Free Sky Ride Miami Art Museum


Free Sky Ride Miami Art Museum
12 of the Best Free Things to Do In Miarri
This vibrant, south-of-downtown neighborhood is packed with art galleries, unique shops,
and busy restaurants and bars.
Explore the area: Head to Maximo Gomez Park (known as Domino Park by the locals) for a
real flavor of Hispanic culture, to watch men playing dominoes outdoors, smoking cigars
and arguing about politics. Look out for the huge mural depicting the Summit of the
Americas in 1993.
Fan of Latin cinema? Another highlight is the Little Havana Paseo de las Estrellas (Walk of
the Stars), which is a Latin American version of the Hollywood Walk of the Stars,
commemorating Latin American actors, writers, artists and musicians .
Cutural Fridays (Viernes Culturales) are monthly events in Little Havana showcasing local musicians and outdoor art exhibitions, and there is no admission fee. Free Sky Ride
Credit: Hu gh Millward (license)
The M etr omo ver is a free, driverless sky train that links several of Miami's downtown
hotels with the Metrorail.
Stop off at any of the 20 stops such as the decorative Freedom Tower or the Miami-Dade
Cultural Center (home of Miami Art Museum). The cars arrive every 90 seconds during
peak times and every three minutes off-peak. A digital display in the center of the platform
tells you where each car is heading.
Insider tip: avoid the Metromover during busy commuting times.
Miami Art Museum og 15- free- thi ng s- to-do- in- mami
12 of the Best Free Things to Do In Miami
Wander around the beautiful Art Deco hotels and houses, such as Casa Casuarina, the
former home and murder site of fashion designer the late Gianni Versace. Follow the Art
Deco District Walking Tour to make sure you do not miss any of these carefully preserved
Many of the South Beach Museums offer free admission on certain days, including the
Holocaust Museum, the Wolfsonian-FIU Art Museum, and the Jewish Museum of Florida .
South Pointe Park
This beach paradise combines the best of natural fun and man-made adventure. Sit back
and soak up the sun while the kids splash in the waves, or stroll the pier as a family.
There' s a specific area for younger kids (the adorable Tot Lot), an interactive water
fountain/sculpture, a dog park, and plenty of bike paths.
This free access park is a great place to spend the day with family.
Gables Art Walk
Art lovers won't want to miss this opportunity to explore some of Miami ' s most inspiring
art galleries along Ponce de Leon Boulevard .
On the first Friday of every month, visitors can stroll through open galleries between 7-10
pm to peruse a diverse selection of artistic projects.
As a bonus, some galleries offer complimentary wine! There's even a free trolley to take
you between galleries.
Biltmore Hotel
Located in Coral Gables, this historic hotel offers free tours on Sunday afternoons . Learn
about the heritage of this glorious hotel, a luxury locale that at one time hosted famous
figures like Judy Garland, Ginger Rogers, and even AI Capone.
Although the hotel is still operational today, there's plenty of the structure and grounds that
you can explore without paying for a room .
Miami Dade College Museum of Art
and Design
Another popular destination for art lovers. Located in the historic Freedom Tower (itself a
really cool site to see), this free museum features rotating exhibitions of contemporary art
by both local and international artists.
While exhibits change over quite often, they consistently represent artists with an
international and multicultural aesthetic (evocative of Miami ' s own diverse cultural
landscape). Spanning a multitude of genres and forms, these exhibits are sure to delight
http://WNN.smartdestinations 15- free- thi ng s- to-do-i n- ni amil
THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2015 . ,;HAMI HERAL~MiamiHerald .com
Downtown Miami: The Ground , Beneath Our Feet (MDC) Museum of Art + Design (MOA+D) in·tollab­
oration with Word + Image Lab (WAIL) presents the new exhibition, "D owntown Miami: The Ground Beneath Our Feet," showcas ing a . one-of-a-kind artists book created by 24 south Florida writers and artists. May 28-June 4 Free wwwmd Freedom Tower 600 Biscayne Blvd., Miami. Esthetic Theory: Guest Exhibit at Girls' Club Annex Space "Esthetic Theory," curated by artist Rosemarie Romero, is a group exhibition that functions like a full service salon and spa. The exhibit consists of artists whose work explores the high impact. glossy anti glittery materials, 5I2&.201.5 Presentan ellibro "EI arte cubano en el e>ilio" :: Diario las Americas : Tiell1lo Ubre
EI aut or co nvers ara sobre el edit or Juan Manu el Salvat so bre su ma s rec iente obra que
busca r exponer la cre ativ id ad de los artistas c ubanos exiliad os.
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llinrio ILns'Rmerico.5 Miercoles, 27 de mayo a las 6:30 p.m.
Universidad de Miami :N
1531 Bresc ia Ave, Coral Gables
Casabacardi.iccas. m ia m
EI escandalo de la FIFA ,.--: salpica a Miami
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Exposici6n de arte en el Museo de Arte de MDC celebra el exito cuba no
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Una nuev a exposicion en el MDC Mus eo de Art e + Diseno c elebra la nostalgia , el exit o y el
t riunfo de esta experienc ia de los inmigrantes c uban os .
tlFiU la."fJO ""' oI'k\.~, ri , la q~ c, Cuba Fue ra de Cuba: A t ra ves de la lente de Alexis Rodriguez -Duarte en cola borac ion con
Tic o Torres ina ug ura el nuev o Lega do Cultural Ga llery , un espacio dedic ad o al impa c to de la
c ultura c ubana en el sur de la Florida y en t odo el mu ndo, que se enc uentra en el hi sto rico U P IJ,}'II(VIT1'II'I*" I# ~\U Irrr"Up~ 'fo" .. I't'f'II"3'II"I-~j., ·Io,o ....... ,,-~;"' .. ~oII.n:id.. qul"'NI twtal.~d.-~
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nac ional La ndmark Torre de la libertad del Miami Dade College. PropOllto "
La expos icio n presenta fotografias ic 6nicas d e figuras c ubanas que v iven f uera de la isla, de los artistas y disenad ore s a es c rit ores y artist as. Hoy
Cuba Fuera de Cuba estara en exhibic i6 n hasta el 30 de agos to de 2015 . EI hora rio del mus eD es de mierco les a doming o des de el me diodia hast a la s 5 pm. La ent rada es gratuit a, pero sin embarg o ac ept an donaciones . The Freedom Tower at Miami Dade College Miercoles 27 de mayo despues de las 5 p .m. 600 Biscayne Blvd. Miami, FL 33132 Telf: 305.237.7700
Ulti mos 7 dias
Ultimo s 30 dias
1. lusticia de EEUU investiga a Cabello y
otros responsables de narcotratico en
7 II RR EGULARI DADES 11 9 d e mayo de 20 15
2. Fraude : varios notarios se hacen pasar
por abogados de EEUU
2 I INMI GRACIO N I 18 de mayo d e 20 15
[email protected]
3. "The Washington Post" analiza la
situaci6n de Venezuela
5 I PUBll CACI ON I 2 5 de m ayo d e 2 0 15
4 . Los cubanos se las ingenian para
romper la censura
2 I BLOQ UEO INFO RMATIVO I 22 de m a yo d e
201 5
5. Leopoldo y Ceballos retan desde la
dircel a Maduro
Normas de comentarlos
Autor : no se
h ace res p o n sab le d e la s id e as
expresa das p e r los au to res d e lo s
com en t ari o s y se reserv a el d e rech o
a eli minar a que llos co ntenid os que:
Titulo: T exto:
1000 ca rac t eres dis ponible s
Para e vita r s p a m , por f avor re sue lva
ing rese el resu ltado ( pin che en la
Result a d o:
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o que t e n gan co m o fin pro mov e r
el boicot co ntra personas ,
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in s tit uci ones
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imag en para reca rga rl a).
resu lten o fen s ivos
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aq u e llos q ue b u squ en fin es
co mercia les y/o p ub licita rios
VENE ZUELA I 26 de mayo de 20 15
6. Sorpresivamente liberado despues de
44 anos de cihcel
22 d e ma yo de 20 15
7. Vivir en Cuba mantenido desde el
II I SUBSIDIO DESDE MI AMI I 22 de ma yo d e
20 15
Presentan el libro "EI arte cuba no en el exilio"
I AR TE S VI SUALE S I 2 6 de mayo de 20 15
EI poe ta y crit ic o de arte y lit era tu ra Armand o Alvarez Bra vo expon e su
obra este miercoles a la s 6:30 p.m. en Casa Barc adi dellnst itut o de
Est udios Cubanos de la Universidad de Miami
http://l/WWI.diarioiasamericas .com'5021_tien-po-librel3123130_e>pasicion-arte-mJseo-arte-rriarri -dade-col'ege-celebra-el-e>ito- cubano.htm

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