May 15, 2016 - Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary


May 15, 2016 - Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary
152 Main Street, Brockport, New York
(585) 637-4500
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook Page: Nativity Brockport
Sacrament of the Eucharist
Saturday Vigil: 4:30 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am, 1:00 pm - Español
Weekday Mass: M-Th—8:00 am, F—Noon
Holydays: Noon & 7:00 pm
We are glad you joined us!
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Friday: 1:00-1:45 pm; Saturday: 3:15-4:15 pm;
or by appointment
Arrangements for the Sacrament of Anointing of the
Sick/Communion, Baptism, and Matrimony
may be made by calling the Parish Office.
Parish Office Hours
Monday –Friday: 9 am—4 pm
Fr. Joseph McCaffrey, Pastor—[email protected]
Deacon Tom Schrage—[email protected]
Deacon Chris Fisher—[email protected]
James Pudetti, Financial Director—[email protected]
Pamela Rickerl, Parish Secretary—[email protected]
Connie Mesiti, Religious Ed Coordinator—[email protected]
Thomas Griffin, Facilities & Grounds/Cemetery Supervisor
Jorge Salgado, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry—[email protected]
Louise Pohl, Contemporary Choir Director
Bridget Bishop, Seasonal Choir Director
Pastoral Council
John LaPierre—President
E-mail: [email protected]
Mission Statement/Nuestra Misión
We are a Catholic Community, called to be faithful, caring
and enthusiastic disciples. We build up the kingdom of God
by worshiping and praising God, proclaiming the Good News
of Jesus Christ in word and witness, giving loving service to
our neighbor and strengthening the parish community.
Somos una comunidad católica llamada a ser discipulos
fieles, compasivos y entusiastas. Construimos el Reino de
Dios adorando y alabando a Dios, proclamando la Buena
Nueva de Jesucristo de palabra y con testimonio,
Sunday, May 15, 2016
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Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Parish Prayer List
We pray for those in our faith community and
those that we hold in our hearts. May God grant them
healing and strength.
Evelyn Battisti; Jim Bleier; Muriel Burns; Helen
Chuma; Nancy Danko; Dave Ellis; Michael Ferris;
Dolores Flow; Nate Foley; Theresa Gusek; Kailee
Kwiecien; John Lupisella; Lhessa Lyons; Tim
Krurnowski; Carol McNeil; Chuck Muscolino; Joanne
Nicolucci; Pat Nisdeo; Mary Overmeyer; Tony Pacilio;
Rick Paolucci; Sr. Piera Baiocco; Sara Ridd; Ethan
Sentiff; Lorraine Sheflin; Frances Swalbach; Andy
Virgilio; & Fr. Tom from India who was kidnapped by
Names remain on for one month. Please call the
office to add, remove or resubmit a loved one’s name.
This Sunday, May 15 the May
Crowning and Living Rosary
will be apart of our last
gathering of the year!
For more information, contact
Education Coordinator, at (585) 637-4500 or
[email protected] for any questions.
May 15, 2016
Office News
All Saturday & Sunday intentions are filled for the
year. To schedule a weekday Mass, please stop by
the office or call Pamela during office hours.
Please submit items by Friday THE WEEK BEFORE
the weekend you wish it to appear. Please:
1) E-mail it to [email protected] OR
2) Drop it off during open office hours
The bulletin is due at noon on Tuesday, and time is
needed to fit everything in. Your cooperation is
most appreciated!
If a member of your family is in Unity, Strong,
Highland, or General Hospital , please call the
Parish Office a nd let u s k now so Fa ther Joe
can visit.
The CROP Walk was a great success
even though we had a lousy day
weather-wise. Nativity Church
provided about one quarter of the
walkers and of the donations. A full
report will be printed when it
becomes available. Thanks to all who
walked and all who donated!
THIS MONDAY: The Joy of Love
Father Joe will take us through Pope
Francis’ new exhortation “Amoris
Laetitia” or The Joy of Love Monday,
May 16. He w ill begin at 7 pm in
the Parish Center. Join him...
Mt. Olivet Cemetery
E. Canal Road, Brockport, NY
Now open for visitation & burials.
8 am-dusk, April 1 - November 30; December & April
—weather permitting; Closed January 1 –March 31
Please adhere to the rules & regulations posted.
For information, call the Parish Office at 637-4500.
In today’s first reading we encounter the Holy
Spirit who at Pentecost came rushing in over Jesus’
followers like a powerful wind. It must have been a
frightening experience for them. But their great
acts of prophetic witness began when the Spirit
drew them out of their “comfort zones.” Jesus said
the Holy Spirit, like the wind, blows where it wills;
into the lives of good stewards, empowering them
to perform wondrous acts of healing, reconciliation
and evangelization; encouraging them to proclaim
the Gospel with boldness and confidence. All of
that is a little beyond the comfort zone where most
of us live our lives. This week, reflect on how the
Holy Spirit may be calling you out of your personal
comfort zone.
Thank you to those who came out to help clean-up the cemetery this past Saturday: Milt Danko,
Father Joe McCaffrey, Joe & Mary Thorpe, and Carl & Sharon Wheat. We worked on the altar,
the pump, and the Priest’s Circle . A good start…
- Tom Griffin
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Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Fr. Joe’s Week: Last Th ur sday w as the Holy
Day, so no day off for me. Thanks to those who
signed up for ministries that day to help out. From
now on, we will be using the MinistrySchedulerPro
program to assign folks for ministries on Holy Days.
Then people can opt out or switch if scheduled.
Pamela will follow-up on that for the next schedule…
Friday our Ignatian Retreat ended. We have been
praying every day since October, doing in 30+ weeks
the entire 30 day retreat of St. Ignatius. I love this
ministry, leading people through the exercises, and
the five who made them this year grew deeply in
their prayer through the experience. I’ve decided that
I won’t be offering the group this coming year—too
much on my plate with building, Priests’ Council,
some diocesan work, etc. Maybe the next year…
Saturday after Mass I went to Unity to pray with
Kathleen Bolton’s family. I had been to Unity to
anoint her earlier in the week, but she was placed on
hospice, so I led the family in praying as she was
joining God forever. She died on Sunday afternoon…
After the hospital I went to Bill and Patty Hayles for
supper and a Kentucky Derby party. What a great
time! The race was ending as I got there, so I missed
the betting, but enjoyed supper. Thanks!...Sunday
afternoon I went to Holy Cross for the monthly
priests’ dinner, always a good time…Monday
morning I went to Fowler’s to plan Kathleen Bolton’s
services, then came back to the office to meet with
Patrick O’Hare’s family to plan his services next
week. Patrick resided at the Monroe Community
Hospital, but he and his family are Brockport
people…Tuesday afternoon I went to St. Bernard’s
for a workshop on annulments. Some of the
procedures have been simplified. Fr. Lou Siriani took
us through them all. There were a lot of priests and
pastoral ministers there—good information…
Wednesday morning we had Kathleen’s funeral at
Fowler’s, then her burial in Mt. Olivet. Her family
and her neighbors celebrated her life with joy and
thanksgiving. After the burial I went to Penfield for
my Parish Leadership group. This is for the first two
years of a new pastorate, so I am graduating out of
the program next month…That evening I went to the
Pettinari’s for supper and baptismal preparation.
Catherine and Giuseppe, new to our parish, are
baptizing Gianluca Giuseppe in July. We had a
wonderful meal and a great evening watching
Catherine’s brother play baseball for the Norfolk
Tides—he hit a home run!…God bless and have a
good week!
Please pray for the souls of
Kathleen Bolton & Patrick O’Hare,
who passed away this week.
May 15, 2016
Call to Nativity
We have narrowed down our list to two design
firms. This coming week we will invite those firms to
interview with us so we can make a decision. This
decision will be made this week, so they can start
working on a concept for our Parish Center. Please pray
for our team and our project!
Nativity Festival 2016 Tag Trees
You will soon see tag trees at the front and
side doors of the church. These tags contain
items to be used as prizes at the festival.
There will be boxes at both doors to return the tag
This year’s festival will be held Friday & Saturday,
July 8 & 9.
The festival committee thanks you in advance for
your generosity and support.
The church spring clean-up went well thanks to the
help of members from the Alpha Phi Omega (a National
Community Service Fraternity out of SUNY Brockport)
and parishioners, Milt Danko & Wayne Hartmann.
Our Volunteer Appreciation
Brunch to be held Sunday,
May 22 at the Senior Center
beginning at 10:30 am. Please
RSVP, and plan to attend! We
hope many can come and enjoy
this event.
Ireland Trip in September
Join Fr. Joe McCaffrey as we go to Dublin,
Belfast, Westport, Killarney, and more.
$2,950 for this all-inclusive 12-day trip from
September 26 to October 8, 2016. Luxury bus, 7
suppers, all breakfasts, hotel, porterage, driver/guide
all included. Limit of 48. Contact Fr. Joe McCaffrey,
585-637-4500 ([email protected]) for information
and reservations.
Arrangements by CIE, the national tour company
of Ireland.
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Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
Many of our parishioners are
Sweden Senior Singers, and they
invite you to their annual community
Concert on Friday evening, May 20.
This free concert begins at 7 pm at the
Brockport First Baptist Church, 124
Main Street. An added highlight will be the combined
SSS and the Brockport High School choir.
Come join us for a delightful evening of listening
Annual Anniversary Mass with the
Bishop at Sacred Heart Cathedral
The Most Reverend Salvatore R.
Matano will preside at a Wedding
Jubilee Mass to honor couples who have
been married 25 years or more at
Sacred Heart Cathedral in Rochester on
Sunday May 22 at 2 pm. A
reception to honor the attendees will follow the Mass.
Diocese of Rochester Catholic Schools
20th Anniversary Golf Classic
Monday, June 27, 2016
Greystone Golf Club, Walworth
Information & registration: or
call Sharon Hockwater (585) 328-3228, x1294.
To benefit the tuition hardship fund.
Scriptural Readings for the Week
Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a,
16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5/Ps
104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30/Rom 8:22-27/
Jn 7:37-39
Extended Vigil: Gn 11:1-9/Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b/Ez 37:114/Jl 3:1-5/Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30/Rom 8:22-27/Jn
Day: Acts 2:1-11/Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34/Rom 8:8-17 or
1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13/Jn 14:15-16, 23b-26 or Jn 20:19-23
Monday: Jas 3:13-18/Ps 19:8-10, 15/Mk 9:14-29
Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10/Ps 55:7-11, 23/Mk 9:30-37
Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17/Ps 49:2-3, 6-11/Mk 9:38-40
Thursday: Jas 5:1-6/Ps 49:14-20/Mk 9:41-50
Friday: Jas 5:9-12/Ps 103:1-4, 8-9, 11-12/Mk 10:1-12
Saturday: Jas 5:13-20/Ps 141:1-3, 8/Mk 10:13-16
Next Sunday: Prv 8:22-31/Ps 8:4-9/Rom 5:1-5/Jn
May 15, 2016
Misa anual de aniversario
con el Obispo Montano
Monseñor Salvatore Montano
presidirá la Misa de aniversario
de bodas para honrar a las
parejas que tienen 25 años de
casados o más. La misa será el
domingo 22 de mayo a las
2pm en la Catedr al
Sagrado Corazón de
Rochester. Habrá una
recepción después de misa.
Nuestro almuerzo de apreciación de los voluntarios
se realizará el domingo 22 de mayo en el Senior
Center y comenzará a las 10:30am. Si planeas
asistir, comunícate lo más pronto posible.
Festival 2016 árboles con etiquetas
Pronto verán arboles con etiquetas en la puerta
principal y lateral de la iglesia. Las etiquetas indican
los objetos que serán utilizados como premios en el
Festival. Habrá cajas en ambas puertas para poner
las donaciones. Este año el Festival se realizará el
viernes y el sábado, 8 y 9 de julio. Gracias.
FACEBOOK: Danos un “me gusta” o hazte amigo
de nosotros en facebook. Búscanos en: Ministerio
Migrante Hispano, Brockport, NY. Pasa la voz a tus
amigos y familiares.
- Si te gusta cantar o tocas cualquier instrumento te
invitamos a unirte a nuestro coro, ensayamos los
domingos a las 12:30pm. Necesitamos personas
comprometidas que nos ayuden a cantar, o toquen
algún instrumento.
- Si quieres aprender a leer la Biblia, conocer la fe
católica y seguir creciendo en tu fe, te esperamos en
el centro parroquial todos los martes a las 7pm y los
domingos a las 12pm. Si vives en Brockport o cerca
puedes asistir los martes, pero si vives lejos puedes
hacerlo los domingos, solamente tienes que venir
más temprano a la misa. ¡Te esperamos!
- Si vives lejos de la parroquia y quieres que
tengamos un estudio bíblico en tu casa, dinos la
fecha y la hora en que podemos ir a tu casa.
- Los domingos después de misa tenemos café en el
centro parroquial, si quieres traer algo de comida
para compartir, comunícate con nosotros.
- Si tiene algún niño que no esté bautizado, pide la
ficha de inscripción para programar el día y la hora
de la charla y del bautismo.
- La preparación para la Primera Comunión ya
empezó. Les recordamos a los padres que deben
asistir todos los domingos a misa y al estudio
bíblico. No se olviden que la preparación es
intensiva, en pocos meses, por eso los niños no
deben faltar a las clases.
Church of the Nativity, Brockport, New York
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May 15, 2016
Sunday Financial Offering
Nativity Calendar
May 8, 2016
Budget amount needed per week………………$6,067.00
Actual amount received…………………...……...$6,593.00
Over (under) budget year to date……....……($2,437.86)
Sunday, May 15
Diocesan Missions Collection
10-11:45 am Last Gathering for Religious Education
Students– Church
12-1 pm
Hisp. Comm. 1st Eucharist Prep –
Parish Center
2 pm
Hisp. Comm. Gathering – Parish
Monday, May 16
7 pm
The Joy of Love – Parish Center
Tuesday, May 17
9:30 am
Prayer Shawl Ministry – Rectory
2 pm
Beikirch Mass
7 pm
Pastoral Council – Parish Center
7 pm
Cantor Training Session—Church
7 pm
Estudio Biblico – Parish Center Hisp.
Wednesday, May 18
7 pm
Planning Committee—Rectory
7 pm
Festival Committee – Parish Center
7 pm
Contemporary Choir – Church
Friday, May 20
12-2 pm
Holy Hour—Church
Saturday, May 21
11am-2:30pm 1st Eucharist Retreat – Church & Parish
Sunday, May 22
10:30am- 1pm Volunteer Appreciation Brunch –
Senior Center, Brockport
12-1 pm
Hisp. Comm. 1st Eucharist Prep –
Parish Center
2 pm
Hisp. Comm. Gathering – Parish
Thank you for your continued faithful giving!
Mass Intentions
Saturday, May 14—St. Matthias
4:30 pm
Goosley & Jeziorowski Mothers—The
Sunday, May 15 –Pentecost
9:00 am
Agnes Reding—Larry & Beth Liberatore
1:00 pm
For the people of the parish
Monday, May 16
8:00 am
Bruce Becker—State University Police
Tuesday, May 17
8:00 am
Tom Schmitz—Wife, Jackie
2:00 pm
Biekirch Mass: Sr. Joseph Maria Foley,
S.C.—Marilyn Ianiri
Wednesday, May 18—St. John I
8:00 am
Charles Perzik—Pat Prince
Thursday, May 19
8:00 am
Robert Trimble—Gary & Alice
Friday, May 20—St. Bernardine of Siena
12:00 pm
John Honeck—Human Concerns
Saturday, May 21—St. Christopher Magallanes
4:30 pm
Mary Mullen—Ray & Noreen Ehnot
Sunday, May 22—The Most Holy Trinity
9:00 am
Stanley & Kathleen Mackun—Richard &
Phyllis Vanderlaan
1:00 pm
For the people of the parish
The Sanctuary Candle is bur ning
before the Blessed Sacrament
during the month of May
for Donald Schuff
requested by wife Shirley.
The Most Holy Trinity – May 21 & 22, 2016
*As of Tuesday noon
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am
Piano and cantor
Organ and cantor
Bill & Joyce Mullen (H), Dan & Maria Lincoln,
Bill O’Brien
Dan & Lisa Zimmer (H), Marilyn Lage, Marsella
Monnier, Kate Vreeland
Teresa Benson (POF), Paul Milazzo
Patty Hayles, John Lemke
Sacristans/Heads Carmela Coccitto, Charilla connor
Pat Prince, Kathy Roberts
Al Benson, Cheryl Conner
Ronna Dalheim, Bill Guilford
Altar Servers
Jake Burchfield, Nick Cvoert Rachael Hart
Mackenzie Monnier, Isabelle Stevens, Giavanna

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