May 15, 2016 - St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church


May 15, 2016 - St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
May 15, 2016
The Priest’s Residence Phone Number is 692-9847
As much as possible, please conduct your routine office
business while the office is open and reserve calls to
Father Andrew McNair for emergency calls. Thank you.
Parish Office: 175 E. Connecticut Ave., Southern Pines.
Telephone (910) 692-6613; fax (910) 692-4964.
Business hours are 9am—12pm; 1pm—3pm. Monday—
Friday. Please call to schedule an appointment with the
pastor, register, schedule a Mass, or request a bulletin
Parish Staff:
Administrative Assistant……….…………………….John Rowell
…………………………………[email protected]
Parish Secretary & Religious Ed……………..…..Diana Wake
Grades K-6………..……[email protected]
Receptionist/Sacramental Records…………...Laurie Wilburn
T,W, F………..….………[email protected]
Pastoral Assistant for Hispanic Ministry……....Abbey Flores
M, W, F 10am—4pm.…[email protected]
Parish Bookkeeper………………………………….Gordon Dozier
………………………………[email protected]
Confirmation Coordinator………...………..…...Lori D’Argenio
………………………...……………………[email protected]
RCIA Coordinator………...………………...…...Barbara Kemple
……..…….…...…910-585-2132,[email protected]
Music Director……………………………….…...Dr. Kyle Siddons
………………………..………………[email protected]
Advancement Administrator………………….Deborah Lawson
910-215-4099….………[email protected]
St. John Paul II Catholic School Office:
2922 Camp Easter Rd., Southern Pines. Telephone (910)
692-6241; fax (910) 692-2286. Dr. Janice Jett, principal.
School Staff Contact:
School Secretary…………………………………….Kim Stepnoski
…………………………………[email protected]
Clerical Staff
Reverend Andrew McNair, Administrator
Reverend Msgr. Patrick A. McCabe, retired
Deacon Pius Gabriel,
Deacon Stephen G. Dozier
Our Finance Council
Tom Brennan—Chairperson
John Lawson , Rob Deucher. Maureen Papp,
Dennis Regan, Laura Lang
Our Pastoral Council
Rev. Andrew McNair, Deacon Pius Gabriel,
Adele Chestnut, Mercedes Garcia, Joseph
Giusti, Steven Kastner, Barbara Lamblin,
John McMahon, Allison Melvin,
Senobio Nunez, Rachael May, Peter Scheuermann, Scott Stroker, Za’Vette Tatum-Kodzai,
Martha Torres-Nunez, Thai Trinh,
Diana Wake.
Meets the third Thursday of every month.
Sacrament of Baptism: Parents must be registered
members of the parish for at least three months and be
practicing Catholics. A meeting with the Pastor is required
followed by attendance at the preparation class if its your
first child or its been more than three years since you last
attended a Baptismal class. Call the office to start the process. Please do not set any dates or make other arrangements until you meet with Father. Under normal circumstances Baptisms will take place on the first Saturday of
the month.
Sacrament of Marriage: Must be registered and participating parishioners. Diocesan policy is that a period of six
months be allowed for preparation. Please do not set a
date until you have met with the pastor.
Sacraments for the Sick: When ill health or age prevent
you from receiving the Sacraments, please inform us of
your needs and location whether at home, in a care facility
or hospital. We are only able to serve you when YOU request the parish office to do so.
Anointing of the Sick is for people who are ill, facing
surgery, or advanced in years. It should be celebrated before entry into the hospital if possible. Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements with the pastor as soon
as you know you have a need for this Sacrament.
Parish Prayer Chain if you would like to add a person’s
name to the prayer chain please contact Lane Bergstrom at
St. Anthony Catholic Cemetery
Lots for ground burial & spaces for the columbarium are available. Informational Brochures are in the back of the church and in
the parish office. Contact John Rowell in
the parish office concerning the cemetery.
Pastoral Residences
Rev. Andrew McNair…………………………..……………692-9847
Deacon Pius Gabriel…………………..…………………...818-6888
Liturgical Schedule For Next Week
Sat 5:00 pm
May 21
Sun 8:30 am
May 22
Sun 11:00 am
May 22
Sun 2:00 pm
May 22
Fr. McNair
Fr. McNair
Fr. McNair
Fr. McNair
Gabriel Bus
Zach Jett
Julia Jett
Peter Shore
JP D'Argenio
Gerard Trinh
Jackson Hicks
Isabelle Klotz
Matthew Butler
Anthony Vazquez
G. Rodriguez
A. Lopez
Ed Herman
Laura Gollehon
James Mowery
P. Scheuermann
Bob Klug
Don Goetz
Maureen Malone
Nancy O'Connell
Thai Trinh
John McMahon
P. Kassebaum
Bob Fazio
Bruno Zoanelli
Chip Stires
Brenda Stroker
Scott Stroker
Karin Zoanelli
Jim Hagan
Eloisa y
Guillermina y
Janice Jett
D. Gollehon
Mike D'Argenio
John Buchholz
Kristofer Ulrich
McKenzie Battle
Marcial Rmairez
G Rincon
Eucharistic Adoration 1—8pm
with Benediction at 7:45pm
Except on Wednesdays from 1—6pm
Benediction Wednesday at 5:45pm
Divine Mercy Chaplet Wed. & Fri. at 3:00pm
"Our Redeemer ever present in the most Blessed
Sacrament, extends His hands to everyone. He opens His
heart and says, 'Come to Me, all of you.'" —St. Raphael
Kalinowski, O.C.D.
The cry room is the Adoration Chapel. Scheduled adorers should call
someone on the sub list (available in the chapel) if they can not attend
their assigned time. Call Anne Strobel 910-315-8409 to be added to the
schedule as a regular Adorer.
Mass Intentions for the Week of May 16th
Mass Intention
Requested by
May 16
† David Hallmark
John & Pat
May 17
John Patrick
The Family
May 18
Matt Gracie
Margie & Jack
May 19
Sam Hatton
Phil Marianne
May 20
† William E. Silhol
Bob & Barbara
May 21
The Denton
Bob & Barbara
May 21
Todd Faker
Karon Kelly
May 22
† Edward & Mary
May 22
Ellen Allman
Kathy & Rusty
Father Andrew’s Prayer Intention for May
That every family will pray the Rosary together
each day during the month of May.
Mass Schedule
[I]n one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. —1 Corinthi-
ans 12:13a
Readings for the Week of May 15, 2016
Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor
12:3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17; Jn 20:19-23 or
Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26
Jas 3:13-18; Ps 19:8-10, 15; Mk 9:14-29
Jas 4:1-10; Ps 55:7-11a, 23; Mk 9:30-37
Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17; Ps 49:2-3, 6-11; Mk 9:38-40
Week Days: 12:00 pm Noon
First Saturday only at 9:00 am
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8:30am and 11:00 am
Spanish Mass, Sunday: 2:00 pm
*Sunday, 5:00 pm starting July 3rd
Eucharistic Adoration
Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri: 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Evening Prayer & Benediction, 7:45 pm
Wednesday: 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Evening Prayer & Benediction, 5:45 pm
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Wednesday and Friday: Recited at 3:00 pm
Jas 5:1-6; Ps 49:14-20; Mk 9:41-50
Jas 5:9-12; Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12; Mk 10:1-12
Jas 5:13-20; Ps 141:1-3, 8; Mk 10:13-16
Week Days: 11:15 am to 11:45 am
Saturdays: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Sunday: 1:00 pm to 1:45pm
Prv 8:22-31; Ps 8:4-9; Rom 5:1-5; Jn 16:12-15
The second collection this week is for the Catholic Communication campaign.
Saints and Special Observances
Pentecost Sunday
Seventh Week in Ordinary Time
St. John I
St. Bernardine of Siena
St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions;
Blessed Virgin Mary; Armed Forces Day
Weekly Offering
Week ending May 8, 2016
Collection for last Sunday ……......……...…..…...………...$10,580
Same week last year…..…………………...………….…..…$10,003
Attendance 5 PM:……………….……..…………………….….....225
Attendance 8:30 AM: …...…......................................................275
Attendance 11 AM: ………..…..………………….……………….358
Attendance 2 PM Spanish:……..........…….…....………….........258
Parish News
Parish-Wide Celebration of The Feast of St Anthony of Padua June 11 & 12, 2016
Events will begin on Saturday, June 11th at 10am and will continue throughout the day as follows:
10am Solemn Procession with the image of St. Anthony of Padua on the campus of SJPII Catholic School.
10:30am Solemn Rosary in the Tru-Legacy Activity Center
11am Solemn Mass in the Tru-Legacy Activity Center
12pm Parish-wide Picnic on the St. John Paul II School Campus—with food, sports, games, horseback
riding, and bingo. Fun for the whole family!
Sunday, June 12th at 3pm:
Live Youth Concert with the Ricardo Veloz Musical Group preforming to celebrate the life of St. Anthony of Padua at 3pm in
the Parish Hall.
Beginning July 3, 2016 a 5pm Sunday Evening Mass
will be celebrated each week at St. Anthony of Padua.
Memorial Day Mass—May 30th at 9:00am A Memorial
Day Mass will be celebrated for all men and women,
who died in military service for the United States of
America, on the grounds of St. Anthony of Padua
cemetery. This Mass will take the place of the noon
Mass that day. The names of deceased Veteran’s will be read at the beginning of the Mass. If you would like someone remembered during the reading
of names, please submit their names by calling the office or through our
parish website. In order to have some idea how many chairs we need—those
planning to attend are asked to confirm their participation by calling the office
or through the website. In any case, extra seating will be provided for friends
and visitors. In case of inclement weather, the Memorial Day Mass will be
celebrated in our parish church.
Please pray for the repose of
the soul of Elizabeth Edmundson. Our thoughts and prayers
go with her, and our hearts to her loved ones.
OurLady’sCradleofLoveSt. Anthony of Padua
Parish is collecting baby items for expectant MotherstobedonatedtotheLifeCarePregnancyCenter
in Carthage. Items needed include Diapers (Size 4
Shampoo,Blankets,orOnesieswouldbegreatlyappreciated.Donated items should be placed on the table in the back of the
The Shaggin’ Beach Party/Auction will be held
at the Tru-Legacy Activity Center on the campus
of St. John Paul II Catholic School on Camp Easter Road, August 27, 2016. This is the school’s
main fundraiser for the year. How can you help?
We need Auction items. We are looking for items
valued at $500 or more. Items like, a timeshare rental or vacation home for
a week, a service like landscaping, or donated frequent flier miles. Please
note; the auction items help to bring the most funds for our school. Donations are tax deductible. It is important to have community support from our
parishes to achieve the goals of providing an exemplary and spiritual education to the children of St. John Paul II Catholic School. Your thoughtfulness
and support is deeply appreciated. Donations are tax deductible. For more
information or to donate an item, call Frances Klotz @ (910) 949-2556.
Church Raffle On Saturday, June 1 1 , 201 6 St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church will be celebrating together the Feast of St. Anthony (whose official Feast
Day is June 13th)! We are holding a 50/50 CASH raffle
that will be drawn on that day. We are hoping to sell
250 tickets which will yield ONE $12,500 WINNER and
$12,500 for parish improvements! Checks can be written to St.
Anthony of Padua Catholic Church. Purchase tickets on-line at or in the parish office, or by calling
Deb Lawson at (910) 215-4099. Tickets may also be sold after
many Masses until our 250 tickets are sold! ...If we do not make
our goal of 250 sold, ONE winner still will receive 50% of the
money raised from the sales.
R.C.I.A. The Rite of Chr istian Initiation for Adults is the
ordinary process for those desiring to learn more about the
Catholic Faith. It is a process of prayer, study and discernment. This year we will offer RCIA SUMMER INQUIRY
SESSIONS to be held on June 6, July 11, Aug. 1.All sessions will be held in the Conference Room at St Anthony’s
Parish Office on Connecticut Ave. We will meet from 7—8 pm
Please come with your questions….For more information please Contact Barbara Kemple at [email protected] or 910-585-2132
Attention all singers in the Parish! Over the summer,
Dr. Kyle is looking for additional singers interested in serving as cantor at the various Masses in June, July, and August. If you have always wanted to try, contact Dr. Kyle
and set up a time to meet with him. He is happy to work
with folks of all ages and levels of experience.
Do you have a High School or College
Graduate? The 2016 Parish Graduation
Baccalaureate Mass will be celebrated on
Saturday, May 21st, at the 5pm Mass. High
School and University grads are invited to attend. A reception will be
held after the Mass. You can register for the Baccalaureate Mass online
on our parish website. We also will publish St. Anthony graduate information in an upcoming bulletin so, even if your grad can not attend the
Baccalaureate Mass, please visit our website and give us information
about your son or daughter. See
Help With Cemetery Needed Taking car e of the dead is a cor poral work of mercy. We are looking for volunteers willing to go
out to the cemetery and do various tasks on site. We also need
some volunteers who are willing to assist the office staff in several
aspects of the cemetery administration and promotion. For more
details, please call John Rowell at the parish office at 910-692-6613
or via email at [email protected].
Diocesan & Community News
Announcing the Jubilee Year of
Mercy, Pope Francis challenged
us to proclaim God’s mercy “to
everyone without exception . . .
againandagain,withnewenthusiasmandrenewedpastoralaction”(MisericordiaeVultus, 12). Pentecost proclaims that the door locked for
itself, the community speaks to crowds from different
Babel’suniformity,butforgesunity-in-diversityoflanguage,race, nationality—embracingallwithout exception. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pentecost’s
Spirit summons us afresh from mediocrity and isolation to share God’s mercy with the world. “This is our
‘tongue’oftheGospelandthe‘ ire’oftheHolySpirit,so
that while we proclaim Jesus risen, living and present
drawing near to Him, the way, the truth, and the
2015). —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.,
Inc. Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice
AñoJubilardelaMisericordiaAl anunciar elAño
Jubilar de la Misericordia elPapaFrancisconosdesa ía
a proclamar la misericordia de Dios “a todos, sin excluirninguno...unavezmá sconnuevoentusiasmoy
conunarenovadaacció npastoral”Misericordiae Vultus, 56). Pentecostés proclama que la puerta cerrada
por cincuenta dı́as inalmente se abre. No má s encierroensı́ misma,lacomunidadhablaalasmultitudes
con diferentes orı́genes, de tierras lejanas, exó ticos
Espı́ritu no restaura la uniformidad de Babel, pero
fragualaunidadenladiversidaddelidioma,delaraza, de la nacionalidad, incluyendo a todos sin excepció n.DuranteesteAñ o Jubilar de la Misericordia,el
Espı́ritu de Pentecosté s nos convoca de Nuevo desde
lamediocridadylasoledadparacompartirlamisericordia de Dios con el mundo. “¡Esta es nuestra misió n!” lo dice el Papa Francisco. “Se nos dio el don del
‘idioma’ del Evagelio y el ‘fuego’ del Espíritu Santo, para proclamar a Jesús rescitado, vivo y presente en medio
de nosotros y para alentar los corazones de las personas,acercá ndolasaJesú s,elCamino,laVerdadyla
Vida”(RezodelRegina Coeli,DomingodePentecosté s,
Noticiero de la Parroquia
Misas los sábados de mayo en honor a La Virgen
Durante el mes se celebrará la misa, los sábados de 21 y 28 de
mayo en honor a la Virgen María, a las 9:00am en inglés.
Se Necesita Adoradores para el Santísimo
Se necesitan adoradores permanentes y sustitutos. Con la cercanía de la primavera y el verano, algunos de nuestros adoradores regulares tomaran vacaciones y sus horas necesitan ser
sustituidos. Para seguir con esta adición maravillosa que de
veras fortalece nuestra vida espiritual se les pide que comprometen su tiempo con Nuestro Señor. Favor de ponerse en contacto con Anne Strobel para determinar cuándo se necesita.
La Adición De Una Nueva Misa Empezando el 3 de julio
próximo, se ofrecerá una misa dominical a las 5pm
en inglés.
Rifa Parroquial 50/50
Con gran alegría, nuestra parroquia esta
comenzado a preparar la fiesta de nuestro
Santo patrono, San Antonio de Padua, en el
mes de junio. Dentro de una de las actividades que tendremos, será una fantástica rifa
50-50 se harán 250 boletos y tenemos la esperanza de que todos se vendan. El sorteo se llevará a
cabo el sábado 11 de junio durante la celebración de la
fiesta, será ahí donde sabremos quién fue el ganador. Para más detalles los invitamos a que visiten nuestra página
web en la sección español o pueden comprar su boleto
El Festival Parroquial de San
Antonio de Padua, se celebrará
en junio, los días 11 y 12.
*Sábado 11 de junio en los terrenos de la escuela San Juan Pablo II
El festival comenzará de la siguiente manera: *10:00 a.m. La solemne procesión con
la imagen de San Antonio
*10:30 am El solemne Rosario en el nuevo
*11:00 a.m. La misa solemne en el nuevo salón
*12:00 p.m. El Picnic Parroquial e inmediatamente después, habrá deportes, juegos, paseos a caballo, bingo, y
actividades para toda la familia. Todos están cordialmente invitados a participar en este día tan especial, dedicado a nuestro Santo Patrono. La dirección de la escuela
es: 2292 Camp Easter Rd. Southern Pines.
*Domingo 12ª de junio en el salón de la parroquia: Después
de la Santa Misa de 1:00 pm tendremos la grata presencia
del Señor Ricardo Veloz y su banda, quienes vienen a realizar un maravilloso concierto para todos los jóvenes y así con
este evento, concluiremos nuestra hermosa celebración a
nuestro Santo Patrono.
Cambio de Horario
El horario de oficina para Abbey Flores, asistente pastoral
al Ministerio Hispano, es miércoles, viernes de 10:004:00 . Favor de llamarla durante el horario de oficina para
ayuda enel telēfhone 910-692-6613 .
Habrá una misa especial celebrada el lunes
30 de mayo, para conmemorar y recordar
aquellos hombres y mujeres que murieron
sirviendo a su país (Estados Unidos de
América) en el servicio militar. Los nombres de los veteranos ya fallecidos serán leídos al comienzo
de la misa, la cual será a las 9:00 am. Esta misa tomará el
lugar de la de mediodía, y se celebrará en el cementerio de
nuestra Parroquia. Si desea que alguien sea mencionado
durante la lectura de los nombres, favor de llamar a la
oficina o mediante la página web de nuestra Parroquia. La
intención de saber si hay alguien por recordar es también
para tener sillas disponibles para todos. En caso de mal
tiempo, la misa se celebrará en nuestra Parroquia.
Noticiero de la Diócesis
Retiro de un Día para Mujeres
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 1620 Hanford Road,
Graham, NC 27253
Sábado 21 de mayo de 9:00 AM a 4:00 PM
La Oficina del Ministerio Hispano de la Diócesis de Raleigh
te invita a vivir el Retiro Espiritual para Mujeres de un día
“Yo tampoco te condeno…” Jn. 8,11
Durante este día las mujeres participantes podrán:
1. Reflexionar sobre sí mismas y vivir el proceso de Sanación Interior a través del Perdón.
2. Fortalecer su autoestima, mediante ejercicios, actividades
y técnicas en donde aprenderán a conocerse mejor.
3. Aprender cómo cuidar mejor su salud mental, espiritual y
4. Reafirmar sus compromisos a nivel personal, familiar y
Costo: $15.00 dólares por per sona. Incluye: Desayuno,
snack, almuerzo y materiales. No habrá cuidado de niños.
Instructora: Andrea Blanco Requisitos: Mujeres mayores de 21 años, solteras, casadas o sin el sacramento del matrimonio.Para mayor información e inscripción: Patricia
Matterson, Directora Ministerio Hispano Teléfono:
(336) 327-3300 [email protected]
Jubileo de la Misericordia, Catequesis Familiar de Julio/
Jubilee of Mercy, Catechetical Activity for the Family of July
Parroquia St. Michael the Archangel, 804 High House Road,
Cary, NC 27513
Para más información visite:
Como preparación a vivir el Jubileo de la Misericordia, la
Pastoral Familiar Hispana de la Diócesis de Raleigh, les invita
a participar de la catequesis familiar: "Familia, Instrumentos
de Misericordia" que desarrollaremos durante el mes de Julio.
Fecha: Julio 9 de 2016
Lugar: Parroquia St. Michael the Archangel
Dirección: 804 High House Road Cary NC 27513
Hora: 9:00 a.m. a 4:00 p.m.
Para descargar el material de trabajo correspondiente a esta
Para mayor información, puede contactarse con:
[email protected] 919-603-4757 [email protected] 919-810-4213 Cost: Gratuito

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