st. mary`s parish


st. mary`s parish
igh lian
Foo ay - It
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July 6 - July 11
Monday through Saturday
7 - 11 PM
Rides - Games - Face Painting - 50/50 - Paintball - Great Food and much more!
Ride - All - Night Bracelets $25
Schedule for Masses
and Para-Liturgical Service (PLS)
Saint Mary’s Parish
17 Pompton Avenue
Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442
MONDAY thru FRIDAY—7:30 AM (Church)
SATURDAY—9 AM (PLS) (Prayer Room)
Reconciliation—4:30 - 5:00 PM (Church)
SATURDAY EVE VIGIL—5:00 PM, 7:00 PM (Church)
elcome! We have celebrated Independence Day; now let us
not take for granted the freedom to worship you, Lord.
July 5, 2015
7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12:00 Noon, 5:00 PM (Church)
9:00 AM—Spanish Mass (Downey Hall)
10:30 AM—Interpreted for hearing impaired (Church)
10:30 AM—Family Liturgy (Downey Hall)
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Page 2
Adult Faith Formation - Exodus.............5
Bread and Wine.........................................3
Catholic Charities USA............................9
Catskills Hike w/Mass..............................5
Contact Us..................................................2
Daily Readings for the Week....................7
Elementary Religious Education.............7
Eucharistic Celebrations..........................3
Faith Direct................................................7
Francis The Musical - Save the Date...............4
Italy Pilgrimage - Fr. Gonzalo.................9
Journey 2015 - Cornerstone Retreat.......7
Military Personnel Names........................3
Memorial Vigil Lights.........................................2
Ministerio Hispano de Santa María......10/13
Ministry News.........................................8/9
Offering Cards - Bread/Wine/Flowers....2
Parishioners/Summer Visitors.................4
Pathways Counseling Center...................9
Prayer Requests...................................................3
RCIA Inquiry Period..........................................9
Spanish Ministry News..............................10/13
Stephen Ministry.....................................14
St. Mary of Magdala - Save the Date..................5
St. Mary’s Parish Carnival...................... Cover, 5
St. Mary’s School .....................................7
The Parish Store........................................9
The Pastor’s Desk................................................4
Tree of Life............................................................5
Vocations - Called to be a Franciscan.........14
Weekly Calendar.......................................2
Youth Ministry.............................................6
St. Mary’ Parish
17 Pompton Ave.
Pompton Lakes NJ 07442
Alma Banta, Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973.835.7750,x102
[email protected]
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 973.835.0374x703
[email protected]
MUSIC MINISTRY - Craig & Dorothy Limey. . . . . . . . . 973.835.0374x158
[email protected]
Web Site:
ACCOMPANIST - Carrie Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973.835.0374 x192
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
PASTOR - FR. FRANK SEVOLA, OFM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973.835.0374x708
Jacqueline M. Rose, Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973.835.0374x193
[email protected]
[email protected]
ASSISTANT TO THE PASTOR - Anne Silversey.................973.835.0374x145
R.C.I.A. - Stephen Kass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973.879.3102 [email protected]
[email protected]
SCHOOL - Carol La Salle, Principal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973.835.2010
Fr. Richard Husted, OFM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973.835-0374x710
[email protected]
[email protected]
SOCIAL JUSTICE - Jacquelyn Schramm . . . . . . . . . . 973.835.0374x191
Fr. Joe Juracek, OFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973.835.0374x285
[email protected]
[email protected]
Fr. Gonzalo Torres, OFM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973-835-0374x702
Beverly Joan Delleart, Certified Spiritual Dir . . . . . 973.835.0374x709
[email protected]
[email protected] ADULT FAITH FORMATION - Fr. Joe Juracek, OFM . . 973.835.0374x285
YOUTH MINISTRY - Jennifer Ferraioli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973.835.5594x103
[email protected]
[email protected]
Confirmation - Patricia Newton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973.835.5594x160
Beverly Joan Delleart, Certified Spiritual Dir . . . . . 973.835.0374x113
[email protected]
[email protected]
Religious Education 6,7,8 - Mary Ann Werner. . . . . . . 973.835.5594.161
Stephen Ministry, Journey with Cancer Ministry, Military Outreach
[email protected]
High School Youth Ministry - Joe Domko . . . . . . . . . 973.835.5594x117
DEACONS - Hal Clark, Thomas Kimak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973.835.0374 [email protected]
DISABILITIES MINISTRY - Marie Cioletti. . . . . . . . . . . . .973.835.7750x181
Youth Administrative Asst. - Debbie Borroto. . . . . . . . 973.835.5594x138
[email protected]
[email protected]
Weekly Calendar
MON—July 6
Medical Assistance Program
TUES—July 7
Centering Prayer
THURS—July 9
Adult Faith - Exodus
Adult Faith - Exodus
Lost Angels Support Group
K of C Meeting
7:00 PM
Carnevale Center
7:00 PM
Carnevale Center
8:00 AM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
7:00 PM
Carnevale Center
Carnevale Center
Carnevale Center
Carnevale Center
ffering cards for Altar Flowers
are available
at the Parish Office. These make wonderful
remembrance gifts; the suggested donation is $50.
Memorial Vigil Lights
here are a few Memorial Vigil Lights available.
The cost for a vigil light is $100; it will stay lit for one year.
If you are interested in a vigil light in memory of a loved one, please
stop at the Parish Office and fill out a request form.
ffering cards for the Bread and Wine
for the
Liturgy of the Eucharist are available at the
Parish Office. These make wonderful remembrance
gifts; the suggested donation is $35.
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Eucharistic Celebrations
Para-liturgical Services (PLS)
7:30 AM
July 6
† Morgan & Madison Laccitirllo (12th Ann.)
7:30 AM
July 7
† Daniel Ligotti (1st Ann.)
† Louis Vozzo WEDNESDAY
7:30 AM
July 8
† George & Catherine Conroy THURSDAY
7:30 AM
July 9
† In Thanksgiving FRIDAY
7:30 AM
July 10
L Frances Iommazzo SATURDAY
9:00 AM (PLS)
July 11
Special Intention
“...a time to be healed...”
Traci Fox, Jeannine Walston, Gene Hiller, Cindy Grecco, Chloe Drucks, Dylan
Ackerman, Victorio R. Tolentino Jr., Terry Zosche, Marcia Charnecky,
Angela Saletto, Michael James Soojian, Alan, Bonnie Reilly, Patricia Martinelli,
Cathy Eich & Family, Joan Duffy, Arianne Cairns, Roderick Livelli, Jeff
Louisot, Cecila Basile, Tanya Martin, Louis Mulligan, Marianne Kessler,
Mike Ciser, Fr. Bill Scully, OFM, Lily Claire Nagele, Jude, Tom Donlon,
Kevin Whitlatch, Dorothy Dubee, Roslin, Ernest Gentile, Melissa & Mike,
Brian Berges, Mary L. Schramm, Kathy Brennan, Genara Duran, Matthew
Saunders, Bernhard Frederick Cordts, Bob Briant, Rich Koszony, Frances
Iommazzo, Dennis, Mickey, Terry Shaw, Lee Kantrowitz, Dean, Mary Ann
Nelson, Brandon Higgins, Jim Lanahan, Christopher Shomenta, Walter P.
Keating, John J. Keating, Ray McNamee, Maggie B.
5:00 PM
C/H-Fr. Gonzalo
July 11
† Jesus Marquez
† Joanna Manna 7:00 PM
C/H-Fr. Gonzalo
† Margaret Fleming
† Kevin McEwen SUNDAY
7:30 AM
C/H-Fr. Frank
July 12
† Ralph Pace
9:00 AM C/H-Fr. Joe
† James Favaro 9:00 AM
Spanish Mass
Downey Hall
C/H-Fr. Frank
For the People of the Parish
10:30 AM
† Kevin Nahay, Joseph Zablocki † Paul J. Liskay, Elmer Calabrese † Richard Gott, Marge & Jim Ledwith
† Tony & Catherine Lacatena
(Interpreted for the
Hearing Impaired)
C/H-Fr. Gonzalo
For the People of the Parish
12:00 PM
C/H-Fr. Joe
† Louis Jones, Herbert J. Colella † Norma Goss, Cecilia Chevestick
5:00 PM
C/H-Fr. Joe
† Michael Presing (36th Ann.) † Dr. Jerome Torsney Sr.
† Virginia “Ginny” Renner
10:30 AM
Family Litugy
Downey Hal
C/H-Fr. Frank o everything there is a season and...
Jayden Kilgallen
C-Celebrant — H-Homilist
“...a time to be born...”
Page 3
he Bread and Wine this week have been donated
in loving memory of Louis Vozzo from his wife
and family.
“...a time to serve...”
Marine Christopher J. Leone, Afghanistan
Jonathan R. Bonney, 1st Batt., 15th Inf. Reg., Iraq
CPT Brendan O’Brien, US Army — Spec. James Lennon, Iraq
James Heller, US Army, Ft. Gordan, GA — SO Andrew Charman, USN
Staff Sergeant James Sturla, Iraq — PFC Robert Gumney, US Army, Iraq
1st Lt. Joseph Ross, US Army, Iraq — Lt. Jessica T. Atterbury, US Navy, Afghanistan
Sean Brasel, US Marine, Iraq — Patrick Brasel, US Navy
Ryan Nicol, Paris Island, SC — Major Lawrence A. (Kip) Rainey, US Marine
PFC Mark Booe, US Army Iraq — PFC Joey Del Vecchio, NYC
Seaman Laura Shehadch, US Navy — Capt. Michael DeMarco, Iraq, 2nd Tour
PFC Henry Lindstrom, US Army Intelligence — Capt. Erin McCormack, Washington, DC
Airman Jamie Lynn Clayton, US Airforce, Goodfellow AFB, TX
CPT James Hanke, Iraq — Cpl. Tim Taffin, US Marine, Iraq
PO2 Ryan Cleary, US Navy, Newport News, VA
PFC Nathan Hunt, US Marines, South Carolina
Kristie Atelek, Lakeland Air Force Base, Texas
CMCN Michael LeTennier, US Navy, Little Creek, VA
Joseph P. Roberts, MCS, 29 Palms, CA — PFC Sean Jennings, US Marine, Afghanistan
SPC Sean J. Carey, 10th Mountain Div., US Army, Afghanistan
Corp. Edmund Espanol, US Marine, Afghanistan
SGT Ryan Cronin, US Army, Ft. Riley, KS — SO Chris Sabatini, US Navy
SO Justin Bensinger, US Navy, LCpl. Devin Taranto, USMC
CSM Robert Hammerle, Army, Iraq — Sgt. Mark Ashley, USMC Afghanistan
LTJG Brian Schoenig, Riverine Squadron Three, Yorktown, VA
LCpl Michael Formisano III, US Marines, Afghanistan
LCpl Dylan Sylvestri, US Marines, Afghanistan
SSG Kevin Carey, 3rd Special Forces Group, Afghanistan
SPC Brian R. Sudol, 10th Mountain Div., US Army, Afghanistan
SPC Dean V. Lucas, US Army, Monterrey, CA— SO David Welsh, US Navy
SGT Ryan J. Heppel, US Marines, Camp Pendleton, CA
Cpl Michael C. Yodice, US Marines, Camp Pendleton, CA
Cpl Jeffrey L. Calzaretta, US Marines, Camp LeJeune, NC
LCpl Anthony Pellegrini, US Marines, Okinawa
SPC Tiffany Thumann, Army Military Police, New York
LCpl Thomas Stapleton, US Marines, Afghanistan
HM Jaeson Henderson, US Navy, North Carolina
LCpl Steven John Martinelli, US Marines, Arizona
Major Daniel J. Ciccarelli, USMA, Faculty, West Point
2nd LT Lindsey Melia Combs, National Guard, PA
LCpl Brandon Shaffer, US Marines, Japan
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
The Pastor’s Desk
Page 4
Finally, I received a letter of thanks from the Little Sisters of
the Poor for your contribution of $5,250.00 to their annual door
contribution for their work with the elderly. Thanks for your
Thanks for a great week and best wishes for a great one to come!
Dear Friends,
May the Lord give you peace!
Pace e Bene,
This weekend we celebrate the greatest of American holidays—
Independence Day! Happy 4th of July to everyone! I really learned
to love the 4th of July as a kid. That was the day that the extended
Sevola Family got together for its family reunion. After a great day
of parades, picnicking, swimming and just hanging out with my
cousins, we would make our way to the other end of the lake to
watch the fireworks. Who doesn’t love fireworks?!?
I loved every minute of the 4th of July then and I still do today.
But as an adult I know that the 4th of July is about a lot more than
family reunions and fireworks. Today I’m aware of our American
heritage, our freedoms, our rights and our responsibilities. Our
American heritage is taken up with so many wonderful things,
from celebrating our history to welcoming the newest immigrants
to our shores. We are proud of what we have accomplished, we are
proud of our historical heroes and we look forward to what lies
ahead and place great hope in our young people. Let us always and
everywhere give thanks for our freedoms and for the brave men
and women who defend these freedoms. Let us do all we can to
protect all our rights and freedoms enshrined in the Bill of Rights.
On this Independence Day let us also remind ourselves of the
responsibilities and duties we have as Americans. We have a
responsibility to be good citizens, to take care of ourselves and to
take care of the neediest in our society. We have the responsibility
to seek peace, care for the earth and defend our country. We have
a responsibility to welcome the stranger and give comfort to the
We employ many symbols when we celebrate our American
heritage. Perhaps one of the most enduring symbols is the Statue of
Liberty. She stands in New York Harbor as a symbol of our freedom
and as a sure sign of hope for all who gaze upon her majesty. Let’s
always remember the profound words of Emma Lazarus found
on the base of Lady Liberty: Give me your tired, your poor, your
huddled masses, yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of
your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest tossed to
me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door. Someone in each of
our histories knew those words intimately; let us be sure that the
new immigrants who come to our shores will celebrate them for
generations to come!
As the 4th of July weekend comes to a close and you’re wondering
what to do with yourself for the next week, I give you the
St. Mary’s Carnival! This great week-long event begins Monday,
July 6, and runs through Saturday, July 11. This is a great night out
for the family, a great way to see friends and a great way to support
St. Mary’s! Come on out and have a good time. Many thanks to
everyone who works so hard to make this event a success!
(The Pastor’s Desk is continued next column)
Fr. Frank Sevola, OFM
Fr. Frank can be reached at [email protected]
Save the Date!
“Francis The Musical a story of the poor man of Assisi”
new production of a musical about St. Francis is in
progress. The script was written by Dan Reed and
Fr. Richard is working on the production.
The first performance will be here on Sunday evening,
October 4, the feast day of St. Francis.
Other performances will be on the Sundays of October at
St. Bonaventure’s Church in Paterson, St. Anthony’s Church
in Butler and St. Francis in New York City.
hen shopping for goods or services or when dining
out, please consult the back pages of our bulletin
and patronize those businesses that help support our parish.
Many ads also contain discounts or coupons that will save
you money. Thank you; let’s all work together for the good
of St. Mary’s Parish!
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Page 5
St. Mary’s Parish Carnival - July 6 - July 11
HANK YOU to all those who have signed up so far
to help out at our Parish Carnival! HOWEVER! We
still need help in some areas—namely, the Food Tent
[taking orders, grilling, filling food orders].
As always, there will be lots of things to do and enjoy
for the whole family: Rides — Game Booths — Great
Food — 50/50 Chances!
Our Carnival is an IMPORTANT fundraiser. Please
check out the Volunteer Form to see where you could
give some time.
We appreciate whatever time you can give! Please
sign up on the Volunteer Form or email carolt@ or call the Parish Office.
Phone #(best time to call)____________________
____Game Booth
____Food Tent
____50/50 Raffle
___Mon ___Tues ___Wed ___Thurs ___Fri ___Sat
Catskills Hike with Mass
Who: Adults 18 y/o and up
What: 8-mile hike in the Catskills (to be finalized).
Mass enroute with Fr. Larry Anderson. Pack own
When: Saturday, July 18.
Logistics: Meet at St. Mary’s parking lot at 7 AM for
carpooling to trailhead [approximate driving time, 2 hrs.].
Dogs: Welcomed on leash.
More Info: Peg Buck, [email protected]; or 973. 267.8290 Russell Del’Re, [email protected]
Adult Faith Formation
The Book of Exodus
Presenter: Fr. Joe
Thursdays, July 9, 16, 23, 30
8:00 - 9:30 AM in CC 202-203
7:00 - 8:30 PM in CC 202-203
t. Mary’s will once again join with our
neighbors at Our Lady of Consolation
Church, Hamburg Tpke in Wayne in
celebrating one of the foremost leaders in the
early church, St. Mary of Magdala.
A Prayer Service will be held on her feast day,
Wednesday, July 22, 7 PM at OLC.
Mary of Magdala led the group of women who
accompanied Jesus and supported him in his ministry,
was present at his death, and was the first to proclaimed
the good news of His Resurrection to the other disciples.
Tree of Life
sculpture of our Parish Tree of Memories is in the church vestibule. The tree affords a special and permanent remembrance
of those who have shared God’s love with
us and with our community. You may wish
to remember a loved one, a friend or a special event in your
life. A leaf for the tree will be engraved for a $500 gift. For
more information, please stop by the Parish Office.
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Page 6
Contacts: 973.835.5594
Middle School Religious Education /Middle School:
Mary Ann Werner, ext. 161 [email protected]
Confirmation: Pat Newton, ext. 160 [email protected]
High School Youth Minister: Joe Domko
ext. 117 [email protected]!/stmarysym
INSTAGRAM: stmarysym
Director: Jennifer Ferraioli, ext. 103
[email protected]
To register for any youth ministry event or program, visit:
Youth Mass—Youth Mass is on summer break! We will not
have another Youth Mass until September. Thanks to all who have
served this past year, and we look forward to having more youth-led
worship in the fall!
Youth Mass Band and Choir—is on hiatus for the summer. If
you feel the desire to serve our community by sharing your passion
for music, please contact us! We are revamping this ministry for
next fall and it will include trips to live music venues, open-mic
nights, and more!
Next HOPE Meeting—Not until September—enjoy your summer!
For more information visit the YM HOPE webpage.
You can volunteer for just one class or for more!
Most Thursday evenings from 5:45 - 8 PM
November, 2015 through April, 2016
Prayer Room wing at Saint Mary’s campus
You will provide child care with another volunteer and the parents
will be a few steps away.
Contact Beverly Delleart at [email protected] or
973.835.0374, ext. 113.
OR serve a meal to those in need during our Soup Kitchen Outreach to
Sacred Heart Church in Jersey City on the third Saturday of each month.
All candidates and an adult family member interested in volunteering for
(1) one Saturday out of the year are encouraged to contact Jacqueline
Rose, Outreach Director, at 973.835.0374, ext. 193, 973.513.3325 or by
email at: [email protected].
to online registration quick link.
Mt. Irenaeus Service Trip is gearing up. Please keep our
8th Grade Middle School Religious Education
Peer Ministry Training in August!—Our second of two
Week 2 - July 6-9, 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM. All classes in the Carnevale
Center on Lenox Avenue.
Middle School Service Opportunity
Summer Service for Middle School Youth Ministry – Fr. English
Community Center – Playing, reading, listening, laughing with the
children in the summer camp program! July 20-23, 8:45 AM – 1 PM.
Chaperones needed. Limited to 10 participants. Register online.
2015-2016 Registration for Confirmation Phase 1 and
Phase 2 opened June 1. Go to our website to register online or to
download a registration form. While you can still register after
June 30, we cannot guarantee your first choice in meeting day/
time or retreat.
Confirmation Service Hours—It’s not too early to start earning
service hours for 2015-16. Need ideas?
Our parish will be offering child care for the members of our Christian
Caregiving training classes. This is a great opportunity to serve others
and you will receive credit for your Confirmation requirement.
(Confirmation continued in next column)
team in your prayers and intentions this week!
offerings will be held onWednesday, August 5, 12 noon - 4:30 PM
in Downey Hall at the Carnevale Center. This training is limited to all
confirmed sophomores and juniors [rising junior and seniors]and is
mandatory for all who wish to lead retreats, service trips and/or outreach
events. Even if you have already completed a training session, this
must be completed each year! Registration for our August session is
now open and can be found online at our website.
Movie Night—All high school students are welcome to attend!
We meet in the basement of the Youth Center from 7:00 - 9:30 PM
every Wednesday. Chaperones are ALWAYS needed and welcome!
Antioch Our annual summer retreat is gearing up for July! This
event takes place July 17-19 here on St. Mary’s campus and is open
to all current high school students. Contact Joe if you have any questions
regarding this event! Registration has begun; register online today!
Service Week—Mark your calendars for our annual service weeks
at the Father English Center in Paterson. From July 13 – 16 our high
school students will spend the days at the center working with the
youth. From July 20 – 23 our middle school students will serve in the
same capacity. This is an excellent opportunity to stretch ourselves
and serve others during the summer months, as well as a great way
to form new friendships. Registration is limited so sign up today!
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Elementary Religious Education
Page 7
St. Mary’s School
Grades 1-5
Carol La Salle, Principal
Hours: Monday through Thursday: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Closed Friday
CCD Registration for Grades 1-4, for the 2015-16 year is open.
Classes are assigned on a “first-come, first-served” basis.
For information about each grade and to register go to http:// Questions? 973.835.7750
St. Mary’s Car Raffle
Please note the St. Mary’s School car raffle will
be drawn on Saturday, July 11, at 5:45 PM.
Good luck to all.
Daily Readings for the Week
Sunday: Ez 2:2-5; 2 Cor 12:7-10; Mk 6:1-6a
Monday: Gn 28:10-22a; Mt 9:18-26
Tuesday: Gn 32:23-33; Mt 9:32-38
Wednesday: Gn 41:55-57, 42:5-7a, 17-24a; Mt 10:1-7
Thursday: Gn 44:18-21, 23b-29, 45:1-5; Mt 10:7-15
Friday: Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Mt 10:16-23
Saturday: Gn 49:29-32, 50:15-26a; Mt 10:24-33
Journey 2015
ourney 2015 is a retreat weekend for women
who have experienced Cornerstone at
St. Mary’s in the past. The mission of Journey is for
women to build on their relationship with Christ through their
community with others ~ this year we want to THRIVE along
with you and build on our efforts to Dig Deep & Reach Out in
our relationship with God and those around us.
When: October 2 - 4
Where: St. Francis Retreat House in Easton, PA
Time: 5 pm Friday, 10/2 through lunch Sunday,
10/4 (about 1 pm)
Cost: two room types (see brochure) at $185
and $200; $50 deposit
Please see our brochure at the exits and lobby of the
church or visit the Adult Faith Formation section on
St. Mary’s website.
For more information contact: Keri Cottingham:
973.224.6644 or [email protected]
Let’s THRIVE together in Christ’s name using prayer, activities, talks
(including a guest speaker) and lots of fun. Availability on a firstcome, first-served basis; the facilities are handicapped accessible.
We can’t wait to hear from you!
Grace is not part of consciousness; it is the amount of light
in our souls, not knowledge nor reason.
Pope Francis
As people alive today, we must consider future generations:
a clean environment is a human right like any other. It is
therefore part of our responsibility toward others to ensure
that the world we pass on is as healthy, if not healthier, than
we found it.
The Dalhi Lama
We have to work harder to develop a profound theology of
women within the church. The feminine genius is needed
wherever we make important decisions.
Pope Francis
Because we all share this planet earth, we have to learn to
live in harmony and peace with each other and with nature.
This is not just a dream, but a necessity.
The Dahli Lama
Faith Direct
hat is the best way to ensure our parish receives the support
needed for our operating expenses and ministries during
the busy summer months? eGiving through Faith Direct!
Please enroll today by visiting Our
church code is NJ23. Increased enrollment with Faith Direct
will help stabilize our parish finances during the coming
summer months when many families are away on vacation.
Thank you for your continued support of our parish family
with your time and talents as well as treasure!
Pace e Bene,
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Page 8
Ministry News
Food Pantry News
As we plan for the summer months at the Food Pantry,
we thank you for remembering our Food Pantry members
during the summer months with your generous donations
of groceries, supermarket gift cards and monetary support.
Can You Help?—We need a few more people to help
clean the purificators [wash and iron the cloths used to
clean the chalice]. The commitment is about once every
ten weeks. If you are interested, please call the Parish
Office at 973.835.0374 and leave your name and phone number.
Have a safe and blessed summer!
What’s Needed Now—Dried Beans, Rice, Peanut Butter,
Jelly, Mayonnaise, Garbanzo Beans, Tuna, Canned
Chicken, Toilet Paper, Shampoo and Conditioner.
Targeted Drive—July 11/12
Parmalot Shelf Milk, Cereals, Coffee, Tea, Laundry and Dish
DAIRY DONORS NEEDED—We are grateful to those
who have been able to participate as a “Dairy Donor.” Our
monthly goal is $1,500 and thus far for July we have received
gifts totaling $100. “Dairy Donors” allow us to continue to provide
nutritious dairy products to our Food Pantry members. If you would like
to share in this vital cause, please make your contribution payable to:
St. Mary’s Parish and note Food Pantry Dairy Donor in the memo
section of the check.
Calling All Individuals & Families!—Please join us on the
third Saturday of each month to serve a meal to those in need
during our Soup Kitchen Outreach to Sacred Heart Church in
Jersey City. Our next trip to the Soup Kitchen will be Saturday,
July 18, - reserve your space soon!
This is a great opportunity to teach your children a hands-on appreciation
and understanding of those less fortunate in the world. All individuals
& families interested in volunteering for (1) one Saturday out of the
year are encouraged to contact Jacqueline Rose, Outreach Director, at
973.835.0374, ext. 193, or by email at: [email protected]
St. Mary’s Outreach Ministry—[Food
Pantry Ministry,
Soup Kitchen Ministry, Health & Wellness Ministry and involvement
in the ministry of Pathways Counseling Service]. These ministries
serve members of our parish community, as well as individuals and
families in our local communities - people in all walks of life, from all
denominations and all races.
Donations to the Outreach Ministry are eligible for Matching Gift
Programs through many employers; why not explore the possibility of
your employer participating in the Matching Gift Program. For more
information or questions about this process, please contact our Outreach
Director, Jacqueline Rose, by email at [email protected] or
call 973.835.0374 ext. 193 or Outreach Cell at 973.513.3325.
Lost Angels Bereavement Support Group—We
support, understanding, compassion and hope to bereaved parents,
grandparents and siblings struggling to rebuild their lives after the
death of children, grandchildren or siblings as a result of substance abuse
or addiction.
Our next gathering will be Thursday, July 9, at 7:00 PM in
the Carnevale Center. For more information, please contact Donna
Andelora at [email protected] or 973.713.9962.
Prayer Shawls Available—Anyone
in a prayer shawl for a special need [to celebrate
special joyous occasions, to console those in need,
to give hope or to comfort], please contact the
Parish Office at 973.835.0374.
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile,
a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the
smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a
life around.”
Leo Buscaglia
St. Mary’s Seniors of Pompton Lakes—Join us on a trip to
Woodloch, Hawley, PA - Tuesday, July 14 - Cost $47 (members
$44). Lunch: Prime Rib of Beef, Golden Butterfly Shrimp.
Boat rides, Musical Review “Back to the 80s,” Bingo. Bus
leaves Pompton Lakes 8:45 AM and departs Woodloch 4 PM. If
interested, please promptly call Madeline Morse 973.835.3344
or Jo Usinowicz 973.616.0980.
Ushers Needed for Sunday
5 PM Mass
ive a friendly smile, assist with seating when needed, pass the
Collection Basket, assist with Communion lines. Can you help?
Please call Peter Alvarez at 973.839.5693 for more information.
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Ministry News (cont’d)
New RCIA Inquiry Period
Next Session July 18
Never been baptized?
Baptized in another faith and interested in becoming Catholic?
Baptized as Catholic but not raised Catholic?
Not confirmed in the Catholic Church?
Just interested in learning more about your Catholic Faith?
You are all invited to join us on Saturday, July 18, for our next
Inquiry Session, 4:00 PM in the Prayer Room. [An additional
inquiry session will be held on August 15.]
Are you interested? Know someone who is interested? Please
contact Keith Orotosky at 973.476.4398, keithorotosky@
2015 Pompton Lakes Townwide Garage Sale!
Saturday, July 18 - 9 AM - Dusk (raindate 7-19)
No Permits or fees Required
Sales will take place at individual homes as well as businesses
throughout town.
Call 972.835.0143, ext. 275 for info.
Page 9
Pathways Counseling Center, Inc.
Dr. Pamela Hall, Clinical Director
Office Phone: 908.277.2383
Carol Kemmerer
Email: [email protected]
Gary V. Cupo, Board of Trustees Vice President
Pathways Counseling Center: 16 Pompton Avenue
Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442
Fax: 973.616.4688
Licensed Professional Counselors and
Licensed Clinical Social Workers Wanted
Pathway’s Counseling Center is hiring Licensed Professional
Counselors and Licensed Clinical Social Workers. If you or
someone you know is looking for a rewarding opportunity to
work with children, individuals and families, please contact
Dr. Pam Hall, Psy.D, our Clinical Director, to discuss these
opportunities. Dr. Hall can be reached at 908.277.2383. Please
email all resumés to: [email protected]
hen families are in crisis, they turn to Catholic Charities.
Last year, nearly 125,00 expectant moms received help and
hope through supportive pregnancy services.
Visit to learn more.
November 4 - 14, 2015
Hosted by
Fr. Gonzalo de Jesús Torres-Acosta, OFM
$3279 per person from Newark
(Air/land tour price is $2649 plus $630 gov’t taxes/
airlines surcharges)
Visit Rome, Assisi, Florence and Venice also enjoy Vatican City and a PAPAL AUDIENCE
For a brochure & more information contact:
Fr. Gonzalo at [email protected]
or Mrs. Shirley Costello at 800.221.4984
or email: [email protected]
The Parish Store
Religious Articles & Gifts
326 Wanaque Ave., Pompton Lakes
[email protected]
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday:
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
Thursday: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
ummer is here! It’s a great time to visit The Parish
Store for a wonderful selection of statues for your
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Page 10
Ministerio Hispano de Santa María
Nuestros Líderes
Pastor: Padre Frank Sevola, ofm [email protected]
Directora del Ministerio Hispano: Milagros Anto 973.835.
0374, ext 703 o 201.841.0269 (lunes a viernes de 4 pm a 9 pm)
[email protected] Facebook:
Vicario para la pastoral hispana: Padre Gonzalo de Jesús TorresAcosta, ofm 973.835.0374, ext 702, [email protected]. Comité Hispano: Elkin & Gloria Vargas, Antonio
& Guadalupe Xochipa, Raul & Nubia Tamayo, Valentín León,
Luz A. Quiñones, Lourdes Huertas, Angelina Nuci, Josefina
Soperanes, Cipriano Oropeza, Elizabeth Ramírez, Esther and
Fernando Avila, Judith Navarro, Isabel Soperanes, Mauricio
Soperanes, Carmen Lagunes, Aurora & Ramos Díaz, Elvira
Guerrero, Andrés & Digna Mesa, Belinda Orellano-Rojas
Misa en Español
Los domingos a las 9:00AM en el Centro Carnevale (10 Lenox Ave,
Pompton Lakes, NJ). Durante el año celebramos varias eucaristías
en la iglesia principal. Algunas celebraciones son bilingües como
la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, la Vigilia Pascual, y el
Día de Acción de Gracias (Thanksgiving)
por la falta de interés de los demás. Las actitudes que obstruyen
los caminos de solución, aun entre los creyentes, van de la
negación del problema a la indiferencia, la resignación cómoda
o la confianza ciega en las soluciones técnicas”…”Necesitamos
una solidaridad universal nueva”…”La tecnología que, ligada
a las finanzas, pretende ser la única solución de los problemas,
de hecho suele ser incapaz de ver el misterio de las múltiples
relaciones que existen entre las cosas, y por eso a veces resuelve
un problema creando otros”.
Bautismos en español
Requisitos: Certificado de Nacimiento del(a) niño(a), padrinos y
asistir a una clase antes de la celebración del Sacramento (padres
y padrinos). Las clases se dictan en el Centro Carnevale (10 Lenox
Avenue, Pompton Lakes, NJ, 07442). Información: Milagros
Anto, o Padre Gonzalo. Si desea bautizar su hijo(a) en inglés debe
asistir a una clase y llamar a la secretaria parroquial Claire Fagan
973.835.5841. ext 120.
5 DE JULIO 2015- XIV Domingo Ordinario
Jesús les dijo: “Todos honran a un profeta, menos los de su tierra,
sus parientes y los de su casa” (Marcos 6:4)
Predicar a las personas conocidas es una tarea muy complicada.
Sin embargo estamos llamados a comenzar nuestra labor misionera
por nuestra propia casa. Es allí donde se hace real el anuncio que
tenemos que llevar al mundo. Comenzar a ser cristianos en nuestra
propia casa nos ayuda a realizar nuestra labor desde la humildad y
la sencillez del que se siente enviado y no dueño de la salvación.
SÁBADO 11 DE JULIO 2015-Memorial de san Benito,
Dotado de una profunda sensibilidad humana, San Benito en su
proyecto de reforma de la sociedad miró sobre todo al hombre,
siguiendo tres líneas directivas: 1) el valor del hombre individual,
como persona; 2) la dignidad del trabajo, entendido como servicio
a Dios y a los hermanos; 3) la necesidad de la contemplación, o
sea, de la oración: habiendo comprendido que Dios es el Absoluto,
y que vivimos en el Absoluto, el alma de todo debe ser la oración:
Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus (Regla).
Encíclica Papal “Laudato Si”
Estos son algunos de los principales puntos de la encíclica del
papa Francisco “’Laudato si’ (Alabado seas) sobre el cuidado de
la casa común”, presentada oficialmente este jueves oficialmente
en el Vaticano.
“La humanidad aún posee la capacidad de colaborar para construir
nuestra casa común”… “Lamentablemente, muchos esfuerzos
para buscar soluciones concretas a la crisis ambiental suelen ser
frustrados no sólo por el rechazo de los poderosos, sino también
Catequesis/ Preparación para la Primera Comunión en español
Este programa consiste de 2 años de preparación de septiembre a
junio. Las clases son los viernes a las 6 PM en el Centro Carnevale
(10 Lenox Avenue, Pompton Lakes, NJ, 07442). Requisitos: Partida
de Bautismo y tener entre 8 a 13 años de edad. Nuestra directora
es Angelina Nuci. Colabora como catequista en este programa
Brianna Gómez. Información: Milagros Anto, o Angelina Nuci,
973.866.8431, [email protected]. Si desea que su hijo(a)
se prepare en inglés debe comunicarse con la señora Alma Banta,
la Directora Parroquial de Educación Religiosa, al tel 973.835.
7750, ext 102 [email protected].
Preparación para la Confirmación en español
Este programa consiste de 2 años de preparación de septiembre
a junio. Es un camino juvenil muy interesante y una oportunidad
para crecer en la Fe Católica. Requisitos: Partida de Bautismo,
certeza de que ha hecho la Primera Comunión, padrinos y estar
cursando la escuela secundaria. Las clases son los miércoles a
las 7:30 PM en el Centro Carnevale (10 Lenox Avenue, Pompton
Lakes, NJ, 07442). Nuestra directora es Milagros Anto. Colabora
como catequista Samuel Sánchez; ayudado por Kimberly Díaz,
Belinda Arellano-Rojas, Luis y Erick Herrera, Oscar García y
Cariño. Información: Milagros Anto. Si desea que su hijo(a) se
prepare para la Confirmación en inglés debe comunicarse con la
señora Pat Newton, la Coordinadora Parroquial de Confirmación,
at 973.835.5594, ext 160, [email protected].
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
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Ministerio Hispano de Santa María
El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) es el proceso en el
cual los adultos se preparan para recibir los Sacramentos de Iniciación
(Bautismo, Confirmación y 1ra Santa Comunión). RICA consiste
de cuatro periodos de formación: Periodo del Pre-Catecumenado;
Periodo del Catecumenado; Periodo de Purificación e Iluminación
y el Periodo Post-bautismal de catequesis / Mistagogia. El propósito
primario de RICA es la iniciación de los adultos y niños no bautizados
que han llegado a la edad de la razón, sin embargo el Rito también
se extienda a los adultos bautizados pero no catequizados. Las
clases, en español, comienzan en el mes de septiembre. Los
Sacramentos se reciben durante la Vigilia Pascual, en la noche del
Sábado Santo. Información: Milagros Anto, o Padre Gonzalo. Los
adultos que desean prepararse para los Sacramentos de Iniciación
en inglés deben llamar la señora Beverly Kass, Directora de RCIA,
al tel 973.229.1134, [email protected].
Preparación Matrimonial en español
Ante todo les invitamos a HABLAR CON EL SACERDOTE, para
acompañarlos en su decisión libre y madura. Esto evita trámites, tiempo
y gastos innecesarios. Los requisitos son diferentes dependiendo de la
situación de cada pareja. Información: Padre Gonzalo.
Visita y Sacramento de Unción de los Enfermos
Los enfermos necesitan fortalecer y ser acompañados por su
familia. La Iglesia es una Gran Familia. Permítanos organizar
la visita semanal, para acompañar, dialogar, escuchar, compartir
un tiempo con el enfermo o el adulto mayor que ya no puede
venir solo a la Eucaristía. El o ella tiene derecho a vivir su fe en
comunidad. Por favor comunicarse con Milagros Anto, el Padre
Gonzalo, o Elkin Vargas, 973.557.5459, [email protected]
Sacramento de la Reconciliación (Confesión)
En el año realizamos varias jornadas de Reconciliación (Confesión),
especialmente en Cuaresma y Adviento. Todos los sábados a las 4:30
PM un sacerdote está disponible en el confesionario de la iglesia
principal para escuchar su Confesión en inglés. Si desea confesarse
en español, por favor hacer una cita con el Padre Gonzalo.
Ministerios para la Liturgia
Son los diferentes servicios que se hacen necesarios para que las
celebraciones litúrgicas sean vivas, participativas y solemnes.
Ministerio Musical. Es el ministerio de alabanza a Dios por medio
del canto. Si quiere ser parte del coro en español, cantando o tocando
algún instrumento, por favor comunicarse con nuestro Director Musical,
Joaquín Díaz, 862.377.1699, [email protected]
Ministerio de Proclamadores de la Palabra. Si quiere ser
proclamador de la Palabra o comentarista, por favor comunicarse con
Elkin Vargas, 973.557.5459 [email protected]
Monaguillos. Los acólitos ayudan al Celebrante (Sacerdote) en el
altar durante las misas dominicales, en las bodas y fiestas especiales del
año. Son elegibles para este ministerio jóvenes, niños y niñas, desde
el quinto año escolar hasta la escuela secundaria que hayan recibido la
Primera Comunión, o que se estén preparando para recibirla. En este
servicio, los jóvenes crecen en su vida de fe, al mismo tiempo que
aprenden a servir a otros en la comunidad. Si está interesado en que su
hijo(a) sirva en el Altar por favor comunicarse con las coordinadoras:
Judith Navarro, 862.579 .0037 y Angelina Nuci, 973.866.8431,
[email protected]
Ministros de la Eucaristía:
Los ministros de la Eucaristía sirven a la comunidad durante las
misas de la semana, fin de semana, domingos y días de fiesta,
ayudando a distribuir el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Jesucristo durante el
rito de la comunión. Coordinador: Antonio y Guadalupe Xochipa,
Ministros Extraordinarios de la Eucaristía
El rol del ministro de la Eucaristía puede también incluir el llevar
la Comunión a los feligreses hospitalizados, personas mayores
e incluso presidir algún servicio de Comunión. Este ministerio
ofrece la oportunidad de servir a los hermanos (as) y es fuente de
gracia para los ministros. Elkin Vargas, 973.557.5459, elvarher@
Ministros de la Hospitalidad - Ujieres
Para nosotros en Santa María, el ministerio de la hospitalidad
es muy importante. Nos esforzamos para que todas las personas
se sientan bienvenidas a nuestra parroquia. Los ministros de la
hospitalidad saludan a todos los que entran en la iglesia. Después
de la misa los ujieres distribuyen los boletines y se aseguran que
todo quede en orden. Ellos también ayudan a recoger la colecta
semanal. Elkin Vargas, 973.557.5459, [email protected]
Visita de la Virgen Peregrina:
Si desea llevar a casa por una semana la imagen de Nuestra
Santísima Madre María para orar por las necesidades de su familia,
nuestra parroquia, la Iglesia y el mundo, por favor reservar con
Esther Avila, 317.501.3820.
En México y otros países de Latinoamérica, la celebración de
la Quinceañera comienza con una Misa de agradecimiento. La
quinceañera llega a la iglesia con sus padres, padrinos y la corte
de honor (las damas y los chambelanes). Para más información por
favor comunicarse con el Padre Gonzalo
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Page 12
Ministerio Hispano de Santa María
Acompañamiento Espiritual
Por favor solicitar una cita con el Padre Gonzalo para poder
servirle. Este será un dialogo confidencial y en la presencia del
Espíritu Santo. Si usted es bilingüe puede solicitar una cita con
cualquiera de los cuatro frailes en la parroquia (Padres Frank,
Richard o Joe). También puede hablar con Milagros Anto.
Bendición del Hogar, la Oficina y el Carro
Con mucho gusto poder servirle. Es hacer presente a Dios en
nuestro hogar, lugar de trabajo o vehículo. Por favor comunicarse
con el Padre Gonzalo.
Clases de GED
Clases de GED (General Equivalency Diploma) en nuestra Iglesia
de Santa María - después de la Misa de español en el Centro
Carnevale. Este examen es el equivalente al diploma de la escuela
secundaria. Las Clases son en español. Información: Milagros
Clases de Inglés
Clases gratuitas de inglés todos los lunes y miércoles de 7:25 a
9 PM en el sótano del Centro Carnevale (10 Lenox Ave, Pompton
Lakes), de septiembre a diciembre y marzo a mayo. NO HAY
clases en enero, febrero o en el verano. La última clase de este
periodo será el lunes 25 de mayo.
El Centro de Consejería Pathways es una agencia sin
ánimo de lucro dedicada al cuidado de la salud mental. Es un
ministerio de nuestra parroquia. Ofrecemos una gran variedad
de servicios de salud mental para familias, niños y todas las
personas sin importar su religión, edad, raza, u orientación
sexual. Las puertas están abiertas para todos los que necesitan
consejería. Si usted o algún conocido necesita ayuda visítenos
en: 16 Pompton Avenue, Pompton Lakes, New Jersey 07442 (al
frente de la iglesia principal) o por favor llame a 973.835.6337
o visite la página web
Si desea ayuda en español. Por favor pregunte por la consejera
Betty Ortiz-Drace o envíele un correo electrónico a Drace.
[email protected]
Escuela Católica de Santa María (Pre-Kinder a Grado
Nuestra Escuela de Santa María (St. Mary’s School) es una
comunidad de fe conformada por nuestros alumnos, padres,
maestros y frailes franciscanos. Nuestra misión es “educar a los
niños en todos los aspectos de la vida, espiritual, emocional, social
y académicamente, a través de los esfuerzos de colaboración
de los maestros y los padres cuyas, vidas reflejen el mensaje
del Evangelio.” Para mayor información por favor llamar al
tel 973. 835.2010, o escribirle a la secretaria general, la señora
Mary Anne Smith, [email protected]. También
pueden solicitar la asistencia del padre Gonzalo. No permitan
que el idioma sea una barrera para que sus hijos reciban una
buena educación católica. ¡Comuníquense con nosotros!
Programa de Asistencia Médica de la Iglesia de Santa
María. Todos los lunes de 7:30 a 9 PM un grupo de doctores y
enfermeras voluntarios atienden las necesidades básicas de las
personas que no cuentan con seguro medico. Ellos vienen del
Hospital de San José en Paterson. No se necesita cita previa. La
clínica se encuentra localizada en el sótano del Centro Carnevale
(10 Lenox Ave. Pompton Lakes, NJ) en el salón 003. Se cuenta con
un intérprete al español.
ATENCION: El programa de asistencia médica de Santa María
NO realizará más exámenes para participar en deportes en las
escuelas. Estos exámenes deben ser hechos por el médico en cada
escuela, y son gratis. Los estudiantes deben asistir a las sesiones
que cada escuela programa para aquellos que quieren participar en
actividades deportivas.
Despensa de Comida de Santa María. Esta despensa gratuita
de comida o Food Pantry es un ministerio de nuestra parroquia
que ayuda a aproximadamente 175 familias a la semana (o sea
aproximadamente 480 personas entre niños y adultos). Si usted o
algún conocido necesita un mercado de emergencia, por favor visite
nuestra despensa en 22 Lakeside Avenue, Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442
(en la parte baja del estacionamiento municipal) foodpantry@ Puede llamar a Elkin Vargas: 973.557.5459
Ministerio Pastoral de San Esteban en la Parroquia de
Santa María – Saint Stephen Ministry
¿Tiene problemas familiares, o siente soledad? ¿Es usted nuevo(a)
en el área? ¿Ha perdido a un ser querido? ¿Ha sido usted o un
allegado diagnosticado(a) con cáncer? ¿Sufre de alguna enfermedad
crónica? ¿Ha regresado del servicio militar? No importa por lo que
está pasando, en nuestra parroquia tenemos la disponibilidad y los
recursos para ayudarle. Este ministerio es bilingüe. Llame a Beverly
Delleart, Directora del Ministerio Pastoral y Cuidado Cristiano de
San Esteban, al 973.835.0374, ext. 113, beverly@stmarys-pompton.
org. Somos el Rostro de Cristo para aquellos que necesitan compañía.
Todas las llamadas son confidenciales. No hay cargos monetarios
previstos. Interesados en ser voluntarios en nuestro ministerio, por
favor llamar al número antes mencionado. También puede comunicarse
con el Padre Gonzalo.
Grupo Juvenil de Santa María
Si eres estudiante de la escuela secundaria (High School) te invitamos
a participar de un encuentro en inglés en el Centro Juvenil todos los
miércoles de 7:00 a 9:30 PM. Informes con el Padre Gonzalo.
¿Quiere ser un fraile franciscano?
Debe ser soltero, tener entre los 21 y 45 años de edad; ser un ciudadano
o residente permanente legal de los EE.UU.; tener buen estado de
salud física y mental. ¡Imagínese en el hábito franciscano! Para más
información en español, favor comunicarse con el Padre Gonzalo,
Director Asistente de Vocaciones de los Frailes Franciscanos (Provincia
del Santo Nombre) a: Iglesia y Convento de Santa María. 17 Pompton
Ave, Pompton Lakes, NJ 07442. Teléfono: 1.973.835.0374, ext. 702.
Correo electrónico: [email protected]
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
Page 13
Ministerio Hispano de Santa María
28 al 30 de agosto de 2015 en nuestra casa de formación, Holy Name College, en Silver Spring,
MD. (Se necesita inscripción). Informes e inscripciones con: el Padre Gonzalo
Próximos Eventos:
emana de Carnaval. Este es el evento más importante de
la parroquia para recaudar fondos, este año será del 6 al 11
de julio. El viernes 10 será la NOCHE HISPANA. Si desea
ser voluntario el viernes comuníquese con Milagros Anto. Si
desea ser voluntario otros días por favor llena una forma en:
Domingo 26 de julio—Paseo al parque de atracciones Dorney
Park & Wildwater Kingdom en Pennsylvania. Saldremos
a las 7:30 AM (estacionamiento de la Iglesia de Santa María) y
volveremos a las 9 PM. El precio incluye transportación y
entrada al parque. Los niños menores de 2 años no pagan pero
van sentados con sus padres. EL PRECIO es de $55 por persona.
Fecha límite para pagar el domingo 12 de julio. Informes e
inscripción con Nubia Tamayo al final de la Misa
Se necesitan voluntarios para servir en el COMEDOR
COMUNITARIO de la Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón en Jersey
City, una vez al mes. La próxima visita será el 18 de julio. Es
una gran oportunidad para brindar nuestra compañía y un plato
de comida a personas, incluidos muchos niños, que están pasando
por un momento difícil. Informes (en inglés) con nuestra directora
de Servicio Comunitario (Outreach Director) Jacqueline Rose,
973.835.0374, ext 193, [email protected]. En
español: Elkin Vargas 973.557.5459, [email protected].
Bendito seas, Señor
Dios de toda la creación.
En tu bondad
nos has creado.
En tu misericordia
nos has redimido,
y en tu siempre amorosa sabiduría
nos sostienes con tu Espíritu.
Nos has dado el don de la fe,
el don de la comunidad de Santa María
y el don de la vocación a
ser tus discípulos.
Te rogamos que ahora nos des los dones de:
la iluminación, para que
a través de nuestras oraciones
podamos conocer
tu santo y verdadero mandamiento;
el discipulado,
para que podamos responder
a las necesidades de la comunidad
y no sólo a nuestras propias necesidades, y
la gratitud, para que, por el bien común,
podamos entregarnos a los demás.
¡Que descubramos lo que nos
corresponde hacer a cada uno, y que
hagamos buenas obras cada día
por el bien de tu Reino!
Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 5, 2015
“The place that God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness
and the world’s deep hunger meet.” ~Frederick Buechner (reflecting
on the meaning of VOCATION)
Page 14
For women & men
Financial struggles? Family worries? Loneliness? New to the
area? Experiencing losses? Cancer diagnosis for yourself or
a loved one? Chronic illness? Returned home after military
service? No matter what has come to your doorstep…care
& resources are available in our parish.
Call Beverly Delleart, Director of Christian Caregiving &
Stephen Ministry, at 973.835.0374, ext. 113
All calls confidential. No-fee care provided.
Interested in volunteering in our ministry? Call above too!