Faith: Glorify God with Your Life
Faith: Glorify God with Your Life
Fa i t h : e G l o r i f y G o d w i t h Yo u r L i f HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH Mass Intentions of the Week Mon. March 21st Holy Week 8:30 a.m. Andrea L. Beidelman - Req. by Mr. & Mrs. Pizzi 5:30 p.m. Communion Service Tues. March 22nd Holy Week 8:30 a.m. Dick Johnson - Req. by Johnson Family Wed. March 23rd Holy Week 8:30 a.m. Andrea L. Beidelman - Req. by Sharon Fuss 5:30 p.m. Rita O’Connell - Req. by Paul O’Connell Thurs. March 24th Holy Thursday 2:00 p.m. Last Supper Presentation, School 7:00 p.m. Edna Rosenberg - Req. by Family th Fri. March 25 Good Friday 11:00 a.m. Living Stations of the Cross 3:00 p.m. Good Friday Service 7:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross Sat. March 26th Holy Saturday 3:00 -5:00 p.m. Confessions 9:p.m. Easter Vigil Service Sun, March 27th Easter Sunday 7:00 a.m. Loretta Huber - Req. by Family 8:30 a.m. Anne Raymond - Req. by Raymond Family 10:30 a.m. Jean Adrian - Req. by Her Children 12/Noon Congregation 2:00 p.m Spanish Mass Readings for the Week of March 20, 2016 Monday Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1, 2, 3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11 March 20, 2016 PRAYER LINE - Do you, a friend, or family member have health issues, or are you looking for a job? Feel free to call the Pra er Line at 353-0358 and share our prayer intentions with Dorothy Riley. We will be happy to pray for you! If you are interested in becoming a member of the Prayer Line, please give Dorothy a call at 353-0358. You are asked to call the next person on the prayer list, it’s easy & very powerful. We’d love to have you! Please Remember in Your Prayers: **We are trying to update our prayer list. Please call the parish office if you’d like a name added to this list. Jim Neff, Susanna Schene, Angie Cwikla, Michelle Stultz, Susanne Stone, Betsy Collins, Michael Rairden, Suzanne Stallings, Kevin Carter, Dennis Tippit, Marge DeBoo, James Kohout, Gary Hurst, Rosa Maria Santos, Ciara Richards, Patti Driscoll Trees and Mike Moss. Please note: due to some new hospital regulations, we are not notified when someone is admitted to an area hospital. If you or a loved one is seriously ill and in need of the sacrament of the sick, please call the parish office and let us know at: (353-9404). Tuesday If you would like a name added, please call the Parish Office. We will leave names on our list for a few weeks, and then remove them if we do not have any current information. Friday At Nursing Homes and/or Hospitals: Westminster Village North: Joe O’Connell Rosewalk: Mike Curtis St. Paul’s Hermitage: Rosemary Welch, Rose Callahan, Margaret Callahan, Mary O’Donnell, Sam Ajamie Wellington Manor: Patricia Webb Berkshire of Castleton: Alice Shanahan Methodist Hospital: John P. Lee Jr. Wildwood: Mildred “Millie” Warfield Crestwood Village East: Fr. William Munshower Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-2, 3-4a; 5ab-6ab, 15, and 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34; Mt 26:14-25 Thursday Holy Thursday Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Saturday Sunday Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) Is 52:13—53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-16, 17, 25; Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9; Phil 2:8-9; Jn 18:1—19:42 Vigil Gn 1: 1-2: 2 or 1: 1,26-31a; Ps 104: 1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 13-14, 24, 35 or Ps 33: 4-5, 6-7, 12-13, 20-22; Gn 22: 1-18 or 22: 1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18; Ps 16: 5, 8, 9-10, 11; Ex 14: 15 - 15: 1; Ex 15: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 17-18; Is 54: 5-14; Ps 30: 2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13; Is 55: 1-11; Is 12: 2-3, 4, 5-6; Bar 3: 9-15, 32-4: 4; Ps19: 8, 9, 10, 11; Ez 36: 16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42: 3, 5; 43: 3, 4 or Is 12: 2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 or Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19; Rom 6: 3-11; Ps 118: 1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Lk 24: 1-12 Easter Sunday of the Resurrec on of the Lord Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 Tuesday, March 22, there will be no Mass or Communion Service at 5:30 p.m. due to the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral. The McCarthy and Duckett Families would like to thank the parishioners who donated and worked the funeral meal for Barbara McCarthy. Thank You! Palm Sunday Rooted in Faith, Fruitful in Spirit Parish Commitment Weekend Thanks to all who filled out and turned in a pledge card! We had a great response! If you still need a card, you should find one in today's bulletin. In appreciation, we gave out a book called Beautiful Mercy to all our parishioners last Sunday. We have a few left in the Parish Office so if you did not receive one, let us know and we will put one aside for you. We couldn't find the book in Spanish, so we gave a lovely prayer card to our Hispanic parishioners. Please ask for one from the Parish Office if you didn't receive one. COLLECTION COUNTERS NEEDED We need about 10 more counters. Five will replace an entire team and the rest will fill vacancies. Teams count every 10 weeks – or about 5 times a year. Most teams start between 9-10 a.m. and finish by 1-2 p.m. Please call Don Holliday 894-0579. (NB: if you responded the last time I ran this request and I did not call you - please forgive me - I misplaced the information please call again.) Thank you for your donation this week towards the Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa. The Solidarity Fund for the Church in Africa supports pastoral projects that foster lasting peace and reconciliation in a continent often marked by division and tension. Reconciliation Opportunities March 26, 3-5 p.m. Holy Spirit Every Saturday from 4-5 p.m. Holy Spirit Weekly Budget $23,385.00 Sunday Collection 3-13-16 = $17,233.38 Ave. weekly online collection = $2,700.00 Total = $ $19,933.38 (-$3,451.62) Dear Friends of Holy Spirit, We begin Holy Week today. These eight days, beginning with Palm Sunday and ending with Easter Sunday, are the heart of our Christian/Catholic faith. The death and resurrection of Jesus, which we commemorate in each Mass that is celebrated, is THE act of our redemption through which eternal life is offered to us. I hope that you will try to make as many of the Holy Week services as possible (check the bulletin for times). I ask that you consider coming to the Holy Saturday Vigil Mass this year. Although it does not start until 9 p.m. (after sunset) and last about 2-½ hours, it is an amazing celebration of our faith and the significance of the Lord’s resurrection. Because so much occurs during the time, it actually goes very fast. This last Saturday I attended the Seder Meal, sponsored by our Youth and Family Ministry director, Mary Kate Shanahan. It was led by our high school students and helped us understand the connection between the Passover Meal and the Eucharist. Next year I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and grow in your understanding of the Eucharist. Last week I quoted several of the “Most attractive, most necessary, most appealing” aspects of our faith. Here are a few more of the reasons you love your faith: • opportunity for daily Mass • the feeling of friendship I experience in the Church • the feeling of peace in Church • God’s forgiveness • Joy of helping others. God’s Blessings and Love, Fr. Paul HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH March 20, 2016 S. V P D C V Perfect opportunity to celebrate Christ risen presence! Please join us on April 2, 2016 from 8 a.m. - 12 Noon at 1201 E Maryland St. to help serve struggling families in Indianapolis. First time volunteers will be teamed up with an experienced volunteer. If you have questions, please call Larry Heil (SVDP Team #2 Manager) at 657-7093. Coffee and Donuts Come join the Parish Office Staff for an Open House after all masses this weekend. Enjoy coffee and donuts ~ sponsored by the Youth Group. Donations will be accepted. 1040 Post Road Dinner with the Knights - It’s NCAA Tourney Time - Let’s celebrate with Tourney Food Date: Monday, March 28, 2016 Time: 6:30 p.m. Cost: $5.00 Menu: Hot dogs & Brats, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Dessert & Soft Drinks Door Prize: $25.00 Gift Card - receive a ticket for drawing when you pay for your meal All are Welcome - you do not have to be a Knight to attend! Bingo every Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. to Noon. We have a $1,000.00 Jackpot! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A KNIGHT TO ATTEND. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY is April 3, 2016. It is coming up and Holy Spirit will be having a celebration. Our celebration will start at 3:15 p.m., close to the 3:00 hour of mercy. Remember - to obtain the Plenary Indulgence of this Feast - you only need to go to Confession during Lent, and attend Mass and Communion on Divine Mercy Sunday. It is great if you can do the Divine Mercy Novena starting on Good Friday but that is not a requirement. Let's spread the word and have a full church on Sunday, April 3, at 3:15 p.m. Divine Mercy Sunday. ALL ARE WELCOME – COME JOIN US! Want to help with the Mission trip to Honduras in June? Looking for a way to make a difference to the people of Texiguat, Honduras? We will be taking a number of items with us on our June mission. As we will be conducting an optometric clinic as part of the trip, we could especially use your help with the following items: E e Drops, E e-Glasses prescription readers +1.00 to or +1.25 stren th and sunlasses . We also could use T lenol and Ibuprofen children and adults and multivitamins children or adult . Please place these items in the blue Twinnin bins in the east or west vestibule. We will be leaving on June 21, so please try to drop them off before June 14 for packing. Due to your past generosity, we will have enough toothbrushes and paste for this trip. THANK YOU FOR MAKING A DIFFERENCE! We create hand made shawls that include a prayer with each one for our sick parishioners. This ministry meets twice a month in the basement of the Parish Center from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome and no experience is necessary. We have instructors available to teach kni9ng or croche:ng. If you have ques:ons, please call Alma Middleton at 340-5978 or Rita Osborne at 946-7452. ~please join us! Mee:ng dates are scheduled on March 21, April 11 and 25 and May 9 and 23. New Meeng Day and Locaon Palm Sunday Bus Trip The Goldenaries are taking a bus trip to Rising Star Casino on Tuesday, March 29, 2016. The cost of this trip is $40. The Casino will give each person a $20 voucher for slot play and a $5 voucher for food or gift shop. We will pick passengers up at the Knights of Columbus, 4332 German Church Road and also at Southern Plaza Shopping Center. For further information or to sign up for this trip, please call Ann Schwall at (317) 823-7680. Custodian Needed - St. Thomas, Fortville, is looking for a custodian for their complex. This job will include cleaning the Church, Parish Activity Center (classrooms and offices) and the Rectory, This is an 8-10 hour per week position. If you are interested in this position or would like to find out more information, please contact Stephanie Garst at 317-407-7257. Holy Spirit School Rooted in Faith... Fruitful in Spirit MARCH 24 Holy Thursday - 2nd grade Last Supper presentation at 2 p.m. in the church 25 Good Friday - 11 a.m. Living Stations of the Cross, presented by 8th grade students NOON DISMISSAL 27 Easter Sunday 30 Parent Teacher Conferences NOON DISMISSAL 31 Spring Break Starts NOON DISMISSAL School Office will be open for 2016-2017 Registration Sunday, March 20. We will be open from 9:00 a.m. - 12 Noon. We will have school information and tours available. Cemetery Masses and Way of the Cross Calvary Cemetery will hold the Way of the Cross on Good Friday, March 25, 2016, at Calvary Cemetery Chapel, 435 W. Troy, Indianapolis, IN at 12 Noon Our Lady of Peace Cemetery will hold the Way of the Cross on Good Friday, March 25, 2016, at Our Lady of Peace Cemetery Chapel, 9001 Haverstick Road (just west of 86th & Keystone) Indianapolis, IN at 2:00 p.m. Please join us, all are welcome. Women, Earth, and Creator Spirit The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, will host the “Women, Earth, and Creator Spirit,” retreat from 10 a.m., on Saturday, April 2, to 11 a.m., on Sunday, April 3, at Providence Spirituality and Conference Center. Join the sisters as they explore what Elizabeth Johnson proposes in her book of the same title. Sister Ann Sullivan will facilitate the retreat. Cost is $100, and the registration deadline is March 28. Register online at Events.SistersofProvidence.or or by calling 812-5352952 or [email protected] . Are you making plans for the Summer? Do you need a child care solution that is both affordable and great fun? Sign up for Holy Spirit's Summer Camp 2016! We accept children 4yrs to 12yrs old. Attached is the registration flyer. We are currently offering a 50% discount for early registration to families from now until April 15, 2016. Get yours in early and save! Holy Spirit Summer Camp is a fun alternative to traditional child care. We open at 7 a.m. and close at 6 p.m. Monday-Friday beginning June 6 and ending July 29, Our campers enjoy swimming, games, team building, sports, arts and crafts just to name a few. We are located on the Holy Spirit Campus. Each week will be a new and exciting theme. During the Holy Spirit Festival week our camp takes field trips each day! Maybe a trip to the Zoo, a waterpark, museums or even the Movies! Please contact Angela Hurst at the school office at 352-1243 or [email protected] for more information. Organization Name: HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC SCHOOL Your Marsh Cares Date: 03/24/2016 thru 03/26/2016 Percentage Discount: Bar Code: 5 % SAS9 SAS000111032416032616 Palm Sunday IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO 20 de marzo del 2016 Palm Sunday TO BENEFIT HOLY SPIRIT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Saturday, April 9 * 7:00 a.m. to 1 p.m. In the HOLY SPIRIT GYM ***HELPERS NEEDED*** We need workers on April 6, 7, 8 & 9. DROP OFF DONATIONS BETWEEN PARISH CENTER & SCHOOL (UNDER THE BREEZEWAY) Beginning Monday, April 4, thru Friday, April 8 CUT HERE-----------------CUT HERE-----------------CUT HERE------------------CUT HERE------------------FILL IN AND TURN INTO RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE NAME_______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS____________________________________________________________ HOME PHONE____________________WORK PHONE_______________________ Please indicate below what kind of work you are able to do: * MAKE REMINDER PHONE CALLS ______ (any time Monday, April 4 – Thursday, April 7) * WORKERS: ____ Thursday, April 7, beginning at noon ____ Friday, April 8, beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday, April 9 ____ Help with sale in 2-1/2 hour shifts - 7 a.m. to noon) ____ Clean-up: 1 to 2 p.m. ____ Haul Away: 1 to 2 p.m. (we’re looking for 2-3 people with trucks) IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO 20 de marzo del 2016 A Beneficio de El Programa de Educación Religiosa de Holy Spirit Sábado 9 de Abril*** de 7:00 a.m. a 1:00 p.m. Lugar: GIMNASIO DE LA ESCUELA HOLY SPIRIT ***NECESITAMOS AYUDANTES*** Necesitamos ayudantes los días 6,7,8,& 9 de Abril. ENTREGA DE DONACIONES EN LA ENTRADA QUE ESTA ENTRE EL CENTRO PARROQUIAL Y LA ESCUELA Cuando: Empezando el lunes 4 de Abril hasta el viernes 8 de Abril CORTAR AQUÍ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...... POR FAVOR COMPLETAR LOS DATOS Y REGRESAR ESTA FORMA A LA OFICINA DE EDUCACION RELIGIOSA NOMBRE _______________________________________________________________ DIRECCION__________________________________________________________________ TELEFONO (CASA)_______________________TELEFONO (CELLULAR)_______________________ Por favor indicar que tipo de trabajo está interesado en ayudar: * * HACER LLAMADAS TELEFONICAS DE RECORDATORIO ______ (a cualquier hora entre Lunes 4 de abril al Jueves 8 de Abril) TRAJADORES: _______Jueves abril 7, empezando al mediodía (12:00 pm) _______Viernes abril 8, empezando a las 8:00 am SABADO 28 DE MARZO: _______ Ayuda con la venta: Turnos de 2-1/2 horas – de las 7 a la 1:00pm _______Limpieza: de 1:00 a 2:00 p.m. ______ Empacar Camionetas: de 1:00 a 2 p.m. (necesitamos de 2) ______Donar el servicio camionetas para llevar lo sobrante Palm Sunday MINISTERIO JUVENIL DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO Directora de Pastoral juvenil, Mary Kate Shanahan, [email protected] Mary Kate Shanahan, Youth Director Directora de Pastoral juvenil, [email protected] Upcoming Dates March 20 - Donuts and Coffee sponsored by the Youth from 8 a.m.-12 p.m. April 17- Confirmation Rehearsal and Reconciliation April 19 - Rite of Confirmation at Ss. Peter and Paul Today, from 8:00 to 12:00 p.m., Youth Ministry will be serving Coffee and Doughnuts while the Parish Office is open. This is a fundraising opportunity, and all proceeds will go into a youth scholarship fund to help more of our teens participate in youth ministry events such as NCYC, Senior Retreat, Homeland Mission Project, local events, retreats, etc. There will be places to drop in any free will donations that you can offer . Please come and join us in the Parish Center. Last Sunday, March 13, we had a Parent Meeting for our Confirmation Program. We discussed information regarding our upcoming celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, our rehearsal and reconciliation service, dress code, arrival time, parking, etc. If you were not able to join us, please make sure to contact me in order to receive that information. Our next meeting is our Rehearsal and Reconciliation Service, which will be Sunday, April 17, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Church, not the Cafeteria. Confirmation Dress Code: The dress code applies to all candidates and sponsors. Please dress for the occasion and remember that we are celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation, so we ask that you dress modestly and formally. For Ladies: · Ladies may wear dresses, skirts or dress slacks with blouses or sweaters · Strapless or sleeveless dresses/blouses are not permitted · Dresses and skirts may not be more than 2 inches above the knee · No jeans, flip flops, tennis shoes or sneakers of any type may be worn · Sandals must have a back strap For Men: · Men may wear suits or dress slacks with shirts and ties or sweaters · No jeans, flip flops, tennis shoes or sneakers of any type may be worn De 8:00 a 12:00 de la tarde, el Ministerio Juvenil sirvió café y donas a las personas que visitaron la oficina parroquial para pedir información. Esta es una oportunidad de recaudar fondos, el dinero recaudado se acumulara en una cuenta para becas para ayudar a mas jóvenes a participara en eventos del ministerio tal como NCYC, Retiro de Seniors, el Proyecto Misionero Homeland, retiros, eventos locales, etc. Tendremos un lugar para que puedan contribuir a esta cuanta. Por favor acompáñenos en la oficina parroquial. El pasado 13 de marzo, tuvimos una junta de padres para el programa de confirmación. Dimos información acerca de nuestra celebración del sacramento de la Confirmación, de la practica y el servicio de reconciliación, como deben vestirse, horas de llegar, estacionamiento, etc. Si usted no pudo estar con nosotros, por favor asegúrese de llamarme para que reciba la información. Nuestra próxima junta será la Practica y el Servicio de Reconciliación, los cuales se llevaran a cabo el domingo 17 de abril de 4:00 a 6:00 p.m. en la iglesia, no en la cafetería. R A C: Este código de ropa es para los candidatos y sus padrinos. Por favor vístanse para la ocasión y recuerden que estaremos celebrando el sacramento de la Confirmación, así que pedimos que se vistan modestamente y formalmente D: · Mujeres pueden usar vestidos, faldas, o pantalón de vestir con blusa o suéter. · No se permiten vestidos/ blusas sin mangas · Los vestidos/faldas no pueden llegar dos pulgadas más arriba de la rodilla. · No se permiten pantalones de mezclilla ( jeans), chanclas, ni tenis o zapatos deportivos de ningún tipo. · Andalias/ huaraches deben tener correa detrás del talón. C : · Hombres pueden usar trajes, pantalones y camisa de vestir con corbata, o suéter de vestir. · No se usen pantalones de mezclilla, chanclas, tenis, ni zapatos atléticos de ningún tipo. Si aun no lo hacen, no olviden seguirnos en facebook:(Holy Spirit Catholic Church East Side), gram (@holyspiritccym) y en twitter (@holyspirit_ym). IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO BOLETIN EN ESPAÑOL Pastor: Monseñor Paul Koetter 20 de marzo del 2016 Carta del Pastor Asociado Pastor Asociado: Rev. Juan José Valdés Secretaria de la Iglesia: Sra. Quenia Rodríguez, Disponible: Martes a Viernes de 9 a 5 p.m. Queridos amigos de la Iglesia Espíritu Santo, Teléfono (317)353-9404 ACTIVIDADES DE LA COMUNIDAD HISPANA DE LA IGLESIA ESPIRITU SANTO M$%& '( '%)&*+, & ,& 1:45 ).1. C+(2'%$+('%: 1:15-1:45 ).1. S&(4+ R+%&5$+: 1:15 ).1. ∗Bautismos, primer domingo de cada mes, próximos el 8 de mayo. Debido a la cuaresma no habrán bauzos durante el mes de marzo. ∗Pláticas para Bautismos infan;les, menores de 6 años. Las próximas clases serán el 1° abril. Para inscribirse, llame a la oficina parroquial. ∗Quinceañeras, para mas información, registrarse, o apartar el día, comuníquese con Quenia Rodríguez. ∗Reunión del Ministerio Hispano, segundo martes de cada mes, próxima reunión el 12 de abril; 7:00 p.m.; en el comedor parroquial. ∗Preparación Matrimonial, tercer martes de cada mes. 19 de abril. Antes de asis6r a las pla6cas regístrate en la oficina parroquial. ∗Matrimonios Comprometidos, (Reunión de parejas casadas por la Iglesia que quieran seguir creciendo a nivel humano y cristiano) segundo viernes de cada mes, próxima reunión será el 8 de abril a las 7:00 a 9:00 p.m. en el salón # 6 de las oficinas centrales de la Iglesia. Más información con Eduardo Sánchez o María Ibarra. ∗Misa del Grupo de Adolecentes, el cuarto domingo de cada mes. Te invitamos a aprender y servir durante la misa. Comunícate con Miriam Reyes. Ensayo de Coro de Jóvenes Kudai, todos los viernes 7:00 p.m. Para más información comunícate con: Miriam Reyes (317) 737-4133. M Apunta a tus hijos para que ayuden en misa. comunícate con: Eloísa Pérez: 890-8420, Érica Romo : 345-4487 Virna Cárdenas 972-762-0751 ♦ Esas palmas que hoy nos ha bendecido el sacerdote y con las que hoy hernos aclamado a Cristo. Pongámoslas dentro de nuestra casa, en la puerta. ♦ Pero no para que no entren en ella los ladrones (no sirven para eso), sino para que todo el año nos recuerden que la victoria de Cristo y la victoria del cristiano sólo se obtienen a través del sufrimiento y de la cruz. ♦ Para que no se nos olvide que, después de haber aclamado hoy a Cristo, sería muy feo salir mañana, o cualquier otro día del año, a crucificarlo y a escupirlo...en los demás. ¡Dios los bendiga! Rev. Juan José Valdés SEMANA SANTA: Jueves Santo: 24 de marzo Misa: 7:00 p.m. adoración hasta las 11:00 p.m. Viernes Santo: 25 de marzo 11:00 a.m. Estaciones vivientes 3:00 p.m. Servicio 6:00 p.m. Estaciones vivientes y veneración Sábado de Gloria: 26 de marzo 9:00 p.m. Vigilia Pascual Domingo de Pascua: 27 de marzo Misa: 1:45 p.m. D123451 D6 R7218 IGLESIA DEL ESPIRITU SANTO DIRECTORIO DEL MINISTERIO HISPANO Vida Espiritual Coordinador del Ministerio: Fr. Juan José Valdés 317-353-9404 [email protected] EucarisEa: Pedro Herrera 317-431-6338 [email protected] Lectores: Juan Pérez 317-414-4972 [email protected] Hospitalidad: Grupo # 1 Sandra Guárenos 317-332-9353 [email protected] Hospitalidad: Grupo # 2 Fidelina Duarte (317) 513-1076 Monaguillos: Eloísa Pérez 317-890-8420 Coro Parroquial: Directora de Música Holly Herber 317-353-9404 ext. 5 [email protected] Coro de Mujeres: Marisela Pérez 484-546-1954 Coro de Jóvenes y Niños: : Julio Reyes 317- 737-4147 Arte y Medio Ambiente: María Caldera 317-992-7264 Ensayo de Ceremonias: Rocío Mejía 317-513-0925 [email protected] Formación en la fe Pastoral juvenil, Familiar, adolecentes y confirmaciones: Mary Kate Shanahan 317-353-9404 Ext. 125 [email protected] Grupo Juvenil Kudai: Miriam Reyes 317-737-4133 [email protected] Pequeñas Comunidades: Pedro Herrera 317-431-6338 [email protected] Cristo Renueva su Parroquia –Mujeres: YveEe Hernández 317-267-9649 Cristo Renueva su Parroquia –Hombres: Roberto Rodríguez 317-201-7115 Catecismo y bau;zos especiales: niños mayores de 6 años Laura Gascón 317-945-0289 [email protected] Formación de adultos: María Ibarra y Cecilia García 317-612-1248 317-438-6545 [email protected] RICA Español: Gladys Tarter 317-357-6915 [email protected] Matrimonios comprome;dos: Eduardo Sánchez y María Ibarra Eduardo: 661-9253 María: 438-6545 Divinas Representaciones: Eric Vergara 317- 652-8602 Quinceañeras: Quenia Rodríguez 317-353-9404 [email protected] D39:4;18 < E496=218 >6 4:68;=7 ?12:43>7> Oración por los Enfermos S eñor Jesús Tú 6enes un cariño muy especial por los enfermos. En tu evangelio apareces sanando consolando, fortaleciendo y perdonando a muchos enfermos graves. Ten compasión de estas familias tan preocupada por su salud Haz sen6r en esta casa el amor que Tú le 6enes. Dale paciencia en su enfermedad y si es para mayor bien de esta familia y mayor gloria tuya, alíviale de sus dolores y moles6as y sánala lo más pronto posible. Te lo pedimos a 6 por la intercesión de María la Madre de Jesús. Amén Por favor oren por los enfermos y difuntos de nuestra comunidad. Si les gustaría ver aquí el nombre de alguien que esta enfermo o de alguien que acaba de fallecer por favor comuníquense a la oficina o envíenle el nombre a: María Alejandrina Caldera: [email protected] INTENCIONES Las intenciones para la misa se deben registrar antes de la misa en el vesLbulo del oeste, junto a la guardería. Alguien estará ahí para ayudarles de 1:00 a 1:40 pm. Les pedimos una donación de $5. ¡Gracias! Enfermos Difuntos (+) Carmen Parada (+) Pablo Méndez(+) José Izaguirre Almendarez(+) Alejandro Torrez(+) Hugo Arreola(+) Andrea Huerta(+) Juan José Hernández(+) Guadalupe Acevedo (+) María Pulido(+) Leonor Paramo Jesús Ángeles Rosa Montoya José Aguilar Joel Mejía Gustavo García Roselia Ruiz Aniversarios Vivos Raúl Villaseñor Naomi Guadalupe Ángeles Justin Evaris Pastoral Social Caballeros de Colon: José Alberto Ruiz 317-937-4862 [email protected] Grupo de oración SAN JUAN BOSCO: Dulce Lammers 317- 862-4474 [email protected] Grupo de oración carismá;co FUEGO NUEVO: Le6cia Meléndez 317-207-4686 Religiosidad Popular Virgen peregrina y devoción Guadalupana: Claudia Gómez 317-4357630 [email protected] Novenario y condolencias de difuntos; Irma Navarro Y Sergio Vargas 317- 625-7547 [email protected] Comunicaciones BoleEn en español: María Alejandrina Caldera 317-992-7264 [email protected] Secretaria Parroquial: Quenia Rodríguez 317-353-9404 [email protected] Pedro y Rosa Herrera Cumpleaños B7:;3I18 D68J:K8 >6 C:7=6827 Durante la Cuaresma no celebramos Bautizos, Bodas ni Quinceañeras. Los primeros bautizos para niños menores de 6 años serán el SEGUNDO domingo del mes de mayo, el 8 de mayo. Las platicas para los padres y padrinos que deseen bautizar en mayo serán el 1° de abril. IGLESIA DEL ESPIRÍTU SANTO Escuela del Espíritu Santo Enraizados en la Fe... Fructuosos en el Espíritu MARZO 24 Jueves santo -2nd presenta La Ultima Cena 2 p.m. en la iglesia. 25 Viernes Santo—Estudiantes Salen a Medio día 27 Domingo de Pascua 30 Conferencias de Padres y Maestros - Estudiantes salen a Medio día 31 Comienzan el Receso de Primavera - Estudiantes salen a medio día R6?7:>7?3M4 >6 F14>18 “M7=8P C7=68” Haz tus compras en el supermercado Marsh del 24 al 26 de marzo y ayúdanos a recaudar fondos. Usa el código que podrás recortar en la pagina #6 de este boletín y de esta manera la Escuela del Espíritu Santo recibirá el 5% de tus compras elegibles. Simplemente muéstrale el papel al cajero y ellos harán el resto. Te pedimos que por favor uses el papelito y nos ayudes a recaudar fondos. ¿Te gustaría ayudar para el viaje Misionero a Honduras en junio? Este es un modo de hacer la diferencia para la gente de Texiguat, Honduras. Tendremos una clínica optometica y llevaremos varias cosas, pero especialmente necesitamos tu ayuda con lo siguiente: vitaminas (niños y adultos), gotas para los ojos, lentes (de prescripción, lectores (+1.00 o +1.25 de intensidad y lentes de sol). Tambien necesitamos Tylenol y Ibuprofen. Tráelos a la iglesia y colócalos en las cajas azules en los vestíbulos junto con los anteojos que desees donar. Por favor, trae todo antes del 14 de junio ya que necesitamos empacarlo todo antes de viajar a Honduras el 21 de junio. 20 de marzo del 2016 Enraizados en Fe, Fructuosos en el Espíritu FINDESEMANADECOMPROMISOPARROQUIAL ¡Gracias a todos los feligreses que llenaron y entregaron su tarjeta de compromiso! Si aun necesitan una tarjeta podrán encontrarla en el boletín de hoy. Como toque te aprecio, dimos una tarjeta de oraciones. Aun tenemos algunas en la oficina, si usted no recibió una, infórmenos y podemos guardarle una si aun no se han terminado. Si usted lee ingles y le gustaría un librito titulado, “Beautiful Mercy” también puede pedir una copia en la oficina y si aun tenemos le daremos una copia de este. Hor[rio ^_ Coros p[r[ Mis[ ^_ 1:45 1° y 2° Domingo del mes: Coro: Cristo Vive (con Orlando y Músicos) Ensayo: los martes, 7:00 p.m. 3er Domingo del Mes : Coro: Aliento de Dios Ensayo: tercer domingo del mes, 12:00 p.m en le salón de música de la escuela. (Favor de entrar por la puerta principal de la escuela) *Necesitamos instrumentos! Por favor llámele a la directora de música: Holly al 353-9404 Ext: 5 4° Domingo del Mes: Coro: Jóvenes Kudai Ensayo: los viernes, 7:00 p.m. 5° Domingo del Mes: Orlando, Sandy y músicos Para más información o unirte a un coro por favor ponte en contacto con Holly Herber: [email protected] ¡Gracias por tu continua generosidad! Café y un Pan Dulce Vengan acompañar al personal de la parroquia con su casa abierta después de todas las Misas este fin de semana. Disfruta de un Café y un Pan Dulce ~ Patrocinado por el Grupo do Jóvenes. Se aceptarán donaciones. 310 N. Mitthoeffer Rd. 317-897-7777 St. JoSeph thurSday Bingo 4332 N. German Church Rd. Play for as little as $9 for 12 games Every Thursday at 9:30AM Live Fishing Bait & Tackle Where bait shop and country store meet! Operated by a family of U.S. Military Veterans 317-545-BAIT (2248) 3241 N. Arlington Ave. DEERING CLEANERS 1160 N. Arlington Jeannene Talbott Jeannene Talbott Agency Parishioner 1511 N. Post Rd., Ste. B 317-897-3750 EAST SIDE PRESCRIPTION SHOP [email protected] PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries American Family Insurance Company Home Office – Madison, WI 53783 ©2012 006441 - 9/12 5317 E. 16th St. Convalescent, Hospital & Sickroom Aids & Supplies 359-8278 356-2471 317-469-0169 800-887-0437 Parishioner Carpet Cleaning–Limpieza de alfombra 317-755-6175 • Whole Home Remodeling & Room Additions • Residential & Commercial Parishioner Since 1972 861-9778 Commercial & Residential COMPLIMENTS OF Backflow Preventer Certified RICHARD T. FOWLER & DAUGHTER Plumbing Contractor HALL RENTAL MORTUARIES & CREMATORY Weddings • Holidays • Family Gatherings Over 100 Years of Family Ownership & Operation Book Your Special Event Now! 1040 N. Post • 317-897-1577 Our Lady of Fatima Council #3228 Contact: Holly Blagburn (H) 335-1177 • (C) 965-8781 Five Locations 9606 E. Washington St. 897-9606 BARNES Licensed • Bonded • Insured 356-9191 • Repair & Installation • Drains Cleaned • Bath Remodeling • Water Lines FOR COUNCIL 11020 E. 10th St. | Dr. Dane Uhl, DMD | 317.898.9231 • Small, Custom Feel Community • Walking Trails & Pond • All Ranch Homes, with Brick & Stone Exterior Options • Bonus Rooms & Basements Available • Mt. Vernon Schools C RESTWOOD FAMILY RESTAURANT Open 6 AM • 7 Days a Week Breakfast • Lunch • Dinner (317) 387-7000 SPECIAL Buy 1 entree & 2 beverages get the 2nd entree at 1/2 PRICE An “Over 55” active adult and assisted living community. Utilities paid Fitness Center Free Transportation 356-4173 Carry Out Available 894-5570 ONE LIGHT EAST OF MEIJER’S Parishioner Cumberland VILLAGE EAST %15!,(/53).' /00/245.)4 9 Caring For You Since 1910 Anthony M. Campo Selling Homes is Our ONLY Business & Associates Attorneys at Law David M. Zeyen REAL, GRI REALTOR®/Broker Home (317) 861-3721 Cell (317) 753-4611 [email protected] FEENEY-HORNAK SHADELAND MORTUARY Please refer your friends and relatives to The Zeyen Team. H.S. Parishioner 8888 E. 10th St. 899-2577 Holy Spirit Parishioner for over 40 years by Medy Myers, RN State Massage Certification by Indiana Professional Licensing Agency Certified Geriatric Massage (H) 317-894-4011 (C) 317-432-1565 Ask for Rick Rohrman, General Manager 7101 Washington St. 317-613-7000 Indy’s Low-Price Powerhouse 317-614-5484 AUTHENTIC MEXICAN RESTAURANT Each office is independently owned and operated. 10417 E. Washington St. RESTAURANTE MEXICANO 317-898-3921 Parishioner 897-0328 Large Parties Welcome! 9918 E. Washington St. Corner of Washington St. at Mitthoffer All Types of Concrete Work including •Tear Out & Replacement Work •All Types of Decorative Concrete • Concrete Safe Rooms • Vaults We Build Insulated Concrete Homes Dennis Zeyen • 317-462-9622 Sales • Service & Repair Installation LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED Quality Indoor Comfort from Our Family to Yours Since 1978 FC Tucker Company Design to Sell Enterprise, Inc. 317-945-2040 Free Estimates - We Service/Repair All Brands $49 Tune-Up when you mention Holy Spirit! Owners/Parishioners: MaryBeth (Wise) Hughes Ken Hughes • Jason Hughes 1-800-282-5106 5129 S. Emerson Ave. .........................786-0799 8005 E. 30th St. ........................................894-1867 4914 Rockville Rd. ..................................381-9787 [email protected] 352-0956 Enjoy The Best Mexican Food In Town! YOUR BIRD SEED HEADQUARTERS Parishioner Residential • Commercial New Construction [email protected] Auto, Truck, Slip & Fall Injuries; Estates, Wills, Trusts; Powers of Attorney & Living Wills Bob Rohrman’s Indy Hyundai Integrated Therapeutic Massage ves “Always helping you make the right move” 6084 W. 800 N. McCordsville For Advertising Information CALL 353-6101 Family Dentistry Cell 317-945-8445 Fax 317-336-7152 Business 317-336-6051 Lana L. Zayen 1307 N. Shadeland Dr. J.R. Lindeman “Grow with the Flow” RODOLFO PALACIOS, Owner 317.443.7429 Real Estate Consultant 1st VP Residential Sales CRS, GRI, Interior Designer Parishioner [email protected] Try Our Weekend Brunch Pizzas Dine In / Carry Out / Delivery Bob & Laura Stark – Parishioners Mick McGrath & Nancy Duncan – School Family 5646 E. Washington St. • 356-6612 GYROS • RIB TIPS • WINGS 899-5565 1002 N. POST RD. VISIT US AFTER MASS The place to watch all your college & NFL football games! Robert Lane Financial “Indy’s oldest heating & cooling co.” As your life changes, so do your financial needs. Robert H. Lane, CLU Financial Representative, Parishioner 973 N. Shadeland Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46219 [email protected] Call Bob Lane today at (317) 294-9732. Robert Lane is a Registered Representative and Investment Advisor Representative of and offers securities and advisory services through WRP Investments, Inc. Securities and Advisory Services are supervised by WRP Investments, Inc. at 4407 Belmont Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio 44505 (800) 589-2023. WRP Investments, Inc. is a member of FINRA & SIPC. 8001 E. 10th St., Indianapolis (317) 897-5787 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - SERVICE - REPLACEMENT Continuing 133 Years of Service Bob & Karen Lux, Parishioners - 24 Years Catholic Education John & Kara Traub - 28 Years Catholic Education 639-1111 2034 – In house implant placement and Crowns – Dentures – Braces – Root Canals – Tooth Removal – Cosmetic Dentistry Dr. Lina se habla Español