March 27, 2016: Easter Sunday


March 27, 2016: Easter Sunday
Happy Easter, my dear parishioners! It is the most important time in the church, when Jesus triumphed over
death and showed us that sin and death has no power
over God’s love for us. It is the time to celebrate the life
won for us by Jesus.
This message is, of course, cross-cultural. In the Philippines, we
greet each other “MABUHAY” which is a blessing and wish for the
person to have life to the full. In Costa Rica, they greet each other
“PURA VIDA” to wish someone a happy, healthy and good life. In
many Latin countries, people say “VIVA!”, which again is a greeting to have abundant life. In English, we don’t always say it but
formally, the greeting is “LONG LIVE!” It is quite interesting how
most cultures have a version of this wish. In John 10:10 the Lord
said, “I came that they might have life, and have it more abundantly.” Here He provides us a window into his mission statement.
God desires life for all of us, and wants us to have it to the fullest.
And so, as we celebrate this Sunday of the Glorious Resurrection
of the Lord, I wish you, my dear church, the fullness of life, because
that is what God wants for His Church.
Many of you know that just on Monday of Holy Week, we said farewell to our Beloved Deacon Ron Whitman. His funeral services
were filled with loving memories and an outpouring of love for him
and his family. It was quite difficult for me to lead people in the
services without feeling rather helpless about feeling the sorrow of
his passing. But at the end of the day, when we gathered for his
interment at All Saints Cemetery, I could imagine Deacon Ron rising to new life in the Kingdom of God, looking dapper and all old
Hollywood, with his deacon vestments and a beautiful smile on his
face. Wow, I thought, Deacon Ron will rise again here in Bourbonnais when the Kingdom of God comes, perfecting all creation into a
new heaven and a new earth. What a glorious moment that would
be. I still feel the sorrow of Deacon Ron’s passing, for indeed, he
has left a big void in my life as a priest and as a person, but I am
thankful that I can think of him in this light, because of our faith,
because of what we celebrate this weekend – Christ’s triumph over
sin and death! And it is my prayer that for all of us who have experienced a loss of a loved one, or a loss of relationships, that we
hold on to the message of Christ’s Resurrection.
WORDS OF THANKS. I want to take this opportunity to thank our
parish staff, our volunteers, our liturgical ministers, and all those
who helped make our Lenten Observances meaningful and beautiful. We are blessed to have many dedicated people who go beyond
their time and always exceed expectations in their generosity
towards our churches. I want to say thank you to our Seminarian
Michael Groth for his dedication and helpfulness during these days
of organizing liturgies. Thank you to our deacons, and to Fr. Roy
Jacob and Fr. Jim Hollup for helping during this weekend of Easter.
From our parish family to your homes, have a beautiful and
glorious Easter time! May God abundantly bless our church!
In the joy of Easter,
Fr. Sunny Castillo
¡Felíz Pascua de Resurrección, mis queridos feligreses! Es el tiempo mas importante en la iglesia,
cuando Jesús triunfó sobre la muerte para enseñarnos que el pecado y la muerte no tienen poder sobre
el amor de Dios para nosotros. Es el tiempo para
celebrar la vida que Jesús ha ganado para nosotros.
Este mensaje es, en realidad, contra la cultura. En las Filipinas
nos saludamos con “MABUHAY’ que es desear bendición y
plenitud de vida para la persona. En Costa Rica, se saludan
mutuamente con “¡PURA VIDA!” para desear felicidad, salud y
vida buena. En muchos países latinos, la gente dice “¡VIVA!”,
que es un saludo deseando al otro vida abundante. En inglés,
no siempre lo decimos pero antiguamente, el saludo era
“¡VIDA PERDURABLE!” Hay culturas que tienen sus propias
costumbres. En Juan 10:10 el Señor dice, “que tengan vida y
vida abundante.” Aquí El nos manifiesta Su declaración misionera. Dios nos desea la vida, una vida en abundancia. Así es
que, al celebrar este Domingo la Gloriosa Resurrección del
Señor, les deseo, mi querida iglesia, una plenitud de vida, pues
éste es el deseo de Dios para Su iglesia.
Muchos de ustedes saben que el Lunes de Semana Santa, nos
despedimos de nuestro Querido Diácono Ron Whitman. En la
misa recordamos cantidad de eventos cariñosos de él y su
familia. Yo me sentía impotente y muy triste por su muerte.
Pero al fin del día cuando nos reunimos en el Cementerio de
Todos los Santos, me podia imaginar ver al Diácono Ron
elevándose a la vida nueva del Reino de Dios, con sus vestiduras de diácono y una hermosa sonrisa. Ah, pensé, el
Diácono Ron se levantará de Nuevo aquí en Bourbonnais,cuando venga el Reino de Dios, perfeccionando toda la
creación en un cielo nuevo y un mundo nuevo. Será un momento glorioso. Siento profundamente la muerte de Diácono
Ron, pues en realidad ha dejado un gran vacío en mi vida
como diácono y como persona, pero estoy agradecido que lo
veo bajo esta luz, por nuestra fe, por lo que celebramos este
fin de semana – el triunfo de Dios sobre el pecado y la muerte!
Y es mi oración que todos los que hemos sufrido la pérdida de
un ser amado, o la pérdida de amistades, que tengamos presente el mensaje de la Resurrección de Cristo.
PALABRAS DE GRACIAS. Quiero tomar esta oportunidad
para agradecer a nuestro personal de la parroquia, nuestros
voluntarios, nuestros ministros litúrgicos, y a todos los que ayudaron para hacer nuestros servicios de Cuaresma significativos
y hermosos. Estamos bendecidos de tener tanta gente tan
dedicada que van mas allá de su tiempo y siempre sobrepasan
expectaciones en su generosidad hacia nuestras iglesias.
Quiero agradecer a nuestro seminarista Michael Groth por su
dedicación y ayuda durante estos días de organización de liturgias. Gracias a nuestros diáconos y al padre Roy Jacob y el
padre Jim Hollup por ayudar durante este fin de semana de
Pascua. De parte de nuestra familia parroquial a sus hogares,
que tengan un hermoso y glorioso tiempo Pascual! Que Dios
Bendiga abundantemente nuestra Iglesia!
En el regocijo Pascual
Padre Sunny Castillo
April 2
4:00 pm St. Rose
Community Mass
Aparil 3
8:00 am
April 3
10:00 am
3 Abril
12:00 pm
Altar Servers/
Community Ministers
Allison Perez
Hector Alvarez
Robbie Sowell
JB Rojo
Jayce Talamantes
Elizabeth Barajas
Cassandra Valtierra
Jayden Cuaya
Maryely Medina
Community Ministers
Chet Brandon
Rende Langlois
Leonardo Lopez
Albryan Valladarez
de la
Community Ministers
Ron O’Connell
Donna Worth
Joanne Whitman
Mary Herman
Bonnie Householter
Terri Doehring
Paul Gerth
Jane Gerth
Bertha Aviles
Dolores Pizano
Rosa Chavez
Antonio Elvir
Celene Valtierra
Kathy Griffitha
Alejandro Tellez
Jorge Juarez
Community Ministers
Adrien Raymond
Collette Raymond
Ray Mulholland
Judy Mulholland
Octavio Garcia
Jesus Saldivar
Norma Lopez
Anselmo Juarez
Altar Linens/Lienzos
Para el Altar
Marcia Klasey
Tuesday, Wednesday ,Thursday
Martes, Miercoles, Jueves
 Registered Nurse
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Clinic opens at 8:00am
Food Pantry:
Friday/Viernes—April 1
 St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry 9:00 am—12 noon
The Family of St. Teresa Parish
extends its deepest Sympathy to the family of
Deacon Ron Whitman
May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed
Rest in Peace.
7:30 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
Mar. 26, 2016
Easter Vigil at St. Rose
For all the Parishioners of St. Teresa, St. Rose,
St. Martin
March 27, 2016
Easter at St. Teresa
† Sarah Loiselle (Carol Loiselle)
† William & Edna Buchholz (Mary Geigner)
Silvina & Elias Cortes (Daughter)
Wedding Anniversary
8:00 a.m.
March 28, 2015—No Mass
March 29, 2015—No Mass
March 30, 2015
Ginny Santolla (Cindy & Marc Nichols)
8:00 a.m.
March 31, 2015
Diane Petting (Cindy & Marc Nichols)
8:00 a.m.
April 1, 2016
Dell Morrical (Ray & Betsy Morrical)
4:00 p.m.
April 2, 2016 Community Mass at St. Rose
† Laverne St. Peter (Terry Mathias)
8:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m.
April 3, 2016
Vern Morrical (Ray & Betsy Morrical)
† Deacon Ron Whitman (Parish Family)
† Basilio & Pedro Garcia (Family) Intention
Welcome - Bienvenido
361 St. Joseph Ave • Kankakee IL 60901
Phone (815) 933-7683
Fax (815) 933-7692
EMERGENCY # (815) 216-6733
Parish Office Hours
Mon. - Thurs. 9am-3pm
Fri. 9-12noon
Horario de la Oficina Hispana
Martes a Jueves
Mass Schedule
Weekend Saturday Community Mass at St. Rose 4:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 am
Misa en Español
Domingo 12:00 pm
Wednesday-Friday 8:00 am
Parish Staff Directory
Fr. Santos “Sunny” Castillo
Associate Pastor /Pastor Asociadio
Fr. Roy Jacob
Ronald Whitman & David Marlowe
Financial Director
Lilia Belka ext 226
Ministry Coordinator
Donna Worth ext 227
RCIA (Convert Preparation)
ext 227
Ministerio Hispano
Silvia Barajas ext 229
Sr. Elsie Gamez
Kathy Dummer & Sylvia Lane ext 221
Bulletin Information Please e-mail articles by Mon. @ 11am to
[email protected]
Time, Talent & Treasure
Fostering Stewardship as a way of life
In gratitude of God’s gifts of time and talent to us we
gratefully acknowledge and salute
All Church Musicians, Vocalists, and
Bell Choir members
Weekly Collections
Sunday Offering for March 20, 2016
$ 6,223.53
Sunday Envelope Breakdown
$300 & higher (2) • $200-$299 (2)
$100-$199 (11) • $75-$99 (6) •$50-$74 (14)
$25-$49 (32) • $11-$24 (29) • $10 & under (64)
St. Vincent De Paul Society $1,957.75
Our Goal each Week
to cover our expenses is $6, 650.00
Nuestra Meta por Semana
para cubrir los gastos es de $6, 650.00
Thank you for your kind generosity and your deep love of St. Teresa
Happy Easter
Youth Ministry
Ken & Michelle Barrie 427-8130
Music Ministry
Jane Veers 933-6058
Música Español
Ema Segura 592-4175
St Vincent de Paul Society
ext 212
Prayer Line
Barb Jepson 937-9260
Rita Kanosky 939-0319
Fr. Sunny,
Fr. Roy, and
the whole staff
of St. Teresa Parish
Parish Media Links
Facebook Saint Teresa Church in Kankakee, IL
[email protected]
Lisieux Pastoral Center
Kathy Wade
[email protected]
Azzarelli Outreach Clinic
Parish Nurse & Director
Helen Chigaros RN
[email protected]
Aquinas Catholic Academy/
Academia Católica de Aquino
366 E. Hickory, Kankakee
School Principal
Mrs. Dana Berg
St. Patrick & Teresa Religious Education/
Educacion Religiosa y Doctrina
366 E. Hickory, Kankakee
Coordinator of Religious Ed
Marcia Brown-Medina
Sacrament Procedures
Confessions at St. Rose
Saturday 3:00-3:30 pm
Baptism Classes
Pre-baptism Class is required
before your date will be set.
Please register two to three
months in advance!
St. Teresa 1:15 pm
2nd Sunday of the month
St. Martin 7:00pm
2nd Monday of the month
Baptisms in English
2nd Sunday of Month 2:30 pm
Spiritual Preparation begins at
least SIX MONTHS in advance.
Please do not make your
reservations until you have met
with the pastor
Communion Visits
Call the Parish Office
Adoration at Night
9:30 pm - 5:00 am in Spanish
First Saturdays
Eucharist Adoration in English
1st Friday of month 8:30am
Procedimiento para
Confesiones en Santa Rosa
Sábados 3:00-3:30 pm
Platicas Pre-bautismales
Platicas son requeridas antes
de fijar su fecha. Favor de
inscribirse de 2 a 3 meses de
Sta. Teresa - 10 am-12 pm
3er Domingo del Mes
Sta. Rosa 4:00 pm
2 do Domingo de l Mes
Bautizos Espanol
1er Domingo del Mes 12:00
Preparación Espiritual empieza
mínimo SEIS MESES de
anticipo. No haga
preparaciones para su
celebración antes de reunirse
con el párroco.
Visitas de Comunión
Llame a la oficina.
Quince Años y Presentaciones
Llame a la oficina.
Adoración Nocturna
1er Sábado del mes 9:30 pm
Jackson Smith
Elnora Chandler
Helene O’Malley
Gerry O’Malley
Judi Buchholz
Robert Lin
Javier Sanchez
Richard Bergen
Ed Menigoz
Linda Patterson
Paulina Martinez
Donna Vela
April Year of Mercy Activity
St. Rose of Lima Church Pancake Breakfast
To Benefit St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry
Sunday, April 3
9:00 am—12 noon
Children $3.00 Family of 4 or more $20.00
St. Teresa CCW
Mother/Daughter luncheon
Easter Sunday - March 27, 2016
Standing with the Dead and Risen Christ.
After hearing during the holy night the Old Testament stories of
faith, the priest prays on our behalf: “...stir up in your Church a
spirit of adoption, so that, renewed in body and mind, we may render you undivided service.”
Not just lip service, we pray. Not just any service. Undivided service! We have spent the 40 days, the Lenten Days peering across
the baptismal waters to rediscover what it means to be disciple, to
be Christian, to be workers steeped in mercy, overflowing with
mercy, because the Risen Christ and his Father and the good
Spirit filled us and continues to fill us with mercy, with conventlove.
How will I be like them this Easter Week?
Sunday, May 1, 2016
11:00 am
Lisieux Pastoral Center
More details coming soon
Easter Sunday
We prayed, fasted and gave alms, and now we celebrate! Our
Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl ends in our own hearts,
where Jesus reigns forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lord and
in the lives we’ve changed this Lent in Colombia,
Laos, Rwanda, Honduras, Madagascar and all over
the world! Don’t forget to turn in your CRS Rice
Bowl at St. Teresa Church on Sunday, April 3.
Calling all Cooks, On Going Ministry !!
Looking for people to share their culinary skills by
providing dinner for Fr. Sunny, Fr. Roy, and the
Deacons every Saturday evening after the 4:00 pm mass.
Find a friend to join you and call St. Teresa Parish Office at
815-933-7683 for more details on how you can become part of this
FUN and MEANINGFUL MINISTRY for our clergy.
St. Martin’s Draw Down
6-10 PM
St. Martin of Tours
Settles Center
More information coming at a
later date
Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016
“Our relationships on earth are meant to help us and others
grow in perfect love. We are meant to depend on one another, serve each other in humility, and walk together in times
of suffering.”
2015-16 Respect Life Program Flyer
“Nuestras relaciones en la tierra tienen el fin de ayudarnos a nosotros y
a otros a crecer en el amor perfecto. Estamos hechos para depender
unos de otros, server a cada uno en humildad y caminar juntos en momentos de sufrimiento.
Volante del Programa Respetemos la Vida 2015-16
Divine Mercy Sunday
Celebrate the Jubilee Year of Mercy
St. Patrick Church Designated Pilgrim Church of Kankakee Area
16th Annual All Area Celebration
Sunday, April 3
3-5 pm
Holy Mass celebrated at 4
St. Patrick Parish
428 S. Indiana Ave.
Join us for a holy hour consisting of
Confessions, Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament, Benediction, Veneration of
St. Faustina Relic,
Rosary and Chaplet
Questions: Love Center 815-933-2822
Information of Jubilee Year of Mercy
Hi Everybody,
Just a short note to thank you for the beautiful flowers you sent
for my birthday. (I bet you didn’t even know you sent them...You’ve got
quite a pastor)
Thank you also for your prayers. Day by day I’m getting a little
stronger. I finish cardio rehab this week and the heart is getting stronger.
God bless the pig who gave his life for me. I named him Cornelius, because
I am sure that he was corn fed. I do well except for every
time I’m near a mud puddle...Then I want to jump in.
The eyes are pretty much the same, but I am
learning to adjust. I am able to drive short distances during
the day which is a godsend. Still reading with a magnifying
glass but praise God I can still read.
All in all, I am happy as a pig in mud. I cannot
thank you enough for your prayers, support, and love.
Always in Jesus the healer, Father Tony
Nurse Notes: March 27, 2016
Wishing you a blessed, joy filled,
Happy, and Healthy Easter!
Knights of Columbus
St. Teresa Council #14012
Chili Dinner
Saturday, April 9, 2016
5:00 pm—7:00pm
Lisieux Pastoral Center
371 N. St. Joseph Ave.
Featuring: Mild to Hot chili, Hot Dogs, Chilli Dogs, Cornbread
and desserts
$5.00 per person / $20.00 per family of 4 or more
Come celebrate Spring
with the
Saint Martin of Tours CCW
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Settles Center
12:15 pm
All are welcome. Bring your favorite potluck dish
for lunch and be prepared to have a fun afternoon.
4 Stages of Marriage –The 4 stages of marriage are:
1) Romance, 2) Disillusionment, 3) Misery,
and 4) Awakening.
Many marriages experience the first 3
stages. Marriages that end in divorce
never make it to the 4th stage of awakening. Don’t give up without learning about
the 4th stage. If your marriage from disillusionment, or misery, please contact
Retrouvaille. For confidential information
about or to register for the April program
beginning with a weekend on April 15 -17
[email protected] or visit the web
site at
There was a story told during a marketing class. One day a
young man decided to end his life
because of many family problems.
He came to the bank of a roaring
river and waited for a chance to
jump in to it without being noticed
by anybody. But unfortunately a
policeman saw this man attempting
to jump in to this overflowing river. He ran towards him
to save him by any means. Both of them began to
speak, for at least half an hour there was a hot debate
and discussion between the two. After sometime both
of them became quiet, they smiled at each other, shook
hands and finally both of them together jumped in to
the water and ended their lives!! What really happened
here? The policeman was easily influenced by the
young man and his ideas on life and death. If I am not
strong in my convictions, I will be easily lured by others.
Remember the words of Jesus “For, the people of this
world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind
than are the people of the light.” (LK 16:8)
Often times our mind and hearts are troubled
when the power of the evils clobber the world, and we
ask ourselves if God too is defenseless in doing something in such desperate situations. Day by day, we hear
in the news about the unpleasant accounts of terrorism
and the brutal killing of religious, priests, nuns and
other innocent people. We are bound to think that even
God himself becomes endangered at times. Is Satan so
powerful? It reminds us in 1 Pet. 5:8 “Be alert and of
sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a
roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” The book
of revelation tells us about the power of the evil - “that
ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads
the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and
his angels with him.”(Rev. 12:9)
The word of God assures us that the gates of
hell shall not prevail against us. (Mt.16:18). There is no
power equal to that of God and nothing can go beyond
God. When the evils multiply, perversity emerges, and
sin accumulates, we need to think that God allows the
crops and the weeds grow together. “Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles
to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my
barn.’ (Mt 13:30) Saints and sinners are growing together, and the fragrance of the holiness of our lives
changes the bestiality and callousness of others, but
not the other way. Let this Holy season transform our
lives and thereby the life of all others. We need to remember that the WEEK (Holy week) that changed the
world continues to change our lives and the lives of all.
Happy Easter!
Rev. Roy Jacob CMI

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