June 26, 2016 - St. Julie Billiart Catholic Parish in Hamilton, Ohio


June 26, 2016 - St. Julie Billiart Catholic Parish in Hamilton, Ohio
3-4pm Reconciliation - Church
4:30 Mass [Ed Emenaker ]
SUNDAY, June 26
8:30 Mass [The Parish Family]
9:30 RCIA-Dayton House
11:00 Mass [Phyllis Kupper]
1:00 Misa en Español
1:00 Secular Franciscan Gathering-Dayton House
MONDAY, June 27
11:30 Holy Rosary
12:00 Mass [Richard Nelson]
7:00 St. Vincent de Paul - Office
7:00 Caring Hands Knitting Group - Fenmont
TUESDAY, June 28
8:00 Mass [Joseph Naylor]
8:00 Holy Communion Service
7:00 BINGO- Fenmont
8:00 Mass [Jack Dennett]
12:00 Mass at [Helen Petzold]
June 26, 2016
The tragedy in Orlando earlier this month raised the
specter of “home grown” and international terrorism, the
state of help for the mentally ill, and the need to truly understand Islam as a religion. Since many of the victims were
gay, it also touched upon prejudice against sexual minorities. The official Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches
that: They [homosexuals] must be accepted with respect,
compassion, and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. (par. 2358) Essentially
the Church teaches that homosexual orientation may be a
“given” while homosexual acts are morally wrong.
At the time of the tragedy it was also reported that
many families found out about their child’s sexual orientation as a result of their death or injury. In 1997 the U.S.
Bishops reached out to parents of homosexual children in a
letter entitled “Always our Children” www.usccb.org/issuesand-action/human-life-and-dignity/homosexuality/alwaysour-children.cfm The title, itself, gives an
idea of the approach the bishops suggest.
I find it to be a very compassionate document.
3-4pm Reconciliation - Church
4:30 Mass [Mafalda “Mary” Mitchell]
SUNDAY, July 3
8:30 Mass [Altar Rosary Society Members]
11:00 Mass [The Parish Family]
1:00 Misa en Español
2:30 Hispanic Council Meeting
Choose to follow Jesus wherever he goes. To say “yes”
without hesitation requires great trust. The reign of God
needs servants to trust.
(Luke 9:51-62)
Readings for the Week of June 26, 2016
Sunday Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21; Ps 16:1-2, 5,7-8, 9-10, 11;
Gal 5:1, 13-18; Lk 9:51-62
Monday St Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop & Doctor of the Church
Am 2:6-10, 13-16; Ps 50:16bc-17, 18-19,
20-21, 22-23; Mt 8:18-22
Tuesday Saint Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr
Am 3:1-8, 4:11-12; Ps 5:4b-6a, 6b-7, 8; Mt 8:23-27
Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-3, 4-5; Gal 1:11-20;
Jn 21:15-19
Wednesday Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9;
2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19
Thursday The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
Am 7:10-17; Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11; Mt 9:1-8
Am 8:4-6, 9-12; Ps 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131;
Mt 9:9-13
Am 9:11-15; Ps 85:9ab, and 10, 11-12, 13-14;
Mt 9:14-17
Sunday Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 66:10-14c; Ps 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20;
Gal 6:14-18; Lk 10:1-12, 17-20 or 10:1-9
June 26, 2016
July 2015-June 2016 Weekly Collection Review
Collection June 19, 2016
Adult Envelopes Received
Regular Collection Goal:
Regular Collection Received
Over/Under Goal:
YTD Regular Collection Goal:
YTD Regular Collection Received
YTD Over/Under Goal:
Called for freedom.
No yoke of slavery for us. Even though people are shackled, suppressed, oppressed –
and even though I may be, too – we are,
called for freedom. Christ, in his Paschal
Mystery, his death and rising, has set us
free. Baptism makes us new and sets us
free. The old and the new law – “love your neighbor as
yourself” – set us free. Singing the song for the gathering of
the gifts during the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper this
past (and every) Holy Thursday – Ubi Caritas – sets us free.
• What yoke will I step out of to be free?
• Who can I help into freedom in this Mercy Year?
• Who will I love … as myself?
In the second collection today, we are supporting Pope
Francis in his charitable works. The Peter’s Pence Collection is take up world wide to support our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war,
oppression, and natural disasters. In this Jubilee Year of
Mercy, the collection is an opportunity to join with Pope
Francis and be a witness of charity to our suffering brothers
and sisters. Please be generous in today’s collection.
During his September 2015 visit to the United States, Pope Francis emphasized the importance of religious freedom, saying in
front of the White House that religious “freedom remains one of
America’s most precious possessions. And, as my brothers,
the United States Bishops, have reminded us, all are called to
be vigilant, precisely as good citizens, to preserve and defend
that freedom from everything that would threaten or compromise it.” Although Amer icans gener ally do not face the kind
of violent persecution endured by many people of faith around the
world, Pope Francis has recently spoken of a “polite persecution”
that many people face, as “when someone is persecuted not for
confessing Christ’s name, but for wanting to demonstrate the values of the Son of God”. Religious freedom continues to be threatened in the U.S.:
/ HHS mandate for sterilization, contraception, and abortioninducing drugs. The mandate of the Department of Health and
Human Services forces religious institutions to facilitate or fund a
product contrary to their own moral teaching. Further, the federal
government tries to define which religious institutions are
“religious enough” to merit protection of their religious liberty. /
Catholic foster care and adoption services. Boston, San F rancisco, the District of Columbia, and the State of Illinois forced
local Catholic Charities out of adoption or foster care services—
by revoking their licenses, ending government contracts, or
both—because they refused to place children with same-sex couples or unmarried opposite-sex couples who cohabit. / State immigration laws. Several states have passed laws that forbid what
they call “harboring” undocumented immigrants—and what the
Church deems Christian charity and pastoral care to immigrants.
/ Discrimination against small church congregations. New
York City adopted a policy that barred the Bronx Household of
Faith and other churches from renting public schools on weekends for worship services, even though non-religious groups
could rent the same schools for other uses. / Discrimination
against Catholic humanitarian services. After years of excellent
performance by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services (MRS) in administering contract services for victims of human trafficking, the federal government
changed its contract specifications to require MRS to provide or
refer for contraceptive and abortion services in violation of Catholic teaching. / Christian students on campus. In its over-100year history, the University of California Hastings College of Law
has denied student organization status to only one group, the
Christian Legal Society, because it required its leaders to be
Christian and to abstain from sexual activity outside of marriage.
Pope Francis has asked American Catholics to preserve and
defend religious freedom, both in the United States and
throughout the world.
PREP Registration for 2016-17
God is so Good! Everyone deserves the
chance to know more about God’s love for
us. We want to help you pass on the Catholic Faith! Please register your child for our
Parish Religious Education Program
(PREP). The forms are at the main Church
entrance, online at www.stjulie.net and at the Parish Office.
Forms may be sent to the Parish Office or placed in the orange
registration box in the main church entrance. PREP fees paid before June 30 are $50.00 per child and payments can be made
throughout the year. Fees are $60.00 starting July 1.We want all
children to participate! Classes are from 9:45 am to 10:45 am
every Sunday at the Fenmont Building from Sept. 11 thru April.
All students receiving a sacrament attend PREP for the entire year
before the year they receive the sacrament, at the very least. Contact Mary Pat Austing or Pilar Hernandez at 863-1040 with any
REMINDER: Registration Fees for PREP are $50.00
if you register before June 30 and $60.00 if you
register after June 30.
Don’t miss out on the FUN! From July 18 – 22 at 9:15 am to
NOON each day at St. Peter in Chains Gym we will have crafts,
snacks, songs, Bible Storytelling and lots of fun! Registration
forms are online at www.stjulie.net and at the Main Church Entrance. Sign up your child, grandchild, niece or nephew, neighbor
or friend. Children from K thru 4th grade are campers and those
from grade 5 thru adults are volunteer helpers. Call or email Mary
Pat Austing [email protected] or Pilar Hernandez [email protected] with any questions or offer s of help . The Bible stories for that week will be: Crossing the Red Sea, Water
from the Rock, Jesus Walks on the Water, the Catch of Fish and
the Wedding at Cana.
Child Protection VIRTUS TRAINING in the Fenmont
WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 2016 6:30 PM TO 9:30 PM
All adults who volunteer with children in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati must attend a VIRTUS Training Session and receive a
positive background check before volunteering with children.
Volunteer must register for one of the classes at www.virtus.org .
You may take a class at any location and the background check is
done online.
6/15 @ 6:30pm St. Susanna
6/26 @ 6:00pm Sacred Heart in Fairfield
8/9 @ 6:30 pm Mother Theresa School in Liberty Twp.
8/17 @ 6:30 pm St. Joseph, Hamilton
Who would have thought…?
That you would make a great catechist? Give it a try. We are
looking for someone who loves the Lord and spending time with
our youth. We are in need of a High School Catechist for our
Sunday Formation Program. Support and training supplied. Have
you talked with God about it?
June 26, 2016
For students entering 8th and 9th grade
College is possible for you if you want
it. You may be the first college graduate in your family. The first step is
to make sure you are ready for high
school courses that are necessary for
college. These courses are sometimes called “College Prep” courses.
The Summer Enrichment Program will help you develop
the study skills and discipline necessary for student success, it will also help you review the math and language
skills necessary to get you off to a good start in high
Come and join us for a FREE 5-week program that will
help you get started with the foundation for a strong college application. Classes will be held at the Fenmont
from Monday through Thursday from 1-3:30pm;
classes will start on July 6th and finish on Aug. 5th.
If you’re interested, please
sign up with him today!
For more information contact
Elias Tzoc
[email protected] or
(513) 374-6960
Teenagers! This is an exciting time in their
lives. Consider spending time with them
on their faith journey this year.
Your time and talents are needed. We are
looking for a teacher for the 2016-17 year.
Call Mary Pat Austing or Fr. Mike to
discuss the possibilities. 863-1040.
May the Holy Spirit be with you!
Mark Mazza representing Diocesan Publications
(our Bulletin Publisher) is currently renewing present
advertisements and seeking new ones. If interested,
please call the parish office, or you may contact
Mark directly at 513-392-6768
Or [email protected]. We feel this is an
excellent service and that the sponsors get good
coverage with their ads. THANKS TO YOU and
DIOCESAN PUBLICATIONS, the bulletin is published
weekly at no cost to the parish.
June 26, 2016
Jesuit Spiritual Center at Milford July 29 -31, 2016
Losing a loved one or experiencing a loss can diminish our
spark for life. Join us for this retreat that immerses you in a
path to reclaim your joy. During this retreat you will have
the opportunity to share your personal journey, to reflect on
your life experiences, and to be in the quiet presence of our
loving God. We invite you to enjoy the beautiful grounds of
the Jesuit Spiritual Center where you will experience the
beauty of creation.
Retreatants will have the opportunity for:
• Quiet reflection • Personal sharing
• Healing Touch • Inspirational input
• Enjoying the beauty of creation
Cost: $235.00
Call 513-248-3500
Presenters include:
Brenda Hicks, (St. Julie Parishioner), a music minister
for 64 yrs, has listened to the stories of the bereaved to
help them choose readings and songs for funeral Masses.
Brenda has worked with Peggy Hunsberger on the
14 Steps to Finding Joy after Grief since its inception.
Peggy Hunsberger, educator for 38 years, experienced
a series of losses in her life. While grieving, she created 14
Steps to Finding Joy After Grief. This workbook is the basis
of this retreat. Also Cynthia Holoway and Katie SenGupta.
Holy Hour with
Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament!
Bilingual Holy Hour
on Tuesday
July 19th and August 16th
from 7-8pm In Church
Join the Movement! It’s not
about winning the debate. It is
about witnessing the love that is
at the heart of our faith. We’ve
all experienced it. A Facebook
post, a family dinner, a water
cooler conversation that suddenly turns political with opposing viewpoints. You might
get angry. You may go silent.
Civilize It is about making room in your heart and speaking
peacefully with those with whom you disagree. Imagine
what would happen if aggressiveness were transformed into
openness and confrontations were turned into thoughtful
Civilize It is a non-partisan movement and a call for all of
us to help change the tone, follow our faith, and quiet the
quarrels in our day-to-day lives.
We invite you to take the Civilize It Pledge and to encourage others to do so as well. Check out our webpage for resources, and Memes to share on your parish social media
accounts. We have Civilize It car magnets and yard signs,
that are free for parishes to use and distribute. Contact Sean
Ater to arrange pick up. For more information and to take
the pledge go to: www.civilizeit.us
Right to Life of Butler County
Invites you to join in the
City of Hamilton’s
Walking With the Lord of Life
Luke 9:51–62 This passage is troubling. Even those who say they will
follow Jesus are rebuked. In following Jesus Christ we often encounter
obstacles. Those obstacles can be from the outside when others deem our
desire not worthy or a waste of time. Sometimes, obstacles come from
within when we allow insecurities and priorities to keep us from putting
Jesus first. I do not think that Jesus does not want us to “bury the dead”.
It is after all a corporal work of mercy. I think he wants of to speak of
God’s glory first. He wants us to work for God’s glory first. He wants us
to be other-centered.
Prayer Take some time this week to r eflect on when it is easiest to
put Jesus first and when it is most challenging. What steps can you take
to respond to those challenging times?
Action Pick a time when it is challenging to be other -centered or
Christ-centered and take a step to put Christ or someone else first. It is
your morning routine that does not allow for you to talk with your spouse
or other family member? What about when you get home is the evening,
do you go right to preparing dinner? When you go to Church, do you
talk to the same people and sit in the same pew? Maybe you can reach
out to greet someone new.
LIFE (at every stage),
Join with us in witnessing to God's gift of life.
Our theme will be "Adoption the Loving Option" .
Gather at the Butler County Fairgrounds by
9:45 a.m., located at the intersection of Fair Ave
and Ohio route 4. We should be in tier 4. Just ask
an parade official for direction to our location.
Rides will be provided back to the fairgrounds.
You are truly needed to witness to the precious gift
of life before thousands of our fellow citizens.
Call Deacon Mike Mignery @ 513 867 1832 for
further information.
26 de Junio, 2016
Si no tiene todos sus Sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautizo, Eucaristia y Confirmación) y
está interesado en realizarlos, tenemos clases
de preparación los Domingo, de 11:00am12:30pm. Si está interesado o necesita más información por favor
comuniquese con Pilar Hernandez o Karla Eysoldt.
En St. Julie estamos consientes de personas de buena voluntad que no estan casados por la Iglesia pero llevan muchos años
viviendo en unión libre.
Estamos planeando en tener una Celebración Matrimonial en Comunidad en el mes
de Noviembre para parejas que han vivido juntos por varios
años. El plan es que se casen en la Iglesia y que celebremos después de la ceremonia con familiares y amigos en el
Hay requisitos por la Iglesia que hay que cumplir, y por eso
es necesario hacer una entrevista. Estamos dispuestos a
trabajar con cada uno de ustedes.
Si están interesados ó para más información por favor contacte a: Karla Eysoldt al (513) 448-8994
[email protected]
Acompañenos a Hora
Santa de Adoración del
Santísimo Sacramento!
Hora Santa Bilingüe el 19 de Julio y 16 de Agosto.
Los esperamos de 7-8pm en la Iglesia.
Los invitamos a rezar con nosotros el Santo Rosario todos
los Domingos a las 12:30pm
antes de la Misa de la 1:00pm.
Acompañenos a rezar por las Vocaciones.
Recordemos con esperanza las palabras del
Señor Jesús:
“Les aseguro que si dos de ustedes se ponen
de acuerdo en la tierra para pedir algo, se lo
dará mi Padre que está en los
cielos. Porque donde dos o tres
están reunidos en mi nombre,
allí estoy yo en medio de
ellos” (Mateo 18, 19-20).
Para más información por favor
comuniquese con Rosita Urcia ó
Mary Richter.
College is possible for you if you want
it. You may be the first college graduate in
your family. The first step is to make sure
you are ready for high school courses that
are necessary for college. These courses are sometimes
called “College Prep” courses.
The Summer Enrichment Program will help you develop the
study skills and discipline necessary for student success, it
will also help you review the math and language skills necessary to get you off to a good start in high school.
El Santo Rosario
For students entering 8th and 9th grade
Come and join us for a FREE 5-week program that will help
you get started with the foundation for a strong college application. Classes will be held at the Fenmont from Monday
through Thursday from 1-3:30pm; Classes will start on
July 6th and finish on August 5th.
If you’re interested, please sign up with him today!
For more information contact Elias Tzoc
[email protected] or (513) 374-6960
St. Julie Billiart y
St. Peter in Chains
trabajan juntos para proporcionar una semana de
canto, oración, meriendas, juegos, actuación, manualidades y muchas Sonrisas!!! Niños de Kinder a 4to.
Grado pueden participar y los niños más grandes
pueden ser ayudantes. Pueden registrarse en el website de St. Julie www.stjulie.net ó en la oficina de la
Iglesia. La Escuela de Vacaciones será en la escuela
St. Peter in Chains del 18 al 22 de Julio.
La tragedia en Orlando este mes levantó la preocupación con el terrorismo doméstico e internacional, el estado de ayuda para los que tienen
enfermedades mentales, y la necesidad de un entendimiento verdadero
de Islam como religión. Pues muchas víctimas eran homosexuales,
también surgió el tema del prejuicio contra las minoridades sexuales. El
Catecismo de La Iglesia Católica enseña que: [Homosexules] deben ser
acogidos con respeto, compasión y delicadeza. Se evitará, respecto a
ellos, todo signo de discriminación injusta. (par. 2358). En resumen la
Iglesia enseña que la orientación sexual podría ser “dado” mientras la
actividad homosexual es una transgresión moral.
En la ocasión de la tragedia se reportó que muchas familias se
dieron cuenta de la orientación sexual de sus hijos como resultado de su
herida o muerte. In 1997 los Obispos de los EE.UU. se dirigieron a los
padres de hijos homosexuales en una carta titulada “Siempre Serán
Nuestros Hijos”. http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-life-and
-dignity/homosexuality/upload/siempre-seran-nuestroshijos.pdf El título, en si, ofrece una idea del acercamiento que los obispos sugieren. Encuentro este documento
muy compasivo.
LEER: I Reyes 19:16, 19-21; Salmo 15;
Gálatas 5:1, 13-18; Lucas 9:51-62
PREP: Programa de Educación Religiosa de la parroquia. Se ofrece todos los Domingos desde Septiembre hasta Abril en el Fenmont de 9:45-10:45am. Tenemos clases
desde Kinder hasta el 12 grado. Para preparación Sacramental necesitan asistir un año completo de religión antes
del año del sacramento. Confirmación se ofrece a cada otro
año. Por favor registren a sus hijos en el programa antes del
30 de Junio, el costo del programa es de $50.00 por niño y
puede pagarse en pagos durante el año.
POR FAVOR RECUERDEN: Despues del 30 de Junio el
costo es de $60.00. Si alguna familia necesita asistencia para el pago por favor comuníquese con Mary Pat
Austin, Pilar o Padre Mike. Las hojas de inscripción están en la estrada de la iglesia.
catequistas para el año escolar de 2016-2017, si desea participar en la clase de PREP de su hijo como maestro o asistente por favor comuníquese con Mary Pat o Pilar. Gracias!
ST. JULIE BILLIART DURANTE LA MISA EN ESPAÑOLPrimer Domingo del mes: Presentaciones de 3 años.
Segundo Domingo del mes: Cumpleaños.
Tercer Domingo del mes: Quinceañeras, Aniversarios.
Cuarto Domingo del mes: Bautizos.
para Padres y Padrinos serán el 16 de Julio de 9am-12pm
en el Fenmont. Registro necesario, adultos solamente.
26 de Junio, 2016
El Sábado 23 de Julio el Consulado Mexicano estará visitando
St. Julie Billiart.
La linea de teléfono para hacer su
cita estará abierta 15 dias antes.
Los servicios que puede sacar son Pasaportes y Matriculas solamente y necesita cita.
El 24 de Julio despues de
Misa en Español los Drs.
Daniel y Liliana Bejarano
vendrán a St. Julie a dar una
presentación acerca de:
Planificación Natural Familiar
y los periodos naturales de
fertilidad e infertilidad a
parejas interesadas en saber más en estos beneficios para el
matrimonio y la familia.
Interesados por favor registrarse con Karla Eysoldt al:
(513) 448-8994 ó [email protected]
¿Conoce a alguien a quien el alcohol y las drogas
representan problemas en su vida?
Grupo Oxford tiene sesiones: Lunes a Sábado 7 a 9 PM
Grupos de Familia Al-Anon, Jueves y Viernes de 7-9:00pm.
Para más información por favor llame a:
(513) 614-8784
(513) 390-3825
¿Quiere Bautizar? St. Julie Billiart los recibe con los
brazos abiertos! Si está interesado en más información o
quiere saber que requisitos necesita por favor contacte a
Janet del Pilar Hernandez al (513) 863-1040 ext. 52 ó [email protected]
SU CASA se ha mudado. La nueva
dirección es:
Mid Pointe Tower, 7162 Reading Rd,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45237.
Tel 513-761-1588.
Para Servicios Legales de
Inmigración : (513) 672-3746
Lecturas de la Semana– del 27 de Junio al 2 de Julio
Lunes: Amós 2:6-10, 13-16; Salmo 49; Mateo 8:18-22
Martes: Amós 3:1-8, 4:11-12; Salmo 5; Mateo 8:23-27
Miércoles: Hechos 12:1-11; Salmo 33; 2 Timoteo 4:6-8, 17-18;
Mateo 16:13-19
Jueves: Amós 7:10-17; Salmo 18; Mateo 9:1-8
Viernes: Amós 8:4-6, 9-12; Salmo 118; Mateo 9:9-13
Sábado: Amós 9:11-15; Salmo 84; Mateo 9:14-17
Hay varias oportunidades para aprender Inglés, en St.
Julie Billiart habrá un programa para aprender Inglés los
Viernes en la noche de 7-8:30pm par a empezar la semana del 22 de Julio, en el Fenmont. Por favor comuníquese con Padre Mike o Karla para más información.
Otra opción es la Oficina de ABLE que dan clases en diferentes localidades en Hamilton. Los que quieran registrarse
pueden comunicarse con la oficina de ABLE de Butler
Tech al (513) 894-0301 para más información de lugares y
horas donde recibir las clases.
Si tiene alguna pregunta ó necesita más información por
favor comuniquese con: Karla Eysoldt al (513) 448-8994
[email protected]

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