Bulletin Week 1.pub - Notre Dame Catholic Church


Bulletin Week 1.pub - Notre Dame Catholic Church
The vision of Notre Dame Catholic Church is to glorify God by being a
faithful, inclusive community who, in the name of Jesus Christ, enables all
to grow in their relaonship with God and with one
another through witness, worship and service.
(Corner of Water & Washington Street)
Kerrville, TX. 78028
Pastoral Center: 909 Main Street
Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm
(Closed between 12N-1:00pm)
Phone:(830)257-5961 Fax:(830)895-9771
Website: www.notredamechurch.cc
Social Center: (830)257-1929
Faith Formation: (830)896-4233
School: (830)257-6707
August 21, 2016
SUNDAY: 7:45 am, 9:15 am (Spanish), 11:00 am, 5:00 pm
WEEKDAYS: Please refer to the inside of the bulletin for the Mass times
RITE OF RECONCILIATION: Saturday – 3:30 - 4:45 pm
MARRIAGES: Please consult the pastor 6 months in advance.
QUINCEAÑERAS: Please call the Pastoral Center 6 months in advance.
BAPTISMS: Call the YFM office to make an appointment at 896-4233.
Reverend David R. Wagner
Deacon Alfredo (Jimmy) Bill, Jr.
Hispanic Ministry
Deacon Charles Domingues
Deacon Raul Gutierrez
Deacon Harold (Sonny) Kaufhold
Deacon Juan Martinez
Dwayne Mosser
Business Manager
Eva Bill
Parish Secretary
Tracy Gourley
Financial Associate
Dorothy Cass
Director of Liturgy/Music Ministries
Marta Mata
Liturgy Secretary
Alma Cruz-Gonzales
Coord. Families & Children/Hispanic Ministry
Denise Jenschke
Coord. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd & First Eucharist Prep.
Wyatt Wentrcek
Coord. of Youth Ministry
Nelda Bill
Secretary/Baptism Coordinator
Marlin Marcum
Irene Alcorta
Michelle Coldwell
Debbie Mossman
Mark Ince
2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 96:1-5;
Mt 23:13-22
2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Ps 96:1013; Mt 23:23-26
Wednesday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 1718; Jn 1:45-51
Thursday: 1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7; Mt
1 Cor 1:17-25; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 10
-11; Mt 25:1-13
1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 33:12-13, 1821; Mt 25:14-30
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Ps 68:47, 10-11; Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a;
Lk 14:1, 7-14
Twenty-first Sunday
in Ordinary Time
August 21, 2016
We all ask God questions. Lots of people Jesus met asked Him questions. Sometimes
they were good questions. Other times, someone was probably looking for some kind of loophole.
Once, someone asked Jesus whether those who are going to be saved are few. He could
have been seeking confirmation of something he grew up believing: that the Kingdom of God is for
the Jews only. Or he could have been looking for that loophole.
The loophole is this: some people think in terms of odds. If Jesus said that most people
are saved, then the man might think that his chances of salvation are. In that case he might relax,
taking his salvation for granted.
Or, if Jesus said that only a few are saved, then despair could set in. The man might think
that he had no chance, so why bother?
Jesus answers this question differently in the other Gospels. In Matthew, Jesus answers
the question about whether a few or many are saved when He says, “Many are called, but few are
chosen.” Or, “You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is
broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. For the gate is narrow and the way
is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”
In Luke, Jesus says we must strive to enter through the narrow door.
Notice He does not say, “If you strive to enter through the narrow door, you will be
admitted to heaven.” We must never make the mistake of believing that our salvation rests upon
anything we do, but only on the sacrifice Jesus Christ made for us. That and the grace of God are
the only basis upon which anyone enters the kingdom of heaven. Our salvation does not depend
upon how much we strive to enter. And yet this is what Jesus says for us to do.
Jesus wants us to live our lives as if our salvation depended upon how vigorously we strive
to enter the kingdom of heaven, yet knowing at the same time what it does depend on.
In the Christian life, there are so many forces and spirits arrayed against us. So many
people and things compete for our attention and even our devotion. Some is necessary, such as
work and taking care of our families, rest and relaxation. But those things can and do get in the way
of growth in the Christian life.
Then there are the not so wholesome temptations that bombard us every day. Someone
or something is constantly trying to come between us and our Lord.
That is why we have to strive to enter the kingdom of heaven. It’s not easy. Unless we are
growing in our Christian faith, we are necessarily going backward. And growing in the Christian
faith takes striving.
Jesus also tells us to strive to enter by the narrow door because there is a difference in
what our life in the world to come is going to be like. Salvation is the same for everyone, but there
is a difference in our eternal rewards. Paul talks about this in his letter to the Corinthians. He says
that on Judgment Day our works, will be tested by fire. If anything remains we will receive a reward.
If all is burned up, we will still be saved, but only as through fire.
We have to strive to enter the kingdom of heaven through the narrow door because it is so
easy not to bother. It’s an uphill climb. We can choose to heed Jesus’ warning and strive to enter
His kingdom. Or we can ignore it and attempt to shuffle in.
Which of those two brings more glory to God? And do we want to be a church of strivers
or shufflers? Jesus calls us to strive to enter the kingdom of heaven by the narrow door. Amen.
In Jesus,
Fr. David
First Reading — Brothers and
sisters of every race and
language will be brought to
Jerusalem (Isaiah 66:18-21).
Psalm — Go out to all the
world and tell the Good News
(Psalm 117).
Second Reading — Be strong
and endure your trials as the
“discipline” of a loving God, for
it will result in the peaceful fruit
of righteousness (Hebrews
12:5-7, 11-13).
Gospel — People from east
and west, north and south,
recline at table in the kingdom
of God (Luke 13:22-30).
Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Queenship
of the Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Louis of
France; St. Joseph Calasanz
St. Monica
2 Tes 1:1-5, 11-12; Sal 96
(95):1-5; Mt 23:13-22
2 Tes 2:1-3a, 14-17; Sal
96 (95):10-13; Mt 23:23-26
Miércoles: Ap 21:9b-14; Sal 145
(144):10-13, 17-18; Jn1:45
1 Cor 1:1-9; Sal 145
(144):2-7; Mt 24:42-51
1 Cor 1:17-25; Sal 33
(32):1-2, 4-5, 10-11;
Mt 25:1-13
1 Cor 1:26-31; Sal 33
Domingo: Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29; Sal
68 (67):4-7, 10-11; Heb
12:18-19, 22-24a; Lc 14:1,
Vigésimo Primer Domingo
del Tiempo Ordinario
21 de agosto de 2016
Todos le hacemos preguntas a Dios. Mucha gente que Jesús conoció le hizo preguntas. A veces eran
buenas preguntas. Otras veces, alguien estaba probablemente en busca de algún tipo de pretexto.
Una vez, alguien le preguntó a Jesús si los que van a salvarse son pocos. Él podría haber estado
buscando la confirmación de algo con lo que creció creyendo: que el Reino de Dios es sólo para los
Judíos. O podría haber estado buscando algún pretexto.
El pretexto es el siguiente: algunas personas piensan en términos de probabilidades. Si Jesús dijo que
la mayoría de las personas se salvarían, entonces el hombre podría haber pensado cuales serían sus
posibilidades de salvación. En ese caso podría relajarse, tomando su salvación por hecho.
O bien, si Jesús dijo que sólo unos pocos se salvarían, entonces podría llegarse a la desesperación. El
hombre podría haber pensado que ya no tenían ninguna posibilidad, ¿para qué preocuparse?
Jesús responde a esta pregunta de manera diferente en los otros Evangelios. En San Mateo, Jesús
responde a la pregunta acerca de si unos pocos o muchos son salvos cuando les responde: "Muchos
son los llamados, pero pocos los escogidos." O, "Entren por la puerta estrecha, porque es ancha la
puerta y espacioso el camino que lleva a la perdición, y son muchos los que van por allí. Pero es
angosta la puerta y estrecho el camino que lleva a la Vida, y son pocos los que lo encuentran."
En San Lucas, Jesús dice que debemos esforzarnos por entrar por la puerta estrecha.
Observen que Él no dice: "Si te esfuerzas por entrar por la puerta estrecha, serás admitido al cielo."
No debemos cometer el error de creer que nuestra salvación se basa en todo lo que hacemos, sino sólo
en el sacrificio de Jesucristo hecho por nosotros. Eso y la gracia de Dios son en lo único sobre en lo que
alguien puede fundamentarse para entrar en el reino de los cielos. Nuestra salvación no depende de lo
mucho que nos esforzamos para entrar. Y, sin embargo esto es lo que Jesús dice que hagamos.
Jesús quiere que vivamos la vida como si nuestra salvación dependiera de cómo nos esforzamos para
entrar en el reino de los cielos, aún sabiendo al mismo tiempo, lo que sí depende de ello.
En la vida cristiana, hay tantas fuerzas y espíritus desplegados contra nosotros. Así que muchas
personas y cosas compiten por nuestra atención e incluso nuestra devoción. Algunos es necesario, tales
como el trabajo y el cuidado de nuestra familia, el descanso y la relajación. Pero esas cosas pueden y
deben ponerse en el camino del crecimiento en la vida cristiana.
Luego están las tentaciones no tan saludables que nos bombardean todos los días. Alguien o algo
están constantemente tratando de interponerse entre nosotros y nuestro Señor.
Es por eso que tenemos que luchar para entrar en el reino de los cielos. No es fácil. A no ser que
estemos creciendo en nuestra fe cristiana, estaremos necesariamente yendo hacia atrás. Y crecer en la
fe cristiana requiere de esfuerzo.
Jesús también nos dice que nos esforcemos para entrar por la puerta estrecha, porque hay una
diferencia en lo que nuestra vida en el mundo que viene va a ser. La salvación es la misma para todo el
mundo, pero hay una diferencia en nuestras recompensas eternas. San Pablo habla de esto en su carta
a los Corintios. Dice que en el Día del Juicio nuestras obras, se pondrán a prueba por el fuego. Si queda
algo vamos a recibir una recompensa. Si todo se quema, todavía seremos salvos, pero solo a través del
Debemos esforzarnos por entrar en el reino de los cielos por la puerta estrecha, porque es muy fácil
no preocuparse. Es un camino cuesta arriba. Podemos optar por hacer caso a la advertencia de Jesús y
esforzarnos por entrar en su reino. O podemos ignorarlo y sufrir las consecuencias.
¿Cuál de las dos decisiones dan más gloria a Dios? ¿Queremos ser una Iglesia de luchadores o de
desertores? Jesús nos llama a esforzarnos para entrar en el reino de los cielos por la puerta estrecha.
En Jesús
Padre David
Primera lectura — Hermanos y
hermanas de todas las razas e
idiomas acudirán a Jerusalén
(Isaías 66:18-21).
Salmo — Vayan por todo el
mundo y prediquen el Evangelio
(Salmo 117 [116]).
Segunda lectura — Sé fuerte y
soporta las pruebas como la
“disciplina” de un Dios amoroso
(Hebreos 12:5-7, 11-13).
Evangelio — Gente del este y el
oeste, del norte y del sur se
sentarán a la mesa del Reino de
Dios (Lucas 13:22-30).
Domingo del Tiempo
Virgen, Reina
Francia; san José de Calasanz
Santa Mónica
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 66:18-21, Heb 12:5-7, 11-13, Lk 13:22-30(123)
7:45 am
†Marvel Kyle
By Don & Beverly Kyle
9:15 am
†Antonia Olivares
By Lucio Romero
11:00 am
In Honor of Aaron Constante
By Eva Bill
5:00 pm
People of the Parish
Monday, August 22, 2016
The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12, Mt 23:13-22(425)
7:00 am
†Stephania Popeck
By Dianne Albrecht
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Saint Rose of Lima, Virgin
2 Thes 2:1-3a, 14-17, Mt 23:23-26(426)
12:00 pm
†Willie Bill, Sr.
By Jerry Bill & Family
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Rv 21:9b-14, Jn 1:45-51(629)
12:00 pm
†Leroy Lee Simek
By Ora Mae Simek
Thursday, August 25, 2016
1 Cor 1:1-9, Mt 24:42-51(428)
12:00 pm
Communion Service
Friday, August 26, 2016
1 Cor 1:17-25, Mt 25:1-13(429)
8:05 am
†Felix Petsch
By Family
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Saint Monica
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29, Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a, Lk 14:1, 7-14
2:00 pm
Alicia & David Castañeon
25th Wedding Anniversary
5:00 pm
†Antonia Reyna Lopez
By Ignacio Ramos Lopez
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29, Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a, Lk 14:1, 7-14
7:45 am
People of the Parish
9:15 am
†Janet Melendez
By Family
11:00 am
†Willie Bill, Sr.
By Eva Bill
5:00 pm
†Janie Galvan Hasso
By Family
Liturgy of the Hours:
Week 1
Monday, August 22, 2016
A New Song-5:30pm-Kemper Hall RM 209
School Parent Meeting-6:00pm-Social Center
Boy Scouts-7:00pm-Gymnasium
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Lector Practice (Spanish)-5:30pm-Church
RCIA-6:00pm-Social Center
Spanish Choir Practice-7:00pm-Fireplace RM
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Inglés Tambien-5:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 209
Ministerio Santa Cecilia-7:00pm-Fireplace RM
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Boy Scouts PLC Meeting-6:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 205
Ministerio Santa Cecilia-7:00pm-Fireplace RM
Friday, August 26, 2016
Hour of Mercy-3:00pm-Church
El Sembrador-7:00pm-Fireplace RM
La Danza-7:00pm-Gym Parking Lot
Saturday, August 27, 2016
Catechist In Service-9:00am-Social Center/Fireplace RM
Repose the Blessed Sacrament-11:30am-Church
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Danza Santa Cruz Breakfast Taco Sale-after all
morning masses-Social Center
The Sanctuary Lamp
will burn this week
In Honor of
Deacon Jimmy Bill
& Richard Bill
The Second Collection on
August 27 & 28, 2016
will be for
Notre Dame School Endowment
Thank you for your generosity!
tar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers
Saturday, August 27, 2016 - 5:00pm
Saturday, Aug. 27, 2016—5:00pm
Crucifer– Michelle Cruz
Candle Bearer– Jake Pankratz
Candle Bearer–
Barbara Miciotto
Rose Petmecky
DM: Susie Fenner
Sunday, August 28, 2016—7:45am
Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016—7:45am
Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016-7:45am
Crucifer-Sarah McCormick
Candle Bearer-Taylor Kubacak
Candle Bearer–Alina McCormick
Terry Raney
Betsy Wogan
DM: Terry Pavlica
Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016—9:15am
Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016-9:15am
Sunday, August 28, 2016—9:15am
Crucifer– Lizbeth Zapata
Candle Bearer—Erica Guzman
Candle Bearer—Jasmin Guzman
Saturday, Aug. 27, 2016-5:00pm
Team B
Team A
Team A
Roberto Zapata
Angelica Contreras
DM: Norma Sanchez
Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016—11:00am
Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016-11:00am
Team B
Mary Blair
Marge Carseth
Crucifer—Brianna Alcorta
Candle Bearer—Rogelio Bernal
Candle Bearer—Julian Bernal
DM: Dora Bill
Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016—5:00pm
Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016-5:00pm
Sunday, August 28, 2016—5:00pm
Lisa Tinley
Sam Pankratz
Sunday, August 28, 2016—11:00am
Team LC
Crucifer—Mason Sirianni
Candle Bearer—Stefan Sirianni
Candle Bearer—
Harry Winslow, Benita Garcia, Irene Peters, Maria Murphy, Irwin Schilhab, Guadalupe Gonzales, Crystal Tompkins, Simona
Garza, Carolyn Huerta, Juan Jimenez,
Faye Ortiz, Reid Welles, Maria Hurtado,
Damien Flores, Irene Vera, Manuel Bermudez, Kathryn Franco, William Murray, Donna Stewart,
Richard Ball, Rosemary Marker, Debra Maas, John
Ragsdale, Katie McCarty, Manuel Sanchez, Javier Lopez
Uriegas, Emilio Roman, Carol Stapleton, Lila Neuman,
Gary Fourney, Marcelino Vega, Sylvia Saldana, Yvonne
Guidry, Mario Reyes, Mauricio Reyes, Florence Hall,
Mike Hozman, Manuel Castro, Margie Tremper, Ramon
Lemos, Ricardo Villagomez, Andrew Hart, Jose Luis
Sanchez, Valerie Manns, Raymond Nunez, Joan Perez,
Marisa Benavides, Jimmy Fealey, Monica Garcia, Dan
Grant, Dolores Garza, Justin Salcedo, Rosario Villarreal,
Maria de Jesus Garcia,
Herminia Villanueva, Annie
Stone, David Klose, Maria Garza, Antonio Pruneda,
Carol Barker, Julia Cuevas, Benita Segura, Joe Smith,
Stephen Pflum, Bernice Gross, William Etchison, Fay
Stafford, Maria Splaine, Aldemira Rendon, Butch Connally, Pete F. Vargas, Hector Garza, Minnie Waddell, Carol
Ann Rubright, Olan Mahlmann, Anna Borkowski, Rudy
Garcia, Janet Jillson, Rosie Garcia,
Anthony Garcia,
Ofelia Canales, Jose Mario Guzman, Martin Garcia, Gilbert Gauna Sr., Larry Fagarason, Larry Shaw, Clint Boulette, Ruben & Herminia Osorio, Maria Real, Carmela
Chefalo, Sean Kennison, Ciro Ayala, Maria Galvan, D. J.
Sholund, Mary Ellen Wheeler, Henrietta Fadai Sylvia
Leyva, Charlie & Judi Kunz, Michael Boudreaux, Mildred
Gallagher, Linda Vollmar, Virgil Woods, Bill Williams,
Tony Perez, Edwina Walker, Bill Cafferty, Aidan Michael
Griego, Andy Miciotto, Janet Quinn, Bill Warner, Clark
Klein & Barbara Barecky.
DM-Designated Minister
Bread Bakers
Saturday, Aug. 27, 2016—5:00pm
Team A
Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016—7:45am
Team A
Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016—9:15am
Team A
Sunday, Aug. 28, 2016—11:00am
Team A
December 8, 2015November 20, 2016
~~~The Face of Mercy
(Misericordiae Vultus)~~~
from Francis, Bishop of Rome
(Articles 21 continued) “During the time
of the Old Testament prophet, Hosea, the
unfaithful. According to justice, God had every
right to destroy and punish them. But instead,
God offered them only his endless mercy. ‘How
can I give you up?’
God asked.
compassion grows warm and tender.’ And this
is to our point here. Merely following the rules is
not enough: justice must be tempered by
mercy. If God acted any other way, he would
no longer be God but only a mere human.”
Misericordes sicut Pater! (Be merciful, just as
your Father is merciful – Luke 6:36)
Del 8 de diciembre 2015al 20 de noviembre 2016
~~~ El Rostro de la Misericordia
(Misericordiae Vultus) ~~~
Francisco, Obispo de Roma
(Artículos 21, continuación) "Durante el
tiempo del profeta Oseas, del Antiguo
Testamento, el pueblo de Israel era pecador e
infiel. De acuerdo con la justicia, Dios tenía
todo el derecho de destruirlos y castigarlos.
Pero en cambio, Dios les ofreció sólo su
misericordia infinita. "¿Cómo voy a reducirte?"
Les preguntó Dios. "... Mi compasión crece
cálida y tierna." Y este es en nuestro punto
aquí. Simplemente seguir las reglas no es
suficiente: la justicia debe ser templada por la
misericordia. Si Dios hubiera obrado de otra
manera, ya no sería Dios sino sólo un simple
"Misericordes sicut Pater! (Sed, pues,
misericordiosos, como también vuestro
Padre es misericordioso – San Lucas 6:36)"
Queson of the Week…
Pregunta de la Semana...
Adult: What daily choices are you making
that will allow you to be recognized at the
doorway of the reign of God?
Adulto: ¿Qué elecciones estás haciendo
todos los días que te permirán ser
reconocido en la puerta del Reino de Dios?
Youth: What good habits are you praccing
in order to be a good Chrisan?
Jóvenes: ¿Qué hábitos estás praccando
para ser un buen Crisano?
in Catholicism
en el Catolicismo
~~How well do you
know your faith?~~
~~ ¿Qué tan bien conoces tu fe? ~~
a question/answer
session with Fr. David Wagner
preguntas / respuestas con el
Padre Alberto Colín
When: Monday, August 29th –
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Fecha y hora: Lunes 29 de de
agosto 7:00-8:30 pm
Where: CHURCH;
refreshments will be served
Lugar: Centro
servirá refrigerio
Are we perpetrating myths? Or,
are we bringing people to the
faith with solid teaching? Are
we confident we can explain our
Catholic faith to others.
¿Estamos perpetrando mitos?
O bien, ¿estamos trayendo a
las personas a la fe con una
enseñanza sólida? ¿Estamos
seguros de que podemos
explicar nuestra fe católica a los
This is the first in a series of
evenings sponsored by the
Evangelization Team.
and learn more about our faith.
Este es la primera de una serie
de noches patrocinadas por el
Vengan a aprender más acerca
de nuestra fe.
This is a program of prayer and study for those who
are feeling God’s call to become a Catholic.
This is the first stage of the journey for:
Unbaptized people drawn to the Catholic faith
Christians baptized in another tradition and
considering coming to the Catholic faith
A baptized Catholic who has not received
First Communion and Confirmation
Inquiry is the time to meet:
others considering this journey,
the team who will be serving RCIA, and
Catholics who are very willing to be a sponsor.
This is not a recruitment or altar call
It is simply an opportunity to explore options, receive
answers to questions about the Catholic faith, and find
out how the program works.
Need more information? Call 830.257.5961
addition to the Saturday afternoon reconciliation
time, Fr. David will be available to hear confessions
on Wednesdays from 11:00 to 11:45 a.m. before the
12 noon Mass and from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m., followed
by Evening Prayer.
St. Therese of Lisieux is the patroness of missionaries
although she never left her convent. She died at the
age of 24, yet accomplished great things through the
power of prayer before Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament. The Church made her the patroness of
missionaries to emphasize this most important truth:
One soul coming before the Blessed Sacrament can
change the world!
An adorer is needed for:
Tuesday 1:00 a.m.—2:00 a.m.
Thursday 11:00 p.m.—12:00 a.m.
Thursday 12:00 a.m.—1:00 a.m.
If you are able to help with this time, please call
Veronica Fabro at (830)377-9117.
Santa Teresita de Lisieux es la Patrona de los
Misioneros, aunquenunca abandon su convent. Ella
murió a la edad de 24 años, sin embargo, logró
grandes cosas a través del poder de la oración ante
Jesús Sacramentado. La iglesia la nombró Patrona de
los Misioneros, para enfatizar esta importantisima
verdad: ¡Un alma que viene ante el Santisimo
Sacramento puede cambiar el mundo!
Tambíen es necesario un adorador:
martes 1:00 a.m.—2:00 a.m.
jueves 11:00 p.m.—12:00 a.m.
jueves 12:00 a.m.—1:00 a.m.
Si usted puede acompañar a Jesús este momento,
por favor llame a Veronica Fabro al (830)377-9117.
Además del horario de confesiones de los
sábados por la tarde, el Padre David estará
disponible para escuchar confesiones los
miércoles a partir de las 11:00-11:45 a.m. Antes
de la Santa Misa de las 12 del mediodía. Por
favor, tengan en cuenta que el Padre necesita
tiempo para prepararse antes de la Santa Misa; el
horario de confesión no puede extenderse más de
las 11:45... Por lo tanto planeen con tiempo.
Covenant of Love Marriage Ministry
Don’t Miss Our Next DATE NIGHT!
September 9, 2016 @ 6:30 p.m.
Notre Dame Social Center
Registration cards and brochures
are in the narthex or sign up at
the notredamechurch.cc website
Questions? Contact Red & Mark Anderson
@ 830-895-3295
Deadline for reservations—September 5, 2016
Notre Dame Pro-Life and Knights of Columbus
Council 6409 would like to thank everyone who
donated diapers, wipes, and/or money to the 8th
Annual Pro-Life Diaper Drive. The Drive was very
successful and so many families in Kerr County will
be blessed because of you. We appreciate you and
pray for you.
2,236 diapers and 3,352 wipes were collected as well
as $3,760.93 to purchase many more in the coming
Special thanks to Dorothy Cass and Fr. David for
their support, the Knights who helped man the tables,
HEB for assistance in ordering diapers, the
volunteers of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and
The Pregnancy Resource Center for distributing the
diapers, and Frank Bertagnolli for taking the Diaper
Drive to the VA Hospital.
God bless you and see you next year!
Do You Feel Called to Prepare the Lords Table?
This ministry is currently looking for someone to
partner up with the Saturday 5 o’clock Sacristan.
Any interest or questions, please call Melanie at (830)
Join hundreds of single Catholics of all ages at
the National Catholic Singles Conference,
September 30-October 2, 2016, held at the
Embassy Suites Dallas DFW Airport North in
Grapevine, TX. The weekend includes talks by
dynamic speakers, music, social events, prayer, food,
fellowship and more! Space is limited so register now!
For more information and to register visit
www.NationalCatholicSingles.com. Use promo code
NCSCDFW to receive a special discount! (Can’t
find your question answered on the website? Call
888.267.8885 x4.)
Pro-Vida El Notre Dame y los Caballeros de Colón
Consejo 6409 desean agradecer a todos los que
donaron pañales, toallitas, y / o dinero, para la 8ª
Entrega Anual de Pañales Pro-Life. La colecta ha sido
muy exitosa y muchas familias en el Condado de Kerr
serán bendecidas gracias a ti. Les agradecemos y
oramos por ustedes.
2,236 pañales y 3,352 toallitas húmedas se
recogieron, así como $ 3,760.93 para la compra de
muchos más el próximo año.
Les agradecemos por su apoyo al Padre David,
Dorothy Cass, Caballeros, a la HEB por su asistencia
en las ordenes de los pañales, a los voluntarios de la
San Vicente de Paúl y al Centro de Recursos de
Embarazo por ayudar en la distribución de los pañales,
y Frank Bertagnolli por haber hecho la colecta de
pañales en el hospital de Veteranos.
¡Dios los bendiga y nos vemos el año que viene!
The volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul on Broadway
would like to share with you our work that your
donations and thrift shop support make possible while
keeping confidential the identities of our brothers and
sisters in need that we assist.
A Texas church recently gifted us with 500 plastic bead
rosaries that a group had prayerfully made. We put
them a few at a time out for free by our prayer bulletin
board (our war room) in the reception area to the food
pantry and financial aid office. Within 2 months, they
were all gone. Non-Catholics want them, too. Holding
them gives comfort in times of stress, as we have been
repeatedly told.
Another charity and SVdP gave someone in need a
bus ticket home to Kansas. We didn't feel like the
Wizard of Oz, though.
We've had some grandparents with visiting
grandbabies through the food pantry. G-parents can't
feed the extra mouths, but need the contact. So not
only our we feeding the hungry, but we our fostering
family relationships.
Summer Reading Suggestions:
Bridges Out of Poverty: Strategies for Professionals
and Communities by Ruby Payne and Philip de Val
This book demonstrates the theory behind
selling an item for 50¢ instead of giving it away.
Thrift Store Saints: Meeting Jesus 25 cents at a Time
by Jane Knuth
Real stories authored by a long time
Vincentian volunteer.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to invite
interested parishioners to join our volunteers at our
coming retreat. This retreat will explore knowing the
depth of the Father’s love and mercy. Space is limited.
When: September 24, 2016
Where: St. Peter Upon the Water, Ingram
Time: Noon – 5pm (Mass at 4:00 pm)
Lunch: provided by Vinney’s
R.S.V.P. by September 17, 2016 to:
[email protected]
please provide name, email and phone
from the Notre Dame Parish Library
are available in the narthex of the
church, near the bell tower door.
NEW DEAL! Mary Foley will now be
organizing the selection of books for
this location. At this time of year our
children and grand-children are
getting ready for a new school year.
We thought it would be nice to get into
the back-to-school spirit and have
BooksToBorrow library section titles
that will help us with our "continuing
education" of our Catholic faith. Since
Fr. David is starting his talks on "How
well do you know your faith?" we
thought this should be a nice
opportunity to expand your knowledge
on different aspects of the Church.
From church history, to Vatican II
documents, lives of the saints,
writings from the early church fathers,
Thomistic ethics, and everything in
between, we hope you will find
something that will tickle your fancy.
If there is a specific subject, author, or
title you have in mind that is not in
the narthex please contact us:
Mary: (916) 717-4380
Genia: (830) 238-5959
Natalie: (830) 257-8584
and we will be happy to meet you at
the main parish library and let you
take a look around. We are looking
forward to growing in our faith with
Knights of Columbus
Father Kemper Council 6409
The Knights of Columbus would like to extend an
invitation to all the men & their wives of our parish to
join us for dinner on October 22nd from 6:00pm until
8:00 at the Monsignor Walsh Hall located at 115 Doris
Drive. We would like to take this opportunity to explain
to everyone what we are all about. A strong support of
our young (& old) Catholic gentlemen would be
appreciated. There will be no pressure to join, just a lot
of information on what we do for our Catholic & area
community. We will serve smoked chicken, green
beans, roasted potatoes, tea & coffee. We pray that
you will come to this calling with open hearts. May God
Bless and open your hearts to serve. Please RSVP to
Steve Erickson @ 830-329-5587 so we can get an
estimate of the number of people to prepare for.
August 13-14, 2016
Capital Improvement
$ 14,143.02
N.D. School
(2nd Collection)
$ 3,295.57
Catholic Mission
Eparchy of Keren
Please consider joining us for the 15th Annual Catholic
Women’s Conference on Friday, September 9—
Saturday, September 10, 2016 at the Henry B. Gonzalez
Convention Center in San Antonio.
$ 12,118.00
$ 3,625.57
This year’s theme is “Come to me”. We will receive Jesus’
rich and loving mercy in beautiful encounters with Him
through outstanding speakers, Holy Mass, Reconciliation
and a Eucharistic healing service and so much more!
Some of the speakers are Ms. Sarah Swofford, author of
“Emotional Virtue: A Guide to Drama-Free Relationships,
Ms. Susan Tassone, a passionate champion for the holy
souls in purgatory and author of St. Faustina Prayer Book for
the Holy Souls in Purgatory, Ms. Vicki Thorn, founder of
Project Rachel. Mass will be celebrated with Archbishop
Gustavo Garcia-Siller, our beloved Shepherd of the
Archdiocese of San Antonio.
Group registration (10 or more) is $55 for the conference
which includes a boxed lunch on Saturday. A block of rooms
at the Holiday Inn downtown have been reserved at $115 a
night; 2 per room or up to 4 per room. We plan to travel
courtesy of the Notre Dame Bus leaving on Friday around
noon and returning on Saturday afternoon (conference ends
by 4:00pm).
For reservations or any questions, please contact
Angela Hons at (830)370-4102. You may also reach Deb
Dombeck at (830)377-1783.
Guardian Angel
$ 1,300.00
$ 1,550.00
Celebrating 104 Years
Notre Dame Catholic School Annual Festival
The festival is quickly approaching! As a parish school we need all your support!
We ask that you help us in the following ways:
1) Pray for a successful weekend – A community filled with faith, enthusiasm, community, fun and
fundraising – and of course good weather!
2) PICK UP your packet! You will find your festival packet in the Narthex with your name on
it. Please pick up your packet and read the enclosed letter. The early bird drawing this year will
be on September 7th with the prize again being $200 of lottery scratch off tickets. You should
return your check for the raffle tickets and meal tickets in the envelope provided in your packet,
PLEASE stick an address label or write your address on EACH of your raffle tickets AND
on the return envelope – this will ensure that you are credited for your tickets. If everyone picks
up their envelope, we will not have to use precious resources in mailing them out! We are
anxious to see who will be the big scratch off winner, so return your envelope FAST. If you
cannot find your name, there are extra packets in the church and school office. They will also be
able to help you if you want extra tickets and raffle tickets available.
3) Start Baking your cakes and cookies. It is suggested that each parish family provide 2
cakes and 2 dozen cookies, but more is always welcomed! The Cake Wheel is extremely
popular and is a WIN-WIN for everyone.
4) We are looking forward to this year's festival and we are looking for exciting new silent
and live auction items. We are hoping to revamp the silent auction! If you choose to donate
please choose new or gently used items, certificates, homemade items, etc] Here are a few
items fun ideas:
We are still looking for Hunts, vacations, and dinners; if you have something to offer please call
us, and let us know.
5) Be prepared to say “YES” and volunteer a couple of hours at one of our booths or BBQ
6) We are also looking for a golf cart to use on the days of the festival, if you have one,
please contact Lezlie.
7) A special thank you to Brandi Rincon, for assisting me with the Auction letters and
donations. Also thank you to Debbie Bloom for helping with the tent sponsors.
8) We have a lot of new and exciting activities in the Kiddie Korner!
9) We can still use your help!
We will keep you informed weekly as to the progress and where we can use your help.
Thank you very much for your support and generosity. If you have any suggestions or want to volunteer or if you
have any questions at all – call or text Lezlie @ 830-739-1624 or Jeff @ 830-739-6617.
Save the Date – SEPTEMBER 17th & 18th!!!
Celebrando 104 Años
del Festival Anual de la Escuela Católica de Notre Dame
¡El festival se acerca rápidamente! ¡Como Escuela Parroquial necesitamos de todo tu apoyo!
Les pedimos que nos ayuden de las siguientes maneras:
¡Oren para que podamos tener un fin de semana exitoso – una comunidad llena de fe, entusiasmo,
unión, diversión, para recaudar fondos - y por supuesto por un clima agradable!
2) ¡RECOJAN su paquete! Encontrarán su paquete del festival con su nombre en el Nártex. POR
FAVOR recojan su paquete y lean la carta adjunta. El sorteo anticipado este año será el 7 de
Septiembre, el premio será de $ 200 en boletos de lotería para rascar. Debe devolver el cheque
o dinero de los boletos de la rifa y vales de comida en el sobre provisto en su paquete, coloquen
una etiqueta o escriban su dirección en CADA UNO de sus boletos de la rifa Y en el sobre - esto
asegurará que se les acrediten sus boletos. ¡Si todos recogen su paquete, no tendremos que
gastar para enviarlos! Estamos ansiosos por ver quién será el gran ganador, así que devuelvan su
sobre RÁPIDO. Si no pueden encontrar su nombre, hay paquetes adicionales en la oficina de la
iglesia y escuela. También habrá boletos adicionales por si quieren comprar.
3) Comiencen a hornear sus pasteles y galletas. Se sugiere que cada familia parroquial proporcione
2 pasteles y 2 docenas de galletas, ¡pero si traen más, con gusto las recibiremos! La Rueda de
los pasteles es muy popular y es un GANAR-GANAR para todos.
Estamos muy emocionados por el festival de este año y estamos buscando nuevos e interesantes
artículos para la subasta silenciosa y en vivo. ¡Tenemos la esperanza de renovar la subasta
silenciosa! Si deciden donar elijan artículos nuevos o usados en buen estado, certificados,
artículos hechos en casa, etc... Aquí tienen algunas ideas de artículos:
Todavía estamos buscando para la cacería, vacaciones y cenas; si tienen algo que ofrecer por
favor llámenos y háganoslo saber.
Estén preparados para decir "SÍ" y para ser voluntarios un par de horas en uno de nuestros
puestos o en la cena de barbacoa.
También estamos buscando un carrito de golf para usarlo en los días del festival, si alguien
tiene uno, por favor, póngase en contacto con Lezlie.
Le agradecemos a Brandi Rincón, por ayudarme con las cartas para la subasta y donaciones.
También gracias a Debbie Bloom por ayudarnos con los patrocinadores de la carpa.
¡Tenemos muchas actividades nuevas y emocionantes para los niños!
Si desean ayudarnos a compensar el costo de la carpa, por favor, vean la forma para el
patrocinador de carpa, que se encuentra adjunta en el boletín.
¡Aun necesitamos de su ayuda!
Los mantendremos informados semanalmente, dándoles a conocer los avances y para que sepan donde
necesitamos de su ayuda.
Muchas gracias por su apoyo y generosidad. Si tienen alguna sugerencia o quieren ser voluntarios
o si tiene alguna pregunta en general - llamen o manden un texto a Lezlie @ 830-739-1624 o Jeff
@ 830-739-6617.
la fecha – 17 y 18 de SEPTIEMBRE!!! ¡ALLÁ NOS VEMOS!!!
August 21, 2016
High School Confirmation
In Confirmation the soul of the baptized Christian is imprinted
with a permanent seal that can be received only once and
marks this individual forever as a Christian. The gift of the
Holy Spirit is the strength from above in which this individual
puts the grace of his Baptism into practice through his life and
acts as a “witness” for Christ. [CCC 1302-1305, 1317]
Register NOW for the Chosen
Confirmation program.
Sessions will be held on Wednesdays from
7:00-8:30pm beginning in October!
Requirements to begin preparation:
1. Must be a current 11th or 12th grade student
2. Register for Confirmation by September 14th
3. Attend the Mandatory Parent Orientation on
Sunday, September 25th at 3:00pm
4.Complete a Confirmation Interview
Call the YFM Office for questions and to register!
(830) 896-4233
Confirmación para jóvenes en
la preparatoria.
En la Confirmación el alma del cristiano bautizado
lleva impreso un sello permanente que se puede recibir
una sola vez y marca a este individuo siempre como
cristiano. El don del Espíritu Santo es la fuerza de lo
alto en el que este individuo pone la gracia de su
bautismo en la práctica a través de su vida y actúa como
"testigo" de Cristo. [CCC 1302-1305, 1317]
Inscríbase ahora al programa de Confirmación
“Chosen” (Elegido)
Las sesiones se llevarán a cabo los miércoles de
7:00-8:30pm empezando en octubre!
Requisitos para iniciar la preparación:
1. Debe ser un estudiante actual en 11 º o 12 º grado
2. Registro para el Sacramento de Confirmación ha lo
mas tarde el 14 de septiembre
3. Obligatorio-Asista a la Orientación para Padres el
domingo, 25 de septiembre.
4.Complete una entrevista de este sacramento
Se aliente encarecidamente que todos los candidatos se
registren en Life Teen (empezando en septiembre).
Para mas información llame ha la oficina de Juventud y
Familia (830) 896-4233
If you are a baptized Catholic AND you have made your First Communion
this is the preparation you need to make your Confirmation!
To register please
Call Nelda Bill at 830-896-4233
to make an appointment for an interview
call Ernestine Sutherlin at 830-377-9471
Important information:
Orientation and all classes will be held
in the Faith Formation Library at 6:00-8:00pm
Orientation will be held on Thursday, September 29, 2016
Classes will be held each Tuesday from October 4-Novemeber 15, 2016
Holiday break will be from November 22-January 3rd
Classes will resume Tuesday, January 10, 2017 and
end with a Saturday retreat on April 22nd
Ultreya en la iglesia
Si gusta patrocinar un rosario en su casa favor de llamar
a la oficina para apartar la fecha.
Llame y deje su nombre completo, fecha,
numero de teléfono y domicilio.
Fecha de plazo es el 14 de octubre
No se espere si quiere asegurar su fecha!
mañana lunes, 22 de agosto
No habrá Ultreya el
29 de agosto
Domingo,28 de agosto
después de todas las
Se le invita a toda jovencita interesada en participar en el
recaudador de fondos para las Guadalupanas que se
comunique con Coralia Vigil al 830.459.6162
o Ana Guerrero al 830.955.3129
♦ Asistir a misa
♦ Estar en la preparatoria 9-12 año escolar
♦ Estar escribida para el Ministerio Juvenil
♦ Asistir a la junta de Guadalupanas el lunes, 12 de septiembre
Fecha de plazo miércoles, 31 de agosto
Pancakes con
Gorditas de diferentes
guisados incluyendo
de huevo con tocino
Café, jugo y refrescos
~~ VERDAD vs. MITO en el Catolicismo ~~
~~ ¿Qué tan bien conoces tu fe? ~~ ~~ ¿Qué tan bien conoces tu fe? ~~
Qué: una sesión de preguntas / respuestas con el Padre Alberto Colín
Fecha y hora: Lunes 29 de de agosto 7:00-8:30 pm
Lugar: Centro Social: Se servirá refrigerio
¿Estamos perpetrando mitos? O bien, ¿estamos trayendo a las personas a la fe con una
enseñanza sólida? ¿Estamos seguros de que podemos explicar nuestra fe católica a los demás?
Este es la primera de una serie de noches patrocinadas por el Equipo de Evangelización.
Vengan a aprender más acerca de nuestra fe.
August 21, 2016
Attention all Catechists
Thank you for answering His call...it is now time to prepare for the
20162016-2017 Catechetical year!
What: Catechist In-service
(Includes CFF, CGS, YM-Assistants & Substitutes, RCIA adults & children)
When: Saturday August 27,2016
Time: 9:00-1 pm (Check-in begins at 8:30)
Where: Social Center
It is very important that you be there
Interested in this Ministry?
We’d love to hear from you, give us a call
Alma Children’s Faith Formation PK-6th,
Denise Good Shepherd & Wyatt Youth Ministry 7th - 12th
Child care for children 3 months - 5 years > Please call to reserve the Nursery if you will need it.
Avoid the rush REGISTER NOW for the
2016-2017 Catechetical year.
Help us to be properly prepared for your children. This is
to ensure we have adequate catechists, space, books and
NOW AVAILABLE - Online Registration
1. Visit www.notredamechurch.cc
2. Under the “Youth & Family” tab in menu bar, click on
3. Complete the registration form & pay via e-check, debit
or credit card
(you may also register online and submit payment at a
later time in person by stopping by the Youth and Family
Ministry Office)
Fees are as follows:
1 child $25.00
2 children $40.00
3 or more children $60.00
830 896-4233
Nelda Bill x246 / Alma Cruz Gonzales x232
Denise Jenschke x294 / Wyatt Wentrcek x233
If you have a child who
is 7 years or older and is
unbaptized call
Alma Cruz Gonzales to
make an appointment
or come by the YFM
Office to register.
830 896-4233
21 de agosto del 2016
Atención Catequistas
Gracias por contestar Su llamado.. ahora es tiempo de prepararnos
para el año Catequético 2016-2017!
¿Que es?: Junta para Catequistas
Cuando: sábado 27 de agosto del 2016
Hora: 9:00-1 (estaremos a las 8:30)
Sitio: Centro Social
Es muy importante que esté allí!
¿Tiene interés en este Ministerio?
¡Llámenos! 896-4233
Alma Formación de la Fe para Niños PK-6,
Denise Buen Pastor y
Wyatt Pastoral Juvenil 7-12
El cuarto de niños estará disponible. Favor de llamar si lo va ha necesitar.
Evite la prisa Matricule a su hijo/a ya para el
próximo año Catequético, 2016-2017 Ayúdenos a
estar bien preparados para sus hijos. Esto nos ayuda
para tener suficientes catequistas, libros, y
AHORA DISPONIBLE - Matriculación en línea
1. Visite www.notredamechurch.cc
2. Haga clic en ‘registration’ debajo de “Youth &
3. Llene el formulario y pague a través de ‘e-check,
debito o tarjeta de crédito’
(puede matricularse en línea y después entregar su
pago en persona a la oficina del Ministerio para
Familia y Jóvenes
La Cuota es:
$25.00 por niño
$40.00 por 2 niños
$60.00 por 3 o mas niños
830 896-4233
Nelda Bill x246 / Alma Cruz Gonzales 232
Denise Jenschke x294 / Wyatt Wentrcek x233
Rito de Iniciación
Católico para
adaptado para
niños y jovenes
Si tiene un niño/a de
7 años o mayor que
aun no esta
bautizado/a llame
para poner una cita
Alma Cruz Gonzales
830 896-4233

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