bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv{


bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv{
bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv{
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 26, 2011
Parish Office — 595-0385
Parish Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am - 3:00pm
School 596-2754
Principal – Sr. Dominic, O.P. ext. 213
School Office Hours
M – F: 7:30am - 3:30pm
“We find Christ here. We bring Christ to the world.”
100 Harpersville Road - Newport News, Virginia 23601
Rev. Kenneth Wood
Parochial Vicar
Rev. Peter T. Tran
Rev. Mr. Bernie Taylor
Pastoral Associate
Janet Hassan
Facilities Manager
Hart Smith
Social Ministry Coordinator
Tina Wandersee
Children’s Faith Formation (Pre-K-5th grade)
Christa Blomstrom
Youth Minister (Gr. 6-12) & Young Adult Coordinator
Brian Crouch
Hispanic Ministry Coordinator
Francisco Anleu
Music Coordinator
Kelly Soprano
Liturgy Coordinator
Julie Hall
Family Life Director (Pastoral Care)
Jennifer DelCorso
Business Manager
Patty Nicholas
Food Service Manager (St. Michael Hall)
John Chesney
Administrative Assistants
Eileen Mazary (Website/Bulletin)
Carla Weimer (Manna/Parishioner Records)
Receptionists/Mass Intentions
Cathy Luth/Kitty Barnett
Maintenance Technician
Bill Johnson
CNU Catholic Campus Minister
Mary Lynn Murphy
Social Ministry/Outreach Office:
Pregnancy Helpline — 870-3131
Saturday: 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:00am ~ 10:00am ~ 4:00pm
2:00pm — (en Español)
Weekdays: Monday:
Wednesday: 8:15am
6:30pm (en Español)
Saturday: 3:00 - 4:00pm
or privately by appointment.
The 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, July 3
Reading I: Zechariah 9: 9 - 10
Shout for joy! He comes in peace!
Reading II: Romans 8: 9, 11 - 13
Live by the Spirit.
Matthew 11: 25 - 30
Come to me all you who are weary.
Adults: As you go about your daily life, dying in love for others,
how do you experience Christ giving you consolation and peace?
Youth: As you grow in your ability to love and make sacrifices
for others, how do you find comfort and peace in knowing Jesus
Children: When you are generous, honest and loving, how do
you know it is Jesus who helps you do that?
All information must be sent to the parish office no later than
8AM on Mondays. Please use e-mail if at all possible and send to:
[email protected]. If you would like to advertise on the back of
the bulletin, please call J. S. Paluch at 1-800-524-0263.
Page 2
June 26, 2011
Parish Feast Day Celebration
Baseball Trip!!
Thursday, July 28
Saturday, July 16th after the 5 PM Mass
Grab your glove and join Fr. Ken for a trip
to Washington, DC to see the National’s
play the Florida Marlins!
Where: Washington, DC at National’s Park
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Game starts at 12:35PM; Bus leaves OLMC
Parking Lot at 8:00AM
Transportation: Charter Bus Service
$72 (including transportation)
$46 (without transportation)
On sale NOW at the Parish Store and Office!
Cookout and Covered Dish
We’ll provide burgers, hot dogs, water and iced tea. You bring
the sides. You can also bring your favorite beverage, too. We
have plenty of ice for you. Don't forget your lawn chairs and blankets.
Sign up and get all the details in the
Commons. You can also sign up by
calling Carla at ext. 126 at the Parish
Office and provide us with the number
of people in your group and the type of
covered dish you are bringing.
To volunteer to help with the event or
for other questions, call John Chesney
4th of July Closing
First come first served. We have a limited number of
tickets, so get them fast before they are gone.
Parish Offices will be closed
on Monday, July 5, in observance of the 4th of July. The
7AM Mass will still be celebrated as scheduled.
This Week at OLMC
June 26 - July 3
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
Worship Center
Worship Center
Worship Center
Worship Center
7:00 AM MASS
6:30 PM VBS Training
Commons Meeting Space
7:00 PM Young Adult Prayer Group
Knitting Ministry
Lukas Schmidt Ste.
6:30 PM MASS
7:00 PM RCIA/Catholics Come Home St. Michael Hall
Spanish RICA
Commons Meeting Space
Spanish Bible Study
Manion Hall
7:15 PM Praise Band
Worship Center
8:15 AM MASS
7:00 AM MASS
8:15 AM MASS
3:00 PM Reconciliation
5:00 PM MASS
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
2:00 PM
4:00 PM
Reconciliation Room
Worship Center
Worship Center
Worship Center
Worship Center
Worship Center
The New Roman Missal
The Gloria
The penitential rite helps us to reflect on forgiveness
and the Gloria helps us to reflect on God’s gift of
mercy as we joyfully offer God praise. The Gloria is
a joyful hymn that moves us into celebrating God’s
glory. This echoes the hymn of the Christmas angels who sang of God’s glory revealed in a waiting world. We
joyfully proclaim that God has been born among us.
We will see many changes in this prayer on November 27th
when the new translation takes effect. The rules for using the
prayer do not change. We will still sing or recite it on all the
Sundays of the year, except for those of Advent and Lent as
well as All Souls Day. The new translation is longer but the
same text is repeated each week so we will have the opportunity
to practice this until it feels comfortable. Changes are indicated
in bold print.
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to
people of good will. We praise you, we bless you,
we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks
for your great glory. Lord God, heavenly King, O God,
almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,
Lord God, lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take
away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take
away the sins of the world, receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy
on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the
Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the
Holy Spirit, in the glory
of God the Father. Amen.
Explanations of these new words will be in next week’s bulletin
Page 3
June 26, 2011
Junior & Senior Youth
Mark your calendars. All High School
youth are invited to participate in a Mission Trip to the Eastern Shore. We will
leave August 5th and return August 10th.
There is no cost for this trip. We will stay
at another Catholic Church that helps to
serve the migrant communities in the area.
This is a great opportunity to be blessed
by those in need through a variety of social outreach activities. This mission experience will be an opportunity to witness
the face of poverty while discovering how Christ calls each of
us to serve our brothers and sisters
Whether it is through sports, games, arts & crafts, distributing
donations, or simply through learning about the struggles others face, there will be plenty of opportunities to serve those that
work and live in the surrounding migrant communities. In addition there will be opportunities for prayer, reflection, and social
time for everyone involved.
Please let Brian Crouch know if you are interested at
[email protected], or 595-0385 ext: 128.
BAPTISM: Congratulations to the following children, and their
families, who celebrated the Sacrament of Baptism this past
weekend! We welcome these newest members of our Catholic
Christian community!
Sophia Grace Cabusora
Jack Cooper Garrison
Kaena Jude Higgins
Anthony Gabriel Kylevan Hoang
Isabella Yvonne James
Leia Marie Lackman
Jordan Victor Paxton
Cale Warren Politte
Leah Rachelle Stanley
Catherine Rose Warren
Mason Walter Wissinger
Children’s Faith Formation
JULY 11-15
All Volunteer positions have been filled,
thank you for your support!
Last Volunteer Training Date: MONDAY, JUNE 27 at
6:30pm in the Commons Meeting Space.
Come help create the PandaMania Jungle for our upcoming
VBS voyage in July. Artist and non-Artists alike are needed to
create an amazing backdrop, so come dressed to paint! Any
time you can spare to lend a hand will be greatly appreciated!
All ages are welcome!
WOW! Our bin is filling up with snack and craft supplies!
THANK YOU for your generous donations that make VBS fun
and engaging for all! Still have items? They can be returned the
weekend of July 2nd and 3rd, VBS begins July 11th.
Didn’t get a chance to take a tag? There are a few more needed
VBS. The children are decorating book bags to fill with care
items that will be delivered to the children of migrant workers
on the Eastern Shore this summer! Thank you in advance for
your support of VBS through your donations!
Initiation Programs
Are you interested in learning more about Catholicism?
Do you want to be Baptized?
Are you a Baptized Catholic who missed the Sacraments of
Eucharist and/or Confirmation?
Are you an active practicing Catholic who wishes to be
Come to our OPEN HOUSE and learn about the programs
we offer.
Open House: Tuesday, July 12 at 7:15 in St. Michael Hall.
For information call Janet Hassan at ext. 120 or [email protected]
Adult Faith Formation
There will be a meeting of the Adult Faith Formation Committee members this Monday, June 27th. We will meet in the Conference Room of Carmel Center at 7 pm. Leadership of the
Living Christ Encounters are invited to join this meeting.
Our nursery is a Co-Op Nursery, currently at the 10:00 a.m. Mass, staffed
by parents who utilize the nursery and
volunteer about one Sunday per
month. It is a place for children ages 1 year to 4 years old
to come together to worship, learn about God and grow in their
faith development through bible stories, songs and activities.
As per Diocesan requirements, we are required to have at least
2 caregivers present in the nursery at all times. In addition the
volunteers must complete the 3 hour VIRTUS training (go to
virtusonline.org to register). Please call Jessica @ 236-0064 or
Christa @ 595-0385 x119 for more information or to register.
Page 4
June 26, 2011
Social Ministry
OLMC Parish Store
This weekend at the Parish Store:
Baseball Tickets
Vacation Bible School CD’s
And much more!
Ladies of Carmel
ST. LUKE'S GUILD will meet for dinner on Sunday June 26th,
at 11:30 A. M. at Red Lobster restaurant, Jefferson Avenue,
Newport News. Bring family and friends.
Bonnie Pfieffer 238-2682.
Healing Ministry
enjoy spreading sunshine?
Please consider going to a
nursing Home once a week to
bring Eucharist with a smile. Please
contact Jenn at ext. 129 or
[email protected]
Family Life Ministry
MARRIAGE MOMENT: Identify which one of
you primarily talks and which one listens.
Then for 30 minutes switch roles. Remember it can be easy to fall into certain patterns, but its important to remain balanced
(equal sharing).
Planning to Get Married?
The first step in planning for the Sacrament of Marriage at Our
Lady of Mt. Carmel Parish is to attend a Marriage Information
Evening! To find out when the next evening will be held or for
other information contact Susan Lorentz: 874-4023.
VIRTUS TRAINING The Diocese mandates that all those that
minister with children or youth must take this training prior to
volunteering. All parents using the Cooperative Nursery at
OLMC must also be trained.
Upcoming VIRTUS TRAINING will be offered at:
Prince of Peace (Chesapeake): Sun, June 26 - 1:00 PM
Prince of Peace (Chesapeake): Wed, July 6 - 6:30 PM
St. Bede (Williamsburg): Wed, August 24 - 5:30 PM
Register for the 3 hour session online at Virtusonline.org.
Click on Registration to the left of the page.
Reflecting Christ
Transformed by The Eucharist…
Reaching Out into community.
Eastern Shore Migrant Mission Trips
We will be heading out to the Migrant Mission Camps
this summer. The dates for travel are Tuesdays: July 19
& 26 and Aug 2 & 9. Please plan on joining us. For
more information please contact Francisco @ ext. 136
Items being collected for Mission Trips:
plain white rice, dry beans, small face towels,
canned tomatoes, bug repellent, sun screen,
band aides, Neosporin, personal care items,
toilet paper, small toys for children, books,
crayons, games
Please place items for trips in the white bin labeled:
Migrant Mission Trips
Please consider joining us in Outreach Ministry
All are invited., men or women. If you are available for a couple of hours during the day, we would love to have you join us
in the Outreach Office. It is open on Mon, Wed, Thurs from
12-2pm and Tues & Fri from 9-11am. You decide how often
during the month you are able to assist, whether that be once a
week or twice a month.
So what do we do?
We open our doors and our hearts to offer hospitality, compassion and a listening ear to those living at or below the poverty
line in the city of Newport News who seek our assistance with
rent or a utility bill. I ask you to consider coming by and
checking us out. If you have any time during the day…
...we definitely need you!
Contact: Tina at ext 118 or [email protected]
Special thanks to: The Te Amo Club
Over the years this club has collected food and donated to our
Food Pantry. Recently we received food from one of their
food drives and we are so very thankful to them for continuing
to provide us with the food necessary to sustain this ministry.
Also, among those annual drives: The OLMC School
Pre-K and K annual bike-a-thon, made a fabulous donation of cans to the Outreach Food Pantry. Just in time
for summer and we can’t thank you enough.
With deepest Gratitude to Sue and Dale Lemon who
have helped to sort the pantry for the past 12 years. They
move on to a new ministry but we can’t thank them enough for
the lovely way they have taken care of Outreach.
Pantry Needs:
Food Pantry: Jello/Pudding, Pancake Syrup,
Canned Beans, Dry Beans, Tuna Helper, Rice,
Spam, Juice Boxes, Kool-Aid, Mac n’ Cheese,
frosting, Personal Care Items
Page 5
June 26, 2011
Manna Parish Fundraiser
Thinking "vacation?" ...
Remember Manna. Use
Manna for your gasoline,
meals along the way, hotels
and all those little things
you forgot to pack. You'll
have everything you
need! Have a wonderful
time and thank you for
supporting our parish
OLMC Community News
Ladies of Carmel
Garage Sale
Everyone Can Help!
Save your saleable discards.
We are not able to sell the following:
Computer Components
Large Exercise Equipment
Text Books
Appliances that do not work
Bring items to the school gym Friday, July 22.
Shop with us on July 23, 9 AM to 1 PM
for the best bargains in town!
RENTAL NEEDED Catholic Campus Ministry will be blessed
next year to have a Young Adult Campus Minister who will
minister with Murph at CNU from August 1 until May
31. Because she will be living on a diocesan stipend in this
difficult economy, we are hoping to find her a garage/attic/
basement apartment or mother-in-law suite for a reasonable
rent. If you know of such a residence, please contact Mary
Lynn Murphy at [email protected] or 595-0385 x123.
Watch for future gatherings of Soul
Sisters----just a group of ladies from
the parish who want to get together and
have some fun. No membership or
commitment required! Save the date for
our next gathering: FRIDAY, AUGUST 5TH. We’ll enjoy a comedy
night with a new DVD by our favorite Anita Renfroe entitled:
Big Ol’ Sweet Iced Tea. We’ll serve several varieties of Iced
Tea and for now we will leave that to your imagination!!
PRAY THE ROSARY Everyone is invited to
join us in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel
for the recitation of the Holy Rosary every
Wednesday and Friday following the
8:15AM Mass.
Our next parish Registration/
Welcoming will be held on Sunday,
July 10, after the 10AM Mass in the
Commons Meeting Space. You will
be given Parish information & a
brief tour of the property, and will complete a registration form which will ask
which sacraments your family members have received. We
look forward to meeting you.
Community News
at the Knights of Columbus Hall
12742 Nettles Drive Wednesday, July 6
from 2:00 to 7:00 pm.
Blood supplies remain critical and all types
are needed. Consider donating if you are able.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School is now accepting applications for the 2011-2012 school
year. Applications available on website: www.olmc-school.com.
OLMC School is a 2009 Blue Ribbon recipient, is fully accredited and maintains the traditions of the Roman Catholic faith while
stressing academic excellence. Need-based scholarships are
available - contact 596-2754.
New for 2011-2012: Full day preschool (4 year) with a noon
dismissal option.
HOST FAMILIES NEEDED - Host families are needed for students attending Peninsula Catholic High School and Hampton
Roads Academy for the 2011- 2012 school year! These F-1
visa students speak English, are fully insured and have their
own pocket money for all personal expenses. Host families
provide room, board, transportation and receive a generous
$600 monthly hosting stipend. There is 24 hour local support.
For more information please contact: Karen Mercer w/Nacel
Open Door International Private School Program
(H) 757-721-7345 (C) 757-418-3977 [email protected]
VOCATIONS AWARENESS Jesus has given us His Body to eat
and His Blood to drink so as to nourish us on our journey towards Heaven. All are called in Christ, but some are chosen to
nourish His body as priests and in the consecrated life. Could
you be among them? Call Father Michael Boehling (804) 3595661, or write: [email protected].
What can we answer for you?
E-mail any questions you have about our parish,
the Catholic faith, why we do what we do, etc. to
[email protected].
Page 6
June 26, 2011
Sunday, June 26, 2011
8:00 – Bob & Pat Myers
46th Wedding Anniversary
10:00 – Larry O’Bryan
Lynn O’Bryan
2:00 – For the People of the Parish
4:00 – Lopé Pilé
Mercy Pilé
Mon – (7am) Patrick Boyle
Bob & Nancy Curran
Tue – (6:30pm) Cassie Chiodo
John & Patty Greco
Wed – (8:15am) Kathleen Holder
St. Mary’s Guild
Thur – (7am) Kathleen Holder
Marge Henton
(6:30pm) Helen Ross Donohue
Fri – (8:15am) 1st Anniversaries for July:
Hugh James McDonough (7/14/10)
Catherine Coenen (7/26/10)
Saturday, July 2, 2011
5:00 – Nicholas diMarino
Carolyn Gréaud
Sunday, July 3, 2011
8:00 – Faith Schultz
Myra & Colleen Tierney
10:00 – Anthony LaMantia
The Alleva Family
2:00 – Orlando Rodriguez Callissiani Emilia & Ana Maria Rodriguez
4:00 – For the People of the Parish
Last Year
E-Giving for June 10 - June 16: $2,140
Thank you for your generosity
Worship Center Flowers
Flowers in the Worship Center this weekend are given by
Bob & Pat Myers in celebration of their 46th Wedding
Offertory Processions:
Parishioners are invited to carry the gifts during the
Offertory Procession at all of our liturgies. If
you are celebrating a memorial, birthday, or
anniversary, please sign up on the Gift Bearers
poster in the Commons.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish would like to thank
all of our advertisers
for advertising in our parish bulletin.
Please patronize our advertisers and thank them for supporting our parish.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School News
NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School is now accepting applications for the 2011-2012 school year. Applications available on website: www.olmcschool.com.
OLMC School is a 2009 Blue Ribbon recipient, is fully accredited and maintains the traditions
of the Roman Catholic faith while stressing academic excellence. Need-based scholarships
available - contact 596-2754.
New for 2011-2012: Full day preschool (4 year) with a noon dismissal option.
SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Thursday from 10:00am to 2:00pm
THANK YOU to the OLMC Parish Community for saving your Campbell's Soup labels, Farm Fresh receipts and General Mills Boxtops. We have been able to acquire items for the school ranging from paper clips to gym equipment
with the points collected from the give-back programs. Please continue to save your labels and receipts over the
Page 7
26 de junio del 2011
Ministerio Hispano
Coordinador: Francisco Anleu
TEL. Oficina: (757) 595-0385 Ext. 136
TEL. Celular: (757) 846-0628
Misas en Español
Domingos: 2:00 PM y Jueves: 6:30 PM
Estudio de Biblia para Niños en Vacaciones: Panda Mania
En donde Dios siempre esta interesado y pendiente de nosotros, a través de su grande y eterno amor.
Guarda las fechas en tu calendario.
En la semana del 11 al 15 de Julio
Desde 4 años hasta 5to grado
Dentro de unos pocos meses, nuestra parroquia estará reunida
con los niños, buscando una aventura divertida
PandaMania, Programa de Verano totalmente católico
!Estarán aprendiendo sobre Dios, a través de canciones y oraciones, haciendo manualidades con la Biblia, y trayendo nuestra fe católica a vivir en diferentes actividades.
Las registraciones para los participantes y para los voluntarios
están ya disponibles, pregunta al coordinador de educación religiosa, o llama a la oficina del ministerio Hispano..
595-0385, Francisco Anleu.
Formación de Fe Intergeneracional Permanente de Comunidades
Bajo este programa se desarrollan todas las actividades religiosas de la parroquia, como Educación Religiosa para niños, jóvenes, jóvenes adultos y adultos, desarrollados en diferente áreas
de Formación de fe: Tales como. Rica, rosarios, grupo de jóvenes, sacramentos, liturgias, etc. Participando en estas actividades programadas nos convertimos en PERSONAS DE FE:
Que es personas de Fe? Son personas individuales o en familia
que nos reunimos una vez al mes, para participar, compartir,
aprender o profundizar mas nuestra fe, en COMUNIDAD.
Este es el nuevo horario, para el siguiente año, considere formar
parte de estas actividades, para compartir, o también si pueden
ayudarnos con la preparación, programación y realización de
estas sesiones en español.
Los temas para el siguiente programa de Personas de Fe.
Son los siguientes:
Octubre 2, 2011.
Llamados a la Oración.
Noviembre 6, 2011. El misal Romano y sus cambios.
Diciembre 04, 2011. Oración en Adviento y Navidad
Enero 08, 2012,
La Oración del Padre Nuestro
Marzo 4, 2012.
Oración en Cuaresma y Pascua.
Abril 15, 2012.
El Rosario
Mayo 20, 2012 Sesión Final. Misa de Clausura y Picnic.
Únete a nuestros esfuerzo, por la Evangelización, tanto como participante, como voluntario para catequesis.
DYC: Convención Juvenil Diocesana Viernes 29 al Domingo
31 de Julio en el centro de Convenciones de Richmond. Este evento es realizado en un fin de semana, en el que todos los jóvenes de
todas las Iglesias de la Diócesis de Richmond, se reúnen, durante el
verano de cada año. Esta conferencia es para energizar, y poder
atraer a todos los jóvenes de escuela superior a reunirse como una
gran comunidad dentro de la iglesia. Y poder celebra en conjunto
las maravillas de nuestra fe Católica. La fecha limite para registrarte es el 1 de Junio y el costo es de $200., cualquier información
favor de contactar a Brian y/o Christina Chapman.
¿Te Gusta Tejer o Hacer Crochet?
Buscamos personas que sean capaces de
tejer representado la parroquia Nuestra
Señora del Carmen.
Los artículos serán donados a personas
necesitadas en la comunidad de Newport
Necesitamos bufandas, sombreros, guantes y cobijas: especialmente para bebes, ancianos, personas en sillas de ruedas, veteranos militares y personas sin domicilio.
También aceptamos donaciones relacionadas al tejido, como:
lana, hilos, etc.
Todas las cosas donadas se pueden dejar en las oficinas de la
Jóvenes que deseen participar en la misión al Eastern Shore en
el mes de agosto, favor de ver a Brian para obtener información. El viaje esta programado del 5 al 10 de Agosto. No habrá
ningún costo, el grupo es estará hospedando en una iglesia
católica que ayuda con el servicio en las comunidades migrantes. Es una gran oportunidad para ser bendecidos a través del
servicio hacia los demás. La Iglesia también ha programado los
viajes hacia el Eastern Shore para la temporada 2011: son 19 y
26 de julio y 02 y 9 de Agosto. Para los interesados
en viajar con el equipo y/o para los que deseen hacer
una donación de artículos de higiene personal, calcetines y / o
pequeños juguetes para niños, pueden dirigirse a: Carmen Lane,
al 869-8389 o con Francisco Anleu al 595-0385ext. 136. Los
siguientes artículos son necesarios y pueden ser entregadas a
partir 02 de julio: arroz, frijoles, salsa de tomate / tomates en
lata, protector solar, repelente de insectos, curitas, papel higiénico, artículos de higiene persona. (ver el boletín para más información como las el horario los viajes). Por favor, si esta interesado en colaborar favor de colocar su donación en Canasta
blanca con la etiqueta “Migrant Mission Trips, 2011.” Únete a
nosotros, es una experiencia bien bonita. Cada viaje incluye la
celebración de la Santa Misa, en el campo con los trabajadores
que no pueden visitar una Iglesia, durante el tiempo que esta
trabajando. Junto Construyendo el Reino de Dios.
Visitando a los enfermos: Si conoces o tienes alguien que
esta enfermo, en casa o esta en el hospital favor de avisarnos
para que el ministerio de Sanación de la Parroquia, pueda visitarlo, bien sea para oración con el o llevarle la Sagrada Comunión. Comunícate con Francisco Anleu 595-0385 extensión
136 ó al 846-0628. Favor de dejar el mensaje con la información. Nombre del paciente, y lugar en donde esta localizado.
Numero de teléfono para llamarles y coordinar la visita. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga.

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Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Catholic Church Our nursery is a CO-Op Nursery, currently at the 10:00am Mass, staffed by parents who utilize the nursery and volunteer about one Sunday per month. It is a place for children ages 1 year to 4 years...

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bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv

bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv{ The 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 23, 2011

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bâÜ _twç Éy `ÉâÇà VtÜÅxÄ V{âÜv

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