
hoever does not carry his own cross and come after
me cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:27)
In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus makes three very
demanding statements. He says that if we want to be his disciples,
we must “hate” our families, we must carry our cross, and we
must renounce all our possessions. Statements like these can
make us wonder if Jesus is trying to make us into disciples or if he
is just trying to drive us away.
Fortunately, the Church takes a composite view of Scripture,
looking at each passage within the context of the whole Bible. If
we look at today’s reading this way, we see some apparent
conflicts. For instance, St. John says that hatred is equal to murder
and will lead to hell (1 John 3:15). And Jesus himself said, “As I
have loved you, so you also should love one another” (John
13:34). So we have to measure Jesus’ one statement about
“hating” against these commands to love and lay down our lives
for each other.
Similarly, the other commands—to take up our cross and
renounce everything—have to be measured against Jesus’ words
about caring for children and his promise that his yoke is easy
and his burden is light.
So if we put all of these passages together, we can see Jesus
saying that love for God and obedience to his commands must
take priority over everything else. He is telling us that if anyone
asks us to do something that is opposed to God, we need to have
the courage to say no to them.
Living as a disciple is demanding. It calls for self-denial,
sacrifice, and suffering. Jesus even warns that we may face
persecution (John 16:33). It will be tempting at times to make
compromises and go with the crowd. Being a disciple is a major
endeavor. Jesus wants us to count the cost of being a disciple, and
he wants to give us the grace to see it through to the end.
“Lord, I want to follow you. Give me the strength to be your
Taken from The Word Among Us, September 2013, Vol. 33, Number 8: Used with
Sunday 8
Wis 9:13-18 / Phlm 9-10,12-17 / Lk 14:25-33
Monday 9
Col 1:24—2:3 / Lk 6:6-11
St. Peter Claver
Tuesday 10
Col 2:6-15 / Lk 6:12-19
Wednesday 11
Col 3:1-11 / Lk 6:20-26
Thursday 12
Col 3:12-17 / Lk 6:27-38
The Most Holy Name of Mary
Friday 13
1 Tm 1:1-2,12-14 / Lk 6:39-42
St. John Chrysostom
Saturday 14
Nm 21:4-9 / Phil 2:6-11 / Jn 3:13-17
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Sunday 15
Ex 32:7-11,13-14 / 1 Tm 1:12-17 / Lk 15:1-32
September 8, 2013
Visitors to the Cathedral, we want you to
know how welcome you are—whether
you have come from another part of the
country, from across the world, or from
another parish here in the Archdiocese or
across the river. Thank you for praying
with us. Thank you also for your
generosity, which helps us to celebrate our
liturgies in a fitting and beautiful way,
and to offer a wide range of services to
needy people in the Washington, DC area.
Enjoy your visit!
September 8 - 15
SUNDAY 8—A second collection for the
Catholic Communications Campaign is
taken at all Masses.
Las clases de Catequesis, Catecumenado y
Catequesis Familiar comienzan a las 11:00
de la mañana en el salón de conferencias del
Norte. También reunión con los padres de
los niños.
The Cathedral Club meets at 1pm in the
West Conference Room.
Habrá Confesiones en español después de
la misa de 1:00 de la tarde.
Always God’s Children meets in the West
Conference Room at 3:30pm.
JustMarried meets for dinner after the
5:30pm Mass.
MONDAY 9—The Liturgy Committee meets
at 6:45pm in the East Conference Room.
TUESDAY 10—El Grupo de oración continúa
con las reflexiones en este Año de la Fe a
las 7:00 de la tarde en el salón de
conferencias del Oeste.
The Faith Formation Committee meets at
6:45pm in the North Conference Room.
WEDNESDAY 11—Breaking Open the Word
meets at 7pm in the West Conference
THURSDAY 12—Legión de María se reunirá
a las 6:30 de la tarde en el salón de
conferencias del Este.
SUNDAY 15—The Health & Wellness Fair is
held in the North and East Conference
Rooms from 9:30am until 3:30pm (see the
our Paulist seminarian, serves as deacon and homilist
at his first Mass at 11:30am on Sunday, September 8
here at the Cathedral. Deacon Jimmy was ordained to
the diaconate on Saturday, September 7 at the Basilica
of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
Please keep him and all our clergy in your prayers.
ALWAYS GOD’S CHILDREN – Always God's Children,
the Cathedral parish's gay and lesbian ministry, will
hold its first meeting after the summer recess on
Sunday, September 8 at 3:30pm in the West
Conference Room.
JUSTMARRIED – Are you recently married (within 3
years) and interested in meeting other newly married
parishioners for fellowship and service projects? Join
members of St. Matthew's JustMarried group for dinner
on Sunday, September 8 (and on the second Sunday of
each month) after the 5:30pm Mass, or for fellowship
and service projects. To find out more, contact the
Rectory or email [email protected].
Cantorum’s Fall 2013 liturgical season, there are
openings in all voice parts for experienced choral
singers. The Schola sings for both the 10am (Latin) and
11:30am (English) Sunday Eucharists in one of the
most rewarding acoustic settings in the Washington
area. Because of the nature of the music (Gregorian
chant, renaissance polyphony and later anthems), and
the amount of repertoire, prospective singers must
have significant adult choral experience, good sightreading skills, and a pleasant, agile voice. The
commitment of time and focused energy is significant,
particularly at Christmas and Holy Week. 2013 - 2014
Season: August 28 – January 12 and February 26 – June
22. Rehearsals are Wednesdays, 6:45 – 8:45pm, in the
weeks when the choir is singing. If you have the
appropriate experience and interest, write to Tom
Stehle at [email protected].
FAITH DIRECT – Busy with work and family after
summer fun? Don’t forget to include St. Matthew’s in
your Fall planning! What is the best way to ensure that
our parish receives the support needed for our
operating expenses and ministries during the busy
months ahead? eGiving through Faith Direct! Please
consider enrolling today at Our
church code is DC284. Thank you.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION – All are invited to the
Cathedral’s monthly Eucharistic Holy Hour on Monday,
September 16 from 6 to 7pm. The Sacrament of
Reconciliation will be available during the hour in
English and Spanish. Deacon Clayton Nickel will give a
short reflection, based on Matthew 16:16 – 21, using
the following tweets by Pope Francis:
- What does it mean to be called Christian? @Pontifex:
We cannot be Christians part-time. If Christ is at the
center of our lives, he is present in all that we do.
- The Gift of Prayer and the Gift of the Holy Spirit is
waiting for you. Find him in prayer. @Pontifex: The
Holy Spirit brings to our hearts a most precious gift:
profound trust in God’s love and mercy.
- If you are Baptized, you are my witness. @Pontifex:
Lord, teach us to step outside ourselves. Teach us to
go out into the streets and manifest your love.
MATTHEW – Feast Day, Ministry
Fair & Parish Mission – Celebrate the
Feast of our Patron, St. Matthew, after
all Masses on September 22 and the
5:30pm Vigil Mass on September 21.
This will be a great social event with refreshments
and a relaxed atmosphere in the North Conference
Room. We also will hold our Ministry Fair, an annual
opportunity to celebrate and educate one another on
the many ministries and good works undertaken by
our parishioners. Stop by to celebrate with friends,
make new acquaintances, and learn how we follow in
the footsteps of St. Matthew, "the Gift of God," by
sharing our own gifts of time and talent with our
parish and community. To volunteer for the Ministry
Fair in any capacity, email stmatthewsstewards@
Our Parish Mission also begins on our patronal
feast day weekend. See the flyer for details and join us
for an evening reflection by Jesuit Father Gerry
Stockhausen at 7:30pm on Sunday, September 22.
Couples who are interested in celebrating the
Sacrament of Marriage at the Cathedral are
encouraged to visit the parish website to
review our guidelines for weddings. The next
step is to call the Rectory at 202-347-3215 and
ask for the priest of your choice or the priest on duty,
who can speak to you about marriage preparation and
the possibility of scheduling your wedding ceremony at
the Cathedral. Couples are expected to contact us at
least nine (9) months in advance of the date on
which they hope to celebrate their wedding.
September 8, 2013
Social Justice and Community Services
committee needs volunteers to help with St.
Matthew’s Health and Wellness Fair on
Sunday, September 15 (see the flyer).
Volunteers are needed to help set up before
the Fair, greet and direct attendees
throughout the day, translate (Spanish
primarily), assist the providers with needs
as they arise, clean up, as well as other
tasks. Contact Gregg Glotnis at gglotnis@ for further information or to
volunteer. Thank you!
40 DAYS FOR LIFE – Can you give an hour
to pray for life? Beginning September 25,
parishioners can join 40 Days for Life in
prayer in front of the Planned Parenthood
abortion clinic at 1108 16th St., NW. We will
pray for an end to abortion and for the
mothers, fathers and babies entering the
abortion clinic, from 7am to 7pm, 7 days a
week. Volunteers are needed for this highly
effective, life-saving ministry! For more
information or to sign up for an hour, go to or call 202-573-PRAY.
MINISTRY – St. Matthew's Homeless
Ministry is in urgent need of volunteers to
make bagged lunches for the homeless and
poor in our Monday morning program. To
sign up to bring lunches monthly, every
other month, or as a one-time service,
please contact Olivia Crosby at
[email protected] or 301-806-1292.
Thank you!
RUN FOR VOCATIONS – Run for Vocations
is a 13-year-old ministry that supports
vocations by raising funds to assist
seminarians with unanticipated expenses.
Laypeople, religious and clergy from around
the Archdiocese of Washington team up to
Run for Vocations in October’s Marine Corps
Marathon/10K. Are you interested in
running with or supporting the St.
Matthew’s Team? If so, please email Krista
Tuomi at [email protected].
Tuesday, September 10 – 6 to 8pm – Northwest
Pregnancy Crisis Center (2702 Ontario Road NW /
Columbia Heights) – Each month, the Young Adults assist
with odd jobs like sorting donations and yard work. Come
once or come every month to help this great organization
supporting women and mothers in need! Contact: Natalie at
[email protected]
C†YA for Happy Hour Friday, September 20 – 6 to 9pm Madhatter (1319 Connecticut Ave. NW / Dupont Circle
and Farragut North Metro Stations) – Our happy hours are
back after summer break! Join the Cathedral Young Adults
and the St. Thomas Apostle Young Adults (STAY) for a drink
after work and to meet other young Catholics in DC. Contact:
Sarah at [email protected]
C†YA for St. Peter’s Charity Kickball Tournament –
Saturday, September 21 – 11am – West Potomac
Park Fields (West Basin Drive SW / Smithsonian Metro) –
The young adults at St. Peter’s are hosting a kickball
tournament to raise money for the Run for Vocations, which
benefits seminarians in the Archdiocese. Join the Cathedral
Young Adults team to show other parishes how awesome we
are, all while supporting a great cause and having fun! No
experience needed, just enthusiasm (and a suggested $10
donation). Contact: Lara at [email protected]
Stay up to date with all of the Cathedral Young Adult events by
checking out our webpage on the parish website at, and joining our listserv.
Want to learn more? Email [email protected].
ucha gente rodeaba a Jesús y lo seguía por todas
partes para recibir curaciones y otros favores, y el
Señor no rechazaba a nadie; todos eran seguidores,
pero no discípulos.
Jesús invitaba a sus discípulos a llevar la cruz, como él lo
haría dentro de poco, y a imitarlo en sus obras y su santidad,
pero también en sus sufrimientos y en su muerte. Este nivel de
entrega muchas veces provoca el rechazo, incluso en la propia
familia, pero a la vez conlleva el amor y el poder del Señor que
anima y consuela, sana y perdona y fortalece al que toma la
cruz y lo sigue.
Sin embargo, para que Jesús sea la Persona más importante de nuestra vida y más valioso que nuestros propios
bienes, se necesita una sabiduría que solo proviene de Dios. El
pasaje que leemos del libro de la Sabiduría dice que sólo con la
sabiduría del Señor es posible enderezar los caminos y conocer aquello que le agrada al Señor (Sabiduría 9, 17) y discernir
así la voluntad de Dios. Esta sabiduría nos libera del razonamiento terrenal y de la inutilidad de dejarse llevar por la
corriente de los intereses egocéntricos. Es preciso contemplar
el mundo a la luz de la eternidad y orar: Señor, enséñanos a
ver lo que es la vida y seremos sensatos (v. Salmo 89, 12).
Fíjate, hermano, que Cristo es quien te está llamando;
Aquel que fue el arquitecto y constructor del universo y el que
diseñó las fibras que forman tu cuerpo, te está llamando. ¿Vas
a responderle correctamente y enfrentarás el desafío de la
llamada de Cristo? ¿No te parece que seguir a Cristo es mejor y
más valioso que cualquier posesión terrenal, cualquier apego
carnal o cualquier triunfo social, político o deportivo? Si
quieres ser un discípulo auténtico, has de estar dispuesto a
aceptar el peso de la cruz y el costo del discipulado. ¡Claro que
puedes hacerlo!
“Señor, ayúdame a confiar que tú me fortalecerás para seguir
por tu camino llevando mi cruz y recordar que si soy fiel hasta el
final tú me concederás la corona de la vida.”
Escogida con el permiso de La Palabra Entre Nosotros, Vol. 32, Número 8:
septiembre 2013.
Domingo 8
Sab 9:13-18 / Fil 9:10,12-17 / Lc 14:25-33
Lunes 9
Col 1:24—2:3 / Lc 6:6-11
San Pedro Claver
Martes 10
Col 2:6-15 / Lc 6:12-19
Miércoles 11
Col 3:1-11 / Lc 6:20-26
Jueves 12
Col 3:12-17 /Lc 6:27-38
El Santo Nombre de María
Viernes 13
1 Tim 1:1-2,12-14 / Lc 6:39-42
San Juan Crisóstomo
Sábado 14
Núm 21:4-9 / Fil 2:6-11 / Jn 3:13-17
Exaltación de la Santa Cruz
Domingo 15 Éx 32:7-11,13-14 / 1 Tim 1:12-17 / Lc 15:1-32
ESTA ES NUESTRA FE – Continúa la serie de
reflexiones en este Año de la Fe, auspiciadas por
el Ministerio Hispano. Padre Juan Puigbo será
quien nos ofrezca esta reflexión el 10 de
septiembre sobre el tema “La Vida en Cristo.
Dignidad del ser Humano” En Cristo, “imagen
del Dios invisible” el ser humano ha sido creado
a imagen y semejanza del creador. En Cristo,
redentor y salvador, la imagen divina alterada
por el pecado ha sido restaurada en su belleza
original y ennoblecida con la gracia de Dios. Se
nos invita pues, a reconocer nuestra dignidad y
a luchar por un mundo donde la dignidad de
todo ser humano sea reconocida y respetada.
¿Qué papel juegan las virtudes humanas y
teologales en el desarrollo pleno del ser
humano? La reflexión comienza a las 7:00 de la
tarde en el salón de conferencias del Oeste
durante el grupo de oración.
Les invitamos el lunes 16 de septiembre
después de la misa de 5:30 de la tarde, a que se
unan en adoración al Santísimo, de 6 a 7 de la
tarde. El Sacramento de Reconciliación estará
disponible durante la hora de la adoración.
El Ministerio de los Desamparados de San
Mateo está en necesidad de voluntarios que
provean almuerzos en bolsas para más de 60
individuos pobres y sin hogar quienes vienen
los lunes para desayunar, participar en la charla
sobre el Evangelio, y recibir una bolsa de
almuerzo y artículos de higiene personal. Si
puede proveer almuerzos una vez al mes, cada
dos meses, o una sola vez, por favor póngase en
contacto con Norma Canedo al
[email protected] o 202-3473215 ¡Muchas gracias!
40 DÍAS POR LA VIDA – ¿Podrás dar una hora
por la Vida? El ministerio 40 Días Por La Vida
necesita que usted rece, ayune y sea una
presencia afuera de Planned Parenthood (en la
Calle 16, NW). Estos 40 días comienzan el 25 de
septiembre. Los turnos de una hora son desde
las 7 de la mañana a 7 de la noche. Para
registrarse o para más información, visite a o llame al 202-573-PRAY.
September 8 – 15
Sunday, September 8
7am – Leonor de Diaz (living)
8:30am – Maria De Almeida
10am – Martin Dempsey
11:30am – Frantiska Lyskova (living)
1pm – Angel Luis Irene
5:30pm – The Hon. Mr. Paul Cellucci
Monday, September 9
7am – Rose Dessources
8am – Jeanne Gallardo (living)
12:10pm – Brendan Kelly
5:30pm – Demetrious Zourzukis
Tuesday, September 10
7am – Carl Dessources
8am – Ethan Xavier Lee (living)
12:10pm – Maria De Almeida
5:30pm – Marion Bergson
Wednesday, September 11
7am – Gloria T. Mora (living)
8am – Salvatore A. Cellucci
12:10pm – John, Peggy & Tomy Coppola
5:30pm – Graziella Salgado
Thursday, September 12
7am – Georgette Montine
8am – Cecilia de Jesus
12:10pm – Beato M. Espinas
5:30pm – Thanksgiving
Friday, September 13
7am – George Desorcy
8am – Moen Family (living)
12:10pm – Marie Riboul
5:30pm – Bethany Dubovec
Saturday, September 14
8am – David P. & Bridget T. Mora
12:10pm – George Bork
5:30pm – Kevin Feeney
Sunday, September 15
7am – Madaline A. Cabrera (living)
8:30am – George Bork
10am – John & Jane Gagat
11:30am – All Parishioners
1pm – Marco Rafael Uy (living)
5:30pm – Twee Nguyen & family
To arrange a Mass intention, speak to
our receptionist in the Rectory. There is
no fee but an offering is customary.
Intentions are reserved in advance so
particular dates may be unavailable.
September 8, 2013
CATHOLIC? – Throughout the
year, adults come forward seeking
to learn about the Catholic faith.
For those who are interested in
learning about the Catholic faith
or thinking about becoming
Catholic, St. Matthew’s offers
Inquiry, a casual, ongoing
conversation about the Catholic
faith, once a month. Inquiry is the
first step in the process of
discerning one’s commitment to
full initiation in the Catholic
Church. Inquiry meets on the
second Wednesday of the month
from 6:30 to 7:30pm in the East
Conference Room. A brief
overview of the entire adult
initiation process (RCIA), which
begins formally in June each year,
can be presented after Inquiry for
those who are interested. The
next Inquiry will be held
Wednesday, September 11. For
more information, contact
Heather Kinney at hkinney@
LECTURE – Cardinal Donald Wuerl
and Fox News Anchor, Bret Baier, will
participate in an interview as a part of
The John Carroll Society’s Fall
activities at the Newseum on
Tuesday, September 10 at 6:30pm.
The topic is “Catholicism and our
Challenging World Today.” Admission
is free, but seating is on a first-come
first-served basis. Doors open at 6pm.
For more information, visit or call
Parents who wish to have their
child baptized at the Cathedral
should contact the Baptismal
Coordinator at the Rectory at
202-347-3215 x555 or
Parents are encouraged to make
contact with us at least six (6)
months in advance of a desired
baptismal date, at which time
they may ask for the priest of
their choice to perform the
Baptism. This early contact
enables parents to be scheduled
for the necessary sacramental
formation session before the
child’s baptism and allows time
for sponsors to obtain letters
from their parish pastor.
Timoney, Assistant Secretary for
Pastoral Ministry and Social
Concerns, will address the Fall
Meeting of the Archdiocesan Council
of Catholic Women on Saturday
September 14, 9am to 12 noon, at
the Pastoral Center, 5100 Eastern
Ave., Hyattsville, MD. Women of the
Archdiocese are invited to this
discussion and workshop on how
Catholic women can better share the
truths of our Faith. Pre-register with
Ellen-Jane Pairo at 301-933-3546 or
[email protected], or
Sharon O’Brien at 301-651 8190 or
[email protected] by
September 9.
ENCOUNTER – Today’s Gospel is
meant to remind us that God must be
first in our lives if we are to be
disciples of Christ. God must be the
foundation that upon which we build
our life and marriage. Find out how to
live out God’s design for your
marriage; sign up for a Worldwide
Marriage Encounter Weekend in the
Archdiocese of Washington on
September 13-15 or November 1517. For information and to apply, visit, or call 301541-7007 or email
[email protected].
Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle
Sunday, September 15th
9:30 am – 3:30 pm
1725 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W.
North & East Conference Rooms
*All services are FREE with the exception of the following:
- Cholesterol screening ($15)
- Flu Shots ($25)
Parish Pastoral Council
Would you like to help shape the future of the mother church of the Archdiocese of
Would you like to be part of the behind-the-scenes workings of St. Matthew’s as we
prepare for the 150th Anniversary of the Parish?
Would you like an opportunity to get to know the priests, deacons and staff who serve the
Cathedral, as well as many of your fellow parishioners?
Here’s your chance!
The St. Matthew’s Parish Pastoral Council has six vacancies (4 filled by election, and 2
appointed by the Rector) for 3-year terms beginning in December. We need you to join
What is the Parish Pastoral Council?
The Council is a diverse group of 18 parishioners, who advise and assist the Rector
on ministries, programs and other important activities of the Parish. We participate
in strategic planning for the Parish, as well as in the hands-on work of the life of the
Church. You can find much more information at
If you would like to be considered as a candidate for the Parish Council, or just want
more information, please e-mail us at [email protected]. Or you can write
to Dan Evans, Parish Pastoral Council Election Co-Chairman, at the parish offices.
Either way, please provide your contact information, and tell us something about
yourself (e.g., years of being a Catholic, your spiritual journey, what you do for a living,
current or past ministry involvement for St. Matthew's or another parish, etc.).
We look forward to hearing from you by September 22 !!!
Parish Mission
Saturday, September 21Tuesday, September 24
Join us for:
1725 Rhode Island Ave NW
Washington, DC 20036
Metro: Red Line to Farragut
North or Dupont Circle
Preaching at 5:30pm Vigil Mass on Saturday and at 7am,
8:30am, 10am, 11:30am, and 5:30pm Masses on Sunday
Evening reflections at 7:30pm Sunday and at 7pm Monday
and Tuesday in the Cathedral with light receptions to
follow in the North Conference Room on Monday and
All are welcome!
Sunday – Jesus: The Word Made Flesh
No RSVP necessary
Monday – Contemplating the Body of Christ
A collection will be taken up each
night of the mission. Free-will
donations are greatly
Contact: Heather Kinney,
Director of Faith Formation,
[email protected]
or 202-347-3215 x530
Tuesday – Being the Body of Christ
The evening session on Tuesday will include the celebration of
the Eucharist.
Presented by Jesuit Father Gerard L. Stockhausen
Father Gerard L. Stockhausen, SJ serves as Socius/Executive Secretary to
the President and Director of Planning for the Jesuit Conference in
Washington, DC. Father Stockhausen, a member of the Wisconsin
Province of the Society of Jesus, is the former President of University of
Detroit Mercy. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of
Michigan; a master’s degree in social ethics and a Master of Divinity
degree from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, California; and a
master’s degree in mathematics and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy
from St. Louis University. Father Stockhausen frequently presides at
weekday Masses at St. Matthew’s Cathedral.
Why are babies baptized during Mass?
Kristopher Seaman
It was once quite common to baptize infants during a Liturgy
of the Word on a Sunday afternoon or on a weekday apart
from the regular Sunday eucharistic liturgy. Perhaps only the
priest and a few family members with the godparents were
present. One had the sense this was a family celebration, with
little connection to the larger Church community of the parish. Today, many parish communities celebrate infant
Baptisms within the Sunday eucharistic liturgy. Why?
First, sacraments are communal events. They are neither private moments nor individual celebrations. Sacraments
are celebrations of and by the Church. Thus, sacraments are
communal events that take place within the community of
the Church. In particular, the sacrament of Baptism changes
the status of the one being baptized. Generally speaking,
Baptism has a twofold meaning. First, the Church believes
that original sin is removed through the cleansing waters of
new life. Second, one emerges from the font born into a twofold relationship with the Church and with the Trinitarian
God. In Baptism, one “puts on” Christ and is hence called a
Christian. Saint Augustine said Baptism makes one a “little
Christ” — a Christian. The candidate for Baptism is immersed
three times (for each member of the Trinity) while the presider proclaims, “[Name], I baptize you in the name of the
Father [dip into water or water poured over the head], and of
the Son [dip/pour] and of the Holy Spirit [dip/pour].” The
newly baptized is in communion, in union, in relationship
with the Trinitarian God, as well as with the Church.
Celebrating Baptism during Sunday eucharistic liturgies
heightens the rich theology of the Rite of Baptism. The baby is
being incorporated (from the Latin corpus, meaning “body”)
into the body of Christ — t he Church that is in communion/
union/relationship with the God of Jesus Christ. Sunday
Eucharist is the primary event that the Church community
gathers to hear God’s Word and to give praise and thanksgiving over Christ who becomes tangible in the very gifts of his
Body and Blood. Sunday Eucharist is the repeatable sacrament
of initiation. It is in this sacramental event that the community renews its membership — its identity — i n Word and
Eucharist. In Baptism one is given a new identity or status of
Christian, and this status or identity is renewed in Sunday
Eucharist. Therefore, celebrating Baptisms of babies during
Sunday Eucharist signifies that baptism is incorporating the
baby into both the Church and the life of Christ. The celebration is not minimal, but an event of the local Church community surrounding, praying over, and welcoming the baby into
the Church and into the life of the God of Jesus Christ.
Another reason for celebrating Baptisms of infants during Sunday Eucharist is based in the ritual text itself. Not just
the parents and godparents have responsibility for the new
member of the Church, the infant, all the members of the
Church have “an important part to play in the baptism of the
child” (Rite of Baptism of Children, 4). The “faith in which the
children are baptized is not the private possession of the individual family, but the common treasure of the whole Church
of Christ” (#4). The community is present to help, support,
pray, and nurture the faith of the child as he or she grows in
communion with Jesus Christ and the Church itself. One
comment I hear from godparents and parents who have had
their child baptized during Sunday Eucharist is their appreciation of the community who joyfully sings “alleluia” following
the Baptism. Parents and godparents have a sense that this
child will be nurtured and supported in the faith as he or she
grows in the life of Christ. Kristopher Seaman is the associate director of the Office of
Worship for the diocese of Gary.
© 2009 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1800 North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, IL 60622; 1-800-933-1800;
Art © Suzanne Novak. All rights reserved. Used with permission. Pastoral Liturgy® magazine, May/June 2009,
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Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle
English as a Second Language Program
Programa de Inglés como Segundo Idioma
General Information
The English as a Second Language (ESL) Program forms part of the Cathedral’s Social Justice & Community Services
Ministries. This all-volunteer program provides English language instruction to adults (ages 18 and up) during three
semesters each year: Fall, Spring and Summer. Language instruction is provided at Level 1 (Beginner) through Level 5
(Advanced) and classes are held at St. Matthew’s Education Center, 1726 N Street, NW. The following is information
regarding the upcoming Summer Semester which focuses on conversation.
Información General
El Programa de Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL, por sus siglas en inglés) forma parte de los ministerios de Justicia
Social & Servicios Comunitarios de la Catedral. Es un programa de voluntariado que proporciona enseñanza del idioma
inglés para adultos (de 18 años de edad en adelante) durante tres semestres al año: Otoño, Primavera y Verano. Las
clases de inglés se imparten desde el Nivel 1 (principiante) hasta el Nivel 5 (avanzado) en el St. Matthew’s Education
Center (Centro de Educación de San Mateo), que está ubicado en 1726 N Street, NW. Lo siguiente es información
sobre el próximo semestre de Verano lo cual se enfoca en conversación.
English Conversation Classes for Adults
The 13-week fall semester will extend from September 17 to December 12. During this period, classes will be held on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30pm, with optional pre-class tutoring between 6:00 and
6:30pm. Language instruction will be provided at Level 1 (Beginner) through Level 5 (Advanced). Students may
register, in person, starting Thursday, September 12, between 6:00 and 8:00pm, at St. Matthew’s Education Center,
1726 N Street, NW. At registration, each student will be assessed to determine the appropriate class level in which
he/she will be placed. Student registrations will be accepted until October 8. The cost of the 13-week semester is $40.
There will be no classes the week of November 28, Thanksgiving Day. For more information, please visit the Cathedral
website and click on “English Language Classes” under the “Social Justice” tab, or contact Krista Cox at
[email protected].
Clases de Conversación en Inglés Para Adultos
El semestre de otoño, con una duración de 13 semanas, se impartirá del 17 de septiembre al 12 de diciembre. Durante
este periodo las clases se llevarán a cabo los martes, miércoles y jueves por la tarde, de 6:30 a 8:30 pm, con clases
previas de asesoría opcional de 6:00 a 6:30 pm. Las clases de inglés serán impartidas desde el Nivel 1 (principiante)
hasta el Nivel 5 (avanzado). Los estudiantes pueden inscribirse en persona a partir del jueves 12 de septiembre, de las
6:00 a las 8:00 pm en el St. Matthew’s Education Center (Centro de Educación de San Mateo), que está ubicado en
1726 N Street, NW. Durante la inscripción a cada estudiante se le hará una evaluación para determinar cuál es su nivel
de clase más apropiado. Se aceptará la inscripción de estudiantes hasta el 8 de octubre. El costo del semestre, con
duración de 13 semanas, es de $40. No habrá clases la semana del 28 de noviembre, Día de Acción de Gracias. Para
más información, por favor visite a la página de web de la Catedral y haga clic a la frase “Clases de Inglés” bajo la
ficha de “Social Justice”, o póngase en contacto con Krista Cox al [email protected].
Volunteers Needed for ESL Program: Teachers, Tutors & Persons of Hospitality
We are looking for volunteers to serve as teachers, tutors, and persons of hospitality one night per week (Tuesday,
Wednesday, or Thursday) in the Fall Semester of the ESL Program. Please see above for more details. While
volunteers are not required to have formal training in teaching English as a second language, we expect their native
language to be English. Also, volunteers are expected to have at least one university degree. Classes for the Fall
Semester are textbook based and will be taught in English only. If you are not comfortable teaching a class on your
own, we can pair you with a more experienced teacher. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Krista Cox
at [email protected]. Important: All Fall Semester volunteers (new and returning) will be required to attend the
pre-semester “Preparation, Planning and Orientation” meeting on Wednesday, September 11, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
ESL Program meetings are held at St. Matthew’s Education Center.
Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle
Spanish as a Second Language Program
General Information
The Spanish as a Second Language (SSL) Program is an all-volunteer program that provides Spanish language
instruction to adults (ages 18 and up) during three semesters each year: Fall, Spring and Summer. Language instruction
is provided at Level 1 and Level 2 and classes are held at St. Matthew’s Education Center, 1726 N Street, NW. While
the SSL Program seeks to provide Spanish language instruction to persons engaged in serving their brothers and sisters
in the Hispanic communities of the Washington, DC metropolitan area, the program also accepts students who are
interested in learning Spanish solely for their personal enrichment.
Spanish Conversation Classes for Adults
The 13-week Fall semester will extend from September 17 to December 12. During this period, classes will be held on
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Language instruction is provided at two levels. No
prior knowledge of Spanish is necessary for Level 1. Enrollment in Level 2 is accepted only with prior consent of the
Level 2 instructors. Priority registration for Level 2 will take place through September 19 and offered to students who
have previously taken Level 1 with St. Matthew’s SSL Program. Students may register, in person, starting Thursday,
September 12, between 6:00 and 8:00pm, at St. Matthew’s Education Center, 1726 N Street, NW. The cost of the 13week semester is $80. There will be no classes the week of November 28, Thanksgiving Day. For more information,
please visit the Cathedral website and click on “Spanish Language Classes” under the “Social Justice” tab, or contact
Krista Cox at [email protected].
Volunteer Teachers Needed for SSL Program
We are looking for volunteers to serve as teachers one night per week (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) in the Fall
Semester of the SSL Program. Please see above for more details. While volunteers are not required to have formal
training in teaching Spanish as a second language, we expect their native language to be Spanish. Also, volunteers are
expected to have at least one university degree. Classes will be taught in Spanish only. If you are not comfortable
teaching a class on your own, we can pair you with a more experienced teacher. If you are interested in volunteering,
please contact Krista Cox at [email protected]. Important: All Fall Semester volunteers (new and returning) will
be required to attend the pre-semester “Preparation, Planning and Orientation” meeting on Wednesday, September 11,
from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. SSL Program meetings are held at St. Matthew’s Education Center.
Se solicita maestros voluntarios para el Programa SSL
Estamos buscando voluntarios para servir como maestros una noche por semana (martes, miércoles, o jueves) durante
el Semestre de Otoño del Programa SSL. Por favor mire arriba para más detalles. No es un requisito que los voluntarios
tengan una capacitación formal como maestros de español como segundo idioma, sin embargo esperamos que la lengua
materna de los voluntarios sea el español. Además, se espera que los voluntarios tengan por mínimo un título
universitario. Las clases serán impartidas sólo en español. Si usted no se siente a gusto dando la clase por sí solo
podemos acomodarlo junto con algún maestro con más experiencia. Si usted está interesado en participar como
voluntario por favor póngase en contacto con Krista Cox al [email protected]. Importante: Se pedirá a todos los
voluntarios del semestre de Otoño (nuevos o que regresan para continuar sirviendo) que se reúnan como equipo el
miércoles 11 de septiembre, de 6:30 a 8:30pm. Las reuniones del Programa SSL se llevan a cabo en el St. Matthew’s
Education Center (Centro de Educación de San Mateo).

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