LUCK. Stakes winner, above.
Sungull. Winner at 2 in England, 2nd Bonusprint Sirenia S.; winner at 3,
$14,880, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $28,901).
Miss Storm Bird. Placed in England. Producer. Granddam of GOLDEN
BALLET ($732,145, dam of DROSSELMEYER, $3,728,170, Belmont
S.-G1, etc., sire; STAGE LUCK, $154,812), GILDED GEM ($223,800),
MAGIC OF SUNRISE, Silver Mountain ($176,523, sire), Box of Jewels
($109,480), Elusive Air ($45,630, dam of Air Apparent-G3, $84,305).
What a Lover. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of BAILEYS AFFAIR ( $213,921).
Landingham's Lover. Dam of WAYNES CLASSY GIRL ($170,655), KAS I'M
GOING TO ($107,681). Granddam of CENTENARIO DE ORO ($72,999).
Microchip 0A02447835
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled May 9, 2014
Dixieland Brass ................
Don Guido ........................
Christine Crane ................
Distorted Humor ..............
Twisted Humor..................
Equity Loan ......................
Hip No.
Dixieland Band
Windmill Gal
Argument (FR)
Fight Song
Forty Niner
Danzig's Beauty
After School
By DON GUIDO (1994). Champion 3-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, stakes winner of $185,020, Copa Gobernador, etc. Sire of 13 crops of racing age,
152 foals, 108 starters, 11 stakes winners, 70 winners of 295 races and
earning $3,091,293,4 champions, including Seattle Win ($257,200, Copa
Gobernador-G1, etc.), Miss Azhar ($292,274, Calsico Constitucion S.-G1,
etc.), Concierto Alegre ($155,766, Puerto Rico Futurity-G3, etc.), and of
Fraterno ($224,292, Clasico Antonio Fernandez Castrillon-G1, etc.).
1st dam
TWISTED HUMOR, by Distorted Humor. Winner at 3, $29,799. Dam of 7 other
foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, including-LADY VEIGA (f. by King's Crown). 12 wins, 2 to 5, 2015, $187,273, Clasico
Confederacion Hipica S.-G2, Criadores de Puerto Rico S.-G3, 2nd Clasico Camarero-G1, Antonio R. Matos S.-G2, Clasico Dia de las Madres
S.-G2, Eugenio Maria de Hostos S.-G3.
Walci (g. by Albert the Gold). 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2015, $16,634.
Sra. Pagan (f. by Albert the Gold). Placed at 2 and 3, 2015, $5,113.
La Menos Querida (f. by Albert the Gold). Two-year-old of 2015.
2nd dam
EQUITY LOAN, by Alleged. Half-sister to ITS ACEDEMIC, Twining and Dining. Dam of 4 other foals to race, 3 winners, including-Pride of Ownership. 6 wins at 3 and 5, $66,486.
Power Bull. Unraced. Sent to Republic of Korea. Dam of 1 foal-POWER CITY (g. by Archer City Slew). 9 wins at 3 and 4, 2015, in Republic of Korea, Ilgan Sports Cup.
3rd dam
AFTER SCHOOL, by Arts and Letters. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $53,160. Dam of-ITS ACEDEMIC. 12 wins, 3 to 6, $931,228, Stuyvesant H.-G2, Stymie H.G3 twice, Assault H.-G3, Queens County H.-G3, 2nd Woodward H.-G1,
Excelsior H.-G2, Westchester H.-G3, Aqueduct H.-G3, Grey Lag H.-G3,
3rd Carter H.-G1. Sire.
Twining and Dining. Winner at 3 and 4, $87,580, 3rd Martha Washington
Breeders' Cup S.-G3. Producer.
Select Account. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $96,349. Dam of 5 winners, including-Whatthecatdrugin. 15 wins, 4 to 7, placed at 8, 2015, $333,564, 2nd
West Virginia Governor's S.-L, Independence Day S.
Dormant Account. Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, all winners, including-Reddish Thunder. 6 wins, 2 to 5, 2015, $53,002, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Clasico
Antonio Mongil, Jr. S.-G2.
French Degree. Producer. Granddam of DOUBLE DEGREE ($50,983).
Microchip 0A02446577
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled March 19, 2014
Storm Cat..........................
Fiji (GB) ............................
Sandy Angle......................
Lake Charles ....................
Hip No.
Storm Bird
Rainbow Quest
Island Jamboree
A.P. Indy
Prospectors Delite
El Gran Senor
Star de Rahy
By SAVU (2006). Winner at 3, $37,960. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2015.
Sire of 13 foals, 11 starters, 5 winners of 14 races and earning $87,472,
Seleccion (to 3, 2015, $38,127), Dictadora (at 3, 2015, $16,943), Baby
Genesis (at 3, 2015, $11,573), El Timbal (at 3, 2015, $6,131), Visitador (at
3, 2015, $5,463). Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire twice, sire
of 181 stakes winners, 8 champions, including Giant's Causeway ($3,078,989), Storm Flag Flying ($1,951,828), Sweet Catomine ($1,059,600).
1st dam
SANDY ANGLE, by Mineshaft. 2 wins at 3, $22,053. Half-sister to LAKE DROP.
This is her second foal. Dam of 1 foal to race.
2nd dam
Lake Charles, by El Gran Senor. 6 wins, 3 to 5, $110,975, 2nd Golden Triangle
S. Half-sister to ROCK OPERA. Dam of 3 other winners, including-LAKE DROP (c. by Lemon Drop Kid). 5 wins at 3 and 4, €133,152, in Italy,
Premio Carlo d'Alessio-G3, 2nd Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Premio Memorial Francesco Faraci, Premio Regione Toscana Defi du Galop, 3rd
Gran Premio d'Italia, Premio Merano, Premio Roma Vecchia; placed at
4, $68,400, in N.A./U.S., 2nd Red Smith H.-G2. (Total: $248,945).
Capture the Call. 9 wins, 3 to 7, $190,398.
3rd dam
STAR DE RAHY, by Rahy. Half-sister to BOLD WENCH. Dam of 4 winners, incl.-ROCK OPERA. 4 wins at 3 and 5, $248,800, Oceanside S.-LR, 2nd Oak
Tree Derby-G2, 3rd Del Mar Derby-G2.
Lake Charles. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Citizen Jaks. Winner at 3 and 4, $36,154. Dam of 1 foal to race-Cittadina. 2 wins at 2, $88,476.
4th dam
FORBIDDEN SIGHT, by Bagdad. Unraced. Half-sister to FIRGIE'S JULE
($218,551), Marshall Blake ($97,934). Dam of 8 winners, including-BOLD WENCH. 13 wins, 3 to 5, $450,611, Next Move Breeders' Cup H.G3, Alma North S.-LR, 2nd Affectionately H.-G3, Berlo H.-L, Weber
City Miss S.-LR. Dam of 14 foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, including-Silver Wench. 2 wins at 3, $71,723, 2nd Trenton S. Producer.
Bold Diva. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $104,675. Producer.
Lily's Joy. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $97,066. Producer.
Only Forever. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $85,320. Producer.
Forbidden Lady. Dam of 2 winners, including-FORBIDDEN FORUM. 13 wins, 4 to 8, $50,469, Arizona County Fair Distance Series S. Etr at Apache County Fair @ St. Johns.
Microchip 0A02435544
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled February 24, 2014
A.P. Indy............................
Elshaan ............................
Thawakib (IRE)..................
Fusaichi Pegasus..............
Flying Peggy ....................
First At the Wire ................
Hip No.
Seattle Slew
Weekend Surprise
Sadler's Wells
Tobira Celeste
Mr. Prospector
Angel Fever
Awesome Again
Zip to the Wire
By ELSHAAN (2001). Placed, 3 to 5, $36,481. Half-brother to stakes winners
Sakhee(hwt.), Nasheed. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 42 foals, 34 starters,
21 winners of 59 races and earning $402,434, including Lovely Indy (to 5,
2015, $53,378), Burst of Glory (to 6, 2015, $52,414), Materia Gris (to 5,
2015, $39,829), Boticaria ($36,598), Miss Whatsapp (to 3, 2015, $26,394),
Tio Perucho ($20,401), Sabroson ($18,641), Las Nenas de Forti ($16,633),
Estupendo ($16,456), Follies Boy ($15,120), Tommy El Amigo ($14,288).
1st dam
FLYING PEGGY, by Fusaichi Pegasus. Unraced. Half-sister to EYE LOVE
JEANIE. This is her first foal.
2nd dam
FIRST AT THE WIRE, by Awesome Again. Unraced. Dam of 3 winners, incl.-EYE LOVE JEANIE (f. by Showing Up). 3 wins at 3, $184,008, Oklahoma
Classics Distaff Sprint S.-R, 2nd Te Ata S.-R, Useeit S.-R, 3rd Oklahoma
Classics Distaff S.-R, Cherokee Casino Will Rogers Downs Classic Distaff
Sprint S.-R.
3rd dam
ZIP TO THE WIRE, by Birdonthewire. Placed at 3, $6,260. Half-sister to
GHOSTZAPPER, CITY ZIP, CITY WOLF. Dam of 3 winners, including-Primal Baby. 11 wins, 2 to 6, $252,046.
4th dam
BABY ZIP, by Relaunch. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $60,395, Kattegat's Pride S., 3rd
Marshua S.-L. Half-sister to WIN RIVER WIN (Total: $311,500, champion
in Turkey), LUCETTE ($97,043). Broodmare of the year in 2005. Dam of-GHOSTZAPPER. 9 wins in 11 starts, 2 to 5, $3,446,120, horse of the year,
champion older horse, Breeders' Cup Classic-G1-ntr, 1 1/4 mi. in 1:59,
Metropolitan H.-G1, Vosburgh S.-G1, Woodward S.-G1, Tom Fool H.-G2,
Philip H. Iselin Breeders' Cup H.-G3, 3rd King's Bishop S.-G1. Sire.
CITY ZIP. 9 wins at 2 and 3, $818,225, Hopeful S.-G1, Saratoga Special S.-G2,
Amsterdam S.-G2, Sanford S.-G2, Tremont S.-G3, Jersey Shore Breeders'
Cup S.-G3, Bergen County S.-L, Hirsch Jacobs S.-L, 2nd Futurity S.-G1, etc.
CITY WOLF. Placed at 2 and 3, $15,335, in N.A./U.S.; 4 wins at 4, $278,615, in
Canada, Durham Cup S.-G3, 2nd Durham Cup S.-G3, etc. (Total: $293,686).
Getaway Girl. 3 wins in 5 starts at 3, $21,966. Dam of 5 winners, including-NORTHERN CAUSEWAY. 2 wins at 3, $88,205, in N.A./U.S.; 3 wins at 3
and 4, $175,970, in Canada, British Columbia Derby-G3, Richmond
Derby Trial H., 3rd British Columbia Premier's H.-G3. (Total: $265,367).
Catch the Ghost. Winner at 3, $8,700. Dam of 6 winners, including-PHANTOM INCOME. 2 wins at 2, $169,345, NATC Futurity-LR. Producer.
Microchip 0A02451604
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled March 31, 2014
Storm Cat..........................
Blustery ............................
Infinite ..............................
Cagey Bidder ....................
Bancada ............................
Gray Speed ......................
Hip No.
Storm Bird
Majestic Light
Clear Ceiling
Seeking the Gold
I Pass
Gift of Kings
By BLUSTERY (1997). Placed at 2, $6,800. Sire of 10 crops of racing age, 46
foals, 32 starters, 15 winners of 34 races and earning $277,166, including
Gato Feroz ($40,255), Mi Abuela Narsisa ($33,515), No Preguntes ($25,096), El Tuque ($20,618), Provocadora (to 3, 2015, $20,321), Beautiful Cat
($19,207), La Fiebre ($15,655), Mia Sandra (at 3, 2015, $14,913), Es Mi
Nina Bonita ($10,679), Milla de Oro ($9,512), Subordinado ($8,207), Otra
Cara de Luna ($7,582). Son of stakes winner Storm Cat, leading sire.
1st dam
BANCADA, by Cagey Bidder. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $176,862, Clasico Julio Correa
Ayala-G3, 2nd Clasico Dama del Caribe-G1, Clasico Constitucion-G1,
Clasico Verset Dancer-G3, 3rd Clasico Campeon Nativo Galleguito-G1,
Copa Camarero-G1, Clasico Antonio R. Matos-G1, Clasico Criadores de
Puerto Rico-G1, Clasico Blanqui R.-G3. Half-sister to GOLD GIFT. This
is her fifth foal. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners-LLUVIA DE NIEVE (g. by Myfavorite Place). 13 wins at 2 and 3, placed at
4, 2015, $294,222, champion 2- and 3-year-old colt in Puerto Rico, Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera-G1, Copa Gobernador S.-G1, Derby Puertorriqueno-G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Copa San Juan S.-G1, Copa
Navidad S.-G1, Clasico Antonio Mongil Jr. S.-G2, 2nd Clasico Antonio
R.Barcelo S.-G2, Clasico Dia del Veterano S.-G2.
Copioso (g. by Don Guido). Winner at 2, $41,033, 2nd Copa San Juan-G1,
3rd Clasico Antonio Mongil, Jr. S.-G2.
Participante (g. by Myfavorite Place). 4 wins at 2 and 3, 2015, $23,275.
2nd dam
GRAY SPEED, by Gift of Kings. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $59,045. Dam of 6 winners, incl.-GOLD GIFT (c. by Goldwater). 31 wins in 44 starts, 2 to 6, $614,812, champion 2-year-old colt, champion sprinter 4 times in Puerto Rico, Derby
Puertorriqueno-G1, Puerto Rico Futurity-G1, Clasico Navidad-G1, Clasico
Battle Morn-G1 3 times, Clasico Hurley Road-G3, Clasico Administrador
Hipico-G3, 2nd Copa San Juan-G1, Copa Velocidad-G1, etc. Sire.
BANCADA (f. by Cagey Bidder). Stakes winner, above.
3rd dam
Lagrimitas, by Blackfeet. 11 wins, 2 to 5, $52,477, 3rd Clasico Arturo Lopez
Rossy, Copa Marlboro. Half-sister to Metropolis. Dam of-Nilda Leader. Winner at 2, $8,111. Producer.
4th dam
LAGRIMA, by Gray Phantom. Winner at 3. Dam of 9 foals, 8 winners, including-Lagrimitas. Stakes-placed winner, above.
Metropolis. 12 wins, $49,064, 2nd Clasico Luis Munoz Rivera Memorial.
Microchip 0A02434836
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled March 25, 2014
Gulch ................................
Court Vision......................
Weekend Storm ................
Forestry ............................
Forest Red ........................
A. P. Petal..........................
Hip No.
Mr. Prospector
Storm Bird
Weekend Surprise
Storm Cat
Shared Interest
A.P. Indy
Golden Petal
By COURT VISION (2005). Stakes winner of 9 races, $3,746,658, Breeders'
Cup Mile-G1, Woodbine Mile S.-G1, etc. His first foals are 2-year-olds
of 2015. Sire of many winners including Hammers Vision (at 2, 2015,
$76,465, 3rd Saratoga Special S.-G2), Crumlin Spirit (at 2, 2015, $111,327,
2nd OLG Muskoka S.-R, etc.), The Mink Mile ($27,720, 3rd Nandi S.-R),
Miss Injustice (3rd Barretts Debutante S.-R), Heated Verdict ($65,737),
Ariel's Vision ($37,315), B Three ($33,365), Bella Fabiana ($30,230).
1st dam
FOREST RED, by Forestry. Placed at 3, $18,640, in Canada. (Total: $18,986).
This is her first foal.
2nd dam
A. P. PETAL, by A.P. Indy. Unraced. Half-sister to LOTUS POOL, OCTOBER
GOLD, Golden Larch, Golden Glen, Honour a Bull, Tru Story. Dam of-S'maverlous. 6 wins at 3 and 5, 2015, $240,832.
Wonderfuladventure. Winner at 3, 2015, $6,381.
3rd dam
GOLDEN PETAL, by Mr. Prospector. Placed at 3, $5,990. Dam of-LOTUS POOL. 2 wins at 3, €78,133, in Ireland, Harp Lager E.B.F. Two Thousand Guineas Trial S., 2nd Windfields Farm E.B.F. Gallinule S.-G2, Kilfrush E.B.F. Concorde S.-G3, etc.; 9 wins, 4 to 7, $515,761, in N.A./U.S.,
Keeneland Breeders' Cup S.-G3, Sea O Erin H.-G3-ecr, mi. in 1:35,
Louisville H.-L, 2nd Bernard Baruch H.-G2, etc. (Total: $694,543). Sire.
OCTOBER GOLD. 8 wins, 4 to 7, $87,008, Delta Downs Breeders' Cup H.,
3rd Delta Downs H. twice. Sire.
Golden Larch. 11 wins, 2 to 6, $604,633, 2nd Saratoga Breeders' Cup H.G3, 3rd Woodward S.-G1 twice, Aqueduct H.-G3, Grey Lag H.-G3.
Golden Glen. 11 wins, 3 to 7, $423,367, 2nd Oklahoma Derby-G3, etc.
Honour a Bull. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $92,390, 3rd Tempted S.-G3. Producer.
Granddam of Gorducha (2nd Clasico Ciudad de Caracas-G1, etc.).
Tru Story. 4 wins, 2 to 8, $131,605, 3rd Tiller S.-LR.
Golden Gorse. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $38,427. Dam of LEAR SPEAR (Total:
$461,187, Prince of Wales's S.-G2, etc., sire). Granddam of MORIARTY
(Total: $1,622,520), CARVING ($197,171), MARPIONE (Total: $118,528).
Bathos. Winner, $31,120. Dam of Minamino Gorgeous (Total: $1,783,900).
Inny River. Placed at 3, $10,120. Dam of MONTGOMERY'S ARCH (3 wins,
Total: $228,229, Richmond S.-G2, etc.), WELCOME INN (3 wins,
$137,656, dam of Rockinn On Bye, 6 wins to 4, 2015, $247,819), Inny
Minnie ($186,610). Granddam of Devilish Love (4 wins, $236,400).
Pearly Beach. Unraced. Dam of Benergy (4 wins to 7, 2015, $106,203).
Microchip 0A02434879
Hip No.
Property of Hacienda Los Nietos, Inc.
Foaled February 22, 2014
Medaglia d'Oro ................
Warrior's Reward ..............
For All You Do ..................
Purge ................................
Hekate ..............................
Prairie Spring....................
Hip No.
El Prado (IRE)
Cappucino Bay
Seeking the Gold
Salina Cookie
Copelan's Bid Gal
Conquistador Cielo
Musical Delight
By WARRIOR'S REWARD (2006). Stakes winner of 4 races, $565,716, Carter
H.-G1, etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2015. Sire of 174 foals, 117
starters, 7 stakes winners, 69 winners of 104 races and earning $3,672,484, including Exclusivo (at 2, 2015, $49,518, Clasico Puerto Rico Futurity-G1), Requite (to 3, 2015, $165,728, Big Cypress H.-R, etc.), Warriorscmoutoplay (at 3, 2015, $140,950, Jostle S.-L), Strong Incentive ($123,568,
Jammed Lovely S.-R), Andreya's Reward ($77,580, Our Dear Peggy S.).
1st dam
HEKATE, by Purge. Unraced. Half-sister to E Equalsmcsquared. This is her
second foal. Dam of-Kate’s Song (f. by American Lion). Two-year-old of 2015.
2nd dam
Prairie Spring, by Conquistador Cielo. 5 wins, 3 to 5, $114,272, 2nd Unique
Type S.-LR. Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including-E Equalsmcsquared (f. by Einstein (BRZ)). Winner at 2, placed at 4, 2015,
$77,603, 2nd Landaluce S.-L, Anoakia S.
3rd dam
MUSICAL DELIGHT, by Dixieland Band. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $141,895. Half-sister
to SWEET ROBERTA. Dam of 6 foals, 5 to race, all winners, including-Prairie Spring. Stakes-placed winner, above.
4th dam
CANDY BOWL, by Majestic Light. Winner at 3, $15,990. Half-sister to CURE
THE BLUES, EVANGELICAL. Dam of 4 foals, all winners, including-SWEET ROBERTA. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $462,860, Selima S.-G2, 2nd Breeders' Cup Juvenile Fillies-G1. Dam of 8 foals, 7 winners, including-JAH. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $119,585, Street Dancer S.-LR. Dam of Initial
Impression (4 wins, $169,326, 2nd E. B. Johnston S.-R).
Sweet Breanna. 3 wins, $397,730, in Canada, 2nd Labatt Woodbine OaksR, etc. (Total: $353,362). Dam of BRODY’S CAUSE (at 2, 2015, $523,138, Claiborne Breeders’ Futurity-G1, 3rd Breeders’ Cup Juvenile-G1).
Elshabiba. Winner at 2, £10,954, in England, 3rd Easter S.; 3 wins at 5
and 6, 121,050 dirhams, in U.A.E. (Total: $50,300).
Rihan. Winner at 2, £5,274, in England. (Total: $8,349). Dam of DUKE
OF VENICE (3 wins, Total: $118,114, Queen's Vase-G3, etc.), MAN
O WORLD (2 wins, Total: $61,068, Rochestown S., 3rd Cena Mysa).
Yaqootah. Winner at 3, £5,503, in England. (Total: $7,822). Dam of
SWEET CECILY (Total: $52,195, E.B.F. Bosra Sham Fillies' S., etc.).
Tiz Maie's Day. Unraced. Dam of WENT THE DAY WELL (3 wins to 6,
2015, Total: $470,425, Vinery Racing Spiral S.-G3).
Microchip 0A02451069
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Queremos agradecer a todos los dueños
de ejemplares y colaboradores hípicos por
la gran aportación que realizan diariamente
a la industria de la crianza nativa.
Gracias a ustedes por el apoyo brindado a nuestros
productos y ser nuevamente una parte esencial
en el desarrollo del hipismo puertorriqueño.

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